Mr. Manhattan (2024) Movie Script

(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(bright music)
(bright music continues)
(people chattering faintly)
- Do you want help?
- I'm good.
(balloons squeaking)
(bright music continues)
Oh, there he is.
(Mr. Alvarez laughs)
(gentle music)
- (Mr. Alvarez laughs)
- May I be the first
to congratulate
you, Uncle Mason.
- And you, Auntie Dani.
- Not yet. Soon.
(Dani and Mason sigh)
Give your family my love, Mason.
The church will bring
by some meals this week.
I appreciate that.
Hey, let's get going.
- Come on.
- Bye, dad. I love you.
- Love you.
- Oh my gosh.
What is all of this?
I'm gonna give the kid
everything I never had.
Oh, you dropped this.
- What's this?
- That is for later.
- (paper rustling)
- Come on, let's go, let's go.
I think this is it.
Yep, it's right here.
- Hey guys.
- Mason?
- Is that you?
- And Dani, too,
if you can see me behind this.
- Hi!
- Hey, come in, you guys.
Hi, oh.
Oh my goodness. (Billy laughs)
Congratulations, ugh.
Look, I got you something.
Look at this right
here, t-shirt for you.
That's awesome.
Thank you, man.
(Mason laughs) Thank you.
- I'm gonna put it on now.
- Hi, buddy.
- And, uh, here you go.
- Okay, yes.
- For above.
- This is going over his crib.
- Exactly. Exactly.
- Thank you. (laughs)
Aww, hi, bud.
Wow. (gentle music)
Meet Reuben Mason Bradley.
- (gentle music)
- Are you serious?
- (Tina laughs)
- He's so beautiful.
(Mason laughs) Do
you wanna hold him?
Yes. (laughs) (baby babbling)
- Okay, Aunt, Dani.
- I'm sorry.
I don't wanna wake
you up. I'm sorry.
Okay, okay. (laughs)
Aww. (laughs)
I, I don't wanna take
away from this moment,
but guys, I got into Columbia.
- Ivy League?
- Yeah.
Congratulations. (laughs)
- You always were the brains.
- Right? Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
So, Columbia? Like in
Manhattan, Columbia?
I got a scholarship
and Dr. Owens
is recommending me
for a clerk position.
It's, it's happening.
I was thinking maybe we should
move the wedding
up a little bit.
That way we could go together.
I can just see you in New York
writing your books
with your fun scarves.
- Let's think about it.
- Of course.
(gentle music continues)
How's it going?
Brothers marrying best friends.
Our lives are turning
out way better
than we would've
imagined, right?
- (laughs) Yeah, it did.
- And,
I'd like you to be
Reuben's godfather,
if you're willing.
(laughs) Yes. (Billy laughs)
(sighs) I would do
anything for you,
and now him.
Whatever he needs, Dani and I,
we will, we'll both
be there, I promise.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(bright music)
(traffic whooshes)
(bright music continues)
It's only 7:00 AM.
What kind of an emergency
do you think this is?
Well, there's an
unflattering article
in the Journal this morning,
and the team said Stonehouse
wasn't responding well.
They want attorneys
present. It's important.
Oh, thank you for the
opportunity to help, sir.
Stonehouse is a long-term
client and friend,
so I'll take the lead, okay?
Whatever it is.
We'll sort it out.
- (reporters chattering)
- Get away!
- No, get away from me.
- Yeah, I see him. I gotta go.
- Mr. Stonehouse!
- Please stay away from me.
- Stay away.
- Mr. Stonehouse!
- What happened?
- They started it.
Those reporters showed up at
his house, sprung up on him
when he went out to
get his newspaper.
He jumps in the car and
they followed him here.
That's it, okay? Stay.
- Mr. Stonehouse, sir.
- Huh?
I'm Mason Bradley. I
work with Mr. Donovan.
Hey, Donny, Donny,
tell them that this
article is wrong, huh?
There was no financial
eh, or fraud.
They, they don't
have all the facts.
We'll take care of it, Stoney,
- no problem.
- Absolutely.
Just, just come down.
Did you do it, Mr. Stonehouse?
- (reporters chattering)
- Just keep him talking, okay?
How will the company survive?
Hey everyone, hi.
Mason Bradley,
Donovan & Devereux.
It's my understanding that
you were all trespassing
on my client's private
property this morning,
stalking him and
causing him to rush
into this very
dangerous situation.
- Okay. Okay.
- Hey, now,
- that is not what happened.
- And
taking unauthorized
video right here
inside his business,
his private property.
That's how you're gonna be?
Come on guys, you
heard the man? Hmm?
That article that was
published was inaccurate.
Now what I wanna know
is which one of you
will be the one to
break the true story?
Hmm? (bright music)
Walk out right now, all
right? Gimme a call.
I will schedule an interview,
and the first one will
get the exclusive,
or I can start filing
some restraining orders.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
- Let's go.
- You're gonna be okay.
We'll get you down
nice and slow.
- One-two, one-two.
- Nice and slow.
Nothing to worry about.
I got this.
(bright music continues)
- I got this. I got this.
- Okay.
Thank you.
Hey, Mr. Stonehouse. Sir,
all the reporters are gone.
I think it's in your best
interest that we get you down.
Okay, we can reverse any
damage this article is done.
You can trust me.
Okay. That's good to know.
Now, can we get you
down on the ground?
I can't. (sighs)
I don't know how to
make it go back down.
There's a small little lever
- right in the back.
- Oh.
- And just press down.
- Oh, there it is.
- Yep.
- Okay.
- Yep. No, no, no, no.
- Wrong way.
Okay, okay. Relax, relax.
- Okay, let's try again.
- Slow.
- You got it.
- Okay, going down.
I'm gonna meet you down there.
- Okay. Hurry up.
- All right, all right.
- Just keep going.
- 'Cause I'm comin'.
(lift whirring)
Yeah, you back off.
Back away. I don't know you.
- Take care. Easy, easy.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- Watch your step.
- Thanks you.
- Stoney, be careful now.
Don't tell Lenora, please.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
- I am headed home.
- Thank you, Hazel.
- Don't need anything else.
- I didn't ask.
The partners are all talking
about the stunt
you pulled today.
(scoffs) Well, I
wouldn't call it a stunt.
It really shook Donovan.
I actually heard him say maybe
it's time for him to retire.
Ellen, it was a mess.
It was out of control.
Not for you.
They said you had everyone
in the room sign an NDA
- before you left the building.
- Obviously.
Look what we need to
do to damage control.
We're giving you the
Stonehouse account.
Are you serious?
Donovan asked me if I
thought you could handle it.
Go and celebrate with your girl.
You'll have a lot on
your plate tomorrow.
(smooth jazz music)
(Mason laughs)
You come to me on
a midsummer night
(knock echoes from the door)
It's you.
You don't have any pets, do you?
It's good to see you
too, Mrs. Malick.
Uh, no, no, I, I
don't have any pets.
Hmm. Because I
am hearing a cat.
Little meows coming
from somewhere, hmm?
I don't have a cat.
But you can come in
and look if you want.
You shouldn't have a
cat. There are rules.
Yes, I know. Many, many rules.
If you see a cat,
you'll let me know?
- Absolutely.
- Hmm, thank you.
We're gonna find it.
(knock taps on
door) (Mason sighs)
Mrs. Malick, I still
don't have a cat.
Good. (laughs) I'm allergic.
Hi. Okay, have a seat.
Sorry, she's been
on one this week.
Oh, can't wait to hear what
this special occasion's about.
I cannot wait to tell you.
So tell me, how was your day?
I feel like it's about
to get better. (laughs)
Okay, I'm gonna get to it.
Yes? (laughs)
are looking at a future
partner of Donovan & Devereux.
(smooth jazz continues)
- They're promoting you?
- Uh, they will,
but I got the
Stonehouse account.
He's been a client of Donovan
for decades, and I got it.
- Congratulations, darling.
- Thank you.
(phone buzzing) Oh,
oh, I'm so sorry.
Let's see.
Um, okay, ah, so this steak,
it is from our favorite
place in the city.
- Crown Shy?
- You got it.
(phone buzzing)
Dani Alvarez?
