Mummies (2023) Movie Script

(thundering hooves, echoing)
(crowd roars, echoing)
(crowd cheering)
Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!
-(horses grunting)
-(wheel creaking)
Hyah! Hyah!
Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!
(both gasping)
(crowd cheering)
(cheers, fading)
(camcorder beeps)
(man) Egypt. A land of mystery,
intrigue and rich history.
Today I, the world-renowned
Lord Sylvester Carnaby,
-present to you...
-('Psycho' theme playing)
(groans) Hold on.
-Mummy, I'm...
-I can't talk.
-Where have you been?
I haven't heard a peep from you.
Listen, I can't talk right now,
I have a date with...
A date? Oh, my God.
-No, a date with history!
-At last!
I bet she's pretty.
-Oh, dear.
-And wealthy, too...
(mimics static)
Oh, I'm losing you...
Oh, terrible signal...
-Hello! Hello! Hel-
-Oh, drat!
On the other side of this door,
lies the tomb of Princess Nefer.
No, it can't be.
(both) Wow!
-'Wow'? (grunts)
-(both yelp)
It's empty!
The Mummy isn't here.
-Let me see!
-Get back.
-I got next!
-You're always like this.
-No, you!
You and your grasping arms...
-What's this? Look.
-Stop it!
-Look at this.
Oh! Lord Carnaby.
It seems to speak of...
-(man) Hello?
-A bridge...
Can someone let me out, please?
I don't like it in here.
From the world of the living
to the afterlife.
A doorway of sorts to... a city!
A city where the mummies reside
in the afterlife.
A world of mummies...
under the earth.
You two. Get the equipment.
Oh! (shrieking)
I've found something!
(blowing whistle)
(crowd chattering excitedly)
Thank you. I love you too.
(blowing kisses)
With love...
Thut the Charioteer.
(Thut gasps)
Can I?
Sure. Oh! (chuckles)
(woman giggles)
Why did you stop racing?
You're so young.
Oh, you know, I just want
to give others a chance to win.
(all laughing)
Why haven't you found
that special girl
-to settle down with? Hmm?
-(nervous chuckle)
Well, marriage is forever
and us mummies live forever,
so I think... not for me.
-(fan) You rock!
-(fan 2) Whoo-hoo!
-(fan 3) Hey, Thut!
-(fan 4) We love you, Thut!
What you doing, little brother?
Thut's big return!
You saw all the fans you
still have at the papyrus shop.
-(faint yelling)
-(thundering hooves)
No! I can't.
Yes, you can. You're the champ!
I was the champ. Not anymore.
(sighs) I can't go back.
Just go home, Sekhem.
I'll get us some food.
-(indictinct chatter)
-Oh! There you go, my friend.
-See you next week.
-Yeah, see you next week.
(hooves clattering)
-Stop, madam!
(horses whinnying)
Oh, you're very kind.
-(chuckles modestly)
My basket!
No worries! I got it.
-(gasps, yelling)
-(horse whinnying)
-(Thut yelps)
(both grunt)
Don't you know to look first,
before crossing the street?
Don't you see people crossing?
You had to stop! I was first.
I was the one crossing first!
You had to stop.
Next time, look first!
(scoffs) They'll give anyone
a driving papyrus these days.
Here we are.
Don't forget your basket.
Oh, thank you very much.
(birds twittering)
Always, always the same.
This city's nice
But it's underground
I've lost the music
In all this sound
Day after day
With no hint of a change
The monotony's
Wearing me down
Thousands of years
Of the same old song
And they expect me
To sing along
I'm eager to hear
Any new melody
Could a good dancing rhythm
Be wrong
So I will rise
Beyond this tomb
Where I can shine
And be made new
Where I can thrive
Under the sun
A place to call my home
Open my eyes
Singing my song
Staying awake
But dreaming on
Living a life that is my own
A thousand years from now
-(woman) Ahem!
-(record scratching)
-Princess, where have you been?
-(maidens giggling)
Oh, um...
I... I needed some fresh air.
Oh, Ra be merciful!
Usi, this place hasn't changed
in thousands of years.
We need change.
(sighs) What would your father
say if he hears you singing?
You will soon be named
the official successor
of the Pharaoh.
Singing is for entertainers,
not for the rulers of our world.
-Shh! You can't tell him!
(sighing) All right.
Oh, thank you, thank you,
thank you!
The last thing we need is
to make your father suspicious.
(clearing throat)
Suspicious of what?
Dad! Of, um... Well, uh...
Her new suitor.
(strained chuckle)
My... new suitor?
Mm. Did you forget?
(chuckles) Um...
Today, my daughter,
the Phoenix Bird,
guided by Hathor,
the Goddess of Love,
will choose your future husband.
Uh, what do you mean, today?
That was not in my schedule.
Where is my schedule, please?
Dad! Sorry, sorry, I mean,
Great Pharaoh.
I need at least
a hundred more years
before I get engaged!
What if...
What if I don't like him?
What if we don't get along?
What if...
(sighs) Father, I am not having
a bird decide who I marry.
You know what?
I don't want to get married!
-(brooch clatters)
-(all gasping)
It isn't just any bird!
It's a Phoenix Bird.
Sent by the Goddess
of Love herself!
(sighs) Dad, come on.
The two thousands
are the new one thousands.
So, I'm still pretty young.
I have other priorities
in my life.
Being a princess,
that is your duty!
And that includes marriage.
