Muzi v nadeji (2011) Movie Script

- Are you waiting long?
- Just a moment longer
And the warranty
of these gifts expires.
We should've been there already.
Alice will eat me alive.
Don't worry about that.
After all, you know her.
She would have
complained about the delay
Even on
the death trains.
Where were
you so long?
"Where were you?
"'With you of course.
So I should cover
for you again?
It is not over with
that female guide yet?
No. She just
had a surgery.
Poor thing, cannot even stretch
her leg properly.
I see that you
would regret that.
- But how about that chick
who brings her groceries.
- Chick...?
- Hmmm.
Those legs. Lovely.
Those would get you too.
Hardly. Unlike you, I do
realize that I am married,
And that this entails
certain obligations.
Ondrej... did you know that a customer
died here last week?
- Here in the car?
- Yeah. Exactly there, where you sit.
Such a happy guy.
We're driving,
Chatting. I was telling
him a story...
and suddenly I look
- And he is dead.
That must've been a hell of a story.
You better keep it to yourself.
Sudden heart failure. At thirty-Five.
And what about me?
With the gallbladder
issues, high blood
Pressure and
prostate problems?
No time
to waste time, buddy.
- Well... I agree.
- There you go.
So I can count on you,
Rudolf, Im sorry,
but you know that I can't lie.
"I can't lie. "
My god, what kind of idiot
did my girl marry?
Hi, honey.
I know, we're a
bit late, but...
Oh well...
thank you very much.
Well, guys!
- Hey! -Hi.
- What kept you?
- What can I say?
I went to see my mistress.
She had a meniscus
surgery, you know?
So I helped her with
rehabilitation a little.
And then this young
Girl appeared there.
Beautiful woman.
She wanted to meet me too.
So that delayed me a bit.
Well what could
I have done?
She was completely
crazy about me.
If you just stopped bragging.
They were playing pool.
He still has chalk
on his fingers.
I don't get why
you enjoy doing this...
...making stuff
up at your age.
And now try
talking her out of it.
We will go play with some balls again
on Friday, right?
- Absolutely.
- At six, exactly.
Just like grandpa.
Dad, grandma and
grandpa are fighting?
- No, they are play
a game... a board game.
Something like "ludo", right?
more like "jumping hats".
Can't your parents control their
passion at least a little bit?
- How should I explain
this to Pavlik all the time?
Normal. That they love each other.
And won't it be
strange, then, that
He doesn't hear
such noises from us too?
We can top them easily,
if you want.
Wait, I thought,
you were mad at me.
That can be postponed.
Ovulation cannot be.
So don't drag around.
Hey, but if you're
still angry,
You don't have to push it.
I mean...
I don't want to force you.
It might work out today. I have perfect
Temperature and density
of the secretion.
Now Im so turned on.
Isn't is a completely
different feeling when you...
know there can be a baby?
- Hmm.
If we hurry,
I could give birth in the spring
And avoid
that terrible summer heat.
We'll repaint the back room
And rearrange
the furniture, right?
Oh hey, I made
a few sketches.
- Mom had knit him little outfits.
- Yeah.
Which hat do
you like more?
- Done yet?
- No, cramp!
Look how we ended up.
Female dictatorship.
My friend, when my
grandfather came
From working outside
with dirty shoes
He went straight to
the table, no one
Dared to say a word.
Such a respect.
Look at us.
- What is waiting for this little one?
- Ouch! There...!
- Pavlik, defend yourself!
After all, that scooter is yours.
What is it? Leave her alone!
Why would you hit a girl?
You should be ashamed!
- Is he yours?
- Why don't you watch him?
Or try to raise him better?
- Yeah!
- Oh! What do you expect from men, right?
We're not all the same.
You collaborator!
Well you did it, Pavlik. When
Dealing with females, you
must be strict and clever.
- What is it? -My back is hurting.
We are working on that baby.
- 'Working?' Isn't that a joy?
- Tell that to your daughter.
If she doesn't get pregnant soon,
I will end up crippled.
Easy for you to laugh. Not
Everybody is half a
mountain goat like you.
I have to say,
your appetite amazes me.
- Why? Is there a problem with you?
- No, but...
with all those women in your life I
Wonder how you still want her.
So what?
You must have seen her
naked a thousand times.
Doesn't it get boring?
Are you mad? I haven't seen her
Naked in at least twenty years.
- What?
That would be a suicide,
it would kill my vibe instantly.
So how you do it,
get turned on?
- Do you have any
idea about how many
Beautiful women are
Out there?
- So what?
I watch and record it right here.
