My 3 Boys (2018) Movie Script

Now ladies, if you're
listening, repeat this again:
I am strong I am strong.
I am beautiful I am beautiful
I am a woman I am a woman
I am a queen I am a queen.
Looks like we have
another caller on the air.
Hello. You're on the air with Diana.
Hey Diana. This is Lacretia
Well good day Lacretia. What do
you want to talk about today?
Look, Diana. So I'm in a relationship
with my boyfriend, T. Ray, right?
For like 3 weeks now.
And he like told me this
morning that he wants space.
Like what the hell is that?
I don't get it.
He didn't want no space
last night and I-
So what is it this time, Peter?
<TV sounds>
Why am I even here?
OK Look.
So what happened this time?
You got fired, didn't you?
You know what?
I don't even care.
I don't even want to know.
You already know the answer to the
question. Don't ask me anything else then.
Are you serious right now?
I ain't got time for this.
You know... Peter..
You know, I'm really tired here.
I could use your help, you know?
What do you mean? You're tired of me? Do I
have to remind you who all this belongs to?
Who? Your Mama?
It's mine now.
You know what? I can't do this
no more Peter. You know I...
I'm just tired, OK?
I'm just tired.
<cell phone rings>
Hey Sis, how you doing?
Hey Mae. I'm doing alright.
It don't sound like you're doing OK.
Are you sure you're alright?
I'm good. I'm good.
You think you're gonna stop by later?
Of course I am, but I
gotta go check on Mama first.
Please tell her hello for me.
I miss Mama so much.
I do to, Sis.
How are the boys?
Michael and James, they're with
their dad and that witch of his.
A.J. He's here with me today.
You mean he's finally
paying them some attention?
Yeah. Right.
Yes, Sis?
I got some bad news from the Doctor today.
And what did he say?
OK Sis. You know, We gonna get
through this.. Just like before.
You know, and I'm gonna be there with you
every step of the way.
Mae. But the Doctor said it's in my bones.
Yes Sis.
I need a favor.
Mama, why are you crying?
Mama's just... a little sad, that's all.
Why are you so sad?
I got a lot of things going on but...
but it's gonna be alright, OK?
Mama's gonna be OK.
I love you so much.
<Car horn beeps>
Mikey, wheres your dad?
And why are you guys out here walking?
Oh, hey Aunt Mae.
Aunt Mae, I'm so glad to see you!
Just get in the car.
I don't know why he's got you guys walking.
That good for nothing, son of a...
It's all good, Aunt Mae.
We don't need him. We got this.
Yeah! Ain't nobody gonna
run up on me, you know?
Look at these muscles!
Hi Aunt Mae!
Hey baby. How you doing?
How's Mama? Where's Mama?
She's in the room. She's sad.
I know baby, but it's gonna be OK.
I promise. OK?
My boys.
My boys.
Look, the boys are gonna be just fine.
Look at them. They're gonna be fine.
What I need you to do..
You hear me?
Is get some rest.
You get some rest
and I'll see you.
Yes Sis?
I need you to take care of my boys.
Promise me..
You will.
Sis, there's nothing to promise.
'Cause you're gonna be fine.
And I need you to
stop talking like that.
You're gonna get through this
You understand?
I don't know.
Look. You're gonna get through this...
and you're gonna see
the boys graduate...
and one day get married...
You're gonna get through this...
I promise you that I'm gonna be
here with you every step of the way.
We're gonna beat this Sharon, we are.
You're always so positive.
Yeah, but you're a fighter to.
That's why I know we're
gonna get through this.
I haven't even told the boys yet.
You get some rest.
And I'm gonna go and
check on the boys..
And get them ready for bed.
<Television sounds>
Aunt Mae, are you ok?
Yes baby, I'm fine.
I just have a little something in my eye.
Are you gonna watch my
favorite cartoon with me?
Of course I am. Have a seat.
Man, give me this.
What are you doing?
What you mean, man?
Gimme it back!
Look boys!
Whatever, man!
Can't wait to get outta here
and get my own place!
<A sad scene plays on the TV>
Maybeline, I'm so sorry to
hear about Sharon again.
Just pray for her.
God's got this.
Hi Ms Maybeline!
Good morning.
Girl, these cookies...!
You need to open you up a bakery!
Someday, maybe I will.
I heard about Sharon.
So sorry.
Thank you baby.
You know, Mae. I'm always praying.
I know it's tough.
How are the boys?
They don't know yet.
She doesn't want to tell 'em.
Just keep praying.
Let me guess. Fletcher's not here yet.
I heard about Sharon.
I'm so sorry Ms Maybeline.
It's OK.
Can you approve the
Jernigans order for me, please?
I gave them to Fletcher three weeks ago.
And he still hasn't approved them.
All right. Just give them to me.
I'm gonna tell you something Ms Maybeline.
The day he gets fired -
and I KNOW it's coming...
I'm gonna kick these heels
off, and we shopping girl!
I'm gonna be shoppin' with you!
Umm! Good job GIRL!
I'm not sayin' anything.
Still don't understand
why I keep doing his job.
It wouldn't bother me if he
didn't even show up today,
I'm gonna have to call you back.
