Musica (2024) Movie Script

Are you even listening to me?
- (rhythmic clacking)
- (busy chatter)
(speaking Portuguese)
MARIA: Rudy, where are you?
I'm waiting for you.
I'm just at the diner with Haley.
(over phone):
Still wasting time with that gringa?
My mom says hi.
No, I didn't.
Haley says hi back.
No, I didn't.
Come home, son.
I'm making feijoada.
Okay, I won't be long.
I'm waiting for you.
Bye. Bye.
You know, you barely ate.
I ate.
Just, Mom's making feijoada, you know?
So, why come here?
What do you mean? To be with you, to...
so we can eat, hang out.
I mean, you know, I'm all she has, Haley.
I don't want her eating alone.
But you have no problem
letting me eat alone.
(loud, rhythmic sweeping)
Um... yeah.
No. No, of course not.
What do you... What do you mean?
Even after four years,
sometimes it just feels like
I'm still competing for your attention.
There's no competition.
I love you, Haley. I love you.
You know, 'cause sometimes
it feels like you're somewhere else.
(dings loudly)
- You know, how's the thesis coming?
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah, it's com... it's coming.
You haven't even started yet, have you?
No, I will... I'm gonna...
I'm-I'm working on it.
- Will you just let me help you?
- No, I don't need...
We graduate in six weeks.
- (water sloshes)
- (rhythmic sweeping and clacking)
- Hey.
- Yeah. Hey, I'm sorry.
I-I worked till like 2:00 a.m. last night,
so I'm super tired.
It's just...
- (rhythmic clanking and tapping)
- (dings)
Doing puppet shows in the subway
isn't exactly work.
You were the one who said
that you wanted to get
a place together after we graduate.
- I do. I-I still do.
- (foot tapping rhythmically)
Rent in the city is expensive.
And, I mean, my parents can help us out,
but I don't really think they're gonna
want to help us out for that long
- if it's, like, a puppet thing.
- Uh, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. Uh, no...
- no parents helping out.
- I mean, you're gonna have to
figure out something beyond tips in a jar.
I know you don't believe
in the puppet stuff, but maybe
I can turn it into something bigger.
You know, maybe it's more
than just a subway show. -Maybe.
But I also think that
maybe there's a world
where you put all this creativity
just towards a stable job
or something more consistent
with actual money.
- (phone vibrating)
- Did you even look at
the Zillow listings that I sent you?
(rhythmic tapping and clanking continues)
(piano notes play over rhythmic tapping
and clanking)
This is what I mean.
I'm here trying to plan our future,
and you can't even be bothered
to tune in... (voice fades)
(rhythmic tapping and clanking continues)
(whooping, laughter)

- I'm done.
- (music and rhythmic tapping stop)
- Wait. What?
- Yeah, I'm done.
Wha... Haley, what?
- No, I have to go.
- What are you talking...
- Just give me a second. Wha... I'm sorry.
- No, I have to go, Rudy.
- Let me just talk... Let me...
- No, Rudy, I have to go.
- Can I tell you...
- What?
Goodbye, Rudy.
Haley, come on. Haley.
(door opens and closes)
(phone vibrating)
Hi, Mom.
(acoustic guitar strumming)
Spare some change?
(piano notes play)
Any change?
Changing your ways
is what you have to do
Surprised it took this long
for her to dump you
Now you're alone,
you've got no place to go
Your head is too big, but you're small
(singing along): No one beside,
you have nowhere to hide
You're a bitch who has nothing at all.
Hey, hello, everybody. What's going on?
My name is Diego, and I'm gonna play
some songs. (clears throat)
Oh, everybody calm down.
What's the rush? What's the rush?
It's not like we're in
a really sketchy subway,
at night, in Newark,
where-where, like, people get shot.
Anyway, here's the first song.
The name of this song is "Starbucks."
(playing jaunty rhythm)
It's expensive.
Thank you.

(sputtering sigh)
It's gonna be okay, bro.
Yeah? You think so?
Um, uh...
I-I don't know. Probably not.

(bed squeaking)
(crickets chirping)
- Rudy.
- Hmm?
- Are you awake?
- No.
I know you're awake.
I can feel you're awake.
I'm not awake, Mom.
Good, I'll make you a coffee.
No, please,
I worked till 3:00 a.m. last night.
Wow, playing with dolls again.
- They're puppets, Mom.
- That's what I said.
Come eat before it gets cold.
(rhythmic tapping, dishes clanking)
- (egg cracks)
- (sizzling)
- (sighs) -(bell dings)
- (Maria speaking Portuguese)
- RUDY: Thank you, Mom.
- Rudy...
we need to talk about women.
Ma, I just woke up. Please.
You should be with a Brazilian.
You've told me this a thousand times.
Because the gringas are not good.
Mom, can't say that.
Haley won't take care of you.
The rich girls don't cook, don't clean.
You know.
Oh, maybe I can...
I can do those things for myself.
What do you think?
It was a college thing,
but now school is ending.
You should end things with her.
Actually, she just, uh...
she just ended things with me.
That bitch.
- Ma, come on.
- Don't you worry.
I'm gonna introduce
someone perfect for you.
Can I introduce someone perfect?
Already told you, Mom, I'm not ready.
I can feel you are.
(piano notes playing)
(rhythmic stomping, snapping and clapping)
And that first set of P's
really means nothing
without the other three...
Packaging, position, people...
Linking to what we just covered:
product, price, promotion and place.
Make sure to include these
in your Canva presentations.
And that's it, everybody.
- ANWAR: All right.
- CUSTOMER: Would you mind if I got
- a little more pita bread?
- ANWAR: Yes, I would mind.
Pita ain't free.
There's no pita trees around here.
- Man, come on, just give me...
- Nah, nah, no, no.
Ain't gonna happen, bro.
- No, no, no.
- Bozo.
Pita don't grow on trees, man!
- What's up, man?
- There he is.
- (groans)
- You good?
Man, I'm good, man. How you doing, man?
Sorry to hear about you and Haley.
That's sad shit, man.
- How do you know about that?
- Come on, man.
This is Newark, New Jersey, man.
Shit travels.
Who told you?
Like, who would've told you that?
I got people everywhere.
I'm in a food truck.
Huh? I'm parked here, I'm parked there.
My people...
I got people everywhere. I got people!
My mom told you, right?
Yeah, she told me, man, everything.
Dude, I-I don't know.
I'm starting to think
I-I took her for granted, you know?
And, like, we had these plans to, like,
get out of the Ironbound,
- move in together.
- What you gonna do?
You want her back?
- You want to try to get her back?
- I mean, I...
Yeah, I... I don't know what I want, bro.
(sighs) Look, man.
She's smart, she's rich,
she's beautiful, and she's rich.
Oh, man.
For some crazy reason, she likes you, man.
You can't let a girl like that get away.
I know, but all I want to do
is puppets and music.
And she keeps wanting me to get
a stable job, and, like, I don't...
I don't even know how to do that.
All you got to do is ask.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Okay, here... Can I work here with you?
No. Oh, no, no, no, no.
You said all I have to do is ask.
I mean the universe.
On top of it all, my mom's, like,
trying to set me up with Brazilians.
If that was my mom, she would have
ten new girls waiting outside my house
- like I was the damn Bachelor.
- No.
My mom would not do that. I...
We already talked about it.
She wouldn't do that.
- (doorbell rings)
- (door closes)
Rudy, this is Luana.
- Mom, wh...
- (Luana chuckles)
- Nice to meet you, Rudy.
- Hi.
Luana is Claudia's cousin's niece,
from the salon.
Remember Claudia?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, nice to...
it's nice to... nice to see you.
Aren't the Brazilian girls
the most beautiful?
My mom says the same thing.
We have to stick together.
It's important.
So, I have... I just have some studying...
I made some wonderful caipirinhas.
I'll bring them to you.
Sounds amazing.
You two go sit, relax,
and they'll be right out.
(clears throat quietly)
Um, I just... I'll be...
I'll be right back.
- Just give me... one sec.
- Okay.
Ma, what the hell?
Calm down, I know what I'm doing.
I just told you no dates.
I don't want dates.
It's not a date, nothing romantic.
You need friends.
- That's so fucking weird, Ma.
- Don't say "fuck."
Okay. I just... Y-You're my mom.
You're not my pimp, okay?
She's sitting alone. Don't be rude.
- Go.
- (sighs)
Ah, sorry, I just wasn't
expecting all... all this.
It's okay. I also have a Brazilian mother.
- Mm, yeah.
- (chuckles)
Those look delicious.
Thanks, Mom.
Um, yeah, it just... doesn't...
doesn't drive you crazy?
The... All this?
No, I mean, it's just who they are, right?
Yeah, uh... yeah, no, they're the best.
It's just, sometimes they can get,
you know, a bit... (stammering)
excessive, uh, pushy.
Well, sometimes what they're pushing
feels kind of right.
Mm. Should we, uh...
- Chin-chin.
- Chin-chin.
- Um...
- This is nice.
Yeah. Uh, I should probably say
I-I just got out of a relationship.
But she wasn't Brazilian, right?
Doesn't seem that serious.
Yeah. Um...
So-Sorry. Just, um...
- What?
- Just curious. So...
So, uh, you're here because
our moms are friends and we're Brazilian?
Yeah. (chuckles)
So you've done this before?
Been set up with other Brazilians?
(chuckles) Of course.
Right. Yeah.
Sorry, this is mess... this is messed up.
- I don't get it. What's wrong?
- MARIA: Yeah, what's wrong?
- RUDY: Uh, just...
- What's the problem?
Mom, are you serious? Just...
This isn't weird to you? This whole...
Uh, she's setting us up.
- She's sitting right there.
- So?
They're just trying to help us find love.
Time is running out.
It's true.
(stammers) Time is running out for what?
To start our lives.
Mortgages, babies, stuff like that.
Baby... Well, who's talking about babies?
Why? You don't like babies?
- He loves babies.
- RUDY: Th-That's not the point. I-I...
This whole thing's weird to me.
I just can't...
You know what? Your mom was right.
You need help.
Thanks for the drinks, Maria.
(Luana muttering)
(door closes)
Rudy, what happened?
She was perfect.
You don't even know her.
What are you talking about?
What do I need to know?
She's beautiful, Brazilian, perfect.
I can find my own date. Okay, Mom?
- Brazilian?
- Who cares?
I-I told you I'm not ready.
I just broke up with Haley, Ma.
And-and she was, like, the one thing
in my life that was normal.
Rudy, I love you,
and just want what's best for you.
I know, Ma.
A Brazilian woman is best.
You'll get married, start a family,
work together
and stay here where it's safe.
Stay here and do what?
Get your degree and open a music store
next to my salon.
Ma, I'm about to finish school. I don't
need you making decisions for me, okay?
I have no choice.
Por que? Why?
You don't make decisions for yourself.
(rhythmic tapping and clacking)
(plays three notes)
Shit, shit, shit
Shit, sh-sh-shit, shit,
sh-sh-shit, shit, shit
Shit, sh-sh-shit,
shit, sh-sh-shit, shit, shit
- (keyboard joins in)
- Shit, sh-sh-shit, shit
Sh-Sh-Shit, shit, shit
Shit, sh-sh-shit, shit,
sh-sh-shit, shit, shit
- (drumbeat joins in)
- Shit, sh-sh-shit, shit
Sh-Sh-Shit, shit, shit
Shit, sh-sh-shit,
shit, sh-sh-shit, shit, shit
Shit, sh-sh-shit, shit,
sh-sh-shit, shit, shit
Shit, sh-sh-shit,
shit, sh-sh-shit, shit, shit.