Like a video camera.
And then when it's needed
I find it later.
I then I can easily
march into the bedroom
And when it comes
to that, I close my
Eyes and turn on
the autopilot.
And here I see the
pictures I want.
And the body does
what it's got to do.
My friend, I make love to so
many women in one night,
More than most
guys manage in a lifetime.
You see those legs?
Well. They are quite nice.
Quite nice?
These will come in handy again.
- That's all for today?
- Yeah... I guess.
"I guess?"
Are you an accountant?
I came to this restaurant
so I did
Not have to be
an accountant anymore.
I wanted to cook.
I wanted to be a chef.
Now Im doing everything
... except for cooking.
- Because only the chef
hasn't left us yet.
We didn't do
so well with the rest.
Why do you think
nobody comes here?
Ondrej. Ondrej,
I know that
You enjoy cooking, but
you're just an amateur.
While Louis is a pro.
Moreover, he is a native Frenchman.
A native Frenchman?
His mother went into
Labor during a stopover
in Paris, that's all.
It is some ordinary
Ludek, Czech guy.
He wouldn't even be
able to order in France.
Let alone be allowed
into the kitchen.
- Hello.
- Hello.
What would you recommend?
- Do you want to have
a really good meal?
So change the restaurant.
What are you doing here?
I'm warming up.
- You said on Friday at six, right?
- That was just a cover-Up.
- Alibi for the women, right?
- And how do I know?
So what do you think this is?
Nervous tics?
You have to explain
that it's a code.
My god, you're really stupid.
- Hi.
- Good evening.
This is Sarlota,
this is Ondrej, my son-In-Law.
The one with the sore back?
And you're probably the
one that carries groceries
To helpless patients...?
Not anymore. It was just
a civil penalty.
- Penalty -Hmm. -For what?
Public scandal.
Such bullshit. That fountain is
nonetheless public, isn't it?
So why shouldn't we take a swim in it
with my girls?
And can we swim in clothes?
Perhaps I shouldn't drink so much.
Absinthe for miss. Double.
For me, too. Thank you.
The one with the sore back?
You discuss
my private life with her?
I wanted to make her laugh.
We laughed a lot.
Well Im glad.
Water for me, please.
Come on!
You want to stay here?
Of course. I will not
leave you here alone.
You could do something stupid,
that you will regret.
- That girl could be your granddaughter.
- Hardly.
First Id have
to have something with
Her grandmother.
I'd remember that.
If she was half
as pretty as she is.
And what do you want to get her on?
The liver spots?
Women love the
swarthy types.
If you don't think about Marta
Mind at least
your blood pressure.
She could seriously mess with it.
Ah well! The doctor
recommends exercise.
Did you see that body?
This is something!
And she's a dancer.
Can you imagine
the possibilities?
I can't. And don't even want to.
- Yeah, sorry, I forgot.
You're actually married. And, happily.
And Alice is, too?
- What? Did she complain?
She doesn't have to. Just look at her.
I will do anything she wishes for.
A woman must fight for you,
she has to try.
She wants
a real man, not some
Kind of a domesticated
Boring, buddy.
When a woman gets bored it is bad.
And as Im watching it,
Alice is beginning to get bored.
Why do you think
she wants that kid so much?
So you think it'd
be best if I cheated
And lied to her like
you do with Marta, right?
Well you could at least try.
A well-Done infidelity can
save many relationships.
Look at that chick,
smiling at you.
She's good, isn't she?
I must've heard
you wrong. You're
Convincing me to cheat
on your own daughter!
So what? You're doing
it for your own good.
You should try harder.
Oh! So you cheat on Marta
purely due to her well-Being, right?
Of course.
I'm not selfish.
I see.
Me and Marta have
been together for 35
Did she ever seem unhappy?
- Missed again.
- Don't worry about that, Sarlota.
It's the hair.
Keeps falling into my eyes.
Better, isn't it?
Much better.
- It's so cold, huh?
- Take that off.
There you go.
Thank you.
You are so attentive... for a cab driver.
I am not a cab driver.
- I drive only for a few months.
- Ever since he retired.
I'm still too young to be,
sitting at home all day, right?
It also has other advantages...
such as night rides.
Well so...
I, originally, was a designer
Of rides.
Those death rides in amusement parks.
All over
the world.
The first ride I
designed is not far from
Here, would you
like to go take a look?
That's where
he met his wife.
They are still together.
That's true.
She was awesome
back then already.
I needed volunteers for the
first ride.
Nobody wanted to go.
Only she had the courage.
