My Father's Dragon (2022) Movie Script

My father was born a long time ago,
but he was a child like any other,
prone to scraped-up knees
and flights of fancy.
- Have you found it?
- Not yet.
He was always good
at finding things.
- Yes! I got it, Mom.
- Are there any lollipops left?
That's him there,
just in case you were wondering.
Got 'em.
- Coming through!
- Morning, Elmer.
Morning, everyone.
Whatever his mom
called for, he could get it in no time.
Hey, Mr. Linson.
Morning, Elmer.
Be careful, Rosie.
There you are, Elmer.
Just in time
for Mr. Williams's sugar craving.
Ah, strawberry is my favorite.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
And to think that man is a dentist.
Have you got any rubber bands? You know,
the kind that keeps beards out of soup?
- Elmer?
- I'm on it.
my father would soon set foot in places
no child had ever been before.
Here you go.
Dangerous, wild,
strange places,
but he didn't know that yet.
Elmer, can you help me?
- Morning, Dela.
- Morning.
Morning, Elmer.
- Morning, Magda.
- What have you got for us today?
Everyone likes them
because they are easy to peel.
- Check 'em out.
- How much are you asking?
- Uh, for you, 30.
- Hmm. What do you think, Elmer?
Well, these ones
from the bottom are overripe.
- They're sprouting from the inside.
- Oh, so I see.
We'll give you half on the tangerines.
Twenty-five, Dela.
That's the best I can do.
Twenty, and I'll take another load
from you next month.
Your mom drives a hard bargain, Elmer.
My father lived
in a world
that seemed like it would go on forever.
But then it all began to change,
and times got hard for a while.
What do we do now, Mom?
You don't have to worry about a thing.
That's my job, Elmer.
Maybe if we stay here,
our customers will come back,
and it'll be okay again.
I'm afraid the world
doesn't work like that.
- But I'll get us a new home in the city.
- A new store?
- Sure. Of course.
- But we have nothing left to sell.
Oh. You're right.
We'd better get some stock together
so we'll be ready for a grand opening.
We don't need much,
just a few things to get us started.
There's a strawberry lollipop.
It's kinda broken though.
We could sell it cheaply
and still make enough to buy some more.
You think you could find
more things to sell?
That's it. That's all there is.
You're so good at finding things.
We've even got a little bit of money left.
It'll get us started.
Ready for an adventure?
Read all about it! Recession hits!
Who's gonna make it, and who's sunk?
Read all about it.
This is it.
- Really?
- Yep.
Nevergreen City, our new home.
Look, Elmer.
Wouldn't that make a fine store for us?
But... it's all boarded up.
Can you imagine what it would look like
with a little bit of paint
and some attention?
Can you see it?
I guess.
We could put some bright lights
on the windows.
And before we know it,
we'll feel right at home.
It will take me some time
to save up for all of that.
But when I do,
we'll have all we need to get started.
Don't let go of it.
Don't worry, Mom. I won't let go.
Our own store again.
Just like it was before, right?
Just like home.
Just like it. Trust me, okay?
We just have to open these doors. Ready?
- Out of my way! Come on!
- Whoa!
The cat's too fast
for me, Callie.
- Watch it, kid.
- Catch her!
Elmer! Elmer!
Elmer, stay close to me.
Come on. Help me with this.
We've got to take it
all the way up to the top.
- You didn't say anything about a kid.
- I didn't think it'd be a problem.
Well, kids cost extra.
Four months' deposit upfront.
But... that's ridiculous.
Kids are loud and rough on furniture.
But there isn't any furniture.
That's 'cause the last kid broke it all.
Uh, well, the ad said fully furnished,
so I can only give you a week's deposit.
Please, Mrs. McClaren.
We've come a very long way,
and this is a new start for us.
We even brought our own chairs.
Three weeks.
Oh, great.
Sorry, but you can't trust anyone
these days.
- Nothing personal.
- Yes, of course.I understand.
And no pets.
Pets are worse than kids.
No pets. We don't have any pets.
Rent's due every Tuesday,
and there's not an excuse I haven't heard,
so don't bother.
- You got it?
- Yes, I get it. Tuesday, rent due.
Hey, Mom, I can see our store from here.
Come on. It's a great view.
Then that makes
this apartment the perfect spot.
Here, we can save up
for the store in this.
Soon, it'll be just like home.
I think I'm getting a hang of these pipes.
What'd you say?
I said I figured out
how to not get splashed.
That's great, Elmer.
Hello, Mrs. McClaren.
Look, Elmer. We have a visitor.
Hello, Mrs. McClaren. How are you today?
Well, it's Tuesday.
I hear a lot of sob stories on Tuesdays.
- It makes my indigestion flare.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
Your rent's due.
The pipes in here rumble and spray water.
I'll pay you half this week
and half every week
until the pipes are fixed.
Look, I fix the pipes.
I got to charge you more.
Everything costs money, Dela.
Don't you think I got troubles of my own?
- Wait. Mom!
- See you next week.
I'll figure out a way
to fill our savings jar.
And then you won't have to worry anymore.
