My Ex 2: Haunted Lover (2010) Movie Script

Aguy in this film is such a prick.
Well, yeah...The real life is even worse.
Bowie appears only two scenes in this film?
Geez! She mouthed off like she was a leading
They're shooting the second episode.
I heard she'd get the main role.
How about you? When is your debut?
I've seen you in acting classes for years.
You said it.
Look! Isn't that your guy?
- Hell yeah. - Who's he walking with?
I've warned you, right?
Your boyfriend is a piece of crap!
What we saw in the film is bad enough.
The real one is truly a jackass!
All men are the same!
He's caught red-handed.
If I were you, I'd get in there and slap their
Are you all right?
What moron will answer the phone when he's
with another girl?
Should we follow them inside?
In the middle of the mall? We'll look like crazy
Way too hard!
Not really. Give it to me, I'll show you.
Can you really do it?
Give it.
All right...Done!
How could you do that?
I'm a genius, right?
How about a reward? Right here.
Take it easy, Cee. All right?
You know that I lost quite a fortune in the
previous game.
And Ying offered to help me out.
I just wanted money to pay off the debt.
Nothing serious between me and her.
Trust me, all right?
- Hold on! - Aof!
Nothing serious between me and her.
I just wanted money.
Is this set what you've chosen?
Check out my face. The light's cool.
Well..what time is it now?
It's 3 pm.
How long have you been here?
I just got here.
Just give me a moment, I have one set left.
Is that Cee?
This is Aof speaking.
I know I was wrong. I'm sorry.
It's all my fault.
I'm so sorry, Cee.
It's me who started all the shit.
I'm truly sorry.
Please, don't leave me.
I don't have anyone now.
I promise...I won't repeat the same mistake.
I'll change.
I'll do everything for you.
Can you give me another chance?
Please be with me, Cee.
Hello, Cee!
Cee...Do you hear me?
Damn it!
I think you'd better dump and forget about this
Whenever he needs money, it's you who help
him out.
What a selfish asshole!
If I don't count you as my sister, I won't say this
to you.
It's truly a waste of time!
What's wrong with you? What're you crying
Wipe those tears out...It is messing up your
You won't get a job with face full of tears.
What's up, Mr. Boyd? I haven't heard from you
for ages!
No problem. I won't miss it.
Okay...See you then.
Good work, Cee. Okay.
How is she, Boyd? Can she make it?
Very good. She fits this character.
Go away! Get away from me!
Go away! I'm scared. Go away!
Just...get away from me! I'm scared.
Just...get away from me! I'm scared.
What's with her?
I think she is so into this role.
But she is okay, isn't she?
Yeah, she's good.
I hope you'd consider her in your film.
What the heck did you just do?
Why did you act like that?
You scared the shit out of me, you know?
I'm sorry.
Luckily Boyd liked it or we'd come here for
Are you okay?
Ladies, you're here. Don't leave yet.
I wanna introduce you to someone.
Just right about time.
He is interested in investing in our new film.
Here you are, Karn. I thought you'd stand me
How could I do that to a big-name director?
I heard you have a document for me to sign?
It's about the budget approval of the resort
Okay, sure.
Oh I almost forget. This is Mr. Karn.
The producerto-be of my new film.
Not that official yet. I haven't given my word
He owns the resort, our shooting location.
Nice to meet you.
This is Bowie,
an actress of my new film.
And that is Cee.
Nice to meet you two.
Boyd...What an eye you have.
All actresses you've picked are real stunners.
All right.
I'll surely be the first to buy a ticket for this film.
If you wanna watch it sooner, maybe you gotta
invest in it.
Whoa. Don't you think it's overpriced?
Isn't it an unfair trade?
"lncoming call Aof"
You're here.
I'll wait for you outside.
All right.
What do you want?
I miss you.
What do you lock it from inside?
I've been knocking the door for hours.
I'm sorry. I got flacked out.
It's the morning already?
Yeah. They were late.
They kept working on the lights.
Maybe expect to win an Oscar.
We do it until dawn everyday. I'm tired!
"lncoming call Aof"
Could you stop calling her?
She doesn't wanna talk to you. Why you keep
It's annoying, you know?
Who just called?
The bastard Aof...I just cursed him out.
No matter what, don't even answer his call.
It's Ae.
I wanna ask where we have a party after the
Bee wanna go to the beach. What do you think
, Cee?
I have a shooting at Chang lsland next week.
Wanna come?
Perfect timing! We're looking for a place for
We'll stay at Mr. Karn's resort.
Let's go there...Cee.
Let's go.
Wow! This gonna be an awesome trip!
We'd better go get some blessing.
I just had a nightmare.
You always have a nightmare.
Anyway, we worship the Buddha...maybe good
things will happen.
Won't you wake Bowie up to join us?
It took almost dawn last night until she finished
the work.
Let her have a rest.
I see...the life of celebrity.
This number...whether good or bad you
Friend or around you wonder.
Better make merit...have a strong faith.
This will make your life away from dangers.
That doesn't sound good.
Should we make some donation to free us
from troubles?
Especially gotta make a big merit.