So we went alone. She
was crushing my hand
The whole time,
screaming like crazy.
And now, imagine.
The ride stopped.
...and she said,
she wants to go again. Now!
I promised her that
if she stays with me,
Her whole life
will be that exciting.
- I assume you kept your promise.
- You bet I did.
And what about you?
Would you have the courage
to try it with me as well?
We'll see. Maybe
it would be worth it.
Let's go then.
Do you want to sit
in front or in the back?
He can't come
with us... unfortunately.
Has things to do at home
and they are urgent, aren't they?
- Good night then.
- Good night.
- You can get home from here, right?
- Yea...
it's a huge storm out there.
I'm entirely wet.
- Dad didn't give you a ride?
- No, he did not.
He was in the middle
of playing. He wanted
To finish it, so I had to walk.
I bet I have a fever.
This will not measure
your temperature, darling.
It's a pregnancy test.
- Negative again, right?
- Yes, again. This is weird.
The doctor said
I am absolutely healthy.
- The question is, whether you are.
- What... what? Me?
If you want that baby too,
you have to cooperate.
What do you mean,
You are late.
- We are sorry, we had
to talk about it still.
- We're closing in 10 minutes.
-10 minutes?
He will have plenty of time left. Right?
Are you done yet? Ondrej?
They really have to go now...
- Did you wipe the tables?
- Yes. -And chairs?
- An hour ago.
- Then wipe them again.
Why? Nobody sat there.
Maybe they didn't, because
they weren't wiped.
Alice, are you happy with me?
- What kind of question is that?
- Normal.
I'd like to know whether
you're happy with me.
I don't have time for
games. I'm going to
Beg the bank, so they
wouldn't close this down yet.
Don't forget the chairs.
Good evening.
Do you remember me?
I do... I do.
I actually just thought of you.
- Really?
What reminded you of me?
Uh, well...
- would you like anything to eat?
- I'm starving.
But I guess you a
are closing already?
What would
you like to eat?
Surprise me.
You can go home now.
Nobody will come anyway.
Those are some skillful hands.
Like a magician.
I taught myself.
Still an amateur though.
But dedicated!
I like it.
- Smells really good.
- It's an old family recipe.
My sisters caught
my brothers-In-Law on this meal.
No wonder.
It's working on me too.
It's fantastic.
How come this place
isn't packed with people?
It hasn't been here long.
It's off the main road.
I'm surprised you found it.
- Rudolf described the way really well.
- Yeah.
You came here for him.
No. I came to see you.
I owe you that jacket.
There's no hurry.
You could've just given in to Rudolf.
That way I wouldn't
be able to see you.
Of course I forgot it at home.
I live just a few minutes away.
So if you'd like to pick it up...
- That was amazing.
- Yeah...
- even better than I imagined.
- You have imagined this? -Hmm.
From the first moment.
Why do you think
I was provoking
You so much
when we played pool?
I thought
that was for Rudolf.
He is nice, but
he is a little...
- old? -No, I don't mind that.
I've had older.
- Really?
- Mm.
I had to resurrect
him a bit.
- And give him CPR,
but he survived. -Mm.
Rudolf is a little
too self-Confident for me.
I like "dorks"
- But then they turn into a beast like this
- Such exaggeration.
She is not exaggerating.
I haven't heard
Her going at it
like this in a while.
That's Bara. She lives
here with me.
- Nice to meet you.
- You too.
You... have you been
around here from
The beginning?
No, we got here in the middle...
- That's Irene.
...but we didn't
want to interrupt.
That's nice of you.
We haven't seen each
other since high
School and I run into
him on the street!
We had to go get a drink.
- I hope you didn't drink too much.
- Nah, you know me.
Not even 3 little shots.
- and is he gay?
- Why do you ask?
He uses such a sweet perfume.
I can smell it from your jacket.
No... the opposite...
Pepa loves women...
you know, they
always rub themselves
On him, so he smells
like all sweet...
there was hugging,
shoulder tapping,
I might have caught
some of that smell.
- So when are you going to see him again?
- I don't know.
We didn't plan anything.
I think, you definitely
should see each other again.
Because he probably
really wants that.
Why would he leave
this "business card"
In your pocket otherwise?
- Alice, don't overreact. I can explain.
- I'm all ears.
I don't want to
hear any explanations.
Rudolf, don't explain!
Marta, don't be mad. Marta...
you can take this with you!
Don't even try.
I won't support your
Little adventures. Forget that!
Alice, you can't let him sleep
in the shed. He is 63.
He should've
thought of that
Before he started
chasing that girl.
- It's your dad.
