Music of the Soul: An Evening with Siti Nurhaliza (2023) Movie Script

My husband and I share one goal.
We founded Nurjiwa Foundation... the spirit of
sharing goodness... help the underprivileged
and poverty-stricken... easing their burden.
We are delighted to receive
help from corporate bodies,...
...private associations, NGOs,...
...our friends, and
members of the public,...
...who support
community activities,...
...humanitarian acts,
natural disasters,... well as
humanitarian aids to Palestine.
Other activities
of Nurjiwa Foundation are... building, extending,... well as repairing
mosques and musallas,...
...especially in rural areas.
During the COVID-19 pandemic,
and flood disasters...
...Nurjiwa Foundation
actively participated... distributing donations
and aids... the form of monetary, food,
and basic needs.
Nurjiwa Foundation
in collaboration with Kitafund...
...had set up Natural Disaster
Special Relief Fund...
...for Palestine and COVID-19
in 2020.
This crowdfund
gives a chance for the public... donate to any
social welfare efforts... by Nurjiwa Foundation.
Afwa and Afiyah is a school
founded by Nurjiwa Foundation...
...on 5 October 2021... the Al-Shati Camp,
Gaza, Palestine.
The school
provides an opportunity...
...for Palestinian children
in the camp... get
early childhood education... a more comfortable space.
The school focuses on
elementary education...
...of the Quran and academic...
...including Islamic ethics,
etiquette, and so on.
Representatives of the
Foundation in Gaza...
...are entrusted to manage
the school,...
...together with
its teachers and students.
The Nurjiwa Foundation
wishes to grow the school,...
...and build
more schools like this.
We welcome
your participation in this effort.
A heartfelt gratitude
from the Nurjiwa Foundation...
...for every help you gave us.
Thank you.
You know this song, don't you?
Have a listen.
Thank you.
Peace be upon you all!
Peace be upon you too!
Good day.
Welcome to the concert.....
This is actually
just an exclusive performance.
I'm so used to performing
in concerts.
And this evening's atmosphere,
mood, and aura...
...are just like a concert.
All right. Are you
ready for the next song?
Are you ready?
-There you go.
I feel like that phrase has become
my tag line.
Okay. For the next song,...
...I chose a song released
when I was single.
Let's have a little throwback.
This song was released.....
You were studying, I guess.
Anyone listen to Siti Nurhaliza
during their study session?
Raise your hands. Let me see!
Who listens to Siti Nurhaliza
when you are studying?
Who listens to Siti Nurhaliza
when you are in love?
Who listens to Siti Nurhaliza
when you are having a heartbreak?
Goodness, so many of you
had your heart broken!
And then listens to Siti Nurhaliza
when you find a new love?
God has willed it!
Okay. Let's take a trip
down the memory lane...
...while listening to a song
when people still write diaries.
These days, people only write...
...posts on Instagram
and social media, right?
How about we reminisce the time
when we wrote diaries?
This is "Diari Hatimu"
(Thy Heart Diary).
Let's sing it together.
Thank you.
Some of you look sad.
Well, it is a song
about love and heartbreak.
That is the power of songs.
A certain song that we like...
...hold a certain feeling.
When the song plays,...
...memories of being in love
come flooding back.
Only God knows how nervous
I am to hold this concert.
My heart keeps pounding like.....
But I won't be singing that song.
I will perform my own song.
I just felt like singing that one.
The word 'denyut' (pounding)
comes up,...
...and I'm automatically
reminded of that song. Okay.
There is one song that
has the same age as Aafiyah.
Anyone can guess the song?
Come again.
"Comel Pipi Merah"
(Blushed-Cheeks Cutie-pie)?
Right, but there is another one.
You can't guess it, can you?
I purposely gave a hard question.
Okay. This song.....
After I gave birth,
I made a request... a composer to write
a song dedicated to Aafiyah.
Now I will perform
this song for all of you.
Thank you so much
for supporting me...
...since before I got pregnant
until I became a mother of two.
Well, I don't know about a third.
I'm good for now.
All praises to Allah
for blessing me...
...with more than
what I prayed for.
This song has a special place
in my heart, so...
...I would like it for you
to really listen to the lyrics.
The lyrics mean so much to me...
...because the love and support
you give me are...
..."Anta Permana" (Everlasting).
Thank you.
Thank you.
