My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission (2021) Movie Script

A long time ago,
why was mankind given
meta powers otherwise known as Quirks?
Why was the first metahuman,
the Luminescent Baby, born?
It was all a tragedy.
Quirks were not a blessing
for mankind but the dawn of doom.
As the Quirk Doomsday Theory states,
Quirks integrate
and intensify through generations.
Their powers will
eventually become uncontrollable.
When 80% of the world's population
is diseased by Quirks,
the remaining 20% of pure humans
procreate with Quirk holders
and decrease in number.
They will soon become extinct.
It is now time for us,
Humarise, to take a stand.
Even if it means bloodshed...
We must save mankind!
- Save mankind!
- Save mankind!
- Save mankind!
- Save mankind!
- Save mankind!
- Save mankind!
Let us begin.
You probably don't have a Quirk.
You are saved.
Humarise claimed that they were
responsible for the random terror attack.
Founded by its leader, Flect Turn,
it's a group
whose goal is to save mankind.
We suspect the device they used
is a fortified form of Ideo Trigger
which is a substance that induces Quirks.
We will call the device Trigger Bomb.
The mission of the World Heroes
is to raid the 25 Humarise facilities
around the world.
After we apprehend the members,
we must seize
the Trigger Bombs that they still have.
Expect members to fight back.
They will most likely use Trigger Bombs
so we can't request
assistance from the local police.
This is an urgent mission of top priority.
All Might.
Heroes, the success of this mission
rests on your shoulders.
Let's stop the terror
that threatens the world.
All hero units, start your mission.
Unit A! Let's find the Trigger Bombs
before they are detonated!
- Roger!
- Roger!
That's the Humarise Otheon HQ.
Our mission as Unit B is to take control
of the facility and arrest Flect.
Stay alert.
Who do you think you're talking to?!
- Stop!
- This is a restricted...
Get out of our way!
Clair, find the Trigger Bombs!
You got it.
How dare they use their Quirks!
They are mostly Quirkless. Take it easy.
I know!
Stun Grenade!
Endeavor, this is odd.
I can't find them anywhere.
- Unit B! Where's Flect?
- We are charging in!
Get him and find the bombs!
Flect Turn is in that room.
Damn it.
He's not here. Search the facility!
In the end,
we couldn't find any Trigger Bombs
in any of the Humarise facilities.
Yes. We interrogated
the members we have in custody
but none of them knows
where the Trigger Bombs are.
They don't even know what they are.
It's the same in other countries.
That terror attack was probably the work
of leader Flect's direct subordinates.
There might be
a facility we don't know about.
Did they catch on to our mission
and moved the bombs?
All units, stand by.
Request for backup heroes
and find the secret facility!
I have to deliver this.
Otherwise, the world will come to an end.
I'm off to work. You guys better...
- Study!
- Study!
If I'm late coming home...
- We will cook dinner!
- We will cook dinner!
If some weirdo approaches you...
- We will ignore them!
- We will ignore them!
- Good!
- Good!
I shouldn't be that late though.
- All right!
- All right!
See you guys later.
- Bye, Bro!
- Bye, Bro!
Do you have a job for me?
Delivery from an East 3rd Street alley
to a Chinese restaurant in South Grove.
What's the pay?
You're in no position to negotiate.
Just take what's offered.
Okay, sure.
That's my bike!
You stole it, didn't you?
I'll return it to the owner.
Come back, you stupid brat!
Now, time to get to work.
So many people.
It's the biggest city in Otheon.
Standby or not,
why do I have to go grocery shopping?!
We are the youngest members.
We were able to join the World Heroes
because we are Endeavor's interns.
We are like extras.
But now that we are part of the team,
it's our duty to protect the people.
Ideological organization Humarise...
Delusional idiots with crazy ideas.
Quirk Doomsday Theory, my ass.
I can't believe they are buying
into that baseless dubious theory.
Jewel thieves! Catch them!
