Museum (2016) Movie Script

Welcome home daddy
Welcome home
I return
Sorry I can not be sent
I went
Is that a picture of his father, mother and Shota?
This time we went for a walk
He wanted to eat with you
The next time the father would take leave and travel together
You can not make time for your son's birthday?
killer frogs
You vomit again Nishino
I just rested for a while
The killings were in?
I will soon return to the scene
right here
The ...
Look at you here, is work right
The dog that killed him
Learn more
It was terrible
Bitten off by a dog?
He was killed alive
The body is expected to have a day here
The culprit who did this
Bound in chains
And left with a starving dog
Three large dogs attacked him until helpless
Such as sausage meat
Her blood was everywhere
Did you know the victim's identity?
No identities found in the victim's body
It takes time to figure it out
You and Nishino cuba check around
After taking pictures of the corpse revealed
What are you doing ?
What do you see ?
Now that we know
Only a rain-jacketed man walking back and forth around the scene
rain Tuesday
So it is very difficult to know the events surrounding
You still insomnia
Do not worry about me, we have to be able to adapt to all of this
So we can do this job properly
I certainly did not fit into the police
What are you talking about?
Hello Sawamura
Neither I immediately there
Where is the place ?
Apollo animal shelter
What's wrong with the dog vomit?
because there is this strange writing, so I immediately contacted you
This may be related to this case
What is this??
into dog food
Can we do this program?
division head
We have to make this data
The killer impose penalties to the victim
You said the evidence?
It was just a piece of paper
You do not think that's weird
Another clue will appear soon
The identity of the victim was unknown
He named Uehara Akemi women 26 years of factory workers
3 days ago
Her boyfriend a missing persons report
I can not believe
Please let me see it
We are still investigating more in
I understand how you feel
We are sorry...
You just moved here
Last week began living together
Akemi, day ...
What really happened to her?
Tell me
Tell me
We are sorry
All are still in the investigation, we can not be sure
You got any?
I want to ask something
When talking about the dog, what do you think?
Mom went to work first
The food is no ordinary place
Do menghalangku
Eat first
Create disgusted, Go !!
Told you make me sick!
Tsutsumi-san ada paket
Again and again
He no kerjakah
fucking garbage
What is going on
You're looking for trouble?
Though there are people at home
There are people in
Do not damage the door
There are people
There are people
There are people
There are people
I'm at home
I'm in the house
He did not hide behind the door, right?
You are right
Are you awake?
I secretly observe life
Tsutsumi usia 28 tahun
After the death of your father, ibummu be working hard
But you do not work and are always at home
Activities you just eat, drink and sleep all day
And the results of the assessment is
you're guilty
The guilty be punished
mother mother
I have determined the appropriate penalty
Penalties suffering of a mother
Judgment will be instituted
Save me mother
Help me
Save me mother
I'll help you get back when you were born
Help me
Here too prone
Come on
I do not want a place like this
The old woman at home today
Kalau kita begitu kehotel
I do not have the money stupid
You're stupid
Come here
You have really ...
Who's the victim?
The victim called Tsutsumi, 28, an unemployed
Live with mother
This morning has been reported missing
As a person who is missing from home
Missing from home?
Did the victim was sitting at home
Without any warning he suddenly disappeared
The house lights and the computer is on
No sign on the door was damaged
At home also found traces of shoes offender
He left the weapon and notes
It also features a trail shoes
Really scattered
He specifically target people who are at home
with a clear plan to kill
There are no similarities between the victims?
Still under investigation
For mothers suffering
Weight at birth?
80% correct
Every day she works to finance his life
He was in the cut like her weight when she was born
He punishes the victim for the suffering of his mother
Kes is like a puzzle
One by one, the instructions will appear
Broadly speaking, all will be revealed
It's hard to find someone's birth weight
The suspect must have wondered about the future
He knows well
Was limited you eat
I had no appetite
Food is also part of the work
After seeing the scene later eating a hamburger is working
I can not
Can you bring me a drink of water?
I will pour for you
thank you
thank you
Oh ya Nishino
Have you ever seen the victim's right cheek?
Sorry I did not dare look
Apa yang kau lakukan Sawamura-san?
