Mr & Miss (2021) Movie Script

"The time doesn't run, not sure why"
"Not sure where this
companionship leads to"
"In the love, where you're
not aware of the destination"
"There exist musings that never end"
"Your dream has shown a me in
a new way, I never imagined"
"We are a lovely tale,
that has never been told"
"The time doesn't run, not sure why"
"Not sure where this
companionship leads to"
"There's nothing that can..."
"...stop us"
"This love is..."
"...the sweetest thing ever"
"We must always stay together"
"Without parting even for a moment"
"The love in you..."
"Does this magic"
"This companionship doesn't question"
"Not sure why distance
crawled in between us"
Shiva, let's break up!
Ah, are you joking?
But Sasi, we are happy, aren't we?
Just because I'm happy with you
on bed, for half hour in a day
I am unable to tolerate you for
the rest of the 23 and half hours.
[sighs] So let's break up!
[train horn blaring]
[up beat music playing in a pub]
Two Vodka!
Hey Sasi...
What's wrong with you? You used to get
angry if I drink without saying 'cheers'
You need to say 'cheers'
while you're angry!
Bearer! Two more!
Hey manager...
Send two large to that table
Ok sir, I'd send.
What's up man? You always picked
me up whenever I visited Hyderabad.
But if you called me directly to bar this
time, there's something really wrong.
Is that a whole family I see there?
What's the problem?
I thought you invited over to
celebrate your promotion.
But you don't look so.
What's the matter?
[phone ringing]
Automated voice: The person you're calling
is currently busy. Please call again later
This is the problem dude!
We are good.
But suddenly there's some change.
-Not sure why!
-You called me for that?
Friends state has ruined very bad lately.
Everyone needs a friend to encourage until
the girl falls for him, later they ignore.
A little hiccup in the relationship,
they immediately call them for help.
You are senseless and we are shameless!
Are you a kiddo to
fight over petty issues?
Why don't you act matured?
I didn't expect this from you.
Do you even remember
how you were back then?
You were so confident at
college and office...
[music mutes conversation]
-Good morning!
-Good Morning!
[phone rings]
-Sasi, come to my cabin.
-Yes coming.
-Take your seat
-Thank you sir.
I'm promoting you and
posting you at Hyderabad.
Everybody wants to work here, but I don't
understand why you want to go to Hyderabad
-I have my boyfriend there.
-Oh nice!
-And all the very best to you!
-Thank you sir.
[train horn blaring]
Why to Hyderabad all of a sudden?
It's not sudden, it's planned!
I have been trying from the past 6
months, finally I got my transfer letter.
From now on, I spend all my
weekends with my boyfriend
-What about me?
-You too can join us!
I may not be able to come for
every weekend, but let's see.
Ok, all the best! Happy journey!
-Take care bye!
-Bye! I miss you!
Though I am now very close by
to you, I can't come to you.
Because I don't want to miss the sparkle
in your eyes, the moment you see me.
I want to see the sky that
swirls while lift me and swirl
That's why though it's hard,
I am stopping myself.
Please get down,
it's the stop [bus honking]
Hey Bullabbai!
Hi... How are you?
-How was your journey?
-Now I got used to it!
-Let's go to room!
-Let's go to bar
-Bar? Early in the morning?
-Hyderabad hasn't developed yet?
You bloody drunkard!
-You always crave for it!
-That's why I am here!
-Good morning sir, welcome!
-How are you?
What can I get for you sir?
-Aren't you Telugu?
-Yes sir.
-Then let us speak in Telugu!
-Ok sir,
what can I get for you?
Brandy, whiskey, Rum, Vodka?
-Ah... stop there! Get two each with ice!
-Ok sir, and for you sir?
-Get him some chilled juice.
-Ok sir
Your dad keeps pestering everyone he
comes across to find an alliance for you.
-Did you find a job?
-Cheers dude!
Two more!
You've been drinking all
the day! Aren't you bored?
True dude! Bar seems boring
now, let's go to pub!
Superb girl!
Why are girls dancing
along with girls? Dude!
Good evening sir! What do you want sir?
-What do you serve?
-Here's the menu sir.
If we were educated enough,
we wouldn't have asked you.
We don't understand the normal English,
moreover, you give weird
names to the drinks!
-Yes Ma'am
-One Bloody Mary!
-Ok Ma'am
-Bloody Mary?
-Enjoy your drink Ma'am
-Thank you.
-Oh, so you'd serve if we abuse you?
-That's not an abuse sir, it's a cocktail.
Oh by cocktail you mean, you'd mix
and shake all the drink together?
-Is it that?
-Yes sir.
Then you can give me a few, I'd need them.
-Dude, what will you have?
Similarly mix and shake all the juices
like and give a mocktail to my friend too.
-That's not a cocktail, it's a mocktail.
-Oh, you call it a mocktail?
Their are dance is amazing,
far better than heroines.
We must take them to our hometown and
make them perform for festival carnivals.
Talk low, it doesn't look good if
they over hear us. It's posh culture!
My foot! If theirs is posh
culture ours is village culture.
We pay for their dance, here they pay
and dance, that's the only difference!
You want company?
I don't have company. All I have is
shrimp ponds. I recently bought 5 acres.
Why did she leave?
I would have brought her prawns
pickle in my next visit, if she spoke.
[dialing] Automated voice: The subscriber
you are calling is busy at the moment
Not sure what
kept him so busy. [chuckles]
Ma'am your order?
Orange juice!
[mobile ringing]
One minute...
Hey Sasi... How are you here?
You go and wait there,
I'll finish it and come.
"What happened to my
desperation to meet..."
" this moment?"
"In the delusion of love"
"you have lost yourself"
-Madam here's your juice...
-I want Vodka...
Two more!
-Hey where are you going?
-To dance dude!
-But you can't dance!
-As if they can!
Also if we just go and stand among
them, they will make us dance.
I can't. You go!
Hey one must stay peaceful
at temple and dance at pub.
Why do you want to sit, you silly?
Look this is 6 grams and this is 10 grams!
Let's go home.
Ok, you go and wait in the car. I will
talk to her and be back in 5 minutes.
What a sudden surprise!
Come on Sasi, these all are common.
She is my manager, her husband is on-site.
It's very common technique for appraisal.
Oh shit! Why am I explaining them to you?
You are a Mumbai girl,
you must know this for sure.
I differ from the rest in Mumbai!
I know baby! I know!
Now that you are here,
I'd be with you only!
Don't get very upset.
I know you've come for me.
Where can you go leaving
me? I am the only option.
What are you checking out? None
of the Hyderabad boys are single.
They will have some girl. As I
told you, I am your only option.
You didn't change at all.
You are still the same.
How could she kiss me in
public all of a sudden?
One must be destined, for anything!
Bygones are bygones!
You don't worry about it.
Stop it man! I am not
upset because she kissed me...
-But for leaving me there.
Oh my goodness! Is that the
reason, why you are crying?