Damn! Heroes!
The usual place!
Bring the case!
- Go right!
- Okay!
Move! Get out of my way!
Todoroki, get him!
On it!
- Screw you.
- That was lame!
I'll show you the real deal!
They are late.
If it's a hoax, I'll...
Take it!
Too bad.
It took me too long.
Midoriya! The case is gone!
Did he leave it somewhere?
There's another guy!
There he is!
I'm sorry about that.
He's fast.
He's persistent.
All right then...
What's up?
Where did he go?
You can't catch me in a million years.
An accident?
Midoriya! I'll handle it!
I'm fine.
I'm going to be late.
- Crap!
- Stop!
Hold it!
This is insane.
My go-to outfit is ruined.
It's all that hero's fault.
Is he from this district?
Who cares. I'll never see him again.
Why are you chasing me?
Why did you run?
I'm in a hurry to do my job.
What job?
A business meeting.
I'm actually a great sales agent.
Don't bother me while I'm working.
Show me what's in that case.
For how much?
If you want to look,
you'll have to pay me.
Just let me take a look.
You're not a local hero, are you?
Are you allowed to do
hero stuff outside your country?
Well, that's...
Don't boss me around
when you don't have the right
or should I report you to the police
for chasing and harassing me?
Should I?
I'm glad you understand.
If you want to do hero stuff,
do it in your own country.
See you.
What else do you want?
Just let me look inside the case.
You'll have to pay me.
I'll pay so show me.
A hundred thousand euru.
That's too much.
Then let me go!
Just a peek!
- What?
- What?
Where are the jewels?
Thank you.
Hey! Come here!
Check this out.
What are these holes?
Those are...
I see. All right.
I'll handle it.
Continue your pursuit.
Thank you.
Don't forget, Beros.
The only redemption for the diseased
is to save the pure people of mankind.
Yes, I know.
I am so sorry!
Is this how
the Japanese beg for forgiveness?
I'm glad we cleared things up.
I'm sure even a hero
makes a mistake once in a while.
What happened to the contents?
Where did the jewels go?
Don't tell me I picked up...
...the wrong case!
I'm in a hurry. I have to go.
You're sweating like crazy. Are you okay?
This is bad. I have to go back.
But will the case still be there?
If someone sees what's inside,
they will definitely steal it.
It belongs to a villain.
I'm dead meat if I lose it.
What should I do?
Are you sure you're okay?
What?! I'm fine.
The police? Why?
They are so quick to arrive!
Show me your hands and get down!
Hold on. He's...
- I didn't steal anything!
- Stop!
We have permission! Fire!
Eyes front! Clench your teeth!
Why did they open fire?
I thought I was dead.
It's chasing us.
Too many civilians!
More arrows!
We have to get out of here.
You idiots!
This is an important mission!
Let the local heroes
handle everything else.
Heroes help people in trouble.
Putting one mission over another?
That's not what I learned.
You screwed up!
So, where's Deku?
Pursuing the thieves' accomplice.
He won't answer my calls.
I shouldn't have brought you guys!
It's Midoriya.
Midorya, what's going on?
The police attacked us!
What did you do?
I don't know.
They suddenly shot at us.
Then, I think,
we were attacked by a villain.
Calm down.
Tell me what happened in order.
I chased the guy with the case
and I caught him
but the jewels weren't in the case.
Endeavor! Bad news!
It's Deku...
As we reported earlier,
the police announced
that the 12 victims were murdered
by a hero from Japan named Deku,
also known as Izuku Midoriya
who's now on the nationwide wanted list.
Reports of an accomplice...
Hello? Todoroki?
Midoriya, what did you do?
You're wanted for mass murder.
Wanted? Why?
We will look into it.
Get out of there.
They will track you down with GPS.
Shut off your phone
and remove the battery.
You scared me.
Did you talk to the other heroes?
Why take the battery out?
When are they coming?
