Mr. Morgan's Last Love (2013) Movie Script

Monsieur Morgan.
Monsieur Morgan.
You have to let them
take her. Please.
I am not leaving her.
I'm not leaving her.
Don't touch her!
Don't you dare touch her!
- MADAME DUNE: Monsieur Morgan!
- Damn!
Monsieur Morgan?!
Madame Dune?
What are you doing here?
What do you mean?
It's Tuesday.
It's Wednesday, monsieur.
Wednesday? Are you sure?
Yes, monsieur.
Would you like me to make you
some breakfast, monsieur?
No, thank you.
How about some lunch later?
No, thank you.
I'm going out to lunch.
- But it's Wednesday, monsieur.
Your lunch with Madame Lry
is on Thursdays.
- Unless you changed it?
- Yeah. No.
But... don't answer that!
Oui, bonjour?
Oui, madame Karen, il est l.
CLERK: 4,50, monsieur.
- 4, 50.
- Merci.
- Merci vous.
- Bonne journe. Au revoir.
Yes, I would like a ham
and cheese baguette to go,
with the pickle on the side.
Jambon, that one.
Take the pickles off.
And put the pickles on the side.
Like always, monsieur?
No pickles, and water?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you...
- Bye.
- Bye.
Now speak after me:
J'ai faim.
Je t'aime.
Can I eat my lunch now?
You're never going to learn
the language this way, chri.
I don't have to.
I have you.
But what if...
What if we enjoy "la dejeuner"?
Le djeuner.
Le djeuner.
S'il vous plait?
S'il te plait.
S'il te plait.
MATTHEW: Pardon.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Yeah, sorry, sorry.
Yes, thank you.
Those steps are tricky when they're wet.
They can be.
Thank you, you're very kind.
De rien, monsieur.
Would you maybe like me to walk you home?
Do you live near here?
Thank you, that...
that's not really necessary.
I really don't mind.
I've got time.
See now?
I am now officially Girl Scout material.
Sorry, uh... um...
it's not far.
This is my place.
You've been very kind.
May I buy you a cup of coffee?
I'm sorry, but I can't.
I've got to go to class.
But thank you very much
for the invitation.
- You're a student?
- No, I'm a teacher.
Really? So am I!
What do you teach?
Well so was I.
Philosophy. And you?
Cha cha.
Au revoir.
Good-bye. Thank you.
De rien.
- MILES: Susan?
- Susan?
It's 7 a.m.
Why would Susan call you at 7 a.m.?
Isn't she there?
Hi, Dad.
Is everything alright?
- Yeah.
- Where is Susan?
Yeah. She's just...
visiting her mom for a couple of days.
Then why are you whispering?
Kyle's here.
He had a bad dream.
Yeah, well, I was just checking in.
How is everyone?
We're fine.
Did you buy your tickets yet?
No... um, I need to talk
to you about that.
We might not be able
to come over this year.
Susan might have other plans.
Oh, I see.
What other plans?
Hang on.
KYLE: Hello, Grandpa.
Hello, Kyle, how are you?
- Not bad. And you?
- Not so bad myself.
Mom said we're not gonna
see you this summer.
Uh, listen, Kyle, um...
I-I gotta go.
Will you tell your father
we'll talk another time?
She is waiting,
Monsieur Morgan.
- For quite a while, I might add.
- Thank you.
I'm sorry I'm late, Colette.
I lost track of all time.
You are forgived.
You are forgiven.
Ah, yes. Thank you.
- Voici.
- Merci.
No need for a bad...
how would you say mauvaise conscience?
- Conscience?
- Conscience.
Yes! So it's the same,
only you say it differently.
Isn't that I think strange?
We say science
and you say science.
We say conscience
and you say...
- Conscience.
- Conscience. It's a mystery, non?
I'm so fond of our
little lessons, Matthew.
I hope you will never get
tired of my terrible accent.
Will you order maybe in French?
Have some practice?
Not if you're hungry.
Okay. All right, I will order.
The same like always?
Ouais. Y-yes.
Far away from home, eh?