Isn't she-She was, but she's,
she's still best friends
with my sister-in-law, so.
(phone dings)
Hmm. She's
persistent. (laughs)
Yeah, she is.
You know, maybe I should just...
I'm sorry. I'll be
right back, okay?
Mm-mwah. (Tish laughs)
(Tish sighs) (Mason sighs)
(phone rings)
(phone rings)
Hi. (sighs)
Hey, hey, is everything okay?
Well, I needed to tell you that
Billy and Tina, they
were in an accident,
An accident? Uh,
uh, are they okay?
Mason, I'm sorry,
they didn't make it.
What? (gentle music)
(Dani breathing heavily)
(sighs) Hold on.
How are the kids?
I was babysitting them
when I got the call,
but the thing is, we
need you here right away
because CPS is coming
in the morning.
Hold on, hold on.
What's going on?
I'm not related and
you're their guardian,
so it has to be you. (sighs)
Okay, Okay.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna
get on the first train.
We're gonna figure this out.
Please tell the kids that I'll
be there as soon as I can.
(gentle music continues)
(bright music)
(door squeaks)
How are the kids?
My dad took them in the park.
There's a lot of
strangers inside.
Well, let's go get
rid of 'em, shall we?
(door squeaks)
Hi, I'm Mason Bradley.
I believe you guys
are waiting for me?
Lydia Miller from County
CPS. My condolences to you.
Thank you.
I'm here to make sure
there's a proper transfer
- of legal guardianship.
- As I said,
the parents have this covered.
Just give us a moment.
Mr. Bradley, my
name's Clayton Booth.
I'm your brother's attorney.
I, I just can't tell
you how sorry I am.
Thank you. You have their
will and directives, I assume?
- Let's get this settled.
- Okay.
(footsteps tapping)
I will clear this off for you.
Thank you.
(papers rustling) Uh,
it's all in order.
(Mason sighs)
Sorry. (laughs)
You know, I'm, I'm
just a bit surprised.
Did they not tell
you their wishes?
No, no, no.
They, they told me right
when the kids were born,
but it's just,
it's not something
that you think is
actually gonna happen.
Um, look,
I haven't been around
for the last few years.
My circumstances changed.
To be honest, I, I didn't think
that they still wanted me.
Do you not want the
children, Mr. Bradley?
(gentle music)
Look, my life is just,
it's not really set
up for kids right now.
They did give you the power
to appoint somebody else
if you are unable or
unwilling to take them.
No, no, no. It's, it's, it's
not that I'm not willing.
I told Billy I would do it.
I'm gonna keep my promise.
(gentle music continues)
Is Uncle Mason here?
Hey, AJ, hi.
Hi. Oh my goodness.
You're so big.
Reuben, look at
you. You're so tall.
Hey, Mason. Welcome
back, buddy.
[Mason] Thank you.
(Mason sighs)
- Appreciate it.
- How are you?
Great, thank you.
Are you going to
live with us now?
You know, (sighs) my
job's in New York,
and I kind of got a new job
now, but I was thinking,
what if you guys came over
there to live with me?
Thank you.
Reuben! New York City.
I hate New York.
Well, have you ever
even been to New York?
That's the place in the movies
where all of the superheroes
protect the city.
- That's right.
- Yeah.
Because that's where the
super villains attack.
They come out of the
sewers and stuff.
Okay, look, for the record,
I've never seen anything
come out of the sewer.
The point is, if there
were super villains,
I will be right there
to protect you, okay?
(gentle music continues)
Look, guys, we're a family,
and I know it's probably
really confusing right now.
But I'm gonna take care of you.
Got it? (gentle
music continues)
Gimme a hug. Come on.
(gentle music continues)
(crickets chirping)
- Hey.
- Hey.
I just got the
kids down. (laughs)
Poor little AJ went to sleep
with every single one
of her stuffed animals.
Thank you.
- No, no, no. I, I got it.
- Hey, let me help you.
All right.
I really hate to be asking this,
but any chance that you're
available to watch them
just for like a day so I
can get back to the city
and take care of a few things?
Are you serious? Why?
This client, he's had
a bit of an episode,
and we're just
keeping an eye on him.
Plus, I got a lot to get done
before the kids get there.
What about the house?
I mean, and getting the kids
ready to go be with you?
(sighs) Right.
How about this?
When I come back, we can
pack up all the essentials
and I'll just hire movers
to help us get everything
into storage, for now.
By the way, the rent
is paid for this month,
but not for the next month,
so we gotta get everything
out pretty quick.
No, no, no. I'll do it.
I don't want some
random strangers
packing up my friend's things.
I know what's meaningful,
so I'll just box it up
and I'll donate the
rest to charity.
All right. If that's
what you want. (sighs)
Mason. Just (sighs)
hear me out.
What if the kids
came to live with me?
I, I know that's not
what's in the will,
but I saw that you
could appoint someone.
I mean, I mean, think about it.
I have been
babysitting these kids
every single week
since they were born.
They know me. I was their
Sunday school teacher.
I, I love them, like
they were my own.
- I love them too.
- I know. I know that.
Think about it. Like, this
would not disrupt their routine.
They, (sighs) they could
still go to their school
and have their friends
and, and, and their church.
Billy and Tina
asked me, remember?
I know that.
That was 10 years ago (laughs)
when they thought that...
(gentle music)
I'm just saying, you
have very long hours,
and you already have
so much to think about.
Do you even know what
school district you're in?
I guess I'll just look
at private schools.
What about a church?
These kids have to know that
God is gonna be there for them.
They have to know that
they can trust Him.
I don't even know if I
know what that means.
(gentle music continues)
What does that mean?
I'm not gonna tell these kids
that God's gonna
make everything okay.
They're hurting.
This is hard, and I'm not
gonna pretend that it isn't.
I'm also not gonna
pretend that this is part
of just some big greater plan.
I think it's just best
that we tell them the truth
so that we don't set them
up for disappointment.
Will you just (sighs) go home
and consider my suggestion?
I really feel like these kids
are better off
being raised here.
I would be honored to
be the one to do that.
(gentle music
continues) (Mason sighs)
(Dani sighs)
(traffic whooshing)
(keys tapping) (phone ringing)
Ellen's in your office.
(phone ringing)
We give you the firm's
highest-stakes client,
and you come in late?
And you were gone yesterday?
- I'm sorry. Look, I- -
Dog ate your homework?
(sighs) My brother and his
wife died in an accident.
Oh, Mason, that's horrible.
Do you need some time?
Donovan can pick
up with Stonehouse.
No, no, I've got it.
Actually, I am the
executor to their estate,
so I'm gonna have to head
back and manage a few things,
for the services,
if that's okay.
That sounds very unhealthy.
Yeah, well, (sighs)
if it makes you feel
any better, I've cried.
And if I work hard enough,
I'll be able to afford
an expensive therapist.
I think you're joking.
But seriously, we don't wanna
drop the ball with Stonehouse.
No ball's been dropped.
(door squeaks)
(paper rustling)
(door slams)
(Mason sighs)
(phone rings)
[Tish] Hi, you've
reached Tish Brown
at Manhattan Real Estate.
Leave a message. (Mason sighs)
- (phone beeps)
- Hey, Tish, it's me.
Look, uh, I don't like to mix
business and personal stuff,
but I need your help. (sighs)
I didn't wanna say anything,
but now that you've asked,
I am so glad you're
making this decision.
I mean, as fabulous
as this place is,
it's time for you
to have some space.
I agree.
You know, I'm, I'm kind of
thinking like, three bedrooms.
- Three?
- Mm-hmm.
So the promotion's official?
Eh, eh, not, not yet.
But, uh, look, I'm just
gonna need the space.
I may be having some
family members moving in.
- Mm-hmm?
- My niece and nephew.
Your brother left you his kids?
Yeah, he did.
Reuben and the little
Amanda Jane, AJ.
They're, uh, seven
and, seven and 10?
No, they're eight, eight, and...
You know what? I don't know.
- I'm gonna figure that one out.
- Hmm.
So you're gonna be a father?
- Not, not like a father.
It's, it's more like a,
an uncle with custody.
Sounds better.
Have you really
thought this through?
What this is gonna do to all
(sighs) aspects of your life?
Yeah, (sighs) a lot.
