Mumbai Police (2013) Movie Script

Farhan... the case is solved. I've
found out the culprit. Yes Farhan.
Do you have a cigarette?
I never used to smoke.
Sorry! Name... Again I...
Farhan, your closest
friend, police commissioner.
This is where, fourteen days before.
One refrigerator fell off to the
road, while on a house shifting.
Your jeep was just, behind it.
All of a sudden,
when you turned the vehicle...
it had hit there, and toppled over.
As I told you, you were
talking over the phone, with me.
Good evening sir, I'll come,
by what time sir? Okay.
Yes. Got discharged today only.
Will be able to take charge, with in
two days. Yes sir, I understand. Sir.
State government and
media is closely watching...
on murder of a police officer.
There was, lots of pressure on us,
on both, you and me. Not was. It is!
When you were in the hospital,
- there were innumerable phone calls
and mails, on the status of the case.
It was in the mist of us, everywhere.
If we do not reach a conclusion,
that will affect our carrier.
Among the superiors, few
were apprehensive on that.
But you had solved that case,
just before the accident.
From where we departed
on meeting, to till here...
in between this distance.
Some where there is a vital
evidence, which you had found out.
A vital clue... The whole
state was following this case...
which was proven also.
Before, bringing it to light, what it is,
- before revealing
the culprit... Accident!
I don't remember. Nothing at all.
On that drive, there are no
incoming calls, in your call list.
The last outgoing call, was for me.
For a twenty minutes distance, you
took, more than forty five minutes.
Which means, in between
something had happened?
One halt, one deviation,
or maybe not, a slowing down.
Whatever it may be, in that gap,
this case has got proven.
10 A, this was inside
your cars dash board.
Take the bag and
take sir, to the flat.
Yes, sir.
All the medicines are in the bag,
the timings are written
on it. Do not forget.
Nobody should be allowed to go
upstairs, till I come. Is it clear to you?
He is the guard here... Shivan.
This is for you, take it. Your sister.
One accident. Now
you are perfectly all right.
In front of all, expect
me and Doctors.
That's why no visitors
were allowed inside hospital.
Tell her, you'll come tomorrow.
here... At the flat.
Yea, I had food.
From a nearby restaurant.
Sub Way.
I'll come tomorrow.
Hallo, you have your
food and go to bed.
I will be around ten
thirty, eleven, must visit SQ.
No problem, with him,
nothing, I'll come.
Do I have to come? There is
a meeting, already late now.
If you, want me to come.
Not required.
We'll talk, till then, sleep well.
If you need anything, have
you fed my phone number?
There... ln that flat, is
there anyone, along with me?
I mean, do I live with some body?
At Chellavanoor, there is a
Sky line, may be there.
No, it is here, in this area
that is what I was told.
Here, other than
this, there is nothing...
Excuse me sir. Can you
tell me, where this address is?
Hi Antony, I had
come to the hospital.
When you get discharged, will
come to your house. You take rest.
Tony... Man, I came
know about the news now.
I'm so sorry, I'm in Qatar, and
I'll catch you, once I'm back.
Kamal from Hyderabad, all of our
prayers and wishes are with you.
This is all our curse, we pray that
you must not walk, from now on!
God gave you this.
Is it a good time to talk.
Sorry, never intended,
to talk this matter...
soon as you came, discharged.
As you know, after,
yesterday's incident,
everyone over here was shaken.
Especially ladies and children.
Sir, as you know.
The rule, for only family
was nullified, just because...
you were a police officer
and there by the safety at the flat.
But this is... Either someone will
come, to assault you, like yesterday.
Or else, they will come threatening.
If not, nothing other than this.
After drinking, sir, you
will create havoc here.
Last month, after drinking,
you were using foul language...
To the wife of Narayanan sir.
But we did not mention that.
That is all previous issues. Start
the topic, on why we are here.
But we have to mention the past,
which is why we came here.
Sir, if you have a visitor,
without writing on the register...
you straight away enter.
Isn't that correct Shivan!
On telling him to write,
he will bounce on me.
We are not used to these
kind of things, we believe...
without much complications in
life, we must move on.
So, what we have to tell is.
Not this association alone...
Everybody in this flat,
we are fed up.
Sir, you must vacate from here.
That shop... Your routine hault to
buy cigarettes. Go and get one.
See, whether, you get something,
from his conversation. Something.
Maybe, you might have stopped here,
before the accident, drive.
In certain case, will get a big, clue
from, the words spoken by some.
Which is the cigarette?
The moment, he sees
you, he'll take it out.
I'm Sajeev.
Sajeev, from Asianet.
Knew you are discharged,
as I was busy, running...
I could not come to
hospital and meet you.
Sir, there is a rumor that
investigation is over...
Home minister, also, hinted on that.
If it is so, the first information,
should be given to us sir.
When did you come from hospital?
Anyway, good thing you came
out from there, morning itself.
Some kind of tidiness is there,
as he had not gone there.
Can pay only on first.
Hey! Tony, you are back! How
come, you haven't called?
I was only discharged yesterday.
Opened two more international
services, crazy schedule.
For the last two weeks,
literally I was in the sky.
Couldn't come to hospital,
but you look good man!
Thanks, that is new!
Anyway one o'clock to Qatar.
Got to rush, pop in,
I'll drop you some place.
No, I got the vehicle.
I'll drop in, once I land.
It's been a while.
Who was that?
I don't know.
Who called you, over the phone?
One TV guy, Sajeev.
Enquired about the case...
morning also, there was
a call from a journalist.
Don't answer anything, they
will dig deep. Ignore them...
saying you are in a
meeting or something.
Did he say anything?
Whatever, he says I
will not understand that.
Because, I don't know
what is happening.
On one side, somebody
is coming to attack,
on the other hand, telling
me to vacate from the flat.
Some are telling I'm a drunkard.
You tell me, to report it to you,
what that is heard from the streets?
I feel like a puppet.
Give it some time, had
started the investigation,
Not who they are, but
I need to know, why?
Not pointing people around me.
But who they are to me. I don't
know, one, who is in front of me,
Including you!