Hold on.
He's gonna get what's
coming to him one day.
Hey baby.
I love you Mae.
I love you more, Sis.
But I'm gonna need you to get some rest.
Cause I have a big day
planned for us tomorrow.
God, please take care of my boys.
Good night
OK guys. Come on! Come on!
Get this out of the way please!
Here you go. Got it? OK.
Ya'll have a good day, Alright?
Good morning Ms Maybeline!
Hey Sandra. How you doing, baby?
Y'all have a good day!
Good morning Sharon.
I got the kids off to school, OK?
Time for you to get up..
Cause we got a big day planned today.
So I need you to get up. OK?
Wakey Wakey!
Such a beautiful day, too.
Wake up.
Jesus, Sharon, No!
NO! Sister! No! God!
Oh God please, no, Sharon, wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up Sister! Oh my God!
It's gonna be alright baby. I promise.
Is my Mommy in Heaven now?
Yes she is baby,
and she's looking down on us right now.
You know she's an angel, right?
She is?
Yes she is.
Let's go guys. OK?
It's just a little bruise.
I have plenty, see?
So Ms Wilson, how are the boys coping?
They're getting better.
I'm tired of this shit!
Mikey. This is Ms Porter,
the social worker.
She's here checking on things.
How you doing Michael?
I'm sorry about that. Don't pay
him no mind. some days he's...
Some days are good. Some days are bad.
I'm sorry. He's just having a hard time.
Don't be. I am confident with you and
the boys... they're gonna be just fine.
I'm gonna make a recommendation to the
board, that you become their legal guardian.
And that they do not
have to go into foster care.
Thank you so much for that.
I was thinking about adoption anyway.
Their Father's not a part of their life..
And I promised my Sister that I
would take very good care of them.
So thank you so much for that.
Listen, I will do my best.
Thank you.
OK, so how's everybody doing today?
James, how 'bout you?
I guess.
So how'd you do on your algebra test today?
Don't nobody care about your stupid test.
Shut up! You're mad cause
that dumb girl don't like you!
Man! Forget her! Stupid!
You don't know anything!
I hope you go to a foster home
where everybody pees the bed.
We're going to a foster home?
Who told you that? No
one's going to a foster home.
No one's taking you away from me.
Cup Cakes!
Yes! We're celebrating!
That's right.
Mikey, can you come back in
here so we can have desert please?
So umm.
Why was that lady here today?
We're in the system.
No one wants us.
That's not right.
She was just checking on you
boys to make sure you're OK.
That's all.
When you guys finish eating,
wash up and get ready for bed.
I'm sorry Ms Wilson, but your Mother's house will
go into foreclosure within the next 30 days.
But Mister Healy
I just moved in here with the boys,
and we don't have anywhere else to go.
I understand, Ma'am, but..
Unless the bank receives
the entire balance of..
$27,549.49 by the 15th..
The home will go into foreclosure.
Mister Healey, that's in two weeks.
I just don't have that kind of money.
I really am sorry Ma'am.
Marisol, if I don't get
this money by the 15th
they're gonna start foreclosure procedures
and I just don't know what I'm gonna do.
Oh wow, Mae. This couldn't
have happened at a worse time.
Tell me about it.
Have you tried taking out a loan?
That's the first thing I did,
but they wouldn't let me have one.
Oh Lord..
What about the boys?
Three of them, right?
Yes, and it's tough.
Mikey, he's getting worse.
I just don't know what's going on with him.
Where's the Father?
That's a good question.
That poor excuse of father
Listen Mae. I raised four boys on my own.
You WILL get through this.
Just pray for me, Marisol.
Just Pray.
I'm always praying.
<phone rings>
Ms Wilson?
Yes, this is Ms Wilson.
Ms Wilson, this is principle Summers.
Michael has been very disruptive in class..
And fought another student.
He is in detention, Ma'am.
I'll be right there principal Summers.
Thank you.
What's wrong?
It's Mikey again.
He got caught fighting.
Could you cover for me?
I don't want to deal with Fletcher today.
Thank you.
<cell phone rings>
[The loan request you applied
for has been denied.]
Are you serious?
Aunt May the permission slip is due
next week and we need you to sign.
OK Baby..
But y'all need to hurry
up and get out of here.
OK Hold on..
Hurry up...
<cell phone ringing>
OK. OK. I'm at home.
And I'll be the in about 30 minutes.
OK. I'm coming! I'm coming!
Ms Wilson! Have a seat.
Fletcher, I assure you,
this wont happen again.
I sure hope not. Cause I was
really counting on you today.
I'm really sorry. I was trying to get
the kids ready for school and...
I would imagine that this
job is important to you.
Yes sir, but you know, I have a lot
going on Mister Fletcher...
Ms Wilson.
Ms Wilson.
Whatever you have going on,
that's really not important to me.
What I need you to do is to not
bring those things to work.
What's up man?
You still on for tonight?
We gonna check out this spot..
I can not wait!
<phone ringing>
Don't you have people for that?
<phone ringing>
I don't even know why I pay them.
<phone ringing>
Look Mae. Don't pay him any attention.
