My Long Awaited Love Story (2016) Movie Script

3 months ago
Do you believe in destiny?
After meeting you for
the first time I...
...I understand the reason I was born.
Eh? What does that mean?
Ill protect you... Always.
The sparkling prince-type
all women yearn for.
When a woman feels lonely,
when shes in trouble...
When she's crying alone.
The perfect one suddenly
appears out of nowhere.
Excuse me...
Thatll be 2,980 yen.
Oh my...
I forgot my wallet today.
Sorry, can you please lend me
some money for now?
So Im paying again?
Oh, the bill. Wait, the bill...
Eh? You're leaving already?
I still got work to do.
Let's meet again soon?
Ill be lonely...
The younger, spoiled puppy-type.
Because he's just like a pet,
she won't depend on him.
He has a healing effect on the
tired older woman.
Giving her strength for
tomorrow's work...
Hey, Takkun, what's this?
Who's this?
My mother's acquaintance?
-Let's go!
And the most popular,
the sadistic selfish type.
Don't look around! Look only at me.
He's always condescending and keeps
verbally abusing women...
...but he's actually
very kind-hearted.
-Are you done with the setting?
-Yes, have a look.
What? This is terrible.
How long have you been an assistant?!
I am sorry.
How pathetic.
Being 27 already I am aware that...
.in the real world...
...there's a 99.9999% chance of
meeting a perfect prince... those in films or manga
isn't gonna happen.
Was I dreaming just now?
I wasn't, right?
"Christmas Drama Special"
"I have never thought that
destined love would be real."
I'm Momose from the
contents department.
We decided to enter the smartphone
love game market this time.
The market now amounts to
13.7 billion yen per year.
And she is the game planner to oversee
planning and development...
...Riko Shirano.
I'm Riko Shirano, pleased to meet you.
When it comes to love games,
the character design is crucial.
The key is to create
male characters...
...the female player would
fall in love with.
For the main character...
The prince type...
...and the selfish type are popular.
And for hair styles...
Although long is good, maybe...
...something like this.
This one is great.
Thinking about these things
must be fun.
These are characters from games
I designed recently.
The illustrations made from
them look like this.
As for a scene from the game.
In other words...
You want me to kiss you, right?
The selfish type...
Shirano, how do you think of
such heartthrob lines?
Of course theres a limit
to my imagination...
I also walk around town
and do research.
Well... but most of it is of no use.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
He waved at me...
He did wave at me just now... right?
No, it's nothing.
A fated meeting.
And we meet again.
This is already...
What is this?
Tokugawa's 15th Shogun -
Love Shogunate
Are you stupid?
Did you do any marketing research
before you started?
Because historical genres
are currently popular?
We also got good responses,
saying it's catchy.
"Tokugawa's 15th Shogun,
all gathered."
They can't be all gathered.
How about some period research?
"Which general will
you fall in love with?
Who are those generals you mentioned?
Do you ignore Yoshimune
and Tsunayoshi?
Is this really entertaining?
Women like delusions.
Oh well, that's true.
Speaking about it, I saw
something funny yesterday.
I'll go call a taxi.
We went to a restauran wedding
party in Motomachi.
My glasses...
Please don't step on them.
My glasses...
That woman stared at him
like she was enthralled.
She must have thought
it's fated love
.when he was only picking up
his glasses.
That's what you call delusions and
it's where stalking starts from.
Am I wrong?
-Of course.
I gave you the 'go' because
games can be a big hit now...
...but our SNS users...
...are interested in things like
fashion and makeup.
Women trying to refine themselves
in the real world.
Make it for this target group.
Its troublesome if
you ruin our image.
The point is...
Women who enjoy these are...
...either ugly or stupid.
Even so...
For something like this
to be popular...
That just means there are a lot of
women who don't look at reality.
Rather because of
the reality we see...
"I keep thinking of you
24/7 356 days a year."
You lazy? Go work!
Where in the world would
you find such a guy?
There's none.
And that's why we gotta make him up.
Oh, the stalker!
Then let me ask you in return...
What are the charms of real men?