Only questions are before me.
Must find answers for all,
they only will I know who I'm.
Now I need an answer, for
a big question before me.
Who am'I?
Antony Moses Assistant
commissioner of police Ernakulum city.
What you were looking for
is crime number, 1476 I 2012.
Whatever details you had
found out, is in the case dairy.
Let me welcome Aryan John
Jacob, to the dais, to accept...
Aryan John Jacob, IPS, who
audaciously attacked and killed...
three maoist terrorist, who
abducted five competitors...
Participated in the National
Athletic Meet at Hyderabad...
And horned threats on their lives.
An officer in Kerala Police.
In 2009, Aryan John Jacob,
joined the force, as...
Assistant superintendent of police
at Maharastra. For two months...
he served at Q1
branch at Bombay.
he is working as Assistant
Commissioner of Police Mattancherry.
May I now, welcome the honorable
Governor to present Medals...
and certificate of
Honor to Aryan John.
I was never a good police
officer and I don't know how a...
good police officer should be.
I was often, astonished, on thinking
how an IPS label came to me.
However, it may be, everywhere
I go it is never more than...
a premium status symbols.
Nothing more than this, I had not
shown any undue respect...
to this position.
On standing here,
it is the biggest honor one
can achieve in the police force.
I know myself, for a below
average, officer like me, this is...
Is it not recorded?
No sir.
Take the vehicle!
Saji on the right.
James on the top floor.
Shall we go somewhere? I will
abstain, from here for few days.
Do you think, he will go from
your heart, if you do like that?
He will be there in
every corners of life...
even if, it is here, or
where ever we are.
There will be lot of moments,
which he had given us.
We cannot escape, from it.
No matter, how far we go from it.
I cannot think,
he is no more, as a reality.
I need to know...
I'm never a good police officer...
and I don't know how a
good police officer should be.
I was often, astonished, on thinking
how an IPS label came to me.
However, it may be, everywhere...
I go it is never more than
a premium status symbols.
On standing here...
it is the biggest honor one can
achieve in the police force.
I know myself, for a below
average, officer like me, this is'
A gun shot piercing the heart,
bullet entered through the left chest.
Exit through the lower back.
Lungs had also been penetrated.
On the wound, the residue
of the gun powder is too low.
This accounts for a
long distance firing.
You might have got the bullet from
the crime scene, haven't you?
No sir, cartridge is missing
searched lot of times everywhere.
Checked outside the stadium,
in a fifty meter radius.
If the cartridge moved
above fifty meters...
it will not be lost on that stampede.
I think that would have been
removed from the scene, by someone.
How long, did our force take,
to secure the entire scene?
Almost an hour.
Without finding the cartridge, we
cannot confirm, what kind of gun used.
Sir, let's do research on fire arms.
From the wound in the victim's body.
We can identify, what is
the kind of gun used.
I've read about it and
I can start today.
That is all, simply written
in the book, madam.
In many cases whichever
may be the gun.
- The wound on the
victim's body will appear similar.
We cannot confirm anything,
without getting the cartridge.
But the victim...
What the hell? Victim... victim... Don't
you know he has got a name?
Did you people forget that also?
He is not just a 'bloody victim' show
the same respect once he was alive!
Is that clear?
Yes sir.
Do you have the list of men,
who attended the function?
Yes, 127 invites, including VIP's.
Then public, between 200 and 300.
Take the statement from all,
check the video footage, and
identify everyone from the public.
VIP's and family members
I will meet personally...
check the rest of the people.
Some guests are out of state. Sir.
Where ever they are, I must get the
statements of all, within three days.
Yes sir.
As per the experts...
the cartridge, had come from a
distance of 100 to 200 meters.
From a highly sophisticated
rifle, by an expert shooter.
What he said is, from the
angle of the wound in the body...
and the distance mentioned.
It might be from a building
on the left side of the ground...
and that too from fifth or sixth floor.
In that case we are not mistaken.
No. Exactly, from a building in that
position, a person had ran from there.
This a building on dispute among
the brothers, no one is staying here.
Get the details of them.
Sir, on the day, when
the incident took, place.
- There are people, who had seen
that Roy, in the nearby junction.
Which Roy?
A usual guy, in the gangster list.
Don't sir, please,
he is not feeling well.
What were you doing
at Atlantic junction on 15th?
That is where my sister's house is.
Your sister?
From there, where did you go?
Sir, he came straight to here.
You answer only when you
are questioned, understand!
From there, straight to
infra building, is it not?
Who were there, along
with you, tell me.
I had seen all this, many times, don't
try to put the things in my mouth...
what you have in mind.
Sir, no need.
You! Don't touch her.
You will never get up!
What did you say?
Leave us alone sir.
How is that touching?
Is it like this?
Or is it like this?
Please, don't do anything?
Or is it like this?
Pull him to the jeep!
Come here!
She too!
Go and meet the residents in that
flat, see whether you get some details.
Yes sir.
Call that, Sudhakaran also with you.
I will go, alone.
Had got lot of experience,
no need of ego.
It seems, no touch anywhere. Foot
prints are deliberately removed.
See this, sir, chili powder, so that
sniffer dogs don't get the smell.
Whoever it may be, he
is not the first timer.
there is an
enormous planning behind this.
That morning, when
that police officer got killed,
son and family was
returning to UK on that day.
So, setting the dinner was delayed.
While I was standing here, I
noticed a car parked over there.
About what time?
Around 11, 11:30.
After the son had left from here.
By around, one o'clock,
when I came to store room.
That car was still there. I didn't see
anybody getting in or getting down.
But I was just thinking,
why that car is there at that time.
In the morning, when you checked,
hadn't been the car over there?
The number of the car, what
type of car, anything like that?
No, I didn't pay attention, to
all that. It was a big green car.
Small eyes... Very small.
Thicker mustache.
A boarder face than this.
An oval shaped.
That's him.
Came here, just wanted
to see the armory test.
Are you investigating on me,
because of a silly fight...
with that person at the party?
I'm interested on your car!
Well maintained, no one
will say, it is 2005 model.
Apart from Captain, does
anyone else use this car?
