My House (2023) Movie Script

Oh, crap.
Where did you get that?
The junk room.
Did you ask
if you could go in there?
Oh, I thought I...
It's a simple
enough question, Carla.
Did you ask
if you could go in there?
No. Sorry, Dad.
What's happened to your top?
I, um, I ripped it.
Where did you rip it?
Right. So now, do you understand
why I want you to ask
before you go in there?
Yes, Dad.
- But Dad.
- What?
What is this for?
- You see that red light there?
- Mm-hmm.
Right? Well, that's...
When that's on, it's recording.
All right.
Heya. I'm gonna
show you around today.
This is my room.
My bed, for sleeping.
Toys, for playing with,
though I don't really
play with them much anymore.
Look, my curtains
have roses on them.
They're my favorite flower.
This is Sam.
Come on.
Say hi, Sam.
I hope you like it, Dad.
When was slavery
abolished here in the UK?
Um, 1815.
During the Battle of Waterloo?
No, just before.
Oh. Oh, I thought it was later.
Like 1830 something.
And do you still believe that?
Or are you happy to accept
that I'm telling the truth?
No, I... Yeah.
My son kicked his ball
over our fence
and it's in your garden.
Shh. Go.
It's okay.
I live around the corner.
I can't open the door right now
'cause there's lots
of furniture in the way. Sorry.
Could you just
help me to get my ball back?
I'm afraid
this is me mother's house.
I'm just helping her move out,
so I'm no good to you.
I can get it myself
if you could just...
Just go away.
Get out of here.
- Hi.
- Hey. It's okay.
- He's gone. Did you hear him?
- Yeah.
You hear the tricks
he tried to pull?
People are getting really sneaky
and we gotta do something.
Give me that
and I'll record you.
So you can watch it
back later to remind you.
- Okay. Ready?
- Mm-hmm.
Try again.
- You ready?
- Mm-hmm.
Faster. Faster.
All right. One more.
Ready? Go.
Come on. Come on. Go.
Five, four, three, two.
The door. You forgot the door.
- Okay?
- Mm-hmm.
Go! Five, four, three, two, one.
Yes. That's it. Yes. Perfect.
That's the test then?
Your mother
would be very, very proud.
Dad, I was wondering if...
Okay. If you want to.
Can I really?
Well, because you
did so well tonight.
- Thank you.
- All right.
Thank you.
Hey, it's all right.
Hey. Oh.
I wanna show you
something else. Come.
This is one
of my favorite books.
It's about a girl who
drinks a potion and shrinks.
And, um,
this one is about a princess.
And this one is about
a girl called Nancy Drew,
who solves mysteries,
just like me.
- Carla?
- Dad?
You know what you gotta do
when I'm gone?
Yeah. I've got to
hang up the washing,
uh, clean the oven and, um...
And change light bulb
here in the living room.
I'll be gone three or four
hours. You remember the knock?
- Yep.
- Okay.
Hi, Sam. Do you
want to come out and play?
Hello? Hello?
Is anyone there? Hello?
Is someone there?
I know someone's there.
I saw you. Hello?
I have something you might want.
I can help you.
Just come and have a look.
Just answer the door.
I know you're there.
I've got something for you.
Sorry, I...
I can't get to the door.
There's a lot of...
Of furniture in the way.
All right. Um...
I can't see any. You sure?

This will get rid of you.
Oh, Go...
Go on, then! Go away.
My suit!
Sorry. Look, I'm not mad.
I... I'm... I'm not angry.
Um, I'm doing the houses.
House to house.
I'm doing the whole street,
trying to sell this stuff.
Uh, I've... I've got tea towels,
dusters, washing up liquid.
Uh, no thanks.
Oh, hang about.
What about my best seller?
Okay. Look,
microfiber cloths.
No, I don't need any.
Come on.
You gotta buy something.
Okay, um, listen,
what's your name?
Is it Carla?
- What?
- Yeah?
But is that your real name?
What do you mean?
Is your dad in?
What? No.
Have you ever looked
yourself up on the Internet?
Not there, are you?
And your dad?
What's the Internet?
What's the Internet?
Okay, well, I was gonna give
this to my 100th customer
as a bonus, right?
You can have it.
