Mr. Pig (2016) Movie Script

Hey, hey.
So, you didn't even bother to call.
You gonna come tomorrow, or not?
I'm sorry, it's been a busy week.
Fired Sambi, and Esther's...
I have a vet coming tomorrow, so it's...
Baby, go to your room.
I'll be there in two minutes.
Well, I didn't tell Lucas
you were coming anyway,
but if you change your mind,
you can take the train down.
You don't have to drive.
I can pick you up, and you can stay here.
You know, he doesn't have school
on Monday.
- I'll try to get there tomorrow night.
- All right.
Good night, Dad.
Hey, Howie.
What's the matter, boy?
I know how you feel.
But I had to get up today, too,
and so do you.
Now, you're gonna be all right, baby.
Howie, come on, baby. All right.
Spread those cheeks, okay?
Come on.
Yeah, boy.
In the news,
in Moreno Valley and San Bernardino...
All right, buddy.
Mr. Eubanks.
- Yeah.
- I'm Theodore Lindon
from US Southern Bank and Trust.
Remember me?
Yeah, of course, of course.
I know we said 11:00 a.m.,
but my GPS thinks I'm an old lady,
it told me three hours,
- it only took me one.
- Yeah.
I gotta get my boy to the vet.
I'll be back before 10:00.
Mr. Eubanks, nobody at US Southern
wants this to go to court.
Wait for me.
All right?
- Less than an hour. I'll be right back.
- Mr. Eubanks, please...
We can talk then, okay?
All right, okay.
We'll stop as soon as we cross the border,
okay, boy?
We're in Mexico, boy.
Remember, never get old, buddy.
Your dick shrinks to
miniscule proportions,
and you can't even pee standing up
without making a mess.
Pull over.
Pull over.
They're California plates.
- Good morning, Officer.
- Your registration...
What's that smell?
I'm delivering a hog.
In a minivan?
That's correct, yes.
And where are you taking him?
- Jalisco.
- Jalisco?
Yeah, s.
Show me your permit.
- My what?
- Step out, please.
Show me your A19, please.
I'm sorry.
Your A19, your permit to transport
livestock on Mexican highway.
- That... Yeah.
- Yeah.
Sure, I have that.
I must have left it at home.
Is there any way we can work this out?
- Let me help you.
- What's that mean?
It's a commission they charge
for taking out cash.
Fucking banks, they're such crooks.
You don't have to tell me that.
So, Mr. Eubanks,
the charge is 6,000 pesos.
This is the maximum. Do you agree?
- Take what you need, man.
- Okay.
There you go.
- Let's go back to your pig.
- All right. Thank you.
Look, here you have a little town
with a stream,
it's all made of adobe.
You're gonna love it.
Thanks, man, but I don't think
I'll have the time to visit.
Okay, well, keep the map.
- Maybe next time.
- Yeah.
Nice meeting you.
- You're all set.
- Gracias.
- Drive safe.
- All right.
Let's go.
- Did the pig behave?
- Better than my kids.
I'm gonna send them to him,
so they learn to behave.
Come on, boy, go to sleep.
We've got a lot of driving to do.
Come on, go to sleep.
Come on, here's a drink. Okay?
It's good for you.
Good for you, yeah.
You don't wanna drink alone?
I'll join you.
You don't have to twist my arm.
The card was declined.
- What?
- Refused.
Come here. I know you don't like it.
I didn't like it either.
My momma had to chase me
around the farm to get it done.
Put me in the bucket.
Look how good you look.
I'll tell you, down here, they don't waste
one single part of the pig.
This is a gordita de moronga.
Pig's blood.
I would give you a taste,
but I don't want you
turning into a vampire, or something.
Are you okay?
Dad, I can hear you.
What the hell is going on, Dad?
This is the La Leano Farm, right?
- Seor Ambrose?
- Yes.
Come in. Let him through!
Come on, we're here, boy.
Get you some fresh air here.
My, you look the same.
Changed a little bit, here and there.
