Motherly (2021) Movie Script

It's time.
Happy birthday!
Come on, make a wish.
I wish we were home with dad.
Don't let the candles melt,
it's gonna ruin the icing.
Come on.
I'm not hungry.
Beth, I'm trying to throw you
a birthday party.
Come on.
Two people isn't a party.
Can we just try to have a
nice normal birthday, please?
Okay, great.
Well, in that case uh,
let's open your present.
It's your locket.
I thought you could have it.
It used to be you and dad.
Well, now it's you and me.
I figured that way
I'll always be with you.
I wanted an iPad.
Well, you got this.
Come on, let's put it on.
Uh, I don't want to.
Put it on.
Let's play hide and seek.
I know a spot where
you will never find me.
We don't play that game anymore.
Then can I play outside?
No, you've got schoolwork.
What if I said that's
the only thing I want?
No school for one day.
Th... fine.
But stay where I can see you.
And stay out of the barn!
When she went
missing, I knew deep down inside
what really happened.
I've thought back on that
afternoon every day since.
I play it over and over
in my mind.
I wish I could have stopped it.
Sorry about this.
Oh, it's no trouble.
Just send her home around 4:00,
Lewis will be back by then.
Uh, should I walk her across?
No, it's okay.
We're just across the street.
Let's play hide and seek.
15, 14, 13,
12, 11, 10, 9, 8...
Brad said he hadn't seen her,
but the way he said it,
chilled my heart.
That's the moment I saw him
for what he'd always been.
7, 6, 5,
4, 3, 2,
Ready or not, here I come!
I had to protect my daughter.
I had to stop more lives
from being lost.
My husband...
Idol Crime Publishing.
Hi, it's Kate for Yulia.
Kate McKinley.
Oh, Kate.
I'll get Yulia right away.
Hi, Kate,
I've been meaning to call you.
Yeah, it's coming.
I'm uh, I'm almost done.
Uh, listen, Yulia,
I was calling to ask
if I could get another
advance on my deal?
Okay, well, legal's got
some questions about the timeline
for those pages you provided us.
Yulia, my advance.
Okay, listen, Kate,
that's not really how it works.
Like I said, we've got some
questions for you.
It's nothing huge.
I'm sure your memory
is just a bit foggy.
Can I get my money?
Yes or no?
I can't do anything without new pages.
You work for me,
I'll work for you, alright?
Okay, listen, I gotta go.
I'm getting called
into a meeting, okay?
Get out here now!
I'm sorry
about your birthday, baby,
but you have to come out now.
Scared you.
I told you not to go
in the barn.
Mom, you're hurting me!
Mom, what's wrong?
I don't...
Did I
Get inside.
Stay here.
- Mom, what are you...
- Just do it.
Stay quiet.
That's my hiding spot.
Anyone in there?
I said, "Stay in here."
No, I just thought
I heard something.
This house is haunted.
Can I play games on your phone?
Uh, no.
Hey, I'm sorry that uh,
well, I overreacted earlier.
I know.
Oh, I love you so much.
More than anything in the
whole wide world.
You know, we didn't think
we'd be able to have children
and when I found out
that I was having you...
You told me
this a million times.
How long do we have
to stay here?
Maybe it's dad.
It's just Hal.
Got a call about a raging party.
Everything okay?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I was just um...
never mind.
Yeah. Yeah? Okay.
Hey, squirt.
Hi, Hal.
It's a pretty nice cake.
What's the occasion?
It's Beth's birthday.
That's right.
I uh,
I forgot to get you somethin'.
Oh, Hal,
you don't have to give anything.
No, you know,
actually you know what?
I think I might have uh...
- No, Hal...
- Something she can have.
- It's okay, I've got...
- Seriously.
Oh, I got s... oh... what?
Well, I didn't.
Oh, Hal, you didn't have to.
There you go, kiddo.
It's okay,
it's my job to look after you.
Both of you.
You know I'm 9, right?
Thank you, Hal.
Okay, you go back to your show.
Kid doesn't like me very much.
She's having a hard time.
We're stuck out here,
she hates homeschooling,
and this afternoon, we had to...
Somethin' happen?
I don't know.
There's just something
about this house.
She thinks it's haunted.
Oh, it could be.
See, the lady who
lived here before, she died
upstairs all alone.
No family.
That's why it went
to the county.
Oh, Jesus.
Listen, Kate, uh...
I got somethin'
that I gotta tell you.
Let's talk outside.
Brad's dead.
Found him in his cell.
And he left a note.
Well, what did it say?
I don't have to tell you
if you don't want me to.
Tell me.
Yeah, I wanna know.
Well, it was to the point.
