Musanilgi (The Journals of Musan) (2010) Movie Script

The Journals of Musan
Take it easy. Don't worry.
Let me be on top. Come here.
Holy Bible
Are you awake?
Is your friend gone?
She just left.
Look at this.
You said your pillow is not good.
Isn't this cute? Lean on it.
How's that?
Hmm, it is good.
It's comfortable, isn't it?
Did you fight with somebody again?
I just got hurt during work.
Let me know if any fucker bothers you.
I will teach him a lesson.
Did you wash your hair?
Of course I did.
Can I borrow your clothes
to wear to church tomorrow?
Hey, you don't have to ask.
Feel free to wear them.
And fold the pants
if they are too long for you.
They need to be cut off
not just folded.
Then how can l wear them later?
Oh, whatever.
I feel tired.
Turn down the music, will ya?
l'm off to bed.
Don't stay up late.
- Good night.
- You, too.
I acknowledged my sin to you
and did not cover up my iniquity.
I said, "I will confess
my transgressions to the Lord."
And you forgave
the guilt of my sin.
It was Iike the Iast words of Jesus.
Jesus Christ said to his disciples,
Love each other deeply.
Offer hospitality to one another
without grumbling.
There is a peace
that lies beyond the storm.
There is a song that wakes the morn.
There is a place where hope is born,
near to the heart of Jesus.
You really need a haircut.
And let me tell you this again.
- Don't say you're from North Korea.
- Yes, sir.
You just tell them
that you will work hard.
You need to survive here.
How long have you been in China?
- You must speak Chinese well.
- Yes, I can.
This job won't be hard
nor require a certain skill.
You just need to deliver
documents to a company in Tsingtao.
Three or four times a month.
Do you know Tsingtao?
I've never been there.
But I know.
But... I can't pay you much.
$200 for a trip.
- $200?
- Yes.
Isn't that too Iow?
That's because you don't know
this market, detective.
$200 is not that bad.
But $200 is too low.
Well, What do you think?
I'm fine with it.
Everybody says the same thing at first.
But they quit a couple of months later.
I can manage.
He wiII be different.
He's reIiabIe.
I Will do my best.
Then, show me your ID card.
Hey! Young-Geun!
Make a copy of this.
And answer when I call you.
Please have your coffee.
ldentification Card
JEON Seong-Chul
No, I can't.
What then?
He's a North Korean defector,
isn't he?
The Chinese wouIdn't issue a visa
to ID number that begins with 125.
How can I offer him a job
when he can't travel to China?
Then, how about other jobs?
Carrying loads or something like that...
I do that myself.
We are having a difficult time here.
I'II hire him for you if I can, but...
He needs a job to survive.
Don't name me.
Please try somewhere else.
What are you doing there?
Come, let's go.
Please understand
that we're having a difficult time.
l'm sorry, detective.
Take care.
WouId you Iike to try them?
What size shoes do you Wear?
Dongdaemun Table Tennis Club
Open to new members
l'm doing fine.
How's my little brother?
How's my father doing?
Look, Kyung-Chul.
Betvveen us North Koreans,
Can't you lower the charge?
When we send $1,000,
a 10% gets charged
for the currency exchange.
And 30% commission gets taken by my uncle,
which he complains about.
I get nothing.
You should be good to me,
you know?
I get it.
Yeah, your uncle is
risking his life for this.
I'm okay with it.
Here, count it.
Both the microphone and lines?
Well, the microphone can be fixed
but better get a new one.
How much for the lines only?
It'll be $5 to change the lines
and $50 for a new microphone.
Wait a moment, please.
Help Wanted - Karaoke
Were the Iines broken?
Yes. l just changed the lines.
Did you have to go far for that?
Just here and there.
Well, thanks for going around
in this cold weather.
Could you install this new one?
l'm going home now.
- OK, go and take some rest.
- Thanks.
It's coId out. Dress warm.
OK. Take Cafe!
Here, sign it.
You did well yesterday.
Good job with the posters.
None fell off.
You. Hand out these.
Don't get caught.
But boss, this is not myjob.
Hey, stop the car.
Let me just hand out flyers.
Get off.
Get off now, you fucker!
But it's not my stop.
If you don't want to work,
you shouldn't be in this car.
Get off now! Get out!
Hey, you heard him.
I'II do it.
