Murder in the Cathedral (1951) Movie Script
Here, let us kneel,
close by the cathedral.
Here, let us pray
for our good Archbishop.
May his journey be easy,
his road be smooth,
weather and wind be fair.
May his horse not fail.
God, who created us,
Jesus, who saved us,
Spirit, who cleanseth us.
God he with you
between the woods.
Jesus be with you
at the turning of the hill.
Spirit be with you
in crossing the stream.
Blessed Mary,
Saint Michael,
Saint Elphege,
and all the saints pray.
May the prayers of the poor,
of your poor people,
your poor folk of Kent avail,
and of us,
the women of Canterbury.
Now, may the King
be enlightened,
your enemies thwarted,
the truth prevail,
all powers of evil driven away.
At this morning,
my fire would not kindle.
This morning,
my cauldron would not boil.
Last night,
I was ridden by witches,
and the cat
jumped onto the bed.
Our house dog howled all the night
at the owl that cried in the elm tree.
My wedding ring
slipped from my finger.
And my milk jug
fell on the hearth.
0 Lord Archbishop,
do not carry the cross,
or the cross will carry you.
I have balding
of bane and bale.
Return, return to us.
For without you,
we have no succour or stake.
My Lord, The King.
There is no subtlety
in this charge.
And I will use no subtlety
in my defence.
I am not guilty.
Were I to give any other answer,
then should I three times break faith.
The oath I took at Clarendon,
was ever saving my order.
That, all men know.
Should I now be faithless to my vows
as priest and bishop?
These same Constitutions of Clarendon
were then annulled by the Pope.
Should I now be faithless
to my obedience to the Vicar of Christ?
And as touching the third bond,
I know well what evils
would come upon this country of England,
were I to suffer unprotesting,
the subjection of the spiritual power
to the temple.
Should I now be faithless
to my people?
My Lords,
as concerning the temporal power,
you will think of estates and honours
for yourselves and for your sons.
Yet it is, but a little while
and your estates are scattered,
and your honour is lost,
and your monuments broken,
and your names forgotten.
Tomorrow, where is Veer,
where is Boone, where is...
You would do well
to remember the church of God.
Which was, and is, and ever shall be
to the end of the world,
according to
the promises of Christ.
But for you,
My Lords, Bishops,
my heart is very sorrowful.
You have deserted me
to whom you are bound,
by your order, by your estate,
and by your dignity.
Consider, My Lords,
that what violates the law of God,
cannot be lawful.
Consider that the King's reverence
cannot be magnified
by abating
the reverence of the church.
You have yet time.
And the time is this very moment,
and no more
to abjure your apostasy,
and renew your obedience
to the law of Christ's church,
to Christ's Vicar, and to me.
And for myself,
though I stand alone in England,
though every depravation
and enforcement ensued to me,
yet, will I in no way
relinquish the right.
Hear him no further,
but pronounce.
I have not got you here
to whisper and whine,
to plead with an Archbishop,
but to give judgment upon
a manifest and shameless traitor.
Will you make yourselves
accomplices of this man?
I have consulted you
according to the form of law.
What more do you require?
Pronounce judgment,
or by the mass,
I will strip you
every one of you,
out of palace and church.
Aye, out of chasuble and cassock too.
My Lord, we are taken between
the hammer and the anvil.
Have mercy upon us.
You betray yourself
among irreverent, laughing men.
You ask me to commit
the greater sin.
To confirm and justify you
in your cowardice.
The law of man
that breaks the law of God
is no law,
but lawless violence.
Betray me if you will,
but do not ask me to betray.
My Lord, The King.
I have taken counsel
with my brethren, here gathered.
And they have asked me
to put forward a proposal,
which should satisfy both
Your Majesty's reasonable demand
and their own,
not unreasonable, scruples.
The Archbishop,
as our metropolitan,
forbids us to proceed further
with this case.
Here, it must be admitted,
he is acting
according to the strict letter
of ecclesiastical law.
However we may interpret his motives,
he has the power of excommunication
over us.
And, I think Your Majesty
will acknowledge
that it would be
a very grave scandal
and the excuse for misconduct
among the common people,
for the whole of your bench of bishops
to be excommunicated.
There is nothing
that we more earnestly desire
than to demonstrate our loyalty
to Your Majesty's person,
and Your Majesty's laws.
We therefore respectfully propose
to appeal to the Pope
to release us from our canonical
obedience to the Archbishop.
We shall then be in a position
to pronounce judgment upon him.
I hope that the suggestion
will commend itself to Your Majesty.
Cowards and traitors.
I will have-judgment,
and I will have it now.
You've heard these windbags
and precise committee men.
You, My Lords,
are men of action.
Who can prove your loyalty
without palaver.
Pronounce the judgment.
My Lord Archbishop.
- We declare you guilty...
- What is this?
Did I not say, truly,
that the law of man
that violates the law of God
is no law, but lawlessness.
You respect not even
these same Constitutions of Clarendon
that the King invokes.
Is it not there referred,
that, of fences by the clergy
against the King
shall be punished
by the church?
You are but laypersons.
You cannot err no judgment
upon your Father in God.
I will not hear you.
My brethren,
and you good people of Canterbury.
These knights have brought bad news.
Bad news is what I give you.
The King's court has given judgment.
If that is a judgment,
which is only the voice
of the wicked,
and the frightened.
And if that is a court,
which has no authority
to pronounce such a judgment.
The Archbishop is gone.
He refused to hear the sentence,
left the court.
He has taken ship for France.
For what can he do
but appeal to the Holy Father,
to the judgment seat of Rome.
He is not a man who has fled
for his own safety.
Safety he could have bought,
at the price of betrayal.
But he is your Archbishop,
who must carry on the fight
where the fight can be waged,
no other place than Rome.
To Rome, he will appeal
for the church in England,
for the law of God in England.
He will return to you
with the Holy Fathers blessing,
and the papal anathema.
For us, is but to wait.
To wait.
To pray-
To suffer,
perhaps for a long time.
Pray to Saint Elphege.
Let us bow the knee.
Let us pray.
Here, let us stand,
close by the cathedral.
Here, let us wait.
Are we drawn by danger'?
Is it the knowledge of safety
that draws our feet
towards the cathedral?
What danger can befall us, the poor;
the poor women of Canterbury?
What tribulation
with which we are not already familiar?
There is no danger for us.
And there is no safety
in me cathedral.
Some presage of an act,
which our eyes are compelled to witness,
has forced our feet
towards the cathedral.
We are forced to bear witness.
Since golden October
declined into sombre November,
and the apples
were gathered and stored,
and the land became brown,
sharp points of death
in a waste of water and mud,
the new year awaits.
Breathes, waits,
whispers in darkness.
While the labourer
kicks off a muddy boot!
and stretches his hand
to the fire,
the new year awaits.
Destiny waits for the coming.
Who has stretched out his hand
to the fire,
and remember the saints
at All Hallows,
remember the martyrs
and saints who wait?
And who shalt stretch out his hand
to the fire,
and deny his master'?
Who shall be warmed by the fire,
and deny his master?
Now I fear disturbance
of the quiet seasons.
Winter shall come bringing death
from the sea.
Ruinous spring
shall beat at our doors.
Root and shoot shah eat
our eyes and our ears.
Disastrous summer
bum up the beds of our streams.
And the poor shall wait
for another decaying October.
Why should the summer bring consolation
for autumn fires and winter fogs'?
What shall we do
in the heat of summer,
but wait in barren orchards
for another October?
Some malady is coming upon us.
We wait, we wait.
And the saints and martyrs wait
for those who shall be
martyrs and saints.
Destiny waits in the hand of God,
shaping the still unshapen.
I have seen these things
in a shaft of sunlight.
Destiny waits in the hand of God,
not in the hands of statesmen,
who do some well, some ill,
planning and guessing.
Having their aims, which turn
in their hands in the pattern of time.
Come, happy December,
who shall observe you,
who shall preserve you?
Shall the Son of Man be born again
in the litter of scorn?
For us, the poor,
there is no action,
but only to wait,
and to witness.
Seven years
and the summer is over.
Seven years
since the Archbishop left us.
What does the Archbishop do,
and our Sovereign Lord, the Pope,
with a stubborn King,
and the French King,
in ceaseless intrigue, combinations,
in confidence, meetings accepted,
meetings refused,
meetings un-ended or endless,
at one place or another,
in France?
I see nothing quite conclusive
in the an of temporal government,
but violence, duplicity
and frequent malversation.
King rules or barons rule,
the strong man strongly
and the weak man by caprice.
They have but one law,
to seize the power and keep it.
And the steadfast can manipulate
the greed and lust of others.
The feeble is devoured by his own.
Shall these things not end
until the poor at the gate
have forgotten their friend,
their Father in God,
have forgotten that they had a friend?
Servants of God,
and watchers of the Temple,
I am here to inform you
without circumlocution,
the Archbishop is in England
and is close outside the city.
I was sent before in haste
to give you notice of his coming,
as much as was possible,
that you may prepare to meet him.
What, is the exile ended?
Is our Lord Archbishop
reunited with the King'?
What reconciliation
of two proud men?
What peace can be found to grow
between the hammer and the anvil?
Tell us,
are the old disputes at an end,
is the wall of pride cast down,
that divided them?
Is it peace, or war'?
Does he come in full assurance,
or only secure in the power of Rome,
the spiritual rule,
the assurance of right,
and the love of the people'?
You are right to express
a certain incredulity.
He comes in pride and sorrow,
affirming all his claims,
assured beyond doubt
of the devotion of the people,
who received him
with scenes of frenzied enthusiasm,
lining the roads
and throwing down their capes,
strewing the way with leaves
and late flowers of the season.
The streets of the city
will be packed to suffocation,
and I think that his horse
will be deprived of its tail,
a single hair, of which,
becomes a precious relic.
He is at one with the Pope
and with the King of France,
who indeed would have liked
to detain him in his kingdom.
But as for our King,
that is another matter.
But again, is it war or peace?
but not the kiss of peace.
A patched up affair,
if you ask my opinion.
And if you ask me,
I think the Lord Archbishop
is not the man to cherish any illusions,
nor yet to diminish
the least of his pretensions.
If you ask my opinion,
I think that this peace
is nothing like an end,
or like a beginning.
It is common knowledge
that when the Archbishop
parted from the King,
he said to the King,
"My Lord," he said,
"I leave you as a man whom in this life
I shall not meet again. "
I have this, I assure you,
on the highest authority.
There are several opinions
as to what he meant,
but no one considers it
a happy prognostic.
I fear for the Archbishop.
I fear for the church.
I know that the pride bred
of sudden prosperity
was but confirmed
by bitter adversity.
I saw him as chancellor,
flattered by the King,
liked or feared by counters
in their overbearing fashion,
despised and despising,
always isolated,
never one among them,
always insecure.
His pride always feeding
upon his own virtues,
pride drawing sustenance
from impartiality,
pride drawing sustenance
from generosity,
loathing power
given by temporal devolution,
wishing subjection to God alone.
Had the King been greater,
or had he been weaker,
things had perhaps
been different for Thomas.
Yet our Lord has returned.
Our Lord has come back
to his own again.
We have had enough of waiting,
from December to dismal December.
The Archbishop shall be at our head,
dispelling dismay and doubt.
He will tell us what we are to do.
He will give us our orders, instruct us.
Our Lord is atone with the Pope,
and also the King of France.
We can lean on a rock,
we can feel a firm foothold
against the perpetual wash of tides
of balance of forces,
of barons and landholders.
The rock of God is beneath our feet.
Let us meet the Archbishop
with cordial thanksgiving,
our Lord, our Archbishop, returns.
And when the Archbishop returns,
our doubts are dispelled.
Let us, therefore, rejoice,
I say rejoice,
and show a glad face for his welcome.
I am the Archbishop's man.
Let us give the Archbishop welcome!
For good or ill,
let the wheel turn.
The wheel has been still
these seven years, and no good.
For ill or good,
let the wheel turn.
For who knows
the end of good or evil?
Until the grinders cease,
and the door shall be shut
in the street,
and all the daughters of music
shall be brought low.
Here is no continuing city.
Here is no abiding stay.
N! the wind, ill the time.
Uncertain the profit,
certain the danger.
Oh late, late, late,
late is the time,
late, too late,
and rotten the year.
Evil the wind,
and bitter the sea,
and gray the sky-.
Grey, grey, grey.
O Thomas, return Archbishop.
Return, return to France.
Return quickly, quietly.
Leave us to perish in quiet.
You come with applause,
you come with rejoicing,
but you come
bringing death into Canterbury.
A doom on the house,
a doom on yourself,
a doom on the world.
We do not wish anything to happen.
Seven years we have lived quietly.
Succeeded in avoiding notice.
Living and parity living.
There have been oppression and luxury)
there have been poverty and license,
there has been minor injustice.
Yet, we have gone on living,
living and partly living.
Sometimes, the cam has tailed us.
Sometimes, the harvest is good.
One year is a year of ram.
Another, a year of dryness.
One year, the apples are abundant.
Another year, the mums are lacking.
Yet we have gone on living.
Living and parity living.
We have kept the feasts,
heard the masses,
we have brewed beer and cider,
gathered wood against the winter)
talked at the comer of the fire,
talked at the comers of streets,
talked not always in whispers)
living and partly living.
We have seen births,
deaths and marriages,
we have had various scandals,
we have been afflicted with taxes,
we have had laughter and gossip,
several girls have disappeared
and some notable to.
We have all had our private terrors,
our particular shadows,
our secret fears.
But now, a great fear is upon us.
A fear not of one but of many;
a fear like birth and death.
When we see birth and death alone
in a boiler pot,
which we cannot know,
which we cannot face,
which none understands.
And our hearts are tom from us,
our brains unskinned
like the layers of an onion,
our selves are lost,
lost in a final fear
which none understands.
O Thomas Archbishop.
O Thomas, our Lord, leave us.
And leave us be in our humble
and tarnished frame of existence.
Leave us.
Do not ask us
to stand to the doom on the house,
the doom on the Archbishop,
the doom on the world.
Archbishop, secure,
and assured of your fate,
unaffrayed among the shades,
do you realise what you ask?
