My Life Over the Top (2015) Movie Script

What the fuck
you gone do besides pimp?
You live by the code,
you die by the code, you know?
Pimp or die, it don't
stop till the casket drop.
And all these young
people out there,
you understand me, look
up to Virgil Fairley.
They say, "Give him
a big thumbs up,
"'cause he's doing it. That's
brother's doing it, Jack!"
What's happening? It's
your boy, Dollar, man.
Down here in Fresno, California,
kicking it with my
uncle, Virgil Fairley,
shooting this documentary.
One of the all-time greats,
players in the game, man.
He was all fly and shit.
He'd jump out his Cadillac,
he was clean as a bitch!
I bought him a Rolls
Royce in 30 days.
And Virgil was pimping on
me, cold, chilly blood.
Cold, chilly, blood.
His pimping was strict.
You are a living
legend, in the game.
And you are only of
the only brothers
that they seen in
met that came in 1963
and still been able to
put in real large in 2013.
It's kind of unheard of.
You gone see
Virgil and everybody
in the car with a
hat tilt to the side.
They gone have diamonds and
gold on just like they got now.
And people just actually
pulled to the side
and watched Virgil and
'nem drive down the street.
You know, because
I done been involved.
I done been in LA,
I been in Vegas.
I've been in Frisco with Virg,
and I mean, you know, you can't
be scared if you
want to go somewhere.
You always wanna
go where it's at.
And Virg will take you there.
You can see, you
can see that Virg
will take you somewhere
if you just listen.
Virgil has always
been an inspiration
in our lives as we
coming up in the game.
If Virgil was
still in the life,
I would definitely choose
up with someone like that.
Very well rounded,
amazing person, so.
For sure, that's
the main choice.
I met my nigga Virgil
in the early 80s.
This nigga had my
sister, Shirley,
his main bitch.
All right, check this out.
A lot of these niggas
been coming through
here tonight popping
this bullshit,
but I know it's a whole lot
of niggas that's been hating.
So, I'm here to clear
the motherfucking
record about a
whole lot of shit.
I was raised up
in a family of six.
And my mother and
father worked real hard
for a living to take
care of all her kids.
And you know back
during that time
people wasn't really educated.
So, all they had to do
was depend on field work
or some kind of hard
construction job or,
or even if you had a job.
If you didn't have a
job, you're on welfare,
you know, living
poor, under poverty.
So, as I went to school...
You know my mother
raised us real
good to be just them two working
and all six kids.
So, I just about had everything
I ever wanted in life.
My mother took real
good care of me.
So, as I got older,
I didn't really like to work
because the only thing I seen
in the ideal of
work was that manual
labor that wasn't
getting no money.
I didn't see no
progress out of anything
that none of my friends and
things was doing in life.
So, when I got into
like 15, 16 years old,
I wanted to be a grown man.
I started feeling my, you know?
So, grown man did
what grown people do,
go to work!
Something I didn't want to do.
So, anyway, I picked a
job that I like doing,
like pitching watermelon
and stuff of that nature.
But then on the
weekend my mother
wanted me to go cut some grapes,
pick cotton, that
was a no-no for me.
Every time I hit a
field, I'll get fired,
'cause I just, that
wasn't my thing,
picking no cotton
and cutting grapes.
But is really wasn't nothing
else to do in Fresno,
where you was raised up at.
But anyway, I
was kind of smart in school.
So, I went to the
test for the city
when I turned 17, 18 years old.
'Cause I wanted
some things that I...
You know, a new car.
Passed the test, went to work.
Went and passed another
test, went to work.
Next thing I know I'm
fired from both jobs.
'Cause I had two jobs!
I guess they trying to
spread 'em out for everybody.
So, I had just bought
me a new Cadillac,
I was like 17, 18 years old.
Onliest youngster in
Fresno had a new Cadillac.
So, I'm riding
down Fresno Street,
trying to think
what could happen,
what I'm gone do next, I
gotta pay for my car now.
So, some lights start
blinking off and on.
And it's some girls
I went to school
with that was in
the game, right?
So, she asked could
she ride with me.
I said, "Yeah, come on."
So them was two hos.
So the other girl started
hunching the other
girl talking about how
nice looking I was,
you know, how fine,
"Oh wee, I like him."
So, I went from there.
I dropped one girl off
and the other girl
chose me that night.
And it was no looking back.
That's what got
me into the game.
When he was 13 years old,
he sold me pots
and pans in Fresno,
at the ho's motel,
called "Motel Row."
Sold me hot plates
to feed my women.
'Cause I had about
nine motel rooms.
So, this little boy
came and knocked on
my door and he say, "OG"
you know, "Pimpie" he say,
"You want to buy some pots
and pans for your girls?"
He didn't know
nothing about hos,
he said, "girls", okay?
So, I said, "Yeah."
So, he sold me pots and pans.
And I watched him grow up.
I watched Virgil grow up, now.
Billy Edwards, okay,
Dave Spirlot, okay,
Brougham Earl, Benny
Pace, that's Fresno.
That's the players
in Fresno, okay?
Virgil came up
under these people.
Virgil was the youngest player
that come out of Fresno,
although he put
Fresno on the map.
Now, Virgil was taught
by a old-school player
that turned Virgil out
was named Milton Peters.
A guy by the name of
Foots and Milton Peters,
those the guys that I really
looked up to as a kid,
and pattern my style
after as far as
getting money, and being
a big giant in the game.
Thinking they kind of
really fascinated me.
So, he pulled me to
the curb and said,
"You got five or six ladies."
He said, "but what you
gone do when they run off?"
Well, at this time I
thought my game was good,
and you know, they was in it
to win it and there to stay.
He invited me out there
to Charlotte with the
turnaround driveway out
there when he had the house.
He said, "Man, I
don't even invite many
"people coming to my houses,
"it's something about
you, Black, I like."
And we've been
hanging tough, 81!
No, 80 when I first
came through there.
I was on my way to Albuquerque.
Get us some, he
said, "Man, where you going?"
I had a couple of
white girls in the car.
He said, "Where you going?"
I said, "Man, I don't
stay in California, man.
"I go everywhere, I chase money.
"If they tell me they
selling pussy in Africa,
"I'll try to get
over there, man."
Yeah, this is
San Pablo and 35th.
Right here is the California
Hotel where some of
the famous players in
the world have came.
And this is where it all started
from with me, right here.
We go all the way
back to the 50s.
From here to Seventh Street,
all this was my turf here.
All down San Pablo.
Three or four blocks
around all around,
all the way up to MacArthur's.
Hos used to work
all the way down there.
They used to work all the
way to MacArthur, right here,
all the way down this
side of the street.
I mean, it was lined
up with hos, man.
I always knew one
thing, the bigger
the city, the bigger the money.
So, that's why I tried to
climb to the mountain top.
When I see there's a
bigger city, here I come.
That's right.
That's where all the money was.
One of the most famous
hotels in town at one time.
208 was my room.
Checked money
out this room, man!
I used to stay
close to the door
just in case I had to
get away, I can get away.
You got the key to come in?
It should be open.
Hold on, Tito.
This is how it look now.
remodeled it though.
And right here, you could
stand in this motherfucker
and look right down
on your ho, man.
Right down on this road.
Where I parked
my car right, Jack.
And look right down on
my brand new Eldorado.
Let me call you back.
But I just don't
like to see it dead
like this to be
truthful with you.