- (music stops)
- PROFESSOR: Mr. Mancuso.
You have an answer?
The most important is
undercover marketing,
followed by diversity
and finally transaction.
That's wrong.
Okay. Anybody else?
(lively chatter)
One pound of cod!
- Did you take a ticket?
- No.
- Take one, please.
- WOMAN: 93.
Uh... 97. Okay.
- (phone vibrating)
- (sighs)
Hey, Mom.
I... There's so many people here.
Like, what do I do?
MARIA: Yeah, the world is full of people,
my son, it's beautiful.
Yeah, can we just have
leftovers tonight, please?
Leftovers? Old food?
No. I make fresh food.
- Go. -Ma, Ma...
- (phone beeping)
(rhythmic banging)
(lively chatter continues)

- (shouts)
- (whooping)
97. Going once.
Here, here!
(rhythmic banging stops)

(man shouts in Portuguese)
(rhythmic tapping)
(rhythmic stomping, tapping and clapping)
(birds chirping)
What are you doing?
Nothing. What are you doing?
Uh, I'll meet you downstairs
for breakfast.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- (bell dings)
- (Maria speaks Portuguese)
Thank you.
You're on time today.
Is everything okay?
Yeah. Yeah, of course. I'm just...
I'm excited for, um... for school.
I'm worried about you.
(piano notes playing)
(lively chatter)
(door chimes)
Hey, Fish Face!
Uh, me?
Yeah. Fish Face, right?
- You took a smack in the face yesterday.
- Mm-hmm.
Um, is Isabella here?
Isabella, no.
But if you want I can let her know
Fish Face stopped by.
- No, thanks.
- You sure?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks.
- Okay.
It's you.
- (chuckles)
- Hey, it's me.
From, um... from yesterday.
Yeah. How could I forget?
Not every day someone
gets knocked out by codfish.
- Mm, I know. Everyone finds it hilarious.
- Mm-hmm.
Apparently, it's good luck, though.
- Really? Never heard that.
- Yeah.
'Cause I just made it up. I'm Rudy.
(chuckles) Isabella.
- Isabella... (speaks Portuguese)
- (speaks Portuguese)
- Yeah.
- Is that Rio?
Yeah. My mom's from Copacabana.
- Ah.
- Mm.
- Carioca. Of course.
- Carioca.
Mm-hmm. Um...
So I got the... I got your...
your message.
- Your fish message. Was that you?
- Oh.
Yeah, it was.
I didn't pay for the bacalhau,
so I wanted to...
- Oh, don't worry. It's on the house.
- Yeah?
Yeah, we have a policy not to charge
people we almost kill.
- Funny. Very funny.
- (chuckles)
Um, okay. Well, thank you.
- Yeah.
- Uh...
- Yeah, well, just got to...
- It was nice meeting you.
- I'm s-sorry. What'd you say?
- No, it's okay.
- Um, I have to go to...
- Nice to meet you, too.
- I have to go to the market.
- You have to go to the market.
- To get some stuff, but...
- The mar... The fair?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- The Ironbound Fair?
I was gonna go, too.
- No.
- I wasn't gonna go.
- (chuckles)
- But I could go.
- Walk with me.
- Let's walk.
- Yeah.
- Let's go to the feira.
- I'm mumbling like an idiot.
- (chuckles)
(rhythmic tapping)
You enjoy touching fish all day?
(chuckles) I kind of do. Yeah.
- Really?
- Yeah.
That's cool.
That I touch fish?
No, I just... You enjoy what you do.
I mean, it's not what I think
I'll do forever,
- but I kind of like that.
- (rhythmic tapping)
You kind of like what?
Not knowing what's next.
That's it.
Uh, I've been not knowing what's next
for a while now, so...
- So, you live here, too?
- I do, yeah, with my mom.
Actually not that far from here.
Oh. Cool.
You know, I'm-I'm planning to move
to the city eventually.
- That's where everything is, right?
- Depends what you're looking for.
- I mean, everything I want is here.
- Really?
Like, gunshots, crime, stuff like that?
That's just on Monroe.
That's where you work...
Literally where you work.
Where do you work?
Um, I'm in school, actually.
- Books, mostly.
- (chuckles)
I'm mainly doing it for a degree
for my mom.
I'm more interested in other shit.
Like what?
Would it be weird if I said puppets?
- Puppets?
- Yeah, puppets.
- Puppets.
- (laughing): I mean, puppets?
Uh, I mean, I have this, like,
puppet that I made,
and then I do these little musicals
in the subway.
- You can laugh if you want.
- No, I think it's cool.
- Mm.
- Does it make you happy?
- Yeah. It does.
- All right.
I mean, I wish I could turn it into, like,
a real show, you know?
That's the dream.
But, you know,
it's more of a hobby right now.
I'm literally underground.
Well, why not take it higher,
make it more than a hobby?
Let's talk about you.
What do you want to do?
I don't know. Fish market for now,
maybe open something.
Yeah? Like what?
- A bar or a lounge. I don't know.
- Cool.
I don't really care as long as I'm here.
- The Ironbound?
- Mm-hmm.
You don't feel stuck, though,
like you're in a bubble?
- No.
- No?
- Look around.
- (rhythmic tapping)
The colors, the smells, the sounds.
I love it.
This is home.
- (lively drumming)
- (whooping, excited chatter)
(horns join in, playing upbeat melody)
- (music stops)
- Yeah?
- You good?
- Yeah.
- (chuckles) Where'd you go?
Um, no, nowhere.
I just...
I think I see it.
It's beautiful.
- (acoustic guitar strumming)
- (piano notes playing)
Spare some change?
- (coins clinking)
- Thank you.
Any change?
Change is good
The neighborhood is not so shitty now
Found a boo, but knowing you
I hope I don't screw it up somehow.
The name of this song is "Chocolate."
(clears throat)
When you're feeling kind of down
and you're craving something brown
Eat chocolate.
Thank you.
(lively chatter)
(rhythmic tapping and sweeping)
- MARIA: Rudy.
- (bell jingles)
My son, how are you?
I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
How are you?
Fine. Did you eat?
Uh, yeah, I ate. I'm good.
You're not eating.
- (laughing): I am. I ate.
- You're smiling.
What's wrong?
- (laughing): Nothing. I'm good, I'm good.
- Yeah? Okay.
Grab the broom.
(rhythmic tapping and sweeping)
Hey, Rudy, heard you're single.
We heard it all.
You must be bummed.
Don't be like that, don't be sad.
Cheer up! It'll work out.
- Yes, yes. Yes, yes.
- Here's an idea...
No, no. No, no.
Speaking of working out...
Wake up, be smart.
Did you happen to meet...
- my daughter?
- She's beautiful!
See if you can come by the house
so I can introduce you.
(rhythmic tapping and sweeping stop)
Do you take walk-ins?
(employees chatting in Portuguese)
Hey, bro.
Geez, you scared the shit out of me, bro.
What the hell are you doing?
Playing hide-and-seek?
Shh, shh. No, I just... I...
Sometimes I have to get away
from the noise, you know?
That noise is a part of you, bro.
Yeah, um, I just don't like talking...
Why am I talking about this with you?
You're a puppet.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
It's okay to be vulnerable.
Everyone needs someone to open up to.
- Who do you open up to?
- What do you mean?
I have my own puppet.
You do?
No, bro. A puppet with a puppet?
That's ridiculous.
Ah, you're laughing. Wow.
Someone's happy. Is it Isabella?
What? No, no. Calm... Relax.
We just met, okay?
Yeah, that's what you said about Haley,
and you guys dated for like 17 years.
- It was four years. Can you calm down?
- Well, either way,
it's nice to see you smile, bro.
I love you.
Are... Are you gonna say it back?
- ANWAR: Here you go.
- CUSTOMER: Thank you.
And I threw in some extra pita in there.
It's fresh.
You be sure to tell your rich...
uh, your parents
that Anwar is in the park, okay?
- Sorry, I got to go.
- Oh, okay.
I'm sorry, too.
- What's up, man?
- Hey, what's going on, man?
- How you doing? You good?
- I'm doing great, man.
What's going on?
What are you wearing, bro?
This is Montclair, man.
People around here,
they spend a lot of money.
What happened to the...
What happened to the Biggie poster?
Biggie's still there, man.
He's still in my heart.
This is a Bubl kind of town.
I don't know.
Why you so happy?
Hmm? Are you high?
- I'm just happy.
- You're high as a kite.
- You're smiling.
- 'Cause I'm high.
I'm having a... I'm having a good day.
- You shouldn't be this happy.
- Why?
Because you got dumped
and you live at home with your mom.
So what? You live with your mom.
Yeah, but it's a different entrance.
I go around the side,
I go down the stairs, and I go underneath.
I have more of a tenant situation
going on.
You are a roommate.
You go through the same door.
- Not a roommate.
- Yeah, you share a bathroom.
Listen, it's a beautiful day.
Just let me be happy.
Yeah, you high.
- (laughing): No.
- Bubl! Bubl!

