My Boss' Wedding (2021) Movie Script

Dearly Beloved,
we are gathered here today
to witness the coming
together of Anne and Jeffrey.
Sorry. Miss Price?
Hey, Nicole, sorry to
bother you on the weekend.
No problem.
I was wondering if you
could come in early Monday.
I want to go over
the Metro Media file.
I would love to!
I have some great
ideas I've been thinking...
Why are you
breathing so heavily?
It's just, ah... Jogging.
I don't know how
you find the time.
I have some great ideas
on the Metro Media file.
I would love to tell you.
Wait... Why are you
There's a wedding going on
in the park right now
and I'm pretty sure they're
about to get to that part
where they ask, "Speak now,
or forever hold your peace."
A wedding in a park?
Oh! How romantic.
Come on. It must
be beautiful.
It's, uh, cute. Let me
get somewhere I can talk.
I really, really, really
want to tell you about...
I! Am! So! Sorry!
Nicole, is everything okay?
Miss Price, I gotta run.
I don't think that counts.
Good morning!
Oh, I can't talk.
There's work to be done.
But it's the weekend.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Here it is!
Here's what?
The file that is going to get me
the junior-executive promotion.
You always say that.
You've been
trying to get noticed
ever since you started here.
What's so special
about it this time?
Well, Kim called me
over the weekend
wanting me to come in
early this morning
to give her my ideas
for Metro Media.
She's trying to land
their contract
and, uh, she has a big
meeting with them... today!
Well, I worked on it all
weekend and here it is, so...
what do you think?
I think it's thick.
Well, yeah.
I wanted to be thorough.
I mean, this is a
really important contract,
so I figured if I just...
Did Kim ask you to do...
all that?
Well, no.
But I took initiative!
4- You want to know what another
saying for initiative is?
Jumping to conclusions.
Take my advice:
don't do anything unless
someone tells you to.
Even then, wait 'til
they ask a second time.
For men, it's three.
Trust me. You'll be happier.
There's Kim now. Good luck!
Morning, everyone.
Good morning, Miss Price.
No, Nicole, it is not
a good morning.
It is a great morning.
Ooh! You seem happy.
After the weekend I've had...
Well, while I have you here,
I wanted to talk to you about...
Do you know that stage of love
when everything is just so...
You feel like you're just
floating across the floor.
Yeah. It's, ah... magical.
It is magical.
Yes, I agree but I
wanted talk to you...
Oh, you can take that
fake smile off your face.
Fake smile?
Nicole, I have no idea
why somebody so young
and so beautiful can be so...
Bah, humbug! about
everything romance.
the schedule?
You have your lunch
with Metro Media today
and I have some ideas for
the pitch that I...
You can cancel that meeting.
I landed the contract.
You landed it?
Yeah. I mean, yesterday,
after our call,
I decided why not just take
the executives out to dinner?
And somewhere between the wine
and the karaoke,
I signed them
to a three-year deal.
Thank you.
So, all this, much appreciated
but not really needed.
I just wanted to show you
what I could do
if I was given the opportunity.
Aw, Nicole.
I mean, being a workaholic
is so early 2000s.
Trust me... I was there.
Nowadays, it's all about
relationships and...
team spirit.
Well, I'm not a workaholic.
I'm just highly organized.
Well, when was the last time
you organized your way
into a romantic rendezvous?
One of a kind
I see you smile
and I'm all right
You ease my mind
Long as you're near me
I'll be fine
Instead my chest
about to burst
It's what you do to me
One thing I'm sure...
Excuse me?
- For you there
are no words...
Excuse me?
Yes? Pretty girl
reading the book.
Thank you. Hi.
Do you have a request?
No. Well...
Yes, actually...
What do you want to hear?
This is the second time
you've played that song.
Is there something else
you can play?
Anything else?
I think I was doing
a pretty good job at it.
No, you are.
That's the problem.
I like that song.
Thank you.
I have 22 minutes left
on my lunch break.
Is there another song
you could play?
I can-I can play
you something else.
What's wrong with that song?
It was mine and my boyfriend's
song, but we broke up, okay?
Aw. You recently broke up
with your boyfriend. I'm sorry.
Well, it... It wasn't
that recent, actually.
How long?
Like a year ago.
Yeah, sorry.
I couldn't hear you, either.
We broke up a little
over a year ago, okay?
Lady, get over it.
You know what?
Oh! Okay.
Problem solved.
Knock yourself out.
This is dedicated to you.
You're one of a kind
I see you smile
and I'm all right
You ease my mind
As long as you're near me
I'll be fine
Instead my chest
about to burst
Hey. There's left-over
pizza if you want.
You look nice.
I got a date.
Ooh. With who?
Mm. The guy
with the nose ring?
Don't judge! He's nice.
Okay, on the rare occasions
you go on a date, I don't judge.
Me going out on a date
is not as rare
as people make it out to be.
Yes, it is.
And B...
Okay, there is no B.
You're right. I shouldn't judge.
Do you want me to see if maybe
he has a friend he can bring?
Double date?
Look at me, I got pizza.
I'm good.
I'm good.
What's going on?
Hey! What's going on?
Kim has an announcement.
Do you think it's
about the promotion?
Don't know. Could be.
You got here just in time.
I have a big announcement.
You have all met
my boyfriend, Bradley.
Well, Bradley is
not my boyfriend anymore.
He's my fianc!
Thank you! Okay, everybody,
back to work.
Oh, ah, Nicole?
Can Bradley and I
have a moment of your time?
Yeah, yeah. Oh! Sorry.
My goodness.
It's a safety hazard.
I'm going to put a sign up later
or maybe I'll just get rid of it
Sorry about that! Wow!
Congratulations, you guys.
This is really...
- exciting!
- Thank you, Nicole.
Thank you. You know Bradley
and I have busy schedules.
Whoo! Don't I know it.
And because of those schedules
and some upcoming travel
in the next couple of months,
we need to pull off
this wedding fast.
How fast?
Two weeks.
Yikes! Well,
that sure is fast.
I'll be sure to respond
to my invite A-S-A-P.
Oh! My gosh. I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to assume that
I was invited, I was just...
trying to be funny and...
Oh, gosh.
Oh, no! Of course
you're invited.
Actually, you're
more than invited.
What my fianc is trying to say
is that we're going to need
some help planning this wedding
if we're going to
pull it off on time.
And you are the most organized
person I've ever worked with.
we were hoping that you
would be... our wedding planner.
Listen, Kimmy tells me you're
not the biggest fan of romance.
Everybody keeps saying that!
But I like romance. I do.
Romance just doesn't seem to
like me very much.
Well, that's why I've
asked my nephew to help out.
