My Acting Coach Nightmare (2024) Movie Script

(eerie music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(Sienna exhales)
(suspenseful music)
(Sienna) Mom?
Hey, Sweetheart.
Hi, Mom. Guess what I...
What's all this?
Oh, well I was working
on some reports
to more efficiently run
our servers at work,
and then I had an idea, and
I just wanted to get into it.
I still am deeply fascinated
that you're essentially
the numbers person
who helps the numbers people
do the numbers better.
That's some next-level
nerdity, I swear.
I'm such a nerd, I know.
I realize that it's not
as flashy as the arts,
but tech and numbers
are like puzzles,
and I get a thrill
out of solving it.
What were you saying?
(Sienna) Okay, so you know
how I was worried
that one school play a
year might not be enough
for some college acting programs
to consider my application?
Um, s-sure, I recall.
So Amy, you know,
from the drama club?
Well she found out
that they're offering
acting workshops at the
art center across town.
Who is "they"?
(Sienna) And the guy they got
to run the workshop
is an industry veteran with
actual film and TV credits.
They're offering
character study,
scene breakdown, headshots.
I think you can agree that's
definitely a step above
a high school play directed
by a geometry teacher.
You printed the paperwork for
the classes out because...
(laughs) Come on, Mom.
You know why.
Yeah. I, uh...
I mean I...
I know why, I just, I
don't understand, Sienna.
It's your senior year!
Why not just take your time
and enjoy your
freedom and be a kid?
What I enjoy is acting.
A workshop like this could
really give me a leg up.
It would look great on
college applications.
A little extracurricular
dedication can sometimes
make all the difference for
getting into a better school.
(dramatic music)
I'll think about it.
Thanks, Mom.
I said-
I said I'll think about it.
View never gets old, does it?
Sienna was telling me
about an acting class
they're offering
at the art center.
She's trying to convince
me to let her go.
And is there a
reason she shouldn't?
I guess not.
But she's already decided
to take an acting program
at a college for
the next four years.
It's gonna consume her life.
I'm just worried that...
Maybe she'll regret not taking
the next few months
to just be a kid.
Oh I doubt Sienna would view
it as consuming her life.
She loves this stuff.
It's her outlet,
it's her passion.
I guess I just
struggle with the fact
that she started acting after...
After her dad died.
You don't have to tiptoe around
the subject of
Steven with me, Lisa.
I live here.
I know you were married before.
You're right.
I guess it worries me that she
started acting after he died
because she needed to pretend.
Like she couldn't face reality.
Or by channeling it
into a performance.
That's how she dealt
with things, right?
You know, lots of artists,
they use their craft to
explore their feelings.
Look, it's your decision, but
I don't see how it can hurt.
Well she did say
it would be good
on a college application.
There you go.
- (knocking)
- Sweetheart.
Hey! What's up?
Well, I gave the acting
classes some thought.
- And?
- (Lisa) And,
as long as you keep
your schoolwork in order.
Oh my God!
Thank you!
- Aww.
- (Sienna laughs)
I didn't even say yes yet.
Yeah, but you were gonna.
Well you have Mark
to thank for that.
He was in your
corner on this one.
How about I make sure
to mention you both
in my speech when I
win my first Oscar?
First things first,
let's just make sure
you don't get distracted
on your applications
and make sure that
this is all worth it.
It will be worth it.
All right, we'll see.
(upbeat pop music)
(Amy) Sienna!
Amy! Oh my G...
I am so glad you're here!
I wasn't sure if we'd
be in the same class,
and I was worried I
wasn't gonna know anyone.
In the suburbs?
Not likely.
Come on, let me
show you the stage.
(student chatter)
This is awesome.
Oh yeah.
You're gonna love it.
Everybody brings their A game.
And what about the
classes themselves?
Do you feel like you're
learning good technique?
I should certainly hope so.
Max! (laughs)
Sienna, meet Max Frost.
This is his class.
Please, Amy,
acting is a shared experience.
This is our class.
I'm just here to impart
a little knowledge.
Uh, and Max, this is...
Sienna Morgan.
I know.
Thank you. Likewise!
(Max) Amy said she had a friend
that might be joining,
but she failed to mention
what presence you have.
I look forward to
seeing what you can do.
Uh-Thank you.
Let's grab a seat.
(Sienna giggles)
(Max) All right!
Good afternoon.
(Students) Good afternoon, Max!
(Max) I want to keep
tugging on that thread
of acting versus reacting.
We started talking
about this last week,
and Sienna, we're just
gonna dive right in.
So if you're having a
hard time keeping up,
just find me when we break
out into groups okay?
Sharing a scene is all
about an exchange of energy.
So if you're not giving your
partner something to work with,
I don't care how good you are,
the entire thing
is gonna suffer.
Join me for a
mirroring exercise.
(tense ambient music)
(Sienna whispers) Who's that?
(whispers) That's Haley.
She's the shining
star and protege.
Just watch.
(Max) Ready?
(heavy bass music)
We did not rehearse this.
And I gave no prior
info to Haley.
I'm acting
and she's reacting.
She's anticipating me.
This is what I want you to
work on with your partners.
Now come on, let's go!
(clap echoes)
Come on, let's go!
- (Max claps)
- (girls giggle)
Let's go!
Put a pep in that step!
Hey! Uh...
Haley, right?
I just wanted to say
that was amazing.
Like, so good.
Thank you.
That's really kind.
How did you even
know what to do?
You can't think about it.
You have to just react.
(Amy laughs)
All right.
Good, I like these pairings.
You two, let's come in a
little closer over here.
You guys are each
unique energies!
Give some of that
energy to your partner.
Partners, match that energy!
You may begin!
Start small.
Work your way up.
(lively music)
Oh, thank you.
(Lisa) Hi!
I told you that you
didn't have to pick me up!