They're worse than herbivorous,
they're fasting or anorectic.
They dont even know how to talk to
women without asking their phones.
"It's the first date, am I
supposed to treat her?"
They need to research this online.
They don't have the guts to confess
and they break up in LINE.
Even if they manage to date...
...what follows is affairs and
domestic violence.
Its because you men are
nothing but fools
...who don't know how to
cherish or please a woman.
It is because real men are so pathetic
that weve become self sufficient.
You see, there's one type of guy
I won't ever forgive...
The type that makes fun of love.
Be it 2-dimensional or
As long as it's love, it will be
healing for women.
Tomorrow, they'll be giving
their best again,... it school, work, house-work
or childcare.
If you don't even know this much...
You're the one who
should look at reality.
Is...what I think...
Excuse me, Shirano.
Who on earth is he?
He's our president.
That planners a lost cause.
Redo the plan along with
the whole team.
Who came up with this
idiotic plan?
It was me.
Momose worked so hard for and
all you say is "stupid or ugly".
This is marketing data about
current love games.
This isn't bad.
I heard you'll enter the market for
love games for the first time.
As a company that aims to help women
in all kinds of situations.
After feeling their hearts skip
a beat with this game, we hope...
...they'll be able to give their
best again tomorrow,... it at school, work,
house-work or child care.
Look at this guy!
He's just plagiarizing
somebody's words.
This way.
He's young, isn't he?
He's younger, isn't he?
Thank you for the venue reservation
the other day.
-Oh, did you cut your hair?
As expected, a prince.
Great communication skills.
The board meeting got moved to 3 pm.
-3 pm? Understood.
What?! Hes unexpectedly
in a high post.
-Hey, Midoritani.
Anne from Cosmetic Paris said
she wants to meet you.
Great, we have an appointment
to meet on her next trip here.
Please tell her that I'm looking
forward to seeing her.
He's just too perfect.
Im sorry.
Our president was rude
to you last time...
Ah, no. But
For him to change after
being told off like that...
He's quick to switch, right?
But you were amazing.
Its the first time I saw someone
talked back to him.
Our president was a successful
programmer since his student days.
The tasking app he made in
university was a big hit.
Oh, I'm using this.
So he started this company
during his student days.
Currently he develops business
apps all by himself.
I see...
He's also capable as a manager.
I came to this company because
I looked up to him...
...and entered a business competition
for students to work with him.
This is what we made
together at that time.
A page for rating cosmetics?
Yeah. Since this was a hit...
Products targeting female customers
became our main pillar.
There's just one fatal flaw...
He doesn't understand...
a woman's heart.
A woman's heart...
Let's start now.
-Let me carry this.
-Thank you.
-This looks good, doesn't it?
-You think
-This is nice, isn't it?
- Really.
Is it going well?
Today we're meeting the illustrator
about the character designs.
I see.
It's something I
received earlier...
It's Dalloyau!
I humbly accept!
Let's eat.
Excuse me, I have a call to make.
What about the cream puffs?
I really don't like cream.
You can have mine too...
Shall we have lunch?
Is anybody going out for lunch?
Are you treating us today?!
As a reward for working hard.
Yeah! It's our lucky day.
What about you, Momose?
-I've brought my lunchbox.
-I see.
-Are you okay?
Hello, this is Momose.
Yes. Thank you for your call.
Here are some Mont Blancs...
Yes. Please do... Yes...
Whats this...
That also has cream.
You like Momose, don't you?
I saw you fail 3 times already.
Cream puffs, lunch, Mont Blancs.
No way.
She's 10 years younger and
she works for me...
-You're so easy to read!
-I only...
Anyways, this has nothing
to do with you.
Youre right...
Thank you for your hard work.
"Office Hunks- Cinderella Working
Overtime- Chapter 2"
"Office Hunks- Cinderella..."
I will employ you.
But under one condition.
Dont fall in love with
me even by mistake.
How silly...
"I hate the president!
I never want to see him again!"
"During work I suddenly
got distracted..."
"When I heard a strange
noise approaching."