(phone dings)
It's so good.
So good, right?
My mom and I used to eat these every day
at Suave... You know Suave Sabor?
- Mm-hmm.
- We used to go every day.
Are you guys pretty close?
Me and my mom?
- Mommy?
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah. She's like my best friend.
- (chuckles softly)
- Is that sad?
Hmm-mm. No.
It's very Brazilian.
- (grunting, indistinct chatter)
- RUDY: Um...
Yeah. I mean, I'm...
I feel like I'm kind of all she has.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, I do.
Is it the same with your mom?
No. Not really.
(rhythmic tapping)
Um, why? Why is that?
Uh, she actually moved back to Brazil
when I was like 15.
- Like, for a job?
- For a man.
- Oh, shit. I'm sorry.
- Mm-hmm.
No, no, no, it's fine. Um...
(rhythmic tapping)
- You okay?
- Yeah. Why?
Are you aware that you do this thing?
Like, you go somewhere?
- You're doing it right now.
- Yeah, no, I-I know.
- I just realized it. Um...
- (laughs)
For as long as I can remember,
everyday, regular sounds,
I turn into rhythm.
- What do you mean?
- Like...
(stammers) No. Okay, okay.
Close your eyes. Okay.
What do you hear?
- Uh...
- (car passing, distant horn honking)
Footsteps. Birds.
E-flat, melodies, scales.
- Hmm?
- That's what I hear.
I don't really talk about this
very much, but...
Okay, wait.
So you play these songs in your head?
It's like, they're moments, like,
little experience... like, just life.
- Life?
- I know, it sounds weird saying it, but...
But does it happen all the time?
That's the thing. It's-it's random.
- Is it torturous, or do you enjoy it?
- Um...
Like, sometimes it's helpful,
it's nice, and then, um,
other times, it feels more like a curse.
I don't know, I-I remember it
happening a lot when I was a kid
as a way to, I guess, feel safe.
Am I freaking you out?
- No.
- I'm freaking you out.
- Not freaking me out. It's just...
- Am I making sense, though?
- Kind of.
- Okay, I have an i...
I have an idea. I have an idea.
I have an idea.
Look. Look at the park.
- I know what you're doing.
- What?
- You're making excuses to get close to me.
- (chuckles): No, no.
No, I'll do it... I'll...
I'm all the way over here.
- No, no, no, it's fine.
- Okay.
- Do you see... You sure?
- Yeah.
You see... you see those guys over there
- playing basketball?
- Yeah.
Watch closely.
- Okay.
- You hear the bounce?
Listen for more.
- (child shouting)
- (jet engine whirring)
(all audio stops)
(strings play with each bounce)
(shoes tapping rhythmically)
(dramatic orchestral music plays
in rhythm with sounds)
(chimes playing rhythmically)
(squeaking rhythmically)

(spraying rhythmically)

(spray can rattling)