It's so good to see you.
- Good, good, good, good.
- Hey.
So, where is he?
Yeah, here he is, right here.
- Where's your staff?
- I'm by myself.
You drove here...
I told you he was a little crazy.
Look how gorgeous you are.
Hey, how is Eunice?
- She's good. Good.
- Yeah?
She's all grown up like you, Payo.
Payo, it's been years
since anybody called me like that.
You know, they call me "Mr. Calayo" now.
- You're hungry?
- Yeah.
You remember
what my father hated the most?
Yeah. Mariachis.
Well, yeah, that, too.
But no, no, no.
You know, sending his animals
to the slaughterhouse,
and the way they were treated over there.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, well...
We finally built our own.
We can kill 1,000 hogs
in an eight-hour shift,
and we can manage two shifts a day.
So, we're very happy about that.
We're the only facility
that has a certificate to export.
These ones, for example.
These ones are going to China.
Are you okay?
Man, I'm sorry. What am I thinking?
You must be starving. Let's...
Why don't we go back to the ranch,
get you something to eat?
To tell you the truth,
I'd rather have something to drink.
Okay, we can manage that.
- All right.
- Let's go. get it to the house
to get it slaughtered, you know?
Boy, I'll never forget that. I can't...
It's always the same.
You were hugging them...
That's so sweet.
I became a drunk because of it.
Cheers to that.
My dad was the same.
I mean, not a drunk. He... No, no.
He just couldn't sleep the night before
we sent the hogs to the slaughterhouse.
I mean, these guys were different.
They were creators of life.
Your dad was a good man, Payo.
It's sad to see that he's no longer here.
- Yeah, well...
- Yeah.
- He's gone, but not forgotten.
- Yeah.
You're gonna love this.
These guys were geniuses.
You know,
they basically invented a new breed?
Yeah, yeah.
A very special duro, hybrid.
And you're gonna love this, Ambrose.
This is Marvin.
Marvin won all the ribbons a hog can win.
And yesterday, this guy left California
in a van, by himself,
with the last direct descendent of Marvin.
Old fella.
Good memories.
Man. Good memories.
How old were you guys there?
What, you were 25?
Well, we were somewhere... Maturing.
My friend.
You didn't change the office one bit.
Not one bit.
Even the spider webs are the same.
I still think it's very crazy
to drive around with this kind of cash.
- Let me write you a check.
- No.
Come on, please.
I prefer the bank stay out of this, okay?
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Just be extra careful.
It's a different Mexico than you...
Yeah, don't worry.
I know my ways.
I forgot to tell you.
He's not good with baths.
You're gonna have to tie him down.
He's a runner.
Give him a cereal bar. He loves treats.
- All right?
- Good, man. Yeah, sure.
Look, you're not
leaving right now, are you?
No, no. You just got here.
You're spending the night.
Easy, friend.
I mean, it's white tequila, but it's pink.
Isn't it cool?
Real cool.
- Pour me another one.
- No, no!
- That's for women.
- All right.
Okay, I'm gonna give you
a taste of the real stuff.
Ambrose, a quick question.
Is it true that, "Once you go black,
you never go back"?
Now, this is the real stuff.
This is from the Calayo family
secret stash, my friend.
And you know
we keep the best for ourselves.
How's that?
That's classic, Mr. Pig.
That's classic, Mr. Pig.
Why, "Mr. Pig"?
That's how we call him, Mr. Pig.
- Yeah, it was Chila, right?
- Yeah, damn Chila.
There was an Aujeszky epidemic
at the hog fair, so...
I mean, nobody knew which hog
was the patient zero, as they say,
so they were going to
sacrifice all of them
until my friend here came,
and he checked every single hog
until he found the one.
- How did you do it?
- He talked to them.
- No.
- Yeah, he talked to them.
No, no. No, it wasn't the talking.
It's listening.
I was listening to them.
He became the hero of the fair.
I mean, all the farmers were
offering their animals to him,
and some, even their daughters.
