My Heavenly City (2023) Movie Script

Ms. Fang, I'm Jasper's father.
Sorry to wake you.
Ms. Fang, I'm Jasper's father.
Sorry to wake you.
We're not going to start
the Mandarin class today.
Because he's not feeling well today.
I apologize for the last minute notice.
That's okay.
We'll start next week then?
Next week. I'm not sure.
I think we'll have to
cancel the whole thing.
I'm really sorry. I'll be in touch soon.
Hey Dad.
Mavis! Haven't heard from you for a while.
Are you doing okay?
Just got over a bad cold. I had a fever.
Did you have someone to take care of you?
I know you're still sad about Sean.
But you've got to pull yourself together.
I don't know what I'm doing in New York.
When are you going to graduate?
Did you start writing your thesis?
If it's too hard, you can come home.
You're all alone there.
You have no experience as an interpreter.
No... but I'm proficient in both languages.
You will be liable for everything you say
and the session will be recorded on site.
During the interview or deposition hearing,
you cannot converse with the interviewee
or express your emotions, not even a smile.
Do you understand?
Our clients include MTA,
Child Protective Services
and corporate firms.
Many of the interviewees have dealt
with tough experiences.
Many of the interviewees have dealt
with tough experiences.
Are you able to handle
emotional situations?
We pay by the hour,
with a minimum of two hours of work.
Let me show you the time-sheet.
Are you the interpreter?
Yes. I'm Mavis..
Follow me.
I'm the attorney for the Swift
and Safe Truck Company.
We're going to be interviewing
a patient today.
Mr. Sun. I'm the attorney
with the Truck Company
that was involved in your accident.
Please, account the details of
the accident on the day
as best as you can remember.
I was on 2nd Avenue
going from 47th Street toward 46th Street.
I got going when I saw
the traffic light change to green.
Then the truck came...
I was on 2nd Avenue
going from 47th Street toward 46th Street.
I got going when I saw
the traffic light change to green.
Then the truck came...
Were you on your bike?
Yes, I was delivering food. Chinese food.
Do you believe the accident directly led to
your injury and subsequent
amputation of your legs and arms?
Do you believe the accident directly led to
your injury and subsequent
amputation of your legs and arms?
Yes, the truck hit me. I was run over.
Yes, the truck hit me. I was run over.
Do you have any pre-existing conditions
or injury in your legs
and arm prior to the accident?
How are you feeling now?
Are you experiencing any pain?
I'm sorry.
Are we all set?
Shall we swear her in? Yes.
You raise your right hand then.
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony
you're about to be given
you would accurately interpret
from Mandarin to English
English to Mandarin to
the best of your ability?
Ask her to raise her right hand.
Do you solemnly swear the testimony
you are about to give
would be the truth and
nothing but the truth?
Do you solemnly swear the testimony
you are about to give
would be the truth and
nothing but the truth?
Okay. Let's get started.
Tell me about your symptoms.
Dizziness, headache,
sometimes nausea and vomiting.
I can't move my head or straighten my neck,
so it's very difficult for me to sleep...
Dizziness, headache,
sometimes nausea and vomiting.
I can't move my head or straighten my neck,
so it's very difficult for me to sleep...
Tell me about the medication
and the physical therapy you're having.
Painkillers, sleeping pills.
Physical therapy every two weeks.
Why are they asking these?
Are they going to compensate me?
Painkillers, sleeping pills.
Physical therapy every two weeks.
Can you describe the accident?
How did you get injured?
Can you describe the accident?
How did you get injured?
The subway door...
I got up trying to get out,
The door was closing, "ding dong."
I went over...
The door just caught me, in the head.
The door just caught me, in the head.
I was screaming.
The door got stuck and my head...
Everybody was screaming...
The subway door...
I got up trying to get out,
Miss, you have to help me...
I'm suffering. I'm going crazy
because of this accident.
I'm becoming crazy because of the accident.
And they should pay for my suffering...
This interpreter is not doing a good job!
She's skipping words
and twisting the facts.
We need to stop the deposition now.
Counselors, do you want me to stop writing?
We need to change the interpreter.
Are you sure?
Yes, she's not being truthful.
Miss, I'm sorry, but you have to leave now.
You should sign out and contact
the language agency, okay?