Mm, there's no other relative?
Tina's parents are elderly
and her brother's
serving overseas,
so just me.
Babe, look, they asked me
to be the guardian, okay?
I made a promise to my
brother and I'm gonna keep it.
So can you please help
me find some place?
- Three bedrooms?
- Mm-hmm, yeah.
- In a good school district.
- Absolutely.
- In Manhattan. (laughs)
- Here we go.
Do you think they'll like me?
What? Why wouldn't they?
- These are your options.
- All right.
(gentle music) (people
chattering softly)
(gentle music continues)
(people chattering continues)
(gentle music continues)
(people chattering continues)
- Mason.
- Hey.
- Is Dani looking for me?
- Ah, the kids were.
Sorry, I just, uh,
I needed to clear
my head. (sighs)
- Work call?
- Yeah, and that too. (sighs)
Honestly, I just, I'm
having a hard time in there.
Well, you're a man who usually
knows what to do or say,
so this makes you uncomfortable?
Yeah, it does.
You know, we're never really
in control of our lives
the way we think we are,
but God's always there.
(gentle music continues)
We just have to ask ourselves,
are we okay with
things not being okay?
Can we trust him?
(Mason sighs)
He loves them more
than any of us do.
Okay, let's go. (gentle
music continues)
He'll take care of all of you.
(bright music)
All right, guys.
Are you still gonna
babysit us on Fridays?
Oh, you know what?
It's kind of far,
but I was thinking
if it's okay with
your Uncle Mason,
I could video call you guys
and we could play some games.
Is that good? (laughs)
You know, just
because I'm far away
doesn't mean I don't
love you guys, right?
(gentle music)
Hey guys, we should get
going so we can beat traffic.
Okay, come here, come here.
Come on.
- Okay, have a safe trip.
- Thank you.
(sighs) Okay.
Get you all seated.
Thanks, baby girl. There we go.
(car rumbles)
(gentle music continues)
(laughs) They're gonna
be just fine, sweetheart.
I just feel like other than you,
everybody that I have
loved has either died
or moved to Manhattan.
Maybe you need to ask yourself
if you're in the right city.
(laughs) No, no.
We have been down that road
before, and it's not for me.
Did he say that,
or did you?
(gentle music continues)
(car whooshes)
(window whirring)
(Mason sighs)
Reuben, please don't do that.
Close it. (window whirring)
This doesn't look
like a lawyer's car.
This is a rental car.
Why didn't you bring yours?
Because I don't have a car.
You're supposed to
be this rich lawyer,
and you don't have a car?
Okay, I'm, I'm, I'm,
I'm not sure where
you're getting
this rich lawyer thing from.
Dad said that you were
an important lawyer,
and big fancy people
need you all the time.
That's, that's true.
That's why you don't visit
us that much anymore.
Look, nobody needs
a car in the city.
We have trains that can take
us anywhere we want to go.
And my company has cars,
so I don't need one.
What's your house like?
Is it a rich house?
Look, in New York City,
people live in apartments,
which you guys are
actually gonna have
to help me find a new one,
'cause we can't stay
in mine anymore.
(cars honking faintly)
- Well, welcome.
- There are no bedrooms?
I thought a rich lawyer was
supposed to have bedrooms.
Ah, you clearly don't understand
the cost of real estate here.
Where are we supposed to sleep?
Um, well, I was thinking maybe
you two could share my bed,
and I'll just sleep
on the couch for now.
Or you could sleep on the floor?
Okay. (laughs)
Well, we should get
you guys settled in,
'cause I gotta get
back to the office.
We get to see your
office? (Mason sighs)
So I, I was thinking
maybe you two
could, uh, (laughs) you know,
stay here for a little bit?
By ourselves?
(bright music) (Mason sighs)
(bright music continues)
Hazel, hi. (laughs)
These are the two that
I was telling you about.
Would you mind taking them
for some ice cream for a bit?
I am not a babysitter.
Oh, that's perfect. Because
they are not babies.
(playful music) Oh, please.
Look, Stonehouse will
be here any minute.
Just take 'em to get a snack,
drop 'em off in my office,
put some YouTube on,
and I'll owe you,
And then I'll email you
some info on nanny services.
Perfect. They won't
be any trouble.
(bright music)
Why aren't you in school?
It's summer.
(Hazel sighs)
All righty.
Stonehouse is
here. Whose kids?
(laughs) Those are my brothers.
When you said you were
executor of the estate-
I am also their guardian.
I'm trying to imagine
you with kids.
This is gonna change
everything, Mason.
Ellen, look, lots of
people have kids, right?
- You have kids.
- They're 30. They have kids.
Okay, and what did you
do when they were 10?
Honestly, I struggled,
and I didn't make partner
'til after they
were off to college.
They're great kids, okay?
And it's gonna be
fine. I got this.
- (sighs) Okay.
- Ready to hear that?
How's everyone feeling?
(group murmuring)
We're doing fine.
- Thank you.
- I think we're good, yep.
- Let's get on.
- Is your core
emergency communications
department present?
They're all here
and all present,
and everyone is
on the same floor.
We've been getting
phone calls nonstop
since the Journal article.
We can't keep putting
them off forever.
Let's get started, shall we?
(playful music)
(phone ringing)
All right, here you go. Don't
get ice cream on anything.
What are we supposed to do now?
Don't you have phones
to play on or something?
My mom says that we're
too young for phones.
Well, you're too
young to be here, too.
So I guess you'll have
to figure something out.
Just don't make any noise.
Do not let anyone know
you're here, got it?
(playful music continues)
(playful music continues)
(playful music continues)
(phones ringing)
Reuben, under here.
Okay, so while we're
working through this issue,
we wanna establish a strategy
that you'll be able
to use the next time.
There isn't going
to be a next time.
(pages rustling)
[Team Member] I
think we start there.
Okay, let's turn to
page five in our briefs.
Ah, please help
me! (AJ giggles)
Caw-caw-caw-caw, ah!
- Thank you for saving me!
- I'm here to betray you!
- Ah!
- Sh-sh-sh.
(playful music continues)
(playful music continues)
(playful music continues)
(playful music continues)
(Tish yelps)
(playful music
continues) (Tish screams)
(AJ and Reuben scream)
- What in the world is that?
- Okay, well, we are-
Someone call a paramedic!
(door clicks)
Mr. Bradley, you are
needed immediately.
Please excuse me.
(playful music continues)
[Mason] Hazel, what's happening?
It was an accident,
I promise you.
I didn't know they were there.
Why would you bring
children here,
on the day of your most
important meeting at this firm?
(Mason sighs)
We're sorry, Uncle Mason,
aren't we Reuben?
I'm hungry.
(birds calling)
Go, go, go.
(door clicks)
(Mason sighs)
- Are we hiding from someone?
- A super villain?
(laughs) No, it's just
my landlady, Ms. Malick.
She's quite the
stickler for the rules.
- Good evening, Mr. Bradley.
- Mrs. Malick, hi.
Who are these children
you have with you?
Oh. (laughs)
Well, this, this is my
niece, and this is my nephew.
- You guys say hi.
- Hi.
Hmm. I've never
seen them before.
That's because they've
never been here before.
Are they registered visitors?
Ah, not, not yet.
We actually just got in,
so I haven't been able to do
the paperwork, but I will.
Your nephew, he has a black eye.
His girlfriend kicked
me in the face.
Oh, but it, it, it
was an accident.
Tell her it was an accident.
- It was an accident.
- Where are your parents?
Heaven. (Mason sighs)
- Oh.
- Hey,
how about you guys just go
away by the elevator, okay?
Take your sister.
Thank you for bringing that up.
(gentle music)
That's a cute one, yeah.
Oh, I like this color.
Good. There we go.
(water running)
Let's put 'em all
here. Ready for bed?
Where does this one go?
- Where's Snuffy?
- Huh?
What am I supposed to do?
He's not here. Snuffy's lost.
Probably left him at home.
I'm gonna call Aunt Dani and
she'll figure it out, okay?
- Can you call her now?
- You know what?
I'm gonna give her a call
once you guys are in bed.
It'll be fine.
Reuben, under the
covers. Let's go.
No, okay.
Hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Stop. Stop.
