Murdered by My Boyfriend (2014) Movie Script

'This is the end of my story.
'The journey here was not
'It began when I fell in love.
'When the only future I could imagine
was happy.
'I held on to that dream for as long
as I could
'until my broken body and beaten
'were forced to let go.'
Yeah, serious, though. It works.
Just ask the universe for whatever it
is you want
and if you really, really believe in
it, then you get it.
Karen did it and she got ten grand.
Yeah, cos her mum died.
Yeah, ten grand is ten grand, init?
Guess what I found in my bag when we
were getting ready? What?
Half a kebab. That's disgusting.
It must have been in there since
Oh, we didn't have kebab on Friday.
Last Friday?
Shut up, I feel sick.
So, what are you asking for?
Oh, you know, love, marriage,
babies, my own salon.
What would you ask for?
Don't know...
world domination?
Erm, I was going to ask for that.
You'll have to fight me for it.
So embarrassing!
Oh, my God, did you see that?
Jaime was blatantly checking you
out. Was he?
Yeah. He's liked you since school.
He was all like...
It's all wonky.
Shut up. It's perfect.
Why don't you take it off, show some
No, you don't look fat.
You look beautiful.
Oh! I love my big lying friends.
OK, you'll drink anything,
won't you?
It's not bad, is it?
Erm, can I get you one?
Yeah, white wine, please?
White wine.
Don't put me off.
Say when. When.
Erm, what's your name?
I'm Reece.
Erm, I'll see you later, yeah?
Yeah. Yeah, I'll see you later.
I know. Who was that?!?
Well, you better be. If you want to
you can.
What... I... I don't think I could,
I get so embarrassed. I get so
There he is.
I told you, I told you.
So... Right.
You're right. Come on, come on. OK,
do I look all right?
Yes. You look fine. You sure?
He's going to think I look rough.
Ash. Ashley.
Oh, hiya.
Oh, what, you're pretending like you
don't recognise me?
Hey, you look really nice. Thanks.
Where you going?
Nowhere special. Look, wait down
there, yeah.
Wait down there for me.
So, do you go to college full-time?
Part-time and I... erm...
and I work in a clothes shop on
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Yeah? Mm-hm.
So, what you going to do when you
finish your course?
Work for someone else for a bit.
I, kind of, want to own my own salon
by the time I'm 25.
I love it.
I don't know... People just say it's
nails or whatever, but...
I don't know, I kind of think it's
more than that.
How do you mean?
you're there for your clients when
they get married
and have babies and get divorced
I guess that's why they call it
beauty therapy.
Yeah, that makes sense.
So, what about you? I mean, what do
you do?
Erm, well, right now I'm breeding
What sort of dogs?
Staffordshire Bull Terriers.
OK. I... erm... It's not like that,
you know?
They're all kennel club registered,
but that's just for now.
I mean, long term I want to get into
property development.
You know, like buying property,
doing them up, selling them
and that.
Wow! That's...
Yeah, that's really cool.
'I told him about my salon.'
He said he was interested in nails.
I know!
Oh, he's got these eyes
and he just looks at me.
I know what eyes are for,
you cheeky cow!
'Ah, it's the way he looks at me.
'You know, he really gets me.
He listens.'
So lovely, so lovely.
'No! No, he's a gentleman.
'It's different!
'But it feels different.
'Yeah, I am.'
I'm really, really happy.
I'm really, really happy.
How do I keep it, you know?
Sabrina? They're my mates.
What, those two? Yeah.
Right. Hold on, I'll be back, yeah?
All right.
So, what do you think of him?
Very nice. He's nice, right?
Hey! Hey.
Hiya, you look gorgeous.
Can I get you a drink?
Sparkling white wine, please?
Yeah, and you? Erm, rum and coke,
Cool, anyone else?
I'll have the same. Same.
Erm, has anyone got any money?
Ah, I'm just screwing around.
Ah, thank you.
See? He's looking after you.
I can't.
Oh, my God! You're so beautiful.
I saw you before, you know?
You mean before the party?
Yeah, you were in a clothes shop
and you were dressing a dummy.
And I thought you were so beautiful.
So, why didn't you come in?
Cos I knew I'd see you again.
How did you know that?
I just did.
It's fate.
Can I tell you something
and you promise you won't laugh?
On the way to the party...
..I wished that love would come into
my life.
And I heard you, didn't I?
Stay. Just... No, I can't.
You got a text.
Reece? I just want to see who my
competition is.