I think you really enjoyed it!
Stop wetting your lips, they might swell!
I became totally sober
after hearing what you said.
Not sure when you'd mend your ways!
Hey, do you realise how much
you've changed in the last 2 years?
Do you remember how you
were in your childhood?
Fearing people might judge you, you used
to take the other way, away from wine shop
Look at you now, you have
become a drunkard totally!
It's been six months since you've been
to Hyderabad. Couldn't you find a job?
-Dad... I mean...
-Why are you stammering?
Subbu's son's salary is Rs 1 Lakh!
He's taking dowry of Rs crore.
It's been six months since you've
gone. Why didn't find job yet?
Finding a job is easy, but finding the one
that pays 1 Lakh will take some time dad.
I don't know what you'd do. But you must
find a job who'd you pay more than him.
And I must take more
dowry than his dad did.
Don't mind spending 4-5 lakhs to
procure it. But salary must be 1 Lakh!
Damn it! I wanted to
stop studies after B tech
and wanted to get
into shrimps business.
But my dad is pestering
me to find a job!
If you have studied B tech,
why don't you work?
Yes, why not! Though I secured 90% all
the subjects, I hardly got 40% in English.
All the companies I seek job
at, ask me to speak English!
Oh is it?
I know a company, if you pay them 4-5
Lakhs, they will give you offer letter.
Won't they pay salary every month?
Damn you and your stupidity!
I meant, they'd give you job!
Ok, no problem! We shall pay them!
Oh my God! Is she feeling nervous?
Anyhow, I don't have that problem.
Anyhow I'd receive my
offer letter directly!
Mr Shiva...
"Shiva turned fortunate
but it costed him 4 lakhs"
"If he gets a good job it will
get him huge amount of dowry"
-Please wait, Ma'am will come.
-Ma'am? I think its must be a sir...
That sir was laid off.
A madam has substituted him.
Huh? How about my money?
"Shiva is doomed and lost his money"
"If his dad comes to know this
he will bash black and blue"
We will do it by this week, ok?
We will mail the information. Thank you.
"Shiva has turned fortunate
again, with the entry of the girl"
"The girl who kissed him,
has come and charmed him"
Your profile?
Tell me about yourself.
Did you recognise me?
I said tell me about yourself.
I cleared all the rounds,
I just came to collect my offer letter.
-How much did you pay?
-Just 4-5 La...
They came to know about that employee's
fraud and appointed me in his place.
And I follow my process.
Tell me about yourself.
I am Shiva.
What do you know about this company?
Starting pay is 12 Lakhs,
which means per month it's 1 Lakh.
What is System Analysis?
That is... I mean... Er...
-Do you know the answer or not?
-I do know!
But I find it a little
difficult to say it in English.
Not a little, in fact a lot difficult!
-Is it easy in say in Telugu?
It's ok, please go ahead.
The processing of input we
feed into the system as output.
System analysis deals with
analyzing how this process works.
Hmm not bad!
You know the subject Shiva,
but you are poor at communication.
You know we work with foreign
clients, English is very important.
Mr Shiva, I will give you 15 days time,
improve your English and come back.
If I couldn't learnt since Childhood,
will 15 days bring any difference?
That night at pub, it was just an accident
I thought you forgot, so you didn't!
If you don't forget that, you may
have to forget about this job!
I hope you understood!
15 days time! So keep practicing!
I must take an oath to speak only
in English for the next 15 days!
No, I have already taken the oath!
-This auto... where going?
-Where do you want to go exactly?
Please take to Housing board colony.
How are you able to speak such
good English, being an auto driver?
I commute the students of St
Ann's school everyday.
I learnt by listening to them.
You learnt just by listening to them?
I have been listening, from school
and college, but never learnt anything.
Fine, let's try!
Please stop here!
-How much?
-Thank you so much!
Damn him and his punchlines in English!
[religious chants]
Dude, you remember she?
Who is that she?
The girl who kissed in pub that night?
-Oh yeah!
-She's my HR manager in office.
I guess you are very happy to find
the girl who kissed and disappeared.
Dude, but speaks good English!
You are going wrong again!
Back in college we tried hard to impress
English medium girls to pass in English.
Forget about impressing, did they
at least look at our Telugu medium faces?
Did you forget that insult?
Women can feel pride with money,
but never for being better at English!
-They will dominate you!
-She is not like those bad girls!
She is different!
That is our men's weakness!
We'll say she's
different if we like her.
If she ditches, we shall
chide her like any other girl.
Anyhow we'd meet in the
evening, we shall then talk in detail.
Ok bye!
You always used to travel overnight,
why did you travel all day this time?
My life asks for some
change, so started with journey
Good evening sir, order please!
-What is the costliest peg in your bar?
-What is the cheapest?
-Mansion house.
Get two of them!
-And a juice for him! Juice... ok?
-I got it sir.
I think it's really getting hot here.
Yeah, our hometown was far better.
Rascal! He doesn't even feel any
difference in the juice taste!
Dude... Why do you look confused?
-We shall have one more!
-One more!
Dude, please stop at a wine shop!
But we just came out of bar, why
do you want to stop at wine shop?
Isn't a patient who visits a doctor
in hospital stops by a medical shop?
-This is similar to that!
-Then let's go!
-Stop! Stop!
-Hey dude, it's police!
-Let me handle this
Sorry sir, my glasses are
fogged, I couldn't see you.
But where are your glasses man?
Oh no! I lost my glasses sir,
please take the complaint.
I will, come along!
Since you guys catch hold of us on
Main roads we chose these lanes.
You stop us here too?
-Sir please sir!
-Hey girl don't cover your face.
-My dad will scold me sir
-Doesn't he scold if you drink?
No sir, he will scold only
if I am caught by police.
My husband had just one beer...
How can you stop him for that?
If having one beer is also a crime then,
why don't you shut all the wine shops?
If one has a wife like her...
...all the drunkards lives will be happy!
Bullabbai here...
-Good morning madam!
-Who are you?
How much did you drink?
-6 pegs!
-I knew!
-Good morning sir, Amalapuram!
-I will talk to him!
How atrocious! My madam had just
6 pegs! How could you stop her?
Then first shut down all
the pubs in Hyderabad!
-What say dude?
But how could you stop
a woman for just 6 pegs?
Move it! Come on go!
-Bullabbai!-Bullabbai from Amalapuram!
Hey, did Bullabbai leave?
What kind of a man is he? He is taking
more alcohol than water in a day.
He has asked for 24 hours bar address,
the moment he woke up in the morning.
He'll die very soon,
if he drinks like this!
-He never changes!
-By the way, what's your job's status?
[phone ringing]
-Please connect to Sasi Madam.
[intercom ringing]
Sorry, just a minute! Hello...
Not bad, you've showed up to office
even after being drunk so much last night!
-Who is this?
-I Shiva...
Night, police help! Before
that you told to learn English...
Prior to that we kissed in pub...
