Muskaan (2004) Movie Script

Who is she?
Whom am I waiting for?
Whom do I hope for?
Whose aroma of breath
exists in my breath?
In whose eyes does my life exist?
Taking whose name
did my heart beat?
"It had just come on my lips,
someones smile."
I remembered you.
"I remembered you,
I remembered you again."
"I feel that, I feel such."
'That this separation will kill me.
"This separation, this
separation will kill me."
"O Come, please come,
Love calls you."
You wont be able to
live forgetting my loyalty.
I cant see anything else.
"I cant see anything else,
only you exist in my eyes."
Only you exist in my eyes.
"You exist, you exist,
only you exist in my eyes."
"You dont come, but your
memories linger, O beloved."
"How do I tell you,
how they make me cry!"
Now I can hear...
Now I hear heartbeats in silence.
I can hear heartbeats.
"I hear heartbeats,
I hear heartbeats."
"I remember you,
I remember you again."
I feel that...
"I feel that, this
separation will kill me."
"This separation, this
separation will kill me."
"I remembered you,
I remembered you."
I remembered you again!
So all of you had
planned this together?
"Not all of us, only Janhvi."
For your success.
I have a surprise
for the three of you.
"Sharad, Shikha, and
of course Satin."
Do you know Sameer?
The people were talking
more about this mannequin...
...and this dress than
the models at tonights show.
"Janhvi, I make all
my designs keeping..." mind the fashion
market and my own ideas.
"This is such a design,
which I have made with my heart."
For whom?
- I dont know.
"Who is she, where is she?"
Have you never
tried to search for her?
Maybe she is somewhere
nearby you.
I will not search for her.
"Janhvi, if this dress is
incomplete without her then..."
" assured, she is incomplete
without this dress too."
"May it not happen, that both stay..."
waiting for each other."
No. That wont happen.
Do you have faith?
"Yes. Didnt you just say,
that she must be nearby?"
"Do you know? When you
smile like this, then..."
- Nothing.
I am the one who has to marry.
Why do you keep worrying?
I know that you are
the one who has to marry.
And you have
selected the boy too. But...
"But what, Papa,
dont you like Sameer?"
"I like him very much, but
this is my permanent question."
Does he like you?
"I like her, Mother. I like Janhvi.
She is a very good girl."
"But she is my friend,
just my friend."
If you make
friendship with everyone...
...who are you going to marry?
Tell me?
The one whom I will love.
How and when I fell in love?
With you my beloved?
"My heart is asking me,
whether I should..." you my
friend or my beloved.
I dont get any sleep now.
My heartbeats torture
me every moment.
Why am I restless every moment?
Why does my anklet
ring every moment?
"You dont know, my love,
Ive become crazy."
"How much ever I love you,
I feel it is less."
My lips sing your
rhythm every moment.
I get very frightened
traveling alone in a plane.
"Listen, cant you
send me to Delhi by boat?"
"Hey, you dont know what kind of..."
...people travel in planes nowadays.
See how my heart is beating faster.
Call me up as soon
as you reach there.
I will call you.
I will certainly call you.
"If I reach there, I
will certainly call you."
You dont know. In some airlines...
...the pilots themselves
are terrorists.
If someone hijacks me...
Then we will send
him a thank you card.
As soon as you reach Chandigarh... have to send the
photographs of the models.
And the fabric that Sameer had...
"...shown, dont
forget to search for it."
And then Simla.
- Simla!
"The show is in Simla,
not in Chandigarh."
And you have to
meet a client there too.
I will not talk to you.
I remembered when you said talk.
Give me the number of the
hotel where you are staying.
Where should I hang?
Give me the number.
"Yes, we will reach soon."
"Mummy, aunty hit me."
Aunty hit me? Come.
- Your dad must be an aunt.
Satin is very funny like that.
What happened?
- Puri!
"Hey, you come too. Who
will pay the bill otherwise?"
Two Pani-Puri.
- Yes madam.
"I have made friends with you,
so I will have to tolerate it."
"Child, the lines on your forehead..." that your fate is very good.
"I show the present, past and
the future in hundred rupees."
Isnt hundred rupees a
bit less for showing all that?
"Sameer, dont joke."
"Hes not joking, he is immature."
"Looking at you, I can
say that you are..."
...connected to the cloth business.
And you have got all this name and...
...fame because of beautiful clothes.
Yes. Thats right.
You have an
imagination in your mind.
It is an unclear picture.
Your mind is restless.
It is worried since many years.
"That whose is this statue,
whose face cant be seen?"
The statue that you love so much... whose passion
your mind has wandered off!
"Today, on the auspicious
night of the Full Moon day..."
" 12 Oclock, when the
full moon will be in the sky..." will be
with your beloved then.
"What happened, Sharad?"
"Nothing, I was just... I
was just watching you. - What?"
"When you laugh, you look
very beautiful and innocent."
Whats the matter? You
are in a poetic mood today?
Its only one day in the
year when I am in such a mood.
Only once in one year...
Todays your birthday!
Sameer! - Shikha here. We
met an astrologer today. - What?
Its very important for you
to be with Sameer at 12 tonight.
"I dont know why, but I believe
that astrologers prediction."
I am meeting him in some time.
The both of us are going for dinner.
We will be together at 12.
If what you said is true then...
"It will certainly be true.
Im saying it, isnt it?"
I have to get ready.
"Sameer, are you playing?"
"No, Im painting.
Will you model for me?"
Its good that you came.
You and Shikha...
...get ready for
tomorrows presentation
Tomorrows campaign
is very complicated.