Well this is your first day,
and it's so exciting, I
want to hear everything.
Oh, thank you.
It was so amazing.
I don't even have the
words to describe it.
Wow, speechless?
Max, he's our coach.
He's just so knowledgeable.
He had us do these
exercises today that really
made me think about
things in a different way.
I really feel like these
sessions are gonna be
good for me.
I'm excited you're so excited.
Excited barely
scratches the surface.
It was eye-opening!
Oh, for example, he did this
exercise with Haley today.
Who's Haley?
(Sienna) She's practically the
star of the class.
To be honest, I'm
a little jealous.
She just... gets it.
Well I'm sure soon enough
you too will just get it.
I hope so.
Hey, do we have a copy of
Romeo and Juliet at home?
With Leonardo DiCaprio?
No, Mom, as in Shakespeare?
- (Sienna laughs)
- Oh.
For the next few
classes Max wants us
to start studying
classic theater.
He says it will "Create
a good foundation
from which we can be inspired ."
I think Leonard
DiCaprio is fairly
inspiring actually, but that's...
What? I'm kidding!
It's a joke!
Come on, let's go!
(tense music)
(students whispering)
What's with her?
I have no idea.
She's been like that
since she got here.
Maybe it's some sort of
actor head space thing.
(Max) All right everyone, I hope
you've been doing your reading,
because today, we are
really going for it.
I chose "Romeo and Juliet"
for this exercise not only
because it's a story I knew
you'd be familiar with.
But to highlight
that Shakespeare's
words endure because of emotion.
And that's conveyed in the
performance of the material.
So why don't we start with a
reading of the balcony scene.
Come on down and read for Romeo.
Please, be Juliet.
Of course.
(Alex) Uh,
where exactly are we starting?
Let's skip past
the big monologue
that opens the scene
and start here.
That way we can get a bit of
the exchange between you two.
Now remember what
we've been working on;
and reacting.
Whenever you're ready,
(Alex breathes deeply)
She speaks!
Oh speak again, bright angel.
For thou art as
glorious to this night
being over my head as a
winged messenger to Heaven.
(dramatic music)
(tense music)
It's you.
(Haley sighs)
(deadpan) Oh Romeo, Romeo.
Wherefore art thou, Romeo?
Deny thy father and
refuse thy name.
Why don't we start again?
(deadpan) Oh, Romeo, Romeo.
Wherefore art thou, Romeo?
Deny thy father and
refuse thy name.
Or, if thou wilt
not be sworn, my...
My love.
You know what?
Why don't we break
up into groups?
(students whispering)
(Sienna) I am a-weary.
Give me leave awhile.
Fie, how my bones ache.
What jaunt have I!
(Amy) I would thou hadst
my bones, and I thy news.
Nay, come, I pray thee, speak
good, good nurse, speak!
Jesu, what haste!
Can you not...
Please. Finish.
Can you not stay awhile?
Do you not see I
am out of breath?
(Max) Very good.
Really strong delivery.
The only thing I don't buy
is that such a gorgeous
young woman would be
playing the nurse.
Great work today, Sienna.
You too, Amy.
(footsteps and clapping)
(crickets chirping)
(Amy over phone)
It's definitely cool
he singled out your work.
He complimented you too.
Please, he was being polite.
(Sienna) I don't
think that's true.
It's whatever.
It just means I'll have to knock
his socks off
during the read-through.
Speaking of, how are
you doing with the prep?
I barely understand
what anyone's saying.
Yeah, it's definitely tricky.
But I'm just trying to take
Max's advice and feel the words
as opposed to getting
hung up on what they mean.
You know, like what's
happening in the scene
is more important than
the words we're saying.
Okay, teacher's pet.
I am not!
Max barely notices me.
(Amy) Uh-huh, well, when
he sees how good
my Rosaline is, he'll
have a new favorite.
(Lisa) Sienna?
I gotta go.
Wow, someone's afraid
of a little competition.
(Lisa) Sienna?
Actually, my mom's calling.
(Amy) Yeah, likely story.
(Sienna) Goodnight, Amy.
(clears throat)
"Wherefore art thou, Romeo?"
So what were you doing up there?
I called you a few times.
Oh, I was on the phone with Amy.
Remember how I
said we were doing
scenes from Romeo and Juliet?
Well Max decided we should
do a full read-through.
He assigned us all
parts and everything.
It's like we're doing a
mini play right in class.
(Mark) Romeo and Juliet huh?
I like that movie.
How fun.
Have you guys even
read the play?
(Lisa) Um, no.
What part did he assign you?
Um, nothing major. Lady Capulet.
Hey, at least she has a name.
(Lisa laughs)
You know, I think it's great.
The bigger parts are something
that you can work towards.
In the meantime, you
have a lot of experience.
Thanks, Mom.
Are you sure you
got extra dumplings?
You sneak!
Would you buy it if I said
it was for character
Oh God.
(upbeat acoustic guitar music)
(Amy with British accent) Should
I do my performance
with an English accent?
Is that your English accent?
All right, folks.
We have an entire play
to get through today.
So, let's skip to pleasantries
and just jump right in.
Even though this
is a read through,
I do expect you did
some preparation.
Haley is not here.
No she's not.
(tense music)
I wasn't exactly sure
how to bring this up,
but I spoke with
Haley earlier today,
and she's had a
personal matter come up.
And she can no longer join us.
What, like forever?
I'm afraid so.
I mean she was definitely
off last class.
Yes she was.
(Alex) Oh, okay, great.
I mean she was our Juliet.
So what are we
supposed to do now?
I was getting to that.
Sadly, things like
this do happen
in our world of performance.
And while unfortunate, the
show, as they say, must go on.
Please, be Juliet.
(Max) Yes, you.
I've seen your work
the last few classes
and I think you can handle it
if you want.
