MVP (2022) Movie Script

Are you Sergeant Morrison?
Yes Madam. Who are you?
My brother was in the army too.
He is dead.
You have to do something to stop this.
Promise me you'll stay alive.
They are pros in all things preparation.
They can counter anyone.
Following the recent
departure of Will Phillips,
Los Angeles looks to fill
the void with a young star
whose strengths have been highly praised.
It was a young rookie, Ramsey
Fleet, who blew all the numbers
charts this year, Howard.
Yes, Michael. This kid is special.
Will, are you coming?
...the feet of this bolide
swallow the terrain,
the match is folded.
But a big congratulations to Willy
Phil who went through a difficult career
strewn with injuries, coaching
changes and negotiations.
Because we know that even if the
player tries to deny it, when you retire,
it's never on your terms.
And it is all the
more difficult for Will,
because a true legend of the stadium.
Yes, he will be missed.
Will always played
like the pitch was on fire.
We will miss you, mate.
Hmm... So, I just need to get
a couple of things from here.
But I don't believe it!
Yes, what can we get
if both sides try to push through.
To talk about it, we
welcome our insider...
Yes, it is certainly a
great event on this point.
Hey, Dad, so, I think we should finally
think about buying me
a car, don't you think?
...since they are different in every way.
- Dad?
- Will?
Your daughter.
Oh, I am sorry. That's awesome, honey.
...was looking to get transferred or
monetized last year
to get by. Eventually...
- Dad.
- Forget.
...Odell was telling the other teams:
"Come get me. I want
to get out of here ASAP.
And the Browns were already juggling...
I spoke with my sister this morning.
She told me that Tom was
struggling to readjust after the Navy.
- Tom was a fucking soldier.
- Sailor.
Sailor, soldier, it's all the same.
He and I have nothing in common.
Me, I was a... I was playing in
the league and he was on a boat.
But what are we gonna do
to replace the matches, Will?
And the gym? I could help you.
We would train the
athletes together, as a team.
I'm not ready yet.
You're not ready yet.
Honey, I'm not ready.
You know what my life was like.
You know how many
years I toiled for this.
Should I turn on my
heels like it's nothing?
Maybe I find it hard to
imagine what I will become
after spending half my life doing
something that went up in smoke.
And I know I should
be in the field, Tracy.
You, you know that my place is there.
You're not the only one
who sacrificed yourself, Will.
Bah, I had already sacrificed my
life for this before having met you.
There is us.
You have nothing to worry
about, I promise. I care about us.
Will, this is Phil, your
favorite sports agent.
How are you? Uh... Listen, man,
I don't like to bring bad news, but it
looks like Los Angeles
has given up on it.
I strongly advise you to keep in shape.
Dude, be positive.
Do not get discouraged.
I think it's a good time to
throw some kind of future party,
a few post-football Plan B projects.
I think it would be a good idea if
you came back for the game tonight.
I'll leave you a pass, which you
can pick up from parking lot A.
There's a couple guys
from the networks showing
up tonight that I'd
like to introduce you to.
So let me know if you can come.
Hey, I adore you.
Hey, I'm here for you, okay.
So if you need anything, you call.
Football is back in Los Angeles.
Seems like forever, but yeah, he's back
and we have good reason to rejoice.
The way they organized
their team, the way they built it
and the way they have
strengthened their defense, we
are talking more specifically
about speed on the wings,
an increased line in
defense that provides
ample coverage capable
of imposing a push.
Wow! And to conclude, in the background,
we have players who can
turn the game in our favour.
Ramsey Fleet is everything
you could want in an NFL team.
Remember all those big names
who occupied this place.
Ramsey Fleet will quickly
be at the top of the list.
This kid just plays like a god and
he is able to sublimate any defense.
Ramsey Fleet has this
little asset to which...
Hey, I'm here. Where is
the damn parking lot A?
He has a certain advantage.
Where is this parking lot A?
You saw it in preseason.
There was so much to love about his game.
Do you know where I can
find parking lot A? The A.
He is able to play at a much
higher level than other players.
He is our safety valve.
He knows where he
needs to be and he knows
how to take advantage
of every opportunity.
To corner the ball
off the offensive line.
It is completely different...
...and the entire team.
Double me!
Damn, go ahead! - Ramsey Fleet's bitch!
He will take us to the
top of the championship.
Whore! Damn, man, why are you honking?
Tell me what you're looking for.
I told you, you just have to double down.
Do you have to honk like crazy?
I'll go around, man. It's ok I got it.
Why are you honking, huh? Why, asshole?
Go ahead, hit the horn one more time.
You just have to double!
Go away!
Sir? Sir?
Mr Phillips? Hey, get up!
Hey, everything is fine. It's good.
Come on, it's good, stand up, we get up.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no!
Oh oh! Fuck it!
You pissed on me, man!
Fuck it. Shit! - Oh shit...
I'm sorry, man.
It's at 1425.
It's here, man.
But what the hell are you doing? Hey!
Look, who do you think you are, man, huh?
This guy is HS.
Do you know how many tackles I made
last year, huh? - Not enough.
You know, I... Damn it, Ramsey Fleet.
Fuck him, Ramsey.
And fuck you too, poor asshole. Ha!
Well yes...
You're just a poor guy.
My brother was the last soldier.
He's dead now, so I have to act.
You have to do something to stop this.
You promised you would protect him.
For what?
You pissed on yourself.
Drag yourself to the shower, Will.
How did you get home?
It keeps people awake.
One hell of a Karate Kid, man.
If you have flight attendants
up there on your roof...
- A beacon.
- There is no type
who will come to piss you off.
- What, beacon?
Sorry, I don't know
anything about ninja stuff.
Does anyone know
that Rick leads a jazz band now?
- No.
- Well no.
Oh, gosh.
You are going to be a laughing stock now!
Don't worry.
I witnessed 32...
Can you teach me how to dance Mambo N5?
A little bit of Jessica in my life.
It's laughable.
What makes you laugh, Weaver?
You are still single.
- I still don't understand
Why don't you buy new glasses.
Shut up, Samuel.
It's worth a blind, okay?
Yeah, that's clear.
There must be some government assistance
program that keeps you
from looking sideways.
Dude, you know how it works.
It takes ages to get a date
and they palm your documents.
- Elias is dead.
Did he...
- How many?
