My Daughter's Ransom (2019) Movie Script

Listen up, you guys,
we're leaving in 10 minutes
so don't wander off.
Bebe, Janine,
finish up that popcorn before
we get on the bus, okay?
Lindsey, honey...
We're going to leave
really soon.
Mom, you got to check out
these gorillas.
Look at their hands
and the faces they make.
- They're just like us.
- Yeah, that's right.
Do you... do you need to pee?
I want to make sure
you use the bathroom
before we get back
on the freeway, okay?
Is it true that human beings
came from apes?
That is the theory.
What do you think?
I think Mr. Darwin was right.
Well, I think you're going
to be a scientist one day.
Wait here.
What happened?
Are you okay?
Oh, we've got to clean that up.
- Uh oh, what happened?
- She was running and she fell.
Didn't we tell these kids
not to run around
while they were at the zoo?
About 100 times, yeah.
It's okay, honey.
You just got a scratch.
Can you go get me
some soap and water?
Sure, you got the first aid kit?
Yeah, right here.
Okay, here we go.
This is going to sting
just a little bit.
Oh, she's tough.
- Oh.
- There you go.
Promise me you're going
to be more careful.
- Hmm-mm.
- This is going to hurt
a little bit.
All right, I'm going to take her
back to the bus right now.
- Okay.
- Why don't you and Peter
gather up everybody
and I'll meet you all
- in the parking lot.
- Okay, sounds good.
- Great.
- Alright, everybody,
we're going to go
get on the bus now.
Oh, my God.
Get your hands off my daughter.
You son of a bitch.
Look at you.
What did I do to deserve
this angel in my life?
You married her.
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Okay, honey, they're going
to be here at 6:30.
Good, that gives us 30 minutes.
- I'll lock the door.
- I've got to toss the salad.
No, you don't because I'm going
to toss your salad right now.
Oh, no, okay, okay,
we'll do this after,
I swear, after
everybody goes home.
I'll be too tired. Come on.
No, no I'll have
to redo my makeup.
I always loved you
without any makeup.
11 years I'm so
attracted to you.
Okay, stop, please.
Look, I told Lindsey
to do the dishes
and she probably
hasn't done them.
Oh, my God, darn it,
I forgot about the lasagna.
Oh, thank God, it didn't burn.
Lindsey, I asked you
to set the table.
- I'm doing it.
- No, you're texting.
Say goodnight to your
friends and tell them
you'll see them
in class tomorrow.
It smells great.
What can I do?
- You want to open the wine?
- Absolutely.
Lindsey, your mom tells me
you're going on a field trip
tomorrow to the zoo.
I know you're crazy
about animals,
so that'll be fun, right?
Yeah, but I don't know why
my own mother
has to be a chaperone.
So embarrassing.
Oh, come on, she's amazing.
In fact, the day
this woman married my son
was the happiest moment
of my life.
Something wrong
with your arm, honey?
Why are you setting
the table with one hand?
Lindsey, stop texting
behind your back
and put the phone down.
She texts behind her back?
I don't know how she does it.
- It's easy.
- Easy, yeah, right.
- Try it.
- I'm not going to...
Just trust your instincts.
Use the force, mom.
Det tha gann fabel?
Set the damn table.
Not bad, Mom.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm Diane, Tony's mom.
Frank, I'm Tony's
business partner.
My son has told me
great things about you.
Your son exaggerates.
- This is my wife, Gina.
- Hi, nice to meet you.
You too, come on in.
- Hey, Gina, how are you?
- Hey, good, how are you?
- Thanks for bringing this guy.
- No, I wouldn't miss it
for the world.
Today's your big day, huh?
We got a big day tomorrow,
ain't that right?
The Chinese boys coming,
we're going to have some tea...
- Hi, Gina. Good to see you.
- Good to see you, too.
Here you go, I brought
you guys something.
- Oh, thank you.
- Thank you, I'm just going
- to go put my purse down.
- Okay.
That we will, that we will.
- Hi.
- Skates, hey.
- Hi.
- How are you?
Happy birthday, boss.
Yeah, good to see you.
Mom, you got to meet Skates.
She pretty much
runs our company.
Oh, no I don't.
I'm just Tony's assistant,
that's all.
Skates. Is that your real name?
No, nickname,
I used to roller derby.
Oh, help me with
the candles, will you?
Ooh, chocolate.
That's my favorite.
So, how are you doing?
Ah, okay.
Right before you guys got here,
he wanted to...
I don't want him
to touch me anymore.
I don't know
what's wrong with me.
There's nothing wrong with you.
A lot of married women
are like that.
- Is Gina like that?
- Gina's not like that.
Great, you're no help.
Look, when was the last time
you and Tony had
a vacation, huh?
He's a workaholic,
you know that.
- He doesn't do vacation.
- Well, he needs to start.
Do you want me
to talk to him for you?
No, don't you dare.
Don't you dare my husband what?
Well, you know,
I was just saying
I wanted to put
65 candles on her cake
to mess with Tony but...
She's right, don't you dare.
- I'm going to get a drink.
- Okay.
So, when are we going
to play tennis again?
Oh, I don't know.
I have just been so busy.
Well, what about Saturday?
Um... I can't.
Gina, I'm sorry,
I just, you know,
I'm not much of a
tennis player anymore.
Yeah, yeah, I mean I just...
I thought we had a lot of fun
when the four of us
would hang out, but...
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, we did.
- Oh, so.
- Thanks for helping.
- Yeah.
You're not that far behind.
- Oh!
- Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear, Tony
Old man.
Happy birthday to you
- It's a little lopsided.