I'll put it through
the letter box.
Uh, but don't tell anyone.
Have a try, play with it,
and try searching for yourself.
I don't want you
getting in trouble.
How does it work?
You'll figure it out.
The password to get in is 1717.
All right. I'll go now,
but I'll be back very soon.
- Good?
- Good.
Dad, what's the Internet?
Where did you hear about that?
I read about it in the book.
Oh, did ya?
Well, you tell me then.
What do you think it is?
Um, it's a place where
you can search for things.
Yeah. Well,
that's one thing it does.
What else
happened this afternoon?
Dad, do I have any other names?
Did I ever have, like,
a different name before Carla?
What do you mean?
I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know?
What kind
of bloody question is that?
I dunno. I was...
I was just wondering.
- Sorry.
- No, come on. Why did you ask?
- Well, uh, there was, um...
- What?
- There was a... a man who...
- What man?
A man came around.
- When?
- When you were out.
- Who was he?
- I... I... I don't know.
Don't tell me you don't know.
Who was he?
Uh, a... a new one.
What did he want?
He wanted to talk.
And did you talk to him?
No. No. I threw a bucket
of water on him.
Okay. And what did
he want to talk about?
I couldn't understand him,
but I didn't tell him anything.
After dinner, you go
straight to your room, right?
And turn that bloody thing off.
Go on, turn it off.
Time for bed.
There's a man
trying to get in the house.
We need to move. Come on.
Dad, what's happening?
What's, going on, Dad?
Dad? What's happening?
No, no, no. Right there,
not safe. Great. Come on.
Who is it?
Dad, who is it?
- I have to do something.
- No, Dad. Stay.
It's all right. It's all right.
I'll be back, okay?
- No, Dad. Please.
- I promise you.
I promise you. I promise you.
I'll be back. All right?
- All right.
- All right. All right.
Dad, dad, dad.
Dad. Dad.
Dad. Dad.
Dad. Dad, did he hurt you?
No. No. I'm okay.
Okay. Okay. It's all over. Ah.
Oh, Dad.
You all right?
Yeah. I'm all right.
Ah, I shot him off.
Oh, God.
Oh, gosh.
Who was that, Dad?
I've been meaning
to tell you this when...
When you were older,
but I suppose now is the time.
Dad, what are you talking about?
Now, listen.
I never wanted to scare you,
Carla. I never wanted that.
What I wanted was for you
to feel... you know, safe.
- Do you understand?
- Yeah.
And... But...
I mean, that doesn't mean
that there's nothing
to be afraid of.
So, when you were very,
I mean, barely three.
Yeah. I was working in London
and one night I was
walking to the underground
to go home to you
and I see this man in a suit,
uh, no one else around.
And then I see
there were these other two men
got out of the car,
they go up to the guy and they...
They, you know, they hold him
and he just stood there
and he didn't...
He didn't know what to do.
I suppose he was shocked.
Then another man gets
out of the car, he walks up,
and right there in the street,
he stabbed him over
and over and over.
I mean, it was obviously
a planned attack.
So, I start shouting,
you know, "Stop!"
But by the time I...
Oh, Dad.
Well, those men are criminals,
you know.
if that don't sound too...
Well, I...
I called the police, obviously.
Told them what I'd seen
and that man
that did the stabbing,
he... he was arrested
and charged with murder.
And then the police told me
that if I testified
to that man's associates,
you know,
the criminals,
they might come after me.
But I mean, I knew
I had to testify. I had to.
So, the police said
that they could, um,
they could move us anywhere
we wanted, you know, and...
And make a...
A fresh start for us.
So, I chose here because
it was far away and safe.
And, well, it's worked so far.
No one's found us.
But that's why
we do the things we do.
We've gotta be so careful with...
With strangers, Carla.
Did you think
it was that man I spoke to?
I think so.
Did you see his face?
No, not... not clearly. No.
I'm so sorry, Dad.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so proud of you.
Oh, Carla.
Good job.
Mm, yeah.
Oh, sorry. I.
It's for his own protection.
I know.
Okay, go ahead.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
Bye. I'll be back
just in time for dinner.
- Okay.
- Okay.
I'm sorry, Sammy.
It's all my fault.
You again.
Hello. How are you?
