Munkar (2024) Movie Script

the hardest thing for us to do
is to wake up for dawn prayer.
Because the call for prayer at dawn says...
Which means,
"Praying is better than sleeping."
- Her.
- Keep this in mind.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you too.
Girls, in ten minutes I want everybody
from Class 2A
to recite the Quran together.
- Understood?
- Yes, ma'am.
Where are you going, Her?
To get my Quran.
Hurry back.
Where is she going?
I don't know. Is she leaving?
You should have reminded each other.
I hate that she gets us in trouble.
Now I want everybody to clean the yard.
The bathrooms and the shed.
What about Herlina?
- It's her fault not ours.
- Every one.
Everyone gets punished, including Herlina.
Ummi! Excuse me.
Now what? What excuses do you have now?
Sorry, I fell asleep when I went
to get my Quran. I'm so sorry.
Listen up, everybody!
Now start working. Let's go!
You're all being punished. Go on!
Nadilla, don't sit around.
Get back to work.
- Peace be upon you, Ummi.
- Upon you too.
Work diligently.
Don't be lazy.
Do it properly.
- Start sweeping.
- Okay.
Don't bother.
I'm sick of this.
We can't let her get away with this.
What are you going to do?
- Stop it.
- No, you stop it.
No, you.
Are you happy now?
Laughing while the rest of us
are being punished?
Ranum, Aminah, Wati. Leave.
Let her do the chores alone.
What do you mean, Obi?
Leave, Num.
Give me that.
Don't be like that.
She's still adapting.
She just got here a month ago.
She's been here for a month.
Listen, our class
was the best in this school.
Never got punished.
But since she's been here...
She missed recitation and dawn prayer,
we got punished for it.
She's a troublemaker!
- I know, but...
- It's easier for you.
You're a hafiza.
A favorite student on scholarship.
What about me,
Dilla, Siti, Aminah, Wati,
and the rest of us?
Have it your way.
Let's go.
It's okay if you want to leave.
It was all my fault.
It's okay.
I'm just not used to doing all of this.
At home, my parents always
gave me everything I wanted.
I'm sorry, Num.
It's okay. Let's just get back to work
so we can finish it quickly.
Take care of yourself here.
Mom, I hate it here.
Everybody hates me here.
Be strong.
They'll like you
once they get to know you better.
No one will.
Only one student likes me.
Only she's kind to me.
Her name is Ranum.
But the rest are mean to me.
The bedsheet is so smelly and filthy.
I can't sleep on it.
Why are you laughing?
Don't worry, I'll get you a bedsheet.
I'll send a new one.
Tonight, I'll bring it to you. I promise.
Mom, that's not the solution.
Come on, Mom.
Talk to Dad, tell him
I don't have to be in boarding school.
Listen to me, Herlina.
You know how your father is.
How about this?
Try to stay for a semester.
If you still don't like it,
then I'll talk to your dad.
All right?
Can I see you smile?
It looks forced. Cheer up, okay?
My baby is looking so pretty in a hijab.
So beautiful.
What did you do to get punished?
I've got a lot on my plate already.
I don't need more trouble from you.
Think about it. What if you get expelled?
Do you think you can just
walk right back home?
Enough, honey. Stop.
- Want to eat now?
- Later.
- Want me to feed you?
- No, I'll eat later.
All right then.
WEATHER FORECASHerlina says hi.
She said she misses you so much.
How is she doing there?
Getting better?
She's getting so much better,
and she's more obedient now.
I'm happy to see her like that.
But I think she doesn't like it there.
Maybe it's time for her to come home.
It's only been a month and she's decided
she doesn't like it there?
What can she learn from the school
in only one month?
I bet she still can't recite
the Quran correctly.
Let her stay there longer.
She needs discipline.
Fine. I'm going there again
to give her a fresh blanket and bedsheet.
That's good, Her.
I can see your progress.
I'm going to the mosque
to study the Quran.
Want to come?
Going to pray for your parents, Ranum?
Okay, I'll come with you.
Let me get ready.
Thank God.
I'll be in the wudu room.
Follow us, girls.
Peace be upon you, Herlina.
The troublemaker.
What did you say about us, bitch?
Somebody's got a big mouth.
I didn't say anything to Ummi.
I don't want to hear anything from you.
Poor baby. Is the baby crying?
What did I do to you?
"What did I do to you?"
Please, don't do it, Obi.
- Be quiet.
- Dilla, it hurts.
- You want to fight with me?
- No.
- Do you?
- No.
Let me go!
Let me go!
Get up! Come here!
Come here!
Ouch! It hurts.
Where are you going?
It hurts!
Please let me go.
- Obi.
- Shut up.