No fighting. And watch out
for his eye, please. (sighs)
What do you guys do for bedtime?
Do we like read a
book or something?
- Sing a song.
- Sing a song?
(laughs) Yeah, I, I don't, um,
I'm gonna work up
to the singing.
And then you just say a prayer.
Oh. (sighs)
How about you do it for me?
Dear God, thank
you for this day.
Thank you for the nice fireman
who fixed Reuben's nose.
Please help it heal so
he doesn't look so weird
for the rest of his life.
And God, (gentle music)
please say hi to mommy and daddy
and tell them we miss them,
tell them we're okay,
and Uncle Mason is trying hard,
even though sometimes
he messes up.
Bless Aunt Dani, Pastor
Alvarez and Snuffy.
Amen. (gentle music continues)
Amen. Amen. (sighs)
Do we get hugs? (gentle
music continues)
Yeah. Yeah.
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
I love you, Uncle Mason.
I love you too.
Go to sleep.
(gentle music continues)
(phone beeps)
(phone rings)
(tape squeaking)
(phone rings)
Hey, is everything okay?
Everything is, uh, it's great.
Listen, AJ, I think she
left something at the house,
- like, like a bear?
- Yes, Snuffy. (laughs)
I actually found him when
I pulled her sheet back.
It was behind the bed.
Yes, yes, yes. That,
that is the one.
Is there any way that
you could get that to us?
It would avoid a lot of tears.
Okay, well, um,
I mean, I, I could get
'em out to you tomorrow.
That's perfect. Amazing.
Any chance you know anything
about the kids'
health insurance?
Why? I, I thought you
said everything was fine.
No, no. Everything's great.
It's just that, I'm
doing some paperwork and
it came up. (sighs)
You know, I haven't,
I haven't gone through
Billy's office yet,
- but I will get on that.
- Thank you.
Be well. (sighs)
Sure. (laughs)
Okay, bye. (sighs)
(playful music) (Dani sighs)
(children shouting)
Yeah, I'm gonna be
working from home today,
so can you please get
him on the phone for me?
Are you Mr. Bradley?
I'm Rebecca.
Hey, Hazel. I'm gonna
give you a call back.
Okay. Hi, yes.
- I'm Mason Bradley.
- Nice to meet you.
Those are my two kids
over there, swinging.
Oh, I'm really
better with babies.
I rock them, feed them.
When they get opinions,
I just get a new job.
Is that so?
(chain rattling)
I see here that
you are bilingual.
- Yes.
- Wow, that's really cool.
What other language
did you speak?
Yes. (laughs)
You will want them
in a good college,
and that doesn't happen
without pushing them ahead
- as soon as possible.
- Yeah.
I'm sure they're already behind.
(playful music continue)
Okay, so I'm seeing
here on your profile
that you have zero experience?
Yeah, I'm in special effects
makeup school at night.
I thought nannying
would be a good day job.
I did babysit my kid
brothers my whole life.
Well, we live in
this neighborhood,
but we're planning on moving,
is that gonna be a problem?
- Oh, whatever's cool.
- Whatever. Okay. (laughs)
- Officer is there a problem?
- Oh, dude,
that's a gnarly bruise.
Can I take a picture
of it for my class?
Sir, are you the uncle
of these children?
(camera snapping)
- Yes.
- Can I see some ID?
- Is there a problem?
- I have a scraped knee.
Do you want a picture of that?
(phone camera snapping)
(playful music continues)
How did your nephew
get this bruise?
He hid under her desk and
scared the person who sat in it.
And that person was
your girlfriend?
- Yeah.
- This young lady right here?
Her? No, no, no,
no, no, no, no.
We just met.
Have you been meeting
a series of ladies
in the park today?
I've been interviewing
nannies all day,
and I'm about to hire this
one, so congratulations.
- When can you start?
- Sweet. Now.
Okay, great. Meet
your new nanny.
I'm gonna be paying you
a visit in a few days
just to make sure
everybody's settling in.
Officer, I'm an attorney
and I got everything- Oh,
oh, you're an attorney.
- Perfect.
- Yeah.
Then you know that
CPS is obligated
to follow up on any
reports of abuse?
- Abuse?
- Mm-hmm.
(playful music continues)
(truck rumbling)
Thank you.
Stonehouse. You took a message?
That was one of seven calls
you declined from
me this morning.
These are all of
his board members.
I gotta go. Thank you.
- Mr. Donovan, sir.
- Oh, so you are here.
About to head over to
Stonehouse on my own.
Has there been a tender offer?
Well, the vultures at
Hudson have always wanted
to buy him out for years.
Someone leaked the
scissor lift incident,
so they smelled an opportunity.
Let's do some damage control.
Let's go.
(heavy rock music)
(heavy rock music continues)
(door clicks)
Reuben? AJ?
Who are you? (Dani screams)
I am so sorry. I think I'm
in the wrong apartment.
- Aunt Dani!
- Hi!
Hi guys. (laughs)
Whoa. Whoa, what
happened to your face?
- It's makeup. (laughs)
- It's makeup?
(heavy rock music continues)
We were just having fun.
Are you here to relieve me?
'Cause I am super
late for my class.
Oh, yeah, um, yeah.
I'm sorry, do you
know where Mason is?
(paper rustles)
(elevator dings)
What's this?
I had a nice chat with
your niece and nephew,
when they were sliding
down the banister
in the stairwell today.
You know the terms of
the lease, Mr. Bradley.
They can't live here.
Maximum occupancy is two.
(sighs) The 31st?
No, no, Mrs. Malick,
we're gonna need some more
(elevator doors whirring)
Is there a meatball in here?
- Hi.
- What happened here?
We ordered dinner
because you were so late.
Also, then you babysitter
is really weird.
It was definitely better
than getting
arrested at the park.
- What?
- It's a long story.
- When did you get here?
- Not that long ago.
I had been trying
to help you clean,
but it did bring something
very important. (gasps)
- Snuffy!
- Yes, your Snuffy.
Are you going to be
our new babysitter now?
Oh, (laughs) you know what?
I was just bringing
by some of your boxes
and the things that I knew
that you were gonna want.
Hey, look, I, I promise it's,
it's not always like this.
No, I know. It's okay.
I, uh, I don't think
I can keep this nanny.
Yeah, no, probably not,
but she does paint some
very realistic bruises.
Oh, no, this is real.
His girlfriend kicked
me in the face.
Okay, no, (laughs) not,
not exactly like that.
I mean, she did-
Reuben dripped
worm juice on her,
and then the firemen came,
and then we thought
that you were the police
coming back to get us.
What's for dinner?
(gentle music)
Okay, so, despite
how things may look,
I think it's been going
pretty well, right guys?
No, I have no doubt that
you have that covered.
I am a little sad though,
because I have a
very long drive home,
so after dinner,
I have to leave.
- Don't go already.
- I mean, it is late.
You could just stay here.
- Stay, stay, stay!
- Stay, stay, stay!
There is not enough room here.
Oh, come on.
You can sleep on the couch,
and we'll get you a
pillow and a blanket.
It'll be great. I'm gonna be
up half the night anyways.
- What, you have a big client?
- Well, another firm
launched a hostel
takeover today.
I gotta go over all
of these rentals,
because we need to find
a new place by the 31st.
That rental lady
does not like us.
Ah, I think that she's just
a stickler for the rules.
Apparently the max
occupancy here is only two.
Who's Max Occupantsy?
(Dani and Mason laugh)
No, no, no.
It, it, it it means
that only two people
can live in each apartment,
- But now there's four of us.
- He's good at math.
So, Mom said that you
guys used to be in love.
Oh yeah, uh, that
was, that was a long,
- a long time ago.
- Mm-hmm.
Did you fall out of love?
Uh, (clears throat)
I think that's a story for
a different day, right?
Why don't you kids go
get Dani's bed ready?
- Mm-hmm.
- Get a pillow in a blanket.
Yeah? Come on.
(gentle music)
Kids. (Dani laughs)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(blankets rustling)
Mommy! (panting)
AJ, AJ, it's okay,
come here, come here.
It's okay, look,
it's Uncle Mason.
Take a deep breath.
Take a deep breath,
good, good, good, good.
