My Favourite Fabric (2018) Movie Script

Can you close the window please?
The draught is bothering me.
Can you close the window?
Close the window.
My daughter's cold.
Close the window. It's cold.
Why didn't you cover her up?
It's only March.
I want her to breathe.
Well, I can't breathe
when the window's closed.
I can't stand this draught any longer.
Close the window, for God's sake.
Let me step out.
There's no public transport
around here.
Let her out.
That's enough. We want to go home.
Can't leave a girl on her own here.
Come on! Move!
Why don't you eat?
It's been several days.
You're getting me worried.
It doesn't eat
because it doesn't like this place.
Got it?
Samir's parents called.
- They're coming on Sunday.
- Really?
the man we've all been waiting for.
Why can't he find a girl in the US?
Because he wants a girl from home.
Let him marry under the bombs then.
We'll all live in the US afterwards.
Pass me some bread.
Don't meet him, Nahla.
I've never seen him.
Maybe I won't like him.
Maybe he won't like you.
I hope you won't like him.
Hair always grows under my skin.
My legs are never soft.
I must go.
I can't.
You bastard!
I've been waiting for two hours.
I swear next time...
We've got new neighbours.
I hope they'll be better
than the last ones.
I've never liked this neighbourhood.
It's all your father's fault.
Here you go again...
That's how you sew a button.
I'm on my way, I'm late.
Take care.
Stop blaming Dad.
Be careful not to break anything.
Be careful.
Two more flights of stairs.
All right.
Why did you go downstairs?
I told you to stay with Shirin.
But I must go to school.
You can skip school today.
You're late anyway.
I'll take you to school tomorrow.
- But they will punish me.
- You'll just say you were ill.
I won't let them punish you.
Don't break it.
Two tickets, please.
The movement started
discreetly on 15 March.
A few hundred demonstrators rallied
after an online call for protests
invoking the Arab spring.
The movement gathered momentum
when 15 teenagers
were imprisoned in Deraa, in the south,
for anti-government graffiti.
I didn't hear.
Is Manal here?
No, she hasn't arrived yet.
You're late
and you don't pick up the phone.
The window must be changed.
But we've just changed it!
No. It must be changed.
It must be changed often.
I'll drop by in the afternoon.
And I might call again.
He always looks at me funny.
He creeps me out.
He likes staring at girls.
It's his thing.
Stop fussing.
Every time you see me
talk to a man
you start acting weird.
You know, Nahla...
I'd like to go see my parents
in the countryside.
I don't know, I'm scared.
If something happened here,
it would be horrible.
The government is trying
to ease tensions
and control the situation...
Let them teach these thugs a lesson.
What about the ones shooting them
and locking them up? What are they?
It's the right thing to do.
I don't want you
to get involved in this mess.
You must be careful.
And not talk about it.
It's not our business.
Really? Whose business is it then?
We live in this country, don't we?
And you, what do you think?
What they think?
The same as me.
Do your homework.
You're wasting your time.
I'm done.
Do you take me for an idiot?
Go to your room. Now!
It doesn't fit.
Can I see something else?
This one here.
What do you think?
I don't know. I'm tired.
Are there other colours?
Let me see.
Rime, it won't work
if you act this way.
Say something.
Say what? There's nothing I like.
Am I supposed to pretend?
I don't have it in other colours,
but there's another style.
I don't like it.
Why am I asking you?
You've got no taste whatsoever.
What about this dress?
Do you have it in purple?
No, we don't.
Can't you make a decision?
Isn't it your job?
Excuse her. She's a bit nervous.
Do you want me to...?
I want nothing.
Why'd you do that?
These taste awful.
My boyfriend likes it.
You don't know about these things.
Oh, I almost forgot.
I brought it, as promised.
Where is it? Here it is.
It's pheromone perfume.
Don't spray too much.
You'll tell me if it worked on him.
I'm not sure it will help.
I've tried it. Guaranteed.
If it doesn't work,
it means he's gay.
Good evening.