- 46.
46 marines from the same battalion.
Can you believe that?
I remember when I was in middle
school and this girl killed herself.
She was pretty, popular.
I remember everyone talking
about it for weeks, months.
Only one kid. She was in my class. A.
So, 46?
Do you remember this patroller?
While AJ was along the river?
He stumbled and rolled down the hill.
Face first. His pack on his back, man.
He was drowning, flattened by the weight.
We were on the edge laughing.
The army cameraman was struggling
to get his ass out of the river,
and we died laughing.
Damn, man, you better film!
Go ahead, film!
It's my fault.
I let my guard down with him.
- That could be.
Maybe he just wanted
take a bullet for his family.
You know, I did it for you.
Are you going to spit that
in my face again, Samuel?
It was a ricochet, in the end, tarlouze.
Are you serious, man?
You've always been jealous of
me, as far as I know. For what?
Because I have two purple medals
and you have one... a black one?
- Oh shit. That's racist.
- Oh my god!
- You're out, Sam.
- I'm out.
Hello chef.
Do you know where I can find
the guy who was there the other night?
Is he around? - Oh...
Certainly. Zephyr?
What, his name is Zephyr?
I can ask you what it is,
Mr Phillips? - Yeah, we just...
We just talked about football, you see.
Do you know where I can find it?
No. Uh... But...
I am looking that up.
Do not move.
What is that thing?
I can help you?
I'm looking for Zephyr.
Does he live here?
And you are?
Will Phillips.
Football player.
In fact, before, I played football.
I see. Me, I'm not a big fan, anyway.
What do you want with him, in Zephyr?
He works as a security guard where I
live and he helped
me out the other night.
So I popped in for the...
- What happened? - Hi, Jim.
- Hi, Isaac.
- It's a little complicated.
Dude, what are you doing here?
Sorry, man, you're fine...
In fact, I played football in the army
maybe five minutes.
Cool, in the army, it's to your credit.
But hey, tell me, did you really play?
Yes. I broke my knee and then...
I did other stuff.
Could you talk to the guys for a moment?
Well, OK, if it's OK with...
Of course, yes, please.
That's it.
Dwayne Johnson, "The Rock", my man.
Yeah, that's an easy catch.
He basically has the biggest...
- Look who this is.
- Wow!
- Pleased, man.
- Oh hi.
How's it going, man? - It's cool.
- How's it going, bro?
- I'm doing well. And you?
- The cow, Willy Phil!
- Yes sir.
- How's it going, man?
- How are you.
Are you all veterans here?
Yes, for the most part.
Me, the army. Marine.
The Air Force.
- Wow! OK, this is class, man.
Yeah, but what brings you around?
Uh, I came to see Zephyr, actually.
And what do you want with him, in Zephyr?
Sorry, but it's not every day, you know,
that a legend like you...
- No, wait, listen, man.
You are the real heroes.
Me, I'm just an athlete.
On that, I quite agree.
I was kidding you, man. Relaxed.
There is no problem.
Where is Zephyr?
Upstairs, man. I'll take you there.
Come with me. - So you're an ace.
It will be upstairs to your right.
- It makes me happy, man.
I appreciate. I thank you for your help.
Gosh, Willy Phil, guys!
Come on, asshole!
Oh, minute.
What are you doing here?
Sorry if I just show up at
your house like this, man.
I wanted... I wanted to thank you
for what you did the other night.
It's cool.
No problem.
Did you rinse your eye well?
These are our barracks.
This is no place for civilians.
Yeah, that's cool, I get it.
Just let me...
Like I told you, I just came to tell you
how I appreciated that you...
- Stop, minute. Stop.
You are serious?
A handshake would have sufficed.
Wow, that's cool, man.
I'm fine with a handshake.
Wait, what, you don't
wanna shake my hand now?
It's okay with me.
Have you ever made a mistake?
I just misinterpreted the situation.
I'm only trying to help you
and you treat me like this?
You know what, let it go.
It helps.
It's not possible, I swear.
You are not tired. You continue.
I heard about Elias.
When I arrived here, I stopped
all communication with my unit.
A lot of guys never really made
it home, if you know what I mean.
I was not really welcome.
How is Samuel?
How is Samuel?
Samuel is Samuel.
I watch him.
Tell me about you. How are you doing?
When was the last time
you spoke with your mother?
I have nothing to say about that, Jim.
She made her choice and I made mine.
My family is here.
She must be wondering where
you are and how you are doing.
I would do the same.
Anyway, if you need...
You know.
Take some filtered water, please.
Do you mind if I sit?
Oh, excuse me.
Do you remember, you...
asked me how I got home?
- Yes.
- He's one of the security guards,
those who are at the
entrance, who helped me.
I wanted to thank him,
so I did some research
and I found out he lived in
one of the homes for veterans.
This guy only fired me because
I wanted to slip him a few dollars.
For his help. - Will.
Did you give him money?
He probably took you home just
because he's a beautiful person.
Would you help someone in trouble
only to have him pay you back?
No, it's different, I'm not homeless.
No, it's not different.
You know, Will, not everything
on this earth can be sold.
Hi guy.
I can help you sir?
I'm not here to give you
anything but an excuse, man.
The other night and then
when I came to see you,
it went wrong.
But I sincerely and simply
appreciated your helping me.
THANKS. And thanks for fighting, man.
OK, no need to go any further.
It's alright, dude.
Tell me.
Are there a lot of soldiers in Hollywood?
Soldiers belong to the army.
Me, I'm a marine.
In the marines, it's the marines.
The Air Force is...
stalkers, in fact. That's what they are.
And how many live there?
39 3/4.
Yeah, there's a guy missing a leg.
You can laugh. He would.
I don't want to laugh about that.
It's twisted, man.
It's true that it's twisted, but good.
We're all a little twisted.
Shall we have a bite? You and me?
It's me who treats.
I appreciate the invitation,
but you owe me nothing.
I know.
I don't owe anyone anything.
It's like a code name.
No it's...
My mother was a hippie. - " Was "?
She is dead?
She is dead to me.
Everything's good?
How many times have you fought, tell me?
Three in all.
Twice in Iraq, once in Afghanistan.
Damn, that's madness.
I loved.
- You liked? - Believe me.
Didn't you like throwing the ball?
The best times of my life.
I'd give anything to get
back to running on the field
just once, you see.