- Exactly. How could he do that to mom?
What kind of example
is this for Pavlik,
When you kick his
grandpa out like this?
Let him see
what happens to a manwhore.
if you want to be on his side
just go now then.
Here is a blanket and some food.
I don't want anything from a tattletale.
Rudolf, Im sorry.
What was I supposed
to tell her?
Something, dammit. Anything.
- You should've made something up.
- Easy for you to say.
I was completely naked
and she had a scissor
This big! You wouldn't
know what to do either.
Talent for interrogation.
She inherited that from her mom.
However, her mother never
Managed to get
anything out of me.
My friend,
Ive kept a clean record for 35 years.
And now this.
Because of you.
So embarrassing.
Especially since I didn't
have anything with that girl.
I know.
How do you know?
You would have bragged,
wouldn't you?
Well anyway
If my wife believes I had
something with
A creature that
can fit into this,
- Then that's nice, isn't it?
- Well yeah.
These yellow ones
are for his gallbladder.
And you put these
drops into his eyes
Before he leaves for work.
Without these he goes
blind in a few hours.
I won't put any
drops into his eyes.
I am pretty mad at him.
You should be too!
Here is a warm
sweater for him.
He will catch a pneumonia in that shirt.
Mom, he is chasing some chick
and you bring sweaters for him?
Why would you kick
him out then?
- So he knows he's in
trouble! He definitely is!
But if I were to worry about each
one of his flings
- I'd be all worn out by now.
- There was more of this?
Counting the last
one too? 139.
I knew about each one of them.
Oh, he tried so hard to
cover everything.
He was going to
take one to a sea. He'd
Been going to the
solarium for a month prior.
So I wouldn't think it's weird if
he suddenly got a tan...
how come you
always figured it out?
That dumbass
took pictures of them.
What? You know their faces?
Oh, if it was faces...
Vladana. From Luda.
She was such an inspiration.
Hang on...
this is the curve of her hip,
And the circle...
that's her bellybutton.
Oh yes. Ulrika. From Dresden.
I wanted to build two bumps
like her boobs
But nobodys take
that kind of overload.
But still, that ride
was pretty wild.
Too bad Marta never
wanted to try it.
That's what I was always
a little sad about.
She never asked:
"What are you working on?"
"I'd like to go with you. "
- What is this?
- Well...
That's Lubica. From Zagreb.
I ran out of tape, you know.
So I sat her into
a little bit of dirt.
Then I waited for it to dry.
I glazed it nicely
Brought it home
I told Marta it was ceramics
she loved it.
She had it on a shelf in
the living room for a long time.
Then I had to put it away because
When she was cleaning and shining it
It turned me on like mad.
And you forgave him all that?
Not at all!
But what was I supposed to do?
Destroy our family?
Take your dad away from you?
- You loved him so much.
- Yes, until today.
Well, well, well...
it's just a man. What do you expect?
He has a compass between his legs,
Showing him direction.
It's not his fault.
Besides, he was always
flying all over the world.
I couldn't compete with that.
Do you know
what makes me more sad
Than all these
women combined?
He never said
"Marta, come with me!
So I can show you
what did I build!
Come, so you can see it all.
So you can hear,
how everyone screams
With fear and joy. Come with me!"
He never said that.
He didn't care much
about my opinion.
You should've twist
that compass right off.
Come on, that would be a waste.
It's been so much fun.
And it still is. Still.
You see that, don't you.
I still have to watch out, just so
Some other woman doesn't
lure him away. Still.
And all those infidelities
had their advantages.
There is no man more attentive
than the one feeling guilty.
Do you think a man would buy
You a Valentino purse just like that?
If he didn't feel guilty?
- He got you a Valentino purse?
- Not yet. But he will.
You know which one?
I showed it to you the other day.
Once you're giving him those eye drops
Just mention it inconspicuously.
- Mom, you're letting him
buy you back this cheap?
Do you know how
expensive that purse is?
That's almost
like prostitution.
Come on, Alice!
Is this how you talk to your mother?
Those bitches are
pushing our prices down.
In the end, it's not important which
woman is he chasing.
But which one
he comes back to.
- Hello.
- Hi.
I've got something for you.
You forgot it in
my son-In-Law's
Jacket after we played
pool the other day.
- My daughter found it.
- Is he in trouble?
He is not, I am.
I took it upon myself.
- So it's been hell at home.
- I am really sorry. -Me too.
Especially because
nothing really happened.
So Im thinking
if I got punished
For it, whether
it should happen.
- That would be fair... -Yea...
- But I just met somebody.
