Murder is the Crime (2022) Movie Script

That's him.
Come on, Bradley.
Let's stay with him.
Bring him around
the corner of the car.
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can and
will be used against you
in a court of law.
You have the right
to an attorney.
If you cannot
afford an attorney,
one will be provided for you.
Do you understand the rights
I've just read to you?
I ain't do nothing, man.
Shut up.
You say anything, I'll
choke the breath outta you.
And if he says anything else,
put him in a wooden tuxedo.
What do you want me to do?
There are over a
million guns out there.
We're doing the best we can.
You call the mayor
and ask him that,
I got bad guys to catch.
Mean to tell me you
caught the piece of shit.
Putting a gun inside this
particular suspect's mouth
wasn't necessary this time?
Was it Moses?
No, Lieutenant.
I don't do that anymore.
That's a change. Why not?
He didn't move or say word.
Did you read him his rights?
I read him his
rights, Lieutenant.
It's all on audio tape, right?
Most definitely.
Hi. Hi. Hi.
Who is it?
You okay?
I'm having trouble breathing.
Can I have a glass of water?
Yeah. Come in. Come.
You don't sound so good.
I'll be fine as soon
as I take my medicine.
Okay. Well sit down.
Let me get you some water.
You mind if
I sit here for just a minute?
I just need to catch my breath.
You think you need a paramedic
though? You wanna call 'em?
Nah, I'd be fine.
I just need a couple minutes
for the medicine to work.
Sure, take your time.
You have a nice place.
You've been here long?
Just moved in a month ago.
Just moved in a month ago?
It looked like you've
been here for a while.
Everything in place?
Yeah. I work fast.
Gotta keep everything organized.
Want some more water?
I'll take it and get going.
So what kind of work?
What do you do for work?
I'm in insurance.
Oh yeah?
What kind of insurance?
All kinds.
Hey, you wanna
brochure before you go?
Hey, sis. What
are you doing here?
Got off early?
No, I left my wallet with
my driver's license in it.
Good thing you're a
cop. Who's gonna stop you?
The police, that's who.
You still gotta be a
law abiding citizen.
What are you up to?
Just reading about all
this crime in New York City.
Y'all have to get it
together. It's crazy.
Yeah, tell me about it.
Six years of college
and you become a cop?
Can't you get another job?
How many times I gotta tell you?
It's a profession.
Not a job, I am a professional.
I don't care what you call it,
it's still a dangerous
way of earning a living.
So what do you
suppose I do instead?
Find a rich husband.
You're pretty enough.
Nah, sister.
You tried that already
and look where it got you.
Sitting on my couch.
I'm an entirely different case.
Case is right.
I don't know who
could put up with you.
I beg your pardon?
That man was crazy.
I ain't no side
bitch, I'm a boss.
Cheating on me. I
had to divorce him.
I don't care how
much money he had.
Although I did get some of it.
Moses, I need you
at 177 Adam Clayton Boulevard
right away.
I gotta go.
What happened?
My profession needs me.
We're gonna need
a lot of good shots.
Got 'em.
Any witnesses?
One. Come on.
Hi, I'm Detective Moses.
What's your name?
Tamika Tally.
So what did you see?
A man.
FedEx delivery man.
He was carrying a small package.
He seemed nice.
He spoke to me and I spoke back.
Then I walked by this apartment
and noticed the door open,
and saw the body.
What did he say to you?
Just hi, but it was weird.
How so?
He said "Hi" three times.
What do you mean?
He said, "Hi. Hi. Hi."
Like that.
Did he stutter?
No. Just, "Hi. Hi. Hi.".
In a kind of southern accent?
That is weird.
Well, thank you Miss Talley.
You can go for now.
Get verification on her
just in case we need her.
Got it.
Detective Moses, can
I have word with you?
I ever tell you no.
Well, there was the Barnes case.
Okay, that one.
So what do you wanna ask.
Any specifics on this one?
No clue.
Witness says that she saw a man.
FedEx worker.
So, does that
mean he killed her?
No one else in the
area at the time.
The witness is the woman
who found the woman dead.
You know?
The black community is on edge
about all these murders by guns.
But apparently a gun wasn't
involved in this murder.
Write what you
wanna write, Perry.
All right. I know
as much as you do.
Amsterdam News.
Hi, I'm calling
for Mr. Perry Austin.
