Mud Key (2024) Movie Script

[tropical music]
[seabirds squawking]
[quiet hum of chatter]
[chicks peeping]
[man] Hey, man.
Spare some change?
Whatever, jerk.
[car horn honking]
[driver] Fuck you,
you fuckin' snowflakes!
[backup indicator beeping]
[Liz] He's fine!
No, he's doing that
hunching thing again.
[Liz] Baby, he's fine.
Hey, Dave!
-What happened to the $20?
-I gave it to you.
[Liz] Fuck.
Oh, here it is. Here it is.
Thank you, sir.
Bye, Dave!
-Are the bumpers out?
-[Liz] Yeah.
[motor rumbling]
You might wanna
straighten her out.
Thank you!
-You gave him water, right?
-[Liz] I sure did.
I'm thinking maybe
we go to Mud Key today,
instead of Boca Grande.
Whatever you think.
Yeah. It looks like tide
isn't gonna be low there
'til, like, 3:00 or 4:00,
and we'll be long gone, anyway.
Unless you'd rather
go to Boca Grande.
You know how much
I love you, right?
by Rich McKay playing]
Hi, there!
We're going to Montserrat
In the Caribbean Sea
My friends and me
Don't go so close
to the mooring ball.
[Jodi] It's fine!
We're fine, babe.
You ran over that
other guy's anchor yesterday.
I wouldn't say we're so fine.
I didn't run it over.
We just got tangled in it.
Where we can be free
We will go to a volcano
Have a ball
Going up to the fall
We're going to Montserrat
In the Caribbean Sea
-Look out for the grass there.
-[Jodi] I see it. I see it.
[boat bottom grinding]
-Oh, God. Ugh!
-[Liz] Oh, my God.
I don't know what happened.
I swear I was following tracks.
Maybe low tide came in early?
'Cause tides
are whimsical like that.
Of Christ their King
Splash in a stream
In a warm sunbeam
[Jodi] Get the dog!
-[Pepe yips]
-I got him.
They will burst
When the land gets thirsty
[Pepe yips]
I know, right, Pepe?
Shoot me if this ever gets old.
Oh, I will.
Oh, great.
We have neighbors today.
And such lovely ones, at that.
Maybe we'll recognize them
from the Capitol attack.
Yeah, that could be
the bullhorn lady.
Hopefully these yahoos
aren't in the mood
to string up any lesbians.
I'd pull in to the right,
over there.
I would love to,
if she would move.
She has to.
This isn't her island.
Hi, there. Uh, excuse me.
We'd like to pull in here.
[country music playing on radio]
-Okay, get the dog!
-Thank you!
-Do you have the dog?
-Yes, yes, I've got him.
Jesus, Jodi, not so fast!
-[boat bottom grinding]
-[man] What the fuck?
-[Liz] That didn't sound good.
-[Jodi] Fuck!
All right, check the anchor.
-I-- I'm holding the dog!
-All right, I'll get the anchor.
Fuck! Jesus.
-[Pepe whining]
-It's okay, it's okay.
["Tractor Tattoo" by Cliff Cody
playing on radio]
Naughty farmer's daughter
With a tractor tattoo
[Pepe whining]
I'm so sorry. Baby, are you
gonna come get him from me?
[Jodi] I am working on it.
You don't need to do that.
You got it beached pretty good.
Y'all ain't going anywhere.
We're total newbies,
if you couldn't tell.
I need you to take him from me.
-[Pepe whining]
Okay, hold on.
Here you go. Watch his ear!
[Jodi] Oh, my God! Oh, my God.
Okay, ready? Look!
-Look! Where's his thing?
-[Liz] Baby. Baby.
-Thank you. Thank you.
-That's what I'm here for.
Go, go, go.
[Pepe barking]
God, is this gorgeous.
-[Jodi whistles]
-What happened to
taking it easy with him?
He wants to play.
What are you gonna do?
can you get a clip of this?
Of you playing ball
with the dog?
-I don't know where my phone is.
What's wrong with him, anyway?
Well, he tweaked his back in the
Chihuahua Races a few weeks ago.
Believe it or not, he's a mix.
We're hoping to
not have to do an MRI,
or even worse, spinal surgery.
So for now, we're trying
acupuncture and laser therapy.
-Jesus Christ.
-[Jodi] I know. It's a lot.
He's also on anti-inflammatories
and muscle relaxers.
Where y'all from?
Well, part-time here,
part-time California.
-[Liz] This is our second home.
-But we come as much as we can.
What about you guys?
We live here. Year-round.
Oh! I am so jealous.
Are you guys Conchs?
-We're here over 20 years.
-Originally from West Virginia.
Oh, nice. So what brought
you guys down to the Keys?
-DJ was in the Navy.
-[DJ] For a second or two.
thank you for your service.
Babe, can you please
get me a beer?
[scoffs] You couldn't have
asked me that a second ago?
Women, am I right? [snickers]
Ow! Jesus, babe!
I'm sorry,
I thought you were looking.
That hurt!
You could've hit me in the head.
Thank you so much.
-[Liz] Women, am I right?
-That's not funny.
-I'm sorry, baby.
-Are you?
Okay, thank you.
[seabirds calling]
Y'all need something
to keep your drinks cold?
Oh, thank you so much!
-Thank you.
-My name is Liz, by the way.
And Little Mouth That Roared
over here, that's my wife, Jodi.
DJ. That over there is Amber.
-My better half. Sometimes.
You hydrating between rounds?
I'm just not drinking right now.
-I'm just taking a little break.
You're allowed to say
you're not drinking, babe.
That's a good thing.
You should be proud.
Liz is an attorney,
and she thinks you're gonna
somehow hold it against her.
The lawyer part
or the not-drinking part?
So, uh, DJ,
you had a stint in the Navy?
What do you do now?
Mmm, I'm mostly in construction.
Jodi flips houses.
I mean, that's what I do in LA.
I just started doing it here.
-Yeah, I don't know.
I just kind of feel bad.
It's not the most socially
acceptable thing to be doing.
-[DJ] Yahtzee.
Fuck socially acceptable.
Okay, thank you!
I mean, if I wasn't doing it,
someone else would, right?
It's not like
I'm single-handedly
raising property values.
I'm just playing the game.
We rent a condo
over in Searstown
and our owner decided to sell
it, so he just gave us notice.
Does it need a lot of work?