Do you wanna try singing to her?
Tina's mom used to sing
"Have Thine Own Way"
as a lullaby to
the kids at night.
Do you want me to sing to you?
Yeah, okay.
Have thine own way, Lord
Have thine own way
(gentle music)
Thou art the potter
I am the clay
Mold me and make me
For thine own will
I am here waiting
Yielded and still
(uplifting music)
(uplifting music continues)
(gentle music) (horns
honking faintly)
(blankets rustling)
(footsteps tapping)
Where is he? He's not here.
He went to go to
work on a Saturday?
Hey, hey, what's going on?
Uncle Mason, he's not here.
No, I'm sure Uncle Mason is...
(door clicks)
What about Uncle Mason, huh?
What's up, bud?
- I'm just getting some donuts.
- Donuts?
Oh, yeah, donuts, come on down.
I got some deliciousness
right here. Look at that.
- Oh, those look good.
- Blueberry.
And, let's see. I think
I got yours right.
Let's see.
- You did. Thank you.
- Yeah, good memory.
Hey, now hold on.
What are you doing?
- It's hot.
- Who wants to see what else
Auntie Dani has in that
big bag from your house?
- Me.
- Let's see. All right.
I still have a bunch
of boxes in the car,
but these are some
of your favorites.
Oh, look at those. That's
yours, I'm guessing.
(AJ laughs) Oh, look
at the dinosaur.
Reuben, is that yours? Yeah.
This one was my favorite. I
want you guys to have that.
(cars honking faintly)
We're gonna find a really
special place for this, okay?
And then, hey, guess
what? I brought you this.
I thought that maybe you,
you'd probably want it.
It's not mine.
No, I know that's not
yours, but I thought...
(Mason sighs)
(window slides)
I'll handle this.
(cars honking)
(birds chirping)
Bud, you know your Aunt Dani
was just trying to
be thoughtful, right?
She's not my real aunt.
You're never going to be
him. You're nothing like him.
Here, put this on.
Put it on. Come here.
I got an idea.
All right, now you're
gonna be your dad,
and I'm gonna be you, okay?
(Mason grunts)
Hey, that's not me.
You're supposed to be your dad.
- Come on.
- This is so dumb.
Oh, is that what he would say?
He'd say, "What's
wrong, Champ?"
Champ. (laughs) Is that
what he would call you?
You are supposed to be me.
You caught me.
Okay, yes, you're right,
you're right, you're right.
Here we go.
(scoffs) I hate it here, Dad.
Uncle Mason's so mean.
He works way too much.
We have to move already.
I really miss you.
It's been really hard
since you've been gone.
Also, Uncle Mason has
no idea what he's doing.
Things are hard sometimes,
but we always push through it.
He always said
that. (gentle music)
I miss you too,
and I'm watching all the time.
(gentle music continues)
When you finally hit that home
run, I'm not gonna miss it.
(gentle music continues)
Uncle Mason's just
trying to do his best.
He's not gonna leave you, okay?
(gentle music continues)
I love you, Champ.
(uplifting music)
(knock taps on door)
(door clicks)
- Tish.
- Look at you.
Just ready and waiting.
Who's ready to find
a new home today?
Oh, I forgot to tell you,
we, uh, have one
more joining us.
That one or this
one? (Tish sighs)
What I'm wondering is why
she had to come along.
Isn't this supposed to be my
time to bond with the kids?
Well, hey. No, no, nobody's
stopping that, okay?
So what's the deal with
this real estate agent?
She seems very invested.
She's Uncle Mason's girlfriend.
- Mm-hmm.
- She's a very fast walker.
Okay, here we are.
Apartment one, two
bedrooms, one bath.
Wait, only two?
South facing, lots of light.
- Fifth floor walk up.
- Oh, so sorry.
Fifth floor walk up? No.
Okay, um, apartment two.
(playful music)
- I like this.
- Right?
It is 18,000 a
month. (AJ gasps)
- (sirens wailing)
- Ah.
- (glass shatters)
- It's School District 2.
- What do you think, huh?
- Well?
I like it. (people
chattering softly)
How quickly can you
fill out an application?
Yeah, okay.
(playful music continues)
(pens scribbling)
Look, I know my writing
was not legible,
but I was, I was writing
faster than I could think.
Mason, what you're looking for
is just impossible to
find in this market.
It's not impossible. God
has a place for you guys.
Isn't there any
place has a yard?
I mean, where are we
supposed to throw a baseball?
Well, guess it's back
to the office for me
to set up visits for tomorrow.
Thank you. I'm sorry.
Mwah. Bye.
Not gonna tell me I told you so?
- About what?
- About New York,
the safety, the cost
of living, you know,
all the things that you had
objections to back then.
I was thinking about the
yard that Reuben wanted.
Maybe we'll Have
better luck in Queens.
Doesn't New York
have the biggest yard
you could ever ask for?
With a zoo and castles,
baseball fields.
Huh, indeed it
does. (bright music)
(bright music continues)
- Wow.
- Wow.
There. (children shouting)
(bright music continues)
Guys, stay together.
Hey, real talk?
Can we not tell the kids
that God is gonna bring them
this apartment of their dreams?
I'm trying my best.
I mean, you could still ask Him.
Yeah, I, I think I'll
figure it out on my own.
You know, you probably
will, but, um,
if you keep trying
to do everything
in your own strength,
you're not gonna leave Him
room to do something awesome.
Just think about it.
(gentle music)
- Hey.
- Can we get ice cream now?
(bright music)
All right. You look adorable.
I'm gonna take your
picture. Hold on.
Oh, hold on. How about me?
- How about me? How about me?
- Okay.
With me, come on.
- Reuben!
- Reuben!
Eh, eh, come here, come here.
One photo, one photo Smile.
Did you... (Dani gasps)
Okay, what? Is there
a gummy on my face?
There's a gummy stuck in
my, I'm gonna get you.
(bright music continues)
Is this the way to the
dog statue you like?
Balto? Yeah.
It's straight up to the
left, past the arch.
- Let's go!
- You guys stay close.
Not too far ahead of
us! (gentle music)
You'd be a great mom, Dani.
- Seriously.
- Thank you.
Look, I'm sorry how
things ended between us,
and we never really
got to talk about it,
and it's, it's just
been weird, and...
(laughs) We were kids. What
did we know about love?
I think kids know a lot about
love, especially these two.
Oh, they are so good at
it. Better than I ever was.
I don't know.
I think we could all be
better at it, you know?
(gentle music continues)
We should probably-
Go, go get the kids.
Yeah, absolutely. Let's,
uh, let's go find 'em.
(gentle music continues)
Look how tough this guy is.
- I bet he goes like this.
- But look at Snuffy's teeth.
- Ahh!
- No,
Snuffy doesn't have any teeth.
There's no teeth in that thing.
[Dani] That's
'cause he gets hot.
Look at Snuffy. (Mason laughs)
Look, Snuffy has a lot of teeth.
(laughs) He squishes him?
I'll be right back.
Hey, okay. (sighs)
What's going on, bud?
Did you not like the park
today? I thought we had fun.
- I'm sorry.
- What are you sorry for?
I was having fun. I forgot.
What did you forget?
That we're supposed to be sad.
We're not supposed to have fun?
We weren't supposed to be here.
We're supposed to be home,
with them.
- Are they mad at us?
- Oh, no, no, no, no.
Guys, (laughs), no,
they're not mad at you.
They love you guys so much.
And you know what
they really want?
They want you guys to be happy.
(gentle music)
- Do you miss them too?
- A lot.
I miss them when I'm confused,
and I really just want my best
friend to tell me what to do.
And do you miss
them, Uncle Mason?
I miss them all the time.
(gentle music continues)
But you know something?
When I look at you, I
see your mom's eyes.
And you, when I look at you,
I see your dad's smile.
(Dani laughs) There
it is. (laughs)
Should we go? Come on.
Come here. Oh, let's get warm.
(traffic whooshing)
Be thou my vision
Oh lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me
Save that thou art
Thou my best thought
By day or by night
Waking or sleeping
Thy presence, my light
- (phone buzzing)
- It's for work.
Be thou my wisdom
And thou my true word
(Dani laughs) I ever
with thee and thou
They have Vacation Bible
School. Can we sign up?