Hello, Mr. Perry.
I'm calling regarding
an article you wrote,
"Woman slain on Frederick
Douglass Boulevard."
There are no details.
What do you mean?
No facts?
Is there something
that you need to know?
I just thought a newspaper
with a reputation
as good as yours
would have more details
on how she was slain.
Do you know something
more than what I wrote?
You should.
Do you think that
specific information
was botched up by the police?
Tell me what you know.
May I ask who's calling?
You may not.
That was fast.
Where did you call me
from? The staircase?
Girl, you crazy.
I called you from the car.
What you gonna make?
Spaghetti and a salad.
And what about the meatballs?
You know I don't eat meat.
I'm talking about for
me. I'm a New York City cop.
I drink coffee. I eat
donuts and burgers.
Not your boring diet.
That diet is not
good for you, sis.
I saw online today about
the murder in the precinct.
Oh, yeah?
I assume they assigned
you to the case.
Well you assumed right.
Imani, you have to get out.
It's too dangerous.
Murder is always the crime.
People need somebody to
call when they're in trouble.
Have you ever thought about
what life would be like
without the police?
It would be outta control.
The human wolves would rule.
And I am not about
to let that happen.
Whoever killed that lady on
Frederick Douglas Boulevard
had no human feelings.
Oh, mercy.
What do you want?
I'm from the cable company.
I'm here to adjust the ground
line on your telephone.
I didn't call no
damn cable company.
You don't have to be rude.
Stop knocking on my damn door.
Telephone power
on your ground line
is about to be cut off.
Like, what?
I was gonna put a special
switch on your phone
so you could still have service,
but since you're so nasty,
you won't have any
service for three days.
Wait, wait. No. Hey, hey.
My dude. Please come back.
Look, I need my phone.
Look, I am sorry
about my attitude.
Just going through a
couple of things. You know?
Little stressed.
It's okay. It's okay.
Since you're a sister,
I wanted to help you,
but you blew it.
No, no, no, no. Please look.
Look, I need my phone.
My phone line is not working.
You should have thought about
that when I
approached your door.
Look. Look.
Please, please do
not be angry with me.
Look, I did not
mean a snap at you.
I'm just...
Look, I didn't call
no damn cable company.
I mean, and you're knocking
on my door so damn hard.
Okay, okay. Let's hurry.
I have other customers to help.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
So, where are you from?
Which part of the south?
How you know I'm from the south.
Your accent?
Didn't anybody tell
you, you have an accent?
So how long have you
been in New York for?
About 16 years now.
How long you been in New York?
My whole life.
Born and raised.
Where's the phone jack?
Right over here.
All right?
You all right?
May I have a glass of water?
Yeah, sure.
Any luck?
Why not call it a night?
I gotta come up with
something before I leave.
Bradley, go home to your wife.
I know I better go home to mine.
You need a husband, Moses.
You sound like my sister.
Now your poor wife? Mm.
No prints, no
index numbers, FBI.
We got nothing.
Hi, Imani.
Hi, Perry. What a surprise.
What can I do for you?
It's what I can do for you.
What's that?
I got a call from a man,
and he wanted to know why
the article on the murder
was so small, and not detailed.
What does that
have to do with me?
You're slipping, Imani.
Maybe it's a suspect.
Come on, Austin.
I can't get hyped up every
time a crazy person calls you.
Why else would someone ask
for that type of information.
You mean to tell
me you never got a call
with someone asking
something like that?
I normally get calls when
someone wants to make sure
that the lottery
numbers are accurate.
Well, all I can say
is that the murder was
well thought out and
very well executed.
Well, thank you, Imani.
For what?
I knew an expert like you
would come up with something.
Austin, don't you print that.
I never said our conversation
was off the record.
Bye, Imani.
Looks like we got serial
killer on our hands.
So what did he say?
I told him it
could be any nut job.
Hi, Detective Moses.
Good morning, Austin.
What can I do...
Nevermind with the
formalities, Miss Moses.
I'm your problem, Detective.
Perry, what's going on?
Miss Detective Moses, I
instructed Mr. Austin to call you.
Who the hell are you?
Allow me to introduce myself.
I'm Band Aid.
You may recall seeing one
of my friends lying dead
with a Band Aid
on their forehead.
Now, now, Detective Moses.
I heard someone pick up.