This is hot.
You want to try it?
Aminah, go get her!
The back door.
- Where is she?
- That way!
I've only been kind to you,
but you snitched on me to Ummi Ayu.
Now you're running to snitch again, right?
Don't do it! Don't!
Can you be quiet for once?
Shut up!
Shut up!
Is it cold?
Get up.
Don't be a baby.
You want to fight with me?
- Huh?
- Let me go!
Get her!
Mr. Sapto, we're...
Dewi, how is she?
What happened to her?
This is not from the car crash.
- Calm down.
- How could you?
How did you not realize
that my daughter has a burn on her hand?
Sir, calm down.
- Mr. Sapto, we are...
- Save it. I know.
You're here so that you won't be blamed,
so that I won't sue for this incident.
How could this be?
How could my daughter
be outside her dorm that late at night?
Mr. Sapto, we're sorry we failed you
in making sure that Herlina was safe.
Leave us alone.
I put my daughter in your boarding school
to make her better.
Not to let her get hurt.
Or bullied, understand?
Please leave!
It's okay.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you.
Honey, please. Let's go.
Don't forget, your homework
is to continue with the tafsir
of Surah Al-Isra verse 37.
We will also pray for your friend,
Herlina, for her quick recovery.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you too.
How about we visit Herlina
in the hospital?
We can ask the Kyai for permission.
What do you think?
Good idea.
But let's first eat in the canteen.
You go ahead.
All right, see you.
Give me that.
My goodness.
Peace be upon you, Ranum.
Peace be upon you too.
I missed you so much.
Herlina is back.
What are we going to do?
Are we going to ask her
what happened that night?
- Or...
- No.
We should give her time.
I suspect
that she was bullied by her classmates.
I agree with you.
She wouldn't be that far away
from her dorm for no reason.
We've talked about this many times.
Stop thinking negatively
about the students.
There is no hierarchy among the students.
Speak for yourself.
There's hierarchy among us teachers.
While the Kyai
is teaching at the other school,
we have to watch them more closely.
We have to prevent other girls,
like Herlina,
from trying to run away from here.
It will destroy our school's image.
It's also dangerous for the students.
"And the punishment for a crime
is doing the same crime to them."
"Therefore by forgiving each other
and by doing good deeds,
you shall be rewarded by Allah."
"And Allah doesn't like bad people."
Peace be upon you, Ummi.
Peace be upon you, Ummi.
Ummi Indri!
What's wrong, Ummi Ayu?
Nothing. My mind went blank for a moment.
Do you need anything?
Our friends.
- Our sisters.
- Let's talk somewhere else.
Our friend Herlina
has been blessed by Allah
with her recovery.
We should give thanks to Allah.
Because Herlina being back here
is part of Allah's plan.
And Allah is the greatest
mastermind of all.
Come here.
Don't you want to talk about that night
to Ummi or Ustadz?
You can at least tell me.
Don't worry about that, Ranum.
No bad deed goes unpunished.
- That way.
- Okay.
Slow down, will you, Obi?
- Ti.
- What?
How about we split up?
No, I'm too scared.
- But it's faster that way.
- I don't want to do it.
You go there, I'll go this way.
It's close by.
- Go.
- I don't want to.
Take this with you.
Are you sure about this?
Yes, it's close by.
My goodness.
- Siti!
- Peace be upon you, Obi.
Ummi Ayu! Ummi Indri!
Ustadz Gani!
Ustadz Jafar! Ustadz Gani!
Ustadz Gani, Ustadz Jafar!
"And the punishment for a crime
is by doing the same crime to them."
"And the punishment for a crime
is by doing the same crime to them."
My goodness. Siti, Obi! What's wrong?
My goodness.
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan.
In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful.
"And surely upon you is My condemnation
until the Day of Judgment."
You are cursed, descendants of Adam!
"Allah concluded,
'The truth is, and I only say the truth.'"
You are cursed, Ummah of Muhammad!
- Ustadz! Siti!
- Ummi, get me water!
"I will surely fill up Hell with you
and whoever follows you
from among them, all together."
- Leave this body! Who are you?
- Hypocrites! Immoral!
Who are you?
Answer me! Who are you?
I'm the demon!
I am Satan, the real enemy
of Muhammad's Ummah.
I seek forgiveness in Allah.
Ustadz, here's the water.
- Hold her down.
- Siti!
Have mercy, Our Protector.
Help us face disbelievers.
My goodness.
I seek forgiveness in Allah.
I seek forgiveness in Allah.
I seek forgiveness in Allah.
It's okay, Bi.
It's okay now.
Ustadz Gani cast the demon out.
I'm so scared, Dil.