Well, you see...
An urgent message from Otheon.
Deku is a wanted criminal.
Young Midoriya?
What happened?
He's accused
of murdering 12 civilians in Otheon.
That's ridiculous!
However, it's info
from the central command...
Wait a sec!
Midoriya would never do
something like that. Right?
Of course not. It must be a mistake.
I refuse to believe it.
Deku... He's not that kind of guy!
Croak! I bet it's some kind of conspiracy.
Don't worry.
Endeavor and the others will see to it.
What do you mean?
You're a murderer and I'm your accomplice?
When did we become partners?
Tell me what's going on!
I don't know either.
I have no idea what's going on.
I'm finished.
Is my life going to get worse
than it already is?
What a nightmare...
This is all your fault!
Do something! You're a hero, right?
The police suddenly opened fire
and we were attacked by a villain.
It means they want us dead or alive.
In other words,
it's not us that they are after but...
It's useless.
Nothing here looks suspicious.
What are you doing?
They want the case, right?
Then why don't we just give it to them?
Right. It's a simple solution.
It's not that simple.
They might try to silence us
if they think we know its secret.
Wait a sec. Don't be so negative.
I know. Let's burn it
and tell them it's burnt and gone.
It won't change the result.
If so, let's contact the police.
And say what?
"If you want the case,
give us a million euru!"
Now that's a real crime.
Don't fly off the handle.
Come on, let's just give it to them.
They won't kill us. You worry too much.
If this case is connected to a crime,
we can't give it up so easily.
Don't involve me in your sense of justice!
We are both already involved.
They wanted to kill us.
It's too dangerous to make a move
without knowing why this happened.
So what do you suggest?
Let's escape.
We can't fight the police
no matter what the reason.
We are being pursued by the Otheon police.
We should cross the border to Klayd
where I doubt they will come after us.
Let's get out of here
before we get trapped.
What about the villain?
What if she comes after us?
If she does, I promise I'll protect you.
Escaping is our best option for now.
All right. Fine. I get it.
I'll go to the border
or wherever you want.
That bus will take us toward the border.
Let's get a free ride.
No. We have to pay the fee.
We are fugitives.
We have to avoid being spotted.
Give me a break.
There. No fee.
You're just like me, hero.
Delaware Smash, Air Force!
The fare for two.
Is it safe to ride on the roof?
Commissioner, I need proof!
I need proof that
Izuku Midoriya is a mass murderer!
I can't divulge information
from an ongoing investigation.
Especially to his colleague
who's a Japanese hero.
Japan's No. 1 Hero, Endeavor.
Critically diseased at Stage 5.
Save mankind.
A report from an investigator I know.
What does it say?
The car you saw that crashed,
with holes in it...
A member of Humarise was in it.
Where is he now?
He's unconscious
and is in critical condition in the ICU,
with police protection.
We can't interview him.
One more thing.
The stolen jewels
were scattered near the accident.
Does that mean...
A text from Midoriya.
What does it say?
"Once it turns dark, feel free to eat
the strawberries inside the refrigerator."
He wants us to eat strawberries?
Isn't that a code?
Klayd? Isn't it a country next to Otheon?
He's heading there.
I'll go to Klayd.
Okay. I'll inform Endeavor.
Bakugo, let's go.
What? Where?
Is it the dweeb?
Yes. I'll fill you in later.
First, let's lose those guards.
Don't order me around.
I hope they get my message.
The secret in this case...
No police...
I think we are safe.
Is it okay if I make a phone call?
Your profile wasn't reported
on TV so it's fine,
but make it short, okay?
This is Stanleyk.
Is that you?
Sorry for being sudden, but...
will you tell my brother and sister
that I won't be home for a while?
I'll pay you later.
You idiot!
I don't owe you any favor.
Moreover, I received a complaint
about the goods not being delivered.
Well, that was...
Stop making excuses!
I'm not!
Make the delivery
or you're dead! Got that?!