Not a good breed.
- I like that.
- And when in Rome.
You had your eye on Brianda, remember?
Yeah, no, Brianda, I mean,
she was this young singer.
Brianda was flirting with him
in front of the whole palenque.
I mean, everybody was there.
And my dad,
he was trying to save his ass, right?
So, he keeps telling Ambrose,
"Hey, no, Brianda is the mistress of
- "the presidente municipal..."
- No, no.
Brianda was your father's mistress.
But because your mother,
God rest her soul, was there,
he came up with
this presidente mistress story.
What did you do? What happened?
She came back to the hotel with me.
Did you know about this?
Calayo was really mad at me.
We didn't talk for a year.
Eventually, we made up.
I'm going to sleep.
Good night.
You make yourself at home.
- I gotta go.
- Night-night.
Good night, Ambrose.
It's done. I got the money.
Yeah, this kid held his word.
I'll get there on Thursday.
Call Brianda, and Ermilo, and everybody.
We're gonna have one last party
like in the day.
Before I leave,
can I say goodbye to my hog?
Of course.
These are the big boys.
This is where Howie is gonna live.
Without them,
they will get sick in a minute.
Because this is not
the right way to raise them!
- This is the future...
- No, it's not!
Calm down, Ambrose.
Come on, Ambrose!
He says they can't get it out of
the truck. The pig is being difficult.
Tell him to use the stick, damn it.
They aren't rookies.
Use the stick. You are acting
like rookies, dumbasses.
I told them to quarantine it.
The old man wants to see it,
and we have to give him the truck back.
It's urgent that you quarantine it.
Where's my hog?
Is Payo here?
Hey, Ambrose, my friend.
How was your shower?
Are you feeling better?
I need to see my hog.
Your hog?
Where is he?
Give me a second.
Hey, hey, hey, stop it!
Hey, stop it!
Stop it, hey, give me this.
Come here. Come on.
It's all right, Howie.
It's my fault. Come on.
You wanna know how it feels?
- You like it?
- Calm down.
You like it?
Calm down. Get away or I will fuck you up!
I am going to fuck you up! Help me, man!
You want some of it, too?
You wanna feel how it feels?
Hey, you want some of this?
Calm down, man. Let's talk about this.
No, no, this is wrong!
Ambrose, that's the way it's done now.
Okay? Just, let's talk about it.
That's bullshit, man! It's bullshit!
The deal is off.
- What?
- Yeah, the fucking deal is off.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
'Cause nobody here is gonna pay you
$50,000 for that hog, okay?
I was just doing you a favor
because of my dad!
Yeah. I don't need your damn money.
And I don't need any favors
from a cock-ass like you.
Why don't you go fuck yourself?
No, no, fuck you, then!
- Go fuck yourself!
- Why don't you fuck yourself?
- Go fuck yourself!
- Fuck yourself!
- Fuck yourself!
- Fuck you!
You don't fucking know shit
about raising pigs.
Don't know shit.
Your father would be damn ashamed of you.
Fucking shit!
Come on, boy.
Fuck it. Fuck!
Another gringo, I see.
I'd offer you a smoke,
but all I got is this thing.
It's okay.
It works.
- That yours?
- Yep.
- You're a farmer?
- Hog farmer.
I'm a physicist. I build clean rooms.
Put one together here for a factory.
Clean room?
Yeah. A room with minimal dust,
microbes, aerosol...
You know, all the stuff that's everywhere.
You want a beer?
Brought my own.
You gonna be sticking around a while?
I'm here for another 21 days.
Lucky you.
I don't know.
That's a big one.
I'm through.
Imagine spending all of your life
in a little four-by-six-foot pen,
and not even get...
Being able to see the sun.
That's our life.
Getting fatter in a bigger pen,
and dying a little later.
You have to be honest with me, all right?
Why didn't you tell me you lost the farm?
I don't wanna be a burden.
Come, stay with us for a while.
We'll try to figure all of this out.