It radiates to the depths of my soul.
Nothing has ever equaled this sensation.
Minute, excuse me.
Ah, that's my buddy Ray.
I have to take the call.
I will be back. - Yeah, please.
Is it going well?
It is really good.
My boyfriend will kill
me if I don't ask you,
but is it Will Phillips?
- Cool.
- Yes.
Quite frankly, I have no idea who he is.
I am there if needed.
What is your first name?
And what is yours? - Z.
Nice to meet you, Z.
The pleasure is shared, Emmy.
Dude, sniper with ladies?
Shut up.
You want me to tell you, man?
I'm sorry.
For what?
Well, for the other night.
I'm not like that, you know.
It's certainly not what
I would like to show.
it's my first year as a
civilian and it's not easy.
So I manage as best I can.
Yeah, on my first outing,
I was pretty clueless.
Should you...
Finally, you see, being
followed by someone?
Talk to a psychologist
or something like that?
Well, we're supposed to.
We came back after a redeployment,
but it's just a mandatory
thing, you know.
I see.
Every time I talk to
someone about how I feel...
Oh, concussion. Concussion.
The problem is not my head.
I guess it's in my head, but
it's not due to helmets clattering.
Gentlemen, how are you?
It's okay, we agreed, okay?
Ah... Hum... You decide.
That works. - THANKS.
With pleasure, Z.
Ah, this is for you.
Well, there's Mike Tomlin and
I at the Steelers coaches bar.
When these guys came in, I saw the mess.
Knowing Cleveland Browns
fans, they cut to the chase, like:
Hey, Browns! Long live the Browns!
They take his picture.
And Mike, ready to fight:
No, we fight, we fight!
So he takes off his watch
as if he's going to swim on
the shores of New Jersey.
"Which one first?"
When you're the Pittsburgh Steelers
coach, I don't mess with anybody.
I don't want to end up hitting guys like
that, because the next day it will be:
Jay Glazer picked a fight with Tim
and Browns fans. "- You're the best.
I miss you, you, the ugly
one, with your bullshit stories.
And how is it going
out there in the field?
I just got back from this 40
day football training journey
which I organize every year.
40 days and 40 nights.
I'm like Noah without the rain.
Besides, you should join the networks.
- Really?
- Yeah!
- I would love it.
- Yeah!
We'll put you in the car wash.
The washing station?
Yeah, the car wash.
Will, the car wash is when you
pull up to the studio for the day
and that you are the
guest of all the shows.
I was wondering why I should
start over from the bottom, but yeah.
But seriously, I'm ready
to do whatever it takes.
I can be the new kid if I have to,
even if it means I have to work again
on the touchline.
The sideline is not for you, bro.
HM hm.
I'll give you the week before you
shove the microphone up their ass.
A day.
Surely there's something I can do, right?
Did you go to the game this week?
Yes, yes, I was there.
What, is it true?
Hm, okay. I'm proud of you.
Ray, did you do this right after?
Ah... So I guess football
isn't everything in life.
Ah, you came to welcome me, darling.
Did I miss curfew?
They're gonna kick you
out eventually, Samuel.
How about a little cocalne?
But you stop your bullshit?
Excuse me, can you give me back my dope?
Nobody's gonna give
you back your damn dope.
Give it back to me, please.
Just give it back to me, okay?
- Stop!
- Ale! Stopped!
Are you doing well?
All I do is clean up for you.
I can not...
You forgot that. Ale!
OK, man, leave me alone. - Let me look.
- No, that's...
- Yeah, stand up.
It's good, right?
I'm vegan, so...
- Oh... I...
- It's a joke!
I ate more of that beef than you.
If you're not a football player,
What are you doing?
I had a good job. I screwed up.
And now I'm a security guard
and it's pretty awful.
I wear this stupid
uniform and it's just...
I mean, I am...
Look at me. Me, I'm a waitress.
Yeah, but... what are you waiting for?
You should be an actress.
You must become an actress.
Not all the girls in Los
Angeles are actresses.
OK, if you say so.
We are so far from each other.
Wow! Uh... Well, well, my eyes are up.
No no.
I'm sorry, I was looking at your...
In fact, I admired your necklace.
What is this?
It means mashallah.
Uh... A blessing.
It's like...
A bit like insha'Allah?
How do you know insha'Allah?
Well, actually, I knew a guy.
He spent his time saying this:
See you at noon, inch'Allah.
See you tomorrow, insha'Allah.
Oh dear, I'm sorry, but
where are you coming from?
- That's what he said.
- Why this accent?
- Yeah, he was talking like that.
- Don't ever do that again, okay?
It's okay, but he spoke that way.
And I was like, "What does
that mean, insha'Allah?"
And he answered me: God willing.
So, God willing, just be there.
Why say: "I'll meet
you at noon, inch'Allah"?
At noon, God willing. "No!
- You just say yes.
- Yeah!
I will be there at noon.
I will be there at noon.
No, no, don't say that.
I will be there at noon, full stop.
Ha! What is this?
: Hi, Zephyr.
We should move.
When you're done playing the
little cop, let's go practice together.
Do you lift weights, man?
There is still work to do.
That's not the impression it gives.
We will see.
On track, buddy!
Zeph, you need to focus on your legs.
Do you catch the rhythm?
Go ahead, carry on. Great, go ahead.
Don't stop. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Didn't you say you
wanted to blow something?
Hey, take this. Shit!
You have fishing!
Oh shit. - Shit.
How are you, boy?
Yes, man, it rolls. OK.
What? Do you want more?
Eh? What's the story of this place?
Will, this place is a legend.
After WWII veterans were coming home
and they landed in Hollywood, and
the American Legion, I mean "post 43",
was their lair.
Legends like Mickey Rooney, Clark Gable.
Hollywood was different.
Hey, man, can you get me one?
It was stupid.
I'm going to hurt all over, bro.
My body is screwed up
enough as it is. THANKS.
70 kg kids wearing 45 gear, you
just tell them to shut up and move on.
At home, the coaches always tell us:
"You are hurt? Are you hurt, son?
I really have nothing to complain about.
I've seen friends get shrapnel in
the face and refuse to be evacuated.
If this place is for old-timers
only, is it okay that I'm here?
Sergeant Morrison, come on up!
Stop it, Samuel.
For what?
At rest.