I know you are nervous,
but you will see,
the Goddess has someone handsome
and exciting in mind for you.
(staff thumping)
The Goddess Hathor
shall guide the majestic Phoenix
through our kingdom.
Let us open the Stargate
for the Phoenix!
(voice echoing)
(crowd murmuring)
(all gasping in awe)
(high-pitched squeaking)
Aww! (giggles)
Oh! Uh...
Sorry. Wrong recipe.
(loud shrieking)
(crowd exclaiming)
Now, glorious Phoenix!
-Take flight!
-(phoenix calling loudly)
We await your destiny.
(builders hammering)
(both yelping)
(stone cracking)
-Watch out!
The Great Sekhem,
the undefeated boomer...
boomerang, uh...
boomerang guy!
(aristocrat) Mmm...
Ooh! Looks like
it found someone.
-Huh? (shrieking)
Oh, false alarm.
Ah-ha! (grunts)
-Oh, no.
-The Phoenix Bird has chosen!
-Are you sure?
It swooped down towards a house.
(phoenix squawking)
(clearing throat)
Sorry, signing was
from five to seven.
(Thut) Uh, uh... So... excuse me,
where are we going?
Do you... do you know who I am?
Hello? Hello?
Am I talking to myself here?
Could you please put me down?
What is it the...?
-I don't believe it. Him?
-I don't mean to be rude,
but could somebody
please tell me... (yelps)
Rise, young man.
I know you.
You are Thut
the Charioteer, yes?
Ex-charioteer, Your Majesty.
An ex-charioteer?
I have to marry a guy
whose only talent
-is riding around in a circle?
-(clears throat)
Young Thut.
Today is a joyous day indeed,
for the Goddess has chosen you.
(all cheering)
Thanks. Cheers. Thank you.
In seven days, you shall
wed the Princess Nefer!
Wed? (nervous chuckle)
Hold on. As in marry?
We've never even met.
(gasps) The crazy driver!
Sorry. This is crazy.
Marry the princess?
This is a lot.
I mean, so many things
to consider.
Like, are we compatible?
And that I'm allergic
to marriage.
Diagnosed, in fact.
Ah-choo! Ah-choo!
He's right, Dad, he's right!
Sorry, I mean, um,
Great Pharaoh.
If you go against
the Goddess' wishes,
they will cut out your tongue
and pluck out your eyes.
Both eyes?
Kind of brings new meaning to
the expression 'Love is blind.'
Oh, who doesn't love marriage?
Nefer, I love you, I love you,
I love you, I love you!
Where were we
honeymooning again?
Could you do the pluck out
of the eyes to me
so that I don't
have to see this?
(chuckles, smooching)
It is now your duty
to safeguard this ring
until the day of the wedding.
If anything happens to it...
-they'll cut out...
-Loud and clear.
Eyes and tongue
punishment thing.
-Destiny has been written.
-(all cheering)
Let us leave the bride and groom
to get to know each other.
(birds twittering)
(sighs) What did you say
your name was?
Uh, Thut the Charioteer.
Whatever. Let's just get
some things straight, okay?
Don't go getting
emotionally involved because...
Hey, stop, Princess.
Honestly, you're not my type.
Oh, what a relief.
Because I wouldn't
go out with you
if you were the last mummy
on earth.
So thanks for saving me
the trouble.
(mocking, scoffs)
Well, you make an eternity
feel like... uh, an eternity.
Why am I even wasting my time
talking to you?
The woman who needs
a deranged pigeon
to find her a husband.
Oh, it is not a pigeon.
(pompous tone)
It's a Phoenix Bird!
Sent by the Goddess
of Love herself!
Oh. You... you smile.
-Listen, obviously,
there has been some kind
of mistake. Oh!
-(awkward chuckle)
Your dad seems like
a reasonable Pharaoh, right?
He... can be.
Look, why don't you
just back out?
They'd only scoop out your eyes
and cut out your tongue,
and then you'd talk less!
So, win-win.
Ah, this is getting dark.
Hey, shouldn't it be
night time by now?
Oh, you're right! Usi!
(telephone ringing)
(gasping) Y-yes?
Operator, it should be
night time.
Eh? (yelps)
Quickly, quickly!
(men gasping)
(wheel rumbling)
(groaning with effort)
(sparks buzzing)
Shooting star, please.
I think I could
get used to this.
Well, you won't have to. So...
Thanks for coming by, though.
A shame you have to go.
Hmm... Hm.
So, I'll...
see you at the wedding?
Oh, I can't wait.
Uh, well, neither can I.
Oh, yeah? Well, I really
can't wait to marry you.
I'm just so excited
to marry a charioteer!
Oh, yeah?
Well, I can't wait to marry you
and love you forever and
cherish you for all eternity!
(scoffs, mocking)
The shooting star was
a bit much, don't you think?
Oh, he seemed nice.
Nice? (scoffs) Please...
(Croc grunting)
Well? What did they want?
I was afraid they
were going to execute you.
No. It's worse than that.
They want me to get married.
Married? You?
I would lose all my freedom.
I'm pro-single!
How can I be pro-single
and married at the same time?
-It's impossible!
Listen, brother.
Let's keep the Thut myth alive.
Nobody can know
what I really am.
Not even the princess.
Did you say 'the princess'?
That's awesome!
We're gonna be rich!
Like, forever!
And live in the palace!
And have servants that will...
will wipe our rooms for us.
Princess or not,
I don't want to get married.