You wanna go to church
for an entire week?
- It's fun.
- Think of it this way.
They will be cared for from
9:00 to 3:00 for an entire week.
Okay. I think
it's a great idea.
Now go sign yourselves up.
- Go, go, go.
- Yay!
[AJ] We get to sign up!
- Thanks.
- Of course. (laughs)
Come on, big client, big client.
Hey, Mr. Stonehouse.
- Well, Mason Bradley.
- Hi.
I didn't know you
were a family man.
This is my friend, Dani Alvarez.
- Hi, I am Dani.
- Hi Dani. Nice to meet you.
- My pleasure.
- Nice to meet you.
This is our first time
visiting this church.
It is this your home church?
Well, I own a couple
of properties nearby,
and well, it's
always charmed me.
Sometimes I go in,
but some days you figure
anything can help, huh?
- Hmm.
- Aunt Dani!
Oh, I'm coming! I'm
gonna help the kids.
- It was so nice meeting you.
- Nice to meet you.
Hi. (Mr. Stonehouse laughs)
So, Mr. Stonehouse,
how you feeling?
You mean, why am I here
praying, don't you?
Does that make me
look weak to you?
That that's, that's not
what I was inferring.
Everyone at the boardroom
knows it's true.
Frankly, it's quite thrilling
not to have to fake it anymore,
not to have to say, "I've
got this" all the time.
You know, being a
self-made man is a,
well, it's a heavy burden.
(Mason sighs)
Your friend, huh?
(laughs) Yeah, Dani.
She's, she's great.
She's the kids' mom's
best friend, so.
- Mm-hmm.
- Been a big help.
I'm sure she is.
It was nice seeing you
here today, Mr. Bradley.
I've already
trusted your advice,
but now I see just a
little better who you are.
- You take care.
- You too, sir.
All right, ready?
Say thank you.
Do we have to look at
any more houses today?
Oh, you know what?
It's your lucky day.
Tish needs me to go meet
with a client of hers.
He apparently has an in
with school admissions,
so we got a couple hours.
What do you guys wanna do?
See more of the park.
We didn't see the
castle last time.
The castle. The
castle? (Reuben laughs)
(thunder cracks) Oh, uh,
that is, that's some rain.
- Oh, all right, let's go.
- Come on.
Let's go, let's go, let's
go, let's go inside.
(rain pattering)
(thunder cracks)
- Hey guys.
- Are you guys hungry?
- I think they're hungry.
- Okay. (laughs)
Yep. Right here, right here.
- Oh, um.
- Yeah, no, no, you know what?
I'll just, I'll just, I'll
just squeeze on in here.
- Thanks.
- (grunts) Yep, no worries.
This kind of reminds
me of that little spot
you used to study
at, Morningside.
Oh yeah.
You know, I, I think
they turned that place
- into a yoga studio.
- Really? (laughs)
Why do you keep staring
at me like that?
It's weird that you
guys used to be in love.
I think it's gross.
Is it gross? (laughs)
Did you have an engagement ring?
Yeah, you bet I bought
her one. Oh yeah.
- Did you give it back?
- Mm-hmm.
Maybe they don't
wanna talk about it.
Uncle Mason, you didn't
sell it, did you?
Listen, going to law school
is very, very expensive.
So we can't really blame
him if he did, right?
I never sold it.
(gentle music)
(laughs) I actually gave
it to Billy to hold onto.
- Sing the blues - Why?
Uh... I'll listen intently
Welcome in, out from the rain.
(laughs) Hi.
What can I bring you to drink?
- Two hot chocolates.
- Hey, please, say please,
- Please.
- Perfect for today.
- And for mom and dad?
- Oh.
(Dani and Mason laugh)
- Um, coffee?
- Yeah, coffee.
- Yeah, so just two coffees.
- You got it.
Fall asleep
I'll wake up beside you
- Feel my heart
- You go first.
Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry.
I'm just gonna get that one.
So, who is this person that
Tish wants you to meet?
Lose your way
(Reuben and AJ giggle)
- (all laughing)
- AJ.
Mason, we're gonna be late.
Oh, the meeting.
Oh my gosh. I'm so
sorry. (keys jingling)
Oh, you've got to
change this suit.
(Dani sighs)
Westmount is the best
school in New York.
The kids will be on track for
Ivy League if they get in,
and Cartwright's on the board,
so he can provide
Okay. You want some water?
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Oh, and I'm taking
him to see houses
in the Hamptons this week,
and while we were planning,
he mentioned he's frustrated
with his attorney.
(laughs) So, play
your cards right.
This one or this one?
Gray one. (cars
honking faintly)
(sighs) Oh, before
I forget, Dani,
I have no idea
what's in the fridge,
so for dinner tonight
with the kids...
It's okay. I'll figure it out.
Besides, today was a rainy day.
So do you guys know
what that means?
- Games!
- Games!
Yes! Okay, go set it up.
I'll go change.
You are a gem to
take them for us.
I mean, of course.
(Reuben and AJ giggling)
So do you think they're really
gonna be happy at Westmount?
They'd be lucky to be there.
I don't know, it seems
really expensive,
with the school and
then the apartment.
I don't know.
Is that something Mason can
really afford right now?
By himself, it's a stretch,
but he and I together
could manage comfortably,
when the time comes. (laughs)
Sorry, I, (laughs)
I didn't realize that you
guys were that serious.
Oh, well it's, it's it
nothing official, of course.
No, of course. (Reuben
and AJ giggling)
- Do you object?
- No, no.
Actually, I think you are
exactly the girl that he needs
for a life out here in the city.
You know, with the galas and
big houses and big clients.
It just, it wasn't something
that I could really offer him.
(Dani sighs) (door clicks)
- Is this good?
- I think you look nice.
Let me fix your tie. (laughs)
All right, well,
good luck. (sighs)
(footsteps tapping)
(horns honking faintly)
All right, cutie pies. Now
it's time to go to sleep.
Get cozy.
Love you. Mwah.
It's too bad about
you and Uncle Mason.
If that didn't happen,
we'd have both of you.
Well, the good news is
you guys have the
both of us always,
even if it's not in that way.
You don't wanna live here
because it's too far
from your dad's house?
Well, yeah, that's part of it,
but also, I just don't
really feel like I fit in
- with the people here.
- Who wouldn't like you?
Hmm, that's 'cause
you're so sweet.
Do you think we're gonna
fit in at that fancy school?
I think you're gonna be great.
Now you guys gotta
go to sleep, okay?
I love you, mwah, and I
love you, mwah. Good night.
(keys tapping) (door clicks)
(horns honking faintly)
Sh, the kids are sleeping.
(keys tapping)
(Mason sighs)
How'd it go?
- It was interesting.
- Uh-oh. I'm sorry.
- Are you writing?
- I am.
I have an article due next week.
How's the writing been
going for you? Good?
You know, it's been
going really well.
I, um, I sold three
articles last month,
and I have an agent who's
looking at my book proposal.
- Like a real agent?
- Yeah, a real agent.
- Are they any good?
- I mean, she's really nice.
I haven't met her in person
yet, but she's here in the city.
Great. So when are
you guys meeting up?
You know, I, um, I
think I have to go home.
I have so much that
I need to pack up
with Billy and Tina's
house and you know,
the kids start VBS, so they're
gonna be fully covered here.
Hey, what if I pay for
Billy's house next month,
so you could stay?
(sighs) I really feel
like you guys need
to get into your routine here.
I need to go back
to where I belong.
No, but you belong
here with the kids.
With the kids?
I think this city agrees with
you way more than you think.
And you got this
agent thing now.
Mason, you do not
have to say that.
I don't say things I don't mean.
You know that. (gentle music)
And I like this city
way more with you here.
(gentle music continues)
Dani, I wonder
sometimes if, (laughs)
if we made a mistake.
(gentle music continues)
I think I need go home.
That way I don't confuse things.
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(traffic rumbles)
(elevator dings)
(footsteps tapping)
(gentle music continues)
Guys, we had fun
without Dani, right?
Okay, guys,
guess what?
You guys are gonna have
so much fun this week.
When are you coming back?
Well, probably
when you guys move,
I'll bring up some more
stuff from the house,
and I can come help you, okay?