A week before, around 14th or 15th.
No body uses this car, except me.
Do you know a Roy?
A notorious goonda in Cochin.
That is my vehicle. What
is your program on this 20th?
Must come to camp
office at ten o'clock.
I will get the permission from
superiors, we will have coffee.
Have you been to Bombay...
two months back?
Seems like, have seen
your name at passenger list.
I had gone. Parents are over there.
During the time, you were there.
Have you contacted
a person like this?
What the
I gave got Roy, for
interrogating for three days.
Seems will get some
details from him.
That navy guy?
Still on the track, whether, they had
seen, any issues had taken place,
between Aryan and him.
Is his life so much complicated?
I thought he is just a child.
I have interacted in that way.
Today is his engagement
date, with Rebecca.
Frankly asking...
he used to complain, he doesn't
get enough respect from the family.
Any issues had occurred here,
on the basis of that.
No. when we find
wrong things, scold him...
which was never dis-respect.
Some of his activities,
some companies of him.
Rebbecca here. Told me to call you.
When can I meet Rebbecca?
Right now I'm in Bombay, today
afternoon flight I will return.
Okay. I'll contact you.
Sir, statements of whom,
attended the function.
There is nothing unusual.
This is the initial investigation
report of Hyderabad police.
Their stand is, the shootout
which occurred there...
cannot be connected to this.
That is because, they want
to free from this responsibility.
As an expert shooter, we cannot
deny the involvement of Maoist group.
That too, they had
used the most modern rifle
If the Hyderabad police,
doesn't cooperate.
Then we will have to ask, for the
assistance of a centralized agency.
Okay sir.
This is from Chennai...
and Hyderabad, from the
other metros, it is on its way.
This is not the one, he was more...
Must meet you on evening.
Around 8 o'clock.
That night we had met here.
We were sitting over there.
DGP spoke in an irritated tone.
There is no effort from the side of
the team that is what he says.
Then tell him, to
do the investigation.
No need to blame him,
what can he do?
When there is pressure
from the ministry level.
Aryans, family had also complained,
that there is no developments...
since a week has passed.
They are going in for a press meet.
We have reached three solid
suspects. Captain Sreenivas,
Roy then that sketch. Did no one
notice, those developments?
These three, are connected
somewhere and somehow.
I'm only asking few more time,
to find out that connection.
As far as I'm concerned, the
deceased, is not just like anyone...
to drain out the enthusiasm.
You'll not keep your heads down,
before anyone. That's my word.
After we left from there,
almost after forty five minutes...
then came a phone call.
I found the culprit!
That means at the time
of accident, I knew it.
That means at the time
of accident, I knew it.
To be very precise, from the moment
we parted to the time of the accident.
Within that gap, you
found out, who is the culprit.
The case dairy, that was half
finished by Antony Moses...
must be closed by Antony Moses.
I don't know the people, who I
had mentioned in that case dairy.
I don't know the places.
I don't know myself.
There are no individuals in a case
dairy, witnesses, evidences...
suspects, no need to know,
anyone more than that.
To find out a case, it is the
instruments, the individuals...
their statements and places.
What is lost is only a
memory, not the ability to think.
That is more important
to strive on in this case.
You can again reach where
you have reached before.
During the time of the accident.
There was a suggestion.
That investigation must be carried
out by some other officer...
I denied that, because
I had the confidence.
Or in other words, the
confidence in you, that I have,
- do not have with any other officer.
But in my present condition, to get
the permission from higher officials!
As I told you, nobody knows
any detail, about anything...
except more than an accident.
Except you, me and the Doctor.
For this reason, I
maintained a secrecy on it.
You are fit to continue
this case, my certificate.
I'm also your higher official.
Antony Moses had
taken bigger risks that this.
I'm only about to face
everyone and everything.
I do not know whether I'm prepared
to face, the life of a police officer.
I must meet the Doctor
who treated me.
The men and incidents which
the 'A' knows, 'B' doesn't know.
No personal details.
In a way, two are entirely
different men, in character...
attitude and preferences.
But whatever 'A' knows,
like the languages learned...
skills everything will be
remembered by 'B'
Like driving, swimming, the
games you are familiar with...
training you have got.
There will be no problem on this.
Apple computers heard of it is it not?
Steve Wozniak one of the founders.
He lost the memory in a plane crash.
He got it back, within
five weeks' time.
May be next year, may
be next month or next day.
Do we have examples of
those who never recovered?
That is also there but less in number.
But come on, why do want
to think in a negative way?
Will I be able to do my work?
I mean, the decisions I take...
my conclusions will it
be aureate enough?
Sir do not create troubles.
I have not come to make troubles.
There are twelve men around you.
Everyone is well armed!
Without this, I cannot straight
way come and talk to you.
Other day I came to the flat,
to chop off your hands.
As a male, at least he must do that,
to a guy, who caught his wife.
On that day, it didn't work out that is
why I'm now here in front of you.
Sir, I know, or else,
you will ruin my family.
Sir, you are the only person
responsible for my present state.
I was living in a decent
way, by driving taxi.
On the death of that police
officer, I do not have any role.
If I had, I would have accepted it
I don't have any kind of fear.
Don't try to trap me in that.
Leaving away everything, I'm
going to live for my family again.
Again don't come to harass me.
It is not this Roy alone.
Don't you have the curse of many?
Which is more than enough!
Farhan, I'm again taking the
charge. From tomorrow onwards.
There are two
incidents to be happy,
one, you have joined
and Ammu's result had come.
Even though it is a second chance,
she had passed with a first class.
I know though you had
not given as a debt...
again I've to come to
you, in future also.
She is interested in a MBA, I cannot
afford it, but let her study is it not sir?
When I came here, happened
to know, you had joined.
Daughter's marriage,
Sunday after next week.
I'll come.
Shall I go?
He had called me...
he enquired, whether, you
had completely recovered?
I guessed it rightly, something of
this sort might have happened.
That is next step. Knowing
who is who and what is what.
All of higher caste, salute
them, wherever you see them!
If you don't do that, there are
incidents where, one will be put to traffic.
