My Favorite Wedding (2017) Movie Script

How cute!
You're so cute!
Hi. I need three iced lattes,
and a regular coffee...
oh, and extra straws, please!
[gasps in pain]
Put some ice on that, Stan,
and ibuprofen for pain.
- Thanks, Doc.
- Yeah.
Hi, Levon!
Got you a fix.
One more here...
Oh, hi!
Maddy, I did not
forget about you.
Thanks, honey...
and can you help
with one more problem?
- Sure.
- Thank you.
What's the prognosis?
well, orchids need
less sunlight, not more.
Here, I'll take
care of it.
I'll get it back to you
next week.
Dex and I are going
to that wedding this weekend.
Oh... and how are things
with Dex?
Well, last night at dinner,
he asked
for my social security number.
How... romantic?
I think he wants to add me
to his retirement account.
Or running a credit check?
Either way,
it's forward motion.
Still hasn't popped
the question, huh?
No, no...
but I've dropped
a few hints,
and, you know, Dex,
he can get really distracted
when the stocks are down,
so I'm just praying
for a bull market.
Tess, you already missed
your "ring by spring" goal.
Well, Australia's spring
is in September.
And what's going
to happen with Dex
when you get that fellowship
at Northwestern?
I don't have
the fellowship yet,
and, you know,
it's tricky with Dex
because he loves Boston so much.
I don't want to spook him.
Sounds like
he needs to be spooked
to appreciate
what he's got in you.
Don't worry.
I have a plan.
And you've got a patient.
Hi, Sam!
I hear you're making
a miraculous recovery.
I am Dr. Harper,
and you are...
Look, doctor, uh,
before you give me the shot,
I've got to tell you,
I've got a phobia of needles.
So, um...
Mm-hmm. Can you do me a favor
and just, uh...
could you just hold this
for me,
and just, um...
just be careful
because it's really,
you know, fragile.
But I was scarred
when I was a kid.
Um, I had a shot,
just messed me up.
Be careful!
Okay, as I was saying,
um, I'm a real...
Was that the shot?
That wasn't bad
at all.
Rule number one...
always keep the patient
Good job.
[phone rings]
How's the bride-to-be?
I'm excited!
I'm going to send you a link
to the Commodore Club.
It's amazing.
It's right on the lake.
There's a golf course
and a spa,
and everybody
in the wedding party
gets their own bungalow.
Well, you've always
lived large.
Why would your wedding
be any different?
Anyway, I cannot wait.
Hey, how are you holding up?
did I tell you
I'm rethinking the flowers?
What is wrong
with the Delphinium?
Well, I just...
I realized
that they're going to clash
with the bridesmaids' dresses!
Okay, okay...
remember the advice I gave you
about your prom dress
in high school?
Close your eyes.
Shut out the world.
Now imagine,
what color do you see
coming down the aisle?
The pink bridesmaids'
and pink does go with blue.
yeah, I'm going
to stick with the Delphinium.
Oh, Tessie,
what would I do without you?
'cause I'll be there soon,
and I cannot wait!
Does the same go for Dex?
We are having dinner tonight
to go over all the travel plans.
Hi. I'm sorry I'm late.
I stopped by
to get that charger
that you asked for,
and then I
popped by home
so that I could
change, and...
You look sensational.
Thank you.
Let's get a table.
I am starving.
Oh, hon',
there's actually just someone
I want you to meet first.
Oh, but I've been
juggling patients all day.
I haven't had anything to eat.
What was I thinking?
Holbrook can wait.
Mr. Holbrook?
Your new boss?
Yeah, I just
bumped into him here.
I promised him
you'd say hello.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
It's good.
We should say hi.
Mr. Holbrook.
I'd like you
to meet my girlfriend,
Dr. Tess Harper.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
She's on staff
at Bayside General
and still somehow
manages to find time
to head the fundraiser
for Harborwalk.
That's very
Oh, my life is easy.
Dex works ten times
harder than I do.
Dex, if you pick
your stocks
the same way you pick
your girlfriend,
you've got a great
future ahead of you.
Have a nice dinner.
See you,
Mr. Holbrook.
Take care, Dex.
Thank you.
You were perfect
back there.
Thanks for talking me up
to Holbrook.
[phone chirps]
Oh, enough work-talk
for one night?
Of course.
Amber's wedding is
finally going to give us
a chance to relax.
I already booked
our flights.
Um, day after tomorrow.
I got us aisle seats.
We have barbecues,
I already booked us
massages at the spa.
Oh, and guess what?
Someone from the
selection committee
for the fellowship
is going to be there.
He's a friend
of Amber's Dad!
That's great!
Yeah, I thought the wedding
would be a great place
to talk to him,
and, you know, for us
to scope out...
Chicago? Again?
It's two hours
from where I grew up.
Plus, I could see my Mom more,
and your firm
has an office there.
You could put in
for that transfer.
I know, I know.
I just, I need
to wrap my brain around this.
Oh, come on.
It's Chi-town!
The Windy City!
Wrigley Field!
I prefer Fenway Park.
Agree to disagree.
Tess, what do you need
Chicago for?
You've got everything
you need right here.
But Northwestern is
a leader in innovation.
At Bayside,
we have to fight over
digital thermometers...
and yes, there is a lot
to love about this city,
Tess, let's just get through
this week
before planning
the rest of our lives.
but in the meantime,
pack those golf shoes,
'cause we are going
to have a blast.
So you've known
each other how long?
Oh, Amber and I
went to grade school,
and then all the way
through college together.
Yeah, it was always Amber's
job to get in trouble,
and it was my job
to come in and fix it.
Oh, really?
Oh, yeah!
Like, when Amber was
learning to drive,
and she hit
a mailbox,
I took the fall.
When she, like, flooded
the dorm with bubble bath,
I was the one
who found the mops.
I would even go on
double-dates with her
and laugh at her jokes
just so they didn't bomb.
Typical Tess.
But when I get
to Chicago,
I am going to relax
and have fun.
You, relaxing?
What does that look like?
Very funny.
I can relax.
I can chill.
Cool my jets.
Well, when you get
that fellowship...
If I get
that fellowship.
It is still
a longshot.
Plus... you know,
I have a really
nice life here.
Is that you talking,
or Dex?
Okay, you got me,
but I'm telling you,
after four days
in that warm wedding glow,
at that amazing resort,
Dex is going to fall
in love with Chicago,
he's going
to propose to me,
and practically insist
that I take that fellowship!
And if he doesn't?
I have our seats
and our boarding passes
for this weekend.
I am sorry, Tess.
There's been a hitch.
Holbrook came down
to my office,
and he said he wants
to talk about my future.
This weekend...
he invited me
to go yachting!
But Dex, we're going
to Amber's wedding this weekend!
I know, sweetie,
but it's such
a great opportunity.
But we can't miss the wedding!
This is...
this is terrible timing.
What do you want me to do?
Well, come with me!
To the wedding!
It will mean so much to Amber,
and it's going to be a blast.
I mean,
it's going to be awkward
telling Holbrook
I'm going to back out.
You already told Holbrook yes?
It was spur of the moment.
I wasn't thinking.
Well, I mean,
I guess you can't back out now.
It just...
this really changes my plans.
Your plans?
Huh? Oh, uh, you know,
the wedding.
I'll make it up to you.
Well, it's not going
to be the same without you.
Trust me.
[phone rings]
Hey! What's up?
[Amber, over phone]:
Hey, Tess!
Why aren't you at the airport?
Ah, in a few hours.
Yes, I'm leaving soon.
Where's Dex?
Um, well, actually,
it's just going to be me
for the wedding.
