Mr. Right (2023) Movie Script

This is it...
You are going to go in
there and you are going to
blow them away.
Because you've got talent!
You've got raw talent.
You've got what it takes!
It's gonna be a breeze!
Home, leaving in
the morning light
Home, dreaming you
can always find
Gone, do you
even want to try?
Gone, falling
for another guy
Na na na na na na
Hi! Uh... Charlotte
Paige, reporting for duty!
Welcome! Ms. Weir's
asked you to join
the writers in the
conference room.
Just straight through
the glass doors.
Okay, thank you.
[FROM HALLWAY] Okay, well,
let's circle back after lunch.
Uh, Tell me how the
phone call goes.
Thanks for taking
care of that...
Ah, Ms. Charlotte...
thank you for joining us.
The team is just finishing up,
um, your timing is perfect.
So, have a seat and I will
introduce you to everybody.
Alright people. Can I
have your attention again?
This morning, fantastic.
We accomplished a lot.
Thank you for all of
your contributions.
To wrap things up here,
I want to introduce
you to Charlotte Paige.
Charlotte is going
to be writing our new
featured article, 'Mr. Right'.
Very excited
So, as all of you know,
'Mr. Right' is an idea that
we've been tossing around
for quite a while now,
and it's finally time to
get it off the ground.
I mean, I just hope
that I can live up
to the... talent that's here.
I 'm sure you'll do just fine.
Every Monday morning
we meet, we brainstorm,
all the articles
for the coming week.
Remember, part of the
joy of writing is...
journey of discovery.
Of yourself and others.
So, take the journey!
[MS. WEIR] Yeah? Okay!
[CHARLOTTE] Alright!
You guys, thanks so
much for your time,
Um, I think we're
wrapped up for today.
Alright, so, I want
you to take some time
to settle in today,
meet your co-workers,
but don't doddle too much.
I will expect to see
a final copy of your
first article by next Friday.
Alright... Hey, I want
to see that by two
- Alright.
- Yeah!
Hey there yourself!
So, you're new.
- I am - Well, my spot
is WAY-right here,
so you and I are
gonna be good friends.
Yay! That was easy.
- Yeah. I'm Lila.
- Charlotte.
- So... "Mr. Right"?
- Mhm. Mr. Right.
- What is a Mr. Right, right? Right?
- And that is where I'm stumped.
Okay, so you, you write
about dating- la'amor
um, but it sounds
like you're single?
Oh yeah.
Well, I mean, maybe that's
not a bad thing, ya know?
Maybe you just need to immerse
yourself into your writing.
Like for me, I write better when
I'm out there living the thing,
so... Like Ms. Weir
said, 'take the journey'.
Or whatever it is she says,
I never pay attention.
- Yeah.
- Um, don't tell her that.
But yeah, if you're
writing about dating,
then maybe you should
just be dating a lot?
Yeah, that is a good idea.
See, I wouldn't even
know where to start here
to, like, meet guys.
Well, you have come
to the wrong place.
I can't even remember
the last time
I've been on a date!
But, maybe you could
try the dating apps?
- You might have more success than I did.
- Ooh, yeah.
I guess I can't avoid
them forever, right?
- No, mam, no.
- So... I gotta pull out all the stops.
Ooh, good attitude! I like that.
Okay, you'll have to help
me with that whole thing,
- because...
- Pfft, done!
I got you. I LOVE living
vicariously through people.
- Perfect.
- Well, I think a lot better when
I have caffeine running
through my veins, so...
you want to come with me
downstairs and grab a latte?
- Yes!
- Really cute coffee place.
- Let's do it!
- Big Fan. Cool!
- Hi, how are ya?
Hello, hello!
How was your weekend?
Oh, did you go out with
that, er, the same guy again?
He turned out to
be a total jerk,
so I dumped him on
the side of the road.
What about you?
Um... I mean, ya
know, same, same old,
you know how I am,
just... just work.
There is only so much time you
can spend at a coffee shop.
You have to get out
and do something fun
at least once a week.
I know, I know, you're
right, I just...
I'm just so close, you know?
Yeah, but you have
to promise me,
at least one night this
week you'll take a night off
from even thinking about coffee.
- Oof! Not even thinking?
- No!
One whole night?
Can we try next week?
You're so weird.
- next month?
- Ah, this is the best coffee in town?
- Yes. So dead serious.
This place treats it's
coffee like an art.
- It's cute.
- Yeah.
[SARAH] Good morning, what
can I get for you today?
Hi! I will get the
'lavender macchiato'
- Name?
- Charlotte.
- The usual for you, Lila?
- You know it.
That'll be $3.75 for the
macchiato and $4.25 for you, Lila.
- I got you.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- Aw, thanks Char!
- It'll be a few minutes.
- You're the best Sarah!
So, you're new in town,
you work for the
hottest romance site,
you have the coolest new friend,
and your job is to
find the perfect man.
That is like the actual
definition of living the dream.
Hmm yeah!
[CHARLOTTE] If uh, the
perfect man existed.
[LILA] Ugh. Yeah...
Uh, no I got it, I
can grab this one.
K, uh, Fred?
Got a coffee for
Fred? There ya go.
- Lila, for you.
- Hi Liam, good to see you!
Yeah. And then one fo...
'Fred'... Uh, sir, I
think I got, sorry,
I got it switched.
No I don't got time for this
I got a meeting to get to.
- Yeah, if I could just..
Did he just abscond
with my coffee?
I have no idea
what abscond means,
but yes he's got a
meeting to get to.
- He finessed a free cup of coffee from you-sir?
- Uh, Liam.
- Liam.
- Uh, what was it again? Sorry.
- Charlotte...
Oh! The drink! Uh,
lavender macchiato.
Got it. Lavender macchiato.
And uh, double
time, if you would.
I have important
meetings and things...
So, are you new in the building?
I feel like I know all the-all
the business folk-type people.
Yeah. It's just my first day,
so I am far from being
important and business-y person
Oh, come on. I'm sure
you're doing great.
Everyone has a first day.
Right? It's always tough.
One lavender macchiato!
It's actually one of my
favorites, so good choice.
For Charlotte
- Mhm!
- Not Fred.
- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome
I'm going to go tend to
my "business-y" things.
Go and do.
Wow! That's good.
Yeah! Tell your friends.
Have a good one!
Well, that was cute.
Yeah, she was.
[LILA] Okay here,
so this is the app.
It's a little cheesy, but
I mean-it's kinda fun.
What's it called?
Oh gosh. With a name like that,
how could it not be?
I mean, you could always go
old fashioned try and pick up
a guy in a coffee shop?
What, that still
happens to people?
- Uh, you said Blunder?
- Mmhm.
Oh you should come
to my house tonight
and help me build
like a killer profile?
- Oh my gosh!
- Since we're best friends.
I was going to invite myself
over anyways, so, perfect!
[CHARLOTTE] I'll order take-out.
[LILA] Yeah! Oh I know all
the good food spots in town.
[LILA] Oh my gosh listen to
this Blundr line from Alex-
'Hey I value my breath so I'd-
appreciate it if you'd
stop taking it away'.
- Oh my gosh,
there's so many better ways
you could have written that.
He's got a point though,
you should really
be more considerate- - Me?
Like you could hand me the
rest of the fried rice.
- You want the fried rice.
- I want the fried rice!
- Okay I'll give you the fried rice.
- Gimme, gimme! Thank you.
Oh, Jason says,
'hey girl, I don't normally
compliment girls that I match with,
but I got to say you've
got great taste in men'.
- Oh my gosh!
- Where do they find this stuff?
Well, you know, you've
gotta scrape through a
- whole lot of garbage on these apps.
- I'll say.
- Yeah...
Alex, Eli, Jason...