So that that birdturd is out of your life.
That's baloney.
Let's get back to the van.
If I make a merit and still find no man,
I'd rather do the sin.
You can even go to hell for that.
Too much!
Damn! Committing a sin...
Is it a good idea?
Hey, let's take a picture together.
One, two, three.
- Come on. How about you take pictures for
- You, go.
Make it come out perfect.
One, two, three.
Okay. One pose!
One, two,
- three. - Wait a second.
Where is Cee?
- I've just seen her around.
- Yeah.
What are you doing? Let's take pictures
Hurry up!
Everyone is looking for you. Come on!
It's too blurred.
- This isn't good, out of focus.
- Here she comes!
Come on! Let's take a group picture.
- It's your turn now.
- do it.
Bowie...plese take the picture for us.
Come on...
Nice! You are so kind and cute.
Girls...say cheese!
What's the matter, Bowie?
Come on! Let's do it again.
Come on! Smile, say cheese!
Okay smile! One, two, three.
And where are we gonna stay?
Gotta drive a bit futher. It's at the back of the
Look! What are they crowding around?
My gosh! A dead body!
That's freaking scary.
Let's go back.
No way! We are already here.
Hand it to me.
Wow! This is gorgeous!
There is no guest at this resort?
It's low season. They close it for renovation.
Are you sure this is the place?
Yes, I'm positive.
There should be a cute man appearing to
surprise me.
Is what you stepped on surprising enough?
Eww! Go wash it out! Yuck! Stink!
- Hello.
- Good afternoon, ma'am.
Mr. Karn went to check the crew. He asked me
to host you.
Things are not quite smoothly as our resort
hasn't done with the renovation yet.
Should I lead you to your room?
That's okay. We can get there by ourselves.
They're not that far, right?
No, just right over the back, room 1A.
All right.
- Here you go. - Thank you
Leave your luggage here...I'll take care of
I wanna go to the waterfall beach now.
Let's go unpack our stuff first.
Look! How could you kick that stuff.
Isn't it the offering for the house spirit?
It's all right. The shrine is not completed yet.
Look at your feet. Jackpot!
Oops! I didn't mean it. Sorry.
Come on! Let's clean it up.
Is it gonna be a bad omen?
I don't know. Let's clean it up first.
What's wrong?
I got scared.
Let's go.
Hold it.
- You have anything I can help carry. - No.
This is heavy.
What do you bring it here for?
Wow! Look at these! Triangular and
hexagonal rubiks.
Hey, your room is over there.
Aren't we gonna stay in the same room?
You got spooked out, huh?
May I take these rubiks with me?
- Okay.
- Both of them?
Cool, aren't they?
I gotta go downstairs to check my shooting
See you later then.
This card represents a new relationship.
A new man will get in your life.
But...the old one is still around.
Shit! The old and new one together....
Possible. Let's check the last card.
Well...Iet me check the handbook.
This card implies that...
Your life...
will be involved with life and death.
Can't you find a new gag, Bee?
Last time you made the same prediction to me
about life and death.
I just predicted according to the handbook.
I guess unless your handbook is wrong,
your card must be.
Duplicated card? Or you cheated?
Are you crazy? This is Tarot card, not a poker!
Let's play a poker then?
You guys...that's Mr. Karn, the resort's owner.
How was your trip?
Not really...
It's still under renovation.
Should be furnished next month.
I'm sorry if it might cause you any
Don't mention it. This is way too lovely.
Have you got a chance to walk at the beach
The wave is not high...perfect for beach
Aren't you gonna try playing in the sea?
We are about to.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
All right. Please make yourself at home.
I gotta go take care of stuff. See you all later.
Trouble, Cee!
If I'm not mistaken,
Karn looked at you without blinking.
I can predict this without theTarot card...
that you are in trouble...Sure!
You're crazy.
Let's go to the beach before it turns dark...
We're waiting for you.
You three go...I have a shooting tonight.
I gotta go standby at the set.
Without you with us, how could it be fun?
Give me a break!
You did that on purpose? Bad girl!
Hold on! Hold on!
Get the ball!
Oops! I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, too.
Do you have a good time?
Yes, we do.
Is the water getting cold?
Not at all. It's still kind of warm.
You did it again.
You like to freak me out.
What? You're scared of this stuff.
You're always like this. I told you not to scare
me out.
Stop playing.
Got freaked out?
Go to bed! Stop playing.
Could you stop scaring me? I'm really get
freaked out.
Stop fooling around. Hurry up!
What do you see?
Under the bed.
- What's going on?
- See it by yourself.
A cat, I guess.
Aren't you gonna stay one more night?
No...My dad is coming to Bangkok.
I gotta go pick him up.
You have to go too, Ae?
She was uncomfortable with the place.
She's up all night with nightmare.
I couldn't sleep either.
Is that just an excuse?
Tomorrow Karn will be invited in a scene.
Aren't you gonna watch him?
No, I guess not.
I'm really sorry. See you in Bangkok.
See you later.
Drive safely...Bye. See you in Bangkok.
Close the door...Hurry up!
After the shooting...