Good evening.
I am Nahla.
I live two floors down.
Yes, I know. I saw you.
I'm sorry to disturb you
at this hour, but...
I needed to speak to you.
Speak? To me?
How long will
the renovation works last?
I know the noise is bothering everyone
in the building,
but they need to be done.
I'm not the one who's bothered.
Who is then?
It's my mother.
She's very sensitive to noise.
We're sorry.
My mother's waiting for me.
Good night.
Say, "Stay."
Say, "Stay, Nahla."
Stay, Nahla.
Say, "Stay and don't go."
Stay and don't go.
"Stay and don't go, Nahla."
Stay and don't go, Nahla.
I must go.
They're waiting for me.
We need to hurry.
Everything must be perfect.
I'll light a candle,
so that everything goes well.
Come on, get up.
You didn't take a day off
to laze about in bed.
- Do you know what you'll be wearing?
- No, not yet.
What happened is very concerning.
The use of force...
against demonstrators
is a serious matter.
It is unacceptable and intolerable.
Our country is going through
a major political crisis.
The Syrian people's demands
are legitimate:
freedom, the end of corruption,
and the lifting of the emergency law...
I'm going out to buy stuff.
I'll be back.
Take your keys with you.
I'm off to uni.
Good morning.
Am I disturbing?
A bit, but it's OK.
Don't worry.
The works will be completed today.
That's not why I came.
I just wanted to pay you a visit.
We'll be more comfortable there.
Your flat is larger than ours.
Two seconds, I'm coming.
Thank you.
These chocolates are for you.
We'll eat them with the coffee.
How's your mother?
Not too bad. She's resting.
Do you live alone with her?
No, I have two sisters.
Three girls.
How about you?
It depends.
But you have a little boy, don't you?
Speak of the devil...
Mum, I need your help.
- Ask one of the girls.
- I want it to be you.
I'm busy.
You're always busy!
Who is she?
Stop it.
Stop it or I'll slap you.
Do your homework,
you'll get a present.
You always tell me lies.
- I want to go home.
- This is home!
No. Home is at Dad's.
Where is your father?
Where is he, huh?
He comes and goes when it suits him.
Leaving one's country is always hard.
I've lived in the US for 30 years,
but I should have gone to Canada
like my brothers.
And you?
Me what?
Which country do you prefer?
I was very young when I left Syria.
My parents decided for me.
I can't remember.
Does it rain?
Does it rain where you live?
Yes. Sometimes.
What's your job?
My job?
I work at a clothes shop.
May I smoke?
Line, can you open the door?
Good evening.
I'm your upstairs neighbour.
May I borrow a ladder?
Can you carry it on your own?
Yes, don't worry.
- Samir?
- Yes.
Does it rain often where you live?
I told you, yes.
I work.
My job's very tough.
On weekends,
I go out with my brothers and sisters.
I like my nephews.
We have picnics.
Your life is boring.
To me it's not.
Can I have a glass of water?
Nahla, my name's Nahla.
I know.
And what else
do you know about me?
I'd like to know more, actually.
Good evening.
Here's my daughter Myriam.
- How are you?
- So how was your day?
Is she your youngest?
Are you here for the ladder?
Yes. My sister can't reach
the mezzanine.
Come in.
It's over there.
Sorry, darling.
I forgot to give it back.
Even these fishes
have a better memory than you.
Help her.
Not what I came here for.
It's OK. I'll manage.
I've got nothing to do with it.
It's always my fault!
How did this chocolate box disappear?
- No idea.
- It was very expensive.
Here's the ladder.
Why didn't you let me help?
It's fine.
Do you know where the chocolates are?
No, I don't.
Where the hell is this chocolate box?
I'm going to bed.
Do you like him?
Come on, tell me.
Tell you what?
Do you like him?
I don't know.
What don't you like about him?
I want to sleep.
Good night.
Good night.
I hope there is no trouble
in your neighbourhood.
No, it's OK.
Let's hope that it will end.
And that they kill these thugs
destroying our country.
