My Life Is on the Line (2024) Movie Script

[dial tone]
[female IVR] Welcome
to Southwest Credit Union.
Your security is our
number one priority,
so this call may be
monitored for your safety,
please enter your
10 digit account number
to get started. Thank you.
Please hold and an agent
will be with you shortly.
[indistinct chatter]
[female IVR] Your
business is important to us.
Please stay on the line
and one of our associates
will be with you shortly.
[indistinct chatter]
[man 1 on call] You guys
know my list of varieties.
[female IVR] Your
business is important to us.
Please stay on the line.
Your security is our
number one priority,
so this call may be
monitored for your safety.
...enter your 10 digit account
number to get started.
[man 2 on call]
You should be more careful.
You never know
who you're talking to.
[Dylan on call] And at lunch,
he always makes me
trade my candy with him.
If I say no, he's gonna
make my life worse.
Well, you don't have
to give away your food
if you don't want to.
[Dylan] He's so mean
to me. He gives me
these homemade granola bars
that taste awful, mom.
I hate 'em.
Honey, Dylan, I can't
talk like that, okay?
Just tell your teachers
it's not okay, silly.
Then they'll make fun of me
for being a snitch.
And that's even worse.
You're not a snitch.
You're a strong, handsome boy,
and you can just tell them
you don't want to share.
And that's it.
[Dylan] I'll try my
best. Thanks, mom.
[Joel] Come on,
we got to go. Wrap it up.
[Dylan] Dad, I wanna
keep talking to mom.
[Joel] Shannon,
are you good to pick up
at 4:00?
What? No, uh, wait.
We said Tuesday was your day,
and I have to work.
[Joel] Jesus, Shan.
Like, I don't have to work.
[sighs] I-it's just that
we talked about this.
I can't just leave
whenever I want.
[Joel] Shannon,
the mediator said
you need to be more present.
But that's fine.
I'll let her know
you can't make it, again.
I'll make it work.
[Joel] Yeah,
thanks for not making
a big deal out of this, Shan.
All right, Chief,
let's go. You ready?
[Dylan] Tell mom
I said bye. Bye, mom.
Have a good day at work.
Hey, maybe I could...
[exhales sharply]
[exhales sharply]
[dial tone]
[female IVR] Welcome to
Southwest Credit Union.
Your security is our
number one priority,
so this call may be
monitored for your safety.
This branch is temporarily
operating at reduced hours.
Southwest, thank you
for your patience.
Your business
is important to us.
Please stay on the line
and one of our associates
will be with...
[Shannon] Hello Southwest
Credit. This is Shannon.
Can I have your name, please?
[man 1] Come on. I got one now.
The only one of them.
- [Richard] Hello.
- Hello.
[Richard] No, no, man.
No, I don't want one of those.
I-I'm sorry, I-I can't.
I just want your bag.
Okay, right. You bring
it up, man. Hello.
Yes, this is Southwest.
Oh, yeah. Sorry.
God, no. This dude.
Oh, that's all right.
I'm on the phone, man. God.
Yeah. I'm sorry. What?
Your-your name, please.
Uh, Richard Bennett.
All right. Thank you, man.
Right. Hi, Richard.
How can I help you today?
I was trying to, you know,
I was trying to book
a flight online,
but it won't let me.
Okay, let me see what I can do.
I just need to verify
the account.
Do you have the phone password?
Th-there's a pass
phrase or-or we can try...
[Richard] Damn. Um,
um, 9-1-1-4, I think.
It's the 20 year anniversary
is my turn to plan something.
That's something,
isn't it? Okay.
Looks like I can enroll you
in the perks program
right now, free of charge.
[Richard] Oh, yeah.
I mean, I guess, yes, free.
Yeah, whatever you
got to do, okay.
And, sir, if you don't mind,
there's a short survey
after we finish.
It's not even two minutes.
[Richard] Oh, y-yeah, yeah,
I get it. No problem.
Thanks. That means a lot for us.
Okay. You are all set.
[Richard] Really.
Hey, that was easy.
Yeah, we try to make
it that way.
I used my perks
for Playa del Carmen.
That was before kids ago.
So where are you going?
[Richard] What the hell
are you doing, man?
Come on. I'm moving it.
I said I'm...
You see me walking
toward it right now?
[alert buzzes]
[Shannon] Oh, no.
Sure, um, okay.
[Shannon] Oh, this day is just
not starting off very well.
You should use your breath.
Breathe. I can hear you.
You're, you're holding
your breath.
- Am I?
- Yeah, I can hear.
Do you breathe with your belly.
Short breaths are defensive.
Affirmative communication
comes from...
personal power coaching.
Like karate.
My nephew does karate.
It's all about breathing, right?
I don't know.
I don't teach karate.
I've been browsing through
the staff directories
and I-I got to say,
you two seem like
the most interesting
people here.
And the only people here.
I guess it's good
they put us together.
- [phone rings]
- The Three Amigos.
Hello, Southwest Credit.
This is Shannon.
How are you doing
today, Mrs. Miller?
- Where's this Tom guy sit?
- You're at his desk.
[Jamelia] He didn't
make his service.
[phone ringing]
Anything else I can do for you?
[call end beep]
[alert buzzes]
[Dave] Thanks for calling
Southwest Credit Union.
Come on, let's break.
I-I got to get a few more in.
- Sorry.
- Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm not... I'm good.
Yeah, I'm just here
providing a solid
and reliable presence
in Dylan's life.
And you are.
I can attest to that.
Bring me into that court.
I dress up real fancy.
Please don't say that.
[Dave] I'm very sorry.
I'm so sorry. Nope. Yep.
I will correct that right away.
Hello, Southwest Credit.
This is Shannon.
How are you doing today,
Mrs. Haywood?
It's Miss not Mrs.
Oh, I'm sorry.
We can update that.
What time do you close?
5:00 PM on weekdays?
[Haywood] 5:00 PM?
Yes. Is there
anything else I can do?
[Haywood] Oh, good.
I can still make it.
[Dave] Oh, sorry.
What was your pass phrase again?
Oh, oh, right, right, right,
right, right. Sorry.
[Dave chuckles]
[Jamelia] No, I-I haven't.
It's-it's on my list.
[Dave] Sorry.
Can you say that again?
It's just my-my, my headset's
getting a little funky.
[Pilar] Good morning, Jamelia.
[Jamelia] Good morning.
[Pilar] Shannon.
We're gonna get
those survey numbers up.
Yes? Great.
Good morning, Dave. Let's
have a great first day.
[Dave] Will do, boss.
I mean, yes, ma'am.
[Jamelia] Southwest Credit
Union. This is Jamelia.
Sure, if I may.
[phone ringing]
Okay. Can I get
your pass phrase?
Hello, Southwest Credit.
This is Shannon.
How may I help you?