(orchestral music
and rhythmic sounds stop)
(normal sounds resume)
(Isabella laughs)
Oh, my God.
That's... that's incredible.
- You can... You heard it? You can hear it?
- N-No.
- No?
- (laughing): No.
- No, I'm sorry. I don't...
- That's okay.
- I don't hear what you hear.
- It's okay.
I can't see what you see,
but you know what?
I feel you feeling it.
I can feel you hearing it.
And, honestly, I'm kind of jealous.
This is a gift.
We're gonna do a little bit
about highlighting tactical sound design.
Now, it takes .14 seconds
for the human ear to interpret sound,
which gives us a route
to the customers' limbic system,
an opportunity for increased
brand recognition.
Now, does that make sense?
Yes, Mr. Mancuso.
Do some people reinterpret
sounds that are already there?
What are we talking about?
- Like, sounds that, uh, exist... already.
- (rhythmic tapping)
Rather than re-creating them or...
or-or producing them.
I think you mean diegetic versus non?
Maybe. I... I don't... I...
It's just how my brain kind of works.
PROFESSOR: Okay, interesting.
Well, something that you could explore
in your thesis, which is due
a month from Monday.
And that's a reminder for everyone.
(students murmuring)
(door opens)
(door closes)
So, um, I see what you're doing.
Uh, what do you mean?
You know, the whole
participating in class thing,
answering questions.
I-I... I see you,
- and I get it.
- Yeah, I don't...
- I don't know that I'm... I'm doing any...
- Can we talk?
Just... just for a second?
- Haley, I...
- Actually, can I please start?
look, I know that things ended quickly.
I just...
Well, I just felt like we were having
the same conversation over and over again
and nothing was changing.
And I really didn't mean to put
any pressure on you.
It's just... it was time for us
to go to the next level,
and believe it or not,
I'm under pressure, too, and...
No, it wasn't all you. I-I... I know...
I know how I am.
I know I can be difficult.
I know you, Rudy, and, um...
well, I'm sorry I was insensitive
about the puppets.
I know that they're like therapy to you.
- A little bit more than that.
- You're right.
You're right. I'm sorry. I...
I think you're really talented,
and I want to support you.
- I want to support you a-and your art.
- (phone vibrating)
Do you, like, actually, though? You...
Is that your mom?
You can answer it.
Seriously, I don't mind. Please.
- Um, no. That's okay.
- (vibrating stops)
I'm here. I'm here with you.
I don't know, maybe we could
spend a little time together
before graduation,
see how it feels?
Yeah, uh...
I don't... I just... I don't...
I don't know if...
- What?
- I...
I said that was really nice.
("Lecha Dodi" by Yossi Azulay
feat. Enrico Macias playing)
(song continues with lyrics in Hebrew)
two, three.
Thank you.
Mazel tov.
- What'd you say?
- Mazel tov.
When... Since when do you say "mazel tov"?
- I'm running a business here.
- I never heard you say that bef...
Yeah, but I never heard you say it before.
And what are you wearing?
- A yarmulke.
- Yeah, but you're not Jewish.
Hey. It ain't where you're from.
It's where you're at.
Where you been hiding at, man?
Um, actually, I, uh... I met a girl.
- Mazel tov. Huh.
- She's different,
she's beautiful, she's smart, she's funny,
and I never met anybody like her.
Oh. Tell me more.
Now Haley, I think, wants to...
wants to get back together.
Tell me less.
We've been together forever, you know?
I can't just throw that away.
Maybe she's right. Maybe it's time
to grow up and move out and all that.
Ooh. Okay.
But then Isabella's kind of persuading me
to stay here,
which also makes sense.
I don't know.
Look, when I started my business,
I had to make big decisions.
My forks.
Did I want black forks or white forks?
Black is more classy, of course.
And my shawarma. I had to decide
if I wanted to use chicken or lamb.
- The chicken is never dry.
- Mm.
The lamb just melts in your mouth.
Maybe your answer is both, Rudy.
That's awful.
I know what you're saying. It's awful.
Are you kidding me? It's delicious.
No, not this. I know what you're really
talking about, Anwar.
Try that right there.
Okay. Thank you.
Ah, look at that.
Ah, ah, I love to see that.
Mm, yeah. That's delicious.
It's really good.
- Of course it's delicious.
- But it doesn't help me at all.
(chuckles) 8.50.
Huh? You're charging me?
Yeah, I'm charging you. 8.50.
I... I don't understand. You...
You don't understand? 8.50?
Wh-What's confusing about 8.50?
Are you giving me advice as a friend,
or are you... are you charging me?
Sometimes it's both.
It's definitely not both.
I mean, how many girlfriends
do you have these days?
Uh, none. Isn't that clear?
If-if by "clear," you mean extremely vague
and confusing, then yeah, it's clear.
Well, I-I agreed to spend
a little time with Haley.
Nothing more, no... no commitment.
And-and Isabella and I are just friends.
Bro, bro, bro, bro, relax.
No judgment, okay?
You-you can date
as many girls as you want.
I mean, look at me. I'm literally dating
like nine puppets right now.
And-and a sock.
Dude, I'm not dating either of them.
Not... not really, you know?
Yet. Uh, it's-it's complicated, Diego.
Listen, just sleep on it, okay?
Maybe stay away from both women tonight?
Like, don't talk to Haley, and-and
definitely don't go to that fish market.
Rudy, we need more fish!
(chatter in Portuguese)
(door chimes)
Fish Face!
(speaks Portuguese)
- (speaks Portuguese)
- (laughter)
Uh... a pound of sea bass.
And the sea bass is on sale.
Yeah, yeah. Quickly, please. Thank you.
More cod?
- (laughing): Hey.
- Hey.
Uh, robalo, actually.
Oh, switching it up.
- Can I help you with that?
- No, no, no. I got it.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
Special occasion?
- Uh, just dinner for my mom.
- Nice.
Where you been, stranger?
Studying, honestly. A lot.
Finals, thesis, all that.
- Books. Exactly, exactly. Yeah.
- (man whistles)
no... no smiley face this time.
Ah, no. Yeah.
- You got to earn those.
- Mm.
- (Isabella chuckles)
- Yeah.
All right, well, I should get back to it.
Yeah. Me, too.
Don't disappear.
Yeah, I won't.
(phone dings)
(laughter, indistinct chatter)
What time do you finish?
Oh, please let me borrow it.
- No, Rudy.
- Oh, pl... Just do me this favor.
- Come on, man.
- It's not gonna happen, man.
- I-I'll bring it back. I promise.
- Come on, man.
- I'll be careful.
- You... This is my livelihood.
Do you know how many children
have been raised off of Anwar's food?
Huh? You know how many times
I've slept in this?
- I'll give you 20 bucks.
- Yes.
("Canta Canta, Minha Gente"
by Martinho da Vila playing)
(song continues with lyrics in Portuguese)
(song ends)
What is this?
Uh, don't worry about it.
- Have a seat.
- All right.
- You need to open it.
- Oh.
Yeah, it's a little broke.
There you go.
- (inhales sharply)
- So, where are you taking me?
Um, I don't know. Anywhere.
As long as it's out of the Ironbound,
you know?
- Okay.
- Shall we?
- Let's do it.
- Let's do it.
I just... I literally just learned this.
- (engine sputters)
- No, just, I...
- You good?
- Yeah, I just did this
like two seconds ago.
- Uh, y-you know, let me... let me do it.
- (engine sputtering)
- No, I got it. I, like, just did it.
- Move.
If we're gonna risk our lives,
I'm driving.
My friend would kill me. I...
And you're gonna kill us both.
(Rudy grunts)
(engine starts)
So, where are we going?
I don't know, but we should
get out of Monroe, like, now.
- Why?
- Sketchiest part of Newark.
You worry too much.
(laughing): You... you don't worry enough.
That's the problem.
Okay, you said you wanted
to get out of the Ironbound.
- Mm-hmm.
- So, what are you feeling?
Like, beach, mountains, city?

(voice muted)
Hello? Hello?
Yeah. Sorry.
- You good?
- Yes.
So, where to?
You know what?
- Surprise me.
- (gunshot)
- (engine revving in distance)
- (distant shouting)
(tires squealing in distance)

(medical monitor beeping rhythmically)
Male, GSW.
(electrical buzzing)
(faint, echoing chatter)

(heavy, rhythmic breathing)
Sir? Sir?
Follow the light. Follow the light.
(faint, indistinct chatter)
- (rhythmic clapping)
- (muffled chatter)
(rhythmic ripping)
(rhythmic sounds fading)
(heavy, shaky breathing)
(muffled arguing)
(objects clattering)
(indistinct announcement over P.A.)
- I-I know I said to surprise me, but...
- (chuckles)
- Wow.
- Rudy.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- I don't even know what to say.
- That's okay.
I mean, it's not your fault, right?
It's just, like... what are the odds?
Yeah, I mean, I don't...
Well, a gunshot, worst part of Newark...
Probably high.
Mm, they said it was a flesh wound.
- Mm, a flesh wound?
- So you have
probably less than a week to heal.
Thought you were gonna say "to live."
- "Less than a week to live."
- (both laughing)
So I have a week to make you feel bad?
- I'll give you five days.
- Five days. Sold.
Yeah. Settled.
Got to say, this is the most bizarre date
I've ever been on.
Date? I didn't know it was a date.
- Shut up.
- Good to know.
- (chuckles)
- All right.
I mean, I had a good time, weirdly enough.
This is fun for you?
Kinda, yeah. It's different.
You know, getting out of the...
the routine.
The work and school
and Mom, you know, that whole...
Don't put Mom in there.
Family's a blessing, not a burden.
No, I know.
- It's just...
- Actually, you should call your mom.
- No.
- Right now.
- No way.
- Yes.
Uh-uh. Absolutely not.
Call your mom, Rudy.
She would lose her shit.
How are you not gonna tell her
this happened?
- Uh-uh. It's not ha... It's...
- You have to.
You-you wouldn't understand.
- I'm sorry. I didn't... I didn't...
- No, no, no.
- I didn't...
- It's fine. Really.
It's fine. You're right.
I wouldn't understand.
I wish I could.
You don't talk to your mom at all?
Well, we do a little bit
every now and then.
Look, she... she did
what was best for her.
I just wish...
I don't know, I just wish she considered
my feelings, you know?
Considered me more.
Just a bit selfish is all.
(rhythmic dripping)
- Are you hearing them?
- (oxygen hisses, tank rattles)
- The sounds?
- WOMAN (over P.A.): Dr. Robertson, dial...
(light buzzing and clicking rhythmically)
- Here.
- (rhythmic sounds stop)
Is this helping?
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
You know, um...
I don't know what it is,
but ever since we met,
I feel really connected to you.
Do you feel the same way or...
- Mm-hmm. (chuckles)
- You do? Okay. Thank God.
- (sputtering sigh)
- Yeah, I...
I'm not used to any of this.
I know. Me, neither.
That's why it's-it's so weird, you know?
It's a good weird.
But it's also kind of...
- Scary?
- Amazing. Scar... Scary, too.
- (laughs)
- It's very scary.