Aren't any of these
guys not cringe worthy?
Oh wait, what about that guy?
He looks-Paul-he
looks... kinda normal.
Let's see...
[TSK] Well...
- Let's immerse.
- Yaas! Let's immerse.
So at this point I'm
thinking, why not drop out?
Why am I going into massive
debt for a medical degree
that my dad wants, when...
I could be making...
millions pro-gaming?
- I-I mean, I'm not
a pro yet- - Mhm.
I wouldn't have been
a doctor yet either.
So it's just going to take
a little bit more time.
Investing in me.
- Yeah.
So I mean if you're good at it
and you can make money, why not?
Yeah. Y-yeah, exactly.
So currently, stage one,
you have a place where
you can practice these-
these video games?
Mhm. Yeah, my moms place.
Totally free. No
rent. Really nice.
[LIAM] Sure. Thank you!
I met a celebrity today,
this is great. Thanks.
[LIAM] Don't tell me, it's um...
it's Fred, right? Fred!
- Coffee shop!
- Yeah.
- Um, Liam.
- Yeah!
I did not know this is what the
bourgeois business types did.
Ya know...
In their free time when their
not doing coffee, this is good.
Yeah. Uh,
William Fencer, he reads
fifty books a year,
and he is a billionaire, so...
There you go.
But my favorite author just
released their new book
so I had to get my hands on it.
- Oh really?
- Yeah.
- What book is it?
- Um, 'Airship'.
- May I?
- Mhm.
Yeah, he's amazing. I
have all of his books.
Gotta be honest, I would
not have pegged you
as an avid sci-fi fan.
I might have to steal this
from you at some point.
Totally! But, if
you STEAL steal it,
I'm going to have
to hunt you down.
You know where to find me.
What-What's in your bag?
Oh this is some, some of that
mid-century Russian poetry-
- Oh.
- Action, ya know.
- Nice - Yeah,
big fan of that.
It's magazines.
It's literally just
magazines for my coffee shop.
- I'm not that classy.
- Cool.
Oh I was going to
ask, what do you,
what do you do at the building?
Oh, um, I just started
writing for Romantique.
- How do you like that so far?
- Oh, I love it. You know,
I've wanted to be a
writer since I was, a kid,
so it's, like, a dream job.
So I'm super excited,
but also really nervous because
I really want to
get things right.
- Yeah.
- And not mess anything up, so...
Well, for sure,
it's like a huge-
first of all, congrats-
yeah but that's um,
that's, like, a big step.
- Yeah.
- New job.
Well, I mean if you
are as good at that
as you are as talking to
random dudes at a bookstore,
I think you're going to
crush it and do great.
- Thank you!
- Yeah!
And I'll be serving coffee
to you all the way, okay?
Don't forget the little people!
Hi. Can I just vent for a sec?
Ah, heavens! Give me the tea.
So, I've been here for,
what? A little over a week?
I've been on three
Blundr dates and I've got
nothing to write about.
Oh... Marcus was a bust?
Oh, Marcus. Yeah, he just
sat there and like primped
- his hair in the restaurant window.
- Ew.
The entire time...
Andrew was thirty minutes late
and also on his phone
the entire time.
No. No!
Who else was there?
- Oh-Paul!
- Oh Paul...
- You said you had fun with Paul.
- I did. Yeah.
- Paul, he wasn't a bust...
- Okay.
Just not Mr. Right.
He was more like Mr. Basement...
not Mr. Right.
- Stop it! No...
- I mean he was
fun- - Oh my gosh.
And has high asperations,
knows what he wants.
But yeah, just not what I want.
Yeah, I don't really know how to
turn any of these into an article.
Mmm oof.
Big oof.
Well, I'll tell you what,
why don't you take a break
from 'Mr. Right'
and come help me with
my article tonight?
- Yes!
- Yeah.
You know I'm always down to be
the date for Romantique's
restaurant reviewer.
Stop it, stop it!
Where are we eating?
Pazzo's, just down the
street. Italian place.
- Right, yeah.
- Yeah. Seven PM.
- Sounds good.
- 'Kay.
Sweet. Maybe I'll have a
stroke of inspiration
by the end of the day.
Mm yeah, miracles happen.
Alright! Back to work.
- Okay...
- Okay...
Oh, the restaurant.
Pick up, pick up...
Hi Lila,
yes I'm late I'm just leaving
the office. [ELEVATOR CHIMES]
Yeah I'll see you in a bit...
hey, hold the elevator!
- Oh!
- Hey!
- I am so sorry!
- It's no problem.
I uh, I'm always happy to find
a beautiful woman in my arms.
Does this happen to you a lot?
No. Not as often as I'd like.
Uh... Oh my gosh, your phone!
- Yeah - Ah, is it alright?
Oh shoot.
Oh, what's wrong?
Well, it likes like
when it fell it
knocked your number right out.
So if you could just
add it back in here.
I don't know. I'm not one
to just hand out my number.
I mean you could be a
complete scoundrel, after all.
A scoundrel?
Well maybe, but I have
already held you in my arms
and used my best
line on you, so-
Your best line? I don't
even know your name?
That's easy to fix...
Thomas. I work on the 7th floor.
Christensen and Associates.
There you go! Now we're
no longer strangers,
we can fix this with you number,
and I can thank you by
taking you out sometime.
Alright. I guess
it wouldn't hurt.
I look forward to you
running into me again.
[LILA] Okay, this place is
definitely getting five stars.
I tell you, if that
chickadee parm was a man-
I'd be having him over
wining and dining right now,
maybe even show him my
dead bug collection.
Literally, I meant that very literally.
- Cute, yeah.
Mm, yes, this is
just what I needed.
Hey, thanks so much for this.
It's so nice to
have a girl friend
to do things with
and go to dinner.
I don't know, I've been missing
that since I moved here.
Yeah, well I mean, I get
it, you know? I-uh...
We moved around a lot growing
up and I've been there.
I know what it's like
moving to a new place,
not having friends, not
knowing anyone. So...
Yeah. That must have been hard.
I mean, yeah?
But it was, it was
okay, you know?
It taught me to be
really outgoing and um,
Which, you know,
works out really well
when you're a kid making
friends with other kids.
It did not translate
very well into adulthood.
I think some people
find me a bit...
I don't know, a bit
- much.
- No.
You? I don't see it.
Rude, actually rude.
- Ah, city life has changed you.
- No! I actually like it, I do.
I find you refreshing.
Well we'll see how
long that lasts,
the novelty of me will wear off.
I know, I know you said no work,
'Mr. Right' talk,
but I have to tell you,
I think fate has
provided a miracle.
Oh! Found yourself a
little somethin' somethin'!
I did, I did!
On my way out of the
building tonight.
Yeah, I quite literally
fell into the arms of...
I don't know-the perfect man?
- Ah! Do tell.
- Well, perfect for the article.
I mean, yeah,
yeah his name is Thomas
and he works in the law
firm at our building.
So let's hope that he's
as intriguing as he seems.
Sounds like fate.
Yeah it's perfect because
I have one day after
to write the article and
get it submitted on time,
and hallelujah.
Mm, so how're you
feeling? Dessert?
- Yes.
- 'K.
Eh, that's a woman...
uh, can we see the
dessert menu please?
Thank you!
( Whispering ) Ooh, she's
going to spit in my cheesecake.
[CHARLOTTE] Good morning!
I'm excited to see that you are
becoming one of the regulars.
What constitutes someone
becoming a regular?
Usually about a month
but I'm going to
give you a free handout
because I messed
your order up so bad last time.
I have status here now!
You do have status here now.
I brought you something.
It's my favorite.
Oh this is the same
guy! Same author, right?
Okay, yeah, no, no
I've heard about this.
Real good stuff. Thank you.
