Mujhe Kucch Kehna Hai (2001) Movie Script

Friend, I am feeling very tense.
We need a partner to go to the Disco.
But all of us are without partners.
Don't worry. There'll be many others
like us without dancing partners.
We can select our dancing
partners two of them.
Welcome girls, you
want dancing partners.
Come on boys..
My dear girls, get ready to choose
your partners. Boy number one.
Great! This girl hasn't
still chosen her partner!
Listen sweety, you still haven't
found a partner of your choice!
I 've selected.
Who? He is Karan.
My dearest nephew.
Come here my dear.
You've got a lottery!... Come on!
Daddy what are you doing here?
You lazy fellow. I t's nine
in the morning.
Are you planning to get up or not?
Useless fellow.
You do nothing except eat,
drink and play cricket.
You must study also.
Come on get out of bed.
Good morning brother.
You've become such a big Computer
Engineer in Mumbai.
Because of daddy's fear your prayers
and worship are still going on!
After finishing your prayers,
write the letter.
o.k. bye..
Greetings to you.
Greetings to Mother!
You've got up!
Greetings L ord Shiva.
I 've got up. Mother you are
ready to go.
What's going on in the house?
Everyone is chanting
L ord Shiva's name....
Fool. Today is Shivratri.
Today you also put this
vermilion on your forehead.
Mother you know I
don't like all this.
Aren't you scared at
all of your father?
Mother, he is your husband. You
can be scared, but why should I be?
You are not scared, that's why
you get a firing everyday.
Mummy, I 'm bored hearing
him shouts everyday,...
... but how is it that he's not
bored of firing me everyday!
Son, he scolds you for your good.
That is because he loves you.
She loves me! Has he ever
even caressed me lovingly.
Son, you change yourself
and then see!
Mummy, if there is anyone
who needs to be changed
I would change Daddy straight away.
What did you say?
What did he say?
I t's nothing daddy. I was telling
mummy that it's Shivratri
and why hasn't she put vermilion
on my forehead.
Good- very good beta.
Mother, one should genuinely want
to pray, and not be forced to do so.
What is this sound of the
Bell, coming from Uncles room?
Uncle, what's this? You too
are praying for fear of daddy!
I ts not that my dear.
Actually your father is a
very good and religious man.
He looks upon me not only
as an eider brother,...
... but he looks upon
me as God Father.
To make him happy, I worship.
Besides I worship because
I have a personal desire too.
I want you to get a very
good and beautiful wife.
Uncle, just last night a lot of
girls had come.
At home..
Why didn't you tell me?
They came in my dreams...
You were also in the dream.
What was I doing there?
Then daddy came, he slapped me.
My eyes opened and I got up.
Your daddy doesn't leave you
alone even in your dreams!
Bade papa why does daddy always
chase me like the God of Death.
You mustn't talk in this
manner about your father!
Your father is like a coconut.
Hard from outside,
but soft from within.
Do you know why have these
prayers been arranged today?
I know. I t's Shivratri today.
Not only that, you are getting
a new motorbike today!
What! What did you say?
Look through the window.
I t's standing down.
For what?
For giving me a motorcycle
Before expecting a motorcycle,
have you ever thought
whether you deserve it or not?
Your eider brother got 85% to
become a computer engineer,
and even then I didn't buy him
even an ordinary cycle.
Your sister got 95%%
marks in her pre-medical.
Even then I didn't buy her a watch.
While you've just managed
to pass with 36%% marks.
You are dreaming about a motorcycle!
You are not even fit for a
D. T. C. bus. Go away.
This motorcycle I have purchased
to do buy tings for the house!
Krishna gives me the
keys of the motorcycle.
Come on give the key.
Brother, please do not mind, but
I t's you, who has spoilt Karan.
You know your darling nephew has just
managed to pass with 36%% marks.
He has passed isn't it.
Can't you think from another angle,
how much progresses
our son has made!
Then what! Last year,
he had got 35%%, and this year.
He has got 36%% He has improved
by 1 %%. Sushma get buttermilk.
Karan my son, wait.....
Karan, take the keys
of the motorcycle!
I don't want them.
Listen the motorcycle is for you.
Listen wait....
Uncle, one day I will leave this
house and go away.
You are feeling bad, because
of what your father said.
He's living in such a society.
L et him do what he wants.
We are of a different class.
You see this motorcycle has
not been purchased by your father.
I have purchased it for you, from
my personal provident fund
Yes. I wanted to make
him give it to you,
so that the miser does
not feel embarrassed.