Is it like this? Seems like,
I had not forgotten that.
Knew, you took the charge,
but couldn't meet you...
as it was coming right
from morning, C.I James.
Will it be over soon?
Since it is Saturday,
will go on till dawn.
If I could just sleep.
Sir, you can sit in the car, if required.
Can't you understand on telling?
Johnny leave it man!
Whoever it may be, do as told.
We'll be having lot of
meeting with lot of dignitaries...
Sometimes we may drink also.
If you have any complaints, go
to naval base and complain.
Don't play this drama,
on the road, on us.
We will see that during the
high way rule comes.
For the time being it is under the
Matancherry police jurisdiction.
We take the complaint from here.
What will you do?
Take him for medical
and prepare a FIR!
I'll not spare you! I'll show you.
Move back!
These guys will make
a mess out of it.
I was about to say that.
What trouble? Charge them
with, duty obstruction also.
Not that sir, sometimes, young
cadres from navy will land up here.
The other guy had gone for that.
Aryan must have handled the
situation in a tactful manner.
On the same day,
you took the charge.
I will do something.
Give the phone to James.
It seems they will
react to it, is it not?
From the nature of their behavior.
All of you must stay there, at any
cost, no one should leave the place.
Antony it is me.
Who are they?
They are the loading
and unloading men at harbor...
not sure, with how
many men, will come.
Do you need paid men, to
scuff them back? You rascal!
Go for some other job, by
giving this to some young lads!
Clear off everyone, no one
should be seen here!
The gate must be open!
They might be coming for you...
but at any cost do not come
out, whatever happens!
Do you have gun?
In case of an emergency.
Don't hesitate, if there is no other
way, use it, which is for it is given.
Others life is not more
important than ones safety.
Must need one more
person, come with me.
On their way, they
stoned at the street lights.
Their intention was to
attack, by making dark.
Nobody has been charged so far,
were waiting for you to come.
That Captains medical is also
over, the percentage of alcohol...
in the blood is more than 30mg.
So far that is not on the records!
I was there in Bombay,
Q1 branch.
Myself and Farhan for two years.
I was in Bandra. For some
time I was in Q1 branch.
But came back, could
not confront with terrorist.
So it will turn out to be
a problem, is it not?
Nothing like that, it will be over now.
That is why he had come directly.
Night is young, coming for a drink!
Anyway on the first day
itself it was a great experience.
Is it a big deal for a person
seasoned in Bombay?
Why did you opt for Bombay, as the
Father and Brother is staying here?
Father insisted more on it, for high
level contacts, it seems to be good.
From now on. Our own Cochin.
That remind me, on
a return flight from there.
There was a Neerupama Tabukk.
She is very famous among
the social circles here.
I know. That Delhi lady, is it not?
Jewelry designer, well known
face on high-heeled parties.
It is said that most wanted
for males, the moment I saw her,
- had booked a room at Taj.
Only two hours in the flight,
I didn't ask, but she asked me,
like to have dinner with me.
Then what?
Full stop over there. I came,
saying no and thank you.
That may not be true. Hard to
believe that you are a saint like that.
Sir, I was not even a
saint but a number one devil.
But for the last one and a half year.
The moment, I think about, such
acts, a feeling of guilt overrides me.
So, at the most ten minutes flirting
that too out of an emergency.
After all ethics is more
important to us, is it not?
What is the name of the ethics?
When, where and how?
St. Xaviers college chairman comes
to invite newly joined IPS officer.
- For union day inauguration.
Is it a long distance love?
Campus selection, Whipro, Cochin.
Come, just pop in and go.
Already late now, some other time.
Since you had come all this way,
just come and meet Father and Brother.
Shift the hall placement to this side,
so that there is more privacy.
Father, this is.
Aryan come on,
- you can be disturbed
thinking about any other thing,
but not, on how I felt.
I forgot about that, moment
I came out from that room.
I know, you can't accept that.
You were more insulted
than me, I know that.
On similar incidents like this, and
if you think like having a drink.
You have 1,800 square
feet flat at your service.
I will bring him to my alley,
whenever I'm conscious.
For 30 years I couldn't do that!
Thanks that you
made the door open,
- can expect more
of this nuisance,
Frequency from now on.
Tomorrow are we
rocking at sir's house, is it not?
We had just started here. Seems
like, will be bit late, no, usual quota.
He is here with me.
Either you throw that phone.
Or call once in a while.
I was busy, running around.
Will be there by Sunday,
will that be enough?
Thursday, it is Father's anniversary,
will you come to church?
I got some other job, if there is
no job also, I won't come.
Since he is dead, had he
become great, did he?
No more debate on this issue.
Will meet on Sunday.
When he was alive, never cared,
- still she has got
sympathy toward him.
Ten to fifteen years I was struggling
alone, along with her, in my hand.
Mine and her life was balanced,
ever since you came in our life.
Finished so soon, I
thought you will go, with her.
What is this?
Antony, no need!
Six stitches, two days
he will be in the hospital.
Good thing, let his
head get cool by the time!
Because of that confusion,
could not figure out, who bet him.
But once they get a strong witness,
- case will be different and also
these people are on full swing.
Mumbai police?
A new name for three
of us. Congratulations!
How did they come to know this?
Apart from family and friends,
then there was only three of us.
There was also a show off by Aryan.
No need of a sixth
sense, to guess you or him.
I was trapped in between.
Feeling proud of yourself?
I have a request, to both of
you, on my responsibility,
- both are being send to Hyderabad.
Don't tarnish my name,
with in week of your stay.
Because both have the capacity
for it, that is why I'm telling.
Anyway, it's a great misfortune,
coaching IPS students...
is it that important?
You go on talking in this
fashion, it is out of your luck,
and they opted for
such a suggestion.
On by-passing those
officers whom they suggested,
- I'm leaving you both.
If you stay here, you both
will be white washed by media.
You blame me, I'm trying
to cool down the issues...
by sending you two, elsewhere.
I'm not thinking that.
What will be happening inside that?
When you were in Bombay,
it was parting and booze,
it was better than this.