Now that is very rude.
It is a private conversation,
Imani. You and I.
Okay, I'm here. Talk.
Detective, you will
be unable to trace me.
I won't be on long enough.
Now, you will find how
intelligent I am, as we go,
but I took the
cap off the phone.
What's a cap?
You can't trace,
Detective, so please,
tell Detective
Bradley to hang up.
Okay, you can have
your way, but...
We were just discussing manners
and you're are interrupting me.
Now, where were we?
Oh, yes.
I'm presently in the
home of December Green,
victim number two.
Where'd she go? She's very dead.
Now I have your attention.
I told Mr. Austin my
appreciation of your quote.
What quote?
You don't remember
something you quoted
about something as
important as a murder?
Go ahead and remind me.
You quoted, "The murder
was very well thought out
and very well executed."
You wanna tell
me how you did it?
Now, Mr. Austin,
I imagine I'll get a larger
article in the newspaper
about the next murder.
Please tell him yes, Perry.
Yes. I mean, although, I hope
there isn't another murder.
Now for you, Detective Moses.
I suggest you come to 521
Amsterdam Avenue. Apartment 5F.
What for?
I apologize, Mr. Austin,
I forgot to invite you.
And Detective Moses, please
invite Detective Bradley
and the rest of the team.
When you arrive,
you'll see I've been up to
my usual professionalism.
What the hell did you do?
Austin, let me
have a word with you.
We gotta know exactly
what was said.
Shouldn't Moses be
here to hear this?
No. She feels
that you might print
that she blew her
nose talking to you
about this deranged murderer.
You gotta be kidding me.
Don't you see the
seriousness here?
Look, I understand
the first article
and I know it's your
standard procedure,
but we gotta ask you to
put a lid on the publicity.
The public has a right to know.
The public also has
a right to be safe.
Can't do it, detective.
Austin, human life
is in danger here.
Freeze it until we can
catch this nut job.
Journalistic ethics, Detective.
If it's news, I got
a right to print it.
Another Band Aid
on the forehead.
We can assume it's
the same person.
What'd he say? He's gonna
freeze on other reporting?
He said us against his ethics.
Let me know if you
find out something
else that I don't see here.
This has gotta stop.
Yes, this black on black
crime, it gotta stop.
It's getting outta control.
Especially if the
killer is black.
Yeah, word.
I got problems, detectives.
I've got problems.
I can't believe you two.
It was an afterthought.
That's all it was.
An afterthought?
You quote how great
a killer he is,
and that was an afterthought?
You know how
unreasonable Austin is?
Yes, he is.
Well, let's put
him on another story,
and that's catching this
insane piece of shit.
You want us to
bring in the witness?
Yes, bring her in.
We need to talk to her.
Miss Tally.
Can I help you?
Remember me?
Of course I remember you.
How are you feeling?
Just fine. How
are you feeling?
Good. I need you to
come to the station.
It's pretty good.
Is there anything else
you can tell us, Miss Tally?
That's about it, on his looks.
Did he say anything to you?
You know he...
He locked eyes with
me, just for a moment.
And he said, "Hi. Hi. Hi."
Three times, in a deep voice.
Any more questions, Bradley?
Nothing else.
Come in.
Hello, everyone.
Hey, Eva.
How you guys doing?
Do y'all mind if
I grab my husband?
We have an engagement
and we cannot be late.
Emile has another
concert at school?
- Mm hm.
- He does.
What is he?
A senior in high school?
Yes, it's is last year.
Can you believe it?
He'll be off to
college in a minute.
Bradley, you're going to
have to do a lot of overtime.
Oh, I know.
But, Lieutenant Robinson,
on a serious note,
I haven't seen the city's
crime rate this bad,
especially these murders.
I sincerely hope we're
doing everything we can
to catch that lady's killer.
That's the plan Mrs. Bradley.
And I'm assuming a black man?
Black on black crime.
We need to be just as
outraged as we are,
when we kill each other,
as when others kill us.
We need to keep our community
safe, and we need it now,
for our future.
We need to do it ourselves.
I'm so proud to be married
to a good black officer.
Oh, that's detective to you.
Come on, Detective.
Let's get out.
Bye, everyone.
Now, that's love.
Speaking of love, I must
get home to my wife.
You can leave now, Miss Tally.
Oh, Lieutenant.
