Mujhse Shaadi Karogi (2004) Movie Script

Encoded by CharmeLeon
Fie! Fie!
Greetings, sir.
- May you be happy..
Please take a look at my grandson's
horoscope and predict his future.
Let me see your forehead.
The lines on his
forehead make it so obious..
..that the fury of Jupiter, the Sun,
Mars and Saturn will rule his life.
They will dominate his life totally!
Should he be prooked by someone..
..this boy will
certainly not spare him.
What should we name him?
Sameer. gust of cool breeze.
- Sameer..
By nature, he's hot-headed.
The name will keep him calm.
Come to me. Come. Sameer.
Guess what? Don't ever make the
mistake of getting him married.
There you are! e has kicked me!
s he grows up, he'll use his fists
and kicks more than his mouth!
l'm not sparing you!
l'm not sparing you! Never!
Sameer.. moe children,
move. What are you doing, Sameer?
Leae him, Sameer. Sameer, l say..
No, Sameer. Oh, my God.
Sameer, leae him! Leae him!
- ow dare you, Sameer? - Sameer?
Sorry, sir. l am really ery sorry.
- Okay.
Come on, Sameer! Come with me!
Sameer, why did you raise
your hand at the Principal?
When l lose my temper.. feels as if a hundred
guitars are playing in my brains!
Cool down, Sameer. Cool down.
Now, tell me.
Why did you hit Chintu?
l was angry because he abused you.
Sameer, my mother says,
anger is love's worst enemy.
One who can't control his temper..
..can't control
anything in his lifetime.
Now, stop being
angry and smile. Smile!
So, you won't smile?
l'll set your mood right in a moment.
The insolent!
- Go topless.
Those with iron pyjamas..
- ave an ape for an uncle!
Whose aunts are cats..
- ave dogs for friends!
When it comes to the pickle..
- They hug, buddy!
This is too much. his is too much.
Sameer gets into a fight with
someone or the other eery day..
..and today, he raised his
hands on me! he Principal!
So much of anger is not good, Ma'am.
lt's Arun who always calms him down.
e was born with the temper.
ow will l explain..
ver since his parents have died..
..his temper is getting
worse and worse.
l understand, ma'am.
nd that is why l'm not
throwing him out of the school.
But l'm really worried. lf this is
how Sameer alhotra's childhood is.. is his adolescence
going to be?
Sameer, stop it.
Sameer. No.
So, these three
fractures and the 36 stitches..
ls it all your doing?
- Yes, sir. l'e thrashed them.
But you must ask them
why l hit them.
ey, come on, babe. Come on, babe.
- Stop it.
elp! No!
Stop it.
There's this girl
Sameer wants to marry..
..and these guys were treating
her like a ball in the basket!
ln 1 998, you beat up a
professor in the college?
e didn't have any
time to teach the boys.
But he would call the girls home
all alone and give them tuitions.
e had eil on his mind.
So, l gae it to him!
What wrong did l do?
ln the year 2000, you
rescued a man who was drowning..
..and gave him a beating?
- l was the one who saved him too!
There was a board which said in bold
letters, "Swimming is forbidden."
"Danger zone."
Then why did he go there? l gae
it to him. What wrong did l do?
Look, we hae
receied eight complaints..
..against you
in the last fie years.
You might get more..
Listen this is
my last warning to you.
lf l receie another complaint,
you're going straight to jail!
Rs.3000. Fine.
You may kiss the bride.
Roma? You'e got married?
Sameer, please,
today is my wedding day.
Don't be angry today.
Please don't hit someone.
- No, wait here.
There's no saying when
he might hit someone.
You think l'll hit you? Why?
ow can l hit you?
nd l thought you..
Did you think l'd marry you?
- Yes.
ave you eer told me
that you love me? - No.
No? lsn't it?
nd look at him.
e's so sweet, so gentle..
e loes me so much. And you..
Now, listen to me. No girl can
eer fall in loe with you.
She can only be afraid of you.
- Why?
You hae such a temper,
een l'm afraid of you.
Remember how you thrashed those boys
at the basketball court, Sameer?
But they had made a mistake.
They had to be punished.
very human being makes a mistake.
What if l had made a mistake?
You'd hae hit me too,
isn't it? lsn't it true?
Let's go.
Sameer, are you really going away?
- Yes, Grandma.
l've got the job of a
lifeguard in Goa. lt's a nice job.
Besides, l get into a lot
of fights here, Grandma.
lf l go to a new place and meet new
people, l might not get into fights.
My son, think again before you go.
The reason behind the
fights is your temper.
Your temper will go
with you wherever you go.
Yes, Brother. lf you leae, l'll be
worried about you all the time.
You're the one l'll worry about.
l've got to get you
educated and married.
l've got to have
grandma's eyes operated upon..
..and send her to grandpa
in heaven at the earliest.
l'm not going away in a hurry.
e'll have to wait!
But before you leae,
you'll hae to promise me..
..that you won't get into
fights and brawls with anyone.
ls that clear, my son?
Grandma, l swear it on your head.
l'll neer lose my temper again.
One, two..
ls that your luggage, mister?
lso this bag?
Four? Four bags?
Which is the bag?
l mean, the bag in which you're
carrying the cash and aluables.
Terrible times, you see.
You could easily be robbed.
Robberies are
commonplace in trains nowadays.
Difficult to tell the
authentic passenger from the thief!
Go to sleep. l'll stay kamue.
- l'm not sleepy.
Mister, this period
between 3 and 5 in the morning.. meant to be spent in slumber.
oweer strong a man is..
..he does drift into it
at least once.
l want to see when you go to sleep.
- l told you, l'm not sleepy,
ll right.
ctually, l loe my forty winks.
l'm going to sleep.
Yes, Grandma, l'e reached safely.
- Thank you, mister. - What for?
For looking after my luggage.
l'll explain. l hae a weakness.
l can't stay kamue in the night
nd l can't sleep in the train,
for fear of losing my luggage..
..and that is why,
l pulled off a fast one.
So that l could go to sleep
and you'd look after my luggage.
Nice idea, isn't it?
Know what? You're a great guy.
l think l must trael
with you on my way back too.
ere's my card.
Phone me on this number..
..l'll find you at
the station. ye. Bye.
elp me, Grandma!
"Say Lord Goind and Lord Gopal."
ey, Lord, protect my
son in the new place.
"Come, beloed.
Get mesmerised by me."
"he enironment is intoxicated."
"he weather is exotic.
My heart is crazy."
"njoy your life."
"hat's the way.
- l like it."
"Don't.. Don't kiss me."
"he one who locks horns with me.."
"Oh, yes."
"Come fall in loe as
young days are here. "
Let me help you with your bags.
"lt's time to live.
Live in gusto.."
"Sing in the praise of Goind,
Lord, help Sameer find his love.
"Beloed. Beloved.."
"ail Lord Rama. ail Lord Krishna."
"ail Lord Rama. ail Lord Krishna."
- i, Neha.
"Come along, beloed.."
"Come along, beloed."
"Let's dance."
"Oh, yes, l like it."
"Let's sing and dance."
Move aside!
- Yes. l'm Raj. e's Paul.
Our misfortune, we're brothers.
l'm an astrologer who
predicts people's future..
..from their birth-charts..
..and he ruins their future!
What does your brother do?
- e belongs to the agle gang.
Very dangerous people.
Never cross their path.
Never. - You appear to be
a stranger in town.
Whom are you visiting?
- Mr. Duggal
Mr. Duggal!
- Yes, he has a acant room.
Not just a room, his
brains are empty too.
e would be a police
inspector in Goa..
..and has blood clotted
in his head eer since..
..a thief struck him with a stick.
Whereer the clot stands,
that part becomes useless.
e plays deaf, dumb and blind.
Let's see what he's playing today.
e's playing blind today.
l don't believe this!
- You will, ery soon.
That's Mr. Duggal!
But he's looking at me.
- No, you're looking at him.
Let me show you. Wait.
ldiots! You hit me
because l'm blind today?
When l start seeing again, none of
you will be seen around here again!
Do you believe it now?
Wait a moment.
l'm glad you're here.
l haen't had any tea.
Give me half a litre of milk.
ls the milk over, Bansi?
l'm not Bansi. l'm Sameer.
l'm sorry, l thought
you were the milkman.
When did the headlights go off?
ow does that concern you?
You're not a doctor, are you?
Give me the milk.
- But l'm not a milkman..
l'm Raj, the astrologer!
- The astrologer!
Such a big mouth!
- lt's not my mouth. lt's a bag
nd here is your mouth!
- Let me be, please!
What brings you here?
- l'm the one who came here.
l've landed a job
at the beach resort.
Mr. Sharma has had a word with you.
For the room, isn't it?
Come, l'll take you to your room.
l'll show you to your room.
Go upstairs from here.
Your room is right ahead. Go on.
There's no room there!
- No?
But l saw it last night.
Did it disappear overnight?
ello. - You're showing him
the wrong place.
The room is oer there!
- Where?
ere! Come with me.
- You're throwing me out?
We're actually going in!
l'll check out the room later.
Let's talk about the rent first.
l can pay you 2500 at the most.
- l'll collect at least Rs.5000!
lt's okay if you agree.
Or you may leave..
ey! lt's me!
- Why do you keep butting in?
Give him half the room for 2500.
Find another tenant
for the other half.
ls Bansi staying with you too?
- But l'm not Bansi!
Don't be angry. Give
me half a litre of milk.
