Music Hole (2021) Movie Script

This is Francis Huyskenste.
He's 48 years old.
And if he's shitting into a plastic bag,
it's all about vengeance.
In the trunk of this Maserati Biturbo 1986,
is the body of his wife,
One or two euros to spare, my lord?
I've got a far better offer, peasant.
I'm guessing it's been a while
that you've been soaking
in a form of emotional loneliness?
How long since you touched a woman's body?
A hot body, too.
Go on.
Go on.
She is sleeping.
Here you go.
Wait till you see her beautiful...
You wanna give her a little kiss?
He puked all over my car.
You mental retard! What'd you do that for?
What am I supposed to do with him now?
What did I do to deserve this.
I'm cursed.
It's a jinx.
Don't you dare say this word.
Don't say it, if you do, it happens.
Jinx jinx jinx.
Get in the car.
Why did you remove the scotch tape?
Didn't you see it? Why do you think I put it there?
You're gonna die, you know that?
We're all gonna die, know this.
That was awesome!
When I say Martine's body,
it's only partially so.
The rest of it traveled a bit...
Ending up in the dumpster.
Initially, Francis with his wife...
just wanted to patch up things.
However, he miscalculated.
And yet, he is an accountant.
At the Cabaret, at Ren's.
Ren, he's the boss.
As a kid he used to tame parrots,
had 7 of them doing magic tricks.
Now there's only one left, Sigmund.
He ate all the others.
Smells like shit.
This guy Jean-Marc is a real blast.
He'll bring the house down.
The other night, this guy...
He was having so much fun, he got a peritonitis.
Cassel, Vincent Cassel, you know him?
He's got a nodule on his vocal corde,
it's not his real voice.
He's been dubbing him for ten years now.
Go on, say something.
What's the matter, you got a problem?
If you got one, tell me and I'll sort it out.
Stop right here. I've been in the business 35 years...
And you bring the only Chinese guy
who can't play a Chinese?
Even my parrot does it better than him.
Sigmund, say hello in a Chinese accent.
I give you 2 nights - half wage.
If you're good, you get 3 nights.
Full wage, if not my parrot will do it.
Beat it.
This is Martine.
In one piece.
Francis wanted a child.
But she said no, it costs too much.
To... Francis, our new accountant!
I hope to never disappoint you.
A girl can hope.
So he was drinking too much.
And too often.
I'll never leave you, never, never, my love!
What's wrong with your head?
You know I don't like being groped while driving.
I'm tired Francis, real tired!
I was 18, you were 12 years older.
I saw you through a kid's eyes.
Today I see you as you really are Francis.
You are a misfit.
We drive your father's used van.
We live in your parents' apartment.
Everything's stuck, it's rotten!
I want something else.
But we'll stay friends.
There is an unmistakable sign.
Haven't you noticed?
Even dogs give us funny looks.
Now let's talk about Rudy.
They say his mother gave birth to him in a creek.
Then abandoned him to go with a squid fisher.
Next, Rudy.
His dream is becoming an actor.
Hey, Captain, I found the mousetrap.
It's Enrico, the snitch.
I think I screwed up.
Thank you...
Rudy, It perfect, it's in the box.
We'll be in touch.
Keep it rolling, I'll do it again.
I feel I messed up, let's go.
No need, it was perfect.
Hey, 3 hours drive, 2 hours waiting.
We can't even redo it once? What is this?
I'm out of here.
Just saying.
With such an accent, it wasn't easy for him.
The blond lady next to him,
is named the "Duchess of video cassettes".
In 1987 she was No. 1 top sales of Flemish porno.
He screws her, she pays for him.
You like my dick, you old slut.
Don't ever speak to me like that again!
You piece of shit.
You are very touchy today.
Madeleine is an old friend of Ren's.
Without her,
he would never have been hired
to play at the cabaret.
Francis knew well who was in need of extra cash,
for their personal needs.
Hi Rudy.
How's it going?
What do you want, Francis?
Transferred my pay check?
Sure, I did it this afternoon.
Perfect. Get out. I'm working.
I have a proposal for you, Rudy.
I give you 2.000 Euros.
OK, put it here.
You need to do something for this money, Rudy.
Figured as much.
I give you a 1.000 euros now.
And a 1.000 when it's done.
One important thing.
No penetration.
That's really non-negotiable.
Sure, no problem, as you wish.
Rudy respected his contract.