I work better alone.
Think of him as your assistant?
Mm. I still
work better alone.
Oh, but I've met Bradley's
nephew several times.
Really sweet kid.
Hopeless romantic.
Everybody in the family
calls him Mr. Romance.
I shouldn't be
saying this, but, uh,
he's my favourite nephew.
Ah! Ooh!
He's a bit of a black
sheep in a family, uh,
full of type-A businesspeople.
But he's super sweet.
And easy on the eyes,
if you know what I mean.
- Runs in the family.
- Oh!
I have so much work to do,
your nephew could
handle this on his own?
Michael? Sweet kid,
just not the most reliable,
if you know what I mean?
We were thinking that the two
of you would make a great team.
Yup, he'll bring the romance
and you can bring
the focus
and organization.
Kind of give this wedding
planning the old one-two punch.
I think this is a horrible idea.
Nicole! I mean, you know
I love your unbridled honesty,
but I was hoping that you'd
be a little bit more...
I'm kidding!
- Gahhhh!
- Oh!
I would love to plan
your wedding!
See? I told you she'd say yes.
Ah, perfect!
Bradley has organized for
you two to meet this morning.
- Should be here any minute.
- This morning?
Nicole, you have to plan
a wedding in two weeks.
You have no time to waste.
Of course.
What in the world?
There he is now.
- That's your nephew?
- Yeah.
Didn't I tell you
he's easy on the eyes.
Michael! Come on over here.
Hey! You brought dogs!
Hey, Uncle Brad!
this is Nicole.
The woman I was
telling you about.
You're the woman from the park.
And you have dogs.
Lots of dogs.
I have a dog-walking business.
Wait, you're not
allergic, are you?
No. No, no.
I'm just not the
biggest fan of dogs.
Do you two know each other?
- No.
- Yeah.
We met in the park yesterday.
He was playing the guitar and...
- Hm.
- Huh.
This is going to be
a lot of fun.
Why don't we
take 'em for a walk?
It'll distract 'em.
Come on, guys.
Now? I...
I have a lot of work to do.
Oh! Go for a walk.
It'll give you guys a chance
to get to know each other.
And, Nicole,
Bradley and I want
this wedding to be...
I'll get right
on that, Ms. Price.
Call me Kim.
Thanks, Nicole.
Going to get a
sign for that. Ohh.
- You all right there?
- Hey, cuties!
Let's do it. Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on.
She's good. She's good.
So you don't like dogs?
Uh, it's kind of a long story
and we have a ton of work to do.
Yeah, we're planning a wedding.
Yes, it's all very exciting.
I know, right?
I was being sarcastic.
You know, Kim and Bradley
warned me about you.
Warned you?
What did they say?
I'd rather not say.
Well, I'd rather not be
walking half a dozen dogs
and planning
my boss's wedding, so...
They said you might be
a little apprehensive.
Well, that's true.
All right,
what have you got here?
How to plan a wedding
in ten easy steps.
Step one, schedule,
schedule, schedule.
See? Now that is
really great advice.
I bet you think so!
Kim and Bradley told me
about you and your schedules.
Well, that's why they asked me
to help organize their wedding.
And the fact that you're
reading articles like this
is why they asked me to help.
We're going to make
an amazing team.
Amazing. Yeah...
That's the first word
that popped into my head.
So, sarcasm is your default?
Sorry. It's just...
I have so much work to do and
there's this promotion coming up
that I really, really,
really want.
A-ha! There it is.
Kim is your boss, so if you
do a great job at her wedding,
it'll go a long way in having
her in your corner
come promotion time.
Am I right?
Thought so.
Okay, so you handle
the scheduling and planning.
I'll take care
of the romance, okay?
You know, that's what
Kim and Bradley said.
They called it...
"the old one-two punch."
What was all of that?
- Uh, punches.
- Uh-huh.
You know, the old one-two punch.
You've never thrown a
punch before, have you?
I've never had to.
Well, uh, leave the romance...
And the punching to me.
Come on. Come on, Lona.
Come on, Lona.
Come on. Come on, guys.
So, we're walking these dogs
and then he's all, like,
"So I guess sarcasm
is your baseline"?
So, he's a fast judge of
character is what you're saying.
But don't you think
you should know someone better
before you say
something like that?
Once he gets to know you,
he'll love you,
just like we all do.
O-M-G! Look at this dress.
Uh... it's a
beautiful dress.
I love wedding magazines.
So, what's the next steps?
Um, we're going to go check
some wedding venues tomorrow.
You're so lucky.
Back from the walk so soon?
Yeah. Uh, Michael
had to get the dogs back.
Isn't he great?
Sure is!
That's what Nicole was saying.
'Cause usually when Nicole
says something nice about a guy,
she's being sarcastic.
What's wrong with my
soon-to-be nephew?
Does he prefer Google Docs
over Excel?
Um, no. We're just
two very different people,
but I think
we'll make a good team.
I'm sure you will.
And didn't I tell you?
He's easy on the eyes.
Oh. Those flowers? Hideous.
Burn it.
Hey. Good morning.
These dresses are gorgeous!
You're so lucky.
That's what people
keep telling me.
Oh, come on. Even you
can't find a way to hate this.
And, yet, I have
found so many ways.
You should see this guy,
Michael. He's...
playing guitar one day
and walking dogs the next.
I mean, who lives like that?
So why did you say yes?
Because I had no choice.
Rule number one...
You never say no to your boss.
Especially when you
want a promotion.
Well, it's better than
sitting in an office all day.
What? Checking out wedding
venues with some cute guy.
Wait, this Michael guy is cute?
You never mentioned that before.
Hm. I see what's going on here.
Maybe you like him?
Like him? I barely know him
and what I do know is more
annoying than anything else.
Okay. You go hang out
with the cute boy all day
and act annoyed by it.
Trust me!
I would take my schedules
and my spreadsheets any day.
Look at this photo!
These two are so in love.
Those are two models
who are paid to look that way.
Well, these two
are definitely in love.
Michael! You are so funny!
Are you a comedian?
Uh, no. Um...
I'm a musician.
Oh, that's pretty good, too.
Some of my music is
funny. Unintentionally.
Oh! Funny guy.
Hey! Uh, Janette,
this is Nicole,
the woman I told you about.
I'm Janette, the
assistant wedding coordinator.
Nice to meet you.
Mm-hm. Let's get started,
shall we?
Follow me.
She seems, uh...
She was super nice
until you got here.
I noticed that.
Did you say something
about me to her?
Nothing bad.
What did you tell her.
That you were a smart,
funny executive
with a bright future
ahead of you.
Huh. What did
you really tell her?