Is it swimming, Phil?
Do you like this place?
Yes it's...
It's legendary, right?
- Ah, yeah, that's for sure.
I hope you don't feel
too much here with us?
'Cause we're all war fighters
and you're just... a civilian.
Dude, frankly.
Thank you, Z, for inviting me to this
place and... thank
you all for your fights.
It was nothing.
Speaking of which, here's
Rick, a veteran of the navy.
I believe you have already met him.
- Pleased, man.
- Hi. From the Navy?
- Yes.
- OK.
My brother-in-law was in the navy.
Oh yeah? He was a sailor?
No, he was in intelligence, I believe.
Um, stashed style, if I understand.
What are you saying?
I said maybe he was stashed.
- Samuel.
- OK, so you,
were you a sailor?
No, I could have been.
It's true, I could have been.
- Forget it, he was...
He chose another direction.
He was in my group.
So, you imagine it's been quite a while.
So what's the story?
Are you buying it?
I mean, if it doesn't, I guess it
does, but it seems a little weird
'cause we're all homeless veterans
and you, you are an armored athlete.
- Sam, shut up.
It's the least you can do.
- Yes.
- OK cool.
But only if you come
close to my ankle, man.
- Okay, you don't know me, man.
- To have.
If you hit the ground, you'll have to pay.
You know I'm addicted to drugs?
Come on, let's take the challenge, guys.
- Lets' go!
- General tour!
Here we go. It rolls, it rolls.
Yeah, it starts.
Alright, I'm waiting.
Do you have soldier stuff
what would you like to share?
Like a speech before action?
I found, I found.
On behalf of services rendered.
Damn, that's a good thing.
Yeah, well found.
I raise my glass, guys. Health.
Let's go, bunch of jokers. Yeah.
Let me prepare breakfast.
We have already eaten.
OK, in that case, put that aside.
You say to yourself that I
don't know where we put them?
HM hm.
Alright, I got it. Then I...
I know very well where they are going.
You heat up.
But that's the dishwasher.
Give me that, I'll do it.
I just want to help you, honey.
I don't need an assistant, Will.
So talk to me.
Just tell me what you need.
A massage?
I have to get ready to go to work.
So you're telling me
you're a good shooter?
OK, yeah, you're not bad.
You are an athlete.
You are going to make it.
Just aim for the center.
Aiming for the center is my specialty.
Do you know I broke
a guy's sternum once?
Oh, you are thanked for your services.
My daughter has to eat well, man.
What did you feed her? With caviar?
To you, the honor, gunslinger.
It is your turn.
Never the finger on the trigger.
Let's go.
Oh, yeah, I like it.
I thought you had never shot before.
It's rather dangerous.
Especially when they are meant for you.
There is nothing comparable on Earth.
Are you telling me
you miss being shot at?
For what? Do you miss kick-offs?
Dodge bullets?
Damn, no. This thing is madness, no.
Most of my post-traumatic seizures
come from the lack of traumatic stress.
So when you were at the front,
did you have to...
Did you have to kill someone?
The question does not arise, man.
Yeah, that was stupid of me.
I shouldn't have asked.
It doesn't matter.
Hey, why don't you go
hook up on a new target?
Me, I reload.
What the fuck, man?
No, what's up with you?
Listen, Z, calm down, man.
What is this mess?
Hey, Z, calm down, man.
Hey, Z!
No, please. Please, please.
You asshole! I should kill you, man!
I should kill you, you hear?
What's wrong with you, man?
What's wrong with me?
How are you feeling, badass?
How are you feeling? GOOD?
You find it funny?
Do you have fun, Ducon?
There is nothing comparable on Earth.
Oh shit.
This feeling of fear is adrenaline.
It takes you.
I haven't felt anything
like that in a long time.
Oh shit.
I miss this fucking locker
room so much! Shit!
However, you have one.
What do you mean?
Will, you own a room.
Why don't you set up a locker room?
I'm sure you're not the only
guy on the team who misses it.
Screw you, Zephyr.
You're in luck that I
don't break your neck.
I should have killed you.
My friend!
It's me.
Oh, man, what were you dreaming about?
I was all alone in this Afghan village.
There were Taliban everywhere.
They were shooting at me.
Dude, I saw myself dead.
So, in fact, you just ducked them?
Piou, piou, piou.
Wait, don't judge me, man.
I have nightmares about it every day.
But for me, the ugliest
dreams, the worst of all...
it's when I dream that I have a family,
where I feel in my
place, for whom I count.
These dreams are the worst,
because I have to wake up.
What's crazy about all of
this is that it's my own reality.
Me, I have a wife, a family,
everything that goes with it,
but I no longer feel in my place.
I have no idea how my daughter is doing.
It's like... like I have nothing.
In fact, I have everything and I
have nothing at the same time.
Your daughter is lucky.
No, she just has a great mom.
Where does your mother live?
Well, I don't know.
Somewhere on the coast.
Doesn't matter.
She had me when she was young.
Her parents kicked her out of the house
because she didn't want me to be adopted.
We were homeless until I was eight.
Then she married that asshole
to provide a roof over our heads.
This guy beat her up more than
once, right in front of my eyes.
I had to protect my stepsister
and prevent him from witnessing
these outbursts of anger.
My mother clung to him.
I begged her to leave, but she wouldn't.
Do you consider this a home?
I couldn't take it anymore
to live under the same roof
and I will never go there again.
Getting pregnant so
young was really hard.
We were 16 when we found
out we were getting Angel.
It was like...
either we stuck our heads out of
the water, or we sank like a rock.
You know, you told me I could
have a locker room in my gym.
And if we ever ask some
of your friends to come down
to mix with some of my friends?
I'm sure they can enjoy it too.
Yes, we could do that.
What else could they do?
Look, that's two hours of
my life I'll never get back.
Never. It is the horror.
- Wow, you are exaggerating.
- No not at all.
Frankly, it wasn't that bad.
Yes, it sucked. It was just bogus.
Well, it's just a movie.
It doesn't have to be totally realistic.
Correct, but it said
"based on real facts"
and me, it disappointed me.
I didn't believe it for a moment.
- But are you angry?
Yes, but hey, you can't do that.
It's like... OK, okay.
Oh, my God, I'm sorry.
Sorry. It's just...
It's an unexpected reaction.
- You're worse than that movie.