Yeah, sure... Yes! I do!
I would love to. Thank you!
(Max) Great.
Take a few moments, think about
how you want to
present the character,
and then let's get moving.
Like I said, we've got an
entire play to get through.
Okay. I will.
You've got this.
Don't think.
Oh, and Amy?
No accents.
Can you believe
that just happened?
You should probably
prepare your character.
I'm gonna go over
there and use the quiet
to get in the proper head space.
Let's do this.
All right, Juliet.
You ready?
Let's start where we first meet.
And what about the way
the scene flowed today?
Couldn't you just
feel the energy?
Drama club at school
could've never, you know?
Is everything okay?
You seem kind of off.
Is that Haley?
(Sienna) What?
Should we do something...?
No, it's not none
of our business.
Let's just go.
- (inaudible)
- (traffic rolls by)
No. No! No!
(Lisa) Hi!
I was driving and
I saw you guys.
Do you want a lift home?
Um, sure.
Want a lift?
I can walk.
Are you sure, Amy?
It's no big deal.
I'm good.
I just kind of need
some fresh air.
Thanks though.
I'll see you later.
See you.
Is everything okay with Amy?
She seems a little distracted.
Yeah, everything's fine.
It's just weird.
We saw Max arguing with
Haley across the street.
Isn't Haley the star pupil?
Wasn't she...?
(Sienna) She is.
I don't know, it's just weird.
They seemed really
mad at each other.
Is Max always so
expressive with you kids?
Okay, first off, we're not kids.
And second, no.
Not like that.
I think Haley had to
drop out of the class,
so he was disappointed.
He really believed
in her potential.
Seems like an odd way
of showing it though.
Well actors are
passionate people, Mom.
Anyways, I have news.
You know how I said we
had that read-through?
Yeah, how did it go?
It went amazing.
More than amazing even.
(Lisa) Oh that's wonderful!
Wait, Mom, don't
even get excited yet
'cause I haven't even
told you the best part.
Well how I mentioned, Haley
dropped out of the class.
Well she was supposed
to be Juliet.
And you can't have Romeo
and Juliet without Juliet,
so guess who Max asked
to play the part.
Oh wow!
Well don't be all
excited or anything.
No, no, I'm just surprised.
Why is that so surprising?
Do you not think I
could handle the part?
(Lisa) No, just... Uh...
You just started
taking the classes, so I...
And it just seems kind of fast.
(Sienna) Well that's just how
things happen sometimes.
He picked me.
(Lisa) Okay, yes.
(Sienna) He knows what
he's talking about.
Absolutely, I'm sure he does.
(engine fires up)
I tried calling you last night.
Yeah, sorry.
My mom needed me to
watch my brother.
I couldn't really
be on my phone.
Do you maybe want to hang
out later this weekend?
We could practice lines?
Yeah, maybe.
You know, I've
been thinking about
how we saw Haley
in the parking lot.
(Max) Sorry I'm late!
I thought I escaped
traffic when I left LA,
but no such luck.
I'd like to keep working
on Romeo and Juliet.
What do you say?
Let's go to Act One, Scene
Five, the masquerade,
where Romeo meets Juliet
for the first time.
Alex, Sienna, you're up!
(Alex breathes deeply)
Whenever you're ready.
If I profane with
my unworthiest hand,
this holy shrine, the
gentle sin is this.
My lips, two blushing pilgrims.
Ready stand to smooth that
rough touch with a tender kiss...
No, no no no no.
It says right on the page
that you are supposed
to take her hand.
What are you doing still
clutching your book?
(Alex) Well I, I, uh...
You are meeting the love of
your life for the first time.
A beautiful woman is standing
right in front of you!
You have to make us believe
that you're surrendering
to the moment.
Let me show you what I mean.
Here, step back.
Come on, step over here.
Stay close.
You're going to read
the scene with me?
We are going to perform
the scene together.
If I profane with
my unworthiest hand.
This holy shrine.
The gentle sin is this.
My lips, two blushing
pilgrims ready stand
to smooth that rough touch
with a tender kiss.
Good pilgrim, you do
wrong your hand too much.
Which mannerly
devotion shows in this.
For saints have hands that
pilgrim's hands do touch.
And palm to palm is
holy palmers' kiss.
Have not saints lips?
And holy palmers too?
Aye, Pilgrim.
Lips that they
must use in prayer.
That's the stuff! That's it!
Great work today.
Oh, thank you.
To be honest, I was
a little nervous.
No, I know.
Was it that noticeable?
Oh, no. Not at all.
The role was thrust
upon you last minute.
It's to be expected.
I'd be a little worried
if you weren't nervous.
I thought you handled
it really well.
Oh, well thanks.
Still, now that you've had
a chance to read through
the role and push through
some of those nerves,
I think you can take
the role farther.
It's a shame class is over.
Well, I don't have
anywhere to be.
I'd be happy to
stay a little longer
and work on it with you,
if you want?
Just us?
Yeah, if you're into it.
(laughs) I'd love to.
Then grab your script.
And join me center
stage, "Lady Juliet".
(Sienna giggles)
(tense music)
(camera shutter clicking)
(camera shutter clicking)
(door opens)
Where have you been?
Uh, have you been sitting
there waiting for me?
And you guys say I'm
the dramatic one?
I'm not kidding, Sienna.
You were supposed to be
home over an hour ago.
If you're gonna be late,
you need to use the
phone to call me.
That's what it's for.
I'm sorry, it just
slipped my mind.
You could have called.
I did. Several times.
Is your ringer off?
It's no big deal.
I was just at my acting class.
I'm sorry.
Don't let it happen again.
So what were you and your
class working on today?
I actually stayed
later to work with Max
for some scenes and
technique with him.
Alone, unsupervised?
I wasn't unsupervised.
Max was there. He's
the instructor.