- Happy birthday, Dad.
- I love you, sweetie.
- I love you, too.
- Help me blow these out?
- Yeah.
Okay. One, two, three.
You come here.
Hey, pay attention, right?
- Tony, no, stop it.
- Nothing?
- Take note.
- Not even on my birthday.
- Please.
- You're embarrassing her.
- You're embarrassing her.
- Come on, let's have some cake.
Wait here.
See that one there? It's Gilda.
We think she's going
to have a baby,
- but we're not sure.
- Why don't you know?
Gorilla moms don't have big
tummies when they're pregnant.
- Why is that?
- Because the babies are tiny,
- half the size of human babies.
- Whoa.
Copy that,
and while you're at it,
tell maintenance the hippos
need more water.
I just checked the pool
and its eight centimeters
below minimum.
You know, if you like primates,
we have a brand-new exhibit
opening next month.
You ever see a monkey
with a red and white nose?
- No.
- They're called mandrel monkeys.
- You want to see them?
- Sure!
- But I'm supposed to go now.
- It'll just take a minute.
They're right over here.
I'll show you.
Come on.
So, what do you want
to be when you grow up?
A veterinarian.
Ah, so you're an animal lover.
Do you have any animals at home?
I've got a dog,
his name is Luke.
I want to get a ferret
but my mom won't let me.
She's right, ferrets
can be a lot of trouble.
Oh, yeah? Why is that?
They're so hyperactive
and they destroy everything.
They never stop.
That's funny.
My teacher said
they sleep a lot.
Like, 18 hours a day.
Help, help, help!
Oh, my God.
Help, somebody.
Oh, my God, help.
You listen to me,
you bastard. I swear to you...
If you hang up the phone,
she dies.
If you ask anybody
for help, she dies.
Do everything I tell you
to do or she dies.
- You let her go.
- There's a box
behind the trashcan
near the gorillas.
You have 30 seconds to find it
or I kill your daughter.
Who are you?
- What do you want from me?
- 25, 24, 23,
22, 21, 20,
19, 18, 17,
16, 15.
12, 11, 10...
It's not here.
Then your daughter
will die in 10 seconds.
- No, please...
- Nine, eight, seven.
- No, no, please.
- Six.
- Just let her go.
- Five, four.
Oh, oh, that's mine.
- Thank you.
- Three.
Okay, I've got it.
- Open the box.
- It's open.
Stick the hearing device
in your right ear.
Put the receiver
in your back pocket.
- Can you hear me?
- Yes.
Hang up the phone,
cover the ear piece
with your hair
so nobody sees it.
Put the hat on.
Now, smash the phone
with your shoe
and throw it in the trash.
Okay, I destroyed my phone.
No, you didn't.
I can see everything you do
and I'm tracking you by GPS.
Now, smash the phone
and throw it in the trash.
Good girl.
I control you now.
Put the hat back on.
- You put cameras in this hat?
- Put it back on.
If you take the hat off again
I will kill your daughter.
If you try to cut off
or tell anybody about me,
if you disobey me in any way,
I will kill your daughter,
do you understand?
Please, please, just let her go
and I'll do anything you want.
- Do you understand me?
- Yes.
Going to have
some fun today, Rachel.
Just you and me.
I want to talk to my daughter.
I want to know she's okay.
She's sleeping.
She's fine.
What are you doing?
We gotta get going.
Tell her your daughter's
in the bathroom.
You're going to
take her home yourself.
- Where's Lindsey?
- Say it.
Lindsey's, uh, she's
stuck in the bathroom.
Should we wait for her?
No, no, you guys go on ahead.
I'll grab a Lyft
and take her home myself.
It's against policy.
Please, Marianne, I...
You're going to get stuck in
traffic if you don't go now.
All right, I won't say anything.
- You okay?
- Oh, yeah. Why?
You look a little sick.
You feeling all right?
You haven't eaten
anything all day.
Yeah, I just haven't had
much to eat since breakfast.
I'm going to take Lindsey
to an early dinner.
All right, well, I'll see you
on the next field trip.
- Oh, I need your badge.
- Oh.
Okay, now what?
Are you there?
Talk to me.
Please talk to me.
I like the sound of that.
You need me in your
life now, don't you?
I just want to know
that my daughter's okay.
Say it.
Say that you need me.
I need you.
Make me believe it.
- I need you.
- Make me believe
that you love me.
You love me.
Say it.
I love you.
Sorry, I'm not buying it.
Everything that comes out of
your mouth sounds kind of fake.
Come to think of it,
you're an expert at
telling lies, aren't you?
What is that supposed to mean?
What do you mean by that?
Who are you?
What the hell
do you want from me?
This is about me
giving something to you.
How about a new car?
There's a brown Volvo
at the end of the parking lot.
The keys are on
the back left tire.
You've got 90 seconds to get
southbound on Anderson Street.
- That's impossible.
- 90, 89,
88, 87, 86,
85, 84, 83,
82, 81, 80,
79, 78, 77,
76, 75, 74,
73, 72, 71, 70...
68, 67, 66,
65, 64, 63,
62, 61, 60.
That son of a bitch.
45, 44, 43,
42, 41, 40...
37, 36, 35...
29, 28.
Go right, avoid main boulevards.
20, 19, 18,
17, 16.
You're moving too slow.
- Faster.
- I can't.
This is residential.
I don't care.
Move it.
Nine, eight, seven,
six, five, four,
three, two, one.
Congratulations, you made it.
Now take side streets
all the way to Eagle Rock.
Eagle Rock?
Why Eagle Rock?
Oh, I think you know why.