- What?
- It wasn't involuntary.
- My God, that's too mean.
I'll tell you, it's bent.
I won't laugh until the end of my days.
- It goes straight to my heart.
- I'll just...
you know, stay serious forever
or maybe shoot me.
Yeah. No, don't do that.
Do you ever feel like...
Like: do we really live in Hollywood?
HM hm. Yeah, I...
I think about it every
day, if I may say so.
You know what, I...
I see. Should I run away or...
No, it's me who breaks me.
I mean, I'm going.
It's me who's leaving.
In that case, you can call me.
Yes, I will call you back.
Yeah, so that's the worst
movie you've ever seen?
I have seen much worse.
Hey, Will!
Dude, I was just gonna call you.
Did you get my messages, buddy?
Yes, I received your messages, bro, but
hey, sweat with these
guys, these homeless,
it's... Anyway, look, brother, I...
No no no. Look, they're not homeless.
It's just veterans living in a hostel.
Yes, but after all, they have no house.
But look, Will, I get it.
I'm going to say hello.
Ray, you misunderstood the concept.
You didn't get me.
It's not about coming to say hello.
I'm trying to create like...
a locker room vibe.
Do you get what I mean? - Oh okay.
Anyway, Will, listen to me.
The channel is going to
launch a new show this
week and they are
looking for a new guest.
Does that tell you?
Yes of course.
Awesome. Let me call Tom.
Yes Ray.
Are you really sure I can't
convince you with my gym, bro?
Tony is coming to see us.
It's going to be awesome.
OK, Will, I'll see.
It's okay, Ray. That works.
Come on, see you soon, buddy.
What are you guys doing here?
You have a horrible head. Did you sleep?
I will sleep when I am dead.
We're getting ready
to go to Will Phil's gym.
You should come with us.
Oh, man.
Better not.
I'm not a jerk. Don't take it badly.
Maybe you're worried about
some poor civilian kicking your ass.
Ha! Ha! Go shit.
I'm going to get my gear.
Once again, go. One, two... Come on.
Tell me, do we find this body, Tony?
Oh shit.
Speed is your strength.
Once again.
Thank you all for coming, guys,
for joining us. This is madness,
because I just met Z, but
I never imagined myself
that I had things in
common with a war hero.
I am not a war hero.
Going to war doesn't make me a hero.
Well, look, guys, I didn't join the
army to prove my patriotism, okay?
I enlisted because my
girlfriend got pregnant
and I didn't want to
end up like my father.
I knew what I had to do to feed my son.
It's simple, I never fought,
but thanks to the army,
I learned to work hard.
I understood what it was, a sacrifice.
I understood that I had
to get in the ring and fight.
But I still feel like I failed.
My dream was to become
an Olympic wrestler
and I never managed to achieve it.
I haven't stopped
wrestling since I was 33.
Yes, but at the time, you had been five
times heavyweight champion of the world
if I'm not mistaken. - Six times.
Oh, six times? I bow.
It's as if your whole identity
is camouflaged in this uniform.
This is also my case.
Now I've hung up and become...
I don't know who I am anymore.
I realized that in the army, I could
have had all the opportunities, you see.
All that bullshit about commitment,
I had to escape.
I thought it would be
easy, but it wasn't easy.
The transition is not over.
The transition is a pipe.
I remember the first year when
I retired, I took my wife to Spain.
From the outside, the transition
seemed to be going well for me.
It's true, I had a job, I was on
TV, I was making a bunch of wheat.
The week we spent there,
she suspected something.
So one day, when we were in a
cafe, she asked me what was going on.
It was the first time I even thought
about it, but it opened my eyes.
I will never be a shoe size again.
I winked.
I started crying.
17 years among the
pros, an exceptional career,
to realize that I no longer
belonged to the group,
as if I no longer had a home.
A home, guys, what is it?
My father, he... he was also in the navy.
He was strong.
He really pissed me off, but...
in the end, he took a lot on himself,
imagining that the world would be
a better place with one less problem.
It is like that after all.
It's okay, Sam.
I feel like we all have band-aids
to tear off after all, don't we?
No, you can't blame your
centre-forward for this game!
It's too high, too high.
No, you can't blame this
game on your centre-forward.
No, you can't blame this game
to your centre-forward!
Damn, you have to... No,
I can't fucking say on TV.
You have to give the defense some credit.
No, that, I don't know, after all.
No, that's a good question, Tony.
Hmm... Retiring is not easy, but in
fact, I have always been passionate
by everything related to audiovisual.
Passionate or interested? Interested...
How long have you been standing there?
Long enough to realize how excited
I am when I see you in that costume.
- Are you serious? - HM hm.
You're gonna blast them, honey.
But if this show story isn't
conclusive, what's your plan B?
What do you mean?
Is it that...
you make me understand
that I will not succeed?
I believe you can do
whatever you want, but I...
I also know that just because
you can doesn't mean you have to.
My love.
If you could show the same interest
in all of us that you show in football...
We can't lose.
We are your team.
Wow, Willy!
What's going on, man?
Jay, how are you?
Hey, hey, hey, hey. Breathe.
Listen, listen.
I arrived on this set in 1993.
I entered this huge locker room and saw
all the other collaborators in the room.
I didn't have the same experience, I
didn't have the same education as them,
but I can tell you that I am different.
I know what is hidden behind
my rib cage and between my ears.
It makes me different from anyone else.
It's the same for you.
OK? - Let's go.
- On?
- Let's go.
OK. Besides, Tom will
take care of you, trust me.
Hey, Jay.
What do you think, tell me, the costume?
You look like nothing.
Oh shit then.
Hey, Samuel?
Z, thanks for taking us to Will's place.
Yes, as they say, a tribe, a fight,
is not it? - Seriously, man,
we all enjoyed it very much.
Have you seen Samuel?
No, sorry.
Antenna in five minutes.
Oh, my God, yes.
Yes, anywhere, but not here.
Yes, this is the worst
show I have ever seen.
Yes it's clear.
But hey, I want two burgers.
And don't forget, it's
pickle-free. OK Bye.
Oh my God!
Legend Phillie Will.
What's up with you, playboy?
- Oh, Thomas Reynolds?
Of course. Who were you expecting?
Tom Brady?
- This is your show.
- My show?
Virtual football is my show.
Welcome to the dark side,
Phillie Will.
