My Christmas Inn (2018) Movie Script

Feel the love all around
See the smiles
across this town
'Cause the kids
are counting down
It's a Christmas
state of mind
Baby, let's watch the snow
fall down
This Christmas
I'll light the fire
and hold you close
The twinkle lights
The stockings full
All right, I want you all
to imagine a room
immaculately decorated
for Christmas.
Perfect tree, perfect stockings.
A mother comes in
and sees her little boy
waiting by the Christmas tree.
It's his bedtime,
but he tells her
he's too excited to sleep.
The mother asks the little boy
if maybe a cup of hot chocolate
will help him fall asleep.
The little boy answers,
"Only if it's made
with Silky Cocoa Mix."
The mom brings her son
a steaming hot mug
of Silky Cocoa,
and he loves it.
The mom asks if maybe now
he can go to sleep.
The little boy answers,
"Only if you leave a mug
of Silky Cocoa out for Santa."
That's when the father
comes out and says,
"That's a great idea!
Santa would love a cup."
Silky Cocoa.
Now, this is Christmas.
Well, I don't know
about you all,
but I could sure go for a cup of
hot Silky Cocoa right about now.
You really hit that one
out of park.
They're thinking about
signing long term.
- Wow.
- Who knows?
You keep moving like that,
you might find a little bonus
under your tree
Christmas morning.
Thank you, Ellis.
Sounds like
they loved the pitch.
Well, when you're doing
a Christmas ad,
you're selling people a fantasy.
It's not supposed to be real.
So that's why you don't have
a Christmas tree.
I don't have a Christmas tree
because I don't like
vacuuming needles.
Whatever you say, Scrooge.
Bah humbug.
Brian Anderson called again.
He has been very persistent.
That's because
my great-aunt Helen
passed away four months ago,
and he's handling her estate.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't know.
That's okay.
Knowing Aunt Helen,
she probably left me
her rare spoon collection
or her ventriloquist dummy.
At the very least,
I'll deal with it later.
Oh, no, you don't have
to clean up.
If I don't,
who's gonna save your artwork?
Actually, I'm getting kind of
a modernist vibe with this one.
Oh, those are just doodles.
I heard you knocked it
out of the park
with that Silky Cocoa pitch.
It's a good thing
I was out of town
when they assigned that account.
Gave you a chance to show off.
Good thing.
Oh, by the way,
I overheard Ellis
on the phone earlier.
Sounds like Tyler's going to be
leaving before Christmas.
That means they're
going to have to hire
a new creative director
before the holidays.
How's your quota going anyway?
You're, what, three,
four accounts behind?
good luck to us both, right?
Forget her. She is not half the
creative genius that you are.
- Thanks.
- Oh, and don't forget.
You're meeting Irene
for drinks tonight.
Tonight? Can you see if...
You've already rescheduled
four times.
I'll be there at seven.

Irene, I am so sorry I'm late.
I'm just glad that you made it.
I told Bill I was shocked
that you didn't reschedule.
And how are things going
with him anyway?
Actually, really well.
Too well.
I keep waiting for something
to be terribly wrong,
like does he put ketchup
on his spaghetti.
Maybe he has a secret
reptile room in his apartment.
Oh, I've missed you.
I missed you.
So stop working so much.
I can't. I have this huge
promotion coming up.
Creative director.
- Ooh.
- But no matter how hard I work,
I can't seem to catch up
to Karen.
Are you kidding?
If I worked half as hard as you,
I'd be the best realtor
in San Francisco.
Well, the difference is
you actually have a social life.
- Speaking of which...
- Nope.
- Bill has this friend Tom.
- Not gonna happen.
- Oh, he's so cute.
- You said that the last time.
How are you supposed to meet
anyone when you're working 24/7?
Well, the right guy
will understand
that my work and my success
is important to me,
and he will love me for that.
Mm, okay, well,
when you meet this alien
from an alternate reality,
you'll have to let me know.
- Deal.
- All right.
Cheers to love though.
Hi, honey! You're on speaker.
Dad's here too.
Where are you?
I thought you'd be off sailing.
We made a pit stop in Hawaii.
Ah, the life of a retiree.
Well, I'm glad you two
finally have service.
It's nice to hear your voices.
Which reminds me,
we just got a bunch of messages
from Aunt Helen's lawyer.
Yeah. He's been calling me
nonstop too.
I think you should take the time
to call him back.
I will, eventually.
You'll never guess
what Aunt Helen left me
in her will.
An adopted elephant
from a reservation in Kenya.
She doesn't have to guess
if you tell her.
She never was gonna guess
about an elephant in Kenya.
You don't know that.
That sounds like Aunt Helen.
He didn't tell us
what she left you,
only said that it was
confidential and time-sensitive,
so I think you better
call him back soon.
- Probably her spoon collection.
- No, I got that.
I got those too.
Spoons and elephants.
Fine. I'll call him
first thing tomorrow.
And, honey, honey, please,
promise us you will take
some time off for the holidays.
Don't be like us
and wait till you're old
to finally start relaxing
and have some time for yourself.
I won't, I won't.
I promise.
All right, gotta run, honey.
Got a scuba lesson in five.
Since when do you two
scuba dive?
Started right after
that whole snorkeling thing.
What snorkeling thing?
Bye! We love you!
Love ya.
Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad.
Brian Anderson.
This is Brian.
Hi. This is Jen Taylor.
You've been trying to reach me
about my Aunt Helen's will?
Oh! So you do have a phone.
I have a demanding job.
I am sure you do.
So what did she leave me?
The ventriloquist dummy?
That depends,
if it's inside the inn.
What do you mean?
Let's see here.
All right, here we go.
"I, Helen Taylor,
do hereby bequeath to my niece
Jennifer my beloved inn,
located in Chestnut Hill,
Wait, what did you just say?
So legally speaking,
that would include
any mannequins
left inside, yeah.
Hello? You still there?
She left me the inn.