No matter how many people
might clean for me.
Whoa, is that the wedding ring?
It's huge!
-Here, let me have it.
-(laughs) Wow!
-It's heavy!
-Yeah, like a ball and chain.
Sekhem, do you take this Croc
to be your
lawfully wedded crocodile?
Would you give that back?
My life depends on this ring.
I'm not even gonna keep it
at home.
This ring is going where
nobody else can get to it.
Wow! Your trophies!
-Don't touch anything.
It will be safe here.
Okay, let's go.
(stone door rumbling)
(muffled thudding)
(bot chittering)
Would you look at that?
It is full of wonderful things!
-Um, is it my turn now?
-No, I go next.
-No, cause it's mine.
-You're always like this.
-I... go... next!
-Stop it!
This is serious archaeology.
-('Psycho' theme playing)
You'll never guess what...
-(angry grunt)
-Careful, you...
(electronic chittering)
-(both grunting)
(both yelping)
What on earth
do you think you're doing?
(both whimpering)
You only had to hold on
to the tablet
and not touch anything.
-I gave you one job!
-(both yelping)
-You great big nincom...
-(tablet chimes)
-Wait. What's that?
Oh, go on then.
Ohh! A royal wedding ring.
Oh, yes!
What the... (growling)
Mm! (cackling)
-(distant booming)
-(both exclaim)
(Nefer) The charioteer?
(Thut) No, no. What happened?
The ring, where's the ring?
It's gone!
It's disappeared!
By the god Ra, this could
only be the work of...
(gasps) Livings!
This will be the jewel
of my new exhibition.
Call the royal guard!
And tell them I lost the ring?
Are you nuts?
It's just a ring.
Buy another one.
It's the Ring. Don't you get it?
If I don't find it they'll
cut out my tongue
and scoop out my eyes.
The only way to get it back
is to go to...
the world of the living.
Really? Great!
What an adventure!
Adventure? It's dangerous!
Ahem! You're not alone.
You have a team.
There is no way you are coming.
They are mummy robbers.
We created this inner city
to be protected from them.
Listen, brother.
Either I come with you
or I tell the Pharaoh.
May the gods protect us.
(Croc grunting)
(Croc grunts)
We have to avoid
the white strong white light.
It would reveal our true nature
to the living.
(Croc grunting happily)
(vehicle approaching)
-Look out!
(gasps) What was that?
A giant chariot.
But where are the horses?
-(trucks beeping)
-(engines rumbling)
There! They've got the ring!
-Nice one, Lord...
Shut up, would you?
Just do your jobs.
(both straining, grunting)
The ring! This will be easier
than I thought. Wait here.
(worker) Right now,
get that thing over there,
and shove it over there.
(worker 2) Right,
there's no space over there.
What are you doing here?
Look! The ring is
in that other steel beast!
What do you mean?
Which other one?
The beasts are migrating!
(both grunting with effort)
(Sekhem) Thut, come on!
Thut! Pull yourself up!
-(Sekhem) What's happened to you?
-Uh, this is going too fast.
-No. Focus on your mission.
That's it,
thinking about the ring.
Should be nice and easy.
Open the crate, take the ring,
I keep my eyes.
Hmm... This could take a while.
It must be in one of the other...
(all yelling)
Time to unload!
Someone's coming! Quick, hide!
(Thut groans)
-Where are we?
Don't worry. Everything is
gonna be all right.
The sooner we find the ring,
the sooner we're home.
Quickly! No time to lose.
-(metal creaking)
-Shh! We're not alone.
(loud, metalic clank)
Oh, what? You?
-(Nefer yells)
-(yelps) Ha-ha!
Whoa! Uh-oh!
(both grunt)
-(Nefer) Help.
(Thut groans)
(Sekhem clears throat)
(sighs) Huh?
Oh. Princess Nefer's here.
Wait a minute, Princess Nefer?
Why are you here?
Uh, the question...
is why are you here?
Running away?
Running away? (scoffs)
Are you kidding?
Thut runs from nobody!
He's the bravest.
Although, he did lose the ring.
-Lost the ring?
No, but that's great!
Then we don't have to
get married!
No, that's not great!
That's not great at all!
-They're gonna take my eyes!
-But think:
Eyes... eternal marriage.
Eyes... eternal marriage.
Come on! They're not that nice.
You still got four other senses.
They take my tongue, too.
Then you still have
three other senses.
I don't wanna talk about it.
Let's get out of here.
(Thut sighs, grunts)
It's locked from the outside.
We are stuck in here.
Oh, yeah? That's what you think.
Watch and learn.
(loud clang)
And I pass into the afterlife!
-I win!
-Congrats, you beat a kid.
Nah, nah, nah-nah, nah!
(Thut groans)
-How long have I been out?
-All night.
Should I tell him? Or you?
-You! You're his brother.
-You're the princess.
-And his fiance.
Oh, come on, that doesn't count!
Um, I'm not...
Agh! Hey!
Oh, sweet Mother of Horus.
That's the sea!
(Nefer) Oh, well done, genius.
Well, excuse me, Princess.
Maybe we wouldn't be here
if you hadn't hit me with a...
Oh, come on, would you relax?
If we escape now,
we'll be lost at sea.
We have to wait
until we get to land.
(loud snoring)
(snoring continues)
Croc. Shut up.
Thank you.
(snoring resumes)
(snoring loudly)
A princess who snores?
And I bet she farts.