Said uh,
"Kate, now I understand."
Understand what?
You turned him in?
Of course,
you turned in that psycho.
It also said uh,
"Beth, I love you."
Hey, hey.
That monster is never
gonna hurt you again.
- Okay?
- Yeah.
I told you not to touch that!
Go to your room!
Well, she was just...
Go to your room!
I could go.
No, you stay.
You're tryin' to get dad
in trouble.
You don't remember anything!
I remember everything.
I'm just writing a story.
It's not really about your dad.
Then who is it about?
Are you alright?
Beth, please,
it's time for bed, baby.
I'm not a baby.
You're right.
Is Hal staying over again?
He is taking care of us.
Are you gonna tell dad?
Turn the light out.
Well, it's all fine now.
To that bastard being gone.
I am so sorry.
Now that Brad is...
Yeah, well, we're not gonna
be able to stayhere
much longer and I don't know
where we're gonna go.
Will you stay with me tonight?
Look, I gotta...
I gotta go home, you know?
Please, I can't be alone
with Beth.
Oh God, not tonight.
After what happened last time,
if Carol finds out again.
I... I need you.
Kate, stop.
Stop, stop.
I see what it is that
you're doin' and you know,
A for effort, but uh...
Oh, get the fuck out.
Get the fuck out!
Mom, what's going on?
I think it's just
a power outage.
Have you seen my phone?
Did you take the knife?
Oh no!
Mom, what's going on?
Get back, get back, get back!
Mom, who's out there?
No, no!
No, no!
Mom, mom!
Mom, mom!
What did you do?
Wake up.
Where's my daughter?
Where's Beth?
How does it feel
not knowing where she is?
Not knowing if she's safe?
What did you do to her?
- Mom!
- Beth!
Is that all you got?
I'm gonna kill you.
I'm gonna kill you.
No, you won't.
No, no, no, put that... no!
- Mom!
- No, no!
Don't hurt, please,
don't hurt her!
Hey, hey, hey.
- Hey!
- No!
- She's okay.
- No!
Just as long as you cooperate.
- Oh, please, don't hurt her.
- Got it?
Been a while.
Oh... oh my God.
You just gotta make sure
the auto focus is...
I know how to shoot a video.
just don't be so touchy.
Take her back to the house.
Well, how will I know
when we're supposed...
I'll come get you.
No, you don't have to take her.
- I love you.
- No.
- No.
- I love you, too.
Don't... don't... don't... don't...
don't take her away.
No, don't hurt her!
Don't hurt...
You're not easy to find.
Mary, please.
We almost had you in Nuxton,
but the reporters got you first.
The police had you out
of there fast.
Mary, please.
Cops out here,
not as sharp.
Your idiot boyfriend
couldn't keep his mouth shut.
He was running all over
town bragging
about how he had some
big job hiding someone secret.
Oh, why are you doing this?
You know why.
Exhibit A.
What do you want...
what do you want me to say?
You lied to the jury
so you could get off.
You set Brad up.
It was you.
You murdered our daughter.
No, I didn't.
No, no.
You framed your husband,
you sent him to prison
in your place.
No, I didn't.
Yes, you did and I can prove it.
And you have nothing to say.
What proof?
Now I have your attention,
so let's get started.
Are you gonna kill us?
We're just here talk to
your mom for a little bit.
Why are you staring at me?
Because you...
you remind me of somebody.
You have blood on your nose.
May 14th, two years ago.
I think you do.
I do.
May 14th.
What do you want me to say?
What do you want me to say?
She walked home, Mary.
And you said that she could.
But she didn't.
I thought that she did.
It happened in your house
and you were there,
but you heard nothing.
Saw nothing.
He would have had
to get her body...
He would have had
to get her body
down the stairs,
into the garage,
and into your trunk,
and you heard none of that?
Come on, Beth.
Beth, come on out!
You know I'm gonna find you.
When we would have dinner
at your house,
we could hear those
girls playing upstairs!
You didn't hear a little girl
screaming for her life?
No, no!
I didn't hear anything,
I didn't!
You're lying!
You groomed us!
You made us feel
comfortable with you,
so that you could take her
from us.
I didn't, I didn't.
Brad did.
I don't believe you.
Mary, he hit me.
He would have killed me
if I didn't go along with it.
- Brad isn't like that.
- He was, you didn't know.
Brad doesn't have an
abusive bone in his body.
Oh, well, that you would know,
because you were
fucking him, right?
Does Lewis know?
Is that why you did it, Kate?
To punish me?
Brad's dead, Mary.
He killed himself.
More blood on your hands.
We don't have all night.
What are you doing?