It'll just be you, me, and our new store.
I need to borrow some change, all right?
- But that's the money...
- I need to make calls.
Come outside with me.
Don't use them all up, Mom.
- We can't get our store without it.
- It's just a few coins. No big deal.
- How are we gonna...
- Hello.
Yes, yes, I'm calling about the ad.
I have my own truck. It's... it's gone?
- All right. Bye.
- Mom?
It's okay. Just one more.
Hello. Hi, I'm calling about the ad.
Wait. I have my own truck,
and the first delivery is free. All right.
But, Mom, maybe I can help.
I just need you to be quiet. Hello.
Yes, yes, I'm calling about the ad.
No, wait! You don't understand.
You see, I have my own truck...
Get off of me!
Callie, help!
Shoo! Shoo! Go, go, go!
Get your milk someplace else.
Are you okay, Gertie?
- You ready, Eugene?
- I'm ready!
And... hit it!
'Tis a dark and dreary night!
The wind is howling.
A far-off land teeters
at the very edge of oblivion.
Thank you very much.
The animals cry out,
"Is there no one who can save us?"
Thank you.
Yes! Yes! There is one who can save them.
One who's traveled both far and wide...
Rubber bands for sale!
All kinds of colors. Amazing deals.
Get 'em before they're gone.
- ...a most amazing, stupendous, muscly...
- Rubber bands for every occasion.
Red ones, blue ones. Rubber bands?
You look like you need rubber bands.
A most amazing, brave,
fire-breathing dragon!
Rubber bands?
So cheap they're almost free!
Cheap? Free?
Today only.
Today only?
- I said...
- Oh, I'd better hurry.
- I know you need some rubber bands.
- A flying dragon!
- You can wear them!
- That sure is a bargain.
- Thank you, ma'am.
- Hey!
You took our customer!
She was about to put that coin in my hat.
Well, it's mine now.
No, it's not.
'Cause we were here first doin' our show.
Uh, looks like your show
isn't as spectacular as rubber bands.
Okay. Here's how it's going to be.
You're either going to give me that coin,
or you're gonna give me
something out of that backpack.
- No.
- You must have something for our show.
- It's mine.
- But you owe me. Fair is fair.
No, I don't!
Do so.
Get off!
I got it, Callie!
- Hey! Those kids...
- Come on.
- We have to get back inside.
- Come back here!
You take from me, I take from you.
- They took...
- Please, come on.
I'm tired,
and I have to cook supper. Okay?
Hey there.
How did you get in here?
Did you follow me?
I'll be back in a minute.
Don't drink all of that.
We need some for breakfast.
You've got to be quiet.
No pets allowed in the apartment.
- Did you say something?
- No, Mom.
- Come and eat before it gets cold.
- I'm coming.
Don't make a sound.
I'll figure something out.
Hmm! That smells really nice, Mom!
Hey, look at that.
Mom, I...
Are you trying to get us thrown out
on the street?
'Cause if you are,
this is a good way to go about it.
- You don't understand.
- There's nothing to understand.
Put the cat back wherever you found it,
or Mrs. McClaren will tell us to go!
- But, I didn't...
- I don't care. I don't have time for this.
- I can explain.
- I've had enough.
You're about to lie,
and I don't wanna hear it.
You're the liar! You told me
we'd start up our store right out there!
It's not that simple.
But you promised!
I didn't mean right now.
- Why don't you tell me the truth?
- You want me to tell you the truth?
I needed you to get out of the truck.
That's all.
And now I need you to get
that cat out of this apartment!
Because I have enough
to worry about, okay?
I'm sorry.
Don't be scared.
I'm not scared!
I'll get the money,
and I'll open the store myself.
You'll see.
Hey! No runnin' on the stairs!
Is that a cat?
What in the world is going on?
I'm doing this all by myself, Elmer.
What do we do now, Mom?
You don't have
to worry about a thing. That's my job.
That's my job.
- Maybe I can help.
- I just need you to be quiet.
Hey! You come back here!
That money belongs to us.
- That's mine!
- Get him!
I don't have time for this.
You didn't say anything about a kid.
I didn't think it'd be a problem.
Kids cost extra.
I have enough to worry about, okay?
Don't be scared.
Hey, cat.
Why is everything so hard?
Are you asking me, or...
You were just talking to yourself.
I get it.
- Whoa.
- Elmer. Elmer?
Oh, for goodness' sake. Elmer!
You're... a talking cat? No, no, no.
Let me know when you're ready,
and I'll answer any questions you have.
How... how come you can talk?
You were kind to me.
So now I'm gonna return
that kindness... to you, Elmer.
Um, are you, like,
gonna grant me seven wishes?
I am not that kind of magic.
And isn't it usually three wishes?
Well... I need a lot of help.
I need to open a store for my mom and me
so she doesn't have to worry anymore.
But I haven't got any money, and...
And this is where I can help.
See, I don't just talk. I listen.
Down here at the docks,
I hear about all kinds of things.
Things that might earn
a young person like yourself
the money you need to open your store.
Like what?