Then I can
look right out across
the street and see all my girls,
all the ladies, walking
ladies of the evening.
All his ladies and all
the potential might be ladies.
mine 'cause I wanted
to see who was out of pocket.
Who was in pocket and
who was out of pocket.
This was like a
penthouse view on the hos.
If I see one
out of pocket from
right here, I can move on her.
She'd be mindful in the morning.
It don't look right with pimps
and hos not walking
around here, man.
This is where all
the hos used to
get money up out of these
rooms and everything.
The city
of Oakland, California.
It was known as pimping,
drug-dealers, pimping.
In the 1960s and 70s,
there were so many
pimps in Oakland, that
the producer of the
most famous pimp
movie ever, The Mack,
decided Oakland would be the
perfect place to film the movie.
That's a true story
though, we was at Joe Neal's.
Let's see, who was
all up in there?
JP, Michael Best,
you know, Michael Sweets.
It was the crew from
back in the days, right?
AP and they come
through Joe Neal's,
that's that nigga from Fresno.
Virgil was in town, that
nigga riding around here.
He got big jewelry...
Okay, what
year was this though, Blue?
This was like 79, 80.
Right around in there,
you know what I'm saying?
And he come to town.
I think it was
one of those times
he was taking a
break from that bang,
and he come to town and
when the news come through
that motherfucker
Joe Neal's, man,
I'm talking about motherfuckers
headed up out the door!
I'm tripping,
'cause I don't know
no whole bunch about
Virgil at the time.
I had heard about
him and everything.
But this is when I
really get knowledge
and wanted to know how he was.
That incident there
is what made me
want to know who is this
motherfucker Virgil?
Motherfuckers just started
easing up out the club.
So, when me, Mellow and
JP rode through the track,
JP dropped me and
Mellow off at the car,
at the Cougar, we get
in the Cougar, and...
No it wasn't a Cougar,
it was a Mustang.
We get in the Mustang and JP
went and picked Marilyn up.
And JP had the Marilyn
bitch and the white bitch,
he went and picked
that bitch up.
Michael Best went and
picked his bitch up.
Gary Mack went and
picked a white bitch up.
It was a few niggas
riding up and down
the ho stroll with they hos
in the motherfucker car.
And the only thing
that I could see
that it was, it was
that nigga that was
in town with them
five or six bitches,
with all this big
jewelry that was
running up and down the track.
He is a role model for
in this game and in life.
Not just this game but in life.
As a man and as a gentleman.
And I tip my hat to him.
I tip my hat to him.
He told me one time he said,
something that he can
do better than any man.
Virgil told me can't no
man out lie him to a bitch.
He said he was the best
and he'll challenge
any man to out lie, can't no
man out lie him from.
He coming through in Cadillacs
and popping it,
pimping, you know.
And that was exciting for us but
it was not only exciting,
but you could eat from it!
It was
a meal, it was a meal.
You got the
investor in the neighborhood.
You got to check out what it is
and see if you
can eat from this.
Everybody can't
eat from the game.
But Virg taught me how
to eat from the game.
I ain't ate as much, but I eat.
First ho I had was on
this street right here.
I took her straight
down to Chinatown.
And that's where
I sit 'em down at.
We haven't gotten a
chance to see that yet.
Was she
black or white, Virg?
Black girl out of Oakland.
That's where I first
got my choosing feet,
right down in Chinatown.
she with somebody?
Yeah, I had to serve somebody.
And now, that's one I
got written in my book.
he take the news?
He didn't take it to nice.
He didn't take it at all.
So, your first
knock was kind of rough?
Well, it wasn't
my first knock,
but it was with my first lesson.
It wasn't rough at
all 'cause you know
I was standing tall
through it all.
14 years old, man,
14 years old, man!
That's how we do it in
Fresno, California, man.
Fresno, California, man.
We making it happen, man!
We'll take your money and
your bitches up out here, man.
For real, man, don't come
out here playing man!
We doing it right now
in this town! Right now!
Fresno, we doing
it right now, big!
Big shit popping!
We got
the best in everything.
This non-stop out here, man.
We got the
best of everything.
We got
the best of everything.
Yeah, this Cali's
finest right here, man!
It got so foul
down in Los Angeles,
they came leaving three,
four weeks at a time.
30 days at a time, some
time three days at a time.
I stayed down here about a year.
Moved back to Fresno,
where my roots was.
And I regrouped.
Took a few minutes to look at
myself and look at my life.
Figured out what
I had to do next.
A friend of mine had moved back
named Foots, they call him JB.
He pulled me to
the curb and said,
"You know, you doing
real good up in the life.
"But it's one thing you missing.
"Your profession is pimping
but you also need a trade.
"You need something
to back you up.
"And if them hos ever
run off and leave
"again you got something to hold
"you until you
catch another one."
So, I didn't know what he was
talking about at that point.
And I had another friend
by the name of Player
that had the P game
and the D game down.
That's what everybody was
doing, from the old-school.
'Cause they was making
sure that they game never,
that they life never leaked.
So, these youngsters
got brainwashed about
all I do is drop the P
and I don't drop the D.
They're the ones that
was coming up short
and was leaking for months
and years at a time.
Some of them never did get back.
All they was relying on was
the name and not the fame.
I wanted them both,
the name and the fame.
So, I learned how
to have a profession
and a trade and I
done it real well.
You got to put it down
the way he learned it.
Virgil went to that school.
Okay, a lot of people say,
"Virgil mixed it,
Virgil did that."
But Virgil put it down
the way he learned it.
And these OGs taught
Virgil how to put it down.
And it wasn't about,
you a pimp over here,
you a dope-dealer over there,
it was about the money.
The brother was
a legend in himself
way before Black from Oakland,
Little D, Felix Mitchell.
Virgil name rang
with Frank Ward,
Ted Ward, Willie Ward,
the infamous famous macks.
The man had sack along
with other fellas
that rang boss, Roger Gill,
Terrible Tom, but
Virgil stood out.
This was a nigga right
here that know how to get it.
That know how to get
it out the pussy,
and however it is a motherfucker
have to get it to get his money.
You know, pimping
is pimping, nigga!
I'm letting ya' know, this
man feed a lot of people,
a lot of people!
Give everybody a chance!
I ain't got nothing bad
to say about Virgil.
When I was down,
when I was coming
up in the record business,
motherfucker slipped
me a couple of dollars,
to keep me rolling,
this is why Kevin Black
got a lot of this
artillery up here.
It ain't been a rapper
I ain't touched.
Take that one to the bank.
I told him, I said,
"Virg, this is the plan.
"I'm a try to be
the best I can be."
Virg said, "Aye...
I remember back in the
day, Virg used to have...
I hope I'm not telling too
much but keep the camera going.
Virg used
to have sacks of money!
I'm talking about sacks!
I'm talking about
real sacks of money.
Money rubber banded up,
every fucking thing.
So, I used to walk
in, young nigga,
you know, I'm just saying,
"What's up Virg, how you doing?
"Can you give your little
nephew a little something?"
He used to tell me,
"Don't go in there
"and get what you
want, go in there
"and get what you need!"
You see stacks stand up,
you don't know what
they fuck to take!
Don't go in there and get what
you want, get what you need!
I opened up a sack, shit
looked so green in there,
I thought I was in the
grass playing jump rope.
He said, "Take what your
hands can hold, nigga!"
Oh shit, I'm dropping
shit going out.
That's back in my days,
that's how I remember Virgil.
Yeah, I've been knowing
Virg all of my life.