Do you realise what it means
to the small folk
drawn into the pattern of fate?
The small folk
who live among small things.
The strain on the brain
of the small folk,
who stand to the doom
of the house,
the doom of their Lord,
the doom of the world.
0 Thomas Archbishop,
leave us, leave us.
Leave sullen Dover
and set sail for France.
Thomas, our Archbishop,
still our Archbishop, even in France.
Thomas Archbishop,
set the white sail
between the gray sky
and the bitter sea.
Leave us.
Leave us for France.
What a way to talk
at such a juncture!
You are foolish, immodest
and babbling women.
Do you not know that the good Archbishop
is likely to arrive at any moment?
The crowds in the streets
will be cheering and cheering,
and you go on creaking like frogs
in the tree tops.
But frogs at least
can be cooked and eaten.
Whatever you are afraid of
in your craven apprehension,
let me ask you at the least
to put on pleasant faces,
and give a hearty welcome
to our good Archbishop.
And let them be
in their exaltation.
They speak better than they know,
and beyond your understanding.
They know and do not know
what it is to act or suffer.
They know and do not know
that action is suffering
and suffering is action.
Neither does the agent suffer,
nor the patient act.
But both are fixed in an eternal action,
an eternal patience,
to which all must consent
that it may be willed.
And which all must suffer
that they may will it,
that the pattern may subsist.
For the pattern is the action
and the suffering,
that the wheel may turn
and still be forever still.
O My Lord.
Forgive me,
I did not see you coming,
engrossed in the chatter
of these foolish women.
Forgive us, My Lord,
you would have had a better welcome
if we had been sooner prepared
for the event.
But your Lordship knows
that seven years of waiting,
seven years of prayer,
seven years of emptiness,
have better prepared our hearts
for your coming,
than seven days
could make ready Canterbury.
However, I will have fires
laid in all your rooms
to take the chill
of our English December.
Your Lordship now being
used to a better climate.
Your Lordship will find your rooms
in order as you left them.
And will try to leave them in order,
as I find them.
I am more than grateful
for all your kind attentions.
These are small matters.
Little rest in Canterbury
with eager enemies restless about us.
Rebellious bishops,
York, London, Salisbury,
would have intercepted our letters,
filled the coast with spies,
and sent to meet me
some who hold me in bitterest hate.
By God's grace,
aware of their prevision,
I sent my letters
on another day.
Had fair crossing,
found at Sandwich.
Broc, Warenne,
and the Sheriff of Kent.
Those who had sworn
to have my head from me.
Only John,
the Dean of Salisbury,
fearing for the King's name,
warning against treason,
made them hold their hands.
So for the time,
we are unmolested.
But do they follow after'?
For a little time the hungry hawk
will only soar and hover.
Circling lower, waiting excuse,
pretence, opportunity.
End will be simple,
sudden, God given.
Meanwhile, the substance
of our first act will be shadows,
and the strife with shadows.
Heavier the interval
than the consummation.
All things prepare the event.
You see, My Lord,
I do not wait upon ceremony.
Here I have come,
forgetting all acrimony,
hoping that your present gravity
will find excuse for my humble levity.
all the good time past.
Your Lordship won't despise
an old friend out of favour'?
Old Tom, Gay Tom,
Becket of London.
Your Lordship won't forget
that evening on the river
when the King and you and I
were all friends together'?
Friendship should be more
than biting time can sever.
What, My Lord'?
Now that you recover favour
with the King,
shall we say that summers over
or that the good time cannot last?
Fluting in the meadows,
viols in the hall,
laughter and apple-blossom
floating on the water,
singing at nightfall,
whispering in chambers,
fires devouring the winter season,
eating up the darkness,
with wit and wine, and wisdom.
Now that the King and you
are in amity,
clergy and laity
may return to gaiety.
Mirth and sportfulness
need not walk warily.
You talk of seasons
that are past.
I remember, not worth forgetting.
And of the new season.
Spring has come in winter.
Snow in the branches
shall float as sweet as blossoms.
Ice along the ditches,
mirror the sunlight.
Love in the orchard,
send the sap shooting.
Mirth matches melancholy.
We do not know
very much of the future.
Except that from generation
to generation,
the same things happen
again and again.
Men learn little
from others' experience.
But in the life of one man,
never the same time returns.
Sever the cord, shed the scale.
Only the fool
fixed in his folly
may think he can turn the wheel
on which he turns.
My Lord,
a nod is as good as a wink.
A man will often love
what he spurns.
For the good times past,
that are come again,
lam your man.
Not in this train.
Look to your behaviour.
You were safer think of penitence
and follow your master.
Not at this gait!
If you go so fast,
others may go faster.
Your Lordship is too proud.
The safest beast
is not the one that roars most loud.
This was not the way of the King,
our master.
You were not used to be
so hard upon sinners
when they were your friends.
Be easy, man.
The easy man lives
to eat the best dinners.
Take a friend's advice.
Leave well alone.
Or your goose may be cooked
and eaten to the bone.
You come 20 years too late.
Then I leave you to your fate.
I leave you to the pleasures
of your higher vices,
which will have to be paid for
at higher prices.
Farewell, My Lord,
I do not wait upon ceremony.
I leave as I came
forgetting all acrimony.
Hoping that your present gravity
will find excuse for my humble levity.
If you will remember me, My Lord,
at your prayers
I'll remember you
at the kissing-time below the stairs.
Leave well alone.
The springtime fancy.
So one thought goes
whistling down the wind.
The impossible is still temptation.
The impossible,
the undesirable.
Voices under sleep,
waking a dead world.
So that the mind
may not be whole in the present.
Your Lordship has forgotten me, perhaps.
I will remind you.
We met at Clarendon,
at Northampton.
And last at Montmirail, in Maine.
Now that I have recalled them,
let us but set these
not too pleasant memories
in balance against other,
earlier and weightier ones,
those of the chancellorship.
See how the late ones rise!
You, master of policy,
whom all acknowledged,
should guide the state again.
Your meaning?
The chancellorship that you resigned
when you were made Archbishop,
that was a mistake on your part,
still may be regained.
Think, My Lord,
power obtained grows to glory.
Life lasting,
a permanent possession.
A temple tomb,
monument of marble.
Rule over men
reckon no madness.
To the man of God,
what gladness?
Sadness only to those
giving love to God alone.
Shall he who held the solid substance
wander waking with deceitful shadows?
Power is present.
Holiness hereafter.
Who then?
The Chancellor.
King and Chancellor.
King commands,
Chancellor richly rules.
This is a sentence
not taught in the schools.
To set down the great,
protect the poor.
Beneath the throne of God
can man do more?
Disarm the ruffian,
strengthen the laws,
rule for the good
of the better cause,
dispensing justice,
make all even
is thrive on earth
and perhaps in heaven.
What means?
Real power is purchased
at price of a certain submission.
Your spiritual power
is earthly perdition.
Power is present,
for him who will wield.
Who shall have it?
He who will come.
What shall be the month?
The last from the first.
What shall we give for it'?
Pretence of priestly power.
Why should we give it?
- For the power and the glory.
- No!
Or bravery will be broken,
cabined in Canterbury,
realmless ruler,
self-bound servant
of a powerless Pope,
the old stag,
circled with hounds.
- No.
- Yes.
Men must manoeuvre.
Monarchs also, waging war abroad,
need fast friends at home.
Private policy is public profit.
Dignity still shall be
dressed with decorum.
You forget the bishops,
whom I have laid under excommunication.
Hungry hatred will not strive
against intelligent self-interest.
You forget the barons,
who will not forget
constant curbing of petty privilege.
Against the barons
is King's cause,
churl's cause,
Chancellor's cause.
Shall I, who keep the keys
of heaven and hell,
supreme alone in England,
who bind and loose,
with the power from the Pope,
descend to desire
a punier power?
Delegate to deal
the doom of damnation,
to condemn Kings,
not serve among their servants,
is my open office.
Then I leave you to your fate.
Your sin soars sunward,
covering Kings' falcons.
Temporal power
to build a good world,
to keep order,
as the world knows order.
Those who put their faith
in wordly order,
not controlled
by the order of God,
in confident ignorance,
but arrest disorder.
Make it fast,
breed fatal disease.
Degrade what they exult.
Power with the King.
I was the King,
his arm, his better reason.
But what was once exaltation,
would now be only mean descent.
I am an unexpected visitor.
I expected you.
But not in this guise
or for my present purpose.
No purpose brings surprise.
Well, My Lord,
I'm no trifler, and no politician.
To idle or intrigue at court,
I have no skill.
I'm no courtier.
I know a horse,
a dog, a wench.
I know how to hold my estates in order.
A country-keeping Lord,
who minds his own business.
It is we country Lords
who know the country.
And we who know
what the country needs.
It is our country.
We care for the country.
We are the backbone of the nation.
We, not the plotting parasites
about the King.
Excuse my bluntness,
I am a rough,
straightforward Englishman.
Proceed straight forward.
Purpose is plain.
Endurance of friendship
does not depend upon ourselves,
but upon circumstance.
But circumstance
is not undetermined.
Unreal friendship
may turn to real.
But real friendship once ended,
cannot be mended.
Sooner shall enmity
turn to alliance.
The enmity that never knew friendship
can sooner know accord.
For a countryman,
you wrap your meaning
in as a dark generality as any courtier.
This is the simple fact.
You have no hope of reconciliation
with Henry the King.
You look only
to blind assertion in isolation.
That is a mistake.
0 Henry.
Q My King.
Other friends may be found
in the present situation.
King in England
is not all-powerful.
King is in France,
squabbling in Anjou.
Round him,
waiting hungry sons.
We are for England.
We are in England.
You and I, My Lord,
are Normans.
England is a land
for Norman sovereignty.
Let the Angevin destroy himself
fighting in Anjou.
He does not understand us,
the English barons.
We are the people.
To what does this lead?
To a happy coalition
of intelligent interests.
But what have you,
if you do speak for barons?
For a powerful party, which has turned
its eyes in your direction.
To gain from you,
your lordship asks.
For us, church favour
would be an advantage.
Blessing of Pope,
powerful protection
in the fight for liberty.
You, My Lord, in being with us,
would fight a good stroke at once
for England and for Rome.
Ending the tyrannous jurisdiction
of King's court over bishop's court,
of King's court
over baron's court.
Which I helped to found.
Which you helped to found.
But time past is time forgotten.
We expect the rise
of a new constellation.
And if the Archbishop
cannot trust the King,
how can he trust those
who work for King's undoing'?
Kings will allow no power
but their own.
Church and people have good cause
against the throne.
If the Archbishop
cannot trust the throne,
he has good cause to trust none
but God alone.
It is not better to be thrown
to a thousand hungry appetites,
than to one.
At a future time
this may be shown.
I ruled once as chancellor.
And men like you were glad
to wait at my door.
Not only in the court,
but in the field
and in the tilt-yard,
I made many yield.
Shall I who ruled
like an eagle over doves,
now take the shape of a wolf
among wolves?
Pursue your treacheries
as you have done before.
No one shall say
that I betrayed a king.
Then, My Lord,
I shall not wait at your door.
And I well hope,
before another spring,
the King will show his regard
for your loyalty.
To make, then break,
this thought has come before,
the desperate exercise
of fading power.
Samson in Gaza did no more.
But if I break,
I break myself alone.
TEMPTER A; Wei! done, Thomas,
your will is hard to bend.
And with me beside you,
you shall not lack a friend.
Who are you?
I expected three visitors,
not four.
Do not be surprised
to receive one more.
Had I been expected,
I had been here before.
I always precede expectation.
Who are you?
As you do not know me,
I do not need a name.
And, as you know me,
that is why I come.
You know me,
but have never seen my face.
To meet before
was never time or place.
Say what you've come to say.
It shall be said at last.
Hooks have been baited
with morsels of the past.
Wantonness is weakness.
As for the King,
his hardened hatred shall have no end.
You know truly,
the King will never trust twice
the man who has been his friend.
Borrow use cautiously,
employ your services
as long as you have to lend.
You would wait for trap to snap,
having served your turn,
broken and crushed.
As for barons,
envy of lesser men
is still more stubborn
than King's anger.
Kings have public policy,
barons private profit,
jealousy raging possession
of the fiend.
Barons are employable
against each other.
Greater enemies
must Kings destroy.
What is your counsel?
Fare forward to the end.
All other ways are closed to you,
except the way already chosen.
But what is pleasure, kingly rule,
or rule of men beneath a king,
with craft in corners,
stealthy stratagem,
to general grasp
of spiritual power?
Man oppressed by sin
since Adam fell.
You hold the keys
of heaven and hen.
Power to bind and loose.
Bind, Thomas, bind king and bishop
under your heel.
King, emperor, bishop, baron, king,
uncertain mastery of melting armies,
war, plague, and revolution,
new conspiracies, broken pacts.
To be master or servant within an hour,
that is the course of temporal power.
The Old King shall know it,
when at last breath,
no sons, no empire,
he bites broken teeth.
You hold the skein.
Wind, Thomas,
wind the thread
of eternal life and death.
You hold this power.
Hold ii.
Supreme, in this land?
Supreme, but for one.
That I do not understand.
It is not for me to tell you
how this may be so.
I am only here, Thomas,
to tell you what you know.
How long shall this be'?
Save what you know already,
ask nothing of me.
But think, Thomas,
think of glory after death.
When King is dead,
there's another king,
and one more king
is another reign.
King is forgotten,
when another shall come.
Saint and martyr
rule from the tomb.
Think, Thomas,
think of enemies dismayed,
creeping in penance,
frightened of a shade.
Think of pilgrims, standing in line
before the glittering jewelled shrine,
from generation to generation,
bending the knee in supplication.
Think of the miracles,
by God's grace,
and think of your enemies,
in another place.
I have thought of these things.
That is why 1 tell you.
Your thoughts have more power
than kings to compel you.
You have also thought,
sometimes at your prayers,
sometimes hesitating
at the angles of stairs.