This fast?
Well then, when you
find out what an idiot he is, let me know.
You'll be the first to know.
Hey! Give it back!
Somebody stop them! Assholes!
Do you hear me? Give it back!
Can't tell,
what's actually valuable.
- Hi.
- Hey.
You don't call, don't show up,
I had to call you up this way.
- You still remember where I live, right?
- Yes.
You really won't come upstairs?
My leg is much better. Look.
I'm glad. So you can get upstairs
by yourself, right?
Of course.
I'm glad it wasn't on too much heat
Otherwise you'd lose that ear.
That's what I call a hotline.
What did you need anyway?
You didn't open your curtains all day.
I wanted to know if you're okay.
I was...
...until you called.
Do you know where mom
used to keep the strainer?
There you go.
I'll help you clean up.
Don't even start with that.
You've got plenty yourself.
Then Ill find a maid for you.
Just for cleaning.
- You can come eat with us.
- That's okay. I'm fine.
You should lower the drinking.
You're making me
seem like an alcoholic.
When Ondrej made coq au vin, you
Ate almost all the sauce.
- Well...
dad, you can't go on like this!
Can't live in a dungeon.
Pavlik had asked
about you. He said
You promised to help him build a plane.
I'm working on that.
Or you can go play pool
with Ondrej, like last time.
You know how that went last time.
Well then take one of those
you know... your...
- who?
- You know.
- Ondrej blabbered again?
- No, mom told me.
- She knew about them?
- About all of them.
Even about your photographic hobby.
Oh my god.
And you see. She forgave you that time,
too, she wouldn't mind now.
I wouldn't either.
Alice, you know,
I don't even want to anymore...
...when I have nobody to come back to.
I thought you
wouldn't show up.
I thought so too.
- What do you have there?
- I'm supposed to be playing tennis.
- With this? -I found it in the basement.
I used to play as a boy.
How did you do?
After two years I became a
pretty good ball boy.
Well then we'll make
sure you get better.
Alice, Im so tired today.
I played five sets...
well then just
relax and leave it to me.
The sample was completely fine.
Your husband is as
fertile as a 20-Year old.
- What is the problem then, doctor?
- Give it time.
- We can't even fit in here.
- And you call yourself a dancer?
Cut it out, or we
crash again.
Wait. Ouch!
- You bit me!
- Just a little bit.
A little bit? It's visible,
what do I say at home?
- It was the brakes.
- I'm glad nothing
Serious happened to
you. Let me see.
No, the doctor said it should stay like
this for a few days.
It'll be okay. Unlike this.
We're going to have to get a new one.
I don't think it's that bad.
We can just... glue this together.
- And the brakes of course.
- I don't trust this car anymore.
We need something safer
and bigger.
Come on, for your shopping or what?
You know we can't afford that.
We're barely holding up.
- Exactly. It's time to do something.
- Like what?
There you go.
- You don't have protection?
- No. I don't think so.
Oh don't worry, this is
the safest car in its class.
- What got to you? So suddenly?
- It just happened.
You know, when you're
running around like this.
Oh come on...
where did all this stamina come from?
It's the tennis lessons, isn't it?
Two vegetable
lasagna for table two.
And those ladies on table 4 would like
The specialty you
were just making here.
Of course, let's cook.
- He plays tennis? -Hmm.
- Ondrej? -Yes.
It's been a while.
Three times a week.
And it shows on him. He is different.
He's got that...
- like last time, he just grabbed me...
- And what?
He's just full of enthusiasm.
So you're happy?
Hmm. Like I haven't been in a while.
Man, stop that right now.
- What?
- The affair.
- What affair?
- You won't fool me. Don't even try.
Look, I don't care who
She is, or how long
has it been going on.
Just get rid of her
while it's still time.
But you always told
me that for the
- It did its job.
She's happy now.
You just don't realize how thin,
is the ice you're walking on.
My friend, cheating on your wife,
is like being in a mine field.
One wrong step and you fly! Fly!
Now she's happy,
Because she finally has someone
special on her side
But especially because she thinks that
you finally grew up.
But she will find out that
someone else helped you with that.
She's not going to spare you anything.
You can bet on that.
Buddy, she will capture that
little bird of yours
Stuff it into the meat grinder,
make it into burgers
And force you to
serve them with
Your own hands in your restaurant.
- Don't worry, Ive got it under control.
- I see.
- Pepa. -Yea. Thanks.
- Tell him I say hi. -I will.
- That's his friend,
they play tennis together. -Aha.
- I should send him a thank
- You card for
New years.
