Mujde (2022) Movie Script

I couldn't find the parts
regarding my share of the building.
This agreement concerns the
two and a half floor building at block
Look, two and a half floor.
That's your house
There. "The ownership of
the building is to be shared
so that 40% will be turned
over to the property owner.
You get five apartments in the new
building. You know, as we agreed earlier.
Any questions? Don't hesitate to ask me.
I don't want you
to be left with any questions
in your mind, you see.
How many apartments do you get?
Six. But that includes Okan's share.
Okan is a dear friend to me
What do you mean, six?
You mean one half of the
building will have five
apartments, and the other six?
No, of course not.
I was assuming the top floor
as a single apartment.
You know, I will join the two
apartments that are my share...
How many does Okan get?
That's written in the
agreement already.
About everything else,
you don't have to worry.
We'll finish this as soon as
possible, God willing.
And this will really make sure you're
comfortably off, both Okan and you. Okay?
Of course it will. Look at this
house, Miss Mjde.
How will you take care of this
house all on your own
after this age, with nobody to help?
See, this house isn't livable anyway-
Mind your words.
No, no, I don't mean any disrespect.
You told me only recently
that the house has constantly
been causing you expenses...
I was just being candid.
No, you're being disrespectful. I've lived
in this house for 40 years. I was raised
in this house. So was Okan. I'm not your
friend just because you know my son!
Why are you getting
angry for no reason?
Miss Mjde, I was just telling
you what I was seeing.
Let me tell you what you're seeing:
Types like you see nothing but money.
Please don't say that. I'm not a man
to care about worldly possessions.
Oh, so you erect those
skyscrapers for Allah?
Miss Mjde, I don't care about money.
All I want is to get your good prayers.
Our prophet has said, I take pride
in the wealth of my ummah."
We have to work today,
so that we can leave behind
a beautiful homeland for our children
tomorrow, both mine and yours.
Right? It's all for them.
There's a store on the
ground floor in the project.
You're quick-witted.
You don't miss anything, maallah.
Aleykm Selam brother.
That's not a store.
Something like a storeroom.
No I wasn't talk to you. How are you? Yes.
No, man, it's way too early for that!
I don't do that in business hours!
My country, the people of my country
matter to me above all.
By allowing three and a half million
unqualified Syrians into the country,
they've already diminished the gross
national product by three percent.
But what do you mean by
"unqualified" here?
These people are
unqualified, that's one thing.
And, did these people leave
their countries? They did...
Hello, mom. How are you?
Okan? Why are you calling at this hour?
I just wanted to hear your voice.
And I thought I'd congratulate you.
For what?
I got the news from Berat.
I mean, do you fully trust him?
Mom, just trust your son.
I trust him, you trust me.
Am I stupid?
I hope this man doesn't turn
out to be like your ex-partner
Don't be silly, mom. The man is
from Isparta anyway. Had I not been
sure of him, I wouldn't have let
him in your house. I'm not stupid.
What's that got to do with anything?
Mom, you're reading way too much into
We've all come together for this
and we're all trying to do
something good for you.
Can't you see that?
Perhaps after a certain age,
one sees things differently.
I said, I'm getting old.
Oh. Okay.
Now, about the moving, how will you
do it? Did Berat tell
you anything about that?
No. Will you have time?
Mom, we talked about that.
Nazl's father is having
an operation.
I need to take Nazl to Eskiehir.
Oh, right.
Okay, I arranged that with Mustafa already.
Is it the carrier?
Okay, good. But don't pay him money.
They'll make out an invoice.
Give it to Engin. Or don't,
I'll pick it up when I come back.
Berat has to pay for it.
You shouldn't spend anything
out of your own pocket.
I know what to do with the
invoice, Okan. I'll take
care of it.
Don't talk to me like I'm a child.
I'll send Engin to oversee
the porters anyway.
No, I don't need Engin.
I can handle this myself.
Okay, we'll talk about this later.
What will you do now?
Go to your friends. I'll sleep now.
Good night then.
As Turkey, we have been hosting a total
of four and a half million Syrian
and Iraqi refugees in our country...
Turn left from here.
I'm moving a house. I need help.
Oh, transportation. Okay, okay.
200 Liras for one person, for two 400.
Two person is not enough.
I need three.
Do you speak English?
It's a two storey house.
Two people is not enough, I need three.
Do you speak English?
Do you speak English?
Yes, I speak English.
I'm moving the house. I need help.
I need three people not two.
They want 200 liras for each person.
- Is that okay for you?
- Okay.