An amazing, spectacular,
real live,
flying, fire-breathing... dragon!
Yeah, no. Dragons aren't real.
Neither are talking cats.
Can't you just imagine having your
very own dragon here in Nevergreen City?
Yeah, but how...
Just imagine.
You and your mom won't have to worry
about another thing.
I could sell rides
and candy and souvenirs!
And Mom and I
could finally start our store!
Tell me where the dragon is.
How do I get it?
That's the easy part.
It's just sitting there...
on this little, tiny island.
But how do I get to the island?
That's easy too.
I got you a ride.
Say hello to Soda.
That kinda tickles a little. Uh.
- Yes?
- Say hello.
Uh, he's... he's got it, Soda.
I'm supposed to ride
a whale to the island?
It's the best I could do on short notice.
Okay, okay. Phew.
I... I just gotta figure out how to hold on.
- Soda?
- Elmer!
Take me to the island with the dragon.
- Soda!
- Yes, yes, Cat?
Better get going as fast as you can.
Or slow! Slow's okay too!
Woo! Have a good time. Bye!
He's such a good kid.
Hope he doesn't drown or get eaten.
Or both.
Soda, slow down!
I got nothing to hold on to!
But I promised the cat I'd go fast.
Okay, but just not so fast.
Medium fast. Good, good. I can do that.
Wanna see why I'm called Soda?
Wanna see, wanna see?
Nope. Not real...
Did you see it? Did you?
Yeah, yeah, I saw.
I taught myself how to do that.
- Great, Soda.
- I made the whole thing up all by myself.
- Wow.
- It's something, isn't it?
I love dusk.
One night, I wanna swim
all the way to the stars.
Elmer! Elmer! Elmer!
Are you awake?
You're awake, right? You snore.
Did you know that?
Or maybe that was your tummy.
Does it talk when it's hungry?
Hungry? Want something orangey?
'Cause it's almost morning, you know?
We're in the middle of a sea.
Where are we gonna get...
A tangerine?
This is Tangerina.
Pretty spectacular, right?
Best tangerines in town.
Or, I mean, on the water.
Best tangerines you'll ever taste.
That's for sure.
Last stop till the island, so stock up.
- Hmm! This is so good!
- Right?
How about that? That's a train.
Look! Elmer! Elmer, I made a nose!
Look! It's just like yours!
Look quickly before it pops!
Not bad. Not bad.
Taught myself that one. No big deal.
- That must be it.
- Yep.
That's Wild Island.
Did you say Wild Island?
Yeah, 'cause of the wild animals.
Wild animals?
Yes. They have really big pokyteeth
and poky claws.
- Yep.
- Wait.
They captured the dragon,
so it can lift up the island
over and over again.
- Why would anyone do that?
- 'Cause it's sinking.
- So this is a rescue?
- Didn't the cat tell you any of this?
Well, surprise!
I'm dead.
Bon voyage!
- Don't worry, dragon.
- I'm here to r...
Okay, okay.
Oh my...
Okay, okay.
Let go of him!
Hey, stop! I said knock it off!
I can hardly hear Saiwa
with all your racket.
Saiwa has made
the dragon save us once again,
and this is how you show gratitude?
Quiet down now.
There is no need to be afraid.
I brought this dragon to us,
and as long as he lifts us up,
we will never be lost to the sea.
Hush. Be calm, be calm.
I have the answers.
I will save Wild Island.
I can't take it.
Saiwa's dragon is barely able
to lift the island now.
Listen to him. Just listen.
Each time, we lose more ground.
I lost my home this time.
The most important thing
is that we all keep calm.
I could have drowned!
You could drown next!
And you, and you, and you...
Shut up, Tamir!
Yes, Saiwa?
Give him to me.
Stop it. Stop it!
I don't wanna drown.
I don't wanna drown.
Tamir, Tamir, Tamir!
Listen to me. You are scaring everyone.
I'm sorry, Saiwa.
I... I just don't wanna drown.
I don't wanna drown!
I don't wanna drown! I...
Be calm. You are all safe.
Be quiet!
Let Saiwa speak.
If we surrender to panic,
I cannot save you.
No one can.
Please, I simply ask you to trust me.
The dragon...
The dragon does what I make him do,
and so should you
when I tell you to stop...
- But, but...
- But what?
Stop him, Kwan!
Oh God...
Let go! Let go!
Bring him down. We can't lose the dragon.
Bring the Howlers.
We will track him and the child.
This is not the time for panic.
We will recapture our dragon.
But he'll hide.
No. They can't hide from me.
I... I did it!
I actually saved an amazing,
spectacular, real live, fire-breathing...
Oh, ah, ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh, ow. Ow. Ow.
I... I mean you no harm, dragon.
I think I hurt myself.
Oh, you rescued me!
- Ooh!
- It's my lucky day.
I'm so lucky I could explode!
Hold... hold still so I can thank you.
What's the matter? You not a hugger?
Too cool for a public display
of affection?
Yeah, me too.
Are you for real?
Of course I'm real.
If I was made up, could I do this?
What do you think?
- This is not good.
- It's a work in progress.