It's a bit like my James Earl Jones side.
I have to practice.
What are your first impressions?
Oh no.
Hey, Weiss, can you
leave us alone for a minute?
- Yes.
- It's not true.
That's a really nice shot, Weiss.
Listen, man.
I wish I could move on, you know,
not being stuck in the hearth
dragging you and everyone else down.
So I thought to myself,
What if I go ahead?
What if I would just
forget about all these guys
who died around me?
- It's not forgetting them.
Would you like to be the guy
for which everyone constantly cares?
Again, and again, and again, and again.
'Cause you never get
to be anything but that
fuckin' comrade who
beats the crap out of you,
the weak.
Listen, I'm giving you your freedom.
Do you believe that you
can watch over everyone?
You can not.
I can take care of myself.
- You're sure?
Sorry, but feeling guilty for being a
survivor is a hell of a disease to treat.
- Yes I know.
- And you fight in vain.
I was there too.
Listen, man.
Honestly, that's an insult to all of us,
see you going around in circles
as if you had remained the same.
Go home. Go see your mother.
- It's not that simple, man.
- It is.
It's not more complicated.
There is a difference between
being able and wanting.
I can. You no.
I give up, man.
Listen to me, you're free.
Have a look.
One giant leap for man
and then another step.
It's two steps. Two.
And take a good look.
We have the lights and the rest.
Oh, Will, you're lucky to
be here. Of course, me too.
Yes, I have a lot of problems
and also, I had worries.
Um, do you mind if I
ask you about the money?
Have you had kids?
Do you have many kids?
- Only one.
- Only one? Oh, okay, okay.
And have you had many marriages like me?
I had two...
- No.
I've had the same wife for 16 years, Tom.
Oh yes? Well, she's a saint.
I'm sure we agree on this point.
Maybe we all have a gambling problem
or drink. -Tom.
Tell me what we're doing here.
What's the show?
I am going to tell you something.
Football has changed a lot, you
know, since you made your debut.
I know football, Tom.
You're sure? Let me ask
you a question. Little quiz.
Who led the league last year
when it came to virtual football?
Be careful, it's a big size.
So you must have played against
him. Do you have the answer?
Five, four, three, two, one, beep!
That's virtual football.
That's the future.
Millions of people who don't
care about the football you played.
And I'm talking about real people.
I'm talking to you about women and
children too and...
children who are women,
and women who are children.
An untapped market. And you...
you are one of them, Phil.
- Did you just call me Phil?
Welcome wizards, wizards,
dragons and unicorns
of our virtual football world.
I'm your virtual host, Tom Arnold.
And now is the crucial hour.
Will, the magician,
will cast his spell on
us and reveal his
magical incantation to us.
Of the week.
Yes, it's up to you.
Could you tell us something like...
Uh... Odell?
Hello, dear admirers
of magic and miracles.
That's what we're creating here.
A few minutes ago,
Phil was in the flesh, in Will.
Now he disappears.
You are full of surprises, my brother.
Are you dragging your
cowboy boots around a ranch?
Yes, I clean the stalls and brush the
horses, and they let
me ride whenever I want.
Do you have a good expression
among you, the military, for
expectations far from reality?
We have a string of expressions for that.
What is happening?
You can't imagine the network.
I thought I was going
to point my nose there
and rock the house on screen
with my awesome pal Dion.
And instead, I found myself stuck
between home, Hogwarts and Narnia.
No, but can you imagine, man?
It was real bullshit.
To hell with virtual football.
Tom Arnold has never worn
crampons in his entire life.
How could he...
- It's over, relax.
Horses feel the discomfort
much more than we do.
You fuss too much and they
are sensitive to this threat.
I'm sorry.
You should be happy, Will.
I never took anyone here,
not even the friends of the hearth.
Sweet music to my ears,
but don't kid yourself.
The area is pretty, though.
With that, I thought I'd go
up north, just wander around,
stop on the beach.
That would be great.
You should come with me.
You know, I'm not a beach fanatic.
Think about it, that would be awesome.
Moreover, you...
I mean, it would be great
if you saw your mom.
I see very well where you are coming from.
I just thought this
would be the opportunity
for you, like good for you, good for her,
if you could get closer.
You think you know
what's good for us, Will?
Sorry, the idea was not to interfere.
That's what you just did.
No, frankly, I didn't
mean to interfere, Zephyr.
You know, some of us aren't
ready to tear off our band-aids.
It doesn't work like that.
In that case, how does it work, Zephyr?
You might think that's
crystal clear to you.
I'm listening to you. How it works?
Your intentions are good
but stay where you are.
Oh! What are you doing here?
Hmm... That's it, are you
finally ready to talk to me?
Your buddies at the gym
weren't available today, right?
No, listen.
I know I've been locked in
my own world, in my own mess
and I have... I have been...
terribly selfish.
And I didn't even once
ask how you were doing.
HM hm. That's not the
answer I'm expecting.
I don't know, dad.
I don't feel like I'm...
still in my place in this world.
In fact, it makes me a little happy.
Not the fact that you're bad, but...
at least that way, I know
I'm not alone anymore.
And don't tell your mom I told you that.
Don't worry.
I've always been different,
but suddenly I realized that...
I didn't want to be in the mold.
I don't want to be like everyone else.
And I know that I don't always do a
good job of not being... really present,
but I promise you that
I love you very much.
I love you dad.
It's okay, let's stop
falling into romantic
pathos, otherwise I'll lose my mind.
The diminutive Emmy, that's why?
Is this for Emily?
Wow! You are a genius.
Emmy, this is from Emily.
Tell me, how did you get here?
Well no. These are my initials: M.E.
Miriam Elias.
Elias. Like E-li-as?
Yeah, that's how they
say it in the Midwest.
Myriam E-li-as.
And you, your name?
What does Zephyr mean?
Light and gentle breeze.
Sorry, are you serious?
- Yeah.
- It's incredible.
- It's not great.
- I like.
I have to make a confession to you.
I am...
of mortal boredom.
Boredom is not a bad thing.
This is reality, isn't it? Life is...
it's just boring sometimes.
Everyone strives to live their best life.
Why not just live?
Trust me, I've had more than enough.
I no longer want to run
after what I never had.
No, that's not your point of view.
You do not want...
I don't know, a good
relationship and a family?