- Can you come too?
- Me?
- Do you want me too?
- Yes, I need someone who speak English...
- You okay?
- Yes. I'm okay.
I'll fucking kill you.
Thank you.
Sorry, I can take more.
- Thank you.
- Bon appetite.
Bon appetite.
Thank you, auntie. I won't have any.
I've had a late breakfast.
Suit yourself.
Halla Hseyin St. Number 3?
Auntie, I ordered it.
- How much brother?
- 30 liras.
You guys finished already?
Have you tidied up the house?
Auntie Mjde is staying here tonight.
Open up some room for her to walk.
Talk to me, man! Are you mute or what?
I'm tired of these men.
They're hungry, they have nowhere
to sleep, and they're still
doing half-assed work.
It's alright.
They've left everything nice and tidy.
No, they're all lazy bastards.
They can't withstand hardship.
See, they've never done any
hard work in Syria. It shows.
What time are you coming tomorrow?
They'll be here at 8 in the morning.
There's not much left to do anyway.
They'll finish early tomorrow.
I need to go to the bank
early, so I'll come at noon.
Call me if you need anything.
You've my number anyway.
Don't be late. If anyone is
late, I'll deduct from his wage.
And take a bath when you go home.
You all stink.
Go on.
Good morning. Welcome.
Your other friend?
Ah, Sayyid. I don't know. I didn't see him.
Ok. Breakfast is ready.
After that you can start from here. Ok?
- Selamun Aleykum.
- Aleykum Selam.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm OK.
Are you sure?
Yes. Yes.
I'm sorry I've had an accident.
Nothing serious. I should get started.
I'm already very late.
Stop. Stop.
Put it down.
Put it down.
They finish here. You go up,
put curtains, other things in boxes. Okay?
- Sayyid?
- Yes, Miss Mjde?
Sayyid your name, right?
Yes. Sayyid.
It is very bad.
No, no.
It is very bad.
We have to do...
Yes. Pansuman.
Come. Come, sit.
I won't hurt.
How did it happen?
Don't worry, it is not important.
I am used to this behaviour.
Did you go to police?
Don't worry.
I'm ok.
Do you have a family here?
Are they in Syria?
They're all dead.
I am sorry Sayyid. I didn't know.
I wasn't at home when they died.
I was working.
Zeineb and Rauf were at home.
Rauf is my son.
He was seven years old.
Our house was bombed by Russian planes.
I found Zeineb two hours later.
She was dead.
And your son?
We searched for two days non stop.
I couldn't save him.
I am sorry Sayyid.
I don't know what to say.
I didn't want to leave my country.
I don't know why this war started.
You're very young Sayyid.
There's a whole life in front of you.
You're a good person.
No. I'm not a good person.
But you are a very good person.
My friends say I'm very... stubborn.
We always fight.
Stubborn, but a very good person.
I'm sorry. My hands are heavy.
I'm getting old.
No. Your hands are soft.
The downstairs is done, Auntie Mjde.
I thought I'd let you know.
Ok. This room is done.
You must take antibiotic.
I have no appetite,
but they're very delicious.
I can't sleep nights,
it affects my appetite.
Finally. I thought you'd never bring it.
ermin, you start complaining again.
What did I say? If it was up to you,
we'll wait another hour.
Don't you eat something, Mjde?
No, I won't have anything.
Are you on a diet?
- Not a diet, but I...
- If you're dieting, I wonder what we should do!
Look at our bellies!
Oh, where did you take these photos?
Let me look at it.
Good heavens!
Look at her coquetry! Like a 20 year old!
Yasemin should get you
an Instagram account.
Mother and daughter,
you're both hot.
She should get me an account if I can
message Cenk on Survivor from there!
Don't let her father hear that
My daughter loves Erdem.
No honey, we've gotten old now.
We can only watch those men
on TV after this age.
Why'd you say that?
What's wrong with your age?
What can I say?
We've lived the good life back
in our time when we were young girls.
Come on, what good life did you live
when you were a young girl?
You mean there were men
at the sewing course?
Of course there were. Not in the
sewing course, but in the neighborhood.
So Mjde, it's been
nearly 3 months
and you still didn't invite us to
your new apartment.
How is it? Are you getting used to it?
Sorry, I've taken a long time
moving in and getting settled.
What a moving, it's not finished yet!
I'm very curious.
Was the moving hard?
Okan must have helped you.
No, Okan has been very busy.
I hired a few porters.
Mjde, I was going to ask you but I forgot:
Where did you hire the porters?