[Terrance] Yeah,
I gotta talk to somebody
about this overdraft
fee I got here.
[Shannon] Okay.
[Jamelia] Right. I see it now.
[Terrance] Hello? Hello?
Is somebody there? Hello?
Oh, yes. Sorry. Um..
Hi, Southwest Credit.
This is Shannon.
How can I help you?
[Terrance] Yep,
you said that part already.
I'm sorry if I'm troubling you
with my phone call today.
[Joel] If we can't
count on you to show up,
what do you expect
a mediator to do?
I told you, it's not easy.
I need to get approval
from my boss.
Why would you ask for mediation
if you're not even gonna
show up? It wasn't my idea.
[sighs] It's just I'm
trying to find balance
and I just wish you
would understand that.
I'm just saying, Shan,
if you don't get it together,
things might not turn out
the way you want them.
What is that supposed to mean?
[Joel] You don't
get everything by default.
He's my son too.
Hey, can't talk right now.
We can talk about this later.
I got to go.
Did you get my memo?
Surveys on track?
Yeah. Hi, How are you?
Our CSAT numbers
are grim this month.
They want us to do twice as
much with half the staff.
I think it's more about
the state of the world
and less about us.
But that's what they look at.
Right. Surveys, it's
complicated. [chuckles]
You hit your number, I hit mine.
And maybe we won't have
to let someone else go.
Couldn't be simpler than that.
I understand that.
I'm-I'm working on it.
[Shannon] Hello, Southwest
Credit. This is Shannon.
May I have your name, please?
[man 1]
Are you guys hiring?
[Shannon] Excuse me.
[man 1] Yes, I lost my job.
I'm out of work,
and I drive by there every day,
and I thought maybe I'd call.
I'll transfer you
to the appropriate department.
You can leave a message.
[man 1]
Oh, thank you very much.
[alert buzzes]
Oh, sure, no problem.
Now do you have your
four digit pass code?
[Shannon] And if
you wouldn't mind,
there's a survey
at the end of the call.
[Gomez] Survey?
[Gomez] Sure. Have a great day.
Really appreciate that. Okay.
You have a great rest of your
day too, Mrs. Gomez. Buh-bye.
[Gomez] Okay.
[alert buzzes]
[Dave] It is my first day.
How-how-how could you tell?
Great. Thank you. Bye.
Yeah. Thank you.
[phone rings]
Uh, hello, Southwest Credit.
Can I have your name, please?
[Nicholas panting]
Hi, Nicholas. My name is
Shannon. How can I help you?
Look, we're in trouble.
My wife, she's had an accident.
I don't know what to
do. It's her account.
Oh, I-I'm so sorry
to hear that, sir.
Okay. Can I get your
wife's name, please?
Maggie Haywood. H-A-Y-W-O-O-D.
And we're... I'm outside
the hospital.
I don't know what she needs.
The insurance. I-I called them.
Oh, no, no, no. Take-take
your time. That's okay.
[Nicholas] They'll
cover it fully, at least.
They need some
sort of collateral.
I'm sure hearing this
all the time,
but, uh, it's just
when it happens to you.
That sounds really difficult.
I'll help as fast as I can.
[Nicholas] I don't know if this
is what I'm supposed to do,
but you've always been
good to us in the past.
Okay, you are listed
as a contact.
I just need the pass phrase.
Pass phrase?
Password on the account.
[Nicholas] Sorry,
I'm just trying to think
everything that's going on.
O-o-okay, no problem.
I totally understand.
I mean, if it was
a joint account,
you'd both be able to,
you know...
Maybe it's 1015.
That's, that's a big thing
important to her.
I'm sorry, not that one.
I don't know.
Okay, let's try something else.
Can I have your address?
33, Lakewood Lane Clifton.
Okay. Her date of birth.
June 14th, 1982.
Okay. Childhood pets.
[Nicholas] Oh, Jesus.
Um, I think, Lucy, maybe.
It's okay.
That's good.
[Nicholas] I-I-I think,
I got to go back in.
Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
It's asking me
for the pass phrase again.
Could you ask her, maybe?
[Nicholas] She-she can't.
It's bad, Shannon.
Um, let me speak with someone.
If we get disconnected,
just ask for me, Shannon.
[Nicholas] Okay. Just Shannon?
Uh, Shannon Cooper.
You can dial
my direct extension,
which is 8-5-8-5.
[Nicholas] Thank you.
God, our daughter's
freaking out right now.
Yeah. Kids are tough.
Do you have kids?
I do.
A boy, he's gonna
be 10 this month.
That's... that's wonderful.
What a great age.
Thanks. Yeah, he's special.
[Nicholas] Hey.
Hey. What's going on?
You're moving her?
Where? What's going on?
I'm still on the phone.
Wait, wait.
[phone ringing]
[Dave] Thank you for calling
Southwest Credit Union.
This is Dave. How may I help?
[indistinct chatter]
[knocking] Excuse me... Uh,
I just need you to...
Uh... Uh...
[phone ringing]
So for that you will have
to come into the branch.
[phone ringing]
That is a serious issue.
Hello, Southwest Credit. This is
Shannon. How may I help you?
[Robert] Uh, yes, hello.
I ordered some checks
at your branch.
I actually came in
and ordered them in person,
which was probably
my first mistake.
And they came in the mail
just the other day,
and they're the wrong checks.
These checks, look,
they're an island,
but they look like a toilet.
Sir, I'm sorry, if you're
order from the branch,
you'll just have to speak
with them directly.
[Robert] What,
I'm supposed to go back
to these people?
I-I'm sorry. I-I just can't.
Just try that.
[Robert] I don't understand.
[monitor beeping]
[Nicholas] Oh, God.
I, uh, I got disconnected.
Oh, it's fine. Is she okay?
No, I don't know.
She just dropped.
W-w-w-what is it?
She needs surgery.
They're asking me
to make a decision.
I'm stuck at the front desk.
I can't even go in there.
So, what are they asking for?
[Nicholas] We don't
have enough savings.
Her business account.
I'm thinking, maybe some way.
Uh, this is so embarrassing.
- Sure, it'll be automatic.
- Uh, and we can't speak to her.
No, I have her phone.
I have everything.
I just...
Okay, I-I'm still waiting
to hear back from my manager.
Just please hang in there.
[Nicholas] God, w-what
do I tell our daughter?
I mean, if you need to call her,
I'll let you know
as soon as we hear.
[Nicholas] No, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait.
Don't, don't hang up.
Please, I just...
I don't want to get
lost in the system.
Please, Shannon. Please.
No, no. Of course. Of course.
I am not going anywhere.
[Nicholas] No offense,
but I've heard that before.
I'm not trying to be
difficult. It isn't you.
It's just that I've gotten
a lot of empty promises
from a lot of people lately.
It's hard.
It's a hard feeling.