(grunts in pain)
(bell tolling)
DOCK (worker)
That's it. Lower, lower.
Come on! Let's go.
We have to find the ring.
(Sekhem) Whoa-ho-ho!
-(Thut) Sekhem!
(Sekhem yelps)
Oh, my Osiris.
What place is this?
Amun, I've never seen
anything like it.
-No, this is way bigger.
There's only one power
that could surpass Egypt.
(gasps) The Roman Empire!
Exactly. Guys, we are in Rome.
('Rule Britannia' playing)
(flash bulb pops)
Hey, look at that!
(Thut) It's the man,
the man who took the ring.
-Give it here. Give it!
-No, I go next!
-You shut your cake hole!
I'm not the uncareful one.
No! Mine! Mine!
Be quiet!
Just put it down. Now.
(yelling in pain)
-(both gasping)
-You stupid...
(phone playing 'Psycho' theme)
-The theater?
Of course, Mother,
how could I forget?
Why didn't you idiots remind me
I had tickets
to the theater today?
I'm on my way, Mummy.
To the theater.
(laughs nervously)
(tires screeching)
Quick! Hide!
(gasps) Uh...
-(chuckling) Yeah.
Oh, I love Romans!
-Has visto? Te encantar.
-S, claro.
(man) Cmo? (gasps)
Mirad! Son ellos.
-(woman) No creo!
-(man) Es verdad!
(Thut) What are those light rays?
-They're stealing our souls!
-(Thut screams)
(all screaming)
(loud clang)
-Is everyone okay?
-I'm all right!
Me, too.
-(Nefer gasps)
Ah! The gods are protecting us!
We're saved!
Look! They left their weapons!
Come on, nothing can stop us.
(mother) Hm!
Sylvester! You're late.
But I don't mind because
you'll always be my little one!
Oh, Mummy, please.
Not in public.
No... Mummy don't, please.
There. That's better.
Quick! Before he walks into
that brightly lit structure!
(camera shutter clicking)
Hey, what are you doing here?
Step back, Roman!
Uh... Wha...
These weapons are useless!
Okay, okay.
Your Instagram stuff is done.
The front door is
for the audience, honey.
-C'mon, here we go. Stage door.
-(all exclaiming)
-Spit spot!
-Excuse me. Hey!
-(gasps) Oh!
Whoa! (laughs)
This is a strange
Egyptian colony.
Stay with me. I'll protect you.
-Hey, dears, hurry up!
-(both yelping)
No! Wait. We're looking
for Hathor's ring!
I demand that you tell me
where it is!
(chuckles) You're in character.
I like it.
Now go and wait for your cue!
(yells) Oh! Uh... Hey.
-That one is such a diva.
-Oh, yes.
Um, does this colony
have a Pharaoh?
You're talking to him, honey.
-(bell ringing)
Hey, dears! Come on, here we go,
stage door, spit spot...
(whistling innocent melody)
(man, singing)
That I command?
So I'm here for you now
(gasping) Oh! It's beautiful!
(orchestra playing
upbeat accompaniment)
Dancers, on!
My lovely Aida
I'll be merciful
To your Nubian people
Me, Radams
The great general of Egypt
I offer you my heart
Oh, great Radams
I'm so grateful
For your mercy...
Uh, excuse me, we're looking
for Hathor's ring.
Anyone seen Hathor's ring?
You are the source and subject
Of all my affection
They sing instead of speak.
It's like their language.
This is amazing!
You're the moon to my ocean
Here is my present
It's the Ring of Love
Oh, great Radams
I'm sorry to interrupt you
But this ring is mine
This ring is mine
Who is she?
Return it to me, please?
My eternal gratitude
Pledge my heart and soul
To you
Please give me back my ring
-Uh, that's not in the script.
You do not belong here
This is not your show
Who are you?
Where do you come from?
Oh! Where did that voice
come from?
She's marvelous!
But she's not
in the program at all.
What a bungle.
Do you know her, Sylvester?
-Oh! Wake up!
What are you doing?
Asleep all the way through!
-Of course.
-(Aida) Trying to steal my song.
You slave
Get back to your place
You slave
Who do you think you are?
Show us some respect
Leave me alone with my love
I'm sorry, but it's mine
Give me the ring
(women) Give me the ring
Oh, Radams?
This is Aida's song to sing?
Why are you trying
To steal from me?
That symbol... Impossible.
I should probably go now
It's really time to leave
But I can't without this ring
This ring is mine
This ring is mine
This ring is mine
This ring is mine
The ring is hers
This ring is mine
This ring is mine
(crowd gasping)
(both gasp)
(all cheering loudly)
Oh! Incredible! Bravo!
That is the best staging
I have ever seen!
This isn't staged.
(grunts, panting)
(laughing shyly)
(Sekhem) Aw, you like her.
I don't like her.
(teasing) Yes you do.
You like, like, like, like...
-(dry laugh)
-(Sekhem yelps)
Did you see?
They gave me a standing ovation!
Super! You got an ovation.
I got the ring.
Now, back to the After World.
Oh! Oh, look!
We can use a human chariot.
-(all yelling)
-Go! Come on! Come on!
Why isn't it moving?
(Thut) Huh?
Look! The chariot's tied up!
Hey, guys!
-(Nefer grunts)
-(Sekhem straining)
Hi! I was looking for you.
I need to talk to her. She's...
Thanks, but no thanks.
Wait. Why do you need
to talk to me?
