My Boyfriend in Orange (2022) Movie Script

I miss this smell...
The person I loved...
The person I loved...
This man came out of nowhere.
You've got some nerve.
Smoking during an evacuation drill.
It's not like that...
I mean, what's
a fireman doing here?
I'm here to rescue you.
Could he be carrying
me like a princess?
Huh? No.
It doesn't feel right.
It doesn't feel right!
- Hey, look.
- What?
Sasaki, I'm sorry.
I haven't put you on
the roll call list yet.
My bad. I'm sorry.
Oh, might as well.
What are you laughing at?
If someone you loved
was left at the scene of a fire,
would you laugh like that?
No, I'm sorry.
She was amazing yesterday, no?
Oh, the evacuation drill? It's terrible
that no one noticed, though.
But she doesn't smile at all.
It's hard to talk to her.
- I know.
- Well, I don't blame her.
She moved here after
her dad died, right?
What? Really?
Yeah, that's what Teacher Endo said.
Well, I totally give
off that impression...
There she is, Big Sis!
Don't shout.
Ryu, don't run...
Don't run. It's not safe.
I'm so sorry...
Glad you're not hurt.
- Shall we go home?
- Yeah!
Thank you.
Big Sis, buy this.
We bought the toy thing
the other day, didn't we?
Dad would have bought it for me.
Don't be so selfish.
Dad's not with us anymore.
By any chance, were
those cigarettes your father's?
Hey, firefighters
go through fires, right?
Are you not scared?
I am.
But the people inside
are more scared, you know?
Just being scared and being there
isn't going to change anything.
The fire will keep spreading.
So we have to
be brave and step forward.
You have to help your sister.
Yeah, I got it!
Oh, wow!
Watch me!
I really should be
the one to save Ryu...
Don't push yourself.
You don't have to work too hard.
I understand.
The feeling of losing someone important
and not being able to move on.
Well, little by little, it's okay.
Take it one step at a time.
At that time, for some reason,
I almost cried.
Over there.
We're fine here.
Thank you very much.
Hey! Can't I go visit the fire station?
What are you saying?
Give me your phone.
What? My phone?
Here's my contact info.
Call me when you come
visit with your little brother.
Kyousuke Ebihara, huh...
[ My Boyfriend in Orange ]
Mom! You're gonna be late!
Oh, thanks...
Ah, the parent-teacher notebook.
Ryu, hurry! Mom's already going.
Then, Moe, can you pick
him up today, too?
Will do!
Did you tell Dad we're going?
We're going.
Okay, let's go! We're off!
- See you later.
- We're off.
Oh, crap! Gotta get dressed.
Just being scared and being there
isn't going to change anything.
So we have to
be brave and step forward.
- Morning.
- Yo.
- The transfer student.
- Wait.
Uh... here... you dropped this...
Ah, thanks!
It's okay.
I'm sorry for making you do that,
but you could've just
given it to me in class.
Ah... You're right.
Oh, she laughed.
You're sweating.
Here, use this.
- It makes no sense doing that.
- It's fine.
Sasaki, right?
Yeah, Moe Sasaki.
Moe, okay.
I'm Sayumi Kiritani.
You can just call me Sayumi.
I'm Shuto Mitaka.
Shuto is fine.
Shut up, Mitaka.
- Why?
- Why are you so excited?
No, don't say excited, it's embarrassing.
- Ai, Haruka, good morning.
- Morning.
- Good morning.
- Morning.
Good morning!
- You're too loud.
- Oh, morning.
Not a good morning.
We're home...
Wash your hands, take out your
lunch box and water bottle.
You look happy, Big Sis.
Yeah. I made friends.
What? So normal.
It's normal, but...
Ryu, stay here for a bit.
Where are you going?
Fire station! I'm gonna
go say thanks to him!
No way. What? Arson?
What are you doing?
P-Put out the fire!
I'll call the police!
Open it! Open it!
Somebody, somebody help me!
Somebody open the door!
Open it! Somebody help!
It can't be... no...
I don't want to die in here...
Are you okay?
Why didn't you
call 110 right away?!
You should've run away first!
I'm sorry...
But, well, I'm glad
I was able to save you.
You must've been scared.
You made it through.
I was scared...
This guy's warmth reminds
me a bit of my dad.
You're safe now.
I wanted to say thank you
to you, Mr. Ebihara...
You gave me the courage to
step forward and make friends!