Who's in Eagle Rock
today, Rachel?
Answer me.
Who's in Eagle Rock?
- My husband.
- Bingo.
You want me
to get money from him?
We'll get to that, but first,
you're going to
ask him for a divorce.
A divorce?
Why would I do that?
Oh, I think you know why.
- I love my husband.
- Oh, really?
That's not what I heard.
Right before you guys got here,
he wanted to...
I don't want him
to touch me anymore.
I don't know
what's wrong with me.
How did you get that?
You've been inside my house?
Been listening
to you and your family
for the last year.
I've got hours of material.
I know how you think.
I know how you feel
about everything.
And I know your husband makes
you sick to your stomach,
- doesn't he?
- No, he doesn't.
Come on, Rachel, after 11 years
of being married
to the same guy,
you tell me you still
got the hots for him?
Okay, you're right, so it's
a little cold in the bedroom.
Cold? It's the North Pole
in your house.
You haven't had sex
with him in a year.
That's not a reason
to get divorced.
Ah, come on.
You need a reason?
I got a switchblade knife
right next to your
daughter's throat.
How about that for a reason?
No, please don't hurt her.
Then tell the truth.
You wanted to break it
off for years,
but you like living
with his money.
So, you pretend
to still love him.
You put on a big show
for everyone to see.
You pretend, Rachel.
You pretend everything.
Just like you pretended
you loved me.
Carter, it's you, isn't it?
Yeah, it's me.
How you been?
- When did you get out?
- A year ago.
How did you learn
all this techie stuff?
You were never that smart.
My cellmate taught me.
The guy made Steve Wozniak
look like an amateur.
You hate me.
You want to hurt me.
Lindsey has nothing to do
with you and me.
- Let her go.
- You don't get
to call the shots anymore, baby.
I do.
And if you tell anybody
about me, she's dead.
You got it?
I got it.
Go find your husband.
Divorce his ass.
Lindsey, are you okay?
Find him or she dies.
Look at that.
As you see, we have a whole
lot of open space here.
So, let's check out
the left side of the facility.
Hey, babe.
Hey, baby,
what are you doing here?
Everything okay? Huh?
Can I speak to you?
- In private?
- No.
You do it right there
in front of everybody.
I can't right now.
Can we talk later?
I have to show Mr. Chang
the facility.
I want a divorce.
Yeah, you and me both.
Look, I thought I told you
they were coming by today.
I'm sorry,
but can we talk later?
- Tell him you're serious.
- I'm serious.
Yeah, so am I,
I wish I had the time,
but this is like
the biggest contract
we've ever had, okay?
So, I'll call you later,
all right?
Tell him you're unhappy
and it's not working out.
I'm unhappy with us.
It's not working out.
You've been feeling
this way for years.
I've been feeling
this way for years.
Will you excuse me for a second?
Are you joking right now?
Please tell me you're joking.
- You're not joking.
- I'm not joking.
What's the matter? You couldn't
tell me this at home?
You had to tell me this now?
You can't stand living
with him anymore.
I can't stand living
with you anymore.
What? Since when?
Where did this come from?
Every time he touches you
he makes you feel sick
to your stomach.
Every time you touch me
I feel sick to my stomach.
- Really?
- You don't love him anymore.
I'm not in love
with you anymore.
Babe, are you feeling all right?
Because this is news to me.
I... I don't know what's
going on with you,
but I can't deal with
this right now, okay?
But we're going to talk
about this later, all right?
I promise.
Your timing could not be worse.
Do you realize how much money
these guys were prepared to...?
Oh, forget about it.
We'll talk later. Jesus.
Get back to the car.
Move it.
How dare you make me do that.
Come on, that was good for you.
The truth comes out.
Take residential streets
north toward Lynnwood.
If he really loved you
he'd send those gangsters
back to Shanghai
and take the time
to talk to about this now,
wouldn't he?
But oh, no, he'd rather
chase the almighty buck.
- Go to hell.
- Don't be mad.
In fact, you should
be thanking me.
I'm amazed at my generosity
considering what you did to me.
What I did to you?
You took advantage of me.
You were no good, Carter.
Don't give me that.
You used to party, too.
That was before
I met you in rehab.
Before you convinced me
you had your act together.
I loved you and you said
you loved me too
or did you just conveniently
forget all that?
You always had a thing
for bad boys, didn't you?
- Not when they murder people.
- Look, I needed money.
- You needed to get high.
- He grabbed my knife.
- What was I supposed to do?
- I saw what happened.
I was on my way
to your place to surprise you.
- Hey, give me all your money.
- I saw you stab him.
Give me all your money, man.
What was I supposed to do?
You were supposed to back me up,
that's what you
were supposed to do.
- Instead you went to the cops.
- I didn't want to.
I loved you.
The last thing I wanted
was to testify against you.
Then why did you?
Any decent girlfriend
would've kept her mouth shut.
- Why couldn't you?
- Because that man
died in my arms.
Look, I was just walking home
after working all day.
You wanted to see me
rot in jail for 12 years.
You wanted me to hurt,
didn't you?
No, I didn't.
I had to do the right thing.
Ha, okay.
The right thing.
And what exactly is
the right thing, Rachel?
That's where you and I
have a difference of opinion.
Yeah, well, today
your opinion changes.
Keep going north
until I tell you.
Lindsey has nothing
to do with this.
You want to hurt me, fine.
Just let her go.
And I'll come to you and you can
do whatever you want to me.
Whatever I want, huh?
What is this?
You asking me out?
You want to go on a date?
Hey, I'm talking to you.
- Yeah, I want to see you.
- You do, huh?
