Motorvation (2022) Movie Script

Hi there.
My name is, uh, Robert Melvin,
but, uh, people call
me Fatty Melvin.
It's been a nickname
since I was a kid.
I aspire to be a
motivational speaker,
like my big brother, James.
But, uh, right now I am a
corporate facilities technician
at a company run by Lisa Cohen.
She's really cool, though.
You'll see her soon, yeah.
If you dream it,
you can achieve it.
If you can dream it,
you can achieve it.
Anyway, well, this is my story.
Time to chase the
American dream.
Ms. Cohen, the
ball is in your court.
All you have to do is sign.
This is a great deal, Lisa.
You're gonna be a millionaire.
I just feel like I'm
signing away my baby.
For a million dollars.
That didn't sound right.
Ms. Cohen, we promise
to take care of you,
and your million dollar baby.
And you're gonna keep
everything here, right?
No outsourcing?
No, everything will
remain exactly as it is.
You can trust us, Ms. Cohen.
We will always make
the right choice.
What's that?
It's nobody, just the janitor.
Ah, good, perfect.
What is a janitor?
Am I saying that right?
Must be someone who eats a lot.
Don't ever be a janitor.
- Hey, hey.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Way to go, Fatty, alright.
- Hey, Bob.
How you doing?
Looking forward to your
brother's book signing tonight.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hope to see you there, Bob.
- Alright, sounds good.
- Alright.
Hey, vote Bob.
Oh, yeah, yeah, uh, cool.
See you there, Bob.
Ooh, ooh, ooh.
Hey, you okay?
They're the wrong color.
I said red.
It's okay, Dad.
I can go get 'em.
I, but I...
I thought you said blue.
No, red.
You're gonna drive me to drink.
It's okay.
You okay?
It's good to see you.
Wow, this is your
fifth book launch.
When are you gonna have one?
I, I dunno.
I'm working on it.
Ah, come on, seriously,
- you should write a book.
- Yeah.
I'll be the first one to buy it.
Don't worry,
I'll go get the balloons.
You sure?
Yeah, yeah.
Who's is...
Ah, no.
Not too shabby, right?
This is yours?
No way.
This is the one.
This is the
one you've always wanted.
It's a real Lamborghini.
It's great.
Scratch this off the list.
Come on, get in.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Is this from all
your book sales?
No, no, no.
This is, uh,
one of my many perks
for my new gig.
This is awesome.
Yeah, uh,
I'm a spokesperson
for them, you know.
Motivational speaker, lots
of travel, high salary.
I go around all America,
speak to all businesses.
Can I hear the engine?
Oh yeah.
This is amazing.
This is a car you've
always dreamed of getting.
That's amazing.
It is, it's just...
It's just a car.
Yeah, but it's...
Oh my gosh.
It's great.
You know, the funny thing is,
I always thought I would
feel a little different.
Is it, like,
do you know what
the cylinders are?
Is it like a horsepower thing?
I mean, I really
don't know anything about it.
It's so cool.
I better go get
those balloons, huh?
Oh, yeah, okay, sure.
See ya.
Hey, Fatty.
I am so sorry for your loss.
James was truly one of a kind.
In times like this,
when it seems like
there's no one to turn to,
you have a community of
friends behind you, Fatty.
Do not hesitate to reach out.
Fatty, I just
heard about the accident.
I'm praying for you, buddy.
There will never be
another like James.
He has truly left
behind a legacy.
Now I just got off
the phone with Frank.
He wants us to coax this guy,
see if we can bring
him to our side,
maybe make a him our
motivational speaker.
- That'd be fantastic.
- Exactly.
So we wanna make sure that he
is as comfortable as possible.
Get him a water.
- Okay.
- Water.
Hey, Robert?
How you feeling?
yeah, um,
I'm okay.
I'm fine.
Okay, well, I
know this is sudden,
but I have your brother's will.
And according to it,
he left this business to you.
That can't be right?
There must be some mistake.
No, no, no.
No mistake.
It's all here.
I put the will in a box for you,
and he left this
box for you as well.
And I think he
also left the book
he might have been working on.
Could be worth some money.
Robert, you okay?
Oh, I...
Can we get you anything?
Ah, I'm fine, I'm fine.
I'm just gonna...
I'm just gonna, uh,
use the restroom.
Okay, um...
I'm fine.
Is he coming back?
Hi, James.
This is Lisa Cohen
from Personal Best.
I know Jan gave you the details,
but I just wanted to say
that we're all very excited
to have you give your
motivational speech this week.
I look forward to meeting you.
What are you doing?
You're a terrible
motivational speaker.
Hi, everybody.
My name is Fatty Melvin,
and I am a motivational speaker.
Who wants to be motivated?
You know, your brain
is like a computer.
Are you married?
No, I'm a swinging bachelor.
Well, then do you
have a girlfriend?
No, I still haven't found
that lucky lady.
Do you think it's
because you are so fat,
or because you're so old?
I need a paper bag.
Fear is the biggest thing
keeping us from being the
person we're meant to be.
Fear isn't real.
It's an imaginary monster
lurking in the shadows.
And the only way to defeat it
is to expose it by
facing it head-on.
Only when we run at fear,
will fear run away.
Fear isn't real.
There you go.
All right?
- You ready to go?
- Yeah.
All right, here we go.
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the second annual
Plastic Ware conference.
Yeah, woo!