I t seems his luck is not too good.
But my luck is very good!
Here are the keys.
Won't you congratulate me sir?
What For? For the garland.
No sir. Look under it.
I see. You've bought a new handle.
No sir. Sir still below it.
Well, this is compete motorcycle.
You've bought a new one.
Congratulations. Well to
celebrate this, look behind,
and there is your nice
little college.
So my dear why not
attend a class today.
Don't worry sir. Before you retire,
I will definitely fulfill
this wish of yours.
Listen if you want, I can get
your class shifted into the canteen.
No sir, don't so this, or we'll have
Her father, has shot many
people during an encounter.
He must be searching for Hritik,
and us to finish all
of us in an encounter.
That's why before
getting the bullet,
he's singing about bullets.
Shoot at the brain.
But where is Hritik?
I am sitting here behind the drum
and he's sitting
there behind the drum.
Shoot at the head!
Come on my son.
He is Hritik, but is not at
all Roshan (A star) from any side!
Listen why did you do this?
Actually, she used to stare at me.
one stares at a circus joker too.
Your mother named you Hritik,
so you took your name seriously.
And wrote a love letter!
Your friendship will get
us also into trouble.
L ook, he's so tense, he's exercising.
So that I can run.
I f they come to beat me,
I 'll take their side and tell you'
How dare you write a
love letter to my sister"
Beat him up...
Stop it. What are you doing?
He's fallen in love,
not committed a crime.
He's already frightened and on top of
that you are scaring him even further.
Don't daughters of
Police inspector fall in love?
of course they fall in love.
I read in the library
that more than two lakh
police inspectors daughters,
have fallen in love.
What a data you've collected!
Come on Hide. Run...
Move, she's my girl friend. L et me look.
My darling is waking all alone.
My dear what a decision you've taken.
L ook at her face and look at yours.
What's wrong with my face?
My mother says I am one in a laky!
You are right. No one
else can even look like you!
Bahadur send something cold to
drink, and sandwiches too.
Should I read?
Come on read.
Why are your hands shivering?
Well its the first love letter of my life,
that's why!
What is there to feel scared,
Come on read.
Get the car from the mental hospital.
What's happened to you?
Are their springs in the letter?
Have you ever seen your
face in the mirror?
on top of that you
are writing a love letter in English.
So many spelling mistakes.
Who has advised
you to write this letter?
Give him a kick from my side.
Why are you kicking me?
I ts written in this letter.
if instead of you someone
else had written this letter,
I would have complained to daddy
and got him sent to prison.
But after reading that your name was
Hritik, I heard temple bells within me!
After that I began to love you.
I love you Hritik.
Where have you come from?
Come along, I 'll tell you later
Get off, get off..
Come soon, I 'm getting late.
Shall I jump the signal
because of your haste?
The signal is clear. Lets go.
You are so foolish.
You can't even ride a bike.
You are driving it like a bullock cart.
Please hurry, I 'm getting late.
First you insist on coming.
on top of that you start ordering.
if you are in such a rush catch an auto.
I will only drive at this speed.
Please Karan, I 'm already late.
I am tired hearing it again and
again. I ts very irritating. -Stop
Sorry, I just couldnt find an auto..
So you found this auto fellow.
Priya, who is this?
Karan, my sweet,
innocent foolish brother.
Karan, go home straight, I 'ii reach
in the evening..
Straight home! Come I 'll tell you..
Greetings Uncle.
No one is ready to talk
properly to me in this house.
What is the matter with you people?
What is it? Nothing has happened.
Fine, what am I in this house.
I 'm leaving.
Did you hear,
I 'm going back to the hostel..
I 've heard.. I 'm not deaf.
You said you'll come last week
and you are coming this week.
For such a small thing all
your moods are spoilt.
You call this a small thing?
Because of your insistence that your
studies should not suffer we let you
go to the hostel.
Now the hostel is everything for you.
The home and we are nothing to you.
Mother if I stay in this
house uncle and Karan will
play antakshari with me
all night and my studies
will be ruined.
Yes, that is so.
Mother your daughter
wants to become a
doctor and studying for
that is not easy.
I know, I know you are going to
become a doctor,
but the week you don't come that
week we all become patients.
I have come to give
your Mother medicine
What happened?
That grey hair. Why don't you dye it?
Go and have a bath.
I 'm cooking lady-fingers for you.
What are you doing in my patio?
Greetings uncle.
Bless you. Tell me, have you got
a girl friend or not yet!
She did sit, but the moment she
sits she starts looking at other umbrella.
