Mumun (2022) Movie Script

Who is that?
In the name of God
the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Peace be upon you!
Is? Is there anyone home?
Is? Are you deaf?
Peace be upon you, too.
Hold on.
He's in there.
-Who's there?
Oh, God.
What is this?
I'll beat you up,
how can you not know your friend?
You're Marbun, aren't you?
-You're forgetful now. Who else?
What are you doing with this crowd
bringing tanjidor and rebana?
Are you going to propose to me?
-Oh, dear.
So, which one
is going to get married?
The one inside the car.
-Which one?
That one!
How do you know him?
-You know I love to go out.
I was out in a car and
my boss was thirsty, so we stopped.
We stopped
at your daughter's shop.
He didn't have the courage
to talk in person, so he asked me.
Now, I come here as his
Okay, okay.
-Don't try to set up my daughter!
Let's go.
What do you think of my daughter?
Wrinkled Marbun, leave!
You are so arrogant.
-Enough of this!
What are you still doing here?
Go away!
What was he thinking?
Don't come back!
Don't you have anything else to do?
You're old but you haven't
repented yet, you wrinkled man!
Calm down. I know.
-I'm pissed!
Calm down.
-He was trying to set you up.
Coming here with a crowd.
I didn't let him!
Let's go in.
Let's go in.
Oh, God.
What happened?
Someone was trying
to propose to me.
From the look of his car,
looks like the sugar daddy type.
How can you tease me?
Don't touch me, it's prohibited.
You're annoying.
Neng, do you need me to help you?
No need for that.
How can you be mad because of that?
I think he's going
to drop ship you.
Do you think
I'm an online merchandise?
You don't understand!
-Stop being grumpy.
Hey, Mun.
It's a taboo for me
to reject a proposal three times.
If it's not because you
like each other, it won't happen.
Ned, I'm going to remind you.
Don't play with Mumun's heart.
She only likes you. Got it?
We got it, dad.
We're getting things ready.
Why do you answer for him?
Let your future husband answer it!
Answer him!
When will you marry me?
You're adding me to the cart,
but you're not checking me out.
Yes, that's right.
We're getting things ready.
That's right.
-To make it better.
Without a hitch, am I right?
-You're right.
That's how I like it.
They're the ones getting married,
why are you so upset?
This is a lot.
What event are you going
to make again, dad?
Events, non-stop.
Be patient. Allah is
with those who are patient.
I'm leaving, dad.
Min, help your sister.
Look who was just
proposed to three times.
What? Do you want
to be with that old geezer?
Take him.
-No way. You know my type. Young.
Rich, enticing.
-Rich, enticing.
There he is. Come on.
You're the leader of the troupe,
and you're an emcee too?
Where is it?
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, yes.
Too long! Hurry!
Let's go.
Hey Sein, what a coincidence.
Come with me.
Just come.
-I'm having fun here.
I'm going to ask you one more time.
Do you really like Mumun?
You want to be with her?
I do. I really love her.
Sein, help me.
Whatever you have to do.
I need to report to the elders.
I think someone's coming.
An elder is coming.
I'm an elder.
Don't call me Sein, call me Elder!
-I'm going to give you a charm.
Mumun will be crazy about you.
He'll give you a charm!
Get in. Here's the charm.
Mpok, are you done?
-I am.
These clothes will be worn by your
parents for the party tomorrow.
Oh, right.
-The village knows about tomorrow.
Everyone's envious.
They did Hajj,
they've done umrah several times.
They will surely go to heaven.
You're flattering them.
There, your regular
has been waiting.
You're right. Poor Juned.
I'm going to set things up, okay?
A fan of yours.
Mumunaholic number one.
Abang, I thought
you were my only Mumunaholic.
I'm not only a Mumunaholic,
but also Mumunism,...
Mumunistic, Mumun.....
You're too much Mumun.
Here comes Mumunaholic number two.
Morning, Miss Mumun.
-Hi, Miss Mumun.
What can I get you?
I'll eat anything made by you.
I don't want it by anyone else,
or else it will be ruined.
Neng, act natural.
It's okay.
Hold on, sir.
Sir, take a seat.
Sorry, I forgot.
You're going to eat,
that's why you should sit.
Don't act like that.
I'm leaving, okay?