We are so excited to bring you
our favorite
motivational speaker,
Fatty Melvin.
Who wants to dream?
I do!
Who wants to dream
the American dream?
Who wants to dream the American
dream with Plastic Ware?
Well, now you can.
I see dreamers
who have woken up,
and I'm telling you all
it's time to dream again.
I want you to think about
all those amazing things.
A new car, a new
boat, a jet plane,
a make-up kit for the
ladies, a new dress,
to go to Mars, whatever.
There is no dream too
small with Plastic Ware.
Let theses images soak in.
You suck.
All right, woo!
I'm gonna do something now.
I'm gonna walk out
here into the audience,
'cause I really wanna
connect with you all.
What's your dream?
I wanna be a
professional hugger.
All right.
Well, a professional
hugger is weird.
What about you?
To be the next Miss USA.
Whoa, Miss USA.
A full head of hair?
I want a new Ferrari.
A vacation to Italy.
All right, yeah!
A new laptop.
Uh, a used laptop.
A used laptop?
All right.
What about you, NFL
legend, Rodney Peete?
You validate parking?
Rodney Peete, woo, yeah!
Everyone, Rodney
Peete in the house.
Thank you.
Anyone else?
Oh, that's what I
wanna talk about.
All those dreams can
come true right now
with Plastic Ware.
It's not a pyramid scheme,
but rather,
but rather a multi-level
marketing company
that offers an
exciting opportunity
to have all your heart's
desires come true
by becoming a Plastic
Ware representative.
All right.
With Plastic Ware,
it's time to inflate your life.
Who's with me?
When one door closes, another
door is always gonna open.
All right.
Hey, Rodney.
Thank you.
Hey, Fatty.
Oh, hi, Kathy.
How you doing?
Oh, not bad.
Can I get you
started with some coffee?
Oh, that'd be
great, thank you.
All right, I'll be right back.
Oh, hey, do you want
a freshly baked do-
- Oh, they're not bad.
This belong to you?
If you plant the
right seeds in life,
water them,
let the sun come down on them.
They will come to fruition.
Hey, Dad.
If you dream it,
you can achieve it.
Got you some barbecue, Dad.
You know, just the
way you like it.
If you plant the
right seeds in life,
water them,
let the sun come down on them.
Oh, I've been doing some, uh,
motivational talks, you know?
If you dream it-
- It's not as good as James,
but, you know, I'm trying.
remember what James used to say?
If you can dream it,
you can achieve it.
I guess that's what
I'm trying to do.
If you plant
the right seeds in life,
water them,
let the sun come down on them.
I'll start the grill.
They will come to fruition.
If you dream it,
you can achieve it.
Hey, babe.
I just wanted to call and
say I'm not gonna make it.
I would've called sooner,
but I'm with someone
very muy importante.
You get it.
And that's why I love us.
All right, see you later.
Oh, hey, make sure
you eat a salad.
Derek out.
Is your party
still gonna show up?
He's not coming.
Would you care
to order anything?
I like a large pizza.
And a large cheeseburger
with two patties well done.
And a baked potato with
bacon and sour cream.
And a snow cone.
A really big snow cone
with great flavor.
And a little bit of
vodka on the top of it,
and, like, a little
cherry and a little straw.
I would also like
a barrel of wine.
Dan, can we come in and
remove the centerpiece
from the table?
Robert, thank you
for coming in today.
I'm not gonna
sugarcoat it for you.
The main point is this.
Your father used the family
home as capital to, uh,
set up James' business.
The bank is gonna
foreclose on the house,
unless we can come up
with a viable solution.
What about writing a book?
Books sell.
Your brother had
a solid fan base.
Why not pick up
where he left off?
I'm sure you can write something
motivational, you know?
Or just...
Dan, can we move the-
- It's o-
- No, no.
No, it's okay.
You know, or something
with a little more pizzazz.
Your story.
Your story.
Hey, Janet.
Oh, my flights in
about an hour or so.
I gotta dash.
They brought in
some cheap motivational speaker
to help with the transition.
I don't know who it is.
I never ask these things.
Hey, guess what?
Contracts have all gone through.
I say we start with
the usual layoffs,
we outsource to China,
sell off the rest,
just like normal.
Somebody here?
All right, yeah, I gotta split.
I'll see you at the office.
What's that?
No, a truck.
Truck broke by.
Thank you.
My name is Fatty Melvin,
and I'm a motivational speaker.
So who wants to be motivated?
Uh, can I get a volunteer?
Now, you see,
in life, you have to push
through the competition.
You have to push
through those obstacles.
If you want to be the best,
if you want to be at the top,
you can't let anything get
in your way, all right?
So what I want you to do...
What's your name?
- Nick.
- Nick.
What I want you to do, Nick,
I just want you to break
through this board.
I believe you.
I believe you can do this.
If you believe it, you
can achieve it, all right?
Here we go.
All right, here we go.
Ooh, ooh, ooh!
My god, are you okay?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, boy.
Oh, um...
this is my story, huh?
It's not a great story.
I'm kind of sick of it.
Don't you get sick of
the same story in life?
The same story played
over and over again
like some bad rerun.
I know I'm sick of it.
You know, there's
the "always" story.
I always miss out on that job,
and I always get sick,
and I'm,
I'm always failing at
every single thing I do.
And then there's
the "never" story.
I'm never gonna succeed in life.
