My Cherry Pie (2021) Movie Script

Breaking news...
Two British backpackers
have been reported missing.
Last seen in the vicinity
of Pleasant Creek Forest.
This brings the tally up to
39 reported missing people
within the local area
in the last 12 months.
Authorities say that it is only
speculation that this could be
the work of a serial killer.
Where are you going, babe?
I've got to go pee.
Don't keep me waiting too long.
Who's there?
I swear, if this is you
trying to scare me...
I'm going to cut your
fucking nuts off.
You haven't started
without me have you?
(sighs) You reckon
I can scum a durry?
- What? Don't you have some?
- Nah, I ran out.
- When?
- I don't know, just before.
Fucking hell. We were
just at a servo...
- Yeah, so? - So? So you should
have bought some there.
Fuck that. I'm not
paying servo prices.
I'd have to take out a fucking
loan to buy ciggies from a
It's not really
my problem, mate.
- Come on, mate. It's just one
dart. - No!
- Come on...
- No! For fuck's sake!
- Come on, it's just one sneaky
little durry. - Alright,
alright, if it will shut you up.
This is fucking bullshit. Got
to supply you with darts now.
And he's obviously not going to
have any, So now you cunts are
going to be bumming all of mine.
Look, I'll get some more. I'll
pay you back. Just don't be such
a fucking whinger about it.
- A whinger, am I?
- Yeah, fucking ginger whinger.
Fuck you! Fucking give you
durries, fucking drive you
I noticed you didn't put your
hand in your pocket when I was
fuelling up.
- Why would I? - Because I'm
fucking driving you around.
Pfft, balls to
that! It's your car!
Hmm, you got a lighter?
There you go...
Cheers, mate.
- You know what you can do with
that? - Yeah, what?
You can bash it up your
ass, you fucking moocher.
Just calm down, mate.
Motherfucker, if you pocket that
lighter, so help me God, I'll
fuck you up.
Jesus mate, you need
to chill the fuck out.
- Lighter. - I was about to give
it to you, yeah?
Give me the fucking lighter.
(singing) Steel wheels,
that's the Dragon Killer!
Oh, mate this is fucking boring.
Let's get some tunes up in here.
- No.
- Why not?
Because dickhead, it'll
drain the battery.
- She'll be right.
- I said no.
Oh, you hear that tasty shit?
That bass, oh. (moans)
(groans) That's fucking music.
That's music to fuck to right
Yeah, it's perfect, for two
blokes in a car, waiting for
their mate to get out of jail.
He's right on time.
Hey! Oh well, if it ain't
Tweedledum & Tweedledumber!
(chickens clucking)
Hi Walter.
How are you?
I'm good, thanks.
It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
Ah, are you here for the fruit?
Indeed, I am.
Oh, it's just at the coop.
I'll go and get it for you.
Oh no, don't trouble yourself
missy. I can grab it myself.
Is that all you
need today, Walt?
Cherry, I was thinking... Umm...
It might be stupid but ahh...
There's this line dancing night
at the church next Thursday and
I was thinking of going along.
Good for you. Goodbye Walter.
Wait, what I meant to say is,
would you like to go with me?
I mean, you don't have to, of
course but it might be a fun
I don't know...
That's okay, umm, it's
fine if you don't want to.
Can I say maybe?
Maybe? Yeah sure.
Maybe is better than
no, I can take a maybe.
Alright, well I'll
see you later Cherry.
Bye Walter.
Fuck me, cunt's got a
fridge full of Fruche.
Any beers in there?
I'm telling you mate, there's
nothing but Fruche in here.
Bloody hell.
- There's a couple of nana's. -
Oh yeah, I bloody love a nana.
Chuck us a nana.
Oi, oi, hey, what's that shit?
Schnapps, fucking typical.
You blokes want one?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, fuck it. Go on, go on.
So who is this bloke anyway?