"Sameer, the meeting
is not tomorrow."
Its today. At 10 Oclock.
The client has just called me.
Today? At 10 Oclock?
An hour from now?
And you are telling this to me now?
I have already made a
dinner plan with Janhvi.
I am the only one who
will have to the meeting.
"Yes, Sam."
The folder is ready. I
will bring it right now.
I am noticing that you are
distracted since some days.
Theres a very important meeting...
...and its very
important for me to go.
Sameer. You had promised me!
I know that I had promised you.
Therefore Im apologizing.
"We will definitely go tomorrow.
And listen, hello!"
This battery had to
get over at such a time!
I had to call Satin too.
And this batterys over too.
Whom do you wish to speak to?
This is a wrong number.
Wrong number? Please dont joke.
"Dont cut the phone, answer him!"
"This is not a hotel,
this is a hostel."
And many people like you call here...
...who wish to speak to girls under...
...the excuse of wrong numbers.
"I have to talk very urgently,
you dont joke..."
Joke? You are very impudent.
"Didnt I tell you once,
that this is a wrong number?"
Its okay if its a wrong number.
But your voice is right.
What name do people... the mistress of
such a beautiful voice?
What? What do you mean?
It seems that God
has not given you...
...either good ears or a good tongue.
I asked you your name.
You have come to the
crux of the matter now.
"You will ask my
name first, and then..."
"If you tell me your name,
then I will ask anything else."
"Mr. Wrong Number,
this style of flirting..."
...of yours is very old and absurd.
"Miss Wrong Number, which
style do you like? Tell me."
You have excellent impudence!
You have heard so much and yet... have not disconnected the line.
"Excuse me, Miss Wrong Number."
Even you have not
disconnected the phone yet.
Me! Why should I
disconnect the line?
"You have called up, so you
should disconnect the line."
"You will disconnect the
line now, Miss Wrong Number."
"Muskaan, Sweta, Rita, Pooja."
I have told you so many times.
The phone in the lobby is for
your use. Not for your misuse!
"When we misses use it,
it will be miss-used."
Who was that? Whose voice was this?
"I am scolding you,
and you are making fun?"
I know that your boy friends
call on that phone every night.
All this at this age!
So should we wait
till we attain your age?
"Impudent! Who was this?
You, you or you?"
"Maam, you know that
only my mom phones me here."
And that too only once a month.
I have decided that from today...
...I shall make rounds
near that phone every night.
Whats the gain? Who will call you?
It seems that I will
have to complaint...
...against you to the principal!
Sameer! Sameer!
"Sameer, are you sleeping?"
"No, Im playing football,
will you play with me?"
I slept while playing.
He speaks rubbish
with me every time.
Satin had called up yesterday.
I dont know which
number he had given me.
Therefore he had called.
Delhis number is 2692365.
Maybe he gave you 56 by mistake.
"That means that our
number was wrong, and I..."
Who must be calling
so late in the night?
"What is the problem,
why did you call now?"
"Please say that you
forgave me, just once."
What difference will that make?
We dont even know each other.
Therefore Im apologizing.
"If we ever meet in this life,
I wont be ashamed."
Meeting? You are
thinking about too far
Cant we be friends?
I dont know.
"I have heard, when girls say
dont know, it means yes."
It can be that I will
want to phone you tomorrow.
Otherwise how will
this friendship move ahead?
I understood. Please
write down my number.
You have spoken and I have heard it.
But I didnt write it.
Its good that you didnt write it.
Otherwise I would have
waited for your call unnecessarily.
It is too late in the night and...
"Before saying good night,
can I ask you something? - Yes."
What is your name?
"I cant lie to you, and I dont
have the guts to tell the truth."
You are scared?
- Yes. Of myself.
"I wont ask your name,
till you say it yourself."
Say something else.
"Nothing for now, tomorrow."
I like tall boys.
- Tall!
"I dont like tall boys. Yes,
they should have medium height."
But they should look very fit.
He should not wear glasses.
"Otherwise, it will seem that there..."
...are classes going
on even in the house.
I dont have any
problems with glasses.
"When I fall in love, III
see to it that he is matured."
"Muskaan, why dont
you say something too?"
I wont fall in love ever.
"Even then, you must
be having some liking."
What kind of a boy
friend do you wish?
You are speaking about looks.
But I think that one falls in
love not with a persons face...
"...but with a persons soul. It
is a feeling, which is inside us."
That means that he
can look like anything.
It doesnt matter to you?
"Even if I have not seen him,
what difference does it make?"
"Sameer, are you thinking?"
"No, Im eating, will you eat too?"
This Indian beauty
that we are designing.
The color scheme of the dress...
...we need time to think about it.
And time is what we dont have.
There is a presentation at
exactly 9 Oclock tomorrow.
Such a dress thats
like my heart or my mind.
I got it.
- What?
The color scheme will
come from where this dress has.
I was just leaving after waiting.
And I was waiting to leave.
Whose leaving were you waiting for?
"Tell me, how are you?"
"I am all right. You tell me,
how is your poetry going on?"
My poem is the poem
of a girls beauty.
The beauty of her body and mind.
This should radiate in
her clothes and her look.
What is so difficult in that?
You are a poet. Write it down.
"When a beautiful Indian woman,"
...wishes to look
the most beautiful...
"...she will dress beautifully,
and wear beautiful clothes."
Just like you had said yesterday.
But what should the color be?
"Muskaan, you had promised that..." would go to the
movies with us today.
Films and me?
"See, we are so
happy today, and then..."