Enough! Why did you call? I'm busy
right now, I will talk to you later.
Sorry guys!
So system analysis is...
[intercom ringing]
You said later, but didn't mention time...
Night, call on my personal
number I will then talk to you.
[song playing on Laptop]
[mobile ringing]
[mobile chimes]
I'm enjoying what about you?
Be careful, you might end up kissing
a watchman or a lift man this time.
I spoke in perfect
English nonstop for 2 minutes.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
[recites national Pledge]
Funny guy!
You are left with only 10 days to my
deadline. I will teach you English!
Ok, madam. Thank you!
[indistinct conversation]
I'll give you an assignment.
This is a scene from Avatar...
...try to understand and explain it.
[Translates the dialogues to Telugu]
Sounds like dialogues
from a dubbed movie.
I actually told the dialogues from
Telugu dubbed version of Avatar
I'll catch in the parking slot 9 pm.
Why does she say she'd catch
at the parking slot at 9 pm?
Let me check it in translator...
Catch you... parking slot...
Oh she meant she'd meet me... My
bad! Ok madam, let's catch up!
In 2018 we have a phenomenal
job... [phone ringing]
I'm in confusion, call.
Don't you have sense when
I said am busy, I am busy.
Thank you so much, call you later.
Hello, my name is Shruthi,
may I know how may I help you.
-SIM Related? PAN related?
-Then what is your problem sir?
-It's my personal problem.
It is English problem.
Sir, I am not an English Tutor.
If you don't talk to me in English, I'll
complain that you didn't talk in properly
and thus I am switching
to another network.
Must appreciate for threatening customer
care executive and learning English!
-Madam I have a doubt...
-What's that?
There are a lot of slangs in Telugu,
similarly English also might have...
Which slang are you teaching me?
Stop worrying about slang
and concentrate on language first.
-Hello excuse me, give me paper
-They are right there...
Not Telugu, only English paper.
Hi dad, what's up?
What about your job?
[speaks improper English]
What's wrong with you?
What are you blabbering?
-English dad!-Big deal!
Can... I speak? Nah! Can I talk?
Can I talk while?
Can I talk to you for a while?
-Yes come in!
-My appointment letter?
-I've already sent the email.
Dad, I got the job!
Pay is One Lakh per month!
-Hi I'm Rajamouli...
-I'm VV Vinayak.
I'm Shekar Kammula...
Looks like all the Telugu Film
Directors are working at our office
Hi I'm RGV, they dislike me!
You too might dislike me in future,
let's chat while we're still good.
Shiva... follow me on Twitter,
we shall talk in the evening.
Office seems too good!
-What's your hometown?
Are you too from
Amalapuram? Where exactly?
-Ours is Magaam!
-Are you done with your introductions?
-We both hail from the same town
Then you both can go to your hometown
in the same bus for Sankranthi(festival)
Until then,
would you mind your work?
Where do you stay in Godilanka
-Hey Sasi, you are looking gorgeous!
-Thank you!
-How about a coffee?
-[sighs] I have a boy friend.
I just asked as a friend, that's ok!
Sorry, may be some other time.
After you joined the office,
I feel as though I'm in my native.
Thank you!
Don't take it as a compliment, she chided
that you are behaving like a country man
-Why does he say you chided?
-No, I said on a positive note.
-Please order something Ma'am.
-I won't, you must!
He doesn't know Telugu,
you don't know Hindi.
Please order for this time,
I will lose my prestige.
It's ok, it's not your life
that you lose, so you order.
-Thank you madam.
-Let's go Madam!
We think we can't achieve,
so we don't even try attempting it.
But if it is inevitable,
we will attempt it and succeed too
This is called 'Survival Benefit'
If you take every situation in a similar
manner, you will learn English in no time
-I'll try
-Good. Just concentrate on fluency.
Come home from tomorrow.
I will take classes at night.
Night classes?
-Hi Madam!
-Hi, come in.
-Your house is amazing!
-You stay alone in this huge flat?
-Yes, why?
I must say, you are really bold!
It it were me, I would've
run to my friend's rooms.
-Out of fear?
-No way!
-I mean, yeah out of fear!
Don't you feel bored to stay alone?
I do feel bored, but I
have no friends here.
So I don't mean at least
a friend to you?
Don't you feel bad to say that?
What did you do for me,
to take you as my friend?
I am learning English from
you, without paying fee, ain't I?
Hello, I am teaching you
English, without taking fee.
Yeah, true!
Long weekend! I feel bored here,
I don't want to go to Mumbai.
Why don't you go on a trip?
If you want to be my friend,
you must do something, will you?
What's that?
-Take me to a nice place!
-Me? Take you?
-Should I take you?
-Then let's take all the colleagues.
I didn't mean that. How do we go?
-We'll go on your bike.
-On bike?
Ok, tell me where do we go.
Why do you think so much? Just get
the bike, we'll go wherever we'd like to.
"Freedom has welcomed, just go on"
"Staring at the colours of the world,
just spread your wings and fly"
"What is that, that you own?
A little smile is your wealth"
"Happiness alone leads you to salvation"
"There's no point cribbing on
the time you wasted dreaming"
"There's no such ocean in this
world, which can stop its tides"
"No God will tell you who
will come to rescue you"
"Just follow your
heart and go on"
Two rooms please!
I came to the trip because I stay alone in
room, you want me to do the same here too?
Do you have any love stories?
Why not?
I have about 12-13 stories.
Narrate one of those!
While I was waiting at
bus stop, a bus arrived
...a girl from the bus, looked at me.
I thought she is the one for me.
As I was dreaming my life
with her, I closed my eyes.
By the time I opened
my eyes, the bus left.
-Where is love in this story?
-There is, and I alone know it.
So all of your love stories
are such single frame stories?
In another instance when the priest
was giving me the Prasad in the temple...
I forgot to collect it,
a goddess called me from behind.
That's all, I dreamt I married her,
raised kids, got them married...
If the girl's hand touches while
giving the book, it's a love story.
If the girl's dupatta falls on
my face, it's a love story too
If they talk among
themselves and look at me,
I throw a party to our friends to
celebrate that she looked at me.
There'd be innumerable
such love stories for boys!
Enough! Please stop!
Put that aside,
do you have any love story?
I too had one!
He was my senior at college
I met you, when I broke
up with him. That's all.
[hums a song]
[continues to sing]
Is this kiss too like the one,
you gave me that night?
That is accident, this is commitment.
That night, I kissed being angry at him.
Tonight, I kissed with my love for you.
A lot might have
experienced love at first sight.
But I experienced, love at first kiss!
I love you Sasi!
-Shiva, do you know mind reading?
I heard the same which
I wanted to tell you.
I love you too Shiva!
I never found a person as
genuine as you are, including me.