You know what I mean.
I don't see the problem.
He just wanted to give me
some one-on-one pointers!
You should be glad.
That's exactly the
kind of attention
that can help me
prepare for college.
You're intentionally
what I'm saying.
Back me up on this.
Look, your mom is right.
We don't really
know this guy and...
You're not my dad, Mark.
(Lisa) Sienna!
I thought we were
over that phase.
(Sienna) We were until you both
decided to gang up on me
when I was just trying
to better my craft.
We are not ganging up on you.
We just want to make
sure that you're safe!
Well I am, okay?
You just don't get it.
You know, her next
class is tomorrow.
Will you just go there
and meet the guy?
Well I would go myself,
but I have to work
every night this week.
(Mark) Of course.
Hi Sienna.
(Mark) Excuse me.
Hi, I'm Mark.
I'm with Sienna's mom, and
she asked me to speak with you
because she was concerned
about the fact that you two...
Ah, I see.
Well let me assure you that
individualized rehearsal
is very common in
the study of acting.
It is?
(Max) Of course.
It's such a personalized craft.
The exploration and expression
of emotion and what have you.
Sometimes the only way to
truly hone an actor's skills
is to just take a
little extra time.
But I totally
understand your concern,
and normally I would've
sent home a notice
in advance of the
individualized session,
but yesterday was just such
a matter of circumstance.
Sienna, why don't you go
wait from me in class.
I'm really glad
you came to see me.
Please know that I
believe in transparency
with students and
their families.
Well that's very appreciated.
And you know what,
if it were up to me,
I would have you stay
and watch today's class.
Really get a feel for how
we handle things here.
But having a stranger
watch the process
can make some of the
students very uncomfortable.
(Mark) No, no, that's fine.
And by the way, I appreciate
you taking a second to talk.
You know, today's world,
you can never be too sure.
Believe me, I get it.
Try not to worry too much.
Sienna is a smart,
talented young woman.
And she is in good hands.
(dramatic music)
(Sienna) It's embarrassing!
(Lisa) I'm sorry, Sienna, but
knowing who you're spending
so much time with is
pretty much parenting 101.
Okay, well Mark met him.
Everything was fine.
Are you satisfied?
I will be after I talk to Mark.
Why can't you just trust me?
It's not you that I need
to trust, sweetheart.
(sighs) Goodnight, Mom.
Well, sounds like she's reacting
in a normal teenage fashion.
(Mark) 'Cause, you know, there's
nothing more mortifying
than two adults
having a conversation.
So how was he?
He seemed, um, nice.
Even a little apologetic
for causing concern.
I honestly don't think there's
anything to be worried about.
I don't know.
Something's just
not computing.
That's the problem.
You are so used to dealing
with the hard facts
and figures at work,
you forget people
can sometimes be a little
bit more complicated.
Yourself included.
You're processing
the fact that Sienna
taking a bigger
step into that world
means that she's not
gonna be at home forever.
That's a lot.
(crickets chirping)
(tense music)
(gentle piano music)
Did someone burn something?
(Lisa) Mm-hm.
It's how I like my toast, okay?
(Lisa) Do you want me
to make you something?
(Sienna) Uh no, I'll just grab
something on my way to school,
unless you want to come with me?
You haven't interrogated
my algebra teacher yet.
Very funny, Sienna.
I thought so.
I'm sorry about being so
stubborn about it last night.
I know you're just
looking out for me.
Well it is my job as your
mom to look out for you.
How is schoolwork
going, by the way?
Like I promised you it would.
Good! That's great.
(Sienna) I was wondering, if
I were to tell you
in advance, that I
might say later today...
I guess I'd be okay with that.
(Lisa) Yeah.
You asked, it's the
right thing to do.
Well I better get going.
See you tonight?
Yeah. Love you, sweetie.
Love you, Mom.
I'm glad you could stay.
Me too.
I'm sorry again about yesterday.
(Max) You have nothing
to apologize about.
I'm used to fielding
questions from people
who can't quite wrap their
heads around what we do.
Do you have to explain
yourself to people often?
Yes and no.
You know, crafting stories
and emotions is our job.
And you can't quite
leave emotions
at the office at
the end of the day.
And some people
just don't get that.
That's why creatives tend
to be drawn to each other.
Like in Hollywood.
Yeah. Exactly.
What's it like?
(Max) What, Hollywood?
(Sienna) Yeah.
(Max) Oh it is everything
you would want.
And nothing like you'd expect.
I'd love to work there someday.
You will.
Maybe sooner rather than later.
You think so?
(Max) I do.
You are extremely talented and
exceptionally good looking.
I have no reason
to think otherwise.
Thank you.
Is it hard to get a break?
In Hollywood, I mean.
It all seems so far
away and impossible.
Uh, it can certainly
be an uphill climb
and it's definitely
a lot of hard work.
You have to believe in yourself
and maybe find a few
other people
to believe in you as well.
How do you mean?
There are groups you can join
that if you invest in them,
they will invest in you.
And help push your
career forward.
What, like the Actor's Guild?
(Mark laughs)
Not exactly.
Look, I'd be happy to explain
more sometime if you want.
Oh, okay, so I was looking over
these scenes we
worked on yesterday,
and I think I got a new
approach to the character.
That's great.
And I look forward to
seeing what you've prepared.
But for tonight, I was thinking
something a little different.
Come with me.
Where are we going?
Don't worry, we're
staying in the building.
What's this?
I had the art center set
up a photo studio for you.
You did? Why?
Because you're going
to have a photo shoot.
I am?
(Max) Yes.
This class isn't just
about scene study
and character breakdown.
It's about getting you
ready for the business.
And to audition.
And if you want to audition,
you have to have good headshots.
You're gonna take my headshots?
I am.
We've gotta get you comfortable
in front of the camera.