And between sleep and waking,
early in the morning,
when the bird cries,
have thought of further seeming,
that nothing lasts,
but the wheel turns,
the nest is rifled,
and the bird mourns,
that the shrine shall be pit/aged
and the gold spent,
the jewels gone
for light ladies' ornament,
the sanctuary broken,
and its stores swept
into the laps of parasites
and whores.
When miracles cease,
and the faithful desert you,
and men shall (my
do their best to forget you.
And later is worse,
when men will not hate you
enough to defame
or to execrate you,
but pondering the qualities
that you lacked
will only try to find
the historical fact.
When men shall' declare
that there was no mystery
about this man, who played
a certain part in history.
But, what is there to do?
What is left to be done?
Is there no enduring crown
to be won?
Yes, Thomas, yes,
you have thought of that too.
What can compare
with glory of saints
dwelling forever
in presence of God?
What earthly glory,
of king or emperor,
what earthly pride,
that is not poverty,
compared with richness
of heavenly grandeur?
Seek the way of martyrdom,
make yourself the lowest on earth
to be high in heaven,
and see far off below you,
where the gulf is fixed,
your persecutors,
in timeless torment,
parched passion,
beyond expiation.
Who are you,
tempting with my own desires?
Others have come,
temporal tempters,
with pleasure and power
at palpable price.
What do you offer'?
What do you ask?
I offer what you desire.
I ask what you have to give.
Is it too much
for such a vision of eternal grandeur?
Others offered real goods.
Worthless, but real.
You only offer dreams to damnation.
You have often dreamt them.
Is there no way,
in my soul's sickness,
does not lead
to damnation in pride'?
I well know
that these temptations
mean present vanity
and future torment.
Can sinful pride
be driven out only by more sinful?
Can I neither act nor suffer
without perdition?
You know and do not know
what it is to act or suffer.
You know and do not know
that action is suffering,
and suffering action.
Neither does the agent suffer,
nor the patient act.
But both are fixed in an eternal action,
an eternal patience,
to which ail must consent
that it may be willed,
and which all must suffer
that they may will it,
that the pattern may subsist,
that the whee! may turn
and still be forever still.
Now is my way clear.
Now is the meaning plain.
Temptation shall not come
in this kind again.
The last temptation
is the greatest treason.
To do the right deed
for the wrong reason.
The natural vigour in the venial sin
is the way in which our lives begin.
Thirty years ago,
I searched all the ways
that lead to pleasure,
advancement and praise.
Delight in sense,
in learning and in thought,
music and philosophy, curiosity,
the purple bullfinch
in the lilac tree,
the tilt-yard skill,
the strategy of chess,
love in the garden,
singing to the instrument,
were all things equally desirable.
Ambition comes
when early force is spent
and when we find no longer
all things possible.
Ambition comes behind
and unobservable.
Sin grows with doing good.
When I imposed
the King's law in England
and waged war with him
against Toulouse,
I beat the barons
at their own game.
I could then despise the men
who thought me most contemptible,
the raw nobility,
whose manners matched their fingernails.
While I ate out of the King's dish,
to become servant of God
was never my wish.
Servant of God has chance
of greater sin and sorrow,
than the man who serves a king.
For those who serve
the greater cause
may make the cause serve them,
still doing right.
And striving with political men
may make that cause political,
not by what they do,
but by what they are.
I know that what remains
to show you of my history
will seem to most of you,
at best, futility.
Senseless self-slaughter of a lunatic,
arrogant passion of a fanatic.
I know that history at all times
draws the strangest consequence
from remotest cause.
But for every evil, every sacrilege,
crime, wrong, oppression,
and the axe's edge,
indifference, exploitation,
you, and you, and you,
must all be punished.
So must you.
I shall no longer act or suffer
to the swords end.
Now my good angel,
whom God appoints to be my guardian.
Hover over the swords' points.
"Glory to God in the highest,
"and on earth,
peace to men of good will. "
The 14th verse, of the second chapter
of the Gospel according to Saint Luke.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.
Dear children of God,
my sermon this Christmas morning
will be a very short one.
I wish only that
you should meditate in your hearts
the deep meaning and mystery
of our masses of Christmas Day.
For whenever mass is said,
we re-enact the passion
and the death of our Lord.
And on this Christmas Day,
we do this in celebration of his birth.
So that at the same moment
we rejoice in his coming
for the salvation of men,
and offer again to God
his body and blood
in sacrifice, oblation and satisfaction
for the sins of the whole world.
It was in this same night
that has just passed
that a multitude of the heavenly host
appeared before the shepherds
at Bethlehem, saying,
"Glory to God in the highest,
"and on earth,
peace to men of good will. "
Does it seem strange to you
that the angels
should have announced peace
when ceaselessly the world has been
stricken with war and the fear of war'?
Does it seem to you
that the angelic voices were mistaken,
and that the promise
was a disappointment and a cheat?
Reflect now how our Lord Himself
spoke of peace.
He said to his disciples,
"My peace I leave with you,
my peace I give unto you. "
Did he mean peace
as we think of it?
The kingdom of England
at peace with its neighbours,
the barons at peace with the King,
the householder counting over
his peaceful gains,
the swept hearth,
his best wine for a friend at the table,
his wife singing to the children?
Those men, his disciples
knew no such things.
They went forth to journey afar,
to suffer by land and sea,
to know torture,
imprisonment, disappointment,
to suffer death by martyrdom.
What then did he mean?
If you ask that,
remember then that he said also,
"Not as the world gives,
give I unto you. "
So then, he gave to his disciples peace,
but not peace as the world gives.
Consider also one thing, of which
you have probably never thought.
Not only do we at the feast of Christmas
celebrate at once
our Lord's birth and his death,
but on the next day,
we celebrate the martyrdom
of his first martyr,
the blessed Stephen.
Is it an accident, do you think,
that the day of the first martyr
follows immediately the day
of the birth of Christ?
By no means.
Just as we rejoice
and mourn at once,
in the birth and in the passion
of our Lord,
so also, in a smaller figure,
we both rejoice and mourn
in the death of martyrs.
We mourn for the sins of the world
that has martyred them.
We rejoice that another soul is numbered
among the saints in heaven,
for the glory of God
and for the salvation of men.
A martyr, a saint,
is always made
by the design of God
for his love of men,
to warn them and to lead them,
to bring them back to his ways.
A martyrdom is never the design of man.
For the true martyr,
is he who has become
the instrument of God,
who has lost his will
in the will of God,
not lost it, but found it.
For he has found freedom
in submission to God.
The martyr no longer desires
anything for himself,
not even the glory of martyrdom.
I have spoken to you today,
dear children of God,
of the martyrs of the past,
asking you to remember especially
our martyr of Canterbury,
the blessed Archbishop Elphege.
Because it is fitting,
on Christ's birthday,
to remember what is that peace,
which he brought.
And because, dear children,
I do not think
I shall ever preach to you again.
And because it is possible
that in a short time
you may have yet another martyr,
and that one perhaps not the last.
I would have you keep in your hearts
these words that I say,
and think of them at another time.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.
Does the bird sing in the south?
Only the seabird cries,
driven inland by the storm.
What sign of the spring of the year'?
Only the death of the old.
Not a stir, not a shoot, not a breath.
Do the days begin to lengthen?
Longer and darker the day,
shorter and colder the night.
Still and stifling the air,
but a wind is stored up in the east.
The starved crow
sits in the field, attentive,
and in the wood, the owl rehearses
the hollow note of death.
What signs of a bitter spring?
The wind stored up in the east.
At the time of the birth of our Lord?
At Christmastide?
Is there not peace upon earth,
goodwill among men?
The peace of this world
is always uncertain,
unless men keep
the peace of God.
And war among men defiles this world,
but death in the Lord renews it.
And the world must be cleaned
in the winter,
or we shall have only
a sour spring,
a parched summer,
an empty harvest.
Between Christmas and Easter,
what work shall be done?
The ploughman shall go out in March
and turn the same earth
he has turned before.
The bird shall sing the same song.
When the leaf is out on the tree,
when the elder and may
burst over the stream,
and the air is clear and high,
and voices trill at windows,
and children tumble
in front of the door.
What work shall have been done,
what wrong shall the bird's song cover,
the green tree cover'?
What wrong shall the fresh earth cover'?
We wait, and the time is short.
But waiting is long.
Servants of the King.
And known to us.
You are welcome.
Have you ridden far'?
Not far today, but matters urgent
have brought us from France.
We rode hard, took ship yesterday,
landed last night,
having business with the Archbishop.
- Urgent business.
- From the King.
By the King's order.
Our men are outside.
You know the Archbishop's hospitality.
We are about to go to dinner.
The good Archbishop would be vexed
if we did not offer you entertainment
before your business.
Please dine with us.
Your men shall be looked after, also.
Dinner before business.
Do you like roast pom?
Business before dinner.
We will roast your pork first,
and dine upon it after.
We must see the Archbishop.
Go tell the Archbishop
we have no need of his hospitality.
We will find our own dinner.
Go tell His Lordship.
How much longer
will you keep us waiting?
However certain our expectation,
the moment foreseen
may be unexpected when it arrives.
It comes when we are engrossed
with matters of other urgency.
On my table, you will find the papers
in order and the documents signed.
You are welcome,
whatever your business may be.
You say, from the King.
Most surely from the King,
we must speak with you alone.
Leave us then alone.
Now, what is the matter?
This is the matter.
You are the Archbishop...
In revolt against the King.
In rebellion to the King
and the law of the land.
You are the Archbishop
who was made by the King.
Whom he set in your place
to carry out his command.
You are his servant,
his tool and his jack.
You wore his favours on your back.
You had your honours all from his hand.
From him you had the power,
the seal, and the ring.
This is the man
who was the tradesman's son.
The backstairs brat
who was born in Cheapside.
This is the creature
that crawled upon the King.
Swollen with blood
and swollen with pride.
Creeping out of the London dirt,
crawling up like a louse on your shirt.
The man who cheated, swindled, lied.
Broke his oath and betrayed his King.
This is not true.
Both before and after
I received the ring
I have been a loyal vassal to the King.
Saving my order,
lam at his command,
as his most faithful vassal in the land.
Saving your order?
Let your order save you,
as I do not think it is like to do.
Saving your ambition
is what you mean.
Saving your pride, envy and spleen.
Saving your insolence and greed.
Won't you ask us to pray to God for you
in your need?
Yes, we'll pray for you.
Yes, we'll pray for you.
Yes, we'll pray that God may help you.
But gentlemen, your business
which you said so urgent,
is it only scolding and blaspheming?
It was only our indignation
as loyal subjects.
Loyal? To whom?
To the King.
- The King.
- The King.
God bless him.
Then let your new coat of loyalty
be worn carefully.
So it get not soiled or torn.
Have you something to say?
By the King's command...
Shall we say it now?
Without delay,
before the old fox is off and away.
What you have to say
by the King's command,
if it be the King's command,
should be said in public.
f you make charges,
then in public I will refute them.
No, here and now!
Now and here!
Of your earlier misdeeds,
I shall make no mention.
They are too well known.
But after dissension had ended,
in France,
and you were endued
with your former privilege,
how did you show your gratitude?
You had fled from England,
not exiled or threatened, mind you,
but in the hope of stirring up trouble
in the French dominions.
You sowed strife abroad,
you reviled the King
to the King of France,
to the Pope,
raising up against him false opinions.
Yet the King,
out of his charity,
and urged by your friends,
offered clemency.
Made a pact of peace
and all dispute ended
sent you hack to your See
as you demanded.
And burying the memory
of your transgressions,
restored your honours
and your possessions.
All was granted for which you sued.
Yet how, I repeat,
did you show your gratitude?
Suspending those who
had crowned the young prince,
denying the legality
of his coronation.
Binding with the chains of anathema.
Using every means in your power
to evince the King's faithful servants,
everyone who transects
his business in his absence,
the business of the nation.
These are the facts.
Say, therefore, if you will be content
to answer in the King's presence.
Therefore were we sent.
Never was it my wish
to uncrown the King's son,
or to diminish his honour and power.
Why should he wish to deprive
my people of me,
and keep me from my own?
And bid me sit in Canterbury, alone?
I would wish him three crowns,
rather than one.
And as for the bishops,
it is not my yoke
that is laid upon them,
or mine to revoke.
Let them go to the Pope.
It was he who condemned them.
Through you they were suspended.
By you be this amended.
Absolve them.
Absolve them.
I do not deny
that this was done through me.
But it is not I, who can loose
whom the Pope has bound.
Let them go to him,
upon whom redounds
their contempt towards me,
their contempt
towards the Church, shown.
Be that as it may,
here is the King's command.
That you and your servants
depart from this land.
If that is the King's command,
I will be bold to say,
seven years were my people
without my presence.
Seven years of misery and pain.
Seven years a mendicant
on foreign charity, I lingered abroad.
Seven years is no brevity.
I shall not get
those seven years back again.
Never again,
you must make no doubt,
shall the sea run between
the shepherd and his fold.
The King's justice, the King's majesty,
you insult with gross indignity.
Insolent madman,
whom nothing deters
from attaining his servants
and ministers.
It is not I who insult the King.
And there is higher than I
or the King.
It is not I, Becket from Cheapside.
It is not against me, Becket,
that you strive.
It is not Becket who pronounces doom,
but the law of Christ's church,
the judgment of Rome.
Priest, you have spoken
in peril of your life.
Priest, you have spoken
in danger of the knife.
Priest, you have spoken
treachery and treason.
Priest, traitor,
confirmed in malfeasance.
I submit my cause
to the judgment of Rome.
But if you kill me,
I shall rise from my tomb to submit
my cause before God's throne.
Priest, monk and servant,
take, hold, detain.
Restrain this man,
in the King's name.
- Or answer with your bodies.
- Enough of words!
We come for King's justice,
we come with swords.
I have smelt them,
the death-bringers.
Senses are quickened
by subtile forebodings.
I have heard fluting in the night time,
fluting and owls,
have seen at noon
scaly wings slanting over,
huge and ridiculous.
I have tasted the savour
of putrid flesh in the spoon.
I have felt the heaving of earth
at nightfall, restless, absurd.
I have heard laughter in the noises
of beasts that make strange noises.
