Motion Detected (2023) Movie Script

-[tense music]
-[electronic beeping]
[tense music]
[electronic buzzing]
-[door squeaking]
-[electronic screeching]
[electronic screeching]
[girl] Okay.
[electronic rumbling]
-[electronic screeching]
-[dog barking]
[electronic rumbling]
[automated voice]
Front door opening.
-Front door closing.
-[door closes]
-[notification ringing]
- [automated voice] Motion
detected, third floor.
[woman] Up here, sweetie.
I'm in your bedroom.
[automated voice]
Motion detected, third floor.
[tense music]
In here.
[door squeaking]
[distorted voice]
There's my little girl.
[girl screams]
[automated voice]
All clear.
[tense music]
[uplifting music]
-Aren't these stairs
just exquisite?
-They're beautiful.
The home comes fully furnished
with all of the owners'
luxurious furnishings
and sublime decorations.
I just love this bedroom.
It's so stylish and sexy.
But follow me.
You're gonna love this.
His and her bathtubs.
-Okay, I was not expecting that.
-Don't you just love it?
Why are you relocating
from Mexico City?
We just needed
a change of scenery.
Oh, that's the owner.
He's a really fun guy.
The kitchen is furnished
with the highest quality
Wolf, Sub-Zero, Miele.
You've got your luxurious
custom cabinetry.
Italian imported marble counter.
[in Spanish]
[in English]
I guess your English
isn't as good as you thought.
It even has
a built-in microwave.
Look, guys, I would love
to let you have this place,
but I need to know
that you're committed.
The previous tenant
just vanished with several
months left on the lease.
The owner does not want
to deal with that again.
We are ready to move in today.
-Whatever it takes.
-That's great to hear.
Houses like this
do not come up that often.
Can we do one more walkthrough
on the second floor?
-Of course.
-But alone so we can discuss?
Oh, right. Certainly.
Thank you.
The first thing we should do
is take his and her baths, huh?
Oh, well that sounds
very exquisite and luxurious.
[in Spanish]
[in English]
It's kind of weird, right,
with all of the owner's
strange decorations?
I'm surprised
you actually don't like them.
They remind me
of the stuff that you get
in the markets in Coyoacan.
-I miss Coyoacan.
-And we'll get back there.
But right now, we need
a place for you to rest
and get back on your feet.
Okay, we're Californians now!
Mi amor, Eva,
bebecita, what's wrong?
Isn't there a place
in a gated community,
with a security guard?
This is a safe house
in a safe neighborhood.
Our neighborhood in Mexico City
was supposed to be safe.
And besides,
this place is too big
for just the two of us.
Mmm. Now see,
that's where you're wrong.
We're gonna have
an enormous family.
[in Spanish]
[in English] And we should
probably get started right now.
[Eva giggling]
-[Miguel moaning]
-[Eva giggling]
Oh, snap!
-Not now!
-Ugh! Boring!
There's one more feature
I'd like to show you.
It's the real reason
you want to rent a home
like this.
A state-of-the-art
security system.
The latest in smart home
security tech.
It connects to your phone,
laptop, and mounted wall unit.
Not only the alarm system,
but also lights,
temperature, everything.
-Are you good with technology?
-He's almost mastered texting.
-I rely on her.
-Oh, then you'll love
all the functions and gadgets.
Security cameras
are throughout the house,
which can be accessed
by your phone or computer.
All doors and windows
are alarmed.
No one is getting in here
unless you let them.
It's even got a scary name--
"Die-ablo" Controls.
-Everything okay?
Yeah, it's just pronounced
[peaceful music]
[buttons beeping]
[automated voice]
Access denied.
-Motion detected, third floor.
[tense music]
Eva? Miguel?
You're not working
on those nios, are you?
[automated voice]
Motion detected, second floor.
Okay, never mind.
Motion detected, staircase.
[electronic beeping]
All clear.
[tense music]
[music continues]
[water sloshing]
[water sloshing]
[water dripping]
This is kind of weird.
Yeah, it's not as sexy
as I thought it was gonna be.
Well, should we try
squeezing into one?
Oh, Miguel, you don't even
fit into that one.
-Oh, I'll make it fit.
[phone buzzing]
-Who keeps texting you?
-It's just work.
What's so important
that they're texting
20 times in a row?
Well, they need me
in Mexico City.
[in Spanish]
[water dripping]
[Eva] I can't believe this,
you're packing to leave
before we've even unpacked.
