Murders in the Rue Morgue (1971) Movie Script

You will curse the day you were born.
Just as I once begged for your kisses...
now you will beg for your death.
Prepare, my darling, for pain...
exquisite pain.
Erik! Get back, Erik!
Erik, don't touch her!
Put her down, Erik! Erik!
Open the door! Open up!
Thank God you're here, gentlemen.
The beast's gone mad again.
There! Kill it!
- Don't shoot.
- Don't shoot.
Shoot, I tell you. He'll kill her!
Very realistic performance tonight, Erik.
- What is it, Madeleine?
- I don't know. I must have fainted.
That dream again. You must learn
not to fall asleep upon the stage.
Oh, Cesar, don't joke. It was horrible.
Erik? Hurry up. Erik?
Murder! Murder!
Murder! Police!
That way!
Young man!
Yes, you. Come.
- Do you want to make some money?
- Yes.
Take this letter to the stage manager.
But hurry. It's very important.
So, now we have a real murder
in the Rue Morgue.
Poor Erik.
Such a senseless crime, Inspector Vidocq.
Everyone liked him.
Not everyone. You saw his face?
Yes, it was horrible.
- Was it acid?
- Acid?
The incredible thing
is the killer's daring flamboyance
to get into Erik's costume
and actually appear on the stage.
And I hear he was very good.
That means the killer has to be
a member of my company.
Your wife?
Uh... No, Inspector.
- That's Madeleine's mother.
- Beautiful.
Was she a performer, too?
Yes, she worked for my
company, but she died.
Of course.
How could I forget the sad death
of Madame Fenelone?
That, too, was a bloody death, wasn't it?
- That murder was solved, Inspector.
- Yes, of course.
All Paris has turned into a carnival.
Should be good for your business,
Monsieur Charron.
And so should this murder.
Don't you think?
Good day, monsieur.
Thank you.
See you, children!
I really don't know what's going
to happen next.
You told me you were able
to sleep last night?
The horrible thing is on everybody's mind.
I'll never be able to
forget his face, never.
Which is why a thing like this
must not be allowed...
Who's that?
From whom?
My secret admirer again.
He left them at the door this time.
Aww... these stage-door lovers.
Don't they know you're my wife?
Who made that thunder?
That'll cost you two francs.
- Wait a minute.
- Get on stage. Get on stage.
Get on stage!
- Don't you feel well?
- I'm exhausted.
Afraid to sleep. Afraid to dream, Cesar.
The dream will stop.
I don't think it will.
Not until I know its meaning.
Curtain time!
There is no meaning.
Oh, it's curtain time.
Good luck, darling.
Break a leg.
I almost burnt my hand last night.
You realize that, don't you?
And don't move at any time
during my long speech, please.
Yes, good luck, darling.
Get your hat on, will you?
Madame, are you all right?
Where is monsieur?
Was it the nightmare again?
The axe man, the rope...
the falling body...
I'll make you a sleeping draft.
Cesar? Where is he?
An urgent message came.
He's got business in town.
Madame Adolphe!
- Good to see you.
- Madame.
You look great.
- Marriage agreed with you.
- Yes.
You know, Genevre asked me to come.
Good evening.
I got here as soon as I could.
I understand.
- You're a married man now.
- Yes.
You couldn't get the mother,
so you married the daughter.
What do you want, Genevre?
The answer to a question.
What is it?
Do the dead come back?
Is it true about Erik? Was he murdered?
And Inspector Vidocq confirms it.
Why would someone want to kill Erik?
Marot is dead.
- Dead and buried.
- Yes, I know, but...
But Erik must have had a personal life.
Some old enemies.
But the acid? His face was burned.
The dead do not return, Genevre.
And how about old love?
Cesar, mon amour.
Come back again.
Yes, I will, if I am not too busy
at the theater.
Did you have a good time?
A bit wearing, but good.
Come in.
You're new here?
Not entirely.
I've never seen you before.
I was on the stage, yes.
But you find... this life better?
There are many ways to perform.
Lie down.
No, in your robe.
Close your eyes.
Well, what's next?