That's what I really wanted to tell you.
I didn't do anything.
You took that step on your own.
You like him? That fireman?
What? Moe-chan,
you fell in love?
I don't know yet.
It's just his warmth is a
bit like my father's, you know?
- Like your father?
- Then isn't that love?
But I wanna see him now.
That's love, isn't it? It's love that makes
you wanna see him for no reason at all.
But my lungs hurt
more than my chest.
- Then it's love, isn't it?
- That's because you inhaled smoke.
It's impossible, isn't it?
Because Mr. Ebihara is an adult
and I'm a high school student.
What does that got to do with love?
I know people 40 years apart who are married.
There's got to be more to it.
Shut up, Mitaka.
So what? Are you giving up?
What kind of feelings is that?
Why don't you go see him for now?
What? For no reason?
"I made too much fried chicken."
He works, so I think he's
concerned about fat.
Why worry about that?
It doesn't matter what the reason is.
I got it. A reason!
Wow! So cool!!!
That ladder can
stretch up to 40 meters.
Wow! How many golden
retrievers would that be?
Ah, about 30 of them?
I never thought you
would use your brother.
Hey, don't say it like that.
I'm Captain Shindo of the 2nd Platoon.
Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- I'm sorry for intruding.
No, it's totally fine.
You're more than welcome.
Since we're doing the rope
climbing now, why not let them see it?
Rope? The climbing one?
Yes, it is.
Mister, can you do it too?
Of course.
- I wanna see it!
- I want to see it!
Then Ebi, get ready too.
Yes, sir.
He called him Ebi.
That's so cute...
Well, I'm surprised.
That guy said, "I know someone who'd
like to come and watch."
Why are you surprised?
Ah, no...
Well, be good to him.
Shall we?
- Yeah!
- Okay, let's go.
- I'm ready.
- I'm ready.
Ready, go!
Oh, wow! This is awesome!!!
Their arm strength is amazing.
It's not just their arms, it's their legs, too.
They use their whole body to climb.
It's so cool...
Why are you guys wearing orange?
You see, orange is the color
of the Special Rescue Team.
It's an elite unit in the fire station, made up of
firefighters who are strong and skilled.
Wow. That's so cool.
Kazama, the time?
Ebi-chan, 14.4, Genki, 21.6.
Genki, you took too long.
I'm sorry. I got tired in the middle.
That's not a reason.
It should be secondary to you.
Now, now, Ebi-chan.
If you're a second late,
lives may not be saved.
If someone needs help, you keep climbing
for two or three hours, without rest.
Yes! I'm sorry!
- Again!
- Yes.
E-Excuse me!
We were wondering if we could
experience something like that too.
- What?! Hey.
- Great idea.
Why don't you try it?
Since you're here.
Oh, Ryu, you look great!
- Shall we get in?
- Okay.
Okay. Here.
Oh, wow.
- Careful. And up we go!
- Yeah.
Okay, let's go!
Yes. Go, go, go.
Watch out! Turn right!
I'm having fun!
Fun, right? Yeah.
T-This is...!
This sudden turn of events...
He's so close!
You're gonna get hurt
if you don't focus.
I-I'm sorry...
What? Wait.
- Descending position.
- Descending position.
- Rope loose.
- Rope loose.
Start to descend.
Huh? It's not so scary...
It's amazing...
What is?
You really train like this
every day to save someone.
I'm impressed.
Huh? I thought you
wanted to experience it.
Shall we?
Thank you for today.
I wanted to thank you for saving
me the other day and for today.
Cookies! My sister baked them!
Oh, that's nice.
That's it?
- Huh?
- What?
No, because...
This girl seems to have been
set aflame by you, Mr. Ebihara!
Wait, Sayumi!
But that's what you came here to say!
I-I want to know more
about you, Mr. Ebihara!
Hey, Ebi, your ears are red.
It's true!
It's as red as a shrimp.
No, that's boiled shrimp.
Shrimp are usually dark.
It doesn't matter.
I mean, Mr. Ebihara is really blushing...
Oh, he's blushing...
So... so cute!
Oh, wow...
He's good-looking,
hardworking, and buff.
That makes him really popular, huh?
Moron. She's in high school.
Hey, I feel sorry for the dumbbells.
You can't put them down like that.
Be gentle with it.
Think of it like it's Moe-chan's.
Shindo, what are you saying?
They are nothing alike at all.