So helpless.
I-I just don't know
what to do, Shannon.
[monitor beeping]
So what's her name?
Your daughter?
[Nicholas] Willow.
I know.
It's very Earth child.
No, that's beautiful.
How old is she?
[Nicholas] Teenager.
She's a handful.
But now I, I wish
I'd just spent more time
with her when she was a kid.
I don't know how I'd ever...
Mmm, you sound like
a good dad, Nicholas.
I just feel so alone.
Jesus. I'm sorry.
I-I shouldn't be
putting this on you.
No, no. Listen, um, I, uh, I
feel the same way sometimes too.
It's not easy.
You're not married?
Uh, well, I am,
but it's complicated.
[Nicholas] It's tough
holding it together.
Kids are easy compared
to relationships.
[Nicholas] Well,
your son, he's lucky.
Oh, tha-that's not what
the teachers think. [chuckles]
At St. Norbert's, most moms
pick up their kids for lunch.
I don't even make it
to soccer practice.
I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
No, no, no, no.
Thank you for actually
talking to me like a human.
[Nicholas] I'm-I'm
still waiting.
She's talking to someone.
I don't know.
Wait, wait, wait,
wait. Don't. Please.
They're taking her.
They're, they're not.
No. I am working.
I am trying to... What?
Please, Please.
Give me more time.
She's working.
She's trying to get me.
Hey, can I get your pass phrase?
Please. I am begging you.
What? Nobody cares?
Nobody cares?
My wife is a human being.
I'll get you what you need.
I am trying, okay? I'm trying.
Please give me more time.
Give me more time.
Please. She's my wife, stop!
I got to go.
I got a big problem.
Wait, wait, um...
I was able to speak
with someone.
[Nicholas] Oh, God.
Thank you.
Thank you, Shannon. Thank you.
Oh, God. Thank you.
She's trying to
get me the money.
What do you need us to do?
I have an account number.
Can you come to the branch?
Which branch are you at?
Newton Square.
[Nicholas] No.
No, that's too far.
Is there any way we
could do this on the phone?
I can't leave her, Shannon.
Okay, uh, let me
figure this out.
How much do they need exactly?
[Nicholas] It's $20,000.
That's just a deposit.
Okay, so there's only
$19,000 in the account,
but you can overdraft
if you need to.
[Nicholas] Okay. Yeah.
I think we'll need
to whatever it takes.
[keys clicking]
[alert chimes]
Okay, uh, can you
write this down?
[Shannon] 0-6-2-B-E-8-8.
That's your verification code.
If anything comes up,
I'll connect you
with the secure line.
All you have to do
is give them that number.
It shouldn't be that
long. I promise.
[Nicholas] Thank you.
Really, Shannon.
Thank you. You're
saving my life.
That's... Thank you
and good luck.
I'm sure things will work out.
Good things happen
to good people.
I hope you're right.
[alert buzzes]
[alert chimes]
[Jamelia] The sound of success.
You know, you really would
have been a great therapist.
[Jamelia] I mean, you listen...
because I bet you could do
a lot more than collect service,
plus be a lot less jittery.
I-I think I just had
a little too much coffee
this morning.
[Pilar] Shannon,
my office, please.
W-what is it?
Your request?
The 30th and every
subsequent Monday.
Oh, right. Yes. Um, I'm sorry.
I-it's, it's just
for the next two months.
Well, it can't be outside
core office hours.
I tried to move it and I did.
It's, there's no other time.
[sighs] Like, you realize
the position I'm in here.
I mean, let me start over.
You received
your performance plan.
Yes, this job is the most
important thing to me.
I'm glad. But the
plan has targets.
50 new accounts, 85%
customer satisfaction, 20%...
I know the plan, Shannon.
[Pilar] I'm asking
what your plan is.
Listen, I can just
give you a reference
like I did with Tom,
but we're out of options here.
It... It's the mediator
[sighs] Joel and I
are getting separated.
Okay, I get it.
I went through mine
10 years ago.
- It was help.
- Yeah, yeah.
And I'm so sorry that I've
been so distracted, yeah.
But we're good now. It's not
gonna affect my work, I promise.
I just, just need a little help.
[sighs] You see this?
I was starting out.
Like you, but at
the desk up front,
when people actually came in.
And this guy, having a bad week,
thought he could rob us
with a steak knife.
And he grabbed me,
and he told them
that if he didn't
open up the back,
he was gonna push it through.
That's not even the worst part.
[scoffs] I saw hesitation
in my manager's eyes.
And he didn't
succeed, obviously.
But for me, this is a reminder,
what it took to get here.
Because there are plenty
of other people
[Pilar] who are just
as competent,
who don't have
all the distractions.
And as unfair
as all of that seems,
it's like that way for a reason.
I just, these sessions,
I really need to...
I'm sure holding down
a-a stable job doesn't hurt.
So, yeah, your mediator
is essential,
but so is hitting your plan.
- Am I making myself clear?
- Yeah.
[breathes deeply]
Is there something else?
[indistinct chatter]
[Jamelia] There was
a large transaction yesterday.
That's why it was
flagged. Listen...
Yeah, I... Yeah, I can...
Yes, I'm looking
at it now, Mrs. Haywood.
No, no, let me check
a few things. Okay.
Take a breath. Calm down.
[Maggie] Don't tell me
to calm down.
Okay. Thanks for
your patience. Hold on.
This lady is not
having a good day.
Well, maybe I can speak to her.
- You don't want to jump on this.
- Oh, it's nothing.
It's for the fraud department.
Let them handle it.
No, I-I think I spoke
to her earlier, it's...
Okay. Doubt you'll get
a survey out of it.
Fire away.
[phone ringing]
[Maggie] Hello?
Are you there? Hello?
Yes. Um, sorry.
Good morning, Mrs. Haywood.
[child] Mom?
[Maggie] Hold on.
I'll take a look in a minute.
Okay. Who is this?
The manager?
Are you okay?
Are you feeling better?
[Maggie] What?
No, I-I just thought...
[Maggie] Obviously,
I'm not okay.
I just explained this
to the last person.
This is Maggie Haywood.
Your husband
is Nicholas Haywood?
[Maggie] We're really
starting over?
I... I'm sorry.
I'm just trying to understand.
I-I thought you were
in an emergency.
Something with,
with the insurance.
[Maggie] What are you
talking about?
[sighs] Uh, are you
at the hospital now?
[Maggie] What? Look,
I don't know what's going on.
I am locked out of my account.
How am I supposed
to run my business?
Can you help me, or do you need
to transfer me to a manager?
Uh, no, I can help you,
Mrs. Haywood.
It looks like your
account's been flagged
for suspicious activity.
[Maggie] Okay, well, what
does that mean?
Well, i-it's actually
completely normal
when a sizable transfer
has been initiated
for, for the account
to be flagged.