Jimmy the Fruit, used to
be a driver a while back.
Don't know what he's doing now.
Well when do you reckon
he's going to rock up?
Who knows, boys? But I reckon
we're going to be here a while
so make yourselves at home.
Excuse me! Hello! This
is private property!
Hey, you!
(laughs) Hey, wait here babe.
Didn't you hear me? This
is private property.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I
heard you, old man.
Question is, what are
you going to do about it?
- Well, do you want me to call
the cops? - Call them, see if I
give a shit.
My dad's the Sheriff, he
ain't going to do nothing.
Oh, is that right?
- Well, just, get off my
property. - Make me.
Hey, uhh, could you just fuck
off please? We're trying to have
a weekend here.
- Weekend?
- Yeah.
It's Tuesday.
Hey, get out of here, dickhead.
Bye bye.
(laughs) That's what I
thought, fucking pussy.
- Oh!
- Oh!
I am going to tear
that ass apart.
- Promise? - It's not a promise,
it's a threat motherfucker.
- (growls)
Oi, I think they're here.
Righto boys, you know the drill.
Fucking dog.
- Goddamnit!
- What's wrong?
Oh, it's those bloody kids
again, camping on my lot.
They come here to pick
those funny mushrooms.
They will leave soon enough.
They better or so help me God.
We got another dozen eggs today.
Speaking of which,
have you fed your brothers yet?
- Just about to do it.
- Okay.
I'll be heading to the pub soon.
- It's bingo night.
- Tonight?
Yeah, legs eleven,
I'll be home at 7.
- I'll have dinner waiting.
- What are we having?
- French onion soup.
- Oh, beauty.
Well, that will keep
them busy for a while.
So I'll see you
tonight Cherry Pie.
See you soon.
This is not a good idea.
Mate, it'll be fine. I've gotten
tick off the best of them.
- Yeah, this is Risto Ivanov
we're talking about. - Who?
Cunts around here
call him Mad Dog Maco.
- Maco??
- Yeah, Macedonian.
Point is, he won't do it.
Bullshit he won't do it,
I'll fucking make him do it.
No, no, no, no, no, no, okay.
Alright, let me go in.
I've known him for a while, If I
go alone, ask for a favour, he
might do it.
See Jackie boy, that wasn't so
hard. Where there's a fucking
will there's a way, aye?
Yeah, you're pushing the
friendship today, mate. Just
Hey, you love me
and you know it.
- Hey, Nick. - Trying to count,
cunt. Don't distract.
97, 63, 84, 5-
Fuck's sake!
You're really fucking working
hard there, you know that,
Oh, shit.
Oh, it's making me crash
like the fucking Hindenburg...
- Oh... - Risto's fucking paying
for that.
Put that shit away.
- Oh, you want a dart?
- Yeah...
- Hey...
- Oh, you beauty!
- Thank you, brother!
- Mmm.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah,
go on, go on, go on.
- There you go, bruv.
- (groans)
So, did you have
a TV and stuff?
Nah, but they let us watch
the footy in the rec area.
Oh yeah...
Aww mate.
You're not wrong there brother.
I know Risto, I'm sorry
alright? It won't happen again.
Asking for freebies, don't
come around here again.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
- Well, I'm guessing that didn't
go well. - No. No, it didn't, at
- What did the cunt say? - What
do you reckon? He said no.
He said he'll shoot me if I even
insult him again, and then, he
threatened to fuck my mum.
I think you heard me the first
time, he threatened to fuck my
Oh, that's bang out of order.
So, new plan.
We didn't drive all this
way for fucking nothing.
What do you want
me to do, mate?
Well, are you just going to let
this wog talk to you like that?
Oh, buckle up,
we're fucking leaving.
Nah mate, we're going to do this
with my approach. Green, you got
a blade?
- Always packing, brother.
- What?
Nah, nah, nah, nah,
no, no, no fucking way!
Here, you take this.