Dex can't make it.
Yeah, he had
a work situation come up.
I can't believe it!
Calm down, Amber...
You're the one
who should be upset!
Well, you know
how busy Dex is,
and this is just a...
Quit making excuses.
I mean, not only is
he missing my wedding,
he's leaving you
high and dry.
I will be fine.
I am fine.
What time does your flight land?
At three o'clock.
I'm heading
to the airport now, and...
Oh, shoot.
What's wrong?
I just... I realized
that the rental car's
in Dex's name.
Don't worry.
I'll arrange someone
to pick you up.
Oh, no, you don't have
to do that, truly.
Hello, Amber?
Amber, hello,
are you there?
I lost you.
Uh, yep, still here.
Think my WiFi's on the fritz.
[phone chimes]
What? Not again...
Oh, are you okay?
The wedding planner and I
have been clashing
over napkin rings.
I've got to go, honey.
Get here soon, okay?
I am on my way.
See you soon.
I'm Tess Harper.
Yeah, Michael.
Got any bags?
Oh, just a few.
I travel light.
- Okay, great.
- Yeah.
This is
traveling light, is it?
Well, it's
a four-day wedding.
I need a lot of outfits.
Oh, oh, please be
careful with that one!
Oh, and that one, too.
Why, what do you
have in here?
Um, well, shoes.
A lot of shoes.
That's a lot of shoes.
You know what, you can just
hop in if you want.
I'll get you there
real quick.
I know Chicago
like the back of my hand.
Why don't you
have a sticker?
A what now?
A sticker?
You know, the...
ride-share sticker?
Oh, a sticker?
Yeah, they don't give them
to all of us.
Are you sure
you don't want
to ride up
in the front with me?
I'm good.
Yeah. Okay...
'cause I'm not a chauffeur.
I'm the Best Man.
That was a dirty trick
you just played.
You're the one who
made the assumption.
And you had
the chauffeur sign.
Amber said, "Go to the airport
and pick up Tess."
She's getting super stressy
with the wedding flowers,
and I was more than happy
to get out of that insanity.
She's stressed already,
and it's day one.
Poor Amber...
That's the problem
with weddings.
Oh, you have
a lot of experience
with weddings, huh?
Yeah, you could say that.
So are you opposed
to all weddings,
or just this one?
You know, I do love
the perks, though--
the golf and the music,
and the fun,
but the stress
and the traditions...
not so much.
But you've got it
all backwards.
Weddings are not
about the perks.
It's about the people!
You want to know the truth?
Weddings are only fun
if they're not
your own.
Wow, I really hope
that is not your wedding speech.
You know what?
That's a really good idea.
I hope
you're not expecting a tip.
[starts car]
[loud blues music playing]
Can you turn that down, please?
You don't like
Chicago's best blues?
Well, I like
my eardrums more,
and at over 80 decibels,
it can trigger tinnitus.
It's a medical term
for a, you know, buzzing sound
or ringing in the ears
from exposure to loud music...
your loud music.
Fine. 'Kay.
Your loss.
[Tess]: Thank you.
Could you just take it
a little slower
around these curves?
I'm going to really need
that massage tomorrow.
Yeah, you need to relax.
Yeah. Well...
thank you for picking me up.
It was an interesting ride.
No problem.
I hope you weren't serious
about that no-tip thing?
Well, here's a tip.
Always wear sunblock.
Gee, thanks.
So what do you do
when you're not picking people
up from the airport?
I'm a lawyer.
Ah, well, that explains
why you weren't so forthcoming
about who you are.
A divorce lawyer at a wedding
is like bringing
a baby to the movie theaters.
You get a lot of dirty looks.
Mm. Or maybe it's just you.
So which way is Amber?
There's a group gathering
out on the club patio.
So I'm just going to run this
over to your bungalow.
Thank you.
You sure you're all right
with that little one?
Oh... really?
Oh, thank you so much.
I was joking.
- No, that's so nice of you.
- I'm going to take it.
Uh, which way? This way?
That way?
No, that's--
that's where the reception is,
so you're going to probably
want to check in first.
Oh, no, no, no,
there's no time for that.
I'm already running late,
and Amber has a tendency
to freak...
I'm so glad
you're finally here!
Oh, my gosh,
what's wrong?
Are you okay?
Where do I start?
The cake is gone.
The wedding planner quit,
and my wedding vows,
they just...
they read like
a ransom note,
and there's a million
things that I...
It's okay, it's okay,
it's okay.
I'm here, okay?
Just breathe.
I've got this.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Good. All right.
Go back inside.
I'll be in there
in just a sec.
I'll see you
out there.
Thanks for coming.
Yeah, all right.
How you doing?
You made it!
- Any groom jitters?
- Are you kidding?
I've never been more sure
of anything in my life.
Right answer.
Oh, I think my uncle
just discovered
it's an open bar.
I'd better go
keep an eye on him.
Hi, Bernadette!
I haven't seen you since...
what, our college reunion?
Can you believe it?
Us, bridesmaids! Ahh!
Yeah. Ahh!
Oh, mother of the bride alert.
Tess. Hi, dear.
How lovely to see you.
Where's that handsome
boyfriend of yours?
Oh, well, he had to stay behind
in Boston for work.
His loss.
here comes
Aunt Millie.
Batten down the hatches.
You know she's like.
Oh, my,
aren't you pretty?
You know, there are a lot
of eligible young men
at this wedding.
Oh, uh, truly, no need.
Mr. Tilton!
Oh, she's so adorable!
Tess, dear!
You made it.
How are you
holding up?
Oh, smooth sailing.
- Never better!
- Oh!
Frankly, Tess, I'm terrified.
It's as if Amber
and her mother
are speaking some kind of,
I don't know, foreign language,
I mean,
they ask me questions,
but I sense I'm not supposed
to say anything,
so do I answer, or don't I?
It'll all be over soon.
Uh-huh, and quite likely,
I will be, too.
'Kay, I like mimosas
as much as the next gal,
but at the rate you're going,
they're going to run out
of orange juice in Florida!
[Amber]: Bernadette keeps
telling me a story
about a bride who can't fit
into her wedding dress!
Isn't it obvious?
She's trying
to get into my head!
Oh... oh, no.
I'm sure she's just
trying to be funny.
You look beautiful...
and nervous.
Oh, honey, honey...
did you connect
with the steakhouse yet?
Jack's friend is catering
the reception dinner.
Charlie's got
all the orders a-okay.
Best steaks in town.
And you didn't forget
the seven vegan meals, right?
[Jack]: The vegans are cool.
It's all handled.
[Amber]: And you're going
to help your mom
with the slide show?
Amber, on it.
Relax, okay?
Take care of her.
See you.
Jack is as cool as a cucumber,
and I am falling apart.
Ever since
the wedding planner left,
everything is a mess!
Oh, relax.
I'm sure everything
can be handled
with a few phone calls.
What is this I hear
about an AWOL wedding cake?
The baker was supposed
to check in days ago,
and this is
a very special wedding cake
that I designed myself,
with meringue hearts...
there's a custom topper,
and "Love Forever"
written in marzipan.
Do you have
a number for this bakery?
It's somewhere
in the wedding
planner's notes.
All right.
I am calling them right now.
Thank you, Tess.
I knew you would help.
Our bakery
is permanently closed
at this location...
Oh... well, uh,
there's a reason
you haven't heard
from the bakery.
The recording says
they're closed.
For the day?
For forever.
Gone out of business.
but they have Daddy's deposit!
Oh, this is not good.
See, the wedding planner
is supposed to be handling this.
Yeah, what exactly happened
with the wedding planner?