Look, in the real world, these
things cost a lot of money.
So the last thing you
want to do is go in there
and let somebody take
advantage of you.
Well that makes sense.
And look, you and I have read
the material a thousand times.
You know your stuff.
It's why I wanted
to do something
like this tonight instead.
I believe in you.
So I wanted to help
you get a little push
on some other areas.
I really appreciate that.
Come on, let's get snapping.
Let's get to work, huh?
Yeah, right in the center there.
All right, this is your
first headshot session.
You're excited, let's
see some of that energy.
(camera shutter clicks)
Great. Great.
Chin down just a little
bit for me, okay?
- (camera shutter clicks)
- Awesome.
Great stuff, little less smile.
- That's so good.
- (camera shutter clicking)
We're having a lot of fun.
Oh, amazing.
Just give me a three
quarter turn to your left.
Chin down just a little bit.
Good, a little less smile.
You know what? A
little more smile.
- Yeah.
- (camera shutter clicks)
Oh, that's great.
You're a natural.
You know what, let's
unbutton the sweater.
Show a little more skin.
"More skin"?
Isn't that a bit weird?
You know what?
That probably did
sound a little weird.
But photos with a
little bit of sex appeal
are essentially
industry standard.
And they certainly
help get roles.
I guess that makes sense.
You know what?
We've got a lot of good stuff.
We've got some great stuff.
I-I thought you were ready
for a little bit more
professional push.
It's totally okay.
But this is...
No no no no no.
We've done it. It's all right.
It's okay.
I'm a professional.
And I want to learn
everything, so...
(Max) You sure?
I'm sure.
All right, why do we lose
the sweater altogether.
Oh. Okay.
Keep that shoulder a
little bit towards me.
Tilt down just a little bit.
- Yes!
- (camera shutter clicking)
That is great.
Give me real serious.
- Good. Good.
- (camera shutter clicking)
Little flirtatious
with the eyes.
- Mm-hm.
- (camera shutter clicking)
(camera beeping)
Boy, you are cute
when you blush.
They are gonna love you.
Okay, give me something
different now.
Something exciting.
How was class?
It was... good.
How was your individual
session with Max?
Great, just...
Ran some lines.
Nothing major.
Well dinner's
ready when you are.
Um, I'll be down in a sec.
(dramatic music)
(phone ringing)
Oh? Yeah!
Um, I'm not doing
anything right now.
Oh my God! No way.
(door closes)
I got your laundry.
(tense music)
(Sienna) Uh.
Yeah, let me just...
Hang up. Now.
I gotta go.
Where are you going, young lady?
You're blowing this
out of proportion!
I most certainly am not.
I saw the photos.
(Sienna) And so what?
It's not a big deal.
It's absolutely a big deal!
(Sienna) You're the one choosing
to make it like that!
Look, I get it.
You're used to computer problems
with clear cut solutions,
but that's not how
entertainment works.
It's not direct.
You have to take chances.
(Lisa) This isn't me being
confused over professions.
I know the difference.
Do you?
Photos with a little sex appeal
is just part of the business.
You have to be noticed.
"Sex appeal"?
You're a teenager!
Correction, I'm a teenager
heading into college
with a plan of entering the
professional world of acting.
These classes are supposed
to help me prepare for that.
It's part of the
reason you agreed...
You and I both know that
I did not agree to this.
Furthermore, if you didn't think
that there was something
wrong with the photos,
you wouldn't have lied
about taking them.
Because I knew you
were going to overreact
and take it the wrong way!
And you did.
This is not me being stubborn
or ignorant about
the acting world.
It's simply unacceptable!
You have no idea what
you're talking about.
What did I miss?
There's something
I have to show you.
(dramatic music)
(tense music)
(sobs) My mom and
I, we got in a fight
and I had to get
out of the house.
I didn't know where
to go, so I came here.
I'm sorry, I didn't even
know if you would be here.
Do you want to talk about it?
She just doesn't get it
and I feel like I have
no one to talk to.
That's not true. Come here.
It's all right.
It's okay, it's all right.
You can always talk to me, okay?
(Sienna) Okay.
This is a safe
space for you, okay?
(Sienna) Thank you.
Hey you! Get away from her!
This is unbelievable!
Yeah, well we can discuss
your feelings on
the matter later,
but right now I need you
to come home with me.
(Max) Okay, look, I
understand that emotions
are a little high right now,
but let's, maybe I
think we should...
Oh I am not interested
at all in what you think.
Look, there's gotta be
a misunderstanding here.
(Mark) Your conduct has
been inappropriate.
That's quite an accusation.
Especially since the only one
behaving inappropriately
here is you.
Excuse me?
(Max) This is twice now
you've shown up
under the pretense of concern.
When it's you who's
causing a scene,
and it's you who's
making our students
and their families
- That's ridiculous.
- (Max) Is it?
Or are you just here
to shift the blame?
What are you talking about?
Sienna, I'm so sorry.
I did not want to do
this in front of you.
But since your friend
here wants to publicly
question my reputation, I
have to speak the truth.
You want to make accusations
of inappropriate
behavior in photos?
Maybe you should
look in the mirror.
We've received complaints
that you've been watching
some of our students
from across the street.
And even taking pictures.
You cannot be serious!
(Max) I'm afraid I am, and I'm
going to have to ask you
to leave the art center
property before this becomes
a greater safety hazard
for our students.
Okay, you know, I don't know
what kind of game
you're trying to play...
I assure you this is no game,
and if you continue
to make a scene
I will be forced to
call the authorities.
I've had enough of this.
Sienna, let's go.
You can not make me go with you.
You are not my dad, Mark.
(Mark) Yes, as you've mentioned,
but I'm asking you
to come home because it's
what your mother wants.
(Max) Hey.
Call me if you need me.
Everything all right, Max?