"My heart couldn't
understand these feelings"
"I don't miss anyone as
long as you are by my side"
"My heart says it likes you and
asks me to get close to you"
"It won't let me stay calm,
won't I tell you all my musings"
"The clouds have hidden in our eyes"
"The sweet talk has
made this magic"
"Freedom has welcomed, just go on"
"Staring at the colours of the world,
just spread your wings and fly"
"What is that, that you own?
A little smile is your wealth"
"Happiness alone leads you to salvation"
"There's no point cribbing on
the time you wasted dreaming"
"There's no such ocean in this
world, which can stop its tides"
"No God will tell you who
will come to rescue you"
"Just follow your
heart and go on"
Without you, I am unable
to go even till the gate, Shiva.
I will be very happy
if you are by my side.
Me too!
These three days are the
best days in my entire life.
Sankranthi festival 3 days are the most
memorable days for me since childhood.
But these 3 days are much
memorable than Sankranthi.
I want to say "Please don't go"
I too will miss you...
But we'd anyhow meet
in the office tomorrow.
Meeting is different
from staying together.
I can't afford to miss
you even for a second!
What do we do now?
You move in with me,
we'll stay on my flat.
We both in the same flat? What if
people come to know about it?
While I am thinking about both of
us, why do you think about others?
Please move into my flat, Shiva!
Not to share the rent, but life too!
Damn! Is this a room or a choultry?
How can leave the doors open and sleep?
What if someone breaks in?
Recently, I lost 2 pants and
Rs750 cash. Whom can I blame?
-What happened?
What else should happen?
Damn! You don't even
maintain the kitchen properly.
This doesn't seem neat for him?
Room is full of dirt, you eat here
and sleep here without cleaning.
-I can't!
-Where is the dirt?
-Yuck! Foul smell!
-What's wrong with him?
-You won't even turn the tap off!
-But it's turned off!
I can't stay in such a
room at all! I will leave!
I am leaving, that's all!
-What antics are these man?
-Isn't the kitchen clean?
-Isn't the room neat?
-Isn't bathroom neat?
-It is!
-Then why are you throwing a tantrum?
I wanted to move out, so...
[Shiva groans]
[door creaks open]
[song playing on TV]
Sasi... Are you in the shower?
Yeah, just give me 5 minutes, I'm coming.
It's fine, which soap are you using?
-Lux is it?
Is it why you look that fair?
-Oh! I didn't see anything!
-Move aside!
Why didn't yo close the door?
It's just we both who stay here,
do you really think I should?
[mobile rings with a song ringtone]
-Dad? Shall I answer it?
-No please!
-Yes dad,
-Hey, where the hell are you?
I am busy in a meeting.
Whoa! Meetings? Do they serve
alcohol in night meetings?
-Dad it's a software office.
-That's why I asked you!
I have fixed my mind to take a dowry
of 1 crore, since your salary is a Lakh.
-One crore dowry? Is it?
-Just Dad thinks so!
-One crore? Come one speak out!
[Shiva screams]
[door bell rings]
Earlier the power was
off, now door bell rang... I am scared!
Shiva this is our flat,
why do you get scared?
How are you my dear? After a long time!
-Why did you come without a call?
Sasi, who is he? Looks like a good guy!
Shiva my boy friend.
Shiva, Sheena my best friend!
-Hey he's good, can I too share him?
-I'll kill you.
He's a very good man,
composed and innocent.
I will check and let you know
about the extra qualities.
Hey, don't scare him! He too moved
in today, meanwhile you came.
Is that why I see you not excited? Ok!
[playing game on mobile]
Shiva have you ever
dated another girl earlier?
-Let me interact?
Why didn't you? No girl approached you?
Or you didn't like any girl
who has approached you?
Before I approached...
...the girl I like has approached me.
Meanwhile, like a
disturbance, you approached us.
Sasi, the house seems to be peaceful,
isn't you speed breaker friend at home?
Hey guys...
I don't mind ending up in jail,
but she must be killed.
-Hi Shiva, Hi Sasi...
-Hi [in unison]
I will give you a party tonight!
If you are going back, I will
give you a bigger party!
Even I spoke about sendoff party.
I thought to myself, how did you hear it?
You thought you were, but it said it loud!
If you drop me at the airport
after the party, I will leave!
[gasp in unison]
[cricket commentary]
Do boys too feel tickles?
I heard that romance with the boys who
feel the tickles would be great, enjoy!
Shut up!
Hey, slow down, why are you hurrying?
You must be running late...
[igniting the car]
-What happened?
-Car isn't starting.
What? How do I go now?
-Cab is here.
-Who booked it?
I did.
-Sheena... Happy journey!
Miss you Sheena, miss you a lot.
-I can't live without you.
-Don't you think you're going overboard?
I hope you understood,
next time call before you come.
-Sheena... Sheena!
-Enough, let's go!
Mr Shiva, since you have produced
fake experience, we are terminating you.
You need not come to
office from tomorrow.
Damn! You couldn't save my job
though you're in the HR department.
-I'm sorry dear.
-I really tried very hard!
It's ok, I need a break anyhow!
Shiva I'm heading to office, I will
get the dinner while I return home.
-Not required, I will cook!
-Food tastes delicious Shiva!
"This thirst will not
be quenched with water"
"Desire is never fulfilled"
Shiva my friend said she will refer
you, will you attend the interview?
-What if I lose that job too?
-So you wouldn't work at all?
No, I will run a business.
[song playing on TV]
-Why didn't you cook today?
-Do I look like a cook to you?
Aren't you staying jobless?
Am I such a burden to you Sasi?
"In this delusion, the bank has
surrendered herself to the tide"
[song playing on TV]
Your condition is
deteriorating day by day!
You are progressing Sasi,
that why you feel I am deteriorating!
[mobile ringing]
-Shiva, where are you?
-Oh! I said I'd come right? I forgot it!
-Forgot it?
I can't come, so you come by yourself.
I'm not feeling well,
that's why I'm asking you to come.
Neither I am feeling good,
that's why I came to have liquor.
Please try to understand Sasi.
Please Shiva, I'm not in a mood.
But I am!
"How did the love change?"
Shiva let's break up!
But Sasi, we are happy, aren't we?
Just because I'm happy with you
on bed, for half hour in a day
I am unable to tolerate you for
the rest of the 23 and half hours.
So let's break up!
But rather than staying by someone's
side while everything is perfect
...true love is when you stand and believe
when nothing is going right. Isn't it?
Don't try to convince me,
I already took the decision.
Did you truly love him?
Whilst I drank the alcohol
and are you feeling giddy?
Sorry sir!
[pathos song playing on radio]
I too wanted this song!
She left me and went away!
We can never understand women!
Sir we have reached home.
You've played super song!
Thank you sir!
Here, a hundred bucks for you
and a hundred for the song!
You are amazing sir!
[hums the song]
Hey Sasi, you are back?
Stop being foolish! Will any
couple split for petty things?
If it happens once in a day, it's petty,
if it happens repetitively it's serious.
But if it happens everyday?
Look Sasi, I don't say
I am not at fault...
but neither I am
pointing out your faults.