Some people believe that because
they hold a certain position,
that they can treat people with disrespect.
But I need this job.
And I might have to get a second one. I just
don't see where I'm getting this money.
I just don't wanna see me and
the boys out in the street, that's all.
He's coming
I need... Hey. Aren't you
supposed to be working?
I am working.
Let's see. How do you say this in Spanish?
You trabajando? Work!!!
Get to it.
Traba hondo
Exactly like that
<phone ringing>
Listen, I need you to book a flight to Germany please.
I've got a business trip. I'm covering for Keith.
<phone ringing>
Get it done!
And uh... your job
IS to pick up the phone.
A. J. has fallen sick and he's been
transferred to the Children's Hospital.
Oh my God! Oh my God! I have to go!
Mister Fletcher, I have to
leave. My Son's sick...
Ms Wilson. This is becoming a
bad habit of yours.
But sir, I have to go to the
hospital to check on him!
The doctors are more than
capable of taking care of him.
Sir, please, I promised my Sister I would..
No Ms Wilson. I do have some shipping
labels here. I can't find where they are.
And I would ask that Spanish lady but..
We both know she don't
speak English. Get it done!
Thank you.
Today is good, Ms Wilson.
She speaks English very well Sir.
She's been here about 23 years now.
I think her name is Channey
or something. She has a nice...
Excuse me!
Maybeline! Hey there.
Our office got a call from the school today
A.J. Did not have his
inhaler, and he needed it.
I don'r know if you were aware, but A.J.
is asthmatic
Yes. His Mother told me a while
back. I just forgot. I'm sorry.
Just in case of emergencies, like today, he
will need to have a rescue inhaler at school.
O.K. Got it.
I promise. I'll do better. I...
I know. Listen. I know you're trying.
But if our office... I mean...
I'm just telling you.
If our office receives
one more complaint...
about anything that concerns the boys..
Then I'm afraid they're going to try
to take away your guardianship.
No! They can't do that! No, can't take the
boys away from me. please, don't let them...
Maybeline, at that point, there'll be nothing
else I can do. It'l be out of my hands.
OK. I promise. I'll do better. OK?
I sure hope so.
Thank you so much!
No baby. It's Aunt Mae.
You scared me. Are you OK baby?
Can we go home now?
Sure baby, soon as we hear from the...
Hey buddy. How you doing today?
You doing OK?
Ms Wilson, is it?
Yes Sir.
How you doing today Ms Wilson?
I'm Doctor Palmer. Are you doing OK?
I'm doing good.
Awesome. A.J. You doing OK today?
Not feeling to good?
Well let me go a head and
check your vital signs, OK?
Let's see...
Looks good there.
Everything looks pretty good.
Let me just check your heart for ya.
Can I get ya to take a deep breath?
Awesome. One more.
Good deal. Now A.J. Ms Wilson.
Now my nurse has already administered
a couple of procedures for me..
They've given him a couple of nebulizers
to open up his airways.
Because he was having some difficulty breathing
however we have some prescriptions for you also.
Now with these prescriptions I'm asking
that you make sure to get these filled
because he's going to need one
for day and one also for night.
I'm also asking that
you keep an eye on A.J.
Because with this season being
so brutal for asthmatics..
Keep an good eye on A.J. OK?
Yeah, keep a good eye on him because..
Right now, with this season, anything
can trigger an asthma attack.
Yes Sir, thank you.
No problem. A.J. You be good OK?
You can go home, OK?
All right, you take care.
Thanks you Sir. All right, where
are your shoes, baby?
OK. We can go home. Come on.
Come on. Let's go home.
I can't do this.
They almost took A.J. from me today.
I just can't do it.
Please God. You're gonna
have to help me with this one.
I just can't
I can't..
Aunt May did you sign my permission slip.
I have to turn it in today
Yes. Yes. I got it right here. Hold on.
I..I.. can't find it..
Did you get your slip?
My Mom already signed mine last night.
You know everybody has
turn it in the paper today, right?
Yeah, I know. I wish my Mom was here.
I could always count on her.
Good morning! Hey, you got your slip?
I got mine!
<cell phone ringing>
Wait, I found it!
A.J. Wait! Wait!
Oh My gosh! I am SO excited to see
the museum of natural science.
There is SO much to do!
Miss Sandra! Miss Sandra Stop!
It's Ms Wilson!
Here baby. Here. Thanks Auntie.
You're welcome baby.
Now kids. Have a good day.
Bye Sandra!
Bye Ms Maybeline.
Ms Wilson, you need to come
in to the office right away.
So what's the problem, sir?
Ms Wilson. We really need to
discuss this in person.
OK. Alright.
There's been an oversight with
the past due loan papers.
Because your Mother took out a
second mortgage on the home,
insufficient payments have been
made for the past six months.
Unless the entire balance due of $27,549.49
is received...
The house will go into foreclosure
four days from today.
But Mister Healey, that's Friday!
I'm sorry, Ma'am.
So, what am I suppsed to do now?
I don't know, but unless the
bank receives the entire balance due,
the house WILL go into foreclosure.
OK. So can they take a percentage or
something, just to slow the process down?
Can we do that?
I don't think I can do that, Ma'am.