-So soon?
Well, yes.
Are you jealous?
-No. I'm sick of your fans.
Him and him.
Don't worry about it.
-Don't mess around, okay?
Okay, okay.
Peace be upon you, Mr. Hajj.
Thanks for coming.
Come in and find a spot.
Peace be upon you, dad.
-Peace be upon you, too.
It's Mimin.
Min, I'd like to thank you
for paying for this party.
And here with me now is Ustaz Udin.
I want his prayer for you
to get a partner easily.
-Here he is.
Yes, dad.
Peace be upon you, ustaz.
Peace be upon you, too.
Pray for me, ustaz.
Pray that I get to be like the kid
my dad's going to bring to Mecca.
Amen. I'll pray
for you to get a partner fast... your parents will be happy.
-This is your good fortune.
I'm able to do umrah
and a pre-departure party.
Everything is paid for by you.
She's a staff
in the city, in an office.
You're not only beautiful in your
appearance, but also in your heart.
You dignify your parents.
-Thank God.
I'm going to hang up, okay?
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you, too.
You act big.
Just read the spell I told you.
-That's it.
Turn them off.
Go there.
You don't need to worry.
The one you like will come to you.
It's my doing,
I'm always successful.
Let's pray that this family
will have a long life.
Mumun, your loan in the amount
of 50 million rupiah is due.
Please make a payment to avoid
interest of 30 percent per week.
This is the final warning,
or we will send a debt collector.
One aglio olio for you,
one orange juice,...
...and one iced coffee. Right?
-Okay. Please wait.
Miss, as usual. Let's switch.
It's a bad habit.
-Miss, I'm sorry.
I'm borrowing this.
-What's up?
You don't usually do video calls.
Min, did you get a loan?
A loan?
I got a text message.
Check your WhatsApp,
I've forwarded it to you.
It's the usual.
What is that loan for?
And you used my identity card.
Why are you mad?
You know I've been using
your identity card for a while.
Min, it's different this time.
What did you spend the money for?
You think I spent it? It's Dad.
-I only spent a small amount,...
...some clothes.
It's fifty million, Min.
-Dad loves to throw a party.
And the umrah
is using the money from me.
If you don't have
the money, just tell him.
What are you taking a loan for?
Don't worry about it.
I'll pay for it.
How do I not worry about it?
It's fifty million.
I can't handle this
on my own, you know.
I don't care how you do it,
but you need to take care of this.
Enough, it's not a big problem.
Don't exaggerate.
It will be fine.
It has always been fine.
So fussy.
Who are you?
What's wrong with you?
-Me? I.....
Are you a guest at this party?
I thought you were a guest.
I'm going back in.
My mother is calling me.
I need to help her out.
Excuse me.
We've warned you.
Now you need to pay 70 million...
...before 2 o'clock this afternoon.
We'll have to do this the hard way
if you don't pay.
Hello. Peace be upon you, Neng.
Peace be upon you too, Bang.
What's up, Neng?
...I have a problem.
I know.
You've been looking miserable.
What's happening?
I feel bad for
telling you this on the phone.
It's okay.
Just tell me now, to make it clear.
Do you have money?
It's unusual for you
to ask me about money.
It is, I'm really sorry.
I know the money you have
is our savings.
How do I say this?
I get it.
How much do you need?
Seventy million.
Oh, God.
Seventy million? That much?
That much.
I'm sorry for troubling you.
But I really need the money.
It's for something
really important.
Do you need it now?
I do.
Neng Mumun,...
...I'm certain
that you're my future wife.
Because I know you love me.
Next time you have a problem,
you need to be more open about it.
I'm sorry.
-It's okay.
I have 40 million now.
But don't worry,..
...I'll get the rest. Okay?
I'm relieved now.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Hey, you.
You're Mumun, aren't you?
What is this?
-We're Jack, Susilo and Sanip.
We're bringing you
a letter of collection.
Collection of what?
-She's playing stupid.
He's the one who's actually stupid.
We helped you
and this is how you repay?
Pay your debt!
Sorry, I really
don't know anything.
She doesn't know anything.
Hey! Where
are you going
I know this type of girl.
You borrow a lot of money,
but you don't want to pay! Pay!
Where's the money?