Shit breaks all the time.
What is he asking for it?
I'm just curious.
We're looking at places
up the Keys.
Sugarloaf, Big Pine.
-[Jodi] I hear
it's really nice up there.
-[scoffs] Yeah.
And how great would it be if
you guys could buy something?
Uh, we can't.
You know what?
Jodi should get DJ's number.
She's always looking
for a good contractor.
I'm, uh, more of a handyman now.
Smaller projects,
things like that.
[Amber] Yeah.
Real fuckin' small.
It's just hard finding
good workers down here.
Right, right. What with
everyone being so transient.
I don't know about that.
People come and go all the time.
He knows what
"transient" means, babe.
They're all a bunch of illegals.
Now, hold on. Let me finish
before y'all go off on me.
They gotta be paid
under the table.
They don't pay
any taxes on that,
and then send all that money
back to whatever the hell
country they're from,
and none of it
goes back into our system.
DJ, they don't wanna hear it.
You know what? It's okay.
It's okay. I get it.
I'm a big rule-follower.
It isn't right.
I like to do things
on the up-and-up.
-My wife here, not so much.
What are you even talking about?
Uh, right now she's
trying to beat the system,
be an influencer,
and not have to work anymore.
-What's your handle again?
-I'm-- I'm not trying to beat
the system and not work anymore.
And it's @FlippinAwesome,
no "G," dollar sign,
exclamation point.
And you've got,
like,1,800 followers?
Almost. Almost.
I need some new content.
Good poopie, buddy!
Should I get a clip of that?
That's funny. That's cute, babe.
I'm trying to
pull back the curtain
and be open with my audience,
establish a lifestyle,
grow followers.
You don't get it.
That is a beautiful poopie.
Are you just gonna marvel at it,
or are you gonna go pick it up?
He hasn't been going
since he's been on his meds.
And, plus,
he's anal-retentive anyway,
so when he does go,
I like to make a big deal.
Are we still talking about this?
Thank you. Welcome to my world.
You're not gonna believe it,
she actually has a song
that she sings about it.
And if you're lucky,
you're gonna hear it.
I'd rather lick a razor blade,
and then eat a lemon.
[DJ chuckles] Honey!
And then put Tabasco on it.
[DJ] Write that one down.
So what do you catch here, DJ?
Oh, snook. Lemon shark.
Uh, mangrove snapper, sometimes.
[Liz] Lemon shark?
You can eat that?
Yeah, sure.
You can eat just about anything
you catch out here.
That's amazing.
What do you use for bait?
Well, Chihuahua mixes are best,
but I wasn't sure how y'all
would feel about that.
Very funny, DJ. Very dry.
It kind of creeps up on you.
I like that.
But seriously,
what do you use for bait?
Oh, just some mullet.
Not your wife's hairdo, babe.
By the way, you guys,
this is intentional.
They're back in style. So.
That's unfortunate.
Did not know.
You fish?
It's been a long time,
but I love it.
[Liz] Yeah,
my dad and I used to go out.
I did not know that.
-Yeah. He would take me
off the pier in Oceanside.
-[Jodi] Hmm.
You're welcome to grab a rod,
and have at it.
-Are you serious?
[Liz] That'd be awesome.
[DJ] Yep. Right on the cooler.
-That's the one.
All right, hook's out,
so be careful.
-Okay, okay.
-[DJ] In fact,
let's switch these.
-[DJ] Let me take this one.
-Okay, thank you.
-[Jodi whistles]
[DJ] And...
Need me to bait that for you?
Oh, no.
Can you just give me a mullet?
-[DJ] Yep.
Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
-[Liz] Thank you.
[DJ] Flies love 'em.
Thank you, sir.
You can go through the mouth,
but you might wanna go through
the back, under that fin.
-[DJ] A little stronger.
[Liz] Harder than it looks.
But I got it, I got it.
-[DJ] You got it?
-[Liz] It's coming back to me.
What are you guys planning to do
here with all the accoutrements?
Uh, you got
a lot of stuff out here.
We're camping here tonight.
Okay, that sounds awesome.
Baby, we need to do that.
Okay, babe.
Well, with the tide
not coming back in 'til 10:00
or 11:00 tonight,
y'all may not have a choice.
I got an important Zoom at 7:00.
Baby, I gotta get back by then.
and if we all push, though,
we're gonna be fine, right?
[DJ laughs]
No, we're not staying tonight.
I didn't pack anything.
We don't have treats.
We don't have his meds.
Baby, we're gonna be fine.
But I just love that
your biggest concern is the dog
and his needs.
I don't know who needs who more.
Look at you!
-You did it.
Right? Woot, woot!
Okay, now you gotta
release the reel.
-Oh, right, right, right.
-Here, watch this.
Just like this.
-[reel hissing]
Okay, I gotcha.
I'm gonna have my sandwich.
Do you want yours?
-[Liz] No, not yet.
-Okay. I'm gonna have mine.
Ah, fuck!
-[DJ] Cast it on out there.
-[Liz] Okay.
As long as you get your bait
wet, you got a chance.
[Liz] Mm-hmm.
-[DJ] That'll play.
-[Liz] Okay!
You're a great teacher, DJ.
Do you guys have any kids?
We got four
between the two of us.
I had a practice husband
before him, and so did he.
Did you have
a practice husband, too?
-What, me? Fuck no.
-[Amber cackles]
I'm just teasing.
But I love that.
Practice spouses.
So how old are your kids?
22 to 27. And six grandbabies.
[Liz] No way.
Mm-hmm. We started young.
That's amazing. You guys
don't look a day over 50.
We're not.
At least I'm not.
DJ here just turned 51.
I got me an older man.
[clicks tongue]
I can't wait to have grandkids.
How many of your kids
did you guys have together?
Well, we have three of our own.
We got an 18-year-old,
a 16-year-old,
and a 14-year-old.
She had them with her ex.
I'm the step-monster.
Are they with
their dad right now?
[chuckles] No.
They're with their other mom.
I had a practice wife, too.
She's got 'em
for two weeks in Maui.
[Jodi] Woot, woot!
I like my downtime. So shoot me.
I'm still waiting for Peter Pan
over here to grow up.
-Oh! Fish on.
-What is it?
-[grunts] Lemon shark, I think.
-[Liz] No way!
[Jodi] Babe, he said
he catches them here.
Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
Shit! Shit!
[Pepe barking]
-[Jodi] Oh, boy.
-Babe, get it!
-[Jodi] I am!
-[Pepe whining]
-[DJ] Get my knife, Ams.
-[Amber] I'm on it.
'Cause you're gonna
cut it loose?
Little catch and release action?
'Cause I'ma eat it.
[Jodi] What, babe, isn't that
how you and your dad used to do?
[Pepe whining, barking]
Now just drop the tip
and reel 'em in! Come on.
[grunts] Jesus Christ, Amber!
I know what I'm doing.
[Pepe whining]
Shut that dog the fuck up!
[Pepe whining]
Mine eyes have seen
The glory
Of the coming of the dog
-[Liz] Oh, good. Here she goes.
-I swear to God,
that dog's going in the water
if you don't shut it up!
We could really write a blog

He has loosed
The faithful lightning
Of his poop
That's like a log
God fucking damn it!
[DJ grunting]
[Amber] Good job, DJ!
You break, I buy.
Yeah, tell yourself what
you need to tell yourself. Okay?
It wasn't my fuckin' fault.
Goddamn it. You can be
such a dick sometimes.
I tell you what,
you're big fuckin' baby.
That's what you are, a baby.
Everything you touch
turns to shit.
You're lucky I didn't snap that
fuckin' rod over your fat head!
I-- I don't know about you guys,
but I'm a big believer
in everything happening
for a reason.
-[Amber] Ugh. Oh, my God.
-Oh, Jesus Christ.
What? What? It's true.
Jodi and I were this close
to swiping the other way
for each other.
Babe, they don't know
what you're talking about.
Yeah, y'all met on a sex app.
[Liz] It was a dating app.
-Isn't that the same thing?
-You haven't been single
for a while, have you?
No, I have not.
We met the good
old-fashioned way:
drunk at a bar.
[Liz] I hear that.
That works, too.
["House of the Rising Sun" by
Andrea Cummins playing on radio]
Oh, my God.
I love this song. Turn it up!
[volume increases]
And she makes fun of me
for singing to the dog.
Come on, baby. Dance with me.
[singing] In New Orleans
[Jodi] I'm great. No.
They call the Rising Sun
That's been the ruin
Of many a poor boy
And God, I know I'm one
[Amber] What was she like
when she drank?
You don't wanna know.
If this is so wrong,
I don't wanna be right.
[Liz humming along]
She sewed my new blue jeans
I am one lucky, lucky lady.
-[Jodi exclaims]
-[music stops]
your friend's calling for you.
-My friend?
-[Jodi] Babe, I need you!
Okay, okay! What happened?
I broke my fucking tooth!
-Are you in pain?
-[Jodi sobs]
I'm ready to go back now.
Okay. Hey, what can I do, baby?
[Jodi] Sober up from
your sparkling water
and get us the fuck out of here!
[Liz] Okay. It's okay.
You know what?
We're gonna get you
to an emergency dentist.
-It's all gonna be okay.
-Good luck with that.
[Liz] Well, there's gotta be
someone around here!
I mean getting out.
what if we all push together?
Come on.
Here we go.
-[all grunting]
-[DJ] Go!
-Oh, look, it didn't work.
-Baby. Baby.
Should we have her
trim up the engine?
If anything, she needs
to hop out, and help us push.
Okay. Come on, my love.
Come on. It's gonna be okay,
I promise you.
-On your count.
-On three. One, two, three. Up!
[all grunting]
What if I trim down the engine,
and just fucking floor it?
Okay, okay. Okay.
[motor rumbling]
-Okay, go.
-[Jodi] Babe,
you're breaking the boat!
[Liz] I'm not breaking the boat!
-You're doing more damage.
-[Liz] Well,
what do you want me to do?
-Get the radio!
-Okay. Okay. I got the radio.
My God, the radio!
-I got it!
Goddamn it.
Are you fucking kidding me?
What, are you calling a dentist?
I'm saving myself,
because my wife was too busy
whooping it up to do it herself.
[Jodi panting]
I would prefer
no love right now.
-Channel 16?
-For dental emergencies?
I'm not sure.
[radio operator]
What's your emergency?
I busted my tooth
on a cherry pit,
and I'm in a lot of pain
and there's a lot of blood.
Are you still there?
[radio operator] Yes, ma'am.
What is it that
you'd like for me to do?
Well, the tide is
really low right now,
and I did a real number
when I parked our boat,
and we can't get out.
We're in that little beach
over on Mud Key.
[radio operator] Ma'am,
this channel is designated for
distress and emergency calls.
It's not used for conversation.
I'm sorry to hear
about your tooth.
I do know a pretty good
periodontist up in Cudjoe
I can recommend.
Uh, no, thank you.
But thank you anyway.
Baby, get the number.
I'll take the number, please.
Sweetheart, this is something
you're gonna be needing
to Google on your own.
I believe they're called
Keys Dental Solutions.
Thank you so much.
Thanks a fucking lot.
I can't believe this is
where our tax dollars are going!
Oh, yeah.
Don't get DJ started on that.
Tell you what. Let's find
something to apply pressure.
You two sit tight
for a few hours, and wait
for the tide to come back in.
Define "a few."
Five or six.
That's several, not a few.
All right,
what about your shirt?
-It's new.
[Jodi] It wasn't cheap!
[Liz] Honey, that's okay.
We'll get you a new one.
I don't want a new one!
now you're just being a baby.
[DJ] What about your buff?
I don't really like this one.
[DJ] Stuff it up in there.
It's sweaty and it's dirty.
Now is not the time
to be a pussy.
Right in there.
[Jodi whimpers, exclaims]
All the way.
[Jodi] Ah! Ah! Ow. Ah.
Now what?
now you chill the fuck out.
You can make
one of your videos, baby.
[Amber] There's a--
there's this, uh, plant.
It's called, uh,
cera-- cera something.
I don't know.
But it's supposed to be good
for, um, kidneys and your skin.
It's also good for, um, blood.
It's a good blood, uh-- What's--
-Yeah. Yeah.
We have a bunch of it.
It's all over here,
all over this island.
We have some
outside of our building.
[DJ] Yep, right back
by the propane tank.
-It's probably out here
in the mangroves.
-How do you spell it?
-[Amber] I don't-- I don't know.
[Liz grunts]
Okay. Fuck.