Not quite to the letter...he got the job done.
I don't know why Francis
hired Rudy to save his marriage.
Hey, bean counter!
Trying to screw me Francis?
Where's my dough?
You got 2 days.
2 days.
Or else I get really pissed off.
Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll get it.
Trying to screw me Francis?
Count your teeth, you never know.
Count your teeth.
Never do business with a junkie - never!
Where's my dough?
Francis is a man of his word.
He had to pay off Rudy.
Only he had no money.
But he knew where to get some.
Don't judge him.
When you put a bone to a dog...
Inevitably he ends up eating it.
What is this hair modeling?
It's completely unstructured!
It's so uneven!
Find it funny?
This guy, snorechestra!
A double-bagel tourist!
Real passion for his job!
We're lucky to have you.
Had it all figured, our Francis.
The right timing...
The recipe for a successful holdup.
The cash box!
You heard me, hand it over!
That's his friend, Gilbert.
Francis is right,
it's a guy who'll do anything you ask.
He's always there for a good beer...
Hey there! What's happening?
Punch me.
Or a solid left punch.
What happened?
Didn't you see I got robbed?
He beat you up that bastard?
Let's go see Ren.
The robber didn't look big.
You think?
Looked like a kid.
He was as tall as me.
No, no, no!
He sure got you.
Bunch of freaking amateurs.
How do you expect me to play this character?
What Francis did not plan on...
Is Rudy dropping dead.
Francis got robbed with the cashbox.
Got your cashbox robbed, my Francis?
I went out with the cashbox,
I didn't see it coming.
He punched me hard.
Search him!
Yes Boss.
How much?
Not more than usual.
I said how much?
998 euros..
and fifty cents..
and 45 euros small change.
Nothing on him boss.
Tell me, Sylvio.
What's your job here?
I'm in charge of security, boss.
Oh yeah, that's right.
You're happy here?
Yeah, perfect.
I've got social benefits, vacation,
some long hours, but hey.
Extra vacation would be nice!
Get out!
Find him, so I can hang him by his balls!
Only parrots can be trusted these days.
Hey, Sigmund?
What do you think?
You smell like shit.
At least one honest guy in this lousy world.
At least you.
You will never screw me.
Go on, get the hell out!
Find my dough.
Don't ever want to see your shit faces anymore.
Get the hell out!
You see this doll right here.
That's Nadia.
Francis, what's going on?
It's a big mess.
Come, I'll fix this.
Francis talks about her everyday.
Her eyes spell love when she talks to him.
It's not because you get punched in the face,
that accounts should be neglected, Nadia.
You are amazing.
You've been through a severe shock,
but you don't get all worked up about it.
Such courage, Francis!
You are so...
You're no show off.
It's not about who's got the biggest.
You can be proud of yourself.
Like a jerk, he sees nothing,
obsessed by getting back his bitchy wife.
With slices of Mortadella in front of your eyes,
you need to remove the pistachios, mate.
That's when trouble really started.
C'mon Rudy, kick the shit out of them!
You'll become a legend.
Tear his face off.
Go on.
C'mon do it!
Rudy. You're doing well?
9th May 1938.
Walter Hallstein.
OK get in.
Who's there?
One beer.
No, make it two.
If I had known you were going to hit me so hard.
I would have chosen someone else.
You wanted it to look real!
So I used my strong arm.
Here is your dough.
There was also an envelope.
What are you going to do with the cash?
I'll take Martine to Pas-de-Calais.
This small romantic restaurant.
I love butter.
Reminds me of my grandmother.
How she used to smell.
She used to put butter in everything.
Butter makes everything taste better.
What are you doing?
Don't eat cakes in my car.
It leaves crumbs everywhere.
Don't eat that.
Same thing!
The same!
You heard the news?
Rudy, muscleman on 2 limbs.
Mister 100%.
A vein in his head, snapped like a rubber band.
Nasty, and so young too.
Died on stage.
Every actor's dream.
To the effect that..
you gotta live the moment!
Nadia, huh?
I needed that, it's been such a long time...
That's good news.
Maurice, same thing!
The same!
Wait! My bag.
I mustn't forget this.
Don't get caught by your smell, careful.
Does this smell?
Francis, I love you.
Why do smell yourself?
What are you up to again, you sick bastard,
besides boozing it up with your gypsy?
Got your face punched.
Not surprised. You got an annoying face.