I heard you sing in there-
Sorry, sir, but where
are the horses?
-And how many does this have?
(man) I don't really
do cars, but...
(yells) It's the grave robber!
Come on!
We have to run!
He wants the ring!
I'm here to help. Get in!
(tires screeching)
-(phone playing 'Psycho' theme)
(mother, over phone) Sylvester!
Yes, Mother?
(Thut) Who are you?
Where do you hide the horses?
Please, excuse Thut.
He's just very, well...
-(Sekhem giggles)
-Who are you?
Name's Ed.
I came for you for a reason.
I heard you sing in there and
I absolutely loved your voice.
Uh, well,
the joke's on you, pal,
because I didn't even sing,
so I don't know
what you were watching.
Not you, mate. Her.
Me? Yeah?
So I've got a song I've wrote
that I think you'd
be perfect for.
Would you like
to sing it for me?
-Uh... Wow. I... I...
-Thanks, Ed.
She would love to,
but we really have
more pressing matters.
Could you stop? Please?
Hey, hey, think about it,
and get me through Insta
or Facebook.
-Uh, where?
-Thanks! Bye!
Now, can we please focus
on returning home?
I'm sorry about him.
Thank you for saving us.
Hey, if you need me,
you'll find me here.
Sure. Will do.
Why don't you give me a choice?
He has seen something special
in me, Thut.
A choice?
None of us have a choice.
We belong in the After World.
You are the Princess.
I have been dreaming all my life
about what I want to do,
and that is singing.
I don't know
if I want to go back
and spend an eternity
bound to a...
To have my dreams dismissed.
Oh, Ra! I just wish
that stupid bird never chose me.
-Um... technically, he didn't.
What do you mean, 'technically'?
Um, well, I knocked it down
with my boomerang.
It's not like he saw you and
chose you or anything. Sorry...
Sekhem! You...
Beautiful boy!
Do you know what this means?
I get to remain single!
And I don't have to marry you!
This is the best thing
that could have happened to me!
Me, too!
(Sekhem clears throat)
(both gasping)
(cracking up)
Okay, let's find a boat
to go home.
-We're running out of time.
Wow! It's a magic Stargate.
Maybe we can enter there.
And then home.
Sekhem, you're a genius.
I love it.
Oh, by the way. This is for you.
Uh, hey, guys?
-This isn't the ring.
-Isn't the ring?
What do you mean
it isn't the ring?
It has to be the ring. Oh, Ra!
Oh, my tongue and eyes
are still on the line here.
Look, I may not want
to spend eternity with you,
but even an ex-charioteer
doesn't deserve that.
Thank you, Princess.
That's very kind of you.
But we have to start again,
and time is running out.
We can't do anything now.
Let's rest and we'll
find the ring in the morning.
Ed's a nice guy.
He offered to take us home.
Ed? (scoffs)
A guy that puts 90 horses
under a chariot box is nice?
I'd rather sleep here.
(thunder crashing)
Uh, hair? Wet? No way.
-Hi, Ed.
Hi, Ed. Uh, we need a place
to spend the night.
Uh, sure! Yeah. Come on in.
-Thank you.
Oh, nice... dog.
(sighs) Ah!
Thanks, Ed.
-Hey, hey...
(grunting happily)
Whoa. Whoa!
So, would you sing
the song for me?
-Uh, yes.
You won't be sorry.
It's gonna be a hit!
Ooh, hear that?
It's gonna be a hit.
Ed, what's a hit?
Yes! Funny and beautiful.
Let's go to the studio.
I feel cool, dude.
Ooh! You look great, bro.
(chuckles) Whoo!
-(loud bang)
(snoring loudly)
(Croc grunts)
Can you imagine putting up
with that your whole life?
(scoffs) Don't get me wrong,
she has some positive qualities.
She's determined,
strong, intelligent.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
But, you know. She snores.
Like a walrus.
Uh, what's going on?
The singer that ruined the play.
She was wearing a symbol.
The same symbol
-that is in the ring.
So the legend
behind the ring is true.
-(clears throat)
She has come back
to get her ring.
And I have it.
(cackles softly)
What could be a more
amazing discovery
than an undiscovered
royal Egyptian ring?
Uh, two undiscovered
royal Egyptian rings!
Two? There are two? Amazing.
No, you morons!
I'm talking about
a living mummy!
(phone voice) Calling Mummy.
Calling Mummy.
Mummy? I can't talk now.
What? Don't you want to talk
to your mother?
Oh, no, no.
No, Mummy, it's not that.
We don't need the phone
I'm right beside you!
(groans deeply)
-Listen to me, Mother.
-Mm. There's an echo.
I have made the most important
archaeological discovery
of all time.
-I guarantee you,
the whole world
will now know the name
of Lord Sylvester Carnaby.
(Thut, groaning) Why?
No matter what time,
No matter the place!
Rise and shine
It's a beautiful day!
Morning, my star.
Morning, little bro,
dog and... you, too.
Listen, big day ahead of us.
I want to stream a video
of Nefer's performance.
Thoughts, feelings and thoughts.
What say you guys?
Oh, yeah, great.
But we have things to do.
-Oh, come on.
But are these the only garbs
you got from the musical?
Uh, well, we, uh...
lost our baggage.
Jeez, that happens to me
all the time when I fly.
You fly?
Here. Take my card.
There's a shop across the road.
'Cause vintage is out,
and my star needs a new look.