She was super-opinionated.
Isn't that why you hire one?
but, I mean,
we were clashing from day one,
and then we got in the teeniest
little tiff over place-settings,
and she just quit!
Okay, well, it sounds like
you need a new bakery,
and fast.
Would you?
Oh, Tess, you are the best!
Oh... uh... well, I'm...
Yeah, you know?
I made it
through med school.
Think I can handle a cake.
Oh, but you will need a driver.
Oh, no...
Oh, yeah, no,
I'm-- I'm fine.
[Amber]: Tess,
I'm not going to trust you
to some Chicago cabbie.
- Michael!
- Yeah, me?
Yeah, no, I'm--
I'm good.
Yeah, she's good...
whatever it is!
Tess, Michael is from Chicago,
and you wouldn't mind
driving Tess to some bakeries,
would you, Michael?
Jack just rented this boat,
and we're going to go fishing
on the lake,
and all the groomsmen
are going.
Yes, please, go!
Yeah, I wouldn't want to get
between you and a fish.
[Amber]: Guys!
As Maid of Honor
and Best Man,
it is your duty to help!
Right, okay.
- Of course.
- Of course.
Yeah, and Michael
will help, right?
Right! Fine.
You guys are the best.
Okay, so, well...
I'm going
to start Googling bakeries,
and you go pull the car around.
Okay, fine.
Just remember, I'm a lawyer.
I'm not a chauffeur.
Okay, well,
maybe you could make a motion
toward the parking lot?
Very funny.
I thought so.
Can you move a little
quicker? Please?
I'm supposed
to be fishing,
not on some
crazy cake hunt.
Oh, you're not the only
one making sacrifices.
I had to move my shiatsu
massage until tomorrow.
Besides, helping a wedding
is a noble cause.
Who made you
wedding planner?
Everyone knows
when you lose
a wedding planner,
there is a clear line
of succession,
starting with
the Maid of Honor
and the Best Man,
all the way down
to the flower girl.
'Kay, none of that is true.
Do you honestly want
to trust crazy Aunt Millie
with the wedding?
Purple scarf?
No, but I don't understand
why you and I have to be
roped into this thing!
Well, Jack is your
best friend, right?
- Yeah.
- Amber's mine,
so let's just steer
this wedding
clear of the
icebergs, okay?
[phone chimes]
Oh, for cracking ice...
look at this!
Jack's cousin
just caught a trout.
The lucky stiff.
Oh, stop your
I am saving you from
sunburn and sea sickness.
Great bedside manners, Doc.
Oh, here it is!
I have a great feeling
about this place.
I'm not quite
sure I follow.
Can you run that by me again?
Well, for a wedding cake,
we'll simply make four layers,
and then we'll nix the lollipops
and keep the bow!
Oh, wow...
Can we get
a dozen of these...
11 to go?
So, you need
a wedding cake ASAP?
Have you two thought
this through?
What? Yes!
No! No, no, no, no, no.
It's not for us.
This is
what the bride wants.
"She" does, huh?
Quite the list.
Can you do it?
Of course.
We are the best bakery
in the city.
And that is why
we came to you first!
Why don't you have
a look around,
and I'll total this up.
These cakes
are the perfect metaphor
for a wedding...
treacle syrup,
assortment of nuts,
and just as expensive
as a small house.
Why are you so cynical
about weddings?
Weddings are wonderful!
I don't understand
why people would want
to spend a small fortune
on something that fails
55% of the time.
When Amber and I
were little girls,
we snuck under a hedge
and watched my neighbor's
backyard wedding.
It was magical.
You know, what's magical
is how a nest egg
can just disappear.
Trust me, in my line,
I have seen couples
where that money
should've been spent
on couples' counseling,
not on a wedding.
I'm starting
to see it now.
Yeah, I'm a doctor,
and I completely missed
the symptoms.
This is personal,
all of this wedding-bashing.
Wedding bashing?
The wedding
still on, you two?
That's ridiculous!
So is your timeline.
I don't suppose
you would consider
knocking that price down for us
just a little bit, do you?
I really like
your bakery,
and I could put a good word in
with the mayor.
He's getting married
in the spring.
You know the mayor?
Yeah, I got him
on speed-dial.
We went to law school together,
and I helped him pass ethics.
I'll see what I can do...
Thank you.
Ethics, yeah.
I've got to say,
I was super impressed
with you today.
to get a better price
on that cake...
Maybe change your
opinion about weddings?
No, I just couldn't bear
to see you steamrollered.
Yep, still you.
Tell me you got a cake?
Oh, no...
Thank you so much!
You two make
a great team.
Like orange juice
and toothpaste.
Still you.
But see?
Doesn't it make you
feel good,
seeing her that happy?
Yeah, totally.
'Kay, that was
so not heartfelt.
By the way,
good job playing backup today.
So you're saying
I'm like your nurse?
Oh, no,
I would never say that!
Nurses are heroic
and devoted to their work.
And I'll be leaving now.
See you at the ceremony.
Not a moment sooner.
Works for me.
- Hey!
- Howdy.
How's it going, bud?
- Hi.
- Hi.
what's his deal anyway?
He's Jack's
college roommate.
They go way back.
He's cute, huh?
Oh, well...
I mean, he certainly thinks
very highly of himself.
Well, you've got
good hair,
so he makes up
for it.
Well, all I know is,
you guys are rock stars
for getting that cake,
and I'm sorry I've been
so stressed this week.
Well, rule number one...
always keep a stressed
patient distracted.
So what do you think
about a round of golf
in the morning?
You're on.
[tapping glass]
Welcome, all.
I just want
to thank everyone
for joining us here
for this very happy occasion.
Now, everybody,
go find your bungalows,
because we've got four days
of fun and festivities
to look forward to.
How was that?
Very well done.
I know!
It's happening!
You've reached Dex.
You know what to do.
Hey, Dex.
I was just calling
to let you know
I got in okay, and...
that I miss you.
Wish you were here.
You would really love
this place.
Okay. Bye.
[Tess]: Isn't this great?
Getting out,
getting some fresh air,
some exercise...
getting your mind off of the...
The wedding?
Yeah, this is
a good stress reliever,
and I clearly needed it.
So... Jack's
been acting strangely.
How so?
Last night, I wanted
to go over the seating chart,
and he was absolutely nowhere
to be found.
I mean, I just...
I don't get it.
He's usually so reliable.
Do you think this is
a sign of things to come?
I'm sure
it's just a case of nerves.
Oh, speaking of nerves,
would you like
to write my wedding vows?
Your fifth-grade paper
on pilgrims was one thing.
Your wedding vows...
that's something else.
But I did get an "A"
on that paper.
Yeah, and ironically,
I turned mine in late.
Hey, you know what?
Let's go lose ourselves
in some waffles.
[phone chimes]
Yeah, uh...
oh, darn.
Oh, that's my Aunt Karen
from the airport.
Her flight
keeps getting bumped.
Oh, no!
You go ahead.
I'll meet you there.
What's up with the name tags?
Oh, it's a game
to help guests
get to know each other!
You get the name tag
with the name
of a famous person
put on your back...
And then you get somebody
to help you guess who you are.
So, Tess, any clues who I am?
Oh, uh,
you dropped out of Harvard
and became
one of the richest men
in the world.
Oh, I wish.
Then I could afford
this wedding.
Henry, you promised.
Tess, dear,
make sure you get
something to eat.
Oh, and any hints?
Who am I?
you like to
solve mysteries.
Think British.
It's elementary.
Sherlock Holmes?
Right you are!
Oh, perfect.
Now maybe I can solve
the mystery
of that missing boyfriend.
a pretty girl like you?