Yeah, so all you gotta do now
is come up here to Chestnut Hill
and claim the property.
Come to Chestnut Hill, Alaska?
although for tax purposes,
I'd would try to get here
before the end of the year.
It's almost Christmas.
I can't just up and leave
my job right now.
Then maybe you should've
answered my call the first time.
I'm supposed to claim
the property
by the end of the year.
Look, I know it's close
to the holidays,
and I know we've got some
board meetings coming up,
but if you want, I could stall.
You know what?
Wait, what?
Jennifer, you have worked here
for seven years.
How many vacation days
have you taken?
- Two.
- Besides that time
you got your wisdom teeth
taken out.
Go take some time off.
You've earned it.
Yeah, but I'm still working
on the Wilkins account,
and we've only just started
on the Silky Cocoa.
Oh, don't worry.
I'll pick up the slack.
After all, we're just a few
accounts off quota, aren't we?
Look, I won't be gone for long.
Long enough
to sign the paperwork
and start the sale process.
You know, just in case
you might have
any decisions to make.
Well, you think you might
be back by Christmas?
Because after we choose
the new creative director,
we're gonna need all hands on
deck to rearrange our accounts.
All hands on deck.
Okay, so don't worry.
I'll start putting feelers out
to my commercial property
so just send me photos
of the inn when you can.
I'll do just that.
Okay. I promise
we're going to get this place
off the market by Christmas.
You are the best.
- Bye.
- Bye.

Hey, hey, Santa
It's time to soar
across the sky
All right
There's a chill in the air
putting cheer everywhere
It's all right
Mm, yeah
People, get ready
Christmas is
about to take flight
Ho ho ho
Let it snow
Ho ho ho
Hi. Is this the pickup area?
It's as good as any.
There's not really
a parking lot here.
Hey, you didn't come in off the
San Francisco flight, did you?
- Yes.
- I don't suppose there was
an older woman on your plane,
maybe in her late-sixties,
face buried in her work,
ignoring important phone calls?
Wait, are you Brian Anderson?
Are you Jen Taylor?
Wow. I-I-I'm so sorry.
I just, uh...
No, that's okay. I usually have
my face buried in my work.
No, I was just expecting
someone older,
like much, much older.
Helen is my great-aunt.
In my defense,
you did ignore my phone calls.
In my defense, I didn't know
I was left an inn.
Well, how would you have known
unless you answered your phone?
- Are you my ride?
- Appears that way.
Then shall we?
Uh, Jen?
So if you were
my aunt's attorney,
why does this truck say,
"custom-made sleighs?"
Because I also build sleighs.
Oh. That clears that up.
Chestnut Hill is a small town.
People wear many hats.
Which hat did you
go to school for?
And what is it that you do
that's so incredibly important
that you can't answer the phone?
Ah, so you lie for a living.
I don't lie.
Isn't that what ads are,
making something look better
than it actually is?
I think of it as showing someone
what something could be,
under the best circumstances.
Speaking of best circumstances,
how come you never came up here
to visit your aunt before?
Well, let me guess.
'Cause work's more important
than family.
That is not true.
Well, you're not spending
Christmas with them, are you?
You're the one who told me
how important it was
to come up here.
Mm-hmm, and if I hadn't,
you'd be with them?
That's what I thought.
Well, if you must know,
my parents are traveling.
My dad recently retired
and wanted to see the world.
Listen, the sooner
we get this taken care of,
the sooner I can get back
to San Francisco.
You mean, the sooner
you can get back to work.
Just so you know,
your aunt's inn
means a lot to this town.
I really hope you're not
gonna rush into anything
and just sell it off
to the highest bidder.
Well, here we are.
Wow. It's actually really cute.
Of course.
What were you expecting?
I don't know. Maybe something
a little more run-down?
I've been meaning to put up
some Christmas decorations,
but I just hadn't been
able to find the time.
But hey, now that you're here,
you can do it.
I told you, I don't really...
No, your aunt always
made sure the inn
had the best decorations
every year.
Well, I'm pretty sure
the town will survive
if I don't hang up
a few twinkle lights.
I don't know.
No, no, no, I got it, I got it.
Oh, okay.
You don't want me
to help you get settled?
I think I can handle
unlocking a door.
Oh, by the way, the paperwork
for the transfer
of the property.
Just come by tomorrow
whenever you're ready to sign.
My office is
right around the corner.
Help me get settled?
How hard can it possibly be?
Piece of cake.
You gotta shake it up,
You gotta shake it up,
Oh, yeah
How'd it go?
She is nothing like her aunt.
She's rude and snarky
and kinda mean.
Are you sure it wasn't your...
"I'm super unwelcome
to outsiders" vibe?
I don't have a vibe like that.
She just got here.
You don't know
what she's going to do.
A fire? Where?
The inn?
Oh, no. Jen!
What happened?
I just made a fire,
and all of the sudden,
the room started
filling up with smoke.
Did you open the damper?
What's a damper?
If the damper's closed,
the smoke's got nowhere to go.
The only fireplaces I ever used
came with a switch.
You know,
this is all your fault.
My fault?
You could've mentioned
there was no heat.
You were so sure of yourself,
I didn't get around to telling
you that I winterized the place.
Well, can you un-winterize it?
Preferably before I lose
all sensation in my toes.
There's a little cafe around
the corner called Molly's.
Why don't you go there,
you warm up,
I'll meet you there.
Thank you.
Oh! You poor thing.
Are you all right?
I just forgot
to open the damper.
Oh, you must be Jen,
Helen's niece.
- Great-niece.
- Oh.
Well, I'm Molly,
and this is my daughter Beth.
- Hi.
- What happened?
The guy who dropped me off
neglected to mention
that there was no heat
in the inn.
Well, I'll have to have
a talk with him.
Uh, let me get you some tea.
Thank you.
Wait, are these Aunt Helen's?
Mm. She was
such a great artist.