I just... Wanna just
get things straight, okay?
How long have you been living like that?
Why didn't you tell me about it?
Why do you keep lying to me?
I don't wanna hurt you.
Payo told me about your little trip.
What? What did that prick tell you?
He told me you're going crazy.
I'm okay! I'm okay!
I want you to be okay.
I want everybody to be okay.
I want you to stop drinking.
- All right. I don't...
- Dad...
Dad, there's no way you can
drive yourself back like that, okay?
Just wait for me in San Miguel,
and we will drive back together,
all right? Dad...
Hey! I'll give you twenty for your hog.
Twenty for the pig.
- How much for your cow?
- Fourteen thousand.
Fourteen thousand pesos
for this mangy old cow?
No, kid, I'll give you ten.
My uncle says 14.
Tell your uncle it's going to die.
There you go.
Get your hide all soft.
How much for the hog?
Come again?
How much for the pig?
50,000 pesos?
Dollars. American dollars.
Never mind him, Howard.
He doesn't know shit from Shinola.
Fucking old moron.
Get away.
You didn't even try your food, Howard.
Hey, bless you.
Come on, boy.
Come on, it's all right, boy.
It's all right. It's all right.
Shit, it's that rain and all that damn...
That damn farm!
I'm sorry, Howie. I'm sorry. Come on, boy.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, pig. Come on.
My friend is sick. I just...
Nice talking to you.
Come on. Come on.
Just a minute.
Howard, not here, boy.
Come on.
I may not have a vet degree,
but I got your back.
I've done this plenty of times.
Plenty of times.
Okay, Howie.
You may see some weird stuff,
but don't be afraid. All right?
Here you go.
Okay. All right, just relax. Just breathe.
Howard... Yeah, like that.
Okay. Okay, boy. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
There you go.
Dad, it's me, Eunice. Open up.
Dad, it's me, Eunice. Open up.
Door's open.
What the hell?
Why is there a hog in your motel room?
What are you doing here?
I'm looking for you.
Close the door.
Is he sick?
He'll be just fine.
What's the matter with you?
How could you just...
- Look...
- How could you just take off like that?
I'm busy, okay?
Look, so if you wanna help, help me.
If not, quit bothering me.
Steady. Yeah, right, that's right.
Right there.
Give me that.
Let me help you.
Howie, now, it's all right, boy.
It's all right.
No, no, no, no.
- Right there. Right there.
- I know. I know.
I've drained water from lungs before.
You better hurry up.
Good boy.
Good boy.
I'll take it. I'll take it from here.
I'll take it from here.
Okay. Yeah.
Hey, get that vase, okay?
- Get that vase over there.
- Got it.
Yeah. Yeah.
Good boy. Good boy.
You're gonna be fine.
Howie, you're gonna be fine, boy.
You're gonna be fine. Good boy.
Hey, boy.
Look at you.
Come on, like a champ.
Boy, it all finished.
You like that TV show?
I'll get this in you, yeah?
Yeah. We do this,
and you're gonna be like brand-new, baby.
Yeah. Here.
All right, come on, boy.
Come on. I know you had a rough night.
Come on. Come on.
There you go. Okay.
You're all right. Come on, boy.
You just relax.
There you go.
Good morning!
You know, most normal people
can rely on their parents for support.
- You know...
- There we go.
Things like money, or advice, or help.
Not me.
I have a parent who acts
more like a child than a parent.
A parent that I have to support.
I can take care of myself. Thanks.
How is that?
Ambrose, you are a penniless,
homeless, unemployed 75-year-old man.
You're only focusing on my strong points.
I'm glad you think this is funny.
That's not fair.
What is it? Are you okay?
What was that? What happened?
It was nothing.
You just threw up, that wasn't nothing.
- Yeah.
- Ambrose, are you all right?
Yeah, like I said,
I can take care of myself.
You don't have to worry about me.
Let me help you with that.
Come on.
I'm worried about you.
I'm okay, okay?
No, you're not okay.
