Mujer sin piano, La (2009) Movie Script

- Are you coming home for lunch?
- Yes.
I was going to defrost some ribs
and do them with potatoes.
But I haven't got any marinade.
I'll roast them with fries.
- But I could marinade them.
- Do what's easiest.
I don't mind. But a marinade
is better left overnight.
How did you sleep?
And your ear?
I'm off
Good morning, and welcome!
It's Monday..
War is imminent.
People are stocking up on
fearful of what lies ahead
That's the latest news
from Baghdad...
I want to pick up this parcel.
Are you the addressee
or are you authorized?
- The parcel is for me.
- Then you're the addressee.
Fill in the form
and show me your ID, please.
You have to sign it.
This document has expired, ma'am.
But it's me.
I can't hand over the parcel.
Look at the photo.
Ma'am, it expired three years ago.
I know that, but it's me.
Yes, ma'am, but you must understand.
If your ID has expired
I can't give you the parcel.
It's something
I bought by mail order.
Look, here's the name of the
product. Compare it with the parcel.
I'm sorry, the Post Office
can't accept that.
But I've signed the form!
Don't worry, we'll keep it.
When you come with your ID
we'll hand it over.
Even if I'm not here,
just show your ID
and they'll find the form
and give you the parcel.
You've got two weeks
from the notification date.
This office is open until 8:00
You could also bring your passport
or your driving license.
Let's see if our first caller
is lucky Good morning.
- Good morning.
- What's your name?
- Carmen.
- Where are you calling from?
- Vilafranca del Penedes, Barcelona.
- From Barcelona.
We want to send the money there...
Hello, love, how are you?
Don't worry, pet,
it'll all work out, really.
What matters is to get my father
to pay for the drinks
and to get money from the guests.
No gifts.
We have to get at least six grand.
- Yes?
- Good morning, ma'am.
- Do you have a land line?
- Yes.
Well, you can stop paying for it.
Sigh up for our Broad Band
service today
and get a lifetime
of free national calls.
You 'H receive our voice box system
if you have a router.
Do you have a router, ma'am?
We're not interested.
Do you hear it all the time?
They say I've lost
but I don't mind.
What annoys me is the ringing
and that numb feeling
around my ear.
- You really hear it all the time?
- Yes.
Right now?
That's awful.
They don't know why.
The Health Service took four months
to give me a hearing test
and then the ENT doctor told me
I've got good hearing
despite the ringing.
He sent me to the neurologist,
who sent me to the psychiatrist.
The psychiatrist
prescribed tranquilizers
and told me to play the radio loud
to drown the ringing.
Will you hand me that?
What is it, mom?
Having my hairs plucked.
Winds of up to 75 mph.
Have halted all sailings
to Ceuta and Melilla.
One of the UN inspectors in Iraq,
Hans Blix,
says the teams will remain
in the country
until the fast hopes are gone
Don't worry.
Hang on, I'll have a look.
How about Wednesday?
Hello, I'm Sandra Martin,
I'm calling from Reser Inter...
Hi, it's me.
Did you cook the ribs?
I won't be home for lunch,
business is lousy.
We can have them tonight, right?
The disarmament will be done
by force,
as George Bush said...
Many countries are committed
to peace and security
and now is the time
for them to show
that their commitment
to peace and security
is real.
We all said
before coming here...
I'm going to bed.
We didn't come to the Azores
to make a declaration of war.
After having made every effort...
- Good night.
- Good night.
They have said
this is the last attempt,
Saddam's last opportunity to disarm
or to take the road to exile.
It is also
diplomacys last opportunity
After this statement which ended
with a call
to the international community,
Saddam Hussein threatened...
You're not hungry?
Give me a kiss...
The reproduction period
for whales...
It's very easy.
It doesn't require any effort,
unlike the other,
when we take the dirt with us.
You just pass it very gently
and comfortably
Look how weir' it works
All the hairs, all the dirt...
What are you doing here?
Where were you going?
To the South Bus Station.
I can't take you.
I'm going to the depot.
And you can't smoke here.
A ticket for the first bus
to leave, please.
That board shows
all the departures from 7:00 am.
This ticket office
is closed until 7:00 am.
The number you are calling
is unavailable or out...
You can't smoke in the station.
We have the same ringing tone.
How did you sleep?
I change mine.
I take care of your bag.
You not scared. I watch it.
Give me a sandwich, and a brandy
in a small glass, please.
You have to pay at the till first.
We don't have small glasses.
Is a big one OK?
What kind of sandwich?
'Evening, Germn.
You can't smoke in the station.
We would remind you
that smoking is not allowed
in the station...
Got a cigarette?
Got a light?
How are you?
He says why don't we both go.
So why are you here?
You can't smoke in the station.
I like your wig.
What's your name?
Missing. Polish, 32.
Please call 669720997
I have changed the ringing tone.
My name is Radek
but you can say Roberto.
What is your name?
Excuse me, we have to clear
the station.
I'm going on journey,
to Poland, tomorrow.
Katowice. Yes.
Excuse me, we have to clear
the station.
Excuse me, we have to clear
the station.
If I cannot fix something
I get angry,
because everything can be fixed.
Nothing is a catastrophe.
Also when a can of Coca Cola
fall on computer
or a child throws TV on floor.
Now no one wants to fix appliances.
They just throw them away.
It's a P"V...
Excuse me, we have to clear
the station.
Factories every year make
new models that do not last
and customers have to change
the appliance.
Excuse me, we have to clear
the station.
I am hungry.
In a restaurant
I first look the prices
and the money I have
But I don't look now,
I have lots of money.
I want potato salad.