"Sameer, the whole
plan has been made."
Film first and then dinner.
It will be very late
by the time we return.
"I mean, I have a headache."
"I have a headache,
I dont get sleep."
I dont know what
has happened to me.
Its not that.
Thats the thing. Therefore
we friends are being driven away.
"Do you know that if you
dont go, even Janhvi wont go?"
That leaves the two of us.
So what will the both of us do?
"Come, We wont have
any fun without you."
Let it be. She wont come.
"In a strangers romance,
known people..."
...are seldom remembered
"Okay, come."
Im outside the hostel.
"Outside, thats nice."
Yes. Ive come to see a movie.
I thought that you would call me.
Film? Even Im
going to watch a film.
Which one?
The one which has recently released.
"Yes, thats the one."
I am going for that movie too.
No. With my friends. Can I go now?
My friends are waiting for me.
"Okay, just a minute.
What is your seat number?"
"Okay. Sit on B-7,
because III be sitting on B-8."
"But, someone else
will be sitting on B-8."
None will be there.
Youll see. B-8 will be empty.
Its not possible.
And what if its possible?
"If B-8 is empty, think that
Im watching the movie with you."
While sleeping and waking.
While laughing and singing
"Lonely sometimes, and
while coming and leaving."
"The heart starts to beat,
without any reason."
Is this called love?
"I stop somewhere,
and I walk off somewhere."
The world thinks
that I have become crazy.
Even I dont know what I wish.
"What is my wish, what do I think?"
"Sometimes on the road,
sometimes while walking."
Even my love has become thirsty.
"My heart starts to beat,
without any reason."
Is this called love?
A face is in my thoughts.
"I am its lover, it says secretly."
"What my state it, who knows it?"
I dont know my own restlessness.
Sometimes in Loneliness
and sometimes in a crowd.
Who will come to
search for the destination?
"My heart starts to beat,
without any reason."
Is this called love?
I never got anyones love.
Not even of my own parents.
"But whoever he is,
it seems he is my own."
But I have not told
my name to him yet.
I wish that he
should be close to me...
...but he should never come near me.
My fate frightens me.
"What if he comes to meet me,
after knowing my name?"
And what if fate separates us?
"No. I will not tell him
my name, nor will I ask his."
I dont want to
lose what I have got.
"Sameer, Sameer! What is the matter?"
You dont even talk
to me on the phone.
"Im busy, I will call later."
"Janhvi, there was an urgent
assignment. I was busy in that."
You have always been working.
But you have never
avoided me in such a way.
"Avoid? Janhvi, God
knows what you think up!"
And you dont think at all!
I am thinking nowadays.
I keep on thinking.
What? Wont you tell me?
I myself dont know.
What do I tell you then?
What do you not know?
Say something Sameer.
"I think that Ive fallen in love.
It feels strange, doesnt it?"
Even I dont believe it.
Whom do you not have faith on?
On yourself or on your love?
On her. I dont know if she too...
Its easy. Ask her and see.
"No, I am scared,
What if she rejects me?"
She wont. Please ask.
Not now. After a few days.
Why not right now?
Please ask right now.
You will get the answer.
She loves you too
- What are you doing here?
"Were swimming, will you learn?"
III take this
problem away from here.
Then III see how she will talk.
Leave it. Why are you
worrying so much for that phone?
If you dont speak
with that wrong number...
"...for a few days, what will happen?"
What will happen?
Nothing will happen.
Rest of them will also call.
"Muskaan, youre in love
and with that wrong number."
"The one I dont know, never
seen him before... - Ive heard it."
Ive seen it. There
is no logic for love.
And you only said there you
can love a spirit and soul.
And spirit and
soul do not see faces.
I dont know how much youre
right for what youre saying.
But its true that I
eagerly wait to talk to him.
My life is just like
limited to this phone.
"When I speak to him, it
feels like has someone close."
What happened?
Im trying since when.
"There were some problems,
but now everything is fine."
My poem is completed.
"Really, then lets listen to it."
I wont say it like this.
- Then how will you say it?
By asking you to promise me.
"You wont ask my name, would you?"
No. - Then what kind
of promise do you want?
I want to hear my poem by you.
"Darling, hiding away.
Hiding away from the whole world."
You said something
that my heart is lost.
"Darling, hiding away."
Hiding away from the whole world.
You said something
that my heart is lost.
"Darling, hiding away.
Hiding away from the whole world."
You said something
that my heart is lost.
I dont know when love happened.
I accepted you my beloved.
"Darling, hiding away.
Hiding away from the whole world."
You said something
that my heart is lost.
I dont know when love happened.
I accepted you my beloved.
Your every smile has
such great magic in it.
"Without seeing you,
your admirer is out of control."
Even I can feel you every moment.
I swear by you.
"In the arms of this weather,
on the unknown paths."
You said something
that my heart is lost.
I dont know when love happened.
I accepted you my beloved.
"I only wrote about you darling,
every day and night."
"On every heartbeat Ive been
in restlessness, I wrote your name."
"I cant live, separated from you."
"I cant live, separated
from you, oh darling."
In gardens and in barren lands.
You came and
whispered in my ears.
You said something
that my heart is lost.
I dont know when love happened.
I accepted you my beloved.
"Sameer, we have to prepare
for the meeting in evening."
We have to give the
final touches to the designs.
Even the color scheme
has to be prepared.
"Sameer, the meetings
is at 8 oclock and..."
"Hold on a second,
III give it to Sameer."
"Yes Satin. - Everything
is ready, come to Simla."