You know I don't have a choice.
Can't you spend the night here
and fly out first thing
tomorrow morning?
I told you there's
a client dinner tonight, amor.
I can't be alone
in this big house.
There are 10 million
light switches,
and I don't know
how to lock the doors yet.
You'll figure it out, okay?
I'm gone for a week.
Not even, just five days.
-I'm coming with you.
-No, Eva!
We literally just left there
because you didn't feel safe.
You're safe here.
Okay, this place
is like a resort.
It's quiet, it's peaceful.
Look, a break like this
is exactly what you needed
to recharge.
We've been planning for this.
You've got your program.
[in Spanish]
[in English] Okay.
But what happened to...
this big family we're starting ?
[in Spanish]
-Mm. [laughs]
-[Eva gasps]
-[horn honking]
-Yes, coming out right now.
Oh, I am so late.
If I miss that plane, I'm dead.
You're such a bad influence.
Wait, what about the alarm?
-What about it?
-How do I set it?
Oh, they're sending out
a tech guy tomorrow
to program it for us.
What about tonight?
-[horn honks]
-Shit, this is crazy.
-I'm sorry, babe.
I'm canceling the trip.
-Wait, no.
-You should go. You have to go.
-What about the alarm?
We're in a safe neighborhood.
We probably
don't even need an alarm.
-You sure?
-I'm sure.
-Okay, I love you.
-[in Spanish]
All right.
Mwah! Bye.
-[horn honks]
-I gotta go.
[in Spanish]
-[in English] Love you.
-[in Spanish]
[tense music]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[cheering on TV]
[people speaking Spanish on TV]
[object clatters]
[ominous music]
[people speaking Spanish on TV]
-[buttons beeping]
-[tense music]
[automated voice]
Invalid passcode.
[buttons beeping]
Invalid passcode.
-[phone beeping]
[female voice] Thank you
for calling Diablo Controls.
Your call is important to us.
The next agent will be
available in six minutes.
[hold music playing]
[hold music continues]
[female voice]
Your call is important to us.
The next agent will be
available in six minutes.
[water running]
[hold music continues]
Your call is important to us.
The next agent will be
available in six minutes.
[in Spanish]
[phone beeps]
[phone ringing]
[Miguel in Spanish]
-[phone beeps]
-[in Spanish]
[in English] I just wanted
to hear your voice.
I'm feeling a little...
scared and alone right now.
First night and all.
call me when you get this.
I love you.
[tense music]
-[door banging]
-[dog barking]
[automated voice]
Elevated heart rate.
[blinds humming]
[automated voice]
It's 6:00 in the morning.
Time to rise and shine.
[uplifting music]
[birds chirping]
[tense music]
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you.
Um, I'm the technician
from Diablo Controls.
Do you usually just walk
into people's backyards?
I'm sorry for the intrusion.
I called,
and when no one picked up,
I thought I'd just come by
and check the property.
And then I saw you swimming
and, well, here we are.
Yeah, okay.
I'm gonna need you
to give me a minute,
and I'll meet you
at the front door.
Okay, punch in
the four-digit code.
This will be
your personal passcode
to activate
and deactivate the system.
So make sure you remember it
and don't tell anybody.
Even me.
[keypad beeping]
[automated voice]
Passcode confirmed.
Okay, you remember it?
Uh, if the alarm is on
and you open a door
or a window,
the alarm will go off
and it is really loud.
If the code isn't entered
within 60 seconds,
then an armed security
patrolman will be at your door
within 45 minutes.
-Can I see your phone?
Just to sync it to the system
so that you can
control everything
from the palm of your hand.
-Alerts and all.
-That necessary?
It's highly recommended.
For example,
if you leave the house
and someone breaks in,
the system will notify you
so you don't walk in on
an armed intruder.
And it has
rapid video playback,
so you can see exactly
where that intruder is
in your home.
Smart woman.
I can even go deeper.
It even tracks biometric data
like sleep patterns
and heart rate.
Can we just stick with
the basic alarm system here?
Just figured I'd ask because
the last family that lived here
had their entire lives
synced to the system.
Is that why I get
a 6:00 a.m. wake-up call?
That is exactly why.
I apologize for that.
Let me you fix that
for you, okay?
[smacks lips] Okay, yeah,
so it's just basic AI
that's gonna study you,
learn who you are,
your behaviors, your patterns,
your movements.
-[automated voice]
System ready.