Do it right. Let's move.
All the posters you glued
were on the ground.
I glued them well on the wall.
Are you sure it was the wall?
They were all on the ground!
You take these posters too.
I can't rely on this guy.
- Boss, I can do this, too.
- Hey, hands off. Leave it!
You take care of those and you...
Put up this banner.
But boss, this is not my job.
It is and here are some Ieftover.
Do it right, okay?
Stop the car.
Jin-Wook needs to get off.
Don't get caught,
and glue them well, OK?
Hey, move!
You are blocking his way.
- Don't get caught.
- I won't.
Do it quickIy, wiII you?
- Jin-Wook, do a good job!
- Yeap.
Let's go!
ShouIdn't be picky about jobs
in a difficuIt time Iike this.
Boss, I am sure
I glued the posters well.
No, you didn't. I saw them
on the ground myself.
And you're telling me
you did yourjob well?
That's why you are not
making money, man.
You can't make money when
you're picky about jobs.
But how can I put up banners
by myself?
Just put up one side first,
then run to the other side.
It works. I used to do it by myseIf.
If you don't Iike it, just quit.
- A sigh? Don't do it!
- No, Boss. I wiII do it.
- If you don't want, don't do it!
- I wiII do my best!
Do it right, OK?
Don't sigh!
Hey, you son of a bitch!
You fucker!
Mother fucker...
Hey! Stop! Stop there!
Try this one as well.
Reliable products
you can trust and buy.
The two-door-refrigerators in the store.
That are marvelously convenient.
Your ID number, please?
Seven, nine...
Seven, nine...
One, zero, zero, six...
- One, tvvo, five...
- One, two, five?
- Five, one, zero, eight.
- Five, one, zero, eight.
Sir, why did you jaywaIk? Huh?
You can get hurt.
Do you have that much money?
You do, so pay the fine.
lt's $20.
Please, be careful, OK?
HeIIo? Oh, Kyung-ChuI.
IS that SO?
Man, you look homeless.
Hey, isn't it very expensive here?
How expensive can it get?
Where did you get the money?
Don't worry. I won't come here
without money.
Hey, you country bumpkin.
Unbutton one, it's warm here.
No, it's coId.
You know how coId it is outside?
Look at that!
Don't try dark colors.
Your face is dark enough.
Lsn't it too expensive?
Lt's only a jacket.
How much can it cost?
How about this one?
lt has a bright color.
You think it's good?
Yeah, this will look good on you.
Try this one.
Right, it looks good on you.
Isn't it a bit too tight?
No. If a jacket is too loose,
it looks funny.
It's just fine. The coIor is nice.
Let me know if you Iike it.
- Can I try these pants?
- Sure. The fitting room is over there.
I think it's your size.
- Isn't it a IittIe bit smaII?
- No, it Iooks good on you.
- Well then, I'Il take this.
- OK.
It's very Iight!
It's a Nike.
L'll come another time for the pants.
Do you Iike the jacket?
Yes, I do.
- How much is it?
- It's $160.
Hey, it's me.
- Try these on.
- Oh man...
I knew you'd steal them.
Come, try them.
I dia ir for you. Just try them on.
Thanks, but let me return them.
You cute little bastard...
Don't be sorry.
Let me return them.
Oh come on, Seung-Chul.
Don't embarrass me.
You can'tjust go like that.
Do you have to do this
even in South Korea?
Haven't you got rid of that habit?
Don't be a smart-ass!
Even if these are gone,
they won't starve.
I know you care about me.
I thank you for that.
But I want to return them.
Hey, hey! Don't...!
You stubborn fucker...!
Look what a mess you are!
Lt cost me quite a bit to feed
this puppy, you know.
Will you take it for $30?
I don't have money.
No more.
Anti-communism education
doesn't work these days.
Hold on...
Oh, Seung-chul.
You said your room was cold,
so I brought you more blankets.
Thank you.
I'II check up with schooIs
and sociaI organizations
Just wait for a whiIe.
You still haven't cut your hair yet?
Look at yourjacket.
I got it from the factory
where I used to work.
You won't do anotherjob interview
in this shape, will you?
It's reaIIy pathetic.
You haven't quit smoking yet?
What's this? Nike!
Why didn't you wear newjacket?
Why dia you wear this?
I'II wear it from tomorrow.