Ever since Edison
High, Tigers for life.
So I've been knowing
him all my life.
He's always been a leader,
a leader among men.
My friend, my partner,
my best friend.
Helped me through a
lot of crisis in life.
This sign was put here
by the Los Angeles Police
because it was hos
all around here.
The tricks would turn the corner
every minute on the minute.
That sign right
there was put there
so the tricks had to go
all the way out the way
and not stop, this
used to be the spot.
I got off into the
life about 10 years.
Did about a 10 year
flat in the life.
Hey, I done touched
down in all the states,
I done touched down
in Hawaii, Las Vegas,
the Bay area, of course,
that was my stomping ground,
there's where I got my
money, got my paper.
I was folding paper
from the Bay area.
Hollywood, California,
that's where the fame,
took name.
As far as Hugh Grant, yeah, I
believe I put him on the map
in the United States of America.
He put me on the map as
well, over there in the UK.
So, it was vice versa
but I think I did
more of a, making him a well
known actor here in the states,
in America, you know?
Back when everything
had hit the fan,
they done made it
into a big scandal,
well, I was eating before that.
We was eating real
good, we was driving
big Rolls Royces and
Cadillacs, and things,
and wearing big jewelry and
living good before all that.
It helped, it helped a big deal.
Out of all the time
that I've been to jail
and I done got popped,
that was the most
beneficial time that I ever
experienced in my life.
So, I wouldn't take that back
for nothing in the world!
My status, my
goals, everything?
I want to be a boss bitch.
I want to have my own shit
and have my own bitches.
You know, take the
stress of myself
so I don't have to do shit,
which that's what
I'm working for.
Eventually, I'll have it.
It takes a lot of work,
a lot of focus and if
you have any outside
interference then you will
get pulled right back down.
So, stay focused, keep
your mind on the money
and you'll be good.
I never had women
to control my kingdom,
nothing go through my women.
I controlled
everything that I done.
No women call the shots on me.
I call all the shots.
They got to know they got a man
in they arena.
When I first got in the life,
things were totally different.
The game has totally changed
and girls are different.
In Chicago, we run things like
nobody solo, we
all have a person
and you will never catch a solo
girl out here doing anything
that's worth something.
So, we do know that the
game is so much different
because girls are lazy.
We get on our feet and we work.
The internet has changed
the whole game up.
In Chicago we ride
in Lexus', Bentleys,
Mercedes, BMWs, all that.
But there's always the
back up guy behind us.
He takes care of us 100%.
We're loyal, loyal,
loyal girls, always.
You know, Virgil was
always good to his women
from what I saw
and what I heard.
Matter of fact, one of Virgil's
girls went to school with me.
We went to high school together
and that was his bottom woman.
I'd say, that pimp word
would be bottom bitch.
Okay, that's what they
say in the pimp game.
And I remember her
in high school,
and I kind of had a feeling in
high school that she
was prostituting.
But I couldn't
put my name on it.
But I learned
later on that yeah,
she was out there
prostituting for Virgil
and this was when I
was in high school.
And when I got out
of high school,
Virgil was still pimping her,
and when I became
a police officer.
So, he had that girl
for a long time.
I mean it was maybe
8, 9 years he had this girl
and he had her out on the
street working for him
I don't know but I heard that
her momma was working too.
So, Virgil might of had her
momma out there working too!
I never would
have got with Virgil
because I had a girlfriend
that dealt with Virgil
and so therefore,
no questions, no, I wouldn't
have done that because
my homegirl dealt with him
and things of that nature.
So, that would have been
out of the question.
He's a fly cat to me,
he do his thing so...
He just a cool buddy of mine.
I would have never
made that suggestion
'cause me and my homegirl,
we best of friends,
we tight like that
and it never would
have came across paths
with me and old Virg.
I've been in the
game a long time.
I never considered myself,
using a title as pimp.
I have them call me by my name.
Because it's a lot of
versions when it come to pimp.
Control of your kingdom.
They say a lot of different
other things about a pimp
that I really don't want to say,
because it's a
whole lot of people
who got different meanings
of where "pimp" come from.
I'm a mack and a player.
That's how I get down.
I don't even use the term,
"pimp" when it come to me.
I'm a shaker and a mover
and a money handler.
Do I send women to work?
Have I sent women to work?
Yes, I have.
Have I been 12, 15, 17 deep?
Yes I have, but I still
didn't use that word
because nobody know
the true meaning of it.
They just use that word
because it sound cute to use.
To each his own, like
I say, you can...
If it make you feel good, if
it sound good, it's all good.
But it's a million
ways to get to the top,
just as long as you get there
shaking hands with the
ones that's at the top
but you can only
count at the top.
How many people really
do get to the top?
Hi, my name is Baby Doll.
Hi, my name is Lollipop.
Hi, my name is Tipsy.
Hi, my name is Charming.
we're Virgil's Angels.
A real pimp,
he'll sell his self,
but a mack ain't gone do it,
he gone get it the
best way he know how.
And that's one way, get it!
Virgil rang through Frisco,
Oakland, Bay area, Grey Girls,
Sisters, Asians,
and his name rang real,
very credible in the street.
We ain't get knocked.
I can damn near
count on one hand
how many times I got knocked.
It's hard to knock me, hard!
See, my game started
from the bedroom.
That's where I done
all my pimping from.
Once I get in
baby's ear and I get
ready to send her
out that front door,
and she goes and hits the track,
it's hard to get me.
I tell motherfuckers "from
the sheets to the streets."
No doubt about that.
From the sheets to the streets.
From the sheets
to the streets, man.
A lot of niggas just send a
woman out the door with no...
Instructions, at all!
And what she gone do?
Listen to what nothing
but hos tell her.
And they gone give her
mixed up instructions.
So, I learned how
to have a profession
and a trade, and I
done it real well.
So, I make sure I put
myself in position
not to ever get in
bad shape ever again.
One time was too much for me.
I didn't even like the feeling
of not being able to and
I like to do as I please.
So, I took the ball
and ran with it
took it to a professional level.
And the onliest thing
that can stop me
is the chase or making
a mistake or slips
or whatever it might have been.
So, I mastered the game
for a long, long time.
Sure it's in everybody...
Slips don't count
until you fall.
So, everybody gonna
slip but as long
as you don't fall
down, you all right.
I was a police
officer, I knew all
the major players on the street.
I knew the big boys
and by knowing them
you hear things that happened to
other hustlers, I
refer to them as
hustlers because they
didn't have a job.
They job was the streets and
they hustled their income.
One thing in particular
that stood with me
that another hustler
told me about Virgil,
I didn't participate
in it but I heard
this from another hustler,
who later was shot and killed,
that always intrigued
me about Virgil,
there was three major players on
the street that intrigued me.
They were kind,
they were always overdressed,
and when I say overdressed,
most people dress up
when they go out to party
or have a good time.
Every day on the streets was a
party for Virgil
and his cronies.
You'd see a convertible
Eldorado Cadillac
coming down the street
with the top down,
you gone see Virgil and
everybody in the car
with a hat tilt to the side.
They gone have
diamonds and gold on
just like they got now.
And people just actually
pulled to the side
and watched Virgil and
'nem drive down the street.
I lived next door to
the highway patrolman.
I got the school
teacher on this side.
And everybody was at the window.
And here comes this long, old,
Zimmer car coming
up the street, okay?
You can't even see over
the hood of it, okay.