I'm never gonna travel.
I'm never gonna make it.
I'm never gonna
achieve my dreams.
It's never gonna happen for me.
The worst one is the
"not enough" story.
I'm not enough.
I don't look good enough.
I'm not slim enough.
I don't have enough hair.
And clearly I'm not a good
enough motivational speaker,
as you can all,
as you can all see.
But what...
What if you could
change your story?
What if you could rewrite it,
change it,
change the direction?
You could just recreate
your life, almost.
So what would you
want your story to be?
If you could rewrite it,
what would you want it to be?
I mean, anyone?
I'd go to Paris and eat
every single type of cheese.
Do it.
I'd go base jumping.
Yes, do it.
I'd go and start a band.
I'd ask Sarah
from accounts out.
Yes, yes.
I'd go visit my dad in Canada.
Yes, do it.
I'd give away all my
money to the homeless.
We can change our story.
We can do this thing.
And guess what?
Guess what?
We can all change
our story today.
You know why?
You know why?
Personal Best is closing down,
and there's nothing to stop you
so you can change
your story right now.
- Wait.
- Did you know?
- I didn't know that.
- What?
Absolutely, so
good to see you.
Yeah, right back.
There you are.
James Melvin, what did
you just say to my staff?
Uh, tea?
Let me...
Let me explain.
And you can't just go around
telling my staff
confidential information,
which isn't even true, mind you.
But I overheard.
No, Frank explained to me
that he was referring to another
business venture of ours,
not Personal Best.
Did you hear him
say Personal Best?
- No. No, I didn't.
- Okay.
Oh, at least let
me buy you a cupcake.
No, thank you.
Oh, uh...
Look, life can be
really tough, okay?
But it's actually about
a lot of hard work,
not just a lot of talk, okay?
Life is not just
some great story
that you can just change
whenever you want to.
Why not?
I mean,
are you happy?
Are you serious?
Am I happy?
I just sold my business
to a multi-billion dollar
conglomeration, okay.
I'm gonna be a millionaire.
it still doesn't quite
answer my question.
What do you want from me?
Am I happy?
No, I'm not happy.
I just sold my business.
I was losing so much money,
and I just feel stuck.
That's why I had to do that.
I didn't have
another choice, okay?
But I just have to
keep moving forward.
And then one day
I'm gonna know what I am
meant to do, all right?
But until then, I just,
I'm gonna keep
moving forward, okay?
But what if there
isn't one day?
What if all we have is today?
I mean, surely there must be
something deep down inside
that you've always wanted to do.
What is it that
you wanna do today?
Not one day, but today.
What, you just get that from
a Hallmark card or something?
I'm gonna use this one day.
Look, I gotta go.
Not one day, but right now.
Are you serious?
I know that, to
most people, um,
having fancy clothes
and being physically fit
and having a great
job and nice car,
full head of hair,
a family that loves them,
I know a lot of these
things mean a lot
to a lot of people, but
if you give me a chance,
I'll show you that those
things mean very little.
I have a boyfriend.
Just as friends.
Right, just friends.
So how are we looking?
I hear the Personal Best
deal went through smoothly?
- 1-wood.
- Yeah.
You still on track?
Just have to push it
through city council,
but I'm sure we'll have no
problem convincing the town
that this is the best
deal for everybody.
Well, I hope you
make this work, Frank.
I'd hate to have to
find a replacement.
Who's ready to lose?
Ah, there he is.
Frank, have you met Derek?
Yeah, Derek is my,
uh, superstar realtor.
Yes, I am.
He's gonna be the
next Grant Cardone.
Hey, have you picked
out your new private jet?
I have.
Gulfstream 450 for me.
Ah, I remember my first G4.
I have three now.
Thanks, Derek,
for encouraging Lisa to
fall through on this deal.
I got your back.
I won't forget it.
Wow, look at that.
Thank you.
Hey, no, just...
She's not gonna turn up.
She won't show.
Oh, she's gonna turn up.
What am I gonna say?
I don't know what
to say to a woman.
Um, I don't have
any witty remarks
or social media commentary
or political statements.
I don't know what to say.
I know.
I'll take some notes.
I'll write down some notes.
That's what I'll do.
I just need to write
down some notes.
That's it.
Okay, okay.
You just gotta go.
Don't think so much.
Don't overanalyze it.
Perfection is an excuse.
Just gotta go.
As you are.
No ducks in a row,
no stars in a line.
Just go.
I just gotta go.
I just gotta go.
This is too much.
We're friends, right?
Oh, look, we already made
it to friends.
Because I have a boyfriend.
And, I mean, I was
under the impression
this was just sort of an
acquaintance type dinner.
Yeah, yeah, it is.
That's all it is.
What is this place?
Oh, this is, uh, Mayor
Bob's golf course.
We could have just
gone to your house.
Oh, uh,
this is, uh, much nicer.
Take a seat.
Thank you.
Are you writing a book?
"The Fatty Melvin Way."
Yeah, it's kinda
like my nickname.
It's a really bad nickname.
Oh, I'm kind of used to it.
- Okay.
- Um...
That smells amazing.
Yeah, do you like ribs?
I've never had ribs before.
You're gonna love these.
Oh my gosh.
It's a recipe
that my dad and my brother
and I all kind of use.
Excuse me, my hands.
There you go.
Oh my gosh.
Been cooking these all day.