The detectives just picked me up
and told me I had to come
with them at that instant.
I didn't have a chance
to go to my apartment
so I don't have any
money to get home.
Which detective told you to
come with them at that moment?
Take Miss Tally home.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Yes, sir.
Come on.
What's up with
walking me to my door?
I told the lieutenant
I needed a ride home,
and not an escort to my door.
You're a witness. I have
to protect you to your door.
Detective? My door's open.
Stay here.
What are you doing?
Just shut up and stay here.
I'm not playing any games.
You understand?
Aren't you gonna
call for backup?
Will you shut up!?
You have another
place to stay tonight?
Well, I wouldn't
recommend you stay here.
If someone broke in, they
could break in again.
Do you live alone?
My brother lives with me.
You know, maybe I
just left it open.
You said I had to come
with you at that second,
so I didn't have a chance
to come up to the apartment
and check on things.
I can take care of myself.
If anything happens,
I'll call the police.
So you're not worried about
a killer in this neighborhood,
killing people?
Not at all.
God watches over me, detective.
And my brother is a tough guy.
Well, I can't make
you do anything.
So, thanks for your cooperation.
You're welcome.
And lighten up.
Life's too short.
Yeah. I'm sorry about
what I said earlier.
It's just a part of the job.
What's going on?
The door was open.
The apartment was open.
The detective...
It's a long story.
Detective Moses, this
is my brother, Byron.
It's nice to meet you.
My pleasure.
What's the short of it?
Well, your sister has
a little information
on a potential murder suspect.
So, we came to take her
to the police station
to make a witness statement
and upon returning,
the apartment door was open.
Tamika, did you leave
the door open again?
Maybe I did. I can't be sure.
How many times do
I have to tell you?
Check the door before you leave.
Detective Moses, please
forgive my sister.
No worries. I have to run.
Take my card.
Call if anything suspicious
about the suspect pops up.
If there's a break
in, call 9-1-1.
You know you're
a really nice girl.
I can see that.
You deserve to be
treated nicely,
but you gotta be nice
to yourself first.
Thank you for saying
that. I will remember that.
Anyways, I have to go.
Have a good night.
Can I call you, sometime?
As long as it's pertaining to
the murder in this building.
Good night.
You can't take the
herbs that I give you
and then turn right
around and take Tylenol
at the same time.
You don't listen.
Try to get some sleep before
you have to go to work.
Go to sleep, man.
Who is it!?
The plumber!
I didn't call no damn plumber.
We have orders to
check the plumbing
in this entire building.
Well, it's an inconvenience
for me right now.
Can you come back later?
Come on Miss. I
got a job to do.
Look, brother, I
can't do it right now.
You know, I hate to see
you, as my black sister,
treat me like this.
If I was a white plumber, you
wouldn't ask no questions.
Could you keep it down?
This is a quiet building.
I have neighbors.
Nah, you the third black
woman to gimme a hard time.
You know what I'm going
to do? Cancel you.
And when they asked
me what happened,
I will tell 'em that the foolish
woman would not let me in,
and therefore I
had to determine...
All right. All right.
Come in, and just keep it down.
The walls are thin.
Dang, you beautiful.
Get a grip, brother.
What pipes do you
need to look at?
The kitchen is the best.
Right over there.
By the way. Can I offer
you something to drink?
Oh, you gonna be nice to me now.
Please. Do you want
a bottle of water?
Do you want me to
get you some breakfast,
toast, eggs, dinner sometime.
What's up with you?
You're not supposed
to hit on the tenants.
I say.
That's funny.
I'll take that water.
Excuse me for a moment.
I'll be right back.
Are you finished?
Why are you whispering?
Get with it. I
have things to do.
Oh, well you can get to 'em.
I'm finished. Yeah,
the pipes are fine.
It was probably another
apartment on the same pipeline
where the clogs are.
Good. Thanks.
Oh, you...
I see you have a lot
of health products.
What do you do? Sell
them, or something?
As a matter of fact, I do.
Do you take vitamins?
Nah, I don't.
Well, that's not good.
A lot of the vitamins
and minerals are lost
when the food is cooked.
You have to
supplement your meals.
I eat good.
Well how's your stress level?
I don't need no vitamins.
You know, I like to say
this to you straight up,
I see beautiful women like
you on the street, elevators,
you know, just anywhere.