Pachelbel's CanonThat you're an
over-organized, anti-romance
wedding hater.
I am not an over-organized,
Wedding hater.
Well, over-organized, okay.
But I take that as a compliment.
I most certainly am
not anti-romance,
nor do I hate weddings.
Sorry about that.
The Davidsons? They are getting
married here in a few weeks.
Such a cute couple.
- So cute.
- Ah.
I said, "Yeah.
Super cute!"
Moving along.
Hey, I'm trying to get Janette
on our side.
Getting a venue like this
on such short notice
is a big ask.
I know. I'm sorry!
I just...
Just do your thing.
Oh, Janette! Um,
this place looks very familiar.
Was it featured in
Wedding Quarterly's
Top Ten Venues List?
Yes! Oh my gosh.
I am so impressed
that you noticed.
Isn't he amazing?
Very amazing.
You are a very lucky girl.
No, we're not...
Oh, you... No,
we're not together.
Sorry, I just assumed
she was your girlfriend.
Nope. No girlfriend.
Hm. Me too.
Ah, um, Janette
would you mind showing us
where we'll be having
the reception?
Follow me.
And the D-J booth
usually goes up right there,
leaving seating
for up to 100 people.
This is stunning, Janette.
Oh, yes. It's very...
romantic, Janette.
I actually have another showing
but I will leave you
guys some information.
It has the pricing and
everything else you could need.
Great. Thank you.
- And Michael?
- Yes?
This is my cell number...
Just in case.
Just in case... what?
I don't know. Ah, pretty girls just
give me their numbers sometimes.
I have no idea why.
Maybe I should hang on to it,
you know?
If anybody's going to call
with questions,
it'll probably be me.
I have a surprise for you.
Ooh! I guess
nobody told you?
Told me what?
I hate surprises.
I have a theory that people
who say they hate surprises
actually really love them.
Nope. I hate surprises.
It's on my list, along with,
"going with the flow",
"trusting in the universe" and
overall general spontaneity.
Okay. Do you, at least,
like sandwiches?
- Huh?
- All right. Don't hate me.
Oh, I don't like
the sound of this.
I may have just switched your
schedule around a little bit.
You did what?
There is this, ah, place
around the corner that makes
the most amazing sandwiches.
And I called the other venues
that we're going to see today,
and I just moved things around a
little bit so that we would
have time to grab some lunch.
changed "my" schedule?
It's going to be worth it.
Trust me.
This is a really good sandwich.
My dad always said
the way to a woman's heart
was through her stomach.
You could take Janette
here on your first date.
Yeah. I don't think
that's going to happen.
She not your type?
This might sound clich,
but I may be getting back
together with my ex, Julie.
She reached out.
We started talking.
Obviously, there were problems
with the relationship,
but it was also really amazing
sometimes, too.
And love is always worth
fighting for.
Also something my dad taught me.
Sounds like you're
pretty close to your family.
So, the other day, when we met,
and I was playing that song...
Did I overreact?
No, no. I-I get it.
That song reminded you
of a bad break-up.
I should've just
put in my headphones.
If you had requested something,
what would it have been?
I'm curious. Like, what
kind of music do you listen to?
Really obscure stuff. Honestly.
Well, a few years ago,
I got really into this band
out of Portland
called Roadside Rescue.
I haven't listened to them,
you know, in a few years.
So, how do you get roped into
planning your uncle's wedding?
Why are you changing
the subject?
You don't want people to know
too much about Nicole Waters?
Seriously, you must have
other things to do? Work?
I am taking a little
break from work right now.
I'm just playing the odd gig,
walking dogs here and there.
And Bradley is the only uncle
that I really like.
He said you were a bit
of a black sheep in the family?
Bradley's always been
there for me.
So, I want to make sure
that this is really special
for him and Kim.
Plus, I want to make a good
impression on Kim.
I mean, she's going
to be family now.
And I thought this
would be really fun.
Planning a wedding is never fun.
No, planning your own wedding
is never fun.
Why do you know so much
about wedding planning?
Four sisters,
no brothers, all married.
Um... Please.
There's lots.
We could... Here.
I'll take this one.
Uh, so how did you get
roped into planning a wedding?
For your boss?
Your soon-to-be aunt
is great. Honestly.
But I've been working
for her for a while now
and we just haven't
found a way to...
Yes! Gel. Exactly.
So you think planning
her wedding might help?
Well, for the first time ever
she insisted I call her Kim.
So, I guess that's a start?
I've only known you
a small amount of time, but...
it's pretty obvious
that you're a smart,
focused woman who
probably has good ideas.
So, you'll be fine.
You just need to learn how to
go with the flow.
You know?
Trust the universe.
Ha, ha, ha.
We should probably get going.
Ah, there might be traffic and I
would hate for us to be late.
Look at you!
Making time for traffic,
planning out schedules.
Maybe I'm rubbing off on you.
Why don't you grab that and
I will go take care of the bill.
I am just calling to see
how you and Michael are doing.
Things are going well.
Um, we're on our way
to Crystal Banquet Hall.
Oh, that's my favourite venue.
Thank you so much, Nicole.
This means a lot to me.
Of course, Ms. Price.
I told you. It's Kim.
It's my pleasure, Kim.
Oh! Ah, hold on. I am just
getting a text message
from my contact over at
Crystal Banquet Hall.
Oh, what are they saying?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
What is it?
Oh, Kim. I'm sorry
but they just gave their
last slot to someone else.
What happened?
I am sorry.
I promise we will find you
something that is just as good!
We'll talk about it
in the morning.
So, ready to check
out venue number two?
Who did you talk to over at
Crystal Banquet Hall?
Who did I talk to?
Yeah. When you changed
the time of our meeting,
who did you confirm it with?
Oh, no one. When I called
it went to voice mail,
so I just left a message.
- Oh.
- What. What's wrong?
Well, Michael, there was
a very slim chance
that they were going
to be able to slip us in
and someone else has
just booked our date.
Sorry, I thought...
Knew we should've
stuck to my schedule!
Well, look, there's a bunch of
other places
that we're supposed to look at.
Why don't we...
This was Kim's
number one choice.
Wh-what are you doing?
None of these other places
will do. So...
I'm going to make a new list.
I'm going to find us
something even better.
I'm sorry.
But you can still go do the
rest of the tours. Maybe, um,
find us a back-up.
I'm going to find a way
to fix this.
I was really just trying
to help. I didn't...
Ah, I told them
I work better on my own.
Wow. Okay.
Hi. Is this Summer Ranch
and Events?
I, uh, could I please
check your schedule?
Yes, I'll hold.
- Hey!
- Hey.
So, how did it go?