- Oh...
- No...
This, no, no fucking way,
this isn't happening.
Calm down, it's a job
gun, mate. It's a fake.
If you take that in there, this
will end in a shootout. I'm
fucking telling.
(laughs) Shootout... Mate, we'll
be in and out of there before
any shootout happens.
I'm putting the fucking foot
down. This is, no, this is
fucking not happening.
- You owe me.
- What the fuck do I owe you?
3 and a half fucking
years, you owe me, alright?
So, are we doing this or what?
Fuck me swinging, I
thought I told you already.
Shut the fuck up,
sit the fuck down.
- Who the fuck are you? - Your
worst fucking nightmare, cunt.
You're making a big fucking
mistake, dickhead. Fucking huge.
Mate, just give us the drugs,
mate. Make it easy on yourself.
Do you even know who I am?
Ah, some fucking Mad
Max or some shit.
Mad Dog Maco.
I'm the sickest
cunt around here.
You don't even know?
I've fucked guys
like you in prison.
What did you say?
- Fuck off, alright?
- Keep your fucking mouth shut!
- What did you say to me?
- You heard me.
Repeat it.
Let's just calm
down here, blokes.
- I've fucked guys like you in
prison. - Is that right?
Yeah, right in the ass.
Jesus Freddy, what
are you doing?
Fucks' sake mate,
what did you do?
What the fuck did I say?!
You know what you've just done?
I know exactly what I've done.
Stabbed you, you fucking dumb
Now give us the rest of the
drugs, or I'm going to keep
fucking stabbing.
Fuck you!
You're going to
fucking kill him!
Well, you don't stab a cunt
to tickle him now, do you?
- Risto, give him the fucking
drugs. - Alright, alright.
They're in there, now get out!
- Got it?
- Oh yeah, we got it.
Let's fucking go.
Get out of my fucking house.
- Hey, we can't let that cunt
live. - What?
- We've got to finish this cunt
off. - Freddy, don't do this.
If you fucking kill me, you'll
never be able to show your face
in this country again.
You'll be looking over your
shoulder for the rest of your
fucking life.
Freddy, don't, alright? Please.
This is next level shit if you
do this.
It is what it is, mate.
Freddy, please,
alright? Don't do this!
[Stabbing and
screams and groans]
- Let's get fucking out of this
shithole. - Agreed.
- We need to get out of town.
- Why?
Because this shit won't go
unnoticed, alright? This cunt
was connected.
- Connected how?
- Connected, connected.
Ah, well fuck. Why
didn't you say so?
I tried to fucking say.
Alright well, fucking
where do you want to go?
My cousin has a joint up near
the border. He's cool, he knows
the score...
We can go there, fucking lay low
for a while and let this shit
blow over.
Hell yeah, I'm keen on a
roadtrip. We've got drugs to
last a month at least.
Alright, well, you're
fucking driving.
Yeah, obviously. It's
my fucking car, mate.
Well, lead the way.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, what about
these two? - We won't say
We swear, please have
mercy, God is watching...
(laughs) Fuck me, can't any cunt
die with dignity these days?
Have mercy!
(sex sounds)
Oh, that was amazing.
- Want to go a round two?
- Oh, we are way past that.
I've got to go take a piss.
Charming. (laughs)
Hey, don't keep me waiting.
- Do us a favour, roll us a
spliff? - Oh, yes, master.
Make yourself useful.
Be right back.
Lawrence, you better
not be fucking around...
This isn't funny.
What do you reckon these are?
Don't know, mate. Reckon they
might be caps of Louie or
something. Who knows?
All I can tell you is, whatever
it is, it's going to be good
That cunt always had good gear.
- Mate, fuck this, I'm taking
one. - I'm in.
Oh, fuck off you are! We're
saving them, for when we get to
my cousin's joint.
- Why? - Because I have to
fucking drive.
What's that got to do with me
and Freddy here, getting a
little buzz going on?