And here come
Virgil and everybody
is watching him
like, "Who is this?"
But he'd pull up in my driveway
told me to open the garage.
I'd hit the garage button and
put half of the car in there,
'cause the other
half wouldn't go in.
So, the rest of it was
sitting in the street.
And this drawed a
big crowd of people.
So, they wanted to
know who Virgil was.
I said, "Well, he's
my personal friend."
Virgil went out, I told him
to come in the house, he say,
"I told you to come
on and go with me."
He say, "Go out there
and pop the trunk.
"Here the keys," you
know, 'cause my girl
was fixing him a plate of food.
"Go out there and pop the
trunk and get what you need.
"Get all you can get."
I went out there and
popped the trunk.
Virgil had a bale
of money, okay?
Just like hay for
a horse, right?
He had a bale of money
in the trunk of that car.
And he said, "Get all you can,
fill up all your pockets."
And I was grabbing.
I was grabbing money.
I was putting money
everywhere I could.
You understand me? And he said,
"But you can't use
no bag or no sack,
"just all you can
put in your pocket."
So, I had all my pockets, I
was putting money in there.
I come in there
looking like, hey,
I had so much
money in my pocket.
He said, "Now, that's
what you would have had,
"if you would have
went with me!"
When you see
Virgil and his boys
riding in the car together,
they would wear what we
call "Godfather Hats,"
and they would lean
to the side like this,
and you knew that
that was Virgil
and his boys because they
thought they was clean,
which they were clean
'cause they was...
We called it, they
were "styling" then.
One particular
time I saw Virgil and
a counterpart of his
come through Chinatown.
I was walking the beat.
And you knew when
Virgil was in town,
out of town,
because the people
on the street,
they responded to
it, and you could see
the people on the
street in Chinatown.
They would all move to
the side on F Street.
You knew somebody
important was coming.
They moved to the east
side of the street,
so they could watch the show.
And about five minutes later,
me and my partner was
standing on the corner
and we say all the
girls move to the side,
we knew somebody
was coming through.
And it was Virgil driving
and his counterpart.
They were the biggest hustlers
in Fresno at that time.
A week or so later, I saw
Virgil come back through Fresno,
through F Street in Chinatown.
They were so clean that I
think even police officers
wanted to take a picture
of him 'cause
we used to admire the
way they was dressed.
You know, we had the
blue on, the blue hat.
They come in with
white Kangol hats
and three-piece-suits.
They had walking
suits back then.
Every thing was white,
every thing blue,
every thing was pink
and then all the
gold and diamonds showing.
And you know, I
felt that sometimes
I should have been
protecting them
so they wouldn't get
But one story in particular,
I'm a get back to that,
is that I heard
Virgil got busted and
the police department
in those days,
you knew every thing
about every body.
But you couldn't take
it out of headquarters.
And we heard that Virgil
was one of the only.
Blacks at that time, that
the Mafia would deal with.
This is what we heard
through other hustlers.
And these were top dogs,
when I say, "top dogs,"
they didn't deal with 5,000,
10,000, $20,000 sales.
They made purchases, you know,
big purchases, bundle purchases,
moved bundles of drugs.
Get some of that.
But when I was coming
up into the life,
people that was dealing with
hos dealt with drugs too.
They all was surrounded
by one little circle.
It's all in the game.
The most easiest and safest,
simplest thing was
talking a woman
into going to get
those two and fews.
But when it come
to the drug game,
those twos and fews came into
threes and fours,
and five and sixes.
That's what makes
the money bigger.
You can send a woman to work,
she might not even
break luck that night.
All your money getting
ready to be limited.
But when you handling something
that a person got to have,
they gone think of
any means necessary
to go and get that money,
and they gone spend that
money on what they need.
Virgil was first
introduced to me
through I would
say, my OG Bianca.
She was explaining
to me about her past
and the type of
lifestyle she lived,
and Virgil was a big
aspect in her life.
Everything I heard was positive.
Nothing negative,
everything was positive
from the way that
he treated his hos,
to the way that he just
treated people in general.
Riverside, Oceanside,
I've heard his name for years.
Virgil would flip
his cars every year.
And so was his girls',
and that impressed me.
Because I was getting money,
but I couldn't figure out how
they were getting
that kind of money
and able to flip
a car every year.
Virgil put me in
a position where
I was rubbing elbows
with millionaires.
And I used to get so much money.
I don't think that he
ever had a lady of leisure
that made money like me,
'cause I got Rolls Royce money.
I got white girl money.
Like I'll out-check
50 white girls,
because I had flavor, I could be
any color that I wanted,
I would be Samoan.
I could color my
hair blonde, I'd be
any nationality that
he wanted me to be.
So, we really, we got big money!
I heard about Virgil
when Tina would tell me
she was with this guy,
Virgil, back in the days.
I just finally had the
pleasure of meeting him.
I met her when I
moved to Atlanta.
I worked at Magic City,
I worked at Pin Ups.
And I worked at Dirty Reds.
Those were my main
clubs in Atlanta,
and I worked there, I
made like 1000 a night.
And sometimes your feet hurt,
and you just want to
get some flat backing.
So that's what I did.
And during that time,
the Black Panthers were
extorting a lot of
brothers in the street
with their
revolutionary stuff of,
"You got to give something
back to the hood."
And he was one of
the brothers that
they didn't get at like that.
So, if you know what I mean,
if they didn't get
at you like that,
that mean that he ain't
to be played with.
You can draw your conclusion
on the one little thing,
but that one thing can
cover a million miles.
It could be one dot.
That's where your
mathematics come from.
The whole world is
built on mathematics.
If you're able to figure
your problems out,
you're able to figure out
what the world is doing.
The whole world is about
money, making money.
They have less morals
about themselves than I do.
A lot of things I
won't do for money.
You got cops killing
people for money.
They work every day,
get trained to kill,
and that's what
they go out and do.
Right or wrong.
I would not do that for money.
That's where my morals step in.
I would not steal
nothing for money.
I'm a player, I ask for mine.
I don't abuse nobody for money.
I don't misuse people for money.
So, that's where
my morals step in.
He's better than me because I
don't have the patience for it.
I can only tolerate so much.
You can only train a
bitch to do so much
and at the end of the day,
he's been doing this
for so many years,
obviously it come
natural to him.
But every thing I've heard
about him has been positive.
My sister was one
of the best, I think
at pickpocketing,
she used to work with
her fingers and her toes.
I never mastered that,
I wish I could have.
But I never mastered it
but she was a good girl.
She was also a
trouble-maker though.
She was spoiled,
she was jealous.
So she was quite a
trouble-maker for Virgil.
Again, I've heard a lot of
information about Virgil being
involved in the pimp game,
drugs, drug activity.
I used to walk the
beat in Chinatown.
And two officers
would walk the beat
in Chinatown and Virg's
girls would work the street.
We would have to stop
and talk to some of these girls.
When we stopped
and talked to them,
we had a little black book.
And in our little black book,
we would write down
the girl's name,
and the reason why
we would write down
the girl's name because
some of these girls
would rob the johns.
The johns would go into a
room with them and rob 'em.
And then we'd go through
our little black book.
"Oh, this is so and so.
"Her pimp is Virgil Fairley."
Yeah, we on our way down to
where I got arrested at.
And I had never had a
case before in my life.
I had been charged with a
lot of things, railroaded,
police lied on me
and did all type
of things to railroad me but,
that's what caused them to take
all my toys and
money and jewelry,
minks and furniture and houses.