- RUDY: Oh, shit.
- DIEGO: What-what is it?
Haley just texted me.
- DIEGO: Uh-oh. What does she want?
- RUDY: She wants to...
She wants to study
at the country club tomorrow.
DIEGO: Country club?
Wh-What are you, 65 years old?
RUDY: I know. It's just somewhere
she always took me to go and study.
Uh, I'm not a member. She's the member.
DIEGO: You-you just kissed Isabella,
like, yesterday.
- RUDY: What-what-what do I say?
- DIEGO: Just give me the phone, okay?
How about this?
RUDY: Dude, are you cr...
What are you doing, man?
DIEGO: Okay, okay, okay. Hold on, hold on,
hold on, hold on. How about this?
RUDY: No, Diego,
give me the phone. Will you stop?
DIEGO: Okay, hold on.
One more thing. One more thing.
RUDY: Diego, you can't...
Give me the phone. Give me the phone.
What the hell? What the hell, bro?
RUDY: That's not something you can just
say over text, okay? You have to...
DIEGO: Oh, okay.
All of a sudden, you're an expert. Okay.
Here, how about this?
-DIEGO: Wait, you can't say it like that.
- RUDY: Wh-Why not?
You can't... you can't just...
You can't just say,
"We need to talk," over text.
That just sounds so... so serious.
I mean, add an emoji or something.
An emoji? What kind of emoji...
DIEGO: I don't know, like, a little face
or... How-how about this one?
-DIEGO: What?
- RUDY: It looks so weird.
- "We need to talk" and a smiley face?
- DIEGO: Yeah, yeah, yeah, no.
You're right.
That-that was a terrible idea.
I-I'm just gonna delete. Okay.
DIEGO: W-W-Wait.
Don't send it yet. Don't send it.
-RUDY: Why? I want to send it.
- DIEGO: Don't-don't-don't...
-RUDY: I'm sending. I'm gonna press it.
- DIEGO: Wait, hold on.
She's typing. She's typing. Don't move.
- DIEGO: Oh, no.
- RUDY: Oh, God.
This changes everything.
Now I... now I... (sighs)
- I feel terrible.
- DIEGO: I know. Me, too.
- You should never listen to me.
- RUDY: I'm just gonna delete it.
What are you gonna say?
We are not good at this.
(piano playing lively melody)
(piano accompaniment
continues under ukulele)
(piano and ukulele continue under drum)
(all instruments continue
playing lively tune)
(Rudy clears throat)
(Rudy sniffs)
(golf club strikes ball)
- Haley.
- Hmm?
See those, uh... those golfers outside?
- Take a look.
- Hmm? Yeah.
- See them?
- Yeah.
You... Listen for the...
when they whack the ball.
(stammers) I really need to just...
I can't get distracted from this.
Okay. Sorry.
Oh, shit. I have to go.
Um, I'll see you later?
N... Oh, no, no, you won't.
I have, um, just puppet... puppet stuff.
- Oh. Okay.
- Yeah. Later.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
(busy chatter)

- (sighs) Hey.
- Hey, Rudy.
Where are you going tonight?
Um, I... Oh, I-I promised... I promised
Anwar that I would hang out with him.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
- But I'll see you later.
- Okay.
- I love you.
- All right. Love you, too.
- (speaks Portuguese)
- Okay.
All right.

(chatting in Portuguese)
Um, you're gonna let me
pay for these, right?
- Mm-mm.
- Mm-hmm.
Okay, fine, but I'm getting
our coffees tomorrow.
Fine. Oh, no, I can't tomorrow.
- Why?
- Um, I ha... just, uh, to study.
- Finals, you know? Finals.
- (speaks Portuguese)
I know, I know. But we-we can...
I'll see you soon, right?
- Yeah. I got to go.
- Okay.

- Hey, Mom.
- Hey, Rudy.
- How are you?
- Fine.
Are you going to help me close up?
Uh, ye... No, no, I can't tonight.
Uh, just classes.
You know, I have late classes.
Better than playing with dolls
in the subway.
They're puppets. Puppets, Ma.
That's what I said.
No, it's not what you said.
- Not what I said?
- (laughing): No. I love you.

(busy chatter)
(both speak Portuguese)
- Chin-chin.
- Chin-chin.
(speaks Portuguese)
- Whew.
- Not bad.
Um, sorry, um, I was... I was late. I...
You're not late.
- I mean, for you, you're not late.
- Oh, okay.
- Gotcha.
- (chuckles)
Um, but I can't really have
a late night tonight.
- I have... I just have so much...
- Oh. It's okay.
- so much stuff.
- Sure.
- I want to, though.
- It's fine.
- Do you understand?
- Yeah.
- You do?
- I'll see you later.

Want some popcorn?
- No, I'm okay.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
- I'm so glad we're doing this.
- Yeah, yeah. Me, too.
- Are you coming to brunch on Sunday?
- Uh, uh, ye... uh, yes.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Oh, they're gonna be so happy to see you.
- Okay.
- They love you, my family.
- You know that.
- Yeah, yeah. I love your family, too.