Yeah, I've thought
about you over the years.
- Thought about you a lot.
- Yeah, right.
- No, I have, really.
- Oh, yeah?
Why would you do that?
Because nobody's ever
touched me like you do.
So, I think about those days
every now and again.
Yeah, sure.
Maybe that's why
it ain't been working out
- with you and your husband.
- Maybe you're right.
Maybe I've still got a thing
for the bad boys like you said.
You ever tell
your husband about me?
He knows the whole story.
Look, why don't
we stop playing games?
Why don't we get together,
talk this over?
You never know, we might figure
out an arrangement we both like.
I'm liking this already.
You want to meet, do you?
Like, where?
We could.
Or your place.
I don't care.
What do you say?
Make me drive to your place.
Come on.
Make me drive to you.
Okay, why not?
Change of plans.
Turn right into the alley.
Pull over and park, now.
There's a plastic bag
behind your seat.
Open it.
- You like it?
- Sure.
Put it on.
Get out of the car.
Woo-woo-woo, you look good.
- Where are you?
- Black screen door.
You're looking right at it.
I think I'm going to enjoy this.
Where are you?
Walk straight.
No, no, it's just ice cream.
You're not here.
You tricked me.
Stay there.
Go back.
- What can I do for you?
- Get up on the bar.
- No.
- Ah, come on.
A minute ago you were
trying to seduce me.
You want to play seductress?
Here's your chance.
- Ma'am, can I help you?
- Get up on that bar.
You better do what I say.
I've killed before.
I can do it again.
Whoa, sister.
- What are you doing?
- Tell him to play G 13.
Can you play G 13?
Now tell him you want to party
with every guy in there.
Why are you doing this?
Because you need to know
what they did to me.
They hold you down
in the joint, Rachel.
Make you do things
you can't even talk about.
But you're going to learn
what you put me through.
Now, say it,
say you want to party
with every guy in there.
Say it.
I want to party with
every guy in here.
Dance to the dead popstar.
There you go.
Lie down on the bar.
Yeah, let's go.
Oh, yeah.
Tell them to touch you.
Touch me.
This is my bar.
Me first.
What the hell are you doing?
Hey, come on.
Hey, come on.
We're just playing.
You're disobeying me, Rachel.
- I can't do it.
- You blew it.
Head west on Anderson Drive.
- I'm sorry.
- Oh, you're going
to be sorry all right.
- Please don't hurt her.
- Guess what happens
when you don't do
what I tell you?
- You bastard.
- She gets punished
- for what you did.
- No, Carter, wait.
Wait, wait, Carter,
no, listen to me.
You want to hurt someone,
hurt me.
Rachel, you going to do
what I tell you?
I will, I promise,
just don't hurt her.
Then go right on Loma Verde.
You're sending me
to Frank and Gina's.
Park out front.
Nobody's home.
You're going to break in.
Ten seconds, nine,
eight seconds, seven seconds,
six, five, four,
three seconds, two, one.
Stop, I found it.
Go up to their bedroom.
- What for?
- Just do it.
Ah, look at those pictures.
Gina really loves Frank,
doesn't she?
Yes. Very much.
Too bad you don't feel that way
about your husband.
Gina's home.
I got to get out of here.
You stay in that bedroom.
Be quiet, get on the bed,
act like you're sleeping.
How does it feel?
You're finally in Frank's bed.
How do you like it?
I don't.
Nah, you love it.
You've wanted to get in
Frank's bed for a long time.
You know why?
Because you're in love
with Frank.
You're in love with your
husband's business partner.
Admit it.
- That's not true.
- Oh, really?
Then why do you talk to Frank
on the phone every week?
Yeah, you call the office
in the afternoon
when you know your husband's
driving home to you and, oops,
you just so happen
to end up talking to Frank.
What a coincidence.
For like, an hour.
You talk to Frank
about this and that.
Just a couple of
innocent platonic friends
shooting the breeze, right?
Admit it, you love him.
Say it.
I'm in love with him.
Oh, my God, Rachel.
What are you doing here?
You came over to talk about
playing tennis with her.
I just came to talk to you,
you know, about tennis.
And I remembered that you had
the spare key in that fake rock.
Okay, but, yeah, sure,
that's... that's...
I just got sleepy.
Why didn't you call me first?
That's a nice dress.
It's a new look for you.
Oh, thanks.
Can I get you
something to drink?
So, you changed your mind
about tennis?
- You want to play this weekend.
- Yeah, I was thinking
we would play this weekend.
I thought you didn't
play tennis anymore.
Don't say anything.
Stare down at the floor.
Rachel, tell me the truth.
Why were you in our bed
in the middle of the afternoon
dressed that way?
Tell her you were
waiting for Frank.
I was waiting for Frank.
Are you sleeping with him?
Say yes.
Tell her you and Frank
are in love.
Yes, Frank and I
love each other.
- How long?
- Five years.
But you're through pretending.
For the last five years.
I can't pretend anymore.
You want this out in the open
so the four of you
can get past it.
I want this out in the open
so that the four of us
can move on with our lives.
Tell her what you just did
with your husband.
I... I just asked Tony
for a divorce.
That's why you've been
so cold to me lately.
That's why you and Frank always
have those long conversations
whenever the four
of us hang out.
I should have known
something was going on.
Frank hit on you first,
he said Gina
wasn't having sex
with him anymore.
Frank pursued me first.
He said you two weren't, uh,
you don't satisfy him anymore.
He said that I,
that I don't satis...?
Well, he's a damn liar.
Because I satisfy him
on a regular basis.
In the mornings, no less.
My God, how much
does this guy need?