-[Amber] Is that AT&T?
[Amber] If you stand
over there by that bush
and hold it up real high...
-Okay. Okay. Okay. can at least
get one bar.
Is it cerasee?
-I-- I think it is.
-[Amber] I don't know, maybe.
-No, that's what it is.
-[Amber] Okay.
But it doesn't say anything here
about being a good coagulator.
I don't know. I don't--
Fuck, I don't know.
[Jodi whimpers]
So you're saying it could be
growing around here, too?
Yeah, maybe over
in those mangroves.
[muffled] Babe, want me to
get your water shoes for you?
[Liz] Honey, what was that?
Yes. Thank you.
[DJ] Bon voyage.
[Jodi, muffled] I'm sorry
I yelled at you earlier, babe.
I was stressed, and I'm scared.
One more time, princess?
I'm scared, I'm stressed,
and I don't wanna
have a missing tooth.
I know you are, baby,
and you won't. I promise.
Girl. It ain't no big thing.
I got two of 'em. Look.
One up here
and one down here. See?
You know,
I don't even think I'd know
what it looks like if I saw it.
All right, fine. Come on.
-I'll take you.
It'd suck if she got
poison ivy in her mouth.
-Or poison oak. Come on.
-[Liz] Okay.
I've gotta put it in my mouth?
Be right back. Hey...
and while we're gone, DJ, don't
you go hitting on my wife, okay?
-[Jodi] Oh, my God.
-What? It's not my fault
I'm married to the hottest
woman on the planet.
-[Amber] Come on!
-[Liz] Okay, okay. Coming.
I'm sorry. She thinks
I'm, like, a supermodel.
That's, uh-- that's nice.
And she's, like,
insanely jealous, too.
I'm gonna go-- go
get my fishing pole.
[whimpering, panting]
[Pepe whines]
[Liz] So what'd you say you do
for work again, Amber?
I didn't.
I work over at Hideaways.
Oh! That's on Duval, right?
The place with all the license
plates all over the walls?
No, it's a vacation
rental company.
They pay me to deal with
all sorts of bullshit.
Like, uh, "Oh, mangoes
keep dropping into the pool,"
or, "There's ghost ants
all over the counter
on the bread we left out,"
or, "The AC stopped working.
I don't know.
So, what, you're a lawyer?
At a big streaming company.
Oh. Well, that's cool.
Which one?
-The big one.
-[gasps] Seriously?
-Oh, you need to tell them
to bring back
that cooking show with Paris.
[Liz] That's programming.
I'm public policy.
[Amber] Oh. Okay.
[Liz] You don't watch that crap,
do you?
Mm-hmm. I like to know
how the other half lives.
Well, you know
it's not real, right?
Well, it's different
from my life. Okay?
And that's good enough.
Sometimes it's just
nice to get away.
[Liz] I get that.
Shit. You know what?
We should've brought beers.
Oh, shit. I'm sorry.
I forgot you stopped drinking.
-I'm so sorry about that.
-Hey, hey, that's okay.
-You didn't do anything. I did.
-What's that?
Why did you stop drinking,
-Primarily health reasons.
-Well, duh.
Nobody drinks
'cause it's good for you.
You know what?
Hey, life's too short. Woo!
[Liz chuckles] Yeah.
That's right. Life is too short.
-All the more reason
for me to quit.
There aren't any snakes
around here, are there?
Sure there are. We just
stepped over one a second ago.
-Jesus Christ! Holy-- Dang--
[muffled] I'm sorry if
we ruined your time here.
Come again?
[Jodi whimpers]
I'm sorry if we ruined your day.
No, it's fine.
Everything was probably nice
and mellow, 'til we rolled up.
Not exactly.
Amber does this thing sometimes
where she doesn't talk to me,
so it actually
wasn't all that nice.
Were you guys in a fight?
I don't know
what the hell I did.
That's just
how she gets sometimes.
I bet Liz would love
if I stopped talking to her.
She tunes me out
half the time, anyway.
I don't think she'd like it
as much as she thinks.
Not as great as it seems.
Hey, you don't have
any Advil, do you?
Not on me.
You still in pain?
[Jodi] Yeah. I think
when I broke my tooth,
something might have
gotten exposed.
You got any gum?
Don't you think that's the
last thing I should be doing?
I'm talking about taking
a little piece of chewed-up gum,
stuffing it up in there,
to protect it.
That's actually
a really good idea.
No, I wish I did.
Oh, I couldn't.
Not the whole thing.
Just a little piece.
I don't have cooties.
I've already had Covid,
like, four times.
Whatever. Stick your buff
back in your mouth.
I don't care.
Okay. Thank you.
All right. There you go.
Ball that up,
get it up in there.
Thank you.
[DJ] It's gonna hurt,
but it'll feel better after.
[Jodi gasps]
What's the matter?
I'm scared to touch it.
Here, give it over.
You're gonna do it?
Yeah. Sit down.
Will you be gentle?
Yeah. Is that as wide as
you can open your mouth?
-Oh, Jesus Christ.
Tilt your head back.
You're not gonna bite me,
are you?
All right, hold still.
Get up in here.
All right. Oh, there it is.
-[Jodi shouting]
-Okay. Almost done.
Thank you so much.
Don't mention it.
I thought I could do it,
but I couldn't.
You'll get it next time.
[mellow music]
[Liz] God, is this gorgeous.
[Amber] Mm-hmm.
Fuck the cerasee.
I could stay here all day.
True that.
[Amber snorts, hawks]
You okay, there?
Yeah. I'm just looking
for that plant shit.
Yeah, it seems like you and DJ
have got a good thing going.
-What's your secret?
-Sometimes I think you people
have the right idea,
just ditch the men,
and not have to deal with
all of their bullshit.
I'd be right there with you...
if I could stomach poontang.
And it's true.
I couldn't eat out another
woman's twat if you paid me.
-No offense.
-Hey, none taken.
Oh, you know what? Don't hold me
to it, but I think this is it.
Mm-hmm. Come here.
Okay, hold on a sec.
-It-- it's close, but--
-[sniffs] No.
[sniffs] This is it. This is it.
Okay, here, let me get some.
-Take that back for you.
-Okay, thank you.
ooh, there's some here. For me.
-I mean, who wouldn't want
good skin and kidneys, right?
And if I'm wrong
and it's poison ivy,
we'll know in about
12 hours or so.