Of course they do.
Oh... A jock getting fired up
to get more jacked.
How nice...
I want to fall in love, too...
What? Why?
He's getting upset.
It's good.
What? A barbecue?
With those firemen?
Yeah, Mr. Shindo did.
Ah, the captain.
I got his business card the other day,
so I texted him to say thank you.
And he invited me and my family
and friends to come along.
I'm going!
And what did Mr. Ebihara say?
Not a word from him since then?
This please.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well then, here's your set.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Wow, that's a lot.
Yes, I got you some more.
Can you still eat?
- Thanks.
- Can you eat that?
- Yeah.
- Can you?
Ryu, I brought lots of toys for you!
- Wanna play bubbles?
- Yeah, I wanna!
- Okay, let's go.
- Yeah.
Excuse me...
The other day...
It was really good.
The cookies.
I thought what if
you didn't like sweets.
I have a sweet tooth.
So cute!
My family is waiting for me at home!
- Okay, he's good.
- He's down!
- He's good.
- Wow.
He's so cute.
I'm so tired.
Listen, does Mr. Ebihara
have a girlfriend?
No, he doesn't.
Good, good, good.
Why are you fist-pumping?
Mr. Ebihara, please stop!
Sugar?! On yakisoba?!
- Secret ingredient.
- No, it's not.
That guy...
- So no. No.
- Ah, don't.
Ebi, you're doing it again.
Genki, take it! Pass it to me.
- Shoot him.
- I'm shooting you.
- You too, Moe!
- Yeah, yeah.
You're a good friend.
No, the other day, you're
not really good with heights.
For Moe-chan's sake, you said you'd do
the drop training, right?
Well, she's my friend.
It's all right.
You don't have to do that much,
Moe-chan won't leave you.
Well, you can loosen up
a bit more and put yourself first.
Bang, bang, bang.
Ah! That's right!
Did you know Mr. Ebihara?
Moe's got a folder of stolen shots of you.
- Hey!
- Wanna see it?
- No!
- It's okay.
Wait, wait, wait.
Sorry! Was it important?
- It's okay.
- Move!
Get back!
Mr. Ebihara?!
Genki! Rope!
Yes, sir!
- Mr. Kazama.
- Give it to me.
It's really okay!
You're lying.
I know it's important to you.
Otherwise, you wouldn't
sewed it up and kept it.
Here's my contact info.
I got it!
Thank you very much.
Did your father give you that?
How... do you know that?
You're so easy to read.
Mr. Ebihara, why did
you become a rescuer?
If there's a life I can save with my hands,
I don't want to miss a single one,
that's what I thought.
But that's just an ideal.
In reality, it's full of regrets.
If I had been five minutes earlier,
I can't stop thinking about it.
I'm still not there yet...
That is absolutely not true!
I'm sure the people you have
saved up to now are alive today,
and that's what counts.
You have no idea how much
you've helped me, too.
Even now.
It's okay.
I'm getting used to
saving you.
Let's go back.
Mr Ebihara...
It's no good.
You're right...
But I'm glad.
With my father gone,
it's like there's a gaping
hole inside of me.
But many things have
changed since I've met you.
I made friends and started
enjoying every single day again.
Mr. Ebihara, you are my hero.
I'm really glad I met you.
Thank you.
Ah, that was fun.
That was fun...
[ Pedestrians and bicycles only ]
Watch out!
Are you okay?
Thank you very much.
I don't know what happened,
but cheer up.
Send-off, okay. Now, in closing,
let's hear from Himeno,
who was assigned here today.
Yes, sir.
Fire Sergeant Kousei Himeno.
As of today, I was ordered to join Akaboshi
Special Rescue Team, 1st Platoon.
I will do my best to live up to the name
of Akaboshi Special Rescue Team.
Wow, what a fine guy we got here...
Is that so? Doesn't he look too weak?
I hear that Captain Shindo's
training is amazing.
I'll work hard on that goal!
Nice to meet you.
Let's do our best together.
Ah, Kazama.
He's a good guy, that's for sure!
Yes! Definitely an ideal senior.
Long time no see, Ebi-chan.
Oh, Mr. Kazama.
Is there anything going on with
Mr. Ebihara and Mr. Himeno?
They've been rivals
since fire academy.
He was famous
among their classmates.
I can see that.
Be careful.
- Yes, sir!
- Okay.
Do what I do.
Just do it. Just do it.