Okay. Yeah, I... I can make this work.
All right.
Dragon, I rescued you,
so you owe me something in return.
I would lay down my life for you.
No, you don't have to do...
- Ooh.
- I would dry up oceans with fire
and destroy mountains
with my roar for you.
That's oka... Wait, you can do that?
Not at all, really.
I get dizzy around large bodies of water,
and I'm afraid of fire.
It can really hurt. Ow. Ow.
This is what hurts right now. Ow.
How many wings am I holding up?
One, but the other wing looks
kinda floppy.
This is the thanks I get
for lifting the island over and over?
I told them it doesn't work.
Because if it did,
I'd already be an After Dragon.
- What?
- An After Dragon.
It's only the best thing... ever.
- Here, come with me.
- No, no!
Ow. Ooh. Ooh. That hurt even more.
Boy, where are you?
Oh gosh.
- Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- Why did you...
I was trying to fly,
but my wing, it's just not working.
Great. This is great.
I'm stuck on an island full
of wild animals with poky teeth.
I just saved a dragon who can't fly?
- Who's afraid of water?
- Uh-huh.
Has a fear of fire?
But dragons breathe fire.
Not me.
Can you do anything?
I can do this.
Hold on.Hold on.
Wait. I'm usually
a lot sweatier than this.
Okay, stop.
- Did you just...
- That was... my armpit.
Look over here.
It's that thing I wanted to show you.
That's what I'll look like
after I get my fire.
When I save the island.
Not really.
Well, dragons have been coming
to Wild Island for thousands of years.
Because when we turn 100,
which is only 100 divided by
ten in human boy years, which is...
which is...
Ten. It's ten!
Ten! I said it at the same time.
When we're ten years old,
we come here to Wild Island
to do a rite of passage,
like bees to a flower,
except for dragons, not bees.
And it's an island, not a flower.
We have to save Wild Island from sinking
'cause it sinks every 100 years.
If we can do that,we become After Dragons
who breathe fire and have muscles
and who are smart and brave like this.
I'm pretty sure I'll look just like that
after I save the island and get my fire.
Wait. You already saved the island.
I saw you do it.
No. That's the way Saiwa made me do it.
But it can't be right
because it just sinks worse the next time.
And it's scary and fiery and bad up there.
So how are you supposed to do it?
I have... no idea.
I'm just not an answer guy.
- It doesn't mean there isn't one.
- Nope.
- There must be a way to figure it out.
- None. Except for Aratuah.
- Who's that?
- He's a really old tortoise.
He was here when Horatio saved the island,
so he knows all about dragons.
He drew this muscly After Dragon.
- All right. Let's go ask him.
- Except I don't know where he is.
Aw, come on!
When I landed on the island,
I looked for him,
and looked and looked
and looked and looked.
I thought maybe Aratuah would leave me
a sign or some kind of map
or something, right?
- Why are you making that face?
- I'll help you.
You'd do that for me?
But after I help you become
an After Dragon, you'll help me.
Of course.
We'll come back to Nevergreen
and be in my dragon show.
Except that after my rite of passage,
I'm supposed to go home.
It's gonna be awesome.
All my family will fly up to see me,
and I'll blow fire, and they'll all cheer.
Okay. Well, I did rescue you,
and it doesn't have to be forever.
I just need you to help me
earn enough money for my store.
- Do we have a deal?
- Okay. Sounds good.
Uh, okay.
I'm gonna call you... Answer Guy.
Elmer. My name is Elmer.
Of course you have a cool name like that.
My name's Boris. Not as cool,
but it goes with my face.
I lied to you, Elmer.
- That fart didn't come from my armpit.
- I don't wanna know.
They're on foot.
The dragon's wing must be badly wounded.
Badly wounded?
Oh no!
- It's a catastrophe!
- We're gonna... No, no!
Saiwa, how can you stand
that runt in your ear?
- Cut him loose.
- Who you calling a runt?
I won't cut him loose.
He'll cause panic. You know that, Kwan.
What if we're squandering our chance
to leave a doomed island?
Now, now.
He's close.
My brother Horatio
taught me to spit really far,
and I bet I could hit that tree.
Do you wanna see? Elmer?
- Uh, can you keep an eye out for arrows?
- Okay.
I'm actually really hungry right now.
Skunk cabbage is my favorite.
You don't suppose there are any
around here? There's an arrow!
Nope. Nope. There's an arrow!
No, no, no, sorry. False alarm.
Hey, you know what?
- I'll be the arrow finder, okay?
- Sure.
Just be quiet so I can concentrate.
Oh my gosh.
It's a whole little world of strawberry!
Do not touch the stuff
in my backpack. Got it?
- Really?
- I mean it.
- 'Cause I need everything in here.
- Why?
- 'Cause I do.
- So it's very important?
- Yes!
- More important than that arrow?
Okay. Great. This way.
Yeah! Aratuah, here we come.
What was that?
- Uh, Saiwa's coming after us!
- Coming after us?
He's coming after us!
We can get across here.
Remember when I said...
that water makes me dizzy?