Kid makes a point.
Because, fucking, I want to get
on the drugs too, obviously.
- It's not bloody fair!
- Well, you're being a bit-
- A bit what? What am I being?
- Selfish.
I agree.
What the fuck?
- What the f-... - That didn't
sound good, did it?
You think? Nothing gets
past you, does it, mate?
- Two, mate.
- Are you fucking serious?
Mate, I've been in prison for
the last three years, let me get
off my nut at least!
Mate, you want one?
Alright, go on then.
- Do you reckon you really need
two? - Yeah, fucking oath.
Oh, now we wait.
- Oh, I wonder what we just
took. - (laughs)
- Oh, mate. You need to give me
a ciggy. - No.
Come on mate, I'm begging you.
- Grab one.
- Thanks.
- What is this shit, man? - It
is not Louie, I can tell you
that much.
Psychedelics, psychedelic
family I reckon.
You reckon?
- Oh, you sh- - How are
you doing today fellas?
- Woah!
- Jesus...
Who are you?
The name's Edwin Crow.
You can call me Ed.
- Sorry about my mates.
- That's alright.
Hey, you having a little
car trouble, are you?
- Yeah, she's fucked.
- Uh, damn.
- Well, are there any mechanics
in the area? - Not really...
I've got a tow truck, I could
tow you in the morning.
I've had a few beers! Aye!
Nah, can't do that right now.
Well, are there
any hotels around?
They're even further than
the bloody mechanics, mate.
- Yep, well, thanks anyway mate.
- Yeah, no worries.
Hey, there's a
place, at my house.
- What?
- Plenty of room.
We'll be alright, yeah,
we'll be alright, thanks mate.
Are you sure?
It's going to be a cold night.
You will bloody freeze out here.
- We'd love to, thank you.
- What?
I don't want to stay in
here all night, let's go.
- No.
- Why?
Stranger danger and all that.
- Are you sure, mate?
- Yeah, no problem.
It's just right up here.
Right down the road here.
With a bit of luck, there might
be a feed in it for you, aye?
- Bloody legend Edwin.
- Call me Ed.
- Bloody legend indeed.
- A-ha.
Cherry Pie! We have guests!
Hey, go on...
Ah Cherry, this is Freddy, and
Jack and ah- sorry I forgot your
name again...
- Green.
- And Green.
- Welcome, it's
nice to meet you.
Pleasure's all ours.
What would your name be?
This is Cherry.
She's my little Cherry
Pie, isn't that right?
Cherry pie, huh?
Bet you taste real sweet.
- Wait, are you guys related?
- She's my niece.
Uncle Eddie, can you
help me with the soup?
Sure thing. Hey, hope you
made enough for everyone.
There's plenty to go around.
Alright, well if you excuse me,
and make yourselves at home.
- Yeah.
- Right?
Dinner will be ready soon.
Bloody French onion soup.
Mercy beaucoup.
- What do you need help with
darling? - Nothing, I just
wanted to say good job.
I know, right?
Come on...
Thank you, Sweetheart.
Yeah, thanking you.
- So would umm, anyone like to
say grace? - Ah...
Ah, the floor's all yours Eddie.
Bless thy father...
Thy gift, for us to use...
And us, for thy service.
Thank you for our
wonderful guests.
We welcome them. Not as
strangers, but as friends.
For Christ's sake!
Amen. That was beautiful.
Thank you, darling.
Umm... Enjoy.
Hey Edwin... I didn't
notice a tow truck here.
- Parked out the back.
- See? What did I tell you?
- Told him what?
- Hmm?
- Nothing.
- No, no, no...
What did you tell him?
Nothing, just you know, you
folks are on the level and all
He's, he's being stupid.
Yeah, we're on the level.
I get it, we're not narcs
if that's what you're thinking.
Not at all.
Eddie boy, mate, can I just say
this soup's fucking delicious.