I have to worry about you
because no one else will...
Well, I don't need anyone.
I didn't ask you to come here,
and I'm not asking you to stay.
So, I'm fine. You can go, okay?
- I can go?
- Yeah, please, get out!
Okay? Get the fuck out of here!
Fine. Just, fuck it.
I can't stand the fucking smell in here
anymore, anyway.
Now you can be alone
with your little fucking pig.
Get the fuck out of my way, pig.
Fucking shit-ass truck!
Dad, no!
What are they trying to do to me?
They're trying to help you.
No, no!
Sir! Please! You're going
to hurt yourself.
Be gentle, please.
Be careful, please.
Okay, leave him alone. Leave him alone!
- Leave me alone. Let me get out of here!
- Leave him alone.
Alone. Alone.
- Please?
- Eunice, what are they trying to do to me?
I want to...
Can you help him?
Grab my shoes. Grab my shoes.
What am I doing here?
No, no, I'm all right! I'm all right!
I'm all right!
Leave me alone.
Can you help him, please?
- All right.
- Come on, Dad.
- I got you. I got you.
- Okay.
Let me get this.
Thank you, no, here, let me help you.
Why didn't you tell me?
Because there's nothing to be done.
Dad, that's not true.
The doctor said it was...
Doctors tell you what you wanna hear.
It's their job to give you false hope.
Dad, don't drink that.
- Why not?
- Because you're dying.
That's why I need a beer.
You all right?
See, Dad, you're supposed
to use this thing.
What is that? Oxygen machine?
Does it even work?
Yeah, it works. See, look.
I attached a car battery to it,
so we can take it back
to the States with us.
You know, the doctor said that
if you don't start using it,
you're gonna start organ failure
much sooner.
See, look at your fingers. God.
Hey, Howie?
- Howie?
- Shit.
Damn it, Eunice! You should've
put the "do not disturb" sign.
Come on, come on, come on.
You've gotta sit down.
Come on. I'm bringing you to the bed.
Well, I'm sorry, okay?
'Cause I thought you were dead,
so your hog was the furthest thing
from my mind.
We're gonna breathe now, okay?
We're gonna breathe.
You're just gonna need a little help.
Put this in your nose,
and I want you to hold it.
That's it. All you gotta do is hold it.
Let me do the rest.
Don't talk, just breathe.
That's it. How's that?
A little less.
- Little less?
- Okay.
- Okay. All right, that's it. That's it.
- Okay. Okay.
Okay, that's enough. Let's go get Howard.
All right. Wait. We're gonna wait.
We can take two minutes.
Just breathe.
Okay. Okay.
Maybe he is in the kitchen.
Hey, Howie! Howie!
Go to the back.
Howie! No, no, no, let's go to reception.
- Howard!
- Let's go to reception.
I'll go to reception.
- You need to go to the room and rest.
- No, no, no! Come on!
Where's my hog?
I'm sorry?
My hog. The one I left in my room.
Your hog, pig?
Excuse me, is there a...
Yeah, the one that was in my room!
Where is it?
I'm sorry, you have
an animal in the hotel?
- It's a very big...
- Let's go. Come on.
No, you're not allowed
to have animals in the hotel.
- I have a pig.
- Huge...
You cannot have animals in the hotel.
- Thank you.
- It's not allowed.
She was watching me.
Okay. Right here. All right.
- Are you sure?
- Right here. Right here.
This is crazy.
I don't think anybody's here.
Hi, where is my hog?
Howie? Where are you hiding him?
- Dad. Dad, you can't do this.
- Howie... Where are you hiding him?
- Dad, you can't do this.
- Okay, okay.
- Are you all right?
- I'm okay.
- What's going on here?
- I'm so sorry.
- We're gonna leave. We're gonna leave.
- I lost him.
- Let's go into town. You didn't lose him.
- He's not here. Oh, God.
- We're gonna find him.
- You need to leave right now.
Yes, we're leaving right now.
I'm very sorry.