Oh, wow,
I'd better hurry.
They're almost out
of waffles!
Enjoying the perks?
Got about a day's
worth of calories
on that plate.
Yep, um...
I'm carb-loading.
I've got 18 holes of golf
out there with my name on them,
right after brunch.
Here, help me
figure out who I am?
Oh, you're immature.
You enjoy winning
and giving orders.
Ah... Napoleon?
Oh, you're talking
about the game?
Come on,
tell me who I am.
You're Peter Pan.
Ah. All right.
You are a woman,
you led an army,
and you're a martyr.
Joan of Arc.
Very fitting.
Old friend?
No, that's Dr. Hastings.
He's the head
of the medical board
at Northwestern.
I have never met him,
but I certainly
would like to.
Well, here's
your big chance.
I just don't know
what I would say.
I mean, you could start
with something like "hello."
Okay, here he comes.
Here he comes.
- [phone chimes]
- And there he goes.
I am getting paged.
What, by a patient?
No, by the...
by the bride.
Can you do help?
Can you do it?
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
Put down that bacon.
We've got a task.
Oh, no, no, no, no. No.
And you think
I am happy about this?
Amber's Aunt Karen
was supposed
to do something big
for the wedding,
and she missed
her flight!
Yeah, but I have a tee time,
and I'm going golfing,
and you should be getting
your massage
that you re-scheduled.
But the bride needs
her something-blue!
What is that?
"Something old, something new,
something borrowed,
something blue?"
but what is the "something?"
I don't know yet!
You know what?
You just go play golf,
but just answer me
this before you go
since you know this city
like the back of your hand.
Is there, like,
a really good vintage
accessories place?
In English?
Like, an antique
jewelry store.
I might... know a place.
Okay, great.
Thank you.
Let's go.
We don't have time.
You're going to starve!
I'm taking my bacon.
[Michael]: It's a perfect day
for golf.
Oh, quit sulking.
Anyway, helping people
is its own reward,
and besides, as Maid of Honor
and Best Man, it is our...
Sacred duty.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
but Jack Nicklaus just designed
this golf course back there,
And look,
I loved him in Chinatown,
but can we please get
this dog and pony show
on the road?
Okay, wait, what?
Where did that expression
come from?
Do you know?
Well, obviously, the dog needed
a sophisticated touch,
so they added a pony.
No, no, no, the pony needed
to appeal to the masses,
so they added the dog.
Is everything an argument
with you?
Wow, you really are
a lawyer.
Can we go, please?
Can you put down that...
I don't...
Hold it.
Okay, I'll hold it.
Yeah, thank you.
[starts the car]
Oh, I hate to say it, but...
this place looks perfect.
Let's head inside.
Look, I think
I'm just going to wait out here.
I don't want to go in, so...
It's a jewelry store,
not a haunted house.
Come on, help me
pick something out.
Ah, look!
Something blue.
All done. Let's go.
Um, a keychain?
I mean, look at that.
To unlock the secrets
of each other's hearts.
It's poetic.
Okay, Amber is not going
to pin a keychain
to her wedding dress.
How do you even know
about this place?
I... I just do.
Fine, be mysterious.
Oh, look at that!
Oh, yeah,
that's perfect.
Can we go now?
Oh, you know what? No.
Amber was swarmed
by dragonflies
when she was young.
She still has
Mm, that...
is perfect.
Really is.
What are you staring at?
Oh, nothing.
It's just
that it matches your eyes.
Oh, you know what?
I think it's a little...
I think it's a little flashy.
why do you even ask
for my opinion
if you're just going
to ignore it?
Oh, 'cause
when it comes to weddings,
you have everything backwards.
I ask for your opinion
so then I can do
the opposite.
That's ridiculous.
Okay, something blue...
That is exactly
what is wrong with weddings...
The traditions,
the pitfalls...
They turn what is supposed
to be some great party
into one big buffet of stress.
You just don't get it,
because a big event like this
for you,
all you have to do
are the three S's.
Ah, the three S's.
Yeah, shower,
shave, and show up.
That is not how
I remember it.
But the bride
is under so much pressure.
She's got the planning,
the organizing, the budgeting,
and then also, like,
the juggling of family,
and old friends
from college, even exes,
all the while
trying to look gorgeous
in a dress.
Wow. You have really put
some thought into this.
I'm just saying,
most of the heavy lifting
falls on the bride's shoulders,
so cut Amber some slack.
Amber has been in
Chicago long enough.
She can handle it.
They don't call us
the City of Broad Shoulders
for nothing.
Yeah, what does
that even mean?
You know,
it's the line
in the Carl Sandburg
poem "Chicago,"
and it means
we work hard here,
and even if that work
isn't pretty,
and even if it hurts,
Chicago people
push through.
We do what we have to do
to get things done.
Oh, uh...
just actually sounded poetic.
Thank you.
Is something wrong
with you?
And it's how I know
that your boyfriend
is not from Chicago.
And how's that?
Because he doesn't do
the heavy lifting,
like flying here for a wedding.
That is really ugly.
Then it must be perfect.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- [phone rings]
I've got to take this.
Yep. No problem.
[Dex]: Who were you talking to
back there?
Oh, that was Michael.
Yeah, we're out shopping
for jewelry.
He's the best man.
Yeah, we're just helping
Amber out.
You know, the bride,
she needs her something...
Hey, Tessie,
I need your help.
How soon do I need to take
that sea sickness medication
before yachting
to be absolutely positive?
Oh, just a couple of hours.
Got it. Thanks!
Hey, look...
I've got to run, babe.
I'll call you later.
Well, how...
Miss you. Bye.
Okay, bye.
Everything okay?
Boyfriend troubles?
Everything's fine.
Thank you for caring.
Oh, I have to pay
for the...
I already took care of it.
It's for a noble cause.
You're welcome.
[Michael]: They're probably
around the twelfth hole by now.
Don't you feel some
deep sense of satisfaction,
playing such a role in
someone else's happiness?
No, I feel a deep void
where the golf
would have gone.
Are we done?
Yes, thank goodness,
so you can go join
your friends,
and I finally get
to relax, too.
Ah, now you're
starting to get it!
We're headed to the spa,
and you're coming!
I've been meaning
to talk to you.
Now, you know about computers,
Why do you ask?
Well, it's the slideshow
for the rehearsal dinner.
Jack was supposed
to help me,
but I can't find him
and I'm in way over my head.
Tess, but you're due at the spa
right now.
I can help.
Thank you, honey.
Bye, Michael!
Now, you'll have time
to get to it
before the barbecue
meet and great.
Thank you, Tess.
You and Michael
have been such lifesavers.
So, what do you...
what do you think of him?
Oh, he's like
a foggy x-ray.
I can't figure him out.
Hey, hon', I'm going
to head back to the kitchen,
and grab some more
marshmallows and stuff
for the s'mores, okay?
We need 'em.
And there he goes again,
the amazing vanishing groom.
Stop worrying.
There's mountains
of marshmallows.
He just keeps making excuses
so that he can disappear.
He was AWOL for hours today.
He was probably
with his groomsmen.
No, no!
The groomsmen were at the gym.
Not Jack.
Oh, God, Tess,
what if I'm making
a huge mistake?
What do you mean?
Well, I love Jack,
but we are
very different people sometimes.
I am a morning person.
He's a night owl.
Jack loves the beach.
I hide from the sun.
I mean,
I love to dance.
I think Jack would rather be
tortured than dance.
Okay, Amber...
do you remember
the first day of college
when your keys
went missing,
and you thought for sure
your roommate had stolen them,
and the whole time,
they were in your nightstand,
and everything
was fine?