[Maggie] Hold on.
What transfer?
There was a withdrawal
today with an overdraft.
[Maggie] What? By who?
Um, it says here
your husband called in.
He verified the account.
[Maggie] I don't understand.
When did this happen?
[Shannon] Around 10:30.
[Maggie] That is not possible.
He's on a job and off
the grid. I should know.
I just tried him an hour ago.
Is there anyone else that would
have access to your account?
Or maybe somebody that
you shared your information
with recently?
[Maggie] No.
Have you received
any suspicious phone calls
requesting your
financial information?
[Maggie] Do I sound
like an idiot?
I'm sorry.
I understand that this
must be really frustrating.
[Maggie] I don't want
an apology.
I just want it fixed.
Do I need to come in?
N-no, that's not necessary.
I can handle this
for you, Mrs. Haywood.
[Shannon] Is this the best
number for you?
[Maggie] My only number.
Okay. I'll check
the status of the inquiry,
and I'll get back
with you immediately.
I promise.
So thank you so much
for your patience.
How did that go?
Y-you were right.
Bad day.
Hey, can you cancel a debit
for a secure EFafter it's been initiated?
- [Jamelia] What's the status?
- In transit.
[Jamelia] No.
But I think you can hold it
by putting a suspend.
Gets time to process
a change request,
it expires close of business.
Sorry. I-I don't...
W-what do you mean?
[Jamelia] Transfer dies out
at the end of the day
at 5:00 p.m.,
if it's still suspended.
So do nothing and it goes away?
[Jamelia] Bingo.
[Jamelia] Sets off a bunch
of alarm bells though.
No, no, no, no, no.
No, no.
[gasps] No. Oh!
[cell phone vibrating]
Oh, not now.
Hi. Hi, Debbie.
[Debbie] Shannon. I didn't
think I'd get through.
You've been hard
to reach lately.
Yeah, yeah, this week,
my work schedule, it's just...
I don't have
a lot of flexibility.
[Debbie] Sorry, I know you've
been working overtime lately.
As your mediator, I need to know
about schedule changes
ahead of time.
Missing a session
does not look good.
You had a mix up last week?
[sighs] I-is that
what Joel said?
Look, I left a message,
and I talked to my boss
this morning about
the times and all.
[Debbie] It's not
just that, Shannon.
The lab just sent me
the results of your drug test.
Your level of electrolytes
were outside the
range of normal.
Uh, w-well, I-I-I'd...
What does that mean?
[Debbie] It says traces
of benzodiazepines,
possibly from misuse.
U-uh, that's for my anxiety,
I take it like they tell me.
The doctors, they, they said
it might show up
as a false positive.
[Debbie] You know I have
to report this, right?
Is this something I need
to be concerned about?
Look, I'm not on
one side or another.
My job is to do
what's best for Dylan.
Shannon, are you listening?
You sound distracted.
Yeah, yeah, no, I-I'm listening.
[Debbie] I don't think you're
getting the gravity of this.
Everything you do is
being watched very closely.
Your job stability is the only
thing helping you right now.
And I don't want your custody
of Dylan jeopardized.
A child needs his mother.
Oh, yeah, no, of course.
Of course.
[Debbie] I know you're
under a lot of stress,
but it's a slippery slope,
everything counts right now.
The court favors maximum
exposure to both parents,
but these things add up.
Show up for the next session,
cut back on the meds.
Be meticulous.
I-I totally understand.
[Debbie] There's still time.
You'll be okay.
[phone ringing]
Um, hey, Debbie.
Look, I really,
I gotta go, okay?
[Debbie] Okay.
I'm sorry. Yeah.
[Debbie] Don't forget.
[phone ringing]
[Nicholas] Shannon?
Who is this?
[Nicholas] It's Nicholas.
You gave me your number.
[Nicholas] I'm still
at the hospital,
it's a nightmare,
there's a lot going on
in the ER and I'm still
trying to get info...
Is there something else
I can help you with?
[Nicholas] Well,
that's why I'm calling.
I haven't seen anything
come through on my end.
Is that normal?
These things take time
to process.
[Nicholas] Is there someone
you can talk to?
I'm just getting worried,
you know.
Uh, that, that's not
necessary. [chuckles]
[Nicholas] You know what, you've
already been such a big help.
I'm sure you've got
other things going on,
I'll just call your manager
to sort this out.
Oh, no, we're working on it,
it just might take
a little while,
but, when I find out,
I will notify you immediately.
[Nicholas] Okay. Thanks,
Shannon. I trust you.
[phone ringing]
Thank you for calling
Southwest Credit Union.
[Jamelia] This is Jamelia.
How may I help you?
Sure. Can I get
your pass phrase?
[breathing heavily]
[indistinct chatter]
[shuddered breathing]
[indistinct chatter]
Like, you're putting
my numbers, since when?
Oh, thank you very much.
Uh, Dave, can you please
take your feet off the couch?
Thank you.
You good.
Thank you.
[Shannon] Yes, our current
tax-free savings account
is performing above
industry standards
and it includes 15,000 miles
towards the frequent flyer
program of your choice.
Great. I will transfer
you to that department.
[Dave] Thank you for calling
Southwest Credit Union.
This is Dave. How may I help?
[phone ringing]
[Dave] Can I get
your pass phrase?
[phone ringing]
[Dave chuckles] Well,
no, no it's not...
[breathing rapidly]
[Jamelia] Thank you for calling
Southwest Credit Union.
This is Jamelia. Hello?
[Dave] Thank you for calling
Southwest Credit Union.
How can I help?
[phone ringing]
[Dave] Sounds great.
[phone ringing]
[Nicholas] There you are.
Panicked when
I couldn't get through.
Um, why? What's going on?
[Nicholas] I was gonna
ask you the same thing.
It's been a few hours.
I thought I'd get a call back.
Right. I know. I-I did say
these things take time.
[Nicholas] Is that everything?
I don't feel good
about it, my wife.
It, it's getting worse.
Please, if you would
just let me do my job,
[Nicholas] I see how it is.
Just another call to you, right?
No, no, no,
that's, that's not it at all.
I'm doing everything
I can, I promise.
I will get back to you.
[Nicholas] Be careful
what you promise, Shannon.
You okay? You seem tense.
Yeah, no, um...
Crazy day.
You sure you're all right?
Even on edge,
you don't have to do
everything alone all the time.
I'm here.
[cell phone vibrating]
[Jamelia] You-you
need to take that.
You know what? I-I'm, I'm good.
I really appreciate it,
but I-I'm good.
Thank you.
[cell phone vibrating]
[knocking on door]
How did you get this number?
[Nicholas] I thought
it might help
speed things up.
You gave me your full name,
I just assumed.
[Nicholas] That's why, right?
What do you want?
[Nicholas] I want
to see the transaction
go through to my account.