Much better than a new friend.
Do you know his reputation?
People frown, on hearing his name,
if you want you check by yourself.
Anyway, he is a friend, who is not
eager, that he must be proud of me.
This is the after effect that
an IPS degree was added...
which was never in my ambition list.
Just think like that, this
disgrace, because of me.
Over take that car and stop.
What are you doing Aryan?
Will go!
Take care of him.
Right person, to hand over.
But three of us never expected
that journey will change...
the phase of our life, forever.
Three Maoist men, kidnapped the
participants for National games...
held at Hyderabad.
They have demanded, seven men
jailed at Tihar, must be released...
- in exchange for athletics.
The incident
happened an hour back.
They have started harming us.
When we asked for water,
we were beaten with the rifle.
In the confrontation
between the Maoist groups...
and Hyderabad commando force.
Aryan John and Antony Moses,
from Kerala police force...
were also part of the operation.
Three terrorist were
gunned down by Mattancherry...
assistant Commissioner
Aryan John Jacob.
For further discussion on this,
IG Gopinathan Nair, is here...
with us on the telephone line.
How would you
evaluate the situation?
We must be all
proud of State police force,
more over officer's like Aryan John
Jacob, will enhance the law...
and order system and the
confidence of police...
among the public.
Even though, I'm a senior officer,
I'm offering, him a big
salute to what he did.
We requested to them that we
must assist in the encounter.
They welcomed it, as we were in
the Q1 branch for some time.
The other commandos who
participated, in the operation...
had all praised on
your shooting skill.
Are you still continuing
the practice on that?
Every day without fail, I'm
practicing on firing range.
How do you feel now, with in a day
you are a national hero now?
I'm pleased, this achievement,
I'm dedicating to my Father.
What is it or who is
this Mumbai police?
For that word, you journalist
had already glorified it a lot,
- three police men's
goondaism, irreverence and all.
But I have only one
definition to give, for that word.
' Friendship'
Total area was about, one acres of
land, with a five stored building.
We were 12 men, with a well
maintained secrecy plan.
The entire group was
split to two men in a group.
We surrounded the entire building.
I and he were in one group.
They started firing, the moment
we surrounded the building...
from the fourth floor.
Without taking the stair case,
- we went in this way,
look, reached fourth floor.
They started shooting from the
middle room at the corridor.
We understood athletics were
inside the just opposite room.
But to open that we must cross their
room. There was only one way out.
We must bring them out.
On that adverse situation, threw
the tear gas shell in to the room.
As the three men came out, at that
moment itself, three were shot.
Why did you ask like that, haven't
you seen on TV and newspaper?
That, compatriots will believe!
I also fired, but it didn't
go where it was expected.
Then how come a news like that?
As I told, I had also done firing,
as the other officers came...
I was standing there. They miss-
understood, I was the one who fired.
He didn't change it and he never
allowed me speak about it also.
Then came the media men.
He and others told my name. By the
time, I couldn't do anything on that.
What a stupidity you had done?
I also told him the same thing,
- on that night, press
meet I was ready to say,
- what had actually happened.
He didn't allow me.
Don't you know the seriousness of
that? If at all any enquiry come?
What enquiry? That
chapter is closed there itself.
It was a great disgust for me,
on taking the credit on action,
- which I haven't done.
To tell the truth, to certain extend,
- it was reduced, on seeing
my Father's happiness.
On whatever account,
it may be, for the first time...
my Father spoke
quite high of me.
Now at least I have a feeling that
I'm going to my own house.
For me, what is the use of it?
For whom to show? He needs
it more than me, let him take it.
Can police officers act in ad films?
I got an offer.
'Remember saving electricity
is like, saving the country'
On 17th onwards it will be
aired on channels, how is it?
I'm planning to change my relationship status
to single...
on 'Face Book'
Papa and Mummy
they are all thrilled.
Only Papa and Mummy got thrilled? I
took all this risk only to impress you.
I know, it was a great desire
I had to marry an officer...
who had killed three officers.
Homemade is there.
No need.
Is it that you don't drink or
is it you don't want it now?
No I don't take. Whatever Mumbai
we may say, Trissur is still there.
Don't you know, the calmest
minded police officer of Kerala!
And this one.
He said, when we...
One second, sit.
Let me tell man!
Which you want first.
Antony... Transferred to
Gujarat cadre, as DCP,
- must take charge
within two months.
Even otherwise, one
cannot stay here always.
What difference does
it make if it is any hell?
But will not get rascals like you as
friends. That is the only thing!
Can we influence someone?
Leave it man! I don't want to
stay here, by begging anyone.
Gallantry award for 2012, for
bravery, request mister...
Aryan John Jacob, to the dais
to receive from the governor.
I was never a good police officer...
and I don't know how a
good police officer should be.
I was often, astonished, on thinking
how an IPS label came to me.
However, it may be...
- everywhere I go it is never more
than a premium status symbol.
Nothing more than this, I had not
shown any undue respect...
to this position.
I know myself, for a below
average, officer like me, this is...
There is no procedure, like
delegating an investigation to an...
officer, who is about
to get transferred.
By ignoring all the obstacles from
all sides, and assigning to you.
I was pretty sure and
I was never wrong in that.
A police officer must be
never emotionally attached, on job.
But within 14 years
of my experience...
I was never attached to
any other case like this.
There is no other case
which had haunted me like this.
You must find the
answer for that once again.
Before that accident, you must
reach it to the vital clue once again.
For me, for you, for him.
On the 18th day, I want
the finished case file on my table.
It must have the
answers for three questions.
How? Why? And who?
How? Why? And who?
A complete case file with all the
answers. There are my findings.
Through those findings I
had reached conclusions.
This is my dairy with my personal
finding for the last eighteen days.
You must read both, at times
you must read both intermingled.
By all sense, there is one and
only blank page, of the case file...
Very last page, you must fill it.
Only you can do it!
Within seventeen days if we do
not prove this, some other officer,
- other than me, will take
the charge of the case.
Perhaps, sometimes some other
team will assist him, other than you.
I have a desire that it
must not happen like that.
We too.