Jackal, jackass, jackdaw,
the scurrying noise
of the mouse and jerboa,
the laugh of the loon,
the lunatic bird.
I have seen
gray necks twisting,
rat tails twining,
in the thick light of dawn.
I have eaten smooth creatures
still living,
with a strong salt taste
of living things under sea.
I have tasted
the living lobster,
the crab, the oyster,
the whelk and the prawn,
and they live and spawn in my bowels.
And my bowels dissolve
in the light of dawn.
I have smelt death in the rose,
death in the hollyhock, sweet pea,
hyacinth, primrose and cowslip.
I have seen trunk and horn,
tusk and hoof, in odd places.
1 have lain on the floor of the sea,
and breathed with the breathing
of the sea-anemone,
swallowed with ingurgitation
of the sponge.
I have lain in the soil
and criticised the worm.
In the air flirted
with the passage of a kite,
I have plunged with the Kite
and cowered with the wren.
I have fell
the horn of the beetle,
the scale of the viper)
the mobile, hard,
insensitive skin of the elephant,
the evasive flank of the fish.
I have smelt
corruption in the dish,
incense in the latrine,
the sewer in the incense,
the smell of sweet soap
in the wood path,
a hellish sweet scent
in the wood path,
while the ground heaved.
I have seen rings of light
coiling downwards,
descending to the horror of the ape.
Have I not known,
not known what was coming to be'?
It was here, in the kitchen,
in the passage,
in the mews, in the ham,
in the byre, in the market place.
In our veins, our bowels,
our skulls as well.
As well as
in the plottings of potentates.
As well as in
the consultations of powers.
What is woven on the loom of fate,
what is woven
in the councils of princes,
is woven also in our veins,
our brains,
is woven like a pattern of living worms
in the guts of the women of Canterbury.
I have smelt them,
the death-bringers.
Now is too late for action,
too soon for contrition.
Nothing is possible,
but the shamed swoon
of those consenting
to the last humiliation.
I have consented, Lord Archbishop,
have consented.
Am torn away,
subdued, violated.
United to the spiritual flesh of nature,
mastered by the animal powers of spirit,
dominated by the lust
of self-demolition.
By the final utter,
uttermost death of spirit,
by the final ecstasy
of waste and shame.
O Lord Archbishop.
0 Thomas Archbishop, forgive us.
Forgive us.
Pray for us that we may pray for you,
out of our shame.
Peace and be at peace
with your thoughts and visions.
These things had to come to you
and you to accept them.
This is your share
of the eternal burden,
the perpetual glory.
This is one moment,
but know that another shall pierce you
with a sudden painful joy
when the figure of God's purpose
is made complete.
You shall forget these things,
toiling in the household.
You shall remember them,
droning by the fire,
when age and forgetfulness
sweeten memory,
only like a dream
that is often been told,
and often been changed
in the telling.
They will seem unreal.
Human kind cannot bear
very much reality.
Peace be with you.
My Lord,
you must not stop here!
To the minster,
through the cloister.
No time to waste,
they're coming back armed.
To the altar, to the altar.
All my life they have been coming,
these feet.
All my life I have waited.
Death will come only when I am worthy.
And if I am worthy, there is no danger.
I have therefore,
only to make perfect my will.
My Lord, they are coming,
they will break through presently.
You'll be killed, come to the altar.
Make haste, My Lord!
Don't stop here talking,
it is not right.
What shall become of us, My Lord,
if you are killed?
- What shall become of us?
- Peace, be quiet.
Remember where you are
and what is happening.
No life here is sought for,
but mine.
And I am not in danger.
- Only near to death.
- My Lord, to vespers!
You must not be absent
from vespers.
You must not be absent
from the divine office.
- To Vespers, into the cathedral.
- Seize him!
- Force him! Drag him!
- To vespers!
Keep your hands off.
Numb the hand
and dry the eyelid.
Skit! the horror,
but more horror
than when tearing in the belly.
Skit! the horror,
but more horror
than when twisting in the fingers,
than when splitting in the skull.
More than footfall in the passage,
more than shadow in the doorway,
more than fury in the halt.
The agents of hell disappear,
the human, they shrink and dissolve
into dust on the wind.
Forgotten. Unmemorable.
Only is here
the white flat face of death.
God's silent servant.
And behind the face of death,
the judgment.
And behind the judgment,
the void.
More horrid than active shapes of hell.
Separation from God.
The horror of the effortless journey
to the empty land, which is no land.
Only emptiness,
absence, the void.
Where those who were men
can no longer
turn the mind to distraction,
delusion, escape into dream, pretence.
Where the soul is no longer deceived
for there are no objects, no tones,
no colours, no forms to distract,
to divert the soul from seeing itself,
foully united forever,
nothing with nothing,
not what we cal! death,
but what beyond death
is not death.
We fear.
We fear.
Who shall then plead for me?
Who intercede for me,
in my most need?
Dead upon the tree, my saviour.
Let not be in vain, thy labor.
Help me, Lord, in my last fear.
Dust I am, to dust am bending.
From the final doom impending.
Help me, Lord) for death is near.
Bar the door, bar the door.
The door is barred.
We are safe, we are safe.
They dare not break in.
They cannot break in.
They have not the force.
We are safe. We are safe.
Unbar the doors.
Throw open the doors.
I will not have the house of prayer,
the church of Christ, the sanctuary,
turned into a fortress.
The Church shall protect her own,
in her own way.
Not as oak and stone.
Stone and oak decay, give no stay.
But the church shall endure.
The church shall be open,
even to our enemies.
Open the door!
My Lord, these are not men.
These come not as men come,
but like maddened beasts.
They come not like men,
who respect the sanctuary,
who kneel to the body of Christ,
but like beasts!
You would bar the door against the lion,
the leopard, the wolf, the bear.
Why not more against beasts
with the souls of damned men,
against men who would
damn themselves to beasts.
My Lord! My Lord!
You think me reckless,
desperate and mad.
You argue by results,
as this world does,
to settle if an act be good or bad.
You defer to the fact.
For every life and every act,
consequence of good and evil
can be shown.
And as in time results
of many deeds are blended,
so good and evil in the end
become confounded.
It is not in time
that my death shall be known.
It is out of time
that my decision is taken.
If you call that decision, to which
my whole being gives entire consent.
I give my life to the Law of God,
above the Law of Man.
Those who do not the same,
how should they know what I do?
How should you know what I do?
Yet how much more should you know,
than these madmen beating on the door.
Unbar the door.
Unbar the door.
We are not here to triumph by fighting,
by stratagem, or by resistance.
Not to fight with beasts as men.
We have fought the beast
and have conquered.
We have only now
to conquer by suffering.
This is the easier victory.
Now is the triumph of the Cross.
Now, open the door.
I command it. Open the door.
- This way, My Lord, quick!
- Up the stairs. To the roof.
- To the crypt, quick, quick.
- Come. Force him.
Go to vespers,
remember me at your prayers.
They shall find the shepherd here,
the flock shall be spared.
I have had a tremor of bliss,
a wink of heaven, a whisper.
And I would no longer be denied.
All things proceed
to a joyful consummation.
Where is Becket,
the traitor to the King?
Where is Becket,
the meddling priest?
Come down, Daniel,
to the lions' den.
Come down, Daniel,
for a mark of the beast.
Are you washed
in the blood of the lamb?
Are you marked
with the mark of the beast?
Come down, Daniel,
to the lions' den.
Come down, Daniel,
and join in the feast.
Where is Becket,
the Cheapside brat'?
Where is Becket,
the faithless priest?
Come down, Daniel,
to the lions' den.
Come down, Daniel,
and join in the feast.
It is the just man
who like a bold lion,
should be without fear.
I am here.
No traitor to the King.
I am a priest, a Christian,
saved by the blood of Christ,
ready to suffer with my blood.
This is the sign of the church always.
The sign of blood.
Blood for blood.
His blood given to buy my life.
My blood given to pay for his death.
My death for his death.
Absolve all those
you have excommunicated.
Resign the powers you have arrogated.
Restore to the King,
the money you appropriated.
Renew the obedience you have violated.
For My Lord,
I am now ready to die.
That his Church may have
peace and liberty.
Do with me as you will,
to your hurt and shame.
But none of my people in God's name,
whether layman or clerk shall you touch!
This I forbid.
You Reginald,
three times traitor, you!
Traitor to me,
as my temporal vassal.
Traitor to me,
as your spiritual lord.
Traitor to God,
in desecrating his Church.
No faith do I owe to a renegade.
And what I owe shall now be paid.
Now to Almighty God,
to the blessed Mary ever Virgin,
to the blessed John the Baptist,
the holy apostles, Peter and Paul,
to the blessed martyr, Denys,
and to all the saints,
I commend my cause
and that of the church.
Clear the air.
Clean the sky.
Wash the wind.
Take stone from stone
and wash them.
The land is foul,
the water is foul,
our beasts and ourselves
defiled with blood.
A rain of blood has blinded my eyes.
Where is Eng/and? Where is Kent?
Where is Canterbury?
Oh, far, far, far,
far in the past.
And I wander in a land of barren boughs.
If I break them, they bleed.
I wander in the land of dry stones.
If I touch them, they bleed.
How'? How can I ever return
to the soft, quiet seasons?
Night stay with us.
Stop sun.
Hold season.
Let the day not come.
Let the spring not come.
Can I look again at the day
and its common things,
and see them all smeared with blood,
through a curtain of falling blood?
We are soiled by a filth
that we cannot clean,
united to supernatural vermin.
It is not we alone,
it is not the house,
it is not the city that is defiled,
but the world that is wholly foul.
Clear the air, clean the sky,
wash the wind,
take the stone from the stone,
take the skin from the arm,
take the muscle from the bone,
and wash them.
Wash the stone.
Wash the bone.
Wash the brain.
Wash the soul.
Wash them.
Wash them.
I appeal
to your sense of justice.
I think as well, you must hear
both sides of the case.
In what we have done,
whatever you may think of it,
we have been perfectly disinterested.
We're not getting anything out of this.
We know perfectly well
how things will turn out.
King Henry, God bless him,
will have to say,
for reasons of state,
that he never meant this to happen.
And at the best, we shall have to spend
the rest of our lives abroad.
Hear, hear!
You are sensible people,
and not to be taken in
by emotional clap-trap.
Consider soberly'
what were the Archbishop's aims,
and what are King Henry's aims.
Our King wanted to curb
the local government.
Because there was utter chaos!
Three kinds of justice.
Three kinds of cause.
That of the King, that of the bishops,
that of the barons.
While the late Archbishop
was Chancellor,
he supported the King's designs.
The King intended that
he should unite the offices
of Chancellor and Archbishop.
Had Becket followed the King's wishes,
we should've had an almost ideal state.
A union of spiritual
and temporal administration,
under the central government.
But what happened?
Becket became more
priestly than the priests.
He affirmed,
there was a higher order
than that, which our King,
and he as the King's servant
had for so many years
striven to establish.
And that, God knows why,
the two orders were incompatible.
No one regrets the necessity
for violence more than we do.
Unhappily, there are times,
when violence is the only way,
in which social justice can be secured.
At another time,
you would condemn an Archbishop
by vote of Parliament.
And execute him formally,
as a traitor.
At a later time still,
even such measures as these,
would become unnecessary.
If you have now arrived
at a just subordination
of the pretensions of the Church
to the welfare of the state,
remember, that it is we,
who took the first step.
You accept our principles.
You benefit by our precedent.
You enjoy the fruits of our action.
Yet we have been dead
for nearly 800 years,
and you still call us murderers.
In a moment,
you will see the Archbishop
laid before the altar,
and acclaimed as a martyr!
Then ask yourselves,
who is more representative
of the thing you are?
The man you call a martyr,
or the men you call his murderers?
WOMEN'. We praise thee, O God,
for thy glory displayed in all
the creatures of the earth,
in the snow, in the rain,
in the wind, in the storm.
In all of thy creatures,
both the hunters and the hunted.
For all things exist;
only as seen by thee,
only as known by thee.
All things exist only in thy light.
And thy glory is declared,
even in that which denies thee.
The darkness declares
the glory of light.
Those who deny thee,
could not deny if thou didst not exist.
And their denial is never complete,
for it were so, they would not exist.
They affirm thee in living.
Al! things affirm thee in living.
The bird in the air,
both the hawk and the finch,
the beast on the earth,
both the waif and the lamb,
the worm in the soil,
and the worm in the belly.
Therefore, man, whom thou
has made to be conscious m' thee,
must consciously praise thee,
in thought, and in word and in deed.
Even with the hand to the broom,
the back bent in laying the fire,
the knee bent in cleaning the hearth)
we, the scrubbers
and sweepers of Canterbury,
the back bent under toil,
the knee bent under sin,
the hands to the face under fear,
the head bent under grief.
Even in us the voices of seasons,
the snuffle of winter,
the song of spring,
the drone of summer,
the voices of beasts and of birds.
Praise thee.
We thank thee
for thy mercies of blood,
for thy redemption by blood.
For the blood of thy martyrs
and saints shall enrich the earth,
shah create the holy places.
For wherever a saint has dwelt,
wherever a martyr has given
his blood for the blood of Christ,
there is holy ground.
And the sanctity shall
not depart from it,
though armies trample over it,
though sightseers come with
guidebooks looking over it.
From where the western seas
gnaw at the coast of Iona,
to the death in the desert,
the prayer in forgotten pieces
by the broken imperial column.
From such ground, springs that
which forever renews the earth.
Though it is forever denied.
Therefore, O God,
we thank thee,
who hast given such blessing,
to Canterbury.
Forgive us, O Lord,
we acknowledge ourselves
as types of the common man,
of the men and women who
shut the door and sit by the fire,
who fear the blessing of God,
the loneliness of the night of God,
the surrender required)
the deprivation inflicted,
who fear the injustice of men,
less than the justice of God,
who fear the hand at the window,
the fire in the thatch,
the fist in the tavern,
the push into the canal)
less than we fear the love of Gad.
We acknowledge our trespass,
our weakness, our fault.
We acknowledge that the sin
of the world is upon our heads,
that the blood of the martyrs,
and the agony of the saints,
is upon our heads.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Blessed, Thomas,
pray for us.
close by the cathedral.