- Mhm.
It's very nice. Oh, how're
you getting moved in?
Uh, ask me next week
when I actually have
time to open my boxes.
Moving's the worst.
I was going to ask, um, eh,
since you're new in town,
maybe tonight I could
show you around?
Oh, yeah, I would
love to see the city.
- Yeah?
- Thank you.
But I actually
have a date tonight
and my career kind of
depends on this one.
For my articles, I mean.
Oh, okay, right.
what about Saturday?
Or are you working?
Oh yeah, no, for sure!
no... yes I'm NOworking this Sa-
Saturday works great!
Saturday's awesome.
Okay, let me give you my number.
- Okay.
- And we can plan a time.
Yeah. Sounds good.
Here you go.
- Thanks.
- I'll see you.
You got her number?
Is all you do here just
eavesdrop on my conversations?
What else am I supposed to
do while I'm here all day?
I've been on quite
a few golf courses.
Yeah, so this is your sport.
Well, when you do
law for a living
and have to wear a tie all day,
you find yourself on
quite a few golf courses
with men twice your
age, schmoozing.
It's all just part of the job.
- Oh yeah?
- I see.
- Yeah.
But do you actually
like golfing?
Yeah well, now I just
find it relaxing.
Okay, it's harder than it looks.
Just try loosening up
your grip a little bit.
Yeah, okay, alright...
You got this.
- Okay...
- Okay, here,
I'm going to try to
help a little bit here.
So try widening your
stance a little bit.
Shoulder width apart.
Oh! Hi!
- Yeah. Alright, so here, ready?
- Ah... Okay.
- Okay go for it.
- Uh...
- There you go!
- Oh.
- That was a little better.
- Not bad.
- Did you like that?
- Yeah!
So what about you, you said
you were new to the city?
Yeah, I moved here
about a month ago.
I got an in-house job
working for Romantique.
- Romantique?
- Mhm.
So that makes you a
relationship expert?
[LAUGHING] Hardly!
Wow, I'm in way over my head.
Alright, you ready?
[LAUGHING] Did you see that?
- Yes.
- Okay!
So good! Well done.
- Take notes.
- Wow!
Thanks for today.
I never realized how hard
it is to actually hit
a golf ball before,
but I had fun.
Yeah, it's got its tricks
to it. I had fun too.
I really enjoyed
talking with you.
So, maybe I can
come in with you?
Help you get settled in?
Oh, um, a little bold
for a first date,
don't you think?
I already held you in my arms.
Remember the elevator?
Oh, yes. I remember.
Look, I don't kiss
guys on first dates
let alone invite them
up to my apartment
for the night. So...
Ah, come on Char, I thought
we hit it off today?
We did, but that doesn't mean...
wow, um, thank you
thank you Thomas for the date.
So let's talk about Mr. Right.
If a guy's got drive
and a sense of duty
towards what he does
for a living that can
be super attractive.
But that doesn't
mean Mr. Elevator-
Mr. Legal?
No... Mr. Business.
That doesn't mean Mr. Business
is going to be Mr. Right.
Because if he's not
going to respect you,
then he's not even worth
the cheap polyester
his suit's made out of.
I went on a date
with Mr. Business
and here's what happened...
[MS. WEIR] Hmm..
I like it.
It's got 'spunk'.
You know the last person
that tried to write
for 'Mr. Right'-
they weren't willing to hit
the hard truths like this.
Look, you've already
proven to me that
you deserve this job.
So, what's next?
Well, uh, after Mr. Business,
I was thinking Mr. Boy
or Mr. Basement.
I haven't really decided
on the name yet, but...
[LAUGHTER] I like it. I do.
Keep up the good work.
We'll see what
happens next week.
[LILA] Um, Charlotte?
I just heard from the
editors about your article.
They loved it! Yeah,
they said it was fire
Thanks girl!
Yeah, Ms. Weir liked
it too, what a relief.
Yeah. And also
that Mr. Business?
Okay, what a real piece of work,
who just goes in for
the kiss like that?
- I know right?
- Yeah
Yeah, definitely not
Mr. Right material.
Well it's okay, we can
add him to the pile
of dud dates which,
it's sounding like,
is not a bad thing.
Yeah. I guess not.
No more stress about
having to find out
who is Mr. Right, right?
Which begs the question,
what is Mr. Right-to Charlotte?
To me?
Oh, tall, dark, and handsome.
[LAUGHS] No but really.
I don't think he
exists, actually.
Oh come on,
I know lots of
great relationships.
Yeah, well, great
relationships end in
nasty divorce all the time.
So, how can you go
from loving someone
and then totally despising them?
I might not be able to tell you
who is Mr. Right,
but I can definitely
tell you what Mr. Wrong is.
Maybe that's what my
readers need to be reading?
Who's that?
Uh um, Liam from
the coffee shop.
Yeah, he's going to show
me around town tomorrow.
Oh really?
Okay, he's a friend.
Ha, yeah. He's a "friend".
[LIAM] Okay, I know it
doesn't look like a whole lot,
but this is absolutely
the best place in town-
hands down.
What makes it so special?
Well me and my dad
used to come here
and play catch with my brother,
and you know, just
kind of hang out-
but that is not why it's
the best place in town.
That is.
[CHARLOTTE] A bakery?
Uh, that's 'Melvins
Pastry Kitchen', actually.
It's more of a
confectionary, really.
It's the best
confections in the state,
and probably,
probably the whole country.
Wow! That is a very
big claim, sir.
Are you ready to back it up?
Oh yeah. I can back it up.
- Okay.
- After you.
Gonna blow your mind.
Hmm, rose pedal cream tart.
Could be good.
Maybe. Yeah.
I'm going to go with
the O.G. probably,
it's the chocolate
cake doughnut.
It's really good.
You should try something new.
I tried something new once and
it was the worst
experience of my life.
- Really?
- I vowed to never do it again.
Come on!
Okay, yeah. You know what?
I'll take it under advisement.
- Sure, sure.
- I'll consider it.
- Do you know what you want?
- I do.
Oh wow, this is so good!
I told you! I-I know
what I'm talking about
I know what I'm doing.
How is your 'classic' doughnut?
Okay, first of all-how dare you?
This is square!
It's the opposite of
a classic doughnut.
It's basic!
O.G. doughnut's are
round. This is not that.
It's maple! Come on.
I'm shaking it up.
Oh, um-
I got to give you the
walking tour, I forgot.
Walking tour? Eh...
Yeah. Yeah, I told you I'd
show you the whole city.
- Okay.
- Yeah, come on, here we go.
( Scottish Accent ) So, in
1968 city hall was settled.
Our proud little town
is more than it seems!
[LIAM] And finally, Cannella's.
Let me guess, 'the is the
best pizza in the city'?
Oh no, it's not even the best
pizza place on the street.
But everyone comes here
at least once, so...
Um, I think it's
got a certain...
je ne sais quois...
You gotta try it! Come on.
Told you, it's like eating
really good cardboard right?
Oh man, on that note... um
I have to run really quick.
I'll be right back.
Okay, have fun.
- I will!
Most mediocre pizza
in the city! Told you.
Hey there. So you,
uh, ever been to
this fine dining
establishment before?
I have not. I just moved here so
my friend is showing
me the sights.
- Nice, new friend.
- Yeah.
That's great. I'll be
your friend till he
get's back, how about that?
- I'm Max, by the way.
- Um, Charlotte.
Great name, I love that.
Thank you.
Yeah, the city's...
the city's great.
But, I mean, if
you're new in town
you have to check out
the local outdoor scene.
Oh yeah?
Yeah. Less than an
hour outside the city,
you got rock climbing, you
got the best repelling,
you got base jumping.
You got to check
it out, it's crazy.
