Mujrim (1989) Movie Script

Whom do you want to meet?
You recognised me, Nanda..
after such a long time.. are seeing me and
still you recognised me.
How couldn't I recognise you..
who else will have tears of joy.. their eyes except you.
Where is mother?
She will be here in some time.
You sit and I will get tea for you.
Oh! Nanda. You have come alone today?
Yes Lala.. please lend me two rupees.
Today after a long time
my brother has come back..
..cut it later from the account.
Why are you wasting your life
with such small accounts, Nanda..
I promise I will make you rich
just come one evening to my godown..
..and make me sense your youth.
You brat!
Sister Yashoda, you got the spices?
I didn't come to meet you
but I missed you a lot, a lot.
But why didn't you come,
mother, you don't know mother.. eyes have been
waiting to see you and Sunanda.
Even we mother-daughter
were also waiting to see you..
..but what to do..
..once we both came to
meet you but looking.. the eyes of the
prisoners I got scared.. those eyes there was no
respect for mother daughter..
..between them my
Sunanda was looking matured..
..than she was till you came out.
You don't worry mother,
till today your.. has been crushed like spices..
..but now I will change everything..
..I will put all the happiness
of the world at your feet, mother.
But just remember this son,
I am ready to..
..accept all the
sadness in this world..
..but the happiness..
..the comforts which stink
of crime I don't want them.
How did you imagine this mother that..
..your son wants to
settle his life in crime..
Your son, your son has
spent his entire life in..
..jail but he is not
a criminal, mother..
I swear on you mother,
I am not a criminal.
I am telling you Shankar
that no one will give you work..
..listen you know
that Victory theatre..
Friday, Saturday and
Sunday I black the tickets..
..of new movies for
all the three days..
..and I earn thousand rupees.
- Throw the card.
But since two days
there is some problem..
..going on with
these people of Billey.. you and Chandan have come back..
..we will get together
and break their bones.
No Raja, I don't want
to do this type of work.
I want to eat with hard earned money.
Then you will die of hunger.
- Why will he die of hunger?
Every time you keep talking
wrong things like a donkey.
Again you spoke in
the middle Chandan..
I swear I will crush you and
put a vermilion on my head.
You will put a
vermilion on your head..
I will put vermilion on your wife.
Enough, enough.. every time you
keep fighting like Rahu and Ketu.. a bubble-gum, brother.
Don't tell, ok. Come
on throw the card.
Hello, everybody.
Hello, darling. You came.
- Hello Raja.
She is Mariahh.
- I love you.
I love you. I love you.
I love you.
- I love you.
Mariahh, you are mine, I am yours..
You are mine, I am yours,
you are mine.
Not till you take your own house.
My life! what is a house I
will get you a nice flat..
..just this Shankar
is not supporting me..
..honesty has eaten up his brain.
Raja, you can live with
honesty too in this world.
Oh Lala, please forgive me.
What forgive me? You
are cheating with me..
..broke the plates too. I
will take this into account too.
Today you sold 40 plates that
means 200 rupees is income.. 40 plates you used 80 breads,
in 80 breads 1kg butter, 80 rupees..
..and vegetable for 40 rupees,
10 rupees for..
..the spices in the vegetable..
Rs.4 for the kerosene, Rs.5
personal income. Total is Rs.149..
..and you are giving me
only Rs.40 in my hand..
..that means early in the
morning you are cheating me of Rs.21..
You swore on the food for
your honesty and today..
..your showing me a
glimpse of your dishonesty..
Here you are putting
your own vehicle here.. know what's my name?
Lakhpati Seth. I
will break your bones.
Go from here. Just go away from here.
Don't come back here or
else I will beat you up.
Lousy idiot. Broke the plates..
Lakhpati Seth's vehicle you are
remaining as alone as always.. who will take
care of this problem now?
Lakhpati Seth, I will
take care of your vehicle.
You will let me take care of it?
Why brother? What
beautiful wings have.. got within you that I should..
..let you take care of this vehicle.
I am educated and I am
in search of a job..
And with your
experience you can read my..
..face and say that I
will never betray you.
You don't seem to be
educated but you look nice..
..till where have you studied?
I have never been to
school or college but..
..I have studied those pages of life..
..which people are even
scared to open, understood?
Don't make me understand. I can
think better than the educated..
You don't have a college degree
but you have a degree of brains..
..I will give you the vehicle.
Give. Give in the name of God.
Beggar will give you blessings.
O, please help me!
Shankar, why is he begging
after being a Lakhpati Seth?
In this era either a
man is a millionaire or..
..a beggar but this
Lakhpati Seth is two in one.
Beggar is in bad
condition because of hunger..
It is only the question of a
Barbecued chicken and two breads.
You are a beggar or a
relative of Wajid Ali Shah?
Whoever comes, goes
into the restaurant as..
..if we are not selling food
we are selling some medicine..
..there is no customer since morning.
That's why I am telling; listen to
the learned and leave this business..
In today's expensive world the
price of honesty is so expensive..
..that no one is
left to buy it, no one.
For people like us, there
are other types of business.
Again you have started blabbering.
No Shankar, today I won't lie.. for
both of you I always pray to Jesus.
Then pray to your Jesus that he
should listen to your prayer.. least send in a customer.
Boom, boom.
Sonia since a long time we
haven't eaten 'Pav-bhaji'..
..come lets eat Pav-bhaji today.
Listen make two plates of Pav-bhaji.
I will make such
spicy Pav-bhaji that..
Just a minute.
Pinky! Your brains are
in the right place? - Why?
You want to fall sick by
eating from this sick place.. can't see
these rotten tomatoes..
..fried in this cheap oil,
along with the vegetable..
..flies and mosquitoes are there,
dirty water from the municipality..
..that stale bread
and on this food, the..
..prints of these
peoples dirty hands..
..thinking about it
makes me feel like vomiting.
Come on, lets go from here.
Hey you Indian madam's daughter I..
..don't know why you
feel like vomiting..
..but the one whose brains are
rotten they find everything rotten..
Look at this vehicle
and tell me in which..
..corner can you find
flies and mosquitoes..
Smell these fresh vegetables..
- Shut up.
It is better than
your rotten make up..
The breads you were
calling moist and stale..
..they are better than your cheeks..
..this is not oil this
is butter, look at it.. is better than your kerosene..
..Indian madam's daughter.
You stupid fool.
Hey don't touch me.
Sonia, please there is no use
of increasing the argument..
Come we will go to the restaurant..
Today they have organized
a special musical program.
Hey what special will you see
there we will show it to you here..
Hey we will show it to you out
here on the foot path, Rockn-roll..
..hey sir, lets begin.
''The world asks and why it
asks car, bungalow and flats..
..there is one bed
you have to sleep in.''
''And food is what you have to eat.''
''The world asks and why it
asks car, bungalow and flats.''
''There is one bed
you have to sleep in..
..and food is what you have to eat..''
''Eat, drink and live peacefully
and continue to live in fun..''
''The world asks and why does it
ask for cars, bungalow and flats..''
''There is one bed
you have to sleep in..
..and food is what you have to eat..''
''We don't rob the world
and fill our pockets..''
''We get happy by
serving people like you..''
''We don't rob the world
and fill our pockets..''
''We get happy by
serving people like you..''
''You have eaten food in big hotels..''
''Every one has picked your
pocket and made a fool out of you..''
''Don't make everyone
greedy by looking at money..''
''The world asks and why does it
ask for car, bungalow and flat..''
''The world asks and why does it
ask for car, bungalow and flat..''
''There is one bed
you have to sleep in..''
''And food is what you have to eat..''
''What do rich people
know what hunger is..''
''See from the eyes of a hungry
person even moon is food for him..''
''What do rich people
know what hunger is..''
''See from the eyes of a hungry
person even moon is food for him..''
''We have made this
food with our own hands..''
''Eat and see we have
mixed love in it..
..our heart is big and what is
the sorrow if the shop is small..
..the world asks and why does it
ask for car, bungalow, flats..''
Whoever flopped our
business we will ruin them.
After that what we
have to do is business.
Hey you boys, understood? Don't
run your business in our area.
Why your mom runs a
business in this area?