Some potato salad, please.
And a brandy.
Now no one wants to fix appliances.
They just throw them away.
In Poland nothing is thrown away.
Everything is fixed.
Not in Spain.
Here, a piece breaks
and people throw
the whole appliance away.
That is why I work in construction.
But really
I'm a specialized professional.
In construction I earn three times
as much but I don't like it.
I do not eat potato salad
since February 10 last year.
I like potato salad,
but I like tripe too.
We can order tripe.
Some tripe, please.
If my work fixing house appliances
really makes the world better
then life has meaning.
I like it when I fix things
and things work.
It's very nice...
it's very nice to work in
my brain with interesting problems.
I do not eat tripe
since July 4 last year.
You do not eat?
- Do you have a signal?
- Yes.
Do you have a phone?
On the left, past the washrooms.
The number you have called
is unavailable or out of range.
Rosa, I have paid,
because I want to invite.
Let's go.
...when I fix, my thoughts stay
inside the appliance forever.
You shouldn't take out so much money
and show it like that.
For me and for the users
who hire me
repairing gives meaning
to our lives.
I'm going to the toilet.
I'm going to piss.
The number you are calling...
What's wrong with you?
She's not listening.
She's not going.
Come on.
The number you are calling
is unavailable
or out of range.
Birds are born
with their parents' genes.
If the father is a good singer,
the children
will have a fine tone...
It's closed.
The ideal reproduction time
is in the spring.
The female lays three to six eggs,
one each day,
and that's why the breeder
removes the first two
and replaces them
with plastic eggs.
Otherwise, the last birds
would die.
It's done so that all the birds
are born the same day
These eggs are plastic
and now we put
her eggs...
Hello, Rosa.
What's that?
A shoe.
Made in Menorca.
Size 5.
Rosa, do you believe
in life after death?
I don't.
I don't believe in God,
but I'm Polish,
like the Pope.
Leave me...
Leave me...
Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
Now I need to sleep.
What do I owe you?
The kid paid me.
Come on.
I'm dirty.
I'm dirty.
I'm going on journey
to Poland, tomorrow.
Go out the back door.
After El Brillante
there's an orthopedic shoe store.
It's on the right,
Excuse me.
You have to leave the key.
The number you are calling
is unavailable or out of range.
May I have a squid sandwich, please?
And a brandy in a small glass.
One squid sandwich!
- May I have another drink, please?
- Very well.
Hello, Rosa.
What are you looking at?
This morning, I don't know why,
I took down a painting
that was over my bed
and I hid it behind the closet.
What is in the painting?
It's not a nice painting.
There's a man on a horse
hunting in a forest.
He's just fired three arrows
into a deer.
There are two dogs.
Three wolves are chasing them.
The hunter only has two arrows left.
You see that clearly.
What will he do
when the three wolves attack him
and he only has two arrows?
maybe the wolves eat wounded deer
and hunter can run away
with his dogs.
Why are you running away?
You should be at home,
with your family,
with someone looking after you.
And why do you not have children?
You children are all selfish.
What are you doing?
Watching TV.
I fixed it.
I like it when I fix things
and things work.
It's very nice to work in my brain
with interesting problems.
Come on, turn off the TV
and come to bed.
Good morning.
Good evening.
I'd like to order breakfast
for two for tomorrow morning.
You should have ordered it
last night.
There's a form
on the bedside table.
You have to fill it in
and hang it on your door
before 1:00 am.
You can have breakfast
in the dining room from 9:00.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
The needle is very fine
and I have to put it in each pore
which is where the hair root is.
The pores are almost microscopic
but I see them
through a magnifying glass.
Then I press the pedal
and an electric charge
goes straight
to the tip of the needle
and burns the hair.
It's very efficient and clean.
Each client brings her own needle.
It's a very specialized job.
All kinds of girls come to my house.
Most are obsessed
with their bodies and their hair.
They're idiots
But some have got real problems.
They have hair like men,
on their face, their neck,
even on their breasts.
They're very embarrassed
when they arrive
but they leave very happy.
Some more fritters, please.
When did you last eat fritters?
March 10, last week.
Why are you going to Poland?
So they can put me in prison.
That's why I'm growing mustache.
Five years ago, I got a loan
to open a repair shop in Katowice.
But it went badly.
So I came to Spain to work
in construction with my brother.
In Poland when you don't pay
back money, you go to prison.
Also if it's not much money.
I didn't repay loan
and they're looking for me
I have to go
and give back money quickly.
I go to prison for a week.
Only 7 days, because I'm going
to give money,
and I come back.
You want a coffee?
Peach juice.
For international tickets?
To where?
On your right, after the cafe,
at the far end.
- I want a ticket for Katowice.
- For what day?
Today, at 7:30.
That's in 30 minutes.
Thank you.
One ticket Madrid-Katowice
for today at 7:30 am.
You have to be on platform 30
twenty minutes before.
Thank you.
Have a nice trip.
Two peach juices, please.
Three euros, please.
Thank you.
Your receipt.
your receipt.
Ma'am, the receipt for your drinks!
Thank you.
Ma'am, your change!
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
I want an omelet sandwich
and a lemon drink.
Four euros, please.
Thank you.
Mom, I've got 37 lost calls
from you. Is anything wrong?
- What did you want?
- Nothing.
And you called me 37 times?
I wanted to tell you something.
What is it?
Nothing, we'll talk tomorrow.
Go on, or you'll wake
your father.
Who was it?
The kid.
What did he want?
And he calls
at 8:00 in the morning...
Where were you all night?
Go back to sleep,
you still have a bit longer.
How's your ear?
Are you coming home for lunch?