What's this cheap perfume?
Who is it?
You dirty pig!
You fucked her?
Yes I fucked her!
Of course I did!
Fifteen years that you despise me.
At all levels!
What did you expect?
Shut up, who would want you?
You scumbug!
Don't you dare touch me.
Hi mom.
Yes, he came home drunk again.
I can't take this anymore.
I'm so tired of him.
No, don't bother, I'll take a taxi, ok?
Yes, I'm coming.
Thanks mom, love you.
Will you help me here?
Right away.
Excuse me.
You ordered a bitch's terrine?
You poor bastard.
Remove the herbs from her nose,
and respect the lady.
Fucking retard.
Hey, douchebag.
I'll bring the car around.
Put the head in the freezer,
and don't touch a thing.
In any case..
this type of job..
I'm game for..
You crazy shithead.
Put him back right where he was.
It's the jinx.
He may be right, Stefano.
It's not always wise to invoke..
how shall I say...
Always ends up glued to your ass.
A blowie?
10 euros?
Ok, 5?
Francis was used to hangovers,
it wasn't his first.
But this morning had a special flavor to it, mate.
Perhaps one fight too many.
Maserati Biturbo 1986.
It's not worth much your jalopy.
I can see it's a Maserati.
Are you kidding me?
220, that's it!
Dead rat!
Fat pig!
Fuck off!
Didn't get a full night's sleep?
Yes I did.
'Got up real early' look on you.
I don't have the 'got up early' look.
Not well?
Feeling very well.
Didn't sleep?
Slept very well.
You're tired.
Not at all tired.
Get you a coffee.
With an extra sugar.
Yeah, give me an extra sugar.
Martine's giving you a hard time?
Got another bump on your head.
Martine and I, we got into a fight, yes.
And she left.
Don't worry she's a ball buster, she'll come back.
Ball busters always do.
But you don't understand, Maurice.
I feel like seducing her again.
To start over, like we were in the beginning.
Don't do it to me..
Being a couple means you sometimes cross paths...
But without seeing each other.
Sweetheart, what are you doing here?
I'm coming to work.
Tonight's show was cancelled,
because of Rudy's death yesterday.
Where is Martine?
Shut up!
You are a loser Francis.
I may be wrong.
But I was told to look at the mother
before marrying the daughter.
When I think my little angel, out of my womb.
Falling into the clogs of a pig like you!
She was supposed to come here last night.
She was calling a taxi.
And since then I haven't heard from her!
Her flying phone keeps ringing with no reply.
What did you do Francis?
You kidnapped my child!
Of course not.
Shut up!
You are going to pay for this Francis.
I called the police.
And my friend's niece is an excellent detective.
She's going to pay you a visit.
And will get you talking!
Martine does what as she wishes.
She's over 21, she's vaccinated.
Goddamn mother in law.
No, no, no. I'm going.
Shit, what a morron!
Gotta play music so loud?
Stop bitching, the disc player is scratched!
Scratched.. your face!
This is Josee Vazquez, a real rug muncher.
14 years old, she solved the Floref double-murder.
She put Little Louis behind bars.
In my opinion...
Francis Huyskenste?
She's showing off.
Jose Vazquez, detective.
In my opinion, you came for nothing.
Can we chat five minutes?
I was by the coffee table there,
trying to avoid flying plates,
bowls, cutlery, and then...
I went to grab a drink and that's when...
I was hit with a heavy object on the head.
May I take a look around?
Yes, no, yes.
Say Francis, these are Martine's bag and phone?
Yes, looks like it.
Well, she's not just popped out to buy bread.
There are 65 missed calls.
Excuse me... would you mind.
Pouring me a small whisky?
The bottle is there, to your left.
There's ice in the freezer.
Have you found it, the ice cubes?
Ice cubes, sure.
Thanks, I need that.
The fight with Martine yesterday.
Was about what?
It's always the same thing with her,
it's either not enough, or too much.
Yesterday, I came home too late.
Whatever I do, it's never good enough for her.
How do you mean?
At the moment, she's...
She's got her head somewhere else.
But things will turn out right.
We'll piece things back together.
Oh really?
You believe that?
I think it may be a bit more complicated, Francis.
I think, I know her better than you.
Francis forgot that his mother in law called in the cowboys.
I know this guy, Inspector Zhari.
Kicked out of Marrakech Police Academy.
Because he's a "Froucheler".