Hey shut up. Break down his vehicle.
You will break our shop, you
will break our shop, idiot.
Lousy man, you will break my vehicle.
No, no.
You will break my vehicle.
''Lord, give love, give everyone love..
..make us walk the road of
truth and beautify our life..''
''Lord give love, give
everyone love, give everyone love..''
''Lighten the lamp of
knowledge in our hearts..''
''Save everyone from all
troubles and sorrows..''
''Lighten the lamp of
knowledge in our hearts..''
''Save everyone from
troubles an sorrows..''
''Show the way to those who are lost..''
''Lord give love, give everyone love..
..make us walk the way of
truth and beautify our life..''
''Lord, give love, give everyone love.''
Where did your mother go?
Why don't you talk? Tell
me where did a he go..
Tell me where did your
mother go, tell me..
..tell me where did
your mother go, tell.
Uncle, why are you beating Sunanda.
You are showing eyes to me?
And catching my hand..
..I will break your hands,
I will break..
..your hands and make you a handicap..
..tell, tell.
Brother, brother, why are you hitting
the kid what has he done to you?
Listen, I want money,
my throat is drying.
No, no. Leave her. Leave, no.
I wont give you the money,
my kids are hungry..
..I go to 10 houses and work,
wash dishes, wash clothes..
..just because I don't
want my kids to starve..
..and you, you spend all
my earnings in alcohol.
I won't give you the money.
- Hey, give the money.
No, no. I won't give.
- Remove the money.
No, no brother, don't take the money.
I got the money.
- No, no brother.
I got the money. - Brother,
I touch your feet, my kids..
..are starving, brother, have mercy.
No, no. I want alcohol, leave me.
- Brother.
Mother, don't cry, I am not hungry.
She is lying mother,
she is very hungry.
I will get the food.
Here, take your money
and give me the bottle.
This money belongs to my mother.
You are Bihari's nephew?
Your uncle has already
taken alcohol with this money.
Give the money. - No, I won't give
you the money. My sister is hungry.
You are in need of money? -Then come.
Deliver this gallon
to Bhole's hideout..
..then this note is yours. Understood?
Alcohol in one hand
and money in the other..
..tell me what are you
giving money or alcohol..
Lets take the note, we
will have hot snacks..
Nandu, I can't give you this money.
Look, how badly
Shankar has beaten him.
He sells liquor at this age. What
will he do when he grows up? Murder?
- He's here.
Shameless fellow! So you have
already started doing all these!
I already have a
drunkard in your uncle.
Now you too got into these things?
Haven't you thought how your
mother will face the society..
..if you do that!
- Come..
Shankar, if you do
such a thing again..
..I will kick you out of the house
and I will never see your face again.
Did you get me?
O Lord!
Why are you doing this to me?
Mother, you too have it.
I know why you did whatever you did.
We should never do anything wrong.
Stop it here.
- We are here. We are here.
Please come, sir.
- Where did you bring me?
Sir, it's my Netaji Nagar.
- Netaji Nagar? - Yes.
It's a third-class area.
- No, sir.
How's the girl?
- She's my sister. Just see her once.
If she's good I will give
you 100 rupees. - Alright.
Or else I will make you puke the
wine that you drank with my money.
Go. - Just see her once.
You will not go back.
- No, I won't. No.
- No. Brother, I am your sister.
You sleep with
different men at daytime..
..and now you want me to leave you?
Come. - No, brother. No.
No, brother.
- Go there.
You should be ashamed
to trade your sister.
You are not a human being.
You are an animal.
Yes, I am an animal. I am worse
than an animal. Did you get me?
I have two little kids.
Shankar! Shankar!
- Let's go.
O Lord! He killed his own uncle.
His uncle tried to sell
his sister for liquor.
He's a demon.
- He's demon Kansa.
That's why Shankar turned into
Lord Krishna and killed him.
Lord Krishna killed his
uncle and was called God..
..and what will Shankar be
called after killing his uncle?
He will be called a criminal.
Ok, you may go now. You have got bail.
Chandan, let's go. We got a bail.
Let's go. But who got us out on bail?
I gave. If you all are smart
then I am not a fool too..
..I am business-minded, I am
the calculator of accounts.. is a rule in business
if you are at a loss of.. put rs.2 more
and get back all 6..
I used to pretend to be a beggar
but you really made me a beggar.. all this drama of yours
I had a loss of thousands.. pay my loss.
We don't have money, Lakhpati
Seth from where will we return it..
..there is no source of earning.
You all cannot see the source,
but the source has seen you.
What do you mean?
Talking is useful and I
will talk in a useful place.
Not here, you come with me.. come with me, come on..
..this is a police
station not a radio station.
Come on. Come on..
Wait. Lakhpati has come, sir.
Let him come.
Come, come, come. Cylinders are
full and calendars are standing..
..there are stairs here, be
careful they are slippery.
Come on..
Greetings, Gulat Seth. You needed
one and I have got two for you..
Boys have just come out
from the jail on bail..
..they are penniless and in need..
..they need you, you need them.
Only one small thing is to
be done, will you manage?
If it is within our scope, we will.
Deliver this bag to Karjat and I
will give you a thousand rupees.
But son, we should
never do wrong things.
Idiot, this was the source
of earning you were showing..
..if you wouldn't have
helped me, I would have..
..broken your teeth and
given it in your hand..
But Shankar, you..
You will get your money. And dare
you price my honesty next time..
Forgive us, sir. We wont be able
to do this work. Come Chandan.
I am sorry, sorry. God knows
what is wrong with him, sir.
Sunanda, there is food..
for your brother, get it.
I am not hungry.
How come you are not hungry?
I will just get it.
You won't ask where
was I the whole night.
I know, Lakhpati informed and went..
..but you don't get scared, don't
tense yourself with such things.
I was trying to earn
my living the hard way.
I hadn't even dared to rob.
But the restaurant owner
was not even accepting that..
..we could earn even
two square meals a day
What type of society is this
mummy where a man eats man.
When a man walks on
the road of truth.. the beginning God
always takes such tests.
If God takes tests in the beginning..
..then why does he
take your test, mom.
You have not done any wrong,
you always took the..
..right path of truth.. no mother,
no, God doesn't do anything..
He only fulfills his
thirst by our tears.
You shouldn't go down so
early son, wait and see..
..waiting is only the
big asset of a man..
This is your luggage, madam.
What's this, keep
this luggage in my car.
No madam, now it's our lunch time.
I will give you 5 rupees.
No we don't work in our lunch time,
it's the rule of our union.
Oh! We Indians has got a
very bad disease of this lunch.
It is not lunch time yet
and they jump on the food.
Give it, I will deliver it.
You! You used to sell Pav-bhaji.
How did you come
down to handling bags..
..did people start falling
ill after eating your food..
..or the municipality
confiscated your vehicle.
Don't get shocked on
how did I recognize you.
Actually I have a very good memory..
..carry the luggage.
What nonsense is this?
I agree that you
have a very good memory.
But people like you don't
pay after taking service..
..that's why more than half
of the population in India..
..being employed is unemployed.
Understood, you
Indian madam's daughter.
Hey! What's happening here?
What's the problem, madam?
Is this person irritating you?
I am very well aware
of people like him..
..these people think
themselves as heroes.
You just log in the complaint..
..and I will make him
alright in just one shot.
Even I can make him
alright in a slap..
..but why waste time.
Anyway, thank you.
What are you staring at,
come on go now..
..if again I find you
doing such a thing..
..I will throw you into
the jail. Now go from here.
No chance.
But doctor, how this is possible.
How can a son's blood and
mother's blood be different.
I agree that both of
you are her kids..
..but your blood
cannot be given to her..
..because your blood group and
her blood group are different.
Doctor, there are so
many bottles of blood here.. least one of them
will be of mother's group.
For that, per bottle you
will have to deposit rs.300.
Your mother urgently
needs 2 bottles of blood.
You deposit Rs.600 and
show us the receipt..
..and we will give her the blood.
But doctor if anything
happens to my mother, then..
If you keep arguing
like this then certainly..
..something will happen to you mother.
You go and arrange for
the money, understood?
Careful, keep it carefully.
Sir, I don't have Rs.600 now,
if you can help me..