(playing elegant melody)
(birds chirping)
So, Rudy, it's been a while. How's school?
Ready to graduate?
Um... yeah.
I mean, yeah, I think so.
Yep. We're both so ready. Very ready.
Anything lined up?
Uh, uh, I'm kind of still...
Oh, he's being modest. He's got tons...
But do we really have to talk about...
Sweetie, am I not allowed
to ask a few questions?
Yeah. Uh, just kind of focused on exams
and-and, um, family.
Also, like, you know, other things:
music and art and films, stuff like that.
What type of art?
Well, I love puppetry.
- (chuckles)
- Puppetry?
Haley's never mentioned that.
I didn't? That's funny,
'cause I thought I...
Well, you know, it just probably
never came up and, actually...
- CLAIRE: Hmm.
- RUDY: Yeah.
Haley says you already have a few
advertising leads in the city?
Oh, did she... she say that?
- CLAIRE: Mm-hmm.
- Well, I... (scoffs)
I mean, I...
Why do we have to talk about this
right now, guys? I mean, it's so boring.
No, you're right. Let's eat.
And save room for the main course.
This isn't the main course?
Rudy, remind me again where you're from.
- Uh, I was born in New Jersey.
- No, I mean your background.
- I'm Brazilian.
- Oh.
Carla is from Guatemala.
Do you not speak fluently, Rudy?
Mom, Brazilians speak Portuguese.
- Yeah.
- Oh.
(chuckles) Right.
These people are racist.
Wonderful, Carla. Thank you.
I beg your pardon.
The first thing that comes up
when I Google "Brazilian" is butts.
(clears throat)
Rudy, how's your mother?
Yeah, she's-she's good. She's great.
You have your own place yet?
Dad, can you just take it down?
Just making conversation, sweetie.
- I still live with her in Newark.
- But that's just till we get a place.
What does she do for work again?
Uh, she owns a salon,
not-not too far from-from the house.
I help out. I-I sweep and...
You sweep hair? Gross.
So, not your typical upbringing?
Um, I don't know. It felt typical to me.
Did your mother come here from Brazil?
Here it comes.
She did. Yes.
Oh, that's so brave.
And did she do that legally?
Mom! Oh, my God,
- you're being so, like...
- Just making conversation.
I love you.
- Just making conversation.
- I love you.
- Just making conversation.
- How's the pasta?
Um, actually, I haven't...
I haven't even tried it.
Not your typical upbringing?
Not your... Not your... Not your...
- I love you.
- Just making conversation.
Butt. Butt.
Not your...
I'm just... I'm just...
- I love you.
- Butt.
- I'm just... I'm just...
- Not your...
- Not your...
- I love you.
- Butt.
- I'm just...
- Not your...
- Future.
Of course we talk about our future.
For the millionth time,
when school is done,
we're going to get a place in the city
and jobs at the same marketing firm.
Right, Rudy?
(rhythmic tapping and clapping)
(phone vibrating)
- Hey.
- Hi. Rudy.
Look, I'm...
I am so sorry.
You know, my mom,
she gets really weird when she drinks,
and my dad...
Well, they're not usually that bad.
Yeah, but you told them
I had job leads in the city.
I mean, you will, you know,
after graduation.
Yeah, but you said that we're...
we're already looking
for a place together and...
Well, right, but that's not
really a stretch,
because we... we were talking about it.
Yeah, but you think that's something
that you and I should figure out first
before you tell your parents?
Yeah, you're right.
I just... I don't know,
I just thought that
- because we're back together and...
- Hmm.
things have been going the way
that they-they are...
(Rudy clicks tongue)
Yeah, look, Haley, we should talk a...
What are you doing later?
Can we meet up?
I think we should meet up.
You know, start fresh.
We can get a drink somewhere,
just talk, you and I.
(Rudy sighs)
Okay. Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I know the perfect place.
You're gonna love it.
- Okay? I'm gonna text you.
- Okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hey, bro.
Can I have one?
Thank you.
(both sigh)
You're in a really shitty situation, bro.
I know. Tell me about it.
Well, why the hell are you still with her?
Dude, Haley's the only real relationship
I've ever had, you know?
I can't stand the idea of-of hurting her.
Well, you're gonna end up hurting her
a lot more if you don't
tell her how you feel.
(sighs) This is bad, Diego.
Wait. I have an idea.
- What?
- Stop being a bitch.
I mean, look, I know it's only been
like a few weeks,
but what you have with Isabella
is, like, very magical.
Time to make a decision.
Mm-hmm. Exactly.
Decision number one: Put on a shirt.
You look like the Karate Kid.
You know what? You're right.
You're right. I can... I can do this.
Good. You know what you have to do, right?
- I have to end things with Haley.
- Strip club.
- What?
- What?
- What-what did you just say?
- (stammering)
I didn't say anything.
- (lively chatter)
- (upbeat music playing)
- Hi.
- You look amazing.
Yeah, you... you, too.
Yeah. I mean, you always talk
about this place,
and, you know, I was like,
"Oh, we've never been here,"
so I thought it would be nice,
and... it's nice.
- It's really nice, actually.
- Yeah.
- Haley, look, uh...
- Can I just say something first?
I am so sorry about my parents.
Uh, yeah, it was a lot.
That's family, right? I mean, you get it.
Um, I mean, I guess.
- Haley...
My name is Jill.
I'll be your server today.
Something to drink?
She doesn't speak Portuguese.
Oh, um, my apologies. Anything to drink?
Oh, um... a cabernet.
A caipirinha for me. Strong.
- I got you.
- Thanks. (speaks Portuguese)
It's a lot of meat, so I feel like
red wine will work really well
- with all the meat I'm seeing.
- Yeah, yeah. Um, Ha...
But what I was gonna say to you was:
Doesn't that sound nice?
- Does what sound nice?
- Our plans.
- Right.
- I mean, you were the one
who's always talking about
how you want to leave your neighborhood.
And I am so for that.
I think that's great. -Yeah.
- Here you go.
- And... Thank you so much.
(speaks Portuguese)
- Wait. We should cheers.
- Chin-chin.
I'm just saying, we could do
all the things that we wanted to do.
Can't you see it?
Like, an apartment with an balcony.
And it can overlook the Hudson.
We can get a dog.
And there can be a place to park our car.
- Like, doesn't that just sound...
- (coughs) Sure.
- us?
- Um...
Can you hold that thought?
'Cause I-I just...
I need to use the bathroom.
- I'm sorry. I really need to go.
- Sure. Sure.
- Hold that thought, okay?
- Okay.
(lively chatter and music continue)
- Rudy.
- (music and chatter stop)
(music and chatter resume)
Oh, shit. Um...
- You alone? Hi. Hello.
- Hi, hi, hi.
Um, what are you doing here?
I'm just getting some takeout.
I have to open the market
tomorrow morning,
- so having an early one.
- Yeah. Yeah.
What are you doing here?
Um, also takeout. My mom.
Getting my mom food, so...
Do you want to sit with me while you wait?
- That makes sense, right?
- Yeah.
Yeah, let's do that. Hi.
Hi. So, you know...
(both laugh)
Caipirinhas while you wait?
- Yeah. Oh, Jesus Christ. Oh.
- Wow, thank you.
Thank you.
Uh, chin-chin.
Slow down there.
Um... (sighs) I know.
It's just been stressful, you know.
Um, the... just studying,
a lot of studying.
So, you haven't been...
- avoiding me?
- No.
No. God, I hate that you think that.
It's just a cycle. You know, I've been
stuck in this work/school/mom, you know...
How's work? How are the puppets?
I... Y-Yeah, it's good.
You know, it's... Yeah.
Have you taken it higher yet?
Uh... (stammers)
What? What?
- Have you taken it higher... the puppets?
- Have I taken it higher?
- Like, out of the subway.
- (sputtering sigh)
I'm doing my best.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fantastic.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- Do I not seem okay?
- No. (chuckles)
What's going on with you?
I really like you.
That's what's going on.
I'm just trying to figure some things out.
You keep saying that.
(sighs) Um, I just... Okay.
What I want to s...
I want to tell you that, um, I...
I have to pee.
- I'll be right back.
- Yeah, go pee.
(kitchen staff chatting in Portuguese)
- (chair clatters)
- Sorry. Okay.
(clears throat) Hi.
- Hi.
- The-the line was super long.
- Sorry. Um...
- Uh, is that a new drink?
Um, yeah.
Did you or... Did you order?
No, I was waiting for you.
Are you okay?
(sighs) I'm, uh... Yeah.
- You seem a little bit distracted.
- I'm okay. No, I'm good.
I-I just... Okay, I...
What I was trying to say before...
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.
- Haley, um,
is that I'm...
hungry, hungry. I'm hungry.
- And you're hungry.
- (chuckles): Yeah.
And that's what... that's what I wanted
to say, and we should order.
- Okay. We're both hungry. Let's order.
- Uh, yeah. Let's do that. Um...
Everything okay, man?
I'm fine. Back off.
- RUDY: Uh...
- Whoa. Relax, man.
I'm just trying to help.
Thanks, but I got this.
You don't got shit.
You're bouncing between two dates
like an asshole.
It's hard. I'm working on it.
- JILL: Ready to order?
- Yeah.
Uh, yeah. I think we're gonna do
the, uh, rodzio da casa.
Is that how you pronounce it?
Mm-hmm. That's perfect.
(clears throat)
Um... two rodzios, please.
- Oh, uh, is it meat?
- Yes.
It's a steakhouse.
Two rodzios at table 14!
- Yeah. Perfect.
- More drinks?
- Yeah. For me, please.
- I'll take this.
- Haley, we, um... I just wanted to say...
- All right, now, don't get mad.
- Please don't get mad.
- All right.
- You might get mad. Don't get mad.
- Okay.
But while you were gone,
which was a minute,
I found a lot more options
for apartments on Zillow,
- and I put them all into the saved search.
- Yeah.
- Just tell her the truth.
- And I have to show it to you right now.
- Haley, look, look... Yeah.
- Look at this.
- That's a perfect location.
- It's complicated.
- It's beautiful.
- Here you go.
And it's walking distance
from Penn Station.
- Walking distance. I mean...
- Mm-hmm.
- I can't. I can't even.
- Haley, Haley, look.
HALEY: Can't you see us living
in a place like this?
- Nope.
- Uh, uh, Haley, I...
- Wait, wait, wait. Look at the view.
- Haley, I really need to say something.
- The views are literally ridiculous, Rudy.
- Haley, can I say something, please?
You know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm being...
I'm just really excited
that we get to start fresh.
Um, shit.
Beatriz. My mom.
My mom's friend Beatriz.
I just saw her, and I need to go say hi.
- Oh, yeah. Okay.
- I'm gonna go say hi.
- I'll-I'll be right back, okay?
- Okay.
(clears throat):
- Oba.
- You good?
(chuckles) Yeah. Great. Oba. Oba.
- Oba.
- Oba.
What does oba mean?
Like, it's... like, I feel like it's
"oba!" or "oba."
Did you get another drink?
Yeah, uh...
What did we... What were we talking about?
- (objects clatter)
- Um...
Are you okay?
What were we talking about before?
We were talking about, um...
Honestly, I couldn't tell you.
You were kind of mumbling the whole time.
You think the...
the food is almost ready or...
- Why? Are you in a rush?
- No, no, definitely not.
- Definitely, yes.
- Are you?
- Do you want to know something funny?
- Yes.
So, you know the phrase...
(speaks Portuguese)
Um, yeah. Of course. (speaks Portuguese)
You know how it means
"go pick up coconuts"?
- Mm-hmm.
- Well, up until last week,
I thought it meant, um,
"go pick up little shits."
(both laugh)
- RUDY: No, you didn't. Is that real?
- I like her. She's charming.
- ISABELLA: Yeah, it's real.
- Please, shut up.
- (speaks Portuguese) You know?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
(both laughing)
Tell her about the gringa.
Uh, I have to tell you... Uh, I have to...
I have to be honest with you.
(clears throat)
You okay?
You, um, are almost empty,
so I'm gonna get you a new drink, okay?
- Um, okay, but what were you gonna...
- Yeah.
- I'll be right back.
- say?
- (sighs) Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- (chuckles): Hey.
- (chuckles) Uh...
- Is everything okay with your friend?
My friend?
Yeah, um, uh...
You just said her name. (stammers)
- Beatriz. Beatriz is great.
- Yeah. Yeah.
She's-she's a real... she's a real person.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Is there a problem?
(Rudy sighs)
Okay. Here it is, Haley.
The problem.
The real problem is...
- MARIA: Rudy!
- (chatter and music stop)
All my friends said you were here!
- (stammers, shushes)
- I can't believe it.
A night out with my Rudy.
- Maria, hi. It's so nice to see you again.
- Haley. Hi.
She's not with you, right?
- No, no, no, no. No. Uh...
- Wait, who is she?
- Oh, is this Beatriz?
- ISABELLA: Who's Beatriz?
- Beatriz is here? I have to say hi.
- RUDY: No, no...
I'm Isabella. Nice to meet you.
I'm a friend of your son.
Oh, this must be, like, your cousin
from Brazil or... -No.
- No. Cousin? No.
- No.
- Well, I'm sorry. Then who are you?
- Well, okay, so this is Haley.
- She's...
- His girlfriend.
- Uh, well, n-not really.
- ISABELLA: His what?
- His what?
- HALEY: What do you mean, "not really"?
You're joking, right?
- We-we figured everything out, though.
- I hope so.
- (speaking Portuguese)
- Rudy, what is going on?
- Well, I can explain.
- Rudy, what is the problem?
The problem, Haley, is us.
You know, all these things,
these plans for the future,
it's your version of the future, not mine.
- Exactly.
- (speaks Portuguese)
- Okay, I'm... I'm getting out of here.
- No, no, no, just please wait.
- Wait one minute. One minute.
- HALEY: Rudy, are you serious right now?
Mom, please, one second. No, I-I tried.
Haley, I really wanted it to work.
I-I just... I could... It couldn't...
I couldn't... I don't see it.
- Since when?
- Uh, well, you know, recently.
Uh, uh, to-today, actually,
more than ever.
I... (sighs)
I-I just don't see it, Haley.
- I tried.
- Me, neither.
- Mom, please.
- No, I am getting involved.
This makes no sense.
- Just don't...
- And let me guess.
Well, this... I met someone else.
- Do not drag me into this, Rudy.
- No, no. No, no.
- MARIA: No, no. (speaks Portuguese)
- Isabella, please.
I know this is shitty,
this is the worst, but I-I...
I-I tried to tell you, too.
I just didn't know how.
And when were you gonna tell me?
W-Well, tonight. I...
That was the whole...
- And when were you gonna tell me?
- Never.
(speaks Portuguese)
Th-These decisions don't involve me, Mom.
- Yes, they do.
- No, they don't.
I don't get any of this.
I-I just... The-the point is
I want to be with you,
and I came here tonight
to end things with her.
That sounds so bad.
- I'm gonna leave.
- (Rudy stammers)
- This is... this is too much for me.
- Please, just, Isabella...
- Rudy.
- I... Haley.
- You're an asshole.
- No, it's-it's not... it's not...
(speaks Portuguese)
Wow, Rudy. Talk to you at home.
I've had enough.
(music and quiet chatter resume)