Maybe I could take you
sometime out there...
a little brazen.
Definitely presumptuous.
But-could be fun
and would definitely make
for an interesting article.
Base jumping?
I wonder how dangerous that is?
What would I call him?
Mr. Adrenaline Junkie?
Mr. Outdoors?
Mr. Adventure!
[MAX] So, it's a date?
- Alright.
- Alright.
Let's go have an adventure.
Let's do it.
Here, throw your
number in that bad boy.
Careful, it's fragile.
Okay. Let's see if
this is a real number.
Mmm, yeah.
Yeah, I think so.
Alright, well...
I'll call you then.
And then, uh, we can
go hit those mountains.
It'll be great time.
- Yeah. Alright.
- Yeah.
- Hey! Hi.
- Wassup?
- What's up? Hi...
- Um, I am actually out,
could I please get a refill?
Not an employee.
I was actually, I was
actually sitting there.
- Oh this is-?
- Yeah!
- Oh, gotcha. You're the fri...
- No.
- I'll just- - Nah,
you're good man!
I appreciate ya!
So, he seems fun.
- Yeah.
- You guys-you guys friends?
Is he a friend?
No. He literally just sat here
and started talking to
me about rock climbing.
That's so-that's cool. Uh...
Yeah, yeah, he asked-I'm
going to go with him.
- Really?
- Mhmm,
it could be good for
my articles, I think.
Oh, do you write about
extreme, extreme sports?
Hmm, dating.
There you go.
Um... Oh! I almost forgot.
Time to make your
mark on history.
Um, you mean deface the city's
most popular pizza joint?
Yeah, because as you can
see you are definitely the
first one who's going to do it, obviously.
- Yeah.
You're a trailblazer. No, um,
it's kind of a right of
passage for Cannella's.
See my name right there?
Awe cute! Okay.
[MS. WEIR] Yeah, Lawrence-
I- I really like the direction
you're heading on that,
let's go there.
So, unless there
is anything else?
Alright, let's get
to it, shall we?
Have a good one!
- You did good today.
- Thank you.
[LILA] Well, I hear that
there are tons of men
lined up for Charlotte.
Oh please!
I- I'm just good at
meeting people, okay?
Let's put it that way.
Hey, that would
be a great quality
for a relationship writer?
Huh, weird?
Um, we should go downstairs
and get a coffee.
- Yes.
- Also, I feel like you could probably use
the extra energy considering
you're going to be doing
a lot of research
about-what was it-
- base jumping? Was it?
- Mhm.
- Yeah. Don't worry, you won't get hurt.
- Let's go.
- Coffee?!
- Yes.
Hey, I got this one.
- [CHARLOTTE] Hey Liam!
- Hello!
How's it going?
Good. Uh, hey, congrats
on the second article.
- Oh, thank you.
- Read it. It was great.
Who's the next lucky guy?
This week is Mr. Wikipedia
and next week is Mr. Adventure.
- Woah! Yeah, come on.
- Yeah!
Nothing says Mr. Right
like jumping off a cliff.
- Mhmm.
- Sounds dangerous.
I hope not.
You guys just want the usual?
Yes please.
Frap for me.
[SNAPS] You got it!
Okay, what was that?
What was what?
- Liam? Oh my, that was nothing!
- Yeah, LIAM.
Uh huh, yeah sure.
Come on, don't give me that.
You know I know you
better than that
AND I saw the look.
What? No way!
- Yeah, the- - Oh my...
- Come on.
- There was no look.
Alright, one lavender
macchiato and one frappachino.
There you go.
- Awe!
- Thank you.
- Thanks Liam!
- You're welcome.
Ok, busy busy day, those
bases won't jump themselves!
Hey seriously, be careful, okay?
Don't jump off
anything too high!
don't worry about me!
Good afternoon, Ms.
Paige. I'm Doctor Bailey.
I hear you've taken
quite a tumble.
Rock climbing, yeah
that explains it.
You seem like you've
have better days,
taken quite the fall.
Yeah, I was wearing
a helmet though.
My arm is what really hurts.
It's a good thing your friend
brought you in when he did.
Yeah, only after he
spent an hour collecting
his equipment and
chatting with his 'bros'.
- Ah!
- But, hey,
at least he was first
aid certified, right?
I owe this-
to those skills.
Well, let's remove whatever
'this' is, cause it's
not doing anything,
and we'll check out your arm.
- Mmm - Yeah.
We don't have to amputate
it which is good-
maybe... we'll see.
[DR. BAILEY] Ms. Paige, what
are you still doing here?
Oh, I'm just
waiting for my ride.
I examined you
quite a while ago.
Yeah, well, I didn't
realize my phone
was in my pocket when I fell,
so it took a much
harder hit than my arm.
Well, still you
shouldn't be alone.
Those painkillers are no joke.
Oh, uh, no, my friends coming.
I texted him and they
responded, I think.
But I'll be fine.
Still I think I'll
wait here with you.
No, really, you don't
have to worry about me.
Oh it's no problem.
I was just on my way home.
It's no trouble.
Oh. Thanks.
So... rock climbing,
huh? Is that a hobby?
No, and definitely
will never be!
It was a first date. And,
coincidentally, a last.
It's memorable.
I mean it was fun to
try something new,
I guess, but maybe next
time not something so...
Like a trust fall,
with a stranger?
Yeah, from fifteen
feet in the air!
I think he just forgot
I was even there.
What a real... dud.
Well, if you like
trying new things,
and certainly less risky,
maybe you'd be interested in
cooking dinner with
me at my place?
I don't mean to brag, but
I can make a mean taco!
Oh! Um...
You're not going to say
you're a professional
chef or something, right?
No, no, definitely not.
Um, I've just never been
asked out by my doctor before.
Oh, I didn't mean to make
you uncomfortable. I-
Do you think I could
eat tacos with one hand?
I think you have a pretty good
chance at doing that, yeah.
Alright, sounds nice.
Okay. Let me give you my number.
Second thought, could
I have your number?
Yeah, I'll put it in just
so you know it's real.
So, what do I call you?
Doctor Bailey? Doc Bailey?
My first name is Jared.
Okay, Doctor Jared.
I'm Charlotte.
[LIAM] Charlotte!
Oh, that's my ride. Um,
- Well thanks so much Dr. Jared.
- Yeah.
I look forward to
a much safer date.
- Oh- - Oh.
Um, I'll text you in the
next couple days, yeah?
So, thankfully my arm is
only a-buckle fracture?
But my whole side
is one giant bruise.
Oh- and I have a
mild concussion.
Geez! I-I mean did he
push you off the cliff?
Like what happened?
No, no... he was just careless.
Well, I'd say that's a little
bit more than just careless...
I should have known better.
Ugh... oh, and I decided
that vigorous sports
are not really my thing.
But thanks for coming to get me.
- Oh absolutely!
- My phone is, like, super smashed
and I didn't even know
who I was texting.
I know it's your day off so...
Oh, no, no, please don't worry
about it, I got your back.
It's an okay reason to text.
Actually I am, um, uh...
I broke my arm one time.
Story's not as cool as yours,
but I was-uh-yeah,
I was thirteen,
I was climbing trees
with my brother,
just kept going
higher and higher,
and then I just
dropped and I woke up
and my arm was in a cast. So...
I'm glad you're okay.
Lila, what are you doing here?
Um, you S.O.S'd me!
Of course I'm going to be here.
Also, your text didn't really
make a whole lot of sense.
Oh my gosh, what
happened to your wrist?
What? No!
[LILA] Like I said, this soup
is a cure for everything:
break-ups, illnesses,
bodily harm-you name it.
You'll see, you'll see.
- Mmm, thanks.
Ugh, Char I'm so sorry!
Oh, it's fine.