No. I am very, very sorry. No.
You take care of mother
and I will just be back.
Raja, Raja.
What happened, Shankar?
- Where is Raja?
The police caught him.
Those brother Birla's people.
Do you have any money?
Yes, I have Rs.30-40.
I will just get it.
Doctor, mother is not
even opening her eyes..
..just see what happened to her.
What is there to see? If she
doesn't get blood immediately..
..she will never open her eyes
throughout her life. No chance.
Come, come inside.
The other day you
slapped me on the cheeks.
Now just kiss these cheeks
once and ask for forgiveness..
..I will give you 6000 instead of 600.
Listen Lala, first give me
Rs.600 otherwise my mother will die..
..then whatever you will ask,
I will do it for you.
See, now you are being stubborn.
My mother will die,
Lala, my mother will die.
Even I know that.
Lala, I am very..
That's why I am telling you
don't waste your time in adjustments.
Lala, my mother will die.
- Come on, come on.
Lala, my mother will die.
Come on, come on.
Sunanada, Lala.
- Lala, my mother will die.
Lala, my mother will die.
- Lala.
Keep quiet.
- Lala, give me some money. - Lala..
- Shankar..
Shankar, I didn't do anything..
..she came to me.
Brother, brother,
mother will die, brother.
I want Rs.600
otherwise mother will die..
..I didn't have any
other option, brother.
You? Now what have you come to take?
I haven't come to take,
I have come to sell.. honesty, my policies,
my everything.
Just give me Rs.600.
We don't give any advances.
Ok. Come up.
First listen to our conditions.
I agree to everything.
I agree to everything.
Listen; reach here
by 10 in the morning.
Now how is mother's condition, doctor?
She's out of danger. But you can't
take her home in this condition.
If you arrange another 2000 rupees..
Yes, I will, doctor. Yes, I will.
Don't worry about the money.
Shankar found out a way to make money.
Thanks a lot. Thanks
a lot. Thanks a lot.
Now take the goods inside.
Come on. Fast.
Come on.
Come on.
No problem. Work faster.
Do it fast. I told you only to sell.. tickets but
you started smuggling.
How much we'll earn?
- 10,000 rupees each.
10,000? That's great,
Shankar. Now I will buy a house..
..and then I will marry Mariahh.
I will go to church on a horse.
It will be a new style.
Snake? Nagarjun.
Be careful.
Malik, if you love your life then..
..leave the gold and
run away from here..
..there is still a lot of
strength in Nagarjun's snake.
Malik, sir. All our men ran away.
Listen to me, leave the
gold and let's run away.
Today if we run away that
means we are dead forever.. keep talking to him.
Nagarjun, I am ready to deal with you.
Malik, whoever has a gun, rules..
..And right now the
game is in my hands..
..and if you love your life
then leave the gold and run away.
What are you saying,
Nagarjun! Even I have to do business.
What will I do if you
take away all the gold!
You only tell me, how can I
hand over all the gold to you?
If not, then fine! Jump in
the sea and get drowned.
Start the bus!
- What!
- Snake.
Raja! Raja!
Blood! Blood!
- Carry him, take him to the hospital.
Come on, just, put
him in the car. Fast.
Enough! Enough!
If you meet Mariah, tell her that..
..Raja has not kept his promise.
Raja will not ride on white horse,
and reach the church.
A new style.
What will I do now? How will I live?
You have to live Mariah,
but with respect.
Otherwise Raja's death will be wasted.
With this money, you buy a new house..
..and start a new life.
Only then, Raja's
soul will be at peace.
Promise me sister, that
you will go away, from here.
Promise me.
Please forgive me! Please forgive me!
Idiot! Because of you, Nagarjun, lost.
Because of you, gold worth lakhs,
slipped away from my hands.
Don't take my life! Don't
take my life! Forgive me.
Don't take my life, Nagarjun!
Don't take my life, Nagarjun!
There is still a lot of
poison in Nagarjun's snake.
Shankar, in our business,
honesty is praised..
..more than bravery and smartness.
I found all three good factors in you.
That is why, I have decided that.. onwards, you
will sit on this chair.
Come, sit.
Bring the luggage.
- Good day! Mother.
Keep it, over here. Enough! Enough!
Come. Bring the entire luggage.
Shankar! I don't want these..
..return them.
Why? What is wrong in these things?
There is nothing
wrong in these things.
But, it is in that income from
which these have been brought.
You don't know anything, mother,
money is money.
I know, I am your mother.
Until yesterday, you were
dependent for every single penny.
And today, you have lots of money,
because of crime's cloud.
Crime, is only a legal turn.
Because of one crime, you were
snatched from me, in childhood.
I was able to see your face,
after many years, after many years.
Don't go far away from me, Shankar.
I am ready to tolerate..
..all the sorrows of the world.
It is true, I will
tolerate all the sorrows but..
..I won't be able to tolerate,
your separation.
I am folding my hands,
in front of you.
I am folding my hands,
in front of you.
Don't walk on this path,
this path will ruin you.
After taking the first step,
on this path..
..I had saved my mother, from death.
I had saved the respect of my sister.
I would never turn away
from this path, Never!
You would not, turn away.
You have to listen to me.
No, mother, no, we have tolerated
a lot of poverty and sadness.
Now, I will live
according to my conditions.
Then, get lost from here; there
is no place for you in this house.
Get out of here!
There is no place in
this house for a criminal!
It is your stomach or a well?
It is never filled,
you are always hungry.
From where will I get
food for you, every time?
Why don't you die?
You were calling me criminal.
The biggest crime is poverty, mother.
Whose crime is it? Of a child,
who feels hungry?
..Or of a mother who
cannot give him food?
Tell me, who is the criminal,
that son or that mother.
''Don't call me a criminal,
the whole world is a criminal.''
''Don't call me a criminal,
the whole world is a criminal.''
''One, who is caught, is thief,
one who escapes, is smart.''
''Don't call me a criminal,
the whole world is a criminal.''
''One, who is caught, is thief,
one who escapes, is smart.''
''Don't call me a criminal,
the whole world is a criminal.''
''At the age, when I should
have got mother's love.''
''I got cage.''
''Instead of books, handcuffs
were put on my small hands.''
''When childhood was spent in Jail,
then what is the destination,
of young age?''
''Don't call me a criminal,
whole world is a criminal.''
''I was ready to sweat, but
still I did not get food.''
''When I tried to
live like a gentleman..
..I was always knocked out.''
''I was ready to sweat, but
still I did not get food.''
''When I tried to
live like a gentleman..
..I was always knocked out.''
''Anyway, it is hunger of stomach,
we have to satisfy it.''
''Don't call me a criminal,
whole world is criminal.''
''How can, one live like a saint,
in a place full of sin?''
''Everything is right, in
the struggle of life..
..nothing is wrong or right.''
''Man should not forget that
he has to go to God's house.''
''Don't call me a criminal,
the whole world is criminal.''
''One who is caught is thief,
one who has escaped is smart.''
''Don't call me a criminal,
whole world is criminal.''
Come children, today I will feed you.
- Come here.
Come children, come first.
- Come.. Come..
Come. come first. Come fast..
What is this?
How have they come inside?
What is this going on?
You both have come
here too, what is this?
Feed the children.
Fill their stomachs.
What ever is left, keep it as a tip.
No problem, sir. No problem.
I will make children sit
on my lap and have food.
Manager, come here.
- Just a minute please.
How can you give
permission to this hungry..
..naked child to sit here and eat.
Is this is a restaurant or a slum.
Indian's madam's daughter!
This is a hotel.
Any one can eat here.
You have earned little
from some where and you think.
Yourself to be our equal.
No, no! I don't want to insult the
poor by trying to be your equal.
Let it be otherwise this man
will start his bullying ways.
He is not a bully but a fraud.
This girl talks a lot.
She just talks but I will
stop your speech for good.
What are you doing?
Come dear, come near me, don't worry.
Today I will have you
broken in such a way.
That none of the hospitals in.. will be able repair you.
- Ok..
Please stop him!
Tell children, where should I hit?
Now where? And now?
Shall I beat him more?
I'm in great problem..
..where I should hit?
Hit him..