Here, let us pray
for our good Archbishop.
May his journey be easy,
his road be smooth,
weather and wind be fair.
May his horse not fail.
God, who created us,
Jesus, who saved us,
Spirit, who cleanseth us.
God he with you
between the woods.
Jesus be with you
at the turning of the hill.
Spirit be with you
in crossing the stream.
Blessed Mary,
Saint Michael,
Saint Elphege,
and all the saints pray.
May the prayers of the poor,
of your poor people,
your poor folk of Kent avail,
and of us,
the women of Canterbury.
Now, may the King
be enlightened,
your enemies thwarted,
the truth prevail,
all powers of evil driven away.
At this morning,
my fire would not kindle.
This morning,
my cauldron would not boil.
Last night,
I was ridden by witches,
and the cat
jumped onto the bed.
Our house dog howled all the night
at the owl that cried in the elm tree.
My wedding ring
slipped from my finger.
And my milk jug
fell on the hearth.
0 Lord Archbishop,
do not carry the cross,
or the cross will carry you.
I have balding
of bane and bale.
Return, return to us.
For without you,
we have no succour or stake.
My Lord, The King.
There is no subtlety
in this charge.
And I will use no subtlety
in my defence.
I am not guilty.
Were I to give any other answer,
then should I three times break faith.
The oath I took at Clarendon,
was ever saving my order.
That, all men know.
Should I now be faithless to my vows
as priest and bishop?
These same Constitutions of Clarendon
were then annulled by the Pope.
Should I now be faithless
to my obedience to the Vicar of Christ?
And as touching the third bond,
I know well what evils
would come upon this country of England,
were I to suffer unprotesting,
the subjection of the spiritual power
to the temple.
Should I now be faithless
to my people?
My Lords,
as concerning the temporal power,
you will think of estates and honours
for yourselves and for your sons.
Yet it is, but a little while
and your estates are scattered,
and your honour is lost,
and your monuments broken,
and your names forgotten.
Tomorrow, where is Veer,
where is Boone, where is...
You would do well
to remember the church of God.
Which was, and is, and ever shall be
to the end of the world,
according to
the promises of Christ.
But for you,
My Lords, Bishops,
my heart is very sorrowful.
You have deserted me
to whom you are bound,
by your order, by your estate,
and by your dignity.
Consider, My Lords,
that what violates the law of God,
cannot be lawful.
Consider that the King's reverence
cannot be magnified
by abating
the reverence of the church.
You have yet time.
And the time is this very moment,
and no more
to abjure your apostasy,
and renew your obedience
to the law of Christ's church,
to Christ's Vicar, and to me.
And for myself,
though I stand alone in England,
though every depravation
and enforcement ensued to me,
yet, will I in no way
relinquish the right.
Hear him no further,
but pronounce.
I have not got you here
to whisper and whine,
to plead with an Archbishop,
but to give judgment upon
a manifest and shameless traitor.
Will you make yourselves
accomplices of this man?
I have consulted you
according to the form of law.
What more do you require?
Pronounce judgment,
or by the mass,
I will strip you
every one of you,
out of palace and church.
Aye, out of chasuble and cassock too.
My Lord, we are taken between
the hammer and the anvil.
Have mercy upon us.
You betray yourself
among irreverent, laughing men.
You ask me to commit
the greater sin.
To confirm and justify you
in your cowardice.
The law of man
that breaks the law of God
is no law,
but lawless violence.
Betray me if you will,
but do not ask me to betray.
My Lord, The King.
I have taken counsel
with my brethren, here gathered.
And they have asked me
to put forward a proposal,
which should satisfy both
Your Majesty's reasonable demand
and their own,
not unreasonable, scruples.
The Archbishop,
as our metropolitan,
forbids us to proceed further
with this case.
Here, it must be admitted,
he is acting
according to the strict letter
of ecclesiastical law.
However we may interpret his motives,
he has the power of excommunication
over us.
And, I think Your Majesty
will acknowledge
that it would be
a very grave scandal
and the excuse for misconduct
among the common people,
for the whole of your bench of bishops
to be excommunicated.
There is nothing
that we more earnestly desire
than to demonstrate our loyalty
to Your Majesty's person,
and Your Majesty's laws.
We therefore respectfully propose
to appeal to the Pope
to release us from our canonical
obedience to the Archbishop.
We shall then be in a position
to pronounce judgment upon him.
I hope that the suggestion
will commend itself to Your Majesty.
Cowards and traitors.
I will have-judgment,
and I will have it now.
You've heard these windbags
and precise committee men.
You, My Lords,
are men of action.
Who can prove your loyalty
without palaver.
Pronounce the judgment.
My Lord Archbishop.
- We declare you guilty...
- What is this?
Did I not say, truly,
that the law of man
that violates the law of God
is no law, but lawlessness.
You respect not even
these same Constitutions of Clarendon
that the King invokes.
Is it not there referred,
that, of fences by the clergy
against the King
shall be punished
by the church?
You are but laypersons.
You cannot err no judgment
upon your Father in God.
I will not hear you.
My brethren,
and you good people of Canterbury.
These knights have brought bad news.
Bad news is what I give you.
The King's court has given judgment.
If that is a judgment,
which is only the voice
of the wicked,
and the frightened.
And if that is a court,
which has no authority
to pronounce such a judgment.
The Archbishop is gone.
He refused to hear the sentence,
left the court.
He has taken ship for France.
For what can he do
but appeal to the Holy Father,
to the judgment seat of Rome.
He is not a man who has fled
for his own safety.
Safety he could have bought,
at the price of betrayal.
But he is your Archbishop,
who must carry on the fight
where the fight can be waged,
no other place than Rome.
To Rome, he will appeal
for the church in England,
for the law of God in England.
He will return to you
with the Holy Fathers blessing,
and the papal anathema.
For us, is but to wait.
To wait.
To pray-
To suffer,
perhaps for a long time.
Pray to Saint Elphege.
Let us bow the knee.
Let us pray.
Here, let us stand,
close by the cathedral.
Here, let us wait.
Are we drawn by danger'?
Is it the knowledge of safety
that draws our feet
towards the cathedral?
What danger can befall us, the poor;
the poor women of Canterbury?
What tribulation
with which we are not already familiar?
There is no danger for us.
And there is no safety
in me cathedral.
Some presage of an act,
which our eyes are compelled to witness,
has forced our feet
towards the cathedral.
We are forced to bear witness.
Since golden October
declined into sombre November,
and the apples
were gathered and stored,
and the land became brown,
sharp points of death
in a waste of water and mud,
the new year awaits.
Breathes, waits,
whispers in darkness.
While the labourer
kicks off a muddy boot!
and stretches his hand
to the fire,
the new year awaits.
Destiny waits for the coming.
Who has stretched out his hand
to the fire,
and remember the saints
at All Hallows,
remember the martyrs
and saints who wait?
And who shalt stretch out his hand
to the fire,
and deny his master'?
Who shall be warmed by the fire,
and deny his master?
Now I fear disturbance
of the quiet seasons.
Winter shall come bringing death
from the sea.
Ruinous spring
shall beat at our doors.
Root and shoot shah eat
our eyes and our ears.
Disastrous summer
bum up the beds of our streams.
And the poor shall wait
for another decaying October.
Why should the summer bring consolation
for autumn fires and winter fogs'?
What shall we do
in the heat of summer,
but wait in barren orchards
for another October?
Some malady is coming upon us.
We wait, we wait.
And the saints and martyrs wait
for those who shall be
martyrs and saints.
Destiny waits in the hand of God,
shaping the still unshapen.
I have seen these things
in a shaft of sunlight.
Destiny waits in the hand of God,
not in the hands of statesmen,
who do some well, some ill,
planning and guessing.
Having their aims, which turn
in their hands in the pattern of time.
Come, happy December,
who shall observe you,
who shall preserve you?
Shall the Son of Man be born again
in the litter of scorn?
For us, the poor,
there is no action,
but only to wait,
and to witness.
Seven years
and the summer is over.
Seven years
since the Archbishop left us.
What does the Archbishop do,
and our Sovereign Lord, the Pope,
with a stubborn King,
and the French King,
in ceaseless intrigue, combinations,
in confidence, meetings accepted,
meetings refused,
meetings un-ended or endless,
at one place or another,
in France?
I see nothing quite conclusive
in the an of temporal government,
but violence, duplicity
and frequent malversation.
King rules or barons rule,
the strong man strongly
and the weak man by caprice.
They have but one law,
to seize the power and keep it.
And the steadfast can manipulate
the greed and lust of others.
The feeble is devoured by his own.
Shall these things not end
until the poor at the gate
have forgotten their friend,
their Father in God,
have forgotten that they had a friend?
Servants of God,
and watchers of the Temple,
I am here to inform you
without circumlocution,
the Archbishop is in England
and is close outside the city.
I was sent before in haste
to give you notice of his coming,
as much as was possible,
that you may prepare to meet him.
What, is the exile ended?
Is our Lord Archbishop
reunited with the King'?
What reconciliation
of two proud men?
What peace can be found to grow
between the hammer and the anvil?
Tell us,
are the old disputes at an end,
is the wall of pride cast down,
that divided them?
Is it peace, or war'?
Does he come in full assurance,
or only secure in the power of Rome,
the spiritual rule,
the assurance of right,
and the love of the people'?
You are right to express
a certain incredulity.
He comes in pride and sorrow,
affirming all his claims,
assured beyond doubt
of the devotion of the people,
who received him
with scenes of frenzied enthusiasm,
lining the roads
and throwing down their capes,
strewing the way with leaves
and late flowers of the season.
The streets of the city
will be packed to suffocation,
and I think that his horse
will be deprived of its tail,
a single hair, of which,
becomes a precious relic.
He is at one with the Pope
and with the King of France,
who indeed would have liked
to detain him in his kingdom.
But as for our King,
that is another matter.
But again, is it war or peace?
but not the kiss of peace.
A patched up affair,
if you ask my opinion.
And if you ask me,
I think the Lord Archbishop
is not the man to cherish any illusions,
nor yet to diminish
the least of his pretensions.
If you ask my opinion,
I think that this peace
is nothing like an end,
or like a beginning.
It is common knowledge
that when the Archbishop
parted from the King,
he said to the King,
"My Lord," he said,
"I leave you as a man whom in this life
I shall not meet again. "
I have this, I assure you,
on the highest authority.
There are several opinions
as to what he meant,
but no one considers it
a happy prognostic.
I fear for the Archbishop.
I fear for the church.
I know that the pride bred
of sudden prosperity
was but confirmed
by bitter adversity.
I saw him as chancellor,
flattered by the King,
liked or feared by counters
in their overbearing fashion,
despised and despising,
always isolated,
never one among them,
always insecure.
His pride always feeding
upon his own virtues,
pride drawing sustenance
from impartiality,
pride drawing sustenance
from generosity,
loathing power
given by temporal devolution,
wishing subjection to God alone.
Had the King been greater,
or had he been weaker,
things had perhaps
been different for Thomas.
Yet our Lord has returned.
Our Lord has come back
to his own again.
We have had enough of waiting,
from December to dismal December.
The Archbishop shall be at our head,
dispelling dismay and doubt.
He will tell us what we are to do.
He will give us our orders, instruct us.
Our Lord is atone with the Pope,
and also the King of France.
We can lean on a rock,
we can feel a firm foothold
against the perpetual wash of tides
of balance of forces,
of barons and landholders.
The rock of God is beneath our feet.
Let us meet the Archbishop
with cordial thanksgiving,
our Lord, our Archbishop, returns.
And when the Archbishop returns,
our doubts are dispelled.
Let us, therefore, rejoice,
I say rejoice,
and show a glad face for his welcome.
I am the Archbishop's man.
Let us give the Archbishop welcome!
For good or ill,
let the wheel turn.
The wheel has been still
these seven years, and no good.
For ill or good,
let the wheel turn.
For who knows
the end of good or evil?
Until the grinders cease,
and the door shall be shut
in the street,
and all the daughters of music
shall be brought low.
Here is no continuing city.
Here is no abiding stay.
N! the wind, ill the time.
Uncertain the profit,
certain the danger.
Oh late, late, late,
late is the time,
late, too late,
and rotten the year.
Evil the wind,
and bitter the sea,
and gray the sky-.
Grey, grey, grey.
O Thomas, return Archbishop.
Return, return to France.
Return quickly, quietly.
Leave us to perish in quiet.
You come with applause,
you come with rejoicing,
but you come
bringing death into Canterbury.
A doom on the house,
a doom on yourself,
a doom on the world.
We do not wish anything to happen.
Seven years we have lived quietly.
Succeeded in avoiding notice.
Living and parity living.
There have been oppression and luxury)
there have been poverty and license,
there has been minor injustice.
Yet, we have gone on living,
living and partly living.
Sometimes, the cam has tailed us.
Sometimes, the harvest is good.
One year is a year of ram.
Another, a year of dryness.
One year, the apples are abundant.
Another year, the mums are lacking.
Yet we have gone on living.
Living and parity living.
We have kept the feasts,
heard the masses,
we have brewed beer and cider,
gathered wood against the winter)
talked at the comer of the fire,
talked at the comers of streets,
talked not always in whispers)
living and partly living.
We have seen births,
deaths and marriages,
we have had various scandals,
we have been afflicted with taxes,
we have had laughter and gossip,
several girls have disappeared
and some notable to.
We have all had our private terrors,
our particular shadows,
our secret fears.
But now, a great fear is upon us.
A fear not of one but of many;
a fear like birth and death.
When we see birth and death alone
in a boiler pot,
which we cannot know,
which we cannot face,
which none understands.
And our hearts are tom from us,
our brains unskinned
like the layers of an onion,
our selves are lost,
lost in a final fear
which none understands.
O Thomas Archbishop.
O Thomas, our Lord, leave us.
And leave us be in our humble
and tarnished frame of existence.
Leave us.
Do not ask us
to stand to the doom on the house,
the doom on the Archbishop,
the doom on the world.
Archbishop, secure,
and assured of your fate,
unaffrayed among the shades,
do you realise what you ask?