Yeah. She taught me how to
sketch when I was young.
Really? Do you still draw?
Not unless you count
coffee cups and napkins.
I still enjoy it.
I just don't have the time.
She'd probably be disappointed.
Oh, I doubt that.
She always spoke about you
with such pride.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Were you two close?
When I was young.
But when I went to college,
and I started my career,
I didn't keep up with her
as much as I should've.
Well, I'm sure she understood.
Every afternoon, she and Eddie
would sit in that corner.
She would sketch,
and he would play cards.
You have the same smile,
you know?
This is Aunt Helen's recipe.
Mm-hmm. Slow-cooked apples
with cranberries,
just a dash of cinnamon.
I make it
every Christmas season.
It's perfect.
Oh, thank you.
Heat, electric, and water
are all back on.
Thank goodness.
Thank you so much.
This place is so lovely,
and you two have been
so welcoming.
We're just happy
that you finally made it
to Chestnut Hill.
I just hope you stay awhile.
Don't hold your breath.
She's just here to sell the inn.
Ain't that right?
Please excuse my son's rudeness.
I'm sorry, your son?
- Uh-huh.
- Yeah, the one and only.
But you both are
so nice and sweet.
Well, if he gives you any
trouble, you just let me know.
Thank you so much for the tea.
You're welcome.
Oh, stop by tomorrow!
Lovely girl.
Okay, Irene.
Wait until your buyers
get their eyes on this place.
What a cutie.
Must be Eddie.
I've spent my entire
life traveling the world,
and I have never seen a town
so full of charm and wonder
as Chestnut Hill.
I'm so glad I arrived
during the best time of year,
It is enchanting.
I also found a perfect little
cafe called Molly's.
A sweet woman with
two young kids runs the place.
Would that be you, Brian?
Her husband works next door
as the town lawyer,
and it's always full
of the nicest people.
Today I met a man there,
about my age, named Eddie.
I challenged him
to a game of bridge.
He was very surprised
when I whupped his butt.
For some reason, he thought
he was good at the game,
so we scheduled a rematch
for tomorrow.
It'll be nice to see him agai.
Thank you, Beth.
How was your first night
at the inn?
Um, you know, the beds
are very comfortable,
but the kitchen was empty.
Oh, you must be starving.
I'm actually headed
to Brian's office
to drop off some paperwork.
Oh, sit.
It's on the house.
What would you recommend?
Turkey club's
the best thing on the menu!
David, this is Jen.
- Helen's great-niece.
- Hi.
- You must be the mailman.
- Yes.
When he's not sitting there
most of the day.
I like to make my own hours.
I was gonna come
see you in a bit.
I've got four months
of your aunt's mail.
Thank you.
Yeah, now,
more importantly, food.
I will put my faith in David
and try the turkey club.
Doug, sweetheart, this is Jen,
and she'd like a turkey club.
A real family business, huh?
He's just working here
while he studies for his boards.
He's gonna be a doctor.
- A dentist.
- A tooth doctor.
Turkey club coming right up.
Molly, did I order
five or six dozen cinnamon rolls
for the kickoff party?
I can't remember.
Six, just like last year
and the year before that.
Thank goodness. I woke up
in the middle of the night
thinking I put in
the wrong order.
How's the festival planning
going, Lana?
What's the festival?
The Chestnut Hill
Annual Christmas Festival.
It's a week-long celebration,
and it all starts tomorrow night
at the big kickoff party.
We light up the whole town.
Sounds like a lot of work.
It is, but it's also
the most exciting time
to be in Chestnut Hill.
Oh, wow.
You weren't kidding.
Jen is Helen's niece.
- Great-niece.
- Fantastic.
Now that you're here,
you can decorate the inn.
Oh, no, I don't really...
Your aunt decorated that entire
inn, inside and out, every year.
She would be heartbroken
if it was the only building
on the street
not lit up for the festival.
I wouldn't know where to start.
Go from top to bottom.
Start with lights,
end with the lawn ornaments.
No, I meant I've never really
decorated for Christmas.
I haven't celebrated that day
in a long time.
Ooh, before I forget,
do you think you could run
the gingerbread booth
tomorrow night?
Gingerbread booth?
That was always Helen's thing,
so you'll be great.
I mean, how different can you
and your aunt really be, right?
I can run the booth
for you, Lana.
Don't be ridiculous, David.
I need you at the photo booth,
taking photos.
Lana, she just got here.
Let the girl breathe.
No, no, I guess I can make
some time to help out.
Perfect. Here is everything
you need to know.
A map of the booths,
cookie diagrams,
oh, and a how-to
on the frosting gun.
I will take care of
all the supplies.
Just be there tomorrow,
6 p.m.
Gotta dash. Love you all!
Uh, David, you know that
nothing's going to happen
unless you actually ask her
on a proper date.
Yeah, I'm biding my time.
I'm waiting
for the right moment.
You can't rush love.
Brian. Brian!
You found my workshop.
Yeah. Where are the elves?
I gave them the week off.
Something about
a prior commitment.
Oh, so you weren't lying.
You really do build sleighs.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Not too busy being a lawyer?
That's the thing
about Chestnut Hill.
Sometimes a job is just a job.
At least you have a choice.
You always have a choice.
And just how is
the sleigh business anyway?
Yeah, well, you know,
it depends.
It still count as a business if
I haven't made money on it yet?
Well, too bad because
you're actually really good.
Thank you.
I mean, come on.
No wonder you're not
making any money.
Look at these flyers.
We don't exactly have
a marketing firm
here in Chestnut Hill, you know.
Oh, you know,
I came by to drop this off.
I read it cover to cover,
signed where I was supposed to.
Well, then... guess the inn
is officially yours.
Wow. I own an inn.
I never thought I'd say that.
So how long you think
it'll take to get ready?
To sell.
Oh, um, sell.
Well, hopefully only a few days.
You know, I actually just got
roped into running
something called
a "gingerbread booth"
at the festival kickoff
tomorrow tonight.