Okay, you just-
- Yeah, you just pick
'em up and eat 'em.
Oh my god.
Yeah, that's it.
This is so good.
This is really good.
Thank you.
Oh my god, dig in.
Mm, I'm super hungry,
I missed lunch.
I think I just hurt myself.
I'm in pain, I think my tooth.
Am I okay?
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, you look great.
I have, like, a shooting pain.
You got a bit of
something, uh...
Sorry, just a...
Are you sure?
Yeah, yeah, you're
fine, you're fine.
I'm gonna check my mirror.
I'm feeling-Whoa.
Hey, let's go for a walk.
Let me show you around
Mayor Bob's golf course.
It's awesome.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
This way.
Well, this used to be
John Denver's golf course.
Oh, the singer?
No, John Denver, real estate.
My dad and I used to sing, uh,
"Annie's Song"
together, growing up.
I used to play Daddy Warbucks
in the school play.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, it was weird.
Like I used to have to audition,
and after a while,
I used to just get the
role every year.
I don't know why.
It's weird.
It's not that weird.
Are those yours?
Well, yeah, look,
you know, um...
All right, let
me see what you got.
Oh, really?
Oh, please.
I'll try.
Okay, um, er...
All right, this.
I been practicing a lot.
I'm pretty good.
I can't wait to see that.
So, uh, you know,
it's all in the hips
and wrists, I think.
I'd call that a practice shot.
Yeah, sure, sure.
All right.
All right, it's
time to hand it over.
Move aside, sir.
So you know what to do?
Yes, I do.
'Cause you just gonna, like...
It's like, keep
your eye on the ball
and then swing
around like a circle.
Like that.
So I gotta play golf.
All right.
And it's about
getting it in the hole.
Very good.
All right, come here.
Let me show you something.
- Yeah.
- Oh, okay.
All right.
Relax your body.
Okay, squat your
legs, just a little bit.
Just a bit.
Don't be weird about it.
No, I'm not, I'm-
- Just like, relax your body.
All right.
Okay, all right.
You okay?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
And then...
And go for it.
That was awesome.
Let's go work it.
Yeah, all right.
Oh, ooh, there it is.
All right.
I got it.
Look who it is.
We should just go inside.
You do everything your
girlfriend tells you to do?
You'd have to be drunk
to be with her.
Or fat.
You just go inside.
I'll take care of this.
No, I can help you.
No, no, it's okay.
You go inside.
They're just kids.
I'll be fine.
Are you sure?
This ends now.
Hey, do you
think we should help him?
No, he needs to
prove his manhood.
Oh my gosh.
Hey, get outta here!
Hey, are you okay?
Thank gosh.
Did I win?
Did I protect you?
Not one bit, no.
Did you have a good night?
You okay?
Hold on.
I waited for you for
two hours at the Vine.
No, I'm with nobody you know.
I gotta go.
Oh, um,
take some cupcakes.
My book.
I had sort of a good
time tonight, so
thank you.
My tooth is missing, right?
Ooh, what happened to you?
It was a really long night.
Are you missing a tooth?
Can I have some coffee?
What's the matter?
You want me to
call you a dentist?
No, I don't want you
to call me a dentist.
I'm freaking out.
I'm freaking out.
I feel like I just
signed my baby away.
Octocircle are
a great company.
I don't care.
I keep feeling like
I made the decision.
But you're gonna
do so well from this.
I don't care how
well I do, Derek.
I care about my staff.
Hey, check this out.
What do you think?
Oh my God.
Like Grant Cardone does.
You make all this
money in real estate,
then you make even more
money selling books
about how you made
all the money.
We're going straight to the
top of the mountain, babe.
Super power couple, me and you.
That's awesome.
I'm really, really just-
- Let me get you a robe.
Oh my god, are you being
neurotic about dirt again?
You have a problem.
Yeah, you're right.
But it's so nice out.
Okay, are you seriously
blocking me right now?
We could go for a walk.
I'll get you a robe.
You're serious.
Okay, you know what?
Get yourself a robe.
I'm leaving.
Hey, I made
reservations for us
at the Vine tomorrow night.
But maybe get your
tooth fixed first.
Everything is the process.
It's the journey from
where we've been,
to where we want to go.
Trouble of this chaotic life,
that once you see the light,
you have to step
out and say goodbye.
You have to let go to
make room for the new.
It's time to face those
fears and rewrite your story.
Not one day, not tomorrow,
but today.
If you can grow through these
hard times, weather the storm,
the process will
have been worth it.
I can't believe
Lisa sold the company
to that conglomerate.
You know, I heard from
my cousin over Boone,
they came in and bought up
a whole lot of businesses
and shut them all down.
So they can open up a
mega mall an hour away.
A mega mall.
What is it?
What is it, Robert?
Have you heard something?
I may have overheard
that Personal Best was
going to be outsourcing
and possibly closing down.
But Lisa said that was
a different company,
so, uh, I may have got
the wrong information.
I am grateful for all of
Lisa's campaign support, okay?
And everything else
she's done for this town.
But don't you see this
deal won't affect her?
Oh, sure, she'll be fine in
some big mansion in the city.
But the rest of us.
It's a ripple effect.
A ripple effect.
That can turn us
into a rust belt.
A rust belt.
That company was the only thing
keeping this town alive, Robert.
It was our lifeblood.
It was our neighborhood's
biggest employer.