Do you realise what it means
to the small folk
drawn into the pattern of fate?
The small folk
who live among small things.
The strain on the brain
of the small folk,
who stand to the doom
of the house,
the doom of their Lord,
the doom of the world.
0 Thomas Archbishop,
leave us, leave us.
Leave sullen Dover
and set sail for France.
Thomas, our Archbishop,
still our Archbishop, even in France.
Thomas Archbishop,
set the white sail
between the gray sky
and the bitter sea.
Leave us.
Leave us for France.
What a way to talk
at such a juncture!
You are foolish, immodest
and babbling women.
Do you not know that the good Archbishop
is likely to arrive at any moment?
The crowds in the streets
will be cheering and cheering,
and you go on creaking like frogs
in the tree tops.
But frogs at least
can be cooked and eaten.
Whatever you are afraid of
in your craven apprehension,
let me ask you at the least
to put on pleasant faces,
and give a hearty welcome
to our good Archbishop.
And let them be
in their exaltation.
They speak better than they know,
and beyond your understanding.
They know and do not know
what it is to act or suffer.
They know and do not know
that action is suffering
and suffering is action.
Neither does the agent suffer,
nor the patient act.
But both are fixed in an eternal action,
an eternal patience,
to which all must consent
that it may be willed.
And which all must suffer
that they may will it,
that the pattern may subsist.
For the pattern is the action
and the suffering,
that the wheel may turn
and still be forever still.
O My Lord.
Forgive me,
I did not see you coming,
engrossed in the chatter
of these foolish women.
Forgive us, My Lord,
you would have had a better welcome
if we had been sooner prepared
for the event.
But your Lordship knows
that seven years of waiting,
seven years of prayer,
seven years of emptiness,
have better prepared our hearts
for your coming,
than seven days
could make ready Canterbury.
However, I will have fires
laid in all your rooms
to take the chill
of our English December.
Your Lordship now being
used to a better climate.
Your Lordship will find your rooms
in order as you left them.
And will try to leave them in order,
as I find them.
I am more than grateful
for all your kind attentions.
These are small matters.
Little rest in Canterbury
with eager enemies restless about us.
Rebellious bishops,
York, London, Salisbury,
would have intercepted our letters,
filled the coast with spies,
and sent to meet me
some who hold me in bitterest hate.
By God's grace,
aware of their prevision,
I sent my letters
on another day.
Had fair crossing,
found at Sandwich.
Broc, Warenne,
and the Sheriff of Kent.
Those who had sworn
to have my head from me.
Only John,
the Dean of Salisbury,
fearing for the King's name,
warning against treason,
made them hold their hands.
So for the time,
we are unmolested.
But do they follow after'?
For a little time the hungry hawk
will only soar and hover.
Circling lower, waiting excuse,
pretence, opportunity.
End will be simple,
sudden, God given.
Meanwhile, the substance
of our first act will be shadows,
and the strife with shadows.
Heavier the interval
than the consummation.
All things prepare the event.
You see, My Lord,
I do not wait upon ceremony.
Here I have come,
forgetting all acrimony,
hoping that your present gravity
will find excuse for my humble levity.
all the good time past.
Your Lordship won't despise
an old friend out of favour'?
Old Tom, Gay Tom,
Becket of London.
Your Lordship won't forget
that evening on the river
when the King and you and I
were all friends together'?
Friendship should be more
than biting time can sever.
What, My Lord'?
Now that you recover favour
with the King,
shall we say that summers over
or that the good time cannot last?
Fluting in the meadows,
viols in the hall,
laughter and apple-blossom
floating on the water,
singing at nightfall,
whispering in chambers,
fires devouring the winter season,
eating up the darkness,
with wit and wine, and wisdom.
Now that the King and you
are in amity,
clergy and laity
may return to gaiety.
Mirth and sportfulness
need not walk warily.
You talk of seasons
that are past.
I remember, not worth forgetting.
And of the new season.
Spring has come in winter.
Snow in the branches
shall float as sweet as blossoms.
Ice along the ditches,
mirror the sunlight.
Love in the orchard,
send the sap shooting.
Mirth matches melancholy.
We do not know
very much of the future.
Except that from generation
to generation,
the same things happen
again and again.
Men learn little
from others' experience.
But in the life of one man,
never the same time returns.
Sever the cord, shed the scale.
Only the fool
fixed in his folly
may think he can turn the wheel
on which he turns.
My Lord,
a nod is as good as a wink.
A man will often love
what he spurns.
For the good times past,
that are come again,
lam your man.
Not in this train.
Look to your behaviour.
You were safer think of penitence
and follow your master.
Not at this gait!
If you go so fast,
others may go faster.
Your Lordship is too proud.
The safest beast
is not the one that roars most loud.
This was not the way of the King,
our master.
You were not used to be
so hard upon sinners
when they were your friends.
Be easy, man.
The easy man lives
to eat the best dinners.
Take a friend's advice.
Leave well alone.
Or your goose may be cooked
and eaten to the bone.
You come 20 years too late.
Then I leave you to your fate.
I leave you to the pleasures
of your higher vices,
which will have to be paid for
at higher prices.
Farewell, My Lord,
I do not wait upon ceremony.
I leave as I came
forgetting all acrimony.
Hoping that your present gravity
will find excuse for my humble levity.
If you will remember me, My Lord,
at your prayers
I'll remember you
at the kissing-time below the stairs.
Leave well alone.
The springtime fancy.
So one thought goes
whistling down the wind.
The impossible is still temptation.
The impossible,
the undesirable.
Voices under sleep,
waking a dead world.
So that the mind
may not be whole in the present.
Your Lordship has forgotten me, perhaps.
I will remind you.
We met at Clarendon,
at Northampton.
And last at Montmirail, in Maine.
Now that I have recalled them,
let us but set these
not too pleasant memories
in balance against other,
earlier and weightier ones,
those of the chancellorship.
See how the late ones rise!
You, master of policy,
whom all acknowledged,
should guide the state again.
Your meaning?
The chancellorship that you resigned
when you were made Archbishop,
that was a mistake on your part,
still may be regained.
Think, My Lord,
power obtained grows to glory.
Life lasting,
a permanent possession.
A temple tomb,
monument of marble.
Rule over men
reckon no madness.
To the man of God,
what gladness?
Sadness only to those
giving love to God alone.
Shall he who held the solid substance
wander waking with deceitful shadows?
Power is present.
Holiness hereafter.
Who then?
The Chancellor.
King and Chancellor.
King commands,
Chancellor richly rules.
This is a sentence
not taught in the schools.
To set down the great,
protect the poor.
Beneath the throne of God
can man do more?
Disarm the ruffian,
strengthen the laws,
rule for the good
of the better cause,
dispensing justice,
make all even
is thrive on earth
and perhaps in heaven.
What means?
Real power is purchased
at price of a certain submission.
Your spiritual power
is earthly perdition.
Power is present,
for him who will wield.
Who shall have it?
He who will come.
What shall be the month?
The last from the first.
What shall we give for it'?
Pretence of priestly power.
Why should we give it?
- For the power and the glory.
- No!
Or bravery will be broken,
cabined in Canterbury,
realmless ruler,
self-bound servant
of a powerless Pope,
the old stag,
circled with hounds.
- No.
- Yes.
Men must manoeuvre.
Monarchs also, waging war abroad,
need fast friends at home.
Private policy is public profit.
Dignity still shall be
dressed with decorum.
You forget the bishops,
whom I have laid under excommunication.
Hungry hatred will not strive
against intelligent self-interest.
You forget the barons,
who will not forget
constant curbing of petty privilege.
Against the barons
is King's cause,
churl's cause,
Chancellor's cause.
Shall I, who keep the keys
of heaven and hell,
supreme alone in England,
who bind and loose,
with the power from the Pope,
descend to desire
a punier power?
Delegate to deal
the doom of damnation,
to condemn Kings,
not serve among their servants,
is my open office.
Then I leave you to your fate.
Your sin soars sunward,
covering Kings' falcons.
Temporal power
to build a good world,
to keep order,
as the world knows order.
Those who put their faith
in wordly order,
not controlled
by the order of God,
in confident ignorance,
but arrest disorder.
Make it fast,
breed fatal disease.
Degrade what they exult.
Power with the King.
I was the King,
his arm, his better reason.
But what was once exaltation,
would now be only mean descent.
I am an unexpected visitor.
I expected you.
But not in this guise
or for my present purpose.
No purpose brings surprise.
Well, My Lord,
I'm no trifler, and no politician.
To idle or intrigue at court,
I have no skill.
I'm no courtier.
I know a horse,
a dog, a wench.
I know how to hold my estates in order.
A country-keeping Lord,
who minds his own business.
It is we country Lords
who know the country.
And we who know
what the country needs.
It is our country.
We care for the country.
We are the backbone of the nation.
We, not the plotting parasites
about the King.
Excuse my bluntness,
I am a rough,
straightforward Englishman.
Proceed straight forward.
Purpose is plain.
Endurance of friendship
does not depend upon ourselves,
but upon circumstance.
But circumstance
is not undetermined.
Unreal friendship
may turn to real.
But real friendship once ended,
cannot be mended.
Sooner shall enmity
turn to alliance.
The enmity that never knew friendship
can sooner know accord.
For a countryman,
you wrap your meaning
in as a dark generality as any courtier.
This is the simple fact.
You have no hope of reconciliation
with Henry the King.
You look only
to blind assertion in isolation.
That is a mistake.
0 Henry.
Q My King.
Other friends may be found
in the present situation.
King in England
is not all-powerful.
King is in France,
squabbling in Anjou.
Round him,
waiting hungry sons.
We are for England.
We are in England.
You and I, My Lord,
are Normans.
England is a land
for Norman sovereignty.
Let the Angevin destroy himself
fighting in Anjou.
He does not understand us,
the English barons.
We are the people.
To what does this lead?
To a happy coalition
of intelligent interests.
But what have you,
if you do speak for barons?
For a powerful party, which has turned
its eyes in your direction.
To gain from you,
your lordship asks.
For us, church favour
would be an advantage.
Blessing of Pope,
powerful protection
in the fight for liberty.
You, My Lord, in being with us,
would fight a good stroke at once
for England and for Rome.
Ending the tyrannous jurisdiction
of King's court over bishop's court,
of King's court
over baron's court.
Which I helped to found.
Which you helped to found.
But time past is time forgotten.
We expect the rise
of a new constellation.
And if the Archbishop
cannot trust the King,
how can he trust those
who work for King's undoing'?
Kings will allow no power
but their own.
Church and people have good cause
against the throne.
If the Archbishop
cannot trust the throne,
he has good cause to trust none
but God alone.
It is not better to be thrown
to a thousand hungry appetites,
than to one.
At a future time
this may be shown.
I ruled once as chancellor.
And men like you were glad
to wait at my door.
Not only in the court,
but in the field
and in the tilt-yard,
I made many yield.
Shall I who ruled
like an eagle over doves,
now take the shape of a wolf
among wolves?
Pursue your treacheries
as you have done before.
No one shall say
that I betrayed a king.
Then, My Lord,
I shall not wait at your door.
And I well hope,
before another spring,
the King will show his regard
for your loyalty.
To make, then break,
this thought has come before,
the desperate exercise
of fading power.
Samson in Gaza did no more.
But if I break,
I break myself alone.
TEMPTER A; Wei! done, Thomas,
your will is hard to bend.
And with me beside you,
you shall not lack a friend.
Who are you?
I expected three visitors,
not four.
Do not be surprised
to receive one more.
Had I been expected,
I had been here before.
I always precede expectation.
Who are you?
As you do not know me,
I do not need a name.
And, as you know me,
that is why I come.
You know me,
but have never seen my face.
To meet before
was never time or place.
Say what you've come to say.
It shall be said at last.
Hooks have been baited
with morsels of the past.
Wantonness is weakness.
As for the King,
his hardened hatred shall have no end.
You know truly,
the King will never trust twice
the man who has been his friend.
Borrow use cautiously,
employ your services
as long as you have to lend.
You would wait for trap to snap,
having served your turn,
broken and crushed.
As for barons,
envy of lesser men
is still more stubborn
than King's anger.
Kings have public policy,
barons private profit,
jealousy raging possession
of the fiend.
Barons are employable
against each other.
Greater enemies
must Kings destroy.
What is your counsel?
Fare forward to the end.
All other ways are closed to you,
except the way already chosen.
But what is pleasure, kingly rule,
or rule of men beneath a king,
with craft in corners,
stealthy stratagem,
to general grasp
of spiritual power?
Man oppressed by sin
since Adam fell.
You hold the keys
of heaven and hen.
Power to bind and loose.
Bind, Thomas, bind king and bishop
under your heel.
King, emperor, bishop, baron, king,
uncertain mastery of melting armies,
war, plague, and revolution,
new conspiracies, broken pacts.
To be master or servant within an hour,
that is the course of temporal power.
The Old King shall know it,
when at last breath,
no sons, no empire,
he bites broken teeth.
You hold the skein.
Wind, Thomas,
wind the thread
of eternal life and death.
You hold this power.
Hold ii.
Supreme, in this land?
Supreme, but for one.
That I do not understand.
It is not for me to tell you
how this may be so.
I am only here, Thomas,
to tell you what you know.
How long shall this be'?
Save what you know already,
ask nothing of me.
But think, Thomas,
think of glory after death.
When King is dead,
there's another king,
and one more king
is another reign.
King is forgotten,
when another shall come.
Saint and martyr
rule from the tomb.
Think, Thomas,
think of enemies dismayed,
creeping in penance,
frightened of a shade.
Think of pilgrims, standing in line
before the glittering jewelled shrine,
from generation to generation,
bending the knee in supplication.
Think of the miracles,
by God's grace,
and think of your enemies,
in another place.
I have thought of these things.
That is why 1 tell you.
Your thoughts have more power
than kings to compel you.
You have also thought,
sometimes at your prayers,
sometimes hesitating
at the angles of stairs.