-Oh. You're all set .
From your phone,
you can control the lights,
the stereo,
activate or deactivate
the alarm.
You have access
to all the cameras,
and the system will notify you
if it detects
any unidentified motion.
Why would it need
to detect motion?
You'll want to know
where your threat
is coming from.
That's a comforting thought.
Yeah, don't worry about it
at all.
This neighborhood
is super quiet.
Nothing ever happens.
[tense music]
[music continues]
[notification dings]
[upbeat music]
All right.
[music continues]
[blinds humming]
[automated voice]
Entering sleep mode.
You think you know me?
You don't know
the first thing about me.
[phone chirps]
[automated voice]
Lights out. Good night.
[crickets chirping]
[electronic beeping]
[tense music]
[door creaking]
[electronic beeping]
[notification ringing]
[automated voice]
Motion detected, hallway.
[automated voice]
Motion detected, hallway.
[notification ringing]
[tense music continues]
[automated voice]
All clear.
[blinds humming]
[automated voice]
It's 6:00 in the morning.
Time to rise and shine.
[birds chirping]
Too bright!
[in Spanish]
[phone ringing]
[in English]
Look who decided to call.
[in Spanish]
[in English]
I am so sorry, honestly.
It's been back-to-back
meetings and dinners.
Every time I try to call you,
there's a new fire
I gotta put out.
Well, I'm on fire,
and it's not gonna be
so easy for you to put me out.
You are on fire
and you're hot, hot, hot.
And I am so dumb, dumb, dumb!
I'm not disagreeing with you.
In my defense, I didn't
get your voicemail
about the alarm system
till today.
It's okay.
Um, everything is good,
I'm settling in,
the house is great,
and I feel safe.
Ah, you have no idea
how happy that makes me feel.
-You got any plans for today?
-Uh, yes.
I, too, have
a very important day
planned as well.
I was just drinking
a single cup of coffee
and sending my resum
to a recruiter.
And now I'm going
to grab the newspaper
and then I will read
said newspaper.
And then after that,
I'll go for a jog.
Nice, sounds like a full day.
Did you figure out
the alarm system?
Yeah, the tech guy
came over yesterday
and helped set everything up.
It's really complicated,
but I'm getting the hang of it.
[alarm wailing]
Sounds like it!
[Eva] Damn, I can't remember
the code! Fuck!
[Miguel] Did you try
your ATM PIN number,
or 1-2-3-4?
Ha, very funny and helpful!
-[buttons beeping]
-[alarm stops]
[automated voice]
All clear.
Sorry! Not a burglar!
Just me trying to figure out
my alarm system.
Wow, sounds like
you really mastered it.
You're gonna have to teach me
when I get home.
Yeah, right.
I can't figure out if this thing
is going to protect me
or if it's going to kill me.
[buttons beeping]
[automated voice]
System armed.
[door banging]
[buttons beeping]
System disarmed.
[buttons beeping]
System armed.
[door banging]
[Eva] Why is everything
fucking complicated?
-[phone beeps]
-[line ringing]
[female voice] Thank you
for calling Diablo Controls.
Your call is important to us.
The next agent will be
available in six minutes.
-[hold music playing]
-[Eva sighs]
[Eva] Screw it;
I'm not gonna be gone
that long anyway.
-[buttons beeping]
-[automated voice]
System disarmed.
[upbeat music]
-[notification ringing]
[automated voice]
Motion detected, front door.
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
-[woman] Hey there!
-[Eva gasping]
I'm your neighbor, Nancy.
Hi, I'm Eva.
Nice to meet you.
Oh, these are for you.
So, how you doing?
How's the house?
This is very sweet of you.
Everything's great.
We're very happy.
Well, if you need
anything at all,
you just holler.
I've lived here
a long, long time,
so I know all there is to know
about the neighborhood.
Have you joined
Neighbor Network yet?
No, not yet.
Oh, do yourself a favor
and join right away.
It's a great resource.
You'll meet all the neighbors.
If anything happens
in the neighborhood at all,
it'll be up on Neighbor Network
If a crime has been committed,
it'll be up on the site
before the police even arrive.
Hey, it's how I found out
that I have you as my neighbor.
Uh, I'm sorry, I have to go,
but it was very nice
to meet you.
-Oh, okay. Bye.
[ominous music]
[door slams]
[ominous music continues]
[glass clinking]
[door squeaks]
[floor creaking]
-[object shatters]
-[notification ringing]
[automated voice]
Motion detected, kitchen.