You dare to borrow money,
but you don't want to pay.
Hey, hey, hey!
You only dare to harass women.
Your forehead!
What's wrong with my forehead?
Your forehead's flat,
as if there's no brain behind it.
Yes, sir!
Sir? Don't act
like you're an officer!
I'll beat you up!
I'm Jefri.
I remember you.
You were in front of my house.
You were waiting in front
of my house during the party.
That's right.
I'm sorry
for my worker's impoliteness.
They don't have manners.
Sorry, boss.
I hear you have a problem
with my company, about debt.
Is that right?
-Don't worry.
As long as I'm handling it,
I will help you.
Everything will be fine.
Okay. I'm going
back home then. Thank you.
Hold on.
When I'm on duty, I'm rarely nice.
Moreover, helping.
Come on, let me take you home.
Come on.
Please. Okay?
...for not being able
to pay the debt.
Why are you
talking about debt instead?
Just relax.
I'll give you leniency.
You mean, it's okay
if I don't have the money now?
Just relax, Mun.
As long as I'm handling it,...
...I will protect you.
No, don't do this.
Can I get off here?
Stop, please have mercy on me.
-So, you don't like me?
Have mercy on me.
Sorry. Don't.
Have mercy on me.
Hey, hey, hey!
Do you want to die? Can you drive?
-Did you cheat to get a license?
Thank God, you're still alive.
Where are you running to? Hey!
Miss, where's my lemon tea?
-Please wait.
So, that was one.....
-Seafood fried rice.
Table 8, lemon tea.
That one.
Where are you going?
Hey, where are you going?
Poor Mumun,
a victim of a hit and run.
My condolences.
Hey, Hussein.
-Hey, you.
You pretend to be possessed,
take grave dirt, and burn incense.
It was all pretend, wasn't it?
What did I do wrong?
-You did a trickery.
Your boss came
and asked for a charm from me.
You can't return a charm.
We don't care. You owe him.
At least you have to pay.
I remember your type.
You pretend to be possessed and
then you ask for grilled chicken.
And black coffee.
-Black coffee!
Skincare, for what?
Does your face need
to glow to dig a grave?
We're talking about chicken skin.
Oh, sorry.
Gentlemen, please lower your voice
and keep your manners here.
How dare you interrupt our debate?
You're intruding. You know?
What did you say?
Don't you know who I am?
I'll slap you!
You're disturbing.
Hey, tell your boss
to come to my house.
I'll take care of everything.
Hear that?
They're arrogant.
-You're right.
-Of course.
Thank God for Mr. Ancrit.
Oh, right.
I'm taking you home,
but you're getting pissed off?
Don't you think I'm exhausted?
Hey, Sip! Come here.
-You're calling me? What?
I want to say something to you.
-I think I forgot something.
What did you forget, Sein?
Oh, dear.
-It's true. I forgot something!
I forgot to untie
Mumun's pocong string.
-That's right.
Usually, when a pocong string
is not untied,...
...the pocong will haunt people.
Pocong like this?
Oh, dear.
-How could you forget?
Oh, dear. I'm human.
That's right. You're human!
A human that will be
chased by pocong!
I don't want to be around you.
I'm going back home.
Hey, Sip!
You better stay the night here.
-No way! I'm going home.
Oh, dear!
What is that?
I'm probably exhausted.
It's us.
Oh, dear! You!
You startled me.
Were you under the tree earlier
on the side of the house?
Were you going
to steal sambal or something?
Bang, can Markonah
borrow your money?
No, no, no.
I'm going to give my money
during jaipong dance. Got it?
But I didn't get a lot of money
and someone died today.
-You got a job since someone died.
You think it's my goal?
No. Just go home.
Why won't you listen? Go home.
You just don't know.
Here, I'll tell you who I am.
Hussein, the gravedigger
with an official certificate.
There's no ghost or pocong.
Let's close this.
Let me lay down here.
I'm Mumun.
Bang, I'm Mumun.
Untie my pocong string.
Forgive me!
Untie my pocong string.
Was it a dream?
It will be nice
for you to be here.
Look at your poor father.
He's sad that your sister left him.
We can't be sad forever.
We have to let Mumun go.
What's done is done.
Why do you say that?
Look at your father.
You can make him happy.
What should I do to make him happy?