Ooh, here's some more.
[DJ] Okay, you put your index
finger here, like a trigger.
Take it back,
push it down with your thumb,
-flick it and let it fly. Okay?
-I'm not gonna do it for you.
-You gotta do it yourself.
Bring it back.
That's it. That's right.
Thumb down. Let it fly.
-[reel hisses]
You're a natural!
Look at that! High-five! Yeah!
Wow! What did we miss here?
Your fiance is a total angler.
-I'm sorry, I don't know what
y'all are calling it these days.
Um, for starters, she's my wife.
Just like you have a wife,
I have a wife.
Oh, gentle! Gentle, babe.
Well, at least
someone's feeling better.
Yeah, she just needed some time
for the bleeding to stop.
Let it sit. Let it sit.
Who put the bait on for her?
[DJ] I'm telling you, she did.
She's a regular
little fisherman.
-Fisherwoman. Yeah.
-Dang it. I don't--
Fisherperson? I can't keep up.
You're fine, you're fine.
Leave it.
Here I thought my wife
was on her deathbed,
so I go off into the muck
hunting for God knows what,
and little do I know, you two
are sitting here on the beach
having the time of your lives.
-Here, babe.
-Thank you.
I will-- I will use those later.
Thank you!
Yep. They're gonna come to it.
It's right where you want it.
-Hold it still.
[DJ] All right.
Yeah, bring it a little.
Well, I'm just glad
you're feeling better, baby.
Thank you. Me, too.
I was in a lot of pain.
But DJ's gum really helped.
Come again?
DJ gave me a piece of gum,
and I put a tiny piece
of it on the broken tooth,
and it helped to protect it.
What's going on here?
-Jodi Cohen-Jimenez.
Nothing happened!
I-- I needed it to cover the
I-- It was crazy sensitive,
I was in a lot of pain,
and he gave me a tiny piece
of gum, and it did the trick.
Then why are you
acting like such a weirdo?
I'm not! You're the weirdo!
Hey, DJ? I'd like
a piece of gum, if you have.
I don't think
there's any more gum.
Where's the wrapper?
-I don't know. I threw it away.
-Where'd you throw it?
It's in the cooler somewhere.
Oh, my God, babe!
It came from his mouth, okay?
We were in crisis mode,
and we didn't have a choice.
What is he, your boyfriend now?
-Come on, babe.
-Don't "come on, babe" me.
This is about the stupidest
thing I have ever heard.
We just finished
a global health crisis.
I don't care
what the naysayers say.
He-- he's already
had it a bunch of times.
Wonderful. Even better.
You're just jealous
because something that was
in his mouth went into mine.
Well, yeah!
I think you got
something there.
You took used gum
from a complete stranger,
who can't even acknowledge
that we're married,
and you put it in your mouth,
and you chewed it.
No! I didn't chew it!
I did not chew it.
I-- I just put the little
piece in there to cover up
the exposed part.
Fish on. Snap it up. Snap it up.
-Drop the tip, and bail it! Woo!
[DJ] There's an art to it.
You gotta go up and down.
That's right, baby.
Work it! Yeah!
-That's right!
-Up and down. You gotta go
up and down.
Up and down!
-[Amber] You gotta work it!
-[DJ] Up and down.
-[Jodi] What is it?
-Oh! Mangrove snapper, baby!
-[cheering, laughing]
-She's a beaut! Gonna make
a couple tacos out of her.
Jesus Christ,
that was my fucking dinner.
-Fuck you, dickwad.
-[Liz] Fuck you first.
Keep your hands off my wife,
[scoffs] Are you kiddin' me?
I got zero interest in that.
Why? What's wrong with her?
Wait, don't tell me.
I know exactly what you are,
you homophobic scumbag.
-Excuse me?
-You heard me,
you "let's go, Brandon"
election-denying dipshit.
What the hell
are you talking about?
Motherfucking misogynist.
My body, my rights.
[DJ] What did you tell her?
[Amber] I didn't say anything!
You know, I don't have to listen
to this psychotic bullshit.
The second I saw the two of you,
I knew you were a couple
of anti-American libtards
ruinin' my fucking country.
You and that prissy-ass,
woke-ass dog of yours.
"Your" country?
I'm just as American as you are,
you supremacist fuck.
And by the way,
that attack you just made?
Let me teach you something,
called an ad hominem fallacy.
Speak fuckin' English, bitch!
It's the least you can do.
Oh, Bubba, you just crossed
a very serious line here.
You're in hate crime territory.
Are you getting this on camera?
I think he was referring to the
legal term you threw out there.
I don't give a flying fuck
what he was referring to!
This piece of shit is just
another angry white man,
unhappy in every element
of his life. No offense.
He blames everyone
else for his problems.
He rejects facts.
He rejects science.
Why aren't you
catching this on camera?
This is heavier stuff. Audiences
tend to go for lighter content.
And you know what?
You've gotta stop with
the "fiance" bullshit.
This is my wife, DJ.
We're married,
just like you are.
Our marriage is just
as legitimate as yours.
At least in this moment,
it still is.
It is impossible to know
what the fuck you people
wanna be called
because it changes
every fucking day!
Wives and wives, DJ!
Is that so hard?
We're wife and wife,
just like you are.
You know what sickens me most?
These two insurgent idiots,
-who very well may be cousins...
...somehow will always
have a marriage that's
more legitimate than ours.
You know what sickens me?
You people need a whole
fuckin' month to celebrate
your stupid fuckin'
prancing around, rainbow
special-attention bullshit!
[Liz scoffs]
Give me a fuckin' break.
What? Seriously!
When is straight people day,
When the hell is
straight people day?
Explain that one to me!
Every fuckin' day
is straight people day, DJ!
Every fuckin' day!
[grunts] Fuck!
[DJ grunting]
Let's go.
[gentle music]
Thank you.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Can I get you your sandwich?
How dare that clueless jackass.
He's never had to stick
his red neck out for anything.
He doesn't even
recognize his privilege.
Entitled communist. She has
everything handed to her,
and it's still not good enough.
Thought this would be
fuckin' nice.
Like I would know.
What are you doing?
I'm gonna get us
the fuck out of here.
By calling us an Uber?
No! I'm gonna hire
a charter company.
Well, and we just
leave the boat here?
Maybe they could tow us out.
I don't know, honey.
