My Mistress (2014) Movie Script

My Mistress (2014)
This is what we agreed, lady!
Fucking crazy!
Come on boys! Get it out!
What the fuck!
What the fuck!
No, no, you listen to me.
Listen, honey.
You've reached the residencial
number of Professor Tom Boyd.
Please leave a message and
we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Bye now.
Do you want me to fix it for you?
- No thanks.
Do you want mine?
I've searched everywhere.
There's no note.
I'm not looking for a note.
Who said I was looking for a note?
Okay, why don't you...
why don't you come down from there?
What do you think he was thinking?
Was he thinking...
I made a mistake"?
Was he thinking about you and me?
Or was he thinking about you
and his best friend?
- Okay.
I'm declaring this a crime scene.
Do not touch anything!
Would you like a cigarette?
Not from around here?
- Not at school today?
I'm too old for school.
Do you mind if
I sit with you?
Does that mean you're
a witch or something?
I thought you would say yes.
Do you put spells on people?
- I wish I could.
I am... Charlie.
- Hello.
What kind of spell?
Some girl to put out for you?
- No.
I don't need a spell...
Just some herbs or something.
I'm having trouble sleeping.
You need three things.
A freezing cold shower,
a glass of whiskey...
And an incantation.
An incantation?
- Yeah, incantation.
What are you doing?
I surrender my body into the abyss.
Is anybody there?
You're real naughty, huh?
Don't move!
Hey, come back!
Hey, you fucking kid!
Where are you?
Help Wanted. Gardening.
$ 15 per hour. Discretion requested.
I am ...
I'm here about the job?
Push the gate.
Should be open.
It doesn't seem to be working.
- Just a minute. .
I ...
I'm answering your ad.
You're not suitable for here.
Thank you. Shooooo...
Don't you want to try me out for couple of hours?
- No, I don't.
I can fix this gate.
- No, stop, or you're gonna break it.
Would you go away please?
- I'm very discreet.
No questions asked.
- I said no.
Can I at least get my bike in?
It's in the back.
You're not a crazy one, are you?
I don't think so.
this is all fixed now.
- The answer is still no.
Your ad said,
discretion required.
How old are you?
- 18. Old enough.
You're not the right person.
Why aren't I?
- Too sweet.
I'm not.
I'm bad.
Really bad.
Evil sometimes.
You wouldn't even realize.
You can trust me.
I won't tell anyone anything.
You never ever come inside the house again.
And if you talk to anyone about what
happens here, if you even mention it
I'll come down on you like a
shithouse with all the pricks.
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
Did you have lunch?
You shouldn't look
through the windows.
Don't do it again.
- I won't.
What do these guys want?
- Eat your lunch.
They don't want it.
They need it.
Yes, but why?
- I let them forget.
Forget what?
- Their private pain.
And they pay you to do it?
A lot.
To smack them on the bottom?
- Spanking, yes, somtimes.
- Is that what you want?
Sounds like it.
Do you ever had sex with them?
They don't want what you have
in your dirty mind.
They would.
- Would they?
Um, so, what did you used to do before
you started doing this little thing?
Come on.
School teacher.
That's when I started to smack people.
Big kids or little kids?
- Little ones.
What did you teach?
- Mathematics.
- Yes, I did.
What is the square root of 36?
- Six.
Anyone knows that.
- I was specially good at squar roots.
Can I ask another question?
- No.
We usually don't let them
play with guns.
It's a toy.
You should take that toy
with you when you leave.
You've reached to the residencial
number of Professor Tom Boyd.
Please leave a message and
We'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Bye now. Bye.
I don't want you to
touch anything. Okay?
I told you that it's
a fucking crime scene.
This whole place is.
You obviously blame me.
Which I think is unfair.
Don't you see how unfair that is?
- No.
Give it to me.
Come on.
Come On!
I'm going to put it... the box.
Get your hands of it.
- This is part of the healing process...
Fuck the healing process!
Get your hands of it!
We're going to give the toy
back to your mother.
Sorry, I'm late.