I don't have the goods.
Damn it!
Is everything okay?
Yes. It's fine.
He took the wrong case?
The villains had a case of stolen jewels.
It seems like Midoriya took the wrong one.
The case he now has
belongs to a member of Humarise.
Is that why
the police are after the dweeb?
I think so.
The case must be really important,
or the police wouldn't make it
such a big deal.
A Humarise member is on the police force.
Right. Humarise snoops could be anywhere.
Be careful.
Don't order me around.
As I thought,
there's no public transportation
to the border.
We have to find a ride
or we will have to walk.
Walk? There's no way.
Do you know how far it is?
If you get tired,
I'll carry you on my back.
To help people in trouble,
that's what my power is for.
I'm already in trouble so help me already.
I will. I promise.
Ready? Here it goes!
Let me try.
I want to try!
Me too!
Thanks, Rody.
Hi, Dad!
I'm home.
This puzzle is a difficult one.
How do I solve it?
I'll give you a clue.
Use that approach.
This is yours...
You can have it.
Thanks for taking care
of your brother and sister, Rody.
Their father went missing.
I heard he joined Humarise.
The crazy organization
that claims Quirks are a disease.
A group of troublemakers.
He's a famous engineer, right?
People are not what they seem to be.
Listen. Stay away from them.
Who knows what they will do to you?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
- Bro...
- Bro...
I'll never leave you guys.
No matter what I have to do...
If this case is connected to a crime,
we can't give it up so easily.
What's the matter?
Don't tell me...
Are you from the police?
Hand over the case.
Now I'm free, right?
Where's your accomplice?
You guys know, don't you?
The secret about this case!
I don't know anything!
My brother and sister
are waiting for me. Please!
Let me go home!
He stopped Air Force. Then...
Hey... You're...
Hang on tight.
Damn it.
Wait here. I'll go find some medicine.
The wound isn't that deep,
but my phone is broken.
can you get the medical kit out of my bag?
That villain is strong.
We better get out of here quick.
Why did you protect me?
I took the case. I betrayed you.
You should have ignored me
and ran with the case.
I could never do that.
I was delivering
the jewels that the villains stole.
I'm a criminal that you heroes despise.
I can't ignore people in trouble.
I want to save them no matter what.
But it's not worth it if you get hurt.
Saving them is good enough.
I don't get it.
It was my dream.
To smile and save people...
that's the kind of hero I want to be.
A hero like All Might.
All Might? That world-famous guy?
Yes. He's my master.
Are you serious?
To be like All Might,
you chased your dream and became a hero.
We are so different.
I can't think ahead at all.
It's useless to even
dream of becoming a pilot.
My hands are full
raising my younger siblings.
- I...
- Don't you dare!
I don't want your pity.
I thought heroes
were showoffs who
claimed they were helping people
but were in it for the money.
As a matter of fact,
heroes don't come to my town.
There's no money in it.
But I guess there are heroes like you too.
The more you save me,
the more I feel disappointed in myself.
I'm pathetic.
I am too.
I wanted to become a hero
since I was a kid,
but people kept telling me
I could never be one.
I sucked at using my Quirk
and was a failure at school.
My classmates had to help me all the time.
I'm still pathetic,
but I don't want to be one anymore.
I'm trying to be a hero
who smiles and saves people.
His name is Pino.
I'm Rody Soul.
What's your name?
I'm Izuku Midoriya. My hero name is Deku.
Deku. Easy to remember.
Yes. I like it.
Let's get some sleep, Rody.
Okay, Deku.
My apologies.
We almost had them but they got away.
I have every member
of the force searching for them.
Can't you mobilize the army?
I'm afraid I don't have the authority.
Continue your search.
Yes, sir. Save mankind.
Did I wake you?
What's that truck?
I borrowed it. It's too far on foot.
I left the owner an IOU,
from the Heroes Association.
If we had a Cessna,
we would be in Klayd in no time.
