Murder 3 (2013) Movie Script

Vikram, it's not easy
for me to say this.
So, please listen
to me carefully.
We can't be
together because...
I don't understand
you any more.
I tried to console myself
but it's impossible.
I am leaving you.
I chose to record this
message because...
I don't want to talk to you.
No discussion...
no arguments.
I suggest you forget me.
I am so proud of you.
Thank you.
Today I'm a simple
Do you believe in my an...
Do you?
I may not be rich today.
But one day I will
be somebody.
Do you believe me?
I do.
What is it?
What's wrong?
Remember I had sent some
photographs to an agency in Bombay?
Well, the agency people are here
and they want me to shoot for them.
The catch is I have to move
to India for one year contract.
But I told them...
I'll think about it.
This is a good break
for your career.
It's a prestigious platform.
Don't think... just go.
I don't want to leave you and go.
And you can't go.
You have a successful
career here.
Your life...
your friends.
You know what...
screw it.
Screw the job.
I can get a job in India too.
I want to live with you.
you have to promise me one thing...
you will never
abandon me.
Sir, this is the house
that we spoke about.
What do you think?
One moment.
It's exactly as you
wanted it to be.
Far from the
madding crowd.
I can't bear to see
lonely men cry.
I think he's either a coward...
or he's trying to get
over a mistake.
I think it's something else.
There's something
melancholic about him.
Are you reading his face?
Sir, your bill.
Sir, it's time to close
the restaurant.
Thank you.
Did you leave your eyes
behind in your wife's purse?
Stop it... let him go.
Why drink when you can't handle it?
He star-ted it.
I'll make you sober in a minute.
Are you okay?
I'm not okay.
Let me call for a taxi.
I'm fine!
I have a car...
I am okay.
You seem intent
on driving...
but I don't think you can.
Sometimes right,
sometimes left...
sometimes ahead,
sometimes behind...
we've been driving
in this manner for hours.
Can you tell me the exact
address, please?
Hunters and their prey...
have one address...
the jungle.
Enough is enough.
He didn't give his address,
what else could I do?
But what do we do now?
I don't know...
but we can't leave
him here.
Let's take him home.
What if someone
sees him?
Oh no!
Let's take him home.
If we leave him out here,
he'll cause trouble for us.
Come on.
Stop it.
He is heavy.
Let me get him a blanket.
I know this couch is small...
but you can sleep here.
Baby, I am very tired.
Good night.
No arguments...
no arguments...
no arguments...
Good morning.
Good morning, Vikram.
Your coffee.
I hope you slept well.
By {he way...
I'm Nisha.
How do you know
my name?
You told me last night.
I just want to work now.
Give me so much work, that
I don't even have time for myself.
Correct... correct...
But you know very
well that...
when you have assignments,
you're loaded.
But otherwise, there's
nothing to do.
You won't be interested in
wedding photography...
I am.
I will do anything.
I just want to be busy.
To be honest, I don't even
feel like going back to that house.
Correct... correct...
But the place where
a man fears to go...
is the place where
he'll find his answers.
My friend, if you
want to move on...
you should forget
about her...
from today.
Right now.
I thank you for what you did
and I am sorry for what I did.
Sorry... I mean...
for this morning.
That was really rude.
You don't like to wake up in
a stranger's small apartment...
I figured that.
It's okay.
If you don't forgive me,
I can't forgive myself.
If you don't mind...
as an apology...
tonight's dinner is on me.
but I don't go on dates
with patrons.
Surely a patron can
seek forgiveness.
And it's not a date,
it's an idea.
My way of apologizing.
I'll wait. No problem.
One whisky please!
Take the keys.
Are you hungry?
Come with me.
I am sure you don't live
alone in this big villa?
I do live alone...
because I am alone.
So am I.
when did you wake up?
A while ago.
Come on...
breakfast is ready.
I see that you live alone,
far from the city...
in this museum-like
but I can't...
figure out why.
You seem to be in a hurry
to know everything.
I just said that...
it's okay if you
don't want to tell me.
There was a time"
when I took photographs
of wild animals in the jungle.
These days it's photographs
of city dwelling animals.
I like to be close to nature.
There's so much to learn.
For a new beginning...
it is important to sever old ties.
Leaves dry and wither away,
only to give way to new leaves.
So what are you thinking?