Okay, well, what if we get
Duck Dynasty to help
pull us out with their boat?
I'm sure they don't
want us here, either.
I am not asking them
for anything.
Maybe we could
tug 'em out of there.
I mean, not to be
neighborly or anything, but...
just to get rid of 'em.
They're beached pretty good.
Look how bad the boat's listing.
-[Amber sighs]
-They're not going anywhere
for a while.
I used to always judge toothless
people, like,
"What the fuck is wrong
with you? Fix that shit."
And now I'm gonna be one of 'em.
You're not gonna be one of them.
We are gonna get fixed.
[distant thunder rumbling]
[DJ] Mmm.
Check it out.
[Amber snickers, snorts]
-Sucks to be them.
-Yes, it does.
you got to eat something.
-[Pepe whines]
Eat, buddy. Come on.
He-- he ate this morning.
He's fine.
[thunder rumbles]
Oh, my God, of course.
What are we supposed to do?
[Liz] Are you kidding?
You're the one who took
the online boating class.
Yeah, but it was all crap like
how many times to honk your horn
when you're going
around a barge.
Why do I feel like
I have to handle everything?
All you do is play
on your phone,
and relax,
and do whatever it is you do.
-Do I look relaxed to you?
-[Liz] No.
It would just be so nice
for once to be taken care of.
Is this because I gave the dog
a piece of your sandwich?
Where's your sandwich?
I might have split it
with DJ earlier.
Where are the leaves?
Babe, look. Look!
I'm-- I'm gonna use one of
those leaves that you got me.
[Jodi whimpering]
Oh, my God. You know what?
I think they're working already.
I think they're
actually working.
And we're sure
they're not poisonous, right?
Would it be okay...
if I put the dental putty
back in?
[Liz] You mean
that dickwad's used gum?
Go ahead.
[thunder rumbling]
If it's okay with you,
I think I'm gonna cry.
Of course.
Thank you for letting me know.
At least the rain
may get us out of here sooner.
You're not supposed to do that.
[Liz] Do what?
The whole toxic optimism thing.
You're trying to talk us
out of our feelings.
-You're right. I'm sorry.
-No, it's okay. It's okay.
I can't tell. Are you crying?
Yeah, I am.
[Jodi] What can I do?
Maybe console me?
[scoffs] I just wish
that you cared about me
half as much
as you care about the dog.
Mine eyes have seen the glory
Of the coming of my wife
She is trampling
Out the vintage
Drinking lots of Herbalife
Okay, I'm good.
I'm good, I'm good.
-No more?
-No, I'm good.
Are you still crying?
[Liz sighs]
[thunder rumbling]
[rain pattering]
[country music
playing over radio]
I should be eating snapper
right now, or that shark.
Better yet, feminist ho-bags.
Watchin' you
What the hell is this?
-It's a vegan burger.
-Ah, fuck!
-Come on.
I saw it on that
Paris cooking show.
Are you fuckin'--
You didn't even fuckin' try it.
[Liz] I thought you checked
the weather this morning.
[Jodi] I did! This morning.
Well, at least the rain
can cool things down.
I wouldn't wanna
be them right now.
-[DJ] I wouldn't
wanna be them, ever.
-[both snickering]
-I'm gonna go get 'em.
-[DJ grunts] The hell you are.
It's the right thing to do.
Now, you can stay down in your
gutter right there if you want,
but personally,
I like to take the high road.
Since when?
-I thought you loved
country music.
-Not today.
Hey! Y'all wanna come
hang out in here with us
'til the rain stops?
No, thank you.
Ain't gonna fit.
Two-person tent.
What? I'm not going. You can.
[Jodi] Oh, my God.
Thank you so much.
[Pepe whining]
Suit yourself!
I tried again
[thunder rumbling]
["Landlocked" by Arlis Albritton
playing over radio]
Oh, for fuck's sake!
-Knock, knock!
-[Amber groans]
Thank you for having us.
-It's like a clown car in here.
-[Amber] Jesus Christ.
If I don't make it
What would everyone think
[Jodi sneezes]
-[Amber] Bless you.
-Bless you.
At least nobody in here
has Covid.
-Stop it.
Hard as I try
To leave this dock
I'm an anchor
Dropped in the sand
Can I get y'all a drink
or something?
It's-- it's pretty much just
beers and White Claws, but...
We're fine, thanks.
[Amber] Oh!
Oh, uh, no, thanks.
[song ends]
[Pepe whining]
[DJ] What the hell's
wrong with him, anyway?
He's not a huge fan
of getting soaked.
[thunder rumbling]
[rain pattering]
What kind of music do y'all
wanna listen to? George Michael?
Oh, what about that guy
who fucked his cousin?
Allegedly, that was
Ricky Martin. Um...
but, uh, we're gonna be
getting out of here as soon
as the rain stops, thanks.
[thunder rumbles loudly]
Y'all are vegetarians, right?
How would you like a delicious
vegan-style hamburger?
We're not vegans or vegetarians,
uh, thank you very much.
But at least
she made you a sandwich.
My wife gave my sandwich
to the dog.
[DJ chuckles]
More toxic optimism, babe.
Oh, Jesus. Sorry, Genesis!
Y'all into the Bible?
[Liz] She's our therapist.
When you tell someone
to look at the bright side,
you're actually
discounting their feelings.
[lively music, sound effects
playing from phone]
[Liz] How do you have a signal?
She doesn't need it for that.
Boy, have they got her number.
The money she spends
on that game...
Oh, yeah,
and who makes that money?
And you spend more than your
fair share of money on bullshit.
[game] So sweet!
Oh, speak of the devil.
[Liz] Oh, we're fine, thanks.
Does my patriotism offend you?
Not at all.
I am in love with my country.
No, she really does.
Why does that surprise you?
Am I somehow less of an American
than you are?
Not at all.
My bad.
[game] I like it!
Nicotine or cannabis?
Who's asking?
Jesus Christ, DJ.
Turn your head.
[DJ] It's not Covid.
[Amber] Okay. You still
cover your fucking mouth.
Super Lemon Haze.
It's weed, right?
It's-- it's DJ's Pepe.
[game] You suck.
-[Jodi] Babe!
How do you use this thing,
You just put it in your mouth
and suck it.
Should I wipe it off first?
Your spit's already been
in my wife's mouth.
I think we're good.
I don't think
you should be doing that.