I never want to see
another banquet hall
or photo garden again.
Wow! These are beautiful.
Yeah. The venues
were beautiful.
Quick sidenote...
Expensive as heck.
I can imagine.
Oh, you don't have to imagine.
The prices are right there
on the back pages.
Well, at least you had
the nephew to help you out.
That didn't exactly work out.
He changed my schedule
and we lost
Kim's favourite venue.
Why did he change your schedule?
Had you made a mistake?
Seriously? Me?
He wanted to go
to a sandwich shop!
A sandwich shop?
In all fairness to him,
it was an awesome sandwich and...
it was kind of nice
getting to know him.
He actually seems
like a good guy.
That sounds promising.
Nope. Not promising.
What did you do?
What I always do.
You pushed him away and told
him you work better on your own?
- Bingo!
- Nicole!
I do work better on my own.
But, ugh...
I feel kind of bad
about how I treated Michael.
Well, can you fix it?
The Michael situation
or the Kim situation?
I'd better.
There is a lot riding on this.
I can't let Kim down and I don't
want to mess up this wedding.
Uh! And now I have to go into
work tomorrow and tell Kim
why she can't have her
favourite wedding venue.
I'm sure she'll understand.
Kim will understand.
I don't understand.
There was a mix-up
with one of my schedules.
A mix-up? With one of your
schedules? I don't believe it.
Unfortunately, it's true.
Oh, we loved that place.
So did Michael and I.
Did Michael mess things up?
Yeah. I mean, the Nicole
I know doesn't make mistakes
but Michael, on the other hand,
No. It wasn't Michael.
It was me.
I made
Okay, well, no more mistakes.
I need you two to go pull a few
wedding dress options for me.
Wedding dress options?
Yeah. I mean, if I go myself,
I will be there for days.
So I just need you
to weed out the ugly ones.
I'm thinking...
trumpet fit and flare.
What do you think?
Uhhhh... Trumpet fitted
Trumpet fit and flare.
Michael will know
what I'm talking about.
Trumpet fit and flare.
Peter! It is so nice
to see you.
Nicole, you know
our CEO, Mr. Banks.
Oh! Uh, only by name, sir,
but it's very nice to meet you.
Ah, yes. The young lady
helping out with wedding plans.
That's me! That's me, sir.
I think it's great that you're
helping Kim out.
And planning a wedding
in two weeks?
I tell you, if you
pull this off...
"When" I pull this off, sir.
"When" you pull this off...
I'll be very impressed.
Well, on that note,
I have a date.
With some wedding dresses.
You know, the dress is
the most important part.
Mm-hm. Mm-hm.
Very nice to meet you, sir.
Please pick up. Please
pick up. Please pick up!
Michael! Thank goodness
you picked up. It's Nicole.
Kim's assistant.
We're planning
a wedding together?
That's funny. I was planning
a wedding
with someone named Nicole
but we parted ways yesterday
because she works
better on her own.
About that...
I'm sorry.
I was way too... intense.
It's okay. I get it. Doing
a good job is important to you.
You have no idea.
Are you free right now?
Can we meet up?
Yeah, I'm just at a coffee shop.
I can send you the address.
But you might have to wait
until I finish a set, though.
A what?
I lose track
of where you start
And where I end
Gotta confess
I'd take time with you
Can I sit anywhere?
Over all of my friends
They think they know best,
but no
What do they know
about love?
Everyone's got
an opinion
About us
But my love, my love
Might be broke
But it's broken just right
Our love, our love
This is what it's
supposed to look like
- Hey.
- Whoo!
Thank you. That was an
obscure band out of Portland
that I just learned about
from a friend
called Roadside Rescue.
That's me!
I'm the friend.
You remembered!
I was curious what kind of
music you listen to
so I looked them up.
They're good, right?
- Yeah.
- And you? I mean...
You did an amazing job
with their song.
Well, thank you.
I can't believe you remembered.
Just think of it as
my way to apologize
for messing up your schedule.
You were just
trying to do
something nice and...
There was no way for you to know
that we'd lose the venue.
So, what did you think?
Very okay-ish.
Are you kidding?
That was amazing!
A place like this
should be lucky to have him.
Nicole, I would
like you to meet Charlie.
- Hm.
- As in Charlie's Coffee Shop.
Also known as the guy
who hires me.
Least I used to.
Oh. My. Gosh.
I am so sorry! I didn't know.
Just pulling your leg,
young lady.
Charlie and I
go back a long time.
Yeah. Longer than
I care to admit.
Just messing with each other.
Oh, my goodness! Wow.
I, uh, I really thought I might
have got you in trouble.
- Hey, Mike.
- Hey!
What can I get you guys?
Get him anything
he wants, on the house.
pays double.
He's just messing around, right?
You know, I-I can never
really tell with that guy.
I will have a black coffee,
please. You?
Sure. The same. Thank you.
Look at you! Making
friends everywhere you go.
Oh, I didn't mean to.
Do you think he's really mad?
Meh. 50-50.
Charlie's fine.
What is up with you?
I really need your help
with this wedding.
Oh... Kay.
You know so much more
about this stuff than I do.
I mean, heck!
I think you know more about
this stuff than most people.
I mean, there's the-the
wedding venue, the wedding cake,
caterers, music, flowers!
Reception, first dance,
menu, invitations,
- photographer, videographer...
- Okay, I get it.
There is a boatload of stuff
that we have to do.
Wait... we?
Look, I can organize the heck
out of anything.
I really need this wedding
to be something special.
And that's where I come in.
You see, I bring the magic.
Well, I said special
but if you need to
use the term magic,
then knock yourself out.
Honestly, we're going to need
a little bit more
than just magic
to pull this off.
We're going to need a miracle.
Okay, yes. I will
help you plan this wedding.
Okay, here's what I have
for a plan of attack.
Ahhh. You made...
You made charts? Graphs?
Yeah, I made charts
and graphs and schedules!
Doesn't everybody?
No. Hey!
Thank you.
On the house.
- Oooh.
- It's your lucky day.
We are going to need it.
Yes, we are.
Here's to a wedding miracle.
To a miracle wedding.
That's hot.
So, decided to start
with something easy, huh?
Kim just wanted us
to pull a few dresses for her.
Hello. I'm Vicky.
Hi. I'm Nicole.
We spoke on the phone earlier.
Yes! Pulling a few
designs for your boss.
Yeah. And this is Michael.
- Hi.
- He's here to help.
Excellent. Well, uh,
before we get started,
do you have any idea of what
your boss is looking for?
Something pretty.
Something pretty?
Yeah. With one of those long
things at the back, you know?
- A train?
- Yes, that's it. A train.