Life is all about
adjustments. You must adjust...
I too must adjust!
I don't need to!
Anyway, I took a decision and I
don't want to be with you anymore.
Not bad, you too picked up a bit
of mind reading in this one year
You spoke my mind out!
If you want to go you may go! But to
remind the mistake I did in my life,
...let those photos be there!
Fearing of remembering you,
I decided to leave this house
How did you think that I'd
be on your side in the photo?
Neither me nor my phone
hold any memories of you!
Including your number.
I have deleted everything!
You too better delete everything.
[scoffs] I will, you may get lost!
No, do it right away! In my presence!
Don't you believe me?
Oh sorry, if you had believed me, you
wouldn't have thought of breaking up?
Where did I put it?
Were you so drunk that you don't even
know where you've put your phone?
Make it quick! I am getting late.
If you are in such a hurry,
why don't you call? You can hear the ring!
Oh sorry, you deleted my
number isn't it? Shall I tell?
[keypad tones]
Oh you remember? Formatting this
isn't as easy as formatting the phone!
It's ringing!
But I don't hear it anywhere.
Did you put it on silent mode?
I don't even remember where I've put my
phone, how would I remember those details?
[automated voice]
What happened?
Someone has disconnected the call.
What? Disconnected? Call
again, turn the Speaker on!
Automated voice: The number you
have dialled is switched off.
Switched off?
Don't worry Sasi,
we must not have lost it.
What happens even if we lose it?
Breaking news: Leaked Lover's romantic
video is going viral on the internet.
How did it surface on the internet?
Are they still together or did one of
them upload being upset with the other?
Please watch the
details after the break!
[news repeats]
Welcome back! It's a personal affair
that happens behind closed doors.
But with the present technology that
secret is now exposed and available to all
While these turn some lives upside down,
...for a few it's amusement!
Not sure if they are trying to
evolve with the changing times...
...the youth is sidelined to perversion!
Mostly we have seen secretly
recorded videos until lately...
but now they are themselves recording
these private moments as a memory.
We see a video that was shot at a
park in Bangalore that is viral.
That girl had killed herself,
as this video of hers went viral
People are chiding for her deeds as
shameless, instead of showing any sympathy
Don't cry, that video is not ours!
What if it happens to be our video?
Don't over think! Stay strong!
Where did you go Sasi?
You didn't even answer my call.
Did you miss me that badly?
If I knew half hour will be this terrible
without you, I'd have come with you.
It's your birthday isn't it?
I wanted to surprise you.
Surprise? What is it?
Wow! iphone?
What's there to get
surprised in an iphone?
It has our selfie as it's first pic!
No surprise in selfie either.
It has our kissing video too
now! What else do you want?
No surprise in kiss either!
Please Sasi, control yourself!
We will find the phone, trust me.
I can't see you crying!
My life is ruined once that video is out!
Does your life alone
gets ruined, not mine?
You're a man, you will roam happily!
People will think you are a
hero and I am your mistress!
Hero is it? How easily you could
say it! Don't we have parents?
Don't we have a family? You compete
with men in everything don't you?
You smoke, you booze also
shoot such selfie videos!
Only when such a miserable situation
arises, you recall you are a woman, is it?
Does only such situations
remind you of your womanhood?
You better know this,
I didn't just spend the night with you...
I made love to you!
Stop it Shiva!
Srujana, did you have eat?
Cut, why do you ruin
such a famous line too?
-There's so much love in it?
-Ok sir sorry sir, One more!
Srujana... did you eat? [mobile ringing]
Put that phone in silent mode!
-Sir, if I don't answer, he will bug me!
-Where do you find such wastrels?
-Shiva, did you eat?
-Yeah I did!
I called for a favour...
Hey, it's month end,
I already ran out of money!
First listen to me man!
If it's not money, then I will
sacrifice my life for you dear!
I lost my phone, it's switched
off too, I must trace it.
Tracing a switched off
phone is almost impossible.
We can do nothing!
Hey, hold on...
Once you find the phone come
to our bar, we'd celebrate!
Come even if you don't
find it too, we'll booze!
Come even if you don't
find it too, we'll booze!
Sasi, last night I went to a bar, I
hope the phone is misplaced there.
I too shall come along.
I am going to a bar,
I can handle, don't worry!
I said I'd come, to avoid my worry!
How can I believe that you'd
delete once you find the phone?
-Shall we go miss?
-Ok mister!
Can you please drive a little faster?
Shiva stop it!
Shiva, please sit down!
Drive slow, I am scared.
Shall I drive slow?
Or remove fear in you?
Remove my fear!
-Excuse me...
-Yes sir...
-Yesterday I had drinks here.
-Everyone comes here for the same!
I misplaced my phone here.
-Oh so that's your phone?
-Yeah it's mine.
One minute sir.
Thank God!
-Where did you put it man?
-In the rack down...
This is not mine. It was an iphone!
This is what our staff have found.
Moreover, who would
return an iphone if found?
[mobile ringing] One minute...
Hello, we can't give
discount beyond 10% sir...
Hello... Hey boys!
Hello, I am Sorry!
I thought it was my phone!
I am sorry!
All the iphones look alike,
but not every iphone is yours!
-It's ok, relax boys!
Sasi, give me your phone!
[mobile ringing with a son ringtone]
Bro, your phone is ringing...
Some Sasikala? I must talk!
-Hey, Shiva here...
I am opening the umbrella bro...
Hey, what's the matter?
-Did you take my phone last night?
-Did I get his phone by mistake?
No dude, it's mine.
-What happened?
-My phone is missing from last night!
How dare you call me a thief
just because we boozed together?
-No man!
-Chill! It's just a phone! Buy another!
I'm not worried about the phone.
Oh is it about your selfies?
You can always click!
It has... our private video in it.
-Video? Why didn't you send me?
Sorry dude!
When I heard 'video'
I said it in curiosity!
But how could you
record one such video?
People these days, forget people, we
ourselves won't stop watching such videos.
After watching the whole video, we wonder
how could they even film such a video!
Then, how could you do this dude?
What is this Sasi? You seem
to be a firebrand at office?
Look at you, how you've
become for a day's fever...
Fever treats everyone the
same! Did you get the tablets?
-Give them!
-Do you know when you'd use tablets?
-When we are down with fever.
When there's none to take care of...
and the one who's there
can't take care of...
But I am here to look after you
What are you doing? I feel cold.
Didn't you tell that you're still
feeling cold even after wrapping blankets?
None could discover a
warmer blanket than a hug!
Please, you also might catch it!
My body's resistance
power is very high!
Resistance power is it?
I don't remember anything Sasi.
It's only you, whom I called
multiple times last night!
Later my mind totally went blocked!
I've told you umpteen times to set a
screen lock for a phone. But you didn't.
None other than you touch my phone,
and I don't like hiding anything from you.
That's why I never set a lock.
But now someone else has the
phone. What if they watch the video?