Well? Are you feeling better?
I'm so sad!
You're the one that's feeling better!
You laughed.
Moe-chan, you're definitely
cuter when you laugh.
Ah, thanks...
So what's up?
No, I just wish I'd been
born five years earlier...
What the heck?
Then I'd never get to meet you.
- Morning, Sayumi.
- Morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
What? It didn't work?
You didn't say that.
I was kind of shocked the other
day and couldn't tell you...
What did Mr. Ebihara say?
He said, "It's no good."
I see...
Hey, what do you think?
I knew it was impossible...
Because we're high schoolers.
I mean, we live in different worlds.
A child and an adult.
I knew it was impossible from the start.
Hold on, Sayumi.
Why are you saying that?
You told me before that it didn't
matter if I was in high school or not.
- That's why I'm not giving up.
- But it does.
It's no good.
That's what he said, right?
- I...
- Moe,
if you were to confess and succeed,
what do you want to do with Mr. Ebihara?
I know you like him,
but beyond that...
If you can't imagine it,
Then isn't that just admiration,
or someone who is very distant, right?
So forget about him.
Pretend that you never met him.
I don't like that!
Why would you say that?
- That's so mean!
- I said it because I'm thinking about you!
How could I forget about him...
It sucks...
H-How are you?
How about you?
Not... really.
I got into a fight with Sayumi.
Although I've made friends,
I'm not sure what to do.
I see...
Okay. I'll pick you up
tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m.
What does that mean?
Okay, now right!
I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't!
Speak it up!
There's more?!
Thank you so much.
How's that?
No, I'm not sure what you mean.
You're not thinking about it now, right?
You're right...
When I'm feeling down,
I move my body.
That way I can't think about anything else
and run into the
problem as hard as I can.
If you're gonna dwell over it,
then trust your friends and just go for it.
I want to talk to you.
If you have thoughts about me,
tell me everything.
Because I want to be friends with you.
I'm sorry.
What?! By Mr. Kazama,
you mean that Mr. Kazama?
I fell in love with him.
But I don't know what to do.
I'm sure that he
doesn't see me that way.
That's why I said what I said,
to force myself to give up.
I wasn't talking about you, but to myself.
I'm sorry.
I don't wanna give up.
Me too.
I still like Mr. Ebihara!
Me too, I like Mr. Kazama!
[ Thanks to you, Mr. Ebihara,
I was able to patch things up with Sayumi!! ]
...interrelationships of trigonometric functions.
First, in unit circle,
the isomorphic angle of theta
is the intersection of X Y and P.
[ - That's good to know ]
[ - Thank you very much!!! ]
What is it?
What can I do for you?
Um... is Mr. Ebihara in here?
Ah, Mr. Ebihara!
Oh, Ryu.
Are you alone?
What is it?
Hey, you know, here...
It's my sister's birthday next month.
We're having a party.
I've been working hard
helping out my sister at home.
She always cooks for me,
and I want to thank her for it.
I think she'd be happy to see you guys...
Are you really crying that hard, Mr. Shindo?
I'm sensitive to things like this.
Then we'll celebrate
on our day off!
- Yay!
- Yay.
Ebi-chan's friends...
Sayumi, listen, listen!
What is it? What is it?
What? Did something good happen?
What's that?
Birthday party invitations.
Ryu made them!
Wow, you have a great little brother.
And Mr. Ebihara and the
others are coming too.
- For real?
- Yeah.
- That's great!
- I'm so happy.
Say, Genki, what kind of
gift do high schoolers like?
Not telling you, Mr. Ebihara!
Why the hell not?
No, I love it.
The time you spend thinking
about what to give them,
that's love, isn't it?
Is that guy all right?
He might buy a
disaster prevention kit.
It's possible...
- I'm excited.
- Right?
- Come in.
- Come on, let's go.
What do you think?
This place is nice, isn't it?
I'm pissed off that you
part-time at a place like this.
Why the hell are you?
Thanks, Mitaka.
It's nothing.
Okay, Ryu, let's get started.
Okay, go put this
on that window over there.
Hey, it's your day.
Just relax, okay?
It's okay. I wanna do it.
Moe, you're so full of energy...
I'm excited...
Here, you help too, Mitaka.
- Looking for something?
- Oh, I'm good.
What would make her happy...
It looks just like her.
What's your favorite color?
Huh? My favorite color?