The bride wants a train.
Yeah. Maybe. A really,
really long one.
Oh, and can you do pockets?
So, your boss wants something
pretty with a long train
and pockets?
Yeah. I mean, that sounds like
a pretty good place to start.
And for the silhouette?
- The silhouette?
- Well, what's her body type.
Kim's body type...
Voluptuous. Yes!
That's the word.
So, no A-lines.
Perhaps an empire?
You're doing a great job,
but do you mind if I
take over from here?
Yes, the bride
is a bit voluptuous,
so an empire would be great.
Or maybe a
trumpet fit and flare.
Oh, yes! The trumpet thing!
She mentioned that.
Great. So, we'll start
with a trumpet fit and flare...
I'm thinking scoop neck, sleeveless?
Jersey. Or chiffon.
You really know your dresses.
Let me guess...
Three older sisters?
I think we may have something.
Have a seat and
I'll be right back.
Oh, and, uh, let's hold off
on the pockets, for now.
I like pockets.
I'm giving
it all away tonight.
I know when it's hard to
find The words I need to write
I know that trust
is hard to find
Just let me know how ICould
ease your troubled mind
Look in my eyes
You think you try a spark
Giving all your
love to me
All I know
is how it goes
How I could
change this melody
To fit your clothes
It might take a while
Hang on
I don't want
the extra mile
If it's a test
Are you impressed?
Can you open up your heart
and renew
This is a ball gown.
Whereas this one is a trumpet.
And you can see how this one
is fitted all the way down
and then flares out
around the knee.
Ah! Hence "fit and flare".
Oh! Look at you
picking up the lingo.
Try it on! I'll show you.
Oh, no. That's...
That's not necessary.
It'd be good for you to see
what these dresses look like
- on people.
- Really?
It might help you to pick
a better dress for your boss.
They say the dress is the most
important part of the wedding.
Yeah, I'll try some on.
Julie, I'm sorry!
Something came up, okay?
Yes, it was last minute.
I'm really sorry
that you feel that way.
Vicky? Vicky.
I can't seem to
do up this strap.
Here, I... I can
help you with that.
I, uh, thought
you were on the phone.
I was.
You look stunning.
Well, it is a very pretty dress,
and I can see why most women
like these things.
The dress is okay, but...
You make it sing.
How are we making out in here?
We're not making out.
I meant with the dress.
She looks beautiful.
Yeah, okay.
So, we have two
trumpet fit and flares
and a more traditional empire,
one of which she will
probably take.
just in case she doesn't,
we have a ball gown
and a mini dress because,
well, it's Kim.
You guys have done a really
good job.
We'll put those aside
for your boss
and when she's ready,
she can come by.
Thanks, Vicky.
Okay! So, what's next
on our schedule?
Oh! Our day is packed.
We should probably get moving.
Can you take care of
the details here?
I need to make a
quick phone call.
- I'll meet you by the car?
- Yeah.
Thanks again, Vicky.
Um, I was wanting to ask:
do you ever do sales?
- No.
- Hm.
It's a good thing Kim's rich!
I lose track of where
you start and where I end
I got to confess
I take time with you
Over all of
my friends
They think they know best
but not...
What do they know
about love?
Everyone's got
an opinion about us
What do you want to do?
But our love
Our love
Might be broke but it's
broken just by
And our love
Our love
This is what it's
supposed to look like
Mm, mm, mm, mm.
- Sure you don't want one?
- I'll try one little...
- Ah-ha. She's back.
- One little bite.
- But would Kim like it?
- I don't get it!
I think this is the one.
I think this is the one.
This is the one.
We have to book this place.
I can't believe
it's still available!
We need to book this.
We need to book this.
Okay. Keep your cool.
We gotta negotiate a good price.
So, what do you two think?
- Meh.
- Meh.
I mean, it's
kinda nice. I guess.
It could be, ah...
Nicer. Or bigger.
Right. Yeah, I don't know that
this is going to really work.
Maybe if the price was good?
Here's the price list.
Ooh! Wow! Okay.
Yeah, we're going to need
a little wiggle room
if we're going to take it.
I have two other parties
interested in the space
and they're looking
at it this afternoon.
We'll take it!
Well, we did it.
We got ourselves a venue.
One thing down.
927 more to go.
Come on! Even you've got to be
excited about this!
Trust me, I couldn't be happier.
If I'd made one more mistake,
think Kim might have fired me.
You told Kim it was your
fault we lost the first venue?
- Yeah.
- Why? It was my mistake.
Look, she might be my boss,
but you're going to be family.
You don't want to start off
on the wrong foot, right?
I may not be the
"free spirit" you are
but I can still be pretty cool.
So I'm starting to see.
So, why are you this...
"free spirit"?
Free spirit?
I was being polite.
Thank you.
Were your parents hippies?
- Ah!
- I knew it!
No, the opposite actually.
Corporate types.
My whole family is.
Like your Uncle Bradley? Hm.
So you were the black sheep
from birth?
No, I was a
suit-and-tie guy, too.
What happened?
Well, uh,
when I was in college
my dad got really sick...
Passed away.
Michael, I'm sorry. I didn't...
It's okay. It was
a long time ago.
But it made me realize that
life is short, you know?
Can turn on a dime.
It's true.
My entire family is CEO types,
big-shot lawyers.
Every time we have a
family vacation
it always turns into this
competition about
who's driving
the more expensive car
or who bought
a vacation house where.
I can see how that
would be annoying.
But, as a kid, that's all
I wanted. Suit, tie, briefcase.
And then your
father passes away.
And I realized that no matter
how much money you make or
however hard you work,
it can all end in a second.
So, why not have fun instead?
So, you started to look
at things a little differently.
Yeah. I picked up the guitar,
started singing in public.
Just doing all of the things
that I always wanted to do
but I was too scared to.
you, uh, got pretty good
at the singing part, too.
Well, thank you.
I want my life to be more
about experiences than money.
So, is this where the idea
of "Mr. Romance" came to be?
No, uh,
I've been a hopeless romantic
since junior high.
You know, deep down,
I think everybody is a romantic.
Yeah, present company included.
Sometimes you just have to
dig a little deeper.
Hi! Nicky. Hey, great job
on the wedding venue.
Kim and I love it.
Thanks. I'm happy to help.
Is she around?
- Uh...
- If by "she" you mean
your future wife,
then "she" is right here.
Sugar bear. Mwah.
Ah, Nicole,
you know that Bradley and I
have been so impressed
with everything you've
been able to accomplish.
Especially on such short notice.
I feel like
there's a "but" coming.
No, we're really happy
with everything so far.
- But...
- Ah.
We would love to add
one thing to your plate.