Actually, this is my home.
Paris, that is.
What's your area?
- St. Germain.
- I meant as a collector.
No, I'm... I'm not
actually a collector.
No. I'm thinking
about it, though.
Well, let me
tell you something.
And don't get me wrong.
But... small goals.
That's what you have to do.
Keep your expectations low.
To get started
at your age, well...
I've been doing this for
35 years and I tell you,
I have yet to
scratch the surface.
Really? I thought
stamp collecting was for...
Trust me.
It's just starting
to get interesting.
I took on Scandinavia
in the '70s,
but after a few years
I realized
there was no way
I was gonna get together
a decent collection
in one lifetime.
So... I narrowed it down.
- To what?
- Sweden.
Now I'm starting
to look at Iceland.
Interesting island.
Not a lot of mail.
If you want my advice:
Think Eastern Europe.
Romania is down
that way to your left.
MAN: Pardon!
Well! What a surprise.
Nice to see you again.
I am getting off here...
Me too, me too.
Where you going?
Home, I'm going home.
And I really don't have
to say everything twice.
I'm afraid you've missed your stop.
This is a bit far from your home.
Unless you really like to walk.
I do, but...
to tell you the truth,
I didn't really want to get
off until I said hello to you.
So... hello again.
How are you?
I'm very well, thank you.
I'll get the next one back.
You don't have to wait
with me, you know.
My name is Pauline.
Et vous?
Matthew. Matthew Morgan.
Happy to do your acquaintance,
Matthew Morgan.
- Make your acquaintance.
- Yeah.
No. It's make
your acquaintance,
not do your acquaintance.
Oh, okay. I never understand
the difference between the two.
Yeah, it's really quite...
Maybe if you're not too busy
you could come by
my school some time.
I mean, only of course
if you have time...
I have more time than I need.
You could take a lesson.
First one is free.
Oh, great.
This is my school. I work Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
I don't work Thursday.
But you can come anytime.
Well, thank you.
Your bus is here.
Thank you.
There are 24 different kinds
of birds on Romanian stamps...
and that's just
between 1964 and 1994.
Is that a lot?
I have no idea.
I am not late, am I?
No. Not at all.
No, no.
This is very exciting.
Um, maybe this isn't
such a great idea, Colette.
What do you mean?
I won't be able to understand the
instructions, and the clothes.
Oh no, no, no. No excuses
this time, Matthew.
You brought me here, now we will go in.
I will translate.
I don't know anything
about dancing.
I don't dance.
I never did dance, I...
- Merci.
- Do you know each other?
- Sort of.
Deux, trois,
et deux,
trois, cha-cha-cha.
Et bien voil!
- I hope you enjoyed your lesson.
- Very much, thank you.
Me too.
Matthew teaches me.
We don't want to keep you.
Come back soon.
Thank you.
Excusez-moi, mais vous arrivez trop tard.
I'm sorry?
You are too late.
The "Jolly 70s" class
started half an hour ago.
MATTHEW: Oh, I'm not here
for the class.
I'm here to see Pauline.
Hi, I'm sorry.
I didn't want to interrupt.
That's okay.
Do you want to join us?
Oh no, I don't think so.
I've got half an hour left.
You want to come and watch?
Cinq, six, cinq,
six, sept, huit.
Bravo! C'tait trs bien!
You're not obliged to have
lunch with me, Pauline.
I know. But you're obliged to
have lunch with me, Mr. Morgan!
You wait for me here,
I'll be right back.
I've got a surprise for you.
This will be our bench.
You got us hot dogs?
I thought maybe
you were homesick.
Ohh! What a klutz
I am.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't
have made you eat out here.
I like it here.
Anyway, I could use
a little chaos in my life.
- I'm afraid it's ruined.
- That's okay.
So you think I'm chaotic?
Well, I hope it didn't
ruin your appetite.
Absolutely not.
You shaved your beard.
Don't you like it?
I do.
But I liked your beard.
It reminded me of my father.
Well, I hope
you like your father.
I did.
He's dead.
Oh, I'm sorry.
- It was a long time ago.