You fool, feed
the birds with seeds of love,
then see how many
birds come and perch there.
You are really getting romantic today.
What did you say?
Nothing, nothing,
I was asking where Karan is.
Greetings auntie.
Bless you son.
Have you come to meet Karan.
is there any special plan?
Yes aunty, I 've come to study.
Good son, you take so much interest
in studies and look at Karan.
He's forever getting scolding
from his father.
I keep telling him but he
just doesn't listen to me.
if I tell him something he teases
me by calling me a bookworm.
As for my studies,
I am at them twenty-four hours.
if the light at home goes off I
study under the street lights.
Very good... very good.
Excellent son. The mother
and father who give birth
to a son like you are really fortunate.
Aunty I am like a blessing
to them from God.
Where are you going?
He's Karan's friend
and has come to study.
Come to study! Have you
ever seen a book?
He stands in front of our
college and stares at girls.
Even after their scolding he
stands there shamelessly.
Since I 'm Karan's friend I have
to suffer this humiliation.
What are you saying?
She's joking uncle, joking.
Joke. Day before yesterday a young
girl was beating you with her slippers.
oh she, well I 've already
Tied up with her
See mother hasn't he's accepted?
if he has such friends how
will my brother reform?
Don't dare to come here again.
Karan, Where were you?
I had gone to pick my Brother Up.
Why? What Happened?
Cheeku tried to commit suicide.
What are you saying? Where is he?
Nothing has happened to him.
Let's go see him at his house.
Keep be calm sister.
With God's blessings your
Sons life has been saved.
What's happened to Cheeku?
What shall I say son?
He failed in one subject and felt so
dejected that he tried to commit suicide.
What's happened to you Cheeku?
I saw your mark sheet.
You got forty percent in maths.
then which subject have you failed in?
in the subject of love.
What do you mean?
Pinky's father wants
her to get married elsewhere.
I thought that if Pinky can't be mine
then what's the point of living Karan..
But mother was saying something else.
if he had told his mother the truth
he wouldnt have had to commit suicide.
His mother herself would
have strangled him.
Do something Karan..
Don't you worry.
You two will marry and it's my
responsibility to get the girl.
Where are you going so late at
night on the motor cycle?
Where are you going?
Daddy will wake up..
But where are you going?
I t's Cheeku's birthday party today.
All her friends are coming. -So
if the friends are coming then the
girl friend must also come isn't it.
So are you going to her
house to fetch her. -forcibly
Yes, her parents are not allowing her.
I t means you are going to kidnap her?
You are right.
Have you gone mad?
Daddy will awake.
As it is Daddy remains upset with you.
if you misbehave he'll get more upset.
That's his daily routine.
I won't let you go.
Priya, understand.
Cheeku needs my help.
To hell with Cheeku. I won't let you go.
What is this argument about?
Now uncle too is awake. He's coming
here. Now you just cannot go.
Where are you going at this time?
First send this problem inside.
Come on you problem, go inside.
But uncle..
You go inside I 'll handle this problem.
Come closer.. I 'm kidnapping
a girl for my friend.
You are doing a great thing.
And there's another news.
I have taken out five thousand rupees
from your cupboard for this job.
oh this girl is in veil?
I cannot perform this marriage.
Don't worry. She is a Hindu.
Her name is Pinky.
Her father's name
is Brij Mohan Sharma.
Yes, if you don't
believe see my iD. Card.
is everything alright?
everything is fine but,
Cheeku hasn't come yet?
Cheeku hasn't come yet?
What will happen now Karan?
Don't worry. He said
he will reach on time.
Where are Darshan and Hritik?
They have gone to
arrange for the police.
we are the ones making the mistakes
and we are also calling the police.
Please don't create any trouble uncle.
We are politicians, son. We
haven't come here to create trouble.
You mean you are
ready for this marriage.
I f you were going to agree so easily,
I jumped your boundary wall needlessly.
I climbed on the pipe by tying this sari,
and brought Pinky down.
We have arranged for vail.
That's all fine but where is the groom?
He must be coming Sir.
Go ask him if he is ready
for the marriage or not.
Marriage? Uncle he's
even ready for the honeymoon.
What are you doing
sitting inside Cheeku?
Come and take the sacred rounds
and your in-laws ' blessings.
What sacred rounds? What -in-laws?
What happened? is there a problem?
I was the one who lost my head.
I thought you might not reach with
Pinky, so I reached there myself.
The minister's guard
caught me and beat me up,
when I was sitting, lying down,
sleeping, from every angle.