(sighs, laughs)
Happy you made it, man.
Where are we right now?
I don't know, man. Never been here before.
You've never... never been...
This is your first time here?
No, I've been here before.
You have been here
or you haven't been here?
Let me tell you something.
You look like shit.
Friend to friend.
Thanks, man. Appreciate that.
I had a rough night.
Remember the whole "date both"?
And I thought it was a terrible idea?
Well, it is a terrible idea.
I messed up, man. I messed up so bad.
All right, man, look.
I'm 35 years old,
and I'm still doing this.
Why would you ever listen to me?
At 40 years old, this is where my life is.
W-Wait, are you 35 or 40? I'm confused.
You got to be 35
before you turn 40, right?
Well, at some point, I was 35.
I got something for you, though.
Something that's gonna
pick you up real good.
What? What is it?
(sighs) It's gonna make you calm
and make you crazy, or crazy and calm.
I-I don't know. I-I forget...
I forget the order.
I don't understand. Is it...
What, is it gonna make me calm,
- or is it gonna make me crazy?
- It's gonna make you calm and crazy
or-or crazy and calm.
I just don't know the order.
I said I don't know the damn order.
- All right, uh...
- It's called a hand grenade.
- But what's in it? It's called what?
- (chuckles) It's a hand grenade.
- What's in it? Like, what's...
- What do you think is in a hand grenade?
- Huh?
- I have no idea. I've never heard of it.
Stuff that's gonna explode.
It's gonna explode in your damn...
in your belly.
Well, hold on. Is it dangerous?
Yeah, it's dangerous and safe.
That's for you, my friend.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold... Slow down, man.
You got to pull the pin and everything.
Pull the pin. Toast.
And drink the whole thing. Mmm.
- (groans)
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Slow down, baby.
What do you mean?
Take a sip. Why you drink the whole thing?
You just told me to drink the whole thing.
- I didn't tell you that.
- You didn't drink the whole thing?
- Just... you didn't...
- No, I just took a sip.
Sometimes I feel like
you say one thing, bro,
then you say the exact opposite.
I don't do that, but I do do that.
Whatever, man. I don't know about that.
(Anwar sighs)
Hey. I see the calm kicking in.
(laughs) Let me tell you something, man.
- Uh-huh.
- Look at me.
I ain't going nowhere, man.
Anwar got you, baby.
- I ain't going nowhere. You understand?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- I appr... I appreciate it, bro.
- You better appreciate it.
- WOMAN: Hey, Anwar.
- Hey!
I see you over there.
Don't you run from me.
- I'm not running.
- (Anwar laughing)
Where do you think you're going, then?
Get over here!