Hey, Howard!
Howard! Howard!
He's fine. He's just...
He's just going crazy for the hog.
Yes, thank you, Payo.
Hey, don't thank him!
I bet he's the one who stole him!
He's helping us.
He's the reason I found you.
- Howard!
- Howard!
Hey, hey, stop! Stop. Stop.
Is that Howard?
It was for you.
The money was for you.
I wanted to leave you something.
I lost him.
Come on, Dad.
It's time to go. Come on.
Sorry, Dad.
Yes, hello?
They found Howard.
You're kidding. Where?
- Fill this in and sign, please.
- Yes.
I'll need your information, please.
And your signature.
- My signature?
- Yes.
Hey, hey, Howie.
There you are, boy.
I got a treat for you. Come here, Howard.
Hi, boy. Hi.
You didn't join any gangs
while you were in there, did you, champ?
Come here, boy.
Why are you in such a hurry to get back?
I know it's hard for you to understand,
but some people actually enjoy
spending time with their family.
And I really...
I'd really like you to come with me.
Look here, Eunice, Howard can't
go back into the States, okay?
It's a disease control thing.
They'll stop him at the border, okay?
We need to find him a good home here
and hopefully get paid.
Okay, okay. All right.
You want to go back, okay, I understand.
I'll take you to the airport.
You know, I signed up
for a bunch of credit cards.
I've been withdrawing all the cash.
It's yours. You take it. Here.
No, I don't need money.
Well, you're gonna need it
a lot more than I do.
It's a lot cheaper being dead
than being alive.
Dad, don't say that. Come on.
Okay, okay, okay.
Think of it as all the child support
payments I missed, okay?
I don't need money, all right?
It's not the money.
Lookit. Let's go to Guadalajara.
It's a big city.
There's a better chance
to sell him there, okay?
After that, we'll go back. Promise.
Okay. Okay.
Let's go find you a home, Howard.
We're going to Guadalajara.
We have to stay here.
It's a safe place for Howard.
- This place?
- Yeah.
Hello? We'd like a room, please.
Yes. 105 is free, go to the left.
- Thank you.
- Welcome to the Caesars.
See? There, 105.
Yeah, you know
your way around, Dad? Really?
A little bit.
- All right, Howard. All right, buddy.
- Home sweet home.
- This it?
- Yeah.
I'm gonna take a shower.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Okay, let me help you.
No, no. Over my dead body.
My mama was
the first and last woman to bathe me.
Wait, you gotta leave that in.
It's gonna be real quick.
Ten minutes, tops.
All right.
I miss you, too.
But I'm down here with
your grandpa for a little while.
What? I don't know.
I don't know. But I love you. Okay?
Put Daddy back on, all right?
God. Wait...
What? No.
I don't know. I just... I feel like it...
God! I'm sorry. No. God, not you.
It's the middle of the school year,
you know, you should stay with Lucas.
Yeah. I gotta do this by myself.
Uno club sandwich.
Si, club sandwich.
Man. Ambrose,
you gotta take a look at this.
It's like Jerry Springer on crack.
Apparently, we're not that bad.
That guy right there
is in love with his daughter.
Put it on speaker phone for me.
- Here.
- All right.
- Hello?
- Hello.
This is Chila, a dear friend.
She was my interpreter
on my first trip here.
Nice to meet you, Chila.
Hello, I was telling Ambrose
that some old friends and me,
we've decided to chip in and buy Howard.
No way, really? That's great!
They're just doing that because
they're feeling sorry for me,
because I'm dying and all that.
You know, whatever.
It's fine to me.
Shut up, or the deal is off, Ambrose.
Chila, how far away are we
from you right now?
About four hours by car,
and then half an hour by boat.
By boat? Really?
Howard's not gonna like that.
Don't worry, we will send for you both.
Just get to Boca de Tomatlan,
and we'll take care of it from there.
Ermilo will be waiting,
and I can ask Brianda...
Okay. Okay. Chila, I know. I know.