What am I to tell you my friend.
is that so? You sit here.
I 'll go deal with him.
You turned out to be
very crooked uncle.
After all you are a politician.
You are using your dirty tricks
on your daughter's love also.
Keep quiet.
That shortly will become
my Son-in-law?
if you keep the flowers on his
head it will look like a bouquet.
No uncle, don't say that.
Why don't you go kill yourself.
Why are you after my life?
That is why I got him a bike.
So he could carry girls on it and race.
He is the only one in our family
who has been to a police station,
You should be ashamed.
o Krishna, why are you parading
him even on the day of Diwali?
What will the neighbours
think when they hear?
Let them hear. Let everyone hear.
only then will he come to his senses.
Go to your room son.
You go help your mother Priya.
You there, are you sitting
here to eat sweets?
Go out and see if
there are lights outside.
Krishna many big politicians
have been in the lock-up,
and my son had gone
inside not because of
any misdeed but
because of good deeds.
is it a good deed to abduct
someone's daughter?
oh who has told you that he had
abducted someone's daughter?
He has brought together two lovers.
He has done a great deed.
in fact I feel very proud of him
This is the result of
your giving him freedom.
He is getting more spoilt each day.
So you think this is all happening
because of me? -Yes
That's fine. on this day Ramchandra
had returned to Ayodhya.
I will leave this house today and go.
Brother you are unnecessarily upset.
You are saying things to upset me.
Now why are you staring at me.
Go and prepare for prayers.
Last night I 'd told you not to go
out, but you wouldnt listen.
You said Cheeku needed your help.
Now go and help.
God knows, till when youll be
involved with such friends.
Daddy will keep scolding you, and
Uncle will keep on protecting you.
Listen Ricksha fellow!
Come on change your mood now.
You carry on. I 'll come later.
But at this time at night,
where will you go?
The prayers are going to start.
I 'll say my prayers later on.
You go now.
Alright. I 'll go. Why are you shouting?
Karan, why are you sitting so quietly
in the middle of the road, like a fool.
You fool. The petrol is nealy
finished looking for you.
idiot why do you feel
bad at what daddy said.
Hurry up. I don't know what
were you doing here. Come on.
What happened to you?
We were going to win the match!
We couldnt win the match,
but instead made enemies.
At the most they will think that
you threw the ball on purpose.
Now instead of thinking about
batting, its gone to eat grass.
Dabboo stop the car.
What's happened to you friend.
Leave me alone
Who are you?
Excuse me, this pouch
of yours fell down.
oh my God. I t had my
ticket and papers. Thank you.
I ts alright.
Madam I don't want a tip.
I am not giving a tip.
I want your autograph.
My autograph.
Madam I am not a hero,
that you need my autograph.
According to me, every person who
does a good job is a hero.
You've done good work.
Autograph please.
Pooja where were you? We've been
waiting for you. Why so late?
Sorry, I got late.
Pooja without you,
there's no fun in the party.
From the last one hour, everyone is
wanting to know the whereabouts of
the girl, for whom this party is held.
My dear, I enquired the most.
Do you recognize him?
Chandrabhavan uncle! From Shimla?
Good. You recognized me at once.
How can I not recognize you?
Papa always talks about you.
You were his college friend.
Even in the family album your
photographs, right from
childhood are there.
Papa rememberes you a lot uncle.
Yes my dear. Raj Saxena was
a very good friend of mine.
He was a great scholar.
When I heard about your mummy and
papa's death in a plane crash,
I felt very sad I 've lost a
wonderful friend.
After marriage, this is what happens.
Yesterday I went to
my girl friend's house.
Her mother welcomed me nicely.
in the meantime the scrap
dealer called, and wanted to know,
whether there was any
old stuff in the house.
She told him that there was
old stuff lying in the house,
but right now he had gone to the office!
You are fooling around here.
Have you seen Karan?
Let him be now. These days he is
lost in his own strange world.
Atleast try to find
out where exactly is he lost?
Alright, my mother...
I don't know. I just cannot
concentrate these days.
No use. After leaving smoke,
he won't even kill a mosquitoe.
These days there is so much pollution
that even the mosquitoes are
moving around with gas masks!
Karan, where are you going?
Listen what's happened?
Tell us what's the matter?
Let it be now. Let me go.
Tell us where are you going?
She'll go away.
He's not suffering from a cold,
or a cough but he's fallen in love.
Congratulations friends.
From now onwards we are all
riding in the same boat.
Till now only Karan was not involved,
but now he too is madly
in love with that pretty girl.