Don't save it for later.
l'll buy you another, OK?
Look at this...
The air is not ventilating.
Hey, leave it there.
I taped the window
because of the wind.
I get it
but there's too much smoke here.
It wiII be gone by tomorrow.
Wow, no...
This is too much.
Don't smoke too much
lt's suffocating!
Where do you live?
Over the crossroads,
near the demolished village.
It's not that far.
Yes, quite close.
You need to work until dawn,
so it's better if you live nearby.
We pay $4 per hour.
You can have a day off
every two weeks.
It's not a hard work but...
People don't last long
because it's overnight work.
I don't sleep much at night.
I can work well.
Is that so?
Well then,
write down your ID number,
name, and phone number.
The drinks got just delivered.
Oh yeah?
He'll be working with us
So help him out, OK?
You should follow her and
help with the delivery.
Yes, sir.
- Follow me.
- l'll just leave my bag here.
Never serve beer in cans.
We don't know when the cops
wiII bust in.
There are police crackdowns?
Of course.
Pour the beer up to here.
Then you can fill three glasses
with two cans.
Give ir a try.
Lean the glass...
- $70, right? We are regulars.
- Yes.
Thank you.
We charge the customer $20
for each helper.
We take $5 commission and
give the helper $15.
Beer is $5 and each Karaoke room
is $20 per hour.
And no discounts, OK?
Yes, I get it.
Give it a try, please.
These are smaII rooms.
Many customers
come alone these days.
You can take them into these.
What the fuck are you?
- Does it hurt? Huh?
- What did I wrong?
Does it hurt? You fucker!
If it hurts, just quit yourjob.
What did I do wrong?
Hey, you motherfucker...
Didn't I teII you to stay out of my sight?
Get up!
I toId you, son of a bitch!
You fucker!
Son of a bitch!
I told you to stay out of my sight.
Does it hurt?
Then why the hell are you here?
Put your posters in another area.
Hands off.
Hand off, fucker!
I'm more comfortabIe in jaiI.
I can just stab you
and go to jail.
This is the last warning.
Oh, it's coId...
You are home?
What are you doing?
What happened to yourjacket?
- Huh? What happened?
- WeII.
Hey, give it to me.
Let me see it!
Who the fuck did this?
- lt got torn when I was at work.
- At work? My ass!
Those bastards did this,
didn't they?
You moron, you let...
Where are these bastards? Huh?
Where are they?
I'II kiII those bastards!
You remember how much this cost?
How can you dare to Wear this
while handing out flyers?
Stupid moron...
Sons of bitches just hacked it up...
Go hand out flyers forever.
Still, you can never afford this.
Stuffy bastard.
What are you going to do with this?
I am sorry.
What a waste...
Kyung-Chul, can I borrow
your white shirt today?
Oh, fuck...
Kyung-Chul, may I wear...
your pants, too?
Why? Going to church?
In that shape?
No. l'm working at the Karaoke
at the crossroads from tonight.
How much do you get for that?
$4 per hour.
$4... Man...
I am sorry.
Are you OK?
Your bruises look bad.
I'm ok.
The path of blessing
Through you, the wish shall
Reach the Lord
The path of blessing
Within the Lord's promise
The path of blessing
Within the Lord's promise
You're new in Seoul city,
aren't you?
It's been eight months.
You're from Gangwon province?
Where abouts?
You wouIdn't know.
It's a small village.
Is the job okay?
Yes, it is.
By the way, where do you live?
Over the crossroads,
near the demolished village.
Then, it's the other way.
I am ok.
No, please. Go ahead.
I am ok. Let's go.
No, it's not ok.
Why take a detour?
I am ok.
Please, go your way.
See you tomorrow.
Bye now.
- Oh it's coId!
- Yes it is.
Thank you, Lord
for giving the power to Jesus,
and granting our promises
by his name.
Lord, we strongly believe in your words.
So we pray in the name of Jesus.
PIease bIess all our church members
who pray here with
answers to their prayers.
How was the service?
You know what?
My husband cooked
for me yesterday.
- He did?
- It was deIicious.
Envy me?
Aren't you coming?
Please, go ahead.
You insane or what?
How can you bring a puppy
to this tiny space?
You must be losing your mind.
I don't care if it's winter or not.
It's smelly and hairy.
Get rid of it, you hear me?
Hey, hey!