As Rakhi, madam told us we had
interrogated Captain Sreenivas...
and Roy in a detailed manner.
But nothing turned out
in a helpful manner.
Captain Sreenivas was very much
there in naval base on the day...
of the crime and the day before.
We must confirm
about Roy once again.
He was released on the
condition that he must report...
- whenever he is asked to.
Some of our informers
are also watching him.
Maoist group had
denied the claim of the murder.
From their past history, they will
accept, if at all they had any role in it.
Especially, if it is a violence
on account of vengeance.
These are the photos of sharp
shooters that we got within ten days.
There are similarities with the sketch
we had given, this is from all metros.
I need one sharp
shooter for one day...
who is detained in police custody.
Just to find out their way of working.
Just before restarting,
just wanted to meet everyone.
From tomorrow onwards we
will have a detailed sessions.
It is over, just for five minutes.
There is only one confusion, no
problem with Sudhakaran...
But rest of three, I'm tensed on,
how I used to interact with them?
No idea, how I dealt with everyone.
No I don't think anybody
had a doubt like that.
I'll do the updating.
What is it?
When you were in hospital...
that Roy's wife had given
a complaint against you...
Showing that you
miss-behaved with her.
Anyhow, I had talked with her and
the complaint was taken back.
I did that, because it
must not create...
a bad mark for the
investigation team.
Not because that
complaint is irrelevant.
That is not the way a police
officer must behave to anyone...
not only to an offender.
Brother it is me. I must meet you.
You don't have to come here.
Can you come to Avenue Regent
by tomorrow evening by seven o'clock?
Only fifteen minutes will do. It is
dead urgent brother that is why.
I will come.
Husband must not know this.
Ordered the tea.
Tea? When did you start?
Brother you have changed
a lot, looks like you are tired.
After getting discharged,
you never came there.
I was about to come
there within two days.
When I tell you to come,
you will say tomorrow.
Husband must not
know that we had met here.
That is because I need to speak
about my husband that is why.
For the last few days, it
seems he had changed a lot.
Brooding over something
and silence for lot of times.
Brother as you know, he
used to tell everything to me.
Even the smallest tensions
he confronts on job.
But this is becoming.
Looks like he is not at all happy.
Had he told
anything to you Brother?
No, nothing like that.
Shock on Aryan's death.
Your accident, first I
thought it might be the reason.
But now I think, there is something
beyond it. You must talk to him.
Without any speech you both,
understand each other.
Brother, I got only you,
to say all these things.
What is it brother?
Yes, some car like this. I'm not sure.
I cannot tell this was the car.
Is it the same color?
But it was the same green.
Started taking the list of blue cars,
- enormous in number
will take some time.
Without getting a strong evidence
against Captain Sreenivas...
do not trouble him further.
Maybe, it can be a
mistake from our side.
Just because the car
doesn't belong to him,
- how can we free him like that?
Aryan sir, had one and
only enemy that is him!
In the case file, he is
still now the prime suspect.
Don't you remember?
Since I remember, that is
why I'm telling you Rakhi...
to change him from that position.
I had brought that ASI, who was
drunk on duty, to make him march.
Before the march he
had requested, to meet you.
Tell him to come inside.
What man, new kind of habits?
Sir, kindly relieve me,
only three more years to go.
Within this period, I had
never had any bad behavior...
never received any memo.
After retiring and sitting at home,
- only to remember my only
wish is orderly room march.
Till my death, that will
not fade from my heart.
Sudhakara, how can you say like
that? Everything has got it's...
Enough of it.
Once we enter the service, we
all take a pledge, police oath.
No need to have March,
just say it words.
I'll bring a copy.
You can just tell him
that, he will repeat it.
No, I don't know,
to say without looking.
For me also, I can't remember,
since many years have passed.
I will sir.
I'm Sudhakaran Nair. I will be
faithful and honest to my country,
- India and its constitution.
As a member of Kerala Police force.
I will discharge my duties,
honestly, faithfully and un-biased.
Biased, favoritism, hatred,
vengeance will work beyond this,
knowledge and skill.
As written in the constitution,
I will discharge my duties.
To protect the dignity
and rights of the individuals.
In accordance with the dignity
of the police, as a police officer,
I'll discharge my duties. Bestowed
on me. I solemnly take the pledge.
Yesterday, my daughter went
to Bangalore, to join MBA,
- as I went to take her to the bus.
All others were the
children of high profiled men.
She insisted on me to go,
before the bus leaves.
First I didn't understand, later I came
to know, she was ashamed to say,
she is the daughter
of a police officer.
In the mist of her friends
this 'Kaki' is a disgust to her,
while I was busy with duty,
seldom knew she had grown up.
I didn't have time to
closely know my daughter,
no time for anything.
But this is my friend.
When she disdained this,
I could not tolerate.
That is why, for the first time...
On retiring I know, a police
has got the value of a dog.
Sir, when this thing gets on your
body, there is a feeling of pride.
Which nothing else can
give. Nothing at all!
Never done any fraud.
Till now, till this moment, never did
I leave anyone, without helping.
With the balance three years
I will say with my head straight.
I'm ASI Sudhakaran.
I thought of meeting
you, in between.
I had resigned my job, this
is one month notice period...
after that I'll go to Mumbai.
My parents are all
there, as you know.
I don't think I will
come back. Back here...
For one month, I'm staying here.
That day, just before the accident,
- I had demanded one
thing from Antony.
For that, only for that!
Father is asking you,
come, food is served.
Where is Rebecca
staying in Cochin?
I had checked the register, just
before the accident, you had come here.
Twenty minutes before, just before
you said, you had found the culprit.
That vital clue is from here.
I had informed, not to
let anyone, for some time.
That day, at the Rebeccas
flat, topic of our discussion.
Must be made recordical
as a part of our investigation.
Usually it is done at the
camp office. But in this case...
What you told me on that
day, must be repeated again.
I told Antony, as a private matter.
Those things which I told,
because I was determined...
Antony must know it.
Nobody else knows it.
Antony had assured me, that it will
be used for any official purpose.
Things are not like that, as before.