Mr. Kurokawa, what are you doing?
You see...I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to make fun of women.
I made you feel uncomfortable.
I am sorry.
Really, in order to tell me that....
My.What are you up to?
Thank you for the chocolates.
What? Why is he in front of my house?!
I have a favour to ask.
A favour?
...teach me about love.
Oh, what a nice shop.
I usually come here when
I work late at night.
I don't have to fear running
into people from our field.
What will you have?
This white marshmallow mocha.
With hazelnut syrup and...
...some caramel sauce on top.
-Good Choice.
-You'll become fat.
Thank you for waiting.
Oh! So cute!
Thank you for the coffee.
So good!
It was a success.
Excuse me?
The other days proposal.
Excuse me?
"Office Hunks- Cinderella Doing
Overtime- Chapter 2"
The remote-controlled car?
You did that?!
Didn't you give me that advice?
But the 2nd and 3rd dimension
are totally different...
Oh, but it's fine if it worked.
So, you wanted me to
teach you about love?
You're an expert in the field, right?
How did he misunderstand?
I haven't had a boyfriend in years.
Ive played all the top 10 love games.
I don't get it.
What's fun about them?!
I don't get it at all!
That's why I want to
request your services.
Please teach me about love games.
Oh, that....
Since we're newcomers
in the game industry
We can't make any mistakes.
Therefore as the president, I can't
make any uninformed plans.
Therefore I need to communicate
well with the planners.
What is it?
Is this all for the company?
Or for Momose to start liking you?
For...for the company.
This is a serious situation.
Pardon me but you're
not very popular, right?
Don't be rude. Of course
I'm reasonably popular.
Even if you date a girl...
You always get dumped, right?
I'll tell you the reason why.
For example, youve made a lot of
mistakes in just the last 30 minutes.
You ambushed me.
You just suddenly visited me and
expected me to follow your plans.
At the shops door.
You just entered quickly without
caring about your companion at all.
The same when you ordered your coffee.
It's normal to look
for a seat first but...
You're supposed to make sure that
the other person knows where.
And then there's your way of speaking.
Without a care about whether
I was listening to you.
You went on by yourself without
looking at me once.
A conversation is like catch ball.
You just keep throwing balls
your partner can't return.
As a boyfriend, she would become
sick of you.
Since she's not your mother, you know?
Deep inside, you are still...
...thinking that love games
are silly, right?
But in those love games you can find
many things women want.
As long as you don't understand
this much about women.
Youll never understand love games...
.and won't stand a chance
with Momose.
He's yielding.
So, how did you fall in love with her?
With Momose.
It started 3 years ago.
Company coup d'etat...Well played!
How interesting.
This...this is a defective product.
I'm going to file a complaint.
Where's the company?
And then....
Excuse me.
She turned out to be
a new staff called Momose.
If you don't mind you can have this.
I had some snacks so
I'm pretty full already.
It's good.
I'm glad.
The taste of the omelettes
at that time.
Tasted the same as my mother's.
Mother complex?
He has a mother complex?!
My mother died when I was
in primary school.
It reminded me of the omelette in the
last lunch box she made for me.
Ah, my condolences.
After that I kept thinking
about Momose.
And eventually, my eyes
started chasing her.
I see.
Even I think a one sided love with
your worker for 3 years is disgusting.
But she's just so....
Asking for her number,
inviting her out for a meal.
Things I can easily do with
a normal woman, I just can't with her.
We're in the same company...
...but weve only talked for less
than 30 minutes in total.
If I cant tell her my feelings...
I try to convince myself to keep the
president and employee relationship.
But when I think about the speech
I'll have to give at her wedding...
It's hell!
Wait! Aren't you thinking too much?
About the other day...
Sorry for being complacent.
For making fun of you.
The feeling of being in love.
You want to know, right?
What makes a woman's
heart beat faster.
Kurokawa Souichiro, 35.
So so.
Weak points...
Women's feelings.
But she's just so....
Unexpectedly pure?
Momose Haruka.
Character: Earnest.
Honor student, but a little airhead?