But l'm not the milkman!
l'm Raj the astrologer!
So, what are you doing here? Go
and look up people's horoscopes.
Show Sameer the room. Come, Sameer.
lt's me!
Where's Sameer?
- ere l am, sir
Come on.
Lord, it's Your responsibility
to hae an operation..
..conducted on grandma's eyes.
My sister's education and..
..her marriage is also
Your responsibility.
Fill up the coffers at
the earliest, please.
nd okay, it's my responsibility to
make offerings to You at the temple.
"Come along, beloed.
Come along, beloed.."
"Come to me, beloved."
What is this? Oh, God!
as r. Duggal asked you to come
and go through the balcony, Brother?
- Not your mistake, though.
Whoever stays in that house
does take a fall in his lifetime.
lt's because of the sight ahead.
- You're right.
nd l wish you keep
doing this to me eery day.
l feel so nice today!
You? lready here to pick me up?
l told you to call up and come.
No, l can't go with you so early.
Okay, do something.
Look around Goa for a couple of days,
then we'll leae together.
Good morning.
- Good morning. - Good morning.
Who is he?
- Our new manager.
New manager. Oh, no.
e'll kill me!
- i how are you? l am Sam.
l am Rai.
- ow are you doing?
You sent for me, sir?
re you Suraj?
- No.
Suraj Prakash.
- Time for you to set, Suraj (Sun).
You won't ever rise
in the morning again.
ln your 14 years of service, you
were neer in the night shift.
Now onwards, you will work
in the night for a month.
Sir, l'll die.
- Two months.
l'll be ruined, sir.
- Three months.
nd listen..
- Yes, sir?
Sleep is man's worst weakness.
nd the time between 3 and 5
is the most ulnerable one.
lf l see your shoulders droop at
that time, you are off the roster.
l get it.
Mr. Sameer.
When did you get this motorbike?
- My company gave it to me today.
No, you got it yesterday.
- Today.
You're talking about the motorbike,
l'm talking about your eyes.
You clapped your eyes on
Rani yesterday, right?
Rani? Who?
l'm watching the kids play.
Really? l'm a gifted astrologer.
l've seen your horoscope.
Let me introduce you to Rani.
Otherwise, you will keep
falling off your window.
l'm a priest of Loe. Because
of us priests, two hearts meet..
..a family is made,
new babies are born..
..there's no greater joy than this.
er father, the colonel,
is a strict man, l hear.
e's retired. e may
be pulled up any time.
e won't find a better son-in-law.
- Never.
e's going to embrace you
in the first meeting itself.
Okay, l'll leave now. hank you
for the coffee. ye, you guys.
ls Ms. Rani cross with you?
- No.
Then why is she going that way?
- Yes, priest? - Please come here.
She's coming.
- Yes.
Once you guys shake hands.. won't take much time
for your hearts to meet.
Come. Be prepared.
aven't seen the colonel for days.
- Our car's in the garage.
e's gone to pick it up.
- lll-fated carburettor, l told him.
e must at least fill
gas worth 1 25..
..but he won't spend
more than 25 bucks.
nyway, this is my
childhood friend Sameer.
"Come to me, beloved."
Not that we met in childhood..
the two of us met as adults.
She's Rani.
Sameer is a lifeguard, and
Rani is a fashion designer.
Won't you shake hands?
Can't you take care of your kid?
What happened?
- flat tyre?
No, someone got smacked.
- Daddy!
What an introduction!
Who slapped him? lt
sounded like an explosion.
re you all right, Papa?
- Don't ask me, dear.
lt feels as if someone
hammered a hot nail into my ear.
You shouldn't have hit him
so hard. his boy is naughty.
Thank God, the colonel applied
the brakes in time and saed him.
re you in your senses?
ow dare you hit my papa?
l didn't know he was
your father. nd that kid..
What kid? er mother is here,
there are so many people around..
..but they didn't utter a word!
You wanted to be a hero?
l mean what were you trying to do?
Stop fighting and take
him to a doctor, quick.
Conductor? l need a doctor!
- That's where we're going.
e's gone deaf! What have you done?
You were to ask Rani's hand from him
and you just handed it out to him.
"Come along beloed..
"Come along, beloed.
Come along, beloed.."
"Come along, beloed.
Come along, beloed.."
Who is Rani, sir?
You? re you working day and night?
No, sir. l just came to request you.
Please be kind enough and turn my
bad nights into good nights, sir.
What for?
- Because after office hours..
..when l go home and shut the
doors and windows to catch a wink..
..the kids around assemble outside
my house and scream together..
The matinee show begins now.
nd my wife takes it out on the
kids saying, "No shows of late."
Sir, my honour is at stake.
ll right.
Give me some time to think.
Really? ow much time?
- Say, a month or two.
- When will my duty hours change?
Three months after that.
Okay, sir. Okay sir. Okay.
Who is this Rani, sir?
"Youth is short."
"he rest of life is no good."
"Youth is short."
"he rest of life is no good."
"Once it's gone.."
"Youth neer returns."
"Youth is short."
"he rest of life is no good."
"Once it's gone.."
"Youth neer returns."
"What do you.."
"..think about me?"
"Don't take me for a foe."
"Be my friend."
"Lay off. Let me go."
"Don't harass me."
"Sweetheart, so much.."
"..of attitude is bad."
"Youth is short."
"he rest of life is no good."
"Once it's gone.."
"Youth neer returns."
"My loe, enjoy.."
"..every moment."
"What you hae, is in the present."
"omorrow never comes."
"l think you are crazy."
"You and l don't
sail in the same boat."
"l can't just.."
"..stop following you."
"Youth is short."
"he rest of life is no good."
"Once it's gone.."
"Youth neer returns."
- i, Rani.
Thank God, you're here.
l was really worried.
What for? Aren't we friends now?
Yes, but your father
hasn't forgien me yet.
When things go wrong
in the beginning.. all falls in place in the end.
l don't get it. Please explain.
l mean, l've brought Papa around and
he has called you oer for dinner.
- Yes.
Look, he's an army
officer who is ery punctual.
You will be there at nine sharp.
You know what..
l'll be there at eight.
l'll be there at eight.
- No way. Neither early, nor late.
l'll see you at nine sharp.
ll right. l'll see you later.
- Bye.
You look ery happy. Tommy's sister
says, see you at home.. if you're going home to
become ommy's brother-in-law.
But to impress ommy's father..
..don't forget to buy
champagne for him.
nd you must uncork it at one go!
Good eening, sir!
ls it Sameer?
- Yes, sir.
Come on in. - ctually,
sir, l've come to apologise.
l committed a mistake the
other day. Please forgive me.
l've forgien you, that is why
you are standing before me. - es.
Loely dog.
e's ommy, not a dog.
e's like my son. Remember.
- Of course.
- Thank you.
l'm from Patiala, Punjab.
- Really?
My uncle was in the army.
Once l took his gun and ran to the
fields for some shooting practice.
nraged, he snatched the gun..
..and said, "lt's an official gun."
l was so peeed that
l joined the army..
..and l got my own gun.
"Come, beloed."
few years later, war for
independence broke out in Goa.
They posted me here in Goa.
fter the war, l
settled here with my family.
Luckily, l love Goa.
Luckily, l love Goa too.
What do they call a
chicken in Punjab? - Kukdi.
nd a girl?
- Kudi..
- Kukdi..
Wow. hose medals..
did you win them, sir?
My wife wasn't in the army,
so, obviously they belong to me.
Sorry, sir. ctually, sir,
your personality unsettles me.
That's why l'm talking like a fool.
Never mind.
nd that Chinese pot
near the medals..
..looks like an antique piece,
does it contain Chinese tea?
lt contains my late
mother's ashes.
lt gives me a feeling that l always
hae her blessings with me.
You loed your mother dearly.
- l still loe her.
We tried really hard to save her.
But what God wills..
- Let it be, Papa.
Shall we start the dinner?
One second..
Why did you hae to bring that, son?
lt's my first time here.
- Let me uncork it.
No, sir. Let me have the pleasure.
l'd like to propose a
toast to the brave colonel.. his beautiful wife.
nd to you, beautiful lady.
May you find you a handsome man.
First time.
Sorry, sir.
..4, 3, 2, 1 , 0.
What have you done?
Sorry, sir.
Come on, the player of
love and enemy of troubles.
Shut up! lt all
happened because of you.
Because of me, really? - You asked me
to uncork it at one go.
l asked you to open the bottle,
not to break the pot of ashes.
lt's good that the pot broke.
t least it has set
his mother's soul free.
"Come, beloed."
l think the colonel is insane.
Oh, no..
he's a ery intelligent man.
lntelligent, my foot! Mother's ashes
ought to be immersed in the Ganges.
No one keeps it at home.
Never in a pot, at that!
lt's okay, we'll talk later.
- Let me clear this now.
Please try to see it
from my point of iew.
Why don't you try to see
it from my point of iew?
ave you seen the colonel?
e looks as if he grew
old twenty years back.
Look at his wife.. as if she
has just stepped into youth.
Tell me, from what angle does Rani
look like the colonel's daughter?
Yes, ommy does appear
to be his son.
l can't explain that. You should
be asking the person concerned.
- Rani.
The colonel would neer
reveal the secret to Rani.
The other day, l spared you
because it was only a mistake.
But today, you intentionally..
You hit my papa on his face..
..still l forgae you. ut today,
you'e hurt me in the heart.
Can you explain?
- Rani..