If you don't cooperate...
You cannot make me tell anything,
on a threatening tone like that.
If you want to make my request,
recordical, on finding the culprit...
on Aryan's death, I'm ready.
But if it is that visual
I showed you, on that day.
If it is what you purport... No.
May be for that you
can seize my mobile.
You will never get that visual!
I thought you were a friend!
Remove that!
When the wife comes in
engagement dress...
it must be shot by husband first.
Not any video graphers.
This is not worn properly. Stop it.
Then you will show this to
everyone, is that what you do?
Hey this is your phone!
Tell, from today onwards
in joy and in sorrow.
Go man!
Okay, Mister Aryan John Jacob
is now called up on to receive...
the Gallantry award.
After collecting your award,
you should render a speech.
Come on.
You hear, when I tell tomorrow.
Dear brother and sisters,
to all my humble greetings.
Too bad! Is this the
way you are going to tell?
I was never a good police officer
- and I don't know how a
good police officer should be.
On standing here, today
with this gallantry award.
I know myself, for a below
average, officer like me,
- this is, how much
undeserving it is to me.
Not out of undue modesty.
But the truth. Behind my every
success, the strength is...
Even though, not
telling a clich statement.
As far as I'm concerned,
I need to be little personal...
or else it may not be complete.
In my life, many a time's friends
have gone and come.
Lonely childhood at the boarding,
- mother's death, a seven year
forgot, through the same aged friends.
I realized, I had only them to tell and
share, I tried to cling on to them.
- Not to lose.
But, after a period, every one
scattered to various routes.
I tried to search some of them,
but couldn't. Then one day.
A friend walked in to my life,
without welcoming.
I was bored by everyone else,
somewhere down the line.
One and only friend, a friend
who stood by me at all times.
Whenever, I'm in need of, at any
time of night, in any danger I'm stacked.
Who told me, I'm there!
Friend who vouched for me.
A friend who cannot be replaced.
This gallantry award
was also lented to me by him.
Never had I killed any terrorist. I
do not possess a brilliance for it.
It was done by him.
This belongs for him.
Lots of good days, which I
possessed after several years...
also belongs to him.
My good days, my biggest prayer
is, not to include his name...
among the friends lost.
We have not met, to
depart in any cross roads of life.
Even if we depart.
We will meet again in
some other cross road.
We will stroll together,
where ever the path ends.
This is for you, only for you!
Within a day, you become a hero.
Even if on a lie, I just wanted Aryan
must be remembered, my selfishness.
Though Aryan never
had such a desire.
If this is that vital clue, on seeing
this, if had identified the culprit.
There is only one answer for that,
credit of Gallantry award
must not come to me!
Someone wanted, that way.
I might have called you,
- after I had recognized
who that person is.
If anything like that is
desired, that is Rebecca. Is it not?
She only wanted to maintain that
respect, which Aryan had received.
When a beloved person had left,
she only had this, for him,
only this to do for him.
Beyond that she
had no other intentions.
That means.
Some one knew it before...
this is what Aryan proposed
to say at the function.
Someone who was determined
that I must not be honored.
In this present condition of mine,
I cannot identify the foe who is hidden.
A professional sharp shooter
will first of all familiarize...
the location where he is standing.
Study the each and
every angle of it.
In this case, this stage and ground.
During the time of firing, the
spot where we are standing.
Is it from here, it was fired?
Why is that?
This is not a good choice. First of all
it is very open, audience will notice it.
Then on aiming at a person behind
the dais, is this the position?
This is not at all favorable,
see the building has got cross
ventilation. There will be wind.
Since it is a gunshot, from this far.
Wind will affect the line of air. The
chances are more, to lose the aim.
But as per the ballistic experts, this
building the chances are more.
That I don't know.
Not a route to escape.
We have got some evidences
from here, like chili powder.
That is all done by us,
to divert the police.
Why to choose a place like that,
when an ideal place like this is here, sir.
How come there are
no residents here?
No, the work is not complete.
More close to the target.
How is your modus operandi?
Will find out an ideal place to fire.
If this is the building,
this will be the position.
As far as possible, he will reach
here, on the previous day...
When the target comes,
will wait for the right moment.
Which is the right moment?
First given opportunity.
When he gets the target at the gun
point, at ease, that is the moment.
From here, gunpoint
will be following him.
So this is the first opportunity.
No, can you scroll back?
This is the first given opportunity.
45 seconds completely unprotected
without any obstacles in the front.
Any professional sharp
shooter will fire at this point.
Then why is it, that
it was not utilized?
But one thing is sure,
we will not leave it.
Or else, it was already...
Sir, you said it was a perfect crime.
One more possibility is there. In a
perfect crime, the finest perfection.
The biggest brain... on the time of
crime, the killer was not there.
During the time of firing,
there was no shooter here. '
Timer-gun' that can
be set beforehand.
The position, where the
target will stand for definite...
aim the gun to that position.
A most modern weapon.
One can get the parts importing its
parts in several times shipments,
- a person who is adept in
this, can easily assemble it.
Either by remote control or with the
partner sim, that is placed in the...
gun, with a mobile
phone from anywhere...
it can be operated
on the exact time.
Not necessary, there must
be a shooter, near the rifle.
He can be anywhere.
No sir, not clear.
In that case who is this?
Till yesterday all the police force in
all the metros were on the search...
for this face. Just
because, you told so.
You are the person who told,
when we find out this person...
this case will be proved.
Now you are telling, from such a
distance, a face cannot be seen clearly.
From the verdict of a sharp shooter
who has been introduced by you.
He says firing has not
occurred from that building.
Then on what ground had you
investigated on that building alone?
From what the ballistic
experts had told.
Your team had found out
what the ballistic experts said.
For your assurance,
he will tell directly to you.
As per the discussion what we had
on that day, we had a conclusion.
That the gun shot had come from
a near-by building at the stadium.
I had told sir, clearly that
more possibilities are on the...
building at the left hand side.
Today morning when
the Rakhi madam told me...
I came to know that the police team
never had gone to that building.
They had only concentrated on
the right hand side building only.