Honor student.
If this was a love game, how do
you make them fall in love?
It's no use, I don't have
enough information.
Let's do a character round-robin test.
Character round-robin?
Starting with the classic characters
systematically test her reactions.
Prince-type, selfish, spoiled boy,
cool guy, flashy but earnest.
But the men in these games being
these same characters
... means theyre just stereotypes...
-How is that interesting...?
-You're making fun of women again.
I'm not...making fun of them.
It's not stereotyping,
it's the classics.
Ever since the Tale of Genji women
have loved these classic-types.
He who masters the classic characters
also masters love.
I see...
Let's try out the prince-type first.
I'll always be by your side.
I... this?
It's alright, leave it to me.
Looks like the prince type
is going well.
Sorry... Thank you very much.
You're always doing your best.
Thank you.
A little pushy but nice!
Next is the selfish character.
Stop being cheeky, looking around.
Pushing a girl against a wall
is his best move.
Look only at me!
Youre doing well, arent you?
Thank you...
Next is the younger, spoiled boy.
Man... I'll start hating you if you
don't look after me anymore.
Ahh, I'm somewhat hungry now . . .
What? Shall we head to
the convenience store?
Hmmn... but... Im sleepy...
Shirano, I would like your
advice on something.
Huh? Did something happen?
Lately the president is kinda...
So you noticed?!
He seems emotionally unstable.
He must be tired being busy with work.
That must be so after all.
So now Im just an emotionally
unstable guy?
It's fine. It's fine.
-Since I have a secret plan.
-Secret plan?!
In love games...
Situations are just as important
as the characters.
Situations ?
Love starting from a forced kiss...
Saving the heroine from peril.
Falling into a river together.
Being trapped in
an elevator.
It's always the same in every game,
how stereotypic...
It's not stereotypical.
-These are patterns.
Let's take kabuki for instance...
There a beautiful pattern is repeated
and refined over a long time period.
No matter how many times
they play the same thing
Does the audience make fun of that?
Rather one should praise it as the
good part one was waiting for.
Just like watching that drama
or movie many times...
I have no idea what
you're trying to say.
Let's go now.
-Thank you for waiting...
-What, where?
-Huh, what?
-Excuse us.
-Huh? Where are you going?
-Where are we going?
In between Tokyo and Love
Episode 1
If you want to learn about
the patterns of love situations...
...trendy dramas are the best text books.
-Come on.
-It's dangerous, we'll fall.
What are you doing?
To bring two strangers closer...
This is the perfect situation.
In between Tokyo and Love Episode 3
I'll just forget about him!
Then forget him!
When there's a drunken
piggyback scene...
They'll definitely end up together.
In between Tokyo and Love Episode 7
-Is this the school building?
In between Tokyo and Love
Final Episode
Hey! Hey!
Look closely! This is
the best part. Look!
Let's get married...
Ahh...It's already morning.
I haven't pulled such a foolish
all-nighter since my student days.
Me too.
Wanna have breakfast?
I want to shower and remove my makeup
so I'm going home.
I think this is the first time for me.
To have a female friend I can talk
about everything with.
Friend? Me?
So its just business?
I see, friend...
I think this is the first time
for me too.
See you.
-See you, bye.
Long time no see. Do you remember me?
Im Hasegawa from high school
What's wrong?
A cold?
In between Tokyo and Love Episode 1...
When they fell into the fountain?
You really did that?
It was hard, I messed up
and fell alone.
You overdid it again.
How about having some grated apple?
-Here you are.
-Excuse me.
-Do you have an apple?
-An apple?
I have apple juice...
-It's Amazake when you caught a cold.
-Not grated apple?
Well I don't have either.
Here's your Amazake.
The convenience store had it and
the owner heated it for you.
Thank you.
I'm always alone when I caught a cold.
When it gets worse I can't
even go to the store.
Me too.
When I can't even go out to buy
medicine or apples...
...all I can do is sleep it off.
Yeah that's how it usually is.
Eating alone and watching movies alone
all become natural.
In the end there's nothing but work.