Well look.
I'll tell you what we'll do.
I'll see what I can do to slow the process
down. Do you think you could come up with
a third of the balance by Friday at noon?
Yes sir. I can do that.
All right...
That would be $9,183.16
I'll see what I can do for you.
Thanks you sir.
Thank you so much.
Excuse you! Watch where you're going!
I'm sorry Ma'am, OK?
With your old azz!
Good morning!
Good morning!
Your total's $4
How are you today?
I'm wonderful, and you?
I'm good?
Your total comes to 40
dollars and 12 cents.
I'm sorry, it declined.
Aunt Mae, can I get this?
Baby, I'm sorry. Maybe next time, OK?
Awww man!
Baby, could you give me some of that back?
Could you try that for
me one more time please?
I'm sorry Ma'am, it declined again.
My goodness this is...
I got this.
Thank you Ernest. I mean Pastor Taylor.
I appreciate it.
So how you been doing?
I've been doing fine... You know?
It's kinda tough, but I'm doing OK.
Haven't seen you at the
church in quite some time now.
I know. But we'll be coming
back soon... I promise.
Thanks you again.. so much!
You're welcome.
Thank you, Darlin'
You have a great day.
How are the boys?
The boys are doing fine.
I'll see you soon.
You have a great day.
How you doing?
Oh God.
I need your help.
What am I gonna do now?
Aunt Mae! Aunt Mae!
He says he's the police!
The po-what? Hello?
My Son, what?
Shop what?!
OK Officer. I'll be down there
to get him in a few minutes.
James, go get your Brother
and tell him we gotta go pick up Mikey, OK?
Is Mikey in trouble?
No! Not yet. But oooh!
Uh, James, Can you take your
Brother inside for me?
And where do you think you're going?
I was going in-
No Sir! You're not going
anywhere. We need to talk.
Talk about what?
You're not my Mom!
You! I'm gonna kill that boy.
Help me! I'm gonna kill him!
Did you just slam my car door?
Who you think you're talking to, young man?
How DARE you disrespect me like that?
Look at me when I'm talking to you!
Oh! So you think you're a man now, right?
Oh! If you ever
disrespect me again. After
all I've done for you!!
OH! He's gonna make me KILL HIM!
Oh Jesus. You're gonna
have to help me Jesus.
Sharon, Lady, you're gonna have to come
down here and help me with this one.
That Michael gonna make me kick his a-
Woooo! Jesus, help me
Father! Oh God. Um um um
OK.Gotta pull it together!
Woo. OK.
<phone ringing>
Who's that?
Nobody. Go back to sleep.
Oh my God. What are you doing here?
Are you serious? I'm raising your kids
cause you're a sorry ass Father!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look you need to leave.
Your son was arrested last night.
Do you hear me?
I don't have any money to support them, so
what am I supposed to do, Don? What?
Look Maybeline. They're
not my problem right now.
You know what?
One of these days you're gonna get what you
deserve if you don't do right by those boys.
They need their Father, you know?
I can't deal with this right now.
I have a family to take care of.
So Michael, A.J. and James.
They're not yours?
You know, you're a poor excuse
for a man. You're a sorry ass man...
You know? You don't need them.
You don't deserve them. OK?
And what is this? Really? Really?
You must be joking! God!
Why are you here? I'm sorry,
Who are you? Hello?
Who is that? and why is she here?
Who is that? and why is she in our house?
What's this about?
Ms. Wilson, this is a surprise! I wasn't
expecting to see you so soon.
You sound so dim on
the phone. Is everything OK?
Excuse me, waiter?
Good morning. Good morning.
Could I get a latte please?
I'm sorry madam, we don't sell Latte.
Could I have we a coffee?
Certainly madam.
Thank you You're welcome.
I've got some good news!
Look Ms Porter, I-
It's Jacqueline. Call me Jacqueline.
OK Jacqueline.Look.
I don't know if I can do this.
I think it's best if we can just
find them a more stable home.
What do you mean? Is everything OK?
I just think they need to be in a more
stable home. I can't provide that for them.
Here we go.
Thank you.
You're welcome. Hope you enjoy.
You know... I can't provide that for them.
And just yesterday, I saw their Father.
I just don't understand why a man doesn't
want anything to do with his kids.
He don't even care about them.
You know...
I'm trying here.
I really am trying but...
Ms Wilson. Unfortunately, their
Father has no rights to the boys.
He never claimed paternity.
His name has never been
on their birth papers.
Ms Port-I mean Jacqueline,
I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.
Just last night I had to get
Michael out of jail for shoplifting.
And that Father.
That no good-
He just has no regard for them.
I just don't under-
You know..
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
I don't even know what I'm
saying right now... It's just-
<cell phone ringing>
No, He left with Sandra this morning.
Is everything OK? What's going on?
Oh my God! I gotta go!
What-Where is he?
What;s going on? And where is who?
It's James. He's missing!
I'm going! And you can go with me.
My car's parked right outside.
OK. Ok.
Where do you think he is?
I have no idea. I have to call the police.
OK. Let's check the house first.
I'm sure he's OK.
What's your emergency?
It's my Son. My Son is missing.