Well, the transaction's
been suspended.
[Nicholas] What? Why?
[sighs] For suspicious activity.
And I talked to Maggie.
[Nicholas] Is she all right?
Stop, stop, whatever it is
that you're trying to do
is in direct violation
of our customer's
privacy policy.
[Nicholas] You're serious.
Look, impersonating someone
is serious.
It's identity theft.
[Nicholas] You should
be more careful then.
You have no idea what
is going on here, do you?
I know that whatever it is,
you're lying to me.
And you're lying to your wife.
[Nicholas] Is that what
your husband did?
Why you left him?
Or were you the liar
and he left?
Or is it complicated?
I don't have time for this.
[Nicholas] I'm just trying
to understand
the person I'm working
with here.
What do you want?
[Nicholas] It's not about
what I want.
It's about what you can
do for me, Shannon.
Don't call my cell anymore.
[Nicholas] And be careful
the way you talk
to your customers,
because sometimes
customers retaliate.
What is that supposed to mean?
[call disconnects]
[female IVR] The person you
are calling is currently...
[Dave] Thank you for calling
Southwest Credit Union.
[keys clicking]
Hey, do you know any clients
that end with C-E-D?
- Sorry to bother.
- Kidding?
You still dealing
with that woman?
Yeah. No, no, no, um, I'm
just hunting it down for her.
Uh. It's private equity.
Mike's over there. He's nice.
Mike Esposito.
I probably have his number.
- Tell him I sent you.
- Thanks.
[phone ringing]
[Mike] Hello.
Hey, is this Mike?
[Mike] It is.
Hi, it's Shannon
from customer success.
[Mike chuckles] Corporate,
uh-oh. What'd I do this time?
No, no, no. I'm not.
Don't worry,
you're not in trouble.
Um, Jamelia referred me to you.
[Mike] Ah, Jam. How is she?
Tell her we miss her over here.
Yeah, she's good. I will.
So, I'm looking up
an account for a client.
- It got flagged.
- [Mike] And landed over here?
Huh, okay. W-what's the name?
[chuckles] That's the thing.
Our computers were down,
but I was able to jot down
the account number.
[Mike] So, so, what's
the account number?
Okay, it's
[Mike] One second. Okay.
[keys clicking]
[Mike] Yep. There is no name.
[Mike] It's a limited account.
That's why it was flagged.
The PII info is hidden.
I-I'm sorry I-I don't know
what that means.
[Mike] It means we can't
see who initiated it.
It's a temp holding account,
It's probably gonna
be gone in a day.
And you, you say you talked
to them this morning?
Yeah, we started
the conversation over the phone.
[Mike] Retail. What time?
- 10:34.
- [Mike] Okay, hold on.
[Mike] Zing. I got an address.
[Mike] 33 Lakewood Lane.
That's the client's address.
[Mike] That's the address
on the temporary
holding account.
Maybe they're just
moving money around.
And if there's more than one
person on the account,
sometimes those two
people don't exactly
tell each other everything,
if you know what I mean.
Have you ever heard of anyone
impersonating themselves?
Like, they know
just enough information,
but they make sure
not to know everything.
[Mike] Yeah, this
whole thing's starting
to sound a little domestic,
and you kinda wanna
be careful with that.
One time I thought
this guy was stealing money
from his wife's to open casino,
and it was not
a good thing for me.
So, have your ducks in
a row before you accuse
anyone of fraud, all right?
Yeah. Thanks.
[Mike] Of course, if nobody
resumes that transaction
before 5'o clock tonight
that money is not gonna
go anywhere anyways.
So, you don't have
to worry about it.
I could put a note
on it for you.
No, no, no. No, thank you.
Th-that'll be fine, you
don't need to do that.
[Mike] Hey, no problemo, if you
need something else from me,
just let me know. Tell Jam
I said, "Hey, what's up?"
[dial tone]
[Willow] Hello?
Hi. Is Maggie there?
I'm sorry, maybe I have
the wrong number.
[Willow] No. You don't.
She's just busy.
Oh, okay.
[Willow] But she told me
to answer her phone
in case, well, something, like,
her bank's messed
up or something.
Yeah. That's actually
why I'm calling.
I'm from Southwest Credit Union.
[Willow] Okay. Great.
Yeah, um, so I wanna let you
know that we're making progress.
It just takes a little time.
[Willow] Okay, well, but...
Because she's like freaking out.
Oh, I-I'm sorry to hear that.
[Willow] Yeah, she's
been like that.
Super stressed or
something lately.
Um, w-what's going on?
[Willow] Um, I dunno,
there's always something...
With your dad?
Is he there?
[Willow] Uh, why are are you
talking about my Dad?
Oh, no, I-I'm sorry,
it's nothing.
[Willow] This is weird.
I think I better go.
Yeah, I'm sorry. Um,
I'll call back another time.
He make an ass of himself?
- Huh?
- Mike.
Oh, yeah, no, no, no,
sorry, we-we tracked it down.
[phone ringing]
Did he ask about me?
[phone rings]
Uh-huh. Um, sorry, I-I
really gotta take this.
Thanks though.
[phone ringing]
Hello, Southwest Credit.
This is Shannon.
How can I help you?
[Willow] That's her.
[Maggie] Okay, gimme the phone.
[Willow] She was asking me
a lot of questions.
[Maggie] Willow?
Let me talk to her.
Hello again, Mrs. Haywood.
What the hell is going on?
Um, thank you so much
for being, um, so patient...
[Maggie] Why were you
talking to my daughter?
I was just trying to reach you
and was explaining so I could
just, you know, speed things up.
[Maggie] And was my child able
to reinstate my bank account?
Um, accounts that are flagged
are put on a hold for a day,
then you should be okay.
[Maggie] Okay, so I can
have my money tomorrow.
I still don't understand
why this is happening.
Have you been able
to reach your husband
since we spoke earlier?
I mean, just to see if
he knows anything at all?
[Maggie] Why do you keep
bringing up my husband?
Look, in-in cases like this,
sometimes it gets complicated.
Have you maybe come
in contact with anyone
who-who's been acting strange
or suspicious around you lately?
[Maggie] Are we in danger?
No, no, no, no. I-I'm sorry.
I'm not trying to scare you
but it seems right now
that whoever did this
said he was Nicholas.
Wait. Hold on.
You're telling me
that someone is impersonating
my husband
and getting away with it
because you gave them
access to my bank account?
Mrs. Haywood, we-we do
not take this lightly,
so please review your statements
for any other
suspicious activity
and change your online
passwords and login.
[Maggie] You messed up, but now
I have to change
my passwords. Where?
[Maggie] You have really
screwed me up here.
I don't need this right now.
You're gonna receive
an email shortly
that explains everything.
But please don't worry.
We're gonna make sure
this gets resolved for you.