Okay. Goodbye.
Okay, see you tomorrow. Okay.
Drive safe, bye!
- So we'll go first thing in the morning.
- Okay.
Yeah. Yeah. Good.
Don't forget to call Lucas, okay?
I did when we got here.
But thank you, Dad. That's...
Tell him Grandpa said hello, next time.
I'll do that.
This beach we're headed to, it's nice?
You gonna love it.
Best place on the whole planet.
Playa Majahuitas.
I used to go there every year,
to the hog fair.
Just as an excuse
to spend some time there.
Great food, the nicest people.
I can't believe
this is only the second night I've spent
in the same room as my father.
What are you talking about?
Your mom and I slept with you
till you were five years old.
You were afraid of the shark in Jaws.
Cursed the day we let you watch the movie.
You used to crawl in our bed
in the middle of the night
and claim that you could hear
the sea getting closer and closer.
Good night.
Good night.
I think it's funny
that all your memories of me
are from when I was five.
That's not true.
Gonna be fine, Howard.
No need to worry about the future
'cause the future already happened.
I'm already dead.
The universe is already dead.
It's just our perception.
Keeps us stuck in slow motion.
It's just our perception.
Good night.
Good night, boy.
For a second I didn't know
who I was or where I was.
Well, you're my dad,
and we are in Guadalajara.
You know,
I would die for a cigarette right now.
Interesting choice of words.
Look over there.
I think I got a pack over there.
You're kidding me.
No, I'm not.
What, you're afraid I'm gonna get cancer?
Come on, Eunice. Look over there.
See if I got a cigarette.
This is unbelievable. You're unbelievable.
Yeah, you have one left.
One last cigarette.
Thank you.
Look at that.
- So long.
- Bye.
You hungry, too? Here you go. Howard.
Good boy.
Hey, Mexican junk food
is the Mona Lisa of junk food.
I'm sure Lucas would love this stuff.
Be sure to bring him some
when you go back home, okay?
Dad, have a seat.
You were in there for a while.
- Okay.
- All right? We gotta get you hooked up.
Hey! Hey!
Give me a beer, Dad.
Hey, wait, wait, wait.
You know, I used to think you kept that
picture because of the pig and not me.
What kind of person you think I am?
Why don't you tell me?
What, Eunice?
You want the two of us
to have one of those touching
father-daughter moments, like on TV?
Yeah. Okay. I do.
Why force this, Eunice?
I did what I did,
and nothing can change that,
so why bother?
You know,
everybody takes death so seriously.
Everyone feels the need to find
some meaning in every goddamn thing.
They all wanna have
some meaningful conversation.
Let me tell you something.
There's no meaning, Eunice.
I just want to know what you're feeling.
I can't cry,
if that's what you're getting at.
Look, I have feelings.
It's just that
they aren't nice right now.
I'd rather not share them.
Pull over.
What's the matter? What is it?
- You gonna be sick?
- Pull over.
- Oh, my God. Right here?
- Yeah, right here.
Dad, this isn't the best spot.
All right. All right.
It's all right.
It's the winding road. It's too much?
- Too winding?
- No, no.
- Be careful. Be careful.
- All right.
- You sure you're good?
- I'm good.
No, no, no, no.
It's the battery.
I'm getting nothing.
How about...
- See, we got another battery here. Okay?
- No.
Let's get out of here.
You need that, Dad.
You need that for breathing.
Hold on.
Hey! Hey! Please!
- Come on.
- Come on, what are you doing?
Where are we going out here?
- I've gotta get there. Get the battery.
- Dad, we're gonna...
I can do without it. Hey, Howard.
- Howard's fine.
- Okay, I need some of that...
- Come on, let's get out of here. Okay?
- Please sit down.
- Go get the battery, okay?
- I will.
You need to sit. We'll get your tank back.
- No, no. You just get the battery.
- All right.
- Okay. All right.
- All right.
What'll you do with the battery, Dad?
No, no, I don't need the battery.