I have to stay here?
What about my job?
You can look for a job here.
Take care of Mumun's shop.
The shop has many customers.
You better keep the shop.
-I also have a job in Jakarta.
I work hard in Jakarta,
making money...
...and now you ask me
to run Mumun's shop?
No way!
I'm going back to live
in a boarding house in Jakarta.
Oh, God.
Bang, thank you for being
with my sister all this time.
But I can't be long here.
I become sad when I think of Mumun.
Me, too.
Four charms, four dowries,
4.8 million rupiah!
Not including taxes.
Oh, dear! 4.8 million!
Your ancestor's money?
Hey Jef, remember.
I gave you the charm.
Mumun was willing to talk to you.
But now Mumun's dead.
You're stupid for not being able
to take a chance before.
I'll be back and you have
to have the money. Got it?
Let's go.
How could you?
You leave me too soon.
How could you?
Oh, God!
Ask for forgiveness from God.
Ask for forgiveness.
If only Mimin would stay here
for her father...
...he wouldn't be this miserable.
Let me go outside.
Peace be upon you.
Can I help you?
-Peace be upon you.
Is this Mumun's house?
This was her house,
but Mumun has died.
I know that.
Who are you?
Her slave?
Sorry, but is there any trouble?
I can represent her mother.
The letter.
There's a letter
of collection from my company.
The amount is 95,684,000 rupiah.
Oh, God.
-That's Mumun's debt...
...that needs to be paid.
Remember the interest
will add up...
...and become the responsibility
of the ones left behind. Got it?
Oh, God.
Should I give it to Mumun's mother?
-You should. Ma'am!
Don't. Calm down.
Let me tell this news to her. Okay?
This guy's brave.
Hey. Who do you think you are?
Do you want to be involved?
This is the business
of the ones left behind, not yours.
Her parents are still in grief.
Okay then. I'll be back later.
Just so you know,
her debt is in Jefri's hands!
Got it?
Let's go, Jack!
What a complicated song.
We can't fail this time.
We need to collect the money.
Right, Susilo?
-Yes for me.
Just see how
a gentleman collects a debt.
Just see.
Good evening, ladies.
Hey! Gentlemen! We're gentlemen.
Oh, right.
What are you gentlemen here for?
Maybe I can help you
as the security here.....
Your mouth smells bad!
-Oh, dear!
Where do you come from?
How dare you speak to me like that?
Of course, I dare.
-You dare?
If you dare, you go to the front,
not to the back.
What if we're here
until the end of time?
You have a problem with that?
No, Bang Jefri.
I'm only doing my job.
My job is to protect the citizen.
Hussein, get down!
Let's run!
Why are you following me?
I'm staying at your house, okay?
-Let's go.
You said you're going
to take me home.
Don't give me
that judgemental look.
Hang on.
I want to talk to you.
What would your dad say...
...if he knows
you're not working in an office?
What's wrong with that?
I'm working as a waitress.
It's not a sin. It's my hard work.
Do people need
to work in an office?
You were the one
who said you work in an office.
You shouldn't have lied
to your parents.
Why are you meddling
in my family's business?
Mumun's not here anymore.
Stop caring about me and my family.
Hey, listen to me.
Mumun had a great dream.
Her shop had a lot of customers.
People loved it.
It's famous.
You can start a new life
by keeping her shop...
...and taking care of your parents.
Hopefully, God will bless you
and you will be rewarded by Him.
I also have a dream of my own.
I'm not Mumun.
Rethink your opinion,
and don't forget...
...that I'm
keeping a secret of yours.
Wait, are you threatening me?
Hey, you're here.
Ned, thank you
for bringing Mimin home.
Thanks, Ned.
You can't be ignorant and
not think about other people.
There are spiritual
diseases of the heart.
You're one of them.
What did I do?
You were
using Mumun's money, right?
You also use her ID. Am I right?
The other day, the debt
collectors came to your house.
Did they meet my mother?
God forbid.
It would be complicated.
Why are you
talking to me about this?
Do you want me to repay it now?
Of course, you need to repay it.
Who else would?
It's mom and dad
who used the money!
For umrah and the party.
Who goes to umrah that many times?
-Oh, God.
Why do they love to do it?
To show off?