If you don't leave right now,
I'm gonna call the police.
What? Come on. There...
There's no need for that.
I'll report an attack.
- By who?
- You, last night.
Not me.
I'm being harassed
by a threatening man.
I don't know what he wants,
but I want him to go away.
Will you go away?
Come on. Look,
I never attacked anyone.
What about that phone
I gave you?
Did you find out anything?
I am warning you.
Did you try
and find your mother?
Why would you say that?
Do you know
what happened to her?
Or do you just know about
what he told you?
You can't play
these games with my head.
All right, look.
I'm not a tea towel salesman.
I'm here because
I'm a private investigator,
like a detective.
You know what a detective is?
Prove it.
Hand it over so I can see it.
Frank Unsworth, that you?
Yeah, that's me.
All right then, Frank Unsworth,
How did she die?
Oh, um, wasn't expecting that.
Are you sure she did?
Look, I don't want you
to risk anything,
but ask him about it.
Just see what he says.
Look, I better go, but I'll be
back again as soon as I can.
No, you've lost it, mate.
Go on. Get lost.
I can't find you
on the Internet either.
Now, we'll see
if you cheat, huh?
All right.
- Dad?
- Mm-hmm?
You know Mum?
What... what happened to her?
You know what happened to her.
But what did she...
What did she die of?
Oh, I don't really want to talk
about this just now, Carla.
I'm sorry.
But she... she did die though,
didn't she?
When she was giving birth to me?
- Carla.
- And where is she buried?
- And why is it that we never...
- Carla!
Do you think I'd lie to you?
No. No, Dad.
Why would I lie to you
about something like that?
- Do you think I don't love you?
- No.
Well, maybe you
don't love me then.
Is that why you're
asking these questions?
No! No.
Please, just forget
I even said anything.
Dad, I know you know
what's best for me.
Go, your room.
There's someone in the garden.
I need to get a closer look.
I know. I know.
Might be time to leave.
Go somewhere where...
Where no one knows us.
Oh, shit!
I'm in the toilet.
I'm leaving.
I'll be back in two hours.
Don't forget to lock the door.
I won't.
Let's see if we can find them.
They should be here somewhere.
Oh crap! Oh, God.
Oh no. Oh, God.
This hair.
Who is that?
My second birthday.
I don't understand.
Look, that arm.
That's not my dad.
Someone else.
I think...
it looks like
a woman's foot, doesn't it?
This gotta be my mum.
That's gotta be my mum.
Let's see out here.
Mis... sing.
You forgot to lock the door.
What happened to Mum?
What did you do to her?
What happened to Mum?
You forgot to lock the door!
Yeah, see?
It's working, isn't it?
You do realize
just how dangerous it is
to leave the door unlocked,
don't you?
Well, you probably, probably
got distracted, I suppose.
Hey, focused on
some nonsense over there.
And you just
let your guard down.
Dad, I'm sorry.
No, you don't...
You don't need to say sorry.
You don't need
to be sorry to me, okay?
But you gotta look after
yourself, Carla.
- All right?
- Okay.
Hug? Come on.
I won't be too long. All right.
Save your battery.
Oh, wow. Always filming, eh?
Is that a problem?
No. It... it... it's... it's good.
So, did you do what I said?
Did you ask him about
what happened to your mum?
Can't you just tell me?
Look, I... I would love to,
but here's the thing...
How do I know I can trust you?
Well, how do I know you won't
take everything I tell you
and repeat it to your dad?
If he finds out I'm here,
it could get difficult.
How... how'd you do that?
Oh, I got it from an accident.
Sorry if it was me.
I was just trying to get you
to understand for yourself.
Your dad is not
being honest with you.
What do you get out of this?
So look, I... I want you
to do me and yourself a favor.
Like what?
Will you record him for me?
Uh, with the phone I gave you.
I mean, film him.
How do you expect me
to record him on a phone?
I'll, um, I'll show you.
Look, come around here.
You see the tiny black circle
on the top of the screen?
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
That's a camera.
And if you turn it over,
you see the other
tiny black circles?
- Yeah.
- That's another camera.
We're gonna use 'em
both to get some video.
Now... now turn it
back to the front.
You see
the orange and blue icon?
Right. Wait a sec.