Yes. Surely yes.
I know you're not going.
I know you're a jerk. - Oh! Basket!
Watch out.
Back off! Basket!
You bastard. Go back home, man.
When do we find veterans?
I don't know, man.
Do you really think we
deserve to be seated
at the same table as them?
- When I joined you,
I thought I was going there for
community service or something.
I had no idea this would
be exactly what I needed.
This feeling of belonging
it was something I
hadn't felt in so long.
I would never compare
battlefields with sports fields,
but that camaraderie, purpose, pride,
it's amazing how things fit together.
You won, man.
You won.
Are you ready for this? Yeah!
It's not so bad for an old bugger.
Wo, wo, wo! Buzz Lightning!
Come in here a minute.
Jim, I have no more than two minutes.
You have a head that's 6' long.
Difficult night?
What do you want?
The guys are waiting for me.
Bah... Your mother called.
I can't lie for you.
I am only an administrator.
Did she really call or did you call?
I didn't call your mother, is that clear?
What about confidentiality, Jim?
I don't know who fucking contacted her!
And I know it's not about reconciliation.
It has nothing to do with your mother.
You can't go home until you go, son.
Can you understand it?
I can't go home. I never had.
GOOD. Now chain the other two.
That works.
- Nice work, son.
- Did you call my mother?
Tell me if you called my mother!
Zephyr, I don't know
what you're talking about.
Will, do you want to practice?
We're training.
But stay out of my life.
Sports brothers, not just brothers.
What do you want to do?
Call the manager?
Tell them what I'm doing?
Tell them I'm on the go?
You have no interest in doing that.
Fight! - Fuck it.
- Fight, you weakling! - Fuck it!
- Shit!
- Hey! What is this mess?
You are supposed to
watch out for each other.
You look for shit and you will get hurt.
Put away your gloves.
All my life, I've always
been off the mark.
I think it's because people...
Are you doing well?
But when I put on this uniform,
I can be as masculine as I want
and as strong as I've always dreamed of,
when all my life I've been ashamed of it.
It didn't go well the
other day in the studios.
I made a bit of a fool of
myself on this one, I must say.
I had set the bar too high as...
like when I talked about it last time.
Does anyone want to add anything?
Something that would weigh on his heart?
Because if so, now is the time.
OK, if nobody wants to devote themselves,
can I nominate someone?
You're the reason that
brought us here, man.
So, it's high time for you to
put on your oxygen mask first.
We all have pots.
So we're listening to you.
Forget me.
I don't care.
Fuck you all.
It's a military expression
you should appreciate.
- No, man.
- How are you going to do it?
To make us all dive?
By ripping the guts out of our skeletons?
And you, do you dodge?
- Fuck you, Samuel.
Alright, fucking coward.
What are you saying?
Oh, I just called you a fucking coward.
Hey, stop it, son! Calm down.
That's enough, stop.
- Stopped.
- Come on, fight, son of a bitch!
- Calm down.
- Okay, come on! Approach! Come here!
Leave me! - Calm down.
- Please calm down. - Am I a coward?
Stop fapping. Approach.
You all suck.
Hey, Z!
I invite you to my gymnasium
to share my brotherhood
and you, are you disrespecting
them? You kidding.
Brotherhood? You have
no idea what brotherhood is.
I literally summoned the Hall of
Fame and all the homeless veterans...
Homeless people? Ha!
That's right, that's who we are.
I should never have said that, it's true.
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea.
Yes, you suck, Will Phil.
I mean, what was on our mind?
We just came to train together.
Sit in a circle and chant Kumbaya.
I can't spit my venom
on you like that, man.
Hey, Z.
Z, stay there, brother.
Everything's good.
Enjoy your new family.
They are all yours.
Fuck it!
It's just shit!
It's not real.
Surely that's not the truth.
I regret so much.
I am really sorry.
Hey, Sam.
You want me to talk to Z?
No, Rick.
I make it my business.
I'm taking care of it.
Hey, what are you planning to
do? Have you thought about it?
The cow, look at this sunset.
Hello, Z.
I haven't been 100% honest with you.
I know.
I know what it is.
I've seen it before.
No, you don't know.
It's not something I'm proud of.
But, Z, we all have
something to be ashamed of.
I am homeless,
technically speaking.
Technically, you pass between
several houses, so homeless?
In fact, I live in a hostel...
It's not like we live in boxes like the
homeless on the side
of the road. It's just...
Why didn't you say anything?
What do you mean,
"Why didn't I tell you"?
If I had told you, you would
never have spoken to me.
We would never go out
together because I'm homeless!
Listen. Calm down. I'm at work, Z.
OK, listen.
I need to digest the info,
okay? It's a big piece.
What if we burst the abscess now?
What if... if I call you later?
You know what? All right.
Zephyr, I just told you, I'm at work.
I can't talk to you now.
Please delete my number.
You know absolutely nothing about me.
I am an impostor.
Listen, Zephyr, can I call you later?
Emma, it's too late.
I screwed up too much.
Zephyr, we all screwed up.
Do you think me is better?
Just cross me off your lists.
Forget me.
Oh, come on, come in, man.
Don't make me wait.
Come on, doll.
Yeah yeah yeah.
We activate, chicks.
Is that Ray Jones?
You haven't changed one iota.
Hey, okay, so guys, I'd like you to
know it's an honor for me to be here.
And I would like to introduce you to my...
It's a point.
He really is a nice guy.
They just want to piss you off.
I give you my greatest respect.
It is an honor. But please come in.
Yeah, come in. Come
on, let's get moving, girls.
- Hey, tell me, where is Z?
- No idea, Will.
I have not seen it.
What do you want, Jim?
Where did you go, Z?
Do not worry about me. How are you.
It's not you I want to talk about.
What are you trying to tell me, Jim?
Are you gonna tell me what's going on?
Where is Samuel?
There's nothing you could have done.
Where are you?
I'll pick you up and take you home.
It's not real!
The reality is just different.
It's just crap!
Prepare your buttocks
for the biggest thrashing
since Vietnam, gentlemen.
That we prepare our butts?
You don't take yourself for shit, man.
- Let's go, big boy.
- You have it in your hand, my doe.
Come on, nerve!
- Zero.
- Help.
Help, pull it up. - That's all?
Got you, huh?
- Oh, yeah, man.
- Oh oh!