[ Reserved for today ]
Oh, happy birthday!
Thank you!
Leave your belongings here.
Wow, it's so cute.
My sister and I made this.
Really? That's great!
Oh, the other day.
Huh? You know her?
Well, kinda.
So you're Ebi-chan's friend.
G-Good evening.
this is my gift to you!
- Wow! Thank you!
- Hey...
- Not yet.
- You see, mine,
Mr. Ebihara and I drew it!
Thank you, Ryu. I'll treasure it.
Yeah, happy birthday.
Thank you.
Whoa! Present time already?!
Mine too. Mine too.
Not yet, Mitaka.
Mr. Ebihara isn't here yet.
Oh, right.
- I'm giving mine. Happy birthday.
- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
- So mine too?
I'm so happy.
- Here's mine.
- Oh, thank you.
Happy birthday.
Thank you!
Not answering?
What's Ebi doing?
Maybe he's still looking for his gift.
He's got his priorities backwards.
Yes, this is Shindo.
Multi-car accident on Nakamachi street.
Yes. What?
Oh, yes. Copy that.
They're short-staffed because of it.
Ebi also called for backup,
but it didn't get through.
Kazama, Genki, let's go.
- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!
I'm sorry, Moe-chan.
No, it's okay.
Happy birthday.
I'll go check it out.
Mr. Ebihara...
Dad! Dad!
Could it be...
[ Traffic Accident Bulletin @Akaboshi ]
What are you doing here?
Mr. Ebihara...
Thank goodness...
Thank goodness you're okay.
I'm sorry... What happened?
I was on my way and
there was a car accident.
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Can you hear me?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
What are you doing here?
I was worried that something
might have happened to you.
You're not even wearing a jacket.
Don't worry about me.
That's not good!
I want to save you too!
You're always saving people.
You don't care if you get hurt.
That's my job.
I don't wanna lose anyone
I care about anymore!
My father
passed away right in front of me.
I couldn't do anything.
All I did was just cry...
I'm not gonna let that happen again.
That's why I want to save you!
Because I love you, Mr. Ebihara!
Don't cry.
It's your birthday.
Sorry for making you worry.
Happy 17th birthday.
Mr. Ebihara...
It's kind of refreshing knowing
you were worried about me.
It's always the opposite.
You know, I told you before,
"It's no good."
It doesn't mean you're not good.
It means I'm the one who is not good.
What do you mean by that?
Don't make me say it again.
Why not? Mr. Ebihara!
Idiot. In here.
You just gave me
a hug just now, didn't you?!
Don't get carried away.
Yes, sir.
I've heard a lot about
you from Moe.
- Is she causing you trouble?
- Oh, no, not at all.
I'm glad to hear that.
Ms. Moe is someone
very dear to me.
Oh, no. Is this one of those,
"Please, give her to me" thing?
No, she can't do that.
She's still in high school.
No, I just want you to know
about my feelings for her.
I'm not talking about dating
or anything until after Moe graduates.
I'm kidding.
I'm glad you're an honest person.
Moe, you have a visitor.
Take your time!
You've got a cold.
Are you all right?
Yes! I'm totally fine, don't worry about me!
You idiot... let me worry about you.
Thank you.
How's the fever?
What is it?
Because I don't want
you to get infected.
I'm not gonna die if I get infected.
Besides, you'll get
better if you give it to me.
So give it to me.
You still have it.
I love you.
Not yet.
When is it okay?
After you graduate.
then I won't wait a
single second anymore.
- Last one, okay.
- Good.
Hey, Genki!
I'm so sorry!
Take a break.
Go get some water.
Oh, are you sure?
Yes, sir.
You've changed, Ebi-chan.
You used to kick
those who were tired.
You said you'd save lives
even if we collapsed.
I used to think that.
But seeing that person
genuinely worried about me,
I thought it was just complacency,
that I shouldn't make those
waiting for me feel that way.
Could that be Moe-chan?
It's amazing that she changed you.
Are you feeling better now?
I was really worried!
Thanks! I'm totally fine!
Mr. Ebihara came to visit her.
Hey, what was it like? Spill it.
Hey, I'm curious.
I'm gonna go on ahead. Sorry.
What's the matter, Mitaka?
[ Life-saving Training - FREE ]
[ Your actions can save lives ]
Oh, Moe-chan.
Ebi-chan's not here today.
Oh, no.
Today, I'm here for that.