Uh, yeah.
Push it.
But... but... but not too hard.
Oh, I can see me.
I can see me and I can see you.
Both front and back cameras
record at the same time.
Uh, use the front one to record
your dad, but keep it secret.
He mustn't find out,
for your sake.
Try and get his face.
Film him talking.
But if you are up for it,
I need you to ask him
about what he did.
Yeah. Has he talked about much
why you two are in hiding?
Oh, he said we're hiding
from criminals.
That after he testified...
Well, what is it?
Yeah. Well,
I think there's more to it.
Ideally, I need you to film
a confession for me.
A confession? Well, of what?
For evidence. Then I can
take it to the police.
The police? Why? What's he done?
You're gonna
have to ask him that.
This is rubbish.
You don't know him.
- Carla.
- No! Stop!
He never testified, Carla.
Ugh! Just tell me about my mum.
Not yet.
Get me that confession first.
Help... you?
"It's the truth. And I think
you're starting to..."
And my mum?
"Do this for me, I'll tell you
what happened to her.
I promise I have info..."
You still want me
to get a confession?
Have you eaten?
What's up with you?
Just feeling good.
Is that allowed?
Where were you last night?
None of your business.
Do you want some breakfast?
I'll have a banana.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
You've seemed off for a while.
Well, I suppose
I've not been sleeping well.
- No?
- No.
Do you want some pills?
Why not?
You said pills
were for the weak.
Good. That's right.
They are for the weak.
Did he make it to hospital?
- Did who?
- The man.
Which man?
The man you saw get stabbed.
Oh, what do you think?
Well, I know he died,
but you never said.
Would you...
would you mind telling me
the story again?
Oh, Carla, it's not
an easy story to tell, that.
I shouldn't have asked.
Why did you?
Well, I like to think of you
in that situation.
You know,
trying to save someone.
Makes me feel safe.
Okay. Come and sit down.
Right. So...
I was working in London
on a job.
What sort of job?
I was a site manager.
Did you have much
experience as a site manager?
- Carla.
- Sorry.
So, uh, on a job
and then one night, quite late,
I was walking out
of Bethnal Green tube station
and up ahead of...
No, that's not what you said.
That's not right.
You said last time that you were
going into the tube station,
not coming out of it.
You said
last time that you were...
I heard what you said.
I'm just asking
why you've said it.
Well, I mean...
I was going
out of the tube station.
but last time you said you...
I know what I said.
I'm not in the habit of
saying the wrong thing, Carla.
- Sorry.
- We lived near Bethnal Green.
So why would I be going
into the tube station at night?
- I know. It's just...
- Just what?
- Last time you said...
- For God's sake!
Why do you insist
on fighting with me?
Making me out to be
some kind of idiot?
I'm sorry.
Do you understand
that I would die for you?
- I don't know...
- Do you understand
that I would do anything
to protect you?
So, why do you have
such little faith in me?
Making out I'm trying
to trick you, lying to you.
Is that what you think of me?
A liar?
No, I never...
- So I'm not a liar then?
- No.
So you must be the liar, then,
saying that I was going
into the tube station.
You were lying.
I don't know.
I'm sorry.
Right, Frank
or whatever your name is.
That is not what he said.
He said he was going
into the tube station.
I can prove it to you.
I've got it here.
- Right.
- Barely three.
I was working in London.
Oh, no, that's not it.
That's, uh,
that's too late. Here.
One night I was walking
to the underground
to go home to you.
See that? See that?
I was right.
I'm in here.
What you doing?
I'm washing my face.
I thought I heard you
talking to someone.
Uh, no. It was
just the pipes whistling.
Oh, okay.
- Frank?
- Hey.
I'm sorry to have called.
I... I... I just wanted to check
and see how you're doing.
You've seen the videos?
Well, that's the thing.
I... I haven't.
For whatever reasons,
they ain't uploading.
Well, why not?
I'm not quite sure.
This is...
I haven't done this very much.
Very much.
I... I'll fix it.
It... it's just a hitch.
Are you sure you're
a private investigator?
Well, what did you film?
Not much.
But I know he's lying to me.
Okay, that's good. Keep digging.
And when you have more footage,
I... I... I'll come by
and I'll collect
the phone from you.