Without it, they'll
all move away.
All move away.
And there won't be a
town they need a mayor for.
No mayor.
I should call her.
What is that?
It works.
Hello, Lisa's phone.
Yeah, hi, is, uh, Lisa there?
No, she's not here right now.
Could I take a message for her?
Yeah, I just need to talk to her
about the Octocircle Mall
that's gonna be built.
Oh. Wow.
I think it could
be detrimental to the city
and to the town-
Oh, she'll definitely
wanna know that.
People are gonna lose jobs-
- And I'll be sure to tell her.
Oh, great. I
really appreciate it.
Oh, you left your phone.
Anybody call?
Hey, the fish looks good.
For you.
I've think I'm gonna
have the burger,
since it's our cheat day.
Protein style, of course.
Gotta keep Des and Troy fed.
Oh, yeah.
She sold us out.
She sold us out.
She's gonna call back.
We need to take matters
into our own hands.
We need to take matters
into our own hands.
Fatty should go?
You should go.
Go where?
To Octocircle.
To Octocircle.
That's a perfect idea.
You should go to Octocircle
and you go down and you
tell those fat cats,
"This town is not for sale."
Why me?
You can do it.
You can do it.
You're the Fatty.
Fatty, Fatty, Fatty, Fatty.
She's gonna call back.
Fatty, sometimes the
phone doesn't ring.
But we're called anyway.
You gotta answer
the call, Fatty.
Fatty, Fatty,
Fatty, Fatty, Fatty, Fatty.
How was your day?
It was busy.
Just been really busy with all
the stuff that I have to do
to close the business,
and I thought it was gonna be
really simple, but it's not.
And I may have to
start laying people off
and I really don't
wanna do that.
I really don't.
I probably should
have got protein style,
but, hey, I can
afford the calories.
The business stuff,
it's nothing personal.
Hey, besides, I may have scored
a massive real estate deal
with these guys.
Yeah, it's for this
huge piece of land.
What's it for?
No, you don't.
I signed an ND,
and my lips are sealed.
But if you can keep a secret,
it's for one of those
massive mega malls.
It's gonna be huge.
It's gonna be suit
heaven for me.
For me.
Oh, don't ever move
your body like that.
Hey, did you know
about the mall?
The what?
The mall that Octocircle
is planning on building.
Uh, no.
What's that got to
do with the deal?
How do people get to the mall?
Look, Octocircle's plan to
build the mall is right here,
and the exit ramp for
the 450 highway is here,
and we are right here.
It goes through the town.
What are we gonna do about it?
There has to be some
way that we can stop this.
Lisa, you can't do anything.
I'm just a small town lawyer.
I may have trained with a guy
who trained with Jackie Chan,
and these hands might have
been registered lethal weapons
since I was the age of three.
I might be able to teach a baby
how to do an entire martial
arts form in two seconds.
What does that
have to do with this?
This specifically?
My point is we
signed a contract
with one of the biggest
companies in America.
And that contract is ironclad.
Even if we had a case,
they would bury us in
so much legal paperwork,
we'd go on for years.
And by that time,
they would've
probably built the mall by then.
They're too big to bring down.
They're too big to sue.
They're too big to fail.
I don't care.
There's gotta be
something that I can do.
You can't do anything.
Your hands aren't made of steel.
Then what?
What do we do?
We can pray for a miracle.
Hi, um,
I would like to have a meeting
with the head of Octocircle?
Do you have an
appointment, sir?
Uh, no, no.
No, I don't.
Well, I can't let you in
unless you have an appointment.
Oh, uh, can I
make an appointment?
Certainly, sir.
You can call the help desk.
Yeah, I've been calling
them like a hundred times.
Well, apparently we
can't help you.
You sure?
Oh, uh...
Uh, okay.
Is this your food?
It's not mine.
I mean, it's
just sitting here.
All right.
Don't want it to go to waste.
I can't have gluten.
I beat Jordan
Spieth by two strokes
wearing this.
That's cool.
Wait, wait, wait!
I am so sorry, Mr. Peters,
he just slipped right by me.
No, no, I-
- You know, security
is on its way.
I represent the
workers of Personal Best.
Carol, Carol, it's fine.
We'll take it from here.
And get my clubs ready.
I have a tee time in 20.
Seriously, who hired her?
And you are?
My name is Fatty Melvin
and I am a motivational speaker.
What, like Tony Robbins?
Not quite.
I mean, I'm still
working my way up.
Would you like a donut?
No, no, I'm fine, thanks.
Maybe two donuts?
Half a dozen?
No, I'm fine, I'm fine.
Carol, bring our
hungry guest some donuts.
It's just that I
wanted to talk to you
about the fact that you're
closing down the factory
and the fact that you're
gonna be laying off
all these workers and-
- I don't understand,
Mr. Melvin.
It is staying in the town.
What wild conspiracies
have you been looking up
on the internet?
I, uh,
I don't actually have
the internet web.
Get him a couple of donuts,
er, or five.
I don't want any.
It's just that, um,
I heard you.
What did you say?
In the Personal
Best restrooms,
I overheard you say.
Whoa, this guy,
following me into
the men's room.
That's something.
This dude walks into our offices
and says out loud he's
been listening to me
in a men's room.
- No, no, no, it's not-
- Can you believe that?
Let me tell you something,
you low life piece of trash.
You are in a room full
of lawyers right now.