Reece, give me it.
Who's Mick?
Reece, come on, give me it.
Give me the ph... Give me the phone.
Hey, look, come on. Eh, come on!
I was only playing.
I can't believe you don't trust me.
Wha... I do trust you.
It's the other guys I don't trust,
I mean, look at you.
Look, I don't want to lose you.
You're not going to lose me.
So, who's Mick?
It's Michaela, you dickhead!
I'm coming in.
What's it say?
Reece, please. Can we just talk about
this? Please?
Talk about what?
You made your decision.
I don't know what I think. I'm...
only 17 and I'm still at college.
You just tell me you're having
my baby.
OK. So, I've got a picture in my
head of you, me, our family...
I...I didn't know I wanted that till
you said it.
And now I can't get that picture out
my head.
Ashley... this really because of college?
I'm only 17.
I'll look after the baby while
you're at college.
I'll look after you.
I love you, Jones
and I love our baby.
And I swear I'll never leave you.
I'm not a child, Mum.
It's what we want...
We want to be a family.
And I love him.
You don't even know him.
I don't want to fall out with you.
Come on, we're not going to
fall out.
I just want you to think about your
options. That's all.
I will, Mum.
I promise.
Oh! Do you like it?
Ah, they're so cute. Yeah?
Ah, little baby clothes.
But we're going to be a family
and surely a family live together.
Why do we need to do what everyone
else does?
It's what normal people do, Reece.
I don't understand why I just can't
move in here with you?
I told you. It's not that kind of
place. Well, why isn't it?
You can't have a baby there. Right,
not with the dogs.
It's not safe. OK.
Why don't you just get rid of the
My dogs are my dogs.
Yeah, and your baby is your baby.
So, what am I supposed to say
when people ask why are we not living
Say it's got nothing to do with
And what about my mum?
What about her?
Am I supposed to say that to her,
So, we're not even going to have a
conversation about this, then?
We have a baby on the way. You do
realise that, yeah?
We need to make plans.
Reece? Rocco!
Reece, why can you not be a grown-up
about this?
I mean, you told me you were totally
committed to me and OUR baby.
God, you know what? You're more
worried about your...
I'm tied to you for life!
How much more commitment do you
fucking want?
Fuck, I'm so sorry.
Ash, I'm so...
Get off me!
Get off me!
Where are you going? I'm so sorry.
I swear I'll never do it again.
I know you won't.
'I couldn't leave him.
'Not just because of a single moment.
'This is the man who tells me
I'm beautiful,
'the man who loves me,
'the father of my child.
'He's the man in front of me
'crying like a boy at the fear of
losing me.'
I'll never hurt you again.
'I went back because of everything
good that came before this day
'and the hope that the years to come
would be the same.'
Forgive me.
Yeah. so, I'm wearing, like,
a sheer black top
with a skinny top under it and
black tights,
black skirt, put on some heels.
Right. He's here.
Yeah, yeah, see you later.
Baby, I thought you said you were
coming an hour ago.
Are those clean?
No, I folded up dirty ones.
Come here, baby. Kiss!
Is that what Mummy's wearing?
What's wrong with it?
You've got them on upside down.
You got them on upside down.
Oh, let me do this.
Can I have a wear? Could I?
Can I have my purse, please?
Who did you go for a pizza with?
Work, I told you.
Who did you go for a coffee with?
Erm, Prince Harry.
You're funny, who was it, though?
My mum, ask her.
Yeah, look, I'm taking this for her
doll's house.
But that were for tonight.
Yeah, but we said we'd split
the cost.
Well, do you really need it
right now?
Got money for pizza and coffee.
Pay me back Friday.
You shouldn't have to do that,
you know.
I'm out, aren't I?
Come on, let's get a drink.
You all right, Jamie?
Still crying every morning wishing
you were with me.
You'd be crying more if you saw what
I looked like in the morning.
No, I wouldn't.
Congratulations. Oh, my God. It's
Oh, my God.
Oh, it's so beautiful.
It's amazing.
Where did you buy it?
Do you know that Poundstretcher
in the Broadway Centre?
Joe's gaff.
The really expensive jewellers next
to that.
Ahh! Thank you.
It'll be you next.
I like computers. Shall we log in
here like that?
And we go all the way in.
See what's happening there?
We can look at everything.
You lost Mummy. We lost Mummy, shall
we get her back?
Yeah. We'll get her back.
So, if we press that one there...