Now, open your eyes.
How could you know a woman like that?
She wasn't always a woman like that.
Well, when she worked for you
at the theater, did you and she...?
No, darling. No.
Genevre was always a
prim and proper person.
Till she changed her profession.
Besides, I was in love with your mother.
You and that other man, Marot?
I expect we'll be hearing
from Inspector Vidocq again.
Another murder.
You still didn't answer my question.
You'll be late for the theater.
Bye, darling.
I'll see you at the theater.
Take it again, will you? But slow it down.
Thomas, we must hurry!
You must go and save Madeleine.
She's in great danger.
- All right, let's all go.
- Monsieur.
Hurry! Hurry!
I was expecting you to call today.
I see you read the paper, Monsieur Charron.
And I can read your mind, Inspector.
You think I have something to do
with the murder of Genevre Lafitte...
the woman at Madame Adolphe's.
She did work for you once.
And you did visit her last night?
Pure nostalgia, you understand, Inspector?
Of course.
We might as well get it over with.
Do you wish me to accompany you?
To the morgue.
To identify her body?
No, monsieur, his body.
An uncommon fine day, madame.
On a day such as this,
we should abandon city pursuits...
pack a picnic lunch.
My, you're uncommon quiet for an actress.
Or don't you talk to dwarfs?
There's not much to me, I admit,
but I do draw attention...
to beauty such as yours,
and doubly enhance it,
as many a lady has found.
You know...
Know what?
- We're not strangers. You wear my orchids.
- Oh!
Yes, your admirer.
- I'm flattered, monsieur...
- Triboulet.
Pierre Triboulet.
Descended from royalty, of course.
How so, monsieur?
One of my ancestors was a court jester.
Laughter is not foreign to you.
Matter of fact,
you laugh exactly as your mother did.
- You knew my mother?
- Yes.
Once, I was her greatest admirer.
And for that reason,
madame, I have a friend
whose endorsement would greatly
further your career.
And for such an endorsement...
What would I want? Very little.
You see, I want to help you.
You should be a great star,
on greater stages...
just as your mother would have been,
if she had lived.
Through you she will live again.
I have friends, madame.
Yes, I have powerful friends.
Au revoir.
It's Jacques.
Or should I say, what's left of him.
Was he an important member of your cast?
Replacing Erik.
The almost-human ape? Was he any good?
Not very, but he'd been
with me a long time.
Three murders in the Rue Morgue,
Monsieur Charron.
All three victims mutilated with vitriol.
I would say the pattern
is established, wouldn't you?
Pattern? I don't know what you mean.
- How?
- A pattern of vengeance, perhaps?
But it's not possible, Inspector.
It's just not possible.
Nevertheless, if I were a member
of your company, Monsieur Charron,
I would try to be very, very careful.
There is much to do.
Buried alive, the Great Orsini!
The miracle of the age!
He'll be buried alive for three days!
He has been pronounced dead
by 100 physicians and lived!
Come closer, please, everyone.
Yes, messieurs et mesdames...
the Great Orsini...
will be buried in this very grave,
before your eyes.
His coffin will be nailed shut!
His grave will be covered with dirt!
What do you want here, Cesar?
I want to talk to you, Luigi.
I'm busy.
And what's this to do with me?
Between the lines, Luigi.
Three of your friends were killed. So what?
I was never your friend, Cesar.
But you were a member
of my company back then...
during the days of Marot.
- Marot is dead.
- I know.
You blame a dead man... for this?
No, no, of course not.
It couldn't be.
There's no doubt about his death, Cesar.
We were both there, at the grave.
A dozen years ago.
- Cesar, stop blaming again.
- Luigi!
The man has suffered enough.
Wasn't there anyone
else who knew Marot then?
Some relative or friend?
I know nothing...
except my work.
The Great Orsini!
Prepare the coffin.
But how does he do it, Inspector?
- Do what, Aubert?
- Get buried alive.
Practice. He has done
the trick for 15 years.
Once he did it for Monsieur Charron.
But you wanted to speak to Orsini.
Obviously, we arrived too late.
Now we'll have to wait, Aubert...
three whole days.