I translated everything correctly,
I didn't do anything wrong.
They do this all the time.
When the attorney is not happy
with the direction of the hearing,
they throw the interpreter under the bus.
Don't worry.
We'll pay you for the session at
the same rate. I'll see you later, okay?
Be aware of the closing door please.
I don't want to go home. That home.
The things he did to me.
Can you be more specific?
It's important you describe
the actions in details,
so we can help you and your child.
It's important you describe
the actions in details,
so we can help you and your child.
The things he did when we slept together.
He put stuff there... down there.
In my vagina.
What kind of stuff?
First some sex toys, then wooden sticks,
and my son's toys.
First some sex toys, then wooden sticks,
and my son's toys.
And marbles.
He put marbles down there.
Sorry. I'm sorry.
That was absolutely uncall for.
You know I can report you to
the agency and have you fired.
You know I can report you to
the agency and have you fired.
I'm really sorry... I didn't mean it.
I wasn't laughing at her.
It... just came out.
I was too shocked.
Its' not easy to witness suffering.
But you have to be professional.
It's a job.
Please don't get me fired...
Alright, I'm going to let this one go.
But don't do it again.
Can you sign in, please?
Hey give it back. Maybe you shouldn't
leave your stuff lying around.
Please please, chill out.
We are all friends here, alright.
Hey, slow down, okay? Alright.
Hi. Hi.
Hi, I'm Danielle, the
social worker from ACS.
Are you Mavis ZhiMei Fang?
Yes, just call me Mavis.
Great, This way, please.
Did the agency tell you
about the case today?
Okay, let me explain.
The client today is Xiao Jian.
He's 16 years of age.
We believe he's from China.
Police found him a week ago in Bryant Park.
According to the police investigation,
he came to this country illegally.
He was supposed to meet someone
when he got here
but somehow got lost...
Then he was wandering
in Bryant Park for several days.
Xiao Jian doesn't speak any English
and he has no family or acquaintances here.
Did you understand everything I said?
Xiao Jian, this is Mavis.
She's going to translate for you, okay?
Hi Xiao Jian. I'm Mavis.
I'm your interpreter today.
Alright. Let's start.
When did you come to the United States?
How did you get here? Do you remember?
Who were you supposed to meet?
Do you have the address of the place you
were supposed to go?
Who were you supposed to meet?
Do you have the address of the place you
were supposed to go?
Xiao Jian!
Say something.
This is where all the fun happens.
We want you to stay
at the TV room this afternoon.
So he can have someone
to translate in case needed.
And we'll interview Xiao
Jian again tomorrow.
No problem.
Hey. Are you his girlfriend?
Hey, Xiao Jian.
Are you tired easily?
Never, sometimes or very often?
Fill in your answer in
the appropriate table.
Do you feel restless, unable to sit still?
Okay, next one. Do you feel sad?
Never, sometimes or very often?
Hold on.
Do you always feel sad?
I didn't think so. Let's do it again.
Next page.
Write down the colors,
from the upper right corner, clockwise.
I'm not a toddler.
I know you're not.
Next, please identify the shapes.
So ridiculous.
Do you like the food here?
I think it looks awful.
I can make way better food than here.
Do you know where I'm from?
I'm from Taiwan.
I knew it. You sound like it.
Where are you from?
I'm from the North East of China.
I didn't get the accent.
My grandma is also from that region!
She makes the best dumplings.
I mean "The best in the world."
For real.
There are pork, cabbage,
chives, dry shrimps,
scallions and ginger.
With some sesame oil. Mmm so good.
What's so funny?
Do you miss it?
Home, food, family?
If you miss the dumplings,
you can go to "White Bear" in Flushing.
They're so good.
Have you been?
I didn't get to go anywhere.
Oh, I'm sorry.
How many days did you
hang around Bryant Park,
after you got lost?
Three, four days. I don't remember.
You must be very lonely then.
I understand that feeling.
In this big city,
everyone has places to go,
people to see and a home to go to.
Sometimes I feel like
I'm floating in the air.
What are you going to do today?
Not sure. Maybe play basketball.
You really like basketball.
What else do you like?
Danielle said you did well
in your educational level tests.
That was so easy!
Mavis, can I speak with you?
Yes, sure.
I have to go now.
See you tomorrow.