They did that a few times.
So, they put me in a
position where I had to
work double hard to get back.
One of his buddies
in Beverly Hills,
we raided them from
Fresno, a task force
about 40 of us, top dog brother.
We busted him, we
went in his house,
he had two bales of cocaine.
We confiscated the
two safes that he had.
We took his safes.
Opened 'em up he had two
and a half million dollars.
Virgil name and two other guys,
players in Fresno
name was in the safe,
and that's when they
started tracking him.
The Sacramento
Police and the FBI
came together and arrested
Ray Virgil Fairley,
the morning of
November 19, 1992.
They raided four of his houses,
and confiscated over a
million dollars in cash,
jewelry, mink
coats, exotic cars,
that included Rolls Royce,
Golden Spirit Zimmer,
Mercedes Benz, and 17 other cars
were put on trucks
and towed away.
When Virgil went to trial,
everyone in Sacramento's
law enforcement
came to court to see who
was this kingpin was,
the mystery man,
the man that was
never on their bust list,
the one that almost got away.
I come up out of there,
that's the worst thing
that could have happened,
this is the jail, here.
That was the courthouse, this
was first courthouse here.
And the jails was
all upstairs there.
That's where I learned
I shouldn't have done,
handled my business
certain ways,
take certain chances,
put myself in certain positions
I should have been in.
I learned a whole
lot 'cause a whole
lot of people there
was just like me.
Yeah, that's the
big yard right there,
administration building, that's
the big yard, right there.
Big white part.
The gym right there.
How much
time you do over there?
I did a couple of
years over there.
But that was back
in the day though.
And motherfuckers used to
come by on they boats, man.
And broads would show
they titties and shit.
And I'd be like, damn,
one day, one day!
One day, that's gone
be me!
Now, here you are!
Now, here I am, Jamie, show
your titties.
We had a mutual respect,
I knew all of 'em.
If you didn't do
it in front of me,
you could stay on the street.
But you can't jeopardize my job
by doing something illegal,
I got to come get you.
I Always considered myself
kind of smooth and smart
but you know, but one
slip can kill you off.
Okay, I seen him
fall five times,
and raise back up.
I got a friend that fell down
and ain't never got back up.
They still falling.
I appreciate your struggle,
you know, everything
you been through.
You know, especially
the good times.
We just gone do the whole
movie on the good times.
We ain't gone go there.
Everybody go through
ups and downs,
you feel me, but we
gone make sure that we...
No, I'm just kidding,
but we gone touch
on it all, you know
what I'm saying?
But it's good to be thought of
for roles or for
characters on guys
that really made an impact,
where ever they
make their impact,
however they make their impact,
and guys that are
still doing it,
that are still relevant.
And you pay homage to these cats
while they're still breathing.
You don't do the story
afterwards, you feel me?
So by the economy changing
that made it triple hard,
so if you wasn't on
your beat for real
or didn't have no knowledge
about getting money,
you had big problems.
You got to know how to adjust
to whatever the
situation might be.
Even if you on top of the world
when you go to
jail and they take
everything from you, you got
to learn how to adjust to that.
So, everything start from
a mental status point.
And you got to be strong-willed
in order to handle certain
situations, either or.
You done brought out a whole
lot of shit about yourself.
But this is what we work for,
to have fun, to have money,
to have a good time, I invited
all my loved ones here.
I represent all of my loved one,
all my friends, all
my pimp friends,
and all my associates, I'm
representing all of 'em.
The title
"pimp" started being used in
the US around the
time slavery ended.
It was legal to be a
pimp in the Western days.
Back in those days, the sheriffs
and the marshals of the towns
ran the brothels
and the prostitutes.
They were the biggest
pimps in town.
Man, I met Virgil
when I was a youngster
and then as I grew
up, he was somebody
that I admired
and things because
he was a hell of a nigga
out in these streets.
But now what I want
to say about him,
when you doing things,
and you doing it legit
and you getting money legit,
after you done been
in the game for years,
you got to respect that.
I pimped from
the 60s to 2000s,
for 35 years, I met
Virgil in Fresno,
pimping back in 77, we've
been partners every since.
Virgil's been a rich man,
ever since I've known him.
He's been rich in spirit
and rich in the game.
We all been rich financially,
but some of us keep
it, some of us don't.
Virgil's been fortunate
and he's been blessed,
and I wish him much
success in life,
and may he have
longevity and continue
to have much success.
I don't advise, my
friends ask me all the time
if I advise any youngsters
to get off into the life,
I says, "Nah, I
don't advise that."
Go to school, get educated.
And that's where all your
money, and your success
and your future is coming from,
and I preach that
to all the kids.
The smart ones to
me is that they'll
reach out to a old-school cat
that been in the game
and they can reach
at them and ask them
for the knowledge
and the old-school cat
would give it to 'em.
'Cause they see they
trying, they got something
but they trying to do and they
gone handle they business.
I heard a whole bunch of
nice things about you, man.
Yeah, I'm from
out here too, man.
They told me a whole bunch
of good game about you.
You nice, you look
nice too, man.
And he been trying
to get lazy man,
but now I can't lecture him man.
I'm saying though, what's
going on, man, how you it?
I'm Rob,
his brother, man.
How you doing? I know you!
I've seen you around
here a lot of times.
Yeah, yeah man, up
and down the ho stroll,
that's where you seen me at.
Touching down for my crown.
Three legends right there,
that's JD, Robert,
and Virgil, that's
Godfather right there.
That's the Godfather right
there of almighty right there.
That's why we here, that's
why we here right now.
Three legends right there.
So, tell me how
it was growing up with Virg.
Man, it was beautiful.
He taught me everything I know.
If it wasn't for him, it
wouldn't be no in me.
The tip toes to the
elbows, you know?
That's how it was.
He the one put me in
my first Cadillac.
He told me to, "Take off
and go catch you some hos."
He raised me up
something from Asia
wasn't 16, 17 years old.
You understand me and,
I graduated from him,
he clipped my wings,
his whole hope I go.
This is my friend
Robert here and
we've been knowing one another
for about 40 years
and his big brother
has always been an
inspiration in our lives,
as we coming up in the game.
his big brother?
Real good pimp.
I think a lot of 'em
that's here today
got some of they
pimping from him.
So, he's an OG pimp.
The original, do it the
right way, not the wrong way.
That's what I like about him.
He don't sell out for a bitch.
Not just a
teacher but a preacher.
A preacher, not
just a teacher.
He don't sell out
for a bitch either.
He'll run a bitch till her
feet split like deer hooves.
Me and Virg go way,
man, you understand me?
So, I appreciate this
fella here, much love, man.
Some of the game I got right
now, that's where it came from.
Real talk, man.
That's really real, yeah,
so, that's what it is.
Real talk, man, love you, man.
How long
you and Virg go back?
How long you and Virg go back?
Nigga what? 30?
A long
time, 30 years.
Yeah, man, OGs
from the town, man.
So, yes, this is
what we do, man.
I'm just glad to be doing it.
How you doing, man, it's
good to meet you man, a legend.
They call me the poet,
I did a book myself.
But this is about Virg.
See man, this guy here,
he's got fortitude, man.
Let me say this here,
see it's 25 years
to get his mack on wax,
his planning on lacing us
with these funky track,
he has time enough to
spit his game back.
See, you don't get in this
game through an invitation,
this is hard work,
perseverance and dedication.