They must switch on the phone to watch it.
What if they already watched it at
night, and then switched it off?
I am trying to talk positive
to make you feel better...
and you in turn are talking
negative and scaring me more!
Enough Sasi! [mobile ringing]
Dude, go and raise a
complaint in Police station.
Kukatpally Station CI is a very good
friend of mine. I already spoke to him.
They give my reference and meet him.
-How do you know that CI?
-Just shut up and do as I said.
Who is stealing these days?
They are just killing each other.
Deal it with care!
-I will call later
-Namasthe sir.
What's the matter?
Sir, I am Shiva and I lost my phone.
So, will come directly to CI and
complain for after all a phone?
Go and lodge a
complaint with the constable.
I am Bullabbai's friend. He
told that he has called you.
-You mean that guy from Amalapuram?
-Yes sir.
He called multiple times but I
didn't answer. So this is the matter
Sir, that phone is very
important for me, please find it urgently.
If it's that urgent, you better buy a new
one, because here it takes time to find.
-Bullabbai said he will talk to you!
-Is he a home minister?
He once gave a bribe of Rs10,000
when he was caught in cockfight
But that phone is
very important for me.
Please take this home
if it is that important.
Sir that is very important,
please inform if you find it.
Sure, we will inform you.
[mobile ringing] Shiva
Bullabbai is calling.
-What did he say?
He said it takes time.
Of course it takes time! Finding
something is not as easy as losing it.
-Did he tell that I called?
-He also told that he didn't answer.
Oh he told that too? What is Sasi doing?
-She's been crying all the time.
-Aren't you feeling bad?
-Ok, listen to me.
Stop crying, and go to every place in
Hyderabad where they'd buy mobile seconds.
Also where they'd unlock iphones.
-Do you think I'd find it?
The one who found it might keep it,
but who stole will sell it for sure.
You think unlocking an iphone
is as easy as unlocking a door?
Do you even know how complicated the
process is? Moreover you bargain!
-You have to pay not less than Rs2000!
-Big deal, I'd go to some other shop
-Which model do you want to unlock?
-iphone 6S
-Which country model?
Then why do you want to unlock sir?
If someones brings that model,
please call me. This is my number.
I will pay you for this favour.
Street sellers: Exchange your old
phone to new one. Please come!
You are quoting too high a price!
-Do you have iphone 6S?
-We have iphone 7.
We have got an iphone
yesterday. Show him that.
Ok sir.
-It's not mine, mine is Silver colour.
-Mine? What are you saying?
I lost my phone yesterday,
so thought I'd check if they sold it here.
Are you kidding? Do we look
like we sell stolen mobiles? Get lost!
-I will pay you for it.
-Just leave! Shut up!
-Please listen to me!
Don't waste our time. Go!
-Hey get lost man!
[mobile ringing]
Hey Sasi, where are you?
We all are waiting for you.
[sobbing] What happened Sasi?
Ashok, I can't come to office today.
[inaudible conversation]
Oh my God! How could you guys...
Ok, just stay with Shiva until you
find the phone. You will find it.
Let me know if you need
any help, take care.
-Any progress?
Not really, I tried very hard but no use
I was very worried if you found it or
not from the last time I spoke to you.
If it got me so worried, I can understand
what you both are going through.
You take care of Sasi, she might
resort to any hasty decision with this.
Please have some water Sasi.
We have been trying in all ways possible.
I am sure, we will find the phone.
Even if we lose that phone and
even if the video goes viral...
I will not leave your side!
Stay strong Sasi!
Shiva, I feel that you have deliberately
hidden the phone to blackmail me.
Are you mad? Have you lost your mind?
Do you know what crap
are you blabbering?
Will I blackmail you?
And for what?
For your beauty? Is that
something I haven't seen?
Is it for your money? Don't I have?
Damn you! I already lost mercy and
anger, now I feel disgusted with you.
I feel like killing you,
as I can't, I kissed.
Though you are trying to break up,
I am pleading that we'd stay together
That is my mistake!
At any cost, I will find
the phone by evening.
I will delete the video right in front
of you and will go away from your life too
Until then, you better don't talk
anything. I might kill you. Beware!
[reviving the bike]
"What kind of a heart is yours?
Why don't you throw it away?"
"It has no mercy at all."
"When you killed me with
beauty and when you hurt me"
"I always smiled"
"Your embrace..."
"...has now turned into a noose!"
"Your companionship..."
"...has turned into
an unfinished story"
"When we spent lovely time
staring into each other's eyes"
"Now you say that those moments hunt you?"
"Though the ground is
shattering, I still walk with you"
"Does my love look so mean to you?"
"Who stood by your side,
when you were in problems?"
"Who is the witness for it?"
"They lure with their intentions"
"..later they drown us"
"By enduring the pain, this is the
consequence leave you in tears"
"Is feeling pity the grave sin, man does?"
"If one understands that it's
all null, their life prospers"
"Your embrace..."
"...has now turned into a noose!"
"Your companionship..."
"...has turned into
an unfinished story"
Why did you stop here?
You haven't had anything since
morning. You will feel fatigue.
I don't want anything.
You please have if you want.
[scoffs] You will need
energy to worry and fear too.
I will bring something to eat.
Sasi... Sasi...
Did you see the girl who came
along, going somewhere?
I don't know!
-Did you notice anything?
-A girl just went in an auto.
Hey you are so beautiful!
Who is this?
-Do you want my name? Or your video?
-Which video?
Oh sorry, it's not your video?
It could be a wrong number Bye!
Hello please hold on, who
are you? what do you want?
I want you, the same as
you looked in the video.
But I promise,
I will not record the video.
Please come, entertain
me and collect your phone.
You have half an hours time.
I already messaged the address.
Yes, Miss Sasi, it's me!
How can you do this to your friend?
Will you say yes,
if I ask you friendly?
Look Sasi, I took one hour
permission from office and came.
Just half an hour.
Please Ashok! Don't do this.
I'm not that commercial. I don't need
everyday. I'm asking just for once.
And just for half an hour.
Whoa! What a tempting video!
If you delay, your video will cross
1 million views in shortest time.
Is this scumbag your friend?
If he does such nasty things
can he be called a friend?
Take out the video, take out the phone!
-I don't have it!
-He has it Shiva!
He has showed me earlier.
I swear I don't have it. As she is
already scared, I took advantage of it
You can check my phone!
Argh! Look, it's full of girls photos.
You will trust such wastrels.
...and suspect boys like me!
Moreover you generalise and
abuse all men saying 'Bloody Men'
Damn it!
When in trouble, one must seek
a solution but not another problem.
You bloody rascal!
Damn you!
[mobile ringing]
-Do you remember Rambabu?
-He now owns cars!
How does it matter to
me in this situation?
Listen, guess what he does...
He collects such video and
gives for the websites.
He receives a bunch on
Thursday and uploads them on Friday
Today is Friday, check if your video is...
Where can I find him?