Did you intend to say that
my father didn't sire me?
- That my mother is wanton?
- Don't talk to me again.
Don't eer talk to me.. eer.
lt was tough conincing
myself that you are a nice person.
nd you, priest!
l'm really surprised.
ow could you consider
such a lowly man a friend? No.
Let alone respect someone,
he hardly knows what respect means.
See? She is hurt because of you!
- Because of me, really?
l was only kidding. When you
knew Rani was standing behind me..
..why didn't you tell me?
- l was telling you.. see from my point of view!
- Your language is too tough for me
For all the mistakes you commit,
you pass the buck on to me! God!
Uncle, ball, please.
- Ball?
What happened?
- flat tyre?
No, someone got thrashed.
- Papa!
l'm ill-fated, it's writ. Reading my
horoscope won't turn things around.
Just checking what worse is in store.
- What?
Your past was your golden period.
- Golden period, really?
Yes. Your future is worse.
- Worse than what l'm going through?
Jupiter's place is right up here.
Yours is down in hell.
The Moon's place is in the
seenth house. ours is homeless.
Moreover, Saturn is about to enter.
You said, Saturn left me last week.
- nd it did
Usually, once it leaves..
..Saturn neer returns
for another seven years.
Not in your case. Saturn is about
to re-enter in a few seconds.
Wicked Sunny. l kill for money.
Wicked Sunny. l've got money.
Wicked, Sunny. Back up your money.
Right, anything is possible with me.
- Saturn is on its way.
nd it will wreck me.
- This Saturn is going to..
..change your life and destiny.
lt will come like a tempest.
Wicked Sunny.
What say, dude?
e's going to steal
the princess away.
Wicked Sunny.
What say, dude?
Wicked Sunny.
e's going to steal
the princess away.
s per my calculations,
it will stay with you in your room..
..and knock at Rani's door.
ello, Uncle.
ello, l say. Remember me?
l'm your distant relatie. Sunny.
For miles away, uncle
has no relatives. Go away.
Uncle, your servant is ill-mannered.
sk him not to mess with me.
Why is he so quiet? - Not that
he is glad to remain quiet.
e's ailing.
- Shut up.
Uncle, l'm Sunny. r. Khurana's son.
Who.. Khur.. ana? Who Khurana?
- Back in Gurudaspur..
..this road in front of your house..
- There's one.. front of every house.
lt turns around the corner.
- They all turn. No road is straight.
nd where does it go?
Straight to his friend's house.
Friend? Who?
- Mr. Khosla.
e just said Khurana!
- ow smart! You caught me.
l was only testing you. now what?
When l asked your address..
..everyone said there's only one
decent and honest boy in Goa. You.
Boy? What a fraud!
Tell me honestly, why are you here?
- Well, l..
..want to hire a room.
No, he says. Go away.
- Uncle.
No way, get lost, he says.
Look, he's irritated.
Now, tell me.
- Stay here
Well, now that you are dumb,
you won't pick up a fight.
So, let's go to my relative's place.
- Relatie, Aunt? hen who am l?
Who are you?
- Sunny.
Not Sunny, he's Shani (Saturn).
- Shut up, dude.
Uncle, for my sake, don't tell
aunt where l hae come from.
Well, uncle himself
doesn't know where he comes from.
unt, l'm a tenant here.
ere's 1 0,000 bucks.
Take another 9,999.. take care.
l'm a bit tired. Show
me to my room, please.
Let me see you off at
the next street. - Fool!
old this. Bring it upstairs.
Oldie's got a nice room.
- Yes.
But we are sharing it.
What are you staring at me for?
Why share?
We'll be exchanging beds.
We'll also sleep in the
same bed, as brothers..
Don't touch me. l don't like it.
Like the rent, we share the room too.
This side is yours, that's mine.
ll right, gie me a hug.
- No!
l don't hug men.
- Really? ow ain.
- Okay, listen..
Why don't you take your God there?
- God doesn't belong to one person.
God belongs to eeryone. nd listen,
we've shared the room..
..not the walls. God's not moving.
- nd where do l stick my posters?
Whereer you wish. God's not moing.
l got an idea. Stick
them up in the bathroom.
Why do you get so angry?
- m l angry?
Now! ven while you are talking.
- Yes, where am l angry?
Look, the room's got hot.
Need to open the window.
Don't open the window!
- She comes there.
l need to check her out then.
Since l pay half the rent..
..l'll open half the window.
You're on my half, let me
embrace you! - Don't irritate me!
l tried my best to keep him off.
What a sight!
Mr. Sameer deliberately kept
the door shut to keep me off.
But smelling a scent
from a distance is my forte.
What a dish!
- Don't you say that!
Does she mean anything to you?
- No. ut decent folks stay here.
By the way, she is a
nice and decent girl.
nd she's a colonel's daughter.
e will shoot you if he hears you.
For a beauty like her, l'd
take a bullet on my chest.
On my chest.
Don't you jump!
- Why not?
You are in bad times, as it is.
For all your good intentions, you
might fall on top of the colonel.
i, chicks.
e's going in.
- No. As per my calculations..
Tommy will hae a go at him.
Very friendly. Very friendly.
Very good doggy.
e's gone inside. - Not to worry.
My calculations say..
..the colonel will
kick him out in a minute.
What's your name?
- Tommy.
Nice name. My respects, Uncle.
Who are you?
- Sunny.
What do you want?
- l just wanted to meet you, Uncle.
l'm new here. l'm told
that you are the only..
..decent and honest boy around.
- What else? Look at you.
You can put any young man
to shame. esides hang on.
What's that in your ears?
nd what's around your neck, Brother?
Don't ask me. y blood
boils when l think of it.
Messed up my calculations!
What are you doing?
- Worry not. l have fixed many bones.
nd it's only a sprain.
Look straight. ere it goes..
What say? ow do you feel?
Be honest.
- Feels nice.
Where are you staying? - At your
neighbour Mr. Duggal's place.
The one who broke my
neck also stays there.
Don't be angry. l'm his roommate.
l know he's ill-mannered..
..and he'll surely change, but this
is not how one should treat an elder.
ball hit me, by mistake.
Darling, what's happening?
When did you employ a masseur?
Today onwards. - Oh, no,
he's not a masseur, darling.
Sunny is a nice boy.
e's Mr. Duggal's tenant.
- l see.
Tell you something, massage
is not actually done indoors.
garden, or an open
terrace would be just amazing.
We hae a terrace garden.
- Don't tell me. Really? Where?
- Can l check it out?
- Thank you.
Wicked Sunny.
- Did he swallow something?
e's dancing..
adancing towards the girl.
e's going to steal
the princess away.
Wicked Sunny.
Sorry. i, l am Sunny.
flower for a beautiful lady.
Thank you.
- lt's my pleasure.
Oh, no. Your loe-story began here
and ended in the colonel's ears.
e began it by shaking hands,
and it's going to end in honeymoon.
Sir, do something.
Please do something to me.
What do l do to you?
- l want a baby.
Give me a baby, please!
- What?
- Yes, sir.
What are you doing here?
- You! What are you doing here?
You know her?
- She is my wife.
Don't you hae children?
- Yes, two in fact.
Boys, both. And you know
what these boys are like.
l want a daughter.
- So, why me? sk him.
Listen.. please.
- e promised to gie me a daughter.
fter duty hours, he would
get me sweets and flowers..
..and shut the doors and windows.
But eer since you put
him on the night shift..
..the doors and windows only shut
to allow him get a good day's sleep.
lt's a mistake but a
mistake is a mistake.
You must also hae
committed a mistake, by mistake?
Yes, you are right.
nd l can understand your problem.
l'll definitely help you.
ang on.
- Yes, sir.
From tomorrow, you will buy
her sweets and flowers eery day.
Yes, sir.
What the.. Get up.
Was l wrong?
for my sister's studies..
For my roommate.
What a sight!
lt's worth paying 1 00,000 in rent.
What are you up to?
- Watching the colonel
- Want to check? - Show me.
"Watch this."
That's his daughter.
Do they look alike?
"All right."
No way! And what are you drinking?
- Really?
l swear by you.
- l see. Go on
Let me smell it.. is this water?
Fenny is Goa's specialty. lt's
nothing but cashew-nut juice.
l see. l'll juice you!
l'm going to tell r. Duggal
that you are boozing here.
Listen.. listen.
Don't touch me.
- l won't booze anymore, promise.
ll right.
- One last swig.
What's that?
- Oh, those?
Your God's on my wall,
so l glued my Goddesses to your wall.
So, why get angry?
- l'm not angry.
You are peeved.
- l'm not.
Relax.. easy.
You feel like abusing me.
- Not at all.
l know, you want to
tell me something. - No.
You want to hit me. Go on, hit me.
- No.
Come on, hit me.
- Oh, no.
Why don't you go to your half?
- Okay. Peace.
What was that? arthquake?
Mr. Duggal, where did you
pick that roommate from?
e boozes, and watches
Rani through his binoculars.
You must go and inform the colonel.
Oh, why would you
inform the colonel?
The fool has stuffed
you with money.
Rather l'll go and inform him.
Mr. Duggal.. looks
like he's deaf today.
Mr. Duggal!
e's deaf.
Young man, my neck feels better now.
ello, unt.
- Do something to my ear.
Let me fix your neck first.
Fixing the ear is no big deal.
lt will be all right. Where's Rani?
See, Rama? hough they share the
same room, they are poles apart.
That idiot injures me,
and the other..