Well, that's good,
because I didn't put myself
in this situation.
You did.
Yes. Totally understand.
Southwest values
you as a customer,
and we will get through this.
[Maggie] And never
talk to my daughter again.
[exhales sharply]
I totally understand
your frustration.
Let me take a look to see
if there's a different
type of account
that might be better
suited for you.
[indistinct chatter]
...with the investment
option, it gives you
everything you have
now and more with no...
Hello, Southwest Credit.
This is Shannon.
How are you doing today,
Mrs. Miller?
Fantastic. Let me
break it down for you.
[Shannon] Hello, Southwest
Credit. This is Shannon.
Can I have your name, please?
...there's a short survey
after you finish it, or just...
Okay. Have a great
rest of your day.
Hello, Southwest Credit.
This is Shannon.
Can I have your name, please?
Let me take a look to see
if there's a different account
that would be
better suited for you.
Okay, well, it looks like
I can enroll you in
the perks program right now.
Oh, well, I'm so sorry to
hear about the loan denial.
Um, let me review
your application
and the decision. Okay?
Hello, Southwest Credit.
This is Shannon.
May I have your name, please?
Hello, Southwest Credit.
This is Shannon.
How may I help you?
Hello, Southwest Credit.
This is Shannon.
Hello, Southwest Credit.
This is Shannon.
Can I have your name, please?
[overlapping chatter]
Hello, Southwest Credit.
This is Shannon.
Okay, well, in that case,
I recommend
allowing us to conduct
a comprehensive assessment
of your present
financial situation.
And, sir, if you don't mind,
there's a short survey.
This is Southwest.
This is Shannon.
Can I have your name, please?
...identify the most suitable
course of action
to address your needs
[clock ticking]
Hey, Shannon.
Are you in a love triangle?
- What?
- Sorry, that came out weird.
Um, this guy called
asking for you.
I told him you were on the
phone, and he hung up on me.
I didn't even say
anything stupid.
I think.
- Who was it?
- I don't know.
He asked for you or our boss.
I tried to follow the training,
turn it from a total
downer to an upper,
but he was a total jerk.
If he calls again, just
forward it to me directly.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Nice. Taking it head on.
[phone ringing]
Thank you for calling
Southwest Credit Union.
This is Dave.
[indistinct chatter]
[door closes]
[dial tone]
What are you doing?
[Nicholas] I knew you'd call.
What happened to us, Shannon?
I missed your voice.
What is this?
[Nicholas] Do I make you
nervous, Shannon?
Are your hands trembling?
Please. What do you want?
[Nicholas] Money. The bank
didn't just run out, did it?
It's not your money,
it's your wife's...
if that's even who you are.
But I know about you.
Shannon Cooper
on Valley Vesta Drive.
38 years old,
if that is your age.
I mean, we all
lie about our ages.
Now you'll have to lie about
how you gave Maggie's husband
access to her account.
To be honest, I don't think
this looks great for you.
[breathing heavily] But why me?
[Nicholas] Because you answered
the phone, Shannon.
And all I had to do was ask.
And you did it.
You'll be arrested.
You're gonna have me
arrested? Me?
Your own partner?
When we've been
such an amazing team?
Please. I just
want to do my job.
[Nicholas] Well, personally,
I've never had
better customer service.
You've given me everything
I need to get my money.
And there isn't anything
you're going to do
about it now, is there?
I bet you haven't even
reported it, have you?
[Nicholas] If I were you,
I'd be very careful, Shannon.
For your sake,
and for Dylan's sake.
Why are you doing this?
This is criminal.
You're right. I know.
I-I do. I know
how pathetic this is.
[Nicholas sighs] But
sometimes I just feel like
life's not for me.
Not even worth it.
[Nicholas exhales]
[Nicholas laughs]
How could you?
[phone beeps]
[water pouring]
[phone chimes]
[Shannon gasps]
[phone ringing]
Care to explain?
I'm sorry?
There was an account
that was flagged earlier.
- Why didn't you say something?
- No, I...
You're the face of the company.
I know. I mean, I know.
I have a call scheduled
with them later today.
I didn't want to bother you.
Okay. Let me know
how it goes. The call.
I'll check back later.
[phone ringing]
[phone ringing]
[Jamelia] Thank you for calling
Southwest Credit unions.
This is Jamelia.
How may I help you?
[phone ringing]
Hi, yes. Hello.
Have your account
right here. All right.
[Dave] Oh, sure.
[Jamelia] Okay, that's fine.
Sure, it'll be automatically
linked to your account.
[dial tone]
This is Christine.
Hi, Christine.
This is Shannon in retail.
I'm calling because someone's
having an issue with a transfer.
[Christine] All right, but
why are you calling me
instead of support?
I-I'm sorry.
It says you resumed it.
[Christine] I approve
a hundred things a day.
This was for a customer,
Nicholas Haywood.
[Christine] Okay, yes,
there was a hold up
but we took care of him.
The system must have
just flagged it automatically.
H-how did you know? Did you
speak with him to verify it?
[Christine] Yes, he had
the information he needed,
including the receipt
and the verification code.
The money will be released to
him at 5:00 p.m. per protocols.
[Christine] So it'll be
released in a few hours.
Are you new here?
I like your enthusiasm
but there's a chain
of command for a reason.
Definitely, um...
I-I just wanted to,
um, I just...
I just wanted to make sure
th-that nothing was missing,
that the customer's happy
for our C-C-CSAT scores.
Hold on. I'll be right back.
[female IVR] Your business
is important to us.
Please stay on the line,
and one of our associates
will be with you shortly.
Your security
is our number one priority
so this call may be
monitored for your safety.
Your business
is important to us.
Please stay on the line,
and one of our associates
will be with you shortly.
[music over headphones]
Your security
is our number one priority
so this call may be
monitored for your safety.
[Christine] Shannon?
Uh, I appreciate your help
and I-I'll get right
back to work.
[Christine] I've got Nicholas
on the other line.
Okay? He was
just finishing up.
[Christine] Here's a good
opportunity for you
to show how Southwest
cares about our customers.
Nicholas, are you there?
[Nicholas] I am.
I've got Shannon on the line.
She was concerned
and wanted to hear
how things went.
[Nicholas] Hi, Shannon.
Sorry to bring you back
into this again.
That's all right. It's my job.
It's more than that.
I feel so lucky you were
on the other end of the line
willing to go through
this with me.
Uh, family crisis can
be overwhelming.
[Nicholas] You're right. But
we're not out of the woods yet.
And thank you for
checking in with Maggie.
I feel like we have a plan now,
and I can see some
light at the end, you know,
if we could just make it
through the end of the day
but it's so close.
Okay, well, I'm sure
you'll let us know
if you need any more help.
We're here monitoring.
[Nicholas] Well, I hope
you're not there too late.