Karn invited me to stay here a few more days.
Will you be here with me?
Is it a good idea?
I'm afraid I'm a burden for him.
Up to you then.
But I think I will stay here a little longer.
That's the newspaper of two days ago.
Hey! Check this out!
Is she the one we saw at the theatre?
Hell Yeah!
Holy shit!
Aof again?
No...It's Bee.
All right. I'll get into the room then.
What's up, Bee?
Have you read the news?
What news?
Do you remember the girl we saw at the
theatre with Aof?
Hold on. Let me get in the van.
And I'll read you the news.
I'm driving passengers home.
She was the daughther of the hotel's owner.
So what?
She's dead!
You...explain it to her.
Very likely, she's disappointed with her lover
So she killed herself by jumping down from
Give it to me.
You must be careful. Don't mess with her
She will get him back from you.
Dying like this is freakingly haunting.
Tomorrow we can fill in the cement.
Use lots of cement...the soil here is kind of
After the cement is nice and firm, you can set
up the base.
All right, sir.
Don't be frighten.
It's okay. You just had a bad dream.
You're all right now.
You're all right.
Cut! Okay!
We're done with all the scenes here.
The next scene will be in Bangkok, next week.
It's quite okay.
Is it really okay?
If it's not, you can take it again. I don't mind at
Not at all...I'm afraid it will exceed the budget.
You're just invited in a scene and you used so
many takes.
I don't charge you for the location.
Is it still over the budget?
Don't be too tight, Boyd.
In the next film that you fully subsidize
I'll surely make every scene beyond compare.
Okay, okay.
Let's go.
Bowie... How was it?
Quite good! Very okay.
I was confused during the dream scence.
It's a typical horror movie.
It has dream scenes, a little confusing.
To startle the viewers. That adds more taste to
the film.
You both are very good actresses. I mean it.
Thank you.
Too bad... I gotta go back now
Need to get prepared for scenes in Bangkok.
Boss, should I tell the crew to pack up?
Sure, why not?
Or you wanna be here without being paid?
Why don't you stay? You can drive back
I'm not the actors like you guys.
You can do whatever you want after the
You two are really sisters?
You don't look alike at all.
We have different father.
Why do you ask that?
That's why the elder is so hot.
And the younger is so cute.
Aren't you gonna stay one more night?
You're done?
Swimming alone is not fun.
Why don't you join me in the pool?
I prefer to sit and watch.
Cee...Are you going to the room?
I'll follow you later.
What are you doing here alone?
You're not having a good time?
You look kind of quiet.
I'm like that...I am not good at talking.
I don't buy that.
I saw you talking with somebody for hours
You mean talking on the phone?
That was my friend.
Oh I see.
Is he your boyfriend?
What's the matter?
Something gets into my eye.
Let me see.
"lncoming call Aof"
I think I gotta go.
See you tomorrow.
The sheriff invites you to the club.
He wanna discuss about the expansion plan of
your resort.
Let go of me. What do you want?
Cee...I need to talk to you.
I'm not talking to you.
Where are you going? We need to talk.
Let me go! Aof!
What's so good about that jerk?
If Karn sees you here, you'll be in trouble.
I don't give him a damn. It's you having a
Don't think
that nobody knows what happened on the roof
that night.
Are you satisfied now?
You did that to me...
How could I explain to my friends?
Cee...Listen to me!
How could Ying be my new girlfriend?
I dated her...
Even before I knew you.
You also know about this.
I lost a lot of money in the soccer bet.
Ying could help me out.
I just needed money.
Nothing serious between me and her.
Trust me, all right?
You gotta trust me.
You jump and everything will end.
You steal my man and still say this?
This is solely up to his decision, isn't it?
Up to who he picks...
You're shameless!
Back off!
I told you to back off!
Back off!
A person like me never back off for anyone.
Jump.....Jump out if you dare. I told you to
Jump if you dare...
- Go ahead! Jump! - I told you to back off!
- Jump out if you dare. - Let me go.
- Jump out if you dare. - Let me go.
Go ahead! Jump!
Help! Help me!
Help me!
- Help!
- Cee...Hold on.
If you don't want anyone to know, can you be
with me?
I love you, Cee.
Let me go.
Let me go.
Give it to me. This is my doll.
Let it go!
How could the power go off?
The generator got struck by lightning.
How about the emergency power supply?
It just got installed...not ready yet.
Hurry up! Drive to the downtown. Get a
repairman to check it out.
Yes, sir.
Don't think
that nobody knows what happened on the roof
that night.
There're several bodies.
There. Bodies are in there.
Look! Another body right here.
I told you to back off.
Back off!
A person like me never back off for anyone.
Breaking news. This morning around 7 a.m....
A maid of a popular resort on Chang lsland
told that
several bodies were found in a hole dug for
assembling the shrine.
The resort staff was shocked to see that
the total of four bodies were found dead
and one of them was Ms. Bowie, an actress
together with her younger sister, Ms. Cerin.
The authority still cannot conclude the cause
of this tragic event.
Based on the report of the resort staff, it is
likely that
the cause might be about sexual affair...
....or related to the local politics.