You met Lana!
Okay, well,
you might actually have fun.
It's kind of a big deal
around here.
I've noticed.
Uh, well, you know, I...
I gotta go.
I got lots to do.
Good luck with the giant sleigh.
- It's for Santa.
- Of course it is.
See you around.
Oh, good. Hey.
As promised,
four months' worth of mail.
Helen always got more Christmas
cards than anyone in town.
I didn't have the heart
to send them back after, uh,
you know.
This place really meant
a lot to people, huh?
This place? This inn's
one of the best things
that ever happened
to Chestnut Hill.
It gave a lot of people
a lot of joy.
I'll put this somewhere safe.
Great. Oh, you gonna come to
the big kickoff party tomorrow?
I'll be there with bells on.
Not literally.
I'll see you there.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
Eddie took me
to the Chestnut Hill
Christmas Festival
kickoff party last night.
Apparently the town throws
a big Christmas festival
every year.
I've heard Santa himself
shows up Christmas Eve.
I've never had so much fun.
The best part of the party was
the big lighting of downtown.
Okay, I lied.
The best part of the party
was when Eddie held up
some mistletoe
and stole a kiss.
Hey, how's the wilderness?
Actually, it's not that bad.
Did you get the photos I sent?
I did.
But the commercial property guys
who I showed it to
said that you're gonna need
better ones.
Huh. What was wrong with them?
Well, it's just the inn's
a little dated.
Mm. You should see the town.
Why don't you stage it?
Deck it out for Christmas.
You of all people should know
how well Christmas sells.
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas.
And, you know, maybe
hire a professional photographer
while you're at it?
- Done.
- Don't worry.
We'll have this place
off your hands faster than...
it takes Santa
to slide down the chimney.
Okay, you're trying
way too hard.
I know.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Good morning, Alaska.
I'm coming, I'm coming!
Hi, can I help you?
Just checking in.
- Checking in?
- Can we speak to Helen?
She usually handles
our reservation.
Oh! Oh, I am so sorry.
Helen, she passed away
four months ago.
Oh, that's terrible.
We had no idea.
We've been coming here every
Christmas since the inn opened.
Oh. well, I'm Jen,
Helen's great-niece.
Ruth! Henry!
- Oh, Brian!
- Hello!
We had no idea about Helen.
I'm so sorry no one told you.
Helen didn't really keep much
in the way of records.
Sounds like Helen.
I guess we'll have to
figure something else out.
I sure hope we don't miss
the kickoff party tonight.
We love when they
light up the town.
You sure you're not
running the place?
Jen run the place?
She wouldn't know
how to do that.
She's an advertising executive
from San Francisco.
She's just here
to sell the place.
Isn't that right, Jen?
You know what?
I have plenty of room.
Of course you guys can stay.
Are you sure?
Yeah, yeah! Come on in.
- Here, let me help you.
- Oh, thank you.
- Do you have any rooms ready?
- Shh!
We usually stay
in the Polar Bear Room.
Best view of Main Street.
- Mm-hmm.
- Polar Bear Room it is.
I hope it's not too much work
for you to set up.
Oh, not at all.
Besides, Brian's here.
He can help me
get the room ready.
In fact, he would love
to help you with those bags,
while I get ready,
isn't that right?
You know, I'm actually supposed
to be setting up the booths
for the kickoff party tonight.
Then you probably should be
making up this bed a bit faster.
Yeah, yeah.
Does this mean the inn
is officially back open?
Well, I couldn't leave them
without a place to stay.
Okay, I gotta get ready
for the big kickoff tonight.
I will see guys later.
- Bye-bye.
- All right.
We better go freshen up
for the party.
Thank you so much, dear.
- Thank you so much.
- Yeah.
What have I gotten myself into?

Go, Santa, go
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Go, Santa, go
Go, Santa, go
Go, Santa, go
Come on, Santa
Let's see you
rock and roll
You're gonna smile, okay?
Wow. A lot of people in the town
really seem to go all out.
Right? Look at our tree.
It's a big tree there.
- Come on, come on!
- Okay.
Okay, I have no idea
what I'm doing.
How do you even make
a gingerbread man?
It's easy.
Here's all the gingerbread,
here's all the frosting,
and here's all the candy
to decorate with.
You just have to make sure
everything goes smoothly.
You'll get the hang of it.
It's not that hard.
No, no, wait, wait! I...

Okay, here's the gingerbread,
and there's one right there.
Oh, yeah, and then just go ahead
and just, yeah, yeah.
And this is the...
Oh, okay, yeah.
Uh, miss, can you help me?
Yeah, sure.
Oh, wow!
Look at your gingerbread man.
He looks amazing.
It's a gingerbread girl.
Oh, of course it is.
All right.
- Oh.
- Got that?
Yeah, it's tight.
- Want me to give it a go?
- No, I got it.
All right, fine.
It's all right.
I guess I can make her dress
a different color.
No, no, no, absolutely not.
Almost got it.
Oh, looks like pink
just may be your color.
Hey, at least I got it open.
Oh, okay.
Not bad.
Come on.
It's time for the main event.
Gather round, folks,
we are about to light the town.
Welcome, everyone,
to the official
Chestnut Hill Christmas Festival
Kickoff Party!
Really got into the spirit
this year, huh?
Shut up.
This festival has been
a tradition in our town
for over a hundred years,
and I am honored
and a bit overwhelmed
to be this year's chair.
The festival started
as a way for us
to really appreciate Christmas,
not just for one day,
but for an entire week.
It's important for us
to slow down
and to be grateful
for all that we have.
One woman who embodied
this festival stands for
and everything
Christmas represents
was Helen Taylor.
We will all miss her dearly.
But it is an honor to have
her niece, Jen Taylor,
join us all the way
from San Francisco.
Jen, would you do the honors
of officially kicking off
the 115th Chestnut Hill
Christmas Festival?
- Oh, my...