..the decent one, comes home
eeryday to gie me a massage.
ush, ommy.
Sameer is not around,
then who is ommy barking at?
Dogs have a ery sharp memory,
Tommy must be barking
at Sameer's thoughts.
Where's Rani?
Lousy dog!
Papa! Guess what?
You look so happy. What gies?
- This year, the All lndia..
Fashion Designers' competition
is going to be held in Goa.
The designs l had sent
hae been approed.
nd l'm participating this year!
Very good. l am proud of you, dear.
Very good. congratulation.
Papa, l got to pay the entry fees
within two days. Only Rs.20,000.
Let her hae it. l'll return
eery cent after marriage.
l can't afford that much.
Please, papa, for my sake.
lt's ery important for my career.
Golden opportunities don't
knock twice. Gie her the money.
Where's the money, son?
l'm a retired colonel.
We manage with my pension.
Where do l get 20,000 from?
Selfish father.
lt's okay.
You upset her.
xpenses hae already risen this
month. 1 2,000 for the hearing aid.
Where do l get 20,000 from?
Why won't you give her?
You still hae your eyes..
..heart, lungs and kidneys intact.
l'll puncture them all.
Granny, you ask me not to lose
my temper! Tell me, why not?
The colonel won't gie Rani the
money. Who will help the poor girl?
l wish l could strangle his..
Granny, l got a solid idea.
Postpone your eye surgery.
Let's first help..
..Rani realise her dream. What say?
Besides, Granny, Lord Krishna's
birthday is approaching.
The Lord is here!
Be careful with your pots, lassies..
So much!
Let it go! hat's not a biscuit.
Lousy dog! Let it go.
"Come, beloed.."
What's that?
"Come, beloed.."
"Dearest Rani, l know you want to
become a famous fashion designer."
"l'm sending you money.."
" help you cross the first
hurdle in the path of your progress"
"Not a faour, just consider
it as a gift from a friend."
"And if you win the show.."
" will be happy..
..but my happiness will be
greater than yours."
"l expect nothing in return for
this small help. Not even thanks."
l'll always be with you.
"Your well-wisher"
"ow long will you
conceal your youth, my loe?"
"ow long will you
torment the bachelors?"
"Someday you are going to
become someone's bride."
"Will you marry me?"
"ow long will you
conceal your youth, my loe?"
"ow long will you
torment the bachelors?"
"Someday you are going to
become someone's bride."
"Will you marry me?"
Encoded by CharmeLeon
"Moe it, shake it. Moe your body."
"l'll buy you earrings
and bangles.."
"l'll buy you everything,
l swear."
"l'll steal the moon,
l'll even pluck the stars.."
"l'll make the sun bow
before you, l swear."
"Someday you will go crazy for me."
"Will you marry me?"
"he day l come as a bridegroom,
l won't go back.."
"l'll take you away in
a palanquin, l swear."
"l'll steal you away,
before eeryone."
"l'll make you my bride, l swear."
"ow long will you show
indifference, my loe?"
"Will you marry me?"
"ow long will you
conceal your youth, my loe?"
"ow long will you
torment the bachelors?"
"Someday you are going to
become someone's bride."
"Will you marry me?"
"l will marry you."
Cheater! Betrayer!
l'm very happy.
You neer told me you
play the guitar so well
- What a revelation! l'm impressed.
Wicked Sunny.
ll those lessons in
guitar seem worthwhile today.
ow sweet. ae a laddoo (sweet).
- What's the occasion?
l told you l want to participate in
the fashion designing competition.
l paid the entry fees today.
- Really? l don't beliee it.
l'll take two laddoos.
- Why?
One for me and one for my God.
"e'll steal you."
Go ahead.
Thank you.
- Bye.
What a shame!
Lousy tuneless drum! Did your father
eer play a guitar? Give it here.
Papa is a businessman in lndore.
businessman, really? nd
you were playing the guitar?
When did l say that? he
poor girl thought it was me.
nd you were tongue-tied, no?
You could only grin.
Couldn't you say that it was me?
- m l nuts to tell her that.. wasn't me but it was our master
Sameer alhotra who was playing?
She was so impressed, dude.
nd she een saw the
posters of your Goddesses.
Know what she said? "What a shame!"
You're in my half. l'll kiss anything
that comes my way, l told you.
The priest said it right!
You are not Sunny but Shani (Saturn).
Stay away from me.
"Sunny. Sunny. kiss me, baby."
l got my temper under control!
l wish l could tear you apart.
e's coming.
- Sunny, haen't l reminded you.. pay the rent?
- l've mailed the address to daddy.
e should be sending the money.
- lf it doesn't arrive this time.. will have to leae. Remember.
- Uncle..
Did l eer harass you? ae
l ever troubled you, Aunt?
Then why don't you
clean the railings? Look..
Pay the rent, we'll
clean it daily. What?
e's gone.
- You should've told me.
ls Mr. Duggal in?
- Yes. So?
There's a letter for Sunny.
Sunny stays here, right?
- Yes! Go in
Mr. Duggal, there's
a letter for Sunny.
ey, where are you going?
Give me.
- Two? wo letters?
Who is the second letter for?
- Only one! l asked him to gie it.
So, take it and drive him out.
- l'm going.
Move it. Do you fancy eating
and sleeping here? as he left?
Okay, read the letter.
- lt's for Sunny.
Why should we read it?
- Why not? e's our tenant.
We must know what
type of a person he is..
..what kind of people
write to him.. Read.
Go on.
Let me open it.
- ls it made of steel?
"Dearest son, Sunny, eer since
you have left, l'e been worried."
"Your planes are grieving.
There's no one to pilot them."
"Son, without you.."
"..what use are six bungalows
and eight factories to me?"
"l hear, you are
staying with a beggar."
"lf you wish to extend
your stay, reert back."
"l'll present a huge
bungalow to your landlord."
"Your papa."
Wicked Sunny.
What happened?
- Sorry, Uncle.
l must leave now.
- Where are you going, son?
Papa hasn't sent money, not even
a letter. ow can l stay here?
Did l really offend you? Do
you have a problem here, son?
No, no.
- ll l hae on me is a fake coin.
You guys snatched
..and you ask me if l hae a problem.
give you 1 0,000 eery day. - es.
But please, don't quit this place.
Now onwards, we'll cook for you.
l'll do your laundry too.
Let go of my hand, will you?
nd who will wear my underwear?
l will do that. l'll
een give you a bath.
But don't eer leave this place.
- Don't eer go, son.
Tell you something..
- Full of money.
Somebody has rightly said,
if you want true loe..
..stay in a poor man's shanty.
Very bad.
- Wicked Sunny.
Put the binoculars down!
Otherwise, l'll inform the Colonel.
Go ahead.
re you boozing? l told
you not to drink, didn't l?
Wait till l tell Mr. Duggal.
- Go ahead and tell him.
You wait here! Mr. Duggal!
Who the hell..
re you boozing here?
- Do you want me to sit on the roof?
What if l fall down?
- You're drunk.
l can't! ou are blind now,
l'll talk to you in the morning.
Makes no difference. l'e
been blind since morning.
Don't mind the poor fellow.
ere, grab your bottle.
ere you are.
- See? hat's a tenant.
nd you neer treated
me even to a cup of tea.
e's helping me lie it up, you know.
- Where is he taking you?
Oh, l forgot! We got
to meet Bijli! Let's go.
Come on. Not there. his way.
Don't go. lt's a bad habit.
- Don't go, my foot!
Clear the litter, will you?
- e tells me to clear the litter.
Don't do it. lt's my house.
Who is he to gie orders?
l'm going to throw it away!
- Pick it up and throw it outside!
ere goes!
Who got smashed?
- Who?
The Colonel.
Who hit him?
- Brother Sameer.
Our friendly neighbourhood hunter.
e's hunted many a colonel down!
You are in my half,
let me kiss you.
Go, neck ijli!
Rani, once again, forgive me.
Neck ijli, you will be forgien.
"he thorn."
"Check it out!"
"Oh, the piercing thorn.
Come, my loe."
"Behind your bungalow,
under the berry tree."
"My loe."
"A thorn pierced me."
"Come on, let's do it
one more time."
"Now that you are in trouble.."
" wonder why you
couldn't stay without me"
"Your friends were right when they
said you will be trapped someday."
"Get that?"
"l'm sorry. Let bygones be bygones."
"Save my heart this time, my love."
"Your clothes are skimpy, een
the blind man says, show it to me."
"Show it."
"Get lost."
"Behind your bungalow,
under the berry tree.."
"My loe.."
nother 1 5,000? What for?
l hae already paid 20,000.
That was entry fees.
You should've told me before.
The show is at hand,
how can l raise..
ntertainment tax is a goernment
policy. erybody knows that.
l am very sorry. lf you
don't pay by evening.. cannot do the show tomorrow.
Why can't she? She is my Rani.
Now what, madam?
Don't weep. Please don't.
You will do the show.
l promise you,
you will do the show.
Sister, l just heard
that the government says..'s illegal to get a girl
married before she turns 21 .
Which means you hae three
more years to go, Sister.
nd your sister-in-law
has only three days.
Why don't you concentrate on your
studies for the next three years?
Shall l break the pot?
Thank you, dear sister.
Still short of 5000!
l'm seriously stressed now.
You got to help me now, God.
That was for my sister's studies!
You could'e broken Your piggy bank.
Good eening, ladies and gentlemen.
l hope you'll enjoyed..