We were safe.
Yes, of course.
The military's presence has intensified
as witnesses claim to have seen
at least 20 army vehicles
heading towards the city
to back up the police,
special forces, and militias...
Why do you knock
if you have keys?
Hi. Can I ask you a favour?
Yes, naturally.
Can you look after Shadi
for an hour or two?
Of course.
Sorry for coming without warning.
Be good and polite,
or you know what'll happen.
I know, but only one hour.
Thank you so much. See you later.
Do you live alone?
Are you married?
No, I'm not married.
Do you have children?
I'm not married, so no.
But who am I going to play with?
With me.
I'm tired of grown-ups.
There are only grown-ups around me.
What about your schoolmates?
They hate me, and I hate them too.
- Do you like turtles?
- Yes.
Here you go.
Is there going to be a war?
I don't know. Nobody knows.
- Do you like it?
- Yes.
Can I keep it?
- No.
- Why?
- Because it's my sister's.
- Please.
Will you take care of it
and build a house for it?
- Do you promise?
- I promise.
Agreed then.
It's not here.
Where is it?
This pisses me off!
Answer the phone.
It's small.
Maybe it hid somewhere.
Maybe it's in there.
Answer the phone!
It's not there.
Are you mad? What are you doing?
Where is it?
Come see what Line's doing.
Stop it, Myriam!
Relax, you'll find it.
Everything vanishes in this house!
What's going on here?
- My turtle disappeared.
- End of the world...
It was Samir's parents.
- What did they say?
- They want to come back.
But they're coming for Myriam,
not for you.
What a dickhead!
Stop staring at me.
You're going to cut yourself.
Look what you've done.
It doesn't hurt.
I'll never grow tired of you.
I grew tired of them all.
But not you.
Turn off the light.
Do you think it doesn't affect me?
I feel very sorry for you.
You're my daughter too.
Nahla, what more can I do?
You know, Mum...
I was thinking...
I've never seen you cry.
Not once.
Is that possible,
a woman who doesn't cry?
You did.
You cried once.
At Dad's funeral.
Do you remember?
Why are you mentioning this?
Why are you talking to me like that?
You may speak more than I do,
but you never say how you feel.
That's false.
Stop lying.
Mum, stay.
So messy!
Guys like him always get into trouble.
Have you seen what's happening?
people suddenly found dead...
Go figure.
Don't you have something to tell me?
- He's rather good-looking.
- See, that's good news.
Should have told me sooner.
How is he?
Like the others.
What others?
Nice dress.
Since when do you like that style?
You naughty girl...
I might be absent
for the next couple of days.
You'll cover for me, won't you?
Yes, of course.
Show me how you look in that dress.
Come on! Try it on and show me.
Can I ask you for money?
I know you're in a difficult situation.
If I can help you, I will,
just as you did for me.
Yes. What's the matter?
Do you promise?
I promise. I swear.
Why does your voice sound funny, Nahla?
What's the matter?
Say, "I promise, Nahla."
I promise, Nahla. I swear it. I swear.
What's wrong with you?
Open the door.
What's going on?
Nahla, open, for Heaven's sake.
Come on, Shadi. We're late.
Can I help you?
Is Mrs Jiji here?
Come in.
It's you.
You scared me. How did you get in?
I saw Shadi...
with one of the girls.
She was taking him to school.
She could have told me
that someone was coming.
Is that how people visit
one another in this building?
I wanted to talk to you.
Come in. Take a seat.
There's no coffee left.
But you can make some more.
I'm good.
So, what's the problem?
It's not a problem.
It's a request.
Tell me.
Come on.
I need a room.
A room?
A room to pray in?
To see my lover.
Why here?
The people you're hiding from
live two floors down.
Why don't you go to his place?
I can't.
Is he married?
Don't be ashamed.
All men cheat on their wife.
Without exception.
He's not married.
And that's not our problem.
Go to a hotel.
Actually, no...
I, too, feel uncomfortable in hotels.