Madam! Where he is?
There? Break him into pieces.
Come! Hey Mister.
Sir you! Salute!
Madam! Sir!
I had called you to hit him,
but you are saluting him.
How can we hit him? He is our boss!
We are his children.
What rubbish?
- Not rubbish but children.
I think, you've had it.
Innocent rich girl.
- Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
How have you given a
illiterate man such a high post.
I'm not able to understand a thing?
What has Shankar done with you?
Mr. Malik, I will tell you.
Actually in the hotel which,
she had gone with her friends.
I had also gone to the same
hotel with some poor children.
She thinks that she has been
insulted because how can..
..poor children come in and equal her.
It is her thought,
whenever a poor man eats.
Satisfyingly, then he
has committed a crime.
Fraud, wicked or theft.
Why, I have said the
whole truth or not? Sonia!
Truth, really the truth.
I heard what Shankar has said.
It hurt me very much.
But you don't know, after partition..
..when we reached Delhi then we all.., my parents, my brother and
sister use to sleep on a footpath.
Some of us used to sell combs.
Yes Sonia, your father
too is valued 2 pence.
Shankar, my love has spoiled her.
If possible don't mind her talking.
Take this!
God bless you Shankar! You should
not be hurt by a thorn or stone.
At last my money has came back.
If somehow I find my lost
wife saga of young age..
Saga of my love, my love lost then.. old age will successful.
Your wife is not dead?
Your wife's dead. I didn't mean that.
Your wife should die.
She is lost in a fair.
In Kumbh ( religious ) fair.
In Nauchandi fair,
Kumbh fair has become old.
Many people are lost there.
This is novelty.
And in this novelty my fairy is lost.
She was very fond of eating.
That is why I have food stalls.
And beg in front of hotels.
So that same day she will come near
the same hotel, and I will find her.
And I will same be able
to have my honey moon.
She is just like cauliflower, fat..
..her name is Phulmati.
Like cauliflower,
Phulmati, she is also like that.
She is fond of 1st day, 1st show,
she is my Japanese doll.
I will see 3 shows
with her. Bye-bye. Bye.
Yes bye, this is fate.
He is seeing shows without a ticket.
I'm not able to see with ticket.
O God! Give is your name.
I'm sorry?
I'm not begging. I'm
asking for a wife.
This 10 and 10, 20, you
make very nice appetizers.
But my earnings are only Rs.10.
It is a Government order,
labour charges has been increased.
Why don't you say clearly? That
Shankar has given you this money.
That is why everyone
is being so good to me.
But sister Yashoda.
Go and tell Shankar that
I will remain hungry..
..but won't do the
business of selling my soul.
Yashoda! Sister! Take this money.
- Keep it with you.
In this mother-son's problem.
I have got stuck.
He will take account of
every penny form me and beat me.
Can I come in?
- Yes, please.
I'm Taramati, I and two
other women run a co-..
..operative society, Mahila
Grah Udyog (Ladies enterprise ).
We sell Lijjat appetizers..
..pickles, every thing
from our stall at a low cost.
Whatever profit we get,
we share among ourselves.
There is no shopkeeper in between.
If you want, you can join our society.
You haven't replied?
Will you work with me?
Drowned person needs a
stick for help but.. have brought a
boat in a whirlpool.
I will work with you.
Excuse me!
I love you.
- I love you.
I love you. I love you.
I love you. I love you.
You are mine, and I'm yours.
You are mine, and I'm yours.
Made for each other.
- Stupid.
What happened to the closed room?
Key was wrong. I
will tell you a thing.
That girl was characterless.
Get lost. Stop that.
I don't know when this
girl will leave this lunatic?
Unless and until you
bring her in your line.
To bring her in line, I have to
play a bigger game than the lunatic.
But now, what is he doing?
I will see.
Hello mister! What is going
on here? See this. I will..
How dare you sit here? You don't..
..have manners to ask first.
How can he have manners?
He has been born and
brought up in a slum.
Now because of your father he is
trying to come on level with us.
He can't come on
level with you. My foot!
For me his position will
be the same as before.
Will you go from here yourself
or be pushed out by a waiter.
I was insulted and
thrown out of your house.
Hey, you! Idiot.
He has spoiled my mood. Let's go.
First drink your
juice then we will go.
What is this?
That lunatic was
mixing this is her glass.
It is an aphrodisiac.
I had given it to a girl.
After having it, girl is on such a
fire that does not get satisfied..
..unless and until
there is rain of love.
I'm feeling odd, lucky..
..I'm feeling very good.
I'm feeling as If I'm a sparkler.
You know sparkler..
But why this car is not moving?
Leave it, I will drop you.
Yes! You drop me! Yes!
I used to like lemon drop
in childhood. - You like..
I will get full packet for you.
Come. Come
You'll give me lemon drops.
- Lemon drops are very tasty.
My car is on fire, Sonia,
Someone please get water.
Sonia, come out. The car is on fire.
What has happened to the car?
It is nothing of your interest.
I'm not interested in you
but with Mr. Malik's daughter.
Get lost.
- Don't dare to touch me.
Shankar he is my customer.
- Go.
Teach him properly.
- Come dear, come to me, have stop.
You are going to have
first tablet of aphrodisiac.
You are very young. Get lost!
Where are you taking me?
To my house, if Mr. Malik
sees you in this condition..
What will he think?
It's a lie.
I will tell you, where
you are taking me. - Where?
Your house. I will tell you,
why you are taking me there?
Because no one will be there.
Only you and me.
I will tell, what you will do next?
You will put your arms
around my neck and then.. will bring me close
to you and bring my face.
..near your face and kiss me.
Leave me. Leave me.
''You love me. I love you.''
''As bangles surround hands.''
''As we heart beats in chest.''
''Come let's embrace each other.''
''You love me. I love you.''
''I will push, you drive car.''
''I will push, you drive car.''
''Don't apply a brake
in the journey of love.''
''I will take you to police and..
..tell that you are
taking me along with you.''
''Are you a boy or a girl?''
''You love me. I love you.''
''It is summer season, air is hot.''
''It is summer season, air is hot.''
''Remove my heat quickly.''
''I have been caught in fire,
will you extinguish it?''
''I will make you have a
bath with cold water.''
''You love me. I love you.''
''As bangles surround hands.''
''As the heart beats in chest.''
''Come on, we will embrace each other.''
''You love me. I love you.''
''You love me. I love you.''
''You love me.''
Sonia's car was not working,
your car got on fire.
Why don't you understand?
This was Shankar's planning.
To take Sonia along with her.
You are telling truth.
Not now? Oh God.
We have to leave on god now otherwise.
Mr. Malik will not be able
to show his face to anyone.
One should kill this person on sight.
I think they have come.
It's them.
They have come, Lucky
you hide in the next room.
They might change their
words on seeing you. Come.
Yes! Daddy! Where were you?
Daddy me?
Answer me, where were
you for the whole night?
Daddy, I had gone to
Khandala with my friends.
You are lying! Blatant lies!
My men went around
Khandala valley 4 times.
They didn't find you.
Say the truth
otherwise I will hit you.
She is saying the right thing.
Shut up! You idiot!
Because of you my..
..daughter has lied to me today.
Tell me, where you had taken her?
I had not taken her anywhere.
Again a lie. Lucky come here.
Now tell me, where you had taken her?
- No daddy.
Speak, you fool!
You fool! Idiot!
I gave you money. I gave you a house.
I fulfilled every need of yours.
I gave you respect and
you insulted my respect.
This is a lie, Mr. Malik.
Son of a lair. - Stop yourself,
father, otherwise you will suffer.
What do you mean? You
are also taking his side.
I'm not taking Shankar's
side but the truth's side.
If Shankar wouldn't be then
your daughter would have not..
..been able to show
her face to anyone.
What are you saying?!
Yes Daddy! Shankar's thoughts
were not bad but Lucky's were.
He gave me an aphrodisiac.
So that I would lose my control..
..and he could take
advantage of the situation.
It was good that Shankar was there.
He took me to his house by force.
So that you would not be
shamed by my condition.
And I would lose your respect.
Tell me, is this the truth?
Speak? Why are you not speaking?
Brother.. - You have
ruined my years of hard work.