Oh! Who's that?
You had a late night.
I missed you.
Ah... That's so cute.
It's not cute. So cute. It's not
'There were good times, too,
'when we felt like a normal
'..but I could only ever feel
what he wanted me to feel.
'I could only be happy if he was.'
Ta-da! Is that great or what?
It's like a pixie forest for you,
little princess. Yeah?
What's that?
Well, open it.
Hello, you!
A phone? Thank you, baby.
Do you like it?
I love it! Yeah? Yeah.
You would, you definitely would.
Who's your message from?
Oh, it's nothing. Erm...
Just take a picture quickly? Yeah.
'Send me a photo.
'Where are you?
'Hey, baby, send me a photo.
'I want to see where you are, what
you're doing.
'If I ask for a picture, you send me
'If you don't, it's because you're
doing something.'
Tell me what you're doing. Huh? Why
did you stop?
Because... the battery runs out,
Reece. Don't lie to me!
You turned it off! Why did you turn
it off?
Why did you turn it off? It's got a
battery, Reece, it runs out.
Bullshit! You turned it off cos you
were with someone.
So, who was it? Who were you with?
Who were you with?
doing this to me?
You like taking the piss out of me.
You like taking the piss out of me,
don't you now?
You lying slag.
'Do you think I like doing this?
'You're scaring... SHUT UP! ..the
baby. Stop crying.
'If you did what I told you,
you wouldn't be lying there.
'It wouldn't be like this.
'Why do you make me do this?'
It were just an argument on the
Who were you arguing with?
My boyfriend.
How did you get that bruise on
your face?
It happened yesterday. I was...
you know, dressing my daughter and
she jerked her head back.
Where's your boyfriend now?
I don't know. His flat, probably.
Where's his flat?
Right. Thanks a lot.
Miss Jones, if you feel threatened
in any way by anyone,
we can help you.
I don't.
Right, honestly, I'm fine.
It were just an argument on the
We've got to stop doing this.
'It was never his fault.
'At best he said it was us,
'but most of the time it was me.
'That I'd provoked him...
'I'd hurt him...
'I'd pushed him to his limit.
'So I believed him.'
Yeah, but everyone has fights.
It's normal. Yeah.
Does he ever hit you, though?
No, not really.
To be honest, I'm the violent one.
Do you hit him?
Only if he deserves it.
Yeah, but me and Reece, we do have
some really crazy fights.
Yeah, but it's just cos you're
passionate, isn't it?
Yeah. Couldn't go out with someone
if they were boring. Could you?
I need someone with something
about them.
No time for boring.
Ah, do you mind if I get that?
It's probably Reece.
Hiya. Jones, get in the car.
Two seconds, please.
All right, I'll come in then.
Hiya, Reece, you all right?
Yeah, I'm all right, thanks. You?
Been putting the world to rights,
haven't we, Ash?
Yeah, the world
is now officially sorted.
Tell you what, your missus is well
Come and have a look at these.
Are those amazing or what?
I'm so sorry.
Oh, my God. It's such a mess. Erm...
No, no, don't do that. It'll get
on... it'll get on your nails.
Erm... I'll wait in the car.
Are you annoyed? I'm so... Of course
I'm not annoyed.
I can do it for free. Don't... please
don't be mad.
Scores out of ten, please.
One out of ten. What? There's no way
a bloke could know that was fake.
I thought you were having a stroke.
Come on, Ash. Come on. Show us!
- Give me a D.
- D!
- Give me an I.
- I!
What you doing?
Doesn't look like nothing.
That smells like Cheesy Wotsits. It's
I bet Reece has got a cheesy wotsit,
ain't he, Ash?
Oh, shut your mouth!
No, he's got a Monster Munch.
What you doing? Going on internet.
No, no.
No. You've got to delete that now.
Why? What's the problem?
Get her to take it off, yeah?
You've got to take that down. OK,
Just take it off. OK, I've deleted
Are you all right?
My God.
OK, so which one's your favourite?
Ash...'ve got to leave him.
It's not as simple as that.
Why isn't it?
He beats the crap out of you.
If he did that to someone in the
street, he'd go to jail.
Jasmine's made princess cupcakes,
haven't you, baby?
Thank you, baby.
They are so beautiful.
How about we go back in the kitchen
and put more sprinkles on, yeah?
Yeah, come on, then.
What about Jasmine?
I mean, she loves him to bits.
Do you really want her to grow up
thinking that this is normal?