Freddy! Outside you can say
whatever you want! All the
heffing and jeffing your heart
But not at the
dinner table! Please!
Sorry about that, love.
It's okay.
Forgiveness is part of the plan.
- Plan?
- God's plan.
- (groans)
- Here we go.
You know the big guy upstairs?
He has a plan for all of us.
I truly believe that.
Eighteen years ago,
our house burned to the ground.
We lost everything.
We were a big family
before the fire.
Cherry and I, we're
all we've got now.
There's her brothers,
they have a very nasty temper.
They don't have the
social skills like us.
Bit funny in the head,
if you know what I mean.
They stay in their room mostly.
Keep the ones you love close.
You never know when
you might lose them.
You have a word
with ways, Eddie.
Beautiful shit, man.
Beautiful, beautiful.
Thank you, Freddy.
I appreciate that.
- How's your dinner Green?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Beautiful Eddie. Bloody
delicious, if I'm being honest.
Would you boys like it
if Cherry put on a show?
- A show?
- Yeah.
You're our guests...
And every guest that comes here
and graces us with their
presence deserves dinner and a
What's the show?
- Cherry here is a dancer.
- What, like a stripper?
- I'd pay to see that.
- Keep it in your pants, boys.
Cherry does ballet,
and she's very good.
She'll dance for you.
Won't you, Cherry?
(yawns) I think we
should go to bed.
Don't be so rude, Jack. If the
girl wants to dance, well
fucking let her dance.
Yeah, let her dance.
Okay, great, yep, okay, perfect.
Let's watch the dancing then,
shall we? Some bloody ballet.
It isn't much, but it'll
ah, it'll do for one night.
Yeah, ah, I really
appreciate it. Thanks again.
My pleasure and ah, if you boys
need the toilet, right, it's
just down the end of the
Okay? If you need anything
else, don't be afraid to ask.
Yeah, yeah, cheers boss.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Okay, alright, well, you boys
have a good night then, okay?
Yeah? Sleep well.
- Phwoah, I'm off my fucking
nut. - Oh, same.
This is some strong shit.
Am I the only one that thinks
this is a bit fucking weird?
- It's just the 'cid man, enjoy
the ride. - No, not the acid.
This place, these people.
There's something off here.
That whole dance shit, wasn't
that a bit fucking bizarre?
I thought that was hot. Woah!
Oh man, I had half a mongrel.
Farmer chick, that little
farmer chick, oh mate!
- She's got the eyes for me.
- You reckon?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, full blown
fuck me eyes. (groans)
We should just go. We hitch a
ride to the mechanics, and then
we figure it out from there.
Mate, you're dreaming.
I'm not going nowhere.
Oi, reckon I should
go talk to her?
- Definitely not!
- Fucking oath.
Is anyone listening
to me at all?
Oh Jack, mate, you need to
stop harshing everyones vibe.
- Green..
- Yeah?
Go and fuck that
little farmer girl.
Now that, that
mate, is God's plan.
You know what? Fine, fine,
whatever. Do whatever the fuck
you want.
Oh mate, do not say that.
She's going to get it, huh?!
- Wish me luck boys, huh?
- Yeah, good luck, brother.
Oi, give her one for me, aye?
Just one? Just one?
What about two, three, four?
Five, six, seven?
Eight? Nine, ten, eleven!
Maybe eleven, just eleven.
- Have you got any more durries?
- Oh, fuck you!
Oh, my Cherry Pie!
Cherry Pie, where are you baby?
- Hey there, Cherry Pie.
- Oh, you startled me!
- Oh, I'm sorry. - It's okay. Do
you need a drink or something?
No, no, no, no. I came
here especially to talk to you.
Oh, okay.
- I've seen the way you've been
looking at me. - Did you?
You betcha. You know what?
You've got real beautiful eyes.
- Thank you. You ain't too bad
yourself. - Oh, you reckon?