I would be very cautious
about throwing around
wild accusations.
Well, okay then.
I don't know what it is you
think you heard, Mr. Melvin,
but you have now successfully
made me late for my golf game.
Carol, do I like to be
late for my golf game?
No, sir.
Don't validate his parking.
Carol, my clubs.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
You promised you
wouldn't do this.
You, well, you, you,
you promised Lisa that you
wouldn't sell off the company,
that you would keep all
the people working there.
I mean, you're
just lying to her.
You're lying to the whole town.
Stay here.
What you need to
understand, Fatty,
is the economy works on the
basis of supply and demand.
So what I'm saying, Fatty,
is advertisement
creates the demand,
the need, the want
for something more.
And if you can convince
people they need something
they didn't even
know they wanted,
well, that's just gravy on top.
At Octocircle, we create
more, we give people stuff.
And everybody wants more stuff.
And, hey,
if you can create it cheaper
somewhere else overseas,
well, that's even better.
We all get more, and
we all get happy.
So you're saying we should
all be working multiple jobs
just so we can buy more stuff?
That's what's gonna
make us happy?
Yes, that's exactly
what I'm saying.
Watch out.
Fatty, you're probably
one of those guys that
think that stupid
t-shirt slogan,
like "Money can't
buy you happiness,"
is actually true, right?
Well, Fatty, I'm pretty happy.
man, we're sorry about this.
We heard what you said in there.
Yeah, we did, you know.
I didn't really say anything.
Can't believe that my dad
got laid off after
30 years on a job.
You believe that?
Oh, that's scary.
So we know what it's like.
Yeah, we do.
And, well, that's why it makes
it hard for us to do this.
Oh, well, gotta go.
They don't want you here, man.
Yeah, but
we respect you for trying.
Thanks for the cookies.
I sent you a bunch of texts.
I was trying to
get a hold of you.
Oh, uh...
Is that your phone?
Yeah, it's a vintage.
That explains it.
You wanna sit?
Oh, thanks.
This is my grandma.
She was so pretty.
We used to make
cupcakes together
and we'd pass them around
to all the neighbors.
It wasn't about money
or anything like that.
It was just,
like if people were sick
or they had lost their jobs
or just had a baby.
It's just the best
feeling in the world
to see people's faces.
And then my grandma died and
I had to move to a new school,
and all the kids there just
started calling me fat.
And it was just really bad.
And my dad left us,
and he left us like in this
really bad financial state and
my super skinny mom was
trying to find a new husband
and so she put me on
every diet there was
because she said she couldn't
have a chubby daughter.
And I just remember
feeling determined
to solve my family's
financial difficulties.
And so I lost the weight
and I started making money
and I built this company
from the ground up.
That's how all this started.
And I remember just,
like telling myself, as
I was working so hard,
like, eventually one
day I would be happy.
And, like, no matter how
much I eat, I'm just hungry.
Now I have more money than I
could ever think about having,
and the only thing that
I feel inside is empty.
You know, whenever
you get those, like,
really bad knots in your stomach
and you keep telling yourself,
I just keep pushing forward
and just pushing it down
and pushing it down,
then it's eventually
gonna go away.
But then it doesn't.
I had to lay people off today.
My favorite thing about my job
was giving other people jobs.
That's all I wanted to do.
And today I had to
call those same people
and take their jobs away.
I did that.
I even have to lay
our janitor off.
By the way,
do you know who
Robert Melvin is?
'Cause I was talking
to my payroll today
and she said that the
motivational speaker that came in
was Robert Melvin,
and I know the janitor
has the same last name.
I'm just really confused.
I'm Robert Melvin.
My brother is James Melvin.
I'm your janitor.
I've been your janitor
for five years.
I've been...
I've been watching you for
five years and just love-
- You're not a
motivational speaker?
No, no, no, I, I-
- You said all those things?
Why would you do that?
Well, I...
I liked you.
You like me?
I freely liked you.
What are you doing here?
Mayor Bob told
me you were here.
I wanted to invite you
to step up and join me,
live in the "Mountain Top Life."
I've seen a lot
of deals go down,
and you are not gonna get
a better deal than this.
Uh, look, I'm not really
interested in any deal.
I've been thinking about
me and you a lot lately.
I don't even know who you are.
Who are you?
Nobody wants you here.
This is embarrassing.
I don't care.
I want the world to know.
Don't ever spin
like that again.
Lisa Cohen.
Are you serious?
About as serious as I am
of any of my real estate deals.
Our true self, the
person God created you to be,
has been buried
under so much rubble
in this chaotic life,
that once you see the light,
you have to step out
and say goodbye.
You have to let go to
make room for the new.
It's time to face those
fears and rewrite your story.
Not one day, not tomorrow,
but today.
You're not here, James.
You don't know
what this is like.
Son of a...
Oh, spasm.
Here, here, here.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
we have a problem.
I feel it.
There's been a leak.
No, not that.
They know about the mall.
They know about the off-ramp.
How did this happen?
I don't know.
Well, I need you to find
someone to fix this quickly.
Do you think you
can find someone?
Or am I gonna have to take
matters into my own hands?
I, uh,
I have somebody in mind.
Okay, okay, okay.
Breathe through it.
I'll guide you.
Hey, hey.
I was on my way to see a client
and thought I'd come by
and see how you were doing.
I wanna fight them.
