Mutant Blast (2018) Movie Script

The system has been compromised, and the test subjects
have escaped. We need to move TS-347 to Complex 5 now!
Don't touch me with that again!
Oh dear. It is better if you don't resist.
Drop the syringe.
Who do you work for?
I am shutting down this program for good.
Do you really think he is
the only successful test subject?
So I guess you won't mind if I shoot him.
You wouldn't...
Come with me.
You are going to have to trust me.
I don't need weapons.
28 hours later
Ah... damn it...
Raah... putain.
Look at the time, neighbour.
This is the third time...
Do I have to call the cops?
No. Don't worry.
We will turn down the sound, ok?
Let's be friends, ok? Bye. Good night.
II faut que j'appelle les flics?
You've got to be kidding...
Nous sommes amis, non?
Au revoir.
Boone nuit.
Tu plaisantes...
So, what's the status?
Sir, our last report indicates
that all Sectors are contaminated...
...except Sectors 2 and 3.
Are the complexes under control?
All Complexes remain operational,
except for Complex 3, Sir.
What about TS-347?
He escaped with the girl, Sir.
But we have two soldiers pursuing them.
And everything points to them still being on foot.
If they're still on foot, then
they haven't left Sector 4 yet...
Send all available units there!
It's too dangerous, Sir!
There are too many infected out there.
Then drop bombs over all the Sectors!
Except for Sectors 2, 3, and 4.
Then send in all available units!
What about the Rescue Protocol, Sir?
The Rescue Protocol is cancelled!
What matters now is that we clean up
this shit and continue with the program!
My sensors are capturing two life forms
200 meters from here. It must be them.
He is a war machine!
They won't rest until they find him.
Maybe it would be best if you eliminate him
while you have the chance.
That won't be necessary.
I was told he is not the only one:
that there are other successful test subjects...
in the other complexes.
Impossible! Our spies reported that
the farthest they got was a hybrid in Complex 5...
but it was too agressive and uncontrollable.
I have to bring him to our base as quick as possible.
They can not capture him.
It will take you more than two days to get here on foot.
It is a miracle you survived barely a day out there.
You know I have been through worse.
Do you know what the fuck
you just did? No, you don't!
Go! Just leave! Get out!
No, I am not stopping. Shut up... Just shut up.
- No. Shut up. You already fucked up enough.
- Wait... You don't understand...
- No. Look.
- I don't care. Just get out of here. You have fucked up...
You don't understand! There is someone behind you!
I don' ca...
Aim to the head! Aim to the...
Not my head! Her head!
Hey... What is going on?
Everything is fucked.
What are you doing!?
You will draw their attention.
Do you have a safe place to go to?
If you want, you can come with me... If you don't
get in my way. What's your name?
Come on. Let's go!
2 hours later
The fuck...
Fuck. It smells like piss in here.
This place is perfect to spend the night.
Whoever's pissed all over this place
must have thought the same.
Fuck. I need something to help me ignite the fire.
Ok. Can you finally tell me what's
happening? Why there are zies?
They are not zies, damn it!
Ah, ok. So they have rotten skin, eat people, walk slowly...
Technically they are the result of
an experiment to create super soldiers.
army of Zies!?
I already told you they are not zies!
But... they look like zies because
their bodies rejected the experiments...
and began to decay.
But how do you know all this shit?
I am part of a resistance group
trying to put an end to these experiments.
Ok. And who is behind these experiments?
A secret military cell within the government...
that works in developing weapons...
including nuclear bombs.
Recently they started doing
experiments with human DNA...
to try to create a super soldier,
with superhuman strength...
with heightened senses, and
resilience to pain, and fatigue.
But these experiments had side effects.
Fuck. Ok. Call it zies.
I don't give a shit.
But there was a successful experiment.
A test subject that didn't show any of the side effects.
And my mission was to rescue
him and bring him to my base.
But there was a security flaw in the scientific complex,
and the infected managed to escape.
Wait, so the successful test subject
was that guy you killed?
That guy you killed!
It was your weapon that shot him.
Because you tripped over me.
Ok. It's both our fault.
No, the fault is clearly yours.
But let it go. He was too much of a risk
if he had remained alive.
At this hour, he must have been
devoured to the bone by the infected.
Now it's impossible to replicate his DNA.
Ok. And what about the place we're going to?
Where is it? Is it too far?
It's an island 20 miles from here.
It's not luxurious...
But it has food, and a floor to sleep on.
Not to mention there won't be any infected in there.
That's great because I don't have anywhere to go.
I was throwing a party at my house,
and all of my friends were there...
And suddenly...
I guess they are all zies now.
I'm sorry.
What was it for?
The party.
It was my birthday party.
How many?
For... Er... Thirty... five.
Have you noticed that there is
a moustache and a cock on your face?