A round applause for my
sweet and beautiful dancers.
Thank you.
Praises be to Allah!
All the while I was singing,
I kept my eyes on the audience.
Some of you
truly enjoyed the performance.
Some of you were overjoyed.
While some of you looked like
you were the one performing.
You can't keep still.
I was worried.
Do you know that song?
You look bewildered.
Do you know that song?
Take a guess.
I thought you are Siti Zoners.
Anyone can guess?
This song is rarely played.
Yes, "Dalam Taman Syahdu"
(In the Garden of Sorrow).
That was "Dalam Taman Syahdu"
(In the Garden of Sorrow).
Any more requests for a cappella?
If I take requests,
we will be here until tomorrow.
So let's just follow the setlist.
All right.
That was the title of the song.
At times,
in any given performance,...
...the hardest part for me is
the song selection.
Every fan
has different favourites.
"Siti, please sing
so-and-so song!"
"Aren't you going to sing
this or that song?"
Never mind that. Let's continue.
This song is.....
Just listen.
You don't need to hear about it.
Okay. Let's begin.
Thank you.
Tonight is a night that we call
Music of the Soul.
So I'm giving my heart and soul... every performance
this evening.
I will express my feelings
through a song.
This song is a challenge for me.
I hope this performance...
...will appease fans
who have been waiting for it.
They keep asking me
why I never perform this song.
"Please sing this song,"
they asked.
Okay, I will perform
this song for you this evening.
Have a listen.
Will you sing with me?
How about the upper level?
Which of you likes this song?
Thank you.
Thank you, Aubrey.
Thank you so much.
I consider Aubrey my teacher.
In singing or songwriting,...
...I often ask for Aubrey's help.
I will harmonise.
I can't play piano or guitar.
Do you remember
how I played in a concert?
I only learned for that one song.
For that song, just so
I look like I know how to do it.
But I played off-keys at times,
didn't I?
The song I performed...
...before "Beradu di Khayalan"
(A Slumber in Fantasy)...
...I wrote the lyrics for it.
I did. Thank you.
I wrote many song lyrics
throughout my career as an artist.
Even though written by me,... doesn't mean that
I remember them all.
That's common for me
because these days,... mind is filled
with my children.
Like thinking about
what my children are doing,...
...taking them to school,
and so on.
So this mum has no time
to memorise dozens of songs.
But have no worries.
I have them displayed before me
aided by modern technology.
So now, I would like to move down.
I have been singing up here
since the beginning.
My fans love this part.
Please excuse me.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you. You look familiar.
Yes, thank you.
May I whisper something to you?
-What do you want to tell me?
Can I share this
with the audience?
You came here in a wheelchair.
Thank you very much.
My fan. Praises be to Allah!
Praises be to Allah!
Actually, I learn so much
every time I'm meeting my fans.
They teach me about strength.
Yes. Hi! Allah has willed it.
Thank you.
You came from Sabah?
Thank you so much.
Okay. We have a Sabahan here.
Can you stand up? Okay.
If you are truly
a Siti Nurhaliza's fan,.....
You all have been requesting
songs from me.
I would like to make
a request too.
Please stand up.
-Dear God.
Are you a Siti Nurhaliza's fan?
-I am.
She is.
Here comes the special microphone.
I will try, Siti.
In the Name of Allah.
In the Name of Allah,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
I'm trembling.
-It's okay. Let me start.
Let's not embarrass the Sabahans.
-That's right.
Can you sing with me?
Allah is the Greatest!
Glory be to Allah.
Allah is the Greatest!
Thank you. Allah!
What's your name? I forgot to ask.
-I'm Istiqamah.
Allah has willed it.
You really are 'istiqamah'
(steadfast in the path of Allah)
What a beautiful name
that her parents gave her.
Are you okay?
-Can we sing the chorus?
She wants to sing the chorus.
Of course, you can!
Not me, I want you to sing
from "hendaklah hendak."
You sing.
-I thought that was a request.
Get the drums ready.
This is cool.
-No, you!
I want to hear you sing.
-You want me to sing? Okay.
This song was not on the setlist
so I'm glad you sang it.
From the chorus, okay?
Allah is the Greatest!
What a sweetheart.
Thank you, Istiqamah.
Thank you. Praises be to Allah!
Do you want to keep the mic?
Go ahead.