Let's just say you are a victim
And this claw as a weapon
The suspect holding cheek
Then cut back and forth causing tremendous pain
What do you do if you suspect your hands and feet?
I will bite it
Victims must be struggling
And he will be biting
If like that...
The suspect is bound to have severe injuries her mother
Ada apa Sawamura-san?
Is that a coincidence?
Happy birthday Shota
I return
Welcome home
Today is...
She said she wanted to eat with you
He wanted to wait for you to go home
Until he fell asleep
I also bought a gift for you to give
Give when he awoke
After all I know you will not forget
I'm very busy at work
Until now
Are you can not make time for your son's birthday?
I'm really sorry, but ...
Did you catch the culprit?
How ?
Sorry I fell asleep
You have not quit smoking?
Not yet
My body was not comfortable if I smoke
A lot of strange things in this case
He threw his dog because her boyfriend is allergic to dogs
Even when she cries took him to the dump
- The motive is very simple crime - I think so too
Many people throw dogs
There must be a link between the offender and victim
The case is also simple motive Tsusumi
The culprit did want to be attentive
- You mean this case was conducted by the same person? - True
It's like a serial murder
Uehara Akemi dan Tsutsumi
In the second case, witnesses saw a suspicious person using rain jacket
Time was when the rain crime
Rain helps conceal its appearance and also does not call attention
We can speculate that the perpetrator killed when rain and already has plans
I find the information
Bagaimana Nishino?
The two victims have in common
Victims Uehara Akemi and Tsusumi
Three years ago, they became judges murder "crystal"
- What - What are you saying?
- I told them both to be a judge - not before it
Murder "crystal"
Ada apa Sawamura?
My wife has also become one of the judges
Kau yakin Sawamura?
Why not immediately?
He was dirumahkah?
I do not know where they are
He left home 2 weeks ago
Damn !!
- Quickly go to protect jurors - Good
This is it
Murder "crystal" Shigeru defendant
Working in the rubber company
This case is of great concern media
The perpetrator put the victim's body in liquid crystal
Make it like a doll
He admitted his actions while in police interrogation
His lawyer also did not make an appeal
The final results of the trial the death penalty
After being sentenced, the defendant was taken to the police hospital to check on his mental
While in the hospital
On the job, the police decided to guarantee the safety of school
Tokyo District Judge
Had disappeared four days
Police believe that if this relates to the case
That he signed
Judges who have lost work in the Tokyo area
Koizumi 42 tahun
Dad will be back
- There is a postal packages - Good
There are new newspapers?
We found the body of the judge Koizumi
- Yes - There is a package for you
- I please bring - Thanks
What's that ?
There is a guest to surprise
There is more info?
Koizumi seems to have a secret lover
He also got the "shock" of the same
Where did
Penalties have the same love
What is this, there are words that are strange
So this was the surprise
I can not wait
It's quite heavy too
Split vertically into two parts
Information has been obtained
Kes pembunuhan "kristal"
in dropping the death penalty by the judges' decision
Number nine, the jury and judge
As you know
Two judges and one judge was killed
How players can get this secret information?
It was not clear
We have to pay attention to this case
Three victims on when talks
Organize the death penalty
Although we can not be sure
But this possibility is the revenge factor
If that's true
Other people involved in this case
There are six
People who are affected are protected council Chief Judge Ishino Yoshimatsu
The owner of a flower shop Yoshihiko Sato
Changzhi casual laborers
Hakim Seto Ayako
Operator perkhidmatan Shinya Tsunehiko
Dan suri rumah Sawamura Haruka
Dan yang terakhir adalah Sawamura Haruka
Performers now roam
Samura was looking for his wife
But he has disappeared
The location is also unknown
Did he really 50 years old?
This judge really look young?
I heard she's proud of her beauty as attract men
room 304
Ya dengan Yamagata
- Where ? - Over here
Hyaluronic acid
Penalties lasting beauty
right here
Our police to protect you
Open this door
Shinya-san I'll open this door
Swallowing sentence Thousand Needles
I know you're worried but please calm down a bit
Quiet what?!
When children and my wife is in danger
Why can not I go in search
This is an order from above
Personal emotion will intrude search
You're the police should understand
Damn !!