On a second thought, I'll take that drink me too.
With 2 ice cubes please.
2 ice cubes, sure.
A "Froucheler".
A guy who can't keep his dick in his pants, mate.
And his,
ended up in the panties
of the commissionner's mother in law.
It's not me!
Police! Open up!
It's not me. I didn't do this.
Sure, Francis she's done it herself.
That's seems obvious.
C'mon Batman jump!
Jump! Go!
Excuse me, I must go open the door.
They'll think it's me!
Open the door I said!
Bonjour Madame, Inspector Zahri.
What's going on here? What are those shrieks?
Are you in danger, Ma'am?
No, it's not me, it's him.
I see, the lady spends the night out,
so he gets upset and raises his voice, right?
I must warn you sir.
Here, women here don't stand for
this type of communication. Got it?
OK, Luc, we're done here, the lady is back home.
And you, try and keep calm, understood?
If I may, Inspector?
I'm investigating Martine's disappearance.
That's why I'm here and...
Even better, this guy won't trust the justice system,
so he hires mercenaries?
I don't understand why everyone is so upset here.
It's not as if she's been gone for 3 months.
She left yesterday, right?
And now I'd like everyone to,
leave me
I'm getting cramps here.
Enough! Stop this charade, Francis.
Follow me, Inspector
Inspector, if I may...
Stay right where you are, Francis!
Temper, temper.
What's with the freezer?
Not really sure.
Huyskentse kenst, we're not yet done here.
Why is this jerk leaving?
Luc, he's trying to get away, grab him!
What happened with this freezer?
Not really sure.
Don't treat me like a mole from the morning.
It pisses me off!
Since the police are on the case,
I'll be off, got a pile of work.
No way, you're my only witness, funny business here.
Until further notice, you're not to leave my town, got it?
Fine, may I carry on my investigation?
Francis.. he finally realized it was over.
No more weekends with Martine.
For the first time in a long while, Francis felt lighter.
Oh, the head!
Which head?
Yours, big nuzzle.
Your ankle, what happened?
Last night I slipped, I broke it,
I also had a small problem with my Martine.
She knows about you and Nadia, right?
She's hanging around here, looking for me.
Can I hide at your place?
Until she calms down.
Can you imagine, lying to his pal Gilbert,
was almost more painful than losing his wife.
That's when the Vazquez was on to something at the cabaret.
Not just anything.
What are you doing here?
Auditions of the little mermaid is downstairs.
You shouldn't be up here.
Jose Vazquez, detective.
I was appointed by Francis Huyskenste
to find his wife, Martine.
She's missing?
Francis may have done a terrible thing.
Terrible thing?
Why, what's happened, where is he?
He's on the run?
If the Police think he could have hurt Martine..
It's total nonsense.
He's incapable of harming.
It's Martine who was hurting him.
She was cheating on him.
With Rudy.
The guy who died on stage last night.
About a month ago.
He caught them, right here backstage.
What's with the tears?
I just caught Rudy.
With Martine in the dressing room.
I can't tell you they were doing.
It hurts.
You think Francis is a messed-up guy.
Pretending to cry and we don't even know why.
And you'd be right.
It was serious between Martine and Rudy?
I have no idea.
Maybe we can ask Madeleine.
Thank you Ducky.
You're a dear.
Nice hunk.
You have no idea.
What's your business with the ghost?
A friend of Rudy's is missing.
Recognize her?
Never seen her.
Why, should I?
Let's just say they were..
more than just friends, if you see what I mean.
The bastard.
It was her then.
He could have done better, boy, is she ugly.
Shut up!
Make yourself at home, go on.
Let's go, get in.
Is this chicory? It's weird.
The color is from calcium, you know.
It's good for growth.
For the bones too, it's healthy.
Go ahead.
Ok, sure.
Right then, I'll let you work.
When you got a plan A, you necessarily have a plan B.
And plan B for Francis,
was planning to blackmail Ren, better than his parrot.
Who did this?
Who did what?
The safe, you microbe! It was robbed!
There were papers inside an envelope in there.
I saw no one boss.
And Francis, where's the animal?
Francis is right here.
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.
We apologize for interrupting your program.
The following images are extremely disturbing.
When watching these images,
we realized it was Martine's head falling.
Poor thing.
15 years of sorting waste.
Unbelievable what people throw in their waste bins.
I've seen foxes, dogs, catfish, hamsters.