Oh my God.
He's supposed to be at school
this morning but he never showed up.
Yes. He's wearing a purple shirt
and black slacks.
He's about 4 feet tall and-
wait! Wait! I think I see him!
Over there! Officer, we found him.
Thank you so much!
Oh my God.
Baby, why aren't you in school?
I'm sorry Aunt Mae.
I'm sorry Aunt Mae. I went to talk to
Mom about you and Michael.
But baby, why didn't you just
come to me? I don't know.
Are you gonna send us away?
Baby, you know I'd never do that.
I would never do that.
Hey James. Are you OK?
You had us both worried about you.
I'm sorry.
It's OK baby.
Let's go home.
Ms Wilson. I need to
talk to you for a moment.
OK. James, baby. Could you
go inside for a moment please?
Maybeline. You know I'm
gonna have to report this.
I don't want to.
But I'm gonna have to report this.
And I'm sorry.
I know. But I'm trying here
You know?
I just don't want to disappoint
my sister or these kids.
I know, and I completely understand.
Here I am. A young girl.
Got married at 25.
Had a husband who didn't
want to have any children.
But I wanted at least 3.
And so...
I find out that I'm pregnant
and I'm so excited.
Excited about having a baby.
And here he is. He's not excited with me.
So. 3 and a half months later..
He tried to kill me,
and I have a miscarriage.
I had no idea.
I am so so sorry.
And it's ok.
But what it reminds me of..
Is change. This happened nine years ago.
Today he would have been nine years old.
Wow. I'm so sorry.
Look Maybeline. Sometimes things happen.
And when those things happen,
they steer you in the right direction.
You know, when I think
about begin a social worker..
Children are really the main priority.
They're number one!
So my thought to you is, If you wanna have those
kids- if you want to raise them, raise them.
If you don't want them,
let somebody else raise them.
But those children deserve to be with you.
They WANT to be with you.
God I really need you right now.
I REALLY need you God, right now.
What a surprise.
God is-
<laughter> Well hello Ms Wilson.
Hey Pastor Taylor.
Thought you was God there for a minute.
So how are you doing?
I'm fine.
And the boys, how are they coping?
They're doing better.
You know, the other day at the store, you guys rushed
out so quickly, I didn't get a chance to talk to you.
Yeah, sorry about that.
But I really do appreciate what you did.
Think nothing about it.
It's just been tough, man. I'm just
taking it one day at a time.
I'm sure.
You know, he never said this journey
we call life was gonna be an easy one.
It can be very tough.
Hey man. You coming?
Yeah man.
What? Your Mama let you out this time?
Aren't you suposed to be in bed?
Real funny
I'm trying to get outta here.
Sometimes I feel like I'm
losing it, you know? with these kids.
The bills... just everything.
It's just too much.
Hmm. Talk to me.
The bank is gonna foreclose
on my Mother's house...
and Michael, he's just all out of control. You
know, he got arrested a couple of days ago?
This whole life has just been so hard...
and James! James ran away.
It's just been too tough.
I thought I lost him.
You haven't lost him.
Hey, let' stalk about this "Pastor
Taylor" stuff. <laughs>
I think you and me are way
past the "Pastor" title.
You better be calling me Earnest.
OK Earnest. I just feel like I'm
way over my head here.
I'm the oldest. I'm supposed to have it all
together. But I don't... It's just tough.
You know, the last time you sang for us at the
church, it was you and your sister Sharon.
I remember. You sang that song..
"He is able." I never forgot that.
He IS able, you know?
Yeah, that was Mama's song.
She loved that song. You know, that time
when Sharon was in the hospital sick,
she said y'all, He is able!
And we all sang that song. Nurses came from
everywhere just to see what was going on.
I'm sure they did.
Your Mama, Dell, She was no joke.
All right boy, lets see
what you're made of.
I ain't got no money.
Money? Who said anything about money?
You're not scared now, are you?
Naw man. Just keep the engine running.
You know those apple pies your Mom made?
They were delicious. No wonder
my Mom and her were always..
In the kitchen at my house
eating those apple pies.
Maybe that's why I always had to
sneak a piece of them, you know?
I sure miss her a lot.
She always knew what to say.
She was a great lady.
How's Mother Taylor doing?
She's doing great.
My Mom's wide open.
She's got more energy than I do!
Would you give her my love please?
I'll do it. You know I will.
Gun! Drive! Drive! Drive!
Hey stop!
<Gun shots>
< humming the song, "He is able" >
What's wrong?
<cell phone ringing>
<police sirens>
I'm sorry Ma'am. what patient name?
Michael. Michael Wilson.
Ms Wilson, we're doing everything
we can to save him. It is critical.
We've recovered two of the bullets-
Ma'am, I'm so sorry. I have to go.
Nurse can you inform me
when Dr. Heisengburg is free?
Listen. I am so sorry about poor Michael.
And everything that you're going through
right now. Just pray for us please.
Can we have a seat for a moment?
Maybeline, I have even more bad news.
What can be worse than
this Jacqueline? What?
The State has decided to take the boys.
They can't do that!
No! I'm not having that!
Maybeline, you don't understand.
Look. I heard you.