Why did you attack my dad?
I didn't.
Then who did?
Sorry, I have no idea.
Did you see who did it?
Then your guess is
as good as mine.
All right then. Good luck.
Oh, wait, what if I don't wanna
know if he did something bad?
What if he finds out
about all this?
Okay. Look...
He's already...
I can show you this.
See that?
That's you when you were a kid.
Someone in your family
gave me that picture
to help me find you.
That's... where was that?
I've seen that house before.
You used to live there
before you disappeared.
- When?
- Sorry, Carla.
Um, get that footage, please.
I need proof. Otherwise,
all this will be for nothing.
What will be for nothing?
It will all become clearer.
I promise.
Hey! Hey!
What do you think you're doing?
Hey! Come here!
Hey! Hey!
Hey! What do you think
you're doing?
Oh, my God.
This is very, good Carla.
Really excellent.
And he who waters
will be watered himself.
What's that?
Oh, it's just from
some book I read once.
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
I never see you using
your camcorder anymore.
Is it still working?
Yeah, I, um...
I thought it was annoying you.
Does it make you happy?
- Yeah.
- Right.
Well, nothing that makes
you happy could ever annoy me.
"A strange multiplicity
of sensations seized me
and I saw, felt, heard,
and smelt at the same time.
And it was indeed a long time
before I learned to distinguish
between the operations
of my various senses."
Hey, looks like
you're struggling
with the operations
of your senses.
I'm fine.
Hey, go to bed.
I can read more
from it tomorrow.
You know I love you, don't you?
I love you, too.
What happened to you?
It's nothing.
It's just... I just...
it's barely a scratch.
What happened?
Nothing. I just...
Dad, I need to know.
If it's a wood wound,
I need to pick out
the wood with the tweezers.
If it's a nail,
I might have to use
a disinfectant.
It was a piece of metal.
- Piece of metal?
- Yeah.
Okay, okay.
Ooh, sorry.
Okay. There you go.
This bit...
Thank you.
He's in the bathroom.
So I think
I've got a few minutes.
Hey, what were you doing?
What were you doing in here?
Oh, God.
What were you doing in here?
What's this?
"Michael Carolan."
The water.
Yeah. Nice shower?
Yeah, fine.
Have you been poking around
in that junk room again?
- No.
- Hmm.
You should be careful, Carla.
Hi. I can't take
your call at the moment.
- Uh, please leave me a message.
- Not now.
Hi. I can't take
your call at the moment.
Uh, please leave me a message.
Look, this is really important.
I think he knows what we're
doing. And I'm really scared.
I found something
and I filmed it.
Look, can you just call me back?
Just saying good night.
- Hiya, Carla.
- Dad.
I've had to boost
security all around.
Ah, that's better.
Been watching you, you see.
I got cameras indoors now, too.
One up there. See?
One there, covering the exits.
And they record audio, too,
So, I can hear you,
you ungrateful brat.
Dad, please.
What, Dad?!
Dad! Fucking...
Fuck you!
Hiya. Drink?
- What is it?
- Water.
You tried
to run away last night.
Where were you going?
Who were you gonna meet?
You need me. Do you know that?
There's people out there would
hurt you to get back at me.
Is that what you want?
Yeah. It's me own fault, really.
I've given you protection
and love for so long
that you've started
to take it for granted.
And now look what
you've made me do, Carla.
I didn't want to do this.
Well, enjoy that water.
I can wait.
Are you ready to tell me yet?
Why are you doing this?
You're breaking my heart.
Maybe tomorrow, then.
There we are.
Bet that's good. Yeah?
There we are.
All right.
Now, I will give you more,
but I got some questions
for you first.
So... listen.
And I need you
to be honest with me.
Do you understand?
Because we can do this
again and again.
Where did you get that phone?
A man.
A man.
A man?
What man?
Who is Frank?
Private investigator.
- He's a what?
- Private...
- private...
- A private investigator,
is that what you're saying?
Now, why did you try to leave?
- What?
- Mo... My mother.
Your mother?
You lie.
All this is because of her?
Is that what this is all about?
Your mother?
[Locks clinking]
Come on.
Someone here to see you.
Put that on.
Quick. Quick. Come on.