I just can't let
this happen with you.
Can I take you out to
lunch one day soon?
You're too much.
Cup of coffee, maybe?
I can sell you a
bottle of vitamins
for a discounted price of 29.99.
$30 For a bottle of vitamins?
They also help with stress,
which I'm sure you have.
You see how you bring your
shoulders towards your neck?
That's where all the tension is.
I can feel all that tension.
What the fuck is going on?
Nothing's going on baby.
I'm just showing him
where the tension is.
And trying to sell
me some vitamins.
Who the hell are you?
I'm the plumber.
Plumber, my ass.
Get the fuck out of my house.
You better calm down.
And who the fuck do you
think you hollering at?
Knives, guns. I
don't give a fuck.
I'm just as rough as
the next motherfucker.
People like you, lose
their life fucking with me.
Just leave, man.
It's nice to have you finally
home during the day, sis.
I know, right?
Why can't you catch
this killer by now?
Whoever it is is very clever.
Tell me about this
man you just met.
Well, he is the brother
of a witness on a case,
and girl, he is fine.
I see you like him?
Yeah, well, I mean,
I don't know him.
I'd like to get to know him.
I mean, I liked his
vibe right away,
and his sister said
something really nice to me.
I could tell they're
really good people.
What did she say?
Well, she said
that I'm a nice girl
and I deserve to
be treated nicely,
but I need to treat
myself nice first.
What is it on my forehead
that says I don't
treat myself nice.
She can see you
don't focus on you.
You focus on the job,
and with all the
horrible things you see,
you forget to treat
yourself nicely.
That's what she means.
Thank you, Dr. Crystal.
Hi, Imani. This is me.
Who is this?
You don't know?
Don't ask me who I am.
I'm the man that's
murdering women in Harlem
and you, sweetheart Detective
are a pitiful example
of a detective.
Knowing nothing about anything.
You don't even know the
words of that great woman.
Who is this, and how'd
you get this number?
Oh, Imani. I've
been a bad boy again.
Okay, where are you?
Imani. I told you.
You have to find
out for yourself.
Oh, by the way, you
can call me Alexander.
Alexander, can
you do me a favor?
What is it?
From now on, can you call
me at the police station?
I hate to work
when I'm off duty.
Oh, you think
this is a game, huh?
You will never find me.
Another woman, chemical
fumes that kills 'em.
Same neighborhood.
Seems like he's got a
psychological, twisted,
fixated, woman perversion.
Can I quote you?
Absolutely not.
That's definitely
off the record.
Take some pictures
and some notes too.
You sick son of a bitch.
I told you not to
call this number...
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
This is not who you think it is.
I said this is not
who you think it is.
This is Byron Thomas.
I met you the other
day with my sister.
Oh, hello, Mr. Thomas.
How are you?
I'm fine.
What can I do for you?
You okay?
Somebody piss you off?
Occupational hazard.
I understand.
I can only imagine
what your job is like.
It will be beyond your
imagination. Trust me.
The reason I called you is
to ask you out to lunch.
Uh huh.
Or a cup of coffee.
Maybe breakfast, if lunch
is too much, too soon.
No, no, no, no.
Lunch is not too much.
Let's do it. How about
today at one o'clock?
That would be too soon.
Can't do it today, huh?
No, but I can make it up to you.
I promise.
It's a good consolation.
Detective Moses,
take care of yourself.
Be careful.
Why did you do it, Mommy?
Why do you kill all
those people, Mommy,
I'm going to tell daddy
what you did, Mommy.
I'm going to tell him.
I won't. I won't
tell him. I promise.
Please stop! Stop hitting me!
You're hurting me.
Please, stop!
Please stop hitting me!
You going you're
going to kill me.
I hate you!
Hate you!
Let me tell you something.
I should kill you for
what you did to Daddy.
Blaming him for your murders
and have him convicted
falsely for it.
He's spending the rest of his
life in prison because of you.
I hate you, woman.
You made me hate women.
To wanna kill them.
You made me this way!
What can I tell you?
You wanted publicity
and now you got it.
What do you want from me?
I'm just trying to arrest you.
But you gotta admit, you
are one sick son of a bitch.
We just gotta call
it like we see it.
I don't want to talk
to you any longer.
I want Detective
Moses on the phone.
One moment.
He wants to speak to you.