You say your wife away from home two weeks ago
The clothes they wear
You remember?
Remove your sandals quickly use
I have decided
I can not live like this
Do not joke
- Why are you suddenly like this? - Suddenly?
How many times have you ignoring us?
Wait wait wait
Maybe you're a great police
But you're not a good father
Do not joke
How can I let them die
I have to find their own
I want to meet with Puan Kayo Akiyama
- What happened to Akiyama - None
- Oh Tunggu - You
Sorry to interrupt
We are police
Do Kayo Akiyama home here?
My boyfriend Kayo
- I'm sorry because I am a toothbrush - not what
Akiyama at home?
Why her?
To be honest, we were looking for a missing woman and child
When we investigate the phone call records
Most recently he contacted Akiyama
Unfortunately Kayo now working
Her office is a 5 minute walk away
Better you go there to see him
You do not know anything?
He would talk to you
Even if he had had another man
And you hide the address I will not be angry
How can you so stupid?
You understand what I'm saying right?
I obviously do not know anything
And I understand him ...
What do you mean ?
I say this in person
You as parents rarely show the behavior as a husband
And I was aware of it
But now there are more important things
He alone face of suffering
When he became a judge
And also when miscarriage
When her second child died
You're supposed to be at home
Can you tell us?
If it is too long will be more danger
Haruka is in danger
We have to look for it
There was no time left
Believe what I say
in my house
Shota dan Haruka di rumahku
Why did you hide it from me
Because he said not to tell you
A female friend you really outrageous
Not helping police investigations difficulty
Wait a minute !!
There is no boyfriend
It may take a few minutes to get to the place where the perpetrator
The suspect may have fled
As soon announce a state of emergency
I leave the rest to you
I will pursue the perpetrators
Haruka-san, Shota-kun
Sawamura, tidak ada apa-apa
He disappeares
- Did he take them? - Maybe
There is one more thing
There is the same paper dimeja
Written penalty leaving husband
Penalties leave her husband?
stop there
Darurat Darurat Aku Sawamura
Please suggest a suspicious vehicle
Van brown 5963
We headed to the area of Musashi
Send help
You're not a good father
He alone face of suffering
And also when miscarriage
I do not know anything
About Haruka, I do not know anything
Please notice the judge initiated
I say this based on the evidence
Terdakwa Shigeru
He has followed a mother and her four-year-old from the supermarket
Locked her up in their own homes
Was killed and placed in the liquid crystal for jewelery making craft materials
Then put the victim on the home page
The defendant has committed acts of murder
Next, I will explain about the identity of the defendant
The defendant was born May 1, 1983
And now it's time to read the decision
The death penalty for defendants
And this is a decision for the defendant
Is the defendant a fine
Are lawyers of the accused to delay the trial?
Yes we beg
trial postponed
Added medical institutions
The next report, we will continue to follow the situation
Breaking news
Today about 8 am
The murder case of "crystal" that gets death sentence
Shigeru defendant committed suicide at the age of 29 years
We are connected with journalists
Behind me the police hospital, where Shigeru defendant committed suicide
It has been confirmed dead
According to police sources
6:23 this morning, hospital staff say ...
Sawamura Haruka-san
- Turn your body - Accused Shigeru
Have realized
- Dan 7:38 pagi ini, dinyatakan mati - Sawamura Haruka-san
In May this year the Tokyo area Shigeru defendant accused of murder
And police investigation
Last month the 26 sentenced to death
After being sentenced, the defendant was taken to the police hospital to check on his mental
While in the hospital this morning accused suicide
Sorry, I do not have time for breakfast
I understand
You can dispose of waste?
Is that a picture of his father, mother and Shota?
Yeah, when we go together, right?
Indeed, where are we going?
That's when we go shopping
The next time the father would leave and we go on vacation
I can not send
- I go first - Goodbye
Dad went to work first
What is wrong with you ?
What do you think ?
Men's rain jacket case
Moreover, the next sentence?
It's about our lives
If this case abduction would all be fine
But this murder
Kasihan si Sawamura
He became a toy killer
No matter, however, we can not give up
What you said hurt police morale
Give your report later
Forgive me
Are you all do?