It's better not to think too
much and let things fall in place.
Get dressed,
I'll drop you off.
Good morning.
It's past noon.
In the government,
there's no rule...
that dictates you can't say good
morning even if it's afternoon.
If you don't mind.
Sorry, I guess you do mind...
because we didn't think...
you'd get close to someone
else so soon.
Otherwise we wouldn't bother you.
Come in.
This house is really big...
and exceptionally nice.
Just like you.
When did you move in?
It's been a few weeks.
Is that so?
Did you try to contact her?
Of course, I did...
but her phone is switched off.
And nobody seems to
know of her whereabouts.
Well, we did check at the airports,
railways junctions and bus depots.
But we didn't find her.
She hasn't left Mumbai.
His girlfriend.
He hasn't told you?
Well, he still hasn't
introduced her to us.
This is Nisha.
She is...
she is my friend.
You see, we're cops.
We don't like
incomplete information.
If you don't mind...
your complete name?
Nisha Sengupta.
Do you know her?
It's a small world, sir.
and round too!
Tell me, did Roshni leave
any stuff behind when she left?
A toothbrush in the
bathroom and...
that table where she worked.
If you don't mind...
can we take a look
around your house and garden?
If you don't mind...
- Is it really necessary?
Why don't you leave,
what's necessary to us?
Come on, sir.
What's going on, Vikram?
The cops think I've
buried her here.
But you said you are single.
I am.
Roshni left me...
probably for another guy.
Why are the cops here?
They are unable to trace her.
I hope no one has kidnapped her.
Or perhaps...
Roshni is fine wherever she is.
Do you really know the person...
you live with?
Do you really know the person...
whom you love?
Do you really know the person...
with whom you share your life?
Wear something nice...
we have to attend
a party tonight.
You'll know.
Leave your hair open.
I like it that way.
Tell Sheena...
you won't be coming
home for a few days.
These works have
never been exhibited.
I urge you to enjoy them,
we may never get another chance.
Good to see you.
This is DK, my boss.
This is Nisha.
Correct... correct...
Hi, welcome to our
colorful world.
By the way, buddy...
I'm happy that an international
agency wants to sign you on.
Yeah, man.
- Very good.
So when are you
leaving for the shoot?
I'll know the exact
date in a week.
Vikram, after that you will...
Yeah, man.
Why did the lights go off?
Don't be scared.
When lightning strikes,
the electricity goes off.
And its back.
Hi... good morning.
Why are you doing this?
To make me jealous?
Please, Kabir.
It's been years
since college...
but you're still stuck there.
We were never in a relationship...
we aren't in one,
nor will we ever be.
If you are hinting at the future,
here's some advice.
Stay away from Vikram.
It's basic procedure to
look for Roshni.
But if somethings
happened to her...
we think Vikram is responsible.
He is the prime suspect.
No, he's innocent.
He could never do that.
You just want to give
him a hard time.
Here's some advice for you.
Investigate thoroughly.
Damn sure I will.
But I can see the
effect his wealth...
and glamour have had on you.
Anyway, an honest
cop doesn't earn much.
You are jealous, Kabir.
Yes, I'm drawn to Vikram's
wealth and glamour.
Take care.
Who is it?
Who is it?
is that you?
Who is it?
in 20 minutes you
will be alright.
But nothing seems alright.
I mean, in this house...
There are strange sounds
coming from the bathroom.
The electricity keeps going off.
I'm afraid to live here all alone.
I think...
there's someone in this house.
Of course, there is...
you and me.
Apart from us...
Well, we have a gardener.
there's someone else.
I think...
a ghost.
Where is this ghost?
I'm serious, Vikram!
Yes, Vikram...
this is where I heard the sounds.
Muffled... choked...
I can hear some strange sound...
probably the wind.
Has to be the plumbing...
No, Vikram.
It's not the plumbing.
It's not the wind, either.
I am certain its a ghost.
If the ghost is male,
'Be gone, ghoul'.
And if female, 'Go away, banshee'.
If you ever trouble my
Nisha again, I will kill you.
I mean, make you alive again!
It's not funny, Vikram.
I am serious,
there is a ghost.
There's only one ghost here.
Help me.
I hate you.
You think so?
I feel those eyes are
staring at me.
Put it away.
It's done.
Where is it?
- There.
What happened?