(chuckling) Don't worry.
That means he likes you.
I don't know what's worse.
Freaky dog.
You need to feed that thing.
Whoa! Look!
Okay. Follow me!
-Look out, Thut! Over there!
-Look out!
Whoa! Whoa!
(prolonged screaming)
Uhh! (groans)
There! I don't think
anybody noticed us, do you?
(both) Uh...
At least there won't be
any wedding night surprises.
Huh? (yelps)
A little help here, please.
Ooh! There!
Hmm. Thanks!
-No time to waste. Let's go.
-(Nefer chuckles)
('Walk Like an Egyptian'
(game beeping)
(screen crackling)
(alert chiming on P.A. system)
-(man, over P.A.) Attention.
-(all gasp)
-We kindly remind customers...
-Where did that voice come from?
That this store
will be closing in five minutes.
From the sky!
It's Ra!
The voice of the Sun God.
Oh, Ra, God of the Sun,
God of Life, light our path!
What should we do, oh, Ra?
Please, kindly
finish your shopping.
-We have.
-And proceed towards the exits.
As you command, oh, great Ra.
-Oh! That way!
-Oh, thank you, magnificent Ra!
('Walk Like an Egyptian' ends)
Yeah! Lookin'... uh...
Listen, I've got the song
loaded up.
We're ready to stream
a live performance!
I've been promoting
through my Insta all afternoon.
Ed, we don't speak Latin.
They won't just hear you,
they're gonna see you as well.
-They'll see me?
-Of course, on the computer.
Will I fit in there?
I love your sense of humor!
No, not you!
It is a 'streaming.'
'Live Internet'?
(scoffs) You don't get it, dude.
-You are going to slay.
It means do a good job,
right bro?
I don't think
this is a good idea.
It's the first time someone
has ever asked me to sing.
-But Nefer...
Time is running out.
I have fought all my life
to make my own decisions.
Then make this decision.
I'll support you.
Wow. Thanks, Thut.
That means a lot.
Well, do your thing.
(chuckles) Yeah, um...
I guess I'll just, uh... do it.
Gimme five! Up top! Hah!
Yeah! (nervous giggle)
I'm afraid I'm slipping away
I'm going to waste
I'm never gonna change
Don't wanna leave the world
The way that's it's now
I don't wanna miss any good
Chance to feel proud
Just raise your hands now
Just raise your hands and sing
Bah-bah, bah-bah
Bah-bah, bah-bah-bah
But you can't seize me
You can redeem me
You've got the keys
To free me
So don't delay
I'm today
Yesterday's tomorrow
I'm today
The time you borrowed
I'm today the stars align
Don't pass me by
'Cause I'm today
Yesterday's tomorrow
I'm today
The time you borrowed
I'm today the stars align
Don't pass me by
(reporter, on T.V.)
This mystery girl
has managed to score over ten
million hits across the globe.
The girl that shocked audiences
on the West End
has now revealed herself
to the world,
and she's not stopping there.
Reporting live from
the Commons at Knightsbridge,
I'm George Towers.
We've got her!
(all laughing)
(cackling echoes)
(Croc grunting happily)
(contented sigh)
(sighs) You know what?
Perhaps this is my place.
I've only been here a few days
and already my dreams
are coming true.
That's... really good...
for you.
Oh, come on, you'll be fine.
I gave you my word
I would help you
find the ring and I will.
We'll find it.
(grunting happily)
-(toy squeaking)
-He's not like the rest.
-Maybe we...
Come on, what am I saying?
-(grunts in alarm)
-I know, I know.
We're from two different worlds,
-(Nefer gasps)
(grunting in alarm)
(grunts loudly)
-Croc! It's Croc!
Something's wrong with him!
(both gasp)
Nefer! No!
(tires screeching)
Where are they taking her?
I recognize those men.
They're the ones who
took the ring from the ship.
We need to follow that chariot.
It belongs
to the Carnaby Museum.
How did you know that?
Are you in on this?
-Was this your plan all along?
-What? In on this?
The van belongs
to the Carnaby Museum.
It said it on the side!
I blame you for this, Ed.
So stay out of my way, got it?
I'll get to that museum.
I've got a princess to save.
You're crazy.
You'll never get in.
Their security is mental!
No. You stay here.
It's dangerous.
I'm your brother
and you will obey me.
(crickets chirping)
(water trickling)
(Usi) Princess...
-(chain clanks)
-Ahh! (grunts)
(Usi, echoing) Princess...
Princess Nefer.
So delightful to meet you.
Let me... (grunts) Let me go.
Unfortunately, I can't do that.
This morning is the opening
of my greatest exhibition yet.
Originally the centerpiece
was going to be your ring.
But now... you.
You are my greatest discovery.
And when I reveal you
to the world,
yours won't be the only name
that goes down in history.
And if you thought your
little song made you famous,
wait until they find out
what you really are!
(Nefer, weakly)
You can't do this.
-Thut will...
-I can see you!
-He will come for me.
-(chuckles lightly)
There you are! That's what will
sell the most tickets.
Now... if you'll excuse me,
I've an exhibition to prepare.
(chuckling deeply)
Wait, this is all my stuff!
Wow, an entire section
dedicated to me.
'The treasures
of Thut the Fleet of Foot.'
(chuckles) What a nickname!
One hundred-time
chariot racing champion?
What? It's 112 plus one.
(scoffs) Idiots.
(Nefer moaning)
-(groans weakly)
Oh, no.