I am fine
I'm sorry for asking you to do this
It's okay
After the completion of this case I'll take you to dinner
Recommend fiance me
Search for information in this folder
I hear the suspect is not locked properly
Shigeru suicide when sentenced to death
When she was a child, his parents died
Absolutely pathetic
So we could not find anyone who can do his revenge
It seems we have been one
What ?
Murder "crystal" and a series of case
Carried out by the same person
- Shigeru has died - why
If the murder of "crystal" is not done Shigeru
Sure there will be others
What do you think ?
What do you mean?
I do not believe that if there is another motive in this serial killing
In addition to avenge Shigeru
In the course of this case we can feel
The relationship between the killer ...
And the judges ...
do not run
I quickly give way police
Sawamura-san disana
damn it
Sawamura-san kau tak apa-apa?
Do Riau me chase him
damn it
to the edge
You got any?
You got any?
Nishino, dimana kau?
Go to the roof of the building Ogawa
Sawamura-san dia memegang senjata
Do not shoot
I do not carry weapons
Do not devastated
Kau napak semangat melihatku detektif Sawamura
What ?
I need you
I have also provided all
I do not understand what you said
Simply, take Nishino here
One day I'm going to lock you up in my art gallery
What exactly is your point?
You are a murderer
I'm not a killer
I was an artist
People love with art
Do not joke
I have created many works
Devoting all ghairahku
No one can imitate
I'm not willing
If one of my big work
Recognized everyone as belonging to Shigeru
With the news media and little evidence
Also a bunch of morons who sentenced
They took away my work !!
Lest you are doing all of this ...
Time to split up
We will meet again detective Sawamura
It is time to congratulate the detective Nishino
You will be immortal
Damn you
You're supposed to be at home
He was dead
If I had not contacted him
It will not happen
Why do actors appear in front of you?
I talk to players
They are not as revenge
But about injustice
What do you mean ?
He said the killing was the work he
He thought if he artist
He was angry at the jury as he considered his act Shigeru
So he killed them
There is other information?
You're not hiding anything, right?
I need you
No, I'm not hiding anything
Sawamura, we want you to come to the Public Administration
The boss is very angry
You no longer have the behavior as a detective
I understand what you feel
I am the one ...
I've killed him
You're not feeling well?
You got any?
I feel sick
Do not throw up in the car
Hei kau!
What are you doing ?
Calm down!
What is wrong with you ?
What are you doing
Wait! Wait
You call headquarters
Run away?
What are you doing?
Do not come back until you see him
He added hamper the investigation of the perpetrators hide information
He is the key to this case
Last relationship with Nishino
Removed her cell phone while fleeing
The last trace of him taking money at ATMs 500,000
There is no news about Sawamura
We will investigate his relationship with Shigeru ...
In vain you menyiasatnya
The fastest way is to catch
Keep looking where Sawamura be
Sawamura reason is to escape ...
He will surely connected with perpetrators
And now...
I'm afraid I'm going to kill him before the perpetrators are caught
Heavy rains gradually increased
Influenced by the rains and low pressure
From southern Kyushu to the area east of Japan will have a process of continuous heavy rains ...
Cooks can come here?
Yes, what is up ?
What is this ?
How can there shrimp?
I told you that I was allergic to shrimp
Sorry, I accidentally put
I do not care
I almost want to call the insurance
I do not hate shrimp
But I have allergies
I'm sorry, I will repay
I will never come here again
Allergy ?
Allergy sunlight
What is a UV allergies?
How characteristic UV allergies? 1. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause skin rot, itching, peeling after sunburn 2. Allergy UV sunburn and a small amount varies from ultraviolet radiation 3. Because these allergies on skin areas exposed to the sun will itch, swelling blisters eczema urticaria
May be
Modus operandi killed when rain
Not because rain can eliminate the traces
So what are the symptoms of allergies UV, head can cause itchy eczema have a strong sense of scratching may also expand the area affected
But because he can only come out when it
To avoid the sun
We have no such specific patients
I do not remember having a patient like that
Unfortunately, our hospital did not treat such diseases
We do not have the equipment for that disease?
Not really
Sorry I can not help you
University of Medical Research Ciguang
UV allergies?