"Okay, III arrive in two days."
"Listen to me, why dont you
come to Simla for tour with us?"
This inter college dance
competition are always like picnic.
"Do you know, Shweta? Its
been more than 3 years..."
...since I met father. And
more than year since I met mother.
And only these 15 days has free.
Otherwise he is on
his business tours...
...or busy in his office meetings.
"Yes, know that. After
you parents divorced you..."
Ive been leaving like an orphan.
Now this hostel is my home.
Even though I have parents
but they dont exist for me.
"And that wrong number, have
you told her that youre leaving?"
"Every time I thought I would
say it to him, but I couldnt."
If its possible then
meet him once before leaving.
"I dont know Shweta,
Im scared about this."
Not love but
theres still a little hope.
Im living in a fantasy.
This hope can also be a lie.
And this hope has now
become the support of my life.
If this falls apart then I
dont know how I will bare.
"Go it must be him calling,
go talk to him."
Fine and you?
I absolutely fine.
Your voice is the
mirror of your heart.
And now this mirror
shows that youre not happy.
Im leaving town... Im going
out of this country for 15 days.
"Yes, to my father."
Even I was leaving for
15 days to go someplace.
But got troubled thinking
how to tell you about it.
Now what? Simple.
Well talk after 15 days.
"We wont talk, well
meet after 15 days. - Meet?"
We dont know any
thing about each other.
We dont even know
each others names.
Because from the start
it was just a joke for us.
But now its not a joke anymore.
Thats why we have to
meet and make a decision.
What decision?
Ive already decided. Just
Want to tell it after meeting you.
Really? - Absolutely.
This is my promise.
But youre breaking your promise.
Remember I had told you one day...
...there shouldnt be tears in
your eyes but a smile on your face.
You are going so far away from me.
"Im going far away, but
when ever you close your eyes..."
...and think of me then
youll know that Im close to you.
Very close to you.
"15 days, that means 1st of January."
"1st Jan, 6 oclock in the evening,
at India Gate, well meet."
"Muskaan, have you
finished your packing?"
Yes. Ill take a taxi
and leave for the airport.
"Has you bus arrived?
- Yes, its here."
You reach to the airport
and take my boarding pass.
Ill just meet my
mother and come back.
"Jaanvi is also coming
at airport, isnt she?"
Shell pick me up at home.
Madam theres a call for you.
"Dear Muskaan, its papa here."
"Yes, papa. I was just leaving."
I thought I should tell
you this when youre coming.
"Dear Muskaan, Im getting
married day after tomorrow."
Youre getting married?
Even mom got married again.
You two were married
just to give me birth?
Since I was seven Ive
been living in this hostel.
And your best support was that... kept sending
drafts to me every month.
"Daughter, youre a grown
up now you should understand."
"You were right, papa,
and so was mother."
I should have understood earlier...
...that 12 years ago you
people had disowned me.
It was me who just hoped
for a little love from you.
"But not this time. From today,
I disown you and mother both."
And yes congratulation
for your marriage.
But if you want to
divorce her too then...
...please dont give
birth to another Muskaan.
I dont want tears in your
eyes but a smile on your face.
We wouldnt need for 15 days.
Im tired of this cold.
For a whole week
traveling from Delhi to Simla...
...and Simla to Delhi my health is...
And the people who live here.
6 feet and 6 inches tall...
"...handsome youth. Oh, God
only I know how I survived."
"Samir, stop at some restaurant.
Im hungry."
There are no restaurants
around here madam...
...only road side inns.
The bus will halt
here for half hour.
"Whoever wants to
have lunch, have it."
The bus will not wait after that.
"Come on lets have lunch.
- No, Im not hungry."
"Welcome madam, your
five star road side inn."
Lets have some gravy of
spinach and Lassi with froth.
"You guys eat, Im not hungry."
Ive already decided. Just
want to tell it after meeting you.
"Im going far away, but
when ever you close your eyes..."
...and think of me then
youll know that Im close to you.
"My hands are oily, yucks."
Here take my handkerchief.
"No way, youve wiped your
nose with the same kerchief."
III bring it from the car.
Wiping your nose and
giving the kerchief to me.
Where did Kamo take my heart?
"Satin, what happened?"
"Now back it up.
A little bit left, I said left."
You dashed the car.
"What happened? - Sir,
the radiator blew up."
And the fan belt is also broken.
What do you mean? - It means
that this car cant go ahead.
Now what?
Now well go in this bus.
"I she a flower, is she,
the sun rays..."
...or is she a story.
"More I see her, the
more I think of her..."
"...then I would say to
her with love, pretty woman."
"Pretty woman, say something."
"Its moving, its moving."
The wind of love... Its moving.
"Excuse me, cant you look at front?"
There is no need for excuses.
"Listen, say something else. - What?"
I thought that I have
heard your voice before.
"Listen, this is the worst way of
starting a conversation with a girl."
What do you need? -
Just a minute.
"Come on fast, everyone.
We have reached Simla."
"Come fast, move everyone."
"Hail Goddess, sir. Tell me,
how can I serve you?"
I need four rooms.
"Sir, I understand you well."
My elder brother says if
you want to eat fresh meat...
...then make
friends with the butcher.
If some one wants fresh
milk then have a cow at home.
If you want to eat fresh eggs then...
...rear country chicken in your home.
"But I dont want to eat meat,
or drink milk or eat eggs."
I want to rest. Im tired. We
need four rooms in the hotel.
But in todays world
we dont get fresh meat...
...or fresh milk or fresh eggs.