You know what,
ask him what we did
in the laundry room
the other day?
I can't believe
he would say that.
- I'm... I'm going to call him.
- I think I'm going to go now.
- Stay there.
- Stay here.
Hey, good looking,
how are you doing?
I'm standing here with Rachel.
At the house, at our house.
Oh, cool.
You gals going
to play some tennis?
- She told me.
- Told you what?
Don't play games with me.
Five years?
You've been having
an affair with her
behind my back for five years?
Well, what... what the hell
are you talking about?
Don't pretend you don't know.
She told me everything.
I don't satisfy you, really?
You know, that pisses me off
more than anything
because I rock your world
in the bedroom, mister.
Get the phone,
put it on speaker.
Instead of blaming this on me,
why don't you just admit
you're a two-timing jerk wad?
Get the phone.
Hi, Frank, it's me, Rachel.
Hi, Rachel.
What's going on?
Is this some kind of joke?
Did you really tell her
that we're having an affair?
What are you talking about?
He promised you
he would get a divorce.
But you promised me
you would divorce her.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God.
- I did no such thing.
Okay, the both of you are
out of your minds right now.
Gina, honey, come on, calm down.
This is... this is ridiculous.
You want to get divorced?
You want to get divorced?
I never said that.
I am not sleeping with Rachel.
I swear to God.
Rachel, whatever game you're
playing, this isn't funny.
Give Gina a hug,
tell her you're sorry.
Gina, I'm... I'm so sorry.
Please forgive me, I just...
Get your hands off me.
You bitch.
You've been sneaking
into my house to have sex
with my husband on a comforter
that I spent a fortune on
at Crate & Barrel.
And then you just apologize
and expect me to forgive you.
Gina, calm down. Please.
Okay, time to go.
Don't you run away from me.
That's right, run, you bitch,
and don't come back.
Get to your husband's office.
You have five minutes.
Okay, Carter, you win.
I'm attracted to Frank.
I'm a liar.
I'm a cold fish, I'm a slut.
I'm whatever you want.
Four minutes.
You're going to be late.
You've had your fun.
Can we stop this sick
fantasy of yours?
I want my daughter back.
What kind of money
are we talking about?
Oh, that's right.
I forgot about that.
We can mortgage the house,
sell the business,
whatever it takes.
- Name your price.
- My price?
Oh, no, let's talk about
your price, shall we?
You're going to need
a bunch of money
when you get divorced,
won't you?
Well, that's exactly
why you're going
to your husband's office
right now.
What are you going
to make me do?
You have less
than three minutes.
Get there fast
or you know what happens.
And if I don't make it?
What do you possibly gain
by hurting Lindsey?
She's just 10 years old.
It's me you want, not her.
Two minutes.
If I was you, I'd stop talking
and put some pedal to the metal.
You know what
I'm capable of, Rachel.
So, you better do
what I tell you.
Or else.
Please stop hurting her.
She doesn't deserve it.
Don't worry, I'm okay, baby.
This is between me and Lindsey.
I can't hear you. Car...?
You heard the whole story.
You don't think
I should punish her?
Tell me something, Lindsey.
Is there a cute boy
in your school that you like?
You know, somebody
you have a crush on.
What's his name?
What's his name?
Darren. Okay.
Let's say Darren did something
really, really bad
like he stole money
from the teacher's purse.
Would you tell the teacher
Darren did it?
Would you get him in trouble?
Would you send Darren
to the principal's office?
Would you get him
expelled from school?
Come on, answer the question.
Would you send the boy you love
to the principal's office?
Now you know why I'm doing this.
I loved your mother.
I never would have
done that to her.
You could have been my daughter.
Change back to your
street clothes.
Find your husband's secretary.
Find her, now.
I'm trying.
Ask her to talk to you.
- Can I talk to you?
- I'm sorry.
I'm so slammed right now,
I don't know exactly when...
Get her to talk to you now.
It's really important.
- What's up?
- Tell her to transfer
all the funds from
the company expendables account
to your personal account.
You all right?
Tell her.
I want you to transfer
all the money
from expendables
to my personal account.
That's a good one.
No, really, what?
- Tell her you mean it.
- I mean it.
I'm serious.
Well, first off,
that's a lot of money.
Like, hundreds of thousands.
And second, I can't do that.
Yes, she can. She has access.
She's been working
for your husband for 10 years.
Yes, you can. I know you can.
I'm going to need Tony
or Frank to approve this.
Tell her to do it
or she's going to lose her job.
Do it or you're going
to get fired.
- You can't fire me.
- Remind her
you're the boss's wife
and you hire and fire
everybody at that company.
I'm married to the owner
and I call the shots
when it comes to firing
and hiring people around here.
Not Tony.
Mrs. Rogers,
I started at this company
when I was in high school.
I worked very hard
for your husband
and there's nothing
that I wouldn't do for him.
So, if you think
that I need to get fired,
go right ahead.
But I'm not transferring
that money.
Not until Tony approves it.
Hah, I love this girl.
Now scream at her and tell her
she's the worst employee
at the company.
You're the worst employee
at this place.
Louder. She's lazy.
She does everything wrong,
she's stupid.
You're lazy and every...
Everything Tony tells you,
you mess it up and you're
stupid, Skates, stupid.
Now, push everything
off the desk.
Get out of the building.
Get over to Frank's warehouse.
You have 40 seconds.
You knew that wouldn't work.
What was the point in that?
I'm building your reputation
as the nut ball housewife
gone berserk.
I want everybody to see
the boss's wife
going through
a nervous breakdown.
What for? Why?
Twenty-eight seconds.