-Okay, Mom.
-No, come on.
You know what I'm talking about.
What? You think I'm gonna
get high all the time now?
Jesus Christ!
[DJ] Atta girl.
[coughing] She's got
major abandonment issues.
-Fuck off! Fuck off.
I'm sorry, but you do.
Oh! Okay.
[Amber inhaling]
[Jodi laughs]
[Liz] Look at us
all smoke a mean peace pipe.
-[Jodi] Babe!
-What did I do now?
That's so offensive. Isn't it?
See, now what the fuck
is so offensive about that?
It's only been in about
a million movies and TV shows.
That's DJ's excuse
for everything.
If he sees it on TV,
then it's got to be okay.
I know it's a trope.
I was just being ironic.
And besides, I can say that.
-'Cause I'm part
Native American.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Most Mexicans are
at least 20% Native American.
-[Amber] Huh.
-I did not know that.
The things one learns when
stuck on a deserted island.
-How? [laughing]
-Oh, no. Oh, my God.
We're just having fun here.
So it's fun when you say so,
but otherwise, not so much.
Womp, womp.
Why are you such a party pooper?
So DJ, the ganja's your thing?
[scoffs] I'll say.
I think it's important
to have an outlet.
-[Amber] Here we go.
[DJ] DJ's weed playlist.
[mellow hip-hop music playing]
Liz isn't so great
at dealing with reality, either.
You're not! She likes to call it
"focusing on the positive,"
but, really, it's sweeping
everything under the rug.
Potato, po-tah-to.
Oh, my God. I think
I know why I pick on you.
-[exhales] Why?
-Oh, you're gonna love it.
Because you're so happy
all the time, and I'm not,
and it pisses me off because
I wanna be, and I try to be,
and then I get more upset,
because I feel like
there's something wrong with me.
[laughs] Oh, my God, sweetheart.
I'm not happy either!
You're not?
Nope. It's just a show.
I'm just completely covering
for all of my pain.
Oh, my God, babe! I knew it!
All along, deep down,
I knew it. Ugh.
My miserable self loves you.
-[snapping] Hmm.
You remind me of, um...
ooh, what's her bucket?
-Yes! That's it!
How'd you know?
-We're both lesbians.
-[Amber] Yes!
What-- Hey.
-[Amber giggles]
-What are you doing?
[Amber giggles, snorts]
-[Jodi] Damn.
[Pepe whines]
[voices echoing slightly]
So tell me, DJ.
Why is it that you
feel the need to check out?
I'll give you my reasons,
but tell me yours, first.
That's an excellent question.
Never really
thought about it before.
I guess it's because
my life didn't turn out
how I thought it would.
I played baseball
in high school.
Our son Gavin plays baseball!
What position?
Babe, let him finish.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I just got excited.
Please continue, DJ.
And you know what?
I'm sorry that I picked on you.
Please continue being excited.
I pitched.
That's all there is to it.
I think I thought I was
better than I probably was.
I bet you were great.
I can tell.
Williamson College of the Trades
wanted me.
For baseball?
It's in Pennsylvania.
Good for you.
But then he went and got
his practice wife pregnant.
[Liz] Tale as old as time.
She wasn't my practice wife
at the time.
We got married after that.
[thunder booms]
What happens
to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up,
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester, and then run?
[voices return to normal]
-[Jodi] Babe?
I'm just trying to relate.
Is that what that was? Are you?
Liz went to Stanford.
Who cares?
I studied Comparative Lit
before law school. So sue me.
So, DJ, is that why you...
[inhaling, exhaling]
Because you didn't get to play
college baseball like you hoped?
Junior college baseball.
[Liz] Hey!
We all got to start somewhere.
It makes a lot of sense.
I never thought about it
that way before.
Uh, it's pretty basic shit, boo.
You're not happy, you numb out.
Case closed.
What, you thought you smoked
your way out of the Navy
because you were
so thrilled with your life?
They got
a zero-tolerance policy.
I didn't have any follow-through
on that one, either.
This life business ain't easy,
Sometimes it feels like
everybody's winning but me.
[exhales] Shit.
[sighs] Feels really good
to face this shit.
You know,
I have spent all my life
people-pleasing, trying
to make everyone else happy.
And it is absolutely exhausting.
Well, then why do you do it?
'Cause I'm deathly afraid
of conflict.
[laughs] You could've fooled me.
So, I had a tough mom who had
way too many expectations of me,
and I spent so much time
trying to make her happy,
and win her approval.
And that was never gonna happen,
'cause she hated you
for being gay.
That's right, she did.
Man, that's gotta suck.
-I mean, not only
were you Mexican...
-[Liz] Still am.
Right. So, you're still Mexican,
and then you're
also this other thing.
Gay. You can say it.
Gay. And then you got your
whole family turning on you.
Then, of course,
my mom had to die, like,
a couple years ago.
And now I can never
make it right with her.
That fuckin' blows.
What if you don't need to make
it right with your dead mom?
What if you just need
to make it right with you...
in here?
[Liz sniffles]
What is that?
It's the ASL sign
for "I love you."
-Oh, my God.
You people deaf, too?
-[Liz] No!
I'm just feeling
happy, and emotional,
and connected with you.
-You are so fucking high, babe!
-I am. I really am.
-Hey, Jodi?
You're a wonderful wife,
most of the time.
Thank you for putting up
with all of my crap.
And I put up
with your crap, too.
Yeah, but it's not
a competition, babe.
I put up with so much from you.
Oh, my God.
I don't wanna hear it.
-[Pepe whining]
You and me are the only
males here, buddy.
We are stuck on an island
with a bunch of angry Karens.
Oh-ho-ho! Thank you.
Karen? I'm not a Karen.
That makes no sense.
-Hey, give me five. Here you go.
Give me a little five.
-I'm a lesbian and a Latina.
[Amber] Welcome to my world.
And what about you, Ams?
What's your story?
Uh, I don't know.
My childhood was normal enough,
I guess.
I heard worse.
[Liz] Come on.
What is normal, anyway?
What are your goals and dreams?
What gets you
out of bed in the morning?
That shit's just a time suck,
and it's just setting you up
for disappointment.
[Liz] But look how great
your life turned out, anyway.
You're happily married.
You've got wonderful kids,
and grandkids.
[scoffs] You haven't met 'em.
I mean, isn't that what
you're supposed to do, anyway?