See you.
It's a green notebook, like this big.
I write everything in it.
No one turned anything in.
You're sure you left it in here?
Hi, Danielle. What's the matter?
I just got notice.
They're taking Xiao Jian today.
It's ICE.
Tell him to pack.
Danielle, where are they taking him?
I don't know.
We have to help him.
He's doing really well.
What are you doing, Mavis?
He's smart. He has a lot of potential.
He doesn't belong in the detention center.
Danielle, I want to help him.
Mavis, you need to stop.
You should say goodbye to him and sign off.
Thank you, Mavis.
He's a kid. Can you give him some time
to say goodbye?
I hope they have French fries
wherever they take you.
I'm glad that I got to know you.
I know you're going to be strong.
Mavis, It's time.
It's time.
Xiao Jian.
Take care.
Xiao Jian.
Hey, Hey. Hey. What's up guys!
This is New York City. It's the show time.
My name is Quick and our team is Ness.
And that's Quickness.
We're gonna be in and out of
here in a quick and jiff.
I hope you guys enjoy the show
and have a blessing wonderful day.
New York City!
Would you like to donate?
Hey, what's up, man!
I see you looking interested.
Stay positive.
Test negative. Have a good one, bro.
Assignment be sure to submit it on campus.
I have been looking up over
Those who haven't submitted it,
please do so.
When you hand out,
remember to look at your work, okay?
As your mid-term is coming up
You should stay in New York.
Get a job there.
Starting now. See if there's an internship.
Companies like Google, Facebook.
I mean if you can land a job there,
you jumpstart your career, right?
Think about your future!
So this is your boy Jino, and I'm gonna
teach you how to do some arm pops.
When you do it, you're gonna use this
muscle. Like you are flexing stuff.
You're gonna goOneTwoThreeFour
You're gonna like you're flexing,
you're flexing your muscles.
Hey, I'm Omar. You must be Jack.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Pleasure, you've been waiting long? My bad.
C'mon. Let me take you to the studio.
We have to change the location.
This building is being renovated.
It's pretty old.
Now make sure you do that,
relax your shoulders.
Popping, you cannot use your shoulders.
So tell me,
what made you interested in Hip Hop?
I like the moves, you
know, it's like magic.
Excellent, excellent!
I'm just amazed how the
culture is embraced.
By people all over the world.
Check this out.
This is exactly what I'm looking for.
I like popping and locking.
Well, you came to the right place.
We're the OG. You know what I mean?
Where are you from,
if you don't mind me asking?
Taiwan. I love it!
It's not Thailand.
I got it! I got it, bro.
No offense, but I wouldn't
assume you dance Hip hop.
Well, I surprise myself.
Are we close?
Yeah. Yeah.
No worries. My apologies.
I know I was late and everything...
You're not going to miss anything.
I promise you.
As matter of fact,
let me text them right now.
They just texted me. You're good.
No worries.
The office asked me if you paid
for the class already.
I did. I paid online.
On, no. That's the registration fee.
I'm talking about the tuition for today.
No worries. You can pay me now.
Can I pay when I get there?
Are we almost there?
No. You have to pay before the class.
Sorry, It's company policy.
What do you say?
I didn't know...
You came all this way.
I want you to dance today.
I only have forty dollars.
Tell you what. I'll take the forty.
And you pay the rest
when you go inside, alright?
Hold on a second.
Yeah. Yeah. I have Jack here with me. Yeah.
We're in front.
Yo, okay.
Okay cool.
Okay, cool. Alright.
You stay right here. I'll be right back.
Don't move. I'll be right back. Stay here.
Thank you so much.
Are you a dancer?
A little bit.
Are you dancer too?
I'm just doing some research.
It's nice to see you again.
You too.
What are you doing around here?
I'm just walking around.
Did you know the dancers before?
No, I don't know them.
I've actually been following them
for a while, on Instagram.
They are really cool.
So, you really like Hip-Hop?
I like their energy.
I like to watch them perform.
It's mesmerizing. I'm kind of obsessed.
Sorry, I know it's weird.
No, no. I feel the same way.
So, where are you from?
Do you speak Mandarin?
Yeah, how about you?
I'm from Singapore.
Your English is great.
Thanks. It's alright.
So, what are you up to today?