So all you suckers
better stop your faking,
'cause he's got big
See, the world is here and
it's just for the taking.
See the game is loaded
and it's non-stop.
Now it's time to give
a true pimp his props.
True Virgil Fairley,
true pimp, believe that.
Carvel Rice, straight up poet.
My real partner, you know we
go all the way back to kids.
From kids, yeah.
All the way back from kids...
All the way back.
And he was here through the
whole thing, when it started...
When it all started.
And to how it is now...
He took me along with him.
If you ain't real with it,
it ain't gone be real with you.
It ain't
gone fall unless.
See, deeds and
actions is what counts.
Conversation don't mean
nothing, all the time.
Some points it do, but you
got to mean what you say.
You got to be able to bag it up.
If you can't bag it up, ain't
no need of stepping up in it.
Or you gone
get slapped on the ass.
Every time.
If you
ain't real in the game,
the game gone slap
you on your ass.
But then you know, it's good for
motherfuckers like you
to come back out here
and give little young
motherfuckers like us the game.
I'm 30, I've been
out here in this
whole west side all my life.
And you don't have motherfuckers
like that that
come back and give
a motherfucker some good game.
I seen this nigga pull up in a
motherfucking dream car, nigga,
give us little niggas
out here motivation.
- Inspiration!
- Straight up!
I was like that
one time myself.
And that's where I got it from,
watching the following G
and so I pass it on down.
And let them know
it can be done.
And then you can't
be weak neither though.
'Cause you got niggas
that got weak game
and you got niggas
that'll be mad
because this nigga
got this and this,
and you want this so
bad, you can't get it
to where you looking for
me, that's just weak game.
You know what I mean?
Just draw a line, say,
"You haters get over there.
"And let the real
stay over here."
Virg, yeah, that
nigga showed me so much
game as a youngster till
it took me over into now.
The nigga
should have been the pope.
Well, not the pope,
but the game pope.
Okay, I can go with
that, Game Pope.
Me and Virg, I
remember when I was
down on my luck up
in the Bay area,
and Virg treated me just
like I was still okay.
You know, so, he
really helped me
get through that
moment in my life.
And thank God I'm there,
he was there for me.
So, I owe my life to
him, I owe him my life.
'Cause I was really struggling
at the time in my life.
And he was right there with me.
He told me, "Don't worry
we gone be all right."
Virg, I've been
knowing him ever since
I was about five years old.
I'm 43 years old.
Aye, man, all I know
is living legend, man.
It is what it is, he stand
for everything he say, man.
You know, everybody see it, man.
They know what it is, man.
I ain't got too much to
say but it's for real.
And we are real, man.
'Cause that's all he's
about the business of
keeping up to keeping on,
that's why I love him.
Always will.
We go way back, we
go way back from kids...
The year would be 1977.
And I would say the track
was maybe a two-block radius.
On the corner was the bar
called, "The Triangle."
The Triangle Bar, that
was the trick bar.
That's where everybody
congregated at.
All the hos, all the tricks.
The hotels were like
alongside the street.
The freeway was
on the other side.
And it was just this one street.
One, G Street,
that everybody went down.
It was just one block.
And it was
like 20, 30, 40, 50
hos, pimps riding in and out.
It was cool, it was
so fucking cool.
I was very naughty
and I was out of pocket.
I was like doing stuff
I didn't supposed to do.
And he was gonna beat me up.
And so, I was in
the car with him,
when we got to a stop sign,
I jumped out and I
took off running.
And he had a gopher dude.
You know, like one of his
lieutenants or something.
And Virgil was like,
"Chase her, chase her."
And I was just
running for my life,
because he was gonna beat me
because I was doing
some bad stuff.
It was in the cut, so
it was just very, very
very country, just that
square block radius.
Paid many, many,
many, many pimps,
and many, many hos.
And it was just a
money getting town.
It was a money getting town.
Cowboys, Mexicans,
truck drivers,
business men, bankers, lawyers,
doctors, you might date anybody.
And it didn't seem like
we got bothered a lot.
So it went all the way down.
See this is not, back
here was a second part
where the track used to be.
The original track
started down here.
This is called Chinatown.
All this corners
provided these streets.
Hos, ho'ing.
All down through here.
When I first got
my first blessing.
I first started
right up in here.
That corner where
that guy is standing
used to be nothing but
hos standing there.
All around, all
around the corners.
Where I first sent my
first ho down here.
Now, it's looking
like ghost town.
Fresno is the fifth
largest city in California.
Before World War II, Fresno
had many ethnic neighborhoods.
In 1940, Fresno's
population, racial make up
was 94% White, 3.3% Black
and 2.7% Asian.
Road props and orchids gave
way to urban development
after World War II, the
population of Fresno
soared in the second
half of the 20th century.
And entered the ranks
of the 100th largest.
United States cities
in 1960 with a
population of 134,000.
But now the paychecks
have dried up,
along with the farms,
thanks to cruel,
confluence of drought,
environmental regulation,
and years of political neglect.
The air quality is terrible.
Tap water was hazardous.
The locals seemed to be
mostly behind the times,
stuck in the ways that
the rest of the country
evolved from decades ago.
Homelessness and crime
is at an all time high.
So much that the city of Fresno
declared war on the homeless
and destroyed the only
shelters they had.
It is been rumored
that land owners
have set fires to
the homeless shelters
to force the homeless
from their areas.
What made me
really respect him,
and know that he was
doing large things,
he had a house
that he had bought.
I want to say that
it was between
San Diego and Los
Angeles, in between them.
And this house was
already laid out,
TVs, music stereo,
beds, waterbeds,
the whole nine yards.
See don't nobody
really remember this
'cause you know,
you had to really
be a close friend of his,
and if you traveled
down the highway,
and you didn't have room money
or you was close by the house
or you called Virg,
Virg would tell you
how to get to the house
and the key stayed
under the floor mat of the house
and you go in there and
live as long as you want to,
as long as you need to,
and when you leave, after
you clean up the house.
You put the key
back under the mat,
and go on about your business.
And kind of like when I saw that
and heard about it,
it was kind of like,
wow, that he had a place
that he didn't even stay.
I don't know what
he bought it for,
what he did that
for, what was the
purpose and
understanding for that,
but it was there for the game
and a lot of brothers
that knew him,
that went down that
highway stayed there,
lived there and it was open.
I mean he ain't
nowhere to be found,
nowhere around, you
know we could have
took the TV, the couch,
cleaned the whole house out.
He was just that
generous of a brother
that really believed in the game
like that there and that's what
stuck out in my mind.
He done did a lot
of great things,
but when I saw that,
it's like the house
was bought for the game
and he didn't even stay there.
I know how this
nigga was breaking hos.
I was his main nigga.
I'm going getting these
bitches up out of jail.
He had this one
bitch that I remember
in particular, man.
And I called him, I said,
"V, the bitch is out,
what you want me to do?"
He said, "Look nigga, the bitch
know her way to the track."
I told the bitch,
"Bitch, you on your own.
"Go on about your business."
One year, Virgil
called me and he said,
"Reggie, you know
what day it is?"
I said, "Sure, man,
it's Thursday."
I forgot what the
date was, but I said,
"It's Thursday, man."
And he said, "No,
what is today?"
I said, "I just
got off the train,
"it's Thursday evening, man."
He said, "Man,
it's my birthday."
I said, " Oh!"
And we spent our birthdays
together every year.
He'd come where I'm at
or I'd go where he at.