My clients...
don't arrive and leave on schedule.
They all have their problems.
But they all come here
for the same reason.
To forget.
I'll tell you
when I have a room for you.
When do you need it?
OK then.
People were fleeing.
Those who were injured,
but not dead yet...
They finished them off and dragged
the bodies into the building.
I'm talking about the military police.
Are you telling me
the demonstrators didn't provoke
the police?
When will the President
give his speech?
How should I know? No one knows.
And you, Nahla, what do you think?
To gather after the midday prayer.
A demonstration calling for freedom
and the changes promised
by our president Bashar Al-Assad.
But he answered with bullets.
The media are covering up
what's really happening here...
- Where is Mum?
- In her bedroom.
Are you saying that government forces
opened fire without warning?
Here's the room.
Did you give him the address?
I'm taking off.
He didn't come, did he?
He couldn't make it.
What are you laughing at?
- Is it forbidden to laugh?
- Yes, it is.
You won't be laughing
with Salem tomorrow.
You shut up too!
What'd I say?
Come, Nahla.
Take a seat.
Have a drink with us.
So, you're Nahla?
I heard that we'd see you around often.
I heard that you'd shut your mouth.
That's none of your business.
Do you think he'll like Shirin?
Give me the cigarette.
Anyway, Salem won't be satisfied.
He gets angry for no reason these days.
Who's Salem?
Our favourite customer.
Mum, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
My Goodness! You scared me.
What are you doing to my stuff?
Nahla, you're aware of our situation.
I can't pay
for your sister's trousseau.
I must make the wedding dress myself,
with my back problems.
But I bought these clothes
with the money I earned.
You can't give them to Myriam!
Darling, there's no other solution.
We must go through with the wedding.
We don't know what'll happen here.
Thanks to your sister,
we'll all move to the US.
Do you understand?
Mum, these are mine.
Don't act so childish.
You don't need these for the moment.
You're very pretty, Myriam.
I'm sorry, Nahla.
Don't apologize.
It's no one's fault if you're pretty.
A stranger seeing us
couldn't tell we're sisters.
Every time I look at you I see myself.
Because you see yourself
in each and everything.
Stop it, Nahla. Leave me alone.
Maybe Samir sees a bit of me in you.
What do you mean?
My lingerie looks good on you.
What do you mean, Nahla?
Take a good look.
Maybe you're right.
We look very much alike.
How are you doing?
Not so good.
What's wrong?
How would I know?
We give them freedom
and get nothing but shit in return.
You're not here
to talk about these things.
I've got a surprise for you.
May God curse these times
that keep me away from you.
Shirin, take him to the bedroom.
You relax.
What's your name again?
I always forget names.
My name's Shirin.
I want to keep them on.
Tell me a story.
What story?
A story.
I'm bad at telling stories.
Tell the story of the young man
who had 11 brothers...
who wanted to kill him.
I don't remember it.
Tell the parts you do remember.
I remember nothing.
So, you really can't?
You must tell it.
I can help you.
Isn't it about this handsome young man?
The one envied by his brothers...
because their father loved him more.
The young man who dreamed.
One day...
this young man had a dream.
He went to tell it
to his father and brothers.
He said...
"We were ploughing the land.
"There was this ear of wheat,
"pointing towards the sky.
"All the other stems...
"bent around it."
His brothers then told him,
"What? Do you want to subjugate us?
"Do you want to rule over us?"
His brothers hated him even more.
And they hated his dreams.
One day, he had another dream
and told them about it.
"I saw the sun and the moon
kneel before me."
Down with Bashar!
As soon as I get there,
I'll take care of your visa.
Don't worry, it won't take long.
And you, Mum, will you visit us?
What the hell?
- What are you doing?
- I need something.
Come, Samir!
What's the matter with you?
Nahla, tell me.
I don't want to.
Why do you want to know?
What's the matter with you?
Why do you care?
I won't tell you.
Now go away.
You won't get an answer.
I know.
So why do you ask?
Go find Myriam, she's waiting for you.