What have they done to you?
(Carnaby) You look like humans,
but you're really
ancient Egyptian mummies.
-Welcome to your new home.
-(Danny cackling)
-Not so fast!
(grunts, moans)
(exclaims, groaning)
(muffled pop music playing)
(grunts sadly)
(coercing grunt)
Look, bro. I can help.
Let's rescue the grumpy guy.
(grunting) I can't.
Oh, jeez. I'm in bad shape.
Don't worry.
You stay here, watching.
Hold it. I see a hawk.
You sure this is okay, Danny?
Lord Carnaby said not to leave
the princess unattended.
(sighs) We're the only ones
in the building.
Besides, how can we
protect the princess
on an empty stomach?
Uh, all right. Makes sense.
Uh-oh. What have we done?
Umm... Ah-ha!
(Danny grunting)
(startled yelp)
-(Thut laughs drunkenly)
(giggling) You know what?
I think you're cute.
Thanks. You're pretty.
We've got
to get them out, quick!
I told you to keep watch
over the princess.
Sorry, Mr. Carnaby.
You see, we wanted
some snacks and...
Then we got stuck
in the vending machine.
-(Danny grunts)
-(muffled thud)
-What was that?
It's coming from the exhibition.
-It's the princess!
Don't just stand there,
you blithering idiots!
My... my chocky bar is...
Get the princess!
(loud grunt)
Are you okay?
-(Thut giggling)
-Hey, Thut...
Sekhem is so... so hero-ish.
He learned it all from me.
Okay, come on.
(both giggling drunkenly)
Someone's been here.
Keep your eyes peeled.
-(Thut giggles)
-(gasps) It's them! Quick, hide!
(Thut whimpers)
(Nefer, slurring)
I is a... I'm a woman,
and I can stand
on my own two feet.
What was that?
(quietly) Did I tell you
that you're cute?
Yeah, I...
I feel very strongly that you...
Ew! They're kissing! Blech!
The ring!
No. She's escaped!
You fools! You imbeciles!
I give you one job...
I got it! Let's get out of here.
-(Thut) Ha-ha!
-(Nefer) Hoo-hoo!
We escaped your little trap!
Now, we'll ruin
your special little opening day.
Sorry about that!
Can't take them anywhere.
-Get them.
(laughs drunkenly)
(grunts aggressively)
(yelps, grunts)
Come on!
(Danny screaming)
Hey, look! Let's get that!
(darts firing)
There they go! Quick!
Chariot driver,
drive the chariot!
Well, I've... never driven
a chariot like this.
I did! I can do it!
-What, seriously, the kid?
-(darts firing)
-(both gasp)
-Croc, buddy, get the pedals.
Ugh! Get the van! Get the van!
(yelling angrily)
Where do I go?
(female voice) This is the bus
to the South Bank.
Yeah! Ra is with us!
-Ra is a woman?
-Got a problem with that?
Why are you going so slowly?
I'm obeying the rules
of the road.
-The speed limit is...
-Forget the speed limit.
Get out of the way. Let me.
Right. Here we go.
Croc, come on!
(electric motors whining)
(Thut and Nefer screaming)
Slow down, slow down,
slow down, slow down!
You don't slow down in a chase!
Not slowing down
is the whole point!
I can't... watch!
(female voice) Next stop,
Russell Square Station.
Final destination, South Bank.
Ra says to stop next!
Do what Ra says!
No, he says to stop at the pier!
Don't worry, big brother.
He who dares wins!
Dies! We're gonna die!
They won't get away from me.
I want my mummy!
-Calling Mommy.
-I meant that mummy!
-Calling Mommy.
-No, I know...
(mother) Sylvester?
What are you doing?
Not now, mother! I'm driving!
It's not safe to drive
and talk on the phone.
(yelps) Croc!
(Carnaby) I'll show you!
I can't shake him. What do I do?
See that ramp up ahead?
Drive right for it.
But that boat,
it's already leaving.
Then we'd better go faster.
Now! Turn and slam the brakes!
(tires screeching)
(all screaming)
-(Carnaby groans)
-You made it! Way to go boss!
Yeah, but the people
we were chasing are back there.
-Guess we can't get 'em now.
-Shut up, would you?
I will chase them to the end
of the world if necessary.
You haven't seen the last of me!
(all) Yeah! (cheering)
-We're safe!
-Well done!
You were great, Sekhem.
Thanks, big bro.
-Are you okay?
-Yes. Thank you.
(clears throat politely)
So, fancy explaining
why a chariot racer
is frightened of going fast?
Oh, that. Oh, well...
It's just that
I don't feel comfortable
driving a chariot
with no horses.
I don't trust what I can't see.
Um... Yeah, look,
I'm sorry about... you know...
kissing you at the museum,
I just...
-Oh, yeah. I...
-I just wasn't think...
-And this dart...
-No, I'm sorry for that.
I mean, I'm also sorry
about the kissing.
Yeah, well, good, good, good,
that we can be honest
with each other.
Great chat.
Okay, mummies,
back to the After World.
Let's walk like Egyptians!
Yeah. We've only got two suns
before the curse falls,
and I lose my eyes and tongue.
I mean, you know, the usual.
Well, let's just
use the Stargate.
It's over there.
That's... that's not a Stargate.
That's a Ferris Wheel.
Oh, so no time travel?
Just all the time...
at the same place.
Oh, Ra.