You are a worrier.
It's just what you do.
I know.
And you know the best
thing for cold feet?
So go get that
party started.
Please, go move
those feet.
Doctor's orders.
I'm going.
What kind
of a greeting is that?
Well, you know,
every time I see you,
we get dragged
into some kind of task.
That's actually true.
How was the rest
of your day?
It was great
actually, yeah.
Finally got
that round of golf in...
and I'm really sorry
you got roped
into that presentation.
I tried to help you.
And thank you
for trying,
but what choice
did I have?
I mean, no one was
lifting a finger,
and Mrs. Tilton gave
me the photo album,
and there was a scanner
in the business center.
at least you get
to enjoy all of this.
Looks like it's going
to be a beautiful night.
This sunset,
the fire coming...
and your laptop.
Wow! Okay.
For such an organized person,
I did not expect to see
such a cluttered desktop.
That's impressive.
in Bone Density Scanners"?
in Podiatry Treatments?"
I like to be
I have, like, 50
medical papers to read,
in my fun-time.
Promise not to invite me
to your fun-time.
Oh, I promise.
A hundred seconds of solitude?
What? Oh.
Yeah, of course.
What was I thinking?
Had to check
on the florist.
No stone unturned.
Hey, Tess?
Can I make
an observation?
In the 48 hours
that I've known you,
you pass up
a golf game,
you've eaten only
when forced to,
and you missed a spa day
so that you could work on
a slideshow presentation.
And your point?
My point is,
all these guests here,
they're having a blast.
When are you going
to join in?
Well, it just seems
like people keep
needing my help!
That's because
you let them.
Ever heard the phrase,
"Doctor, heal thyself"?
Look, there is
a silver lining
to me being busy
this weekend,
and that is that
it takes the focus off of me.
I swear,
if Bernadette asks me
where my "missing boyfriend" is
one more time,
I am going to snap!
And where is your
missing boyfriend?
Ha. Very funny.
Thank you.
I just have to survive
yoga with her tomorrow,
and then I can have
some peace.
Oh, carb-loading again?
Last two skewers
on the barbie,
and one's got
your name on it.
Don't confuse me
by being nice.
Fine, I'll eat 'em.
No, I'll...
What? What is it?
It's Dr. Hastings again.
[Michael]: Oh, yeah,
the guy from the brunch.
What is his
deal, anyway?
I'm up for this fellowship
at Northwestern,
and he is
on the selection committee.
Ah, so...
go say hi!
Hmm? No, no, no.
Well, he's having dessert,
you know, so...
Okay, so, if you get
the fellowship,
does that mean you're
moving to Chicago?
Oh, um,
I don't know.
It's complicated.
Ah, the boyfriend
doesn't like Chicago.
Oh, you just think
you have everyone's number,
don't you?
I can't help it.
After years and years
of patterns,
they just start to form.
Like, for example...
See those two
right there?
He just met
Jack's cousin.
and she really
likes him,
but she doesn't know
how he feels about her.
Well, how does
he feel about her?
Well... I know
it looks like he's wondering
if his kebabs are overcooked,
he likes her.
He likes her a lot.
Good work.
I'm impressed.
Yeah, you know,
in my line,
you get so you
can just glance
and understand
people's love-lives.
All right...
all right.
You're using
your professional skills.
I'm going to use mine.
The patient's
acute cynicism
suggests a build-up
of antibodies to weddings,
perhaps from
a prior trauma?
Oh, wait,
let me guess...
No. I mean, yes...
Okay, a couple--
two or three years ago,
I was engaged...
and I just went
with the flow,
sunk a ton of money
into a big wedding
that she wanted.
You know,
the whole hoopla...
the string quartet,
and the... doves.
[laughs] You?
Did not see that one coming.
Yeah, I was all in,
everything but the
break-dancing bears.
Then, three months
before our wedding,
she met somebody else, and...
at a wedding, ironically.
Yeah, and then,
you know,
the jewelry store today...
No! Don't tell me...
That's not
where you got the ring!
And where
I returned it.
Oh, Michael...
I'm really sorry.
It's in the past.
Yeah! Hey.
To Jack and Amber.
To Jack and Amber.
The last two skewers.
You know, I actually studied
to practice environmental law.
So, why divorce law?
I just kind of fell into it.
I took a couple cases
at the beginning,
and turned out
I was really good at it.
You know, we both work
in fields that involve pain.
My specialty is making it
quick and painless,
but I'd like
to switch fields some day.
So why don't you
put out some feelers
to law firms you actually
want to work with?
You know, you could...
Tess, stop.
I am the one person
that doesn't need your help.
I'm fine.
Well, this is me.
I'll see you tomorrow,
and thanks for dinner.
It was...
Good night.
Good night.
And good luck
with bridesmaids' yoga.
Be strong.
And we greet the morning...
as we complete
our sun salutations,
moving into Warrior I,
welcoming peace.
Tess? Tess!
Are you sure
I did the seating plan okay?
There's not
too many strangers
sitting together
at each table?
No, you're good.
I checked.
And reaching for the earth...
a calming inner light.
So this missing
boyfriend of yours,
what's his deal anyway?
Focus, please?
And back to center,
placing the elbow
on the knee and twist.
And how long have you
been going out for?
Almost two years.
And he still didn't
come with you?
I'll tell you
why he isn't here.
He's afraid
he's going to have to put
a ring on that finger!
It is not that at all!
You have to turn
the screws, honey!
That's how I got
Henry to propose.
Hey, Tess!
[Tess]: Michael?
What are you doing?
Come with me
if you want to live.
That does not
seem relaxing.
Most tense yoga session ever,
The Dalai Lama
would not have approved.
Why do girls talk like that
when they're working out?
Guys just work out
when they're working out.
Anyway, forget about
all that and hurry,
or we're going to be
late for our tee time.
I'm not playing golf.
Sure you are...
with them.
Yeah, I ran into them
this morning at the Pro Shop,
and since they were
looking for a foursome,
and you wanted
to meet Dr. Hastings...
What... are you doing?
I'm helping you
help yourself.
I've got to go change!
I'll get the cart.
Dr. Hastings?
Dr. Harper.
When they were kids,
Tess here used
to perform surgery
on Amber's broken dolls.
And from what I hear,
Tess's golf game is as good
as her bedside manner.
Dr. Hastings,
in full disclosure,
I'm a finalist
for the fellowship
at Northwestern.
We can enjoy
our golf game
and talk about anything
besides work!
Bedside manner?
I should have said
bedside manner first,
then golf game after.
I don't know
if bedside manner needed
to be included at all.
I know.
[Dr. Hastings]:
So for my money,
the best steak in Chicago,
Benny's Chop House,
hands down.
Oh, I'll be sure
to check it out.
[phone chimes]
The bride has a question.
I'm sure it can wait.
Devoted to golf.
I respect that.
except I think this wedding
is making me lose my mind.
[phone chimes]
Wedding planner
says I still owe her five grand.
No matter!
[phone rings]
[pants, short of breath]
Yes, dear?
I'm sure if they
don't have posies,
then mums are fine.
How much extra?
No. Fine.
You know, I thought
this wedding would be
a simple get-together,
but now there's harpists...
there's a cheese sommelier...
there's more food
than an army needs.
There's a charging station
by the sangria bar.
I mean, this isn't a wedding,
it's a... it's a...
it's a runaway train.
Mr. Tilton!
[Dr. Hastings]:
Oh, oh, oh, okay.
Michael, will you get the cart
and some water, please?
Yep, on it.
[Tess]: Take some
deep breaths, okay?