I will torture you to death.
Ask for mercy.
Ask for mercy.
Please forgive me. I beg you.
After today, if this fool
even tries to look at Sonia..
..then you will remain
all alone in this world.
Yes sir.
- Take him away.
Idiot, get lost from here
and never show me your face.
I am sorry, Shankar. Because
of Sonia, I lost my control.
Otherwise my heart was not
ready to think ill about you.
I'm really sorry.
If elders are shamefully
sorry for youngsters then..
..youngsters are also ashamed.
It is okay, so hit.
Brother, there was no
need of hitting so hard.
You could have hit lightly too.
If I would have not hit you so hard..
..then I would have
lost Malik's faith.
And I would have lost my life too.
But you don't worry, I
will take revenge from that..
..idiot Malik and Shankar.
How will you take revenge now, Gulati?
Nagarjun, you!
Now your position has become
like that, to win Malik's trust.. had to hit your own blood.
After years of honesty, Mr.
Malik has given you a nice prize.
If you would have come forward
and made friends with Nagarjun.
Then you would have become a
50%/% partner instead of servant.
It is true, Nagarjun, I'm really
sorry that I did not listen to you.
No need to be sorry, Gulati.
You can still defeat
Malik in the game of chess.
Wear gloves of friendship
and become Nagarjun's friend.
Mr. Malik! You called me.
Gulati! Khan had called.
One who sends us gold?
- What was he saying?
On Saturday, on his estate,
annual meting is going to take place.
I want be able to go as doctor has..
..advised me not to
travel by air. You go.
Don't worry Mr. Malik. I will do all.. so nicely that
your health will be perfect.
Yes Shankar! You have
to go with Mr. Gulati.. after tomorrow,
get ready for travelling.
Why are you travelling, Shankar?
Khan has requested to send Shankar.
If Shankar will go with you,
how will you deal in my favour?
Don't worry,
Nagarjun, in any condition..
..I will do this deal in your favour.
Leave everything on me.
Because of that idiot Malik,
I didn't get the gold.
In international market of drug.. is exchanged with
drugs instead of money.
You just get me gold once.
I will start showering..
..dope, marijuana, brown
sugar in this country.
I will make the entire young
generation addicts of drugs.
We will get so much money that our..
..whole life will be
spent in counting money.
I want the gold. I
want the gold, Gulati.
Nagarjun! If you still have poison..
Gulati also has two legs.
Just watch. I will give a kick.
Come! Friend! Come!
Gulati! After seeing
you my soul gets happy.
Heart becomes happy.
You are my best friend. I love you.
Give me a hug.
Gulati! Whom have you brought?
This is Shankar.
Shankar! Who Shankar?
You had specially told Mr.
Malik to send him.
Gulati, have you lost your brains.
You know that Khan does not
trust an unknown person quickly.
Understood! I understand very nicely.
In your company, Mr.
Malik has also became smart.
A person has to become smarter.
You also don't leave
this man alone to wonder.
I'm sorry to interrupt Mr. Khan!
Animals are now left alone to wonder.
I don't know about you..
..but I will tell you
about myself that I am a human.
Mercy! Mr. Khan, mercy!
You have talked like my heart likes.
Soul is happy, the heart is happy.
Now-a-days we do not
find an honest person.
I love you.
Come embrace me, come.
Come friends, I have thought that..
..India should at least get..
..each consignment of 5000 kg gold.
5000 kg that is 100
crore goods at a time!
What are you saying, Mr. Khan?
Why are you surprised?
I have heard that a man
named Nagarjun is ready.. take 10,000kg at a time.
Nagarjun is an enemy of Mr. Malik.
You can't deal with him.
Mr. Malik had helped
you to escape from India.
Business should be dealt
with as business, Gulati.
Malik is my friend that is why we
have kept the quantity at 5000 kg.
He has to take this much.
If it is your last wish,
then I am sorry. Goodbye!
Come on Shankar.
- Not goodbye! Gulati.
Mr. Khan if you give us your
word that you give gold to us.. India and no one else,
then we are ready.
Even if Mr. Khan gives a guarantee,
we can't take so much quantity.
Why not?
I don't want to argue with you.
I have come here to
do the deal not you.
Why has Mr. Malik sent
me here? To see your love.
See! I don't know why Mr.
Malik has sent you here?
I will do this deal here and only me.
Let him do business with Nagarjun.
Then he will come to know who we are?
Gulati! You get angry very quickly.
That is why I serve you.
Don't get angry, go and
ask Malik and then answer.
To call Mr. Malik is an
invitation to the police.
Who is asking you to call him?
I will leave you to
airport in my helicopter.
Go in my private
plane to your country.
Ask Malik and come back.
It is such a little thing,
don't make your heart bitter.
Gulati, you are my best friend.
Give me one advice, one
of my men has cheated me.
How should I punish him?
Cheated you! I don't believe it!
I also did not believe
at first but I had to.
He has been unfaithful to me.
See Mr. Khan, there is no
crime bigger than cheating.
In this, man attacks by deceit.
Cheater has no right to survive.
Gulati have mercy!
Even a human life has value.
Cheater is not human
being but a devil.
His punishment is death nothing else.
Gulati you are coldhearted,
very coldhearted.
Okay! Goodbye!
Mr. Khan!
What are you doing, Mr. Khan?
He had said that the
punishment of cheating is death.
No Mr. Khan! You are mistaken!
Gulati! Actually you have turned.
You had come here to do
the deal for Nagarjun.
That is why, I called Shankar here.
Mercy! Mr. Khan!
You have left no place for mercy.
You fixed your punishment..
..and relived me from doing a crime.
Mercy! Mr. Khan.
- No, Mr. Khan!
No, Mr. Khan! Mercy!
I want to kill, Shankar.
You want to kill Shankar,
and we want the gold.
You find out, when exactly
Shankar goes to fetch the gold.
Then, we will finish
Shankar and Malik.
We met at the right time by
the grace of God, Shankar.
Otherwise, this, heart trouble
and the betrayal of Gulati..
..would have been really
very difficult for me.
Malik sir, I wanted to
say that, if Shankar..
Instead of beating around the bush..
Can I ask you, something clearly?
Please ask.
Would you like to marry Sonia?
Well.. me..
I don't want the answer immediately,
you both sit..
..together, think over, then
let me know in due course.
Shankar, I want you to know..
O you! Darling
daughter of an Indian, Madam.. English please, I am an
illiterate, all I can tell you is..
''Neither I have read epics,
nor do I know Gita.''
''The only thing I ever learnt.. your name.''
''I don't want to live without you.''
''I don't want to die without you.''
''I don't want to live without you.''
''I don't want to die without you.''
''I don't want to cry without you.''
''I don't want to laugh without you.''
''I don't want to live without you.''
''I don't want to die without you.''
''I don't want to cry without you.''
''I don't want to laugh without you.''
''I don't want to live without you.''
''I don't want to die without you.''
''I want to spend my
days and nights with you.''
''No matter whatever
happens I will be with you.''
''I want to spend my
days and nights with you.''
''No matter whatever
happens I will be with you.''
''No matter whatever hurdles
the world creates for us.''
''Even if they set a fire on our path.''
''I don't want to stop without you.''
''I don't want to walk without you.''
''I don't want to live without you.''
''I don't want to die without you.''
''Our love is our world.''
''Lord created the
world only for love.''
''Our love is our world.''
''Lord created the
world only for love.''
''What is in destiny I
will face it with joy.''
''We will be together
in thick and thin.''
''I don't want to die without you.''
''I don't want to live without you.''
''I don't want to live without you.''
''I don't want to die without you.''
Sister, this month the
earning of our branch, is good.
Eight thousand rupees.
Eight thousand rupees?
Sister, you have done a wonder.
Because of you all the women,
in the lane have got work.
Yes. My children used to starve,
now, I get two square meals.
Mother, you are still here?
Taxi is still waiting, come.
But where are you taking me?
You will very soon know
the place and also the name.
Let's go.
Come mother.
Where have you brought me?
This, appears to be the house of..
..a wealthy man, or a palace,
of a king to me..
No mother, Neither, it is
not the house of a wealthy man,
..nor is it the palace of any king.