Come on, Boris. I don't wanna
get eaten by anyone with poky claws
or poky... teeth!
- Crocodiles!
- And water. Don't forget the water.
And Saiwa's coming! I can't go back.
It's so scary up there at the summit.
All the fire. It'll burn me up!
They won't get you. I'll make sure of it.
Wow, I like that answer.
Nothing's gonna stop us.
Except maybe him!
What do you think you're doing, dragon?
Douglas, Winifred,
you get back here right now.
Children! It's not safe,
you naughty little reptiles.
Ease up, will you?
You're squeezing the life out of me.
This is all your fault, dragon.
What do you think you're doing,
swanning about down here?
This isn't exactly swanning!
What in the world is this thing?
That's an Elmer.
He's the answer guy.
He's gonna help me save the island.
Quickly, this way!
You? Save Wild Island?
You're pulling my leg.
Hey! Stop pulling my leg!
Hurry, Boris.
We gotta... climb to the other side!
Now, where was I?
I'll snap you in two.
Come on, Boris!
This is so hard.
You dragon thief!
You have the wrong end
of the stick, crocodile!
My name is Cornelius. And I agree!
What's happening?
Oh no. Come on, wee ones.
- Quick. Here you go.
- Come on. Let's go.
Elmer! Elmer!
- Hurry, Boris!
- Have you got a better answer?
This one's not working so well for me.
And Saiwa's coming.
- Don't make me go back!
- Come on, Boris!
Oh, no, I can't.
Saiwa, your dragon is here.
He's here!
Look, Boris! It's all yours.
Come and get it.
Strawberry is almost as tasty
as skunk cabbage.
- Get him!
- Look at me, Boris.
Boris, look at me.
You just gotta keep on going.
We're almost there.
- Elmer!
- Come on!
Uh, oh.
Grab onto the lollipop.
Oh! Whoa! Help!
I've got you.
- I can't hold them.
- But I have him.
Children! Help!
Kwan, you must save them.
It stopped.
For now, but... it'll happen again
and again and again.
Let's keep moving, then.
Got any more
of those strawberry things?
No. And paws off the backpack. Okay?
Well... I'm pretty sure I could go faster
if you showed me what's in there.
Aw, come on.
Boris, stop!
Really? Why?
Look, I don't have time to explain.
The island is sinking. Remember?
Let's go.
Oh, Douglas, Winifred, I was so worried.
Where's George? George!
Am I alive?Am I alive?
Alive. Most definitely alive.
Hey! Cut it out! Stop it!
Oh, children, there you are.
Oh, thank you, Kwan.
Saiwa? Saiwa!
- It's sinking faster now.
- Oh, oh, now he's worried.
Oh, not now, Kwan. Not now.
But I had the dragon. I had him.
Why did you make me turn back?
Listen. Listen to me.
The whole island will be gone
if we don't recapture that dragon!
They all look to me.
Do you understand? To me.
Someday, they will look to you.
- And you must not abandon them.
- But our home will be gone.
We still have time to capture our dragon.
Trust me.
- Hey, buddy, what do you think?
- About what?
It's... um, nice?
Great! That could be
our secret friendship whistle.
- You know, 'cause we're friends now.
- I'm not really a whistler.
Are you kidding me?
What if you meet another wild animal,
or I hurt my other wing
or see a Howler or Kwan or Saiwa?
- How are we supposed to call each other?
- By saying "help"?
Oh, come on! Anyone can do that.
You don't even have to be
friends or anything.
Not funny!
Are you scared?
No! I am cautious. There is a difference.
- Where did you get that scarf?
- It's so soft.
It feels really good against my skin.
Go on. Give it a feel.
It's not really a soft scarf, is it?
George, look who it is!
No way. You're messing with me.
Elmer? I'm feeling really cautious.
I'm going to be a hero!
I captured Saiwa's dragon for him.
Well, we captured him.
What's this thing?
It looks sweet and chewy.
Sasha, give it here.
I'll take the first bite.
And I'll take the dragon to Saiwa.
Hey! No, you don't. I'll take it.
You look just like a sweet, juicy melon
with bits of hair stuck to you.
Stop it, Sasha.
He's mine!
No! That sweet little morsel is mine!
Wait! I have something sweet!
No, no, much sweeter.
Cinnamon-flavored bubble gum!
Every chew releases a whole new burst
of mouthwatering sweetness!
You've not tasted anything like it before,
and it will be the... the highlight
of your entire existence.
It comes from a little town far away,
and... it tastes like home.
- Oooh.
- Yum.
- Oh, yes. Give me! Give it!
- I want some!
- Mine!
- Mine!
I've only got one,
so you're gonna have to fight for it!
Sinking, sinking.
Every morning,
every night, sinking, sinking!
What is it, Boris?
I'm calling you.
- Yes, I get it, but what do you want?
- Okay, good.
I gotta stop and catch my breath.
- Not a good idea.
- I'm a better flier... than a walker.
The sooner we find Aratuah,
the sooner we get out of here.
You know, you said no more stuff
from the backpack,
but you gave those tigers
that cinnamon-flavored bubble gum,
so is the new rule "no stuff from
the backpack unless we're gonna die?"