It's soccer today, right?
St. Nobert's.
N-no. I mean, how did you...
That's right down the road.
Maybe if everything
gets cleared up
I can make it in person.
Thank you personally.
[Christine] Well, we won't
keep you any longer.
Thanks for taking the time
to give us your feedback.
[Nicholas] I already did.
Shannon remembers.
I gave her a glowing report
on her survey.
[Christine] Did that
resolve your issue?
[inhales] Yes. Uh,
thanks for your help.
[Christine] Okay. Next time,
talk to your manager first.
[breathes deeply]
[phone chimes]
[shuddered breathing]
[call dialing]
[dial tone]
[woman 1] Hey, Shannon.
Hey, I-I can't talk right now.
I'm sorry, but I was wondering
if you could pick up
Dylan with Jess today.
[woman 1] Is everything okay?
You all right?
Oh, something came up at work,
an-and Joel can't
make it, either.
[woman 1] It's just that...
I would not be asking
if it wasn't...
[woman 1] I just wondered
because we haven't really
seen you around lately.
No, no. No, no, I...
I know I don't
come around often,
but I really miss you guys.
[woman 1]
Oh, we miss you, too.
And of course,
I can get Dylan today.
Oh, really?
[woman 1] Shannon.
If you need help, we're here.
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate it.
You have no idea.
[woman 1] Okay, I'm
heading out now.
I'll call when I've got him.
[dial tone]
[Mike] Hello?
Mike. Hey, it's Shannon.
From corporate, super sleuth?
No, no, no, no. I-it's...
For the client that
I spoke to you about earlier.
Who? Th-the shady guy?
Well, look, it looks like
he's stolen from his wife.
[Mike] You sure?
Y-you want to reverse it?
Yes, exactly.
[Mike] Yeah, it
shouldn't be an issue.
Oh, great. Thank you.
[Mike] But that
comes from fraud.
I mean, in fact,
they do it directly.
Right. Right.
[Mike] And you're gonna
want evidence before call them
like, the specifics.
And it's got to
include the client.
You don't want to go
over someone's head.
But she's devastated.
And I don't know,
maybe she's afraid
to talk to her husband.
I really don't know.
But she absolutely
needs our help right now.
[Mike] Hey. Okay,
so I've got something.
Our little friend here
is getting antsy.
He already put in an automatic
transfer request
for this evening.
And you can't stay anonymous
if you transfer
your ill gut in cash
into an account with
your actual name on it.
Is it Nicholas Haywood?
No, it's a Steve Wilson.
W-wait, who? That's-that's
not Maggie's husband.
[Mike] Well, whoever it is,
he wants that money
the second it's released.
He's your guy.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Thank you so much.
I-I owe you big time.
[Mike] Good luck.
And be careful, okay?
Yeah. Thank you.
[call dialing]
[keys clicking]
[Maggie] Hello?
Hi, Mrs. Haywood?
[Maggie] What is going on
with my account?
Has the bank figured this out?
Not yet. I, um...
I do have a question for you.
[Maggie] Really?
You need more from me?
Look, I-I know, but, um...
Do you happen to know
someone named Steve Wilson?
Well, it looks like he may
have been involved
in the attack on your account.
[Maggie] What?
He attacked my account?
I-I'm so sorry.
Is there anything that you
can tell me for the dispute?
Ah, yeah, I know Steve.
He's Willow's dad.
He's unstable and a liar.
You never know
what he's going to do next.
He is unsafe.
It's why we left him.
We had to get an order.
We finally have some
stability in our lives.
I can't believe
he's coming after us again.
I'm... I'm so sorry.
I didn't...
[Maggie] You have no idea
what he is capable of.
If you are sure it's him,
you should steer clear
for your own safety.
I-I'm gonna
alert security right away.
And someone from the bank
will be reaching out to you
once they start
the investigation.
Don't involve us. Please.
Keep my family out of it.
I'm sorry, but I can't.
Willow and I can't
ever see him again.
Yeah. I'm so sorry.
[clock ticking]
[keys clicking]
[breathes deeply]
[door closes]
[receiver clicks]
[call dialing]
Hello. Fraud department.
Hi This is Shannon in Retail.
I need to make a report.
[woman 1] Okay, Is this
an existing account, or new?
[woman 1] Who's the client?
Maggie Haywood.
[woman 1] Okay. Can you
summarize the situation?
Okay, um, the client,
w-well, her husband
called in this morning
and he said that
she was in an accident
and needed access to an account.
But it looks like
it was identity fraud.
[woman 1]
Slow down, slow down.
There are a lot of notes
on this account.
It also went to Christine.
The husband's name is in here.
I-it wasn't the husband.
It's someone else
named Steve Wilson.
He made an attempt
on the account
and I tried to put a hold on it,
but somehow he was able
to reverse it. I don't know...
[woman 1] Why didn't you send
here when it first happened?
This would have been a lot
easier if we stopped it
electronically the first time.
I'm freezing all the accounts.
And given the situation,
it'll be weeks
until we know if it's
fraudulent, or made an error.
It-it wasn't an error.
He did this to her.
[woman 1] For your sake,
I hope it's an error
and not conspiracy
to commit fraud.
Conspiracy with who?
I would never do...
[woman 1] Well, that's why
we have procedures in place.
Not knowing isn't a defense.
Uh, I know, but I...
[woman 1] Have you spoken
with your manager yet?
No, no. Uh, not yet.
But I have been trying to go...
[woman 1] We'll
go through the call logs
and fill out a proper report.
[woman 1] Open an investigation.
You'll be questioned,
and there'll be a
deliberation process.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, listen.
You-you have to understand
that this...
[woman 1]
We'll be in touch.
[receiver thuds]
[dial tone]
Hey. H-how did the pick-up
go? Is Dylan okay?
[woman 2]
Dylan's not with you?
What? No!
[woman 2] Yeah. Jess said
he wasn't outside.
She thought Joel picked him up.
What? No, no, no, no!
Joel can't...
That's why I asked you!
[woman 2] Oh, God, I'm sorry.
I-I'll swing back
around, okay? Right now.
Okay, now.
[woman 2] Yeah.
I'll call when we get there.
[whispers] Oh, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
[dial tone]
Come on.
Joel, did you pick up Dylan?
[Joel] No. No.
We talked about this.
I know. I asked Jess's mom to...
[Joel] No, I don't
know. Call her.
I did.
[Joel] What are you
yelling at me for?
I told you
I couldn't pick him up.
I know, I know. Can you just...
[Joel] Do you want me to call
the police, the FBI, the CIA?
Are you listening to me?
Our son is missing!
Do you hear me?!
[Joel] 'Cause you do this
all the time, Shannon.
You call me overreacting
like everything's
the end of the world.
For God's sake!
You sound crazy.
I am not crazy.