Twenty-seven, twenty-six.
So, let's go in my office
and talk terms, shall we?
Sound good?
I need to speak with you.
What happened? What did she do?
Eleven, ten.
Stop with the cuckoo clock.
I'm going.
Eight, seven, think
about Lindsey, Rachel.
Where's Frank?
Get that taken
care of by Monday.
Give me a minute.
What the hell's
the matter with you?
Do you think this is funny?
- I'm sorry.
- You're sorry?
Do you have any idea
what you've done?
Gina's at home right now
crying her eyes out
because of you.
She thinks we're having
some sort of affair.
Why in the world
would you make up a story
like that to hurt her?
You had to do it.
It was the only way
to get him away from Gina.
I had to do it.
It was, it was the only way
to liberate you from Gina.
Rachel, I don't want to be
liberated from Gina.
There is nothing going on
between me and you
- and you know it.
- Tell him that's not true.
Tell him you love him.
That's not entirely true.
I love you.
You mean that?
- Do you mean that?
- Yes, I mean that.
I've felt that way for years
and I know it's wrong
but I think about you constantly
and I can't help myself.
I didn't tell you to say that.
Those are your words, Rachel.
Not mine.
- Oh, God.
- Kiss him.
I don't know what to say.
You know you want to. Kiss him.
- Stop it.
- Okay, I get it.
Now it makes total sense.
- Perfect timing.
- Tony,
you need to talk to your wife.
Oh, I'm sure I do, partner.
That is if you're done with her.
Do you mind?
Okay, okay, before you
freak out, listen to me.
There's nothing going on here.
I swear.
Yeah, sure.
So, is this why you want
a divorce?
My best friend?
Wait a second, you guys
are getting a divorce?
Oh, yeah, she asked me today.
A billion guys on this planet
and she picks you.
So, how long have
you two been, you know?
- Five years.
- Oh, that's not true.
They've been having
an affair for five years.
No, we have not.
Rachel, tell them.
- Don't say anything.
- Sure, you have.
That's why when the
four of us get together
you two have your
long discussions
about all that political crap.
And all this time I thought
you were just friends.
We are.
I didn't know
this was happening.
- Did you?
- Not a clue.
Because it's not happening.
She's making all of it up.
Hey, Tony, I have a great idea.
Why don't you and I
start having sex?
I mean, we've known
each other for years.
- Why not?
- Sounds good to me. Yeah.
You two will be
fine with it, right?
Okay. Gina, stop it.
Don't tell me what to do.
I'm going to have an affair
with Tony, dammit.
See how you feel.
Hold this.
Come here, good looking.
That's enough right there.
Rachel, for the last time,
tell them we're not
having an affair.
You're pregnant
with Frank's baby.
I'm pregnant with your baby.
Oh, for...
Oh, my God.
Oh my God. No, no, no, no.
Get off me.
Hands off me.
- Let go of me.
- Get out of there.
Get in your car. Move it.
Pull them apart.
No, no, no, please.
Wait, stop this.
Mr. Chang, please, please,
Mr. Chang, please, don't go.
- Please.
- No, no.
Mr. Chang, sir.
Now what?
Go to your house. Hurry.
So, how does it feel, huh?
Your family and friends,
they hate you now.
- How does it feel?
- Look, I know you're angry
with me but Frank, Gina,
my husband?
They have nothing
to do with this.
Oh, yes, they do.
You need to know
what it feels like
when everybody in your life
turns their back on you.
It's like you don't exist.
Like, you never existed.
All the guys at
Quinn doing life,
they all talk a big game, man.
They all talk about
the macho things they'd done.
They can't talk about this.
So, you got lonely in prison.
That's a price you pay
for knifing a guy
- and stealing his wallet.
- No, that's the price I pay
for trusting you.
Help, somebody!
Come here!
Help, please.
Get off of me!
Shh. Shh.
Be quiet. Be quiet.
Be quiet.
Is she alright?
What's happening?
I beg you, don't hurt her.
Baby, are you okay?
- Talk to me.
- Your daughter made
a big mistake, Rachel.
She tried to run.
I beg you, don't...
Don't hurt her.
Let me talk to her.
Shut up and keep driving.
You're late.
You know I don't like it
when you're late.
Go in the house,
get to your husband's safe.
- Open the safe.
- I can't.
- What do you mean you can't?
- I don't know the combination.
My husband's the only one
who can open it.
Here we go again with the lies.
I swear. Besides,
there's nothing of value
in there anyway.
Oh, that's right, hmm.
Let me see here.
440, 450
with the 50 grand
they gave me today,
that's $500,000.
This is getting ridiculous.
Well, it wasn't my idea.
It's the way these Chinese
traders like to operate.
You've been getting
these bonuses for 10 years
and you haven't put any of it
in the bank.
Well, if I did
I'd have to claim it.
And then I have to explain
to the IRS how I got it.
So, think of it this way,
this money's for Lindsey,
all right,
and for college tuition
or down payment on a house,
whatever, whatever she needs.
You and Frank are the only
people that know about this.
Love you.
Let's keep score, Rachel.
One, you lie to me.
Two, you lie to your husband.
And three, you lie to the IRS.
We call that tax evasion.
So, technically, you and your
husband are just like me.
You're criminals.
We are not anything like you.
Tony earned that money.
He works hard.
He works for the Chinese mob.
Cash bonuses in that amount?
Pull your head out, Rachel.
Now get to the landline,
put it on speaker,
stay in front of that mirror.
You're going to call
your husband and get the combo.
Keep the phone away
from your ear.
Tell Mr. Chang
that I'm extremely sorry
for what happened.