Sounds like you got your breath back,
so let's go.
Okay. Is Neverblue your home?
It's called Nevergreen.
It's just a place where I live,
but it's not my home.
I used to have a store with my mom.
- So that's your home, then?
- Uh, no, not anymore.
- Then where's your home?
- I don't have one right now.
But I will when I set up the store.
- That you had.
- No. A new one.
Oh, so this store's gonna
be different 'cause it's new?
No, it's... it's gonna be the...
Elmer, are you okay?
Yeah, I'm...I'm fine.
Just be careful where you stand.
Somebody set this trap.
Oh my gosh.
Elmer, you've gotta see this.
There are so many
cute little furry mouse things.
What? Oh, I get it.
Yeah, it's a trap for me.
- You gotta get me out of here!
- Don't worry. I know what to do.
Throw me your backpack, sweater,
shirt, pants. Everything.
Good idea.
We can tie a rope out of my clothes.
Oh. Yeah. That's probably better.
- Wait, what was your plan?
- Doesn't matter. We can try it your way.
Something's down here!
Here's a stick. Grab on.
- I can't reach it, Boris! I gotta get out!
- Okay.
- Boris, you gotta help!
- Just a second!
Elmer! Elmer?
- Answer me!
- Don't come down, Boris.
It's... useless. It's useless.
You're just scared.
Don't worry. It's going to be okay.
Get real.
We are in a hole on a sinking island.
It's not gonna be okay.
I know you're hungry.
I'll get you something. I promise.
Does... he like tangerines?
You got tangerines?
My baby loves tangerines.
Here you go.
- My name's Iris.
- I'm Elmer.
You're the boy who took Saiwa's dragon.
They made this trap for you,
but I fell in with my baby.
I... I'm sorry.
Why did you do it?
Why did you take the dragon?
- He needed to be rescued.
- But who's gonna rescue us?
Saiwa, he had a way of keeping us safe.
If that was true, the island would've been
safe for a hundred years,
and Boris would be an After Dragon.
Don't you see?
I just want it to be okay again.
It will be.
I'm taking Boris to Aratuah
to find the real answer.
And we'll be safe then?
I'm sure of it.
Well, that would be such a relief,
if we weren't trapped
in a hole with no way out.
Boris is up there. He can help...
Get away from him!
Whoa, a baby! Ha, you little coochie coo.
- Boris! You jumped in.
- Of course. I had to help my friend.
But... how are we gonna get out?
Hey, hey! Stop fighting!
Stop! Let go!
Saiwa, there's something down here.
Calm down, Tamir.
- Saiwa says calm down! Calm down!
- Everybody, shut up!
Dragon... you can come out.
You won't be harmed.
I promise.
It's only me, Saiwa. Me and my baby.
- Come on, Saiwa.
- Wait, Kwan.
- Let's keep moving.
- We have to get them out.
Can't you stop them fighting?
Hush. Hush now.
Hold on, Iris. We'll get you out.
Wait, wait, wait!
- What is it?
- I... I heard them, Saiwa.
The dragon and the boy.
The boy said
he was taking the dragon to the summit.
That doesn't make sense.
The dragon hates it there.
The boy doesn't want to drown.
None of us do, Saiwa.
If anyone can help him now, it's you.
Just you.
- Let's go to the summit!
- We have to get her out first.
We could sink at any second.
We don't have time.
No, it's okay.
We'll be all right, Iris.
Howlers, come.
They're gone.
That was very brave.
Thank you, Iris.
Elmer, Saiwa has forbidden
all the animals from going there...
...but I know where Aratuah is.
I hope you find the answer,
for all our sakes.
You're on your own from here.
Don't worry. I'll go first.
Okay. Sure.
Are you all right, Boris?
Yeah. It's just I'm nervous,
anxious, scared,
and I got that dizzy thing going on.
That must be him.
- I'm gonna faint.
- Breathe. Just don't forget to breathe.
Uh, can you ask him?
Just ask him for me, will ya?
Ancient Aratuah?
We've come to ask you,
how is a dragon supposed
to save Wild Island?
- And fix my wing.
- And fix... Boris's wing?
If... that's something that you do.
Uh, Boris is the dragon
who has come to save the island.
Ask about my fire.
Can you... tell the dragon Boris
how to get his fire?
Even if it's like a... a riddle or a...
- Puzzle?
- No. Uh...
Like... like a task we need
to do first or... or something.
It's just... that we don't have much time.
Uh, Aratuah?
Ancient Aratuah?
What if that's his...
Yeah. Right.
- It was his butt.
- Shh.
- You know what? You try.
- What? No.
- Just tell him.
- I can't.
- Elmer!
- Just do it. Just go!
Is that supposed to happen?
Wait a second, Boris.
Elmer? Aratuah?
We've been looking for so long.
What did he say? Elmer, what did he say?
Can I see? Can I see him?
- No. Don't go in there. No.
- Come on, let me see.
- I wanna... Aratuah!
- Stop. Don't go in there.