..the scintillating
show we had tonight.
lt gives me great
pleasure to announce..
..the winner.
Rani Jagraj Singh, Goa.
Congratulations and all
the ery best. - Thank you.
Come here. Do you know her?
No, but she is really hot.
ot? You're throwing kisses at
your sisters.. - What's wrong, pal?
Thank you. hank you so much.
This is like a dream come true.
l can't figure out what to say.
Many people are responsible
for this dream come true.
But there is someone
l want to specially thank.
l don't know his name,
nor do l recognise him.
l've neer met him, but
he's the anonymous friend..
..who helped me out when
l needed support the most.
e calls himself my well-wisher.
l appeal to him.
lf you can hear me..
..please come and meet me.
l'd like to personally thank you.
"Oh, beloed."
Please. hank you.
"Oh, beloed.."
My dear God, grandma always says that
a princess will come into my life.
But not even a maid-servant
has come into it till today.
But l feel, today, as if the
princess will surely come.
God, don't mess up things.
l loe her a lot.
l'd hae called her home,
but Sunny's around, you see?
So, l'e called her here.
Nothing wrong, is there?
Nothing wrong.
verything you've done is good.
l've heard it all, Sameer.
That which you tried to say..
..and also that which you
didn't say. You did so much for me..
..and didn't even let me know?
"You shall pine at heart, my loe.."
"By God, you too shall
fall in loe."
"At heart, l shall desire you too."
"By God, l hope l fall in loe too."
"You're charming.."
"You're my loe, you're my romance."
"l'm bowled oer..
yes, l acknowledge that."
"l know, your loe
is full of mischief."
"But l can't help it,
my heart just won't agree."
"ow l wish l rule your heart.."
"By God, may you fall in love too."
"hey call me beautiful,
they call me the proud one.."
"..and you've gone crazy.
You hae no control oer your heart."
"l'm no less crazy.
l'm not conceding defeat."
"l'm here to steal your heart,
and steal it, l will."
"ow l wish l begin to trust you."
"By God, l hope
l fall in loe too."
"May you begin to pine at heart."
"By God, may you fall in love too."
God! What a sweet dream!
Make it come true, please!
"Oh, beloed.."
ere she is!
"Come, beloed."
By the way, You've done a
great job in making her, God.
"Beloed. Come, beloed."
Sunny? Can't be!
God, why's he..
Sunny! You?
Which means you're the well-wisher..
l didn't want to say it.
But l knew..'d get to know some day.
- But.. thank you.
God. Stop necking him!
Give me the hug!
e's a fraud!
You.. my..
Let's go.
Rani! Don't go with him!
l'm me.. l'm not him!
Oh, God. What are you doing?
l'm the one she loes.
Leae her alone!
"Come, beloed."
God! ake him see reason!
Let go of her cheek, you idiot!
Rani, l'm the real one!
l'm not him!
Out of the way, Colonel!
What did you say?
- Step aside!
- Step up..
Out of the way!
What happened? Who fell?
Colonel got hurt.
Sunny, don't be shy, hae
some more. at to your fill.
The milk reminds me of home.
This is your home too.
- bsolutely.
We can't ever forget what
you have done for our Rani.
nd you didn't even let me know.
- Mother always says..
..your left hand must not
know what your right hand does.
ear that? Such lofty ideals!
l don't know where they are..
Not pickles, ideals, darling.
- ldeals, l see.
They are poles apart. One is
an angel while the other is a demon.
The more distance l keep from him..
..the closer he gets to deal a blow.
With a football, when l'm at home.
With a bottle, when l'm outside.
When l'm walking on the footpath..
..he calls me in the
middle of the road..
..and rams his motorbike into me.
Be careful. Say it again, Sameer.
Colonel, l'm sorry,
l've been a fool.
ccept these flowers
and please forgie me.
Okay, l forgie you.
Where does the Colonel
get his voice? - God knows.
Where did he transpire from?
Wake up! We are here
- ow much?
Who is this sleepy character?
- security guard.
e tried to mess with me..
..l put him on a
three-months' night shift.
No wonder he brings his
wife to make an appeal to you.
Uncle! What a pleasant surprise.
ow are you, dear niece?
- You've pulled down! Aunt!
Can't tell you what
l've been through
Rani's uncle? This man
could've been your Cupid..
..but you'e already
plunged him into the darkness.
Brother-in-law, you are wrapped
all oer in bandages? What happened?
Sunny, he is my wife's brother.
Fool! Where hae you
been all this while?
Brother, l'm cross with you.
We live in the same city, yet.. haen't been here for months.
- What city, Sister?
l don't een get to see my wife.
- What does that mean?
This new manager, the idiot..
..has put me on night
shift since two months.
e sleeps during the daytime..
..and stays up like an
owl during the nights.
e's suffering from
constipation and acidity.
Look at the dark
circles below his eyes.
That's fine, but who's that idiot?
That's fine, but who are you?
Uncle, he is Sunny. Our neighbour.
l see. Glad to meet you.
- We'll meet later.
You were talking
about some manager..
Don't een mention the idiot.
What has he done?
- e's made life miserable for me.
What's his name?
- Lousy Saturn! Shut up - Sameer.
Uncle, our Sameer. Your neighbour.
My roommate Sameer.
What? Sameer stays in
the neighbourhood? - Yes!
Which beggar is
in the neighbourhood?
Not a beggar, it's Sameer.
One who wrecked you!
Now, he's after him.
Look at him. - Sameer!
That idiot is after my whole family.
Time's not faourable, Sameer.
Forget the flowers, forget the
colonel, placate the uncle.
The tables have turned.
Now, watch the fun.
Uncle, unt. l'e got some
presents for you - Okay.
Skirt and blouse for you.
- Thank you!
Bush shirt for you, Uncle.
Red in colour.
Sweets for the kids.
lso, some fruits
for the two of you.
l hope you don't expect
these things to bear fruit?
Oh, no. Of course not.
Uncle, if by any chance,
l hae uttered something wrong..
..please forgive me. l've realised
that l'e been unfair to you.
You are off the night shift.
- What? - Yes.
Then how about tonight..
- Sure.
- Son-in-law..
Son-in-law, indeed. he other
day when l asked you about Rani..
..had you answered me,
you'd hae been married by now.
nd l would be your uncle.
Uncle, a mistake is
committed by mistake.
You must also hae committed
a mistake by mistake, right?
unt, am l wrong? - ou are
absolutely right, Son-in-law.
ello. ello..
- i!
- Greetings. - Greetings. Come in
- Colonel.. - You!
Don't you dare step inside!
Stay where you are.
Colonel sir, consider it
my bad luck or my karma..
..for all my good intentions,
things invariably go wrong..
..and l end up hurting you.
- 5000 people live around here..
Of all, why do you
always choose to hurt me?
Colonel, the new year
is about to set in.. a few hours time.
With the passing year,
let bygones be bygones, please.
l beg your forgiveness.
Do you take me for a coward?
- No.
Remember, l'm a soldier.
- Yes.
l kept forgiing you
because l considered you a kid.
Not anymore.
Get this loud and clear.
for 50 metres around me..
..if l see you, or see
you throwing anything..
..the last time l fired my
gun was against the Portuguese.
This time it's going to be you. Out!
Yes, Colonel.
- Get out!
Uncle! appy, happy new..
appy, happy handcuffs.
ls this a new way to wish a new year?
- l'll tell you.
Where's Charles?
Charles? Or Sameer?
- Sameer?
ls he a new kid in the Charles gang?
- unt?
ave women joined Charles' gang too?
- unt!
There's no aunt here! Oh,
this one? - What happened?
What's the problem in his pants?
Today, he's become a police officer.
Become.. ell me something.
You're an honest officer's wife,
how do you know such criminals?
l'm not a criminal, ask
you neighbour if you wish.
Who neighbour? he retired soldier?
Now, l get it. After retirement,
he's been sheltering criminals.
Let me go. Rani is waiting for me.
- Waiting for what?
To murder someone? To loot a bank?
Or to print fake stamp papers?
- What the hell..
Boy, you are going to rot here
until the police an arrives.
Then you'll go to jail.
Come on, don't stare at him.
The fool who smashed his
head is on the loose..
..and l'm trapped here.
m l wearing a conict's clothes?
m l going to meet Rani in 201 0?
Ladies and gentleman..
..and friends, let me show
you another magical act.
Look, this is magic.
Forgie me, Magician..
..but pulling out a
bouquet from a cloth..
..a pigeon from a turban and a
rabbit from a box is quite simple.
l'll beliee you if you
can cast a spell on me.
e's challenging me.
ll right, boy, it's no big deal.
Lie down on the bench.
Sure. hat's no big magic.
No, but it's going to be.
Friends, now my magic
wand is going.. suspend this boy in thin air.
lf a stick can make
someone float in the air.. one would care
to buy air tickets.
They would be waiting for the stick.
l'm an astrologer, you see.
Before you,
stands a magician, fool.
Come on, lie down! - At your service.
Show me your magic. - Windbag!
ere l go.
bracadabra! Magic wand,
let the boy float in air.
Don't mess with a magician!
Or, you will stay suspended in air.
Magician, l beliee you now.
l fear, l might go right up there.
l pray, put me down.
ll right..
You've shaken eerything.
Thank you.
Thank you very much. hank you.
Oh, God, he's so good.
ow he lifted him up,
we didn't een get to know.
You know, this girl
wouldn't believe me.
She's so silly, you know.