You have interest in this kind of thing?
At the birthday party,
I saw Mr. Ebihara was hurt
and I couldn't do anything...
I thought if I had that knowledge when
someone I cared about was in a pinch,
I could help them, even if only a little.
I see. Ebi-chan will
be pleased to hear that.
But please don't tell
Mr. Ebihara that I came here.
Why not?
I want to suddenly be able
to do it, and surprise him,
and get him to reevaluate me.
Okay. I guess that's
our little secret.
First, start with a cardiac massage
and cross your hands like this.
One, two, three.
Do it 30 times in rhythm.
One, two, three, four, five.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
One, two, three, four, five.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
One, two...
Hands need to be here.
Right there.
One, two, three, four, five, six...
From the airway secured position,
first pinch the nose.
Next, open the mouth wide
and blow in for about one second.
At this point, as a guide, you should
be able to see the patient's chest rise.
Certificate for completing the life-saving
training will be given at a later date.
Thank you so much for today!
You must be tired.
Be careful on your way home.
[ Emergency Life Saving Technician (ELST) ]
Was Moe-chan at the station yesterday?
No, I didn't hear anything.
I thought I saw Mr. Himeno and
Moe-chan talking to each other...
Maybe you saw it wrong.
Okay, next. Close it.
[ How to become an ELST ]
Oh, Moe-chan.
Ah, yes!
After taking the life-saving training,
I'm impressed once again.
I hope one day I can be someone
who can save other
people like you guys.
That's amazing.
I'll help you study.
Okay, let's try the
chain of survival question.
It's done! Mr. Himeno...
Oh, sorry!
It's... o...kay.
Huh? Moe-chan?
Ex...cuse... m...e...
My body's too stiff...
What? You should've told
me when I did that.
No, thank you for helping me study even
though you were working the night shift.
Are you feeling a little less tired?
I feel refreshed.
That's good to hear.
Thank you always for your hard work!
I'm done here.
Good job.
I hope Mr. Ebihara will be surprised.
Yes, good, good, keep at it!
Okay, good! Come on, last one!
Name three specific treatments
defined in the ELST Law.
Let's see...
Pediatric treatment.
- OB-GYN treatment.
- Yeah.
- What was it?
- One more.
And the other one...
Excuse me. I'm here to get my certificate for
the life-saving training I took the other day.
You can pick up your certificate at the
emergency department at the end of that hallway.
Thank you very much.
Where? Huh...
- Good work.
- Good work.
Well, sort of.
You know, it's our
job to rest our bodies.
[ Nap room ]
Well, yeah, I guess.
- If you knew already, then take a break.
- I'll just...
[ Ebihara ]
This is Mr. Ebihara's...
Excuse me for just one moment!
- Moe-chan?!
- Ah, no, uh...
No. This isn't some
weird thing like that.
Okay, I'll go to my room and be right there.
Oh, crap. Just hide.
Get in there.
Huh? Himeno?
What's wrong?
Ah, I'm a bit under the weather.
Lack of sleep, maybe.
Go home and sleep.
Let me take a nap for 15 minutes.
Are you a kid?
Okay. It's safe.
Emergency department is that way.
Thank you.
- Good work.
- Good work.
[ Certificate of Completion
of General Life-saving Training ]
What the hell am I doing...
What is the flow rate of oxygen given
to a patient in a state of trauma shock?
Let's see... more than 10 liters!
- Bingo!
- Yes.
Oh, Mr. Ebihara!
What? Is he picking you up?
What are you doing?
If I do this, it looks like our
shadows are holding hands.
Is this yours?
Thank you so much.
Where did you find this?
Under my bed in the nap room...
Why were you there?
No, well... it's not that.
It's nothing weird.
I found your bed, and I just wanted to...
know what it was like.
...You mean you found
my bed and tried to lie in it?
Oh, that's what happened.
Genki said that he saw you
and Himeno talking the other day.
What's going on with
you and Himeno?
It's not like that!
Listen, I've been keeping
a secret from you.
I'm thinking of getting
my ELST certification.
I know I said that I wanted to save you,
but it wasn't enough to just say it.
So I've been studying it
with Mr. Himeno's help.
I really wanted
to surprise you later.
I took the life-saving training at
the fire station and got my certificate.
I thought that someday I might
work in the same place as you.
But I don't have any ulterior motives.
I just think it's really cool to be an ELST.
I'm against it.
What... why?