And between sleep and waking,
early in the morning,
when the bird cries,
have thought of further seeming,
that nothing lasts,
but the wheel turns,
the nest is rifled,
and the bird mourns,
that the shrine shall be pit/aged
and the gold spent,
the jewels gone
for light ladies' ornament,
the sanctuary broken,
and its stores swept
into the laps of parasites
and whores.
When miracles cease,
and the faithful desert you,
and men shall (my
do their best to forget you.
And later is worse,
when men will not hate you
enough to defame
or to execrate you,
but pondering the qualities
that you lacked
will only try to find
the historical fact.
When men shall' declare
that there was no mystery
about this man, who played
a certain part in history.
But, what is there to do?
What is left to be done?
Is there no enduring crown
to be won?
Yes, Thomas, yes,
you have thought of that too.
What can compare
with glory of saints
dwelling forever
in presence of God?
What earthly glory,
of king or emperor,
what earthly pride,
that is not poverty,
compared with richness
of heavenly grandeur?
Seek the way of martyrdom,
make yourself the lowest on earth
to be high in heaven,
and see far off below you,
where the gulf is fixed,
your persecutors,
in timeless torment,
parched passion,
beyond expiation.
Who are you,
tempting with my own desires?
Others have come,
temporal tempters,
with pleasure and power
at palpable price.
What do you offer'?
What do you ask?
I offer what you desire.
I ask what you have to give.
Is it too much
for such a vision of eternal grandeur?
Others offered real goods.
Worthless, but real.
You only offer dreams to damnation.
You have often dreamt them.
Is there no way,
in my soul's sickness,
does not lead
to damnation in pride'?
I well know
that these temptations
mean present vanity
and future torment.
Can sinful pride
be driven out only by more sinful?
Can I neither act nor suffer
without perdition?
You know and do not know
what it is to act or suffer.
You know and do not know
that action is suffering,
and suffering action.
Neither does the agent suffer,
nor the patient act.
But both are fixed in an eternal action,
an eternal patience,
to which ail must consent
that it may be willed,
and which all must suffer
that they may will it,
that the pattern may subsist,
that the whee! may turn
and still be forever still.
Now is my way clear.
Now is the meaning plain.
Temptation shall not come
in this kind again.
The last temptation
is the greatest treason.
To do the right deed
for the wrong reason.
The natural vigour in the venial sin
is the way in which our lives begin.
Thirty years ago,
I searched all the ways
that lead to pleasure,
advancement and praise.
Delight in sense,
in learning and in thought,
music and philosophy, curiosity,
the purple bullfinch
in the lilac tree,
the tilt-yard skill,
the strategy of chess,
love in the garden,
singing to the instrument,
were all things equally desirable.
Ambition comes
when early force is spent
and when we find no longer
all things possible.
Ambition comes behind
and unobservable.
Sin grows with doing good.
When I imposed
the King's law in England
and waged war with him
against Toulouse,
I beat the barons
at their own game.
I could then despise the men
who thought me most contemptible,
the raw nobility,
whose manners matched their fingernails.
While I ate out of the King's dish,
to become servant of God
was never my wish.
Servant of God has chance
of greater sin and sorrow,
than the man who serves a king.
For those who serve
the greater cause
may make the cause serve them,
still doing right.
And striving with political men
may make that cause political,
not by what they do,
but by what they are.
I know that what remains
to show you of my history
will seem to most of you,
at best, futility.
Senseless self-slaughter of a lunatic,
arrogant passion of a fanatic.
I know that history at all times
draws the strangest consequence
from remotest cause.
But for every evil, every sacrilege,
crime, wrong, oppression,
and the axe's edge,
indifference, exploitation,
you, and you, and you,
must all be punished.
So must you.
I shall no longer act or suffer
to the swords end.
Now my good angel,
whom God appoints to be my guardian.
Hover over the swords' points.
"Glory to God in the highest,
"and on earth,
peace to men of good will. "
The 14th verse, of the second chapter
of the Gospel according to Saint Luke.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.
Dear children of God,
my sermon this Christmas morning
will be a very short one.
I wish only that
you should meditate in your hearts
the deep meaning and mystery
of our masses of Christmas Day.
For whenever mass is said,
we re-enact the passion
and the death of our Lord.
And on this Christmas Day,
we do this in celebration of his birth.
So that at the same moment
we rejoice in his coming
for the salvation of men,
and offer again to God
his body and blood
in sacrifice, oblation and satisfaction
for the sins of the whole world.
It was in this same night
that has just passed
that a multitude of the heavenly host
appeared before the shepherds
at Bethlehem, saying,
"Glory to God in the highest,
"and on earth,
peace to men of good will. "
Does it seem strange to you
that the angels
should have announced peace
when ceaselessly the world has been
stricken with war and the fear of war'?
Does it seem to you
that the angelic voices were mistaken,
and that the promise
was a disappointment and a cheat?
Reflect now how our Lord Himself
spoke of peace.
He said to his disciples,
"My peace I leave with you,
my peace I give unto you. "
Did he mean peace
as we think of it?
The kingdom of England
at peace with its neighbours,
the barons at peace with the King,
the householder counting over
his peaceful gains,
the swept hearth,
his best wine for a friend at the table,
his wife singing to the children?
Those men, his disciples
knew no such things.
They went forth to journey afar,
to suffer by land and sea,
to know torture,
imprisonment, disappointment,
to suffer death by martyrdom.
What then did he mean?
If you ask that,
remember then that he said also,
"Not as the world gives,
give I unto you. "
So then, he gave to his disciples peace,
but not peace as the world gives.
Consider also one thing, of which
you have probably never thought.
Not only do we at the feast of Christmas
celebrate at once
our Lord's birth and his death,
but on the next day,
we celebrate the martyrdom
of his first martyr,
the blessed Stephen.
Is it an accident, do you think,
that the day of the first martyr
follows immediately the day
of the birth of Christ?
By no means.
Just as we rejoice
and mourn at once,
in the birth and in the passion
of our Lord,
so also, in a smaller figure,
we both rejoice and mourn
in the death of martyrs.
We mourn for the sins of the world
that has martyred them.
We rejoice that another soul is numbered
among the saints in heaven,
for the glory of God
and for the salvation of men.
A martyr, a saint,
is always made
by the design of God
for his love of men,
to warn them and to lead them,
to bring them back to his ways.
A martyrdom is never the design of man.
For the true martyr,
is he who has become
the instrument of God,
who has lost his will
in the will of God,
not lost it, but found it.
For he has found freedom
in submission to God.
The martyr no longer desires
anything for himself,
not even the glory of martyrdom.
I have spoken to you today,
dear children of God,
of the martyrs of the past,
asking you to remember especially
our martyr of Canterbury,
the blessed Archbishop Elphege.
Because it is fitting,
on Christ's birthday,
to remember what is that peace,
which he brought.
And because, dear children,
I do not think
I shall ever preach to you again.
And because it is possible
that in a short time
you may have yet another martyr,
and that one perhaps not the last.
I would have you keep in your hearts
these words that I say,
and think of them at another time.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.
Does the bird sing in the south?
Only the seabird cries,
driven inland by the storm.
What sign of the spring of the year'?
Only the death of the old.
Not a stir, not a shoot, not a breath.
Do the days begin to lengthen?
Longer and darker the day,
shorter and colder the night.
Still and stifling the air,
but a wind is stored up in the east.
The starved crow
sits in the field, attentive,
and in the wood, the owl rehearses
the hollow note of death.
What signs of a bitter spring?
The wind stored up in the east.
At the time of the birth of our Lord?
At Christmastide?
Is there not peace upon earth,
goodwill among men?
The peace of this world
is always uncertain,
unless men keep
the peace of God.
And war among men defiles this world,
but death in the Lord renews it.
And the world must be cleaned
in the winter,
or we shall have only
a sour spring,
a parched summer,
an empty harvest.
Between Christmas and Easter,
what work shall be done?
The ploughman shall go out in March
and turn the same earth
he has turned before.
The bird shall sing the same song.
When the leaf is out on the tree,
when the elder and may
burst over the stream,
and the air is clear and high,
and voices trill at windows,
and children tumble
in front of the door.
What work shall have been done,
what wrong shall the bird's song cover,
the green tree cover'?
What wrong shall the fresh earth cover'?
We wait, and the time is short.
But waiting is long.
Servants of the King.
And known to us.
You are welcome.
Have you ridden far'?
Not far today, but matters urgent
have brought us from France.
We rode hard, took ship yesterday,
landed last night,
having business with the Archbishop.
- Urgent business.
- From the King.
By the King's order.
Our men are outside.
You know the Archbishop's hospitality.
We are about to go to dinner.
The good Archbishop would be vexed
if we did not offer you entertainment
before your business.
Please dine with us.
Your men shall be looked after, also.
Dinner before business.
Do you like roast pom?
Business before dinner.
We will roast your pork first,
and dine upon it after.
We must see the Archbishop.
Go tell the Archbishop
we have no need of his hospitality.
We will find our own dinner.
Go tell His Lordship.
How much longer
will you keep us waiting?
However certain our expectation,
the moment foreseen
may be unexpected when it arrives.
It comes when we are engrossed
with matters of other urgency.
On my table, you will find the papers
in order and the documents signed.
You are welcome,
whatever your business may be.
You say, from the King.
Most surely from the King,
we must speak with you alone.
Leave us then alone.
Now, what is the matter?
This is the matter.
You are the Archbishop...
In revolt against the King.
In rebellion to the King
and the law of the land.
You are the Archbishop
who was made by the King.
Whom he set in your place
to carry out his command.
You are his servant,
his tool and his jack.
You wore his favours on your back.
You had your honours all from his hand.
From him you had the power,
the seal, and the ring.
This is the man
who was the tradesman's son.
The backstairs brat
who was born in Cheapside.
This is the creature
that crawled upon the King.
Swollen with blood
and swollen with pride.
Creeping out of the London dirt,
crawling up like a louse on your shirt.
The man who cheated, swindled, lied.
Broke his oath and betrayed his King.
This is not true.
Both before and after
I received the ring
I have been a loyal vassal to the King.
Saving my order,
lam at his command,
as his most faithful vassal in the land.
Saving your order?
Let your order save you,
as I do not think it is like to do.
Saving your ambition
is what you mean.
Saving your pride, envy and spleen.
Saving your insolence and greed.
Won't you ask us to pray to God for you
in your need?
Yes, we'll pray for you.
Yes, we'll pray for you.
Yes, we'll pray that God may help you.
But gentlemen, your business
which you said so urgent,
is it only scolding and blaspheming?
It was only our indignation
as loyal subjects.
Loyal? To whom?
To the King.
- The King.
- The King.
God bless him.
Then let your new coat of loyalty
be worn carefully.
So it get not soiled or torn.
Have you something to say?
By the King's command...
Shall we say it now?
Without delay,
before the old fox is off and away.
What you have to say
by the King's command,
if it be the King's command,
should be said in public.
f you make charges,
then in public I will refute them.
No, here and now!
Now and here!
Of your earlier misdeeds,
I shall make no mention.
They are too well known.
But after dissension had ended,
in France,
and you were endued
with your former privilege,
how did you show your gratitude?
You had fled from England,
not exiled or threatened, mind you,
but in the hope of stirring up trouble
in the French dominions.
You sowed strife abroad,
you reviled the King
to the King of France,
to the Pope,
raising up against him false opinions.
Yet the King,
out of his charity,
and urged by your friends,
offered clemency.
Made a pact of peace
and all dispute ended
sent you hack to your See
as you demanded.
And burying the memory
of your transgressions,
restored your honours
and your possessions.
All was granted for which you sued.
Yet how, I repeat,
did you show your gratitude?
Suspending those who
had crowned the young prince,
denying the legality
of his coronation.
Binding with the chains of anathema.
Using every means in your power
to evince the King's faithful servants,
everyone who transects
his business in his absence,
the business of the nation.
These are the facts.
Say, therefore, if you will be content
to answer in the King's presence.
Therefore were we sent.
Never was it my wish
to uncrown the King's son,
or to diminish his honour and power.
Why should he wish to deprive
my people of me,
and keep me from my own?
And bid me sit in Canterbury, alone?
I would wish him three crowns,
rather than one.
And as for the bishops,
it is not my yoke
that is laid upon them,
or mine to revoke.
Let them go to the Pope.
It was he who condemned them.
Through you they were suspended.
By you be this amended.
Absolve them.
Absolve them.
I do not deny
that this was done through me.
But it is not I, who can loose
whom the Pope has bound.
Let them go to him,
upon whom redounds
their contempt towards me,
their contempt
towards the Church, shown.
Be that as it may,
here is the King's command.
That you and your servants
depart from this land.
If that is the King's command,
I will be bold to say,
seven years were my people
without my presence.
Seven years of misery and pain.
Seven years a mendicant
on foreign charity, I lingered abroad.
Seven years is no brevity.
I shall not get
those seven years back again.
Never again,
you must make no doubt,
shall the sea run between
the shepherd and his fold.
The King's justice, the King's majesty,
you insult with gross indignity.
Insolent madman,
whom nothing deters
from attaining his servants
and ministers.
It is not I who insult the King.
And there is higher than I
or the King.
It is not I, Becket from Cheapside.
It is not against me, Becket,
that you strive.
It is not Becket who pronounces doom,
but the law of Christ's church,
the judgment of Rome.
Priest, you have spoken
in peril of your life.
Priest, you have spoken
in danger of the knife.
Priest, you have spoken
treachery and treason.
Priest, traitor,
confirmed in malfeasance.
I submit my cause
to the judgment of Rome.
But if you kill me,
I shall rise from my tomb to submit
my cause before God's throne.
Priest, monk and servant,
take, hold, detain.
Restrain this man,
in the King's name.
- Or answer with your bodies.
- Enough of words!
We come for King's justice,
we come with swords.
I have smelt them,
the death-bringers.
Senses are quickened
by subtile forebodings.
I have heard fluting in the night time,
fluting and owls,
have seen at noon
scaly wings slanting over,
huge and ridiculous.
I have tasted the savour
of putrid flesh in the spoon.
I have felt the heaving of earth
at nightfall, restless, absurd.
I have heard laughter in the noises
of beasts that make strange noises.
Jackal, jackass, jackdaw,
the scurrying noise
of the mouse and jerboa,
the laugh of the loon,
the lunatic bird.