How can you
measure your parents' worship?
That's the reality.
Oh, God.
How about this?
Now, you and me,
we have to work together.
You, be good to your parents.
About Mumun's debt,...
...let me think about that later.
There's some food that
has been reheated several times.
Some customers love reheated food.
You have to serve drinks fast.
Snacks and crackers need
to be available all the time.
You need to serve
the good quality ones.
Change the stale ones.
This is the most important.
Don't serve the wrong sambal.
Because sambal is.....
Sambal is the first kiss.
The food is the romance.
Am I right?
Mumun wrote her recipes in a book.
It's in the upper left drawer.
Go take a look.
How to make sambal.
I can do this.
Sour Prawn.
My Dream. One, go to college.
Two, pay for mom and dad's hajj.
Three, have lots of savings.
Four, marrying Bang Juned.
Five, have my own restaurant.
Six, do umrah and hajj.
-What are you doing?
I mean, this one's pretty.
You're such a tease.
Peace be upon you, Ned.
-Peace be upon you, too.
Hussein. It's unusual for you
to come here. What's up?
Yes, Ned.
Calm down.
What are you going to say?
I mean, about the late Mumun.
What's up with Mumun?
Forgive me. I'm really sorry.
I forgot... untie her pocong string.
Oh, God!
That's why she's chasing me
now that she's a pocong.
What are you talking about?
Bang Hussein,
Mumun's not here anymore.
She has no business here
in this world.
I know that.
But she's a pocong now.
Believe me, Ned.
Why do you need proof?
I believe you, that's why
I want to see it for myself.
You said there's a pocong.
Don't talk carelessly.
You're so arrogant.
Don't be arrogant.
Here we are, at her grave.
Yes. What are you going to do?
Where's the pocong?
There's nothing.
What did I say? What's that?
What's that, Ned?
-It was there.
Maybe you saw wrong.
It's only bush.
-Behind you!
Oh, no!
I don't want to see it.
Oh, no!
Help me!
Where are you going, Ned?
Don't leave me. Ned!
Juned! Answer me!
Oh, no, Ned!
Where do you go?
How could you leave me alone?
Don't play around.
Anybody home?
Excuse me!
Boss, I don't think
anyone's here at the shop.
Maybe they're in that house.
-Yes. You look for them.
If you don't mind.
If you do, let us look for them.
Remember your manners.
What's wrong with you?
Let's run!
I'm surprised
to see your appearance.
Who are they?
The debt collectors.
Why did they leave?
They're the debt collectors?
In a gang?
Sein, help me.
Give me a charm or whatever!
-But you don't believe in it.
I believe now.
Here, I have a bahar bangle.
This is no ordinary bangle.
It wasn't obtained randomly,
it was on the sea floor.
700 km down there.
You can't use it carelessly.
You can't wear this while pooping,
or else you won't be able to poop.
Remember, don't
wear this while pooping,...
...especially to clean yourself.
It will be hurt
to clean yourself with that.
Thank you, Sein.
This will be taken from your debt!
Help me, Min.
What's wrong with you, Min?
You're delirious, calling your
sister's name. Mumun, Mumun.
What happened? Tell me.
Hear that.
Your brother-in-law's here.
Don't be sick, okay?
Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you, too. Come in.
See her.
Everyone's worried about you.
I'm okay.
You don't need to worry about me.
I'm fine.
I just want you to be okay.
Ned, stay here, okay?
Take care of
my only child here, okay?
Be with me, okay?
Relax. You're VIP.
Your headpiece almost got me.
Stop, stop, stop!
Stop this performance!
Boss Jefri.
Herring in a slum...
...good evening and welcome.
Hey! A face with a smudge.
You talk too much!
Give me money!
Boss, there are not
many customers here.
Not many customers?
Hey, hey, hey.
You ungrateful bastard.
Ungrateful! I'll beat you up!
-Please, don't.
Bang Jefri.
Bang Jefri, don't be angry.
Shut up!
I'll beat you up!
I'm sick of looking at you.
I saw you were
given money by Hussein.
Give it to me!
No way.
Give it to me!
-No way.
Jef! How could you extort my muse?
What is that?
Don't be scared,
or you'll make me scared too.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Yes, Mpok?
It's missing.
-Bang Jefri.