You're turning it off. What?
Why are you turning it off?
I really didn't want it
to go here.
Mary, he was infatuated
with her and he set it up.
He wanted her.
He said that if I didn't
go along with it,
then he was gonna hurt me.
He would hurt Beth.
No, Kate.
He would... no!
Mary, no!
No, please!
I liked you, you know?
We were friends.
You don't have to do that!
I looked up how to do this
on the internet.
Sorry if I botch it.
You made me do that.
Courtenay was 7.
She was beautiful
and happy.
She was everything to us.
When she disappeared,
I kept waiting for her
to come home.
I thought that she would
just show up one day
and everything would be fine.
I was in hell.
The not knowing,
I was in the pits of hell!
You deserve to know that pain,
don't you think?
Let's get back to it.
Uh... uh, n...
Oh shit.
No, it's not Kate, Hal.
Hey, babe, I'm on my way.
I called the
station, and you weren't there,
and they wouldn't tell me
where you were.
Well, I work with the
witness protection program
If they told you where I was,
it would kinda screw
the whole point, you know?
How many fucking
people are in witness protection
in Huntsville?
Oh, well, you'd be surprised.
Don't come home tonight.
Babe, I am not with her.
Then you can sleep in your car.
I'll freeze to fucking death.
Maybe your
girlfriend can put you up.
She'll be thrilled, I'm sure.
Oh, come on,
that is so not... fuck you!
Alright, well...
You think I fucked her.
Might as well fuck her.
You never took the stand.
What the fuck are you doing?
We got a problem.
She called the cop.
416, come back.
Not tonight.
Hal's gettin' laid.
Alright, get her cleaned up.
Don't tell me what to do.
I didn't fucking do this to her.
- Mary, if he comes back...
- I know, I know.
He's... he's back.
He's back!
Don't worry.
Now you get rid of him
or I'm gonna kill him,
and then you, and then Beth.
Hey, I got your call.
Tried to call you back, but...
Yeah, that was uh, a mistake.
Well, I just thought I'd come by
and make sure you're alright.
It's late, Hal.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm just tired.
I wanna go back to bed.
Well, you're right.
You probably shouldn't
be alone tonight.
Goodnight, Hal.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, look...
I know this is hard, okay?
But uh, everything's
gonna be fine.
I promise.
Thanks, but I'm tired.
No worries.
Uh, call you tomorrow?
Yeah, please do.
Right, okay.
Right, goodnight.
What was that?
Just Beth.
She isn't asleep yet?
No, she's...
She's playing with her dolls.
I thought she...
You know how much she loves
your dolls.
Especially, the one that you
got her for her birthday.
Yeah, um,
I'm glad it's a hit.
What's he doin'?
He's sitting there.
Let's get back to it.
Come on.
Please, I did everything
that you asked me to do.
He's gone!
- Beth!
- Shut up!
- Let's go.
- What?
No, no, no!
- I'm not going with her.
- I'm not asking!
No, I'm not going with her.
She'll kill me. No!
I'll talk to you.
- I'll talk to you.
- No way!
Mary! Mary.
Mary, I can do it, okay?
You stay with her.
That's not part of the plan.
She was my daughter, too.
Get it on camera.
Shit, shit, shit,
shit, shit, shit, shit,
shit, shit, shit, shit!
Come on, Hal, think,
fuck think, buddy, think.
Come in, HQ, come in.
Come in. Over.
I have got a very
serious fucking situation
out on Grover Road.
It's a home invasion.
Kidnappers, I think.
What? I think?
Just get everyone out here.
Sorry, where are you?
The McKinley house, you fuck!
We've got people in there!
It's uh, kidnappers
or vigilantes.
That's an hour away.
Send everyone ASAP.
don't be a hero, wait for backup.
Let's go.
You know, when
Courtenay went missing,
Mary was a mess.
She just...
completely fell apart.
And she wouldn't eat,
she wouldn't sleep...
And sometimes
that's all she did.
So I lost my wife...
I lost my daughter...
and I completely just threw
myself into this case,
the little details.
But it just seems like
the more evidence I found,
the less they wanted
to hear from me.
You know, the amateur detective.
But Mary...
Mary for the first time
in a long time
believed in me.
You're gonna go to prison
for this.
And I'll go.
Along with you.
You don't have to be
afraid of me.
Your mommy is the mean one.
Do you know what she did?
She's a liar
and she's mean to me.
Did she... Did she hurt you?
Oh, baby.
What she do?
What did she do to you?
It's okay, baby.
I'm gonna take care of you now.
That horrible monster
will never hurt you again.
I wanna live with my dad.
Darling, your daddy, he's...