No! This is a penis.
Penis, cock, it's all the same.
No. A cock is something big, long, and stinky,
with big veins and interlaced pubic hair...
is cuter... more abstract.
Ok. But do you want me to whipe that off your face?
Or is it a permanent tattoo?
Fuck. I hope not.
Yes. Please.
But be kind with my penis.
Stay still.
That's too kind.
I just need to whipe this little bit...
This bit here hasn't come off... Hold still.
What the fuck!?
What's this bullshit?
Sorry, I misread your signals.
What fucking signals?
We were just talking.
I'm sorry. You're right.
What were you expecting?
To have sex on this piss stinking floor?
I hadn't thought about it...
I am sorry. You are right...
Hey! This is not going to happen.
Ok, ok... Sorry.
Just go to sleep.
Go rest while I take the first watch.
I will wake you up in four hours.
No, no. You go rest first.
You look tired. I will take the first watch.
I want to redeem myself, seriously.
Just don't speak of this ever again.
Ok. Sorry.
Damn it.
-Wake me up in four hours.
Tell me where the princess is
and I will give you a quick death.
Have mercy, noble warrior. I will tell you.
Go east, and beyond the depths of the forest...
You shall find the dungeons of
the evil wizard Nestafarious.
Thank you.
You are welcome, noble warr...
Who goes there?
Whoever dares crossing the
Lake of Lost Souls, must pay 30 coins.
I only have a fifty.
Don't worry. I will take the fifty.
But I am going to need change.
Change!? I don't have any change!
This is almost twice as much.
And you know how it is...
After I rescue the princess,
I want to take her to dinner and...
You either give me the fifty or there is no deal.
Not one more step, or the princess dies.
Drop your sword!
Thank you, noble warrior.
How can I repay you?
Well... Okay...
What the fuck is happening?
What's happening is that you fell asleep.
Shut it!
Let her go, or you are fucked!
How nice...
So you are going to fuck us?
I can hardly wait for you to fuck me.
What I?
Yes. We are going to have
such a good time with you.
What do you want to do with me?
We are going to take you out to dinner, honey.
They want to rape us.
- Fuck!
- Hold your horse.
We don't want anything with you.
How handsome...
But we are going to make you watch.
I am not going to watch a fucking thing.
Don't you want to join the party?
With that haircut, maybe I would do you...
...just for sport.
Right. I would do her too.
But what you are doing is not right...
You are much sexier with your mouth shut.
Let me go. You smell like piss.
You've got five seconds
to let us go and walk away.
Aren't you going to start counting?
I was counting internally.
I thought you were going to count aloud...
The five seconds are over, bitch!
We'll leave rig ht away.
What's this shit, man!?
What the fuck is happening here?
Who gave the order?
I said ten normal bombs!
The kind that goes...
That's it!
I didn't tell you to cover the
entire country in radioactive dust!
Excuse me, Sir. I executed the commands,
but didn't enter the nuclear codes!
There must be an issue with the controllers!
Is that so? Then tell me if
there's an issue with this!
I guess there really is a problem with the controllers...
My intention was to kill you!
Not him...
You... Not him...
The systems have indeed been failing for some months...
That's why the test subjects from Complex 3 escaped.
Let's hope, for your own good, that TS-347's DNA
didn't mutate with this little misunderstanding!
Send all units after them!
Sir, no regular person can survive that long out there,
not even with protective gear on!
How about we don't use a regular person?
Sir... We can not use him!
He is aggressive!
Excellent! It's exactly what we need!
Hey, can we stop for a while?
I need a few minutes to process all of this.
I have a rat instead of a hand,
and all my friends are zies.
We have to keep moving, before
the radiaton begins to affect me.
Hmm... you have something on your neck.
What is this?
It's an ear.
No, damn it. Below... Below the ear, here.
It's an ear.
What? A third earl?
Yes. That's correct.
Give me your sunglasses.
Fuck! That's disgusting!
I think there's someone who's worse off than you.
I am going to cut it off.
Don't do that... Why would you do that?
Isn't there anyone at your base that could...
I can't walk around with a third ear on my neck!
Why not? I have a killer rat where my hand should be.
Hold the glasses.
Hold the glasses!
No, damn it. Hold it there.
That's it.
Help us... help...
What is happening?
Where are they?
We picked up... two lifeforms... before the blast.
What are you doing? We are not infected!
Stop! Stop it!
We are on your side...
Help me... help me...
I'll help you...
To put an end to your suffering!
There. As good as new.
Do you want a cracker?
- Can I have one?
- It was the last one.
Doesn't it end up inside you anyway?
I have no idea.
I don't see any orifices...
I mean... How does it poop or piss?
I prefer not to think about it.
Should we get going?
Yes... yes, of course.
Can we stop and rest for a while?
No! We have to keep going.