How are you, Band Aid?
How dare you
mentioned my mother!?
I want a retraction.
Why would you bring my
mother into the picture?
Change the story, or I will
go out and kill 20 more.
I didn't write the story,
but you can tell me why
you committed the murders
and where I can pick
you up to arrest you.
I mean it, Detective!
I'm not crazy!
You are not the
son of my mother.
You will pay for this.
You better change it,
or I will be a bad boy again,
and again,
and again,
and again.
How dare you mention my mother?
I wanna retraction.
Why would you bring my
mother into the picture?
Change the story or I will
go out and kill 20 more.
I mean it, detective.
I'm not crazy.
You are not the
son of my mother.
You will pay for this.
You better change it, or
I will be a bad boy again,
and again,
and again,
and again.
You're a psychologist now, huh?
No, Lieutenant.
You sound like one.
Fixated, twisted, Mother...
What did you say?
Mother perversion.
You think you
can solve the case?
I spoke to the
psychiatrist about this,
and he said, you
are probably right.
he said the suspect
appears to be suffering
as a paranoid victim
of mother hate,
and suggested I take
you off the case.
What? Why?
It may help appease the killer.
I can handle this.
Moses, I want to catch him.
Here you are, having
conversations with him,
quoting to the press, but
we haven't arrested him.
You know how that makes us look.
This is a serial case.
It's not a regular
case, Lieutenant.
Moses, you are off the case
and keep your mouth shut.
Bradley, you're in charge
of the case for right now.
Yes, sir.
We have black women being
murdered right here in Harlem.
We're supposed to be
an elite homicide squad
made up of black officers.
We had to fight for years to
patrol our own neighborhood.
There is not one white
officer on this squad,
so we can't use
that as an excuse
that the police don't
care about black people.
I want a press release,
warning all women in the area
to lock their doors and
be aware of this man.
Also, send officers
from the civilian patrol
to the homes in the area and
have them warn the residents.
Got it.
We finally have
a composite of him.
Issue it.
Can I help you?
Yes, Miss.
I'm here to give you advice
on how to protect yourself
from the serial killer.
Have you heard about her?
I heard it was a he.
May I come inside to explain
the precautions you can take?
I think I saw the killer.
They took you off the case?
Good. Now you can
get another job.
They took me off
of the case, Crystal.
They didn't fire me.
Unfortunate for you. What
are you all happy about?
When I told him, I couldn't
meet up with him for lunch.
He told me "Take care of
yourself. Be careful."
What's the big deal about that?
He said it so smooth. He
said, "Take care of yourself.
Be careful."
Okay, when am I
gonna meet this guy?
Real soon.
Detective Moses?
Yes, Band Aid.
You calling to turn yourself in?
I'm very unhappy to hear
you're off the case, Detective.
You better tell your superior
to put you back on the case,
or I will go out and kill
many, many, many more.
They say this
witness isn't wrong.
She can ID him.
The composite worked.
So where does the witness live?
I don't know, but
it's in the file.
So when are you
gonna get the file?
Later, when I get
back to the station.
What are you getting at, Moses?
Can you let him know
what's in it when you get it?
Come on, Moses.
You off the case.
Please, Bradley. Come on.
I mean, you know how it is?
It's the cop in me?
You lucky you're my partner.
For real. You lucky.
Hello, Miss Gorgeous.
What's that you drinking?
Look like you need a refill.
How you doing, man?
Doing good. And you?
Good. Rum and coke, please.
All right.
So where's everyone
tonight, man?
Kind of empty in here.
It's still early.
Yeah, that's right.
It's still early.
How you doing Miss Gorgeous?
I love that red on you.
You need a refill.
Right now, you need to stand up,
before I cut your heart
out and eat it like a steak
and drink your
blood like a liquor.
I saw how you didn't
want to be bothered,
so I had to end it.
What did you say to him?
I told him if he
didn't leave you alone,
I would cut his throat
and stab him in his heart
at the same time.
Nah, I'm kidding.
I told him I had business
with this beautiful woman,
and I heard his wife was
outside looking for him.
You know him?
For a long time.
What's your name?
Can I buy you a drink?
Vincent. The name's Vincent,
and no, I'm buying you a drink.
What do you drink?
Oh, you're certified drunk?
Among other things,
I am a working girl.
You know what I mean?
I'm beginning to
get the picture.