[tense music]
[in Spanish]
[in English]
I know you're in here!
[suspenseful music]
Aw, man.
I loved that mug.
[audio reversing]
[mug shatters]
[tense music]
[in Spanish]
[in English]
Dropped the package at 9:42.
But the alert came at 9:48.
That's so weird.
[video whirring]
[static buzzing]
[static buzzing]
[door creaks]
What the heck is that?
[video whirring]
-[static buzzing]
-That's weird.
[door creaks]
[tense music]
[water running]
[notification dings]
[Eva] How the hell
did they get my email?
[keyboard clicking]
Well, that's pretty racist!
Looks like my new neighbors
aren't so neighborly after all.
[ominous music]
Oh, my God!
[in Spanish]
-[tense music]
-[notification ringing]
[automated voice, in English]
Motion detected, front door.
-[doorbell rings]
-[door opens]
-[Eva] Thank you.
[in Spanish]
[in English] are my hot fire.
[in Spanish]
[in English] I'll see you again
in a few days.
Love, Miguel."
Good job, Miguel.
[tense music]
[electronic beeping]
[automated voice]
Analyzing video.
Downloading similar assets.
[dramatic music]
[water running]
[automated voice] S ix new
crime watch notifications
from Neighbor Network.
[man] Hey, bro.
Open the fucking door, bro.
-[doorbell buzzing]
-[tense music]
[man 2]
Zero, six, six, zero.
[tense music]
[automated voice]
Elevated heart rate.
[tense music]
-[phone ringing]
Uh, you okay? You sound like
something bad just happened.
Yeah, something's happened.
Lots of things have happened.
What are you talking about?
What happened?
Julie's house
was just broken into
by two men wearing ski masks.
Who the fuck is Julie?
And then Frank's doorbell
a crazy man yelling
outside his door.
And then Cynthia V.
just posted that--
[in Spanish]
[in English]
Who are Julie and Frank?
What are you talking about?
Our neighborhood
is not as safe as you think.
Eva, tell me what happened.
I signed up
on the Neighborhood
Network today.
Oh, Jesus.
[in Spanish]
[in English] I told you
not to do that, okay?
That site makes
everybody paranoid.
It's real.
They post photographs of people
breaking into their homes.
But they probably
don't have such a fancy,
impenetrable system like ours.
Well, that's true.
Where are you, by the way?
I-- I mean, our old home.
I miss it.
I miss you.
I miss you, too.
Look, I've gotta go
to another client dinner.
I just wanted to hear
your voice and make sure
that you got the flowers.
I did.
Thank you.
They're beautiful.
Okay. All right.
Well, please, please, please
do me a favor
and cancel that membership.
Okay? I love you.
Okay, I love you.
-[tense music]
-[notification chimes]
[automated voice]
Elevated heart rate.
[crickets chirping]
-[electronic beeping]
-[automated voice]
Elevated heart rate.
[tense music]
[door banging]
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
[Eva moaning]
[tense music continues]
[footsteps thumping loudly,
[knocking, echoing]
[Eva screams]
[Eva gasping]
[breathing heavily]
[tense music]
[blinds humming]
[automated voice]
It's 6:00 in the morning.
Time to rise and shine.
[birds chirping]
No. No, I don't have
an appointment
and I don't live
in Mexico City anymore.
I was just hoping
that she could squeeze me in
for an emergency session.
[tranquil music]
[tense music]
[tranquil music]
[tense music]
[tranquil music]
[automated voice]
System disarmed.
[phone ringing]
Hola, Eva!
[in Spanish]
[in English] Of course.
I was hoping to hear from you.
I just wasn't expecting it
to be so soon after your move.
Is everything okay?
[in Spanish]
[in English] Not really.
I have a dream again.
-The nightmare.
-El Diablo.
[in Spanish]
[in English] Eva, let's try
and sit down for a moment.
We can calm down.
[in Spanish]
[in English] I understand
dreams can be terrifying,
especially when
they're so vivid.
But El Diablo is not looking
for you in California.
You know that.
It's common for people
who've gone through
what you went through,
truly believing
you were going to die,
to suffer from
post-traumatic stress.
There's no reason
why he let me live.
-The police said that--
-I know what the police said.
He killed two other women
that night he left my home.
It's not your fault.
I'm sorry for bothering you,
Dr. Olivares.