Oh! Okay.
See, I told you she'd be fine.
Bradley and I would like
you and Michael to plan
a small little engagement party.
An engagement party?
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Nothing crazy,
just a few dozen family members.
Yeah, Bradley and I were
hoping to get away
without doing one,
but a lot of family
have been asking to meet
before the big day.
- Yeah.
- Again, nothing crazy.
Maybe a private room at a
really nice restaurant?
- Okay.
- Just close family
and maybe a few
executives from this firm?
Executives from this firm?
Obviously, you and Michael
would be invited, too,
and I think you two
should bring dates.
- Oh.
- Oh, Sugar Bear.
Nicole doesn't do
the dating scene.
- Hm.
- Neither does Michael.
- Really?
- But he's so cute!
Yeah, he's all about romance,
but when it comes down
to actually asking a woman out,
he's, uh...
- Huh.
- So, Nicole,
do you think that this is
something that you and Michael
can pull off?
Oh! An engagement party?
Ha-ha. That's no problem.
Bam. Whoosh.
An engagement party?
That's crazy.
I know, but they really want
it and I can't let Kim down.
I know a few restaurants
I can reach out to.
Leave it to me.
Michael, I would not be able to
pull this off without you. I...
I owe you one.
Well, actually,
I was about to give you a call.
Yeah. What's up?
I need a favour.
Oh. Sure.
You're not going to like it.
Come on. Come on. Yes. Yes.
Come on. No! Don't eat that.
All right, let's go this way.
Come on.
Come on, Corgi.
Now, this is a sight to see.
I feel like I should
take a picture.
Don't you dare.
I thought you didn't like dogs?
I'm warming up to them.
I think, uh...
I think Thorgi likes me.
Thorgi is a good
judge of character.
I really appreciate this.
Thank you.
You owe me big time.
I just had a meeting
with a club owner.
They want to hire me to
play two nights a week.
Oh, my gosh! That's amazing!
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
There's record executives
in there all the time.
Like, this could turn into
something really big for me.
I'm so happy for you!
Oh, we're doing that?
Okay, well, I couldn't
have done it without you.
Well, I wouldn't be
pulling off this wedding stuff
if it wasn't for you,
so we're even.
Still, I know you don't love
dogs, so I feel like, maybe,
I owe you dinner or something?
Dinner like a...
Like a date? But I...
I thought you
and your ex were...?
We tried. It's
not going to happen.
How could it not work out?
You are such an amazing guy.
Thank you.
But I could say
the same for you.
What do you mean?
Well, we've been working
together on this wedding
for a while now and,
I don't know, from my
perspective, you are...
you're smart, you're funny,
you're beautiful,
you're passionate
about your work.
Guilty as charged.
What's the deal with
you not having a boyfriend?
I don't know.
I mean, other than you're
dislike of dogs,
I can't see
anything wrong with you.
I wasn't always
Miss Grumpy Pants about romance.
I just thought my last boyfriend
was "the one", you know?
I know the feeling, sure.
But when I'd ask him about our
future together, he'd...
always say he wasn't ready
to get married, and...
Well, the break-up crushed me.
I'd always pictured us
getting married,
buying a house, having kids.
You know, the whole nine yards.
Okay, but, I mean,
everybody has bad break-ups.
It's no reason to
turn your back on love.
like a month after we broke up,
I saw that he was
engaged to his ex.
So, it wasn't that he
didn't want to get married.
It's just that he didn't want
to get married to me.
I'm sorry.
Wow. So, I guess planning
a wedding
wasn't exactly on the top
of your to-do list?
No, it wasn't.
There it is.
Your laugh.
I love it when I make you laugh.
So, Kim and Bradley's
engagement party?
Yes, the engagement party.
Uh, so... come on, guys...
I called...
I called a couple of places.
What I found out is that
there are a million people
trying to get space right now,
but we have a good shot...
- Oh, yeah?
- 'Cause Kim has a lot of money.
And they like money.
- They do. They do.
- That's the way it works.
Yeah, so, we'll see.
Money makes the world
go 'round, right?
- Hey!
- Hey!
How's the wedding stuff going?
Good. We found a venue,
we locked down a bunch of
vendors... cake, flowers, DJ.
And I even walked
Michael's dogs for him.
But you hate dogs?
I know, but he needed a favour.
So, team Nicole and Michael
seems to be working out?
Oh, I could not have
done this without Michael.
What was that?
You just smiled and tucked
your hair behind your ear
when you said Michael.
You only do that when you
like people. You like Michael?
What? No! No, I don't.
Don't be weird.
Me weird? You're weird.
You're having
marshmallows for dinner.
Okay, don't change the subject.
Do you
No, we're just...
Wedding planning buddies.
Huh, what?
Nothing. Just curious.
You said "buddies",
not "friends".
Well, most people would have
said "friends", not "buddies".
Oh, eat your marshmallows!
I'm just wondering
if you're not trying to
friend-zone this guy.
Well, what's wrong
with having male friends?
So long as it doesn't prevent
you from finding a boyfriend.
Michael's just
a really nice guy.
You just did it again!
Oh! So?
But wait, I thought he was
trying to get back together
with his ex?
Hm. Yes, yes, yes.
did not work out.
You like him.
There you are.
What are you doing?
People are starting to get here.
Um... Just, um...
Whoa! Why do you
look so nervous?
I'm fine.
Wait, is there... Is there a
problem I should know about?
No, I'm good. I'm good.
Did we forget to order dessert?
No. Dessert is here.
So, what's up?
It's just...
My family...
Well, they should
be arriving any minute.
That's the problem!
I don't do well
with family get-togethers.
At least, not when
it's my own family.
I know family can be difficult.
They're just, they're
so successful. And I'm...
Listen, I've had to spend a lot
of time with you
these last few days
and you are...
a really amazing guy.
You hated me the
first time that we met.
Oh, first impressions
don't count.
Well, maybe most of them do,
but not this one.
Seriously, do you not see
what a great person you are?
- Yeah. You know, you're right.
- Hm.
Besides, they're all on their
third marriage, anyway,
so what do they know, right?
Well, I know that you are
the guy who helped me
pick out a wedding dress
the day after I yelled at him.
The dress, the cake,
the flowers...
All the things that people
are going to really love,
I mean, that's all you.
You really helped me.
And Kim, by the way,
through all of this.
Thank you.
So, let's get out there and
give them the old...
Whap-ah!... one, two punch.
- Okay.
- Go!
All right. Thank you.
I'm going to go.
I will be right behind you.
Look out.
You are doing a horrible job
at trying to hide.
Maybe if I go hide
in the bathroom?
They'll find you.