But you need to listen to me.
They're not taking my kids away!
They're not doing that.
Maybeline, I have my orders
You came down here to tell me
you're taking my kids away after-
That young man's in there
fighting for his life!
And you come to take my kids away!?
No, I'm not having that!
Hey Ms Wilson.
Can I speak to you privately?
Ms Wilson. I'm so sorry.
But there's no brain activity.
I'm afraid he wont pull through.
So what are you saying Doctor?
What are you saying?
I'm afraid he wont pull through.
You may need to consider
removing him from life-support.
I wish I had better news for you Ma'am.
How old are you, Doctor?
Doctor Sharpe, was it?
Yes Ma'am
Thirty? Thirty five?
Do you have kids?
Do you have kids?
No Ma'am. I understand
this is a tough time for you.
You don't understand anything.
That boy in there is fighting for his life!
And you're telling me to take him off life support?
Just let him die? Is that what you're saying to me?
Is that what you're saying?
No ma'am. Listen. I know
this is a tough time for you.
That's correct.
You've done all you can do.
But my God...
He's bigger than this!
Please excuse me ma'am
I told you not to marry that fool!
You just wait until I see him!
Mama I don't know what I'm gonna do!
He's took everything from me!
And left me with $250,000 in debt!
I just don't know what I'm gonna do.
He didn't take everything from you!
He didn't take everything from you!
He didn't take God!
You still got God!
What did I tell you and your Sister?
I always taught you how to call on him!
He is your everything!
He is your healer! He is your provider!
Call on him! You know his name!
Jehovah! Call on God! Call on him!
I'm not taking him off life support.
I just can't do it.
Earnest, I'm gonna need you
to pray right now.
I've been paying this whole time.
I've got the prayer warriors at
church on this. God's in control.
Keep the faith, Mae.
I know God is bigger than this.
I need your keys right now.
I need your keys.
Let me take you somewhere.
No, I don't need you to take me nowhere.
I just need your keys right now.
Look Jackie!
I just need you to to-
Chill out!
I can't! I can't!
I can't deal with you right now!
Where you going?
I'm going to do what my
Mother taught me to do!
I'm going to call him up!
Do you understand hat?
I can't deal with this right now!
Mae, let me-
go with you. Where-
Where are you?
Who are you?
My Mother said to call on
you when I was in trouble!
And I'm calling you right now!
Michael needs you!
Please save him!
My mama said you are Jehovah!
That you heal! That you answer prayers!
Answer me! Heal Michael right now! Jesus!
Heal him fast.
God, please! Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
I need you to heal right now, Jesus
I need you to provide right now Jesus!
Deliver me, Jesus!
I'm calling on you!
I'm calling on you!
In my Mother's name, Jesus!
You're the only God that she talked about!
Please don't fail me now.
Maybeline! Mae!
Mae, are you OK?
I can't take him off life support.
I can't let him die.
Mae, I don't know how to
tell you this right now...
but Ms Porter has taken the boys.
I reasoned with her the best I could But she had
her orders. There was nothing else I could do.
Listen Mae.
Don't lose the faith.
Do you remember when my Mom was sick?
She almost died.
God brought her through.
Look at her now.
He can do the same for Michael.
You know, Mae
sometimes you gotta let go, and let God
Mama used to preach that to us.
I'm sure she did.
I swear! I can hear her now!
Girl, yes! She was adamant about that!
I am so glad you got away from that man.
Let him have it... It's not worth it.
Besides, it's good to have you around
again. I Missed you, you know that?
Wake up Michael, please. Wake up.
It's Aunt Mae. I'm here baby.
Mae. I've go to to run to the church and check
on a few things, OK? I'll be back shortly.
Let me pick you something
to eat while I'm gone though.
I don't want anything to eat.
You've gotta keep up your strength Mae.
OK? I'll be back shortly, OK?
Dear God please let my Michael be OK.
Please. Oh my God.
Oh. Ms Wilson
Please tell me he's gonna be OK
Ma'am I'm Doctor Heisenberg.
I'm sorry. Your Son's
condition has not changed.
We've done all we can do.
No! The Devil is a liar!
Oh my God!
Michael. Michael. Oh my God. Michael!
It's Aunt Mae, baby. Michael!
He moved. Jesus, thank you, God!
Come on Michael. Squeeze my hand.
Ms Wilson. What's going on?
He moved!
He moved.
I'm sorry ma'am. He's unresponsive.
I see know sign of brain activity.
He moved, I tell you! I felt him. He moved!
We've done-We're DOING all we can.
You know what Doctor?
Just leave me alone here cause-
You Doctors don't see anything. Just leave!
I'll be back to check on him.
Mae, when did he move?
Just now. He just moved!
Those Doctors. They don't know anything.
My baby's gonna be just fine.
Mae you've GOT to get some rest.
I'm not tired!
You're here 24 hours a day.
You've barely eaten.
I'll stay here with Michael and if anything
changes, I'll call you immediately.
Please Mae. Go get some rest.
OK. But you gotta promise you'll
call if anything happens.
I will call you if anything changes.
How can you be strong for Michael when
you've run yourself down this low?
Get some rest and get some food in you, OK?