Two beers, please.
Thanks for coming to my rescue.
My pleasure.
My pleasure.
People never dress like
you, are in this joint.
What are you doing in here?
Well, I don't like bars.
I just had to come tonight.
So glad I did.
Well you know the line?
What is a beautiful
girl like you
doing in a place like this.
My pimp.
You have a pimp?
I told you, I'm a working girl.
All right. You are
a real professional.
I'm sorry. Go ahead with
what you are saying.
My pimp is getting very
uneasy with this crazy man
going around killing
women in the neighborhood.
He's driving me crazy.
He put three new
locks on the door,
window locks, you name it.
I had to come out to get some
air, and a couple of drinks
to calm my nerves.
Well you do just that.
Drink and calm your nerves.
You got a place around here?
Not too far. Why?
Do you know what
I'm going to do?
What's that?
I am going to invite
you some on the house.
Why are you going to do that?
For protecting me.
For being nice to me.
Come on.
You know a February Brown?
You know a cop?
You probably got
violations all up the wall.
Should I bring 'em down?
All right, I
know her. So what?
You seen her tonight?
Yeah. She just left.
By herself?
Some dude. Seemed
like a trick to me.
Let's go.
Bradley, stay outside the door.
I really hope you could
get back on the case.
Me too.
Okay, Moses.
Apologies are in order.
I'm sorry, I was wrong.
The psychiatrist as well.
No problem, Lieutenant.
I want a press release
stating that Detective Moses
is back in charge of the case.
Okay, great.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
Remember, to keep
your mouth shut.
No more quotes.
I am very happy to hear
your back on the case,
Detective Moses.
Well, I made it clear
you insisted, Bandaid.
Why don't you make it
easy for everybody else
and just give yourself up.
No, I cannot make it that
simple for you, Detective.
You must earn your pay.
Concern for the taxpayer, huh?
Shouldn't I be?
Well, why don't you fully
elaborate on your point.
No, Detective.
The more I talk, the better
chance you have to trace me.
Nice try.
I will be good for now.
No more murders.
Damn it!
I just needed two more minutes.
So maybe I don't
have to look no more
'Cause I found what
I'm looking for
So baby you're drips worth it
I just wanna fill my
cup, and drink some more
You're so beautiful
You're so beautiful
You are...
You are so beautiful
You're so beautiful
I will ride for you
You never have to
question my loyalty
We are on the same frequency
You know the right
I will always be
right there for you
You can always count on me
So maybe I don't
have to look no...
Two witnesses!
One now, lieutenant.
One witness. Numerous
telephone conversations
and we're acting as a public
relations management group
for this nut?
I got detectives,
and I got five dead
citizens, but no murderer.
Moses? Bradley?
We have an idea.
I mean, as stated,
there are five victims.
Why don't we release a
statement stating there's six?
This way...
I know it'll stir him up.
He'll more than
likely call very upset,
and we'll have a better chance
of keeping him on the phone
even longer.
Thus a better chance to trace.
Does that sound good?
At this point,
anything sounds good.
Let's do it.
I did not commit that murder.
Hi, Band Aid. Where are you?
I did not do it. You hear me?
Do what?
Don't patronize me.
Victim number six, I'm
not responsible for.
Anything you say, Band Aid.
It was a copycat.
You must tell the
press it was a copycat.
You can call Austin yourself.
I mean, we have
evidence this time.
What kind of evidence?
It doesn't matter.
We got you now.
I'm hanging up.
Don't you dare.
Don't you hang up on me.
I will murder 20 more.
All right. All right, already.
Don't you think
you've done enough?
Listen, we know you're 5'8,
with red and black
streaks in your hair.
That's an imposter!
My hair is black.
Sure, Band Aid.
We got a full
description on you. Okay?
I told you, I would stop.
Okay, Band Aid.
All right, gimme some time
so I can correct this.
Adam's office building on 125th.
You're funny, Byron.
I hope that means
it's nice meeting you?
That it does.
May I use your restroom?
Of course. It's
right over there on the left.
Thank you.
So what do you think?
He's good looking.
He's smart. He's funny.
I'm glad.
And don't worry, I'm
gonna take my time.
I'll sure be glad when
you catch this killer.
I don't like you
being so close to him.
He may get you.
They're trying to
get me every day.
Well, I guess I better be going.