I'm a good mum.
You know? She doesn't see anything.
It's not... Come on, Ash.
She's in the house.
I know how it looks.
I know how it looks, but...
it's not like that.
I mean, most of the time,
I'm starting it.
I wind him up. I hit him, too.
Sorry, no.
You can come and stay with me.
I'll look after you.
I will.
Ah, Jasmine, look at them.
They are so beautiful, aren't they?
Look at that.
What's this one here?
What's this one here?
Is that a crumb? Is that a crumb?
I love you so much.
But I won't be able to stand it
if you stay.
I'm so sorry.
Bye, Sabrina.
Please, leave him, Ashley.
Who's Kim?
It doesn't matter.
Yeah, it does.
I want to know who she is right now.
Well, she's no-one, all right?
If she's nobody, then why are you
fucking her?
You're sick, you know that?
I'm sick?
I'm getting so tired of this shit.
Don't change the subject.
I do everything for you.
That's not what I'm talking about.
I babysit all the time
so you can go out.
It's not baby-sitting if it's your
own daughter.
Do I babysit Jas so you can go out?
Yes or no?
I'm not talking about...
Look, sit down.
Baby, sit down.
Do I give you money?
Ash, do I give you money, yes or no?
I buy you things.
I drive you around, I treat you
like a princess.
And what... what do you do?
You... you accuse me.
You accuse me!
This could have been anything...
..anything and how do you think that
makes me feel?
You think that makes me feel good?
Cos it don't make me feel good.
I don't understand...
why you keep doing this to me.
And I don't understand why you keep
doing it to yourself.
'Jones, I love you.'
'Ashley, I love you.
I love you.
You know that.
I'm sorry.
Is this about your weight?
Look, cos if it's making you that
..then you should really do
something about it.
I love you.
Yeah, it's nice cos it's not like
like proper going out but...
Yeah, but it's still, you've got...
Fuck off, man. All right.
All right. Yes, police.
Please. No. It's my business! Had
nothing to do with you.
Please, no! It's got nothing to do
with you.
I told you, didn't I? Huh? What
did I tell you?
Huh? What did I tell you? Put
your fucking hands down.
Huh? I told you, didn't I?
Stay out of my business.
You stay out of my business!
Nothing. To do. With you!
Talk to the police, you are
fucking dead.
He's leaving the shop now.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, Ashley.
Ash? She's bleeding really badly.
No, no, she's still breathing,
Are you OK, Ashley?
Please, just tell them to hurry.
It's over.
Ashley? It's fucking over.
It's OK. It's OK.
It's fucking over.
It's OK, he's gone. It's OK.
Please, don't take him back this
time, Ash.
You know he's never going to change.
I know.
It's just sad
cos I always wanted all my babies
to have the same daddy.
You know what I mean?
He's a good dad to Jasmine.
Look at you, Ash.
A good dad would not do that.
You're so beautiful, Ashley.
You could have someone who really,
really loved you and Jas.
Do you think so?
Yeah. Really, really.
Reece, what?
'Wait, don't hang up. I just want
to talk.'
Where are you? 'In town.
'Look, I want to speak about
She's fine. 'I miss her.
'I miss you.
'It's been ages.
'Look, I know... I know we're not
'but can't we spend time together
with Jasmine...
'for her?'
I don't know.
'Look, think of Jas. She needs her
dad, too.
'I know... I know you want space.
'Ash, can you at least answer me?
Ken's Clothing?
Stop calling, all right. I'm turning
it off.
Open the door! I want to see my
He's still here. Yeah, he's not gone.
Baby, please... Jasmine... can you
just go back to bed.
Daddy wants to come in and see you.
Go to bed, come on.
I want to see my... Jasmine. Jas.
Hey, is that you, baby?
Is that you, baby? Daddy wants to
come in and see you.
Jasmine! Jas, is that you, baby?
Can you not hear him at the door?
I need someone to come here now.
Open the door.
Right, I just want to...
Have you called the police on me?
You called the police on me, you
You're a bitch, Ashley.
You hear me?
Which one? This one as well?
Yeah! Both!
Come on, girls, hurry up. Get your
asses out here!
You should call Jamie?
Yeah, why not?
He's been into you since, like,
for ever.
I'd bet he'd come tonight if you
asked him.
I can't. I can't.
Lauren! What are you doing?
Texting him.
Right, give me that. I'll do it
Right. OK.
Sh! Sh! Shut up!
When we get back we should go out
and watch a film or something.