Are you deaf?
Cant you hear?
I want four rooms in this hotel.
"Then why are you screaming, sir."
"You need four rooms,
then youll get it."
Whats the big deal about it?
Just sign on the register.
When a beautiful woman...
"...walks out that door, pay to
her and your work will be done."
By accident?! You are saying that...
...whatever happened was an accident.
Definitely no. He started
his misbehavior from the bus.
"Okay dear, he misbehaved
and you punished him..."
" forget him, pal."
If has lucky then
hell not meet me again.
What is your name?
What is your name?
You are absolutely right.
In our days...
...politicians used to look good.
They were beautiful.
They really had some fans.
People use to really love them.
"I asked, whats your
name, your name?"
Yes. Today politicians
look like road side crooks...
...with their big
beards and dark glasses.
"No body loves them,
people spit on them."
"I asked, whats your name?"
"Why are you screaming, sir? I just
keep on blabbering for time pass."
"By the way, my name
is Karan Veer. - What?"
Its a secret word.
But people call me K.P.
Understood. Only this was left.
He has come here too!
"Sir, would like to
have something to drink?"
No. But you can iron this for me.
"No, sir. I cant take this
as tip. I dont even wear it."
Cash would do fine.
Im not giving you a tip.
Im telling you to iron it.
"Okay sir, then III tip... Ill
will iron it tip-top and come."
I think even he cant hear well.
He didnt even hear
any thing about a tip.
Ive to do something special
about him. That deaf guy!
Are you fond of
wearing boys jeans?!
You should have at
least told that poor thing...
...that his jeans is burnt.
"Insolent fellow! He has
Eyes, he can see it for himself."
But if didnt see it
then that would be fun.
"Sameer, your jeans."
"Shikha, just give me a hand,
and just walk behind me."
This is the opening walk.
In the morning the waiter
left my clothes in her room.
This must have
been done by that girl.
"Sameer, its also possible
that staff must have... - No."
This was done by that girl.
Didnt you see the girl smile?
"Shikha, now III
teach this girl a lesson."
"I am telling you, we will
try it once, it will be fun."
Even I have heard
about this echo point.
We have reached. This is that point.
You say first.
"Shweta... - Is a mad girl, bad girl."
"Is this an echo point? Its
telling me mad girl, bad girl."
But first time I came...?
"Come we will try
once more, come, come."
"Muskaan... - Is a mad girl, bad girl."
"Done with trying,
whole mood is spoiled."
"Come, lets go from here."
"Maddy, your walk is
the opening of my show."
"I dont want a stylish walk,
I need a simple walk."
"Satin, tell her
about the opening walk."
"Cut, cut, its not happening, Satin."
This girl will not be able to do it.
"Hey guys, there are bells too,
you come, there will be a lot of fun."
"Lovely crowd, superb guys,
Im telling you."
You will have fun.
"I cant sing, today
I am not in a mood..." I dont want to sing at all.
The girl who does not
have the manners to speak.
How can she sing?
"Beloved, secretly
from the whole world."
"He said something,
that my heart is lost."
"I dont know when I fell
in love, and accepted it too."
"He does not understand,
nor know, how much I love him."
I will give my life for his love.
He is immature and unknowing.
"He is immature and unknowing,
what can I do?"
"From parties to Loneliness,
to the shadows of the dreams."
"He said something,
that I lost my heart."
"I dont know when I fell
in love, and accepted it too."
"He rejected love, what
sort of a crazy person is he?"
He is still unknown
to my sorrow and pain.
"How to bear this distance,
how to say anything?"
"How to bear this distance, how
to say anything? Tell me, friend."
"From my heart beat to
my breaths, from my promises."
"He said something,
that I lost my heart."
"I dont know when I fell
in love, and accepted it too."
What are you doing?
"15. 15 days, now I get it."
"Youre waiting for the 16th day,
when youll meet him and see him."
"Tell me one thing,
if your wrong number..."
"...turns out to be short,
fat and bald then?"
He must be for some one else.
"But for me, however he maybe,
hell the most..."
...beautiful person
in the whole world.
You played the piano so well.
"Ive learned it from you,
just a while ago."
Will you teach me?
"Yes, III teach you but its not
that easy. Itll take lots of time."
"Anand, son, are you
troubling the uncle?"
"No. - No. Now Sam is my
best friend, right Sam?"
III just bring lots
of chocolates for you.
Hes a very sweet kid.
He plays the piano well.
In a year or two
I think hell be an expert.
In a year or two... I dont know.
Did I say something wrong?
No. You have said nothing wrong.
In year or two
Anand will not be with us.
Anand has a hole in his heart.
Ive shown him to...
...every doctors in
the world but no results.
Doctors say that the maximum
he can live is for one month.
"Sam, this is for you."
See my timing. She almost...
I saw yours and also hers.
She balanced so well.
"Hey Satin, I found the
opening walk of the show."
You dance very well.
These are for you.
I can make others dance too.
And people like you...
- See Miss Muskaan.
I never accept friendship from
strangers and gifts from enemies.
Well not be strangers
nor well be enemies.
"Shweta, he and his sample
friends have insulted me in..."
...such a way that
III do something that...
...theyll remember
who they dealt with.
Is it necessary to
fight to remember them?
"What do you mean,
that I was fighting?"
"Now, why are you arguing with me?"
"Now look, we have reached
the same echo point where..."
"Cmon, lets go from here."
"Please, let me try once."
Say it again.
What is her name?
- Muskaan.
Till yesterday you
wanted to teach her a lesson.