I'm here to do a school project. A video.
What kind of project?
Making a video about street artists.
Street artists... sounds cool.
Are you hungry?
A little bit.
Wanna grab a bite?
Sure. That's fine.
So how did you learn popping?
I watched YouTube videos. Self-taught.
You're kidding.
If it's sunny, I'll dance on the rooftop.
If it's raining, in my Livingroom.
So you're here to study performance?
Not at all.
I'm a geek.
I study computer science. Boring, right?
What about you?
I'm an exchange student, studying fashion.
Pretty boring, too.
Well, I think you have a cool style.
Actually, I'm not sure if
I really have passion for fashion.
Actually, I'm not sure if
I really have passion for fashion.
I think I'm still looking for my path.
Me too.
I really like this park.
Do you come here often?
Yeah. It's right by my school.
I enjoy people watching.
You can see the lives of this city.
You're kind of weird.
I know.
Then faster.
Start with your right hand
yesright hand
Connect the movement of two hands...
You can do the wave at the same time.
Let's go to another park?
My mom is pretty overbearing.
From school to my career,
she controls everything.
I can never be myself.
But when I'm dancing, I feel free.
I can control my bodyit's like magic.
I feel so powerful,
like I can control the whole world.
I hope the music never stops.
I got this tattoo before
I came to New York.
I'm this little fish that somehow has feet.
I'm this little fish that somehow has feet.
I don't really know where to go.
But I don't want to be trapped
in a little pond.
So I decided to walk out with my own feet.
This pizza shop is so popular,
there's always a long quere
Are you going to stay here after school?
My parents want me to get
an internship here. You?
My student visa expires in a month.
I'm applying for grad school now,
so that I can stay in New York.
Oh, this is Jino.
You know who he is?
Of course, I've been following him.
I learned popping from his videos.
He's phenomenal.
I learned popping from his videos.
He's phenomenal.
Tell me something funny about New York.
Something funny?
Did you notice those clerks in the stores,
always yell "Next" so loudly.
I know, right? They're so mean.
Next one!
Next one, please!
Do you guys know
you just ran through a red light?
It's illegal even for bikes.
I'm gonna have to give you guys tickets.
Can I see some ID?
Officer, it's my fault.
It was my idea and she
was just following me.
Just give me the ticket, please.
Well... I'm gonna have to take
her information too, so...
Sir, just give me the ticket, please.
I live here, I'm a student.
Thank you, Sir.
Don't do it again.
Your safety is important to us.
You didn't have to do that.
I don't want you to get into trouble.
You are the best.
T-shirt and shorts.
Is this your boxer?
Well, that's the smallest one.
Favorite music genre.
Hip Hop
and R&B.
Your turn. Don't copy me.
You know I also like Hip Hop and R&B.
Wisdom teeth.
Lack of wisdom?
Because no one wants it.
I like something that no one loves.
So no one loves me?
Favorite museum in New York?
Least favorite food?
No. That's the most amazing delicacy.
No. That's the worst smell in the world.
Cotton, but like really raw cotton.
Just like fair trade? Kind of
That's a good idea!
What about you, Lulu? What's your video?
I'm gonna be making a dance video.
What kind of dance?
Popping? Like Hip-Hop?
Who's gonna be dancing, you?
Okay. Okay.
You look cute in my boxer.
Are you okay?
Let's not hang out anymore.
What's up?
I just got the rejection letter
from the grad school.
I have to leave the country soon.
I can't overstay.
Let's not see each other for a while.
That way, we won't feel too sad later.
You really think so?
I have to go.
Pay bills, tuition.
What to do with life?
In this big city, everyone has
places to go, friends to see
and a home to return to.
Can I come in?
Do you miss me?
Shut up!
Now what?
I don't know.
Maybe I go to Singapore to
see you in the summer.
Hey, I found a notebook on the subway.
There are stories about New Yorkers in it.
I find them quite touching.
Mrs. Yang... The subway
door caught her head.
It's kind of funny. But it's sad, too.
Xiao Jian is a good kid.
We bond over our indescribable loneliness.
In this big city,
everyone has places to go,
friends to see, and a home to return to.
There's no name or address in it.
How should I return it?
You can take it to the
Transit Lost & Found on 34th Street.
It's inside the station. I've been there.