Yeah. Sounds fun, right?
Oh, I love you so much.
And I love you, too.
(gentle music continues)
Say it back.
We love you too.
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
Hey, come on.
Can we smile a little bit?
(gentle music continues)
(crickets chirping)
(clothes rustling)
Dani. Still working?
(gentle music)
(Dani sighs)
Dani, honey? (gentle
music continues)
Honey, you've been
packing since 7:00 AM.
How about some dinner?
Dad, what have I done?
(gentle music continues)
(Dani cries)
So guys, how, how
was, how was VBS?
- Good.
- Fine.
(notifications whooshing)
Can we go to the park tomorrow?
Tomorrow? Ah, I
got a lot of work.
(notifications whooshing)
But I'll try my best.
(phone ringing and buzzing)
What hospital is he in?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I,
I can be there, um,
I gotta make a few
arrangements, but yeah.
Okay, I'll see
you in the office.
(phone beeps) (Mason sighs)
- Is somebody hurt?
- Yes.
My work client,
Mr. Stonehouse, remember him?
- The man from church?
- Mm-hmm.
What happened to him?
Oh, uh, well, he, he
fell and he hurt his hip,
so the hospital's gonna
put him back together.
- Are you going back to work?
- Oh, I gotta call Isla, uh.
She has her makeup school.
Right, um, okay, Tish.
Tish should be
free. (phone rings)
[Tish] Hi, you've
reached Tish Brown
at Manhattan Real Estate.
- Please leave a message.
- Tish. Hey, it's me.
I, I've got a work emergency
and I really need your help,
so I was, I was wondering...
I just remembered that
you're in the Hamptons,
so, okay, nevermind. (sighs)
Why did you make
Aunt Dani go home?
I didn't make her go home.
It's our fault you can't
do your job good, isn't it?
No. I can do my job just fine.
- You can go, Uncle Mason.
- What?
How long will we be gone for?
- A couple hours, at least.
- Yeah, we'll be fine.
We promise we'll be good,
we won't answer the
door for anybody,
and we'll just watch
movies the whole time,
- right?
- Mm-hmm.
If somebody's hurt, and
they're in the hospital
and they need help, you
should go help them.
Right, okay.
Well, I guess Isla could just
come over after her thing.
(bright music)
(phone ringing)
- Hello?
- We miss you.
Hi, I miss you guys!
We thought you could
babysit us on screen.
Wait, babysit you?
Where's your uncle?
He had an emergency,
so he gave us his iPad
so we can text him,
but we called you instead.
- Is everything okay?
- Yeah, it's just that
the man from church, he fell
and now he's in the hospital.
Oh no.
Well, did you guys
say a prayer for him?
Mm-hmm. I drew a
picture for him.
I think it's beautiful.
Really good job, baby girl.
(Mrs. Malick knocks sharply)
[Dani] No, no, no, no,
no. Don't answer that.
Should we look through the hole?
We said we wouldn't answer it.
Okay, then don't answer it.
(Mrs. Malick knocks sharply)
I'm just gonna see who
we're not answering.
Reuben. Guys?
Reuben, Reuben, Reuben,
listen to me please.
Do not answer it, okay?
- Reuben.
- It's the dragon lady.
- (Mrs. Malick scoffs)
- Don't answer it.
Nobody's supposed to know
that Uncle Mason's not here.
- (playful music)
- What are you kids doing?
Where's your uncle?
Hmm, he hasn't
responded to my notice.
Come on, hurry.
Hurry, come on.
(bright music continues)
(phone audio rustling)
Guys, what is happening?
Reuben? AJ?
Reuben? AJ? (playful music)
Sh, don't get us in trouble.
(horns honking faintly)
Obviously we are concerned
with who's making the
decisions from here.
- Sure.
- Of course.
Let's get started.
First things first.
(phone buzzes)
Let's take a look at the draft
of our official statement.
Do we have a an update from
the family on the surgery?
He doesn't have any family.
(phone buzzing)
So who is, who's with
him in the hospital?
(phones ringing faintly)
I could go.
(phone buzzing)
Somebody should be
there with him, right?
Who's making medical
decisions on his behalf?
(phone buzzing)
I'm so sorry.
I, I have an emergency
of my own, I...
- We will talk about this.
- Excuse me.
(sirens wailing)
(elevator dings)
And then now we have
this little idiot here.
(gasps) Oh! (Isla gasps)
- Isla?
- I came as fast as I could.
I didn't even take
my makeup off.
Yeah, I can see.
What's going on?
I don't know. They
won't let me in.
(Mason sighs)
Mr. Bradley.
Glad you could make it.
Where have you been tonight?
At work. What's going on?
Nice to meet you.
Well, your landlord
here has reported
the neglect of these children.
Neglect? I had an emergency.
The nanny was on her way.
Do you leave the children
home alone often?
I don't.
Are they registered in school?
- Well, it's summertime.
- Can you provide proof
that you're the legal
guardian of these kids?
- Absolutely.
- Let me just-
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, hmm.
- Do you have any
prescription medications?
No. No, no, no. Just,
just, just stop.
Why would you report
the kids as neglected?
They were clearly alone.
I mean, I hadn't seen
you for what, three days?
Because I've been avoiding you.
And why is that, Mr. Bradley?
(laughs) You met the lady.
(officer laughs)
(officer sniffs)
Because I don't have a
place for us to move yet.
Are you saying you're about
to be homeless with these kids?
Unless this woman gives
me a little bit of grace.
Do you know how hard it is
to find a place in this
city on short notice?
Ms. Malick, could you
please step outside?
I'll have a officer
take your statement.
I think we have enough
people in these kids' space.
Isla, you can go too, um,
I'll call you about this week.
I don't know, man. This is
all a little too weird for me.
(elevator dings) (Mason sighs)
I'm doing my best,
honestly, whatever I can.
Look, being a dad
is tough stuff.
And you're new at it. I get it.
(gentle music) But maybe,
you know, pride put aside,
you may wanna reconsider
whether you are the best
guardian for these kids.
Have a good evening.
(footsteps tapping)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(Mason sighs)
(gentle music continues)
(crickets chirping)
(door clicks)
(door creaks)
- What's going on?
- Have a seat, Ms. Alvarez.
Okay. (laughs)
(gentle music)
Look, uh, I'm sure you probably
have a lot of questions
(laughs) about what
happened the other night.
Yeah, I heard about
Mr. Stonehouse. Is everything okay?
No. No. He's, he's fine.
It's, it's not that. (laughs)
All those stories between
Mrs. Malick coming home
and finding the kids alone
and then Isla showing
up the way that she did,
there's just a lot of questions
if I'm even capable of
being the kids' guardian.
Mason, you are more than
capable of being their guardian.
Mr. Booth. He's
more than capable.
I'm starting to think
maybe you were right
about them being
better off here at home
with you as their guardian.
Mason, I really do
think that I was wrong.
No, Dani, no. You know
how to comfort them.
You know how to, how
to play with them,
and you do things naturally,
the things that they
would need to be done.
Right, you have
to figure it out,
because that's what I had to do.
I figured it out.
Look, if you are
still willing...
(gentle music continues)
Are you still
willing, Ms. Alvarez?
Yes, yes, of course I'm willing.
Is this really what you
think is right for them?
(gentle music continues)
Can I just talk to
you for a second?
Alone, please?
I'm sorry.
Let me just...
(gentle music)
I just keep failing.
Mason, you don't have to do this
in your own strength.
What does that
even mean? (sighs)
If you just go to
God, He will help you.
This is all the more
reason why this is right.
Dani, your faith,
you have faith enough
for both of them.
We're sorry, Uncle Mason!
Oh, no, no, no, hey,
you don't have to be sorry.
Like I, I should have
known from the beginning.
But now, (laughs) now
you're gonna get to be here
with your friends
and your school.
I mean, you like that, right?
What happened to "We
always push through"?
We're pushing through.
This is us pushing through,
okay? You are so loved.
(uplifting music)
(gentle music)
Tell me how you think
things used to be
A memory
I'll try to see
Try and heal
these broken hands
Make my heart
feel whole again
Scars will heal,
time understands
Time understands, ooh
Mm, is that yummy?