Is that my towel?
You used my soap, too?
- Am I a dog?
- Don't beat the puppy!
Why beat the puppy!
Should I beat you instead?
Let me be straight.
When l'm back, the dog's gone.
Wait until spring comes.
Do you want to leave
this place, then?
If you want to live here,
ge: rid of ir.
I mean it!
Get rid of it!
Why didn' you re me
we go to the same church?
Well... I haven't seen you
until today.
Is that so?
Please pretend that we don't know
each other at church.
It can get uncomfortable
working together.
And I don't want people to know
that I work at a Karaoke.
Yes, go: ir.
I don't know anybody
in church anyvvay.
HonestIy, a job Iike this...
It's shamefuI before God.
If things ge: better,
I'm going to quit.
Please don't worry.
I won't say anything.
After you saw me at church today,
you are not eating.
You must be worried.
Sorry, I should have told you.
No, it's not that.
You don't need to worry.
I won't say anything.
Will you pray with me?
Let's pray together.
Thank you, Father.
For allowing us good health.
And giving the work in our hands.
Lord, forgive our sins
we commit in our daily life.
And lead us into righteousness.
People who live with songs
like river in their heart
WiII get to know it
That when evening comes...
Take this money,
and let me touch your boobs.
What...? Huh?
Let's drink!
People who have felt
the terrible loneliness
WiII get to know it
A love that doesn't yield to sorrow
That fIowers Ieaves with Iove
Becoming a forest, then a mountain
To be Ieft behind as echoes
No matter what
People are more beautiful
than flowers
People who gets over loneliness
What'S this?
What are you doing? Huh?
I just came for beer.
Take these and get out.
What the hell are you?
Oh come on.
Bring the manager over.
Hey! BowI hair!
Come on here.
You fucking bastard!
Are you the manager?
I want my money back!
Please, don't.
- Give my money back!
- OK!
- Take this and calm down, please!
- No.
I don't want it!
Hey, that's enough.
Get out and
take your manager, too.
We won't ask a refund.
- Hey you fucker!
- Get up, get up.
What the fuck!
What is this?
Why are you making a mess?
Do you have a crush on Min-Jung?
Why do you care about
these people?
Getting in a fight.
What if they caIIed the cops?
What on earth is wrong with you?
Let me give you an advice
as a fellow Christian.
Don't faII in Iove with
the girIs who work here.
You'll regret later.
How much do you get per hour?
Me? Four doIIars.
Wash and clean dishes
all day long
to get four dollars per hour?
Call that earning?
What about you?
Me? Five dollars.
Oh, man... Brother.
We risked our Iives to come here
to do the deIivery job?
Work to death and we only get
five dollars per hour.
We came all the way
through China
only to get that crappy money.
Don't talk about China.
If we go to us,
we will make at least eight dollars an hour.
So why not...?
- Hey! Bastards.
- Come on in.
What are you guys doing
in the dark Iike some bats?
Just come in now.
I've heard today is
Myoung-Doo's birthday.
Come in.
This is an American magazine
called Hustler. Have a look.
You see these boobs?
You can't find such boobs
in North or South Korea.
You know how much meat
they need to eat to get such boobs?
We got to go to see these. Huh?
Look who's getting thirsty!
Have a drink first.
- Have a drink first.
- No thanks.
Let me see them, too.
You have a drink.
Damn those sons of bitches!
What have they done?
They're sending South Korean
propaganda leaflets to North again!
What's wrong with that?
Keeping back reunification.
North Korea sends leaflets to South, too.
But you know,
speaking iII of Kim Jong-II,
onIy makes things worse.
- He's done no good either.
- Hello?
Yes, auntie.
Yes, hold on.
Upset Kim Jong-II and he'II take it out
on our famiIy Ieft in North Korea.
What are you saying?
What? unzze go: caught?
What about the money?
Did he send the money?
How can you not know?
If the money is not sent,
l'm a dead man!
Aunt, listen very carefully
and do as I say.
If anybody calls asking for uncle,
say you know nothing.
And when you get in touch with uncle,
tell him to call me no matter what.
Just do as I say!
Dia you ge: ir?
- What's wrong?
- Do you have money?
- No, dem.
- Lefs go to us.
Something's wrong.
My uncle in China got caught
by the Police.
I sent him $25,000 other guys
entrusted me with
but can't reach him.