- We're just finishing up.
I got here as soon as I could. How did all go?
- Good.
Thank you for babysitting Michael.
- No problem. I can take him back if you like.
Yeah, that'll be great.
I'll make sure she's okay.
I'll see you soon.
Noah, come on darling.
- No, no, no, no!
Hey, Maggie!
A gun!
He likes guns.
- Really?
Yes, he does.
- We don't.
We don't like guns.
- It's a toy gun.
Will it go against me?
I can tell her we talked about on the way home
and that you admitted it wasn't appropriate.
And you're sorry.
Thank you.
I am here to help us.
I know.
What are you doing?
What do you think I am?
This is not a game, Charlie.
Unlock yourself.
Unlock yourself.
Where is the key?
Where is it?
Where is it?
Where is the key?
Where is it?
Unlock yourself.
- Make me!
Make you?
Spit it out!
Spit it out!
Spit it out!
Make me!
Spit it out!
You know, you really
scared me today.
Jesus, what happened
to your shoulders?
Fell off my bike.
Because I tried to call you.
We need to talk.
I don't...
I don't blame you
for hating me.
Please, Charlie ...
I surrender my body into the abyss.
I surrender my body into the abyss.
I surrender my body into the abyss.
You came inside,
inside the house.
I'm talking to you, Charlie.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what I was thinking.
What do you want?
It's not the job, is it?
I just...
wanna be around you...
all the time.
I think you're amazing.
I just wanna be in here.
I'm not who you think I am.
I am not what you see.
I'm just a...
miserable, makestop, lonely bitch.
- No.
You're magnificient.
Since I met you I...
I just adore you more and more.
I don't care where you've come from
and I don't care what you've done.
I'll do ...
whatever you say.
Whatever you command,
we could do. That's what I want.
Whatever you want.
I can't trust you.
But you can.
- Pack up your things, I'll pay you off.
- Go on.
Do it.
Thank you. Yes?
Thank you. Yes.
Yes, thank you.
- Yes... thank you.
Yes... thank you.
- Yeah, sorry
I'm not interested in sorry.
- Right.
I'm not interested in sorry.
Thank you, mistress.
You're very welcome.
What are you doing?
Can you...can you...could you just
go to the chemist for me?
- Hey!
Fuck it!
I am talking to you.
Hey! I fucking love
you, Charlie and
I loved your father and that's a...
- You're fucking crazy! Get your hands of me.
Tell me where are you coming from?
- You wouldn't get it.
Try me, because I am
ready for anything.
Would you wanna hit me, then?
Come on! Hit me again!
I'm gonna call the police.
- Well, then do it.
I'll get out of here for
your fucking relief.
O hey! All of you.
Why don't you fuck off?
Come on. Fuck off.
Need a lift?
No, thanks.
Come on, I'll drive you home.
You can put the boost in the back.
I don't think so.
- She told me to tell you something.
She told me to tell you that
she doesn't need you anymore.
She wanted me to tell you that.
- Yeah.
I'd like to hear it from her.
Hey! Hey!
Get in the car.
He asked me if I needed a lift and then
he said that you don't need me anymore.
And what did you say?
- I said I wanted to hear it from you.
Stay away from this guy.
- What was he doing following me?
Don't worry. It's not about you.
It's all about me.
One day he'll get
whats coming to him.
What's this for?
- Some guy who likes to go to his own funeral.
I don't like coffins.
- Do you wanna go all the way?
Yeah but ... get.
Whatever you do,
don't make a sound.
Some of these dogs have
very sensitive hearing.
Today you'll be watched.
Do you agree?
Good boy.
This collar... is a
symbol of your soul.
When I place this collar around your neck,
you'll seize to be human.
You'll become Bonnie.
Obidient, careful, Bonnie.
Do you think you can do this time
without screwing up my new shoes?
For your sake, I hope so.
O my God!
What have you done here, Bonnie?
You have spilled water
all over my new shoes.
Every time I buy a pair of
new shoes, you ruin them.
Come On.
Fetch it.
Good boy.
Lick it up.