Sorry about cracking your shell.
It was an accident.
- No! Stop!
- Aratuah!
He's dead!
He's dead?
What do I do now, Elmer?
I... I... I...
Come on, Boris.
We gotta go!
Boris? Are you okay?
I just need to lie down someplace warm.
I'll look after you.
You spoke to Aratuah?
You know how to save us?
We... we did.
Oh, that's wonderful!
Yeah, but before he can do
his rite of passage,
Boris just... He needs to rest, you know?
Oh, of course. Of course.
I know just the place.
Right at the top is safe and dry.
- You can rest there.
- Thank you, Iris.
No, no, no. Thank you... so much.
You must be hungry.
You said it's not for sharing.
Forget what I said.
Just... help yourself.
That's what I used
to free you from the vines.
That helped me see Iris in the pit.
Do you like... tangerines, Boris?
No, no, that's for you.
You eat just the peel
and not the fleshy part?
Of course not.
Then this is gonna work out just fine.
I forgot how good they taste.
My brother Horatio brought me
tangerines home
when he became an After Dragon.
I could hear his whistle...
in the sky over Blueland.
Everyone was so proud.
No one's ever going to be proud of me.
- Can I tell you a secret?
- Yeah.
I'm kind of relieved that I'm not expected
to do anything now
because the truth is
I couldn't do it anyway.
That's what I really feel
in the pit of my stomach.
I bet you'd be
a great After Dragon, Boris.
You always know what to do, Elmer.
You don't seem to be scared of anything.
Well, I...
I don't know what I'd do without you.
I'd be burned up at the summit
or drowned in the sea.
You're right. I'm not scared of anything.
Just rest.
When you wake up, I'll have the answer.
This really was my lucky day.
And tomorrow's gonna be even luckier.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Elmer.
I'm sorry. Elmer, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Elmer.
I'm so sorry, Elmer.
- For what?
- He made me tell him where you were.
I had to protect my baby.
So it's true.
- Boris!
- I'm up.
- Boris, get up!
- I'm up!
Look at all the trouble
you have caused us,
you worthless thing!
Stay away from us, Kwan.
- Boris, stop!
- You're coming with me!
Tell him, Boris,
that you spoke to Aratuah,
that you know how to save the island.
You spoke to Aratuah?
He told us the real answer, not Saiwa's.
Then he can stop all of this.
No, he cannot.
Isn't that right, dragon?
Elmer? Please help.
Aratuah did not help him
because he's dead.
- Dead?
- Dead?
- I... I...
- How could you?
Do you remember the day
you came here, dragon?
You had no idea how to save this island.
I helped you do
what you knew you could not.
Please, Elmer.
Now all you have to do
is come with me now.
- We will save the island again.
- I don't wanna go back...
- I can't.
- Leave him alone!
Ok, quiet, boy!
He's our dragon, not yours.
No, Boris!
- Dragon!
- I don't wanna go back.
- No!
- Elmer!
My wing!
I told you I'm a better flier
than a walker.
We can go now.
I can take you back to Nevergreen.
I hope you find the answer,
for all our sakes.
They captured the dragon
so it could lift up
the island over and over again.
Roots. They're dragging it down.
If we can lift it high enough
to snap the roots...
- What?
- ...we can save the island!
- Roots?
- I have the answer!
Because you're the answer guy!
I knew you'd come through!
- Yeah.
- Let's go!
Is it? Look! I knew it!
Aw, hurrah.
- There is still hope.
- I knew it!I knew it!
That dragon is useless,
and so are you, Saiwa.
We can recapture him.
For what? He can't save the island!
And you can't either,
no matter how much you talk.
That little runt there knew it
from the start!
I listened to you. I trusted you.
But not anymore.
I'm getting off of this sinking mudhole!
I'm gonna take care of myself,
and you can all drown together!
Oh my God. What... What's... happened?
Elmer, it's like it cracked open.
What... what do we do now?
- I have to tie you up, okay?
- What?
No, no! That... that was Saiwa's idea, and...
- Calm down. You need to listen to me.
- That can't be right.
If we lift the island high enough,
it'll snap the roots.
No, no, no.
Look at this place. I'll mess up. I...
No, you won't because I'm coming with you.
- We're gonna do it together.
- Doesn't seem right.
I freed you. I can free the island.
This is the answer.
Do it fast.
Okay, Boris. Go!
- Lift, lift!
- Yeah.
Come on! You can do this!Lift! Lift!
You're almost there. Come on, now.
You're doing it!
Come on, just a little more!
You're doing it, Boris! You're doing it!
Boris? Boris, what's wrong?
Are you okay? You've gotta lift.
- Lift!
- I have the answer.
Come on! Lift! Lift!
- You can't be here, Elmer.
- What?
- I have to let you down.
- No, no, no! Boris, please!
Please! Come on!
Lift! Lift!
Lift! Come on, bud!
Quick, untie me.
Boris, we have to get out of here.
- But I understand now.
- Hold still, Boris.
We were flying and you said I could do it,
and I believed it for the first time.
- Hold still, or I can't cut you free.