You don't know what
an ELST does, do you?
- That's why I'm studying it now...
- No.
Why would you...
I'm telling you this to
keep you out of danger!
If you say that, then let me say it too!
I don't want you to go to
dangerous sites either!
But that's why I want to become an ELST,
to understand more about what you do...
Regardless, I'm against it.
[ Sayumi: I'm in front of your house.
Can we talk for a bit? ]
What's wrong?
I met with Mr. Kazama too.
I got rejected.
Love with an adult isn't easy, huh?
I want you to do your best for me.
Sayumi, is that what you really feel?
Of course not...
Because I really liked him.
In my own childish ways.
That's why I'm so frustrated.
[ For ELST ]
[ Collection of Possible Training Scenarios ]
Hey there.
What's wrong?
You don't look well.
Mr. Ebihara said he was
absolutely against it.
You mean being an ELST?
When I asked him why,
he just said he was against it.
I thought he would support me like
you did, so I'm kind of shocked.
I see...
I get it.
Ebi-chan didn't say
the reason why, right?
Mr. Himeno, do you
know anything about it?
If you know anything,
tell me! Please!
lost his girlfriend 7 years ago.
And she was an ELST.
Oh, no, it's amazing...
you've been running for an hour now.
If someone needs help,
I'll run for two or three hours.
Are you the rookie?
Yes, Ma'am.
Help me on the bench.
Yes, Ma'am.
She was straightforward with her work,
and I think that's what
attracted Ebi-chan to her.
Get ready.
Why don't you take it?
The Special Rescue Team Exam.
No, I don't have that much faith...
It's a good fit for you.
You're twice as kind as anyone else.
You can think of others first.
That's one of your talents.
seven years ago in August.
What's wrong?
I'm ELST Shinomiya.
Are you okay?
I'm opening the door!
She died instantly.
Excuse me. I just...
Excuse me.
- Wait! Wait!
- Get back! Get back!
Kasumi! Wait!
Don't go. Wait!
[ To Kyousuke,
Good luck with the exam!
Kasumi ]
I understand.
The feeling of losing someone important
and not being able to move on.
Can we talk?
Moe-chan told me.
You said you were
against her becoming an ELST.
So what?
I told her...
the reason you're against it.
You didn't tell her, does that mean
you're still dwelling on the past?
It's not that.
I care about her, and want to protect her,
that's why I'm against it.
And you're comparing
Moe-chan to Ms. Kasumi?
Is that really how you protect her?
It's none of your business!
That girl's life is hers.
I was struck by
Moe-chan's earnestness.
I want to do everything in my
power to help and support her.
- You and I are different...
- Ebi-chan.
I want to protect Moe-chan too.
Just like you.
Akaboshi, fire in progress.
- Good work, guys.
- Thank you, sir.
[ Moe Sasaki: Voicemail ]
I heard about
Ms. Kasumi.
I told you that I wanted to save you,
but I had no idea
what I was talking about.
You've always carried
something heavier.
And yet you're wallowing in it alone...
I'm really still a child.
I'm sorry...
Mom, Big Sis, hurry, hurry!
Ryu, don't run.
- Okay.
- Welcome.
How's it look? Cool, right?
That looks so good!
How about this?
Will it look good on me?
That's so cool.
This one's good, too.
Hey, there's a hot spring up here,
so let's go in before we go home!
Let's get a scrub,
your mom will scrub it off you.
What's this a confession ?
- Right? I'll take it out.
- Right?
This is cool.
Big Sis, play with me!
What? No, no. There's
nothing for me to play with.
- Ah, so close.
- So close.
- Okay, again.
- Again.
Let's do it.
Ah, so close.
- This is hard.
- Yeah.
Fire truck, let's go!
- Fire...
- Ryu!
There is a fire.
Remain calm and evacuate.
Akaboshi City Fire Report
1-13-2 Nakamachi, Akaboshi City
Fire in Joy Mall Akaboshi.
The fire was caused
by a huge gas explosion.
Special Rescue, First and Second Platoons,
operate based on the preliminary plan.
Mom! Mom!
Mom! Mom!
Moe! Ryu!
- Mom, are you hurt?
- I'm fine. How are you two?
- We're okay.
- Outside, hurry!
- Go ahead! I'll be right there!
- But...
Are you okay?
Okay! Let's go.
Use this to cover your mouth and nose.
Can you stand up? Ready...