Do you feel dizzy or cold?
- No.
- Okay, just breathe.
I'm okay now.
[Tess]: Yeah, I think
it was just a mild panic attack
and maybe a little dehydration.
You know,
I'd really, really like
to get you out of the sun
and rehydrated...
thank you...
and up to the clubhouse.
Do you think
you can get up okay?
That sounds like a good idea.
Listen, all of you,
you play on, okay?
Sorry, sir,
not a chance, no, no.
I need to re-check
your vitals inside.
here, actually,
I'll take this for you.
I think we've had
enough excitement
for one day, yeah?
Just breathe.
Thank you.
Good work out there.
Good bedside manner.
Thank you for the assist.
Look out, watch your head.
Okay. Ready?
You're clear, yeah.
Go ahead.
Not on the green!
You guys are going to love
the dance lesson.
Oh, are we?
- Uh...
- Yep.
You were pretty great
out there,
and I think Dr. Hastings
took notice.
That was a nasty
trick you played,
surprising me
with golf...
and a nice one.
Uh, Jack?
Honey, let's start.
Ooh, yeah, actually,
I'm going to have
to sit this one out.
What? Why?
Hmm? Oh, I...
I did something
to my hamstring
playing golf today.
Oh, you know,
dancing might help stretch
that hamstring out.
You sure?
It's, like, it's really sore.
Okay, yeah.
You should probably ice it
and keep it inclined.
Thanks, Doc.
I better get some ice, honey.
You know,
doctor's orders, so...
I'm sorry.
It seems super fun.
But he...
he's the one who needs
the dance lesson.
He's got two left feet!
I want to look good
for our wedding dance.
This is really important
to me!
Maybe you're right
about weddings
making people crazy.
Huh, you're beginning
to see the light.
[instructor claps]
Partner up, people.
We've got
lots to learn,
and only an hour.
Uh, partner up.
Seems like we're being
tasked again.
[music plays]
Well, I should warn you,
I am a little rusty...
and you're really good.
Fringe benefit of
my near-miss wedding.
My fiance forced me
to get lessons
for a ridiculous wedding dance
that never actually happened.
Oh, don't blame it
on the wedding dance.
Why not?
the wedding dance is...
it's beautiful.
It's romantic.
It's the first steps
a new couple takes together,
under the lights
and the music.
Wow, you are
a hopeless romantic, aren't you?
Emphasis on the "hopeless."
You've got some moves.
Well, the E.R.
is a bit of a dance...
you know, evading gurneys,
dodging bedpans...
Yeah, I got it.
Yep, yep.
Okay. Oh, no...
Aunt Millie's all alone.
[Michael sighs]
As sorry as I feel
for Aunt Millie,
you and I are here,
on the dance floor.
but that's the whole thing
about a wedding, right,
is everybody gets
to join in the fun.
It's okay.
[phone rings]
Oh, you know what?
I have to take this.
I'll be right back, okay?
Are you ready
for your trip?
All systems go.
Don't forget
your Dramamine.
and how's it going with you?
Uh, actually...
surprisingly fun.
What's all that noise?
Oh, it's music.
Just a little dancing going on.
See everything
you're missing?
Hey, hold on a sec.
I've got to get rid
of another call here.
Hello... Dex?
Quick, quick, slow, slow.
Quick, quick, slow, slow.
Move faster with that one.
Quick, quick, slow, slow.
Slow, slow.
Quick, quick, slow.
There is nothing
like Chicago pizza.
Well, you won't be without it
much longer, right?
Mm? Yeah...
Let me guess.
Dex hasn't agreed to Chicago
if you get the fellowship?
Okay, it's fine.
You don't want
to talk about it.
I won't twist your arm.
I've got enough
on my mind already.
Is that...?
Hey, hon'.
What are you doing,
creeping around?
What? Uh...
I was just...
getting some ice
for my hamstring.
Yeah, I don't want
to limp down the aisle.
That wouldn't be good.
Uh... but you guys
have fun, 'kay?
Better go before the ice
machine closes, though,
so... I'll see
you guys in a bit.
What is he up to?
Sneaking around...
ducking out on duties...
is wonderful,
but what if
there is a "Married-Jack"
that I don't know yet,
who keeps secrets,
and doesn't care
about the things
that are important to me?
Oh, Amber, where do I start?
Tess, am I getting cold feet?
You should really
talk to Jack
about these worries.
is the best medicine.
I know, I know, but...
I'm afraid to.
It's the wedding week.
I don't want
to have a big showdown.
I just wish
that he would make
an extra effort
once in a while...
and Tess,
you deserve that, too.
Don't give me that look.
You don't think you deserve
the same thing from Dex?
Look, we are talking
about you right now.
Yeah, well, don't worry.
Cold feet aren't contagious.
Well, don't you worry.
You are going to have
the fairytale wedding
you have dreamed of
since we were kids.
I promise.
That was very sweet of you
back there,
asking Aunt Millie
to dance.
Hey, she's got
a fantastic foxtrot.
I may have misjudged
you a little.
I think it's possible
that I might've misjudged you
just a tiny bit, too.
So listen,
tomorrow's a pretty big day.
We have the rehearsal,
you have your slide show,
but I was thinking...
Oh, you are not
we play hooky on
our wedding duties.
No, we still help
with the wedding,
but then we also
take some time
for some R and R...
some... fun!
Best of both worlds?
What do you think?
And good night to you, too.
What a great way
to start the day.
You mind if we stop,
just for a minute?
I thought for sure
you'd be able to keep up.
Well, A, I did keep up,
and B, it's three times
around the golf course.
It's a lot of running.
But you're a lawyer.
I thought you'd be
especially long-winded.
Ha, that's very funny.
Can we...
just take a little break?
Break? This is...
I'm supposed to be
having fun today!
Yes, fun,
but not at my expense.
All right, well,
let's see...
we still have time before
the wedding rehearsal,
so we could
Schedule? No way!
You can't schedule fun!
Hey, guys?
The bakery's van
just pulled up.
Could I possibly draft
you to take a look?
Sure, yeah.
Piece of cake.
Oh, thank you!
Very punny.
Thank you.
Exactly as the bride requested.
Belgian cocoa, French cream,
the finest Japanese marzipan,
and I crafted the cake
topper also as requested,
in pure Madagascar sugar,
infused with orange blossoms
and vanilla.
Wow... nice work.
We aim to please.
On time, and on budget,
and the mayor's going to
hear about this, right?
Yes, of course.
I'm a man of my word.
[Tess]: Thank you
so, so much.
It's perfect.
The bride is going
to be so happy.
Okay, we need to get this cake
into that refrigerator.
Yep, and just, just...
ooh, be so, so, so, so careful.
It is a masterpiece.
Watch the corner!
Okay, okay.
[Tess]: Oh, no,
the sugar groom's arm fell off!
This is very bad.
It's very bad.
Very bad.
Maybe Amber--
she might not even notice that?
Are you kidding?
Amber would notice
a flower petal out of place
on a centerpiece
a hundred feet away.
She sees bad omens
in every mistake!
What are we
going to do?
We can sub in
a plastic one.
No, no,
plastic's not going to work.
So what do you suggest?
What can we do?
a little more light, please.
Oh, yeah, gladly...
and thanks for bumping
me up to nurse.
'Kay, um...
Frosting, check.
Nope... yes!
The ulna and the radius
are going to make
a full recovery.
I'd say
you've got a pretty steady hand
in a crisis.
I knew that
surgical residency
would pay off one day.
Well, now that
the crisis is averted,
I think it's time
for some of that fun
that you promised.
What did you have in mind?