Thank you. Here.
Thank you very much.
A round of applause for Istiqamah!
Thank you. Allah has willed it.
Thank you so much,
Che Puan Sarimah.
I have a story to tell.
Let me tell the story
accompanied by music.
She was happy to hear
that I will hold a performance.
I like to read direct messages
I received.
From the followers
that I approved, of course!
I can't approve all eight million.
That will be too much for me.
Che Puan Sarimah made an offer.
She said, "Siti, let me be the MC
for that night."
Allah has willed it. Look at her!
Praises be to Allah.
I can feel... much people in the
art industry appreciate me.
The appreciations we have for
each other are so special.
Thank you so much, Che Puan.
Thank you.
My inspiration.
We inspire each other.
Yes. I want to be slim like her.
What should I do?
I have to do yoga and whatnot?
Let's chat on the phone
after this.
You too. Thank you, Tunku.
Her husband.
Thank you.
Here he is.
Please stand up.
Apologies to the upper level.
You can watch from the screen.
Okay. I know.
You are from Singapore.
Wrong, I am from
Brunei Darul Salam.
I forgot. I'm so embarrassed.
-Dear God!
I'm so embarrassed.
Because we met in Singapore.
-Wrong again? My goodness.
Sorry. Since I became a mother,
I've been so scatterbrained.
We met in Kuala Lumpur.
Siti Nurhaliza On Tour
Concert in 2019.
And later at the Meet and Greet.
He's listing everything
so I can recall.
The Meet and Greet
was the next day.
After that, you celebrated
Aafiyah's birthday.
Okay. You're right!
-I know.
I was the MC and
I lead the prayer recitation... the Meet and Greet.
-Yes, you were!
Now that jogged my memory.
Any favourite song of mine?
-Well, I have many.
I have a playlist in my car
for my one-hour daily commute.
I listen to it during my one hour
commute to work every day.
But my favourite is...
..."Jerat Percintaan"
(The Trap of Love).
Let's listen to it.
-A treat from us.
A treat from us.
Let's give them a treat.
I carry with me Bruneian pride.
I can't let my country down.
I'll have the 'Mel key'.
'Mel key'!
Yes, 'Mel key'.
In the Name of Allah.
-What key?
The 'Mel key'. One of the options
they have at karaoke.
Which karaoke place you went to?
Let's start. In the Name of Allah,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Do you get the key?
Because you change keys.
Aubrey, are you okay?
A big round of applause for him!
I'm humbled by your showmanship.
I was taken aback.
-Me too.
Aubrey still can't find your key.
I did it impromptu.
Okay, dear audience.
-Praises be to Allah!
I would like to say thank you
to my fans from Brunei.
Thank you for being loyal.
Khairulilmi from Brunei
Darul Salam. Thank you so much.
A representative from Brunei.
-Yes, I am.
Applause for him. Thank you for
always supporting my performances.
You are always present...
...and you constantly
give me positive energy.
My vibe. I'm radiating my aura.
-I watch the audience from stage.
See? He's throwing me
all of his aura.
I'm sending you finger-hearts.
-Thank you very much.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
All right. Thank you so much.
Thank you, everyone.
Are you trying to MC the event?
Thank you. Bye!
I dedicate this performance
to all women here this evening.
Mothers, and sisters.
I appreciate you all so much
for you are...
..."Bidadari Syurga"
(Angels in Heaven)
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Did you like it?
Oh, you're crying.
Someone is crying in front of me.
That was your heartbreak song,
wasn't it?
He was begging to come back
and you said,...
..."I will never forget
what you did to me."
That is what that song was about.
These people in front of me
are so cute.
Is she your wife
or your girlfriend?
Your wife or your girlfriend?
The woman beside you.
No, beside you.
You're acting coy.
He did this to me.
The man did that
and the woman went.....
Like that.
Come on. He was just
enjoying the performance.
I belong with Datuk K.
I'm glad you like me.
I appreciate all my fans.
You are all special to me.
You give me strength
in everything that I do...
...and for all my performances...
...every time I see you enjoying
yourself, and singing along.
So if you give me air kisses,...
...I'm fine with it.
Thank you.
My bad. Like this.
I got it. All right.
Before I came in, you've watched
the video that was played.
A video about
Palestinian children...
...and the school built by
the Nurjiwa Foundation...
...founded by my husband and me.