Cessna? Can you fly one?
I was kidding. Hop on.
Hey, Deku.
I can go home after
we reveal the secret, right?
Of course.
Do you have a little brother?
And a little sister.
Your parents?
My mom died right after
she gave birth to my sister.
That's why my dad worked hard to raise us,
but he suddenly vanished.
Have you heard of Humarise?
The terrorist organization.
Right. Our lives have been hell
after people found out he joined them.
We lost our friends and our home.
We were kicked out of school.
I can't find a decent job.
I see.
I hated my dad for it. I hated his guts.
But then I stopped caring.
All that matters now
is my brother and sister.
I want to give them a normal life.
They are adorable.
My brother is really smart.
My sister is super cute.
I see.
She'll grow up to be a beauty.
Keep your eyes on the road, Rody!
Your Quirk is so useful.
You have a Quirk, don't you? What kind?
I'm not telling you.
I'm sorry.
You won't laugh?
I won't!
I promise I won't!
My Quirk is...
Such heavy security.
We can't get past them without a fight.
We will have to climb up this cliff.
Climb on. We have to hurry.
Deku, take this.
You can't carry me with that wound.
This is it for me.
The truck is out of gas.
I can't leave you here by yourself.
You know how fast I can run.
I'll eat some nuts and wait here.
Find out the secret and come get me.
I'm counting on you, hero.
It's her!
I won't fail again.
Use these.
Damn those guys!
Delaware Smash...
Air Force!
Rody! Are you okay?!
Ouch... Yes. Somehow.
The case?
Catch it!
- Deku!
- Rody!
Save mankind!
This is...
Your messages are hard to decipher.
I'm over here!
Help me! I'll do anything!
Then tell me what I want to know.
You got it.
Bakugo, get her!
Don't order me around!
I can't control it!
Save mankind.
Rody, are you okay?
Yes. I'm fine.
Where's the case?
Midorya. This, right?
Thanks, Todoroki. How did you find us?
From the train during the fracas.
So he's that guy...
Yes. This is Rody. He's been
wrongly accused of a crime, like me.
Thanks for saving me.
So what about this case?
It's connected to Humarise, right?
Yes. That's why we are here.
We thought we could get some useful intel.
What is it, Midoriya?
This is...
How does this work?
It's so confusing.
Like this?
It returns to its first position.
It's difficult.
Give it to me!
I'll blast it with Explosion!
No, Kacchan...
Deku, let me try.
Can you do it?
I solved one like this when I was a kid.
Well... This goes here...
Yes! I got it.
What's this?
Is this a data chip?
Let's go to the town below
and see what we have.
The targets are now in Klayd.
It's out of my jurisdiction.
Forget it.
If they are in Klayd,
they are too far away to stop us.
It's time to execute the plan!
- Save mankind!
- Save mankind!
- Save mankind!
- Save mankind!
- Save mankind!
- Save mankind!
Emergency! Humarise has started
an Internet broadcast.
Let me see it.
We, Humarise, are rising to this occasion.
To protect the Quirkless,
the pure mankind being threatened
by those diseased with Quirks,
our own humanity salvation devices
have been activated
in 25 countries around the world.
Mankind will be saved two hours from now.
Two hours?!
But we are not merciless.
If you want to stop us,
I'll tell you the regions
where we have set up the devices.
What does that mean?
You deserve a fair chance
even if you don't agree with our ideas.
Director, there are Trigger Bombs
in 25 places around the world,
each with a Humarise chapter.
It might be a trap.
Even so...
Deploy the hero units on standby!
Yes, sir!
A state of panic in the relevant areas!
The panic is spreading.
Transportation has shut down!
This is bad!
Suneater, rescue the injured!
Red Riot and Real Steel,
secure evacuation routes!
- Roger!
- Roger!
Chimera Kraken!
Here I go!
Red Gauntlet!
Ready, Mic?