This is your house, mother..
..which your son, has made,
this is for you.
Oh, Shankar, you?
See the prosperity
of your son, mother.
There was a time that we
never had a place to stay..
..and today, is the time that
your own house, is appearing like..
..the house of a wealthy man,
or a palace of a king to you.
Why did you bring me here by deceit?
Well, mother..
You were afraid that, I
would refuse to come, right?
What you thought was correct,
if, I knew earlier..
..I would have never come here.
No, mother, I will not let you
go from here. Today, your son is..
..planning to settle down. I
am getting married to Sonia.
We need your support,
and blessings, mother.
What blessings could I offer you?
This mother, has nothing.
If I bless you, that, my
son should have a long life..
..and my daughter-in-law,
should always be..
..accompanied, by her husband,
then, I shall be lying..
..because, it is the police,
who is his enemy, whose guns..
..will always target him
and chase him, forever.
And if I bless you for prosperity..
..and wealth of children
then what quality of life..
..will you have to
offer to your own children?
When they will ask
you what is our father?
Whether a lawyer, a
doctor or an engineer?
At that time, will you be
able to tell them, that..
Children, he is nothing of that
sort but he is a big smuggler.
All the enemies of Shankar
will be their enemies too.
Their life will always be in danger.
The children who are
raised on the earnings of sin..
..are really very unfortunate.
They have no fear of God.
Cheating flows in their blood.
The children have to pay..
..for the sins of their father.
Sin, sin, sin, sin?
Why are you making
such big issue over sin?
In today's world, there
is nothing known as sin.
It is only money that matters.
He who has money, has everything.
Even my children will have everything.
I shall give them all
the happiness of the world.
That's all.
When the time comes
then you will know.
That, what you are
assuming as happiness..
..are actually poisonous snakes.
Why those snakes do not bite them..
..whose photographs
appear in the newspapers?
Who have shut all the wealth
of the world in their lockers?
Is there anyone, amongst them,
who is faithful to..
..his own conscious?
Has earned without committing any sin?
And still, people offer garlands
of sandalwood, offer them flowers.
No mother, not me. I
am not a criminal.
It is they who are the criminals.
Who have locked the
smallest of happiness.. big locks. The real
criminal is the society.
Who made the poor still poorer and..
..the rich even richer.
Criminal is that world that
doesn't worship humanity but..
..worships the power of the human.
Worships the power of the human.
Worships the power of the human.
That's what is
really upsetting, Shankar.
The world which you
are talking about.. our own world. It is we
who have made it this way.
Don't forget, in this same world,
we have seen men like..
..Jesus and Mohammed, Ram
and Krishna, Buddha and Nanak!
Great leaders of the world who
are supposed to live for others..
..when they start to live for
themselves, they l people like us..
..should stand
unshakably on the path of truth.
Sacrifice ourselves at the
altar of principles and ideals.
Otherwise this world of humans
will turn into a devil's empire.
Nagarjun can't trace out Shankar.
I fear he has gone to
take the gold from Khan.
You are right.
Very good news, Lucky.
Good news!
Means, only one job is left.
I will find the landing..
..location of Malik's gold.
I will show Shankar! There is still..
..a lot of venom left in Nagarjun!
Here, take this.
What happened?
- Nothing.
I was just thinking
that after meeting you..
..I have really reformed.
- Means, you were spoilt previously?
No, not spoilt, but used to think.
About what? About girls.. no,..
..I mean I used to
think of my wife to be.
As to who and how she would be.
Take it to Dr. Kapoor.
- I won't take the injection.
Little boy!
Hey Shankar, I am still
not dead. I am still alive.
Hey.. you?
- Yes, your father, Nagarjun!
So lost your thoughts on seeing me?
Now just see what's going to happen!
Look there!
C'mon, load the gold in the truck.
Last time you turned the..
..tables on me by deceit.
This time, I have come to
punish you for that treachery!
Hey Malik! Mr. Malik!
You want to see the dance of
death of this serpent of yours?
One minute. If you want to live,..
..bow down at my feet and beg.
Plead with me. Ask
for a pardon from me.
Pardon from me.
I may forgive you.
What are you looking at?
C'mon, hurry up.
Or else, I will blow your brains off!
My revolver, give me my revolver.
Loin cloth. My revolver.
Nagarjun, what are you doing!
No. daddy,
Quick, hurry up.
Open it up, quickly. Move.
Come on, just shoot, shoot.
Daughter, Sonia!
Welcome, welcome commissioner, come.
What is it, Nagarjun? Why
have you called me here?
I will tell you, sir.
There are Rs.10,00,000 in this.
I shall give you ten lakh more.
Kill Shankar with the help of the law.
Finish him.
You know it very well, Nagarjun..
..all the wires of my life are
connected with illegal things.
I cannot invite enmity of Khan.. inviting it will be
the same with Shankar.
Khan? Sir, appointed
someone from your office..
..who has a disease of honesty.
A disease of honesty?
Yes, money.
There is somebody. Gokhale.
Good morning, sir. Good morning.
Come. Do you know him?
He is commissioner, Thakkar.
Who does not know him, sir?
I have heard a lot about
your honesty, inspector.
You will go places. Thank you, sir.
You are aware of it Gokhale,
after the death of Malik..
Gold smuggling has not
been hampered, but prospered..
..and that is because of
Malik's son-in-law, Shankar Bose.
Mr. Thakkar believes that you
are the best officer for this case.
I know Shankar Bose, sir. He
used to struggle on the footpath.
Has now become a
respected civilian of the city.
Just don't worry, sir, I shall
trap him with the help of the law.
Long live Shankar Bose!
Long live Shankar Bose!
Brother? Long live Shankar Bose!
Long live Shankar Bose!
So Mr. Ram, is everything alright?
Yes Shankar. The roof
doesn't leak anymore.
Garland him. What are you waiting for?
Thanks to you, now it rains only
outside our houses not inside.
That's good.
The only problem was water
and that you have solved.. putting the tap.
Now son why stay away from the tap?
Start the tap..
..with your own hands so that
like your heart water flows.
But the tap is supposed to
be inaugurated by mother..
Has nobody told her that?
Hello? Yes, yes, we can supply.
No, no, we don't earn so much..
..that we can give on credit.
We will deliver on cash.
Ok. Ok. Please send your cheque.
Okay. Greetings!
How are you?
Mother this work is for a
good cause then why have you..
Is your name Shankar?
We have a search
warrant for this whole place.
Move aside. One moment.
Let me see.
Call him.
- Okay.
Mr. Vasu, just have a look at this.
May I know the sudden need
for searching this place?
We have heard that you are
using this place to hide gold.
What rubbish!
Shankar, this warrant is alright.
And what if you don't
find the gold over here?
Then also you can't stop us
from doing our duty. Soldiers!
Shankar, it's because of you..
..that the police will
enter our house today.
Maybe that's the
punishment you get for..
..being the mother of a criminal.
Hello? Khanna sir? One of your
police officers is trying to.. little uptight with
me without any reason.
Oh, really?
- Yes, kindly call him.
Ok. Give him the phone.
Thank you. Talk to him.
Hello? Inspector Gokhale speaking.
Yes sir? But sir I have a warrant.
Leave the warrant and come back.
Mr. Shankar Bose, you may be
able to make me seem small.. front of your big friends,
but I will not allow you to..
..degrade my uniform.
I swear in front of your
mother that I will handcuff you..
..with my own hands.
Long live Shankar! Long live Shankar!
Come my friends, come. How are you?
Hello, Shankar. My heart soars..
..with joy when I see you.
A hearty
congratulation to both of you!
Come daughter, I will explain
why I couldn't attend your wedding.
You see Sonia, my ears
are not on my face but..
..they are in the sky like satellites.
There is no news in the
world of which I'm not aware.
Uncle Khan was aware that the
police is searching for him.
So if I would have come for
your wedding not only would..
..I have got caught but your
wedding would have got ruined.
Take her to wife's room.
Go. Come Shankar.
Shankar, I want you to earn
in billions and not millions.
How? - Well nowadays there
is a lot of money in heroin.
I agree that Malik had a
problem with trading in drugs.
But now he is not here
so your way is clear.