Unless flying like a falcon
is a thing in the human world,
we're finished.
Um, actually, it is.
Uh, yeah, wow!
-Um, she's gorgeous.
-Let me...!
-Is that relevant?
-No. Wait.
Wait for it...
Wait no. No, no, no, no.
Ah-ha! That one right there!
(gasps) The God Horus?
Horus himself is gonna take us?
You could be in Egypt
in five minutes...
Hours! Five hours!
-(Sekhem) Whoo!
Well, I think it's time
for you to choose, Princess.
(plane roaring overhead)
('I'm Today' playing
on headphones)
(song fades)
So... (nervous chuckle)
Can you imagine
if we'd had to marry?
You and me? Huh!
We'd be like oil and water.
Totally. (forced chuckle)
But you know, I...
should probably thank you.
You were very brave, charioteer.
Uh... No. Not at all.
In fact, I'm not actually
who you think I am.
I retired because I got scared.
And since then,
speed makes me panic.
So... no.
I'm not brave. Not at all.
If you weren't brave,
you wouldn't have
risked your life to rescue me.
You're braver
than you think, Thut.
Yeah, well... I don't know.
(humming melody)
-(Danny) Get off! That's mine!
-(Dennys) No!
(both grunting)
(Danny) Give it here! Give it!
(Danny) Look, just 'cause you
went to the posh school...
(Dennys) Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know who's Mum's favorite.
(Carnaby cackling)
(Sekhem grunts)
(birds twittering)
-You, uh...
-Oh. Sorry. No, you...
Uh, well, I suppose...
it's goodbye, Princess.
Goodbye, charioteer.
('Far Away'
by Nickelback playing)
(whispering) Turn around.
Turn around, please.
I'm sorry, Father.
I was afraid that...
You can't imagine
how worried I have been.
(heavy thudding)
A city of living mummies.
The legend lives.
It wasn't a legend after all.
Not after today, Danny.
Not after today.
He's Danny, I'm Dennys.
Do not ruin the moment.
Uh... where is the princess?
Princess? Heh!
Who needs a princess
when you can have a pharaoh?
(panting loudly)
Sire. They've managed
to infiltrate the city
using the metal beasts.
Take everybody to the shelter.
I'll deploy the city's defenses.
Go with them.
-(muffled thump)
-(soldiers screaming)
Lord Carnaby requests
an audience with the Pharaoh.
They took away my exhibition.
They scoff at my name.
But I will show them
a living pharaoh.
Then they'll see.
Nefer, stay back!
This is my fault.
He followed me here.
This is my fight too.
(muffled booming)
-Thut! Thut!
-(Croc grunting)
-He's here!
-(toy squeaking)
The one from the museum,
he's come!
We're under attack!
If he wants to come,
let him come.
It's that or an eternity
signing autographs. Alone.
Oh, come on!
The princess needs you!
(sighs) She's got guards.
She needs the bravest among us.
The supreme champion.
And that's you. 'He who dares.'
That's my older brother.
That's who I look up to
and idolize.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself
and go help her.
(both grunting)
(groaning) Father!
No... Father!
(yells angrily)
I don't believe it!
(Nefer yells)
-You're not going anywhere.
-Whoa! Whoa!
Foolish child!
You won't get away with this!
You want to come too?
Pesky spoiled brat!
(both yelling)
(Nefer yelling)
-The Charioteer!
(Nefer) He's getting away!
(grunting) Go, go, go!
(yells, grunts)
-(Croc grunts sadly)
(Thut and Nefer yelling)
Here we go.
(loud grunt)
(creaking loudly)
Thut, what are you doing?
Look out!
(muffled) Thut, come on!
You can't let him get away!
You are not alone.
You have a team.
Thut! Not now, come on!
Snap out of it!
Thut! Wake up!
Thut! Wake up, I need you!
(grunting with effort)
It's time to take the reins!
-Hyah! Hyah!
(both yelling)
(Nefer screams)
(both grunting)
(both grunting aggressively)
Get off me, boy!
I've got you now.
(gasps) Thut!
-(relieved laugh)
-Now, you'll be my new trophy.
I'll show you, mummy!
No, no, no, no, no!
I love you.
-(Thut grunts)
(Thut yelling)
-(loud booming)
-(explosion echoing)
No, no. Thut!
Thut? No!
(gasps) Thut!
(both straining)
That's my older brother.
(both laughing)
Young charioteer,
you saved my life.
You did it!
You overcame your fear, Thut!
No, It was you.
I've been running from fear
this whole time.
Whether it was fear
to race again
or fear to love somebody.
The ceremonial ring
I'm supposed to return.
But instead...
Will you marry me?
Well, the Phoenix chose you,
so technically,
I'm duty-bound to marry you.
(both laughing)
(shyly) Yes, I will!
The Phoenix was right,
you're made for each other.
(cracking up)
(priest) By the power vested
in me by the goddess of love,
I pronounce you
wife and husband.
(cheering, applause)
'Walk Like an Egyptian')
All the school kids
So sick of books
They like the punk
And the metal band
-When the buzzer rings?
They're walking like
An Egyptian
All the kids
In the marketplace say
Walk like an Egyptian
It's about time
things changed...
I suppose.
(whistling melody)
(song continues)
(song fades)
('I'm Today' playing)
(grunting sadly)
(toy squeaking)
(gleeful grunting)
(toy squeaking)
(startled grunt)
(mournful grunt)
(contented moan)
(mocking squeak)