(Max) Just go inside.
(tense music)
Found her at the art center.
Exactly where I want to be.
(Lisa) I think you know that's
not where I want you to be.
At least until we find out
what's going on there, Sienna.
What's going on is Max gets me.
You don't.
And you're not even trying.
Instead you're overreacting
and ruining my life.
(Lisa) I don't consider
it an overreaction
when my daughter is a subject
of inappropriate behavior.
Want to talk inappropriate?
Maybe you should look
inside your own house first.
Here we go.
(Lisa) What?
What is she talking about?
Apparently Mark
has been showing up
and taking pictures of the
girls coming from my classes.
(Mark) Oh come on, Lisa, that's
absolutely insane.
It's obviously not true.
That's not what Max said.
He said that some people
have even complained.
There's been complaints?
(Sienna) Yeah, which you might
know about if you actually
came to the art center yourself
instead of sending him.
I don't even own a
camera! You know that!
He's right.
We don't even have a camera
in the house, Sienna.
Well he wasn't taking pictures
from the house, was he?
Look Mom, while you
were accusing Max
of terrible things when he
was just trying to help,
your boyfriend was the
one doing the things
you were afraid of the most.
You don't believe this, do you?
Believe whatever you want.
But stop trying to get
in the way of my dreams!
I'm gonna make a drink.
(tense music)
(thumping music)
(dramatic sting)
(camera clicking)
(Sienna in flashback) Your
boyfriend was the one
doing the things you
were afraid of the most!
(camera clicking)
(Mark snoring)
(Lisa) Get up!
Lisa, what's up?
Get out!
Where are you going?
I have acting class today.
You know that.
I really don't think you
should be going back there.
Why shouldn't I?
It was Mark who turned
out to be the problem.
Not my classes with Max.
It's not that simple, Sienna.
It's a little bit more
complicated than that.
I really think that
we just need to...
(Sienna) Need what?
More time to sit
here and realize
how much we don't
get each other?
This isn't like when dad died
and it was the two of
us against the world.
Then you believed in my dream.
Supported me doing whatever
it took to achieve it.
I... I think we can
both be honest
and agree that this
is not adding up
to be something
positive right now.
(Sienna) Because they don't
need to add up!
This is not some tech issue.
It's life.
You didn't even want me to
take this class to begin with.
Yeah, I...
You questioned every part of it.
Every step of the way.
I had good reason to
be concerned, didn't I?
I am not your
little girl anymore.
Maybe you're just
jealous because
I have something I'm
passionate about.
I'm not jealous, Sienna.
This has nothing
to do with acting.
(Sienna) Then how come when Max
picked me to read the lead
in Romeo and Juliet,
you were so surprised
I was able to get a part
like that so quickly?
Or when he tried to help
me prepare my professional
portfolio by taking my
headshots, you flipped out.
You claim to not trust him.
But the truth is, you don't
believe in me or my talent.
I am just asking you
to take a step back
and look at it from your
mother's perspective.
I have!
Which is how I know that
you just don't get it.
This is my dream, Mom.
And I'm gonna do whatever it
takes to make it come true.
You know, Max believes in me.
It would be nice if you did too.
(dramatic music)
I'm surprised you're here.
Why wouldn't I be?
I don't know, I guess
I just thought after
your mom's boyfriend got
busted gawking at everyone
you'd be too embarrassed
to show your face.
What's your problem, Amy?
I thought that we were friends.
I thought so too,
but I don't even think
I recognize you anymore.
What's that supposed to mean?
(Amy) You got handed
the lead role
on the same day that
you and I saw Haley
and our teacher having a
fight in the parking lot.
And you never even
stopped to consider
how weird that was because
you got to be the star.
But it is weird, Sienna.
That doesn't just happen.
(Sienna) I'm sorry that you
can't deal with the fact
that I'm getting
the chance to shine.
But that's a you problem.
Oh? No.
No, that's an everyone problem.
This class used to
be about the group.
And now it's just about you.
And the only attention
the rest of us get
is from some creep you
brought to our door.
(Sienna) If you don't feel like
you're getting enough attention
in acting class, well maybe
you just need to be better.
God, you are such...
(Max) Enough!
This kind of petty behavior is
for gymnasts and ballerinas,
not actors.
I don't care what beef you have.
When you're in my class,
you leave it outside.
Is that clear?
(Amy) Look, Max...
(Max) Is that clear?
(tense music)
(Max) Good.
Now, I'd like to
continue our exploration
of the Meisner technique.
So if you could all
please circle up.
Can you stay after?
Let's shake that off, right?
Deep breath.
Exhale with voice.
(dramatic music)
Can we talk?
I don't have anything
to say to you.
Just hear me out, please.
You know how hard it was
for me after Steven died.
How difficult it was to
open my heart up again.
I trusted you, Mark!
Come on, Leese,
there's a part of you
that knows this is not true.
The evidence is pretty clear.
When have you ever known
me to take pictures?
How did the photos
get in your car?
Who put them there?
I don't know.
And look, I can't prove it,
but all signs point to Max.
- (Lisa scoffs)
- (Mark) And why would I do it?
Why would I jeopardize every
thing that I built with you?
Why would I throw away all I did
to establish a
relationship with Sienna?
You two are my everything.
I would never do anything
to endanger that.
I can't. I can't.
I cannot do this right now.
You need to leave.
- Lisa.
- (door slams)
You okay?
Whatever was happening with
Amy earlier wasn't too nice.
It wasn't.
But it's whatever.
She's clearly dealing
with her own issues.
Boy has it been a day.
First my mom.
Now her.
You got in another
fight with your mom?
Same thing, different day.
You know what?
You have had a lot
on your plate lately.
We should just go
someplace and talk.
- Yeah?
- (Max) Yeah,
if that's something
you think would be helpful.
Yeah. I think it would.