And today you want her to
do the ramp walk in the show?
What is so special in that girl?
If you want a model for the walk...
"...then we will call up Mumbai.
Not one, but ten will come."
"I dont want models, but
that girl. I want that girl."
So what should we do?
We shouldnt call Mumbai?
"Sam, I want to listen to the piano."
"Child, not now,
later, okay? Go out now."
"No, I want to listen to the piano."
"Didnt I tell you, not now?"
"Sharad, apologize to the boy."
"Apology, for what?"
Anant. I apologize
from my friends side.
I disturbed you people.
"No, we are friends now, isnt it?"
"Sam, can I go now, I
have to take medicines now."
Who was this child?
Anant. He is staying in
this hotel with his parents.
Thats all right.
But you slapped Sharad for
the sake of an unknown child?
Especially when that child...
There is no guarantee of even
a moment of this childs life.
He has a heart in his hole.
Even the doctors
have given up all hope.
One month at the most.
If I can give him
some happiness and love...
Excellent! You are playing alone?
Are you scared of defeat?
Do you have the
guts to play with me?
I have the guts and I can
defeat you too. But not today.
Why not today?
- I dont have the mood.
The mood can be aroused too.
Do you have a penchant to lose?
"If I lose, I will give
up whatever you say."
Think about it.
And what if you lose
- Then?
Then you have to be make
friendship with me. - Agreed.
But there is a condition.
- What?
We wont play basket ball.
Well play something else.
What happened?
I told you to make a move.
The Almighty has
already made his move.
And that too a wrong move.
"I have lost the game,
and God know what else."
You have lost to me.
"Yes, I have lost, Miss Muskaan."
Please tell me what do you wish now?
- Friendship?
"Janhvi, what are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?
- You forgot, didnt you?"
Todays the 25th. Okay I understood.
You havent forgotten
and this is for me.
There are only two
days left for the show.
We will try once again.
This is the way we do it.
Your walk is perfect.
But your steps should be
synchronized with the music.
I will try once more.
We will try once more!
The show will open with your walk.
"There will be only one
light in the darkness, on you."
The eyes of the
audience will be on you.
And their ears will be on the music.
It will be good for the feel.
"Come, please wear the costume."
"Satin, who gave Muskaan this dress?"
"Sameer, this dress was inside,
in the costume room."
I thought...
- What did you think?
Do you know for who this dress is?
I have never let
anyone touch this dress...
...and you will wear
it and walk on the ramp?
"And you? If you didnt know,
couldnt you ask anyone?"
I am asking you.
How did this dress
come from my room?
"Friend, it must have
come with the other dresses."
Will you not forgive me?
"I cried very much, Sameer."
"But for the first time today,
someone has wiped my tears."
The one whom I have
given this heart to.
The one whom I have
given this heart to.
The one whom I have loved.
The one whom I have loved.
"You are the one, you are the one."
The one whom I have
given this heart to.
The one whom I have
given this heart to.
The one whom I have loved.
The one whom I have loved.
"You are the one, you are the one."
"After I have met you,
I think that, my love..."
...there is nothing
missing in my life now.
The lines that
appear on your lips.
"It is not the aroma,
but the warmth of loyalty."
The one who has
taken away my peace.
The one who has
taken away my peace!
I had protected my heart for long.
But this crazy one
has started to dance.
"Since the time our
eyes have met, O beloved."
The weather of thought
has started to change.
My heart is not in my control.
It is not in my control!
I am surely going away.
But whenever you close
your eyes and remember me...
" will find that I am
there with you, just close to you."
"Miss Wrong Number,
I remember my promise."
Muskaan will not do this show.
"As it is, she couldnt do
the walk during the rehearsals."
"I had told earlier too, to
call some model from Mumbai."
To train some girl who
doesnt have the body language...
...and she doesnt even have the
knowledge of the rhythm.
Nobody will say
even a word about Muskaan.
Shes not doing the show.
Im dropping the opening
walk from this show.
"Janhvi, you are getting
upset without any reason."
Do you know?
Sameer has dropped
that girl from the show.
That girl has been
dropped from the show?
Which model will ready
that difficult walk so quickly?
"Shikha, I will ready
the opening walk."
Open the hall door.
Sir the door is open. Maam
is rehearsing since last night.
You were rehearsing
for the whole night?
Muskaan! Muskaan!
Are you crazy? You were
rehearsing for the whole night?
"You wished that
I should do this walk, isnt it?"
I didnt want to disappoint you.
"I was doing it right,
wasnt I? Are you happy?"
"Yes, Im very happy."
You forgot an old relationship
for a new introduction?
For whom?
- For Muskaan.
"Muskaan, and you?"
All this is because of you.
"Nor would I have come here,
neither would I meet Sameer."
"This is a storm, in
which I am drowning."
"Till yesterday, I was
fighting with Sameer."
And then friendship. Today
during the show when he...
"Muskaan, do you love Sameer?"
"Yes, Shweta. I love Sameer."
"I am in love with Sameer.
He is mine, only mine."
And that what you
were saying right now.
"From today, forget saying,
dont even think about it."
"Whats the matter Janhvi,
you are very happy today?"
"Yes, Im very happy today."
At least ask why.
Because you raised your
hand on that innocent girl.
I just raised my hand on her.
"If she comes between
us, I will kill her."
"If you say anything to her
from today, I will kill you."
But I love you. Sameer.
"Muskaan, open the door.
I want to speak to you."
"Sameer, you please go.
I dont want to talk to you."
"Muskaan, just listen
to me for a minute."