It was... oh, good.
I'm very glad
that he understands.
No, no, no, wait a minute,
we were supposed to come
to an agreement today.
Well, I'll wait
for Mr. Chang's call.
Wait, should I call you?
You there?
- Hello?
- It's me.
I need the combination
to the safe.
Well, you're not getting it.
Skates told me what
you tried to do today.
Baby, something's
wrong with you.
We got to get you
to a doctor immediately.
You don't need a doctor.
You need the combo.
I don't need a doctor.
I need the combination
to the safe.
- No.
- You're worried
he's going to screw you
in the divorce.
I'm worried you're
not going to be fair
when we get divorced
and you might as well
give me the cash
you have on hand.
Wait, no, that...
Look, that money is for Lindsey
and you know it.
Right, just stay there.
Stay home.
I'm... I'm going to be there
in a minute.
Stay there so we can
talk about this, okay?
Tell him to give you
the combo right now
or you're going
to slash your wrists.
Give me the combination
right now
or I'm going to cut my wrists.
- Don't say that.
- You got a box cutter
in your hand and you're ready
to cut yourself.
- Make him believe it.
- I've got a box cutter
in my hand
and I'm going to do it.
Now, just, honey,
just calm down.
I swear I'll do it.
Alright, alright,
alright, alright.
Eighteen, six, twenty-four.
He might be lying. Tell him
to stay on the line
until you open it.
I'm going to open it.
Stay on the line.
- It's open.
- Will you just wait there
until I get home?
Hang up on him.
Get a duffel bag.
Put the cash in it.
Come on, Rachel. Move it.
Go, go, go.
Come on.
If I bring you this money,
you'll let my daughter go, deal?
Let's see now.
500 grand divided by 12 years.
Guess how much that is per day?
- Guess.
- I don't know
and I don't care.
I just want my daughter back.
$114 a day.
You're paying me 114 bucks
for every day
you made me spend in jail.
You should be happy
because the way I figure it,
you're getting off cheap.
You in here?
How was the field...
What's going on?
What are you doing
with Tony's safe?
He doesn't let
anybody get in there.
Oh, wow, that's a lot of money.
How much is...
Rachel, what's going on?
Tell her it's none
of her business.
Diane, this is none
of your business.
Just, please go.
Oh, I'm not going anywhere
until I find out why
you're taking all that money
out of Tony's safe.
Okay, she asked for it.
Tell her you and Tony
are getting a divorce
and this is your money.
Tony and I are getting divorced
and this money's mine.
You and Tony are splitting up?
- Why?
- Because you've been
having an affair with Frank
and you don't love Tony anymore.
Because I'm having
an affair with Frank
and I'm not in love
with Tony, not anymore.
You've been sleeping with Frank?
Well, he's married.
And so are you,
and what do you mean
you're not in love
with Tony anymore?
Ah, are you stealing
that money from him?
Go, get to your car.
No, I'm not letting
you take that.
Don't let go of that bag.
Please, Diane.
Ah, ah, ah.
- What's, what's the matter?
- Ah, oh.
- What?
- It's like a knife.
Oh, my arm.
I can't feel my arm.
- I can't feel my arm.
- She's having a heart attack.
That's her problem.
Get out of there, now.
I've got to get her
to a hospital.
She's... I can't leave her here.
Who the hell are you talking to?
Is it Tony?
Let her die or you know
what happens to Lindsey.
Rachel, get me to emergency.
Tell your mom what I'm doing.
He's got a knife in my face.
I'm going to do it, Rachel.
Please. Please.
So, it's your choice.
The nosy mother-in-law
or your daughter. Pick.
She's going to die
if I leave her here.
Who the hell are you talking to?
Make the call, Rachel.
You're good at making
big decisions.
You sent me to jail
for 12 years.
That was one hell of
a decision now wasn't it?
So, here we are again.
Make the call, girlfriend.
Make it.
I'm... I'm sorry.
Rachel, don't leave me, please.
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa,
where you going?
- Is that the money?
- Don't let him get it.
This is for Lindsey.
Why would you do that?
Tony, help.
Screw it. Run to your car. Now.
Drive to the corner,
hide, wait for him.
- Mom?
- Tony.
Hey, hey.
Mom, no.
You okay? What's going on?
It's my heart...
Look at me.
Try standing up. Come on.
- Oh.
- There you go. Come on.
Easy, easy, easy.
- Come on, let's go.
- Take me to emergency.
- Come on.
- Oh.
Let's go.
Oh, oh.
He's got the money.
Follow him.
The day that woman married you
was the darkest moment
of my life.
- Breathe, Mom.
- Stealing
all that money from you.
Shame on her.
And she just left me there.
She just left me there to die.
I take back every nice thing
I ever said about her.
She wants a divorce, fine,
I say get rid of her.
All right, just relax.
It's okay.
It's not okay.
She's evil.
And she's crazy.
She talks to herself.
She doesn't talk
to herself, Mom.
Oh, she does so.
I'm on the bed and she goes,
"I can't leave her here.
I got to take her
to the hospital."
So, who is she talking to?
A ghost?
You should've seen
the look on her face.
It was like, she was hearing
voices in her head or something.
Okay, I'll talk to her later.
What I need you to do right now
is just stay calm
and not worry about this, okay?
Everything's going to be
all right.
Be strong, okay.
- I'll take care of you.
- Sir, you're going to have
to wait right here.
- Get that money.
- I will.
Shut up and let me do it.
- Hey.
- Hey, man.
Rachel made the whole thing up.
You know that, right?
Yeah, I know. I know.
Hey, I'm sorry
for kicking your ass.