Come on, stop. Serious!
It was not possible
that you did so little.
Wow, he's tough, the guy.
Z is Will. Call back,
brother, call back.
Hello, Z, please, where did you go?
Mash potatoes.
Go ahead, pass.
I already told you, Will.
Sports brothers, not just brothers.
I am not your brother
and you're not mine.
It's not true.
I am here to support you.
It's not your problem, Will.
In this case, yes.
No, stop!
Accept my help.
I don't want you to reach out to me!
I will help you in every way.
- You're going to break, shit?
- Wow, what's the matter?
You're gonna stop
worrying about me, Will.
I'm all screwed up, just
like you and everyone else.
The idea is that we stay screwed up.
That way you have an excuse
and that's why you refuse to fight.
Because you're too scared.
You're absolutely
right, I'm freaking out.
I'm scared to death right now
because you're pointing a gun at me.
Do you think you have
a monopoly on suffering?
You are wrong.
Everyone has their fucking share.
In my third year in the league,
the doctor called me to tell me
that my mother only had 48 hours to live.
It was a Friday.
And I went to play on Sunday.
I was losing my football game
while my mother breathed her last, yes.
I told everyone I played, because
that's what she wanted me to do,
that I wanted to respect his wishes.
If I played, it was
because I was scared of
losing my starting spot,
do you understand?
I'm just a nobody, because
I wasn't with my mother, no.
With my mother.
I have to overcome this.
Just like you.
You are no longer on a war field
and you have to move on, man.
I tried everything, Will.
I strive to do this every day!
Every day!
So, are you giving up?
Z, hold on, cause you're not a person
who drops the case, no. - Why not?
Samuel did.
Because it was his decision.
There's nothing you could
have done to prevent that.
And is that what you want?
Is that where you want to come from?
So let me take that bullet for you.
I won't let you go alone.
Damn, you got a family, man.
Me, I have nothing.
I am here, my brother.
I'm just wasting oxygen!
Doctor Kravitz, patient
in the main waiting room.
Doctor Kravitz, patient
in the main waiting room.
Why are you still here?
A bunch of people are
worried about you, Z.
You don't have to do
your moves on the sly.
Your family is here.
My mother?
No, your brothers.
Your house buddies.
Even that bastard Tony Gonzalez
is out there taking pictures with them.
OK it's cool.
It's cool.
You know you almost emasculate yourself?
You were lucky, it's a superficial wound.
I believe it was Samuel
who contacted my mother.
We used to carry letters
with us in case of emergency,
just in case we don't come back.
I just wanted my mom to be able...
knowing that I had
died doing what I loved.
I wanted to be...
his war hero.
But you are not dead.
You're not dead, Z.
So when are you gonna start living?
You know, I thought about it.
As you say, maybe...
...that I should plan
a trip to the coast.
I think it would be good for her.
Good for her and good for me.
Nice place for a fresh start.
Seriously man, why are
you wheelchair bound?
Because these things are cool.
When you have a good
time on it, you start to like it.
You see, that stupid Willie,
Willie Phil.
If you say so.
Hey, Zephyr.
I almost died on this beach.
We lost 29 marines during
those endless deployments.
Our battalion has suffered a lot.
They threw pills at us.
And I picked them all up.
It was my one-way ticket to Hollywood,
in this home.
Most of those who returned
did not find their way home.
47 of my brothers in arms
lost the battle on American soil.
47 guys.
I tried to go home.
I went to the doorstep, but... I
didn't have the courage to knock.
But like my brother used to say,
we are no longer at the front.
We must move forward.
There are different types of
uniforms, different ways to be a hero.
We give everything we have, but the
day comes when it's
time to put them away.
No more thanks or fanfare,
and then we go from
legend to invisible man.
When this moment arrives, we lose
our identity, our family, the fraternity.
Everything that shaped us as we are
disappears with a snap of the fingers.
Whether we're in our twenties
or thirties, and if we're lucky,
we accept that our
best years are behind us.
Considering this, you
begin to simply tolerate
life by accepting that you
have lost your purpose.
So how did you do?
I'll tell you one thing.
There is no magic bean. - Exact.
And what we do may not work
for everyone, but it worked for us.
I rely on Zephyr on some
points and on others I don't.
But I know that at the end of the
day, he is there for me and vice versa.
So it's mutual respect, isn't it?
Are you a hero in the eyes of others?
And that uniform really
became part of your story.
But we're not the
uniform we wore, you see.
We are not really heroes.
We are human beings like you.
HM hm.
And we try to do what we can.
We wander blindly
in the whirlwind of life.
Trying to get your head above water.
I was in the marine corps in the
second battalion,
deployed to Iraq in 2007
and in Afghanistan in 2008.
In Iraq, we lost eight
men and 21 in Afghanistan.
And now the number of
suicides has reached 34.
I myself have made
three suicide attempts.
It's the invisible ones
that hurt the most.
Nobody can see them, so nobody knows.
And someone says, "Are you
okay?" and you say, "I'm fine.
I drank so much so I wouldn't
have to get up the next day,
but in the end, I always
ended up waking up.
I'm not a religious person
or anything like that.
I believe we were put on Earth for a
reason, and that's why
the program was born.
And I realize why I am part of it.
You kick and bring your
fist back to your face.
No matter the action,
you protect your face.
What we're trying to do is
recreate a new team for these guys
and rebuild these guys from within.
Getting our former NFL players
back on their feet from within.
If you are prepared,
you can play for 10, 15
years and you end up
getting used to the idea.
But we sometimes face situations where we
find ourselves injured in the fourth year
and we don't know how to react.
The program is like a brotherhood.
You join us and it's like finding a team.
We communicate with others and
we realize that we are not the only ones
and we can face the problem together.
I think I was more scared
to enter the program
than I had in Iraq or
Afghanistan, only because I knew
that would be a new beginning.
22 veterans committed suicide.
The purpose of my life is
to bring 22 down to zero.
I will say it right away and in front of
all of you, in front of the whole world:
You saved my life.
The program saved me.
He allows this number of suicides
among us not to reach peaks. SO...
thank you, my brothers.
Athletes and veterans?
I never imagined that would be my job.
Combine the two?
I can't thank you enough for being here.
- Cheer.
- Yes, well done.
- Well done, really.
- Well done, man.
- Cheer.
- You were great.