We just moved into a new home
and Miguel is away on business.
And it's the first time
I'm alone since that night.
And I just feel like
I'm going crazy.
Everything is new
and I feel so out of place.
New country, new house,
new goddamn alarm system
that just seems to be
tormenting me.
Big changes tend to bring up
these issues.
There's a lot of stress
surrounding big events,
and stress is a trigger.
How about restarting
my meds again?
We've worked too hard
to move beyond
your dependence on medication.
Our program is working.
Stick to the plan.
Focus on a healthy lifestyle
to reduce stress.
Healthy eating,
daily exercise, and sleep.
Meditate, get a massage.
-Unplug and relax.
-I know, but--
Eva, the meds are only
a temporary band-aid.
We have our program
and it is working.
stress will increase paranoia
and could lead
to hallucinations.
It's a nasty feedback cycle,
which means you need
to stay away
from triggers
to another episode,
like alcohol or caffeine,
staying up late,
or even watching scary movies,
or seeing disturbing imagery.
Accept that these things
are only happening
in your head.
So no coffee or alcohol?
It is possible, Eva.
Well, thank you, Dr. Olivares.
It's always a pleasure
to talk to you.
Stay strong.
And let's schedule a session
for later this week
to check in.
Yes, Dr. Olivares.
That sounds great.
Thank you. Goodbye.
[dramatic music]
[Miguel in Spanish]
[Eva in Spanish]
[in English] I was just calling
to say goodnight.
I wanted to hear your voice
since we didn't get
to talk today.
When you're on your way home,
just please don't eat dinner
because I have
something exquisite planned.
I love you.
Good night.
[electronic buzzing]
[automated voice]
Lights out. Good night.
-[electronic beeping]
-[wind howling]
-[phone ringing]
-[automated voice]
Call silenced.
[Eva in Spanish]
[in Spanish]
[in English]
Sorry I just missed you.
I'm just at another
client dinner here, okay?
Um, they need me here
for a couple more days.
I'm so sorry, love.
I'm gonna make it up to you,
but it's just two more days,
and then I'm home for good.
Okay. I'm sorry.
I love you.
I'll try you tomorrow, okay?
All right, get some rest.
[tense music]
[automated voice]
Voicemail deleted.
[tense music]
[static buzzing]
-[notification ringing]
-[automated voice]
Motion detected, kitchen.
[tense music]
And cue curtains.
-[blinds humming]
[automated voice]
It's 6:00 in the morning.
Time to rise and shine.
Beat you to it today, Diablo.
-[door squeaking]
-[uplifting music]
No, No! Shit!
Oh! Supposed to be
Miguel's welcome home dinner!
-[ice cream sloshing]
[automated voice]
System disarmed.
[dance music]
They call you crazy
But you're just
A fucking loca
They call you
Crazy, but you're just
A fucking loca
They call you crazy
But you're just
A fucking loca
They call you crazy
They call you crazy
[music fades out]
[phone ringing]
[woman singing in Spanish
on radio]
[Eva and Miguel in Spanish]
[in English]
I hope you're hungry.
Oh, no. Didn't you get
my voicemail?
Shit. You're not delayed,
are you?
No, I'm still in Mexico City.
They need me here
for a couple more days.
You're telling me this now?
No, babe, I left you
a voicemail last night.
Yeah, whatever.
I get it.
Something's burning.
I gotta go.
-[breathing heavily]
-[tense music]
[glass thuds]
[tense music]
To my exquisite
and luxurious house...
and its twisted
fucking security system.
To Diablo Controls...
for being completely worthless.
To my absentee husband
back home in Mexico.
I know that you're all
just trying to torment me...
drive me crazy...
but it's not gonna work.
[in Spanish]
[in English]
So to that, I say...
bring it on.
Bring it fucking on!
[glass shatters]
-[upbeat music]
-[man singing in Spanish]
Get ready, get steady
[singing in Spanish]
Get ready, get steady
[singing in Spanish]
Get ready, get steady
[singing in Spanish]
Get ready, get steady
[singing in Spanish]
[muffled singing in Spanish]
[music fades]
[notification ringing]
[automated voice]
Motion detected, third floor.
[notification ringing]
-[floor creaking]
-[breathing heavily]
[tense music]
[tense music]
Diablo Controls.
[notification ringing]
[automated voice]
Motion detected, second floor.