- I didn't realize that.
Your hair.
It's so like my wife's hair.
Well, I hope
you like your wife.
I did. She's dead.
That's not funny.
I'm not kidding.
She died.
Three years, two months
and 11 days ago.
You want to talk about it?
Oh, shit.
Matthew, this is Lucien.
Lucien, this is Matthew.
I'm really glad you came by.
I'll see you soon, okay?
- Bye, Matthew.
- Bye.
I'm early.
You certainly are.
Is it okay?
Uh... come in.
This is a very nice apartment.
My wife found it for us.
Have you read all those books?
I'm afraid so.
What are you doing with them?
I'm selling them.
I don't want them anymore.
You must have someone
who wants them, no?
No, I don't.
You have a car?
I wish you'd sound a little less surprised,
but yes, I do.
I'm sorry, Matthew,
but I did meet you on the bus.
Imagine that.
Thank you.
We have a reservation.
Pauline, come in here.
We'll take this table.
MATRE D': Monsieur...
MATTHEW: Mademoiselle... perfect, thank you!
And we'll have two glasses
of your best champagne,
s'il te plait.
S'il vous plait.
S'il vous plait.
S'il vous plait.
I was a professor.
At Princeton.
Did you ever attend university?
Maybe I would have
liked it, I don't know.
It's too late now anyway.
It's never too late
to learn something, Pauline.
My mother always complained that
I didn't have any ambition.
She wanted me
to become a real dancer.
You are a real dancer.
- No, I'm not.
- Yeah.
Pas du tout.
You know when you love something
so much you start to hate it?
Is that what happened
to you and your books?
I stopped looking at my books
when I stopped loving life.
Why did you stop loving life?
Well, you don't
love life itself.
You love, uh, places,
animals, people, memories,
food, literature, music.
And sometimes
you meet someone...
who requires all the love
you have to give.
And if you lose that someone,
you think everything else
is gonna stop too.
But everything
else just keeps on going.
Giraudoux said,
you can miss a single being,
even though you are surrounded
by countless others.
Those people are like...
like extras.
They cloud your vision,
they're a meaningless crowd.
an unwelcome distraction.
So you seek oblivion
in solitude.
But solitude
only makes you wither.
So I'm an unwelcome
I'm a cloud?
You are the only
part of my life
I haven't figured out yet.
I can't let you row me.
I can row!
No, no, I can't let a woman
row me in a boat.
Matthew. Do I have
to remind you
that we live
in the 21st century?
PAULINE: Okay, how about this one:
"There's a crack in everything."
BOTH: "That's how
the light gets in."
See, I told you.
I still think
you're wrong, Matthew.
I don't think you have everything
in your life figured out.
Why would you think that?
Tell me.
I think the day we figure out
everything about our lives
is the day we die.
MAN: Encore!
One more time.
You'll be late for your
appointment, Pauline.
You'd better take a taxi.
Jerome can give me a ride.
That's great.
You think he's cute?
In a George Hamilton
sort of way, yeah.
Who's George Hamilton?
someone will be there in half an hour.
You gonna be okay?
- I'll call you tonight.
- Absolutely, now go.
I'm an old fool, darling.
Just an old fool.
Are you okay?
I don't know.
Do you want to go home?
Do you?
I am home.
I want to die here, Matt.
I have a better idea.
Let's live here forever.
Is something the matter?
No, no, no, not at all.
I have to tell you something.
That makes two of us.
I have something to tell you too.
I'm leaving town.
My cousin's husband died,
and she has a big house
and is all alone now,
and... she asked me
to come live with her.
I'm very sorry, Matthew,
but I said yes.
That's wonderful, Colette.
I'm happy for you.
I think I'm going home too.
Monsieur Morgan?
Monsieur Morgan!
What happened, Matthew?
I botched an attempt
to self-medicate.
What does that mean?
It means I took
too many sleeping pills.
Or too few.
Depends on how
you want to look at it.
Can I ask you why you did that?
Because I met you.
Don't get me wrong.
It's not your fault, Pauline.
But you helped me realize...