Why didn't I receive the videos yet? If I
don't receive by evening, I'll bash you.
I hope you know about me!
-Hey Shiva... how are you?
Bullabbai just called
and told me the matter.
-What did he say?
-That it's a video of your colleague.
Let's go!
How's Bullabbai doing?
Is he still boozing the same?
Hmm! Come on finish it!
I received a total of
36 videos this week.
Actually I must not be showing these to
anyone. My partner won't spare me for it.
Since you are from my hometown
and it's Bullabbai's recommendation
Check out!
Ok, you check out.
Hey come we'll have a cigarette.
"They roam around saying
they like each other"
"They keep kissing and
making love all day"
"They lose the track of time."
"They hang together all day and night"
"Will oblige to each other"
"If you say ok, it goes ahead
from kissing and hugging"
"On the name of dating, they
invite saying there's none at home"
"In case that plan is missed"
"They'd book an OYO room"
"They walk and ride bike all day long"
"They will be caught on
camera, from behind the bushes"
"They don't even spare
the lifts, like idiots"
"They keep kissing
anywhere and everywhere"
"They booze, they dance and throw up too"
"They will be busy
fulfilling their desires"
"They don't even
bother where they are"
"They will be caught to
someone or the other"
"Oh dude, did you watch the video?"
Shiva, send me the photos we
clicked yesterday, I want them
My phone is right there,
send them to your phone.
Huh? Shiva...
How did this get recorded?
-It's good, isn't it?
-Delete it!
Delete it right away!
Let it be Sasi!
It might help us sometime.
Did you find it?
-I'm sorry Rambabu!
-You need not thank me.
Why does he thank me...
Why did he apologise?
Damn! Argh!
Hey Shiva!
-What do you want Ma'am?
Ok Ma'am.
Today a couple's video is
going viral in Hyderabad.
Are they lovers or a
newly married couple?
Whosoever, but their lives are
now in the hands of Netizens.
Is it their mistake in hastiness
or their parents' upbringing?
Why did you do it Sasi? Where are you?
Everyone at office talks
about your body structure.
Hey sasi, is too hot!
Hey Shiva... You are a lucky boy!
[mobile ringing]
What's wrong with you?
I never expected this from you.
Did you even think of your parents,
what if they come to know this?
They punished themselves!
Did their parents kill themselves?
[tires screech, thud]
What did you do? If you didn't find
the video, you must just leave,
...but why did you delete
all the videos there?
He wanted to help us,
in turn you ruined his business.
Bullabbai, do you call that a business?
Does he have to run a
business that ruins some lives?
That is why I deleted!
I am not thinking just about
myself since morning...
I can sense the pain of
every single person's pain,
...whose life was ruined
due to such videos.
I am very much worried about Sasi.
But I am just helpless.
Hey remember this, we might not
be able to change the world...
...but we must at least try to
change the mind of our acquaintance.
Damn! Bloody fool!
[mobile ringing]
Tell me!
He deleted them in his
frustration. Please try to understand.
I just wanted to help you as
you were my childhood friends.
I had to incur a loss of Rs 4 lakhs.
I must upload 6 videos by morning.
That's it? Do as I say, you can
upload 60 videos not just 6!
Come on tell me!
Place a camera each in your parent's
room, your brother's room and your room.
-You will have 3 videos ready by morning!
Oh it slipped my mind,
yours is a joint family, isn't it?
If you place cameras in your uncle's,
sister's and other family members rooms... will have as many videos
as you want by morning! What say?
Mind your words! I will kill you!
Why will I place a camera in my house?
Not just your house, if a camera is placed
in anyone's bedroom, it records the same!
It's called romance if done
in a closed room privately,
...but you are demeaning it
by exposing to the public.
Oh really? Why do you suddenly speak like
a good Shepard? You too watch, don't you?
I watched! Yeah a lot of them indeed!
But after seeing my friend's pain, I
decided not to watch such videos again.
Similarly I wanted you to stop
this and spoke about your parents.
But I didn't mean to talk low
of them. I too have my family.
Shiva said this, we might not
be able to change the world...
...but we can change the
mind of our acquaintance.
I have changed,
I leave the rest to you!
Remember, there are many
other ways to make money.
I never believed that you exist.
But Sasi believed in you.
Anyhow, she wouldn't
believe me from now on.
At least you try to
keep up her trust in you.
Please make sure
we find that phone.
[temple bell rings]
Did you find the phone?
Shiva, I lost my hope!
We won't find the phone.
So since morning, did you
believe that we'd find it?
Then please continue to have
the same faith until we find it.
Because I still believe that we'd find it.
[mobile chimes]
-Shiva our phone is switched on.
No, if we call, they
might switch it off again.
Sasi, phone is somewhere nearby.
You keep tracking the GPS
-Should I go straight from here?
Left or right from here.
Left, sorry right! No left! No.. no right!
You anyhow couldn't differentiate
between right and wrong.
Can't you differentiate
left and right too?
They are at the signal
ahead Shiva. Fast! Fast!
-Give me the phone.
-He just took an U turn.
-Shiva, he stopped there.
-It's just 2 minutes, fast Shiva.
-I'm speeding.
Shiva he is just right
there. He's right there.
-Shiv.. Shiv...
-What happened?
-What happened?
They turned off the GPS.
-Give me the phone. He's here.
-Yeah right here Shiva.
Sweetie! I love you dear!
I can't kiss you here dear.
-Sweetie... Just hold on!
-Sir... Sir...
I lost my purse,
I have no money to go hometown.
Sir, please take this phone,
and give me Rs 5000.
-These are duplicates!
-No sir, it's a branded one.
-Someone is bugging me here dear...
GPS shows the same spot Sasi. Argh!
-Please take the phone and give me money.
-I don't have any.
I can go to my hometown
if you give me money,
Whilst I drank the alcohol
and are you feeling giddy?
Hey you! Sasi you wait here.
Hey you stay put!
Sir I will meet you again!
Stop there!
[peppy dance number playing on TV]
Why did you come
running? Is police chasing you?
-No bro.
-Did you sell the phone or not?
[Shiva panting]
Please brother, return my phone.
I will pay you any amount you ask for.
If you could pay so much, why don't
you buy a new phone for yourself?
Why did you sprint for it?
A romantic video from a park
in Bengaluru is going viral.
We have heard of videos
that were secretly shot.
But now the couples deliberately
shoot them as sweet memories
If a couple came chasing
for phone, it means...
there might be some
secret romantic videos in it.
I beg you! Please return my phone.
I feel pity looking at them,
give the phone here.
-Leave me!
-Let me go!
Please leave me!
We have seen many romance videos,
shall we record an assault video?
-Shall we?
-We shall dude!
We shall do it!
Don't do this, such
criminals are being shot.
True, let's not do this.
We won't do it.
Here's a bumper offer. Once your video
is exposed, the whole world watches it.
If you want to stop it, you both...
...must romance
in front of us.
What an idea bro!