Sir, I don't think it was an
accident. The car was set on fire.
I'll be there.
What's the matter?
Who called?
The cops found the
body of a girl and...
they think it might be Roshni.
I have been called to
identify the body.
See you.
How can she be Roshni?
Excuse me?
That's not Roshni.
Why don't you take
a good look.
I took a good look.
That's not Roshni.
What appears hidden...
is easily visible.
I am sorry.
With whom were you talking?
What happened...
the body?
That wasn't Roshni.
Are you alright?
only you matter to me now.
Roshni is no longer
a pan of my life...
not even as a memory.
Roshni doesn't exist for me.
I Love you.
Vikram, we're getting late.
What are you doing
in here for so long?
You think only girls can
take hours to get dressed?
Why don't you get
CCTV for the house?
That way you'll know
what I'm doing.
I'll think about it.
But now we're late for your party.
Come on.
Come on.
There's magic...
in Vikram's eyes.
In just a few months...
Vikram has captivated
all my clients.
That's great.
Actually, I knew that.
Vikram is talented
and he is capable of great things.
And apart from clients...
even I want Vikram.
At least some time.
Correct... correct...
By the way, where is Mr. Busy?
Probably accepting
some compliment...
or giving an autograph...
I better find him.
I'll take an autograph too.
I'll see you soon.
See you.
Vikram, what are you doing here?
Shouldn't you be in there?
I was saying 'bye' to Naomi.
Remember, Naomi?
Some faces you never forget.
I like your styling.
Thank you.
See you later.
- See you.
- Bye.
Watch it.
I didn't know you were
such a good photographer.
Excuse me...
are you trying to flirt with me?
Are you trying to pick me up?
I won't deny it...
maybe I am...
But am I the only one
you're flirting with?
Apart from you,
who else is there in this world'?
I don't know...
there can be somebody.
I am kidding!
I know, I'm the only
one for you.
Every time I see a beautiful
house like this...
I wonder if I really
am an architect.
The staircase design
is just stunning.
Thank you.
You liked my mother's design.
She designed this house
especially for my father.
He was a General in the
British Army in the 1940's.
But it's you who
deserve all the credit.
You've maintained
the house so well.
It's really beautiful.
Unfortunately I can't
do it any more.
Old age, you know.
That's why I've wanted to sell it.
And move to London to
be with my daughter.
I didn't meet anyone who I thought
would take care of this house.
Selling this house has been tough.
Thank god you came along.
I will get Vikram to sign
these documents today itself.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Roshni, you really are
a bright ray of life.
Oh thank you, so sweet, DK.
Thank you.
I need Vikram to sign
some documents...
where is he?
The photo shoot got over
a few minutes ago...
he's probably in the trailer.
Let's check.
- Okay.
You can have him all to yourself.
Guess I disturbed you.
Guess I disturbed you.
You seem busy.
finish your work.
I think that's your bag,
don't forget.
We were merely talking.
Correct... correct...
Did I say you weren't
'merely talking'?
Come on!
Naomi got a bottle of
wine from Goa and...
I'm not a fool.
I've seen you with her before.
As one woman to another,
I can read her mind.
What do you mean?
I can bear your faults...
not your lies.
I may not be perfect...
but you know I'm
ready to do anything.
If we don't have trust in our
relationship, then what do we have?
Oh please!
Everything is perfect.
Everything is not perfect.
It seems you're leading
another life and...
I don't belong in it.
That scares me.
I feel abandoned.
Hello, Vikram sir?
I'm calling from the resort.
You had booked a surprise holiday
for you and Ms. Roshni.
Should we confirm it?
Right now she's not interested
in the holiday.
Please cancel it...
No, don't cancel it.
Confirm it, we'll be there.
Okay ma'am.
Thank you.
Are the designs ready
for the presentation?
Met the contractor?
Not yet.
See you this evening.
Is Naomi only your stylist
or something more?
Do you have to be available
for her all the time?
She got worried that
you didn't answer and...
has sent a dozen text messages.
You checked my text messages?
I asked you a question first.
People send work related
text messages too.
'Where are you?'
'What are you doing?'...
'Had lunch?', 'I'm missing you. '
Work related messages, huh?
Can't friends send those?
A few days ago, I suggested setting
up CCTV cameras as a joke.
Now is a good time
to really do it.
We just work together...
trust me.