Well, we do it because we like it
so it can't be helped.
Hey, you were a programmer
since university, right?
What was your trigger?
After my mother passed away...
My father raised me all on his own.
He used to have a small
transport company.
He stared at his notebook everyday...
to plan the shifts of
the drivers and so on.
At that time I was in high school
and had just started using a PC.
And it turned out I had
quite the talent for it.
I used all summer vacation to make
a system for shifts and deliveries.
You just had to put in the deliveries
and work hours...
...and the computer would
automatically split the work.
My dad was very surprised.
Your father must have been so happy.
What do you think made me do it?
Let's see...
I made him finish his
daily tasks in 2 hours... he can have a beer after work... the baseball news...
...and have time to talk to me.
That's amazing.
I realized then that... long as I have a PC
I could make anything.
Since everyones life is short
If I were to make something...
Id make something to
enrich people's lives.
-And here we are today.
-I see.
-How about yourself now?
Is your life rich now?
I am...
I'm driven...
But you're the same, right?
Even if you're exhausted.
Youd only need a PC to make
women feel better.
I guess.
That sounds nice.
A man?
"I want to see you."
Only an invitation to
a class reunion.
You know, I was in a girls school
until middle school.
I had no contact with boys.
But I loved shojo manga and
romance movies.
And wanted to experience
such a love too.
Today the flowers are turning their
faces towards the sun again.
For me you must be the sun, I'm sure.
EVERY DAY every day
I want to look at your face.
Hey, just one thing...
Sorry for interrupting.
What's with those random bits
of cliche English?
I was young back then
Everybody goes through
such a phase, right?
I mailed him every day.
I never doubted that he felt the same.
It's fine to believe these feelings
won't change in 10, in 100 years.
Lyric Shirano.
And then, at the culture festival.
EVERY DAY every day I want to look
at your face.
SUNNY DAY For me you must
be the sun, I'm sure.
Even after 100 ONE HUNDRED years
the same feelings, DESTINY.
LYRICAL Shirano LOVE POEM. Come on.
They kinda liked it...
Was that funny? Good for you.
That must have been when...
I stopped expecting anything
from real guys.
And yet I'm still a fool.
Like at that wedding in Motomachi.
Just as you said...
I thought it might be my fated
meeting with my prince.
I got excited all by myself.
Even though I know there's nothing
like that in real life.
That's why all these feelings...
The feeling of being in love...
I'm fine with only expressing
them for work, in games.
This way I don't put anybody
off with my speech.
And I make other women happy.
This fits me better.
You sure see things
that way, dont you?
Because you don't want to be hurt?
You're going to the reunion, right?
Go and get even.
-You haven't changed at all.
-Of course I have.
I got 3 kids already.
-When did that happen?
-Ah, Tomo, it's been awhile!
-You didn't change either.
-Eh? Shirano?
Wow, Shirano. became really pretty.
Thats not true...
You seem matured now.
-How are you doing?
The guys are such idiots.
Let's ignore them and have
a drink over there.
Go and get even.
Hey yo I've made you wait.
LYRICAL Shirano is in the house.
EVERY DAY every day while working
I've sure grown up
those past 10 years.
10 years later you're still
the same mess.
You didn't grow up, CHERRY BOY
A girl's feelings gone wild,
just a delusion after all
Surely a lame love poem.
Those laughing are the lamest tho.
Pathetic guys. Pathetic guys.
Pathetic guys. Pathetic guys.
I'm sorry...
You don't have a boyfriend, right?
How mean, Hasegawa.
Youre the best.
Let's go.
Hey, wait!
Hands off my woman!
That's one of the classics, right?
Why did you come?
Because I finished work and
wanted a breather.
Let's celebrate.
This is my 2nd secret
getaway place.
Don't tell anybody.
To be honest, I had
a poem incident, too.
When I was in middle school...
I confessed to the girl
I liked with a letter.
I was influenced by a manga
I was totally crazy about.
Salmon, even if he might
be caught by men...
-...or nearly caught by a bear...
-Wait a moment.
What is it?