- Yes!
Are you sure?
Yes! Get up here!
10, 9, 8...
7, 6, 5, 4...
3, 2, 1.
Well, what do you think?
I think he's cute.
The festival.
It was nice.
How did I do?
Uh, not bad.
- Considering.
- Considering what?
Considering you don't like
Oh, I never said I don't like...
Christmas is practically
a career for me.
I can tell when someone
doesn't have the spirit.
It's just never really been
a big thing for me, that's all.
Well, you made an effort,
and I thank you.
You're welcome.
Christmas pics.
I saw you working
the photo booth last night.
Everyone around here
wears a lot of hats.
So let's say I decided to
decorate the inn for Christmas.
- That's great!
- Huh?
Lana was afraid that you
weren't gonna participate.
The open house.
- Open house.
- Yeah.
So anyways, assuming
I decorate for the open house,
I was wondering if you can take
professional photos of it?
I'd love to, yeah.
So what's the story
with you and Lana anyway?
Lana? She's my friend.
I saw the way you looked at her
last night.
What are you waiting for?
Well, look, I know she just
got out of a relationship,
and I just wanted
to give her some time
before she jumps into
something new.
That was five years ago.
I drop hints.
Hey, Molly, have you seen Brian?
I was hoping he would know where
my aunt kept her decorations.
He's at the candy cane toss.
Ah. Of course he is.
Hey, Jen, there are
still a few slots left.
Oh, I have no idea
what a candy cane toss is.
It's easy. All you have to do
is throw those hoops
over the giant candy canes.
Whoever has the best score
at the end wins the grand prize.
I don't want to brag, but I have
won ten years in a row.
I was captain of the badminton
team in high school.
I don't think
those skills apply.
I think you're just nervous
I might win.
- You wanna make it interesting?
- Like a bet?
If I win, you have to help me
paint Santa's sleigh.
And if I win?
Your pick.
You have to help me
decorate the inn
for open house night.
Oh! You almost got it.
So the candy canes in the back
are worth more,
but they're harder to hit.
Everyone gets three rounds
of three hoops.
The person at the end of the
game with the most points wins.
Usually me.
Not this year.
Good luck.
Tick tock tick
It's coming up quick
Yeah, Santa Claus
is on his way
Pulling lots of toys
for the girls and boys
Ah, beginner's luck.
Ah, someone's worried.
Ooh, ooh, whee
Christmas is coming fast
- Ooh, ooh, whee
- Yeah!
Christmas is coming fast
Now deck the halls
with lights and all
This Christmas
is gonna be bright
We'll get
this holiday right
Ooh, ooh, whee
Christmas is coming fast
Ooh, ooh, whee
What do you know about that?
Christmas is coming fast
So this is Jen's last hoop.
She makes this, we tie.
Go, Jen.
What? You've won
enough times already.
For the first time
in festival history,
we have a tie.
Brian Anderson and Jen Taylor.
A job very well done.
Well, that was impressive.
So who wins the bet?
Or is it off?
Oh, no. You are helping me
paint that sleigh.
Good. You're helping me
A pipe must have burst.
I needed those decorations.
Maybe there's something
we can salvage.
I have a better idea.
All right, so a while back,
I did a campaign for
a company called Balsam Hill.
It's an online store
that sells all kinds of
Christmas decorations,
from garlands to wreaths
to lights to ornaments to trees.
- Fake trees?
- No, no, no.
I've seen them,
and they are gorgeous.
You'll keep forgetting
it's not real.
They will have
everything we need
to make the open house
really special.
All right.
Don't worry, Irene.
You will have the best
Christmas photos ever.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, why not just use
last year's sleigh?
Let's just say last year
Lana thought it'd be a good idea
to use real reindeer
to pull the sleigh.
The reindeer, they were fine.
They went their own way,
uh, the sleigh went another.
Hey, hold on, hold on.
You gotta slow down.
You're rushing.
- Okay.
- Relax.
Yeah, there you go.
Back and forth.
Nice and easy.
Back and forth.
Yeah, see?
That's not so bad, is it?
No, no, it's not.
You got it.
Hope he's not
working you too hard.
Oh, no, no, not at all.
I'm gonna grab
some more of that paint.
I brought you these
for the inn's open house.
Thank you so much.
Now all I need are decorations.
So how do you like
Chestnut Hill so far?
Would you believe I haven't had
this much fun in a long time?
Actually I can.
It's beginning to look
a lot like Christmas.

When the lights
have all been hung
And you hear
the carols sung
There's a smile on everyone
Christmas is almost here
When there's magic
in the air
And there's joy
and love to spare
For everyone
from everywhere
Christmas is almost here
So Merry Christmas
Around the world
Merry Christmas
All around
The world
Come on!
Well, the lights
have all been hung
And you hear
the carols sung
There's a smile on everyone
Christmas is almost here
Merry Christmas
What do you think?
Is that crooked?
Uh, maybe to the left?
To the right.
You know, I think you've got
more Christmas spirit
than you let on.
- You think so?
- Mm-hmm.
I hope whoever buys this place
keeps it just the way it is.
Your aunt opened it
when I was little.
It's practically
a Chestnut Hill landmark.
Do you think she would've tried
to find someone to take it over?
Maybe she was hoping you would.
I gotta ask. What's up with
you and Christmas anyway?
There is nothing between
me and Christmas.
I'm just busy.
Look, when I was growing up,
my parents and I celebrated
like everyone else.
But when I got a job,
and I moved into the city,
since it was just me,
there was no point.
Mm. So it was a reminder
that you're alone.
No, no, not at all.
It's just...
It's a lot when...
When you're alone?
So what's your story,
Mr. Lawyer-slash-sleigh maker?
What's to tell?
My dad had
a small practice here,
and then I took it over.
You never thought about leaving?
I belong here.
Question is...
where do you belong?
We gotta get ready.
The open house.
Hi! Merry Christmas!
Good to see you.