I do and that's why
I am still with you.
The day I realize there's
someone else...
I will break up with you.
You will be responsible for it.
You know me well...
I follow through
with what I say.
I wont listen to anyone.
Vikram, it will break my hear-t
but I will do it.
Nothing is going on.
You should go or you'll be late.
You look upset about something.
What's the matter, Roshni?
You can talk to me.
Perhaps I can help you.
Mrs. Fields,
I love Vikram very much.
And he loves me too.
he is different from
who he was in South Africa.
How do I explain?
Take your time...
tell me.
I can help you.
I feel...
Mumbai and the fashion
industry have changed him.
Or is changing him.
He only asked me once and
I quit everything to follow him.
Now it seems his work is
tearing us apart.
It seems he is slipping away.
Work stress is to blame.
People these days believe
work is most important.
I know what you're feeling.
That's what I'm afraid of.
I mean, does Vikram even
understand what I'm feeling.
What do I mean to him?
That's what I don't know.
If I went away or died...
what would he do?
I know it sounds strange...
but I wish there was some
way to find out.
There is a way.
If you wish, you can test
Vikram's love for you.
H ow?
Come with me.
After India gained independence...
my mother didn't want to
return to England...
and my father couldn't live
without her.
Some English officers were killed
and my parents thought that...
the freedom fighters would
attack them and their families.
And so...
they built this bomb
proof secret room
to hide with their families
in case of an emergency.
Come in.
You can look into the bathroom
and the bedroom from in here.
Nothing can be seen from outside.
One way reinforced glass.
Like the ones used in
air conditioned train compartments.
These speakers help you
hear the outside world.
You can hear every word
from anywhere in the house.
But no sound can
escape this room.
This is the electricity
it still works.
This way,
you can stay out of sight...
and yet keep an eye on him.
Good luck.
Take care.
Thank you for sharing
this secret with me.
You take care in London.
Take care, Roshni.
You too Mrs. Fields
- Bye.
I met someone in the gym.
And he is really hot.
Vikram, I am mad at you...
It should seem real.
Tears... sad face...
Vikram, it's not
easy for me to say this.
So, please listen to me carefully.
We can't be together because...
I don't understand
you any more.
I tried to console myself
but it's impossible.
I am leaving you.
I chose to record this
message because...
I don't want to talk to you.
No discussion...
no arguments.
I suggest you forget me.
And don't try to look for me.
take care.
Keep looking.
White orchids.
I'm impressed.
Pick it up...
Pick it up...
Come on.
Roshni, I saw the video.
What is this silliness?
Call me please.
where are you?
Is this some kind of a joke?
It's not a joke, it's a test.
And I think you will clear it.
Okay... I was wrong!
You have cleared it.
I am sorry, Vikram.
I am sorry...
I love you.
Please help me!
Please help me!
And don't try to look for me.
It's unfortunate that the
last time you saw her...
was on 14th February...
Valentine's day.
If you don't mind, there's
something I want to say.
She is an educated adult.
And since she has left of
her own free will...
what can the cops do?
I think something is not right.
You mean to say
something is wrong.
Do you suspect anyone?
in fact Roshni didn't
have many contacts.
You know Roshni, don't you?
By the way,
what's your name?
DK Bose.
DK Bose?
Sounds very familiar.
Well, a song by that name
was very popular.
Of course!
That's right.
Songs have such weird
names and lyrics these days.
When was the last time
you met Roshni?
A few days ago,
when she dropped by the set.
Vikram, why don't you tell him?
Are you keeping something
from us?
it's not important.
Everything is important.
It's nothing big but...
Roshni saw Vikram having a drink
with Naomi in the trailer.
And she was upset about it.
That is not important.
What's important is,
where is Roshni right now?
Her family and friends
haven't heard from her.
I don't think she has
been kidnapped.
Nonetheless, we will check the
major exit points from the city.
Thank you, sir.
There's one more thing.
Often in such situations...
the person lodging the
complaint is the first suspect.
You may do as you please.
But don't waste time,
find Roshni, please.
The room was built to
hide from freedom fighters.
But my fate brought me here.
No discussion...
no arguments.
I suggest you forget me.
All the best.
Why did you say, 'all the best'?
Why did you say that?
Vikram why?
Vikram, look at the water.
Vikram, look at the water.