- Why didn't he want us?
- AJ, that's not it at all.
- Seems like it.
- Okay, here's the thing.
I know it's gonna
sound kind of weird,
but when you love somebody,
sometimes the best thing
that you can do for them
is let them go.
That way they can go be exactly
who they're supposed to be,
and then everybody's happy.
But that's what you did.
You loved Uncle Mason,
so you let him go
live his big fancy life.
But was everybody
happy? (Dani sighs)
You are right. (laughs)
That is a decision
that I did make.
But your Uncle Mason is doing
really great, and he is happy.
When you are there, he is.
(gentle music)
Mom and dad said
that if you make
all the decisions
in your own brain,
then you're living no room
for God to do something
that's better than you
could ever imagine.
I do remember your parents
saying that, and that is true.
But what I'm trying
to explain to you guys
is that it wasn't easy
for Mason to make that decision.
It might be hard right now,
but we're gonna
figure it out, okay?
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
Let's all stand
and sing together
from Hymn 325, "Have
Thine Own Way, Lord."
Have Thine own way, Lord
Have Thine own way
Thou art the potter,
I am the clay
Mold me and make me
After Thy will
- While I am
waiting - Excuse me.
Yielded and still
(Mason knocks)
How you feeling,
Mr. Stonehouse?
Ah, (laughs) come on in.
Oh, you see,
if this hip would
cooperate with that walker,
they'd let me outta here.
Oh, I don't wanna forget this.
My, my niece made you
a little something.
Well, that was very nice of her.
- Tell her thank you for me.
- Yeah, I will.
Let's see here. Sit down.
(announcement echoes faintly)
Oh, well isn't that something?
(Mason laughs) How sweet.
- Yeah, she's getting good.
- Yeah.
- They're doing well?
- Yeah.
They still going to that church?
Yeah, they're good.
And I, I was there this morning.
Ah, oh, good.
(sighs) Mason,
what's on your mind?
Who's Lenora?
That day that you were
up on the scissor lift,
you kept saying
"don't tell Lenora."
Who's that?
Okay, Mason. (sighs)
In my business life, I've
always lived by a set of rules.
Never let a big deal get away.
But in my personal life,
I did not live by those rules,
and I gave up on something
that was worth fighting
for. (gentle music)
And I tell you, I would
trade in everything
you're trying to
save for me right now
if she were here right now,
sitting in that
chair where you are.
I understand.
Son, I really hope
you never have to.
- (Mr. Stonehouse sighs)
- You know, I, uh,
I'm afraid it might be too late.
Your friend, uh, Dani, was it?
(sighs) I, I gave her
full custody of the kids.
Oh, I'm sorry.
They moved back
upstate. (sighs)
It was the best
decision in the moment.
I have a lot of challenges
here, you know? (laughs)
Work, proper housing,
school district, nannies.
(laughs) Is that all? (laughs)
It seemed like a
lot at the time.
I'm sorry. (laughs)
I just don't know
where to start.
- Start with housing.
- Yes.
You want to be in District 2.
Two, yes, yes.
But district two is impossible.
Well see now that's where
you don't know
everything, hot shot.
Don't you remember I told you,
I have investment properties
in that neighborhood.
You have any interest in a
brownstone in the Village?
- Are you serious?
- New kitchen, tiny backyard?
(Mason laughs) You
see the tenants are,
well, they're trying
to break their lease.
My property manager is
playing hardball with 'em.
We could solve two
problems at once.
(bright music)
Rent is what it is though.
- Okay.
- Okay, no special discounts.
I mean, I have to make the
most out of my investments
if I'm going to sell
my company and retire.
Mr. Stonehouse, we have the
tender offer under control,
and I, I promise you
I will personally-
Mason, I am eliminating
all stress from my life,
doctor's orders.
Those buzzards over at Hudson
can have all my
headaches. (laughs)
And I get a pretty
payout in my pocket.
You're going to
lose a big client.
I am sorry about that.
But is a big client
really the thing you want most?
(gentle music)
(traffic rumbles faintly)
This isn't a bad apartment.
Really, location is
excellent. Beautiful views.
Mason. (Mason laughs)
Ah, you wanna hear
something crazy?
Uh, Stonehouse, he offered
me a brownstone today,
in the Village,
yeah. (Tish laughs)
- That's District 2, right?
- Mm-hmm.
I just wonder if I
moved on too soon,
instead of seeing how God
could have worked it out.
(gentle music)
I don't wanna regret this
for the rest of my life.
Not being there for,
for the lost tooth,
first heartbreak,
or that first home run.
Are you sure it's just the
kids you're talking about?
(sighs) Dani wasn't afraid
of living in New
York City, Mason.
She was afraid she wasn't New
York enough for Mr. Manhattan.
(gentle music continues)
You don't need a woman like me.
You need someone who keeps
you true to yourself,
(sighs) including your faith
if that's something
you lost along the way.
Tish, what,
what are you saying?
I'm saying
you shouldn't let
your heart ache.
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
And I'd snag that
Village brownstone.
(footsteps tapping)
(door clicks)
(bright music) (Mason sighs)
Well, this doesn't even
make any sense to me.
- Does it make sense to you?
- Well, I think I need
to hear back from some
other people on the team.
I'm gonna need some time off.
I'm gonna have a family
if, if they'll have me.
Look, I, I know it's gonna
be a way slower track
for me here at the
firm, but I promise you,
I'm committed to the
Stonehouse account.
Yeah. Well, what's this
about him selling to Hudson?
After all we did to push
back on the tender offer?
Yeah, and you know, once he
recovers, you'll regret it.
He already has regrets.
Mason, since you're my direct
report here at the firm,
I wholly support the time off.
You got plenty of years
ahead of you to make partner,
but it's surprising how little
time you get with the kids.
- Go get 'em.
- Thank you, Ellen.
(Mr. Donovan scoffs)
(bright music)
(Mason knocks)
(door clicks)
- Hi.
- Hi.
- What are you doing here?
- (sighs) You know,
I've had a really
miserable week.
Are, are you okay? Or is
is it Stonehouse again?
No, no, no. He's,
he's actually great.
He, he gave me a house.
- He gave you a house?
- With a yard.
Look, I just really miss you,
and the kids.
Mason, these kids,
they need stability,
and I think it's great
that you're here,
but you can't just move
them back and forth
when it's convenient for you.
I don't want
convenient. I want you.
(Dani gasps)
(footsteps tapping)
(gentle music)
I never stopped loving you.
I knew it!
(Dani and Mason laugh)
I thought that you
stopped loving me,
so I just tried to
get on with my life.
Oh, me too,
(gentle music continues)
Amanda Jane,
I love you so
much. (AJ laughs)
And Reuben, I love you,
bud. (Reuben laughs)
(Dani laughs) (gentle
music continues)
I love you, Dani.
I'd really like for all of us
to have a chance
of being a family.
- Uh-huh.
- Mm-hmm.
(Reuben and AJ laugh)
(bright music)
How about you guys
take these balloons?
- Don't pop 'em, okay?
- Okay.
Mason, what about Tish?
- Oh, look, Tish-
- I mean, you guys
- were practically engaged.
- Yeah, yeah, look,
Tish, she would never have
an ice cream fight with me
or shut my phone
off when I need it,
or lead me back to the
faith that once grounded me.
(gentle music)
I want a New York
life. That's the truth.
But what I really want
is a life with all of you in it.
If you'll have me.
Kiss her!
(Dani laughs) (AJ laughs)
(bright music)
(bright music continues)
- (door clicks)
- Isn't it cool?
- All right guys.
- Let's go, buddy.
- Are you excited?
- Come on, Reuben's big game.
- Okay, do we have Snuffy?
- Your big game.
- Yeah!
- Got Snuffy.
Good, good, good.
(Dani laughs)
Oh, all right, baby
girl, mwah, I love you.
I will see you at
the game. I love you.
(gentle music) (Dani laughs)
- Have fun.
- Bye guys,
- I'll see you soon.
- All right.
Come on. (grunts) (AJ giggles)
Let's go, buddy.
(bright music)
(bright music continues)
(bright music)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(bright music)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(bright music continues)
(gentle music)
(triumphant music)