I was just biding my time.
Do you think they have a Coke
anywhere in this hospital?
Yeah, I'll get you one.
And when I come back I'll tell
you about a decision I made.
Don't go now.
Pauline, this is my son, Miles.
Miles, this is Pauline.
It's nice to meet you.
I'm gonna go get you that Coke.
Okay, thanks.
How you feeling?
I'm feeling fine.
Jesus, Dad.
What were you trying to do?
Punish us?
Actually, I wasn't
thinking about you.
Imagine my surprise.
You shouldn't have come all this way
just because I failed at suicide.
Can we at least acknowledge
that this is awkward?
First they tell me
you almost died,
and then I come here and find
you in the arms of some woman
not even close to half your
age that I know nothing about.
There's nothing awkward
about Pauline.
- I brought you one too.
- Thank you, but no thanks.
I'm gonna go outside
and see if I can find Karen.
Karen's here too?
Thank you.
You have a son?
I have a son and a daughter.
You were going to tell me
about a decision you made.
It can wait.
MILES: Just out front.
I'll see you.
Mm-hmm. Good. Okay.
What are you doing with my dad?
I'm not doing anything with him.
I'm his friend.
He hasn't told me
a word about you.
He hasn't told me a word
about you either.
Do you really think that
I don't know what's going on?
What's going on?
My father is not
some helpless old man
to be taken advantage of.
Your father tried
to kill himself, Miles.
Maybe you want to think about that
before you try and figure me out.
You make friends fast.
Who was that?
Our future stepmother,
for all I know.
No, really, who was it?
No, really, ask Dad.
An overdose is not my favorite
excuse for coming to Paris,
but I do appreciate the effort.
Hello, Karen.
How you doing, Dad?
And what are you doing
with that French bimbo?
The next time you call her that
will be the last time we speak.
You mean that, don't you?
Jesus, Karen, what are you doing?
This is a hospital.
A European hospital.
You need to grow up,
little brother.
I'm sorry, what did you say?
You want me to take
a wild guess?
That could hurt somebody.
Okay, okay.
We want you to come home, Dad.
All right, okay.
She wants you to come home.
- KAREN: Isn't that the same thing?
- MILES: I guess.
KAREN: In your mind...
- I can't stay here.
- Me neither.
- Let's get a hotel.
- Yeah.
I want my own room.
Yeah, I want you
to have your own room.
So what's the plan?
I'm going to soak in my tub,
then I'm going to call
my significant other,
then I'm going shopping,
I swear to God.
What about Dad?
We can see him tomorrow.
You heard the nurse,
he needs his rest.
I thought
you didn't speak French.
Of course I do, don't you?
Bon jour.
CLERK: D'accord,
c'est possible.
- I got mine.
- Yeah.
Don't dwell.
I'll see you later.
So you have a...
you have a key to this place?
Matthew asked me to get
some things for him.
You seem to know your way
around here pretty well.
It is not heart surgery.
Brain surgery.
I just want what's best
for my father.
And what do you think that is?
I, uh... I think
he needs his family now.
I think you're right.
You're gonna stay here?
In case Matthew
needs to reach you?
We're at the Hotel Senat,
down the street.
I was gonna bring him this.
You might as well
take it to him.
It's E. E. Cummings.
He's into that.
You know, if I had a father like Matthew,
I would be very happy...
Why, 'cause he's such a
shining example of fatherhood?
...that he's still alive.
Au revoir, Miles.
What are you
doing here, Pauline?
I'm having dinner with you.
You know the day
I met you on the bus?
I felt like I knew you.
It felt like I did.
And I thought...
And you thought what?
I thought
you didn't have anyone.
You know,
like I don't have anyone.
I thought maybe I'd been looking
in all the wrong places.
And maybe you and I
could be... family.
But it turns out
you have a whole...
family waiting for you
back in America.
I'm a lousy father.
Why do you say that?
Joan wanted kids.
I just wanted her.
So, I wanted her to be happy,
and it seemed like
a good reason at the time.
They say you do,
but I never grew into being a father.
I don't know how Joan did it.