You didn't kick my ass.
I kicked your ass.
- You okay?
- Well, I'm at the emergency room
right now.
My mom had a heart attack.
Oh, my God. What happened?
Well, they're doing
an emergency angioplasty now
but they say she should be okay.
Look, I don't know
what's going on with Rachel.
I mean, last night
she was perfectly fine
and then today she shows up
at work asking for a divorce
and then making that story up
about the two of you
and then tries
to rob the company.
Wait a minute. Rob the company?
Skates will tell you about it.
Man, either it's
some sort of female
midlife crisis
or she's just gone bananas.
Yeah, I mean she's never done
anything like this before.
It just doesn't make sense.
I would never cross the line
like she said I did.
Tony, this whole thing
is ridiculous.
I know. I know.
Get out of there.
Give me the bag.
Can we talk about this?
You got to jump.
- Wait, what are you doing?
- Go.
Rachel, no, oh, my God.
Go through the subway station.
Keep moving.
Go through the park.
You don't quit, do you?
I'll get you out of there.
Just get the money.
- It's easy.
- It's easy, yeah, right.
Try it.
I don't know what you did
but you smashed my leg.
Look, this money's for Lindsey
and I can't let you have it.
I'm sorry you hurt your leg
but you got to tell me
what's going on.
I mean yesterday you're fine
and then today
you're suddenly this
completely different person.
Why are you acting this way?
I'm getting you a Lyft
to get you out of there.
Get ready to go.
- Oh.
- Let me check your leg.
Ah, no don't.
- What?
- Look, I'm not crazy.
The reason I want a divorce
is because I need
some honest communication
in my life.
I know I can be confusing
to you sometimes
but I really need a man
who understands
what I'm trying to say
like you used to when
we first started going out.
You could understand
what I was saying
when we weren't even talking.
I'm afraid those days are gone.
Look, those days aren't gone.
I still love you.
And I want to make this work.
What can I do to make you happy?
You can let me go.
And I really need that money.
It's for Lindsey. I know that.
But now I need it
more than she does.
Don't tell the police
what I did.
No cops.
Let's keep it
in the family, okay?
There's a blue Cube
at the corner.
That's your ride.
Get the money and go.
I can't let you have the money.
You have to kick my butt for it.
- Hi, Rachel?
- Yeah.
I'm your Lyft driver.
- Is he with you?
- No.
Okay, let's go.
Hey, you guys...
want to make some money?
- Here we are.
- Thanks.
Turn around.
It's the blue house
at the end of the cul-de-sac.
Okay, just wait here
for a second.
- I'm at the front door.
- Come on in.
The door's open.
Not another step.
Take off the earpiece
and the hat.
Dump the cash on the bed
so I can see it.
Sit down and tie your ankles
to the chair.
All right, you got
what you want, now let her go.
I need you two to stay put
for a couple of hours
until I get out of California.
Sit down.
Thanks, guys.
Make it tight.
You promised
you would let her go.
Yeah, just like you promised me
something 12 years ago.
I never promised you anything.
Yes, you did.
You said you would
love me forever
but you broke that promise
when you sent me to jail.
So, I'm breaking mine.
I've already dug a big hole
under the house.
You two are just
going to disappear.
You don't have to do that.
We won't to go to the cops.
Because why?
You promise?
You're not going
to get away with this.
Sure, I will.
The money's untraceable.
And you're the crazy housewife
who lost her mind
and ran off with her daughter
leaving her husband lonely,
heartbroken and very confused.
The cops aren't
going to give a crap.
Things like this
happen all the time.
And to make things
even more believable...
you're going to say goodbye
to everybody in your life.
And once you're gone,
I'll send this video
out to the world.
Think of it as an opportunity,
a chance to tell everybody
how you really, truly
feel about them.
Come on, you know you want to.
And make it convincing.
Oh, and don't even think
about mentioning me
because if you do,
I'll just delete the video
and we'll just start
all over again.
This is...
I want to apologize to everyone.
Skates, I didn't
mean what I said.
Tony couldn't run this
company without you.
Tell him I said he should
double your salary.
I hope you're watching this
and that you didn't die.
I feel terrible for running off.
You love Tony so much
and all I ever wanted
was for you to love me
as much as you love him.
I'm sorry I didn't
play tennis with you.
I had a crush
on your husband and...
I was worried about
getting too close to you
because I thought
it would hurt too much
to be your friend.
I like you.
I really like you
and if I had this
life to do over,
I would love to
play tennis with you.
I told you I loved you
and I guess I did
in the imaginary romantic movie
that played in my head.
But reality is
you love Gina so much
and I could never steal
you away from her.
And more importantly,
I don't want to.
Consider yourself
fired off of my movie.
Oh, Tony, for the
last few years, I...
I haven't wanted you
to touch me.
And now I'm sorry.
Recently I have
just been wondering
if I made the right decision
walking down the aisle with you
so many years ago.
But today, after seeing you
break your back
for the people who work for you,
seeing you save
your mom's life, I hope...
seeing you protect
your daughter's future
from your crazy wife...
I know I made
the right decision.
I love you.
I love you so much.
Baby, I'm sorry
I couldn't save you.
I tried to help you. I tried.
I love you, Mom.
What about me?
Why don't you apologize to me?
Why don't you admit that
you should have stood by me,
your own boyfriend,
instead of ratting me
out to the cops.
Why don't you tell me
you were wrong?
Oh, I was wrong about
a lot of things.
But I was not wrong about you.
I'm glad I sent you to jail.
Then you're going
to watch her die.
Untie me.
Pull it out.
Let me go!