It's all right. In you go.
Carla, this is Sarah,
your mother.
Say hello, love.
Aw, look at you there.
With your stripy baby clothes.
Show me.
Aw! Oh, look.
I think it was your birthday,
you got your little crown on.
Can you show me
one of us together?
Yeah. Yes, sure.
Oh, wow.
Look at my hair back then.
Oh, I think
you look great, my love.
And what a sweet baby
you were, Carla. Eh?
I'm sorry I wasn't
there for you, Carla.
And I'm sorry I never
told you the truth, love.
I, um...
I wasn't well for a long time.
I had... have problems
and I... I... didn't
want it to affect you.
Even in those first few years,
I... I wasn't a very good mother.
So when your father
said he needed to go away,
I... I thought that was
a good opportunity, you know,
for you... for you
to get a fresh start and...
Do... do you understand me?
But she never stopped
loving, you know.
No. No, I didn't. Never.
And when your dad talked
about me, it was just my...
my heart just tripled
in size, I'm sure.
You... you talk to each other?
Yeah. Yeah, all the time.
You know, he...
He tells me how well
you're doing
in all your subjects.
When? When do
you talk to each other?
Don't interrupt your mother.
No. No. No, it's fine.
Yeah, well, we talk.
Sometimes your father
comes to visit me at home.
There are... there are things
we need to figure out, Carla.
Things that we...
We need to learn.
But I'm here now,
and I'm willing
to give it a try.
So's your dad.
I always wanted a daughter,
but I just wasn't
ready for you then.
But now I am.
Now we can be together.
It's all right. It's all right.
- That's enough.
- Yeah?
- Okay.
- Thank you.
I like quite a strong cup.
- That's fine.
- Yeah.
You're a good tea maker.
Thank you.
I've got lots of practice.
Okay. This is nice.
- Pretty sure that's poisonous.
- Whoa!
- Yeah. Give it a spray.
- Mm.
That's it.
Let's put it in the light.
Give it a bit more sunlight.
All right.
Look at this.
Ah, it's beautiful.
Thanks, Mum.
Just put those...
in the saucepan.
Well, I can cook for you
now I'm here.
Well, can you teach me more?
I like this.
It's nice.
And though everywhere, beloved,
for the friendliness of his
heart and his amiable temper,
his talents could not have
recommended him at any time.
- Yes?
- Are you...
are you sure about Dad?
What... what do you mean?
I... I don't know. Um...
What is it?
Do you really believe
there are criminals still
trying to get revenge on him?
If he says so, then yes.
What is it?
I wanna
tell you something, but...
I'm scared of what you'll see.
Oh, baby, don't be scared.
Come on.
You can tell me anything.
I'll help you. What is it?
Um, oh, I...
I was in the basement.
Tell me what happened.
Come on. Give me a hug.
Come on. Just tell me.
I wanna help you.
I was in there for... for days.
And he kept me there.
He handcuffed me
to the radiator.
He didn't let me eat.
I was so thirsty.
Oh, my God.
I know what he can be like.
- But this... this is...
- I was so scared.
I thought I was
gonna die down there.
I'm so sorry.
I'll speak to him.
No, he can't know
that I told you.
- He could...
- It's okay, my baby.
You're my daughter and
he won't ever hurt you again.
You're mine now.
And I'll protect you.
We're gonna get out of here,
you and me tonight.
- Okay.
- I love you
and I'll never let you go again.
Oh, hello.
- Is everyone okay?
- Yeah.
- Is there any dinner?
- Yeah. Just coming.
Oh, lovely dinner, my darling.
- Thank you.
- Look at that.
Look at that.
Now, you two grab
a glass each, all right?
Because, uh,
I've got something to say.
I am thrilled...
to be entering this new chapter
of all our lives.
And I know I've
not been the perfect father
or husband or anything...
but... the love that I hold
in my heart for the both of you
is untouchable and unchangeable.
And, uh, I've, uh...
I've got something else to say,
actually. Um...
Carla, me and your mum...
have been talking and, um,
well, I've decided that
we could all do
with a fresh start
somewhere new.
Um, so...
pretty soon we'll be looking for
a new place, all right?
But anyway, that's
all for tomorrow, isn't it?
Let's, um... let's eat.