Should see me nude...
Not to brag or nothing but...
Like a horse. That's all I'm
So, what do you
reckon Cherry Pie?
You want to go for a ride?
- Meet me in my room...
- Where?
Just down the hall,
last door on the left.
- Upstairs? - No, downstairs,
just through there.
Okay, babe.
- But don't keep me waiting too
long. - I won't. (laughs)
(laughs) Mummy's boy.
Well, mummy's boy...
Your mummy, she's
about to get nailed.
I'll let you watch
if you're keen.
Ah, holy shit...
Chick's a freak!
Oh, Lordy.
What is with the freaky get up?
Oh, kinky.
Care to join?
Did you do all this artwork?
You're crazy.
I wanted to ask
you a question...
Have you ever had a boy
in this room before?
Damn! So I, will be the first.
You can touch me if you want.
It's okay...
Take it slow.
Can I touch you?
Come on, baby.
I like that.
The fuck?!
You fucking bitch!
Man, what is taking him so long?
I don't know man, give him all
the time he needs. He's just
trying to get his fucking dick
- I should probably go check on
him, right? - Do you want to see
his cock or something?
Prison was fucked, man.
Yeah, of course it was. You
don't go there for doing
something good.
I know that.
I mean, you can't begin to
understand until you've been
Yeah, I get it, I've been
through some pretty fucked up
shit in my life.
Mate, you've only ever been
visited by horror. I've walked
with demons.
At night...
Oh, it was the screaming...
Can't get those screams
out of my head, man.
It was looking pretty grim for a
while there. I was even thinking
about doing myself in.
- Really?
- Yeah.
But then I realised... I've
got someone watching over me.
An angel or something, you know?
I didn't think I was going to
make it but... Things were
pretty grim there for a while
I got through it.
Couldn't have done it on my own.
So let me get this straight...
You think you survived prison
due to some devine spirit?
I don't know, man.
Something out there but,
I can feel it watching me.
You really are
tripping the fuck out.
I'm spilling my fucking heart
out here and you're just taking
the piss.
- Give it a rest.
- Give it a rest?
Mate, you can go and
get yourself fucked.
I'm not in the mood for your
bullshit, alright? You put me
through enough today.
Me? Fucking I've put
you through shit?
I'll fucking take a ciggy
as an apology thank you.
Jog on, mate. I'm not
apologising for shit.
You really are a miserable cunt.
Freddy, you keep pushing buttons
motherfucker, and soon enough
one of them is going to be red.
- Is that right? - Yeah, yeah,
it's fucking right.
You talk about how much
you hated prison yet,
you're doing everything to
put yourself fucking back there.
Yeah, fucking, me yeah?
I come out, fucking, released.
And then I've got you cunts...
And no one even offers me a
fucking ciggy.
What are you talking
about ciggies for?
Oh, you have such
beautiful eyes, Cherry.
Oh, thank you.
You're such a gentleman.
Oh, look at your rosy cheeks.
We stomped out a cunt... And
then you stabbed three other
Yeah, Jimmy was a dickhead
driver from back in the day that
owed you money. I get it.
- But Risto, fucking Risto! -
Mate, we wouldn't have had to
fucking do shit...
If you cunts had've come today
with some fucking scratch in
your pocket. Not fucking
What have you fucking done for
three and a half years? Pulling
each other's cocks?!
(moans) Oh yeah...
Oh, that's real nice.
You made me stand by while you
stabbed that cunt to death...
And now we're in the middle of
bum-fuck nowhere, in some weirdo
What the fuck?!
Ow, fuck.
So who's fucking fault is that?
Get a fucking car and maintain
your fucking car.
- You're the fucking driver,
aren't you? - Shut up!
Did you hear that?
You're just fucking tripping.
I know I am, but I still know a
blood-curdling scream when I
hear one.
I didn't hear shit.
- Tell me you heard that.
- Probably just the cows.