I know, I know, I know.
But you can't.
Legally speaking,
you signed a conflict
of interest agreement.
There's gotta be
something that we can do.
the council meeting, perhaps.
The only way
would be if you were to get
the whole town to say no.
But that's nearly impossible,
given the timeframe.
Nothing is impossible.
And, you know, nobody in this
town even wants them here.
No one in town is in town.
They're looking for new jobs.
It might be time
to give up, Lisa.
Is that new?
Oh, uh,
Look, they have a great
dental and health plan.
They're not all that bad.
Look, I got kids.
A lot of people have kids.
Hey, hey, Fatso Melvin.
- Fatty.
- Fatty.
Fatty Melvin, the next
Tony Robbins right here.
Fatty, Fatso. Who cares?
We're all friends here, right?
You, me, Janet, and 10 lawyers.
Would you mind if we, um...
Come in?
Oh, okay.
Okay, ha-ha, here we are.
You look like a sporty guy, huh?
Let me ask you a question.
How often would you
say you exercise?
Well, about three times.
A week?
A month?
No, I've given you my answer.
Let's get him the clubs.
Uh, yeah, I, I,
I don't really need these.
Yeah, kill the clubs.
Yeah, you're probably
not a golfing man,
but you seem more like a, uh...
Football guy.
That's right, yeah, football.
You play some football?
A little bit in high school.
I can tell.
Well, yeah, uh,
like the coach really
wanted me on the team,
but, uh, he kind of
put me on the side
and so-
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's real interesting.
Let's get right to it, Fatso.
- Fatty.
- Fatty.
You care about this
town, don't you?
Yes, I, I, I do.
Yes, I respect that.
I can tell.
You have this special quality,
and people want to listen
to you when you speak.
In fact, Fatso-
- Fatty.
- Fatty, when you, uh,
you came to the
office the other day,
your words spoke to me.
Now, a lot of people
think that Octocircle
is this faceless
corporate Goliath
that wants to come in and
crush everything in its path.
That is not true.
In fact, that couldn't
be further from the truth
because we care.
We care about...
- Education.
- Education.
We care deeply about...
- Environment.
- Environment.
And also...
- The troops.
- The troops.
We care about the crap
that little Americans like you
think about on a daily basis.
Let me ask you a question.
How do you spell jobs?
Uh, J-
- Opportunity, that's right.
You have the capacity within you
to create thousands of jobs.
I mean, the mall itself
will create 10 times more
employment opportunities
than Personal Best
and the entire
town currently has.
And listen, Fatso-
- Fatty.
Fatty, it's not
just any kind of jobs,
this is high-paying
jobs with benefits.
And we know that that
is important to you
and it's important to us.
If it's important to this town
and it's important to you,
it's important to Octocircle.
Who's with me, Janet?
So I am here.
I am here, Fatso-
- Fatty.
- Fatty.
To ask for your help.
From one patriot to another,
we need your backing on this.
I, uh...
So how about it, Fatty?
Can you help motivate this town
to make the best choice,
the right choice,
the only choice?
I want you to
take a look outside.
As a small token
of our appreciation
of your support of this town,
we would like nothing more
than to see you in that
bad boy right there.
Suits you to a tee.
Oh, hi.
I've read your book.
It's really good, Robert.
Pretty good for
a janitor, huh?
It's good for anybody.
Are you thinking about
working for Octocircle?
I'm really sorry.
I know I got us into this mess,
and it was a really big
mistake selling Personal Best.
It doesn't have to be like this.
Look, they're not that bad.
I mean, they're creating
thousands of jobs for this town,
so, you know.
Aren't you about following
your true calling in life?
Isn't that what you always say?
You know, "Not one
day, but today"?
You know, if you end up
working for Octocircle,
you're gonna be
stuck with no choice
under a corporation that
doesn't even care about you.
Well, that's what it was
like for me at Personal Best.
At least these guys,
they have medical and
dental and a 401k.
And they give me
the opportunities
to climb that corporate ladder
to one day maybe even manage
my own Octocircle franchise.
You don't buy into
all that junk.
You know it's a lie.
It's a cold, dark,
scary world out there.
Isn't that what you told me?
I don't have all these
great opportunities.
I've gotta do what I can.
And this is a great
opportunity for me.
This is a really good book,
and you are very talented.
And you could help
a lot of people.
This is not how it's
supposed to end.
We can change the story.
We can.
That's what you always said.
What, you talking about
the city council meeting?
Yes, listen, if we
get enough no votes,
they will have to stop the plan
for the Octocircle
Mall proposal.
Well, why don't you go?
Legally I can't go.
I'm also getting
married the same day.
But you can.
You can go and convince
them to vote no.
I am gonna go.
I'm gonna vote yes.
You should finish your book.
I have one more
question for you.
Are you really happy
with your story now?
New motor home.
Yeah, it's like 33
feet or something.
It's got satellite TV and
internet web and
leather seats and stuff.
It's pretty cool.
I still prefer
the old classic.
What are you doing here?
I quit drinking.
Oh, that's great.
It's been two weeks.
Robert, I know I haven't
always been there for you.
I got so caught up in
trying to make it work out,
that I missed it.
Life goes by so fast.
And before you know it,
you wake up one day and you
realize you never lived it.
Your brother understood that.
He was never truly happy,
again, after Heather left him.
The night your brother died,
I saw him alone in
his brand new car,
before you arrived.