Okay, everybody!
Take this road! Go!
- Don't worry!
- We're saved!
- Stay calm!
- Thank you!
We are counting on you, search unit.
We will find the Trigger Bombs.
Got that?
I'll guide the evacuation here!
Let's look for the Trigger Bomb.
- Okay!
- Okay!
let the Americans handle the evacuation!
We will look for the Trigger bombs!
Go! Fierce Wings!
Search for every nook and cranny!
Tokage! Use this sensor to find the bombs!
Got it.
I'll find it, no matter what!
Momo, let's go to the next site.
How can we find
a bomb in such a huge area?
I know you can do it!
Follow me!
So fast!
Because he's like paper!
Clair, did you find it?
Not in this district.
Moving on to the next!
Shoto, what are you doing?
We need you here!
So many files.
Where do we start?
The newest timestamp...
This video file.
My name is Alan Kay,
a scientist abducted by Humarise.
Humarise took our families
hostage and forced us, scientists,
to manufacture Ideo Trigger Bombs.
The first random terror attack
was an opening move
to lure strong heroes
to cities with Humarise chapters.
Their next move is to detonate the bombs
to annihilate the heroes in the areas.
Society will collapse
without the top heroes.
Amidst the chaos,
they want to wipe out
every Quirk holder in the world.
That's the final goal of Flect Turn,
the leader of Humarise.
I hope my voice reaches the heroes.
Eddie Soul made the deactivation key
of the bombs at the cost of his life.
Use it to save the world.
I repeat.
Humarise set bombs around the world
in its alleged attempt to save mankind.
It claims that the bombs will explode
in exactly 1 hour and 52 minutes.
The relevant areas
are in a state of panic.
Heroes are evacuating
the citizens and searching for the bombs.
Bombings are expected in...
You're kidding.
There's a bomb in Otheon near my home too.
I have to tell them
to call back the heroes...
They won't retreat.
The heroes won't stop the search.
Even if they are the targets of the bombs,
even if they know it's a trap,
as long as people need their help,
heroes will never
run away and abandon them.
It's all part of the enemy's plan.
If so, let's use that key
to deactivate the Trigger Bombs.
But how?
The answer must be here.
If there's a key,
there must be a door to open.
Somewhere not mentioned...
The bastards' base!
Kacchan. The bomb control system?
I'm on it, you nerd!
The deepest basement...
We now know its location
but it's over 400 km from here.
We can make it.
I have an idea.
KLAYD AIRPORDon't worry. I know the basics.
No time to chicken out.
We will stop the Trigger Bombs.
I'm going to kick those lunatics' asses.
We will protect the heroes no matter what.
We will protect the world!
Data from hero Shoto of the Otheon unit.
They have the deactivation key!
Their location?
On the way to a secret facility
with the Trigger Bombs' main system.
Young Todoroki... Young Bakugo...
Young Midoriya...
Shoto went to deactivate the bombs?
Let's assist him!
No. Evacuation and finding
the bombs are the top priorities.
What is it?
I found one!
Inside a trailer parked in front
of the north gate of Otheon Tower.
Heroes nearby, go!
- Roger!
- Roger!
This is...
Shoji! Midoriya's group
went to deactivate the bombs!
Stay alert, Jiro!
We have our own mission to accomplish.
Got it.
There's a Trigger Bomb!
Inside the third container
of that freight train!
Got it!
Villains? Why?
They have backup.
Uravity! Froppy! Secure the Trigger Bomb!
- On it!
- Croak!
I'm sure Deku
and the others will stop the bombs,
but we will do what we can on our side!
Out of my way!
Each unit has found the bombs,
but Humarise is fighting back!
Less than 30 minutes to go.
The heroes are doing everything they can.
I'm counting on you guys,
heroes of the future!
We are close.
Cleanse the critically diseased.
That's their base.
We are going to land. Hang on!
Rody, turn around and go back.
Stay out of this, civvy.