A reptile once, all kinds of dead animals.
A human head..?
Never seen that before.
Nasty times.
This is going too far.
I promised my grandma I'll never touch this again.
Same here Boss, I have a loan, 4 kids, a dog.
If the cops get their hands on this,
you get 8 years prison and you get 10!
Why him 8 and I get 10?
You don't get it?
You are going to move your assholes,
and find Francis and the papers before the cops do!
Forgive me Grandma.
The BMW?
I really need some fresh air, I'm going to the sea.
Your boss, has he got a car?
I could borrow a few days?
We'll find you something.
With Camaron, it's only a question of money.
Here, take the guitar.
Let's go.
How did you meet Rudy?
He was something this kid.
Never encountered such a big ego in my entire career.
He wanted to be an actor.
Finally they booked me with a text!
You hear that, with a text!
Bravo, I knew it.
Will it kill you to show some enthusiasm, no?
It's an ad for a ham.
But hey.
You start with ham, and you end up with an Oscar.
Alain Delon started as a butcher's apprentice.
For once I talk about me, and you speak about Delon?
You pissed me off..!
Shut up... it's coming!
Honey, kids, come eat dad's tasty salad.
With the delicious Daniel's ham.
Without nitrate or salt.
We love it, Daniel's ham!
His voice was dubbed. He was devastated.
Rudy! Nooo!
No, stop being foolish.
I'm going to commit suicide, I'll kill myself.
Stop it. I have a friend who owns a cabaret.
We'll show them who Rudy is!
You'll be the gladiator.
And you'll save me from the Spartan giants.
Spartans, like flip-flops with strings?
No, like the gladiators.
Wow, that's genius, it's awesome.
That's great, awesome, too good.
You know what, Mado?
I'd like to get you a gift - give me 300 Euros.
I'll go shopping, it'll do me good.
Yes! Gladiator!
He gave it all, each time, Rudy.
You feel it well?
No! Keep your glasses on.
It's like screwing my old Math teacher.
You are beautiful.
He was seeing his reflection on my sunglasses.
I didn't care, a hunk like that.
Is worth all sacrifices.
Voil detective.
There's nothing more I can tell you.
Ducky! Mademoiselle is leaving.
I truly don't like her.
It's urgent sir, we need to operate your eye.
If not you risk losing it.
It's the jinx.
What are you doing clinging to my ass like a dog?
We need to go get the car.
And for that we need a car.
That's taken care of.
I found a car.
Nathalie, the night nurse.
She let me borrow it.
Let go of him.
Shut up!
You couldn't pick one with gas in it?
Nathalie was kind enough to lend us her car.
Head was chopped off with an ax, this one.
Clean cut, precise, a true pro job, remarkable.
It's surprising, given the profile of the suspect.
He's an accountant. An accountant counts.
He's perverse. He calculates everything.
Just like my wife.
She's an accountant?
She's perverse.
The head for sure, was kept in the freezer.
When it got here it was only three-quarters thawed out.
What I don't understand Michel.
Is why keep the head?
Sometimes when people break-up..
The grief is overwhelming.
They want to keep a souvenir.
A bracelet, a photo..
a pubic hair...
Perhaps Francis needed little extra.
You put it back in the freezer?
No, I can't.
Why not?
Never re-freeze a defrosted product.
She's snooping through Martine's personal diary.
Francis didn't even know she kept one.
Business as usual.
So, you know Martine since kindergarten?
Yes, my best friend.
What a monster this Francis.
It's since she's seeing this Rudy
that he started losing it.
She's spoken about this?
Oh, yeah.
She calls him her osmosis, her vertigo.
She fell for him when she first saw him on stage.
A few days later she ran into him at Lidl.
She must have told you this?
Yeah, sure, but go ahead.
With Rudy, it was love at first sight.
Passion she never thought she'd encounter.
She felt she had wings - like a butterfly.
With her husband, too many false hopes.
Too many disappointments.
Not only, a drunkard.
On top of that,
he made love with his socks on.
The pain and the lost time with him,
who will pay me back for that?
Lacking everything, for years,
I'll never get it back?
The very least this loser owes me,
is half the apartment.
Yes, ok but..
with your friend, this older guy, how will that work?
I'm keeping him of course.
No flies on her.
Something very important, Babette.
It will come handy for the rest of your life.
Passion is all very nice.
But it doesn't yield dividends.