I lost my hat on the subway.
Went there twice, nothing.
What is lost can't necessarily be found.
I found you.
And I'm not gonna lose you again.
More energy.
Can you do the hand movement again?
Like this?
Yeah, let me get a closer shot.
You must be Jack.
I am Jino.
Oh my god.
Nice to meet you, bro.
Nice to meet you.
How did you find him?
So Jack, you're ready to do some popping?
Alright, word. Follow me then.
You must not give up this opportunity.
Then I won't be able to
go to Singapore this summer.
This is the dance video I edited.
I want to watch it now.
We don't have time.
Look after yourself.
You too. Remember to be happy
and keep dancing.
By the time you watch this video,
I must have left already.
Remember I told you New York is amazing
but it also makes me feel lost?
I thought I could find myself in New York.
But after I came here,
I've become even more confused and aimless.
I don't remember what it feels like
to truly love something.
Until I met you.
Whenever you're dancing,
your eyes light up.
Like you have the whole universe
in the palm of your hand.
Watching you, makes me want
to explore my own universe.
You're not gonna be alone over there
because I'll be sending super powers
to you telepathically.
I'll never forget this.
You are my New York.
It's going so high!
Yeah, that's great. Jasper, that's great.
Ms. Fang, I'm Jasper's father.
Sorry to wake you.
Ms. Fang, I'm Jasper's father.
Sorry to wake you.
We're not going to start
the Mandarin class today.
Because he's not feeling well today.
I apologize for the last minute notice.
That's okay. We'll start next week then?
Next week. I'm not sure.
I think we'll have to
cancel the whole thing.
I'm really sorry.
I'll be in touch soon.
Come here.
Be careful, Jasper!
Did you get scared, Mom?
Okay, time to go. You have tutoring today.
No! I don't want to.
Why not?
I just don't.
It's Math today. You like Math, right?
No, I don't!
What's the matter, Jasper?
Mom, when are you going to
give me that video game,
the Mario one?
Christmas. I told you.
Christmas? That's so far away.
You still have so many others.
You promised!
Don't shout, Jasper.
Pick up the scooter!
You pick it up. Liar.
Go get your scooter.
Otherwise, I'm leaving.
Okay, Jasper. Calm down now.
Look at me.
Inhale, exhale...
Inhale, exhale.
Okay, good.
Now, go get your scooter.
Thank you.
You're a liar. Bitch!
No! Not this kind of language, Jasper.
Shut up!
I want my game. Now! Now!
Where are you?
Almost there. Walking over.
Hurry! Jasper's acting out.
Don't talk to him. I don't want him.
Okay, Jasper, let's go. Daddy's coming.
No, Jasper!
I'm upset.
No, Jasper!
Stop it!
No, Jasper!
Stop it, it hurts.
Jasper, you're hurting me.
No, Jasper!
Hello? I'd like to report.
There's a kid beating his mom up.
Stop it! Stop it!
Where did they say they're taking Jasper?
New York Medical Center.
Make sure to call tomorrow to check on him.
I've packed some clothes for Jasper.
Why don't you sleep in the guest room.
I'd like to be alone.
Harmony in the family brings prosperity
Who are you?
Who the fuck are you?
I'm an architect, originally from Taiwan.
I live in Brooklyn with my wife and my son.
Whatever you're feeling you try
to express in words if you can.
You know,
one of my favorite memories in New York,
is flying kites with my son.
The kite is going up,
and his smile is so bright,
so innocent.
Sounds like those were good times for you.
Tell me more about him.
His name is Jasper.
He's 9.
And he has a mental illness.
Last night, last night...
I dreamt about beating him up.
I almost killed him.
What kind of family is this?
I know it's a long term battle
with Jasper's condition.
Many families, many,
suffer through similar situation.
He hits my wife.
How about your relationship with your wife?
How's that going?
Give it to me.
Give it!
Are you okay, Ma'am?
Yes, I'm fine. Thank you.
Are you sure? You need help.
Don't talk to us. Go away.
I'm sorry... Let's go.
We can't answer the phone right now.
Please leave a message, thanks.
Still not up? What time are
you guys coming over tonight?
Let's say 6:30. We're having crab tonight.
Maryland crab. Jasper's favorite.
Give me a call.
You're up.
You've covered it up.