- Five minutes!
- No way.
Just give me five.
We are at an open field, and
it will be dark soon. We can't stay here.
And I can't count on you to keep watch.
Just leave me here to die, then.
1 minute and 21 seconds later
Ok, I think I am going to faint.
Damn it.
Here. Eat it.
You and your friend are very lucky we found you.
My name is Carlos.
This is Jean-Pierre.
Good morning, friend. I am at your service.
Do you like ping-pong?
This is Daniel.
- Hello, everyone.
- Hello.
Where is Maria?
So you are telling me that TS-347 is dead?
It's for the best. What did you do to the body?
The infected ate his body.
Great. Now they won't find him.
Make sure you get here safe and sound, soldier.
We have to treat you for radiation.
Have you felt any negative effects?
An ear grew on my neck.
Well... That's not good.
It could be worse.
By the way... I found a group of people
and I think we should help them.
They are coming with me.
Negative. We can not rescue all civilians.
Isn't that the objective of our mission? To save them?
We can't give anyone shelter.
Our resources are limited, and for our soldiers only.
- What if I only bring one of them with me?
- Negative.
He's coming with me anyway.
Ok. Fine. But you can't bring anyone else, ok?
The boat will be there tomorrow at noon. Don't be late.
I will be there.
Thank you for giving him water and food.
Don't mention it.
We are leaving.
I can't take your group with me.
I was really hoping we could join you.
There are a lot of us, and it could be an advantage
in case we find ourselves surrounded by zies.
I, alone, can take care often.
For starters, they are not zies.
Yes, I know. Your friend explained to us.
They are genetically modified experiments, rig ht?
But excuse me for assuming they are zies.
They have rotten skin, they eat people, walk slowly...
Yes, yes. I got it.
But I really can't take you with me.
They told me I can only take one.
I don't even know why I am bringing him.
He's only caused me trouble.
We... we don't have anywhere to go.
Just yesterday, everything was alright...
-Then the zies started eating people...
- They are not zies.
And then the nuclear explosions...
And we really need help.
That's fascinating.
I wonder how your rat's digestive tract works.
I mean, how does he piss or poop?
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Good morning, madame.
Good morning, Jean-Pierre!
Can I have a quick word with him?
Certainly, he's all yours!
I need to speak with you.
I see that you've made some friends.
They're a jolly bunch.
Do you know you were out cold for ten hours?
I was going to leave without you.
Now they want to come with us.
So are you gonna bring them along?
I just want to get out of here before another
ear grows on my neck or something worse!
A cock on your forehead?
No? Right...
What are you laughing about?
I bet your breasts are full of cancer!
So are you... If you had any tits!
- Is that so?
Your prostate is so full of cancer,
that now it only has pus and shit in it!
You know what? You'd love a
bukkake with my pus-filled semen...
Like, POW! POW! POW!
All over your face and... SPLASH!
A big radioactive cumshot!
And then dripping down all over your body and your non-tits...
I went a little over the top, didn't I?
I'm sorry.
I thought you were bigger!
It's going to be easy to bring you back to your cell!
I am going to drag you by your feet...
You think this is who they're looking for?
He thinks I'm the super-soldier?
Who are you, then?
He's a nobody.
I was worried this was getting too easy.
Where is he, then?
He is dead.The infected ate him.
Then I'm going to kill you all!
What the fuck is this shit!?
Mo... mommy...
Mommy... mommy... mommy... mommy...
Yey... Mommy!
We have to stop the bleeding immediately.
You will feel a little bit of pain.
Who was that guy?
And why are you wearing the same uniform as him?
Don't forget I'm on your side.
And this isn't my uniform...
A giant rat just killed them all!
What's that noise?
I think that's a duck!
A duck?
Stay quiet!
What is this thing?
Uh... a duck?
A mutant duck?
You think we should eat it?
I don't think that's a good idea,
it looks a bit radioactive...
Hm... I'm really hungry and honestly...
I can't get any worse.
I don't know... this looks nasty!
OK... and haven't you eaten anything
before that looked nasty and tasted good?
After what went down today,
I think I'll become vegetarian.
Hand me your knife.
He hasn't harmed us,
I think we should just let him be...
Hand me your knife.
Die! You son of a...
Dinner is ready!
You're really going to eat that?
It's probably full of diseases...
I don't care. I am so hungry
I would eat a baby.
I don't know if it's because of the radiation...
But this is the best thing
I have ever eaten in my life.
It's good. Eat.
Thank you.
A question, Jea n-Pierre...
How did you turn into a lobster?
Were you near a lobster when the bombs went off?
I've always been a lobster.
The nuclear blast, orchestrated by the
humans, made me grow to your size.
But the explosions were on land...
How do you know french?
I don't understand the question. I am french!
How did you become intelligent?
What an absurd question!