I told you not to do t.
What are you going to do?
Let's go to the us.
Those guys wiII kiII me
How much did you take?
You don't beIieve me?
I get nothing.
I introduced them to my uncle
for his sake.
If you didn't take any money,
why run away to us?
Will they believe me?
I sent all the money to uncle
but can't reach him?
If you run away this
becomes a real fraud.
I can leave by myself.
But I can't leave you behind.
They wiII kill you, too.
What do you mean by that?
Who else you know except me?
They'll be suspicious of you.
Should We talk to the detective PARK?
If that oId man knows,
I'II onIy end up in jaiI.
There's no choice.
Detective Park.
No, everything is OK.
But in case...
No, it's nothing.
I just called you.
I am at home now.
I get it.
Yes, sir.
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty
Who reigns forever more...
Song number 17043, Start!
Listen carefully.
Father in Heaven, how we love you
We lift your name in all the earth
May your kingdom,
be established in our praises,
As your people declare
your mighty works.
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty
Loud, louder!
Who was and is, and is to come.
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty.
Who reigns forever more.
- You did great!
- The melody is really good!
Words are even better.
Father in Heaven, how we love you.
- Let's sing cheerfully!
- We lift your name in all the earth.
Yeah, disco!
May your kingdom,
be established in our praises,
As your people declare
your mighty works.
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty.
Who was and is, and is to come.
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty.
What are you doing?
Seung-Chul, can I have a word?
How can you leave the counter?
There were no customers.
So the helpers offered
to teach me sing.
You shouIdn't come to church.
If you're going to behave like this
you shouldn't come to church.
What do you mean?
Why do you sing hymns
with karaoke helpers?
Singing hymns with the helpers?
I don't know any other songs
except hymns.
You are a bad person.
Why are you lying?
It's not a Iie.
Do you really think l'd believe that?
I've finished the work.
This is your pay up to today.
Thanks for your help.
You can go now.
Hope you find a betterjob.
What did I do wrong?
Why do I have to quit?
You always think you did
nothing wrong, don't you?
That's your problem.
You don't know what you did wrong.
I go: ir.
Get off!
Please give me one more chance.
I've given you many chances.
It won't happen again.
I had my life on those posters.
But we don't have work anymore.
Get off now.
Get off now, you bastard!
l'm trying not to hit you. Get out!
Just one more chance.
Get out!
Let's go.
Wait a moment!
I didn't get paid for the Iast two days.
My wages, please.
Torn posters and that banner cost
more than your wages.
I said ge: off!
Get lost, you bastard!
Go away!
Hey, let's move.
In North Korea,
after Kim ll-Sung died,
the food crisis got rapidly worse
from 1995.
Many starved to death,
and more people tried to escape.
South Korea is a warmer place.
Thank you for taking the
anti-communism education today.
That's enough! All right!
What are you going to do
for that $25,000? You Cheated, huh?
No, Detective...
Fucking bastard, I heard it aII!
Hey! Calm down!
- Are you going to pay back?
- Yes.
But how?
I have some savings.
l'll work to pay back the rest.
You guys just go now.
He'll pay you back.
You were trying to send the money
to North Korea, right?
You know,
that's a crime of espionage.
Go now.
He'll pay you back.
We can't just go.
Go now! Bastards...
Cunning bastard...
- Rot to death, you son of a bitch!
- Just go! Go now!
- I need to take him.
- Rot to death!
I need to take him for questioning.
- Get up and go!
- Cunning bastard...
Just go!
I need to question him.
Go now!
Make sure you pay me back!
Get Out!
- You!
- Yes.
- You know that Dong-Soo died.
- Yes.
When things go wrong,
you could die like him.
You didn't cheat Seung-ChuI
of his money, did you?
BeIieve me!
He has no money anyvvay.
- Can I trust you?
- Yes, l'm telling the truth.
What's your uncle's name
who got caught in China?
- My uncle in China?
- Yeah.
His name is JANG Tae-Soo.
- JANG Tae-Soo.
- Yes.
Are you home?
What brought you home so early?
Look, Seung-Chul.
Come here.
This is Jack DanieI's,
an American Iiquor.
Let's just relax and have a drink.
Did you get in touch with your uncle?
Things will work out fine.
Don't worry.
Get out of my room.