Some patients with an allergy to light
I do not know with certainty the number of patients
It seems that 3 people
What is the situation ...
can say what is going on?
Murder allergic to UV rays
Chances are there in three people are you talking
I want this investigation done formally ...
Just say the word and I'll soon be gone
You want to see him?
Touch the sun will hurt her
Patients with serious handling
The hospital has a patient like that
Male gender
Aged 20-40 years
A height of about 1.7 meters
This is not like many of the diseases that you handle
You know something, right?
I mean people
Who is he ?
All the characteristics that you call ...
You know who I mean?
tell me
Do not be ridiculous
Come here with an official letter
This letter officially
Tell me
I do not have time anymore
Kirishima Sanae
Sentences become dog food
Penalties lasting beauty
Penalties have the same love
Punishment "crystal"
Penalties leave husband
Damn !!
Dimana Haruka dan Shota?!
tell me where
Reply me
Reply me
Do you want to meet them?
You want to hug them?
Remove the neck strap you when you take off your shirt
You're going to miss your wife has gone
Bisinglah !!
People with a deep cut can not sleep soundly
Where ?!
Where ?!
Go to hell
Damn you !!
You will rest well
I will provide a place to sleep
Playing with dad
He cut like her weight when she was born
That he was punished because her mother suffering
Kes is like a puzzle
One by one, the instructions will appear
Broadly speaking, all will be revealed
How dare you
Damn !!
Be open !!
Get me out !!
Come here if you dare !!
Rightly so detectives Sawamura
You're a good boy
What is the purpose he actually
Why was I spared
He also fed
You want to find lesson with me?
Do not joke
Come you
You were outside, right?
Hey open this door
Open this door
How ?
According to him a lot of searching the internet history of allergy UV
And Kanto area hospital for treatment of allergies
This is the information that we already print
UV allergies?
Go to a hospital on the list and ask
True he came
But we do not have a patient like that here
Oh, I see
thank you so much for your help
thank you
He came, but we did not have a patient like that
thank you
How to get out of here
Just by way decide to play
This time we go together
Go to...?
Last time
When we go shopping
That day
A few days after the rain finally subsided
Is the ordinary day
Hei sayang ...
Oh, come on ready shota
1 2 3
Even so they seem very happy
Picture it ...
Then the password is
Damn !!
The answer may not be as simple as that
Exploring really exciting time
Metropolitan Museum
Park yourself
In painting favorites
Statue of angel whispers
There was a policeman named Sawamura come here
He asked to see the patient list here
Of course, I help in the investigation
Dan kemana Sawamura pergi?
I do not know anything, just send it around the hospital
So I do not know for sure
Okay then
Kemana Sawamura pergi?
She must know something
What ?
About UV allergies
I kind never seen a case like this
Bye Bye, murders of people like
They work in the field of sales of works of art
Their bodies were found in the room
The case is pending
In such cases, there should be about surviving children
What happened ?
The child has allergies
I talked to the doctor and know about it
UV allergic disease name
Namanya Kirishima Sanae
There is another
What ?
He also little boy
Namanya Kirishima Mige
If I called a female doctor Mige
Perhaps it was just the same name
There is a doctor adopted him
I've completed the puzzle more than half
In this puzzle there is nothing I
There are 1000 pieces of the puzzle and you're a long time to do it
And Haruka are they together?
They do not do what?
Please tell me
tell me
How did you kill them?
Life is cruel
You tell your wife to be a judge
You're very interested in the case that
How can we put an end to their lives?
You killed them both feeling
when breakfast
When brushing your teeth
When defecation
when sleepy
Kills slowly
Really great
I kill them?
Now you want to see your wife and your children safe?
You're just like me
an artist
This is the first time I share it with others
I do not just like you
I did not kill them
I did not kill you, right?
Reply me
Reply me
Reply me
My mother died when winter
My father was a policeman came to the hospital
When he is dead 5 hours
Therefore I hated
Never spoke to him again
You want to study or work?
Did my mother happy with my father?
Kelas 3B Sawamura Hisashi
Quickly come to a teacher
My birthday
There is what to call me here?