- That would please him.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas to you too.
- Dad, when is Santa coming?
- In a little bit, Pavlik.
Hang in there.
Your Santa is here.
I brought you something. -What?
- Where are you?
- Guess.
- Do you need help?
- No, I can manage. -Okay.
- I'll do it.
- Yeah! Good.
Are you coming for that gift?
I'm going to take out the trash.
But hurry, Pavlik
is getting impatient.
I'll be right back.
Are you crazy?!
- Weren't you supposed to be on a ski trip?
- I missed you.
It's Christmas, I wanted to see
you and thank you for the gift.
Do you like it?
But you underestimated me.
It could've been one
size bigger.
Thank you though.
And this is for you.
The old one
could be suspicious.
Thank you.
Just so you keep your form.
I could've gotten
one size smaller, right?
That's not a problem.
I'll fill it up when I get pregnant.
May I speak with you?
Louis, could you leave us
alone for a minute?
- Alice, don't get mad.
- Why should I? I understand you.
- You understand me?
- Yes.
It's been clear to me,
that you desire another person.
I would just prefer if you told
me about it right away.
- I know, Alice, I...
- A newspaper ad would work.
- An ad? -Yes. Actually, I should've
thought of that on my own.
The business
started going really well,
We apparently
need another waitress.
This girl is perfect.
Wait. Do you want to hire her?
Of course. Louis can't keep
serving the whole place by himself.
I don't know, I think he got better.
I'd still try it with him.
You'll see, she will
attack guys to come here.
I don't know what
they would see in her.
She might not work
for you, but trust me,
They will come breaking in.
Look at those boobs!
And that ass!
I would go for that too.
Come here, let me
introduce you. Come!
This is Sarlota.
And this is Ondrej.
- My husband and a chef.
- Sarlota, nice to meet you. -Ondrej.
- So you'd like to work here?
- I can't get by just with dancing.
Ah, a dancer. So you don't have the
necessary experience as a waitress?
I'd been a waitress on a cruise ship
for two years.
And she worked
in Florida, Spain and
Greece during high school.
- I had no idea.
- Well, how could you?
- Would you like
to see recommendations?
- Yes.
- That won't be necessary.
- Let's look at the
contract and talk
About that other thing.
- What other thing?
What other thing?
- This... this is just madness!
- Why?
She will clean a bit,
do some laundry,
Ironing, and watch
over him for me.
- It's worth it for
that minimal rent.
- You don't even know
anything about her.
- Who knows who she is?
- What is
Your problem with her? I like her.
Your dad will
come home from a night
Shift and his place
might be cleared out.
- Come on.
- It happens.
And this is also a "great" idea.
He is a widower. Mourning.
And you plant a young
girl there for him.
It'll get his mind
off things.
- Well there you go. You know him.
- So what? Even if.
He's almost 3 times
older than
Her. He might even
get a heart attack.
Apparently, Sarlota has experience
with CPR.
But still, dad is better
than that other guy.
- The other guy?
- Some lover.
- She mentioned someone to you?
- Yeah, just by the way. You know.
But how can she build a relationship
Only on him
being good in bed?
Poor girl.
Good in bed, she said?
We are coming to help you.
- It's not necessary,
thank you. That was all.
Aha. Well then we can go
get something to eat.
Pavlik is away at his aunts' so we
Have to use
the opportunity.
Eat? After Christmas?
I'll burst.
Okay then, how
about some exercise.
- How about tennis?
- That's a great idea.
We can play in mixed doubles.
Finally I get to see you play.
What have you and Pepa been doing on
The courts all this
time? Look for balls?
I'm more of a clay player.
The new racket does it too.
I'm not
Used to it.
We're not coordinated.
- So we switch partners?
- No way. I'm satisfied.
See? I told you they will get along.
It's as if they knew each other before.
I don't remember
when was the
Last time I saw him
having fun like this.
Look at him, flaunting.
I feel like
I know him again.
Me too.
Don't forget the coffee.
Strong, no sugar. Just
the way you like it.
If you're going
to spoil me like this,
I'll stop driving and
stay here with you instead.
- Good night.
- Night.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
- What are you doing?
- What?
Well, this! Work,
tennis, moving in here.
- Your wife offered this.
- But you accepted it happily.
I want to be with you.
I don't want this anymore.
First thing I hear after making
love is:
"Have you
seen my other sock?"
You knew what you were
getting yourself into.
It worked for you. You
said, that as a married
Man I won't be around
bothering you all the time.
Yes, but I was
not in love yet.
Are you mad?
Alice will be home any minute.