She had so much love to give.
I mean the kids
would make a mistake
or hurt themselves,
I'd go crazy.
But Joan would just
come out, pick them up,
dust them off,
dry their tears and send them off again.
All I knew was...
I didn't want to be
like my father.
And I ended up just like him.
Your children and grandchildren
don't want you to die, Matthew.
And I don't want you to die.
So you're outnumbered.
Have a rain check.
Take a rain check.
They'll never forgive me.
Please, Matt.
Do this for me.
I'm done.
I want to go home.
Quelle heure est-il?
Il est une heure.
Exactly the look
I was going for.
Come on, let's get on
the same page about Dad.
You freak me out.
Seriously, Dad.
Why don't you just move back home?
- We can't look after you here.
- I don't need looking after.
...and for the money that
you'll get for the house
and for the apartment,
you can live
in a palace in Chicago.
Or Maine.
I'm not moving to Maine.
Well, you can move
wherever you want.
I have a better idea.
I stay right here.
Well, let's at least
sell St. Malo.
I'm not selling
your mother's house,
and I am not having
this discussion with you.
Yes, you are, because half
of that house is ours,
and we get a say in this too.
I'll buy you out.
Jesus, Dad, you really think
this is about the fucking money?
You really think this is
what Mom would want?
Think she'd want you to die here,
alone, lonely and miserable?
I am not lonely,
and I am not miserable.
And if you'll excuse me,
there is someplace I have to be.
Dad, we have
to talk about this.
No, we don't.
Oh, well, this can't be good.
What are you doing awake?
Is the house on fire?
It better be,
'cause you are in deep shit if it's not.
I'm serious.
Has your IQ dropped
dramatically since I've left?
Oh, that one!
I'm gonna be home
in about 14 hours.
You're just going to have
to wing it until then, okay?
Yeah, but they're
your genes, too.
Look, I'm gonna go now.
I'm hanging up! Bye.
Well, honey,
you are on your own.
I have to go stop
my own dysfunctional family
from killing each other.
What time
is your flight tomorrow?
I think I'm going to stick
around for a few days.
Oh yeah? What about
Susan and Kyle?
Well, um, I talked
to Susan this morning.
- They'll survive without me.
- Yeah, I bet they will.
What's that supposed to mean?
How long are you
gonna keep this up?
Keep what up?
Susan left you
five weeks ago, Miles.
How do you know about that?
'Cause she told me, you idiot.
You gonna be okay?
Of course I will.
If not, I can always talk to Dad, right?
You're hysterical.
Look, I really do have to go
or I am gonna miss my flight,
and then Laura
will miss her play,
and then Ray might hurt her.
Or she won't miss it,
and then she might hurt him,
but either way,
they're gonna end up behind bars,
and, man, after
all this shopping,
I am fresh out of bail money.
Thank you.
I will call you...
and then we'll talk, okay?
You are my favorite brother.
I'm your only brother.
Charles de Gaulle,
s'il vous plait.
So you and my dad are not...
No, we're not.
Then I don't get it.
What don't you get?
Why do you hang out
with my dad?
Matt needs someone
to take care of him.
Yeah, I can imagine
why he's letting you do it.
Why are you doing it?
I'm good at it.
So how good are you at, uh,
taking care of yourself?
Wait, let me guess.
You suck at it, right?
- Okay, now it's my turn.
- For what?
Asking questions
you don't like to answer.
Fair enough.
Why are you so angry?
My wife is pregnant.
And that makes you angry?
It's not mine.
But that's not why I'm angry.
Matt thinks
you're angry at him.
And what exactly makes you
an authority on the subject?
I've seen the way he looks at
you when you leave the room.
What are you doing tonight?
Reservation for Laubie.
Or Morgan?
- MATRE D': Oh, yes.
- Yes?
Thank you. Merci.
What are you doing here?
Pauline asked me to dinner.
- What are you doing here?
- I asked her to dinner.
Is Karen coming too?
No. She had to go home.
Family crisis.
What about you?
My flight is tomorrow.
I'm sure Susan and Kyle
can't wait to have you back.