Can you walk?
The exit is that way.
Sayumi, are you all right?
Are you okay?
Mr. Ebihara!
Why are you here?!
My sister is inside!
I'll go on ahead.
- Let's go.
- Yes, sir.
Get away!
Get somewhere safe.
I'll leave Ryu and the others to you.
Exit on this side too.
- Take your time, it's okay. There's shelter.
- Please evacuate.
Be careful.
Found one!
Are you okay?
Did you breathe in the smoke?
Ebi, did you find Moe-chan?
- I didn't.
- Genki, switch with Ebi.
- Yes, sir!
- Go.
- Are you okay?
- Kazama, let's go.
We'll get you out. Let's carry him out.
Take your time. It's okay.
Please take shelter over there.
- Moe...
- Big Sis...
Captain! One person in need of help.
Rescue complete.
- Okay, get him out of here!
- Yes, sir!
You okay?
Yes, sir! Mr. Ebihara's
training is much harder!
Ebihara to Captain.
4th floor evacuation complete.
No one in need of immediate rescue.
Roger that. How about Moe-chan?
No confirmation yet.
Heading up a story.
You have no idea how much
you've helped me, too.
You really train like this...
I'm impressed.
Mr. Ebihara, you are my hero.
I'm really glad I met you.
- Captain, search location, all clear.
- Good.
- Back stairs can be used.
- Yes, sir.
If someone needs help, you keep climbing
for two or three hours, without rest.
If you're gonna dwell over it, just go for it.
Mr. Ebihara...
Are you okay? Can you stand up?
Let's go over there. Ready.
Himeno, moving to the 5th floor.
Let's go that way.
It's okay. It's gonna be okay.
Huh? I don't have any...
Mr. Ebihara!
Two in need of immediate rescue!
Are you okay?
- Please breathe this in.
- Moe-chan.
Thank goodness.
I've secured the exit.
Okay, let's go.
Are you okay?
I managed...
That's good to know.
Do I have the makings of an ELST?
I still want to become an ELST.
I don't need your support, just let me
hang on to it a little longer.
Please wait for me.
You idiot...
I'll be waiting.
Until then, I'm here to save you.
Wow, thank goodness.
Moe! Thank goodness...
Thank goodness...
I can't compete with that.
Okay, let's help extinguish the fire.
Yes, sir!
Mr. Ebihara, please put me
down already. It's embarrassing.
Be patient.
I'm really okay now.
You saved me again.
- It's always me...
- You idiot.
You said that you couldn't do anything,
but you already saved me so long ago.
I talked big and said to
take it one step at a time,
but it was me who couldn't do it.
thanks to you, I'm moving on.
I'll be waiting for you, Moe.
Because you are...
the most important person to me.
I love you.
- Hose simultaneous extension.
- Okay.
Mr. Ebihara!
Congratulations on your graduation.
Begin water discharge!
Begin water discharge!
Orange kiss
Until I met you,
I have even forgotten
to look up at the sky
The sunset, it has always been shining on us
Hikaru Iwamoto
(Snow Man)
Meru Nukumi
Jin Suzuki
Shuhei Uesugi
Hidaka Ukisho
(Bishounen/Johnny's Jr.)
Yuuta Furukawa
Taiyu Fujiwara
Riko Nagase
Sara Takatsuki
Yuko Fueki
With that gaze, that warmth,
tell me what you've been up to
The sweet and the bitter things,
I'll embrace you and protect you
I know you're working hard,
and for that reason,
I want you to live your life so that the next time I see you, I can be proud of you
Step by step all alone
Let me know if you're crying
Hey, I love, love, love you
I'll tell you
What color is the sky for you right now?
With that gaze, that warmth,
tell me what you've been up to
The sweet and bitter things,
let's embrace them and keep on walking
Please let me support you on your future
I'll snuggle in,
I'll bite down,
you and I will be the paintbrushes
This orange kiss
The sky is getting darker,
but our color doesn't change
No matter what happened in the past,
let's repaint it from now on
In our color
With that gaze, that warmth,
tell me what you've been up to
Theme song
"Orange kiss"
Snow Man
"My Boyfriend in Orange"
Production Committee
Production Cooperation:
Shochiku Film Center
Production Company:
Shochiku Studio
Planning and Distribution:
Shosuke Murakami
[ My Boyfriend in Orange ]
[ QC by Amrayu of SARS-Fansubs/Reika]