Yes, monsieur,
I gave her another sleeping powder.
- The dream again?
- Yes, monsieur, the dream.
Isn't there anything we can do?
- Like what?
- Well, a change of air, perhaps?
Yes, you're quite right, Gabrielle.
I'll see what I can arrange in the morning.
Good night.
Good night.
What is it?
A dream?
A nightmare?
- The man with the axe?
- Yes, and...
A house, and I'm running and...
Greek columns, and big trees.
- But that was your mother's house.
- My mother's house?
Yes, don't you remember?
You lived there as a child.
I know, but why did I forget that house?
Well, you were very young.
And painful memories
are better forgotten, Madeleine.
What happened to my mother?
Let's not talk about death.
But I want to know what happened
with her and Marot.
Perhaps it will help to explain my dream.
Well, it happened...
in your mother's house...
- her own theatre.
- Theatre?
I can almost remember.
Marot was very much
in love with your mother.
But he was insanely jealous.
One night, we were giving a play...
a private performance
for the Duchess of Orleans.
Please... Please help me.
I've done nothing.
Take my necklace.
You have done nothing to me, madame.
But you have caused my master great harm.
What are you doing?
You wouldn't! You wouldn't brand me!
Not I, madame.
That is a pleasure reserved
for the Duke himself.
And then...
- he will use this.
- What is it?
Something to heal your burning flesh.
Something gentle and soothing.
My apologies, madame. I was detained.
All is in readiness, master.
Then, let us begin at the beginning.
Quiet, you beast!
Please, Your Grace...
I implore you!
- No!
- Yes, yes, my darling.
If you deny me your beauty,
then, no one shall ever see it again.
Kill the beast!
Do something!
A little more heat for you, my darling.
It won't be long.
Our game isn't over yet, my darling.
Help me, someone! Please!
Rene! Rene!
What is it?
- Cesar!
- Marot.
He's dead! Rene!
The curtain, bring in the curtain.
Real acid in the beaker.
But why?
No one knows.
A lover's quarrel, perhaps.
In any case...
he wouldn't let us see him for weeks.
We've all been frantic
with worry and grief.
We still don't know how it happened.
The police are just as puzzled as we are.
What is it? Can he hear? Can he speak?
Oh, yes, sir.
He can speak all right when he
wants to, and he can hear everything.
I want to talk to him by myself.
Cesar, I know what I'm doing.
Don't worry, nurse, I shan't upset him.
There will always be a place
for you in the company.
Don't forget, we're all old friends.
God bless you.
Rene, they're gone.
They're gone.
Just you and I.
Why did you not allow me to visit you?
To know that you're alive, and not see you?
How could you be so cruel?
Do you remember what we said
in my dressing room...
the very night it happened?
I asked you to set a date
for our marriage, didn't I?
Well, I'm still waiting.
Have you any idea, Madeleine,
what I look like?
No, you...
find yourself a husband
with a face worth looking at.
A handsome young lord...
like Charron!
I hate handsome men!
I hate them. Do you hear me?
All my leading men are handsome.
Why else would a man want to look
into a mirror night after night?
All tailors, dummies, and devils.
All, except you.
Does it still...
Does it still hurt to touch?
What do I care...
if your face is burned and scarred?
I love you. Don't you know that?
Shortly afterward...
he committed suicide.
Aw, look, Madeleine...
we're going away on a holiday,
and you're going to
forget all these dreams.
Messieurs et mesdames!
The grand moment we have all
been waiting for has arrived!
The coffin will be raised!
Doctor, please.
Doctor, please.
Get him!
Over there, there!
Acid killer strikes again.
City lies in terror.
- I brought her, Master.
- Excellent. Excellent.
But I've had to bring someone else...
- her lover.
- Fool!
It's all right, Vargo,
they won't be missed.
Don't scream, my dear. He won't hurt you.
It's only a sign of affection.
Erik! Erik! Stop it.
Let go of her! Erik!
I must wake up.
She's fainted. Take her off. Take her off.
Emil! Emil, go get Lucie.
She'll have to go on.