Why are you pulling me?
Last night,...
...Mumun came.
Mumun came.
Bang Hussein!
-Where's Hussein?
Bang Jefri.
Bang Jefri!
Hey! What is this?
-Oh, no! Disgusting!
She's going in too!
I'm scared. What pocong is that?
I don't know. Too many questions.
I'm Mumun.
The light's flickering.
It wasn't like this.
Oh, dear!
Oh, no! It's sticky!
It's getting into my underwear!
Oh, God, Min.
Mumun was a nice girl.
Why would she haunt you?
Because of her debt?
It's my debt, not hers.
It's people's point of view,
it's not Mumun's.
Your dad wants me
to be close to you...
...because he has not
let go of Mumun and I...
...who were going to be married.
I'm only Mumun's backup.
That's why I don't want you
to become her dupe.
Do you get me?
I think... don't want
to accept the reality...
...that your future wife is gone.
You're telling us to let her go,
but you haven't let her go.
Why am I left behind?
And I'm alone here.
Jack, faster.
Relax, boss.
The pocong won't get this car.
Pocong can only jump around.
Just drive fast.
Jack, run! Get out!
Boss, the pocong's gone.
Come back here. It's gone.
Hurry, come here.
Come on.
We are stiff!
I want this garlic.
I take this one, okay?
You're shopping today?
-I am.
So, is it true that the hoodlums
went into the lake?
It is.
How scary.
-Why won't you listen to me?
Open your mouth.
Or else you'll be bitten
by Pocong Mumun!
...did you see Pocong Mumun too?
I did.
Bang Hansip.
Did you hear the story
of why Mumun became a pocong?
I did. It's all because of Hussein.
You don't have the latest update.
You're no fun.
What? So, what's the reason?
Do you know Mimin, Mumun's twin?
I know.
-It is said that...
...Mimin was going
to take Mumun's ex.
-Yes, that's right.
That cell phone guy?
Mpok, if they like each other,
there's no problem then.
If you like me,
it would be no problem too.
No way!
-No way?
Go take care of that,
you're an official. Go!
Yes, Ma'am!
This problem, let me handle this.
I'm going to report this.
I'm going to take care of Kokom.
That's me!
-Sorry. I mean Pocong Mumun.
That's it!
Such a civil pocong.
A Jaipong Show is Terrorized
by Pocong Mumun.
What's going on?
It's unusual for you to visit us.
It's about this.
What's this? Horn?
Ma'am! Do you think
it's an elephant that has a horn?
-It's about...
...Pocong Mumun.
Help us find out about it, Ned.
I don't want my husband
to know about this,...
...or else it will
be more complicated.
Yes, ma'am.
I'm going to find out about it.
Peace be upon you.
I thought you
really could do magic,...
...that I got the job
to collect Mumun's debt.
It turns out you're a fraud.
If this bangle has no use,...
...give back all of my money!
Sein, do you know, I've been quiet
not because I don't talk much,...
...but I talk a lot with this!
-Oh, dear.
It's just.....
You embarrassed me
in front of my guys.
Beat him up!
Too long. Jack, give it to him.
Bang Jefri.
What is that?
What's wrong with you?
I'd like to apologize to you...
...for not believing you
all this time.
You, your father, Bang Hussein,
I've heard all of it, but I.....
I didn't want to know.
...saw Pocong Mumun?
I did.
Oh, God.
So, Pocong Mumun
is haunting Hussein...
...because of
the pocong string problem?
I think that pocong
is also haunting Jefri.
When I was there, the pocong
strangled Jefri, targeting him.
You mean the pocong
has a grudge against Jefri?
I don't know.
What is that loan for?
And you used my identity.
It's not a big problem.
Don't exaggerate.
I can't handle this
on my own, you know.
I don't care how you do it,
but you need to take care of this.
Min, don't ever
take a loan under my name again!
I can't take it anymore!
Oh, God!
What's wrong, Min?
Min, what's wrong with you?
Calm down, Min.
Calm down, okay?
Min, I think we need
to say to your father...
...that we like each other.
Do you mean that he would
be happy if we pretend?
He would be happy indeed.
Since I became Mumun,...
...he looks happy.
If I have to keep
being Mumun forever,...'s okay.
Let's do that.