Hi! Merry Christmas!
Hi! Welcome, welcome!
Hot, hot, hot chocolate.
Oh, hey.
Nice. Please hold.
Look here. Okay.
That's great.
- Hey, Lana.
- Did you get one of us?
Oh, that's great!
Um, I can't believe
how great this place looks.
Yup, Jen, it's better than ever.
Helen would be so happy.
Well, I just really wanted
to do this place justice.
Judging by Lana's reaction,
I'd say you succeeded.
Well, go talk to her.
I'm on the clock.
Would the lady
care for some refreshment?
Ah! Wow. This looks great.
What kind of mix is this?
It's not a mix.
That's real melted chocolate.
I could get used to this.
And the craziest part is,
it's not even that hard to make.
Thank you so much for tonight.
And tell your mom thank you too.
I mean, these cinnamon rolls
are a big hit.
I'm just glad to see everyone
admiring your work.
Our work.
Thank you for coming.
All right, here are
your photos as promised.
- Thank you so much.
- Oh, you're welcome.
So what do you
need 'em for anyway?
Your family?
Family, right.
Okay, good.
Well, good night, Jen.
Thanks for asking me.
- No problem.
- Yeah.
It was a lot of fun.
Bye. Thank you.

I wanna wish you
Merry Christmas
From the top
of every mountain
From the middle
of the ocean
And the bottom of my heart
You and I can take
a sleigh ride
Bundle up and feel the snow
Yesterday I was supposed
to get on a flight
and continue with my travels.
I was all packed
and ready to leave,
and Eddie came and said goodbye.
When I got to the airport,
I realized for the first time
in a long time
I didn't want to choose
a new adventure.
I wanted to continue the one
I had already started.
The look on Eddie's face when
I walked back into that cafe,
that was...
that was everything.
I knew I had made
the right choice.
I didn't want to leave
Chestnut Hill.
Hey! Hey, honey!
Hi, sweetheart!
Hi, guys. So are you
getting ready to sail out?
Well, we just wanted to see
how Alaska's treating you.
Actually, I'm having
a great time.
Aunt Helen, she really
put a lot into the inn,
and I'm sorry we never visited
her while she was still here.
There never was a right time.
No. I should have made
more time.
I know the feeling.
Do you think selling the inn
is the right thing to do?
I honestly don't know, honey.
Wh-What, are you having
second thoughts?
No, no. I don't know.
It's not like I can run the inn
from San Francisco.
I just wish I knew
the right thing to do.
Well, maybe there is
no right thing to do.
Maybe the thing is to figure out
what you want the most.
What was that?
What was what?
Mom, I gotta go.
There's some crazy man
throwing snowballs at my window.
Wait, wait!
I'll call you later.
I love you. Bye.
You do know I have a phone
and a doorbell.
Yeah, but where's the fun
in that?
What are you doing here?
I want to show you something.
Are you free?
- Now?
- Yeah, now.
Okay, sure, I'll be down.
Okay. Dress warm.
This is incredible.
I've seen it in the movies,
I've read about it in books,
but in person,
it's otherworldly.
Definitely can't get this
in San Francisco.
How are those colors
even possible?
The Inuit believed those colors
are the spirits of those
who lived the most worthy
and full lives.
Those who loved with all
their hearts and lived with...
endless passion.
When they get to heaven,
they become torches of light...
meant to guide every one of us
left behind,
reminding us to live
our best lives.
What about you?
Have you lived the fullest,
most passionate life?
I'm getting there.
What about you?
Well, it depends.
If it means working really hard
and gaining a successful career,
then yeah.
But what if success
isn't about your career?
What if it's finding happiness
in the little things?
Stopping to smell the roses
or stopping to...
stare up at the sky.
Then I guess I'm still
getting there too.
Thank you.
For everything.
- Ms. Taylor.
- Hi, yes, this is she.
Hi there. Russell Nixon,
CEO of Nixon Hotels.
I'm sorry to be calling so late,
but I was really excited
to talk to you.
I was given your information
through a mutual contact
in regards to the property
that you're selling
in Chestnut Hill, Alaska.
Wow. Irene's fast.
Yes, I am selling
my Aunt Helen's inn.
That's what I hear.
That's great.
I wanna let you know
that I actually own
a handful of hotels in Alaska,
and I've had my eye on your inn
for quite some time.
I would love to make an offer,
and I would be willing
to pay cash.
You still there?
Yes. It's just all
happening so fast.
I understand completely.
Tell you what.
How about I tell you
a little bit about our company
and my visions for the inn?
Of course.
It's just, actually,
now is not a good time.
No worries.
No worries at all.
Tell you what. I'll call you
again tomorrow, okay?
Perfect. Thank you.
Well, you're in
an awfully good mood.
This wouldn't have
anything to do
with Helen's great-niece,
would it?
Can't I just be excited
for the town
gift exchange tonight?
I have never seen you act this
way for the festival before.
I'm with Mom.
I think it's because of her.
- Who are we talking about?
- Jen.
Oh, right.
Yeah, Brian's totally in love.
I am not in love.
Okay, fine. It's been nice
having her around.
And it turns out she's actually
really fun and smart
and amazing and beautiful.
Brian, why don't you tell her
how you feel?
Why? What's the point?
She's never gonna stay.
She's a big-city girl
with big-city dreams.
You know, there once was a time
I thought I'd never leave Miami.
- Are you sorry you did?
- Not at all.
'Cause this town has the most
important thing in the world.
Yeah, yeah.
But you guys dated for years
before Doug finally came around.
That's different.
I've known her for, what,
a little over a week?
Brian, I love you,
but you can be stubbornly
closed-minded sometimes.
Tell her how you feel.
You never know.
People can surprise you.
I have to get to work.
I love you all.
You're all crazy.
Thanks for the coffee, Mom.
Then maybe you need to be
a little crazy too.
I wish your brother would give
himself permission to be happy.
Oh, he'll come around.