Don't hug. It hurts.
The hospital said to wait for
a week before going to see Jasper.
They're running some tests.
They only need me to go... to protect you.
And a social worker
is coming to interview you.
When can Jasper come home?
Interview me for what?
I don't know.
You still worry about Jasper.
What about you?
He's a child. He's sick.
What about you?
I know you've been hiding your scars.
It's painful to see.
Does it help, being upset?
You're blaming me.
I'm always busy...
Just say it. You're blaming me.
I didn't help you enough. Blame it on me.
Take it out on me. No. I'm not.
Be pissed at me. I don't blame you.
You're blaming me.
I'm sorry.
You're too emotional.
I don't want you to get involved.
What if you hit Jasper?
Do you want ACS to take him away?
Do you want to break this family apart?
What do you want me to do?
It's so painful. I feel so guilty.
I can't do anything. I feel so horrible.
If it's too painful for you, you can leave.
I'm sorry this has happened.
I just want to spend more time
with my family.
I understand.
Take all the time you need.
Thank you.
Sometimes a person would
shut down emotionally
in a stressful situation.
Old memories trigger certain emotions
and I think it's going to be helpful.
Okay, thank you.
What did you take this out for?
We were so young then.
We just wanted to be together all the time.
I'm taking a short leave from work.
We can re-group,
do something fun, whatever you want to do.
It's your dad. Don't let him come in.
Dad! What's going on?
I'm bringing crabs to you guys.
Where are your wife and son?
Claire is taking a shower.
Jasper is asleep already.
He took the cold medicine and fell asleep.
He's always been a strict father.
A first generation immigrant.
He came here to set up everything for us.
He was always working.
When he came home, he was harsh
on us, very controlling.
You're doing a great job.
I understand these things
can be difficult to talk about.
I just want to be there for Jasper...
I want to adopt a
different parenting method,
a more loving one.
I understand.
When did you become aware
of Jasper's condition?
I don't know when it started.
I just knew he was difficult,
very temperamental,
and that he was so attached to me.
He still wanted to be breastfed until four.
My dad says I don't know
how to take care of my son.
And my husband... he's always busy at work.
So it's all on your shoulders.
I'm the mother.
Did you seek professional help?
Not until he became violent.
It's not your fault.
How would you describe
the level of his violence?
Never like this.
Are you afraid for yourself?
What's your favorite food?
Mine is hotdog.
Hey Daniel, how's your day been?
Mine's good.
What's your favorite sport?
Mine is soccerWhat's your favorite color?
Mine is blue.
I want to go home.
Dad, take me home, please.
I don't want to stay here.
I don't like it here.
I want to go home.
Please, please, please.
I'll take you home.
I'll take you home, Jasper.
He's lost some weights.
What did the doctor say?
It's the side effect of the meds,
making him have low appetite.
Doctors said Jasper's quite cooperative.
He always makes that face, just like you.
He was probably five then.
Do you remember he ran away from home?
That was terrifying.
Do you still want to take pictures?
You're so talented.
Do you still want to take pictures?
You're so talented.
Sometimes. But Jasper...
This is Taipei. Is that your school?
Jianguo High School. The best in Taiwan.
Da'an Forest Park. I grew up around there.
Jasper looks just like you.
You were so skinny then.
You liked to make fun of me.
What are you doing?
Do you remember the song?
You sang it incorrectly.
How do you do it then?
You brought my camera.
When was the last time you used it?
10 years ago.
You're sure you don't want to come?
It's going to be nice.
C'mon. You're already here.
Join me.
You go ahead.
It's coming.
It's okay. It's okay.
Let it all out.
When I feel
frustrated, I become very very angry.
What do you mean "very very angry?"
Describe it for me.
I don't know.
Like you would throw or break things?
Would you take it out
on someone and attack them?
Like what you did to your mother,
two weeks ago?
I'm tired.
We have to talk about this, Jasper.
Now, you also need to learn
how to control yourself,
control your behaviors, okay?
Work with me, Jasper. Just try.
Did you hit your mother?
I got... really angry.
You hurt her badly. And she was injured.
Do you know that?
Now, is this type of behavior acceptable?
What are you going to do about it?
Aww, so cute.
Isn't it? He's so good at drawing.
When will they be here?