Yeah, yeah probably just a cow,
screaming for help. That makes
sense, doesn't it?
Oh, fucking, Eddy's probably
chock-a-block in one right now.
You know those country boys,
they love fucking animals.
I should probably go see
what's going on, right?
Fucking go then, mate. Maybe you
and the country boy can tag team
minnie moo.
- Why were you watching me?
- I'm sorry...
Do you like to watch?
I'm sorry Cherry, I didn't
see anything, I promise!
- Watch this...
- Cherry pl-
Oh, fuck this! I'm going to go
see what the fuck is going on.
Well, fucking go then. Fucking
turn off the light when you
leave, will you?
Whatever, cunt!
Well, switch the
fucking light off!
Where the fuck are you?
Walter, you know
this is such a shame.
I really liked you...
Fuck you!
- Are you looking for your
friend? - Please, please, we can
talk it through.
- What do you want? You want
drugs? - I can tell you where he
- You want cash?
- Come on, come on.
Fuck you, bitch!
Where are you?
I can hear you...
Come any closer and I'll put
this through your fucking head.
Let me in!
- Let me in!
- Fuck you!
- Let me in!
- See, bitch?
Let me in!
You fucked with the wrong
motherfucker this time!
I fucking knew it... I knew all
of you country folk were fucking
Jesus wept...
Choke on it!
Choke on it, you cunts!
It's going to be
okay... Well done!
Well done! Good job!
You made me real proud.
Yeah, you did so good.
You guys... Yeah, you two!
Tomorrow I'm going to make
you a special dessert.
Goodnight sweethearts.
What the fuck?
Hello Frederick.
How are you this evening?
- Who the fuck are you?
- (laughs)
We're the Pleasant Creek nurses
and we're here to help you.
You ladies are a bit of alright.
Woah, woah, woah.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
I don't need that right now.
Baby, I'm flying, trust me.
Oh, you need to
trust us Frederick.
Yeah, you can trust us.
Just relax.
Oh, Jesus Christ...
Fuck, that shit's
got some kick to it.
Doctor, the patient's
ready for you.
Doctor? Is someone
else joining us?
- Freddy...
- Who the fuck's this?!
You need to stay calm Freddy.
Stay calm, it's just a simple
Freddy, you've got quite a
reputation. You're a real wild
I just want to drill inside
and see what we find.
(chanting) Drill inside
and see what we find!
(chanting) Drill inside
and see what we find!
- (chanting) Drill inside and
see what we find! - (screams)
(chanting) Drill inside
and see what we find!
I need your help!
- Are you okay?
- Oh, hey...
I need some water.
Not feeling good.
Alright, I'll go get some.
- Yeah.
- One second.
Oh yeah, cheers.
You want another?
Oh, no. I'm fine.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, no, I'll be alright.
- Can I get you anything else?
- Uhh...
This might sound a
bit strange, but...
Would you mind sitting with me?
Sit with you?
Yeah, I'm just...
I don't know, a little bit...
- Just feeling real vulnerable
at the moment. - Shh...
It's okay... Aye?
I'll stay with you.
- Alright? Just have a little
chat then, aye? - Yeah.
- Just, tell me a story?
- What, something fiction?
Well, tell me about your family.
Like I told you at dinner, there
isn't much of my family left.
Cherry is all I've got.
She has her problems, you know.
But don't get me wrong, I love
my little Cherry Pie, always
When sis got pregnant,right,
she was over the moon.
She did everything right. She
cut out the smokes, the wine.
Real responsible.
She gave birth to twin boys.
Something went wrong.
It's hard to explain,
they just came out a bit funny.
So when sis got up the duff a
second time, she was determined.
At the ultrasound it revealed
that she was having twins again.
Twin girls this time.
When she gave birth three months
later... But once again,
something went wrong.
And Cherry, she came out first.
And she was perfect,
a beautiful little baby girl.
But then a minute later,
the other one comes out.