Please, look at the water.
Vikram, look at the water.
Vikram, look at the water.
Stupid test!
God, please help me.
No... No...
This can't be happening.
Please... come on!
Who are you?
No... Please... No...
No, please...
Please don't do this...
Stop it.
Stop it.
Please, stop it.
Stop it.
How did you land here to
twist our story?
How can you look at yourself
after what you have done!
Of all the men...
you got Vikram.
That's my toothbrush.
Keep it back.
Keep it back or I'll smash
your teeth.
You can hear me?
Help me...
help me, please.
Please help me.
What's wrong?
Bad scald, huh?
So sad.
I had no other choice.
Why are you jumping like a child...
on my bed?
Since you and Vikram didn't break it
last night, you want to break it now?
If you continue to jump,
your pea-sized brain will fall out.
My bed...
that's where the key fell.
Nisha, think...
Think where the
keyhole could be.
That's not a necklace, it's a key.
Don't pose, you look like an idiot.
Who is it?
Nisha, don't go.
Please don't go.
Nisha, please!
this is where I heard the sounds.
Vikram, I am in here.
Please help me.
Vikram, please!
- And if female, 'Go away, banshee'.
If you ever trouble my Nisha
again, I will kill you.
I mean, make you alive again!
The banshee is next to you.
Help me...
I feel those eyes
are staring at me.
Put it away.
It's done.
I hope I can take a
good look at you now.
What is there left to look at?
What's the matter, Vikram?
Who called?
The cops found the body
of a girl and...
they think it might be Roshni.
I have been called to
identify the body.
See you.
Stop dreaming.
I'm alive...
and I'm not going
to die any time soon.
You're not the idiot...
I thought you were.
No, no...
Is someone there?
is that you?
You know I don't like
these pranks.
Who is it?
Grandpa? Grandma?
Roshni, is it you?
Are you dead?
You wish.
I am alive.
Keep asking questions.
The more you ask,
the more you will know.
So you're alive?
Very good, Nisha.
Are you trapped?
Trapped and how!
Very badly.
Has Vikram locked
you up?
my bad fate has locked me up here.
Can you see me?
Are you behind this mirror?
Now you're talking!
Very good, Nisha.
The mirror in the
bedroom is a door?
Amazing, Nisha.
Think where the key
hole could be.
Come on...
The key hole is right there.
Nisha, what's going on?
What are you doing?
Open the door!
Nisha, come on.
I am sorry.
You conniving witch!
With whom were you talking?
What happened...
the body?
That wasn't Roshni.
Are you alright?
only you matter to me now.
Roshni is no longer
a pan of my life...
not even as a memory.
Roshni doesn't exist for me.
I love you.
Don't leave me in here...
Don't leave me in here...
What's wrong?
You're drinking on duty.
Is something troubling you?
nothing could trouble me.
Of course not.
Especially since you found yourself
a rich and famous boyfriend.
But I do hope that...
his ex-girlfriend doesn't show up.
If she comes back...
your love story
will get complicated.
Your game is up, Vikram.
Inspector Kamble
has been transferred.
Unfortunately for you,
fortunately for me.
Now your case...
I mean...
Roshni Verma's case is under
my command.
I'm the investigating officer.
Oh good.
What's the progress?
Have you got any leads?
I'm sure we will.
A criminal can never
out-smart the law.
All the best.
think before you
take any step.
What do you mean?
The fact is I'm not
worried about Roshni.
It's Nisha I'm worried about.
If anything happens to her...
If you hum her...
I will not investigate.
I will kill you.
I will kill you.
Got it?
I'm not in the mood
to reply to that.
Where's my stuff?
Vikram, I moved
everything in here.
There are no plumbing problems
in this bathroom.
And the view from this
room is much better.
Don't you like it?
In the future, I'd like you to tell
me before you take such decisions.
I wanted to surprise you.
I don't like surprises.
If you are here to see Vikram,
he's not home.
He's at the studio.
A rich lover has gifted his
new girlfriend an old key.
Or is it the key to a treasure?
It's none of your business.
You may leave.
People don't behave in this manner,
not even with strangers at their door.
The funny thing about time is...
that it always keeps changing.
- You listen to me.
I hope you like my gift.
Thanks for the insult.
Sir, some has given
packet for you.
Where is Nisha?
Where is Nisha?