You got this for yourself,
not for me.
What's wrong with you?
What's with the temper!
Are you out of your mind?
That does it. I'm tired.
It's just this situation I am in.
You don't care about me,
you only care about your fucking dog!
- Fucking dog!
- What are you doing?
Oh, I got it.
Now you are looking down on me,
aren't you?
- Aren't you?
- What's wrong with you?
You think l'm nothing.
You see me in this situation,
and look down on me.
You've been begging me for clothes
and now you don't need me anymore?
Take all these.
Take them all!
I'm so tired!
Get out of here!
Hey, Seung-Chul.
You know why you're alone?
Do you know why you're alone?
You fucker!
You know why you're alone?
You only care about yourself.
That's why you have no friend.
That's why you have a dog
to cuddle, you doglike bastard!
What dia you just say?
- Hey...
- Get off me!
Look at yourself.
You are a damn beggar!
Shut up!
- Shut up.
- Don't taIk Iike that!
Chatter to your fucking dog.
I don't need it!
You got that?
- Fuck off!
- Don't talk like that!
Fuck off! Fuck!
Got it?
Fuck off.
Told you to be out of my sight.
Hands off!
I told you! Huh?
So many times!
I told you! Many times!
Do I sound like a fucking joke?
Afucking joke?
Give me some water.
Hey, give me water.
No, it can't be.
We got this at a high price.
This is definitely a crossbreed dog.
- Supposed to be a Jindo or a Pungsan.
- Probably a crossbreed of the tvvo.
If a Jindo or Pungsan, it's fine
but a crossbreed can't be sold.
- Is that so?
- Yes.
- How about for just $20?
- l'm sorry.
Crossbreed dogs are not for sale.
- Then, take it forjust $10.
- Oh, you can't beg for this.
Keeping this dog would be
already a burden to us.
Good bye.
One of my best friends...
asked me to lend him money,
knowing that l'm not well off.
So I did and he said he'd pay back.
But then I heard from him again
asking for even more money.
In my mind, I thought...
'No, I don't want to.'
But I couIdn't say it.
Instead I said yes.
Looking at myselfl became skeptical
on Why I should live like this.
My family used to be very rich.
We used to live in a house
with a big garden.
But things went bad
during the IMF crisis.
Still, Ithought...
my dad would stay strong
just as he had been.
But when we were about to
clear out some stuffs,
he got so upset asking why
we have to get rid of his belongings.
Where are you going?
Let's welcome a new brother,
JEON Seung-Chul.
Would you please
introduce yourself?
Come, introduce yourself.
He got out of the
resettlement center recently.
He needs to adjust to our society
and make some friends.
That's why I brought him here.
l'd appreciate your kindness.
PIease don't misunderstand them.
This is Detective Park and
brother Seung-ChuI next to him
is a North Korean defector.
Brother, since we are
having a prayer meeting now,
would you like to suggest
a topic for prayers?
I don't know how to pray.
IS that so?
But t is not that difficult, you knoW.
Tell the Lord what's on your mind,
and that is prayer.
Then, our Lord will understand
and listen to everything you say.
I am a North Korean defector.
I was born in Musan,
North Hamgyong province.
There was nothing to eat.
I was so hungry
that I had a fight.
I hit on and on
and found my friend down.
I came home with corn.
The next day,
I was passing the same way
and that friend was still lying there.
And the next day,
and the day after...
I killed a man.
What are you saying?
We just listened to
Seung-Chul's painful story.
He was so desperate for food
he accidentally took the life of another.
However, we believe that Lord
who knows his circumstances
will forgive his sins and offences
and allow him a new life.
Let us understand his pains
as if they were ours
and pray together for God's grace
so that he...
can live a new life here within God.
Let's pray together.
God our Father of love and grace,
we have heard our brother
Seung-Chul's painful story today.
Thank you Lord for
leading him in his pain
to attend this prayer meeting.
Please forgive all his sins and offences
he has confessed today...
Are you weary,
are you heavy hearted?
Tell t to Jesus, tell t to Jesus.
Are you grieving overjoys departed?
TeII it to Jesus aIone.
What dia you e:hem
that story for?
Who wouId want to be friends
with a kiIIer?
You're so pathetic.
I have no friends anyvvay.
How can you live this world
Without a friend?
Are you serious?
Detective Park.