Rani, your arm on my
shoulder is one pretty sight.
Let me make it simple for you,
Stay 50 metres away from papa..
..and 500 metres away from me.
l'll show you guys a wonder now..
You.. please come here.
Me? - Don't go!
e'll put you in a box..
..and hack you to pieces..
One boy. ny one, please.
Magician, there's a boy!
Strong, rough, tough and reliable.
Seize your chance
before Sunny arrives. Go!
Come this side, please.
- No, l'm fine here.
Please come here.
lf he is in, l'm off.
Find someone else.
- ang on, lady.
Rather l'd leave.
Oh, l get it.
The two of you are cross
with each other. All right..
l'll turn the enmity into friendship.
- Can you do that?
Of course, and l'll turn
your hatred into loe.
ls that possible?
- Yes! - lmpossible!
ang on. our name?
- Rani.
nd you are..
- Sameer.
So, Sameer and Rani..
The two of you are man
and wife from now on.
nd tonight is your
first new year night.
Tell eeryone how much
you loe each other.
What are you staring at?
- dmiring you..
ad you not traipsed into my life,
l'd hae been a nobody.
l'd hae been an
anklet sans the chime.
l'd hae been a soleless shoe.
heartless body.
lf not for you, Rani..
- Not Rani.
Call me rs. Sameer alhotra..
- Mrs. Sameer alhotra.
To be honest, l fell in
love with you at first sight.
l hae endured
so much to possess you.
Don't torment me anymore. Come..
Well.. l can wait no longer either.
"Your beloed seeks your heart."
"Come to me, my loe."
"Profess your loe."
"Gie in to me, my love."
"l'm pining, so are you."
"l'm waiting for you."
"Profess your loe."
"Gie in to me, my love."
"Your beloed seeks your heart."
"Come to me, my loe."
"You want to dance.."
"Your charms.."
"Like the tempest, my loe."
"Your looks.."
"My identity, my love."
"Gaze into my eyes."
"Make me belong to you."
"Profess your loe."
"Gie in to me, my love."
"Your beloed seeks your heart."
"Come to me, my loe."
"You hae done me a favour."
"You are in my dreams.."
"You are all l desire."
"Let's make a legend of love."
"Come, my loe, make me
go crazy in your loe."
"Profess your loe."
"Gie in to me, my love."
"Your beloed seeks your heart."
"Come to me, my loe."
"Profess your loe.."
"Gie in to me, my love."
"Come to me, my loe."
"Gie in to me, Sweetheart."
"Come to me, my loe."
"Gie in to me, Sweetheart."
Give in to me, Sweetheart."
"Gie in to me, Sweetheart."
"You want to dance."
Cruz Baba.
appy new year!
The prince has fallen in
love with the princess..
Sameer, l've been thinking.
- What?
You can play the guitar,
paint, sing..
You're quite a multi-talented man.
- Guess why?
That's because l'm me. Not you!
Good one.
aving a ball, aren't you?
- You hae a great talent too.
- You lie to fool people!
l don't believe you, God!
Listen, make a portrait for me too.
Don't mind, but l paint
only beautiful people!
Okay, know what?
- What? What?
l'm in a great mood today.
Say what you want to.
You aren't as innocent
as you appear to be.
ow you brought Rani around
in just two hours last night.
Weren't you jealous!
l knew it.
s close as you get to her,
l want to get closer to her too.
ren't you jealous? ren't you?
What's your problem? - My problem
is that l want to score..
..with my friend's
girlfriends it makes me ery happy!
Okay. Okay. Okay, serious.
Now, that's something
ery serious. Look..
When l get married, l want you
to paint me and my wife together.
You know, with her at my side.
nd l lying down in her lap.
She in black-and-white,
l in colour..
Sure, l will.
Who are you marrying? Bijli?
No, it's Rani.
ren't you jealous? ren't you?
See? our temper hurts
you yourself, doesn't it?
lf it wasn't for the oath..
..l'd have squeezed
him out like the tube!
appy new year, Uncle Duggal!
Where's Sameer?
- The brush!
Get to be the
master's disciple! Quick!
Life's a dream..
- Sunny!
- "Wicked Sunny."
Rani, you..
You can een paint!
- Well, l..
My painting.. ow sweet!
Wicked Sunny.
Tears and desires, that's how it is.
You're quite a reelation, Sunny.
- No reelation..
Painting, singing, the guitar..
No wonder they call
you multi-talented.
Sameer's multi-talented too.
You ought to have seen him
at the party last night.
The way he sang and danced..
e completely rocked the party.
Oh, he rocked?
- Yes!
l've been teaching him classical
dancing and he's into rock?
ey! Sameer, good. Good.
nyway, fresh orange juice
for the two of you. Where's he?
e's in the latrine right now.
e'll take some time. You can wait.
- No, thank you.
Give him some and you have some too.
appy new year.
- appy new year
Was Rani here?
- Yes, she was.
You'll now ask me if my
father has een done any painting.
nd l'll say, my papa's a ery
successful businessman in lndore.
You'll say, "Liar, idiot.."
- That you really are.
Your dream of making
Rani fall in love..
..with you will remain
a pipe dream.
lt won't be a pipe dream.
Because l know what your weakness is.
Really? What is it?
You can neer tell
Rani that you love her.
So, listen!
l swear it on my grandma!
l will profess my love to Rani.. the presence of
the whole world today!
nd l swear it on my
father in lndore too.
l'm the one who'll bring
Rani to this house, as a bride.
lf my love is true, l'll be
the one who'll marry Rani.
nd if l'm determined enough,
l'll lead her here by the hand.
For me. You are Rani's brother.
No brother. l'm her lover.
Rani, you think this lover-boy.. an accomplished
singer and painter.
l'll expose him to you today.
Come on, sweetheart, let's go.
This juice Rani brought
for you. l'll have it.
old it! Who did she bring it for?
- For you.
So, l'll drink it!
Wicked Sunny.
Share it with me!
l can't share anything of Rani's!
May you find it bitter!
- Sunny.
l find everything
given by Rani to be sweet.
t least let out a burp!
l'll paint a picture
and also sing a song..
..and expose Sunny. Okay?
What new ailment is this?
One Duggal is difficult
to tolerate hree, five..
More than l can endure!
- lt's okay. No problem. No problem.
l'm happy.
Where do you think
you're going? Stop there!
Sorry, Rani!
Lie down here, Rani.
l'll put them to bed and return.
Come on! agle!
l'm going to make you a seagull!
Senior! Swat this fly!
You've made a mistake by
messing with the agle gang!
One Sunny l can't tolerate.
nd six of them walk up to me!
l'm going to thrash
all six of them! Come on!
ttack boys!
Encoded by CharmeLeon
Tommy! Come here! Come! Yes.
You always bark at me,
don't you? So, bark now. Bark!
The next time you bark,
you're going to disappear.
You get that?
Take care of
your kids and your dogs!
l'll spare you this time.
Next time, you're gone.
Tommy, my son, don't
keep going outside.
There are bad people
in the locality.
ave l ever raised my
oice with you? ave l?
nd how Sameer was yelling at
you yesterday! The insolent chap!
Go play in the house, son.
nd don't go out.. my good son!
"Wicked Sunny."
"Can do anything for the money."
"Wicked Sunny, l am not funny."
"Wicked Sunny, anything for money."
"Wicked Sunny."
Tommy! ommy..
Tommy, where have you gone?
You ought to have considered..
..what would happen to me
without you!
Darling, we too are sad
that ommy's gone missing.
But how long will you keep
starving thinking about him?
Let's eat, Papa. l'm hungry too.
No, my child. l don't feel like it.
Colonel, why don't you wait?
- Did you find it?
l've looked eerywhere in Goa,
but there's no trace of ommy.
l don't know where he has gone.
Could someone hae kidnapped him?
But who could be ommy's enemy?
Mr. Duggal! hat's it.
No.. he hasn't been
around since yesterday.
- Why Sameer?
No, can't be Sameer.
'Wicked Sunny.' - ut he
could do a thing like this too.
Remember his public threat?
That he'd make the dog disappear!
lf the dog barks, l'll
kill him, l'll finish him!
No way, he was drunk.
- Really? But who then..
e's the culprit!
Who is it?
That idiot has broken me
in every part of my body!
Dad! - l don't know what
revenge he is extracting from me.. having ommy
separated from me!
Sameer! Where are
you hiding, you thief?
This is a warning!
lf you don't return..
..ommy to me in 24 hours..
l'll hae you sent to jail!
l still hold sway among the cops.
What does that mean?
- l'm not sparing you!
e has influence.
- Sameer!
Give him the dog!
May the worms get you!
What new fuss is this?
ave your father treated.
Why would l hae my brother-in-law
kidnapped anyway? Why?
Where am l going to
look for this dog now?
You hae a variety of dogs.
- ush!
Don't call them dogs.
They take offence.
l've brought them up
like my own children.
That's Rustom, that's Sohrab.
ats less, snarls all the time.
That's Cyrus. Faithful.
But eats and enjoys a good life.
nd that is..
This is the dog l want.
Do you hae it?
l do hae it!
That's my boy, Tin-tin!
Say hello!
Quite a good boy. But
once he loses his temper..
..he's going to bite. nd remember..
..don't eer gie him a cold bath.
But this one doesn't have a
black spot. - Don't worry!
ere's the solution!
Colonel, look who's here.
Tommy! y son! Where
had you gone away to?
Where did you find him, Sameer?