The Afwa and Afiyah School
was founded from an effort...
...made by my husband
and I.
They are like my children.
When I saw their struggle,
I felt the need to help them.
All praises to Allah, all of you
who are present this evening...
...are benefactors
in this effort to help them...
...get an education every day.
Praises be to Allah!
Thank you very much.
So I would like to introduce
the musicians.
Without them, maybe my songs...
...won't be as beautiful
and as grand.
Will you give
the biggest applause... the musicians that accompany
my performances.
From my left.
Applause for Brian Larson,
Jin Yen, Toko, and Nasran Awi.
Give it up for them.
Thanks, guys.
On the keyboard at the back,
Ee Jeng.
The guitarist, Marcus Leong.
He played for Syamel and Ernie's
concert, right?
He got famous.
Okay, next.
Applause for the drummer,
Derrick Siow.
Now, to my right.
The furthest right,
the one who always smiles.
He is cheerful and
the jokester of our team.
Applause to Wan Gigi.
You have fans!
Hang on.
You look like the artist.
It's okay.
Let's give him a chance.
Another round of applause...
...for my backing vocals,
Yuaz, Widy, and Eja.
Now and forever, they will come
with me wherever I go.
At my back....
No, not my back.
I mean, at the back.
I mentioned him earlier.
My teacher, the percussionist,...
...Steve Thornton!
The bassist.
Applause for Ken Chung.
And none other than
the one and only,... music director,
and celebrated songwriter,...
...a round of applause
for Mr. Aubrey Suwito!
Thank you, Aubrey.
I will perform the next song.
I will say, this song is
one of the hardest to sing.
It requires a lot of breathing,...
...the lyric is quite complicated,
and it is in a higher key.
The chorus keeps going up
and doesn't come down.
I think many of you
like this song.
It's the sibling of...
..."Purnama Merindu"
(Longing of the Full Moon).
What is Purnama Merindu's sibling?
"Nian di Hati"
(The Heart's Supreme).
I will sing this song for you.
This is "Nian di Hati."
Thank you.
Thank you.
How was it so far?
Are you satisfied?
Not yet.
Still haven't gotten enough?
It has been an hour.
You want more?
Okay, sure.
I will sing more songs,
but I have a request.
This is a special song.
The lyrics reflect
what we are facing today.
All the problems and challenges.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,...
...we've lost family members,
and jobs.
We need strength to overcome
So today, I hope this song...
...may give you some strength...
...and a more positive spirit.
So my request is...
...can you switch on...
...the light-sticks
you bought earlier?
How about we try to change
the colours?
It has many colours.
Those you have your handphones,
you can turn on your flashlights.
They will look so pretty.
Let's begin. Especially for you,
my dear fans,...
..."Melawan Kesepian"
(Persevering Loneliness).
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm sure
you're waiting for this person.
When will Dato' Awie come up?
You can't wait any longer.
That gentleman...
...has been waiting for him.
Have patience.
Give me a chance to sing
Dato' Awie's song.
This is one of my favourite songs.
When I was younger,
I like to hear songs from Wings.
Right. So,...
...I'm happy that Dato' Awie
accepted my invitation... sing with me on the stage.
Before we call
Dato' Awie on stage,...
...allow me to perform
one of his most popular songs.
Please enjoy.
If anyone is also a fan of his,
let's sing this song together.
Thank you.
Praises be to Allah!
I was nervous...
...singing a song from the legend,
someone whom I admire,...
...and it is a rock song.
Did I pull through?
With flying colours?
You startled me.
I thought you were Awie.
My goodness.
Thank God I don't have latah.
What does this mean?
Let me say a few words.
Awie, give me a minute.
Don't come out yet.
Wait a minute.
Don't tease me.
Dato' Awie is my favourite
rock singer.
When I was young, in my teens...
...I often listened to his songs.
Back then,
he was active in the band Wings.
His songs were the best!
At that time, my brother was
active as a singer too.
He used to sing Wings' songs
all the time.
He made me become a fan
until now.
I would never imagine I'll get
to share a stage with Dato' Awie.
So let's give
the biggest welcome... Dato Awie!
Please come on stage.
Peace be upon you.
He's like a minister.
-Yes, Siti.
Oh, sorry.
May I call you by your name?
Yes. In fact, I'm happy someone
wants to call me by my name.