So, I said, "Virgil,
I'll be there."
He said, "Man, how you
gone get here, man?
"It's 8:00, man, you
can't make it here."
I said, "I will be there, Virg."
So, I chartered a plane.
I chartered a plane
and went to Virgil's,
and when I got over his house,
I had one of them
phones in the briefcase.
And I called Virgil
from the plane.
I said, "Virgil, I'm up here."
And Virgil came
outside and brought
the whole party out
here and looked up.
I said, "Here I
am, up here, Virg!"
And I'm looking down,
and Virg came on.
And I could hear him
in the background.
He said, "That Captain, my
goddamn cousin up there."
You know it was real
pimping like that.
The first arithmetic or
any time I knew how to count
was 'cause the money
he put up under
my motherfucking mattress,
you know what I'm saying?
And my mother
wanted to go square.
And my motherfucking
pops told me
and my motherfucking momma
and I'm a say it on camera,
"You quit the game, I didn't."
"You wanna quit the
game and do what you do.
The pimps make hos,
man, they can't make us.
When a bitch run off, you
always got to remember,
something better can come along.
It was something
wrong with that bitch
if she wouldn't look up to you.
Probably been having
trouble with her anyway,
I know I was.
You know, let that bitch
get the fuck on, man.
I don't need no headaches.
And we left and
went on the highway.
And when he dropped
me off, I come down
and he called me, he said,
"Your bottom bitch
down here ho'ing."
I said, "No she not."
He said, "Home boy
ain't call you?"
And he told him, he said,
"Man, my partners a real
pimp, you need to call him."
He said, "Well, I know
you got her baby."
He said he don't give a fuck
about all that, call him.
When I come down there,
man, he ain't called me yet.
I see him on G Street
up there by the hotel,
I mean, by the gas station.
"Hey man, what's going
on with you, man?
"That bitch you knocked
me for, man, what's wrong?
"You don't know how to
serve a motherfucker?"
"Well man, you know, I
know you got her baby."
"What has that got to
do with this pimping?"
"Well, I was gone
let you know, man."
I said, "Listen young man,
late news is no news to me.
"The last time I sent
that bitch out there
"as far as I know she
was under my instruction
"and you ain't told
me nothing different.
"So guess what, that's
why I breaks that bitch."
Every time I went down there.
And Virg had to
bail me out of jail.
I kicked the bitch ass
all up on the ho stroll.
Virg had bailed me out.
I said, "Virg, I'm in jail."
I said, "You caused
me, 'cause you told me
"that the bitch was
still down there,
"and you know I ain't gone let
nobody disrespect like that."
Have you
ever had a nigga tell you
you wasn't gone accept no news?
Oh yeah, oh hell yeah!
I done heard that.
I had it happen in
San Jose, where you was at?
It happened in Texas!
Them motherfuckers
down there don't
want to accept news either.
I said, "No problem.
"I'll catch you in
Australia then."
- Yeah, find that bitch.
- I hope your money is long.
I don't care if you
don't accept no news,
just let me hear about it.
Yeah, that bitch told me...
No problem.
You know, when
we was in San Jose
I knocked this motherfucker for
hos on Fourth and.
She said, "He's a fool."
And everybody had spoken
pretty rough about him.
And I said, "Well,
you know what,
"we're not gone
stay here anyway.
"You think this is
the only motherfucking
"ho stroll that cough money?
"And then since he's a fool,
"is he fool enough to follow
your ass across state lines?
"Different states?
"'Cause I don't stay
in no motherfucking
"one city and one state."
They come back about
15, 20 years ago.
I was up in there,
Minnesota on my.
And you know what, I
ain't never had no bad,
I ain't never heard
no bad word from him.
I ain't never heard
no bad word about him.
He just been a straight
up pimp, especially cool.
You know what I mean?
So, I don't know why these cats
running around
here, this cat said,
"Dude running around hating."
They hating for
no reason at all,
'cause Virgil, that's
the man right there.
We go back to Fresno
in about a month
'cause Black need to go.
I want to go check on my car
'cause it was in the garage,
it was in the mechanic shop.
Check on some of his
business so you know,
so I let him take the car.
One of the cars, he
ain't gone tell you
what car I took though.
Yeah, yeah, he
took one of the cars.
I couldn't take
the pretty Seville.
And I'm glad I didn't,
'cause I was bugging him too.
Yeah, I told him to
take the one he wanted.
He said, "Well, I'm a
take your other car."
And I had a black Seville
that I just ordered
out of Beverly Hills.
With the phantom top, didn't
nobody even have 'em yet.
He got 'em before they all...
One in alike in
the whole country.
This was just like a 1980, 81.
So, Black took the car,
I gave him the keys
and then I took 'em back.
And then I said, "You
better take the other car."
I'm so glad!
So, he took the
other, 15 minutes later
he called me on
the phone and said,
he done totaled my car out.
All the way out!
I thought I killed
the po' woman.
Knocked her all the way
up into a liquor store.
I tell Black, "Don't
worry about, man,
"I'll let that ho, she'll
go buy another one."
You came and
picked me up, remember?
I said, "Don't worry about
it, she'll buy another one."
He said, "Black, what
you gone do about my car?"
I said, "Man, you know."
He said, "You know
what, fuck it!
"We gone charge this
to that ho, man.
"We gone charge it to a ho."
I said, "Okay, you gone
charge it to a ho, right?"
I've been holding him
to that every time
because he talking about,
"What we gone do about..."
"We charged it to
that bitch, man."
So every time I
need a deal, I said,
"You can't tell me nah,"
I said, "Remember
you tore my car up?"
But we
charged it to the bitch.
He's a good guy, he's a boss.
If you think about calling
somebody the boss, he's the boss.
You know, he's a
big guy in the game.
Good name, good dude.
He had so many keys of dope.
And I seen this dude when I
went to this soda machine.
And I was like, "Why is this
guy over here at this hotel?"
So, I went back upstairs
and told Virgil,
I said, "Virgil, I
think this guy...
"Something's jumping off."
I was like, "It's a
set up, something.
"I'm just not feeling
this, Virgil."
And Virgil was like just
lay down and watch TV.
So we sitting there
laying down watching TV
and I'm like, "Virgil,
I'm not feeling this!"
And so he was like,
"Well, come on."
So I went the back way, I got
all the dope out the room,
put it in my car
that he bought me,
took it to my apartment,
hid it in the room,
came back to the hotel.
In about three hours later,
the battle rams came through,
the news cameras, the police.
They thought they had Virgil.
They were looking so stupid.
They took me to jail
for a 1/8th of weed.
But they winded
up letting me go,
but it was just
hilarious because
they thought that they had
Virgil Fairley and they didn't.
He was the king at the
city. He was the man.
Everybody talked
about Virgil from.
Fresno all the way
up to the Bay area,
down to Riverside, Oceanside.
I've heard his name
for years, for years.
Virgil is a gentleman.
He's a gentleman, I know.
I mean and not only
is he a gentleman,
he's a stand-up gentleman.
When you say,
"stand-up gentleman",
I mean in the
terms of just being
a man with honor and
he has a lot of honor,
he has a lot of virtue despite
him being in the game. He does.
Society per say say
the people in the game,
that there they're
pimps or what have you,
that we are somewhat
underhand because
we don't work jobs like they say
we supposed to do and you know,
we supposed to be the underdogs.
But that's not true at all.
It's just the opposite.
But what I want to
say about Virgil,
Virgil's been such a gentleman.