But hey, at least
you have some great
content for your article.
Enough for the readers
to be satisfied, I think.
Oh, come on! The
stuff you've been
producing lately
has been so good.
Yeah, I don't know...
Oh, what? Come on, you're,
you're a great writer,
great at meeting people,
and you're really
good at dating.
That's like a win, win, win!
Well, I do love meeting people,
but I want to be authentic
in what I'm writing about.
And I just, I don't
think I really believe
in the whole Mr. Right
happily-ever-after thing.
You know, kind of disingenuous?
See... I don't know.
I believe that there's a
right person for everyone.
Like my parents have
been married for,
what, thirty years?
And with each year that
passes they just seem
to fall in love with each
other even more, you know?
It's, yeah...
I don't know, I want that.
Yeah. I want that for you too.
You'll find it.
But anyways, let's get
you feeling better,
let's get your arm better,
let's get you eating the
soup that I made for you!
Okay, mom.
- Okay.
- Hand me my soup.
Adopted non-Asian daughter...
[LILA] Coffee!
Black like my miserable heart.
Good to see you too.
You're changing it
up, what's going on?
Oh, yeah, you know what?
It's been that kind
of a day, Liam.
I know the feeling. Is uh,
Charlotte? Is she still out?
Yeah! You know like,
Liam I don't have
anyone to talk to now.
Would she want me?
Like, would she want
someone to call her?
Just, I feel bad.
Worried about...
Huh. Mmm.
I'll get you that coffee.
Oh, he likes her!
- Hi, how can I help you today?
- - Hi.
Ouch, ow, that
looks like it hurts.
Oh, it did. But all wrapped
up now and feeling better.
Um, but that's not all
that happened to me.
My phone took a tumble too.
Oh! Sorry, I didn't
mean to be rude.
My name's Renee, may
I have your name?
Charlotte. Charlotte Paige.
Charlotte Paige...
Do you blog?
No? But I write for
an online magazine.
- Yeah! Yeah, Mr. Right?
- Yeah.
Oh, my gosh, oh-I am
loving that series.
Okay, wow, I knew your
name sounded familiar.
I've been sharing your
pieces with all my friends.
- Thank you!
- Totally inspiring!
So cool to have you in here.
I read that piece you
wrote a few weeks ago
- about the basement dweller.
- Oh yeah?
Ugh, yeah. You made me
realize how lazy all men are.
Oh... um, he-he wasn't lazy.
He just had different
goals in life.
And anyways, not all
men are lazy, some just
drop you off a cliff.
Oh my gosh!
Is that going to
be in the article?
- Mhmm.
- I can't wait to read it.
You live!
- Hi!
- Hi.
Ha, yeah still
alive and kicking.
Although, with
every day my bruises
get more and more colorful.
Huh, owie.
Maybe you should start including
pictures in your articles?
I should.
Seriously though, I'm so
so glad you are back.
Yesterday was so
long and so boring
I had to talk to the IT guy!
- A riveting conversation, I'm sure.
- You have no idea.
Oh look, I got a new phone!
Wait what, already?
Yeah! Well, I wanted it working
for when the doctor calls.
I'm sorry, the what?
- Wait, did I not tell you?
- No!
Yeah, he wants to make dinner
for me at his place tonight.
Oh, okay. Could you
just give me whatever
it is that makes you
so irresistible to men?
Seriously, have you
ever talk to a guy who
did not end up asking you out?
Hey, this is not my normal life.
I just think the fates
are having pity on me
so I have material
to write about.
Ah, just material to write
about-that would be so nice!
Haven't seen you around
the building much.
Been busy.
Yeah. Me too.
I noticed I was lucky
enough to be featured in one
of your Romantique articles.
Yeah, that was just-
Had an ex-girlfriend of mine
share it to my timeline.
She said it sounded like me.
Didn't know it literally was me.
Thousands of comments about
what a 'classless jerk' I was.
I don't think that's-
Then I saw your other articles.
About other guys
who must have been
unfortunate enough to go
out on dates with you.
I'm just glad you're
finding good fodder
for your viral articles.
And I thought I was
supposed to be the jerk.
I never lied about you.
Oh! But you were honest?
Hey Doctor Bai-Doctor Jared!
Charlotte, hey!
Good, I-I didn't think I'd
catch you on a work day.
Doing okay? How's the,
how's the arm doing?
Oh, my arm? It's fine.
I mean, it's the same.
I don't know.
Thing's are just...
Okay. Did you want to,
uh, want to talk about it?
Happy to listen.
I feel like my articles are
starting to hurt some people.
More than they're hurting me
And I was supposed to go
out with this guy tonight,
but his work is
understaffed so he canceled.
And I have this
article due Friday
and it's taking me forever,
because I have to, like,
chicken peck the keyboard
to get anything done.
That was a good visual.
I appreciate that.
- You're welcome.
- Um, I mean, like,
I'm happy to help you
with it if you need help.
Yeah, I mean I
definitely will need some
caffeinated beverages
to get through this.
This is not what I mean.
I am more than a barista.
'K, I'm a human and I
have two working hands.
Like, well, for real, if you
want to just dictate I can,
I can type your article.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Two at a time.
That's-yeah! Thank you.
That would actually
be totally awesome.
Yeah! No, it's, it's honestly
no problem. Happy to.
Are you busy right now?
Should Mr. Right be adventurous?
Should he try new things
and be risky and daring?
Should he help you out
of your comfort zone
and try new things?
Speaking of which, I
tried rock climbing
for the first time this week.
How do I put this...
Who's that?
That is food.
- Food?!
- Yep.
Hey, we're trying to
help people fall in love.
I figured we could use the energy.
- What?
Thank you so much.
Oh, did you get the,
um, tip on the app?
Okay, awesome,
thank you so much!
Is this what we're going
to have every time,
is this our thing?
This is our thing, yeah.
No, uh, I was trying
to be considerate
it's a one handed food, because
I know you're an invalid.
Good point.
And I do love pizza.
Okay, so Mr. Right, right?
Mm, yeah it was Ms.
Weir's-my boss's- brainchild.
I gotta ask, okay,
so I thought that
so I always thought that
Mr. Right was, like,
tall, dark, and handsome
- type of situation.
- No, yeah, yeah.
That's what every woman's
looking for in a man.
Okay, good to know...
Wait though, okay hypothetical,
so what if a guy is only,
like, tall and dark?
I guess that would
be Mr. Almost right.
- Mr. Almost Right?
- Yeah.
- So there's levels?
- Yeah,
- There's levels to Mr. Right, okay.
- Mhm.
Oh, so if he's none of
them, he's just- just-
- Mr. Wrong.
- Mr. Wrong.
- Yeah, now you're getting it.
- I'm catching on.
I finally understand
women fully.
- That's all you'll ever need to know.
- That's all I need to know!
Okay, so...
so, how tall is tall?
Ah, yeah, at least six feet.
You know, for me, yeah.
- That's cruel.
- Hey, I need
to be able to wear stilettos.
- How dare you.
- You know?
- Okay I get it, I get it.
And dark, that's like a,
- that's like an edginess, right?
- Yeah, that's like an attitude.
- Okay.
- Yeah, like,
mysterious, a little dangerous.
- Bad boy.
- Yeah!
- Yeah, okay.
- Yeah.
Not too bad obviously, yeah...
I'm a little afraid
to ask this next one,
but what is-
what's handsome?
I don't know. Like,
just handsome...
you know?
Like, you're handsome.
What about, uh...
would you say mysterious
and dangerous?
Oh, no, no,
you are too nice to be dangerous.
- Come on!
But I'll-okay, I'll
give you mysterious.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Right. So, I'm too nice,
I'm a couple inches
shy of six feet,
I'm a little mysterious,
but I am handsome.