From here on...
It's the heroes' job!
Stand back, small fry!
Some of them have Quirks!
Not just the mercenaries?
I know!
Bakugo, get them!
Stop them!
Don't order me around!
Go right to the far end.
Take this!
They are all small fry.
Why is a damn villain assisting Humarise?
We were chosen by Humarise.
We are going to cooperate
with them and live in a new world.
So you want to save yourselves?
You're rotten to the core, damn villains!
They are fast.
I can't believe they left me.
You must be Rody Soul.
Go on ahead! We don't have time!
I'll finish them off.
Flashfreeze Heatwave!
Flames don't work.
He has no rational mind.
He's triggered already?
Does he use his Quirk
to control water twisters?
Damn. It slices the explosions.
Don't get so cocky!
Zero Distance!
Too bad.
You annoying pests!
That laugh is getting on my nerves!
You small fry had no idea, huh?
I planted grenades during the fight.
Now they are real lunatics!
Don't try to stop me!
The room farthest in the back...
The Trigger Bomb control
system must be behind that door.
Leave. This is no place for
a critically diseased person like you.
The leader, Flect Turn.
This is a sacred place for saving mankind.
You're kidding me.
The Quirk Doomsday Theory
has no scientific proof.
It's a stupid myth!
Why do you believe
in that nonsense and terrorize the world?
The pure people are threatened
by a disease called Quirks.
Over time, they integrate and intensify.
They will become
uncontrollable and destroy mankind.
That's not true!
Quirks are not a disease!
We are all the same with or without it!
The critically diseased are difficult.
It's up to me to end this.
I swear I'll stop the Trigger Bombs!
He deflected my attack.
No... This impact and power...
It feels like I was attacked by Smash.
That's right. I was born with a disease.
An incurable disease
that reflects everything.
I thought so. A Quirk
that reflects all impacts on his body...
It's even constantly operative.
Why don't you believe in Quirks
when you have one yourself?
He can also attack from a distance.
Believe in them?
You're a fool.
Because of this disease,
my parents never held me in their arms.
My close friends and the woman I loved
and even my own heart
were reflected away from me.
I also can't kill myself
because I reflect everything.
An uncontrollable Quirk
only makes you suffer.
Mankind's body and soul will soon
be crushed by the intensifying Quirks.
I won't use my Quirk
at the moment of impact!
It gets reflected anyway!
He concentrates
the force of impact on one point.
If so,
I'll rush top speed to the control system!
I'm not worthy of staying alive.
I'm going to rid this world
of the disease called Quirks
and save the pure people
of mankind from extinction!
What a pity.
Five minutes to go.
Finally, the first step
toward saving mankind.
By the deaths of numerous heroes...
I won't let you.
I'm going to stop the Trigger Bombs!
Then I'll kill you too
along with your friends.
Kaminari. Sero. Mineta.
Kirishima. Shoji. Jiro.
Everybody's fighting as hard as they can,
to stop the Trigger Bombs
and protect people's happiness!
Think of a way to beat him.
Rody... What are you doing here?
You can stop fighting, Deku.
It's dangerous...
Get out of here...
I will after I give this to them.
The deactivation key?
They told me...
they will stop the bomb in Otheon
if I give it to them.
Rody... No...
I swear we will stop the bombs!
In that condition, how can you?
We are running out of time.
The bombs will explode. Game over.
But I'm going to at least
save my brother and sister.
Deku, I'm a lousy hoodlum.
I can't protect and be responsible
for everything unlike you who's a hero.
If I have to choose between
the world or my family, I will.
That's what my dad did, right?
Your father, Eddie Soul
helped design the bombs to save mankind.
Eddie Soul made the deactivation key
of the bombs at the cost of his life.
Use it to save the world.
He had no choice.
You took us hostage
and forced him into it.
Fortunately, he made the right decision.
And like your father,
you're making the right decision
to protect your loved ones.