I'll try calm them down out there.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Your attention, please.
Please, your attention!
Due to a slight indisposition
to our beautiful leading lady,
we will take our first interval
in the performance now.
Just fatigue, I think.
She hasn't been sleeping well. Bad dreams.
What sort of dreams, Monsieur Charron?
Do you investigate dreams, too, Inspector?
Only nightmares,
like the death of Monsieur Orsini.
Poor Luigi.
You knew them all, didn't you?
All the acid victims
were once your employees...
Monsieur Charron.
- It was coincidence.
- Or revenge.
Could it be that the man who did
the killing is trying to kill you, too?
- I don't know what you mean.
- Don't you, Charron?
Your ex-partner, Marot.
No, that's impossible.
- Marot is dead.
- I know.
I was there the day we came to arrest him.
The physician pronounced him dead.
And there is only one thing
to do with a dead man.
Marat was buried...
but he was buried alive.
No, that's impossible.
Marot was mad.
He killed Madeleine's mother with an axe.
He committed suicide, we all saw him.
But the dead can walk...
if you know the answers.
A trick.
A trick of shallow breathing...
practiced by the fakirs of the Orient...
taught to Marot
by his one-time friend, Orsini.
It took hours.
Hours of terror.
But somehow...
Marot found the strength
to lift the lid of the coffin.
It was the strength of a madman,
because by now...
Marot was completely insane.
He had no memory of
what had happened to him.
But he had sense enough to cover the grave.
And then?
His coffin was moved, wasn't it?
But where?
I don't know.
That's a pity, isn't it?
If we knew, we could prove my theory.
Couldn't we?
It's all right.
You're awake now.
- Oh, I can't bear it anymore.
- Let me call the doctor.
The doctor can't help me.
Nothing can help me, except...
- Except what?
- The truth, Gabrielle.
- Where are you going?
- Get dressed.
- But it's very late.
- Get dressed and call the carriage.
- But where are you going? To town?
- To the house.
A house?
- Please wait for us here.
- Please, madame, I can't wait.
I'm losing business in the town.
Madame, I don't like it here.
It's very dark.
Will you give me my fare, please, madame?
I've engaged you
for the return journey, please wait.
But, madame...
Madame, please.
It's the same one, the same.
The same what?
The same house, and the same theatre.
Just as in my dreams.
But why is it here?
My father built it for my mother,
to please her.
Madame, I'm not frightened...
but must we stay?
Just another moment, Gabrielle.
That driver won't wait forever.
My mother's room, it must be up there.
Madame, somebody's coming.
Welcome, ladies.
Well, we didn't think you'd come so soon.
My powerful friend, madame.
The one who wishes to help you.
Please... Please...
don't hurt us. We don't mean any harm.
Hurt you?
Madame, I wish no harm to you.
How could I harm the woman I love?
Do I disgust you?
- I didn't disgust your mother.
- Stop it! Stop it!
No, please!
Stop it!
Wait! I'm sorry!
Wait! I didn't mean to hurt you.
We knew you would
come here sooner or later.
- We?
- My friend...
- Monsieur Marot.
- You're lying.
- Marot is dead.
- Marot lives.
Ask your wife.
She is lovely, monsieur.
As lovely as her mother was.
Where is she?
Where is she?
Find Monsieur Marot,
and you will find Madeleine.
En garde, monsieur!
En garde!
Greetings, Cesar.
It's been a long time.
You look...
Not so handsome, eh?
But alive, Cesar.
Isn't that all that matters?
You won't be alive long, Marot.
Not after the police know.
Must a man die twice for his crimes, Cesar?
Must a man suffer twice...
for the woman he loves?
Get your hands off her.
He's mad.
Am I?
- No, Madeleine.
- He's the one, Madeleine.
He's the one who killed your mother.
The pillow.
The pillow!
Get the pillow!
You needn't worry. There was no murder.
He already has a death certificate.
Murderers! Assassins!
You killed him! I know you killed him!
One of you out there.
You killed that man...
and you will pay for his life!
His life! Look behind you!
Now, it is your turn to die.
No! No! Don't do that!
The pillow!