It was really nice
meeting you, Crystal.
It was nice meeting
you too, Byron.
Take care of my sister now.
No question.
So you gonna call me,
or I'm gonna call you?
You better call me
and let me know how
you doing out there.
I mean,
every few hours.
You don't have time for that.
I mean with your new
apartment and your clients.
Don't worry, I'll be good.
I said,
every few hours.
Who is it?
I have a flower
delivery for Mr. Thomas.
Who's it from?
Imani Moses.
Mr. Thomas.
This particular plant needs
a certain amount of water
every two weeks.
It's our company policy
to show you that amount,
and Miss Moses signed
up for the confirmation.
Some customers come back
and complain after two weeks
that the plant is dying.
Mostly it's because of water.
Do you mind if I show you?
Sure. Come on in.
All right. I need a
glass full of water.
All right.
You see what I did there?
Around the edges only,
and three quarters of the
contents of the glass,
every two weeks.
Got it.
Would you sign
this here, please.
You don't even want it with me
You don't need to
want it with me
You don't even want it with me
You don't even want it with me
What's up, sis?
Imani! That nut
called the house.
The killer?
Where are you? Where?
Did you leave the house?
Yes, I'm on the street.
Good, good.
Don't go home until
we can go together.
He left a number
for you to call.
It's 212
Oh, my god.
That's Byron.
I gotta go.
Don't go home.
We gotta go.
It's my boyfriend.
We gotta go.
Don't look.
Don't look.
He's dead, Imani.
I saw a guy down the block
just looking at the building.
When he spotted me looking,
he took off running
around the block.
I went after him, but by
the time I got to the corner
he was gone.
Where's Moses and Bradley?
He knows the area.
Let's get back to the station.
How may I help you?
My name is Detective Bradley
and this here is
Detective Moses.
We're in pursuit of a
murder suspect in this area.
Have you seen or heard
anything unusual?
No. Can't say that I have.
May I ask your name?
Bob McDonald.
Mr. McDonald, I have to
ask a few routine questions.
Do you live alone?
Do you work?
Where do you work?
Solutions Insurance.
Is that a picture of your wife?
My mother.
Beautiful woman.
Look, I have an early
appointment tomorrow, detective,
so if you don't mind.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Happy, mommy?
Now you have the police
right in your living room.
Is that close enough, Mother?
Do you think you can stop now?
The threat of jail.
Would that make you stop?
Did you see how upset he got
when you mentioned the
picture of his mother?
That and the fact that the
company that he works for
is in the same building
we traced yesterday.
You know what? Stay here.
I'm gonna go, just in
case we need some backup.
I wanna ask him
some more questions.
I want my daddy
back. You took that from me.
You took my father from me.
You evil woman. I'm
gonna kill you one day.
One day I'ma get the
courage, and I'ma kill you.
And I want my daddy.
I know what mommy
did to you, Daddy.
But don't you worry,
the police are right
in the living room.
You think that'll make her stop?
Stop the killing?
Ha, ha.
Band Aid.
You wanna tell me
about the victims?
What in the world
are you talking about?
The different costumes,
the telephone conversations.
The Band Aids on the forehead.
Victims choking on
lethal chemicals.
What did your mother
do to make you so sick?
Detective, you must be
under some heavy stress.
Now I'm gonna ask you leave.
I want to see the closet.
I wanna see the chemicals.
I want to...
Detective Moses, you know
you need a warrant for that.
You have no idea who
you messing with.
I will have your job.
Now leave, now,
before I call the police on you.
Okay, but I'll be back.
He did it, Bradley.
He killed them all,
and he killed Byron.
Let's get that search warrant.
To hell with a search warrant,
and to hell with backup.
Let's get this motherfucker.
Cover me, I'm going in.
I got you.
Moses! Moses!
Down the hall to the staircase.
Go! I'll be okay. Go!
Good job, everybody.
I'm certain Harlem
appreciates you.
Sorry for your loss, Moses.
If you need time off,
it will be no problem.
I'm good. Thank you.
Bradley, Moses,
are you sure you don't
wanna go to the hospital
for a physical and
stress evaluation?
I'm fine.
Me too.
We got a murderer
off the streets
and we have to be ready
to catch the next one.
I got a call about a
murder on a 116th Street.
Stabbing? Shooting? What?
Murder is the crime.