I saw her face when she was possessed.
It wasn't Siti's face.
It was Herlina's face.
- Herlina's face?
- Yeah.
How are you today, Siti?
I'm much better, Ummi.
Thank goodness.
How about Obi?
- Peace be upon you.
- Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you, Obi.
- Leave me alone!
- Obi?
Get her away, Ranum!
It's not Siti! Get her away from me!
Bi, it's me, Siti!
Get her away!
- My goodness, Obi!
- Ummi.
Ummi, please get her away!
That's not Siti, that's Herlina!
Wait here.
Obi, look at me. It's Ummi Indri.
It's Ummi Indri. Istighfar.
- No, Ummi. That's not Siti, it's Herlina.
- Okay.
You have to calm down.
Those are your friends.
There's Ranum, Siti, Dilla.
Seek forgiveness in Allah, sweetheart.
Come, let's pray together.
Go on.
Hey, Num.
Who did you
recite the Quran with last night?
Herlina? Are you sure?
I thought she can't read.
Where is she now?
She's still in bed.
I'm going to wash up now.
Should I wait for you?
You go ahead.
I'm not badmouthing her.
Something's not right with her
since she came back.
Now she can recite the Quran.
She's punctual, smiles all the time.
Don't you think that's strange, Num?
Peace be upon you, Siti.
Peace be upon you, Ranum.
Peace be upon you too.
That's what I mean by "strange."
what are you doing?
I should be the one asking.
What are you doing,
standing there watching me?
Thank you for patrolling
the compound with me.
Honestly, I'm still very scared.
I know.
The dorm feels creepy lately.
I have to do Isha prayer.
You haven't done it?
Not yet. Can you a accompany me?
Okay. Come on.
Allah is the greatest.
- All right.
- Ummi.
We should leave now.
- Thank you. Take care.
- Take care.
Where were you last night?
In my room.
Don't lie to me. I saw you in the yard.
I was in my room, Ranum.
Obi's gone now.
Do you want to be my roommate again?
Obi's parents need to be informed.
Her death was unnatural.
We can all see that.
We can't tell them news
that can't be confirmed.
- I don't want to be persecuted.
- Why?
To maintain the dorm's reputation?
I agree with Ustadz Gani, Ummi.
Create a story about something
we don't even understand?
We already have a lot on our plates.
Sending the students home?
We don't need to muddy the waters.
If sending the students home
is the best way to protect their lives,
then I'd rather do that.
But it's not your call.
I'll inform the Kyai about this.
- Peace be upon you.
- Peace be upon you too.
Peace be upon you.
What are you doing here?
- The situation is...
- Why did you leave Obi alone?
- Tell me! Don't just stare at me!
- Dilla.
You, stay out of this, Siti.
If you hadn't left Obi alone,
she would still be alive, Num.
Yes, Dilla.
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault!
Do you think I don't regret it?
I was the last one who saw her alive
and the first to find her dead!
For the rest of my life,
I will never forget that night!
Enough, you two.
We're all missing Obi.
But I don't want to lose another one.
Let's look out for each other.
Now please stop.
Calm down, it's going to be okay, Dilla.
You can't sleep, Ranum?
Dil. Dilla.
Wake up, Dilla.
What is it, Siti?
Where's Ranum?
Where is she?
I don't know.
Let's look for her.
Num? Ranum.
- Look inside the room.
- I don't want to.
- Why deny it?
- Fine.
It's empty.
- Then let's look somewhere else.
- Okay.
Ti, I don't think she's here.
- Ti!
- Peace be upon you, Dilla.
Peace be upon you, Dilla.
Peace be upon you, Dilla.
Dilla! It's me Ranum!
Seek forgiveness in Allah.
I seek forgiveness in Allah.
I seek forgiveness in Allah.
I saw...
Num, where's Siti? Did you see Siti?
Okay, I'll go search for Siti.
You go find Ustadz Gani.
- But...
- Okay? Let's go.
Peace be upon you, Siti.
Peace be upon you, Siti.
Peace be upon you, Siti!
- Stop!
- Siti!
Siti! Seek forgiveness in Allah.
I seek forgiveness in Allah.
Num? Dilla. Where's Dilla?
- She's looking for Ustadz Gani.
- Let's go!
Come on.
Ustadz Gani!
Peace be upon you, Ustadz.
Ustadz, I need your help.
Ustadz Gani?
Ustadz, sorry for disturbing you.
Please help us, Siti's gone.
Ustadz Gani?
Help me!
Help me!
Peace be upon you, Dilla.
Peace be upon you, Dilla.
Peace be upon you, Dilla.
Ummi Indri, wake up.
- What is it, Ummi?
- You didn't hear that?