Sorry! I had no idea lobsters
possessed any cognitive skills.
Just because we, lobsters and other
animals, don't have access to technology... doesn't mean we are any less intelligent!
On the contrary! We are more inteligent!
Unlike you, humans...
...who kill each other with stupid wars...
...and destroy the planet you live on...
...killing all the animals around you!
Except for the cute animals!
"Oh! Save the dolphins!
They are so cute and intelligent!"
"This tuna can is dolphin free!"
But screw the tuna!
And screw the lobsters!
You are despots among the animal kingdom!
You have been bringing up the extinction of my people...
...boiling us alive for your consumption!
But we are better than dolphins!
Because dolphins are diabolical creatures!
But you can't wrap that around your heads,
because you think dolphins are cute...
The truth is, dolphins are motherfuckers!
Dolphins are motherfuckers!
...FUCKERS!!!... UCKERS!!!
UCKERS!!!... uckers!!!..
I can't believe they're all dead...
You, humans, are amazing!
You call yourselves the most
advanced species on the planet,
but you can't understand
something as simple as this:
dying is as natural as being born.
It is all part of life.
So, you think I shouldn't be sad?
But we, lobsters, have accepted that a
predator can show up and kill us anytime.
When I found you yesterday,
you didn't have such a zen speech.
Lobsters don't worry about mondays...
We live a day at the time.
But today is a diferent day...
Today what matters to me is...
returning to the sea...
and find...
my Claudine.
You will find her, my friend.
Thank you, my friend.
Thank you.
What? You smoke?
There are a lot of things you do not know about me.
Right, but I have been with you these
past few days and didn't see you smoke once.
You never saw me go to the toilet either.
No. You are right.
So... Have you decided
if they are coming along with us?
I don't know. At least now there's only two of them.
All I know is I have to stop saving
everyone I come across.
Yeah, you are right.
Hey, I want to thanky...
There is no need. Thank you... You saved me.
You are not thinking about kissing me, are you?
No, I know I don't have any chance.
No. It's not that... But it would be nice
if you bought me dinner first.
Right. You are just saying
that to be nice. That's alright.
Just to be clear, this wasn't a "Han and Leia" kiss, ok?
It was more of a "Luke and Leia" kiss.
Correct. Three civilians.
I told you could only bring one and now
you bring three more with you?
Anyway, the boat will be there in half an hour.
Be careful.There are lots of infected in the area,
and the Test Subject from Complex 5 is still on the loose.
And the radiation could have made him even stronger.
Ok.Thank you.
- HEY-
- HEY-
- What now?
- Now we wait.The boat will be here in half an hour.
And then?
I will finish what I started: fight the people responsible
for this, and help those affected by the radiation.
Cool. Can I join you?
I don't think that it is possible.
Why not? Me and you, killing zies...
They are not zies.
And saving people...
This is not a videoga me for you to
fulfill your post-apocalyptic fantasies.
This is real. You could die, or worse.
I have nothing and no one waiting for me.
I know what that's like.
The sea...
So beautiful and magnanimous...
How I miss the feeling of the
waves brushing through my body...
I must leave, my friend.
Before you go, you should
come with us to Maria's base...
Maybe they can reverse your mutation.
Don't be so naive, my friend.
You, humans, are unable
to revert what you destroy.
You filled the oceans with
plastic, and the land with nukes.
The sea sea, I will go back to the sea,
and reunite with my love... IX]
IX] In the sea, so vast and beautiful... IX]
Farewell, my friend.
It was a pleasure, my friend!
What's with those two?
Let's go.
Oh. no! Zie!
I am tired of zies!
Are you going to shoot them? They are children.
They are not children.
They are zombies.
I am going to have to amputate your arm!
Oh, shit!
Hey, arseface!
Dodge this, motherfucker!
Fuck! You shot my tit!
Sorry... sorry... sorry...
Even a baby could hit him
with eyes closed. Want to see?
See? That's it! Easy!
EASY!!!!!! Easy... Easy!!!
I only regret one thing, dear friend...
Being unable... to see my love... one last time...
Please... deliver this letter to Claudine...
She is the most beautiful lobster of the french corals...
It will be my pleasure, friend...
Your eyes...
Your smile...
You are beautiful...
To contemplate you for the rest of my life
fills my heart with joy.
You are mine and I am yours.
I love you...
I love you...
I love you...
I love you, Claudine.
Can I have one?
You know this causes cancer, right?
Thank you.
Pass me the lighter?
Sir, we just lost TS-504's readings... He is dead.
Dead? How is that possible?
- I don't know, Sir...
- Of course you don't!
It was rethorical question, you idiot!
But you ordered the release...
How dare you question me?
You have failed me for the last time!
What the fuck is this?
Who is the idiot who approved
a budget for the Auto-Destruct System?
3... 2... 1