I can deal without it.
- Go get it.
- Don't be crazy, you need it to breathe.
- No, no, I can deal without it here.
- What are you talking about?
We don't even know how far away
it is that we're going.
- Go check your phone.
- I don't have any reception.
Well, that's why we need to
get the hell out of here.
- Wait, let me get your tank.
- Okay. All right.
- Okay, and hurry up. Just bring it here.
- I got it! I got it!
I'll be fine.
Get us all killed here. Shit.
You're all right, boy.
Dad, please don't die.
Put your seat belt on.
It's easy for you to say.
Put your seat belt on.
I'm sorry, Eunice.
I brought you into the world,
but maybe you didn't wanna come.
What do you mean?
I wish it were nicer.
You wish what were nicer?
This world.
You having fun?
It was all about having fun, isn't it?
That's what you always said,
the whole point of being alive
is having fun.
I don't think I'm having fun anymore.
I wanna have fun.
How you holding up, Dad?
You want some music?
Is that nice?
I like your eyes.
Oh, my God, we made it.
- Let's get you inside, all right?
- Yeah.
I'll get the stuff, Dad.
Dad! Help! Please. Help, please. Dad?
Oh, my God.
Help! Sir?
What's happening?
I need the tank in the back of my truck.
Oxygen. Oxygen.
I need to get him...
I need to take him inside, all right?
Yep, there we go.
I see a chair, right there.
I wanna put you in that chair
right over there, okay?
All right. All right.
Put him in the chair. That's it. Okay.
I have electric...
We're gonna breathe now, okay?
We're gonna take a breath, right now.
Gonna drink that water, okay?
There we go. There we go.
Just breathe, Dad.
Take a breath. We're here now, all right?
Take a breath. Take a breath.
All right. Okay. Okay.
All right. We made it. We made it, okay?
You're here with me.
That was scary. That was scary.
But we're here now. Gracias.
Okay. Okay. All right.
All right, just breathe.
That's it. That's it. That's it.
You got stuck taking care of me.
Yeah, it's just my luck, right?
I was never there for you.
Your mother found a good man
who loved her, who loved you.
I know
the best was for me to fuck off.
We're here now, Dad. Okay?
That shirt looks very nice on you.
Very smart.
You should eat something.
No, we should be going.
You know, the van is hot. For Howard.
We gotta find Ermilo, okay?
Are you sure you don't want to rest, Dad?
There's a hotel right around the corner.
I could use a shower.
I don't want to stop.
I'd rather sleep on the boat than in here.
Right. Okay.
Then I'll go get Howard,
and I'll go look for your friend.
You wait here.
- Come on, Howard.
- ndale.
Go ahead, Howard.
Okay, come on. ndale.
Good boy, Howard.
- Hey, Manuel.
- What?
Go get the old black man over there
and bring him to the dock.
- What about my father?
- We're gonna get your father.
He's gone to get your father,
and we're gonna pick it up.
- Yes? In the boat?
- Yes. Yes.
- Okay.
- Yes.
- Ambrose.
- Hey, Ermilo.
- How are you?
- Good. Good.
- Let me help you with this.
- Okay. Okay.
How are you? How do you feel?
What can I say? We ain't young anymore.
Why didn't you bring her before?
She's cute.
You got your pig, you got your oxygen.
What else do you need, pinche huevn?
You should've raised chickens instead.
They're too stupid,
and they're not family.
Did you see that?
See what?
I saw it.
You saw what, Dad?
Is it here, Dad?
You were right.
- Hi.
- Welcome!
This is amazing.
Is it okay to jump?
Help her, guys!
- Now I'm all wet.
- It's okay.
Your dad was right. You're beautiful!
It's so nice to finally meet you.
Where's Lucas? You didn't bring him?
- No...
- Look, this is Brianda.
- She's your dad's...
- Hi.
Well, your dad can tell you about Brianda.
- Hello.
- Hi, Eunice.
- I've heard a lot about you.
- Ambrose!