These days,
people call me 'uncle'.
Kids call me 'uncle'.
They need a little smack.
Awie, I.....
-Quiet down.
Go ahead, Siti.
Let her talk.
Thank you so much.
-My pleasure, Siti.
I've said it yesterday,
but I want to say it again.
Thank you very much for agreeing
to collaborate with me.
You've accepted my proposal.
My proposal?
I mean,
my invitation to perform together.
I would like to thank
Siti Nurhaliza too.
Dato' Sri Siti Nurhaliza,...
...thank you for sending the
invite all the way to Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh, I am number one.
Okay. As I said before,...
...I listened to your songs a lot
when I was younger.
I listened to
"Taman Rashidah Utama."
You know that song?
What else?
You have a song "Sejati" (True).
You've sung "Harapan"
(Hope) with me.
Right? Some time ago.
I invited Siti to join
our performance... Istana Budaya.
-That's right.
We sang "Harapan" together.
She was one of the superfans
in attendance that night.
Thank you very much, Siti.
-You're welcome.
And I'm here today
as your superfan too.
Praises be to Allah! Thank you.
...I am her fan. I admire her.
-Thank you.
Shush, I'm not lying.
I swear.
Siti, as humans, we.....
May I talk a little?
-Of course. Go ahead.
Humans have ups and downs.
When I was in a dark time,...
...I played your song on repeat.
Really? Which one?
Take a guess.
Which song? "Cindai"?
No? Then which one?
I listened to "Purnama Merindu"
(Longing of the Full Moon).
I know why.
Because the phrase
"I implore the Omnipresent."
O Allah. I listened to the song
non-stop until I.....
Never mind.
Let bygones be bygones.
The song is heartrending.
Like you're imploring, right?
-Right. Sing it for us.
Let's sing it together.
Would you like to hear him sing?
-Please don't.
No. Please don't.
But it's true.
This is a true story.
And I'm grateful to be given
the chance to share the stage...
...with Malaysia's
Number One Singer this evening.
A round of applause
for Siti Nurhaliza.
Thank you.
Thank you to her husband, Dato' K
for letting me be on stage.
He is your fan too.
-He is?
He is a fan of yours.
-He came to my room.
He did?
-We talked for a bit.
Thank you very much, Dato' K.
Can you continue entertaining
the fans for the evening?
The benefactors in attendance
this evening.
They want to hear me sing?
-Of course, they do.
Would you like to hear him sing?
Let's give it up for Dato' Awie!
Thank you.
Thank you. My goodness.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you.
This first song...
...will give me
bowel movement problems.
Will you sing with me?
Thank you.
That first song
was very challenging.
Give me a break. Dear God.
At least, give me
some songs to warm up.
Now I feel like I've pushed out
all my insides.
My goodness.
Some days, I can't push them out.
But some days, I can't
stop them from getting out.
I'm not kidding. That's the truth.
But because of his pride,...
...he still wants to sing,
despite his old age.
So today dyed
my beard to look younger.
Otherwise, I will look like
an uncle singing with his niece.
I made an effort to appear
younger today.
I big thank you
to Siti Nurhaliza Production.
Thank you to the founders of
Nurjiwa Foundation,...
...Dato' Sri Khalid and
Dato' Sri Siti Nurhaliza.
Thank you very much...
...for organising this event
to help those in need,...
...and the poverty-stricken.
During this rainy season,...
...there is always
people in need of help.
Siti Nurhaliza!
All together now!
All together now!
The upper level!
Sing it with us.
Dato' Awie!
Dato' Siti, dear audience!
-Allah has willed it.
My goodness,
she conquered rock songs too.
-She conquered them all.
You've listened to Awie
singing rock songs.
How about we listen to him
sing a Malay traditional song?
Would you like that?
How about the upper level?
You sure? I will break the stage.
-Some of you heard it yesterday.
Hopefully, I won't be banned by
the Malaysian Rock Association.
Don't say that.
-I won't?
You won't.
-Okay then.
Some of you who weren't
here yesterday, didn't know.
And this will be your first time
hearing it from him.
I'm nervous singing a zapin song
with Siti. Am I crazy?
I sing rock.
But let's give it a go.
Yes, let's try.
-Don't be ashamed to try.
Am I right?
-Let's go for it.
I would like for you
to dance with us.
Will you sing with us?