I'm having the, uh, foie gras.
- How about you?
- MATRE D': Mademoiselle.
Oh, good evening.
- MATTHEW: You look very beautiful.
- Merci.
Sit down, please.
This is a very nice restaurant.
It is, yeah.
Have you been here before?
MILES: I should go.
Please stay.
I want you to.
Well, if he wants to leave...
You want him to stay
too, don't you?
MATTHEW: Of course.
Say, Pauline, have you
ever been to St. Malo?
But, you know, I've always wanted to go.
I hear it's really beautiful.
Did Karen put you up to this?
I can think for myself, Dad.
I've already had
this discussion with her,
and I don't want it
again with you.
Of course.
Just do what you do best. Shut everyone up.
What's in St. Malo?
Nothing, we...
we had a house there.
We have a house there.
It was my mother's favorite
place in the world.
It was also the only thing that
we could all ever agree on.
I told you,
you'll get the money.
I told you,
it's not about that!
PAULINE: Please,
can we try to...
You know, you're not the only one
with feelings about that house.
But you have no consideration
for anyone but yourself.
I used to think that when Mom
was still alive...
Don't bring your mother into this!
She's got nothing to do with it!
She has everything
to do with this!
If you're gonna spend the rest of
your life being angry with me,
that's your decision.
But I am not selling Joan's house
to a stranger, and that is final!
It's our house,
and I don't even want you to sell it.
- But if Mom was here...
- Well, she's not here!
She's gone!
And I would give anything
to take her place.
But I can't.
She died, and I'm still here.
Have you any idea
what that leaves me with?
What does that leave you with?
It leaves me with absolutely nothing,
All right, I'm leaving.
No, no, it's okay, I'll leave.
Forget it.
Enjoy your dinner.
Where's your manners?
Pauline invited you to dinner.
Watch your own manners, Dad.
Goddamn it, Miles,
what do you want from me?
I want you to stop acting like
you're the only one who lost her.
Why are you angry now?!
- Listen, I'm sorry!
- Hey!
Nobody asked you
to fix this, you hear me?
You cannot fix it.
You're not that good.
Just go away.
KYLE: Are you sure?
Very sure.
- So, like, totally?
- Yeah.
- How sure?
- Dead sure.
- Sounds good.
- Yeah.
See you soon, Dad.
- Sooner than you think.
- Okay. Good night.
Okay. Good night.
WOMAN: Monsieur?
Yes, I would like one of those
ham and cheese sandwiches.
Could you please
take off the pickles?
Yes, thanks.
How much is that?
MAN: May I help you?
Where's Pauline?
She's not here.
She called in sick today.
I tried drinking for a while.
It didn't work with me at all.
You could use some chairs.
I'll get you some chairs.
I'm sorry about last night.
You shouldn't get caught
in the middle like this.
I got my own problems.
I got problems!
Do you understand?
Yeah. I-I know.
I'm sorry.
I'm really very sorry.
It's just that...
What is it, Matthew?
are the crack...
in my world.
Do you want
to keep the hangers?
No. There are few things
more depressing
than empty coat hangers.
What shall we put this in?
Uh... I don't...
Do you have big
garbage bags or...
or suitcases?
CLERK: Et les valises?
Do you need the suitcases?
No. I don't
need them anymore.
So whatever happened
to George Hamilton?
Jerome. The garcon.
Did you ever see him again?
Why not? He couldn't
take his eyes off you.
Well, you know
what men are like.
- No, what are they like?
- They're all the same.
The way they stare at your
tits and pretend not to.
Actually, I was hoping
I wasn't like that.
You're different.
That's why I love
being with you.
You stare at me for no reason.
Should I call the police,
I'm sure that's not necessary.
I'm gonna wait for him.
You want to go in?
Do you?
I hope you're hungry.
Anything I can do?
Yeah, you could, uh,
pick these beans for me.
I need a handful of thyme.
And open that bottle
and pour us a glass.
You were wrong about me,
you know.
Yeah? How?
I can think of lots
of reasons to stare at you.