They just left, should be here very soon.
Are you nervous?
Don't worry. We'll keep
a close eye on Jasper's condition.
Thank you.
Hi, Jasper.
Mom's there.
Hi, Jasper.
Hi, Mom.
Do you want to give me a hug?
Come here.
I miss you.
I miss you, too.
I miss you so much.
I miss you so much, Mom.
I miss you, too.
I miss you so much.
Me too.
I miss you.
I miss you, too.
I miss you so much.
Me too.
Remember to wait at the street
corner where he can see you.
Don't leave right away.
Wave after he wave to you,
otherwise he gets annoyed.
Got it.
Okay, time to go.
Why not?
It's okay, Jasper.
Come on, Jasper. Let's go.
Go with Dad.
Bye bye.
Okay, Dad. You can go now.
I want to make sure you're okay, buddy.
I'm good now. Just go away. Go.
Just go.
Hi, Jasper.
Wait up, buddy!
Wait up, buddy!
I got you.
How come you're picking me up, but not Mom?
Because Daddy wants to
spend more time with you.
But I like Mommy more.
I know you do.
I like her A LOT more... Like this!
I like Mommy a lot, too.
I like her more.
No, I like her more.
No, I do.
No, I do.
I like her billion times more than you.
No, I like her thousand billion
times more than you.
No, you don't. I do.
No, you don't. I do.
You are so silly. You look so silly
No, you are. No, you are.
No, I'm not. You are
I'm not, you are.
No, you're silly.
Okay, I'm silly. Yeah, told you.
What are you doing?
Dad, they're just playing. Don't worry.
Dad, it wasn't me. He fell first.
You guys are okay? Can you stand up?
You need to control your kid.
I've told you so many times.
Mom, I don't like grandpa.
I don't want him to look at me.
What a thing to say.
Jasper, be nice.
See you soon.
Come by often.
Make sure to discipline your son.
Jasper, you didn't say goodbye
to your grandpa.
No, I don't want to.
I don't want to come here anymore.
Jasper, give me a hug?
Don't run, come on.
Give me a hug. Come on, Jasper.
Let go.
Come on.
Let go.
Jasper, stop!
He bit me.
Jasper is out of control
because you guys spoil him.
It's the parents' job to teach.
Teach and guide.
You need to stand your ground and be firm.
Do you have something to say to grandpa?
I'm sorry, grandpa.
I shouldn't have done that.
Thank you, Jasper.
Here we go again, running away.
Dad, Jasper's sick.
Didn't he just recover from a cold?
No. It's a mental illness.
I told you I don't believe in that stuff.
A person's will power and
the ability to learn are strong.
Especially if the parents
set a good example.
It's not that. He was born this way,
really is sick.
He has Asperger's, manic disorder.
He has a hard time
controlling his emotions.
He's been seeing doctors,
taking medication.
Cut it out! Stop!
Dad, look.
Jasper did all this.
He became violent a year ago.
His illness almost destroys our family.
How about Jason?
He'll be there for me.
We're in this together.
Dad, can you try to understand me?
Hello, Mavis! Hi, Dad.
What's going on? How are you doing?
I've found a job and learned a lot.
Okay. That's great.
I started writing my thesis.
It's going well.
She has started writing her thesis.
How's Mom? What are you guys doing?
Just taking a walk with your mom.
What else can we do?
Just don't worry about me.
Alright. Alright.
Take care of yourself. Break a leg.
This is a new beginning,
yet everything seems so familiar.
We're flying kites again.
Feels like going back in time.
Run, Jasper! Run!
Be careful!
Yeah, hold tight. Yeah, that's great.
Jasper, that's great!
Dad, it's going so high.
You are the man!
Okay, are you ready?
Go, run! Jasper, run!
Run! Run, run! Faster!
Faster! Run! Run, run!
Ms. Fang? Yes. Sorry I'm early.
No worries. I got home early today.
Hi! Ms. Fang.
This is my wife.
Nice to meet you.
You too. Just call me Mavis.
This is Jasper.
Jasper, this's your Mandarin teacher.
Hi, Jasper.
Please come in.
Should I take off my shoes?
Please. This way.
We can take the B train to West 4th street,
then A, C to Penn Station.
Do you think she'll come
and get her notebook?
Let's hope so.