I dont want to listen
to anything. Please go.
How much will you cry?
For the man who insulted
your love and your emotions.
"I will cry, Sharad.
I will cry till Im alive."
I will cry for my whole life for
that man. You wont understand.
"If he didnt understand,
how will you understand?"
How much I love him.
Even now? After
so much has occurred?
"Yes, even now."
"Not only this, even if
something else happens."
Sameer may marry Muskaan
and hate me.
I will love him even then.
If only you had loved
someone else thus.
Then he would have made
you the crown of his head.
"If only, Sameer would have
loved me half of what I do."
Then I would have playfully
given up my life for him.
"Janhvi, I want to..."
Whatever I did was wrong.
I shouldnt have done that.
But you didnt do right too.
Muskaan is a good girl.
And you shouldnt
have done like that.
You think that I am
in love with Muskaan.
Even I dont know
if I love her or not.
You killed her!
I will not spare you!
I didnt kill her!
Sameer. The police have come.
We have been called.
"Leave him. Come, Sameer."
"Look properly,
look behind there too."
Search the whole room.
Check everywhere.
You must have heard my name.
"Rajput, Inspector Vikram Rajput."
Someone has killed
her quite brutally.
What enmity did
she have with anyone?
She has enmity with someone...
...Whose name starts
with the alphabet S.
This was Janhvis
last try before her death.
She tried to write the name
of her killer with her blood.
Which she couldnt complete.
"Shikha, Sameer, Satin, Sharad."
Its very interesting.
All are close friends of Janhvi...
And every one has
their names starting with S.
Shweta. Shweta!
What happened?
Janhvi has been murdered.
- What?
I am warning the four of you.
You will have to cooperate
till my investigation is complete.
If anyone takes any untoward
action which I do not like...
...then the serpents of
crime call me a mongoose.
Take the fingerprints of these four.
You remembered me?
Are you the manager of this hotel?
Yes. I am the manager of this hotel.
Actually the incident that
took place in our hotel tonight.
"When I ask, answer then."
"For now, do this much.
Till my next order..."
...nobody will leave this
hotel and go out.
"Sir, sir has called you downstairs."
Anger is a very bad thing.
It makes man do anything.
Someones murder too.
Wrong. This is utter lie.
Janhvi was my friend.
"Why will I... - Mr. Sameer Oberoi,
the serpents of crime..." me a mongoose.
And I get the scent
of a snake from afar.
"If you have committed
this crime, Sameer Oberoi..."
"...then you will writhe too much,
but you wont be spared."
"Please think before attacking,
Mr. Vikram."
Otherwise it will
be that the mongoose...
...will think that the rope is
a snake and sit staring at it.
And the real snake walks
from under his nose too far away.
I know how to differentiate
between a rope and a snake.
I just need some proof.
And pray that the
proof is not against you.
"Sir, I suspect this man strongly."
I suspect every man in this hotel.
Maybe you have
committed his murder.
Now did you understand?
Why the serpents of
crime call me a mongoose?
She was a good friend
of Sameer and his friends.
Sameer must be worried.
Why dont you talk to him?
Yes. I will have to
talk to him at least once.
The night that Janhvi
madam was murdered...
...I was on duty in that room.
When I reached there with water...
...she was talking with
someone over the telephone.
I dont know whom
she was talking to.
But she was crying while talking.
Sharad said that he had
gone to her room near 10 Oclock.
Satin and Shikha say that
Janhvi left the restaurant.
And they didnt have
any talks after that.
Or is one of the three is lying?
Did Janhvi make a
long distance call?
Yes. Janhvi did make
a long distance call.
And that too at
her residence number.
"Sir, I just saw Sameer
Sir, go to Muskaan madams room."
"Sameer, if whatever
you are saying is true..."
...then you would have told
the police the whole truth by now.
"I cant prove anything, right now."
"But if you suspect me, it
will be my biggest punishment."
"You are punishing me, Sameer."
"The one whom I had so
much faith in, in whom I..."
I had to say so many things to you.
Even I have to say
many things to you.
"Sameer, I had not escaped
from one storm and you..."
You wont understand.
You will never understand.
"See, Muskaan I..."
Did you call me?
The girl Muskaan was your friend...
...and that girl Janhvi
was your friend too.
"Is it like that, that this friend
is murdered for that friend?"
Inspector. You are
thinking that the shadow...
...that is visible in
the darkness is a ghost.
"That too, without any proof."
"I have proof, and now
a reason for murder too."
The proof is the killers
blood stained fingerprints.
"Sameer Oberoi, if those
fingerprints are yours..."
...then you will remember
only one thing at the noose.
Why serpents of
crime call me a mongoose.
Ive got proof.
Anger is a very bad thing.
It makes a man do anything.
Inspector Vikram suspects
that you killed Janhvi.
"I know, Uncle."
But you know me since
so many years.
Janhvi was my friend.
"Son, Janhvi loved you
more than her own life."
She wished to marry you.
She is very unfortunate.
She didnt get her
love while she was alive.
"And after her death,
the person who is accused..."
...of her murder
is the one for whom...
...she would willingly
sacrifice her life.
Your faith is very
prestigious for me.
"Uncle, just before dying, Janhvi..."
...has talked to you over the phone.
With me? She never spoke
to me after coming here.
"As it is, I was not in Mumbai."
Theres a record in the hotel.
Theres an eyewitness too.
That night Janhvi spoke to you
over the phone for five minutes.
That too on your home number.
"Home? Son, the house is locked."
Theres nobody at home. The
servants were given holidays.