Have you seen the way
he looks at her?
Have you seen the way
that she looks at him?
Ellis, hi.
I hope you're getting a little
R&R up there in Alaska.
- Actually, I am.
- That's good to hear.
Um, I was wondering
if you still plan on
being back by Christmas.
you know, I don't know.
Jen, the board and I
would like to offer you
the position
of creative director.
- Really?
- Yes.
We have done a thorough review
of your work,
and you've really outdone
yourself on every campaign.
Well, what about Karen?
What about Karen?
She's a great executive,
but, Jen...
you've got heart.
I do?
I-I don't know what to say.
Say yes.
Yes, of course, of course.
Thank you.
Great. We'll make
the announcement
at the Christmas party tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?
- Yes!
You can do that, can't you?
After all,
you are the new creative
director of the company.
Yeah, I'll tell Diane
to book a flight right away.
And, Jen, congratulations.
You've earned this.
I'll see you tomorrow?
See you then.
Don't forget to pick up a number
as soon as you
set your gift down.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Um, I have a gift.
Oh, just put it under the tree
with the rest.
No, it's, uh, it's for you.
- For me?
- Uh-huh.
Here. Open it.
A menu?
It's what I want to cook
if you'll have dinner with me.
I'd love to.
You would?
I've been waiting for you
to ask.
How about Christmas dinner?
That sounds like a plan.
Sounds like a date.
Hey! Stay behind
the designated cones!
How great is this?
I think it's safe to say that
I've never seen a Christmas tree
with that many presents
under it.
You actually
brought a gift, huh?
I did, and it's not
for the exchange.
It's for you.
For me?
Open it.
Jen, this is...
This is good.
Thank you.
No, this is like
really, really good.
Like, "Why aren't you doing more
of these all the time" good.
I've always wanted
to be an artist,
but when I got older,
it just felt less practical.
I went into advertising
because I thought
it was a way I could
make money with art.
But I really do miss drawing
just for the fun of it.
Thank you.
Brian, there's something
I need to tell you.
Yeah, anything.
Jen, I've been
wanting to find out
where you got that garland
you had at the inn.
It would look great for
the Valentine's Day festival.
Balsam Hill.
It's an online store.
Guess I'll have
to plug in my dial-up.
Excuse me.
I gotta call the next number.
Sorry. Um, you wanted
to tell me something?
- Yeah. Can we take a walk?
- Sure.
So what's up?
I wanted to thank you.
You have done so much for me,
and I don't think I could ever
thank you properly.
Oh, it's been my pleasure.
I have to go back tonight.
What do you mean?
Well, I got offered a promotion.
A promotion?
Brian, this...
all of this has been
so wonderful,
but I have to get back to work.
And this promotion is
a huge step for me,
and it's something
I've worked towards.
Just like that?
What about the inn?
Well, there is
this hotel company
that's interested
in acquiring it.
So you are selling it.
Look, I know everybody wants me
to stay and run the place,
but it's not me.
Just like you said
you knew you belonged here,
I belong there.
Well, congratulations.
You got what you wanted.
I'm happy for you.
I wanted to tell you first.
What time's your flight?
I'll take you to the airport.
Brian, you don't have
to do that.
It's late.
I'll call a cab.
Just when I thought you were
starting to get this town.
There aren't any taxis here,
are there?
Not so much.
We did it.
Eddie and I just finished
converting the old house
into an inn.
Our grand opening is tomorrow.
Everybody in town has been
so supportive and helpful.
I'm so glad that now
people from all over
can come and experience
the magic of Chestnut Hill.
Thank you.
Oh, I'm so glad
we got a chance to meet.
Oh, thank you so much
for everything.
Of course, of course.
Kick butt at your job.
I will.
If you ever need a dentist...
Have a great trip.
Bye. Thank you.
Safe travels.
Where we first met.
Where you first insulted me.
I was an idiot.
Good luck.
With everything.
You too.
Do you think
if things were different,
if we lived in the same place
that this, that you and I,
we could've,
could've been something?
I do.
I thought asking that
was gonna make me feel better.
It didn't.
Bye, Brian.
It was so weird
not having you here.
It's... great to be back.
Mm-hmm. Uh-oh. Don't look.
You looked.
I'm sorry.
You said don't look,
so I wanted to see.
- She's coming, isn't she?
- Mm-hmm.
How was Alaska?
It was... great.
I just want to say
You know, on the big promotion.
You heard?
You deserve it.
I do?
I mean, I am transferring over
to Parker-McKenzie.
Otherwise, the position
would've totally been mine.
Jennifer Taylor's office.
Can you hold for a moment?
Russell Nixon
on the line for you.
I'll take it in my office.
This is Jen.
Ah, Ms. Taylor.
Russell Nixon.
Yes, I am so sorry.
I meant to return
your call earlier.
No, I completely understand.
Look, it's the holidays.
Things get a bit crazy.
I was hoping we could talk more
about my offer.
Yes. Actually,
I am back in San Francisco.
Oh, great.
Then we can chat in person then.
How does this evening work so
that we can talk about the sale?
Perhaps someplace
close to your office.
Well, this afternoon is
the office Christmas party,
and I have to leave early,
but there is this restaurant
next to my apartment building
that'll work.
Name the spot.
Here, eat something.
Moping's not a good look on you.
What was I supposed to do, Mom?
Say, "Hey, I think I'm
completely in love with you,
even though we've only known
each other a week.
Please leave your life behind
and move to Alaska
to be with me"?
Well, maybe not in those words.
But look at Beth and Doug.
It's not the most
far-fetched idea.
That's different.
You know, when I took this place
over from your grandparents,
I had this great job offer
in New York.
- You never told me that.
- Yeah.
But I'd started dating your dad,
and, well, you know how he was.
Hometown boy
through and through.
- That's Dad.
- Yeah.
But you know what he did?
He made a list
of all the law firms
that he could apply to
in New York.