[notification ringing]
[crickets chirping]
[distant dog barking]
[tense music]
[distant dog barking]
[music continues]
[fence clanking]
[fence clanking]
[music continues]
[fence clanking]
[music continues]
-[Eva screams]
-Whoa! Whoa, whoa, it's okay.
Hey, it's me.
It's me, Ray, the tech.
Ray, there's someone
in the house.
There's no one in the house.
It was just a glitch.
No, no, I-- I heard somebody
walking down the hall.
The floors were creaking.
It's an old-ass house.
It creaks.
I got an alert from
the third and second floor.
Relax, just calm down,
all right?
There's a system outage
in the neighborhood.
That's why I'm out here
checking it.
I'll come back in the morning
and reset it.
But for now,
there's no one in the house.
It's okay.
It's clear.
[tense music]
[automated voice]
Elevated heart rate.
[tense music]
[Eva] No!
[automated voice]
Dream feed intercepted.
[in Spanish]
[tense music]
-[intruder grunting]
-[Eva whimpering]
No, no.
[Eva in Spanish]
[intruder in Spanish]
[Miguel in Spanish]
[Eva gasping]
[automated voice in English]
Analyzing dream.
[Eva in Spanish]
No, no!
-[intense music]
-[Eva screams]
-[peaceful music]
-[birds chirping]
[doorbell ringing]
[Eva moaning]
Hello. Me again.
Last night
got pretty wild, huh?
Can you just fix that, please?
[automated voice]
System reset.
Everything is reset
after last night's alarm event.
Is there anything else
you've been experiencing?
You could say that.
-That doesn't sound good.
-It's not good.
I feel like that thing
is trying to harass me.
Every time I set the alarm,
it locks the doors.
I get "motion detected" alerts
all the time,
even when there's nothing there.
And now, whenever I look
at the security cam footage,
there's always this glitchy
little figure of light
moving around.
It sounds like
you're experiencing
some artifacting.
I don't wanna experience
any more artifacting.
Exactly. I don't know
too many of my clients
that would.
-It's a little creepy.
-A little?
So whenever you see
a young girl on screen,
it's just remnants
in the system cache.
It's not like some spooky spirit
trying to scare you, you know?
I never said anything
about a young girl.
No? You didn't-- you didn't
just say something about that?
-You know what?
It was-- it's the family
that used to live here before.
They had a six-year-old girl
and that must be what it was.
And did this previous family
experience as many issues
as I'm having?
You know, just minor nicks
here and there.
You know, like you said,
the doors locking and...
But after the system
got to know them,
everything was good.
-[automated voice]
Cache cleared.
-And boom.
Just cleared the cache
and reset the system,
so everything should be fine.
But feel free to call me
if you need anything.
-Thank you.
-All right.
-[tense music]
-[door clicking]
[music continues]
[automated voice]
Motion detected, hallway.
Let's see if he fixed
this artifacting.
Damn it, it's still there!
[line ringing]
[female voice] Thank you
for calling Diablo Controls.
Your call is important to us.
The next agent will be
available in six minutes.
This company's the worst.
[hangs up]
Come on.
[keys clicking]
"Curious if anyone else
has the Diablo Controls
security system?
Have been having
some issues with mine."
[notifications dinging]
Okay, that's odd.
[messages popping]
-[tranquil music]
[ominous music]
-[tranquil music]
[intruder in Spanish]
[breathing heavily]
[in English]
Please, be it.
Please... be... it.
Oh, yes!
There you are!
Thank you, thank you!
Oh! Oh, no.
I'm so sorry.
[in Spanish]
[automated voice in English]
System armed.
[Eva in Spanish]
[dramatic music]
[music continues]
[both in Spanish]
-[insects chirping]
-[dramatic music]
[microwave beeping, whirring]
[automated voice in English]
System interference.
-[popcorn popping]
System interference.
System interference.
[microwave beeps]
-[notifications beeps]
-All clear.
[door creaking]
-[tense music]
-[glass clinking]
[power hums]
Now what?
[tense music]
[glass clinking]
[glass clinking]
Hello? Is someone there?
[tense music]
[music continues]
[automated voice]
Power restored.
[Eva breathing heavily]
[Eva in Spanish]
[tense music]
[music continues]
[blinds humming]
-[automated voice in English]
It's 6:00 in the morning.
Time to rise and shine.
So the hallucination
disappeared as soon
as the lights came back?
Yes, but it was so much more
than just seeing him.
I could smell him.