Dengar Sawamura
Quiet and listen to me
I can not speak to my father again
You're the son of a detective Sawamura
When this
How we can be grateful
They are the ones who saved from murder detective Sawamura
Stop you bastard
I will not let you escape
Will never
We can not express my gratitude
Thank you
thank you
Choose a policy
always felt
Do all the work
In order to understand his feelings
Makes you feel lonely
I certainly
Will save you
E A This is the password
Return to work to open the door
Seeing them together is fine
Back to the quiet life
I many times ... imagining that day
What did you do to him
Why did he shout
Works perfect
Not easy to find
What are you saying?
Quickly answered my question
Shota It's okay, mom here
Everything is fine
You can not be forgiven
You're left to work day and night
Trying to support her husband
You want to always improve relations
And fixing mistakes
Do you think you judge?
I know everything
What you do is revenge
To kill himself Shigeru
I was an artist
Making people happy
You are to materials
Being a work of art
What are you talking about?
Finally finished
So complete my work ...
You're not an artist!
You're a killer!
Father and child
Stuck here forever ...
There is no
Do not come here
I'll do anything
I hope
I was wrong to say
I hope
You hate just me
You are...
Eating is the party of your work
You have to eat a hamburger correctly
He begged me
In order to let his son alive
I killed her first
I kill you, I kill you, I kill you
Here it is
I kill you, I kill you
I kill you, I kill you
I kill you, I kill you, I kill you
I kill you, I kill you
time punishment
I kill you, I kill you
I kill you, I kill you
Kirishima mati kau
Sorry sorry sorry
I hope
I got nothing
Everything is fine
I want to see a beautiful end
All contrary to kesenianku
- Shota - Hentikan
Shota Release
Bunuh Sawamura Haruka
That is the way to save your son
How dare you...
Help me finish my work
Before I change my mind
It's all my fault, right?
I've hurt you
So kill me
do it quickly
You heard what he said
do it
I can not do it
I can do other things
You can kill me
Dan melepaskan Haruka
Kill me
I'm sorry
The mother may be afraid
But you will save
Shota, close your eyes
- No - Close!
Quick, do
Do what he says
I do not care as long as Shota safe
Thank you for everything
If possible
I want to start again from scratch
Dear dear persevere
dear persevere
- I'm sorry - I
There are three finish
You killed your husband
While her husband and son survived
Kedua Sawamura mengambil peluang menyerangku
It was as you would expect for an exhilarating finish
And finish last
You love each other in heaven
Forgive me
do not move
drop your gun
Drop your gun Kirishima
Drop your gun, you do not have a chance anymore
- Kirishima - Kirishima
Do menghalangku
Do menghalangku
Sawamura kau tak apa-apa
- Kirishima - Berhenti
The perpetrator had fled
Get him
I will not let you go
do not move
Quick siege
How is this possible
Do not move do not move
Kirishima escape out
Do not move do not move
Kirishima jangan bergerak
one time
The jury will appreciate my work
They will see clearly
Why would I kill five people
And they will be grieving in their hearts
Talks about the sentence for me
Perhaps no one felt sorry for me
I will not allow it to be
- Capture - Capture
- Capture - Capture
- Tangkap Kirishima - Tangkap
After three months
Thank you for coming all the way here
I make tea
Thank you very much
I'll take the candy
- Thank you - It's okay
It's been three months since the incident
Lukaku slowly recovering
But the feeling does not recover
I tried to go back to the boring routine
But there's a problem
I would recall that time incident
Awak Sawamura Haruka-san kan?
Who are you ?
I am a freelance writer
Mauhkah you answer some questions?
Innocent people become suicide
What do you feel?
Shota mari pergi
It is the patient's family
I will send you
Alergimu was psychogenic
One time your son ...
Will be covered with hatred unbearable
Make everything into a mess
If you receive allergy heal you got it
What are you doing ?
Quick call a physician
Kirishima bertahanlah
It was said there were three finish Kirishima
If one of these occurs finish
Will this nightmare ever end?
Both now onwards
Come on
The spirit of all
try to make an effort
Shota try, the mother will merakammu
- How does this - I'll do it
- You're not working? - This is an important day
thank you
You're great Shota
He ran very fast
You do not know the capabilities Shota
Shota you're great