But of course, since sir had
seen a person running from there.
Now, he is on a confusion, whether
a person like that really exist.
You said there is an eyewitness,
for a car that was parked...
near that building is it not?
That is there.
That is a basic brain work,
any intelligent criminal can do.
You must explain why you
had not investigated at all...
to the possibilities cited by him.
Not only on this, every day sir
is correcting the case dairy...
the suspects and mode of
operandi keeps on changing.
With no explanation for anything.
He told to free Captain
Sreenivasn, agreed.
We have got no evidence against
him. But Roy, whose name is there,
- in the criminal records.
There is no follow-ups on him.
I'm pretty sure Roy is not
involved in this that is why.
Is that an explanation sir?
As per Antony sir's instructions,
this person was included in the...
investigation team.
Sudhakaran, please.
This is the venue to speak go head!
I had lost hope on this case,
kindly deploy me from this case.
That is the same,
I also have to tell sir.
I'm desiring to continue in this team,
honestly we all want to continue.
But the team leader
should be another person.
Sir, got the list of blue cars,
got the details of owners also,
Only passing on an information.
For the past three
months there is a blue car,
But to use this, as you know, only
a person from the department can.
As I told you sir, just
informed you on taking the list.
From the time allotted for me...
for investigation there
are two more days left.
Within those two days...
I'll give you all answers... All.
We all believe, you are
trying to save someone.
When I say all answers, there
will be name of the culprit also.
I'm near to it... Very near.
Sir will come now, he is on the way.
Whatever your decision is,
tell it to the Commissioner.
He is trying to save some one that is
what they say. He, Antony Moses.
My team has demanded
a better person than me.
But for two days you must trust me.
For a police officer, I'm not only
asking the time to prove a case.
But for a person who doesn't
know his future or past.
This is also a time for him, to make
him believe that he is existing.
Why is this place all untidy?
I got an offer from Emirates,
probably I'll accept that.
That will be Cochin-Dubai sector.
More relaxed better money. It also
means, I will be more in Cochin.
Who are you?
I can't understand.
Or did you get any better option?
So that is the reason.
All this time you were
using me, is it not?
Get lost you!
As told, the last page
is still left behind.
You are one to fill it up!
List of calls that came to your
phone on the day of accident.
This is the last call, I made it to you.
That means, what I had
told you, on that day had gone...
to your voice mail box.
My voice is safely recorded in
the service provider's server.
I had even told the name
of the culprit on that day...
except that you hid from me.
You wanted evidences, how... Why?
You wanted Antony
Moses to find that out.
As one Antony Moses shut all the
doors to safe guard the culprit.
With another Antony Moses,
using him you opened it again.
Now, the very last page.
Especially, when
there are people in life...
who can come without
ringing the bell.
I didn't sit here to
interfere in your privacy.
Just because I will never come here
again, so thought of seeing and going.
I don't want explanation for
what I have seen in front of me.
Your life... Your wishes,
you must have told me.
On account of this, I'll never
disdain the friendship.
I wouldn't have asked
for any explanation,
but now, I doubt in
what all situations.
I will be duped, which I'm
not aware of. Including that!
With this intention of yours, you
granted a Gallantry award to me.
Your kind of talking...
For offenders, a night mare!
Notorious way of assault!
Dangerous violence, with
no leaps and bounds.
Everything a face mask to
conceal your impotence.
You denied women,
those who respected...
you as an epitome of
manhood are just fools!
We both will never talk.
But when the criminal tendencies
of an ACP is displayed and...
one realizes the reason behind it.
What should the other
ACP do, in the same city?
There will be also some
protocol in the department.
He will create trouble man.
Have not heard what he told?
He will tell this outside.
Media will be after you!
What will be your
status in the department?
How will you face your colleagues?
Those who salutes
you will make fun of you.
When this is exposed do
you think her life will be smooth?
You think of my situation.
That whole night we tried him
over the phone, several times.
After calling him, many a times
he didn't pick up the phone.
As he never responded to us, we
were sure he was up to something.
I was never a good police officer...
and I don't know how a
good police officer should be.
On standing here, today
with this gallantry award.
I know myself, for a below
average, officer like me, this is,
- how much undeserving it is to me.
In my life, many a time's
friends have gone and come.
But, after a period, every one
scattered to various routes.
Then one day.
A friend walked in to
my life, without welcoming.
I was bored by everyone else,
somewhere down the line.
One and only friend, a friend
who stood by me at all times.
Whenever, I'm in need of...
- at any time of night, in
any danger I'm stacked.
Who told me, I'm there!
Friend who vouched for me.
A friend who cannot be replaced.
This gallantry award was
also lented to me by him.
Never had I killed any terrorist.
I do not possess a brilliance for it.
It was done by him.
This belongs for him.
My biggest prayer is, not to include
his name, among the friends I lost.
We have not met, to depart in any
cross roads of life. Even if we depart.
We will meet again
in some other cross road.
We will stroll together,
where ever the path ends.
This is for you, only for you!
Aryan had not valued
anyone like this, even to me.
I never expected such
an un-official visit,
Un-official way of
taking the statement.
As I told you before...
in the statement this
clipping must not be included.
As few, fears this will case will fade
on to nowhere. I'll not believe that.
As far as I know, the person
who is investigating this case...
knows the intensity of the
loss, as much as I knew.
This case will not fade
in to an unsolved case,
if anybody else does. I'm
pretty sure that, Antony cannot.
However, it may be, everywhere
I go it is never more than a...
premium status symbols.
Nothing more than this,
I had not shown any undue respect,
I've found the culprit!
On standing here...
it is the biggest honor one can
achieve in the police force.
I know myself, for a below
average, officer like me...
I'm the one who killed him!
Farhan here sir,
I need to report an arrest.
After coming back to life,
Farhan was nobody to me.
Aryan was nobody to me.
I Antony Moses.
I will be faithful and honest to my
country, India and its constitution.
I will discharge my duties,
honestly, faithfully and un-biased.
In accordance with the dignity
of the police, as a police officer,
I'll discharge my duties.
Bestowed on me.
I solemnly take the pledge.