(Sienna) Hey.
Hey, can we talk?
Sure, what's up?
Mark came by today.
What happened? Is
everything okay?
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
Considering the circumstance.
He came to plead his case.
What did you do?
I listened.
And then I sent him on his way.
(dramatic music)
You know, the last few weeks.
It's just been awful.
This isn't who we are.
It's never been like
this and I don't like it.
Me either.
When your dad died,
I think part of
what got us through
was knowing that
we had each other.
I don't want to lose that.
Oh Mom.
I am sorry that I
haven't been so easy.
Me too.
Hey, you know, I know
that I don't really
understand your
whole acting world.
But please know that I'm trying.
To be fair, it is
a strange thing
to wrap your head around.
I mean, there's no straight path
to pretending to be other
people for a living.
But when you go to
college you'll have plenty
of instructors that can
show you all of the paths.
So that you can find the
right one to let you shine.
I'm learning a lot of
techniques from Max now.
And that's, I didn't mean
that as a slight.
I just meant that
you'll have professors
who have experience with
a dynamic group of people.
We're back to this again?
Is it so unbelievable that Max
would pick me
because of my talent?
Does it have to be because
it's a "small town"
and there's no one else, or
that he has ulterior motives?
I'm not saying that.
I'm not saying that...
Can't you just believe
I have what it takes?
(Lisa) I do believe!
I absolutely believe that
you have what it takes.
That's not what
I'm saying at all.
Yes it is!
Appreciate the talk, Mom,
but all it did was prove that
to reach my potential,
I have to rely on me.
(smooth jazz music)
(Max) Just those two red
wines, thank you.
Thanks, Gigi.
All right.
You want to tell me what
happened with your mom?
Well, she's been kind of a wreck
since everything
happened with Mark.
Which I get, but she's
clearly projecting.
She associates his
thing with class
and keeps trying
to make me quit.
You know, I can kind
of understand that.
But surely she knows how much
these classes mean to you.
You would think so.
Is... this... for me?
You have had a day.
You deserve to relax.
It's wine.
(Max) Yeah, I know.
I bought it.
(whispers) Isn't that illegal?
Rules are there to
inhibit our experiences.
Actors shouldn't be afraid
to break them sometimes.
It helps us grow.
Come on.
It can be our
secret if you want.
That's actually really good.
I'm glad you like it.
(Sienna laughs)
You're still tense?
I am.
(Max) Look, if it's the wine,
it's not a big deal.
You don't have to drink.
No, it's not about the wine.
I'm just still processing
everything that's been going on;
my mom.
All right.
Turn around.
I said, "turn around".
What are you...
Does it feel good?
It does.
Then just go with it.
about your mom?
I don't know.
I mean, a part of me gets it.
Everything has been
different lately.
Everything at home is a wreck,
and look at my
friendship with Amy.
Amy is no friend.
She's jealous.
I don't know.
It's true.
She sees what you
bring to the table
and it reminds her that she
does not have what it takes.
Isn't that a bit harsh?
(Max) It is the truth.
There is a part
of them that sees
that your talent is
bigger than them.
It makes them recognize
that their lives are limited
and you can go wherever,
and do whatever you want.
People resent that.
And how do you deal with
something like that?
You are bigger than this town.
You are bigger
than these people.
And your talent far
exceeds anything
I could teach you in that class.
You really think that?
(Max) I do.
It's why I think you're
ready to take the next step.
Sticking around here?
It's a waste of your time.
I don't understand.
I have to go back to Hollywood
for a couple of days.
I think you should come with me.
(tense music)
You want me to go to
Hollywood with you?
(Max) I do.
In fact I'd love
it if you join me.
I could introduce you to that
group I was telling you about.
Unlike the people here,
they would understand you.
They would help you.
But why would they
want to help me?
I mean I'm nobody.
You are not nobody.
You have what it takes
to get their attention.
I'm not gonna lie to you,
it doesn't come without
some personal investment.
But, if you're willing to
learn from these people,
you will be awakened
to an entirely
new world of possibilities.
Is this like some religion?
(Max) Oh God, no,
no, not exactly.
No, it's a system of belief.
I like to think of it as
an ideology of betterment.
Each person that joins the group
commits to a set of
principles and goals,
and part of the
bond is that we all
help each other achieve them.
I only want to
introduce you to people
who are going to help you
achieve your goals, Sienna.
You deserve to be a star.
You are a star.
Come with me.
I don't know what to say.
I mean I love the idea, but...
Are you sure I'm ready?
I wouldn't have asked
you if I didn't.
My mom would never let me.
Stars do not ask for permission.
What do you say?
(dramatic music)
Oh God no.
Oh no, no.
(doors clanging)
(Amy on phone) I don't know what
to tell you, Mrs. Morgan.
The last time we spoke,
we kind of had a fight.
Was it about Max?
You don't know where in
Hollywood they might be?
Not really.
All most of us know is that's
where he lives when
he is not here.
Maybe you could ask
the police for help.
I did.
They said that they couldn't
do anything because she's 18.
And that she herself said
that he wasn't a threat.
They would notify the
authorities there,
but the city cops can't
do much 'cause they have
bigger issues than
checking up on everyone
who comes to town with
stars in their eyes.
Will you just let me know
if you hear from her, please?
I will.
(phone rings)
(Lisa) Amy,
Sienna said that
Max had got in a fight
with a girl in the parking lot.
The one whose spot she took.
(Lisa) Yes!
Do you have her phone number?
Yes! I'll send you
her number right now.
(upbeat pop music)
What did I tell you?
It's beautiful!
It's like a dream.
(Max) Well, beautiful girls
deserve to be in
beautiful places!
Want to see your room?
I'd love to.
Right this way.
It's not much, but I
think it'll do the trick.
Ah, it came.
What's that?