I meant the bathroom
in my apartment.
See, just go take that wit and
humour and go talk to somebody.
Well, I've talked to a bunch of
your family and they seem nice.
Hey, Mikey!
How the heck are you?
Uncle Trevor. I'm good.
This is Nicole. Nicole, this is
Bradley's brother, Trevor.
It is so nice to meet you.
She your girlfriend?
No, we're just friends.
And work? You're still playing
guitar in subway stations
for pocket change?
I also get free coffee
when I work at coffee shops.
Why don't you just
come and work for me?
I already have a job.
He is, actually,
an amazing musician.
You know, he just booked a gig-
It's okay, Nicole.
What time is it? Oh! Here...
Let's have a look at
my really expensive watch.
Will you look at that?
It's time for someone
to grow up.
Hey, I will tell
you something, sir-
Nicole, it is okay.
I'm going to say hi to
your cousins.
The wife and I bought a cottage
this summer and, uh,
I'm going to go
tell them about it.
So, you're
Uncle Trevor's a jerk.
Thank you for trying to
stick up for me but
it's just not worth it.
Trust me.
Let's mingle.
You know, I think I'm going
to go get some fresh air.
You remember Mr. Banks.
Yes. Mr. Banks,
it's so good to see you again.
You as well, Nicole.
Kim tells me things
are coming along swimmingly.
Yes, sir.
Nicole here is being humble.
Bradley and I wouldn't be able
to put any of this together
without her help.
Very impressive.
You know, we have a promotion
coming up soon.
We always want to add
new people to our team.
Well, I mean...
I would love an opportunity
to prove myself, Mr. Banks.
Well, maybe we should all sit
down some time and discuss it?
Sounds good.
Sounds good.
Let me introduce you to
some of my future in-laws.
Thank you.
Don't be silly. We'll still
be able see each other.
Of course. Just not as much.
Honey Bunny, you are
the most important woman
in the world to me.
Hey, I told you... it's a
different kind of love with Kim.
It's true.
I will always love you.
It'll just be a few weeks
until things settle
and then we can plan
our next secret adventure.
Anywhere you want to meet,
Honey Bunny.
Of course. I promise.
I love you.
Can't talk now, Trevor!
Hey, there you are.
I was looking for you.
Michael, I need to talk to you.
Can it wait until tomorrow?
I gotta drive
a couple people home.
No, I need to talk to you now.
What's up?
Hey, you two.
I just wanted to thank you again
for a lovely evening.
It was our pleasure.
Yeah. Happy to help.
Michael, I think I'm going to
fit in so well with your family.
They all love you.
Are you leaving?
Yeah, I have to drive
a couple people home.
Oh, but you're staying?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Great.
Oh, there was something
you wanted to talk to me about?
Nope. Uh, nothing important.
We can talk about it tomorrow.
Okay. Are you sure?
It seemed pretty important.
Is everything okay?
Everything is great.
Uh, it's just one little,
teensy, weensy, little...
Okay, great.
So give me a call
tomorrow, all right?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
Congrats, Kim.
And there is my handsome fianc.
- Ladies.
- Mm.
Isn't he amazing?
- Are you sure?
- Yes!
Are you absolutely sure?
Are you positive, 'cause...
No. Well, yes!
I know what I heard.
Last night your uncle
told another woman
that he loved her.
But you didn't see this woman?
Well, he was on the phone.
But I heard him call her
"Honey Bunny."
And they talked
about secret meetings.
Come on, Bradley.
The one uncle
I actually looked up to.
And everybody asks me why
I'm so cynical about love.
I mean, huh!
This is horrible.
I will talk to Bradley.
You need to tell Kim.
I know.
she is so happy.
And our boss, Mr. Banks?
He seems to be really impressed
with all the work I've been...
We've been doing, putting this
wedding together so quickly.
he alluded to the idea that
I might be up for a promotion.
And if I tell Kim now that
her fianc is cheating on her,
I mean...
That'll ruin everything.
Bradley cheating on Kim
is ruining everything.
This isn't on you.
You're going to put off
telling your friend...
My boss.
You're not going to tell her
because you think
it might jeopardise
your chances at a promotion?
I will tell Kim.
She's my family, after all.
Wait, Michael...
It'll just be worse
coming from you.
I'm the one that
overheard the call.
I should be the one to tell her.
Promise me you won't
talk to your uncle?
Sure. Whatever.
Just give me a few days and
I will figure everything out.
Look, I get that you're this
super-cynical person
when it comes to
romance and marriage.
And maybe the idea of someone
cheating on their fianc
days before their wedding
is a reason to justify
- continuing to feel that way.
- Michael.
But for the rest of us,
this is important.
Marriage, romance. Love?
These things do exist, Nicole,
whether you want to
believe in them or not.
Or maybe I was right to be
skeptical all these years.
Maybe we live in a world
where "true love"
just doesn't exist?
People fall in love, Nicole.
Yeah, well, prove it.
Up until five minutes ago
I thought
I was falling in love with you.
Michael, I...
I am going to fix this.
I will tell her. I promise.
Just give me a few days.
I'll hold off on talking
to Bradley until you tell Kim.
I really hope you make
the right decision, Nicole.
He said he was in love with you?
He said he was falling in love
with me, but he hadn't fallen.
And now?
He's not picking up his phone
or answering his texts.
So what are you going to do?
I mean, he's right.
I need to tell Kim.
But she's so...
And then there's
this promotion and...
I just need some time
to work something out.
Maybe Kim will figure out that
Bradley's cheating on her own?
I'll figure it out.
I always do.
And Michael?
Well, apparently, he's not
my biggest fan right now.
But there's only a few things
left to take care of
before the wedding and...
I'll handle them on my own.
This thing with you and Michael
stopped being about wedding
planning a long time ago.
He said he was
falling in love with you?
Well, it doesn't really matter
anymore, does it?
you were falling for him, too.
Hi, Mr. Banks.
Can I talk to you
about something, privately,
for a moment?
Maybe in your office?
Perfect timing, Nicole,
because there is something
that I would like to talk
to you about, as well.
Look, the thing is I...
You got the promotion!
You earned this, Nicole.
Your attention to detail,
your meticulous planning,
your teamwork.
You have done so much
for this company.
And, on a personal note,
you've done so much
for Bradley and I.
This wedding is going to be
the best day of my life.
And I owe it all to you.
Thank you.
I, um...
I don't know what to say.
I am so happy right now.
I'm sorry. What-what is it that
you wanted to talk to me about?
It can wait.
I hear you got a promotion.
Michael, I...
It's okay. I get it.
I really wanted to tell Kim.
But I kept putting it off and
putting it off and... uh!