I saw him sitting there
and he was the saddest
I've ever seen him.
I remember getting angry at him,
thinking to my myself,
"Why is he so sad?
He's got everything."
I just couldn't understand it.
You didn't know how
he felt, I mean...
I pushed him
to get where he was,
and he was miserable.
I'm sorry.
I am so sorry.
It's okay, Dad.
It's okay.
Robert, you can fix this.
You can do what your
brother always wanted to do.
Find happiness.
What is the greatest thing
we can achieve in this life?
Maybe you were
wondering this yourself.
What is it?
Is it love?
If it's love,
why do we fail at it so often?
you're the fat guy
from the golf course.
You read my book?
Uh, no.
What's your name again?
Uh, Fatty Melvin.
And you're a
motivational speaker?
Uh, yeah.
Well, good for
you, Fatty Melfy.
Frank asked me to speak to you
and make sure we're
all good for today.
You got your speech
all worked out?
Can I see it?
It's, uh,
it's kind of personal.
Is that your speech?
Why don't you show
me what's in the box?
Why don't you show
me what's in the box?
No, no.
Oh, yeah.
Three years of MMA
training is gonna make you
show me what's in the box.
That's not good.
What happened?
Yeah, man, you need
to go deal with that.
Uh-uh, I dealed
with the last one.
No, no, no, I
did the last one.
You remember...
I'm getting the hooks in.
I'm getting the hooks in.
You know what?
Paper, Rock, Scissors.
All right?
Come on.
Come on, it's the only fair way.
How about you go to sleep
so I can go to my wedding.
She doesn't...
She doesn't know you
work for Octocircle.
What's that got
to do with you?
Go to sleep.
Get this fat loser outta here.
I'll do the speech myself.
Do you know who I am?
Let me through, you neanderthal.
Now, we know who
Fatty Melvin is.
My whole house
is Plastic Ware.
What is the meaning of this?
Oh, oh.
Well, what is it?
Oh, yeah, uh, your majesty.
Oh, I mean, your honor.
Um, thank you.
My name is, uh,
Fatty Melvin and, uh,
I'm here to put forth the
proposition to vote
against the Octocircle Mall.
Well, you better act fast.
We're about to take the vote.
I would like to read a letter
from my late brother,
James Melvin.
I wish someone had told me
that when I climbed this
mountain and reached the top
that I would be all alone.
I wish that I was told that
happiness isn't found in more.
Instead, I was told that
this was the prize, the goal,
that I would be complete,
here, among the money and stuff.
But I found out-
Isn't this your friend?
- That it's all vanity.
- That Fatty guy?
I had everything I
wanted in front of me,
and yet I sacrificed it
all in order to get more.
I wish I had realized
that who I am is enough,
and that my friends and family,
and even the
strangers around me,
are worth more than
any amount of money,
power, or prestige
I could ever obtain.
I wish someone had told me
that the prize wasn't at the
top of the mountain after all.
That it was here
at the bottom
all along,
in that ordinary normal life
that I spent my whole
life running from.
I wish that someone had told
me to choose joy in the now
instead of searching for
it in the what may be.
I wish someone had told me.
They didn't.
But now I'm telling you.
It's time to listen.
That's a beautiful
speech, son.
Just beautiful.
A little long, but can
we just get going now?
What is it that you want?
Do you want more
stuff, more toys?
He who has the most toys wins.
But you can't
take it with you.
But I can leave it
to my kids, right?
You know, the...
The only thing I ever
wanted from my dad
was his love.
I just wanted him to
love me, that's it.
That was it.
I didn't need anything else.
I just have one last thing.
One last thing.
All right, I think it's
time for us to have a vote.
Okay, um,
I guess it's over to you now.
I think it's time for us
to take a vote on the matter.
All those in favor of Octocircle's
mall proposal say aye.
Those opposed?
You've got some moxie, son
The motion for Octocircle's
proposal is denied.
Your brother would
be very proud of you.
Thanks, Dad.
Thank you, Robert.
Yes, Fatty did it.
That's for making me
lose my security deposit
on the wedding reception.
She's gone.
New York, apparently.
On the flip side,
I have a sweet new
gig at Octocircle.
What do you say?
It's not all bad, Fatty.
Nah, come on.
Now get off my property.
Hey, Fatty.
Hi, Kathy. How's
Never been better.
How are you doing?
The same.
Our true self, the
person God created you to be,
has been buried under so much
rubble of this chaotic life,
that once you see the light,
you have to step
out and say goodbye.
You have to let go to
make room for the new.
It's time to face those
fears and rewrite your story.
Not one day, not tomorrow,
but today.
if you're ever over this way,
I could always do
some "motorvation."
Love, Lisa.
My brother, James, used to say,
"If you could dream it,
you can achieve it."
That's, uh, pretty good advice.
The problem is,
having your own dreams
is scary sometimes.
You might fall, you might fail,
and honestly, you might
never achieve them.
But the truth is
we all fall, and fail.
But if we never give
our dreams a chance,
we will never know
the joy of reaching.
So dream big, then go boldly,
venture into the unknown,
honor the past that helped
make you who you are,
take joy in the present,
remember that you make a
difference here on earth
just by being you,
and then get out there
and tackle the future.
Know that you're not alone.
You're awesome.
You got this.
This is your story.
Get out there and write it.
Go write your own story.