So that would make you a
solid Mr. Almost Right.
Man, this is really
crushing my hopes and dreams
of finding a Mrs. Right.
No, but you'll find
Mrs. Almost Right,
and be happy and...
- There you go!
Two mediocres make
beautiful children.
- Two mediocres!
- And...
Match made in heaven,
it's a love story for the ages!
- Yes! Happily ever after.
- Two solid five out of tens
find each other. That's,
that's beautiful.
I, I want that for you.
Thank you! Uh,
thank you so much,
you're so kind. Do you
want, do you want more?
Yes please.
Okay, so Mr. Right,
he's got to be tall
dark and handsome.
And also...
Yep, and a businessman.
And a doctor.
Ah, yeah, I guess we'll see.
Sounds like being Mr. Right
is getting more and
more complicated.
Hey, I don't make the rules
I just write about them.
So have you always
wanted to be a writer?
Nope. Uh...
when I was five I
wanted to be a princess.
Oh, there you go. That's
a luxurious career,
why didn't that one pan out?
Oh, probably, I think,
for my eleventh birthday
my grandma got me a journal
but I didn't really do
anything with it until,
I think it was...
my parents divorce.
I'm sorry...
but what led to the writing?
I think as a kid I just, I was
trying to find ways to
cope with everything and,
you know, whenever they'd
scream at each other I-
I just started writing.
So I pulled out the
old journal and...
at first I was writing
about my frustrations
and then eventually I
started writing about
other worlds to help
see mine more clearly.
That's awesome.
I'm sorry about your
parents, that's...
- Oh, it's okay.
I mean, me and my mom
actually got really close
because of it.
- Hm.
- You know, we kind of only
had each other for a long time.
Is dad still in the picture?
Do you talk to him, or- -
Oh, no. No, not for years.
There was a lot of bad blood
between him and my mom.
I'm sorry to hear that.
It's fine. What about you?
What about your family?
We were close growing up.
My brother and my parents and...
I love my dad.
I wanted to be just
like him, actually.
I ended up working at the exact
same bank that he worked at.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
- You in a three-piece suit.
- Mmm.
I don't see it.
I hated it so much!
I was so bad at it.
I uh, worked there
for five years.
And yeah, hated every
second of it, - Wow.
And then quit a year ago.
So what's next?
What's, what's the dream?
The dream?
It's a little cheesy, but
I'm kind of living it.
- Making coffee?
- Yeah, I'm doing what I want to-
okay, first of all hold
up. I heard that tone!
- No, no judgment!
- No, no! Look, coffee,
it's not just a drink,
Charlotte, it's an artform.
There are monastery
monks in, like,
the fifthteenth century
who are using the
exact same brew that
we use today, alright?
The bean, it unites generations,
Charlotte, okay?
Coffee's not just a drink.
You got to respect the bean!
- I respect the bean.
- Okay good. No, no,
I love being able to do
something well enough
that people from all over
the city want to come
around and kind of have
a part in what I'm doing.
You know, passion is
a plus for Mr. Right.
You don't say?
Good to know.
What's next?
Yeah, where were we?
[LILA] Okay, look-I am all
for lowering cholesterol
and all that stuff,
but I swear if I had known that
you were going to
wake me up on a
Saturday morning to do this-
when cartoons are on, mind you!
- I'm sorry!
- I would never have decided
to befriend you.
True story.
I know, this is a horrible idea.
Yeah. Can we be done?
I'm done. I'm done.
- Yes.
- Okay.
- Let's go see Liam.
- Yeah, let's go see Liam.
I did not think I'd see you
guys here on a Saturday.
- Uh, you still need coffee on a Saturday.
- Mhm.
- True.
- We're here to use and abuse
our friendship with
the coffee guy.
Please use and abuse away.
It's so slow in here all day,
I need to give
someone a discount.
Has anyone even
been in here today?
Yes, we had Gary in earlier.
He's the janitor, yeah.
Yes, we love Gary.
He's a sweetheart.
Is he your next date?
Yeah, Mr. Janitor.
He's my next victim!
Uh, I do have a date
lined up though.
- Yeah.
- Wow.
What you working on?
Oh, uh, doing, uh,
some paperwork stuff.
Really fun.
Nice. Sounds official.
- It is.
- What's it for?
Uh, just bookkeeping and
receipts for the shop.
So your boss has you working
the counter and the books?
- Yeah.
- Geez.
He's, uh, he's pretty demanding.
Oh, speaking of work and paper,
I was wondering if
you could help me
write my next article?
The, uh, the doctor one?
- I'd love to. Yeah.
- Yeah, okay! Cool.
- I-I'll grab you the coffee.
- Yes.
What can I get for you ladies?
Um, I'll have a chocolate
raspberry smoothie.
'K, smoothie.
I will try the...
cinnamon latte.
- You're shaking it up!
- Mhm.
Look at you go!
Uh, yeah, what's up?
You're single, right?
Uh, I am. Yes.
Are you looking
for a relationship?
That's a good
question. Um, yeah.
I think like most
people I'm always
kind of looking for someone,
I just haven't found
the right person yet.
- Huh.
But I wouldn't be opposed
to it if, ya know,
something did come up.
[LIAM] Hey...
maybe she can teach
me to be Mr. Right?
I really like the
shading on this one.
Yeah, it's nice.
Ooh, wow.
I love the cobblestone.
I just want to...
follow it. [LAUGHS]
See where it goes.
So if you could go to
any fictional place
where would you go?
Like a, I would go to Rivendell,
from Lord of The Rings.
Like in Middle Earth. I'd
want to, hear the songs
of the elves and hear the
stories of Middle Earth,
that's, that's where I'd go.
- What about you?
Probably, Mala'Ru?
It's just this place
in a book that I like.
Oh yeah, Airship?!
I just finished it.
- Yeah!
- What'd you think?
- What'd you think?
Uh, I, I mean, you first.
Uh, I really, really
like the part where...
It's actually kind of
fun to be on a date with-
Mr. Good-Taste-In-Books?
Mr. Well-Read?
Hmm... or Mr. Interesting.
Well, I hope to see you again.
Yeah, you too.
- Cool... Well-there we go.
- I-um-
- Okay, alright.
- Bye!
[LIAM] How we doing?
Not too great.
I am unfortunately still
not adjusted to the whole-
Here, give it.
One handed typing
thing. But good news!
I get this beast off
tomorrow. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah! Look at you go.
Okay, are we doing, um, is it
Doctor or Museum guy today?
Um, Mr. Perfection.
So I'm guess-ooh!
Doctor. This is it.
How can this guy
not be Mr. Right?
He's a doctor, he's accomplished,
he loves to make tacos.
I had high hopes! I did.
But he was pretty...
fastidious, I guess
you could say?
There was definitely
some incompatibilities.
Yeah. His loss.
I'm kind of nervous for...
when you write one
of these things
about the dates we've been on.
Well, lucky for you we
haven't been on any dates,
so... you're off the hook.
I mean yeah, but
like we've gone out.
Hmm. Yeah, but as friends.
That's hardly the same.
Yeah, alright.
okay yeah, so uh
Mister-Mr. Perfectionist,
tell me about them.
Yes, Mr. Right would do
well to have a clean streak,
after all.
Cleanliness is
next to godliness,
but there is a fine line between
Mr. Perfect and
Mr. Perfectionist.
When the place you put
your purse down is more
important than being
welcoming, fun, or spontaneous.
That sounds pointed. Did
he do something like that?
Yeah, no, I put my purse on the
couch and that was not okay.
- Shut up. Really?
- Yeah.
Oof, red flag.
So ladies,
find yourself a guy who is tidy,
but also gives you the
permission or, no...
who is tidy but also lets
you be yourself, and-
Makes really good tacos!