And that's when I realized what
he was willing to sacrifice
to be with me.
And it was right then
that I knew
I wanted to stay here
and marry him.
Jen gave me this
to give to David,
to have the inn's mail
Show her you're willing
to make a sacrifice.
Thank you, Mom.
I love you.
I love you too.
Now, we've got the
Anderson account quarter three.
See if Peter can give you
the numbers from last year.
He may even have
some other ideas.
That sound good with you, Jen?
Great. Totally on board.
Let me get you that file.
You'll have these numbers ready
for me by tomorrow morning.
One of my clients sent us all
fresh-baked gingerbread cookies.
You want one?
Ooh. Pink one.
They call this
a gingerbread man?
Least they could've done
was put some buttons on him,
maybe a hat.
Oh, uh, I've gotta go.
I have a meeting.
- A meeting?
- Yeah, I'll call you later.
You will be at the party
this afternoon
for the big announcement?
Big announcement, right.
As you can see,
we have these resorts
all over Alaska
and parts of Canada.
People just love
the stunning landscape
of those majestic mountains,
so we provide
a luxury experience,
while still appreciating
the nature around them.
- Wow. These buildings are huge.
- Yes.
We're acquiring some
empty adjacent lots as well.
I thought you wanted
to take over the inn,
not build a hotel.
Some of the original structure
of the inn will remain intact,
but we will need
to tear down some of it
in order for us to reach
the property's full potential.
Full potential?
We're building
a destination here.
Think about it.
Vail. Aspen.
Chestnut Hill.
We're catering
to an exclusive clientele.
We're gonna offer
concierge service,
first-class spa, fine dining.
Okay, well, what about
the mom-and-pop restaurants,
like Molly's, the town's cafe?
Won't that put them
out of business?
People can still get their
grilled cheese and tomato soup.
They'll just have to go
somewhere else.
Well, their turkey club
is pretty good.
We're gonna make
Chestnut Hill special.
It's already special.
Thank you. Thanks.
Okay, I can assure you
that you're not gonna get a
higher offer from anyone else.
But it's not about the money.
It's about the town.
People in the town.
The inn, my inn,
it's not just about the profit.
It never was.
It's about a place where
people go to and slow down,
to finally enjoy
what life has to offer.
I couldn't agree with you more,
which is exactly
why we want to put
the resort in.
Okay, but these tall buildings
that block a mountain view?
An entertainment center?
That's not why people
come to Chestnut Hill.
They come for something unique.
Listen, Ms. Taylor, I think...
No, you listen, Mr. Nixon.
What... How...
I'm so sorry I didn't call.
I didn't know that
you were gonna be on a date.
I just...
I had to come see you.
There's something
I have to say to you.
Buddy, this isn't a date.
This is a business meeting.
A business meeting
that just ended.
The inn is no longer for sale.
Wait, are you really
not selling the inn?
Yes. Wait, wait.
What did you come to tell me?
I still can't believe
you're here.
I came to tell you that...
I'm falling for you.
I've been falling ever since
you first stepped off the plane.
And I know that this is fast,
and it's sudden, and it's crazy,
but I think that if you
feel at all the same way,
we should see where this goes.
I'm sure they're always looking
for more attorneys here,
and I bet I could really
get a leg up
on the sleigh-making market
here too.
I have never felt
this way before.
I don't wanna lose you.
I know how much your career
means to you
and how hard you've worked,
and I would never ask you
to give that up.
You know what?
I am done with selling
the idea of living.
I'm actually ready to live it.
I want to go back
to Chestnut Hill.
Yes, yes!
I can run the inn,
you know, just like Helen did.
Maybe start a small
marketing firm
for the Chestnut Hill
You know, since everyone there
wears many hats.
And you know, if we caught
the next flight out,
we can get back in town just
in time to see Santa arrive.
There's just one thing
I need to do first.

Oh, Jen, there you are!
We're about to announce
your promotion.
You mean Karen's promotion.
- I told you that...
- You don't need to transfer.
- Stay here.
- But...
I've given everything
to this job.
Literally everything.
My entire adult life has been
about succeeding here,
creating ad campaigns
to get people to think
that their lives would get
better just buying something.
I thought that
that's what I wanted,
until I got a taste of what
actually makes life better.
I found out that it's about
appreciating the people
in your life,
spending time with people
who make you laugh,
and experiencing the little
things that remind us
every day is a gift.
Someone asked me once
where I belong.
I belong there.
Ms. Ellis,
you are an incredible boss,
but I quit.
Now if you'll excuse me,
we have a plane to catch.
Merry Christmas, Jen,
and good luck.
Come on.
Merry Christmas.
Mom, look who's here.
- Oh, this is amazing.
- Aww.
I thought you went home.
This is my home.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas!
The sleigh came together well,
didn't it?
I did have some help.
Hopefully it'll do better
than the last one.
Mom? Dad?
What are you doing here?
- Hey.
- How are you, sir?
- This is Brian.
- Nice to meet you.
Well, we were
headed off to Kenya.
Yeah, to see the elephant
that Aunt Helen left me.
But then we started talking
about you and Aunt Helen.
Yeah, and we heard so much
about this town,
we thought why not come see it
for ourselves.
It's even more beautiful
than Aunt Helen said.
So who did the decorating?
Actually, she did.
Wait. You did all of this?
- I had help.
- But it was all her idea.
Well, you're lucky
'cause we're planning on
sticking around a little bit.
Oh, good...
because so am I.
Yeah. Like someone said:
You should never wait
until you're too old
to relax and have some time
to yourself.
Plus I'm really beginning to see
what Aunt Helen saw
in this place.
Oh, well, we're proud of you,
So how about it?
You got a vacancy?
Well, the Polar Bear Room
is occupied,
but you might enjoy
the Moose Suite.
Wait, we have a Moose Suite?
Sounds like Aunt Helen,
all right.
Moose Suite, okay.
Aren't you forgetting something?
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.