Sasi, no! Don't do it!
I will kill you, if you move.
I will oblige.
No Sasi. Sasi, no!
No Sasi. Sasi, no!
No Sasi!
No Sasi. Sasi, no!
Whoa! Romance!
Sasi come on!
Sasi come! Sasi!
Phone! It's still with them!
They don't have our phone.
There's no iphone in the lot
I robbed at bar yesterday.
Shut up!
In fact, even if they had our
phone, I still would have saved you.
Because, you mean a
lot more than the phone.
They locked us up and escaped.
Don't spare them. Kill them!
Ok bro!
Who the hell are you man?
How dare you lock our men?
I am already out of my
mind! Don't mess with me!
Then why don't you
go to an asylum?
Hey, round him up!
Come on!
How dare you try to kill us! Try it now!
Shiva! Spare him!
When you are by my
side, I am the happiest!
Sasi... Sasi...
-Leave me!
-What are you doing?
Are you out of your mind?
What do I do?
I am clueless, my life is
so fragile at this point.
I am dying every
moment since morning.
I can't take this anymore Shiva!
-I want to die!
-Stop it!
Will we find the phone if you die?
Or will it stop the video
from being exposed?
If death was the
solution to every problem...
...every person must die for
the first problem he faces.
We have tried in every way
possible and we will continue to...
If we still don't find the phone?
Look Sasi, it was our fault.
If we can't correct it, we must
be prepared for the punishment.
Let us face it! We shall face
all the consequences arising.
I will make sure I will stand tall
and not let any problem affect you.
I will be with you, in support of you.
Thanks! Thank you so much Shiva.
Let's face any kind of
problem thus arising.
But not together...
...staying separate!
Because I decided to part,
before you lost the phone.
Please don't try to stop me!
"I hold you in my heart"
"You hold me in your heart"
"Not sure how the
love has changed"
"Shall I get parted away from him?"
?Should I ask him for an answer??
?Is it love that's
hiding in the heart??
Pack these too Sasi, you might need them!
-Do you know when you'd use tablets?
-When we are down with fever.
No! When there's
none to take care of...
and the one who's there
can't take care of...
But I am here to look after you!
"I hold you in my heart"
"You hold me in your heart"
"Not sure how the
love has changed"
"Shall I get parted away from him?"
Sasi, one last word,
before you leave
Please check if you have
left any of your belongings!
Because you aren't
planning to come back!
?My heart is...?
?My heart is...?
-Just two spoons!
-Argh! Don't force me to!
Sorry Shiva, I hope you understand,
we'd have mood swings during this period.
Come on Sasi, why do you
even explain? I know!
I respect you as a girl first...
after that I love you as my girl!
I must done a lot of mistakes in my life!
But choosing you is the
best decision of my life.
Lately you don't love me
as much as you used to.
You don't pay any attention to me.
Any boy feels excited
while he proposes a girl...
but it won't last after
the girl accepts his love.
Because he fear rejection from the girl...
later he feels assured,
that she belongs to him.
Fear is always makes you restless,
but assurance gives you peace!
Shiva, what if we fight in future?
I will... kiss you!
What if I am angry with you?
-I too will kiss you!
-Then I'll always be angry with you!
Once I made a mistake choosing a wrong
person, I corrected that by choosing you
I love you forever, ever and ever!
Leaving you, will happen only
when I take my last breath Sasi!
?Shall I return??
?Shall I return??
?My heart says to go back to you?
Didn't you feel like stopping me?
Will you leave me like this?
Will you send me off?
"In your love, I am the bank which
has surrendered itself to the tide"
?I am that little boy who
feels sleepless in joy?
?Not a moment exists,
when I don't think of you?
?I am blessed to share my life with you?
?Is this pain? Or the joy
that I found my special one??
?I don't exist without her?
Why didn't you stop me?
Did you say,
?Don't try to stop me??
So you wanted me to stay back,
but you didn't think of stopping me?
Not really! But I guess, you
are good at mind reading.
Why couldn't you know
what's on my mind?
But I did come downstairs!
I wouldn't have gone,
even if you hadn't come.
-I love you Sasi!
-I love you too!
How could you manage to hide
so much love since morning?
You are the reason again!
Excuse me... will you stop it?
Say sorry!
-But why?
-Why... my foot!
-Hey, come here!
-Hi uncle!
Yeah your uncle! My boy daily comes
to your house to play, doesn't he?
Yes, so?
I hope you know that toys
aren't allowed to school.
Yeah, they won't allow,
but why do you tell me this?
When you knew this, why did you give
your phone to play and take along?
Why did you give it sir?
Come on speak out! Why?
Why did you give him your phone?
Uncle, please wake up!
-I want your phone!
I will play PUB G ad return it.
It lies somewhere here around, take it!
Thanks uncle!
-Good morning!
-Ma'am is here, hide it!
[mobile vibrating]
-Phone is ringing!
[automated voice: The number you
have called is busy at the moment]
-Someone disconnected the call!
-Call again!
[mobile vibrating]
Someone's calling again! Switch it off!
[automated voice: The number you are
trying to reach, is currently switched off]
-Shiva our phone is switched on.
He's almost there!
-What happened?
-They turned off the GPS
What? [grunts]
Whoa! Shit!
I should be the one saying that!
Shit! All my relatives from all
over are calling to taunt me!
How could you give a phone to
your child and send him school?
So, say sorry!
Sorry sir!
Yeah it was so simple isn't it?
But you...
...won't stop pointing fingers at
our parenting, and pamper them!
-I won't spare you...
-Hello! We apologized to you!
Stop this here!
[sighs] I will!
Uncle asked to stop it, let's go!
Bye uncle, I will come
tomorrow to play the game!
Enough of your stupid games!
-Shall we go home miss?
-Ok mister!
A video we thought we'd keep it for fun,
has put us through a lot of problems!
Yeah, a lot indeed!
We must not save such videos.
No, we must even record them.
Yeah, they must be recorded in our minds.
We can recollect them whenever
we want, by just closing our eyes
Right! Also must not entertain
neighbouring kids by giving phones to play
This is true!
Sasi, I remember you saying
your friend would refer me.
Please find out when I
can attend the interview.
-Shiva, are you thinking of joining a job?
-Hmm, I will!
By the way, when you decided
to leave, why did you stop?
A fond memory has a strength
to overcome a hundred problems!
-I have many such memories with you!
-Me too!
So recollect your good
memories to avoid break ups!
Dude, where are you?
I'm at your house.
Why have you come?
When my friend is going through so much
trouble, how can I stay peaceful at home?
That is why I am here.
What about the video?
Yeah I found it!
[sighs deeply]
-Come upstairs!
-Have I ever come to you flat?
You come downstairs,
we'll go to the bar!
You go, I'd join in sometime.
Listening to you blushing, I can sense it!
Fine, but be careful that your
phone camera is not turned on
Argh! Ok sure!
Bullabbai... is a good friend!