She is so happy.
And now, here we are.
What do I do?
On the day
she's getting married?
To a man who's cheating on her.
Sh-sh-sh! Sh-sh-sh-sh!
Someone could hear you.
So long as Kim doesn't,
you'll still get your promotion.
I get that you think
I'm this horrible person.
That's just it. I...
I know you're an amazing person.
You're one of the most
amazing people I have ever met.
That's the problem.
The problem?
If you had just been a jerk
this whole time and not this
smart, funny, incredible woman,
this wouldn't be so hard.
What wouldn't be so hard?
Seeing a really good person
make a really bad decision.
Look, I'm sorry that the...
The romance gods haven't been
kinder to Nicole Waters.
I really am.
But I started to think maybe
there was a good reason for it.
Wait. You think
I've spent all these years
having bad luck at love
for a good reason?
What reason would that be?
So you'd still be single by
the time we got a chance
to meet in the park that day.
I'm going to go check
on the reception area.
Everything here looks to be
about as good as it can be.
You look beautiful.
You look amazing.
Thank you. Nicole,
this place is beautiful.
You and Michael did such a
great job finding it.
You deserve it.
Do you remember my parents,
Kathleen and Marvin?
Of course I do.
It's nice to see you both again.
So, how's the
wedding area looking?
They're just putting the
finishing touches on it now.
And the officiant?
I spoke to him a
few minutes ago.
He should be here any moment.
And what about
the reception area?
The tent went up last night
and they're just setting up the
tables and place settings.
Oh! And what about...
Kim, darling,
this young lady has
everything under control.
You're right, Mom.
thank you so much for
everything you've done.
And she will make sure
nothing bad happens
to you today.
Your mom's right.
Today is going to be perfect.
When Kim's mother and I
got married,
we had the service in my
parent's backyard.
My mother and aunts
did all the decorations.
My father grilled steaks for the
adults and hotdogs for the kids.
That sounds amazing.
Mm, it wasn't much but...
here we are, almost
45 years later...
Still head over heels in love.
Kim hasn't been that lucky yet,
but let's hope she finds it
with Bradley.
Nicole, darling, that dress
is so beautiful, and I know
you helped pick it out.
I had some help, actually.
Marvin, is she not the
most beautiful bride
you have ever seen in your life?
You mean the second
most beautiful bride.
could I have a moment
with Kim? Alone?
Everything's okay, right?
Yes, I just have
something very important
that I need to tell her.
Sure, dear.
Come on, hon, we're going to
make sure Bradley arrived.
Rebecca, it's good to see you.
It's been a long time.
Baby Bear, let's go!
Hey, Sam! Long time, no see!
Oh, Sam, it's time
to put away the tablet.
That is a very cool dress
you got there, Sam.
What do you say?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Honey Bunny, where's your purse?
I don't know.
What di-what did you say?
Samantha is supposed to have
a purse that matches her mom's.
Oh, we look so adorable
next to each other.
Uh, what did you just call her?
Honey Bunny.
Just a nickname.
Do you always call her that?
There's my future in-laws.
Bradley./How are you?
Good. How are you guys?
You holding up?
Mr. and Mrs. Price,
have you seen Nicole anywhere?
Yeah, she's with Kim in the
bride's dressing area.
She said she had something to
tell her and it seemed serious.
Okay. Thanks. Excuse me.
Is everything okay?
I don't know. But this is
beautiful, isn't it?
I know.
Must have cost a pretty penny?
Yeah. Well, it's
coming out of your pocket.
Nicole, Nicole, wait-wait-wait!
You told her?
You mean did she tell me
that your uncle is a jerk?
That's just the thing!
He's not.
it's all right.
I told Kim everything
because you were right.
I have to do the right thing,
no matter what.
I was wrong.
How so?
Michael, is, uh,
everything all right?
No, everything's not okay,
you cheater!
Hey! Is everyone okay?
Nicole, uh, this is Bradley's
first wife, Rebecca.
- Hi.
- Oh, Kim!
You look beautiful.
Oh. Not that it matters
right now, but thank you.
What's going on here.
Rebecca and Bradley
have a daughter, Samantha.
Uncle Bradley, what is
your nickname for Sam?
My nickname for her?
Please, it's important
Honey Bunny.
I call her Honey Bunny.
Honey Bunny?
- So?
- Uh, yeah, so what?
Oh, no.
Okay, somebody better tell me
what's going on right now!
Kim, when I overheard Bradley
talking to another woman
the other night,
he called her Honey Bunny.
Uh, I don't understand
what's going on.
The other night at dinner,
Nicole overheard you
on the phone
telling another woman
that you loved her.
I thought that you
were cheating on Kim.
- Cheating?
- Cheating.
But now I realize
You were just talking
to your daughter.
Honey Bunny was your daughter.
There is no other woman.
Of course I was talking
to my daughter.
I am head over heels in love
with you and only you.
I love you more than any woman
that I've ever loved before.
No offence.
- None taken.
- Yeah.
Oh! I'm just going to go.
I want to spend the rest
of my life with you.
Oh, Bradley.
I love you.
And I love you, too.
What do you say
we go get married?
I think that is the best idea
I've heard all day.
I can't believe you did it;
you actually told her.
And look at the mess I made.
Really should've kept
my big mouth shut, huh?
Well, I don't think
anybody expected you to do that.
Hey, I'm proud of you.
I'm sorry if I
let you down, Michael.
I should have told Kim earlier,
even if it was a big mistake.
It's okay.
it's not.
I may have a bad track record
when it comes to true love,
but I-I shouldn't let that
change my principles.
Everything turned out okay.
I just want you to know
that I am better than that.
Nicole, over the last two weeks
I think I've gotten
to know the real you.
The other day
when we had that fight,
you said something.
I said something?
What did I say?
You sorta said...
that you were...
kinda falling in love with me.
I did.
I want you to know...
that I am kinda sorta...
falling in love with you, too.
Sorry, I didn't quite catch...
I feel like you heard me.
I said that I was
falling in love with you.
I, uh, I forgot my flowers.
I'm just gonna...
- Okay.
- I'm sorry.
I knew you two would
fall for each other.
That's not what was happening.
We were just talking about
music for your thing, uh...
- Music.
- For your...
Come on, let's get out there.
Or we could just skip it?
I mean, you've seen one wedding,
you've seen 'em all, right?
We spent the last two weeks
working our butts off
trying to pull this
wedding together.
But I know a place
around the corner that makes
the best sandwiches.
I love that about you.
There you have it.
Who would've thought that I,
one, Nicole Waters,
forever unlucky in love,
would find my soulmate
while planning
my boss's wedding?