And makes good tacos!
[CHARLOTTE] I don't know,
am I going about
this the wrong way?
Like, for these guys
these dates are real.
Well yeah,
I mean if you're going to write
about dating you got to date.
Yeah that's true.
I guess I just never
thought about how
it might affect the
guys I went out with.
You know it's kind of
inevitable, though, Char.
You know? When you are
writing for an audience
you're going to be
offending people. You know?
Like, I've been banned
from loads of restaurants.
- Really?
- Oh yeah!
But you know what,
I'm not mad about it
because their food
was absolute rubbish
so I'm really not
missing out on anything.
Besides, you know, you
write about the bad stuff
AND the good stuff.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I just never imagined
that one of these guys
would actually read
any of my articles.
I mean,
okay, if you're
worried about it then
maybe instead of
dating lots of guys
maybe you just date one guy?
Well, I did have a good time
with Jimmy, at the museum.
We, like, totally hit it off
and had quite a bit in common.
Ugh, I would just feel bad
dating him under false pretenses.
- Okay, what is wrong with you?!
- Ow!
No, not Jimmy, not
Jimmy-we like Liam!
I would no sooner date you!
But I wouldn't do
that either because
I don't date my friends.
You really wouldn't date me?
[LILA] Okay, but...
not to be the person
who beats a dead horse,
but seriously, have you given
any real thought about Liam?
Why are you being so pushy?
- Stop.
- Come on!
Isn't that the whole
point of your article
is finding Mr. Right?
No, not for me.
For other women, you know?
I'm helping them
on their journey.
Aren't you worried that
your readers are going to
think that there is
no Mr. Right for them?
No. I...
I just want them to
be cautious. Right?
You mean cynical.
Okay, but you told me I don't
have to worry about this,
that my readers are enjoying
my take on Mr. Right.
Well yeah, Charlotte that's
because you're a good writer,
you could literally
write about dirt
and anyone would read that.
Like honestly, Liam
is perfect for you,
like he's kind, he's
single, he's a gentleman,
and he's so, so into you.
You don't know that.
I do! And you know what?
I think you're way more into
him than you're letting on.
[LILA] Like honestly, why
won't you give him a chance?
You've given every
one else a chance.
Come on, there was
Mr. Basement, Mr. Businessman,
Mr. Adventure,
Mr. Perfectionist.
Why not Mr. Coffee?
Because he's my friend! Okay?
You and Liam are the only real
friends I have in the city.
And if I dated him...
it would ruin everything.
Look, Char,
I really feel you're
going to miss out on
a real opportunity here.
I don't know...
I'll see you at work.
[LIAM] So, we're
slow dancing, right,
I'm gazing into her eyes.
It's nine-thousand degrees,
so I'm so sweaty and so nervous-
there is a spot up here-
I go for it, right?
I headbutt this poor...
- No!
I literally headbutt her,
it's not an exaggeration!
- It's so bad.
- That's bad!
- I know.
- That, that-
I still think my first
kiss was worse but...
Yeah? Put it in your
article! There you go.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I mean, I don't know.
I kind of feel like my readers
are expecting me to be this,
like, relationship
expert but I'm not.
Yeah. I don't know.
I feel like...
I don't think anyone's
expecting that of you.
I think the appeal of your
article is relatability.
You're, you're really good at
coming across, super genuine.
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
And I think it will
give people hope.
- Hope?
- Yeah.
- It's right here.
- Hope. Hmm.
Hope for what? For the
fictitious happily ever after?
Fictitious? My oh
my, you are a writer!
Lots of good words.
- Thank you.
I might have to push back
on the no
happily-ever-after thing.
I think that...
I don't know, a lot
of people I know,
when they found their
someone they were-
it made them better.
Hmm... well, those
are the lucky ones.
when my parents
relationship blew up,
our whole family blew up, and...
None of us were better
after that. But...
I can think of
one positive thing
that came out of your
parents relationship.
Oh yeah? What is that?
Sit down!
I don't know if I made
that obvious enough.
I know where that comes from
though, like, I know what you're-
I know what you're
talking about.
My ex, um,
I really loved her.
I really...
genuinely cared about her.
found out she was uh
dating my best friend
the exact same time
she was dating me.
yeah, that was my reaction.
It was hard. That
was really tough.
I was, um, bitter, I was
really bitter for a long time,
because that's not
something you just, like...
recover from.
You know?
It was really hard because
I didn't feel like I was just
losing someone that I loved,
you know, I was
losing my best friend.
Gosh Liam, I'm sorry.
Their loss.
Yeah, it sucked, but...
it was interesting,
because after the initial
kind of scar healed and, uh,
resentment kind of went away,
I started remembering
the good stuff, too.
You know, I started to
retain the positive things
from our relationship...
and not this person
I painted her to be in my head.
She was actually the one that...
kind of pushed me to
quit my job at the bank.
She knew how
miserable I was there.
She was all like,
'pursue your passions,
you got to pursue
your passions!'.
She was really big on that.
if she hadn't done
that I wouldn't be
spending my days in coffee
shops doing what I love,
I wouldn't have met you...
And gone on this incredibly
picturesque hike!
I know how to pick a spot.
- You do! You do!
- It's pretty good.
Good choice.
My dad always said
that real love was
liking who you were the most
around that other person.
So yeah, by his definition,
I absolutely believe in love.
We should probably get going.
[LIAM] Echant.
[LIAM] Here we are!
- Wow!
- Yeah.
Fifteen minute hike and you
can't even see the city anymore.
That's cool, right?
- Yeah.
- It really is crazy to think that just beyond that mountain
all this nature is a city.
Right? With a
hundred-thousand dudes
who all want to date you so bad.
They want to contribute
to the article!
They're trying to
do the right thing.
- Lucky me!
- Lucky you.
Talk about your dad a lot.
Are you guys still close?
He uh-he passed away
a couple years ago.
Liam, I'm so sorry.
You're good. You didn't
know. You're fine.
Yeah... I do miss him.
He was everything that
I want to be as a man,
you know? He was
compassionate, he was kind,
loved his kids, you know?
His co-workers all liked
him, he was good at his job.
I think the thing that
kind of sticks with me
the most is...
how much he loved my mom.
He was uh, really clear on that,
making her a priority, and...
yeah... she meant
the world to him.
Well, he sounds wonderful.
Just like you!
thanks so much for
taking all this time
to show me around.
- Oh yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Absolutely.
- It's finally starting to feel like home.
And I know you work
a lot so thanks.
Yeah, yeah, for sure.
No it's actually been super fun,
to kind of show
somebody else, you know,
all this for the first time.
It makes it new
for me, you know?
I appreciate it more.
- Yeah.
It's nice to see it
from your perspective.
Uh, anyway, um, I'll see you.
I'll see you, yeah.
Uh, Charlotte, umm...
Would you-um-uh...
Would you want to go
on a date with me next?
Oh, you mean you want
me to eviscerate you
in one of my articles?
No, no, I, I mean,
like, genuinely,
would you want to go-
do you want to go
on a date with me?
Like a real date?
I don't think
that's a good idea.
Why not?
I mean, look, we're
spending all this time
with each other as it
is and it's like...
I don't know.
If there are real feelings here,
- I think it's not
bad that- - I mean,
how could you have
feelings for me?
You hardly know me.
Yeah, no, um, I just-
Yeah, uh fair.
I'd like to get
to know you more.
Like, I get-
I look forward to the next time
I'm going to see you.
And I want to see you tomorrow
and the next day
and, like, just...
I'm saying a lot, uh...
Look, I say that
because I mean it.
It's what I feel.
I can't.
Look, I know that
your parents didn't
have the best situation,
and I cannot even
begin to imagine
what you've been through.