I have seen
gray necks twisting,
rat tails twining,
in the thick light of dawn.
I have eaten smooth creatures
still living,
with a strong salt taste
of living things under sea.
I have tasted
the living lobster,
the crab, the oyster,
the whelk and the prawn,
and they live and spawn in my bowels.
And my bowels dissolve
in the light of dawn.
I have smelt death in the rose,
death in the hollyhock, sweet pea,
hyacinth, primrose and cowslip.
I have seen trunk and horn,
tusk and hoof, in odd places.
1 have lain on the floor of the sea,
and breathed with the breathing
of the sea-anemone,
swallowed with ingurgitation
of the sponge.
I have lain in the soil
and criticised the worm.
In the air flirted
with the passage of a kite,
I have plunged with the Kite
and cowered with the wren.
I have fell
the horn of the beetle,
the scale of the viper)
the mobile, hard,
insensitive skin of the elephant,
the evasive flank of the fish.
I have smelt
corruption in the dish,
incense in the latrine,
the sewer in the incense,
the smell of sweet soap
in the wood path,
a hellish sweet scent
in the wood path,
while the ground heaved.
I have seen rings of light
coiling downwards,
descending to the horror of the ape.
Have I not known,
not known what was coming to be'?
It was here, in the kitchen,
in the passage,
in the mews, in the ham,
in the byre, in the market place.
In our veins, our bowels,
our skulls as well.
As well as
in the plottings of potentates.
As well as in
the consultations of powers.
What is woven on the loom of fate,
what is woven
in the councils of princes,
is woven also in our veins,
our brains,
is woven like a pattern of living worms
in the guts of the women of Canterbury.
I have smelt them,
the death-bringers.
Now is too late for action,
too soon for contrition.
Nothing is possible,
but the shamed swoon
of those consenting
to the last humiliation.
I have consented, Lord Archbishop,
have consented.
Am torn away,
subdued, violated.
United to the spiritual flesh of nature,
mastered by the animal powers of spirit,
dominated by the lust
of self-demolition.
By the final utter,
uttermost death of spirit,
by the final ecstasy
of waste and shame.
O Lord Archbishop.
0 Thomas Archbishop, forgive us.
Forgive us.
Pray for us that we may pray for you,
out of our shame.
Peace and be at peace
with your thoughts and visions.
These things had to come to you
and you to accept them.
This is your share
of the eternal burden,
the perpetual glory.
This is one moment,
but know that another shall pierce you
with a sudden painful joy
when the figure of God's purpose
is made complete.
You shall forget these things,
toiling in the household.
You shall remember them,
droning by the fire,
when age and forgetfulness
sweeten memory,
only like a dream
that is often been told,
and often been changed
in the telling.
They will seem unreal.
Human kind cannot bear
very much reality.
Peace be with you.
My Lord,
you must not stop here!
To the minster,
through the cloister.
No time to waste,
they're coming back armed.
To the altar, to the altar.
All my life they have been coming,
these feet.
All my life I have waited.
Death will come only when I am worthy.
And if I am worthy, there is no danger.
I have therefore,
only to make perfect my will.
My Lord, they are coming,
they will break through presently.
You'll be killed, come to the altar.
Make haste, My Lord!
Don't stop here talking,
it is not right.
What shall become of us, My Lord,
if you are killed?
- What shall become of us?
- Peace, be quiet.
Remember where you are
and what is happening.
No life here is sought for,
but mine.
And I am not in danger.
- Only near to death.
- My Lord, to vespers!
You must not be absent
from vespers.
You must not be absent
from the divine office.
- To Vespers, into the cathedral.
- Seize him!
- Force him! Drag him!
- To vespers!
Keep your hands off.
Numb the hand
and dry the eyelid.
Skit! the horror,
but more horror
than when tearing in the belly.
Skit! the horror,
but more horror
than when twisting in the fingers,
than when splitting in the skull.
More than footfall in the passage,
more than shadow in the doorway,
more than fury in the halt.
The agents of hell disappear,
the human, they shrink and dissolve
into dust on the wind.
Forgotten. Unmemorable.
Only is here
the white flat face of death.
God's silent servant.
And behind the face of death,
the judgment.
And behind the judgment,
the void.
More horrid than active shapes of hell.
Separation from God.
The horror of the effortless journey
to the empty land, which is no land.
Only emptiness,
absence, the void.
Where those who were men
can no longer
turn the mind to distraction,
delusion, escape into dream, pretence.
Where the soul is no longer deceived
for there are no objects, no tones,
no colours, no forms to distract,
to divert the soul from seeing itself,
foully united forever,
nothing with nothing,
not what we cal! death,
but what beyond death
is not death.
We fear.
We fear.
Who shall then plead for me?
Who intercede for me,
in my most need?
Dead upon the tree, my saviour.
Let not be in vain, thy labor.
Help me, Lord, in my last fear.
Dust I am, to dust am bending.
From the final doom impending.
Help me, Lord) for death is near.
Bar the door, bar the door.
The door is barred.
We are safe, we are safe.
They dare not break in.
They cannot break in.
They have not the force.
We are safe. We are safe.
Unbar the doors.
Throw open the doors.
I will not have the house of prayer,
the church of Christ, the sanctuary,
turned into a fortress.
The Church shall protect her own,
in her own way.
Not as oak and stone.
Stone and oak decay, give no stay.
But the church shall endure.
The church shall be open,
even to our enemies.
Open the door!
My Lord, these are not men.
These come not as men come,
but like maddened beasts.
They come not like men,
who respect the sanctuary,
who kneel to the body of Christ,
but like beasts!
You would bar the door against the lion,
the leopard, the wolf, the bear.
Why not more against beasts
with the souls of damned men,
against men who would
damn themselves to beasts.
My Lord! My Lord!
You think me reckless,
desperate and mad.
You argue by results,
as this world does,
to settle if an act be good or bad.
You defer to the fact.
For every life and every act,
consequence of good and evil
can be shown.
And as in time results
of many deeds are blended,
so good and evil in the end
become confounded.
It is not in time
that my death shall be known.
It is out of time
that my decision is taken.
If you call that decision, to which
my whole being gives entire consent.
I give my life to the Law of God,
above the Law of Man.
Those who do not the same,
how should they know what I do?
How should you know what I do?
Yet how much more should you know,
than these madmen beating on the door.
Unbar the door.
Unbar the door.
We are not here to triumph by fighting,
by stratagem, or by resistance.
Not to fight with beasts as men.
We have fought the beast
and have conquered.
We have only now
to conquer by suffering.
This is the easier victory.
Now is the triumph of the Cross.
Now, open the door.
I command it. Open the door.
- This way, My Lord, quick!
- Up the stairs. To the roof.
- To the crypt, quick, quick.
- Come. Force him.
Go to vespers,
remember me at your prayers.
They shall find the shepherd here,
the flock shall be spared.
I have had a tremor of bliss,
a wink of heaven, a whisper.
And I would no longer be denied.
All things proceed
to a joyful consummation.
Where is Becket,
the traitor to the King?
Where is Becket,
the meddling priest?
Come down, Daniel,
to the lions' den.
Come down, Daniel,
for a mark of the beast.
Are you washed
in the blood of the lamb?
Are you marked
with the mark of the beast?
Come down, Daniel,
to the lions' den.
Come down, Daniel,
and join in the feast.
Where is Becket,
the Cheapside brat'?
Where is Becket,
the faithless priest?
Come down, Daniel,
to the lions' den.
Come down, Daniel,
and join in the feast.
It is the just man
who like a bold lion,
should be without fear.
I am here.
No traitor to the King.
I am a priest, a Christian,
saved by the blood of Christ,
ready to suffer with my blood.
This is the sign of the church always.
The sign of blood.
Blood for blood.
His blood given to buy my life.
My blood given to pay for his death.
My death for his death.
Absolve all those
you have excommunicated.
Resign the powers you have arrogated.
Restore to the King,
the money you appropriated.
Renew the obedience you have violated.
For My Lord,
I am now ready to die.
That his Church may have
peace and liberty.
Do with me as you will,
to your hurt and shame.
But none of my people in God's name,
whether layman or clerk shall you touch!
This I forbid.
You Reginald,
three times traitor, you!
Traitor to me,
as my temporal vassal.
Traitor to me,
as your spiritual lord.
Traitor to God,
in desecrating his Church.
No faith do I owe to a renegade.
And what I owe shall now be paid.
Now to Almighty God,
to the blessed Mary ever Virgin,
to the blessed John the Baptist,
the holy apostles, Peter and Paul,
to the blessed martyr, Denys,
and to all the saints,
I commend my cause
and that of the church.
Clear the air.
Clean the sky.
Wash the wind.
Take stone from stone
and wash them.
The land is foul,
the water is foul,
our beasts and ourselves
defiled with blood.
A rain of blood has blinded my eyes.
Where is Eng/and? Where is Kent?
Where is Canterbury?
Oh, far, far, far,
far in the past.
And I wander in a land of barren boughs.
If I break them, they bleed.
I wander in the land of dry stones.
If I touch them, they bleed.
How'? How can I ever return
to the soft, quiet seasons?
Night stay with us.
Stop sun.
Hold season.
Let the day not come.
Let the spring not come.
Can I look again at the day
and its common things,
and see them all smeared with blood,
through a curtain of falling blood?
We are soiled by a filth
that we cannot clean,
united to supernatural vermin.
It is not we alone,
it is not the house,
it is not the city that is defiled,
but the world that is wholly foul.
Clear the air, clean the sky,
wash the wind,
take the stone from the stone,
take the skin from the arm,
take the muscle from the bone,
and wash them.
Wash the stone.
Wash the bone.
Wash the brain.
Wash the soul.
Wash them.
Wash them.
I appeal
to your sense of justice.
I think as well, you must hear
both sides of the case.
In what we have done,
whatever you may think of it,
we have been perfectly disinterested.
We're not getting anything out of this.
We know perfectly well
how things will turn out.
King Henry, God bless him,
will have to say,
for reasons of state,
that he never meant this to happen.
And at the best, we shall have to spend
the rest of our lives abroad.
Hear, hear!
You are sensible people,
and not to be taken in
by emotional clap-trap.
Consider soberly'
what were the Archbishop's aims,
and what are King Henry's aims.
Our King wanted to curb
the local government.
Because there was utter chaos!
Three kinds of justice.
Three kinds of cause.
That of the King, that of the bishops,
that of the barons.
While the late Archbishop
was Chancellor,
he supported the King's designs.
The King intended that
he should unite the offices
of Chancellor and Archbishop.
Had Becket followed the King's wishes,
we should've had an almost ideal state.
A union of spiritual
and temporal administration,
under the central government.
But what happened?
Becket became more
priestly than the priests.
He affirmed,
there was a higher order
than that, which our King,
and he as the King's servant
had for so many years
striven to establish.
And that, God knows why,
the two orders were incompatible.
No one regrets the necessity
for violence more than we do.
Unhappily, there are times,
when violence is the only way,
in which social justice can be secured.
At another time,
you would condemn an Archbishop
by vote of Parliament.
And execute him formally,
as a traitor.
At a later time still,
even such measures as these,
would become unnecessary.
If you have now arrived
at a just subordination
of the pretensions of the Church
to the welfare of the state,
remember, that it is we,
who took the first step.
You accept our principles.
You benefit by our precedent.
You enjoy the fruits of our action.
Yet we have been dead
for nearly 800 years,
and you still call us murderers.
In a moment,
you will see the Archbishop
laid before the altar,
and acclaimed as a martyr!
Then ask yourselves,
who is more representative
of the thing you are?
The man you call a martyr,
or the men you call his murderers?
WOMEN'. We praise thee, O God,
for thy glory displayed in all
the creatures of the earth,
in the snow, in the rain,
in the wind, in the storm.
In all of thy creatures,
both the hunters and the hunted.
For all things exist;
only as seen by thee,
only as known by thee.
All things exist only in thy light.
And thy glory is declared,
even in that which denies thee.
The darkness declares
the glory of light.
Those who deny thee,
could not deny if thou didst not exist.
And their denial is never complete,
for it were so, they would not exist.
They affirm thee in living.
Al! things affirm thee in living.
The bird in the air,
both the hawk and the finch,
the beast on the earth,
both the waif and the lamb,
the worm in the soil,
and the worm in the belly.
Therefore, man, whom thou
has made to be conscious m' thee,
must consciously praise thee,
in thought, and in word and in deed.
Even with the hand to the broom,
the back bent in laying the fire,
the knee bent in cleaning the hearth)
we, the scrubbers
and sweepers of Canterbury,
the back bent under toil,
the knee bent under sin,
the hands to the face under fear,
the head bent under grief.
Even in us the voices of seasons,
the snuffle of winter,
the song of spring,
the drone of summer,
the voices of beasts and of birds.
Praise thee.
We thank thee
for thy mercies of blood,
for thy redemption by blood.
For the blood of thy martyrs
and saints shall enrich the earth,
shah create the holy places.
For wherever a saint has dwelt,
wherever a martyr has given
his blood for the blood of Christ,
there is holy ground.
And the sanctity shall
not depart from it,
though armies trample over it,
though sightseers come with
guidebooks looking over it.
From where the western seas
gnaw at the coast of Iona,
to the death in the desert,
the prayer in forgotten pieces
by the broken imperial column.
From such ground, springs that
which forever renews the earth.
Though it is forever denied.
Therefore, O God,
we thank thee,
who hast given such blessing,
to Canterbury.
Forgive us, O Lord,
we acknowledge ourselves
as types of the common man,
of the men and women who
shut the door and sit by the fire,
who fear the blessing of God,
the loneliness of the night of God,
the surrender required)
the deprivation inflicted,
who fear the injustice of men,
less than the justice of God,
who fear the hand at the window,
the fire in the thatch,
the fist in the tavern,
the push into the canal)
less than we fear the love of Gad.
We acknowledge our trespass,
our weakness, our fault.
We acknowledge that the sin
of the world is upon our heads,
that the blood of the martyrs,
and the agony of the saints,
is upon our heads.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Blessed, Thomas,
pray for us.