Can I have a word with you?
Looks like you worry about Seung-Chul,
we have programs for defectors in church...
I am sorry.
I really had no idea.
And I am sorry.
I think I can understand.
Working at a karaoke
because of a sick father.
And you being a defector.
These are things that
none of us can choose.
At least you confessed
n front of God.
I can't do that.
PIease come back to work.
It's too much for me alone.
Please help.
You like to sing hymns,
don't you?
You should join the church choir.
Can we be friends?
Friends from church?
Can we?
Did you make up your mind?
Well, my uncle in China
just started working as a broker.
So ifl ask him a favor,
you'Il probably get a 10% discount on
the average 40% commission.
Yep, yep.
How much money did you
want to send last time?
For that amount, it's better
to send it at once.
Yeah, that's right.
Where S Baek-Gu?
Where's the dog?
Yeah, yeah.
Where is the dog?
You crazy bastard!
Why do you ask me
about your dog?
Lt was at home.
Where would it go?
Don't you believe me?
How can I beIieve
a thief and crook?
Where is the dog? Huh?
I Iet it Ioose.
Because I felt sorry for the dog
becoming a loser like you.
- Man...
- So I Iet it Ioose.
Where did you leave it?
That fucking dog must have a place
it wants to go to.
You're in my view.
Where did you leave it?
Hey, I can't watch TV.
Where did you leave it?
Oh fuck! Whereverl
Let's go.
Hey there.
Sorry to meet in such
an early morning.
Get off from me!
Get off from me!
Stop there!
Don't come cIose!
Stop! You fucker!
Stop there!
You stop there!
You Iost him?
Damn motherfucker...
I'm sorry.
It's aII my fauIt.
The guys must be
in our house by now.
They catch me, and l'm a dead man.
I have no one but you now.
PIease do me a favor.
In the doghouse you made,
I hid some money.
Please bring it to me.
PIease Iisten to me.
In the doghouse, there's the jacket
I bought for you.
The money's in the inside pocket.
Aren't you my friend?
I know you.
That's honest money.
I saved the money doing speeches
and other works to go to US.
I must go to America!
You want to go to America?
I have to.
You know that.
I will bring you the money.
we are no longer friends.
Do you get it?
You know the bus stop
by the railroad?
I'll be waiting there.
It'll be my last favor.
Fucking son of a bitch!
Hey, hey!
That's enough!
Where is Kyung-Chul?
Where is he? Fucker!
Hey, come in!
Where is Kyung-Chul?
Ge: him up.
Where is he, fucker?
- Hey, get up!
- You fucker...
Ge: up!
Take off his jacket.
Motherfucker... Get up!
His pants, too.
- Where is the bastard?
- Start taIking.
- Where is he?
- Enough!
I don't know.
Take off your pants, too.
Hurry up!
What are you doing?
Why? You want to check
this one, too?
Why are you going
to church so early?
You'll see if you go with me.
If you try to hide him,
you're a dead man.
- You got it?
- Got it.
This stop is Dongbinggo.
Next stop is Hannam subway station.
PIease come in.
It's ok.
Let's sing the hymn
with joy, deIight and hope.
This is Mr. JEON Seung-ChuI
as I mentioned before.
He is from North Korea.
Well, let's sing together.
Amazing Grace,
how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch Iike me!
I once was lost
but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers,
toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought
me safe thus far
and Grace wiII Iead me home.
When we've been here
ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
This must be your first time
to eat spaghetti, right?
Please try, it's good.
By the way, you look totally different
with a new haircut.
Should have done it long ago.
It really looks good on you.
Did you buy new clothes, too?
Now you can be warm.
I think you'II do great
in the church choir.
Oh, do you know
the practice schedule?
We practice tvvice a week
on Saturdays and Sundays.
It's 6pm on Saturdays.
On Sundays we practice twice,
in the morning and the afternoon.
In the morning we practice early,
and in the afternoon after the service.
I will let you know whenever
there is a practice
so you can come and join us.
Why are you not eating?
It is good.
It's your first time here, isn't it?
Can you get beer from the store please?
I already talked to the Staff.
By the way.
This is for your puppy.
Please don't forget to
count the beer!
I came to pick up the beer.
- Hite beers, right?
- Yes.
This film is dedicated to
the late Jeon Seung-Chul,
who passed away in 2008.