Consider it a welcome to
Hollywood gift from me to you.
You got me a gift?
Is that a dress?
(Max) It is!
A very fashionable one
too, if I do say so myself.
Take it out.
Hold it up, let's see it.
It's kind of...
And you're gonna
look sexy in it!
It is beautiful,
but I don't know
if I can accept such a gift.
Of course you can!
You don't like it?
(Sienna) I do!
I love it, but it's sort
of an intimate gift and...
I have some very important
people coming over tonight.
They see a lot of actors.
So, I wanted to
get you something
that would make you stand out.
I just think...
Look, Sienna, it's
like the headshots.
It might seem kind
of weird at first,
but these are the things that
you have to do to get noticed.
And you're willing to do
whatever it takes, right?
(dramatic music)
I am.
Thank you for the dress.
(Max) You're very welcome.
Go put it on.
I'll open us up
a bottle of wine.
You'll meet me by the pool.
(tense music)
(car lock beeps)
(cart clattering)
(Lisa) Haley?
(Lisa) Hi, I'm Sienna's mom.
We spoke on the phone.
You-you work here?
Kind of live here too.
(Hailey) My family and I aren't
really talking right now.
I'm so sorry.
I appreciate you coming
all the way across town.
I just, I don't know
how much help I'll be.
(Lisa) I'll take any information
you can provide.
Let's get out of the hall.
(dramatic music)
I'm gonna be honest
with you, Haley.
Ever since Max has
come into our lives,
things have really fallen
apart, and I feel like
there's a giant wedge
in between Sienna and I.
I feel like he put it there.
Sounds like that's between
you and your daughter.
I just need to
know more about Max
and his role in all of this.
Why would I know about that?
Because she said that you and
him got in a terrible fight
and that you used
to be his favorite,
before her.
So Haley, if there's
anyone who knows anything
about what's going
on, it would be you.
Well I'm sorry, I don't.
You can try calling
the Art Center.
Maybe they can help you.
I just-I just need anything.
Anything that you can
provide me with at all.
He's convinced her to go
to Los Angeles with him.
He took her to LA?
Does that mean something to you?
(tense music)
You're right to be
concerned about Max.
He's not who he says.
Who is he?
Max is a good actor, and
that is his greatest weapon.
He's charming and
manipulative and says exactly
what you need to hear
for you to trust him.
And he plays the part perfectly.
But it's all just another role
for him to get what he wants.
What does he want?
Max is part of this circle
of people in the industry
who have created
their own system of
They thrive off power and get it
by making sure people owe them.
Owe them what?
They find up and coming actors,
promise them their
wildest dreams,
a career, but in actuality,
they're grooming them to
be disposable distractions
for the men who run everything.
Men who are happy
to keep you down
and at their mercy, and Max,
(sobs) is the worst one.
He works extra hard to
gain your confidence
because he knows what
he wants in return.
He did this to you?
Why didn't you say anything?
Well, I wanted to.
But, Max, he...
He took photos of...
Compromising photos.
That's how they control you.
When I wanted out, he
said if I told anyone
he would leak the photos.
And my career would be
over before it started.
It's what Sienna saw
us fighting about.
I, uh...
So when he takes them
to LA, that's when...
I have to go!
I have to go get her
before it's too late!
What's his address?
I can text it to you.
Thank you.
Ms. Morgan?
(tense music)
You look amazing.
Oh they're gonna love you.
(phone ringing)
Um, two seconds.
I'll be right back.
(Max) I'm telling you, this
one is going to work.
I know I said that
about the last girl,
but this one is all sorted out.
I promised you I would
bring you somebody
to settle my debt with
the group and I have.
And I think you're
going to be pleased.
(camera beeping)
(dramatic sting)
You weren't supposed
to see those.
I got my camera out
because I was hoping
we could take some
pictures in your new dress
which you look great in!
I'm sorry, babe.
Hollywood's not
done with you yet.
(suspense music)
(Max) Good.
You're awake.
(tense music)
(car door quietly closes)
You did this to
yourself, you know.
Had your entire career in
the palm of your hands.
You just had to get nosy.
Still, when my guests arrive.
Maybe we can still
work something out.
These people will
get what they want.
Hollywood is all about
second chances, after all.
(whispers) Hurry
please, hurry please.
Please hurry.
- Hurry.
- (Lisa) Shh.
Almost done.
He's gonna come back.
Come on, Mom!
(dramatic sting)
I don't remember inviting you.
(suspense music)
No! Stop it!
Let go!
(Lisa screaming)
(Lisa crying)
(Lisa choking)
(glass shatters)
(body thuds)
Mom! My God!
Are you okay?
(Lisa) Oh!
(Sienna sobs) Are you okay?
Yes, yes, are you?
Thank you. Thank you.
(birds chirping)
(uplifting music)
When the police
arrived, they had enough
compelling evidence
to haul Max away.
(Mark) I just hope the police
can make this stick.
(Sienna) Well not only do they
have our testimony,
but Haley has agreed to
come forward with her story.
(Lisa) Yeah, they'll be able to
put away
his little cult as well.
So they won't be able to
hurt anyone ever again.
Speaking of, I know
that this whole thing
has very unceremoniously thrown
a wrench into your
acting classes,
and if you were interested
I'd be happy to...
Thanks, Mom, but I think
I'm good for a bit.
Don't get me wrong. Acting
is still my passion,
but I think it's
better I take a break.
Enjoy the rest of my
senior year and be a kid.
I love that idea.
One thing Max was right
about is that everything
in an actor's life helps
inform their craft.
Just so happens I have
plenty to study right here.
I think that she means we
are like Romeo and Juliet.
Our love story ends way better.
You fought for me even when
I was unwilling
to see the truth,
acting selfish and
unable to protect myself,
and that, to me, is
true star-quality.
(bright music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music fades)