-I watched them...
...while we sang just now.
They looked like they are
listening to nasheed.
Really! That was a rock song.
This side, but that side.
We were not performing nasheed.
Promise you'll dance with us.
-Will you?
Let's go!
-Let's give it a try.
In the Name of Allah.
-Let's see...
...if today's crowd can challenge
yesterday's audience.
People at the back,
let's do zapin dance.
Your turn, Awie.
My goodness.
We are so confident.
-You sound great.
I'll take this one.
-Go ahead.
That's a long way.
Just bulldoze it.
That sounds familiar.
That was a good performance,
wasn't it?
I saw...
-You were great, Awie.
...children dancing zapin
in Johor.
They did some moves and then.....
I was wondering
what's the matter with them.
Looked like they were having
a cramp but they were so cute.
-That was their steps.
That was fun.
If this is how it is,... about we make a
Malay traditional songs album?
Would you like that?
Do you agree with me?
I have been craving.....
No, I'm not pregnant.
I have long wished to make
a Malay traditional songs album.
Since you've asked,... would be
an honour to do it with you.
I'm not good with pantun
(Malay poems)...
...even though I've learnt them
so many times.
I think that was
a great performance.
You've proven that you can sing
Malay traditional songs.
Not an easy feat for rock singers.
-Thank you so much.
I'll try, God willing.
Anyway, thank you again to
those of you here.
Keep supporting the industry.
A big round of applause
to the musicians...
...under the guidance of Aubrey.
Thank you again, Siti. I apologise
for any mistakes I've made.
Awie, just a minute.
Can you give me a moment?
-Since today is the last day,...
...may I ask you to sing
a little bit more?
Let's sing a cappella.
-What song?
Can you sing "Sejati" (True)?
That was by 'Scoin', right?
-Is it a weird request?
It's not? Okay,
let me try to jog my memory.
Can we do "Sejati"?
I thought
we'll do it a cappella,...
...but he requested
music accompaniment.
Applause for Dato' Awie!
God willing.
A little rusty, huh?
Together now!
I've been missing this song.
I love this song.
-You do?
I do. God willing,
my dear audience.
Once again, thank you, Dato' Awie!
He willingly sang another song.
-Thank you all!
A round of applause
for Dato' Awie. Thank you!
Thanks, Awie. Thank you.
Praises be to Allah!
All praises to Allah
for this special evening.
Everyone gave a good performance.
I would like to thank
all of you again...
...for coming and donating to the
Nurjiwa Foundation.
Thank you very much.
We've come to the last segment
My goodness.
I feel like I've been on this
stage for ages.
That's cute. You're like,
"No, I want more."
Calm down.
We have more songs.
But this would be the
last segment.
God willing, I will organise
a bigger performance soon.
Pray that everything
will go smoothly.
I would like to take
this opportunity... express my gratitude.
Dear audience, applause
for Nurjiwa Foundation,...
...Siti Nurhaliza Production,...
...CTDK Holdings,...
...Ministry of Tourism, Art,
and Malaysian Culture,...
...Tourism Malaysia.
Keep going. Thank you.
KLCC Administration,...
...our benefactors
this evening,...
...our friends from print,
and electronic media,...
...and my beloved and respected
audience, thank you.
Siti Zoners!
And Sitizen!
Praises be to Allah.
Thank you.
I call this segment the climax
of this evening's event...
...because this is a
Malay traditional songs segment.
It is the root of our culture.
We should appreciate
and celebrate it.
On this special evening,
I will sing folk songs.
These Malay traditional songs...
...have been given
a little pop twist.
They were written by the
late Datuk Adnan Abu Hassan... these songs have a
special place in my heart.
So let's appreciate them
by dancing with me.
Are you shy?
Come on, stand up.
Let me see you
shake your shoulders.
Now, wave your hands.
The upper level
is very supportive.
Move your knees.
Right, you're the best.
Let's listen to our folk songs.
Dance with me
and enjoy the performance.
My goodness,
look at that man dancing.
Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who came.
Thank you for supporting
Nurjiwa Foundation.
God willing, your donations
this evening...
...will be distributed
to those in need.
Thank you and congratulations
to those involved,...
...those who worked
hard to make...
..."Music of the Soul" a success.
Thank you!
Praises be to Allah!
Thank you, everyone.
See you again!
Peace be upon you.