So Mumun will be in peace.
So we can dig her grave.
Thank you, Min,...
...for the sacrifice you made
for your sister.
Mom, dad.
Where are you going?
To a wedding party.
With who?
With Bang Juned.
Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you, too.
May I go?
May I go to this wedding?
Sir, ma'am.
Before we go, there's something
I'd like to share with you.
-It's my fault.
-Stop. Let me say this to them.
Do you remember that I left home...
...because I was
disappointed in you?
You never cared about me.
You always compared me to Mumun.
I always had faults in your eyes.
I couldn't get money
from you to open a shop.
Meanwhile, you gave
Mumun money for her shop.
I believed I had a way
to make you happy.
I ran away and
lived my life in Jakarta.
I looked for a job,
I lived a hard life.
I wasn't like
what you thought of me.
I didn't work in an office,
I was a cafe waitress.
I couldn't pay for your umrah
and that many parties.
So, I took a loan.
A loan.....
A huge loan.
But I took it using Mumun's ID.
That was why the debt collectors
were coming after her, dad, mom.
I think I was the reason
for Mumun's...
Forgive me, dad.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
-Forgive me.
Forgive me.
-It's my fault.
It's my fault.
I want you to forgive me.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you, too.
May I come in?
Come in, Hussein.
It's my fault that Mumun's
pocong string has not been untied.
I didn't do it on purpose.
Forgive me.
What if we dig Mumun's grave... untie her pocong string?
May you be in peace,
if God's willing.
Forgive me, Mumun.
I'm going to leave.
-Thank you, sir.
Thank you, ustaz.
-Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you, too.
Are we done
with this pocong business?
But Mumun's debt business
is not done yet.
Am I right, Mimin, her twin?
Hey, Jefri.
All of her debts will be repaid.
But can you have a little respect?
We just buried her again.
-Hey, cell phone guy.
You're no one to this family.
You're not even
a relative or an in-law.
I'll beat you up.
Mimin, do you know?
Mumun died because
she was hit by a truck.
Mumun's debt becomes your
responsibility now. Understand?
Hey, hey, hey, hold on.
You said she was hit by a truck?
How do you know?
We only know it was a hit and run
and there was no witness.
You were haunted
by Pocong Mumun, weren't you?
So, this is
your responsibility, too!
That's true then!
She was hit by a truck
because you chased her.
Admit it!
Just admit it!
You bastard!
Why won't you admit it?
Let me go!
You only dare do this
with your gang.
Hey, Sein, you're interfering
with this business.
You're interfering.
This debt business isn't done yet!
You have to pay for it!
Let's go!
May Mumun's sins are erased.
Ned, do you see Mimin?
Is she not inside?
Oh, God.
Ma'am, I'm leaving. Sir.
-Where are you going?
Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you, too.
You all need
to enjoy tonight's party!
We achieved our target!
Enjoy this.
Hey, Jef.
Which one are you? Mimin or Mumun?
Whichever. Be it Mimin or Mumun,
they're both pretty.
As long as it's not Maman.
Are you looking for Mimin?
-I am.
Maybe she's.....
I'm going to finish you.
You killed my sister!
Are you going to avenge her?
With what? With your thumb?
Are you playing
a game or something?
She's holding a knife.
Maybe she wants to cut fruits.
Min, don't do this.
Let me be!
I have to finish this guy!
I want to avenge Mumun!
Or else Mumun's spirit
won't be at peace.
What are you going to do?
You will be arrested
if Mimin is hurt.
So what?
Hey! Ouch!
Don't interfere.
You'll die!
Oh, God. Mumun.
This is your fault.
Go away!
Go away, Mun!
This is the boss' business!
Wait, Jack!
Sir, ma'am, this is my saving.
I'm giving this to you
to pay for Mumun's debt.
Please accept it.
Oh, God, Ned.
You have a great heart.
Thank you, Ned.
-It's okay.
This is my only belonging.
I was going to give it to Mumun
if you two get married.
But it's yours now,
for your future wife someday.
I pray that you find a new one.
This is the only thing
I can give you.
Thank you.
I'm going to leave now then.
-Hang on.
Mimin was just finished cooking.
Fish pecak with Betawi sambal.
It's tasty. You have to try it.
-Come on.
-Come on.