The poor chap was sitting
by a lamp-post, shivering.
e would always bark at me
But this time, he said,
"Papa.. " and went for my feet.
e appeared to be telling me,
"Please take me to my papa."
- You.
Oh, yes! e's like my son,
of course! - Yes. - ommy!
Thank you, Sameer. hank you so much.
- You're welcome.
Papa, it's because of Sameer
that we have ommy back today.
You must forgive him at least now.
- Sure, l forgie him! - hank you.
Rama, lay the table. Come.
Come on, let's go.
- Thank you so much.
Wicked Sunny.
- What's happening here?
Look at this, Sunny! ommy's
back today because of Sameer.
Well done, Sameer.
l'm so proud of you.
Look me in the eye, my brother!
Where did you find the dog?
Where did you find it?
l went mad looking for it!
For Rani's sake, look into my eyes!
Where did you find the dog?
Tell me!
Sunny, l don't know
what's gotten into my ommy.
e's been behaing like a stranger
eer since he has returned.
e seems to hae changed.
- e has stayed with the stray dogs.
l know a cure! Squeeze him
in a bucket of cold water!
Squeeze him?
- l mean, gie him a cold bath.
Oh, l see. All right.
Breakfast is ready.
Please sit down.
Won't you gie ommy a bath?
No! l'll first gie ommy a bath.
l'll hae breakfast later.
The breakfast will get cold, Papa.
- l'll be back soon, my child.
Let's take a bath, Tommy boy!
- Where's Sameer?
Sunny, please call Sameer, will you?
Not me, he sleeps till late.
e'll hit me for no reason.
You go and call him instead.
ll right, l'll call him.
"We shall overcome.."
Who is it?
re you asleep, Sameer? Wake up!
Sunny, don't change your voice
and bother me! Let me sleep!
Rani.. One second.
l'll be out there.
"horn pricked me."
Wake up! Who are you?
Who on earth are you?
- Bijli.
But who..
- lt's Rani.
One moment, Rani. l'm coming!
What are you doing here?
- What are you doing here?
l was sleeping with you.
l came to call you for breakfast.
l've said nothing!
l'll join you in two seconds!
Go away!
- Where?
Want me to come?
- Go away!
Give that to me?
- What?
That one.
- What?
May l?
- Come!
l'm coming inside.
Thorn pricked me.
l'm so sorry, Rani. ow disgusting!
What you think is wrong, Rani!
- ow about what l see?
This one? lt's not mine.
lt's hers! You wear it.
l've done nothing wrong,
Rani. Please try to understand..
l'll fix you! Rani..
That piece of thorn..
That piece of thorn! Check it out!
Oh, it pricked me.
l swear it on you, Rani!
l don't know that girl!
ow could you? With a
girl you don't know..
l swear, l don't een know her!
- Without knowing them..
..will you call just about any girl?
- Listen to me, Rani..
First, you just knew girls.
You've started getting girls
into your bed now!
This is too much,
Rani! Listen to me! - What?
Good morning, boss.
- Boss?
ey, girl, can't you hear
what boss is saying to you?
Do just as the boss says. Okay?
Otherwise the agle
gang will catch you..
..and present you to the boss,
What are you guys saying?
- Command us, boss!
No one dares oppose you!
Do what you want to.
ere on the streets! Go for her!
- Grab her!
Grab her..
- No, l won't.
This was all that was left!
You're a loafer. nd a drunkard!
You're a womaniser! Now, you're
leader of the agle gang!
l'm not the leader.
- Shame on you, Sameer!
Forget her, boss. here's one
better than the other in Goa.
Point out a girl.
She'll be in your arms.
lt is my rule here.
You just order me boss.
- Rani!
fter a nice cold bath..
Tommy will become a handsome boy.
e'll be good looking.
Those dirty dogs in the lane..
Don't eer play with them,
okay? Look how dirty you are now.
Good boy! Good boy!
My good boy. rao..
My good boy.
What's this? A black dye?
So, this isn't my ommy! ey..
are you a wild dog?
Rama! he dog has bitten me!
Rama! lt isn't our ommy!
lt's a duplicate of Tommy!
lt's a wild dog.
Sameer has given us a wild dog!
- Oh, my God!
The black dye came off when
l was giing it a bath! Look!
l'm not sparing Sameer!
e's made the dog bite me!
God! e acts like a butcher!
fter beating him black and blue..
..he's now setting
the dogs after him!
e has no respect for his elders!
e'll need to take 14 injections
in the stomach now.
Go take the first one.
- Go on..
Tiny injections they'll gie him.
Stop it, stop it.
Rickety old rickshaw!
That'll be Rs.40, ma'am.
ere you are.
- But this is Rs.20.
very senior citizen
gets a discount of 50%.
Whether it's the bus
or a railway train.
Besides, yours is a
rickety old rickshaw!
Grandma is here!
Look at this kid!
e's calling me a grandma!
- Grandma, don't call Sameer.
e's a bad boy!
- Why?
e ran away with my
chocolate yesterday.
nd today, l will run
away with your glasses!
Give my glasses to me!
- l'm running away. Come after me!
My glasses..
- What's happening here?
Make this old fossil
see reason, please.
But he's my husband.
- What?!
No, l'm her son!
- Son?
She's my mummy! Mummy, ask grandma
to get me a chocolate! She is miser.
My darling son,
give my glasses to me.
On one condition.
- What?
We'll play cricket with it.
- l can't see anything!
l'll toss it up like a ball.
You must catch it.
- l can't see anything.
veryone in Rani's family hates me.
That includes her dog ommy.
Grandma, that's your
grandson's love story then..
Now, you tell me what l am to do.
- My son..
Why must you worry?
Now that l hae arrived,
eerything will be all right.
Just show me the girl once.
l'll go talk it oer with her,
Come, l'll show you.
- My son!
That's Rani, grandma
Where, son..
- Over there, Grandma.
She's right there.
Yes, yes..
- lsn't she beautiful?
bsolutely beautiful!
But l can't see a thing!
You go to the office and get
on with your work, my son.
l'll go to her house
and talk it over, okay?
Okay, Grandma.
- Bye, son.
My child..
- l'm here, ma'am.
What spell have you cast on Sameer?
- What?
e's madly in love with you!
You're the only one he talks about,
in everything he does.
What are you talking about?
You know the colonel..
My dear, l know the colonel
is very angry with Sameer.
Once you agree to the wedding..
..the Colonel will have
to get out of your way!
My dear, do not be afraid.
lf you're in loe with Sameer..
..not the colonel
and not any power in..
..the world can separate you both!
Sameer? nd Rama?
My grandson will gie you the
bliss the colonel neer could.
lf you're afraid of the colonel,
l'll help the two of you elope!
Sameer hasn't come yet.
l wonder what's up.
e'll come, Grandma.
ere he is.
- Grandma.. - Sameer. - Grandma.
ave you talked it over, Grandma?
- Oh, yes, son. l hae.
Very good. as Rani agreed?
- Yes, Rani has agreed.
Yes. - You now need to talk
to her mother..
..and she'll bring
the colonel around.
Make Rs.1 1 offering.
nd that'll be it!
Grandma! hat's water!
The coffee's in this one here!
ver since my glasses hae broken..
..l can't see a single thing,
my son.
Grandma, how could you
hae spoken to Rani then?
One uses his mouth to speak,
my son. Not one's eyes.
You must've chosen right.
- Sure.
ow many fingers, Grandma?
- Four.
Three.. two..
- Grandma!
l'm not totally blind yet, son.
l can still see a bit.
nd why must you worry?
Go talk it oer with Rani's mother.
Let me have your glasses fixed,
ma'am - Fine!
ln just a little while,
we'll reach your in-laws' house.
nd here we are!
Praise the colonel!
- What are you doing?
oly water from St. Peter's church.
Go on.
Neither is the old man there..
..nor is your future wife.
Go talk it oer with
your future mother-in-law!
Will she listen to me?
- Of course.
Just latch the door from inside!
- Why?
Neither will she go out,
nor will she send you out.
Once the matter is settled,
unlatch the door. Very simple.
Go on. l'm right here!
ere, l lock it.
Sameer. Why are you
latching the door?
So that you don't send
me out of the house..
..nor leave the house yourself.
Was this the time for this
angel of death to return?
What you're doing is wrong, Sameer.
ls falling in loe wrong?
l ask you.
ave you neer been in love?
- Well, l..
You hae, haen't you?
So, why all the
restrictions in my loe?
Now, look, Sameer. ou..
Where's Sameer?
e's in there, with your wife.
- What?
You can't go inside till
Sameer's work is oer.
Till Sameer's work is done?
Give me an opportunity.
l hae so much to gie in love!
l beg you, Sameer. Please go away.
No. Unless you agree,
l can't go away.
lt'll take only two minutes.
Let him do it, Colonel! - Get lost!
l'll see what he's up to!
Why are you so scared een
after grandma has spoken to you?
The colonel used to be a colonel.
nd you are the
colonel of this family. - No.
lf you say yes, what can
the colonel do about it?
For God's sake, leave my sari alone!
Let them get on with it!
lf the youngsters run away,
who'll lose face?
Who'll get a bad name?
- Get lost!
For God's sake, Sameer..
- Your sari's stuck.
Don't worry. l'll hae it freed.
ello, Colonel!
Look at the eil man!
What's on your mind, my dear?
Nothing happened the
way you all think..
Sameer didn't misbehae with me.
l thought ery hard over it
What l feel is..