Lick it up, I said.
Not the ankle, Bonnie.
The shoe.
Am I gonna be one of them
when I get older?
Could be worse. You might
become a social worker.
Do you have a license?
Uh, a learners.
- Oh, that's a license.
Come on!
I can only drive with someone who
has a license. Do you have one?
Of course, I do.
But they took it away.
Marlene, Charlie.
Charlie, Marlene.
I don't think I
can drive Marlene.
What are we looking at?
Nothing yet.
We're waiting.
Can you speak to people
who aren't living anymore?
Just start talking.
They are all around.
I don't know what to say.
Who is it?
My dad.
When did it happen?
Three and a half weeks ago.
I think it was my fault.
- No
Come here.
Close your eyes.
Can you see him?
Kind of.
I see him.
What do you want to ask him?
I want to know if he's mad at me.
So... you should ask him.
He won't talk to me.
He will. He'll...
he'll make a sign.
What kind of sign?
Be patient.
You'll see it.
Do you know one of these kids?
Let's go.
Do you need anything else?
I might get back to work.
- Don't.
Let's do the thing.
And the second one down.
And the bottom one.
You're so beautiful.
Well, your test has come back.
It's negative.
We've had good reports
from your safety officer.
And now all seems to be relaxed with you,
so things are looking up.
Our recommendation is that we set
a date to reinstate custody.
Thank you.
Hey, Maggie.
Where are you?
I had a drink problem.
I met some guy,
who got me into it,
in Paris.
And then, we moved here and...
I can't leave.
Why can't you leave?
I was looking after him.
A kid.
He was my responsibility.
But I used to get fucked up
every morning at 10 on the door, so ...
One day I came out of the room
and he was gone ...
I kept looking everywhere
but I couldn't find him.
So ...
He had gone out,
on the street and he was ...
hit by a motorbike.
And he was lying on the road and
he kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Like if it was his fault.
It was my fault.
Right after I took an overdose.
What I hoped was
going to be an overdose.
What happened to the kid
and his mom?
I was the mom, Charlie.
The kid was mine.
I can't touch him.
I undress myself.
This is what do first,
when I get upset.
I come here to calm down.
It's not working on me.
Well ...
there is a plan B.
So you see this?
Like that.
- Okay.
If you want...
- No, no, this is better.
This is working.
Are you kidding me!
-Ha ha!
Look at the lil kids.
Come on, let's go.
I can't face him.
Take me somewhere.
Grab my hand.
- Yeah, I feel like I'm 16 again.
Fuck! Sorry!
Ssshhh...My mom's in the next room.
Okay, just wait here. I'll go deal with her.
Do not touch anything.
I won't, sir.
Trying to burn the house down?
- Charlie...
Can't do it...
- It won't work.
I know I'm embarassing.
I can't do this anymore.
I told you not to touch anything.
- Your mother's in great shape, huh?
Is that your father?
- Can you not touch that!
A cowboy, eh?
Give it to me.
- No, no, come on.
You... are out of control.
Just stay. Stay.
- Hey.
Chin chin.
Come here.
You don't want up here,
do you?
I'm just gonna...
try something little bit... comfortable.
What are you doing?
Nothing. Just a...
- Nothing?
What's behind your back?
Just a pair of shorts.
And ...
In the other hand?
Oh my god!
No, come on.
I'm not having sex with you.
- I... I know, I know.
- It's just... I just thought you...
It was in case you
thought you are going to.
In ca...Ha Ha!
How did he die?
He hanged himself in the garage.
I found him.
Don't blame yourself.
Kiss me and make it better?
No, you're not going
to trick me.
Do you wanna come away with me?
There's a place where all women
hang around with younger guys.
Older women, younger guys, by.
- Cougarville.
Come on, we'd look normal there.
- I don't think we'd ever look normal.
I love you, Maggie.
Hey ...
- I don't have time for this right now.
I've been meaning to drop around,
and see if you might need any kind of help.
Yeah, look, I don't need anything...
- I'm really sorry, huh?
Me too.
Without touching me.