Don't worry. I just...
It's only a film.
You know I like you,
but Reece won't let this happen,
will he?
But we're not together any more.
How many times has he phoned you
I saw your phone. He still thinks
you're together.
Yeah, but it's my life.
It's not up to him.
I'm sorry.
Hey, I bought Jas some trainers.
Just leave them on the step.
No, I'm not going to leave them
there cos they cost 60 quid.
Look, open the door, yeah?
I got something to tell you.
Look, I've started anger management
I want to change, Ash,
and I want to be better...
..for you and Jas.
Is this because you met someone
Just fuck off!
Fucking leave me alone! Just fuck
Look, please.
I just... I just want to talk to
I know I've hurt you.
I love you, Jones.
I can't live without you.
I'm never going to let you go.
Yeah? You know that, don't you,
Cos we belong together.
Lauren, he's outside again.
'Don't open the door, Ash.
Don't listen to him.'
Just open the door. 'Ashley, call
the police.'
Open the door!
'Ash, call the police.'
Please, I... I didn't mean to shout.
'Ash, you still there, babe?'
I didn't mean to shout, please.
'Ashley, talk to me.
'Ashley, what is happening? Ashley?'
I don't want to keep doing this.
I just want to talk to you.
And I know you want to talk to me.
Please, I know you want to talk to
Ash, come on. Come on, Ash.
Ash, come on.
Open the door, please.
Come on.
Ash, open the door.
I'm NEVER going to let you go.
'How many times could I tell him
to go?
'How many times could I call
the police?
'How many times would I have to give
up exhausted and let him back in?
'With every punch, every bruise,
every word,
'he destroyed the last thing
I held on to...'
'And without hope
'I was nothing.
'He made me nothing.'
We're never going to find what
we've got with anyone else.
You know that, don't you, baby?
We're together now.
That will never change cos it was
meant to be.
You're going to be my wife.
I love you, Jones.
I love you, Ash.
I love you so much.
I love you, too.
Let's start afresh, Ash.
Yeah, a clean slate.
So, has there been anyone?
Are you sure?
We were on a break.
What about when you went to
We were on a break, so I'm not going
to get angry,
but I need to know, so we can draw a
line under it.
I told you.
Nothing happened.
Why would I want anyone else when
I've got you?
Why would I want anyone else?
And then I said, "Well, I'm not
going to come with you..."
All right, well, let's have a look
at it, then.
Very nice.
Right, so what we having, then?
I think I'll have a 69.
Oh, will you? Give me a drink first!
Well, I've got to get into my
swimming costume.
No carbs. Oh, we're going to Ibiza.
Not if they play that song, I won't
I think it'll be classier than that.
Really? Maybe not.
Hi, you all right? Let me get you a
Let me get you one... Just have one
drink with me?
Why didn't you bring a coat, you
I don't know. I'm freezing.
I wish we could stay out longer.
Next time, eh? You all right
getting home?
Yeah, course. All right, we're off.
Where's my hug?
So, do you know Ashley, my
girlfriend, yeah?
Ashley, my girlfriend, you know her.
No, no. She fucked someone in
Leicester, right?
So, who was it? Who did she fuck?
Hey, who did she... Oi! Come here!
Come here! I'm talking to...
Stupid slag.
Can Mummy have a cuddle?
Come on, baby. Yeah.
You all right, baby?
Baby, you awake?
Are you awake?
I just want to know his name.
Did he talk to you first or did
you talk to him?
ANSWER ME! Come on.
I know you're awake.
He talked to me.
What did he say?
He said, "Hiya."
And what did you say?
I said, "Hiya," back.
All your mates saw this going on?
There was nothing going on.
Did he touch you?
No. What did you talk about?
Oh, Reece, I don't remember.
Did you sleep with him?
NO. I just said no.
Tell me the truth. Did you fuck him?
Yeah, I did! Are you happy now?
Yeah, I did.
Come here!
Put your arms down!
Put your arms down!
I told you I'd find out, didn't I?
You fucked him.
You fucked him. What did I tell you?
How could you do this to me?
How could you do this after
everything I've done for you?
You fucked him. Did you? Let it go!
Let it go!
Did you? I told you I'd find out.
I told you I'd find out.
No, baby.
It's OK, baby.
Let's get you back to bed. Come on.
'This is the end of my story.
'The journey has not been
'It's not about weakness
'or strength.
'It began and ended when I fell in
'But this was not a love story.'