I was thinking
maybe a little golf...
not for networking,
just for fun.
Why are you so quiet?
Off my game a little bit,
but I'm gracious in defeat,
or pretending to be.
We still have a little time
before the rehearsal,
and a golf cart
at our disposal.
What say we explore
the resort a little bit?
Yeah, there's probably some
great picnic areas around here.
You know what, I really should
check on a few patients.
What, you're not on call
this week, are you?
And they're in good hands?
So they'll be fine...
and you remember
our deal, right?
Fun when our work is done?
You know what,
you're right.
I'm what?
Does this thing have a stereo?
Hope so.
All right.
Let's rock and roll!
I wonder where Tess is.
She's not answering
any of my calls.
What do you need her for, dear?
Maybe I can help.
No, I just...
wanted to check in.
What is it?
You arranged the orders
for the rehearsal dinner?
No, Jack did. Why?
Well, there's been
some confusion.
The caterers are here now,
and apparently,
the vegan dinners...
are chicken.
Jack was supposed
to handle this!
Maybe you can give him a call.
I have been trying to text him
for over an hour!
There's no answer.
have you seen Jack?
I saw him
with the other groomsmen
back at the Commodore Club.
I'm sure he'll be back soon.
Amber, Amber...
big breaths.
and out...
[Michael chuckles]
Enjoying some of
the wedding perks?
Think I'm starting
to get the hang of it.
What do you think that cloud
looks like right there?
[Tess]: Oh, obviously,
it's a kidney.
No, obviously, it's a gavel.
Everyone sees the world
through their own filter.
To cows,
all they see is grass.
That's true.
To the cows, then.
To the cows.
Michael, I just want
to say thank you.
For what?
For reminding me
to enjoy myself
while I'm here.
You're welcome.
Thank you, too.
For what?
Well, I've spent
the last three years
splitting people apart.
It's nice to actually play
a small role
in bringing people together.
So thanks for
roping me in.
That cloud now
looks like a bunny.
Oh, ooh,
and that one looks like...
A heart!
Oops, sorry.
My fault!
That is totally
my fault.
It is your fault.
You know what?
We should probably get
to this rehearsal dinner.
I told Mrs. Tilton
I would set up
the slideshow, and...
oh, my gosh,
my phone is dead.
My phone never dies!
Hold on.
What time do you have?
What time?
We kind of lost track
of time.
Yeah, we're late!
We're running late!
We've got to go!
Yes, we've got to go.
[Tess]: Oh, no.
Oh, no, no, no.
[phone rings]
Forget? No!
No, I'm coming down the hall
right now!
Oh, I know.
I am so, so sorry
that I missed the rehearsal,
but no, I'm here.
Yep, here I come.
Where have you been?
I am so sorry.
I lost track of time.
This rehearsal dinner,
I mean, it's a disaster!
Just take a deep breath.
That's right.
That's good...
and relax.
Now, go sit down.
I'm going
to get this fancy video out,
going to entertain everybody.
Jack's responsibility
was the presentation!
I can explain...
but later.
You go sit down, okay?
Jack, why did you pass
the presentation on to Tess?
Honey, relax, okay?
She's got it,
and you've got
dessert coming.
It's going
to be great.
[clears throat]
I'd like to welcome you all
here, and, uh...
before we have dessert,
I'd just like to say
how grateful I am
that we are all here
to celebrate
the happy couple...
Amber and Jack.
And I have a very
special treat for you,
courtesy of the wonderful
technical assistance
of our multitalented
Maid of Honor, Tess,
some beautiful moments
and tender memories
from the happy
couple's lives,
for your viewing pleasure...
[Tess]: Uh...
[Mrs. Tilton]:
Just one second!
Just a small technical glitch.
Just a moment.
come on...
This tutorial will cover
recent innovations
in bunion treatment
as well as...
Why isn't it working?
...A bunion presents typically
as a bony prominence
from realignment of the joint
at the base of the toes...
This is wrong, this is wrong.
...Treatment of bunions
may include rest,
icing, and orthotics...
I'll see if I can help her.
...More drastic measures
include medication and surgery.
I clicked the wrong file!
What happened?
Oh, my gosh.
Oh. Oh...
I clicked...
I don't know!
trying to...
There, does it work?
I think it worked.
It's not
so bad, right?
It's so bad.
didn't notice.
[Tess]: That was so bad.
Everyone noticed.
Amber, I am so sorry.
This whole fiasco
is all my fault.
I should've planned more
for my presentation.
No, the presentation
was Jack's responsibility,
and the catering,
and he failed
at them both!
So Tess did need help!
I... was busy.
Doing what?
Hanging out with your groomsmen?
I mean, technically,
yes, but...
Look, Amber, I think
you've got this all wrong.
Jack has a really good
reason for being away.
Why does everybody keep
making excuses for him?
Amber! Amber!
Weddings, they...
really bring out the best
in people.
This is not good.
The bride has melted down.
She's been upset with me
all week.
Maybe I should just
tell her the truth?
That is not a good idea.
Okay, but should I be
taking advice
from a divorce attorney?
Jack, I'm your Best Man,
and I'm your best friend.
It's my advice.
Honey, I am so sorry,
but this will all
be over tomorrow...
in a good way!
I just don't think
I can go through
with this wedding.
Oh, Amber,
it'll be okay.
Just go inside.
I will check in
on you later, okay?
Thanks, Tess.
I took my eye off the ball.
It's not so bad.
It could have been
a lot worse.
Yeah, yeah...
I could have clicked on
the nose job presentation.
And in my efforts
to try and help everyone,
I ended up
ruining everything.
I let down my friend,
and you want to know
the icing on the cake?
I sabotaged any chance...
any chance of that fellowship.
Just a sec...
the fellowship?
I didn't exactly wow
Dr. Hastings
with my organizational skills.
Tess, I think
this is all in your head.
This has nothing to do
with your qualifications!
And you want to know
the worst of it?
I botched the wedding.
Okay, look, it is wonderful
how much you take care
of everybody else,
but I think...
Thank you...
and really,
the silver lining in all of this
is that you have just
proven yourself
to be a really great guy,
and I...
Let me guess.
The missing boyfriend?
Uh, yeah...
he's not supposed
to be here.
I think that's probably
my cue to go.
No, no, no. No.
Stay, meet him.
No, you guys have
a good night.
Hey, beautiful.
What a surprise!
didn't expect this.
- It's good to see you.
- Yeah.
[Tess]: I don't understand.
I didn't think you were coming.
I know,
but then I realized
how important
this was to you,
and I wanted
to surprise you.
Well, mission
Tess, I've been
thinking a lot...
about the last couple weeks,
the fellowship
at Northwestern...
everything, really...
and I started to see
that I've been handling
this all wrong.
How so?
I know how hard you've worked
for this fellowship,
and even getting this far
is an accomplishment,
and it wasn't fair of me
to not support you in that...
especially since I didn't come
to the table
with a strong counter-offer.
A counter-offer?
I have a solution
for this whole
Chicago-Boston thing.
What if I proposed?
Well, proposed to propose?
What if I finally pulled
the trigger on this?
Dex, are you trying to keep me
from taking the fellowship
by asking me to marry you?
No, I...
not exactly.
Because I didn't get it.
No... I...
Dex, look, I have
a counter-proposal for you...
that we just be friends.
But we're such a great team.
Teams support
each other...
but with us,
it's always me supporting you...
helping you re-do your office,
or helping you get that
all-important promotion,
or just supporting you
in work in general.
you are not
the bad guy here.
I chose this...
and I can choose something new.
Is that what you truly want?
It is.
Finally got in
a round of golf.