What was his name again?
She never wanted to say.
It lasted a while, about a year.
With him, a princess life.
Money, expensive gifts.
Exact opposite of Francis.
I asked for black.
Sorry, it was Martine's favorite color.
It's ok, just do the other too, so it evens out.
With me.
You'll finally get the life your backside deserves.
Francis explained me that,
by the fifth time Martine said "not tonight Francis".
He started following her.
Thank you.
Thank you, Sir.
Thank you.
Please, Madam.
Ren, it's beautiful but I can't accept, it's too much.
Of course you can.
Your husband can't even afford the gift wrap.
Can I try it on?
It's made for that.
No harm in that?
Fits like a charm!
It's a sign that I must keep it.
I bought it for you, darling.
I can keep it then?
If your wife's cheating on you, what do you do?
You give up? You punch her?
Francis, he comes up with an action plan.
Yes, go on!
Break everything!
More, more!
My wife, she's seeing another guy.
So I'm thinking if you seduce her,
she then drops him.
And then you drop her.
And I can then patch things up with her.
That should work out well.
And I thought I was twisted.
Where does she go shopping, your wife?
In life, sometimes we attempt to do things.
But they don't always work out.
You've been hiding stuff from me, Nadia.
I'm disappointed.
If we want Francis off the hook,
I need your full cooperation.
What are you talking about?
Martine was seeing someone, before Rudy.
Some older guy.
You must have known this?
I couldn't say anything at the cabaret,
too risky.
Someone's always listening.
Go on, ruin me!
Look the other way, fuckface.
"My dog is nice, watch out for my wife."
Bolognaise for the lady.
I think what you love most about Francis,
is the way he adores his wife.
Am I wrong?
I said something wrong?
Saint-Etienne guy!
Did you look in the car's trunk?
Stinks rotten.
Was perfect when I got it.
I too was perfect when you got me.
Must be a dead rat in there. For sure.
Hey, Camaron.
Hey there, love birds.
Together as always?
You should move in together.
Say, I have a question.
Do you have a car I can borrow for a few days?
Your lucky day.
Meet your dream car.
Maserati biturbo.
Don't come too near.
1986 model.
As you can see, an impeccable grey.
How much you got on you?
We apologize for interrupting your program.
The following images are extremely disturbing.
We hesitated before broadcasting these images.
But your right to be informed has always been our...
Come see something.
Just a minute.
We're busy here.
I said NOW!
Pissing me off, this bitch.
Can't get any business done here!
When domestic life turns to horror,
when an accountant commits the unthinkable,
and madness prevails over reason.
I advise you to keep your children away.
That's your "small problem with Martine"?
It's not me, I swear, it's not me.
Francis, stop. Everyone recognizes you.
I did throw the head, it's true.
But I didn't kill her.
You come to hide out here.
You want the cops on us?
You want to put the rap on us?
No, not at all - I didn't know I was on TV.
You didn't know you were on TV.
And that, was that on TV?
How could you do this?
I didn't do anything! I never saw this car before!
And the lady, her head in the trunk.
That too you haven't seen?
Let go of my man.
- He's got cash.
- How much?
Lots of it.
On my ancesters' blood.
Santa Sara, protect me.
It's your fault that I'm cursed.
Shut the fuck up.
I'm always paying for your shitty scams.
He needs to get the hell out of here!
I paid 500 euros for this car.
Wait, hold it.
Could be another way to settle this.
You seem to have certain skills.
You get rid of my wife.
I'll forget about your debt.
Get it?
But it's not me.
Don't know if you're too dumb or too smart.
Either way, forget what I just said.
Get lost.
Take these 2 jerrycans.
Fill them up, find a remote place,
and you burn this car!
With the 2 jerrycans it's 800 euros.
But there is more!
That'll do.
Get the hell out of here. You got 30 seconds!
Get out!
Thanks Camaron.
You bastard, the money from the robbery,
was to wipe out Martine?
You couldn't have pulled it off alone?
No way.
You know, I'm innocent, Gilbert.
Sure, innocent. Some friend.
You hide things, even to me!
Gilbert, Gilbert..!
Forgive me.
Excuse me buddy, I'm so sorry.
I need to ask you a favor, Gilbert.
In your caravan, there's an envelope in my jacket.
I'd like to...
Go to the cops and give it to the bald cop.
And Francis wanted to take Martine to the seaside,
to eat mussels.