(muffled, distorted chatter)
(echoing clink)
Why not take it higher?
(rhythmic tapping and clapping)
You're an asshole.
You're in a really shitty situation, bro.
Aren't the Brazilian girls
the most beautiful?
- Are you okay?
- Are you okay?
Are you okay?
(rhythmic tapping and clapping continue)

(rhythmic tapping and clapping fade)

Is this helping?
(birds chirping outside)
(dog barking in distance)
- (bell dings)
- (Maria speaks Portuguese)
How are you feeling today?
I don't... I don't even remember...
How did I get home?
Anwar brought you to the house.
It was super late.
You were asleep.
I was so worried and I'm still worried.
I know, Mom. Sorr... (sighs) I'm sorry.
- "Sorry, sorry."
- I just... You didn't deserve...
That fixes things?
You didn't deserve that reaction
at the restaurant, and I lie...
I'm sorry, I lie... I lied to everybody.
I've just been a really shitty son.
- No, no, no. Forget that.
- I have.
I don't want to hear that.
- Mom, I-I ruined everything.
- Everything will work out.
But how do you know that?
Maybe it won't, Ma.
Why do you say that?
Because, Mom, I'm-I'm not normal.
You say "not normal"
like it's a bad thing...
What is normal?
I ask myself sometimes...
"Normal." Nothing's normal.
We are not normal.
Look at me.
I packed my suitcase, left Brazil,
came here...
Spoke not a word of English.
Is that normal?
I raised you all alone.
No support from anyone.
Is that normal?
Or should I have done it differently?
You've been doing what you think
everyone else wants,
but what do you want?
Please, tell me, son.
I don't... I don't know.
Be happy, I guess.
What would you like to do right now?
What would make you happy?
Tell me.
The-the puppets, Ma. You know, the...
Music. Msica.
This house. You.
Thank you.
Oh. Isabella.
Yeah. It's the truth.
So what are you doing here, son?
What do you mean... (stammers)
What do you mean?
Ah, Rudy.
She doesn't want to talk to me.
She doesn't want to talk to you?
- Yeah.
- You have to try.
I think she will.
- Really?
- Yeah, I think so.
- I should go talk to her?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Just go.
- Now?
- Yeah.
- Go right now.
- Go now?
Yeah, go right now.
- You real... You mean it?
- Yes, I mean it.
But first, eat.
(piano playing light, romantic melody)
(door opens)
- Rudy, what are you doing?
- Just-just...
Just-just let me...
Before you say anything,
let me... Just listen.
You asked me what I hear, right?
When I'm with you, this is what I hear.
This is your melody.
And then this next... this next part,
I just... I just came up with today.
- Rudy, Rudy, stop.
- No, I know,
- but just listen, just listen to...
- No, Rudy, stop!
(clears throat)
What is this?
Can you just talk to me
like an adult, please?
Yes. Yes. Isabella...
I'm sorry.
That's all I'm trying to say here.
I'm so, so sorry.
Ever since the day we met,
since the fish-smack day,
everything changed for me.
This whole place, my life, it all started
making sense because of you.
And I-I messed up. I messed up really bad.
And I would get slapped
a thousand more times
by a thousand more fish
if it meant another chance with you.
I'm sorry.
What-what do you mean?
This is such bullshit, Rudy.
You don't even know what you're saying.
I'm-I'm here apologizing to you.
I'm trying to tell you
I want to be with you.
Yeah, I think you think that, Rudy,
but honestly,
I don't think you actually know
what you want.
I'm figuring it out.
Maybe I don't know ex-exactly what I want.
Yeah, well, I know what I want,
and it's not this.
Then what is it? Just tell me.
Tell me what it is.
I want somebody who respects me enough
to be honest with me, Rudy.
I want somebody who values me,
somebody who actually sees me.
- I do see you. I'm seeing you.
- God, I promised myself
I wasn't gonna get in this situation
again, and here I am.
And all the signs were there, too.
I just thought that I was
reading into it too much.
I'm-I'm-I'm h... I'm h...
What do you... What do you want?
Tell me what you want.
You didn't consider me, Rudy.
You didn't consider my feelings at all.
Well, I am now. I'm here now.
Yeah, because you're faced with losing me.
- No.
- Mm-hmm.
No, I can fix this.
- Rudy, stop.
- I can fix this.
Really, it's fine.
I appreciate you trying.
I really do.
Even if it's too late.
But we both know this isn't gonna work
right now, right?
- Isabella...
- You're trying to fix
something you're not even ready for.
- That's not what it is.
- Rudy.
- It's done.
- I... (sighs)
Come here.

You're really special, Rudy.
I mean that.
I think the person I believed in
is in there.
And I hope you find him.
I should really start setting up,
but can you put your piano
or keyboard away, please?

(acoustic guitar strumming)
(piano notes play)
Change is not the answer
Unless you change the change
Love is lovely when you're loving
But it's time to rearrange
You can't feed others
- Till you're fed
- What's the point?
One day we'll all be dead
So try to
- Love you first instead
- Love me first instead.
(song ends)

- (alarm beeping)
- (yawns)
(rhythmic brushing)
(rhythmic typing)
(birds chirping)
(rhythmic sweeping)
(playing scale)
(crickets chirping)
- (alarm beeping)
- (yawns)
- (birds chirping)
- (rhythmic typing)
(rhythmic sweeping)
(plays scale)
- (alarm beeping)
- (yawns)
(rhythmic sounds continue rapidly)
(rhythmic sounds stop)

(sighs, sniffs)
(birds chirping)
(Rudy clears throat)
Benita, please. I can explain.
(sighs) Fine.
- What the hell?
- (exhales sharply)
What the hell are you doing, Diego?
- (exhales sharply)
- Diego, stop.
Benita, I would bang my head
a million times
if it meant getting
another chance with you.
That's so romantic.
I know, right?
Um, then do it.
Uh, do what?
Bang your head a million times,
and I'll give you another chance.
That was... that was like a...
that was like a metaphor.
No, nope, no. You got to do it now.
You promised.
Okay, okay, okay. Okay, okay.
- (piano playing)
- (audience laughing)
I'm so glad we're doing this, Diego.
I know, I know. It's pretty nice, right?
-This place is so romantic.
- Hey, uh, can you hold that thought?
I have to use the bathroom really quickly.
(as Benita):
Uh, okay. Don't-don't be long.
- (as Diego): I won't. Love you.
- (as Benita): Love you.
- Mwah.
Hey. Sorry I'm late, baby.
Oh, it's okay.
- The ambiance is so amazing.
- I know, right?
I-I just wanted to do something nice,
you know, 'cause I really care about you.
I like you so much.
- (gasps) Who is this bitch?
- Who is this bitch?
Everybody calm down.
Everybody calm down.
Like, I can explain this.
- Okay, then explain.
- Whoa, hold on, hold on. Back up, back up.
So, so you're here
because our moms are friends
- and-and they set us up?
- Yeah.
Whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Back up, back up.
Um, yeah, th-that's weird.
I don't get it, Diego. What's wrong?
Yeah. What's wrong?
(audience laughing)
Where's your accent from?
Oh, um, I-I'm from Brazil.
(gasps) Our cleaning lady's from Mexico.
You must know each other.
So, we should probably get out of here.
It's a... it's a really shitty
Ugh, come on. I don't believe that.
You worry too much.
Okay, all right. Fine.
- I'm just saying.
- (gunshot)
Do... Do you believe me now?
I feel like I'm still competing
for your attention.
- (rhythmic tapping)
- Huh? What?
Feels like you're somewhere else.
- (rhythmic thumping, bell dings)
- (stammers)
I'm-I'm so sorry.
I-I was really busy, um...
- not listening.
- (audience laughing)
- I'm done.
- Wait. Wait, what?
Wait, hold on. Where are you going?
No, no, come on.
Please, please, please don't go.
(sighs heavily)
(light clunks)
(piano plays melancholy melody)
I don't know why I am this way
I get distracted by music every day
I wish that I could tell her
how I feel
But I just don't know what to say
It's like an itch,
I guess I'm just a bitch
Feels like a twitch
I guess I'm just a bitch
It's like a glitch
I guess I'm just a
Little bitch.
(piano plays concluding chord)
(cheering and applause)
(clock ticking)
(rhythmic tapping)
(drums join in)
- (phone vibrating)
- (drumming and rhythmic tapping stop)
- Hi, Mom.
- Rudy, your show went well?
Yeah, it was really good.
Sold out, actually.
Big congrats.
I'll be there tomorrow, don't worry.
Ma, you already came yesterday. It's okay.
I would come every single night
if I could.
- (door opens)
- Yeah, I-I believe that.
I'm so proud of you.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
MARIA: What did you eat today?
You're not eating.
Yeah, I'm good.
They just gave me my dinner.
Takeout again, son?
If you want something homemade,
just come to the house.
You know I'm up late...
- Ma, let me call you right back.
- Huh?
I-I'll call you right back.
(speaks Portuguese)
- All right. Bye.
- (phone beeps)
("Canta Canta, Minha Gente"
by Martinho da Vila playing)
(song continues with lyrics in Portuguese)
(song ends)

(music ends)
(cheering and applause)
Yeah, no, that-that was really good.
But before you leave, let's do...
let's do it one more time,
but this time,
let's make it sound, like, good.