I can think of about
ten of them right now
off the top of my head.
- You really want to know?
- I really want to know.
Okay, um...
You're beautiful.
Obviously, you're smart.
And I can always
tell when you're sad
because you hide behind
your defiance when you are.
When you're happy,
all of you is happy,
even your hair.
You don't have a mean bone
in your body,
and I thought they didn't
make them like that anymore.
You're funny.
When you listen,
you look interested.
You're kind.
And you wear your heart
on your sleeve,
which can be
terribly intimidating.
And you remind me of Joan.
I want you to have
the house, Pauline.
I want to give you this house.
And I will make sure
that you'll always
have enough money
to maintain it.
Will you do that for me?
No, Matthew.
This house belongs
to your family.
I thought you're my family now.
What's wrong, Pauline?
I don't understand you.
I thought I did,
but I-I don't.
You have everything that I want,
and you don't seem to care.
I do care.
Then why do you push them
away like you do?
They're your children. They came here
because they're worried about you.
You think they love me
because of the rules?
I think they love you
because you're their father.
You have this fantasy
in your head
about the perfect family
that you never got to have.
Well, I'm telling you,
it doesn't exist.
You're still here, Matthew.
If you want things to be different,
you can still change them.
It's not too late for that.
Believe me, all I am to them
is the man who took
their mother away from them.
What do you mean?
The kids wanted her to go home.
She wanted to stay
in Paris, so I let her.
I thought it might
help her get well.
But the cancer got worse
and the treatment tortured her.
I just...
didn't want to see her
suffer anymore.
I... I didn't want her
to be in pain anymore.
Maybe I didn't want to be
in pain anymore.
She didn't want me
to tell the kids.
She... she wanted to go home,
give up the fight
and die in peace.
But if she saw the kids,
she wouldn't be able to do that.
Especially Miles, you know.
He would never have let her.
She made me promise.
And I... I did.
You never told them?
Well, it was my mistake.
Not hers.
- Where's my father?
- He's fine.
I didn't ask you how he is,
I asked where he is.
Wait, Pauline. I'm sorry.
I was worried. Um...
would you like to come in?
Matthew doesn't know I'm here.
Where is he?
I'm pretty sure I'm not
supposed to tell you that.
You don't think
I have a right to know?
My father wants to die.
And who am I
to stop him, right?
He didn't want me here
when Mom was dying,
he certainly doesn't
want me here now.
Miles, I want
to tell you something.
I think it's okay if I do.
Matt... I'm dying.
You're not dying.
It wasn't supposed
to be like this.
It wasn't supposed
to be like this.
What would you have done
if you'd been there?
Probably exactly what
she was afraid I'd do.
That's her.
Her last good summer.
She's very beautiful.
Who is that?
That's my son, Kyle.
What? What?
I like it that you carry
a picture in your wallet
and not in your phone,
like everyone else.
It's nice.
It's old-fashioned.
Oh, boy.
I like it.
Yeah, well,
you're easy to impress.
I'm a pushover.
Your son is gorgeous.
Yep, he's the real thing.
I need to go to Paris.
Yeah, there's only one
Paris in France, right?
We have a Paris in Texas.
We have one in Illinois.
We have one in Tennessee,
New York, Iowa, Ohio, Maine,
Wisconsin, Kentucky.
We have one in Michigan,
Arkansas and Idaho.
And those are only
the ones I know.
I'm pretty sure there's
one in Canada too.
What time is it?
I gotta go.
Let me go with you.
- Pauline.
- Yes.
If you hurt her,
I will kill you.
I don't care
that you're my son.
I will kill you.
Monsieur Morgan, there you are.
Oh, Madame Dune. I'm sorry.
I wasn't expecting you.
I brought you your groceries.
I will cook you
a nice lunch, yes?
Thank you very much,
but I will prepare my own lunch today,
but thank you.
But, monsieur...
Thank you...
for everything.
I'm having lunch.
Listen, Dad...
You're a married man,
for Christ's sakes!
How dare you do this
to Susan and Kyle?
How dare you
do this to Pauline?