Like, I'm not going
to pretend like I can.
I can't.
But I don't think we
should say no to the chance
of something good just
because something bad-
- might happen. You know, like-
- But, but, the chance of what?
For us just to, like,
spend all this time dating
just to find out we were
better off as friends?
Or, I don't know, until
one of us get's bored?
I, I think, I think you're
thinking ahead a little too much.
- Am I?
- Yeah! Yes!
What about your last girlfriend?
What about my parents?
You know, they just
got sick of each other.
What about your parents?
Your dad is gone and now
your mom is all alone.
I mean, how can you
guarantee something like that
won't happen to us?
I can't.
I can't, you're right.
I can't guarantee
that nothing...
bad will happen.
But, like, I don't think
anyone should completely
shut down on the idea of love
just because life also happens.
And for me the risk is worth it.
I've never needed a
romantic relationship.
And, frankly, I'm, I'm fine
with the way things are.
- Yeah, no. - Yeah, yeah...
- That's just the way it is.
um, see you.
Yeah. 'Kay.
Don't know what I saw
I never knew you for long
Got lost in the mountain sky
The stars so bright
In the back woods my home
That's where I sang my songs
In the valley, in the cold
That's where my
heart you stole
In the mountains, my car
That's where we
watched the stars
And you could
love me I thought
Oh um, somebody
left this for you.
[LIAM] Thanks again for
letting me borrow your book.
It was great to talk
with you about it.
I wanted to return the
favor with a book of my own.
This was one of my absolute
favorites growing up
and it reminds me a
lot of my own family.
I hope you enjoy it
as much as I do. Liam.
P.S. If all you
want is friendship,
that is more than enough for me.
Just as long as
you're in my life.
Whispered secrets in my ear
Tell me everything
I need to hear
Another love song so dear
Hides everything
I really fear
In the back woods, my home
That's where we sang my song
And you could've
loved me I thought
[CHARLOTTE] This week I went on
a date with Mr. Almost-Right.
Mr. Almost-right is
kind and fun to talk to.
He listens to you and sends you
notes about his favorite books.
Helps you feel at home in a
new city and makes you laugh.
He makes you feel safe so you
open up about personal things.
You share you fears
and he listens.
So why, you may ask,
is he not Mr. Right?
I don't know...
[MS. WEIR] Hmm,
I don't know what
to say, Charlotte.
I'm not so sure about
this 'Mr. Almost-Right'.
Oh, okay, um,
I guess I can revise it and, uh,
try to get something
to the editors on time?
I mean he seems
pretty right to me?
Is there something you
want to talk about?
Uh, the guy, uh, Jimmy,
that this article is
supposed to be about,
I don't know, as I
was writing it kind of
turning out to be
about someone else.
Can I suggest,
after reading this,
that you reevaluate
your outlook on love?
Look, you work for
one of the premier
relationship sites
on the internet.
And we do, as an
official stance,
accept that there
are the proverbial
prince charming's out there.
But after your spree of dud
dates that you've written about,
this one...
this article...
it makes you sound
extremely pessimistic.
Look, I think that it's
best that we postpone
the Mr. Right article
for the week...
give you some time.
Is that okay?
Yeah... yeah.
[LILA] Charlotte.
Char. Hellooooo?
( Mimics Radio ) This is Earth to
Charlotte, can you read me? Over.
Are you okay?
Are-are you still
mad about the fight?
I'm sorry. I do this thing
where I try to help people
and instead I just end
up pushing them away.
And I don't want
to push you away,
you're my best friend.
You're my best friend, too.
And I probably needed to
hear what you had to say
even though I didn't like it...
Oh, you were right!
I know... about what?
Liam. He asked me
out the other night.
Stop! Oh my gosh, no
wait, this is perfect!
- No-no!
- Mr. Coffee!
- This is not going to happen.
- What?
- So stop.
- 'K, why not?
Because going out with
those guys was work.
Going out with Liam would be...
not work.
Oh my gosh, you have
feelings for him!
- No, no!
- Oh no, this is perfect,
- because he has feelings for you too.
- No,
- he has from day
one - but I don't-
It's been so obvious.
I don't want him to have
feelings for me! Okay?
Because then I'd lose a
friend and a coffee shop,
and I'd have to
see him every day.
It's just weird!
I came to the city for this job.
So it'd just be a horribly
bad, terrible, terrible idea.
Okay, look, I know you
just literally got
done being mad at me,
but hear me out-
it kind of sounds like
you're just afraid
of getting hurt.
Which is totally
okay. It's normal.
If you don't let yourself
fall for someone,
then yeah,
you're not going to get hurt.
But then you also miss out
on one of the greatest
parts of life.
Yeah but how do you
know it's worth it?
You don't, I mean,
that's the whole point.
You got to take a risk, Char.
But, I mean, hey,
worst case scenario,
let's say it all goes south,
you'll have your best friend
there to bring you soup
and to stay with you
until it gets better.
I think you should talk to him.
Not like that! I just...
I don't want to lose
our coffee discounts!
I did kind of snap at him.
[LILA] Hey Sarah.
Is it just you today?
Yeah, Liam's working at
a different location.
You ladies want the usual?
- Oh, uh, not today. Thanks.
- Thanks.
[LIAM] What was that about?
I told them you
weren't here today.
Really? Why?
You know, it's part
of the girl code.
Protect your friend from
the jerk who blew them off.
You are aware I'm
not a woman, right?
Close enough.
Man, I really thought,
I really thought there was
something genuine there.
I guess my intuition is
not as good as I thought.
What did she say?
She said she was afraid
that I'd ruin it,
which I guess I kind of did.
Okay look,
I'm going to give
you some advice
and then you can give me
that raise that I've
been asking about.
So the way I see it
you have two options:
either move on or
just be her friend.
If you keep trying
to be her friend but
you're always hoping for
more you're just going to
end up hurting yourself. Or her.
Yeah. Yeah...
I think you're right.
Now, about my raise.
Buy yourself something nice.
- Hey.
- Hey!
Um, can I-
Oh yeah, come on in.
Liam, I'm sorry.
I was so angry and it's not okay.
- No, no, no, no, look, no.
You, you were right, okay?
You are new here,
and you have a
huge demanding job,
and you already have
to wade through,
a thousand other guys
that want to date you.
I should of known that what
you needed in that moment was
an actual friend.
And I'm sorry that I
didn't realize that
and I don't want to
ruin what we have.
I really want you to know I'm-
I'm sorry.
I know it's a risk and
it's worth it with you.
So, Liam-
Will you go on a date with me?
I would love that.
[CHARLOTTE] You may feel
that Mr. Right is a fantasy.
An elusive day-dream that's
only for children's stories
or the nave.
But now I'm a believer.
Mr. Right isn't a particular
kind of guy across the board,
he's that certain
person who you feel like
you can be your best self with.
But who is the 'right' person?
If you've been reading
my dating adventures-
over the past couple months then
you would think Mr. Right
was no-where to be found.
I've been writing
about other guys
who I didn't continue dating.
But it doesn't mean that
they were Mr. Wrong.
They just weren't MY Mr. Right.
But, this past week I've
learned something new.
Something to help me see
the world differently.
Mr. Right wasn't
some special guy,
far off and unreachable,
atop my hopelessly
high expectations.
he was right in front
of me the entire time.
And hey...
yours might be also.
[LIAM] Alright, watch your step.
Don't inhale the
dust. You're good.
[Charlotte] Where are we?
Take a seat.
This is my new location.
Um, we open up in about a week.
new location?
Do you own the coffee shop?
[CHARLOTTE] I learned
that I had to take risks
and just let myself
experience life.
Mr. Right is out there,
you just have to
give him a chance
when he comes along.
So keep looking
because Mr. Right
could be anyone.