This message is for Maybeline Wilson. This
is the Johnston Child Protection Services
conforming your hearing date in the case of
Michael, James and A.J. Wilson at 9 AM
on Tuesday, March 9th
<cell phone ringing>
Maybeline, It's Jacquline. I am really sorry. I tried
to call you yesterday, I am so sorry. Can we meet?
Jacqueline Porter, where are my boys?
Can we discuss in-person please?
Okay, where? I'm on my way
to the hospital right now.
I can give you a ride, I am outside...
Alright. I'm coming.
You know I'm trying here. Where are they?
Any progress on Michael?
A.J. and James.
Where are they!
The boys are with me.
I couldn't let the state take them.
Oh my God. Thank you so much.
Maybeline. I've got you covered.
Don't even worry about it.
I've been in this profession for a while,
so I know a few things.
Thank you so much, Jacqueline.
You're welcome.
The boys are doing just fine.
You have a hearing next Tuesday. We just
need to make sure that you're their.
The judge is actually
going to make a decision.
And we need to make sure that you can
prove that you have a stable home to go to.
And they're going to ask you about Michael.
Michael. Any progress You know?
He's in a coma still.
I swear to you I felt him move last night.
Really? Yeah, but them Doctors.
They don't believe me.
He's in a coma... but...
Maybe it's all in my head. I don't know.
I'm just hoping so much.. you know?
But I'm NOT taking him off no life support.
I'm just NOT doing that!
Any word yet?
No. Nothing yet. But I just keep on praying
Thank you.
Did you get you some rest.
<cell phone ringing>
It didn't get much rest though.
Thinking about Michael all night
What's wrong?
It's the bank man. I can't right now...
I can't!
<cell phone ringing>
Do you realize what this means?
Yeah, but...
My only concern is with him.
I can't lose him. I just can't.
I know. I know.
But if there is one thing that I DO know..
If there is a God..
And I know that there is one...
that he has to intervene into
this situation right now.
I'm gonna go and just check on the boys.
Thank you
You know Mae, I wish I had
made better choices in life.
But then I look a
this beautiful baby boy.
I can't believe that God blessed
me with such a beautiful baby.
Oh my goodness! Adorable too!
Auntie is going to spoil him rotten.
Oh my gosh.
And you know Mikey?
Just know..
That I'm going to be here for you always
No matter what!
OK? <laughter>
Hey baby boy
I promise I'm gonna be here
for you no matter what. OK?
It's OK Mae.
He's with me now.
You can let him go.
Sharon, I'm so sorry.
It's OK
I'm so sorry.
It's OK
Ms Wilson. Michael is not improving.
I'm so sorry, Ma'am.
Ms Wilson.
Ms Wilson.
The only thing that's keeping his
heart beating is this machine.
Here are the papers.
Just sign whenever you're ready.
Can I have a moment with him please?
Of course.
Mae, I wish I could do more.
You know that I-
Just a moment alone with him please!
Could you just go and get
A.J. and James for me?
I'll take care of the boys, OK?
I love you so much.
Ms Wilson!
Ms Wilson.
It's Edward Healy from the bank, Ma'am!
Mister Healy. What do you want?
I am so glad I caught you at home.
I need you to sign...
here, here, here, and initial here.
Sign what? You people have
already taken everything from me.
I'm sorry. I don't follow.
Look I grew up in this house.
Now it's all gone, thanks to you.
There must be some confusion. I just came
by to remove the house from foreclosure.
I called last night to say I was coming...
Left a message. Did you not get it?
No. What are you saying to me Mister Healy?
What are you saying?
Yesterday afternoon, someone came by
the bank and paid the entire balance.
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
You didn't know, did you?
No what!?
I had no idea. Oh my God!
I would not joke with you
about a thing like that.
Yesterday afternoon,
as I was closing up,
an elderly lady came into the bank.
She looked familiar. I think
I know her from someplace.
Anyway, she came in and put the
full balance on my desk. $27,549.49
It was the strangest thing I ever seen.
She didn't speak much.
She just had the biggest, brightest smile.
She said "Put this on the
account of Adel Wilson."
Well this is unbelievable! Oh my God!
God is SO good! Thank you SO much!
I wonder if she's single. Hmmm
Miss Maybeline! How you doing?
I'm doing fine.
I heard about what happened.
I am so so sorry.
Thank you.
Are you doing OK? I'm doing fine.
Let me know if you need anything, OK?
Guess who got fired.
Black Jesus!
Black Jesus?
Come on now.
Ooooo Black Jesus!
Talk to you later, alright?
OK Fine.
Have a seat Ms Wilson.
What a surprise.
You know I haven't seen
you in quite some time.
I heard about your kid getting shot.
My condolence... whatever.
You know, Ms Wilson.
I promised myself that I would never become like
one of those brothers out there on the streets.
I blame the parent.
I think if the parent was good,
the kids wont be on the street.
I mean. Look at me.
I'm 32.
Can you believe that?
Mister Fletcher was there
something that you needed?
Cause I need to go back to
work and get caught up.
Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
I have your end of year review.
I thought Mister Jackson said-
Yeah. He's busy
He's busy. I have it done.