Khan sir, you have made a
mistake in understanding me.
I believe I trade in
gold and not smuggle it.
So my conscience doesn't
prick me. But, all these..
..drugs like heroin, marijuana
destroy our younger generation.
They would even destroy
the future generations.
People involved in this
business are devils not humans.
This is one business
I shall neither do..
..nor let anyone do.
Shankar, you are a very nice man.
Come on Imran, your
sixth teacher has come.
Go son.
So many teachers come
here to make him study?!
Since he doesn't go to school..
..all the teachers come here.
Why? Is there no school around here?
We do have a school, aunt,
but daddy doesn't allow.
One day when he was going to
school his car was attacked.. Khan sir's enemies.
Our driver Kamaal also fired..
..but he got shot on his leg.
So his leg had to be amputated.
A false leg had to
be put in its place.
Come son.
The results of the crimes of
the fathers have to be borne.. the children.
Shankar must also be having enemies.
His life also will
forever be in danger.
The results of the crimes of the father
will have to be borne by the children.
What happened, Sonia?
What have you started thinking..
..after seeing Imran?
The jobs of criminals
are always dangerous.
They give you money in one
hand and cut off the other.
Are you seeing this house of mine?
This is not my house.
This is a jail.
Where I and my
innocent child are being..
..punished for being the
wife and son of a smuggler.
What happened? What happened, Sonia?
Oh my God! You are
going to be a mother.
But mummy, at least come inside.
How many times do I tell you?
I don't want to come inside.
Call Shankar over here.
But mummy, he has gone outside
and will be coming any time now.
Here he has come.
Stop the car.
- What happened, mother?
Sunanda is not at home.
- Where did she go?
She has not gone anywhere.
She has ruined my
reputation by running away.
Remember the money
you used to give her?
This has happened because of it.
Are you suspicious about anyone?
His friend Chandan.
Shankar? - You fool! I had
never imagined that you would do..
..something like that to my sister.
This is the reward I
get for my friendship?
You are not worthy to be alive!
Shankar, atleast listen to me.
I will murder you!
Oh brother! Please don't
hurt him you have my swear.
Don't kill my husband! - Yes, brother.
We have decided to get married.
As a matter of fact we
would have got married but..
..Chandan wanted to wait
till you gave us your blessings.
We were waiting for you.
Please forgive me Shankar.
If there was any control on..
..the heart then I would
have gone away from her life..
..but I wouldn't even
think of hurting you.
But my heart became my
destiny and I couldn't stop myself.
Shankar if you are
not happy with our..
..decision then I
promise you I will go away now.
But I wont break your trust.
Do you love Chandan?
And you want to marry him?
Then you will get married to him only.
No. I will not let
this wedding happen.
Who are you to interfere?
I am Sunanda's sister-in-law.
So I am like her mother.
I will not knowingly,
throw her in hell.
I will not let her lose her life.
If you dare to interfere in my
sister's happiness your swear I will..
brother! What's wrong with you?
How have you come here?
Mother has kept a
condition for this marriage.
She wants Chandan to
leave your business..
..and do something legal.
Shankar whatever you say..
I agree. But I need
two days time for this.
I don't have any problem now.
Yes lawyer, please make all
the documents of Chandan..
..and bring them to me.
Go inside. Go. Idiots.
Who are they? These fool's were
selling drugs to school children.
We got these goods from them.
Drugs. Put them in the fire.
Who supplies you these?
I don't know anything.
You don't know? Your
father will also tell.
Speak up. Speak up.
Otherwise I will kill you.
I am telling you, I am telling you.
Nag. Nagarjun.
Khan I had told you that I
will neither trade in drugs..
..nor allow anyone to trade in it.
Then to you have started
supplying them to Nagarjun..
..whose men are trading in
drugs all over the city.
You are blaming me
for nothing Shankar.
I have not supplied
anything to Nagarjun.
And who do you think
you are talking to?
Don't take advantage of
being Malik's son-in-law.
Khan sir, if you have
not supplied the gold to..
..Nagarjun then who has supplied?
I am worried about
it than more you are.
That which is this new mine
that is supplying gold in India.
I will find out about this, Khan Sir.
Whether the mine is new or old.
I will throw it out.
This Shankar is now
becoming a dangerous man.
Do you know that he has caught..
..your men with the goods?
My men?
I will not leave that idiot alive!
I will destroy him!
Nag. Raid his depots through Gokhale.
He will get caught red-handed.
And the police will capture him.
Then our way will be clear.
But, nobody knows the
addresses of his depots.
Khan knows the addresses.
Gokhale, this file is really dynamite.
I'm sure that along with Shankar,
with the help..
..of Interpol we will also catch Khan.
Immediately make it
ready with all the proofs.
Sir, as soon as we know
the locations of Shankar's..
..depots we will put him under arrest.
Today is your lucky day, Gokhale.. only I have come to know,
where some of his depots are located.
But you will not be
able to catch him..
..because his whole
business is unofficial.
He trades under the name Chandan.
Then I have already
caught him, Sir. Excuse me.
Sir maybe you don't know but,
today Shankar's sister.. getting engaged to Chandan.
And to save Chandan, he
will surrender himself.
Good! I take the
responsibility of that.
Raid on the dot of 12 tonight.
Shankar and Chandan
both shall be present.
Tonight at 12.
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''All the secrets are coming out,
coming out, coming out.''
''Nobody escapes, nobody escapes.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''Your brother is so generous,
he treats everyone.''
''Brother, brother! Brother, brother!''
''Your brother is so generous,
he treats everyone.''
''He gives sweets to the servants.''
''And gives sweet-meats
to a laundry woman.''
''While I have to stay hungry.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''Your sister-in-law looks innocent.''
''Actually she is a bullet.''
''Brother you tell, tell,
talk about our sister-in-law!''
''Your sister-in-law looks innocent..
..actually she is a bullet.''
''Again she makes her Sari fall.''
''And makes her
brother-in-law dance on her fingers.''
''Your brother cannot
do anything about it.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''Eyes are somewhere and
aim is somewhere else.''
''Our uncle is an old romantic.''
''Dance uncle, dance!''
''Eyes are somewhere else
and aim is somewhere else.''
''Our uncle is an old romantic.''
''Loves the neighbour, but
aunt saw him in the bungalow.''
''From that day he has
not got up from his bed.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''Uncle was in Dubai,
aunt was in Surat.''
''A child was born in that situation.''
''Right aunt? Right aunt?''
''Uncle was in Dubai,
aunt was in Surat.''
''A child was born in that situation.''
''How was the child born tell
us also, tell us your story.''
''Aunt said, aunt said.
- What did she say?''
Uncle, send it in mail.
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
''At 12'o'clock in the night
there's ruckus in the street.''
Yes, Khan sir.
Shankar, reach your depot immediately.
I have news that inspector
Gokhale is going to raid it tonight
My godown?
Thank you.
Lawyer, where has Shankar gone?
Maybe to the depot.
There is danger of raid.
Shankar! - Come on! Let's go. - But,
Shankar is trapped in the gas.
Its too dangerous for
you to stay over here.
I can't leave him alone.
Come on, come on.
- I can't come. - Move.
Come on! Come, come lie here.
Everything will be fine, Chandan.
What happened?
Get Dr. Kapoor fast.
- Ok.
Sir, inspector Gokhale is here.
He is insisting on
searching this house.
Why is this fool after me?
You take care of Chandan.
If Shankar doesn't
turn up in 10 seconds..
..I will pull this house down
brick by brick! - Inspector Gokhale!
From the day the government
has given you this uniform.. have made the life
of a good citizen, hell!
Now what problem do you have?
This is yours and
Chandan's arrest warrant.
I have come to arrest you.
My crime?
The charge sheet will
be shown in the court.
I very well know that
Chandan who has been shot by me..
.. is hiding somewhere over here.
As soon as he is found you
will have nothing left to hide.
Go! Search for him all over the house.
Get the phone. - Until we don't
find Chandan you can't make any call.
Come on.
I'll call the doctor.
Oh my God!
Something's here.
Yes sir. Come here.
Yes sir, there is a way.
Sir. See there is a way.
Move forward.
He must be here.
- Force it open.