I'll go in a second.
I have a lifetime to spend with her.
Isn't it what you wanted?
Samir, what are you doing?
- Your parents are leaving.
- I'm coming...
Don't fold it like that,
you'll damage it.
And don't answer that nutjob.
Why do you want to marry him?
Line, shut up. Now is not the time.
Now is precisely the right time.
Look at her. Young and beautiful.
- Who are you sending her to?
- I'm sending her to a better life.
- But Myriam...
- Samir is a good person.
He disgusts her, she doesn't love him.
Isn't it true, Myriam? Tell her.
I love Samir.
- Liar.
- It's none of your business!
Shut up!
I shouldn't have asked you
about the dress.
I'm praying for it not to be worn.
Yell as much as you want,
but don't touch me!
Mum, you can't hit us.
We're not kids anymore.
We're already dead anyway!
- Line?
- Yes.
Are you awake?
I just wanted to run away.
I wanted to miss this country.
But you've never liked this country.
I meant nostalgia.
Not love.
Nostalgia's for the dead.
Why are you saying that?
Dreadful things are about to happen.
Don't talk like that.
You're scaring me.
It's the only thing we'll have left.
Do you have a joint?
I smoked it with friends at school.
But there is a weird smell in here.
It's not me.
It must be the ghosts of this house.
Those who stole the chocolates
and my turtle.
What ghosts?
I hear their footsteps in the kitchen.
I'm telling you, this place is haunted.
No one believes me.
Nahla, you know what I've read
on the Internet?
They discovered a planet,
our planet's twin,
beyond the solar system.
So what?
Another Earth.
With another Line.
Another Nahla.
A place...
where Dad is still alive.
Where Samir chose you.
Where my turtle didn't disappear.
I'm off to bed.
Fairy-tale Line,
good night.
Good night, Nahla.
The young man who dreams.
His new master
adores him
and yields to his demands.
Every one of them.
But the master
doesn't know that his wife
is falling in love with the young man.
Every time she meets him,
she begs him to make love to her.
"Make love to me."
"Make love to me."
And yet
he refuses.
Why stop?
Go on.
Yet he refuses.
She pulls his shirt.
A piece of it rips
and stays in her hand.
Didn't he come?
- He'll never come.
- He will.
I bet you've never been with a man.
No deceit in this house.
And no lies!
You cheater.
How many times a day
do you touch yourself?
Let go of them,
they look like my grandma's.
Come take a look at yourself.
Take a look at yourself.
Take a good look!
What's wrong with you?
What are you afraid of?
The wedding's coming up.
I don't know what to wear.
His brothers told him...
"Do you want to subjugate us?
"Do you want to rule over us?"
His brothers hated him even more.
And they hated his dreams.
What do you want?
- I'm looking for Jiji.
- She's not here.
Nobody knows where she is.
Who is she?
What a pretty name.
Nahla! Where are you going?
You can't go there. Come back.
Who is it?
- It's Nahla.
- What do you want?
I want to tell you something.
I didn't want to be disturbed.
I won't come here anymore.
He won't be able to come.
Quit your bullshit.
Don't piss me off!
So, you think...
you can leave Mrs Jiji, just like that?
Well, no.
It's not that easy.
He's handsome.
Isn't he?
I've drunk too much today.
It's him.
Who, "him"?
It's him.
It's him.
His eyes, his lips...
There's a mirror...
on the other side.
He can only see his reflection.
Knock as hard as you want.
He can't hear you.
Please, let me see him.
Just touch him.
Stay behind the glass.
It's better for you.
I won't wake him up.
- Please, let me...
- No!
I don't want you to be disappointed.
Stay behind the glass.
It's better this way.
I just want to touch him.
He's going to fall asleep anyway.
Men fall asleep after sex.
They leave us alone
in our best moments.
Let him sleep.
Look at him, Nahla.
There's nothing you can do.
Here's Nahla.
What is this?
My trousseau.
What's left of it.
Put this over your eyes.
Come on.