Get married, and have babies?
I mean,
what else the hell is there?
Whatever you want!
Life is what you make of it.
Yeah. Okay, Pollyanna.
That sounds like an awful lot.
Bravo. Encore.
She had you guys, didn't she?
Did you fall for all her
"woe is me" bullshit?
I used to. "My mama left us.
My daddy beat on us."
And then there's the one
she'll tell you that
I made her give up the baby.
-But she didn't want it, either.
-That's not true.
I would've kept it
if the situation was better.
Not having any money, or 'cause
we were married to other people?
-That's a load of crap,
and you know it.
I didn't want it.
You didn't want it.
Neither of us did.
[rain pattering]
Let's see if the rain's let up.
So, wait a minute.
If you had an abortion-- which
I am in no way judging you for--
I'm pro-choice,
if you could've guessed.
Not that I advocate
killing babies.
It's just that I think
everyone should have the choice.
My point is,
why are you anti-abortion now?
-Who says they are, babe?
-Oh, we are.
[Jodi] Both of you?
So how can you be against it,
when you guys
went through it yourselves?
Well, it's just like you said.
We're against it
because we went through it.
I don't think a day goes by that
I don't think about that baby,
and what he could've been.
Or she.
And what my life might've
been like with them in it.
Look at you,
all gender-inclusive.
[tender music]
-Let me give you a hug.
-[Amber] I'm not a hugger.
[Liz] Are you sure?
[Amber sniffling]
-[Amber weeping]
-[Liz murmuring softly]
You're not filming this,
are you?
Um, yeah, but it's for Genesis.
I think she'd be
really proud of you.
Tell me you didn't do anything
with that video of me
singing and dancing.
I did, uh, try to do
a live broadcast,
but I didn't have reception.
So you deleted it, correct?
don't get any ideas here, Amber.
I already told you,
I don't eat pussy.
[Liz] Oh, that's right.
[Amber crying]
[water lapping]
[Pepe whining]
[Amber] Holy shit.
Longest two hours of my life.
[DJ] Tell me about it.
[DJ grunts]
[Jodi] No humping Mommy, buddy.
[DJ grunts]
[Amber belches]
[tropical music]
[Liz grunting]
Good job, babe!
On three. Ready?
One, two, three.
Give it some power.
[all grunting]
Hang on, hang on.
Are you trimmed down?
-Mash it. Really mash it!
-[motor revving]
-[DJ] Yeah!
There you go. Come on!
[all cheering]
That's what I'm fuckin'
talking about! Yeah! Woo!
Woo, woo, woo! Woo!
-Baby, do we have everything?
-Yes, babe.
Well, thank you so much for
helping us get out of here.
Oh, it was our pleasure.
And thank you so much for
harboring us during the storm.
That part was not our pleasure.
Well, it-- it was
real nice meeting y'all.
You, too.
You're just a normal couple.
Like, you have fights,
and hold grudges.
And you're just
as miserable as we are.
That's right. We are.
-[Liz] What?
Let's get out of here
before it gets dark.
Ah... okay.
Should we exchange numbers,
or Insta, or...
Oh, no. I'm sure we'll
run into y'all here again.
How about another hug?
Oh, nope.
I'll give you one.
-Hope you know
you are my favorite squaw.
-[Amber] DJ!
What? I'm just complimenting her
in her own language.
I knew you were.
And you're my favorite cracker.
[Liz grunts]
-Got it. Bye, guys.
-[Amber] Bye!
-Y'all be careful.
-[Liz] Okay.
Good luck with your tooth!
Oh! Thank you so much.
We'll let you know how it goes.
Pepe. Come here. Come here.
-You got it, babe?
-[Liz] Yeah.
All right, I gotcha. Be careful.
-[Liz] I got it. I got it.
-I got it.
-I got you. All right.
[DJ sighs] There they go.
Well, that was exhausting.
Tell me about it.
I thought we were bad.
[DJ chuckles softly]
[serene music]
I need a beer.
Oh. I'll be right back.
That was a lot.
It's so easy to forget that
we all come from the same place.
But there's something about
being out here on the water...
it's a big reminder.
Okay, Yoda.
We're all essentially the same.
We're all hurting, and angry.
We all want something
we can't have.
And we're all looking
for a means to escape.
-But thank God we're not them.
-Amen to that.
Jesus Christ.
Fuck. Fuck you!
[Jodi] We should
probably get that.
Here you go, babe.
[Liz] Okay...
-[Jodi] Got it?
-I got it. Yeah.
Four o'clock. 4:30 toward 3:30.
I got it. Can you get closer?
Jesus, babe. Come on!
Put it-- get it down.
You got it, babe.
Get it! Come on! Get closer!
-All right, fuck it. Fuck it.
-[Liz] Fuck it.
-Fuck it.
-All right.
-[Liz] How's the tooth?
-[Jodi] Fine.
[motor revs]
-Get the dog. Get the dog!
-[Liz] I've got the dog!
-[man] Hey!
-Jesus, babe, slow down!
-Why aren't the bumpers out?
-You didn't tell me
to put the bumpers out!
-How many times have
we done this?
-Too many!
[insects trilling]
Does my chest look red?
Shit, maybe.
Fuckin' cera-cera-- Fuck!
You put any of that shit
near your face?
I don't know.
I might've smelled it
to make sure what it was.
-Jesus Christ. Amber!
It was an accident!
Which hand means money's
coming in? I forget.
[garbled] Could this leaf
had been something else?
What's that, baby?
Is your tooth acting up again?
Oh, my God.
[gasps] Oh-- oh, my God.
-What are you doing?
-I am taking you to the ER.
[Jodi whines]
-He's not coming with us.
-Then I'm not going!
What? It was a gift.
Who are you?
[frogs croaking]
[phone ringing]
[receptionist] Keys Urgent Care.
Mine eyes have seen the glory
Of the coming of my wife
[receptionist] You need to
call 911 for that, ma'am.
[DJ] How about "strife"?
I have chosen
To still love her
Though she causes me
Much strife
What about "knife"?
I have opted for death
By a thousand cuts
With a butter knife
[garbled] That's not funny!
There's too many syllables.
-What about "blythe"?
-That's not a word.
Something with "pro-life"?
[Calypso version of "The Battle
Hymn of the Republic"
by Julia Ward Howe]
[Jodi] Good boy, buddy.