He's dead.
Now all the evidence
pointed to Brad.
It was too easy to find.
They thought he was sloppy,
out of control,
his own worst enemy, but me?
I just...
I started to see a little
bit of a pattern emerge.
Like the blood on his clothes,
in the laundry?
So he killed her,
took the clothes off,
put 'em in the laundry,
and didn't wash 'em?
I guess so.
The knife.
They never found the knife,
so he knew enough
to get rid of the knife,
but not the bloody clothes?
I don't know.
Her body,
in the trunk,
the car parked out in the lot.
It's just...
It's just... it's just...
It's too stupid.
Now the crime scene,
the closet,
that was cleaned.
That was cleaned meticulously.
And then it emerged
too late,
after your plea bargain.
You were the one
who turned him in um,
and then it all just made sense.
You cleaned the closet,
you planted all the clues,
you turned him in,
and then you got your plea deal.
You set Brad up.
Why would I do that?
Because you did it.
All the evidence is there,
'cause I keep thinkin'
about this and thinkin' about
this and thinkin' about this,
"Am I missing something?"
'Cause there... there's
no way this happened
the way you said it happened.
It was me.
Oh, I knew it.
I fuckin' knew it.
Fuck, I fuckin' knew it.
I want you...
Just take me through it...
Step by step.
Here's what really happened.
Your wife was fucking my husband
in our bed.
In your bed.
They weren't even trying
to hide it.
You knew.
Oh, she has you on a leash.
I wanted to kill her.
He brought her into my home,
she acted like
she was my friend,
and I wanted to cut the heart
right out of her.
So you killed Courtenay instead?
Oh fuck.
You're gonna take me through it.
Because I need to know.
The girls were playing
hide and seek.
I was playing with them.
15, 14, 13,
12, 11, 10, 9...
She hid upstairs.
I did it there.
Ready or not,
here I come.
I cleaned up,
moved the body
to the trunk of the car,
and left the car to be found.
So Brad was innocent?
Oh God, no.
Please, wait.
I just wanna make
sure that Beth is gonna be safe.
Feel safe?
She's just a little girl.
- Oh, I'll kill you.
- It wasn t...
Oh, I'm gonna fuckin' kill you.
I'm gonna fuckin'...
I'm gonna fuckin' kill you!
You fuck!
What the fuck!
I'm sorry.
You did it.
Get up, get up, get up.
Get up.
Wait. Wait, wait.
Let her go.
Just wait, wait, wait, wait.
Let her go.
Hal, shoot him.
She killed my daughter.
She confessed, I have proof.
I have it all on video.
Shoot him!
Okay, it's on my phone.
I'm gonna give it to you
right now, alright?
Shoot him, Hal!
I'm gonna bring it out
and show you.
It's a gun!
It's a gun!
- It's right here.
- He's got a gun!
What's on here, Kate?
Don't look at it.
The girls were
playing hide and seek.
I was playing with them.
She hid upstairs.
I did it there.
I cleaned up,
took the body...
And I left the car to be found.
So Brad was innocent?
Come with me, she's coming.
We gotta go now.
I know a place
where we can hide.
Go, go, go.
Oh fuck.
This opens.
Hide in there, go.
Whatever happens,
don't come out.
I know you're down here.
Is this you, Kate?
The real you?
You can come find out.
I can see it.
That cold, cold blood.
You made me do this.
I needed to know!
Now I do.
Send Beth up.
You come down.
What did you do to her?
She doesn't belong with you!
I'm her mother.
So come get her!
Ready or not,
here I come.
It's okay, baby
Don't you touch her!
Hey, baby.
Courtenay, wait!
Where are you going?
It's safe now!
I'll take care of you.
Oh my God.
Oh sh...
no, don't do that.
You can't do that.
I was helping.
You promised me.
You promised!
You have to keep that promise.
It's to keep you safe.
But it's my birthday!
what did you do?
I'm sorry.
You chose her over everyone?
Wouldn't you?
She's dead.
You okay, baby?
I'm not a baby.
You're okay.
We're okay, we're okay.
We're okay, everything's okay.
We're okay.
What happens now?
They're gonna take me away
from you
and you're gonna be on your own.
And you can't do that again.
Because if they...
if they know,
if they see that it's...
they're gonna put you up, Beth.
That's not you.
Yes, it is.
You have a choice.
You have a choice.
But mom,
I can't be anybody but me.
I know, baby, I know.
But why?
Baby, why did you...
I'm not a baby!
That's for dad.
Everything I did...
To protect you.
But it's okay.
It's okay.
I still love you.
Hey, do you love me, too?
Hey, are you lost?
Oh my God.