Its face is blue. The umbilical
cord is wrapped around its neck.
They did all they could,
they couldn't save it.
She was gone.
As a family we decided,
we would never tell
Cherry about her sister.
She'd never know that.
She was a miracle
all on her own.
Cherry was 12 years old when the
fire hit. I remember walking
away from her mum's funeral.
And I took her by the hand,
looked down at that little girl,
and I said that everything
will be alright.
She looks up at me, this
beautiful little baby girl...
And she says, "Is
mummy gone forever?"
What do you say to that?
What do you say to a kid?
How do you tell her her
mum is gone forever?
Before I can say anything, she
says "Is everyone gone like my
I couldn't believe
what I was hearing.
So I asked her, I
said, "your sister?"...
"How do you know about her?"
She tells me she remembers
being in the womb.
She was playing with her sister,
and she put the cord around her
She couldn't have known about
that. Us Crow's take secrets to
the grave.
No one told her.
So I asked her. I said
"why did you do it?"
She looked me dead in
the eyes... She said...
"Uncle Eddie, because
I was born to kill."
- Are you serious?
- As serious as a heart attack.
Oh my God!
Freddy, do you believe in fate?
- What do you mean?
- Fate. You know, destiny...
Ah... Not really mate.
See, I do.
It's all meant to be.
Everything that happens to us...
It's all part of the big plan.
I truly believe that.
It was fate, that killed my
family in the fire. It was fate,
that brought you here.
Your car, was always
going to break down.
It's destiny, you're here.
Don't you think?
- I dont know.
- Something to think about.
I need to take a shit.
Oh, fuck that!
I had such a fun night with you.
Such a shame we can't do it
Now you're going to
have a nice sleep, okay?
- Hello.
- Oh, fuck off.
Don't you want to play with me?
You did last night, you cunt.
Oh please, help me. Please...
Fuck that, mate, you're
on your own, cunt.
Please... Just fucking kill me.
We can play hide and seek!
Come out, come out,
wherever you are!
Come on, boy, come on.
I know you're here.
Where are you?!
(grunts) You...
It's like I said Freddy,
it's all part of the plan.
(whistles) Cherry! I found him.
You'll fucking pay for
this, you son of a bitch.
I somehow doubt that.
Good job!
You people are fucking insane!
That's what they all say.
We've had that our whole life!
- Haven't we sweetheart?
- Yes, daddy.
Daddy? You said you
were her fucking uncle.
Uncle, dad and uncle-dad...
It's all the same
around these parts.
Hey, I have a couple of bits
of advice for you, Frederick.
Number one, don't
fuck your sister.
Number two, don't fuck
your sister twice! (laughs)
You fucking inbred scum!
Hey, that's enough out of you.
Now, Cherry... You
do your thing, okay?
Fuck you, you fucking
bitch! (spits)
You've got about 5
seconds to regret that.
Oh yeah? Eat my fucking balls!
Eat this!
(laughs) Oh, that was
a bit of fun, aye?
The others are all
dead too. (laughs)
My Cherry Pie.
Woah, looks like he might
have a bit of meat on him too.
I bet he'll taste
real sweet. (laughs)
Oh, sweety.
- Hello there.
- Hello.
How can I help you?
Uhh, we saw your advertisement
for a fruit picking job...
We were wondering if room
is still available for board?
Umm, yes, we would
like the job very much.
- Very, very much.
- Please... Umm...
You, my friends, are in luck.
Come inside.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you very much.
So the room available
is upstairs-
What was that?
Umm, what was a that?
That was the twins,
don't mind them.
They're just a bit funny
in the head, that's all.
How long have you
been in Australia?
- Umm, 6 days.
- Oh, really?
- Uh, a no, ye-yes.
- You're going to love it here.
- Oh...
- Huh?
- It's Tuesday.
- Hmm?
- It's bingo night.
- Oh, bingo!