But instead.
She's getting a barbecue in the woods.
Stinks of shit!
You wanna screw me Francis?
Didn't think you could make such a mess.
It's genius.
Diego, tie him up so I can have some fun.
Sylvio, keep an eye outside.
On which side?
That's, for stealing the cash!
And that's, for stealing my documents.
Where are my documents?
Hold this!
As you wish.
I'll tell you everything! Everything, boss.
Martine would be proud of you.
You know what she used to say?
I love getting laid
when my loser husband
does his accounts next door.
You know boss,
everyone gets screwed by someone.
You should have discussed this with Rudy.
Don't worry.
When I found out I threw him a small party.
And for Martine too.
Your wife took me for a pushover.
She shouldn't have.
Where is it stashed?
In a very very dark place.
Very spacious.
Go on?
In your ass, boss!
I already told you.
You need to look deep inside boss.
Your bullshit got my ulcer going.
It's not your ulcer, boss.
I like also those ChocoCook biscuits.
But I prefer them... homemade.
No way! I would have noticed the taste.
It's been a month now.
I've been eating chocolat, lots and lots of it.
That's your shitty vengeance?
Stealing my cash, my documents?
Shit filled biscuits?
Couldn't punch me in the face, like a man?
You piece of fucking shit! You're going to die!
Handcuff him.
No more tummy ache?
Zhari couldn't believe it.
How will I explain this to the press?
A guy who throws his wife's head out the window.
Is bound to be guilty.
Yet it's not him.
You believe that Ren?
When I showed them the documents, your friends,
they all blew the whistle on you.
Just out of curiosity.
The camera in their room, we know what you saw.
What I don't get is,
How come,
you kept the head in the freezer?
It's Ren, shush...
Hi my love.
Hi darling, am I disturbing?
No, not at all just got home.
You're still in Dusseldorf?
But I'll be home by 6pm.
Awesome, see you this evening then.
Say something sweet before hanging up.
I miss you.
I yearn for you, my prince.
When you're away I feel lonely, I feel,
empty, useless.
Come quickly my head's warming up.
My teddy bear.
He hung up.
I'm warming your head.
Stay put.
I'll refresh it for you.
Allo, Stefano.
I have a special order for you.
Luc, we're done here. Take him away.
He pulls it off pretty good, our Francis.
Rid of his wife.
And, he gets the blond.
Although not as originally planned, he can't complain.
Don't sulk sweetheart.
It's a blessing in disguise.
The lawyer says at worst you get one year
for concealing evidence.
It's no big deal.
It'll go by quickly.
I'll come visit every day.
My beautiful Nadia.
I think I'm in love with you.
Happy ending - what we all love.
But the film can't end like this.
Way too immoral, this story.
Come in!
You should really thank her.
You could have gotten 10 years.
I know what you've done.
Well, you are...
You are great!
The investigation was a real pleasure, Nadia is a pearl.
I got you a gift, look.
Oh, Sigmund!
He has a message for you.
You wanna screw me Francis?
Where's my dough?
You owed someone money, Francis?
No, I think he's referring to another Francis.
You owed Rudy money. To seduce Martine.
Francis, say something!
Fucking piece of poultry.
All the biscuits and peanuts I fed him.
And what do I get in return?
When I get out, I'll find him,
I'll cook him, chicken dips style.
Then I'll devour him! Devour him!
You're sick!
You're crazy.
4 people are dead!
But it's not me.
Calm down lady, where do you think you are?
When you're betrayed, you make mistakes.
Careful, Nadia.
She's going to do obscene things.
Shut up!
How dare you?
What an act.
Is there more I should know about?
He tampered with Ren's biscuits.
Putting his poop inside them.
No way?
No, it's not true.
Give me a chance, please.
I'll make up for this, you'll see.
She'll see nothing at all, Francis.
The only question is.
To what extent you used Ren
to get rid of Martine.
Bunch of ball breakers.
The lot of them, all the same.
Boy, did they let you have it man.
You just had a shock, but you don't get all worked up.
Such courage Francis, you're so different.
You're not about who's got the biggest.
You don't fake it.
You got some class, Francis.
You got big class, man.
Don't worry, I'll take care of you.
That's when I met him, we hit it off right away.
Since the day he met me, my Francis,
he's facing reality head-on!
It's not just dogs
giving us funny looks, it's everyone.
My dear Francis.