- I could feel it in the pit of my stomach.
We don't have time now.
The island is done for.
Listen, it didn't work
because you don't have the answer.
- Stop!
- I do.
- No! Just stop!
- I have to go in there.
I have to do it on my own.
No! You know what will happen. Just stop!
- I can't stop!
- You'll burn up in there.
- You're wrong.
- Listen, I can help. Just let me help.
- Just stop, Boris. Stop.
- No. I've gotta go. Just let me go!
You'll never be an After Dragon!
Come on.
Leave me alone.
No! Because I have to get us out
of this mess!
I said leave me alone!
Forget you too.
Hey! Shh! Leave him alone.
He has to find fresh water, shelter, food,
you know, little stuff like that
so we don't die.
I... I might have something left for you.
We don't need anything from you.
I was trying to...
I... I thought I could help.
I... helped.
When the island started sinking,
I went to Aratuah, but he was gone.
I knew fear would drown us
long before the sea,
so... I kept the truth from them.
And when the dragon came,
we thought we were saved.
But he was foolish... and frightened.
Don't say that. He pulled
the island up for you over and over.
I used him, yes, to keep us safe.
What did you use him for?
I... I didn't. I'm his friend.
Oh. I see.
He thought you were his friend.
And frightened.
Boris! Boris!
I'm sorry, Boris.
No. You were right. I can't do it, Elmer.
I can't save anyone.
I can't do anything.
I'm too scared.
I get scared too.
I get scared all the time.
I try to figure everything out,
but I can't.
Go get your fire.
And I'll be here for you
when you get back.
Thank you.
Come on, Boris, please.
Boris, you did it!
Boris! Yeah!
- Boris! You did it, Boris!
- You should have seen it, Elmer.
The whole place was
like the pit of my stomach.
You know, these After Dragon drawings,
they're not very realistic, are they?
I think there's a resemblance.
I'm an After Dragon.
Boris? Elmer?
We just wanted to say thank you.
Thank you, Boris.
Thank you, Boris.
I believe this is yours.
Look! It's Saiwa.
I thought I was doing the right thing.
I thought I had the answer.
I had nothing.
I am sorry.
You know what Wild Island needs now?
It needs you,
all of you, to tell my story.
Draw it up here
without the muscles.
So when the island sinks again
in a hundred years
and the next dragon comes,
you're not gonna tie them up
or chase them or scare them.
You'll be their friend.
You have my word, Boris.
It will be done.
- Bye! See ya!
- Bye, Boris.
Bye, Boris!
Bye, hairy melon!
Bye, Wild Island!
Kwan! Kwan! Kwan! Look over here, Kwan.
- Can you just be quiet for one minute?
- Kwan, come on.
- Hey, Soda!
- You did it!
- Did what? What did he do?
- He helped me save the island, Kwan.
You might wanna hitch a ride back!
I'm proud of you!
Soft landing.
Yeah. Nicely done.
So this is Neverblue.
Okay. What do you want me to do?
You wanna go home,
whistle to your family through the clouds
over Blueland, right?
Sure I do, more than anything.
What about the store?
And solving all your problems?
I mean, what are you gonna do?
I'll figure it out.
Are you scared?
Me too.
- Well, I guess this is, uh...
- Um, I...
- Goodbye.
It was nice to meet you.
I'll be seeing you, Boris.
If you ever need me...
Your mom's been looking for you.
Your supper's almost cold.
- My supper?
- Elmer!
- I'm sorry, Mom.
- And I'm sorry.
I got scared.
I got scared too.
That ought to do it, Dela.
Oh. Perfect. Yeah.
Hey there.
- Come on. Hey, Mom, can I borrow your hat?
- That's my good one.
Thanks, Mom!
- Oh no.
- No! Elmer!
I was thinking how about
once I turn into an After Dragon,
I make like I'm going to fly away,
but then... Hey!
What took ya so long?
I found some more props.
- Okay.
- I got it, Callie.
- That was the plan.
- That looks great, guys.
Are you sure you know how to juggle?
- Tangerines?
- Thanks.
My father always said
that dragons make
the very best of friends.
They'll see you through
the scariest of times,
even if they're
a little bitscared themselves.
But for those of you who believe
that dragons are nothing but nonsense,
well... it's always good
to keep your ears open...
...just in case.
Gold leaves and tangerines
Upon a wild
Wild island
Round paws hide sharpened claws
Upon a wild
Wild island
Lift your wings to the sky
Let your flames scorch the night
Though your path will make you weary
I can make your burden light
Lift your wings to the sky
Let your fear breathe in night
Though your questions
Can't be answered
I'll watch over you tonight
Smiles serene hide broken dreams
Upon a wild
Wild island
Pride roars
A dragon soars
Upon a wild
Wild island
No one will fall
I'll save all
On our wild island
Lift your wings to the sky
Let your flames scorch the night
Though your path will make you weary
I can make your burden light
Lift your wings to the sky
Let your breath become light
Though your questions have no answers
I will be your guiding light
Lift your wings to the sky
Let your breath become light
Though your questions have no answers
I will be your guiding light