Then whom did Janhvi
talk to over the phone?
Maybe on the
answering machine.
She left a message for you.
I will call Mumbai right now.
We will get the tape of
that answering machine today.
I dont have time.
I dont know what is
true and what is false.
"What my eyes have seen, my
mind does not believe that."
"God, if my Sameer is true,
please help him."
"Not because I love him, but
because he is worth loving."
Please wait for sometime.
Maybe theres some
proof in the cassette.
"Proof is for the others.
But you, please believe in me."
What difference will that make?
I dont know.
I just know that even if
I get hanged after this by the law...
"Sunil, this road doesnt
lead to the police station."
I know. We wont
get a chance to talk...
...after seeing the finger
print reports in the police station.
Thats why I want to show
something to you people...
...before reaching there.
- About what?
About Janhvis murder.
"Sir, your courier."
Muskaan? Here?
"Sameer, here is that cassette."
"We will listen to
this cassette, first."
What is there in it?
Janhvis last message
which she had left...
...on her fathers answering machine.
What evidence can be
there on this cassette?
"Well, the biggest evidence
is the finger print report."
It is expected today.
"We have to reach the
police station, anyway."
That inspector
must be waiting for us.
"Papa, he didnt understand
how much I loved him."
"I lost Sameer, Papa."
"Papa, I want to
tell something to you."
"Papa, I cant understand,
what should I do!"
You killed Janhvi!
"Yes, I had killed Janhvi!"
"Of course, I had murdered her.
But the reason for that is you!"
"You, Sameer Oberoi!"
"Sameer, our labor and your fame?"
Our talent and your success!?
"I arranged many attacks
on you, but you got saved."
"I tolerated a lot... a lot, Sameer."
But now I want my position back.
"I am a better designer
than you, Sameer."
I had thought once
you land up in jail...
"...the business, the fame,
everything will be mine."
"You dont want to go to jail, right?"
"You just want to die, isnt it?
Die, then!"
You will die! All of you will die!
"Anyone who comes in my
way is going to die, now."
I will not spare anyone.
I considered you friend and... carried so
much venom against me?
So you are the serpent who
took the life of that girl... order to avenge Sameer?
Your criminal serpent!
I am known as Mongoose.
Take all of them to
the police station.
"'Thanks is a very small word.
- Dont say a word, Sameer."
"Cmon, lets go the police station."
Just dont know
whether I saved you or myself?
I unnecessarily doubted you.
You were just performing your duty.
Rather you could have
arrested me on the first...
" itself, if you wished so.
- I did wish so."
"But, then... the cop instinct!"
Thats why the criminals...
- Call you a mongoose!
You all may go!
"Next time, whenever
you people come to Simla..."
...dont forget to contact me.
Today is 31st December.
"You too, sir!"
"15 days, means 1st Jan."
We will meet on 1st Jan.
First day of the new year.
What happened? You
seemed to have got upset...
...listening about 31st December?
"Yes, Shikha! I was supposed
to reach somewhere..."
...on 1st of Jan. I had
made a promise to someone.
But now...
- But now?
I want to say something to you.
"Muskaan, please! Dont
say anything or else..."
...I wont be able to express myself.
"Yes, Muskaan, even I..."
...I too...
...I too love you a lot.
So much that you
cannot even imagine.
But there is a girl. Who loves
me much more than this.
"Before meeting you, I too used to..."
...I used to feel that
I too loved her as much.
Then I met you and I didnt
realize when I started to love you.
"With you, I felt as
if I am betraying her."
And I cannot betray her.
My best wishes for her love!
"Sameer, live happily with her."
"I am not going to meet her, now."
"Because after accepting her, I
will not be able to forget you ever."
If you are like my breaths...
she is like my heartbeat.
"With you, I have learnt to love..."
...and with her I have
learnt to receive love.
"In my memories, in my feelings..."
...both of you will
remain forever with me!
But perhaps... Love...
"...I will not get
anyones love, ever."
"Sameer, will we never meet again?"
"If I cant get you, then
what use is meeting again?"
"No Muskaan, we will never meet again."
'Someones remembrances!
Someones thoughts!
' Is the state that
love brings one to!
' Love! Love!
'This is Love! This is Love!
' Love makes one smile!
' Love makes one cry!
' Love makes everyone go crazy!
"'Without love, no one
gets any peace, anywhere."
' No matter whether the heart cautions!
' No matter whether the
heart prompts one to retreat!
' Love never listens to the heart!
You are leaving because
Sameer doesnt love you? - No.
I am leaving because
I love Sameer a lot.
Sameer has taken this decision...
...and I have accepted it.
"If I cannot become
Sameers love, it is fine..."
...but I dont want to
become a compulsion for him.
"Give this to Muskaan.
And this too, along with."
'Someone just tell me...
'... why is Loneliness
a reward of love?
'The heart was wounded...
"'... dont ask me, what happened!"
' Eyes are filled with tears...
'... but the lips carry only prayers!
You are going?
- Yes.
"In the new year,
you wont be with me."
I wont be with anyone.
Wont you stay back to
wish me a happy new year?
I will stay back.
"'Sweetheart, stealthily,
hiding from the world..."
'... you said such a thing...
'... that my heart was lost!
"'Sweetheart, stealthily,
hiding from the world..."
'... you said such a thing...
'... that my heart was lost!
'You said something
that my heart was lost!
"'Just dont know when love bloomed,
and we consented to its ways!"
Love makes one smile!
' Love makes one cry!
' Love makes everyone go crazy!