Ta. Yeah, go on.
Lovely. Loads of it.
- I love it. You want sprouts?
- Yeah, thanks.
Lovely dinner... Oh, yeah,
you haven't put any gravy.
It's not the same
without gravy, is it?
- Here you are, love.
- Oh, no.
Um, Carla just
told me she didn't like gravy.
- No.
- You don't like gravy now?
It's a job to
keep up with her, innit?
So where do you wanna live?
Oh, um, I don't know.
I think I liked
our old house best.
I miss it.
Well, what did you like
about that place so much?
Oh, it was...
It just looked like...
it was like a picture book
house, wasn't it?
All made up? Lovely garden.
Not the food. The food's lovely.
Oh. Sorry.
Um, so sorry. What... what else?
Um, oh, the... the front
was painted, um...
a lovely... pinkish color?
My favorite color, actually.
Seashell pink.
It was nice and quiet.
Did you not mean white?
Mom, I said, did you not mean...
Carla, come on.
We need to go.
What have you done
to him? It... it's killed him.
It's fine.
It's only a small dose.
Plant fertilizer
He'll be fine in a minute.
Now, just go
and get your things.
I won't let
anything happen to you.
Just go!
Oh, God.
Oh, God. Oh, God. God!
That woman is not my mum.
And now
she's taking me somewhere.
We need to go now!
Come on. We got to go. Come on.
Come on, quick.
I've got to take you
away from here.
Come on. Come on, quick.
We need to get out.
- You're hurting me.
- No! You're coming with me now.
He's had his chance
to play happy families.
Come on.
- Carla, are you okay?
- Who are you?
- Who are you?
- Excuse me.
- Out of my way!
- Wait a minute.
No one's going anywhere.
Carla, are you okay?
I... I was worried.
This woman
is trying to kidnap me.
She pretended to be my mother.
Don't listen to that pedophile.
Carla, I don't know
why he's saying that.
I can say whatever I want.
She's my flesh and blood.
Now, come on, Carla.
We're walking out of here now.
Tell them.
- Dad! Dad!
- Get behind me.
Carla, that man is a criminal.
That's the main reason
why he's been hiding.
He's been on the run
for 15 years,
hiding from the truth
and from justice.
No. No...
Carla, you know
he made up that story
about witnessing a murder.
That was just the beginning.
It's all a fake.
- No.
- What?
All the bars on the windows?
The intruders, they don't exist.
There was no court case.
There was no criminals
out for revenge.
It was all just a con
to make you believe
that he was a hero,
to keep you here.
So you wouldn't go outside
and so no one would see you.
Did he tell you what he did?
Ten men died on his site.
- No.
- While he was drunk and high.
- Crushed...
- That's not true.
Deep underground.
Did he tell you about that?
About his job as
a site manager, the tunnels?
He would've got 20 years.
- But he ran.
- That's a lie.
Like a coward.
And the worst thing
is he took you with him.
Frank, isn't it?
Private investigator?
No, you're not.
He's no more been telling you
the truth than I have.
He's an estate agent, Carla.
An estate agent who likes
chatting up young girls.
Carla, that's not right.
Well, look, I am an estate...
That's enough!
Stop it!
Stop it, you're hurting me.
Open up! Police!
Put that camera down.
We're going out the back.
Come on.
Drop your gun!
got runners coming towards you.
We need
to get out of here quick.
Hold it right there.
We've got two detained
at the rear, boss.
Let me go! No!
Carla, Carla.
I'm Nat,
a family liaison officer.
Are you okay?
Did he hurt you?
No, uh, I'm fine, thanks.
Um, what is all this?
We responded to a call
from a member of the public
that said you might be
in danger.
Yeah. That's, uh, me.
You know,
cut a long story short.
Basically, your dad spent a lot
of time on the website I made.
A website for justice
for the victims.
- Oh.
- And that's how
we tracked him down.
Are you okay?
This must be a massive shock.
So what now?
Did they not tell you?
There's someone here
that wants to meet you.
Carla, this is your mum.
She's been looking
for you for a long while.
My baby.
It... it's you.
It's really you.
Mum, is it you?
Come here.
Mum, I made this film for you.
I'm ready to talk now.
I'm ready to move on.