Do you want
her to see us together?
You aren't
turned on by that idea?
Jesus Christ,
that's probably Alice.
If I don't pick up, it'll be suspicious.
- Pick up then.
- What? Now?
- Hey.
- Hi. How's our little boy?
Good, he's good.
They are... almost spoiling him.
I want to spoil you too.
Come home sooner,
at night. I miss you.
I don't think I could.
Roads are frozen. It's
slippery... terribly.
Well then at least
tell me something nice.
Your voice turns me on.
Yours turns me on too.
Thats nice. Go on.
- What are you doing?
- That's what she deserves.
I found this
by her memorial.
This she hid in the closet, behind
a vacuum so I wouldn't find it.
And look here. Tulips.
Tulips! And I, the idiot,
For my whole life
thought she loved roses.
Meanwhile she was cheating on me.
You know who with?
With her masseur.
Look here.
These are her calendars.
The little tulip mark means
they had a date on that day.
See it? So many tulips.
I don't know why you
make such a big deal
Out of this, you cheated
on her many times...
- Come on, that's different.
I'm a man. -Yea.
stop massaging me!
Do you know how long
had she been getting
Those massages?
And I felt bad for her. I will find
that bastard!
Rudolf, come on!
A masseur can be a huge guy.
You're right.
- Hey!
- Hi.
Did you know her?
I'm sorry to ask you like this.
I live across
from here and I saw
You here a few
times, so I got curious.
- I thought: maybe family.
- No, no.
But we were close.
How long have
you know her?
For years. But you can't
be interested in that.
I am. Very.
When she came to me
for the first time, her
Body was a one big
cramp. Blocked all over.
And you helped her
with that, didn't you.
I tried, but it wasn't easy.
It required time, you know.
It wasn't anything like a
love at first sight.
I understand.
We were slowly moving towards each
other for a long time.
- At first we talked, then we took
walks together... -Why tulips?
I think she needed
a change. Her
Husband stuffed her
with roses all the time.
- I guess he thought she liked roses!
- Yes, that does sound like him.
I believe that
he did not really had
An idea about
what makes her happy.
Like what?
For example, he had no idea how
much she loved their scent.
Every year, when tulips
were blooming
She took me to a garden
And covered herself with them.
And I would smell her.
Never in my life had I smelled
something that beautiful.
I showed her
that garden!
That's where
Alice was made.
My friend, everywhere
we've been,
She took
him there too.
Maybe she wanted
to remind herself of it.
In the hotel
we spent our honeymoon in,
They flooded
the whole floor.
- They broke the waterbed.
- Where are your keys?
- My friend, Ill drive you anywhere.
- No, no, no, no, no.
She took him on that ride,
where we first met!
They didn't go on it, because
he was worried he'll get sick.
You know what he told
me, when I asked him why
Does he think
she was with him?
She knew I wanted, I desired, to look at
her so much.
- Seriously?
- Yes. That's how he said it.
She needed someone who wouldn't take
their eyes off her.
What is it?
Nothing. I'm looking at you.
Why now?
I should've done it a long time ago.
- Did you also forget the laundry out here?
- Yea.
Nice corset.
Haven't seen you wear it.
- I don't wear it often. It's small on me.
- Aha.
Cut it out! How many times should I
Tell you that it's
over? Understand that!
- But I only stayed here because of you.
- Nobody's keeping you here. Stop it!
Alright, 8 o
clock. Thanks.
- Vehrdova street to caf max.
- Vehrdova, what street number?
- Eight.
- That's from us. What name?
Doesn't matter, Rudolf, I passed
the order.
That's too bad, Id take that.
Well in that case, you
can take 2 tourists there.
On my way.
Thanks, Lucca.
- Thank you very much.
- Have a nice time. -Thank you.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
It looks nice here.
You surprised me.
Sarlota, I need to tell you something.
I know you will probably hate me,
but we need to end this.
I realized I love my wife and I
don't want to lose her.
So you took me here
only because you didn't
Want me to
create a scene, right?
Well, that's what
I was hoping for.
As you wish.
- Excuse me, is everything alright?
- Yes, of course.
What can I get you?
What is the best
thing you offer here?
That depends
on what you like.
Depending on price?
Do you take credit cards?
I'll bring you a menu.
Good evening.
Move it, gentlemen, the
redhead on table 20
Ordered half of the menu with
her chateau Margot.
- You can never eat all that.
- Doesn't matter, I can taste it.
- No.
- Alicia!
- Hey.
- Hey, Sarlota.
- What are you doing here alone?
- He'll be along.