Like this?
The other one.
What did you just do?
Touched you.
- Yes.
I'm sorry, mistress.
- So what do we do now?
Please, mistress.
Your safe word is 'mercy'.
Do you think you'll ever be
able to stop touching me?
No, mistress.
- Why not?
Because I just have to.
But why?
Because I love you.
- Of Course.
You love me.
But you know the rules, don't you?
You must be punished,
for touching me.
Do you like it?
Maggie, that's enough.
Who is this?
Who is this?
I'm Charlie's mama?.
Mrs. Boyd.
If you don't leave him alone,
If you don't get him out of your life,
I am going to come back here
and destroy you.
You'll wish you'd never met him.
Do you hear me?
You know, he's a 16
year-old boy.
What do you want with a boy?
I'm glad you came over
today, Charlie.
Because I wanted face to face
to say goodbye to you.
What's wrong?
- It's over.
Why now?
- We have gone too far.
Maggie, come back.
Where are you going?
We don't have to stop.
It's going great.
I'd rather kill myself than lose you.
That's what I'll do.
Don't blackmail me.
I won't take that shit anymore.
Not from you, not from anyone.
Maggie, just wait.
- Go away.
Maggie, wait.
Mistress, may I come inside?
Hey, Maggie, what ...
What's going on, huh?
Fuck you!
Hey, look, mistress! Your fucking chairs
are in the fucking pool, huh?
Now your fucking umbrella's in
the fucking pool. huh? Fucking, huh?
Do you think I'm gonna get that
out for you? No fucking way!
Hey, come down here.
Come down here now.
I know you're up there.
Fine. Don't come down here.
You fucking bitch.
Fuck you, Maggie!
This is our last cup of tea, right?
After this you come over here,
to the couch.
You undress me.
You Kiss Me.
You touch me.
We make love.
Express to me all those feelings
you say you have.
And then afterwards
you'll say goodbye.
And you never come back here.
Is that clear?
Yes, mistress.
It's between you and me now.
No more mistress.
So, come here.
I want to do it.
Why is all the pool furniture
are in the pool?
Sit down.
I'm not giving you anymore.
What are you talking about?
- It's over.
What about our plan?
Our plan.
Come on.
- Yeah, come on.
Get up.
Get up.
Don't touch me!
Get up!
- No.
Hey, what are you doing?
You're hurting her.
You have no idea what deal
she made to me.
Come on!
- No, fuck, get out!
- Get away. I'll kill you.
Get out of my life, both of you.
Get out!
Thank you so much for coming.
Do it right now.
Uh, Charlie.
Charlie, this is Alice.
She needs to talk to you
about your friend.
Hello, Charlie.
I'm Alice.
Are you awake?
Charlie, I have to ask you some questions.
Did you have a relationship with your friend?
I take that as a yes.
What kind of relationship?
"None of your business"
kind of relationship.
Charlie, I hate to ask you,
but was it a sexual relationship?
I'm 16.
- Meaning fuck off!
I want you to come and sit down.
Just take whatever you like.
That's your father.
Just before he left England.
You know, love is not
easy, Charlie.
It is complicated.
It's messy.
And it hurts.
Hurts like hell, but that
doesn't mean you stop.
So I want you to take...
everything you need.
Because I want you to go.
I can't live with
someone who hates me.
But when you come back ...
I will be here.
Because I have
always been here.
Come on, Charlie.
He is gone.
It hurts so much.
- I know.
I know.
It's gonna be alright.
Look, okay?
Is everything alright, because ...
- Yeah, I'm alright.
So you're going somewhere?
I've come back to
get the rest of it.
You'll be great.
Whoever gets you,
is gonna be very lucky.
I think we should
say goodbye.
I'll call you.
Don't answer.
I'll beg you to call me.
I will pass you in the street.
Ignore me.
I'll tell someone that I love them
but it won't be you.
Thank you, Maggie.
That was his favorite.
Might get this one,
when I get older.
Is that okay?
I think it is.
Come on, mate.
Subtitle created by: TANEEM