What you people are thinking,
its not that.
I want to talk to that girl just
once and ask her' Who are you?
:00 What is your name?
What is your relation ship with me?
Why is that I can't stop thinking
about you, even for a moment.
Why have you stolen my sleep'?
Karan my dear friend.
You are so obsessed in her love.
Tell me what is her category?
Cheeku, the time has come
when for you to give him
a lecture about the categories
of girls and their general knowledge
Students in our campus, there are
and 14 co-educational colleges.
in all these colleges 14, 8 1 0 girls study.
They all come under
different categories,
and I will teach him about all this.
First category is 'A',
that is its the Deluxe category.
There are 2800 girls in this category.
The second category is the "B'
and in this there are 3445 girls.
I ts because of them that all
beauty and cosmetic parlours run.
if they were not around all the
beauty parlours would have shut down.
Because of them, lipsticks,
powder, cosmetics are sold.
The third category
is the 'C' category.
in this there are maximum
number of girls, that is, 4445.
You look at these girls from any angle,
they won't look like girls to you.
Now tell us which is your category?
A class.
Now I 've had it.
I belong to the 'C' category.
Chasing a girl from this category,
I lost half my hair.
You are chasing a
girl from the 'A' category,
I don't know what you will lose?
I have to met that girl under
any circumstances.
My friend, you don't know
her name nor her address.
How exactly will your find her.
Here mother..
You also come along, son.
Mother you carry on.
What will I do there?
You shouldnt say this son
if you prayer seriously whatever
you wish for will be granted.
What I want, won't be in the temple.
Come on, or else your
father will scold you.
That is his daily routine.
You carry on the prayers
must be about to begin.
You came near me smiling...
Where has this Pooja gone?
Excuse me your name is Karan?
Someone is calling you.
Karan you are sitting here.
Your papa has been looking for you.
Come on its time for
the prayers to begin.
Mother you were right when you said
that one can get everything by prayers
Pooja where did you go away?
I ts such a beautiful temple.
I found so many photos.
Come on its very
late already. Come on lets go.
idiot. Even in the temple,
you are up to tricks.
Come on say your prayers.
Manu can you drop me till
Friend's Colony.
I have an important interview.
What! Has your father
put the petrol. Go by bus.
The interview time is twelve
and its already twelve.
Why are you crying? Don't worry.
Your work will be done.
Here comes that innocent angel.
What's it? These days you are
being talked about everywhere?
I 've heard, that you are looking
for some girl. Found her?
Actually every Saturday
there's a jam session.
Specially for girls. All the
girls go there. Go and try there.
Where is this building?
in Friend's colony.
Wait. He is going there.
Drop him there also.
Go on now..
I made a fool of that idiot.
Listen my interview is there itself.
Just wait, I 'll come in half an hour.
Then I 'll come along with you
and search for that girl of yours!
Listen Sharma come here.
if you had told me frankly that you
had an interview in the Narain temple,
you think I wouldnt have dropped you.
You fool. I ts alright this time.
in future if you try to fool with me,
I 'll really set you right.
Go now, and best of luck.
You saw that girl and you lost your
sleep and peace of mind... Etc...
I think you've fallen in love with her!
From which film is this scene?
Film scene. I am telling the truth Priya.
My dear brother. What you consider
to be love, its not that.
I ts just attraction.
Then what..?
Should we go Priya...
What are you doing? Just wait here.
From the time I 've seen that girl,
I have no control over my emotions.
I feel as if I have been robbed.
in my sleep, I stay awake and I don't
know in which world I just get lost.
And here you are
saying that its attraction.
Priya I had thought that you were
the only one who would understand me.
if I confess all this to you
maybe my heart will become lighter.
I misunderstood your feelings.
I am with you.
What is that girls name?
I don't know.
Good... Where does she stay?
I don't know.
Very good... Mother father... anyone?
I don't know.
Superb... excellent...
if you know so much about her
I mean you don't know
anything about her,
then this confirms that
you really love her.
What's there to thank?
I was doing my duty as a sister.
Whatever her name is, now she is
going to be my future sister-in-law.
Can you drop me to the hostel
Sorry, today we have a rehearsal
just now. You go by auto
Tell one of your friends to drop me.
Come I 'll drop you.
Just a minute. Priya you go by auto
everyday then what's the problem today.
I ts like this Karan, I didn't want to tell you
but on the way some boys tease me.
Karan, please Karan. Karan Stop.
Please Karan, stop it. Stop it Karan,
have you gone mad?
idiot got scared. Coward.
Who did you say this to?