Have a seat.
We can wait for him together.
- I'll be glad to finally meet him.
- Hmmm.
- How long have you been together?
- A few months -Aha.
- So how did you meet?
- Playing pool. -Pool?
- He did some magic with me there.
- Really?
I was almost
asking myself,
How many
times he's
Done that before.
- He must be different from
mine. -You think so?
Good evening.
Can I get you anything to drink?
Only water for me.
No chateau Margot then?
- I can't drink.
- Are you sick?
No. Pregnant.
- What can I get for you madam?
- Also water. A lot of it.
- Should I bring it
here or under the table?
Why under the table?
What happened? You
didn't like it here?
The worst
Ive been through.
- Congratulations! Perfect secrecy.
- You're here too?
What did I tell you?
End that affair right away.
What do you think I was trying to do here?
- It's too late though.
- Why late?
That's not from food.
She's pregnant.
Then you are not just in trouble.
You are fucked.
Thanks for that. What do I do now?
- You're asking me?
- You have experience, don't you?
Not of this kind!
I told you: don't get stuck in it.
- I feel like a complete idiot.
- And so you are.
At least you found that out
before I did.
You can't save it with both.
You will be lucky if you get one.
If you know which one, of course.
- Better?
- Mm.
Sir, the cake is ready.
Whenever you are
ready, give us a signal.
- Sarlota, are you sure I don't know him?
- Who?
The father of your baby.
Alright then.
If you want to know...
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Sarlota
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday my love.
- I'm sorry to keep
you waiting like this.
I wanted to surprise you. -Dad?
- Alice, what are you doing here?
- And you?
You see, don't you? I
wanted something special
For Sarlota's birthday
- Ondrej said so many good
things about this place.
Would you like another chair?
- Sure.
- Jiri.
- Is anyone else coming?
- I'm not expecting anyone. Are you?
Let's cut the cake then!
Alice, Im sorry you found out
this way.
I was so embarrassed.
I didn't know,
How to tell you
this so you'd accept it.
Like... you mean... you two together?
Since when?
Do you remember
when you found those panties?
Those were yours?
So all these
games of pool...?
I was worried that
you are mourning
Too much...
and you were so brave.
Sarlota did not have it easy
with me back then.
- But when you
brought her to me,
I took it as a sign.
- What sign?
That I should stop mourning.
I thought you'd
not be against it.
But a little flirt is different than
actually getting together...
- ... And taking care of a child.
- Sarlota is not a child!
- But she's going to have one!
- What? -Hmm.
- She's pregnant.
- Really?
That's unbelievable!
Sarlota, are you as happy as I am?
- Champagne!
- She can't drink.
Then for me. For everybody!
My friends, Id like
to brag. I'm 63 years
Old, having a baby with
this beautiful creature.
Isn't it beautiful, my friends?
Why are you ladies
looking so sour?
I'm not sure whether you realize what
You're getting yourself
into. In your age.
Oh please, what age?
Alice, would you prefer if she had it with
some married idiot?
What would be left for her?
Destroying a family?
Do you know how many people
would be left unhappy?
She would end up alone anyway.
With a baby.
Isn't this a better option?
Besides, I am always
the better option.
We can grow old together.
- Didn't you notice you're
a bit ahead in this?
- How long, do you think,
it'll take before she
Finds someone else? -Don't
underestimate your father!
...are you going to leave me?
If you don't leave me first.
Why would I leave you?
I'm happy that you have me.
At least I have something
to look forward to.
What are we celebrating?
That you are still with me. 2431 days,
That counts for a
celebration, doesn't it?
- Oh, I thought you knew about it.
- About what?
Hmm. Seven weeks.
I never doubted
your fertility.
- Did you cook this?
- No, I just wanted you to taste it.
If you liked it, we could
cook it at our restaurant.
- I ordered it for you.
- For 8 o clock? -Yes.
- Aha.
- What? -Oh, nothing...
Imagine this: I thought you were
cheating on me. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I don't know what
got into me. Sorry...
you could never do
something like that.
Yes, I wouldn't.
But dad! Wait till I
tell you what he did.
You're not going to believe that.
Hey, Rudolf, I have to
thank you again.
For what?
Taking it all upon yourself.
Why are you so sure that
it wasn't true?
- Can I really keep it?
- Of course, it's yours.
- What should I take pictures of?
- Whatever you want.
I'm not going
to tell you what to do,
But did you notice
that redhead?
Yes, I did.
- But grandpa, you can't go in there.
- I know.
But if we never did anything
that's not allowed
We wouldn't
have any fun in life.