I felt the air move
when he jumped out at me.
Wow. Sounds like
a very vivid hallucination.
Have you been drinking?
But I was very hungover
from the night before.
My husband was supposed
to come home and he didn't,
so I was angry.
I needed to blow off some steam.
I understand,
but you need to be careful.
You're in a fragile state
and could hurt yourself.
I'm starting to rethink
our decision not to go
back on the meds.
No, I, uh... I slept better
last night.
I didn't have a nightmare.
But you mentioned
hallucinations at our
last session,
and I wanted to let you know
that I had one.
And I've never experienced
anything like that before.
It was terrifying.
You did the right thing
by calling.
You're a warrior, Eva.
You've been through
a lot and we've made
a ton of progress.
I'm confident we're gonna
get you healthy again.
Let's check in daily
until you're feeling better.
Thank you.
-[water sloshing]
[notification dings]
[automated voice]
One new video message
from Neighbor Network.
Hey, I have Diablo Controls.
I've been having
a lot of issues.
I feel like I'm going crazy.
I don't wanna say
any more here.
It's watching.
I can tell you more
if you come to my house.
I don't think so, serial killer.
-[tense music]
-[notification dings]
[automated voice]
One new video message
from Neighbor Network.
I realize my message
may have sounded creepy.
We can talk on the sidewalk
in front of my house.
Maybe there's still time
for you.
[tense music]
[automated voice]
System armed.
[tense music]
[music continues]
I probably shouldn't have
contacted you.
That was a mistake.
I'm sorry.
No, it's okay.
I live a few blocks away.
I was going for a walk anyway.
That's not what I mean.
I-- I haven't slept in days.
I don't know
what I'm doing anymore.
-I-I can't talk to you.
-No, wait.
You said you were having
some issues with your alarm.
-What issues?
-Issues? [chuckles]
Issues... yeah,
that's one way to describe it.
It's tormenting me.
It's gonna hurt me, I know.
-How can it hurt you?
-I can't say anything more.
It's listening.
Just leave and don't
go back to your house.
Just leave and never go back.
I don't understand.
Why don't you just leave?
It's too late for me.
[tense music]
[notifications dinging]
Hey, how are you?
How are you adjusting
to the neighborhood?
-It's been an adjustment.
-It's a lot.
New city, new house,
new country.
Yeah, it's a lot.
Are you planning
on having children?
You know,
it's an awfully big house
for just the two of you.
We've discussed it.
The family who lived here
before you,
they had one child,
a young daughter.
And they were
planning on having more
when they disappeared.
-The realtor didn't tell you?
It was the darnedest thing.
They were the nicest people.
I knew them well, or...
I thought that I did,
and then one day,
they were just gone.
They even left
their stuff behind.
What happened to them?
Like I said, they disappeared.
Poof, into thin air
without a trace.
It was the darnedest thing.
Excuse me.
-[sirens wailing]
-[horns honking]
[sirens approaching]
[sirens pass by]
-[sirens approaching]
-[horn honking]
[sirens continue]
[tense music]
[woman on computer]
Oh, my God! It's Bob's house.
I can't tell
if he's inside or not.
-Oh, my God.
Bob? Please let us know
if you're okay.
[tense music]
[in Spanish]
[automated voice in English]
Initializing dream sequence.
[tense music]
[in Spanish]
[automated voice in English]
Sequencing El Diablo.
[Eva in Spanish]
[tense music]
[automated voice
in English, distorting]
Sequencing complete.
[intense music]
I thought my paranoia
was getting worse,
but it's not.
I'm not wrong.
The things
I thought were happening
are really happening.
Describe these things
that are really happening.
It's the security system.
It's causing it all.
I'm sure of it.
I researched it online.
All of the reviews
were weirdly positive
except for one.
And then yesterday,
my neighbor complained
about his alarm system
and it's the same company
as mine.
And I met him at his house,
and within hours
of talking to me,
his house caught on fire
and he died.
Don't you see?
Eva, I don't think
your alarm system
killed your neighbor.
And it's possible
the alarm system received
positive reviews
because people were
genuinely pleased with it.
No, no! Wait,
please, Dr. Olivares,
you have to believe me.
when I was seeing things
that weren't there, it's true.
It was my imagination
and my PTSD.
But I know the difference now.
I will prescribe you
a refill of your medication,
but only for a limited time.
I want to keep you safe.
And here's a thought.
Why don't you just disable
your alarm?