..he had come to talk about you.
e's madly in love
with you. What about you?
ls it Sameer? Or Sunny?
l don't understand, Mummy.
Sunny is a nice guy.
e treats me really well.
l like Sameer too.
But papa hates him
l'm in a dilemma.
- Look, my dear..
Don't worry about mine
and your father's likes.
Decide for yourself.
l'm finding it difficult to decide.
What you got to gauge is,
who loes you the most..
Sameer, or Sunny.
nd if you are still confused,
leae it to God.
"Come to me, beloved."
"My red eil.."
"My red eil flutters
in the flowing wind."
"And my beloved casts
glances at me on the sly."
"l know he will love me.."
"..but he'll make
my life miserable."
"l know he will love me.."
"..but he'll make
my life miserable."
"Red eil.."
"Your red eil.."
"..flutters in the flowing wind."
"Your red eil
flutters in the flowing wind."
"And your beloved casts
glances at you on the sly."
"l'll gie you my heart.."
"l'll een die for you."
"l'll gie you my heart.."
"l'll een die for you."
"For all my efforts to
hide my pretty face.."
" hardly took time for the
cruel breeze to break my resolve."
"Your moon-like face has
cast a spell all around."
"he sight of you puts
een the moon to shame."
"l'm coy.
- Goodness me."
"l'm apprehensie.
- Goodness me."
"Come into my arms, let not
this opportunity go wasted."
"Your beloed has already
seen you on the sly, though."
"l'll gie you my heart.."
"l'll een die for you."
"l know he will love me.."
"..but he'll make
life miserable for me."
"his fragrant ambience.."
"..invites us to make love."
"My pretty love.."
"..give in to your beloed."
"he fragrance of your love
has merged into my breath."
"ere, my loe, l gie up
eerything l gie in to you."
"You are desirous..
- Goodness me."
"You admit.
- Goodness me."
"No stopping me now.
l'm unstoppable."
"My beloed has seen me
on the sly."
"l know he will love me.."
"..but he'll make
life miserable for me."
"l'll gie you my heart.."
"l'll een die for you."
"My red eil.."
"..flutters in the flowing wind."
"Your red eil.."
"..flutters in the flowing wind."
"And your beloved casts
glances at you on the sly, though."
"l know he will love me.."
"..but he'll make
my life miserable."
"l'll gie you my heart.."
"l'll een die for you."
My son, you came
here in quest of peace.
Where will you go now?
- l'll go to a place..
..where there are no people at all.
The ndaman-Nicobar islands.
You'll clash with a guy een if
he's the only one around in town.
Do what you can, but you
can't change your destiny.
l know how much you loe Rani,
my son.
Will you leae her?
l'm not happy to leae.
l hae to go away.
That's how the situation is.
Let's go, Grandma.
lt's time the boat sailed.
Look after yourself.
- Sameer..
Well, well! The priest,
if not Rani, what say?
Wicked Sunny.
What's up?
- l'm leaing
ey! You can't leae me.
Not you alone. l'm
leaing this world behind.
You've only seen Rani
and me getting together.
Won't you stay for the wedding?
Guess who played the biggest role.. bringing Rani and me together?
e kept making mistakes and
she kept getting closer to me.
Oh, yes, that's a
solid idea you gae me!
Of publicly proposing to Rani!
lncidentally, lndia and Pakistan
are playing a cricket match today.
l've invited her father.
Rani will be there too.
l'm thinking of saying
it to her in public!
Rani, l love you!
Rani, will you marry me?
You're lucky..
..because l've stopped
dreaming about Rani.
njoy yourself.
Fights, brawls, show of temper..
..and proposing to girls
are things real men do.
l'd rather you play
the guitar, Sameer.
verything is fair and love is war.
You idiot!
ery warm welcome for the
iewers all oer the world.
lt promises to be a
glittering extraaganza.
On the rip roaring occasion,
my dear friend.
Today's match is going
to be a terrific affair..
..because for the first time..
..we have the lndian
and Pakistani teams..
..playing a friendly match
in this stadium in Goa today.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is
what will sweep you off your feet.
colossal figure who
has left indelible..
..imprints on the sand of time..
The liing legend the
one and only Kapil Dev.
Kapil's here!
Get out of the way!
Move aside. You!
Where do you think
you're going? Get out!
ey, boss!
There's been an intrusion on the
field.. Goodness gracious me..
Charging towards that great man..
e has broken the security..
What the hell is happening?
Who's that in the stadium?
Sorry, sir!
e's grabbed the mike from Kapil.
e grabbed mike from Kapil,
l'll not spare him. - ang on..
Rani! Rani!
Where are you?
e's come here, looking for Rani!
Rani! Rani!
Who's Rani? - What's he
shouting Rani for? Who's she?
lt has to do with the heart.
Keep it up, brae lad! Go for her!
Looks like it has to do with love
Rani, listen to me..
Where're you hiding, Sister-in-law?
The boss is so upset!
e'll find her. e sure will.
- Sis-in-law!
Rani, where are you?
Sameer! Sameer, l'm here,
Sameer! Sameer!
- Sameer!
You mess with my mike?
You fight with me?
Rani! ll l'll say is that
you mustn't marry Sunny!
e's not worthy of you!
lt's a question of your life!
old it, hold it..
e has something to say. Looks
like it has to do with love.
ere you are.
Loe is the condition of the mind..
..and the mind is out of condition,
my dear friend.
Sir, but we hae a match to start.
fter the lovers depart.
Rani, l'm not the sort
of guy you think l am.
Yes, l made the mistake of
keeping my temper under control.
Otherwise, l'd hae
beaten Sunny black and blue..
..and thrown him out of Goa.
But Sunny's done a
wonderful thing today.
e has stopped me from going away.
There's something l
want to say to you, Rani.
l loe you.
"Oh, beloed. Oh, beloved.."
l hae loed you eer
since l first set eyes on you.
Since the day the
Colonel started hating me.
l've made a lot of mistakes.
Please forgie me.
Rani, if you're not
in loe with me..'s cool. l'll go away.
But l hae a feeling
that you do loe me.
nd thus, l publicly..
e's ery upset!
l'm not asking for too much.
l only want you to marry me.. that we can have a family.
We can hae kids..
..who take after you in looks.
yes, nose, lips, cheeks et al.
l only want them
to hae my surname..
..because my dad had
the surname Malhotra.
But all in short.
ll l want to say to you is..
sk her, "Will you marry me?"
- l'll marry you, if she doesn't!
Will you marry me?
Will you marry me?
Can't hear you!
- Louder my friend!
Let the whole world
hear the sound of loe.
Not only strike
when the iron is hot.
But make it hot by striking.
Rani! Will you marry me?
Will you marry me?
Say yes, Sister-in-law.
- Please say yes!
Rani, l think he's
the right boy for you.
e at least won't hit me
after he's married to you.
Say yes, girl! Go on!
That's a spirited boy.
e's in love with you!
e's saying as much in public.
So, say yes!
Rani! Rani! Rani! Rani!
Let the birds fly!
Say yes, Sister-in-law!
- Please.
Go on, my dear. Go!
"Oh, beloed.."
Our kids will take after
you in eyes and smile.
nd l like the surname Malhotra.
"Oh, beloed.."
Could l hae the mike, please?
s my mother would say..
..anger is loe's worst enemy.
One who can't control his temper..
..can't control
anything in his lifetime.
Sameer, my mother says,
anger is love's worst enemy.
One who can't control his temper..
..can't control
anything in his lifetime.
Not your mother!
That's what my friend..
..Arun's mother would say!
You remember what
your friend would say.
But you've forgotten your friend?
You can't be run! You're an idiot!
run was a gem of a guy!
Guess whose house l went
to first on my return..
..from merica after 1 9 years?
Sameer! - Sameer's not here.
Who are you? - lt's me!
Sameer's childhood friend.
run! Arun!
Good God!
Where's my buddy, Grandma?
- e's away in Goa.
ls he still as hot-tempered,
or has he calmed down?
is temper has got
worse with age, my son.
Grandma then told me
about your problem..
ow you had had a heart-break,
how you had gone away to Goa..
..met Rani there and
fallen in loe with her..
..and how, for her sake,
you had suppressed your anger.
Okay, then.
l'll go and phone Sameer.
No, Grandma. You
won't say a word to him.
l'm going to treat him not as
his friend, but as his adversary.
That's how l landed in Goa.. stay in your house,
in your room, with you!
l now know why you did
that all the time, buddy boy!
Come on!
The insolent!
- Go topless
Those with iron pyjamas..
- ave an ape for an uncle!
Whose aunts are cats..
- ave dogs for friends!
When it comes to the pickle..
- They hug, buddy!
The insolent!
- Go topless
Those with iron pyjamas!
- ave an ape for an uncle!
Whose aunts are cats..
- ave dogs for friends!
When it comes to the pickle..
- They hug, buddy!
What happened?
What's up now?
ll oer again!
What wrong hae l done now?
- You're ill-fated, son.
l'm jinxed!
But nothing can go wrong now.
"he poor chap's been
suffering all this while."
"For your sake,
he has remained a bachelor."
"You shall now become his bride."
Marry him.
Marry him..
lt seemed as if this
chap was my tormentor.
But he's the one who has
shown me the right path.
oweer, you are the one
who shall become my bride.
You must become his sister-in-law..
You must marry me.
You must become his sister-in-law..
You must marry me.
"Come, beloed."
Wicked Sunny..
..will steal your money.