You know, Ms Wilson?
I need you on your 'A' game.
Your performance, and you attendance.
Very very poor.
Yep. Very poor.
Miss Maybeline.
You, and that Spanish one out there...
You two..
Are two of the laziest
old people I've ever met!
If it was up to me, you'd
both be fired today.
Listen.. little boy.
Yeah, I said little boy.
You need to watch your mouth.
Excuse me. Little boy? I think you're
completely out of line Miss Maybeline.
What? You see.
You're trying to take me there.
You think you can just come up in here
and treat me like a child?
You know. we know your
Daddy got you this job.
Yeah. We know that.
And you're rude!
And you're out of line!
I think you owe us both an apology.
Matter of fact, I think you owe
ALL of us an apology!
An apology?
Yes. Apology!
Do you think I am stupid?
You know I know everything. And I do mean
EVERYTHING that goes on in this office!
And I'll be damned if I won't report you!
Miss Maybeline-
Keith! I thought you weren't
coming in till tomorrow.
But did you hear this insubordination?
I'm so surprise-
Hello Miss Maybeline. How are you today?
I heard about your Son.
I am so... so very sorry.
Is there anything I can do?
Did you not just hear what this lady-
I heard, Fletcher.
You know, Maybeline? My Mom
asks about you every single day.
She even came by looking
for you a few days ago.
And.. We've been very worried.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you Mister Jackson.
It's been a long few weeks.
And a tough one as well.
But God...
I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.
I'm still here.
Yes Ma'am. I'm so very sorry.
Why don't I walk you on back to your desk.
Thank you.
And Fletcher.
Yes Keith.
Why don't you apologize to Ms Wilson?
Apolo-? Do it now!
Yes, I'm sorry Ms Wilson.
Oh umm, Fletcher.
Yes sir?
You're fired.
Clear out your things immediately!
Are you serious?
You know?
The job is yours if you want it.
How you feeling?
I'm doing better.
Some days are good.
Come on in.
I poured you some wine.
Oh great. Thank you.
I heard you've been looking for me.
Oh yeah. Where's Ernie?
I'm not sure, but Mister Jackson said you
stopped by a few times looking for me.
How are the boys?
The boys are doing just-
Oh, it's so great to see you!
Everybody's dong just fine.
Oh good! good.
I've got something for you.
I want you to have this..
Before I forget everything.
No. You wont.
But but it's already starting to happen.
This is me and Adell.
She was my best friend.
My Mom was your best friend? Really?
I remember the first day she walked into
Bulah middle school. She was so shy.
Oh my God.
This is a picture of Sharon and me.
Is that so?
She just had the biggest, brightest smile.
<door bell rings>
Hey Auntie!
Hey baby. How you doing?
Hey guys, how's it going?
Hey old man!
Old man!?
Thanks a lot!
Hey Auntie.
So you know I'm about to graduate, right?
So can I get a graduation party?
What you think?
You paying me?
Am I paying you?
I'm a college student. I ain't
got no money! Come on now!
We'll see.
What's going on?
Look. You know I got a big order tomorrow.
I'm gonna need all hands on deck.
You understand me?
Yes! Ma'am!
All right guys. You heard her.
James, come help me move the truck!
Guess I'm driving again.
I don't think so!
You know Earnest can't drive.
I can drive very well, thank you!
Who told you that?
Whatever you do, do NOlet him get to the car first!
<Doorbell rings>
I'm gonna see what you guys are getting.
Look, don't eat up up all the-.
<Doorbell rings>
Good morning, church!
Good morning!
Happy Easter Sunday!
Or should I say, Happy resurrection Sunday?
Church, we're so blessed that we
serve a risen God, Amen?
I'd like to start off this morning
with a scripture from...
It's so good to see you.
You look so fabulous!
You too.
Thank you darling.
Who's this beautiful young lady?
This is my Daughter, Jasmine.
Oh hey Jasmine, how you doing?
You're so beautiful.
Thank you.
All right! I'll talk to
you a little later, OK?
Now to him that is able to do exceedingly,
abundantly above all that we ask, or think..
According to the power that works in us...
He is able to mend the brokenhearted.
He is able to set the captives free.
<Yes! Amen!>
He I sable to bring us
together as a church.
One church.
And one body.
In my Farther's church..
When I was a small child about this tall...
being in the children's choir,
and singing that wonderful song,
He is able.
If I could have my wife come forward
and lead us in this wonderful song..
Maybeline and congregation
sings the hymn, "He is Able"
The first male to attempt this surgery will
be giving birth about 12 noon, tomorrow.
He will be the first male to give birth and we will
have this recorded as the breakthrough for everyone.
It will be a breakthrough for..
Pray for Doctor Palmer.
Scene 39
Take 1 A
Exactly what happened at your last job?
Umm, Some old folks wouldn't do their
job and management blamed it on me and...
I got fired.
Fired! Whoop whoop!
Whenever you're ready!
Redo. Scene 86 Closeup. Take 1
Quiet on set!
Will you willingly...?
Was this your idea to be the first
man to attempt this procedure?
No. I'm being forced.
It's against my will.
No, he is not being forced.