You are just useless.
And you can forget everything
about mediation.
I'm done! And I'm gonna
go find Dylan.
[Joel] Big point
before you start making...
[phone chimes]
There you are.
What's going on?
I just received a call
from the fraud department,
I'm sorry.
I can't explain every...
We need to talk
about this now, Shannon.
- I'm sorry.
- Shannon!
[Pilar] If you leave
now, you're fired.
[car engine rattling]
Come on, please. Ugh! Not now.
[groans angrily]
[Dylan laughing]
- I scared you.
- Oh!
What're you doing here?
How did you get here?
- Walked.
- All the way from school?
W-well, didn't, uh,
Jess's mom tell you
that she was gonna pick you up?
I'm so glad that you're okay.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?
I'm so sorry. No one
was there to pick you up.
But it's never going
to happen again. I promise.
Mom, why are you crying?
It's nothing.
Mom, I have to pee.
Yeah, sure, honey. No problem.
Let's go inside.
[door opens]
Go ahead, honey.
It's down there.
Bye, mom.
[door squeaking]
[door closes]
You know, uh... [sighs]
When a door closes, you, um...
This is the way.
Yeah. Out. Yeah.
Hey. I'm sorry.
Uh, it's not your fault.
Dylan is sprouting up.
- I'll be right back.
- I'll watch him.
- Can I come in?
- Now you have time.
I'm sorry for running out.
This morning, I thought that
somebody was in real trouble,
and I thought that I could help.
But it-it turned out to
be some elaborate scheme
by her ex-husband.
I was wrong. I-I-I-I panicked.
I-I broke protocol.
- I didn't want to lose my job.
- Well, the job is protocols.
We're not marriage counselors.
This is a credit union.
I don't know
what you want me to do.
I was scared.
You have to believe me.
He was threatening
that he would do anything.
I mean, he was
going after Dylan.
Why wouldn't you come to me?
And that's why we have
a department that handles that.
- It was a mistake.
- [Pilar] No. It was a lie.
You lied to my face
more than once.
I know. I know.
And I am sorry.
Well, why should I believe
anything that you say to me now?
Because I would do anything
to make this right.
I mean, you have to believe me.
I am telling you the truth now.
Fraud is a felony.
You're lucky you don't
go to jail for this.
[Pilar] Don't you have anything
else to say for yourself?
No. No, y-y-you're right.
[Shannon] I'm wrong.
I was totally wrong.
I... [sighs]
I have not been in a good place.
And I thought that if I tried
harder that everything
would work out. It...
But no matter how much
I try or even walk away,
I always fall short.
At work, in my marriage...
with Dylan.
Look, what I mean
to say is, um...
[sighs] I really appreciate
the opportunity you gave me.
[door opens]
[footsteps approaching]
Hey, little man.
You running this place?
- You want a candy?
- I love candy.
Thank you.
I'm here to meet Shannon.
She's still around?
- My mom?
- Is that so?
Well, it'll all come out
in the investigation.
Please pack up your things.
[door closes]
I mean, my bully
always takes mine.
It's kind of sad and he never
wants to give him back.
[Dylan] And I think
he's disgusting...
Dylan? Honey,
what're you doing?
[Steve] Do I make you nervous?
'Cause you answered the phone?
Shit, you've given me everything
I need to get my money.
If I were you, I'd be
very careful, Shannon.
Sometimes customers retaliate.
Dylan, please come here.
Honey. Please.
It is so good to finally meet.
You remember?
We talked earlier today?
I was having trouble
with my wife's account
and wanted to make sure I took
care of it before 5:00 p.m.
We're closed.
I-it's a shame. I just came
all the way down here.
Maybe we can find
the place to talk in private.
Your boy could come.
I don't mind.
No. Honey, why don't you
go, um, with Jamelia?
I'm just gonna handle
a quick work thing.
You know,
people look different...
when you meet them in person.
You look nice.
Stay away from my family.
I actually tried a few
people and I just knew
that you would cooperate
when you answered.
And you made
it really easy for me.
You did, a lot easier
than I would have thought.
You don't know when to quit.
- I want my money.
- You stole from her.
You helped me. [chuckles]
The bank records,
all the phone calls.
You mean the ones
where you unlocked
my wife's account?
Where you admit you did it?
How will you explain
what you were up to
with Maggie's husband?
[Shannon] The first
thing I'll tell them
is that you're not
Maggie's husband anymore,
are you, Steve?
I'm just tryna figure out
what kind of person
I'm dealing with.
You have no idea...
what you're talking about.
She took everything from me.
It's always
her side of the story.
And this guy gets to replace me?
Live my life? Uh-uh.
This morning, I did
everything I could
to help you and your wife,
because that's what people do.
You know what it's like
to have a felony?
To make a stupid mistake
when you're young?
To be a man in a divorce?
She used everything against me.
You see me here like this.
That is my fair share.
I am entitled to that money.
Do you really think you're
gonna get away with this?
Don't you realize that you're
just making things worse?
I don't think so.
- Reality is... nobody cares.
- I care.
[whispering] Nobody cares
that you care, Shannon.
People like us...
we end up in the same place.
I am nothing like you.
If you do not do
what you have told,
you will be implicated
in a felony.
You will be fired.
How is it going to feel...
when you lose your son, huh?
Shannon, what's going on?
And I-I'm sorry.
Who-who's this?
This woman? She set me up.
I don't know what her plan was.
[Steve] She's frozen my account.
She's screwed with my family.
She's desperate. She's trying to
steal money and pin it on me.
She has been stalking me
all day, threatening me.
She's lying to everyone.
She's lying to you.
She's lying to my family.
- Okay.
- You got to help me here.
Let's just stay calm, okay?
She needs to be fired.
I've already been fired.
And I wasn't the one
to stop the transaction.
It was the fraud department.
They know everything.
All about you.
And so does Maggie and Willow.
They know what you tried to do.
You, you, you...
She's lying.
- You can't do this to me.
- I'm going to call security.
Stop! No!
[breathes deeply]
[siren wailing]
It'll be okay.
[police radio chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[Pilar] Shannon.
I spoke to the officer.
They're gonna want
a statement from you too.
But I told him we can
wait till tomorrow.
- Thank you.
- You okay?
- Are you?
- Yeah.
I'll need you to sit down.
- That maybe next week.
- Okay.
- I'll help if I can.
- Thank you.
So, Dylan, you know
you're growing up now
and there's something
that I want to tell you.
Your father and I, we might
have to make some decisions,
but I just want you to know
that no matter what happens,
we're always gonna love you.
- Okay?
- I know that.
Can we get ice cream and fries?
Whoa, that is quite the combo.
What did you have at school?
I mean, I had an ice cream,
but it's small and...
Oh, someone took it again?
[Dylan] No. You told
me to say something.
[Shannon chuckles]