Did you...? Does she know
you have a wife and kid?
No, I didn't.
Yeah, she does.
And my marriage is over.
Susan filed for divorce.
Why? What happened?
What did you do?
I didn't do anything.
Can you imagine it could
possibly not be my fault?
She left me, Dad.
Five weeks ago.
She met someone else.
And that's it.
And I didn't tell you 'cause Mom
never liked Susan in the first place,
and you never thought I was
cut out for the long haul,
and I don't particularly enjoy
watching you wallow
in self-righteousness.
Marriage is hard work.
You think I didn't work
hard enough at this?
You have to be willing
to make sacrifices.
Ah. Yeah.
What sacrifices
did you make, exactly?
So Kyle's gonna
come live with me.
What about the hospital?
I'll have to get another job.
But I'm gonna make it work.
Will this be
in Kyle's best interest?
That's what he wants.
He needs me,
so I'm gonna make
damn sure I'll be there,
so he doesn't make the
same mistakes that I did.
I was there. I taught you things,
but that didn't stop you...
Of course you did, Dad.
All my life
you taught me what to think
and what to read,
and what to believe in.
But I did not need a teacher.
I needed a father!
You know, you're gonna
have to stop blaming me
for everything that
goes wrong in your life!
All I ever wanted for you
was to go out in the world,
chase your dreams,
find adventure,
fall in love, take risks!
That's all I wanted for you!
Why didn't you ever
tell me that?
Because I didn't
think I had to!
Dad, come on!
Because I didn't know how...
All I ever heard from you
is what I did wrong.
Because I didn't
know how to tell you...
that I didn't want you
to become like me.
Dad, I adored you.
Blind faith.
No, it's that...
you're wrong.
I knew that Mom would never
love anyone like she loved you
who wasn't worth it.
You know, to this day...
I don't know why
your mother picked me.
Dad, Pauline told me.
About Mom.
I'm glad she did.
I didn't stop her.
Well, she didn't want you to.
I should have stopped her.
You knew Mom.
You couldn't have.
If you want to blame
someone, Miles,
blame me.
I should have told you.
I don't blame anyone, Dad.
I just wish I could have
said good-bye to her.
I wanted to say good-bye.
I was there.
I didn't know how.
Maybe we can find another way.
Remember how she used
to light up a room?
Like the sun.
Pauline does that.
Don't let her get away.
I won't.
- Don't let her run away.
- I won't.
Don't let anybody
or anything get in your way.
- Dad.
- What?
- Stop it.
- Okay.
Would you do me a favor?
Would you tell Pauline...
Tell her..
Tell her...
I figured it out.
Figured what out?
She'll know.
You're not left with nothing.
You know that, don't you?
I do.
I miss you, Matthew.
I miss you, too.
He left you St. Malo.
I told him I didn't want it.
Well, he always
had a better idea.
Listen... I have
to go see my son.
But, uh, I'll be back.
I'll come back
for you, Pauline.
Tell me how you've been
And tell me
what you've seen
And tell me that you'd
love to see me, too
'Cause my heart
is full of no blood
And my cup is full
of no love
I couldn't take another sip
Even if I wanted
But it's not too late
Mmm, mmm, mmm
It's not too late
For love
My lungs are out of air
And yours are holding smoke
And it's been like that now
For so long
And I've seen people
try to change
And I know it isn't easy
But nothing worth the time
ever really is
And it's not too late
Mmm, mmm, mmm
It's not too late
For love
For love
For love
For love
I'm walkin' back to baby's arms
I been missin'
all her charms
I'm gonna reach her
by today
I hope that
I can find my way
Over valleys and the hills
Cross the ocean to be near
I keep a-walkin'
back away
In her arms is where I stay
Oh, there's been
Too many teardrops
From the start
Another night
All alone
And I couldn't
bear to be apart
I'm walkin'
back to baby's arms
I been missin'
all her charms
I wanna reach her by today
I hope that I can
find my way
And I don't care
to be alone
I'm walkin'
back to baby's home
And I really
miss her charms
I'm walkin'
back to baby's arms