There's a labor market under the overpass.
A few workers from there helped me.
Oh, isn't that place full of Syrians?
Yes, the ones I hired were Syrians too.
- Oh, don't.
- Are you kidding?
I admire your courage. How come you can just
let a bunch of Syrians into your house?
They could be burglars,
rapists, anything.
Why? Turkish or Syrian,
what difference does it make?
It makes a lot of difference.
I don't know. I see them around the field
near the street market sometimes. I see
them come and go. With beards, turbans
and burqas and all. And they smell bad.
I heard it on a TV debate the other day. Most
of the ones coming to Turkey are criminals.
Assad opened the gates of all the prisons
and sent all the criminals over to us.
Yes, I watched the same debate.
People say they have their thumbs cut.
They have their thumbs cut.
- They have their thumbs cut?
- Yes. To make it easier to do pickpocketing.
Oh goodness! I've had enough.
I want them to leave.
The state looks after them
better than it looks after us.
Millions of our young
people are on the streets.
Just look at Ayten's daughter.
She graduated from university...
speaks a foreign language,
and she's been without work for a year.
We don't have to look after those people!
No, we're not.
Don't say that, ermin. May God never
make anyone have to leave their homeland
They're enjoying themselves here for free.
Who says they're enjoying themselves?
- They're all working day and night for a pittance.
- We see it on the news every day: robberies, rape...
Just the other day
they molested a four year old child
- God damn them.
- They all need to be deported!
Before they came, this country had morals,
and order. Am I wrong?
You're wrong. Five million refugees
live in this country.
Women, children You don't mean
they're all thieves and rapists, do you?
You sound like you don't have
a bit of humanity left in you
Mjde, I think you should
come to your senses, dear.
You moved house, and
suddenly you're talking all different.
I wonder if you hear what you're saying.
People struggle for life and death.
You're parroting the stupid things
you hear left and right.
I guess you're upset today.
Can't you see what they did to our country?
If you like your country so much,
why did you send your son to Europe?
Me? Have you woken up
on the wrong side of bed or what Mjde?
We've been staying on your good side
but you're getting carried away.
Hah, right on time.
Eat sweet, talk sweet.
I don't have an appetite.
Are you hungry?
Hope it's not burning already.
Hmm. It is okay.
It is perfect. Excellent.
Are you crying?
Kalbim? Who make you cry?
Hey, you know you can tell me everything.
There's nothing. Just-
Is it because of me?
No. No.
I cause you a lot of problem.
Sayyid, you are the best thing
that has happened to me.
I am crying because I am happy.
I liked it.
I have to tell you something.
I'm going back to Syria.
I found my son.
Rauf is alive.
You remember my friend? Hassan.
The doctor. I told you about.
There was a child in his
hospital who was a friend of Rauf,
He was in a coma
but he started talking again.
And he told Hassan,
Rauf never went home that day.
They were playing in the streets.
And when they bomb, they all ran away.
So, Rauf is alive.
That's why I couldn't find Rauf's body.
Because he's alive. He's not dead.
I have to find him.
I can't leave him there.
Rauf is a very smart child.
He found a way to survive.
I'm coming with you.
- No.
- Yes.
- No you're not coming.
- Yes I'm coming.
Kalbim it's too dangerous.
The war is still going on.
But you're going?
It's my son, I have no choice.
I don't want you to go alone.
I won't let you go alone.
Kalbim, please it's too dangerous.
I'm gonna bring my son.
Sayyid I want to help you. What can I do?
You already help me a lot.
How much money you need?
I have money.
Sayyid. Please. You need money.
Please let me help you.
Kalbim, you gave me everything.
You gave me love. You gave me your heart.
You gave me life.
What more can you give?
- Are you sure?
- I'm sure.
I'm gonna find my son. No matter what.
And I'm going to come back.
I love you Sayyid.
I love you, Kalbim.
Don't cry.
Thank you.
I have to go now.
Don't worry, Sayyid. Rauf is alive.
Mom! Mom! What happened mom?
- Mom! Do you hear me? Are you okay?
- Miss Mjde!
- Call the ambulance!
- I'm calling.
Mom, what happened to you?
No pulse! Oh Miss Mjde!
Did you call it,
did you call the ambulance?
- Serhat give me a cigarette.
- Of course.
All this for 3000 liras.
Was it worth it?
You ruined your life, and
that poor woman's too.
- Sir?
- Fuck! What the hell?
You son of a bitch!
Take them, now!
Go! Take them!
Turkey belongs to Turks and it will be!