I do too.
I'm executing this plan
because I love mankind.
Rody... No...
It's time to give up, hero.
This is how people are betrayed.
I was too.
It happens all the time.
It's no use sulking.
you have a Quirk, don't you? What kind?
You won't laugh?
I won't.
I promise I won't!
My Quirk is...
Yes! He fell for it!
- Deku!
- Fool!
You nuisance...
Waste that damn bastard!
I'll stop the bombs! Go!
Go, hero! Go!
You're not getting past me!
I'm not going to let you!
You have a Quirk, don't you? What kind?
He's my Quirk.
Pino behaves the way I truly feel.
People know I'm lying
from the way Pino acts.
It's a worthless Quirk.
Not at all, Rody.
Not being able to lie
is a fantastic Quirk.
Damn! My right-hand attack...
Finally, they shut up.
This time for sure...
the final blow!
Howitzer Impact!
You... knuckleheads...
I'm going to pass out.
Stay away from Midoriya!
Flashfreeze Heatwave!
He can also control flames?
with maximum power...
Flashfire Fist!
Jet Kindling!
Stop them.
I'm counting on you.
I'm going to be like Dad...
going to be like Deku...
Like father, like son.
Losers that both died in vain.
You're wrong.
Rody... My friend is not a loser!
It's useless.
Won't you ever give up?
Of course not!
I have faith in Rody!
I have faith in heroes!
Assist Endeavor!
Shoto, I got this!
Go, Fierce Wings!
Take it out of blast range!
Hawks, there's another Trigger Bomb!
We stopped this one.
The other Trigger Bombs?
Two more.
Wait! Another one! Three more in total!
We will never give up! Right, Bakugo?
I'll toss this up in the air...
Ochako! The Trigger Bomb!
He won't give up.
Deku will never give up!
Midoriya and the guys won't give up!
- So we won't either!
- So we won't either!
We refuse to give up!
That's right. Heroes don't give up.
We fight to the end!
Is his power increasing?
No... It's not only that.
He's losing power. I get it.
His reflection Quirk has a limit.
I'll surpass that limit!
Don't tell me...
Does my Quirk have a limit?
I don't believe it...
You gave up.
If you didn't give up...
If you had kept trying...
maybe you wouldn't have lost
your loved ones.
You decided it was a disease
and lost hope.
You stopped fighting!
Be quiet.
We know a phrase that inspires us.
Be quiet.
We say it to ourselves all the time.
Be quiet!
Go beyond!
Plus Ultra!
Shut up!
Detroit Smash!
A hero can always
break out of a tough spot!
All Might...
Young Midoriya!
A hero has a lot to protect.
That's why...
That's why I can't lose!
United States of...
World Smash!
You're out of time.
It's past the time limit...
It didn't explode.
It stopped functioning.
Were they deactivated?
They did it.
Well done, you guys.
Thanks, Rody.
Hang in there.
I'll take you to a hospital.
I was able to protect
my family like my dad did, right?
We stopped the bombs, right?
I got everything like you did, right?
Yes, you did.
You're amazing, Rody.
I'm awesome.
The random terror attacks that threatened
the world were prevented by World Heroes.
Humarise officials who orchestrated
the terror attacks are being arrested.
The crisis ended.
Every Trigger Bomb was secured
and the heroes protected the world.
But it wasn't just the heroes.
The real savior of the world
who didn't give up was...
You've been released?
They said I'm fine now.
That's great.
If I had died,
maybe I could have been a legend.
Don't say that.
What are you going to do from now on?
Go back to my old life.
But of course, I'm going to get
everything that is precious to me.
We are now starting
boarding procedures for flight NNY224.
I have to go.
Don't come back to Otheon.
You cause too much trouble.
Do your hero stuff in Japan.
I'll come back to see you.
Don't you dare.
Got a job for me?
A legal one, if possible.
One of my staff quit.
You can fill his place.
Let me think about it.