With salmon you meant
the one in salmon bento?
The one that bears like to eat? That?
Yes. That salmon.
To lay its eggs, a salmon... matter how worn out it will
keep swimming upstream.
It's equal to a person loving
another so much...
...that they would die for her.
I love you so.
From the next day my
class nickname was:
Salmon Kurokawa.
I was young...
-Are you laughing about my love?
-No, but...Salmon!?
Besides, you have "river (kawa)"
in your name!
Thank you for today.
For coming...That was sweet.
It's fine.
There will definitely be someone who
will return your affection.
In situations like this...
Shirano, we finished the demo,
please have a look.
Yes. Please let me see.
Oh, it's running already?
Ah, sorry.
"What are you doing?" I reply angrily.
Unintentionally I end up laughing.
That's the one, right?
No, really, I am sorry.
Nice! The two of them fell
into the water together.
Their love is budding.
Right on the classic route.
Oh my...
This feeling... This feeling is...
You got the release date for the ad
for Freycure Cosmetics wrong?
The other party called and complained.
We released it at once, but...
...their president got angry and said
they don't want the campaign anymore.
And that he will end
the contract with us.
How could this happen?
I was so engrossed in the love game
project that I forgot to check.
Thats the basics of the basics...
Whatre you doing?!
I am terribly sorry.
-We better tell the board...
-Not yet.
Let's go.
I understand your anger.
Everything was my fault.
I am terribly sorry.
I am terribly sorry.
Mr. Kurokawa...
I am very sorry.
I always do this...
When I make a mistake, to bow my head
in all sincerity and then Udon.
They're easy to digest, right?
And then look forward.
Everybody knows how hard you work.
Well, since we want to release it on
Christmas Eve, we're almost there.
So, please hold out a little more.
Im counting on you.
We'll do our best. We'll do our best.
-Is everything okay?
You don't look very good today.
No, everything is fine.
I'll do my best for the final spurt.
Excuse me, Shirano.
Sorry for dragging you along.
No, I wanted to have
a little break anyway.
Thank you for waiting.
Here's your blend.
And your marshmallow white mocca.
I am sorry.
The girlier one is for me.
Youve got a sweet tooth, don't you?
You and the president have gotten
close recently, havent you?
When he talks to you,
he looks very relaxed.
He has a lot of questions
about the love game.
I'm only coaching him.
You're not going out or
have feelings for him?
No way.
That's a relief.
Somehow I became interested in him.
I used to think he's cold
and a little scary.
But lately he often talks to me.
But looking at him up close,
he's just awkward...
...straightforward and
very warm-hearted.
Thank you for waiting. Let's go.
I'll postpone confessing to Momose.
You know, she just messed up at work
and seems totally down.
If I confess now it will look like I'm
taking advantage of her weakness. pathetic of you...
Why are you panicking now?
You're looking for a gift
thatd suit her, right?
Oh, this is cute!
This also looks like Momose
would like it.
This is more like her.
This Star Jewelry piece
is very popular.
Yes I think it suits her.
Okay, this one please.
Please wrap it as a Christmas gift.
-Over here please.
Is that another one of the classics?
A girl's dream...
Right... Should I get you
something, too?
Because you helped me a lot.
I'll buy what I want myself.
What? Even when...
-Your present is ready.
President, sorry for being late!
Well, today President is a little...
Then, Kurokawa?
Are you on standby?
If something unexpected happens,
please advise.
What do I talk about?! unsightly.
I wanted to try spend a normal day off...
I wanted to try...spend a...
normal day off...
With you.
One moment...
My mind went blank.
Give me some lines.
Do the rest on your own.
Do the rest on your own.
You can do it now.
Do your best!
Well... Momose....
You've probably forgotten
already, but...
3 years ago, when you gave
me some omelettes.
Your smiling face at that time....
I couldn't get it out of my mind...
Whenever I went to the company
you always smiled.
When I looked at your smiling face...
It gave me strength to work hard.
I like your smile.
I like you.
"Good luck!"
All these years of all-nighters
are taking their toll...
So cold!
What if I die?