Yeah, just hitting
a couple balls.
Michael, I really need
to ask your help for something.
Can you please tell me
where the groom
has been hiding himself?
I don't know, Tess.
I've been sworn to secrecy.
See, Amber's actually thinking
of not going through
with the wedding,
and she can't find
the groom, yet again.
This will be the last favor
I do for the bride.
Then I'm done.
[Tess]: I did find out
where your missing groom
has been spending his time.
You did?
The Shangri-La room
up in the clubhouse.
Oh, thank goodness!
Tess, can you go
talk to him for me?
Just find out
what's been going on,
this all out?
The rest is up to you.
You have to go talk to him
But... you're
my best friend.
and it's time for you
to stand on your own two feet.
Wait, where are you going?
I am treating myself
to a spa day.
[phone rings]
Hi, stranger.
How's it going, Tess?
Let me guess.
Putting out fires
for the bride?
you couldn't be farther
from the truth.
I am in a robe,
headed to the spa for a visit.
I must've called
the wrong number.
This is Tess Harper, right?
I think so.
Oh, Maddy,
it's all just been so crazy.
Dex showed up.
Maddy, it's over.
I did what I should have done
a long time ago.
Are you okay?
Actually... yes.
Then congratulations.
I've got to run.
Doc Williams needs me
on an appendectomy.
Thank you, Maddy.
- Bye for now.
- Bye.
which do you want?
The hot stone treatment,
shiatsu, or maybe
a relaxation wrap?
All of the above.
[tango music plays]
What's going on?
- Amber, um...
- Okay, I...
I don't know what the heck
is going on here, but...
It's a dance lesson,
the last of ten,
and time's a-wasting.
A dance lesson?
Can you just give
us a second?
This is what I've been doing.
Bernadette was standing
in for you to help me,
to prep for the wedding dance.
You know
what a terrible dancer I am.
I just...
I wanted to surprise you.
I am surprised.
That's the tango.
I'm still working on it.
Great minds think alike.
Excuse me?
An old trick I learned
working the E.R.
out of med school...
grab rest when you can.
Wise words.
That's quite a presentation
you made yesterday.
don't remind me.
It was an honor to meet you,
Dr. Hastings,
and I really do hope
that our paths
will cross sometime
in the distant future.
Why do you say that?
Are you withdrawing
from the fellowship?
Oh, no.
No, no, no.
I just-- I just assumed,
after yesterday,
and that...
it was...
it was an honor to meet you.
Just tell me,
for future reference...
should I call you Tess,
or Dr. Harper?
Well, I meant what I said
back at our golf game.
What happens at this wedding
has no bearing
on the committee's decision,
good or bad.
Oh, and, um...
your office
will be down the hall from mine.
I'm sorry.
I... I...
I don't understand.
I don't think I'm...
The board voted
yesterday to accept you,
but the decision
was only made public today.
I'm sorry
I couldn't tell you any earlier,
but when I saw you in
action on the golf course,
I knew we made
the right decision.
Oh, um, sorry.
Oh, sorry.
And what are you
smiling about?
[exhales happily]
I got the fellowship!
Oh, Tessie!
That's great!
Does this mean you're
going to stay in Chicago?
Yeah, Dex and I
are through.
Yeah, it just,
it wasn't a match.
How are you doing?
You know,
everything's fixed.
And you fixed it.
See, you stood up
for yourself.
You didn't need my help.
No, just a push.
So, now that you're
going to be in town,
maybe there's a better
match for you here?
What are you getting at?
No one knows you
like I do, Tess,
and from the first moment
that Jack introduced
me to Michael,
I just...
I knew that the two
of you would hit it off,
and then when Dex
bailed on you,
it just, you know...
that was the final straw.
Final straw for what?
Well... you
gave me a push.
- More like a shove.
- Yeah.
Well, I gave you one, too.
What are you talking about?
I thought I'd indulge
in a little fiction
to try and get you
to spend some time
with Michael.
Wait, so...
so what,
this whole Bridezilla thing,
it was all an act?
Well, no,
that part...
that part was real,
but the part
where Michael picked
you up at the airport,
and the rest...
I just remembered,
the rental car
is in Dex's name.
Oh, don't worry.
I'll arrange someone
to pick you up.
Oh, no, you don't have
to do that, truly.
And technically,
I don't have an Aunt Karen
bringing me something blue.
Sending you two
on that scavenger hunt,
that was just a ruse
to try and get you
to spend time together.
Why, you sneaky...
I know my best friend,
and you do like
a challenge,
and Michael likes a woman
who can think for herself.
I can't believe
you would do that to me.
No, not "to" you,
Tess. "For" you.
I mean, there's no way
I was going
to let you choose Dex
over the fellowship.
He never treated
you as a priority,
and everybody knew
that except for you.
Well, things didn't exactly
work out with Michael...
but thank you
for being worried
about me.
Now, I'm sorry...
I think we have
a wedding to get to?
Oh, yeah, it's...
do you like my dress?
Oh, yeah, you're ready.
Let's go.
No, you're good.
I know you're allergic
to weddings.
You'll let me know
if you start feeling faint?
And you let me know
if you feel any compulsion
to fix
any of the floral arrangements.
Actually, your boutonniere
is a little off.
Let me just...
Last thing I'll fix,
I promise.
Here goes.
Be strong,
and if you start
seeing stars,
it's just people
throwing rice.
Wow, you look like a man
headed to the gallows.
Any last words?
We made a good team.
We did.
Friends and family,
we are gathered here today
to witness and to celebrate
the union of Amber and Jack
in marriage.
I believe
they've written their own vows?
I vow to always love you
and to make you happy...
in championship seasons
and in slumps...
on sunny days,
and really cold ones
when I have to use a snowblower.
I will always be there for you.
a friend showed me this week
what true caring means...
to help someone
when they need it,
and to let them
help themselves, too.
I vow to love you
and support you in every way.
May we have the rings, please?
Then, by the authority granted
by the state of Illinois,
I now pronounce you
husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
- Finally.
- Welcome to the family.
Are you...
tearing up?
Me? No, no...
I think it's the, um...
I think it's the flowers
or something.
I don't think
it's the flowers.
Maybe somebody
has a cat.
Definitely no cats
at this wedding.
Do you need a Kleenex?
I'm okay.
I'm so happy.
Okay, right.
It's got a nice ring to it.
Hello, everybody.
My name is Tess.
I am the Maid of Honor.
I am also the one responsible
for that slide show yesterday.
You're welcome.
Amber and I have been
best friends since kindergarten,
and I just have to say
what a great friend
she has been.
She absolutely deserves
this amazing wedding.
Weddings are about
traditions and customs,
some of which may seem crazy,
some wonderful...
but weddings
are also about having fun...
and I just want
to thank a special someone
for helping me realize
we can enjoy both.
And now,
it's time for a wedding dance.
[classical music playing]
It's not bad.
I'd say so.
Where's Dex?
Headed back to Boston.
I'm sure the two of you
will be very happy together.
Oh, I'm sure
we'll be very happy...
just not together,
that's for sure.
The thing is...
I got that fellowship
I wanted.
So, Chicago, huh?
See, the way I see it...
Chicago has
a lot of potential...
in a whole lot of ways.
Don't worry.
I know you're not a big fan
of the wedding dance.
Yeah, that was before.
Before what?
Before you.
What was that thing
that you said
about the wedding dance?
the first steps two people take
in their life together...
to music.
may I have this dance?
This has been
my favorite wedding...
so far.
[Michael]: Mine too.
I think
they're, uh...
You're such
a matchmaker.
That's the only reason
you had this wedding, isn't it?