I don't know how.
It's something we can explore.
-There's a girl.
-A girl?
Yes. And she lived
in this house before.
Her and her family vanished,
but she's still here.
They're trapped in
the alarm system.
Trapped in the alarm system?
-Have you been drinking again?
-A little, but...
Email my assistant
the pharmacy information.
I'll have the prescription
-Dr. Olivares...
If something happens to me...
please tell my husband
what I told you.
Nothing is going
to happen to you.
[tense music]
Why don't you believe me?
[hold music playing over phone]
[man] Please continue to hold
for the next available
[hold music continues]
Please continue to hold
for the next available
[automated voice]
One new video message
from Neighbor Network.
[El Diablo in Spanish]
-[in English] He found me.
-[El Diablo audio playing
in loop]
[man] Please continue to hold
for the next available
[phone ringing]
[static crackling]
Eva, mi amor, are you there?
[in Spanish]
[in English]
Nothing, I'm just tired.
Well, I've got good news.
Two pieces of good news,
We just closed the deal, baby.
And I'll be home
tomorrow morning.
I'm so excited to see you.
You don't sound excited.
I'm just distracted.
That's wonderful.
What's the other piece
of good news?
Well, they got him.
They got El Diablo.
You never have to worry
about him again.
What-- what do you mean?
Well, he's dead.
That's not possible.
When? Where?
Here in Mexico City, sweetie.
The police found him
and got into a shootout
with him.
It happened last week.
It came out
in the newspapers today.
All right?
I texted you the article.
You never have to worry
about him again, okay?
It's behind us now.
-I have to go.
-No, no--
[tense music]
Where is it?
Where is it?
[distant siren wailing]
[wind whooshing]
-[notification ringing]
-[automated voice] Motion
detected, front door.
[tense music]
-[notification ringing]
-Front door closing.
[door closes]
[automated voice distorting]
Motion detected, living room.
No... No, no, no.
What happened here?
[automated voice]
Motion detected, living room.
I'm gonna bring you
some more mezcal.
[automated voice]
Motion detected, kitchen.
Motion detected,
living room.
Lady Death first.
[automated voice]
Motion detected, living room.
[distorted voice]
Motion detected, living room.
Religion, pills, and booze.
If you can't save me,
nothing can.
[distorted voice]
Motion detected, living room.
[in Spanish]
[distorted voice in English]
Motion detected, living room.
[distorted voice in English]
Motion detected, living room.
I know what you're trying to do,
and it's not gonna work!
You think I'm the intruder?
You're the intruder!
This is my house!
[distorted voice]
Motion detected, living room.
It's time to say goodbye
to Diablo Controls.
El Diablo is dead!
Now I'm coming for you,
-[buttons beeping]
-[door rattling]
[distorted voice]
Access denied.
-Try denying this!
-[glass shatters]
[El Diablo in Spanish]
[eerie buzzing]
[distorted voice in English]
Motion detected, kitchen.
[tense music]
[door rattling]
[utensils clanking]
[in Spanish]
-[eerie buzzing]
[breathing heavily]
[electrical crackling]
[El Diablo growling]
[El Diablo growling]
-[microwave beeps]
-[distorted voice in English]
System interference.
[eerie electric buzzing]
[knife clanking]
[Eva grunting]
[distorted voice]
System interference.
-[microwave whirring]
-[electronic buzzing]
[alarm blaring]
[eerie buzzing]
-[buzzing stops]
[distorted voice]
Motion detected, third floor.
[electronic buzzing]
[Eva gasping]
[Eva grunting]
[Eva] No.
[Eva in Spanish]
-[electronic buzzing]
-[power shuts down]
[in English] I don't know
if you helped me or not, but...
I like having you around.
[peaceful music]
[in Spanish]
[music continues]
[distorted voice]
Backup power initiated.
-[electronic screeching]
-[wind whooshing]
[distorted voice]
Sequencing El Diablo.
[door banging]
[door creaking]
[suspenseful music]
[eerie buzzing]
-[El Diablo growling]
-[footsteps thudding]
No, no!
[in Spanish]
[Eva screaming]
[blinds humming]
[uplifting music]
[Miguel in English]
Eva, I'm home!
[in Spanish]
You here?
Where are you?
[in Spanish]
[light music]
[electronic whooshing]
-[electricity crackling]
[automated voice]
Motion detected.
[electricity crackling]
[upbeat music]
[music continues]
[music continues]