Who will notice if I died?
Shirano, delivery for you.
What's this?
I'm coming in.
-Hey, what...
-I'm coming in.
This place is a mess.
How did you get in?
What about the automated gate?
Together with your neighbor
What's with you, just coming in
like that?
I got worried about you.
Since no one would look after you...
-Thats none of your business.
-I'll borrow your kitchen.
When you have a cold...
You should have grated apple, right?
What are you doing?
You've got a girlfriend...
You shouldn't come to nurse
some other woman.
What are you saying? Even if I have
a girlfriend, you're my friend.
You're fine with it but
she would mind, right?
Huh? What would she mind?
It was the same during Christmas.
Should I get you a present, too?
Are you stupid?
What's all this now?
Oh, or did you want one after all,
despite saying no?
That's not it.
Why don't you get it?!
I'm telling you that...
You shouldn't be doing this unless
for the girl you love.
Huh? What's wrong?
Forget it and go home.
Were done from now on.
What is it suddenly?
Why are you angry?
I'm not angry.
Oh, I get it.
You're jealous because
I got a girlfriend.
No, I'm not.
Can't be helped.
Then I'll introduce you
to a nice guy, too.
What are you saying?
What about Midoritani? Midoritani!
Isn't he your type?
What? Dont be shy?
Let's have a strategy meeting with
Momose next time, okay?
So hurry and get better...
Why don't you get it?
Its hard looking at you two.
Because I love you!
What are you reading?
Cyrano de Bergerac, do you know it?
Oh, the one with the man who had
a complex of his big nose?
Didn't someone ask him to write
love letters for them?
In order to hide his own
one-sided love...
...and to help his best friend
to fulfill his love...
...he writes beautiful love letters.
How unrequited...
Cyrano says:
"Writing lines for other
people was my life."
"That was enough for me."
I guess that is another form
of happiness.
Because he can simply enjoy...
...his pure feelings of love without
getting disturbed by reality.
I don't think so.
When you're hiding your true feelings
you can't find happiness.
I like you, Shirano.
I will try to surpass Kurokawa.
I want you to always be on my side,
supporting me.
As you can see in this progress chart,
we're doing well with the new app.
This concludes my business
report today.
What's the matter?
I am now submitting a motion
to dismiss the president.
What does this mean?
I feel bad for you, Kurokawa.
But taking the company public and
having Midoritani represent...
...the company will yield to bigger
returns for the shareholders.
From hereon our focus will be
on online sales.
Online sales? In the first place we
are a production company.
For the sake of future growth...
Focusing on the most profitable line
of business is only natural, right?
Well then, shall we vote?
Those who approve, please stand up.
Marketing Research Meeting,
New Cosmetics App Meeting,
Service Planning Team Leader
Writing whatever you want...
Shirano, do you know
where Kurokawa is?
No. You haven't heard
from him since then?
No. For Kurokawa...
Nothing was more important
than the company he founded.
If something were to happen to him...
I understand. I will search for him.
No, he didn't come this week.
Did you two fight?
Well, he always used to
come alone and...
...lately you've always been with him.
Young man...
Didnt you come to
a fishing place to fish?
I can't touch raw fish.
What? How useless.
Yeah, I'm pathetic.
Souichiro Kurokawa
Sorry for worrying you.
Since I suddenly had too much time
I ended up roaming around idly.
But well, it's something that happens
often in this industry.
I was thinking about quitting, too.
I thought maybe God gave us a break.
Should we take a break
together for awhile?
That sounds good too.
Have you forgotten what
character you are?
Have you forgotten what
character you are?
Will always be at work at 8 am,
no matter what.
Enjoys a good lunch with
his employees.
Usually Udon or Ramen.
A natural programmer,
likes creating things.
Starting point: program for
father's transport company.
Wants to do work that
enriches people's lives.
Absolutely doesn't understand
a woman's feelings.
But goes to painful lengths
in order to learn.
Food he dislikes,
words he dislikes: salmon.
Favourite motto.
As long as I have a PC
I can make anything.
About the love game...