The pillow!
For God's sake, woman, get that pillow!
Why, you!
Now, we have to put him in his coffin.
- Don't worry, it was only a play.
- It scared me.
That's only, you know...
a coincidence.
Puppets in a play, a Punch and Judy show.
But it's impossible.
He probably arranged
for its delivery before.
The more I learn about the past...
the more puzzling your part
in this mystery gets.
What's puzzling you, Inspector?
You never told me you
and Marot were rivals.
For Madame Fenelone's affections.
It's true. I was in love with Madeleine.
But Marot was the one
she was really interested in.
But she couldn't have loved Marot
and thrown acid in his face.
Oh, you're wrong, Inspector.
She had his body moved to the mausoleum,
so they could be together even in death.
No, Madeleine.
- That can't be true.
- Why not?
At least it's something we can find out...
Shall we go?
Madeleine, don't you see what you've done?
But he's there, Cesar.
We put him there, didn't we?
The body, it won't be decomposed.
Aren't you coming?
- It troubles you, monsieur?
- He was my friend.
And also your rival.
I think you've seen enough, Inspector.
You should be satisfied, Marot
is dead, and so are your theories.
What a pity.
Oh, but to lead him right there...
But, as you see, everything is all right.
I still don't see how.
Maybe... Maybe we dreamed everything,
and a man like Marot just can't be killed.
That's nonsense.
Yes, of course. Let's go to bed.
No, I couldn't sleep.
Do you want some sleeping powder?
I have some.
- Yes.
- I won't need it tonight.
Tonight, I could use it.
How did I get here?
You were brought here, Cesar.
Your wife gave you a sleeping powder.
But you're dead.
I felt your pulse.
The Great Orsini was a good teacher.
- What have you done to her?
- Hypnosis, Cesar.
It was the only way
to make her listen and understand.
Understand? Understand what?
The truth, Cesar.
That it was you who put
the real acid into the beaker.
- No!
- Yes!
You let the woman I love disfigure me.
But you never thought
she would love me still, did you?
That she would want
to marry me, ugly as I am?
She can't hear you, but you watch.
Watch and see her understand.
You're going back.
You're returning to your childhood...
back through the years.
- Back...
- Yes.
You're a child again...
a child of 7...
in this house, on this stage.
On this stage.
Yes. It's late at night.
The stage is dark.
It's so dark.
You weren't frightened.
It was all a game to you.
But, suddenly, you heard...
You weren't supposed
to come to the theatre.
Your mother was very strict.
She never wanted you to know...
the nightmarish plans
that were formed on this stage, but...
that night, you were there.
Anybody still here?
Who's there?
Yes, Madeleine...
there stands the axe man of your dreams.
You tried to put the blame on Marot.
You tried to make us all swear that
we had seen what Marot had done.
But not I.
I did not swear.
No, not you, my little friend,
but all the others.
Erik, Genevre, Orsini.
They all swore I was guilty.
But, first, I want to hear the truth.
I want to hear you say it.
Let me hear the truth, Cesar.
I killed her.
I killed her.
- Get him.
- I'll be back for you, Madeleine!
Never... in my dreams...
Never... my dreams...
Your dreams are all over, madame.
- He'll come back.
- If he does...
we'll be there. Don't worry.
Come on, everybody. Hurry up.
Curtain in one minute.
- Are you sure you want to go on?
- Yes, I want to. I must.
Just as I once begged for your kisses...
now you will beg for your death.
Now, my darling, prepare for pain...
Exquisite pain.
Get back.
Erik, get back!
I've come for you, my darling.
No! No! No!
No! Help! Help!
No! No!
You two, over there! Over there! Quick!
Lights! Lights!
There! Up there!
Quick! There! Quick!
Stop him!
You shouldn't worry, Madeleine.
Everything will be all right.
Look, I will wait outside your door
while you change.
Call me the second you're ready,
and I'll take you home.
I've come for you.
I've had my revenge,
but it's not enough. I need...
I need love.
Hurry up.
Break down the door.
Good-bye, Madeleine.
But, remember, the will...
The will lives on...
after death.