He's been a role model to me.
Nothing but inspiration to me.
Nothing but inspiration,
him and my dad,
nothing but inspiration to me.
Like I said, you
know, everything I got
come from the game, everything
I got come from the game.
No loans from the
government, no nothing.
Every business I opened
come from the game.
Me and this man was
in business together.
This man is nothing
but an inspiration
to the game, we need
more players like that
to stand up and
stay representing.
To show these young
cats that it's possible
that you can be successful
coming out the game.
We take ho money and
turn it into dough money,
and for sure money
and it's grow money.
You know what I'm saying?
And I got the...
Come on, give me some, man.
I appreciate everything,
I really do I
appreciate everything!
His resume, his legacy
is pretty powerful
being able to do the
things that he done,
even when he went to lay down
and to still come out,
still have things,
still move forward with it,
and still in it and
still having things
like a 20 year old,
it's unbelievable
for a brother that's
still been able to
put it together the way
he still do it today.
I've been around
the pimp game.
I done traveled with the
best and the biggest.
And I got my game
from Gangsta Brown,
who got his game
from Filmore Slim.
And Virgil was a good
part of the family,
he's a good friend to all of us.
He was always good at inviting
us always to his events,
always willing to include
us in everything he do,
good dude, good heart,
I'm just trying to
keep up with him.
He told me a long to
keep up to catch up.
So, I caught up now,
I gotta keep up.
He got that white girl Royce
down there looking real good.
Much love to ya', Virg.
Well, Virgil was a
special, special, person.
You know, he had a special soul.
I've been knowing
him all my life.
He's been a legend
then and a legend now.
And I'm honored to give him
this kind of compliment.
Virgil from the beginning,
he's always been an outstanding,
straight up guy as
far as I'm concerned.
I have nothing bad to
say about the brother.
He's been real with it.
He's been well respected,
and definitely embraced.
And what I remember
most about Virgil,
I can recall back on the
time when I first met him.
It was really on short notice.
But from the
beginning, I really had
a real connection with Virgil.
It was just something
about the brother.
He had that aura about his-self
that really enlightened me.
It wasn't no bullshit with
Virgil, he's just a real dude,
you know what I mean?
From what I remember.
And I think in retrospect
I should have stayed
because Virgil has been
through a lot of things
and he has survived,
he's a child of the king,
and I should have
stayed with him,
because I would have
been more lucrative
and I had to learn the hard way.
And you know, live and learn.
When you niggas
talk all this shit
about my pops, you
motherfuckers know
that he did his
motherfucking thing
on every motherfucking
level it was.
Because you niggas
talk about "you got to
be straight laced, no chase."
You got to pimp the
motherfucking situation, nigga!
He always looked after me,
he always been my
right hand man,
I'm a tell y'all
something that I
shouldn't even say
that nobody don't know.
Nobody don't really
know how close
me and Virg really is,
Virg had a few incidents,
a few misunderstandings with
some people and called me.
He said, "Don't
bring the pimp hand,
"bring the Gangsta Brown hand."
And I was there front and center
to take care of
some things for him
that needed to be
handled that he
felt like I can handle the job.
Now, that's how I know
that he's a soldier,
you feel me?
When you call me,
yeah, you want it done!
For you niggas to come
though this motherfucker
and set here and say the shit
that you've been saying,
and I'm a call one
nigga out in particular,
and nigga you know
who I'm talking about.
You know who I'm
talking about nigga.
All of a sudden now
nigga, you on his side?
Fuck that, you challenge
his pimping, nigga!
Nigga, you ain't never
been in the position
to say about where
this nigga is at!
You know, you ain't never
been on this nigga's level.
You know who I'm talking about,
I'm talking about
you, Gangsta Brown!
And this TL saying this
motherfucking shit, nigga!
And you know what the
fuck I'm talking about.
You challenge his
pimping, nigga!
And I don't respect
the bullshit, nigga.
I'm keeping it real, if you got
a problem with me nigga, holler!
'Cause it's real and I don't
want this shit x'd out,
I don't want none of this shit,
put this shit on here.
Because you
challenged him, nigga.
You challenged him
with that bullshit.
Now, you come through
this motherfucker
tonight nigga hollering
about you on his side,
you don't like them niggas?
You was one of the
same niggas that
was coming with that bullshit!
But what this
nigga is doing now,
this nigga been doing
this shit every since
I met this nigga in the 80s.
When I first met this nigga,
this nigga first motherfucking
Rolls that I know of
was the motherfucking
Silver Shadow, nigga.
He went from there
nigga to the Zimmer,
to all the other bullshit.
This nigga done ran
through more shit
than the average
nigga have ever seen
and for a nigga to
come through here,
and think it's all good,
and think it's gravy
and think I'm just
gone sit back and
just let that shit
just go like that?
Nah, nigga, it's not
happening like that with me.
This is TL, nigga, I'm
that gangster nigga.
And we have a good rapport.
I see him all the time,
not only in Fresno,
but in New Orleans,
Las Vegas, in LA,
and we all still have
a good rapport because
we were fair to each other.
A nigga father
supposed to be his hero.
I don't know if y'all nigga's
fathers was y'all hero.
I don't know if y'all
came up up under that.
My father was my
motherfucking hero.
When I came up, I should be a
pro ball motherfucking player.
My father wasn't no
motherfucking ball player.
My father was about
this motherfucking game.
Well, I think he's a cool
cat, he doing what he do.
Keep doing your thang, man.
It's a pleasure
to be here, to give
him this kind of
respect on this day,
because he deserves all of it.
Yeah, shout out to Virg.
Yeah, yeah I know one of the
true, true legends of the game.
Yeah, old Virgil.
Yeah, looking forward to seeing
to you on the red carpet.
Virgil, I'm looking forward
to seeing you on the red carpet.
See ya' soon.
Pleasure meeting my man.
Anybody that they
will stop Monday night
football to announce
that he got arrested,
anybody they do that
for, count me in, Jack!
When they do the movie,
I'm there, brother.
We look just the same,
if I had the jewelry on
that you did, boy we'd be twins!
You feel me?
Only a chosen few can win.
I'm just blessed to
be one of the ones
that was able to reach
out and keep this going.
For the last 50 years,
because there's
nothing easy about it.
A lot of fellas don't
never even get a chance
to live out they
dreams or they visions.
And I thank God everyday
for being blessed to live
out my whole entire existence.
And all the young people
you need to stop hating,
and could do some
Don't be a hater,
be a congratulator.
'Cause Virgil is a bad
motherfucker, okay?
He's a businessman.
In real estate, you know.
I'm looking for him to
buy a airplane next year.
The Rolls ain't nothing.
You know, he headed that way.
When white
folks found out Black men
were becoming pimps
and pimping was an
immediate means of
acquiring power,
the type of power Black
Americans had never experienced,
they introduced the
Mann Act in 1910,
prohibited so called,
making pandering,
AKA pimping illegal.
escaped the street life
with his health
and mind in tact,
which 90% of hustlers never do.
story was so big
before Virgil went to trial,
he was approached
by movie producers
and book authors,
wanting to produce
a movie and book about his life.
He declined, because he didn't
want to incriminate himself.
He moved
on and became an author.
He wrote books,
he did interviews,
personal appearances,
appears in music videos,
invests in real estate
and retired a lucky man.
And I'm tired of
fruiting the laborer,
can I reap some of the benefits?
I want one of Virgil's
old Cadillacs.