Tell it.
Tell what?
The story I like so much.
Didn't they tell you about me?
Yes, but...
I can't tell stories.
Well, I am very impatient.
You have to tell it.
Tell me the story
about the young man who dreamed.
The young man...
who was handsome,
very handsome,
had dreams.
He liked travelling,
but his father wouldn't let him,
because he loved him too much.
He adored him.
His brothers were jealous of him...
because he had dreams
and they didn't.
One day...
they saw him and said, "Here he comes.
"The one who dreams."
You didn't say
what dreams he was having.
They took off his clothes,
and threw him into a well.
They threw him...
You didn't say what dreams.
They threw him into a well to kill him.
But he didn't die.
Travellers found him,
and sold him to the king
of a distant land.
His master's wife
fell in love with him.
Madly in love.
Every day she told him,
"Make love to me.
"Make love to me."
But he refused.
He said, "I own everything
in my master's house,
"except you."
In the end...
they made love.
Yes. They made love.
He said, "I own everything
in my master's house, except you."
Tell me it doesn't end like this.
Tell me!
"I own everything
in my master's house, except you."
- They made love.
- Liar!
They made love.
She begged him, but he refused.
She begged him, but he refused...
Yes, Salem.
They made love.
Were you nervous about meeting me?
No, not really.
What is this place anyway?
It's my favourite caf.
My dad used to take us here.
Your cup is black, Samir.
Can you forget about the cup
so we can talk?
I'm sorry, Nahla.
I see a woman.
You're afraid, Samir.
I can see it in the cup.
Yes, I'm afraid.
I'm afraid to be stuck here
and not be able to leave.
I see a long path ahead of you.
Very long.
It's fascinating. I can see
your whole life inside this cup.
why are we here?
What is this place?
We should go before sunset.
This is your country.
I left when I was very young.
I can't remember anything.
I've only got vague memories
of this shitty country.
But it's in this shitty country
that you come to find a wife,
the person who will marry you
and spend her life with you.
So what? I'm looking
for a woman who understands me.
Have you found her?
Why did you come, Samir?
Because you asked me to.
what is it you wanted to tell me?
I just wanted to see
whether you'd come.
Where are you going?
Where are you?
Where have you gone?
I'm here.
Say, "Stay, Nahla."
It's you I wanted.
Say, "Stay, Nahla."
It's you I wanted.
It's you I wanted, Nahla.
Tell me you forgive me.
I forgive you.
"I forgive you, Samir."
I forgive you, Samir.
The music for the ceremony
is very beautiful.
And the lights too.
We will dance.
But can you waltz?
No, but we'll pretend.
Nobody will notice
that our steps aren't perfect.
Myriam, can I ask you something?
Do I really have
to get hair extensions?
I'll be wearing the dress
you chose for me,
but I can't picture myself
with hair extensions.
don't you want to be a woman
just once in your life?
You should have been born a boy.
That's what was supposed to happen.
But I changed my mind at the last minute
to make my family angry.
Where is Nahla?
I don't know.
Where are the people
in charge of the decoration?
Maybe they've gone
to listen to the President.
I want to go too.
Don't worry.
They'll play it over twenty times.
My fellow compatriots,
men and women of this great country,
in the Quran it is written: "Don't
loathe evil when it serves your good."
Yet we are human beings,
and we cannot approve
of what has happened in this country.
We do not approve of blood,
of unrest and tensions.
We do not seek conflict,
but this conspiracy cannot be ignored.
The people of Deraa are not
responsible for what happened,
but they must share with us
the will to thwart sedition.
I'm unarmed!
The world wants to see
what's happening in Deraa.
Shoot if you want.
There is no place for those
who do not choose sides.
For this is not about the government,
it is about our country.
The Syrian people is pacific.
But it does not hesitate to defend
its country and its values.
And if war is waged on us,
we stand ready to fight.
God, Syria, Bashar, and nothing else!
In loving memory of my uncle Adeeb
Hlne Mercier & Victor Tamburini