It was released today and
immediately became popular.
Thank you.
No, thank you.
Can I hear your answer to my question?
Im sorry.
I like somebody else.
I know it's pointless...
but I love him after all.
This hurts.
But I'm glad.
That I got to hear how you truly feel.
The SNS app you released
has become popular.
Thank you.
-It's a little funny, right?
So you already made the first step
to establish a new company?
No, I just thought about it
and created it on a whim.
I have no further plans yet.
I only think, as long as I have
a PC I can make anything.
Kurokawa, how should I put this...
You seem to have become gentler.
Well...there was somebody...
...who kept criticizing me
Guess she fined down
my edges in the end.
Thank you very much.
Welcome. So you're alive!
-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.
One coffee.
One white marshmallow mocha with
hazelnut syrup and caramel sauce.
Okay, I will bring it to your table.
What do you want to do later?
Should we watch a movie?
Or the street illuminations?
What about dinner?
Do you want anything in particular?
Thank you for waiting.
Who do you think you're
with right now?
You see, I hate sweet coffee.
Now that you're not president anymore,
I lost interest.
It's no surprise that you got dumped.
But I was the one who made that.
How is the girl who likes
the marshmallow mocha?
You see, there's one type of guy
I won't ever forgive...
The type that makes fun of love.
You want to know, right?
What makes a woman's
heart beat faster.
He who masters the classics
also masters love.
When there's a drunken
piggyback scene...
They'll definitely end up together.
Here's your Amazake.
The convenience store had it.
You're the same, right?
You only need a PC to make
women feel better.
Sounds nice.
Watching you two hurts.
Because I love you.
Salmon Kurokawa.
Are you laughing about my love?
"I will become Shogun,
so look only at me"
Teach me about women's hearts.
Because I want to fall
in love with you.
Look at this delusional woman
arranging these lines.
We've broken up. Real men aren't
for me after all.
Tonight I'll get some pizza and
marathon your game.
So I hope you and the one you love...
Merry Christmas.
Will have the greatest Christmas.
Thank you.
-Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas.
A new social networking app?
Bocci de Christmas.
A limited Christmas SNS that will
be gone in 2 days.
I had the Christmas course at the
neighborhood Italian place alone.
I got lonely and texted my ex,
but she ignored me after all.
Bought a cake, now watching
Akashiya Santa.
That one touches your nerve...
What, who?
"Friend request"
Salmon Kurokawa?
Salmon Kurokawa!
Tonight's Bocci de Christmas.
Merry Christmas from the guy who's
also pathetic on this holy night.
Like Love! Pathetic!
So you're alone on Christmas Eve
after all.
Youre pathetic!
Same to you.
You got dumped on Christmas and cried.
Yeah, I got dumped.
Because you've ruined my love story.
After that omelette...
My feelings stayed the same
for 3 years.
I always loved her and
we finally went out.
Why did you ruin everything for?
Even when I was with her,
you suddenly entered my mind.
Honestly, you're not even my type.
We didn't have that
grand meeting of fate.
On the contrary, it was the worst.
And yet...
I couldn't help it. When I was down...
...the number I wanted to call...
...the voice I wanted
to hear was yours.
I need you by my side.
I also said I wanted to date a prince.
And yet...
Why does it have to be you?
You're vulgar, selfish and
do whatever you please.
And you still don't understand
a woman's feelings at all.
I understand.
Don't underestimate
my learning ability.
This is a classic, right?
As long as you are by my side...
Ill always be able to smile.
When I had given up on real love...
But now...
I don't care how I might get hurt.
I want to love you.
I want to be by your side...
Your patheticness...
I want to make fun of it forever.
As long as youre by my side...
My everyday will be...
...very rich and meaningful.
Impossible, impossible!
Even if you force it
it's impossible.
-Bear with it.
-Bear with it?! It hurts.
We got this far, bear with it.
I told you it hurts!
Are you stupid?
You're really pathetic!
What?! Even after I...
First of all, isn't this the wrong
time to propose?
And there are so many things to do...
Like what?
"I have never thought that
destined love would be real."