- Ummi.
- Let's go.
Dilla, open the door!
- Dilla!
- Dilla!
- Dilla!
- Dil.
Ummi, did you really hear something?
There's nobody outside.
We still have to check, Ummi.
The situation is getting worse. Let's go.
- Dilla?
- Dilla!
- Dilla?
- Dilla!
- What happened now?
- It's Dilla.
- It's like Obi.
- Excuse me.
I seek forgiveness. Oh, God.
I seek forgiveness in Allah.
I seek forgiveness in Allah.
- Dilla!
- Dilla!
- We belong to Allah and to Him we return.
- Dilla.
Oh, my God.
Support her head, Ummi.
Oh, my God. Dilla.
I seek forgiveness in Allah.
We have to do something.
Two victims already.
We have to send them home immediately.
We have to wait until Kyai Darus returns,
then we can take action.
But this is an emergency.
I know he will approve
sending the students home.
- Peace be upon you.
- Upon you too.
Ustadz, it's Herlina.
What about Herlina?
- It's Herlina, Ustadz.
- Calm down.
Tell us slowly.
Apparently their deaths
are because of her.
What are you talking about?
We saw Dilla being attacked by Herlina
in the teacher's room.
I seek forgiveness in Allah.
Peace be upon you.
Attention all students of Ar-Rahimu,
please gather in the mosque.
Again, attention all students
of Ar-Rahimu,
please gather in the mosque.
Right now, gather in the mosque!
Peace be upon you too.
Can you come with me to the bathroom?
Let's go.
- Hurry up.
- Okay.
Don't leave me, okay, Num?
- I'll wait here.
- Okay.
Num, are you here?
Siti, what are you doing there?
What are you doing here, Siti?
Peace be upon you, Ranum.
- Siti!
- Help me! Ranum, help me!
- My goodness.
- Ustadz!
- Siti!
- Help me, Ustadz!
Pull her!
Run that way.
Who are you?
I am a servant of Allah,
and I am the Jinn of Islam.
Leave her body.
You've been harming us humans! Get out!
Somebody summoned me here
to kill those evil people!
"But whoever forgives
and seeks reconciliation,
then their reward is with Allah."
"He certainly does not
like the wrongdoers."
Get out from her body.
Or I'll destroy you by the words of Allah!
You can try.
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan.
In the name of Allah.
Allah, there's no god but God,
the sustainer of all.
Neither drowsiness overtakes Him
nor sleep.
The heavens and earth belong to Him.
Who is it that can intercede with Him
except by His permission?
He knows what is presently before them
and what will be after them,
and they encompass not a thing
of His knowledge
except for what He wills.
His throne extends
over the heavens and the earth.
And their preservation tires Him not.
And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
God is the greatest!
O believers!
Do not follow the footsteps of Satan.
Whoever follows Satan's footsteps,
then let them know
immorality and wickedness.
I seek forgiveness in Allah.
Ma'am, that's not Herlina.
- Stay here, ma'am.
- Herlina!
It's me, your mother.
It's your mother.
Dew, did your car hit something today?
I hit a pile of wood
in the middle of the road yesterday
when I went to the boarding school
to drop off the bedsheet for Herlina.
I forgot to tell you.
You can't fool anybody anymore!
In the name of Allah, I destroy you!
The heavens and earth belong to Allah.
Whether you reveal what is
in your hearts or conceal it,
Allah will call you to account for it.
He forgives whoever He wills
and punishes whoever He wills.
Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
I request you not to tell anyone else
about her death.
Especially her mother.
I'm afraid she's not ready
to hear the bad news.
She needs time.
How's her condition?
She's getting better. Let her sleep.
Please resurrect my daughter.
I will do anything.
Are you sure?
can undo the spell.
Her death
shall be avenged.
You will do my bidding.
Thank goodness,
her condition is getting better.
She's gone back to the boarding school.
To the boarding school?
They have an alternative treatment
that can quickly heal her wounds.
To the the great lord
of all living creatures
and all the spirits in the afterlife,
I beg of you,
I summon you because of all our efforts...
They need to isolate her in a room.
So she can heal quickly.
I plead to you.
Please come.
Demons are created by Allah.
And they believe in Allah more than we do.
They have worshipped Allah
longer than all humankind.
However their arrogance prevented them
from bowing to Adam.
They also vowed
to deceive Adam's descendants into evil.
Each and every one of Adam's descendants
are going to be tempted
and persuaded to sin.
And most of them
will fall into their trap.
Except those who have purified themselves
and those who are sincere.
Expecting no reward,
just wanting to please Allah.
I told you
not to pull it out
before the job was done.
Peace be upon you, Sapto.