Yes sir.
- Come.
Open it. Open it.
Yes sir.
What happened?
We have searched this whole place..
..but we can't find Chandan anywhere.
Till when will he hide? He
will attend his wedding at least.
Arrest him!
You can't arrest me, inspector.
Inspector! These are
Shankar's and Chandan's..
..anticipatory bail papers.
Let's go.
Till today you were my enemy but..
..from today I'm your enemy.
Chandan! Chandan!
You have killed your friend, Shankar.
You are a murderer,
you are a murderer.
What the hell are you talking Sonia?
I'm conscious of what I'm speaking.
Chandan died so that
you would be saved.
He died so that you could live.
Till yesterday I was ready to
sacrifice everything for you..
..but today there is
our baby in my womb..
..I will not let you destroy it,
I will not let you destroy it.
I'm leaving Shankar, I'm leaving..
..because I don't want our
child to open his eyes.. the world of crime. I
don't want him to breathe..
..the poisonous air of sin.
I' am leaving you and going..
..away forever, Shankar.
Sonia! Sonia! Sonia!
Go! Go away. I don't care for anyone.
I risked my life for you all.
But, instead of receiving any
blessings all I got is curses.
Everyone has spoken two
words of love and given..
..lectures full of hatred.
Did you hear me? Did you hear me?
Some people left this world
because they wanted to die.
Some people left because
they wanted to carry my child.
Finally you too left me.
You too left me.
I am left alone.
I am left alone.
It's you? Sister,
daughter-in-law is here.
Sister-in-law is here. Sister-in-law!
You came here alone? Why
did you come in a taxi?
Where's brother? Why
didn't brother come?
Are you asking about your
brother or about your groom?
Tell me, sister-in-law.
Tell me. Tell me why
brother didn't come.
Mother. Mother.
- What happened?
- What happened?
What happened? Mother.
He will not come.
- He will not come.
The person who was to marry Nanda..
..has left us forever.
No, daughter-in-law. You shouldn't
say such inauspicious things.
No, I am telling the truth.
Instead of marriage there
will be a funeral in this house.
No. No. No.
Forgive me, my sister.
Chandan died in my hands.
I couldn't save him. I
couldn't do anything.
I couldn't do anything.
I couldn't do anything.
Mr. Khan, why did you
take risk by coming here?
Risk is my nature. Where is that file?
It's with Gokhale. It
will reach the IG tomorrow.
We have to get it in
a night, Mr. Khan.
Who can do it better than Shankar?
Shankar. I will shoot Shankar.
I will kill his family and
then I will get that file.
Nagarjun, you don't
need to do anything.
Shankar will go to Gokhale to
take the revenge of Chandan's death.
My men will go with
Shankar to take the file.
Shankar will kill Gokhale
and my men will kill Shankar.
I will get the file and
Shankar will go to heaven.
Shankar, I am sorry for
what happened to Chandan..
..but you don't worry, I've issued
a death-warrant on that Gokhale.
No, Mr. Khan. I will kill Gokhale.
I need to take
revenge of Chandan's death.
Alright. You do that.
Africa, take your men with Shankar..
..and bring that file..
..which can kill all of us.
Oh! Bombay is turning
into Delhi and Calcutta.
- Yes, dear.
I am in the kitchen.
What happened to you, dear?
I'm coming. What happened to my son?
What happened to my son?
- I was scared.
You are so brave and you
got scared of darkness?
Now see how the darkness disappears.
Leave her. Leave her.
Leave me.
Take the child.
He was my childhood friend.
You killed my friend.
He was my friend. He was
to be my sister's groom.
You turned my sister into a
widow even before her marriage.
You can't stay alive.
You can't stay alive.
No, brother Shankar.
Don't kill my husband.
Don't kill my husband, brother.
Brother. Brother.
- Mariah.
Yes, brother. He's my husband.
Do you remember one day you
showed me to the path to live?
Don't take away my husband from me.
I beg you. Please don't kill me.
Don't beg him, Mariah. - No,
brother. Don't kill him. Brother.
Let's go, Africa.
- Leaving them alive?
This lady has seen us.
The child has seen us.
This officer has seen us. We
will die if we leave them alive.
It's up to me if I
kill them or leave them.
No, it's not up to you.
This man is an enemy of Mr.
Khan and his business.
Mr. Khan ordered us to let
Shankar shoot the first bullet.
And then we will
shoot him two bullets.
You can leave them, but we
will fulfill our master's order.
Illiterate fellows!
They don't know that..
..I can't make my
Mariah a widow again.
I can't kill my sister's husband.
Brother, Shankar killed Khan's man.
Where is the file?
The file is with Shankar.
Tell your Khan about it.
Now I will tell him. Shankar
won't escape from Nagarjun.
I'm back, mother.
I'm back, mother. I'm back.
Bring that fool here.
No. Don't kill him.
Kill me if you want. - I will
kill him in front of his family.
Leave him. Leave him.
Nagarjun still has a lot
of tricks ups his sleeve.
Leave him.
He thought he would
escape if he jumps in a well.
He doesn't know that there is
440 watts current inside it.
Come here, Shankar's men.
Come and see Shankar's dead body.
No. No, Shankar. No
Forgive me, brother Shankar. No
Forgive me, brother Shankar.
Shankar, I promised you that
I will arrest you some day.
Today that day has arrived.
But before that hand
me over the file..
..for which you had to commit murders.
Give me that file,
Shankar. Give it to me.
Well done, Gokhale. Well done.
You have done a job alone..
..that the entire
police couldn't have done.
Wow! We got the file.
Gokhale, the file that you made
is not any less than an atom bomb.
One by one all the enemies are dying.
There one enemy left, sir.
His name is Khan.
If he comes to India once he
won't be able to go back. - Gokhale.
Khan is here.
Mr. Commissioner.
I am not a commissioner, but I
am the one who takes commissions.
Keep an eye on him. Come.
Come. Mr. Khan, here is
your file and here is Shankar.
Khan has seen Shankar earlier as well.
When I see this slum I
remember an incident.
Many years ago there was..
..a drunkard uncle
and a customer in taxi.
The customer that your uncle brought..
I am that good fellow.
It was your misfortune that
I couldn't be your father.
That night if I had got your mother..
..then I would've left
you today as my son.
These guns are
making you talk like that.
If you have guts
then dare to fight me.
That day uncle came to mother with
wrong intentions and I killed him.
But today you dared
to touch my mother.
You won't be alive anymore.
You won't be alive anymore.
- Now you talked like that man.
You made me happy. I am
really pleased with that.
I am so happy, Shankar.
I am so happy.
Wow! You are very strong.
You are courageous.
I am very happy.
Will you fight Khan? Will you?
Get up, kid. Fight Khan.
Fight me.
Get up, Shankar. Get up.
Fight me and save everyone's life.
Or sacrifice your life
at your mother's feet.
Get up, son. Get up.
Khan, you are lucky.. will die on the land..
..that my mother graced with her feet.
Get up.
Get up.
Khan is never defeated.
Khan is never defeated.
- No.
Mother. Mother.
Mother. Mother.
- Mother. Mother.
Mother. Mother.
Why did you make such a big
sacrifice to save a son like me? Why?
You are the one who made
all the sacrifices, Shankar.
You did a favor on me by
taking birth from my womb.
And you ruined your life.
No, mother. Don't talk like that.
If anyone can save the boat
of truth in the sea of sins..
..then it's a mother like you.
Mother is Gangotri.
Mother of river Ganges.
Till mother is holy there
will be purity in this world.
There will be humanity.
The world will survive.
Even after giving birth to a son
like me you are still holy, mother.
You are great.
Mother, please do not leave me.
I can't live happily without you.
I am not leaving you, son.
My body will change.
But my soul will always be with you.
Mother. Mother.
''O lord, give us love.''
''Give love to everyone.''
''Have mercy on us.''
''Change everyone's life.''
''Lord, give us love.''
''Give love to everyone.''
''Let us not leave the right path.''
''Let us not turn away
from compassion and duty.''
''Let us not leave the right path.''
''Let us not turn away
from compassion and duty.''
''Let us never break others' hearts.''
''O lord, give us love.''
''Give love to everyone.''